Welcome to the Township of Perth East, a thriving community situated in Southwestern Ontario, in the northeast section of the County of Perth.
2017 COMMUNITY GUIDE www.pertheast.ca
4009 Perth Road 107, Shakespeare weitzelpumps@bellnet.ca 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE
• Well pressure systems • We service all jet & submersible pumps • Water softeners • Iron Filters • UV Systems • Rentals and Leasing Options • Plumbing • Residential/Commercial
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Local Government
Living in Perth East
Mayor’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
History of the Township . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Perth East Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Perth East Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Perth East Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Public Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Building Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Parks and Playgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Planning and Development Department . . . 10
Community Centres and Halls . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
By-Law Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Recreation Complex (PERC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Clerk’s Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Perth East Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Office of the CAO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Organizations Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Finance Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Public Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Fire Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Events in Perth East Events in Perth East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Business Directory Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
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MAYOR’S MESSAGE On behalf of the Township of Perth East we are happy to bring you the 2017 Community Guide. This is a local guide intended to keep residents and visitors informed on municipal services, businesses and organizations. The Township of Perth East is an inclusive, thriving and sustainable community committed to maintaining harmony between rural and urban areas and fostering opportunities for our current and future generations. We have a wonderful rural/urban mix, rich in culture and are home to some of Ontario’s most productive farmland and innovative businesses. Our community groups, volunteers and residents through their collective efforts demonstrate their importance and show pride within the community. Located in Perth County our Township offers a beautiful countryside while being only minutes to larger urban centres. We welcome visitors to explore the great benefits of Perth East.
Bob McMillan Mayor, Perth East
Mayor Bob McMillan E: Mayor@pertheast.ca T: 519-656-2839 Councillor Don Brunk E: Ellice@pertheast.ca T: 519-595-4513
Deputy Mayor Rhonda Ehgoetz E: DeputyMayor@pertheast.ca T: 519-393-6888
Councillor Jeff Cressman E: NorthEasthope@pertheast.ca T: 519-662-4665
Councillor Jerry Smith E: Milverton@pertheast.ca T: 519-595-8084
Councillor Helen Dowd E: Mornington@pertheast.ca T: 519-595-2245
Councillor Andrew MacAlpine E: SouthEasthope@pertheast.ca T: 519-625-1087
Efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of content in the Community Guide, however if you notice an error or omission please contact the Township of Perth East at 519-595-2800
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Front Row: Deputy Mayor Rhonda Ehgoetz, Mayor Bob McMillan, Councillor Helen Dowd Back Row: Councillor Jerry Smith, Councillor Andrew MacAlpine, Councillor Jeff Cressman, Photo by Debbie Riddell Councillor Don Brunk
TOWNSHIP OF PERTH EAST COUNCIL MEETINGS Regular Council meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month throughout the year, except in July and August, at which time there is one meeting. All Council meetings are open to the public. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. (November - March) and 7:30 pm (April - October) and are held at the Council Chambers, Township of Perth East Municipal Office which is located at 25 Mill Street East, Milverton. Agendas and minutes are distributed and posted on the Perth East website by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the upcoming Council meetings.
GUIDE 519-595-2800 Township of Perth East
If your business or organization MISSED OUT on placing an ad or providing information in the 2017 Annual Perth East Community Guide, please contact the Township of Perth East and provide your information for inclusion in the NEXT Annual Township of Perth East Community Guide. www.pertheast.ca | page 6
TOWNSHIP OF PERTH EAST COUNCIL APPEARING AS A DELEGATION If you wish to appear as a delegation of Council or provide information for inclusion with a Council Agenda, please note the following: You will be required to notify the Municipal Clerk, no later than noon the Wednesday prior to the regular Council meeting. Delegations wishing to address Council on a matter are required to complete a Delegation Request form and provide a written outline identifying the subject matter and the general nature of the request. Through the completion of the delegation request form, information provided will assist to confirm that a time slot is available and has been reserved for a specific date and item. Delegations are limited to a maximum of ten (10) minutes. If you have any questions concerning the delegation process, please contact the Municipal Clerk by email at tcampbell@pertheast.ca or by phone at 519-595-2800 ext. 223.
PERTH EAST CONTACTS Township of Perth East Administration Office 25 Mill Street East, PO Box 455 Milverton, ON N0K 1M0
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. T: 519-595-2800 F: 519-595-2801
STAFF CONTACTS Administration Department Glenn Schwendinger CAO Donna Chaffe HRManager/Assistant to the CAO Clerk Department Theresa Campbell Municipal Clerk Ashley Matheson Administrative Assistant Mackenzie Kipfer Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Helen Readings Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Finance Department Rhonda Fischer Treasurer Loretta Wicke Property Tax & Utility Clerk Connie Jantzi Accounts Payable/Receivable Wendy McMurray Accounting Supervisor Building/By-Law Enforcement/Planning Department Grant Schwartzentruber Chief Building Official Jonathan DeWeerd Building Inspector Jean Welsh Administrative Assistant Jan Weeden By-law Enforcement Officer Jessica Durance Administrative Assistant Adam Betteridge Planner
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Extension 232 Extension 238 Extension 223 Extension 225 Extension 221 Extension 221 Extension 229 Extension 228 Extension 235 Extension 247 Extension 222 Extension 244 Extension 224 Extension 231 Extension 241 Extension 248
PERTH EAST CONTACTS Fire Department Bill Hunter Todd McKone Tanya Bettridge Public Works Department Wes Kuepfer Bill Wilson Mike Kuepfer Ron Pfeifer After Hours Perth East Recreation Complex (PERC) Becky Westman Mackenzie Kipfer Jeff Lamb Paul Weber Kevin Schlueter Perth East Public Library Kendra Roth
Fire Chief Fire Prevention Officer Administrative Assistant
Extension 226 Extension 227 Extension 233
Public Works and Parks Manager Operations Coordinator Foreman, North District Foreman, South District On-Call Pager
Extension 234 Extension 249
Phone: 519-595-8375 PERC Manager Administrative Assistant Operator Operator Operator Phone: 519-595-8395 CEO
Fax: 519-595-4067 Extension 221 Extension 228 Extension 227 Extension 227 Extension 227 Email: pel@pcin.on.ca
OTHER CONTACTS County of Perth Court House, 1 Huron Street Stratford, ON N5A 5S4 T: 519-271-0531 www.perthcounty.ca
Member of Parliament Perth-Wellington John Nater, MP 59 Lorne Ave., Unit A, Stratford, ON N5A 6S4 T: 519-273-1400 F: 519-273-9045
Bluewater Recycling Association 415 Canada Avenue Huron Park, ON N0M 1Y0 T: 1-800-265-9799 www.bra.org
Member of Provincial Parliament Perth-Wellington Randy Pettapiece, MPP 55 Lorne Ave. E, Unit 2, Stratford, ON N5A 6S4 T: 519-272-0660 F: 519-272-1064
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Kitchener Assessment Office 4271 King Street East, Suite 100 Kitchener, ON N2P 2E9 T: 1-866-296-6722 www.mpac.ca
Maitland Valley Conservation Authority maitland@mvca.on.ca 1093 Marietta Street, P.O. Box 127 Wroxeter, ON N0G 2X0 T: 519-335-3557 F: 519-335-3516 www.mvca.on.ca
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority infoline@thamesriver.on.ca 1424 Clarke Side Road London, ON N5V 5B9 T: 519-451-2800 F: 519-451-1188 www.thamesriver.on.ca
Grand River Conservation Authority grca@grandriver.ca 400 Clyde Road PO Box 729 Cambridge, ON N1R 5W6 T: 519-621-2761 www.grandriver.ca
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BUILDING DEPARTMENT Our Building Department is happy to help you with your building needs. The primary role of the Building Department is to review, issue, and inspect all building permits to ensure that all structures are safe, accessible, and comply with the Ontario Building Code. Through the enforcement of the Ontario Building Code, staff ensure that a minimum standard of health, life, and fire safety standards are maintained.
