The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, October 2, 2015 PAGE NINETEEN
in celebration of newspaper week, october 4 - 10, 2015
the power of the
In late 2014 The Wellington Advertiser commissioned KubasPrimedia to conduct a comprehensive study of consumers in its marketplace. The research focused on readership and rating of The Wellington Advertiser. Topics also covered media usage, shopping habits, lifestyle habits and demographics.
The research survey was conducted by mail and online over November and December 2014. Surveys were distributed in specific postal codes in which the publication is distributed and incentives were provided to respondents to encourage participation. Responses were compiled and analyzed into a full report. We are proud to share some of the results of the survey in celebration of Newspaper Week and “the power of the press.”
verified circulation
of adults prefer the Wellington Advertiser as their number 1 choice for local news & information
The W
CDC: F vacci lu n may n e provi ot d prote e full ction
by Ja GU im Amer ELPH - T e Myslik i he flu c a n s may vacc are n tion a ot be pr receiving ine North ovidi gains ng fu this year strain t the m ll a or Di round this ost danger protecous v sease s e a s o CDC i ) says Control a n, the Cen rus . nd Pr ters This e v y e ntion ’ H 3 N ear, the s m m o 2 v i r u s h easonal in n fl a x i m a i n N o r t h s b e e n t h e uenza te A d wer ly half of merica an most e d re no “drift” va the cases apria tt an the va he strain nts, mean aof flu ing c c i n e torica lly, w protects. against mmo hen H n nesse virus, the 3N2 is th re hav s, ho e sp han w e hen o italization been s and ther the C f ease. DC wrote orms are in a
ellin www
Quick action first ai , trainin d g heart a saved victim ttack ’s life, OPP sa y
by Me FE ag tre W RGUS - A an Leonar d elling n ago c ton fa incident on a C o r m u l d o weren perati have on a engus ’t for the turned yea
PAGE TWENTY The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, October 2, 2015
verified circulation of 40,173
we cover the
county 78%
local news since 1968
In 1968, William Hugh Adsett (WHA) founded the Fergus and Area Shopping News and WHA Publications was born. William Adsett was the only employee and his office was the front seat of his 1965 Chevy Impala.
of survey respondents read the last issue of the wellington advertiser
The paper grew and expanded to The Wellington Advertiser we know and read today. The company has grown to 43 staff members, and now includes a print division.
thank you for participating We are fortunate to enjoy strong readership results and we would like to thank those who took the time to complete the survey. We would also like to thank our loyal readers and the advertisers that help us to provide FREE NEWS WEEKLY to Wellington County.
The average reader spends
27.5 minutes per issue reading The Wellington Advertiser
WHA Publications remains family owned and operated and The Wellington Advertiser is currently
one of the largest independEnt newspapers in Southwestern Ontario. Since 1971 The Community News has served Mapleton Township. Its current circulation is
Volume 48 Issue 39
ETFO escalates job action
Friday, September
25, 2015
Town flooded with calls about large water bills
One-day strikes could be next
by Jaime Myslik WELLINGTON COUNTY - The Elementary Teachers by Patrick Raftis Federation of Ontario (ETFO) MINTO - Many has ramped up its local residents work-to-rule job are finding a lot action once again, of their money is with the possibility going down the drain, of strikes in October. rolling one-day their first bills under after receiving the Talks broke down metered water system. town’s new between the union, the province CAO Bill White and Public School Board the Ontario council on Sept. 15 advised Minto Association the town office (OPSBA) on Sept. has received about eight 11. calls a day One week later, the since water bills for the July/August represents more than ETFO, which period came out in 76,000 elemenHarriston tary school teachers Water foreman Wayne recently. across the province, announced it and pubic works director Metzger would three of its work-to-rule begin phase sen provided a presentationBrian Hanjob of a pamUpper Grand ETFO action. phlet being mailed to all residents to Gundi Barbour explained president help them get a handle that in addition to phase one ation. The information on the situand is also availtions, elementary teacherstwo condiable on the town’s will website. - communicate electronicalnot: The water meter awareness ly or report by phone with their provides extreme administrator exexamples cept during certain racked up by customers of bills emergency situasince the tions; user-pay system began, including: - update class websites one customer had a leaky toilet - complete comments or blogs; and ended up with on progress a bill of $786 for reports (but they two months; will submit a nonelectronic version Ready to ride - Ted - another customer of Forrest, right, was to their administrato student grades on hand at the Erin Industries. Erin Optimist swimming pool and who filled a r); Terry Fox Run on had a problem Sept. 20 with a custom - do additional work dustries made available Club member John Ferguson demonstrate with a water softener during prep bicycle owned by Arc d how to use the passenger time; and over $10,000 for cancer for anyone not able to do the run on monthly