BUILDING DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS • Review applications for Building permits • Issue building, demolition, sewage, and change of use permits • Provide inspections during construction It is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure there is a building permit for any project they are proposing. Contractors often apply and obtain permits as part of their contract with property owners.
WHEN IS A PERMIT REQUIRED? Permits are typically required for: • the construction, renovation or demolition of a building • to change the use of a building • the installation, alteration, extension, or repair of on-site sewage systems A permit is not required for a building occupying an area less than 10 square meters (107 square feet). Buildings under 10 square meters still require a permit if the building contains plumbing or is attached to another structure. All buildings regardless of size must comply with the applicable setbacks according to the zoning in which the structure is located, in accordance with the Township Zoning by-law.
INSPECTIONS All inspections are booked through the Building Department. To book inspections please call 519-595-2800 ext. 241 and follow the directions to leave a message on the voicemail system. The Building Department requires 24 hours minimum notice to complete inspections.
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PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT The County of Perth Planning and Development Department provides information and advice to Perth East Council, committees of Council, and the general public with respect to land use planning including Official Plans and the Perth East Zoning By-Law. The duties of the Planning and Development Department include providing direction and general assistance to land owners with approval of development. Please call the Township’s Building Department ((519) 595-2800 ex. 224) or visit the Township’s website for more information.
PERTH COUNTY GIS The County has provided an interactive map and aerial photos to assist in the planning process. www.perthcounty.ca
Municipal Election 2018 The current elected Council has a term from December 1, 2014 to November 30, 2018.
ARE YOU CONSIDERING RUNNING FOR COUNCIL? The next Municipal Election will be held on October 22, 2018. The term of Council begins on December 1, 2018 and concludes in 2022. The Nomination period opens on May 1, 2018 and closes on Nomination Day, July 27, 2018. To run for office, you must be an eligible elector in the Township of Perth East. This means that you must be: • A Canadian Citizen; • At least 18 years of age; • Reside in the Township, or be the owner or tenant of land in the Township, or the spouse of such owner or tenant; and • Not prohibited from voting under any law. More information related to the Municipal Election 2018 will be available closer to the opening of the Nomination period.
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BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT The Township is governed by several by-laws including the Property Standards By-law adopted by Council to ensure a safe and attractive community. Perth East has a complaints policy to ensure the proper handling of complaints and concerns. The form and more information is available at www.pertheast.ca or by contacting the Administration Office.
DOG KENNEL APPLICATIONS / INQUIRIES Kennels within the Township of Perth East are regulated as per By-law 34-2015. There are three different types of kennels that the Township regulates: • Breeding Kennel: where purebred dogs are kept for breeding, housing, or selling. • Boarding Kennel: any building, structure, run or facility, or part thereof, used for the boarding (for hire), grooming, showing, training or temporarily housing of more than (1) dog. • Hunting/Sporting/Sled Dog Kennel: any building, structure, dog run or other facility where dogs are kept solely for the purpose of routinely entering into dog sled or other sporting event; or hunting dogs are kept for the hunting purpose. Kennels are only permitted within Agricultural zones. All kennels within the Township of Perth East must obtain a yearly Kennel License and are inspected by the By-law Enforcement Officer. Concerns / inquiries & applications are to be directed to Jan Weeden, Municipal Law Enforcement Officer and Property Standards Officer T: 519.595-2800 x231 E: jweeden@pertheast.ca
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CLERK’S DEPARTMENT The Clerk of the Township is a Statutory Officer of the municipality and is assigned duties by various Provincial Statutes, including the Municipal Act, the Municipal Elections Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Planning Act and the Vital Statistics Act. Services and responsibilities of the Clerks Department include; • Preparing and keeping records of all by-laws • Preparing agendas for Council and Committees • Recording without note or comment, all resolutions, decisions and other proceedings within the minutes of Council and Committees • Records Management – Maintaining the safekeeping of official records of the municipality, registrations and agreements • Acting as Returning Officer for Municipal Elections • Vital statistics, including births and deaths • Issuing licenses and permits, such as marriage licenses, lottery licenses • Coordinating the Township’s accessibility procedures and policies • Processing freedom of information requests under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. • Commissioner of Oaths • Processing Livestock Valuer submissions • Municipal Drains • Dog Licensing and Canine Control
MUNICIPAL DRAINS Includes new drains, repairs and improvements, maintenance and repairs. Please contact the Township prior to commencing any municipal drainage work to ensure the proper approval process is in place. Please note that local conservation authority approval/ fees must be obtained prior to the commencement of any work. For additional information please contact the Township at 519-595-2800 or William Dietrich, Drainage Superintendent 519-880-2708
VITAL STATISTICS Issuance of Marriage Licences and Burial Permits Marriage Licences are issued in accordance with provincial requirements and the Township policies and procedures. Licences are valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. For applications and additional information please visit the Township website at www.pertheast.ca or call 519-595-2800
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CLERK’S DEPARTMENT DOG LICENSES Every dog in the Township of Perth East must be licensed annually. Dog tags identify your pet and get your pet home safely if they are lost. Dog Tags are available at the following locations; Township of Perth East Administrative Office 25 Mill St. E., Milverton 519-595-2800
Pauly Vet Clinic 62 Main St. S, Milverton 519-595-8888
Leis Feed and Supply 410 Main St. S, Milverton 519-595-2048
Split Rail Country Store 4304 Perth Rd 119, Stratford 519-273-1881
Milverton-Wellesley Vet Clinic 93 Main St. N., Milverton 519-595-4911
Stratford-Perth Humane Society (SPHS) 125 Griffith Road, Stratford 519-273-6600
CANINE CONTROL SERVICES The Stratford-Perth Humane Society (SPHS) provides Canine Control Services for the Township of Perth East which includes responding to dog related calls, lost and found dogs, dogs running at large, bylaw infractions and adoption. The following is the contact for additional information; Stratford-Perth Humane Society (SPHS) 125 Griffith Road, Stratford, ON 519-273-6600 www.sphumane.com
Township of Perth East - PHOTOS The Township of Perth East are requesting photos to be used for promotion of Perth East in printed materials, the Township website and future Annual Community Guides. Please forward your photos to amatheson@pertheast.ca
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The Township of Perth East will be an inclusive, thriving and sustainable community committed to maintaining harmony between rural and urban areas and fostering opportunities for current and future generations. The Township of Perth East provides innovative leadership and services essential to creating an inclusive, thriving and sustainable community. The Core Values are the guiding principles that help Council and staff achieve the vision and fulfill the mission.
We practice high standards of ethical behaviour and conduct ourselves with an openness and transparency that inspires trust. We strive for the equitable and fair treatment of all as a foundation principle of our policies and practices. We foster an environment of equality where people are included, valued and treated with dignity, and respect and work together as one for the benefit of the entire municipality. We build internal and external relationships to achieve common goals and resolve differences. We recognize our mutual interdependence within our own community as well as with our area municipalities and realize that we can best achieve our goals and Vision by working together; building consensus, co-operating and supporting each other in flexible and innovative ways We strive to provide excellent public service, improve our infrastructure, and strive to understand and meet the needs of all those we serve within the available resources while meeting our legislated and mandated obligations.