bill for $403; received a biseat on the bicycle their own. The Erin research. Arc In- fill in for absent event attracted 106 - simply filing a swimming teachers, with participants and raised SERVING the exception of occasional pool was enough THE ON to boostMAPLET photo by Patrick Raftis COMMUNITY teachers another customhired as a replacement er’s bill to $506 for . two months; and “Students will not - a regularly-flushing be impacted,� urinal sysBarbour said. tem was costing another customer “Teachers are going $702 bi-monthly for to be in their urinals 1 Year GIC - 1.99% classrooms, they’re The report lists several alone. going to do all of potential their instruction duties 3 Year GIC - 2.21% causes for high water with students, bills, including: they’ll continue to - leaky toilets by Mike Robinson 5 Year GIC - 2.30% provide voluntary a continuously extracurricular stuff, to draw up specification running toilet can FERGUS - Infrastructur so you still have waste Volume s for e up Ontario the to your clubs and your 757 48while and Groves Memorial Daily Intere facility, nancial capacity, to litres a day; Issue 39 RFQ isnew the current teams going st Community a project of on and the only for Drayton, deliver Hospital officials - dripping faucet other Ontario have taken the first the bidders who will construct the ac- this size and complexity. 1.00% - a faucet drip be, we’re not going thing might step in selecting tual building. can wasteFriday, Those teams will 75 litres a day to participate a team Septem be invited to reor more; ber 25, 2015 in things like the new hospital in Aboyne. to deliver a spond to a request The new Groves - filling or topping 638-3328 barbecue or those Memorial Comfor up a swimming kinds of things. “ munity Hospital, pected to be released proposals, expool; They will meet with which mid-2016. prospective to be is However, teachers bidders on Sept. The project will - watering a lawn, completed in mid-2019,expected 25 won’t parbe built using new grass, or will be ticipate in any extracurricu quest for qualificationregarding a re- located in Aboyne, trees; between Elora and Infrastructure Ontario’s alternative lar activities on Wednesdays consortium to design, s (RFQ) for a Fergus. The new - kids at home for , even if there is building will be de- financing and procurement (AFP) summer vacasomething scheduled nance a new hospital build and fi- signed to accommoda delivery model, a tion or guests; for that day. public-private partte 45 beds and “No after-school practices, existing Groves hospitalto replace the allow for possible nership water that softener issues; transfers risks associated expansion. The curin nothing,� Barbour said rent Groves hospital with designing, constructing The RFQ was issued Fergus. - outside tap or garden and of what union operates with 42 on Sept. 17. hose. and fiofficials have Patrick Raftis beds. nancing a building In June, Stantec Architecture The reportbyalso dubbed “Wynne to the private secprovides advice in again.� MAPLETON Wednesdays.� was chosen to lead the tor. Infrastructure and instructions While acknowledg - Council has was happening planning, design Ontario and the ing the slight She said help residents directed the to She explained those and compliance township’s determine bylaw culverts could the ditches and girl I know nothing‘I’m a city from where process to replace increase in beds, Quenneville said Ministry of Health and Long-Term days “are a leaks may officer way to ... focus on normally handle about that be Groves hospital, but “the idea is to make Care are working coming. concerns Priortotoinvestigate what’s really im- I have no money the implementa more appropriate with Groves hosfrom Kumpville portant and that is to do anytion typical rain fall levels, “but cost for that work may finding out the use of space and pital to build a replacement of metered Drive West (the) billing the town thing.’� expand services.� take some time. residents had that will students and ... we’re education of been only if they’re free of mud.� about remain publicly owned, monitoring Wellington Health RFQ submissions flooding usage and mud not going to do Pehlke said GRCA will Pehlke said the Care Alliance to notifying controlled and their officials president and CEO residents have suggested tomersonto shortlist project teams be reviewed accountable. fromcusof leaks orproperties a have been told Continued on page Jerome Quennevneighbourin with the deit would help 43 gpotential the concern leave farm. problems ille explained Stantec sign in their Brad Duguid, Minister systems. didn’t meet the a portion of the field to was brought in well and construction experience, as Kathy of Ecotownship’s losnomic Developmen and Roger requirement as the qualified personnel In Hartung the case ofPehlke the customer t, Employment s for a property ing the topsoil fallow, and there and fiattended with the $800 leaking the Sept. may be a grant 8 toilet, Metzger Continued on page meeting to provide available for said, standards complaint. 