We foster an environment of leadership, excellence and creativity. We continuously search for ways for improving efficiencies and effectiveness of the services we provide
We strive to continually adjust all aspects of our operation in an effort to increase the efficiency of our provided services through prudence, thinking broadly and long-term; to balance both rural and urban responsibilities; and to do more with limited resources.
Approved by the Council of the Township of Perth East “The Township of Perth East’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values are fundamental to the relationships that we have with our stakeholders and serve as the guiding principles for the Township’s corporate decision making process.” Glenn Schwendinger, Chief Administrative Officer
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FINANCE The Perth East Finance Department is responsible for the financial and accounting affairs of the Township. Services include accounts receivable/payable, municipal taxation, water and sewer billing, annual budgeting, asset management planning, procurement, collections, investments, payroll and information systems.
Annual Budget Process -The annual budget process begins each July. Department Managers, the Treasurer and Chief Administrative Officer complete fee reviews and draft operation and capital budgets. All members of Township Council form the Budget Advisory Committee and meet from January until April. Township Council reviews priorities and normally approves the Corporate Budget in April. Operating budget - Provides for the day-to-day expenses of the Township, such as salaries and materials. Capital Budget -Is a multi-year financial plan that provides for the construction or acquisition of capital works. The capital budget Includes future financial resources required to finance capital projects and identifies the financial resources to be allocated from the operating budget to operate and maintain capital assets. The capital budget is prepared at the same time as the operating budget, and approved by the Township Council at the same time. This is to ensure that any contributions from the operating budget to the capital budget are coordinated and understood and that the effect on the ratepayer is seen. In addition, a capital asset may be slated for completion in mid-year and require an operating budget provision to pay for utility costs, staffing, and other operating costs. The property tax billing provides funds to pay for Township, County and Education services. In 2016 the Township share was 46%,with the County share at 29% and the Education share 25%. The pie chart demonstrates the share of the many services that make up the Township portion of your tax bill. WASTE/CEMETERY /PLANNING 3%
FIRE 12% OPP 19%
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Property tax notices are sent out twice per year, the first in early February and the second in early September. Due dates are the 4th Friday in February, May, September and November. 2017 Due Date: February 24, May 26, September 22 & November 24 Assessment Update - You previously received your Property Assessment Notice in 2016 from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). The assessment update is based on a January 1, 2016 property value. This assessment amount will be utilized for the 2017-2020 property taxation years with any increase in values being phased in over the four year period and any decreases being applied for the 2017 Final tax notice. Mailing Address – Please update your mailing address with the Township. Failure to receive a tax notice does not exempt you from penalty. Payment Options – payment by cash, debit or cheque at Township office (drop box available for after hour payments), payments by mail, in-branch bank payments, telephone or internet payments through your banking institution, pre-authorized payment plans, or credit card payments through website- fees will apply. Pre-Authorized Payment Plan – Property Taxes can be set up to be deducted from your bank account on the due date or monthly deductions (11 months). More information is available at www.pertheast.ca or by contacting Loretta Wicke at (519) 595-2800 ext. 228. Purchasing a Farm - When a farm is sold it will become 100% residential tax class. This can mean the difference of thousands of dollars on a tax notice. Please call OMAFRA at 1-800-469-2285, as soon as possible after the purchase of a farm, in order to get the property in the correct tax class. Rebates – Various rebates are available for landowners including; Vacant Unit Rebates for Industrial or Commercial properties, Charity Rebates, Farmland Property Tax and Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program. More information is available at www.pertheast.ca or by contacting Loretta Wicke at (519) 595-2800 ext. 228.
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The Tile Loan Program, authorized by the Tile Drainage Act provides loans to agricultural property owners to help them finance tile drainage projects. Applications are approved by council. All tile loans have a 10 year term and the current interest rate is 6% per annum. Debenture payments are made quarterly with your property tax installments. Landowners are eligible for a loan up to 75% of the drainage work, up to $50,000. More information is available at www.pertheast.ca or by contacting Wendy McMurray at (519) 595-2800 ext. 247. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Ontario) www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/index.html
Milverton and Shakespeare residents receive Water and Sewer billings every second month with payments due the 4th Friday in February, April, June, August, October and December. The Township is compliant with Bill 175: Sustainable Water & Sewage System Act, 2002 passed by the Ontario Government. This bill makes it mandatory for the municipality to costrecover the full amount of their water services. Pre-Authorized Payment Plan – Utilities can be set up to be deducted from your bank account on the due date. More information is available at www.pertheast.ca or by contacting Loretta Wicke at (519) 595-2800 ext. 228.
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PUBLIC WORKS WASTE MANAGEMENT *NEW* June 2017 Automated Collection Service The curbside collection of waste and recycling is provided through contracted services offered by Bluewater Recycling Association (BRA). Beginning in June 2017, curbside waste and recycling will be collected on a bi-weekly schedule using the automated “wheelie” bin system. Waste and recycling will be collected at the same time in a two compartment truck. BRA recommends that containers are set out by 7 AM to ensure collection. Collection days are subject to change as the automated collection system is implemented. Contact Information For inquires and information regarding the current or future curbside collection program please contact Bluewater Recycling Association directly at 1-800-265-9799, info@bra.org or bra.org My-Waste App You can download the Bluewater Association’s My-Waste App to get instant access to all the waste collection schedules that happen in your neighbourhood and in our community. Once you’ve got my-waste, set up alerts easily to remind you that recycling collection is coming up or that a special e-waste day is taking place at a nearby location. Never miss another collection day, and be alerted of collection cancellations or postponements. Visit bra.org/mobileapp to download for free.
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PUBLIC WORKS 2017 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL PROGRAM In partnership with the City of Stratford, Perth East residents will have increased access to household hazardous waste disposal services. Service is Available on the Following Dates for 2017: April 24 - April 28 8:00am to 5:00pm April 29 9:00am to 12:00pm May 26 8:00am to 5:00pm May 27 9:00am to 12:00pm June 23 8:00am to 5:00pm June 24 9:00am to 12:00pm July 28 8:00am to 5:00pm July 29 9:00am to 12:00pm August 25 8:00am to 5:00pm August 26 9:00am to 12:00pm Sept. 25 - Sept. 29 8:00am to 5:00pm Sept. 30 9:00am to 12:00pm Proof Of Perth East Residency Will Be Required.
The City of Stratford Landfill located at 777 Romeo Street South will be accepting small quantity household hazardous waste materials generated within households of Perth East residents. Small quantity generators can bring in a maximum of 100kg of household hazardous waste materials; this includes a maximum of 10 fluorescent light bulbs and tubes, materials in individual containers which do not exceed 20L (5 Gal) and are originally labelled. Household Hazardous Waste may include: - paints, coatings and containers - solvents, household cleaners - motor oils, filters and antifreezes - batteries and fire extinguishers - fluorescent tubes and bulbs - propane tanks - pharmaceuticals - pesticides and lawn fertilizers
Unacceptable waste includes, but is not limited to PCB Waste, Radioactive waste, Flares, Fireworks and Ammunition, Pathological Waste, open or Leaky Containers.
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PUBLIC WORKS WASTE MANAGEMENT Perth East Landfill Site (South Easthope) The Perth East Landfill Site is located at #2439 Line 29, southwest of Shakespeare. The landfill site accepts residual waste materials which are generated within Perth East Township only. Waste can only be tipped at this site if it has been generated from residential or commercial properties within the Township of Perth East.
Accepted materials: • Residual waste • Appliances with Freon removed • Scrap Metals • Scrap Wood
• Yard Waste, Leaves, Grass Clippings • Shingles • Tires and rims • Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
ROADS Entrance and Road Crossing Application If you are planning to construct a driveway, laneway, field access or other form of access from a Perth East roadway to private property an entrance permit must first be issued by the Public Works Department. Entrance permit applications should include a sketch of the proposed entrance location. Applications are available online at the Perth East website, or by contacting the Public Works Department. If you are planning work which involves a road crossing, a private services permit must be issued by the Public Works Department before constructing. Private Service Permit Applications are available online at the Perth East website, or by contacting the Public Works Department. Street Light Repair The Township of Perth East owns and operates over 600 streetlights. Occasionally, a streetlight will malfunction causing the light to fail or to stay on at all times. Since most of the street light faults can only be seen during the night, it is difficult for Township staff to identify a problem. Faulty street lights can be reported online at the Perth East website, or contact your Public Works department 519-595-2800 x249. Be sure to have the pole ID number available, it can be found affixed to the street light pole. www.pertheast.ca | page 20
PUBLIC WORKS ROADS Reduced Load Limits During the spring thaw, some Township roads may become too soft and unstable to withstand the weight of a fully loaded truck, regardless of the axles. In an effort to reduce damage to the roads during spring thaw, from March 1 to April 30 each year, the Township restricts vehicles to half loads (5 tonnes per axle) on all rural Township roads unless otherwise posted. Please assist us in reducing repairs to our road system by not having heavy deliveries to your property during this time of year. Utility Locates The Township of Perth East is compliant with the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012. This Act requires owners of underground utilities to become a member of Ontario One Call, Call Before You Dig Notification System. To request a locate for municipal water or wastewater utilities please call Ontario One Call at 1-800-400-2255 and follow the automated prompts.
WATER Municipal Water Systems The Township of Perth East owns and operates two water supply and distribution systems, the Milverton Water Supply System and the Shakespeare Water Supply System. The Township is committed to provide a high-quality of drinking water, and maintain a modern, reliable system to ensure that all residents can rely on a water supply that is both plentiful and safe. The Township of Perth East has a shared services agreement with the Municipality of North Perth for the provision of operations of the Municipal Water Supply Systems. North Perth is responsible for all monitoring, quality assurance, quality control and inspections of the water systems. Water Meters Water meters are an important part of the Townships municipally owned water distribution systems. Every water connection within the drinking water serviced area is equipped with a water meter to measure water consumption and to bill accordingly. The Public Works department is responsible for replacing, installing and testing all water meters. Please contact the Public Works department if you are experiencing problems with your water meter.
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PUBLIC WORKS WASTEWATER Municipal Wastewater Systems The Township of Perth East Public Works Department owns two wastewater collection and treatment systems, the Milverton Wastewater System and the Shakespeare Wastewater System. The Township is committed to provide and maintain a modern, reliable system to ensure that all residents can rely on an effective system which is safe for residents, visitors and the environment. After Hour Water and Wastewater Emergencies To report after hour water and wastewater emergencies please contact the Public Works After Hours pager at 519-595-8700 leave a message with the detail of the emergency, and a contact number so the call can be returned.
CEMETERIES The Township of Perth East operates and maintains four active cemeteries which includes • Greenwood Cemetery, Milverton • Knox Wesley Cemetery, Millbank • Lingelbach Cemetery, South Easthope Ward • South Easthope Cemetery, South Easthope Ward
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PERTH EAST FIRE DEPARTMENT The department is made up of three stations and a roster of 67 firefighters. The stations are located in Milverton, Sebringville and Shakespeare. The Fire Chief operates out of the Municipal Office in Milverton, along with the Fire Prevention Officer and Administrative Assistant/Public Educator.
The Perth East volunteer firefighters are a dedicated group of men and women who risk their lives to save your life, the lives of your family, your home and your livelihood. These brave people train hard to master the skills and gain the knowledge to: • battle fires • handle tragic events such as car accidents and public hazards • provide a program for the safety of our community • and so much more The fire department provides public education, prevention and emergency response services to a portion of the Township of Perth South. Through a shared services agreement, with the Municipality of West Perth, we operate the fire administration, prevention and public education areas of the West Perth Fire Department.
The Perth East Fire Department has several social media channels. On twitter, you can follow the Fire Chief @ChiefBillHunter or the main PEFD and Public Education account @PEFDPubEd. The fire department also has its own YouTube Channel; simply go to YouTube and search “Perth East Fire Department”. Our channel features videos we have produced as well as a favourites playlist of public fire and life safety themed videos.
The Perth East Fire Department gets involved in many community initiatives and events throughout the year. We appear in parades, have booths at various community events, participate and/or host blood donor clinics, and invite the community to visit us during Fire Prevention Week each October.
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Every home in Ontario must have a working smoke alarm on every storey and outside all sleeping areas. Homeowners - It is the responsibility of homeowners to install and maintain smoke alarms on every storey of their home and outside sleeping areas. Landlords - It is the responsibility of landlords to ensure their rental properties comply with the law. Tenants - If you are a tenant of a rental property and do not have the required number of smoke alarms, contact your landlord immediately. It is against the law for tenants to remove the batteries or tamper with the alarm in any way. Home Escape Plans - Do you and your family know what to do and where to go when the smoke alarm sounds? Create and practice a home escape plan. Have two ways out of each room and choose a meeting place outside the home.
Only working smoke alarms save lives.
Ontario law requires mandatory Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms in homes that have fuel fired appliances or attached garages. CO alarms must be installed outside all sleeping areas. If you cannot hear the alarm when it is sounding you will not get the necessary early detection when CO is present. Experts are also recommending one alarm for every level of the home. Already have a CO alarm? Take a few minutes to check the date of manufacture / installation...Homes with CO alarms that are past their optimal life span may also put occupants at risk. What is sometimes misunderstood by many homeowners, is that CO alarms, like smoke alarms, do not last forever whether they are battery powered or hardwired.
Some symptoms of CO poisoning: • Headache, nausea, burning eyes, fainting, confusion, drowsiness. • Often mistaken for common ailments like the flu • Symptoms improve when away from the home for a period of time • Symptoms experienced by more than one member of the household. • Continued exposure to higher levels may result in unconsciousness, brain damage & death. • The elderly, children and people with heart or respiratory conditions may be particularly sensitive to carbon monoxide. www.pertheast.ca | page 24
The FFSC program was created to address the growing concern regarding farm-related fires. Barn/shed, agricultural vehicle and other farm-related fires have led to staggering losses (over $12 million between 2010-2015 in Perth East alone). Fires have destroyed buildings, livestock, vehicles, equipment and often cripple the livelihood of farming families. In Ontario alone, OMAFRA reports farm structure losses of $25 million-$60 million each year (this does not include contents such as equipment and livestock). The FFSC program is founded on education, awareness and farm fire safety planning within the Perth East and West Perth fire areas. The program was made possible by our Partners in Farm Fire Safety; Tradition Mutual Insurance Company, Heartland Farm Mutual Inc., South Easthope Mutual Insurance Company, and Perth-Huron Insurance Brokers Association. It is also supported by the Perth County Farm Safety Association. For farm fire safety information or to learn how to get a free fire safety plan for your farm property, call us at 519-595-2800 or visit us at www.pertheast.ca/ffsc.