28 information tree planting on the “We Continued on page on the issue. property 28 afford just know we can’t “The cost of putting to be digging ditches A letter from Pehlke land Inserted and every week into fallow is a Hartung states that and cleaning up lot topsoil ero- mud with than losing all that cheaper that comes from a sion regularly washes topsoil,� neigh- observed down the bouring this week’s Mayor hill from a farm by Mike Robinson property,� Neil Driscoll. she said. their “Right now three terms of council. ELORA - As Centre PARTNE property “filling upbehind Councillor Marlene wellington Wellington Ottens lot of feet we don’t have a our RS council moves into sulting provided excerpts “As each new term and culverts, washing ditches asked “was there a change to stand on that we advert the final stages of council from in out iser emails beour could do of approving its strategic gins, council and ... what the farmer had road and, as a result, staff review the key on the plan, most of which spoke well been doing farmer.� anything with that plan, ques- priorities flooding on that tions have been raised of the tone and content basements and garages.� field this year?� and initiatives that FALL EDITION about whether the 2015 of the draft will guide plan. Driscoll suggested or not the plan addresses Pehlke said the problem municipalities work Pehlke told council, the citiconcerns of coming plan for the residents. The report noted the dug out our ditches “We’ve the land is rented out and is zens continue to work with four years,� Goldie Nestle Waters with trac- worked said. not proposal for a commercial As council reviewed In tors and backhoes by the owner. Pehlke the GRCA toward a solution. the matter on tives July, draft priorities and initia- ing at water-takMeanwhile council Sept. 21, councillor site, which had not expense only to have our own told council, “Her answer were presented to directed Mary Lloyd excouncil as in- the arisen earlier in them fill us (was) to staff to have pressed appreciation formation. Based on process, turned into the bylaw officer she wasn’t aware to those who profinal input, Goldthis investigate. vided comments on ie noted the township cussion in the majority a topic of disthe plan and noted consultant will of the feedback would be preparing a final “The emails convey comments. be considered by “council priorities a significant councillors. and initiatives 2015-18� concern and an expectation document for cil that counapproval at the Sept. In his report to council will take a position 28 council meetCAO Andy ing. Goldie noted Centre states the Winegards’ in the matter,� Wellington report. has prepared a strategic A report from consultants Other public comments plan for the past make sugBill and Brynn Winegard by Patrick Raftis of Winegard Con- gestions related to initiatives already events that result DRAYTON The New - A smoke in excess to sanitary Continued on page test- water being 29 ing program inGROVES drains. CENTRE WELLIN delivered to the sanitary Public works director GTON | PUSLINC here identified some sewers wastewater lagoon system, Brad H | MAPLETON sources affecting McRoberts reported of stormwater infiltration, capacity. | GUELPH ERAMO at the but Sept. 8 council The program involved generally indicated SA | ERIN | MINTO meeting the using testing “did the | WELLINGTON is in fairly good shape. system smoke machines or canisters identify some disto charges� from generate non-toxic, In June,NORTH service laterals. Mapleton council odourless “We’ll have some and non-staining smoke awarded a contract converfor to smoke testing services provide testing. The perimeter of the sations with some property each to Cole residence Engineering Group or commercial build- owners,� he stated. Limited for ing However, he noted, was inspected, front $15,500 plus HST. the testand ing did not back, for sources of reveal a great deal The action was a smoke. response of infiltration in the The roofs of each to the discovery system. building of “Based on the smoke flows during peak excess were visually inspected testfor evirun-off dence of roof drains connected ing, our system is in pretty good shape,� he stated.
Groves, Infrastructur e possible bidders for Ontario seek hospital project
Mud flooding dam aging properties; bylaw officer told to investigate
Residents concerne d report does not address community’s small-town feel
in Health
A message from Groves Foundation
Testing shows illeg al hookups not major source of excess water
Message from the Executive Message Director from the . ................................ C.E.O . ................................ Digital Mammography .................2 Approved ................................ IO Timeline Update ................................ NGH Site for NGH ......2 Photo Project ..............................3 Recent Photos ................................ ................................ Feature Profile: ................................ ................................ .................3 Donor Profile: Speech Language ................................ .....................3 Pathology Share in ........... 4 Q & A with Our Story and Program GHVA ................................ ........................65 Groundbreaking Volunteers ..........................6 Ceremony ................................ Donor Card ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .7 ................................ Contact ...8 Us: ............................8 235 Union Street East, 519.843.2010 Fergus ON N1M 1W3 ext. 3268 info@grovesfoundat
Official Media
Sponsor We would com like to thank As the official The Wellington media sponsor Advertiser their time, for their for the New talent and Groves Hospital ongoing partnership expertise and we are with us. Campaign, extremely their staff grateful for has donated their support.