During the warmer seasons, we get a lot of calls for burn permits. While it’s great that residents are notifying staff of their intent to have open-air fires, some residents still burn without confirming they have permission to do so. Leaving a message with this information does not give you permission to burn. You must obtain approval directly with staff. All staff at the Municipal Office can address your request, so speak to reception staff; they can help you. There are rules with regard to having a controlled burn: • Stay with the controlled burn at all times and ensure the fire is fully extinguished at dark. • Burn only clean materials (wood, brush, etc.) - do not burn household garbage, rubber or plastics. • Your fire should not be a nuisance to neighbours in terms of smoke or noise, so be mindful of wind strength & direction • Consult the by-law for full rules and regulations To obtain a burn permit, please call 519-595-2800 during regular municipal office hours. The Open-Air Controlled Burn By-law is available for you to view on the Perth East website. www.pertheast.ca | page 25
www.pertheast.ca | page 26
HISTORY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF PERTH EAST In 1997, fourteen municipal corporations within the County of Perth restructured to form four new municipalities -the Township of Perth East, Township of Perth South, Municipality of West Perth and the Municipality of North Perth. On January 1, 1998, the former Townships of Ellice, Mornington, North Easthope, South Easthope and the Village of Milverton officially restructured to become the Township of Perth East. The new municipality has over 7,000 hectares, 4,000 households and a total population of approximately 12,000.
Communities in Perth East: • Milverton • Shakespeare • Millbank • Carthage • Newton • Rostock
• Brunner • Wartburg • Gads Hill • Nithburg • Poole • Sebringville
• Sebastopol • Hesson • Lisbon • Amulree • Harmony • Kinkora
Stratford-Perth Archives 4273 Line 34, R.R. #5 Stratford, ON N5A 6S6 T. (519) 271-0531, ext 259 www.stratfordpertharchives.on.ca
Township of Perth East - PHOTOS The Township of Perth East are requesting photos to be used for promotion of Perth East in printed materials, the Township website and future Annual Community Guides. Please forward your photos to amatheson@pertheast.ca
www.pertheast.ca | page 27
www.pertheast.ca | page 28
PERTH EAST PUBLIC LIBRARY Perth East Public Library is a welcoming community place where you can explore, create, learn and connect. Services include free Public Computer use, Wi-Fi, books, movies, TV shows, CDs, audiobooks, DownloadLibrary, online resources and so much more! Throughout the year Perth East Public Library includes various programs for all ages. Visit our website to see what events are currently happening at the library.
Programmes: Play & Learn (0-6 years old. Requires parent/guardian supervision. Provided by North Perth Early Years.) Twinkle Tots (Ages 0-2 years old. Requires parent/guardian supervision) Toddler Time (0-4 years old. Requires parent/guardian supervision) LEGO Club (5-10 year olds. Require parent/guardian supervision for 5 year olds.) Afterschool Adventures (5-10 year olds.) Adult Book Clubs March Break and Summer Reading Programmes Perth East Public Library 19 Mill St. E Milverton, ON N0K 1M0 T: (519)595-8395 Email: pel@pcin.on.ca Website: www.pertheast.library.on.ca Follow us on @PEPLlibrary
@ Perth East Public Library
www.pertheast.ca | page 29
PERTH EAST PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS Greenwood Park Cobalt Street, Milverton Large Park with playground and pavilion that was built and donated by the Milverton Lions Club. Booking: PERC at 519-595-8375 Lyle Yost Memorial Park 4001 Perth Line 72, Millbank The Lyle Yost Memorial Park is owned by the Township of Perth East and operated by the Millbank Athletic Association. There are 2 ball diamonds with lights, concession booth, pavilion and playground. Booking: Frieda Kuepfer 519-595-4409 Milverton Lions Park Main Street North Milverton The Milverton Lions Park is owned by the Township of Perth East and maintained by the Milverton Lions Club. This small well-shaded park with a gazebo is the perfect place for a break or picnic lunch. Morningdale Centennial Park 4141 Line 73, Millbank The Centennial Park is a large park with open space and an enclosed pavilion with a small kitchen facility and washrooms. Booking: PERC at 519-595-8375 Newton Park 4465 Community Centre Drive, Newton The Newton Park is owned by the Township of Perth East and operated and maintained by the Newton Athletic Association. The park has two (2) soccer pitches, ball diamond, playground, pavilion and washroom. Booking Ball Diamond: Emmaline Wagler 519-595-8569 PERC Park 40 Temperance Street, Milverton The PERC Park opened in 2011 and features a playground, picnic area, ball diamond, ½ size soccer pitch and a walking trail. Booking Ball Diamond: Kate Arand 519-595-3606 Pioneer Park Playground 4079 Waterloo Street, Millbank The Pioneer Park Playground is maintained by the Township of Perth East in an agreement with the Grand River Conservation Authority. The Pioneer Park Playground was made possible with financial support from the Government of Canada. www.pertheast.ca | page 30
PERTH EAST PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS Quinlan Park 4817 Line 46, Rostock The Quinlan Park has a playground, horseshoe pit, picnic tables and pavilion with washrooms. Bookings: Kelli Crowley at 519-393-5716 Shakespeare Opti-Mrs. Park 3976 Galt Street, Shakespeare The Shakespeare Opti-Mrs. Park is on the same property as the Shakespeare & Community Optimist Hall. The Playground was made possible with the financial support of the Shakespeare Opti-Mrs. Shakespeare & Community Athletic Association Park 3976 Galt Street, Shakespeare A very busy facility in Shakespeare features ball diamond, soccer pitch and large pavillion sport house. Bookings: Gary West at scaa@hotmail.com
The Township of Perth East is proud of the many high quality parks and recreation services within our community. To ensure that these continue to meet your needs, we are preparing a Parks and Recreation Services Master Plan that will guide the provision of programs and facilities into the future. Hearing from our residents is very important to us! The feedback that we collect from the public, community organizations, facility users, and other partners will create a strong foundation for future planning. You are invited to help us create a vision and strategy to ensure that we continue to meet your needs over the years to come. To kick-off the master plan, a Public Input Session will be held on Thursday May 18, 2017 at the Perth East Recreation Centre (40 Temperance Street in Milverton). Please drop-in anytime between 7 pm and 9 pm to provide your input. Public surveys and stakeholder sessions will also be made available this Spring, with project completion expected for later in 2017. To learn more about the project and how to get involved, please visit our website www.pertheast.ca or contact Becky Westman (Manager, Perth East Recreation Complex) at 519-595-8375 or masterplan@pertheast.ca.
www.pertheast.ca | page 31
PERTH EAST COMMUNITY CENTRES AND HALLS ROSTOCK HALL 4817 Line 46, Rostock Bookings: Kelli Crowley at 519-393-5716 This hall can accommodate groups up to 50 and also has a kitchen and is equipped with tables and chairs. The Rostock Hall is owned by the Township of Perth East.
SHAKESPEARE & COMMUNITY OPTIMIST HALL 3976 Galt Street, Shakespeare Bookings: Karen Danis at 519-625-8088 The Shakespeare and Community Optimist Hall is a large hall that can accommodate groups up to 440. The hall is owned by the Township of Perth East and operated and managed by the Shakespeare Optimist Club. The large hall can be used for receptions, family gatherings, buck’n does, community events and sporting activities. Features: • Accommodates up to 440 persons • Facility can be licensed under Special Occasions Permit • Full kitchen and amenities
• Round or rectangular tables available • Separate beverage room • Sports flooring
www.pertheast.ca | page 32
PERTH EAST RECREATION COMPLEX (PERC) The PERC is located in Milverton. It is owned and operated by the Township of Perth East. The Banquet Hall/Community Centre was built in 1994. The pool was added the following year. The arena addition was completed in 2003. It’s an excellent centre that provides services that meets the needs of many. 40 Temperance Street, Milverton 519-595-8375 or email bwestman@pertheast.ca Follow us on @PERC4
@Perth East Recreation Centre @Perth East Recreation Centre
PERC BANQUET HALL The Banquet Hall is large enough for functions of up to 440 persons, yet can be divided of for smaller more intimate gatherings. Features: • An adjoining commercial kitchen • Table setting for 400 • Commercial dishwasher • Cooking equipment, banquet warmer, walk in fridge • Utensils, pots, 6 coffee makers, serving carts • A separate beverage room and serving window • Fully licensed under AGCO • Round or rectangular tables. PERC AUDITORIUM Overlooking the arena, the Auditorium can accommodate groups up to 150 persons for special functions. With a kitchenette and a separate beverage serving area, this room is ideal for meetings or parties. This room is fully licensed under the AGCO. The installation of sports flooring, complete with shuffleboard lines, turns this area into an activity or fitness room. PERC BOARD ROOM The Board Room is a small meeting room that can accommodate up to 30 persons depending on the set up. The kitchenette is adjoined to this room.
www.pertheast.ca | page 33
The Perth East Recreation Complex Arena, the only ice rink in Perth East, was built in 2003. Arena Features include: • 200 ft. X 85 ft. ice surface • Banked seating for 750 persons on one side • Six team dressing rooms • Two dressing rooms for officials • Auditorium and viewing room overlooks the ice surface for 150 persons
The Arena schedule can be viewed on the Perth East website pertheast.ca
The Perth East Recreation Complex Pool is the only outdoor swimming pool in Perth East. Opening in 1995, the pool measures 25 m X 12 m, with a capacity of 200 swimmers. Pool Features Include: • Two diving boards • Slide • Wheel chair access to water • Accessible change room facilities • Pool depth .92 m to 2.74 m Swimming is a great way to be physically active. The PERC Pool offers swimming lessons under the Red Cross program. Swimming programs such as lane swim, waterfit and public swim opportunities are available to accommodate all interests. The pool schedule, admittance policy and general rules are all available on the Perth East website www.pertheast.ca or call 519-595-8297
PERTH EAST SCHOOLS Julie Moore Avon Maitland District School Board Trustee – Perth East E: julie.moore@ed.amdsb.ca T: 519-656-2839
Sprucedale Public School 2215 Fraser Street, Shakespeare, N0B 2P0 Telephone: 519-625-8722 Fax: 519-625-8886
Mornington Central Public School 7241 Road 131 Perth East, R.R. #1, Newton, N0K 1R0 Telephone: 519-595-8995 Fax: 519-595-8992
Central Perth Elementary School 4663 Road 135, R.R. #1, Sebringville, N0K 1X0 Telephone: 519-393-5300 Fax: 519-393-5540
North Easthope Public School 4672 Line 43 Road 108, R.R. #1, Stratford, N5A 6S2 Telephone: 519-625-8398 Fax: 519-625-8890
Milverton Public School 68 Mill Street, Milverton, N0K 1M0 Telephone: 519-595-8859 Fax: 519-595-2392
www.pertheast.ca | page 34
Milverton Rodeo Dance
www.g2gtrail.com joel@g2grailtrail.com
Milverton Agri Centre (MAC) Milverton N0K 1M0 www.milvertonag.ca 519-595-2245
Kinkora Athletic Association annemariesatchell@gmail.com 519-348-9915
Milverton Skating Club Milverton N0K 1M0 trudyfield@gmail.com 519-504-6710
Loaves & Fishes Food Bank 6619 Perth Rd. 131 RR 2 Milverton N0K 1M0 lcschultz@cyg.net 519-595-4287 or 519-595-8292
Optimist Club of Mornington President Mike Hall 519-301-5937
Millbank Business Association www.millbankandarea.com vma@cyg.net
Milverton Business Association Jeremy Matheson jmatheson@zehrinsurance.com 519-595-8108
Rostock Ellice Community Association and Optimist Club of Ellice Quinlan Park, 4817 Line 46 Rostock Nancy - 519-393-5299 or Ivan 519-273-3534
Sebringville Athletic Association
Milverton & District Minor Ball Kate - katearand@hotmail.com 519-502-7606 Jerry - smithx6@cyg.net 519-595-8084 Kelly - kelly_hargrave@yahoo.ca 519-741-7768
302 Huron Road, Sebringville sebringville.saa@gmail.com 519-393-6300
Shakespeare and District Optimist Hall
Milverton Fights Back Against Cancer
3976 Galt Street, Shakespeare N0B 2P0 519-625-8088
Shakespeare Men’s Club
Milverton N0K 1M0 www.facebook.com/MilvertonFightsBack
Shakespeare N0B 2P0 www.shakespearemensclub.com info@shakespearemensclub.com
Milverton Legion Branch 565
Stratford Perth Heritage Foundation
24 Temperance St. Milverton N0K 1M0 gbyrd@cyg.net 519-595-8205
Milverton Lions Club Meet at the Milverton Legion (24 Temperance St.) Milverton N0K 1M0 milverton@a15lions.org
Fryfogel Tavern Highway 7/8 between Shakespeare and New Hamburg www.stratfordperthheritage.com
Poole Mennonite Church 6475 Perth Road 121, Poole N0K 1S0 519-595-4622
Milverton Oktoberfest Milverton Agri Centre (MAC) Milverton N0K 1M0 www.milvertonag.ca www.pertheast.ca | page 35
www.pertheast.ca | page 36
20 Main St. North Milverton, Ontario
www.pertheast.ca | page 37
May 24, 2017, 7:00 p.m. Youth Talent Show
April 7, 2017, 6:00 p.m. Easter Ham Bingo
Optimist Club of Mornington (Contact Valerie Yost 519-595-3333 or Tricia Holmes-Storey 519-595-8602 to register)
Sebringville Athletic Association
April 8, 2017, 7:00 p.m. Ribs & Tails
May 25, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach
Milverton Legion
April 13, 2017 Dine and Dance for Duker
May 27, 2017 Horse Show
Milverton Horse Club
April 13, 2017 Wing Night
May 27, 2017 Dodgeball Tournament
April 15, 2017, 10:00 a.m. Easter Egg Hunt
May 28, 2017 Swiss Brunch – Swiss Band May 28, 2017 Community Garage Sales
Optimist Club of Mornington – Behind Milverton Public School
April 19, 2017, 7:30 p.m. Branch Election
Millbank Business Association
May 27 & May 30 2017 Swimming Lesson Registration
Milverton Legion
April 20, 2017 Earth Day Celebrations
Milverton Ag. Society
April 20, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach PERC
April 27, 2017 Paint Night – Community Outreach PERC
April 29, 2017 Taco Night Shakespeare Men’s Club Shakespeare Hall
MAY May 13, 2017 Spring on the Trail Millbank Business Association
May 13, 2017 Family Fun Fair
JUNE June 2, 2017 Steak Stag Optimist Club of Ellice
June 3, 2017, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Milverton Fights Back Cancer - BBQ Foodtown
June 3, 2017 Milverton Garage Sale Day Milverton Business Association
June 4, 2017, 1:30 p.m. Decoration Day at the Greenwood Cemetery Milverton Legion
June 4, 2017, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. North Easthope Public School 50th Anniversary
Milverton Ag. Society www.pertheast.ca | page 38
WOODENHEAD From the Milverton Oktoberfest Committee MECHANICAL
Sales, Service and Installation of Natural Gas and Propane Appliances, Fireplaces, Furnaces, BBQ Lines and On Demand Waterheaters
See you all next year!
Steve Eckhardt Owner/Gas Fitter
Please Call 519-276-8534
• Old Fashioned Sausage • Smoked Pork Products • Bacon • Ribs
NOW AVAILABLE Products are free-ranged, drug free, and made from only the finest poultry. Delicious Gourmet Condiments arriving daily! • RELISHES • SAUCES • JELLIES • JAMS • MUSTARDS
IN-STORE BAKERY and GIFT SHOP & more to come!
*gluten free options available
Open Daily: Sun-Fri 10am-6pm, Sat 9am-6pm
#2146 Highway 7&8, Shakespeare ON N0B 2P0 e-mail: info@porkshoppe.com www.porkshoppe.com
Local Holland Grill Dealer
From Business Cards to Vehicle Wraps We’ve Got You Covered! 519.843.2550 | print@fergusprinting.com
519.787.0317 | info@keltechsigns.com
www.pertheast.ca | page 39
EVENTS June 7 & 8, 2017 Association of Ontario Road Supervisors (AORS) Trade Show
July 15, 2017 Annual Amish School Sale
July 15, 2017 Annual Village Wide Garage Sale & Fish Fry
June 9 & 10, 2017 Milverton Fights Back Cancer Annual Weekend Legion Branch 565 and Arand Field
6645 Perth Road 131
Sebringville Athletic Association
July 20, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach
June 9, 2017, 6:00 p.m. Summer Bingo
Sebringville Athletic Association
July 22, 2017 Horse Show
June 10, 2017 Field Day
Milverton Horse Club
Shakespeare Athletic Association
June 15, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach PERC
AUGUST August 17, 2017 Moonlight Madness Milverton Business Association
June 17, 2017 Milverton Rodeo Dance Milverton Agriculture Centre Building
August 17, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach PERC
June 24, 2017 Horse Show
August 26, 2017 Horse Show
Milverton Horse Club
June 30, 2017 Softball Clinic with Aussies National Team
Milverton Horse Club
September 8, 2017 Shelly Shuffle
SEPTEMBER Sebringville Athletic Association
July 1 & 2, 2017 Canada Day Celebrations at the Rostock Hall
September 16, 2017 Fall Expo
Rostock Ellice Community Association and Ellice Optimist Club
September 21, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach
July 3-7, 2017, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Vacation Bible School Poole Mennonite Church 226-399-0136
July 8, 2017 Milverton Tractor Pull
Milverton Ag. Society
September 29, 2017 6:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Bingo Sebringville Athletic Association
Milverton Ag. Society
www.pertheast.ca | page 40
Optimist Club of Mornington Watch the Shopportunities for our events like the Easter egg hunt, Oktoberfest, Spelling bee, Free skating and swimming, Babysitting course, Bike rodeo, Fish fries and much more
Classes for Kids to Adults Learn Self-defense Build Confidence Develop Self-discipline Classes are held Thursdays @ the Milverton Library
New members always welcome contact President Mike Hall at 519-301-5937
(Beginners Only)
Specialists in farm, auto, personal property, business & life insurance 30 Main Street South, Milverton, ON N0K 1M0
Jeremy Matheson, Branch Manager jmatheson@zehrinsurance.com
• Real Estate • Estates & Wills • Family Law & Divorce • Corporate & Commercial • General R. Mark TarBush B.A LL.B. David C. Dickey B.A.C.S. LL.B. Cynthia Weeks B.A. LL.B. Box 59, 6 Mill Street E. Milverton, ON N0K 1M0 Ph: (519) 595-8277 F: (519) 595-4888
Box 67, 140 Barber Ave. S. Listowel, ON N4W 3H2 Ph: (519) 291-2710 F: (519) 291-5231
www.targillaw.com www.pertheast.ca | page 41
EVENTS OCTOBER Milverton Lions Club Annual Food Drive (watch Facebook page)
October 14, 2017, 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Milverton Oktoberfest Milverton Agriculture Centre
October 19, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach PERC
Millbank Business Association
December 8, 2017, 6:00 p.m. Christmas Turkey Bingo Sebringville Athletic Association
December 8, 2017 Christmas at PERC December 9, 2017 Santa Claus Parade Shakespeare Men’s Club
October 31, 2017 Halloween Food Drive
December 21, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach
Shakespeare Men’s Club
NOVEMBER November 3 & 4, 2017 Gospel Echoes – Millbank Annual Benefit Auction Stratford Rotary Complex
YEAR ROUND EVENTS Every Friday starting at 5:45 p.m. Meat Draws Milverton Legion
November 16-18, 2017 Christmas on Main
Every Monday night Cribbage
Milverton Business Association
Milverton Legion
November 16, 2017 Eucherama – Community Outreach PERC
November 25, 2017 All Trades Christmas Party
October to March Mondays 4:30 - 5:20 p.m. & Thursdays 4:30 - 5:50 p.m. PreCanSkate, StarSkate & CanSkate PERC
July – August Summer Reading Program
Sebringville Athletic Association
Perth East Public Library, Milverton
December 2, 2017 Snowflake Bazaar Optimist Club of Ellice
December 8, 2017, 7:00 p.m. Santa Claus Parade in Milverton Optimist Club of Mornington
December 8, 2017 Christmas in the Village
If your organization missed out on forwarding upcoming Events, please contact the Township of Perth East and provide your information for inclusion in the next Annual Township of Perth East Community Guide.
Township of Perth East 519-595-2800
www.pertheast.ca | page 42
www.pertheast.ca | page 43
Milverton Accounting Services
Mane Appeal
9 Main St. N PO Box 264 Milverton N0K 1M0 milverton@milvertonaccounting.com 519-595-8679
1 Main St. N Milverton N0K 1M0 maneappeal@hotmail.com 519-595-7900
ANTIQUES Land & Ross 29 Huron Rd. and 2 Fraser St. Shakespeare N0B 2P0 landandross@gmail.com 1-877-832-7434
AUTOMOTIVE Koertland Napa Auto Pro 27 Main St. E Po Box 458 Milverton N0K 1M0 theo@cyg.net 519-595-8727
BANKS & FINANCIAL SERVICES CIBC 2 Main St. N. Milverton N0K 1M0 519-595-8111
Kindred Credit Union 12 Main St. S PO Box 100 Milverton N0K 1M0 info@kindredcu.com 519-595-8796
Orchard Valley Spa 4012 Perth Road 107 PO Box 359 Shakespeare N0B 2P0 sherry@orchardvalleyspa.com 519-625-1100
Wicked Snips Salon & Spa 12 Main St. N Milverton N0K 1M0 519-595-2618
BOOK & TOY STORE Living Waters derek@lwcb.org 3865 Manser Rd., Linwood N0B 2A0 519-698-1198 4473 Perth County Line 72 N0K 1R0 1-877-595-7585
CONSTRUCTION/ CONTRACTORS/ BUILDERS Colonial Brick & Stone Inc. 5956 Perth Road 119 Brunner N0K 1C0 ljantzi@netflash.net
Elroy Wagler Masonry ronjan@cyg.net 519-595-4261
1 Main St. S Milverton N0K 1M0 519-595-8141
www.pertheast.ca | page 44
12 Main St. N. Milverton 519-595-2618 www.wickedsnips.ca Family Haircare Salon and Spa
Dave’s Diner established 2000
Sebringville (beside Esso) ALL DAY BREAKFAST
24 HRS
Township of Perth East - PHOTOS The Township of Perth East are requesting photos to be used for promotion of Perth East in printed materials, the Township website and future Annual Community Guides. Please forward your photos to amatheson@pertheast.ca
www.pertheast.ca | page 45
FARM SERVICES & SUPPLIES Kuepfer Farm Drainage 7383 Road 136 RR #1 Newton N0K 1R0 kuepferfd@hotmail.com 519-595-4545
37 Mill St. W Milverton N0K 1M0 519-595-8800
Milestone Equipment 4072 Perth Line 72 Millbank N0K 1L0 519-595-3257 or 877-745-4107
Mitchell Mill Systems PO Box 100 Newton N0K 1R0 519-595-8747 ext.222
Parks Livestock of Canada L.P.
Stratford & Area Builders’ Association
6 Spencer Street, Milverton N0K 1M0 audrey.nicholson@parkslivestock.com 519-595-8555 or 877-338-4647
P.O. Box 23024 Stratford N5A 7V8 admin@stratfordbuilders.ca Executive Officer Ross Dale 519-271-4795
FITNESS Schweitzer’s Martial Arts
Teahen Ltd.
19 Mill Street East Milverton N0K 1M0 becky_schweitzer@hotmail.com 519-580-1418
201 Griffith Road Stratford N5A 6S4 teahendesigngroup@bell.net 519-272-2557
Weitzel Pumps & Water Treatment Shakespeare N0B 2P0 weitzelpumps@bellnet.ca 519-625-8332
The Right Form Dance Studio Milverton N0K 1M0 valerie@cyg.net 519-595-3333
Synergy Health & Fitness
Woodenhead Mechanical 3 Torrance Cres. Milverton N0K 1M0 woodenheadmechanical0@gmail.com 519-276-8534
4-55 Main St. S Milverton N0K 1M0 519-595-7205
Country Cousins
New Star Rentals & Equipment Ltd. 4478 Perth Line 72 Newton N0K 1R0 rentals@newstarrentals.ca 519-595-7030
EXCAVATING Horst Excavating Milverton N0K 1M0 519-292-9684
FOOD & BEVERAGE 5592A Duke St. Brunner N0K 1C0 519-595-4277
Dave’s Diner 188 Huron Road Sebringville N0K 1X0 519-393-8726
The Best Little Pork Shoppe 2146 Highway 7 & 8 Shakespeare N0B 2P0 info@porkshoppe.com 519-625-8194 www.pertheast.ca | page 46
AED www.red5st.ca 519.590.2147 red5st@live.ca
Anna Mae’s Bakery & Restaurant
Countryside Midwifery Services
4060 Line 72 Millbank N0K 1L0 519-595-4407
Milverton: 50 William St. W. Milverton ON, N0K 1M0 519-595-4815 Fax: 519-595-8176 adminmilverton@countrysidemidwives.com Palmerston: 336 Main St. W Palmerston ON, N0G 2P0 519-343-5559 Fax: 519-343-4365 adminpalmerston@countrysidemidwives.com www.countrysidemidwives.com
Jacob’s Family Service Centre and Lunch Counter 46 Main St. Newton N0K 1R0 519-595-8926
Millbank Cheese 72 Church St. PO Box 70 Millbank N0K 1L0 millbankcheese@cyg.net 519-595-8787
Sweet Harvest 4460 Perth Line 72 Newton N0K 1R0 hiebertharvest@gmail.com 519-595-3727
GROCERY STORE Foodtown IFT 36 Main St. N PO Box 276 Milverton N0K 1M0 foodtown@cyg.net 519-595-8898
Zehr’s Country Market 6979 Millbank Main St. Millbank N0K 1L0 519-595-4403
HARDWARE Ellis Home Hardware 20 Main St. South Po Box 430 Milverton N0K 1M0 tim.ellis@homehardware.ca 519-595-8224
Millbank Country Hardware 6980 Main St. Millbank N0K 1L0 519-595-4647 or 866-595-5015
Knollcrest Lodge 50 William Street Box 453 Milverton N0K 1M0 srae@knollcrestlodge.com 519-595-8121 ext. 102
Milverton Family Dental Centre 28 Main St. N PO Box 340 Milverton N0K 1M0 ddersil@perth.net 519-595-8196
RED5 Safety Training 4876 Road 106 Gads Hill N0K 1J0 red5st@live.ca 519-590-2147
HOSPITALITY Shakespeare Inn Highway 7 & 8 Po Box 310 Shakespeare N0B 2P0 519-625-8050
INSURANCE Huronview Insurance Brokers Ltd. 1-11 Main St. N Milverton N0K 1M0 huronvu@perth.net 519-595-4044 or toll free 1-877-754-8737
Zehr Insurance Brokers Ltd. 30 Main St. S Milverton N0K 1M0 jmatheson@zehrinsurance.com 519-595-8108 www.pertheast.ca | page 48
Theo Koert
Owner, Head Mechanic
NEW Brakes & Tires, AUTO Exhaust, Alignments, BODY Full Auto & Safety’s, Truck & Trailers
27 Main Street N., Milverton ON N0K 1M0
Tel: 519.595.8727 Fax: 519.595.4980 theo@cyg.net
Quality repairs for all makes & models
• GPS • Plastic
• 2013 Bron Plough • Surveys • Maps Glen 519-291-0709 Dennis 519-276-9292
Newton, Ont. 519-595-4545 Fo Excavr All Your ation Agric Need ultur s. al. Co
m Resid entia mercial. l.
Milverton, ON
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Petals if you Please 14 Main St. N Milverton N0K 1M0 tammy@petalsifyouplease.ca 519-595-8880
Hoffmeyer’s Sebringville sales@hoffmeyersmill.on.ca 519-393-5101
Phelan’s Place 237 Huron Road PO Box 35 Sebringville N0K 1X0 mary@phelansplace.com 800-265-4567
NEWSPAPER Shopportunities 25 Pacific. Ave Milverton N0K 1M0 519-595-8922
Shouldice Home Solutions shouldicehomesolutions@gmail.com 519-635-0793
The Quilt Place
Village Pharmacy
3991 Perth Road 107 Po Box 223 Shakespeare N0B 2P0 heather@thequiltplace.ca 519-625-8435
8 Main St. N Milverton N0K 1M0 minafg@hotmail.com 519-595-8300
Tarbush Dickey Giller & Associates
Alpaca Acres
6 Mill Street East Po Box 59 Milverton N0K 1M0 519-595-8277 -OR140 Barber Ave. S. Listowel N4W 3H2 519-291-2710
3979 Road 108 Stratford N5A 6S5 info@alpacaacres.ca 519-625-1064
E & E Cloth Creations 4463 Perth Line 72 Newton N0K 1R0 519-595-8569
Millbank Family Furniture Ltd.
Milverton Wellesley Vet Clinic
4082 Waterloo St. P.O. Box 204 Millbank N0K 1L0 519-595-7105
93 Main St. S Milverton 519-595-4911
New To You Thrift Store (MCC)
Pauly Vet Clinic 62 Main St. S PO Box 359 Milverton N0K 1M0 paulyvet@cyg.net 519-595-8888
55 Main St. S Suite 3 Milverton N0K 1M0 karen@mccthrift.ca 519-595-8682
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