Caring for
Today. Growing for Tomorrow. Close to home. Far from Ordinary.
Portions of local walk ing trail to be closed durin g river dredging
35th Terry Fox Run raises
over $24,000
A total of 194 participants raised more than Drayton on Sept. 20, $24,000 at the 35th with anniversary Terry event started as volunteersdonations still coming in. TOP: Fox Run in Louise Ellis, run coordinator, cut the ribbon. From Marilyn Riff, Linda gets the left: Ellis, Dickieson, Krysten Franklin, Mary Downey,Meagan Moore, Theresa Scholten, MIDDLE LEFT: Mary Lou course. MIDDLE RIGHT: Fletcher (with Austin), Martin Tamlin Carol Williams and Dale Franklin. away in 1985 of cancer. Norma Watson, 92, walked in memoryand Lori Albrecht walked the 10km of her husband, Jack, ABOVE: Four generations in the Terry Fox Run who passed of the Mensinga family this year, including walked, ran and biked who have participated Steve and Jackie and daughters Jessica still welcome (to be for the last 11 years. Online giving continues and Stephanie, directed to Ellis). To and corporate donations a participant� then are “support a community donate online visit (click on “sponsor Ellis at 519-638-212 run�). For more information 0. More coverage on or to donate in person pages 4 and 6. call photos by Amanda Belec Newton
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DRAYTON - The Grand access by River Conservatio work equipment and n Authority’s for of the dyke,� the public (GRCA) rehabilitatio n of the be placed safety. Barriers will in a press release. GRCA stated 500-metre section at both ends of the of the Con- trail. “The work will provide estogo River in Drayton rewas to duction of nuisance The work will be begin this week. flooding carried levels in out in two phases: the upstream portions The GRCA said upstream the work and then must be carried downstream of Main of the town.� out Ecosystem Recovery period of low flow during a Street. The work upstream Inc. in of developed the which may affect the river, Main Street will be accessed design the timing through der for the project, and tenand total duration the fire hall parking which will of ect. It is expected the proj- lot, while the work downstream be carried out entirely out of the project will the “wetted low flow be accessed via the will be completed portion� end by mid to Mill of of the river channel, Street. late October. due to the presence of The rehabilitation The GRCA board project which are rainbow mussels, award- will consist ed the contract for protected as an enof the removal through a tender the work coarse sediments that have of dangered species at risk under process to cumulated acR&M Construction along the channel, both federal and provincial leg, islation. amount of $258,431, in the and removal of trees along at its Aug. dyke. the Funding for this project 28 meeting. The trees to be has are primarily Manitobaremoved been included in the During the construction GRCA’s maple, water control pe- many of which riod, the section of structures mainwere damaged the trail that in the tenance budgets, and runs along the Conestogo ice storm in 2014. the provRiver ince will “The from Main Street to Mill Street necessaryremoval of the trees is through match the funding its Water and Erosion will be closed to the to ensure the maintepublic for nance and continued function Control Infrastructure (WECI) program.
Weekly Wag The biggest challenge is whatever I’m doing today. - Mike Babcock -
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1980s - 2005 The little gingerbread brick house in downtown Fergus, currently VanGaliâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, served as our office for a period of great transition. Compugraphic photo-typesetting and cutting and pasting by hand were replaced by desktop publishing, which ultimately led to full-page pagination. The advent of the internet made it possible to send files in minutes, saving the weekly three-hour round trip to Hamilton to deliver a box of physical layout pages to the press.
The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, October 2, 2015 PAGE TWENTY ONE
97% of respondents are satisfied with the delivery of the wellington advertiser Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a lot of glossy products out there, particularly flyers, magazines and flyer booklets - the majority of which are printed on virgin material.
150 Foot Carriers Deliver to 215 different routes
At the very best, they may have some recycled content, but it is fractional. All of that material gets fed into recycled newsprint.
Meanwhile ... We are green. The newspaper always has been recycled and continues to be recycled. In fact, we pay fees with ads to help offset the cost of recycling in Wellington. The net cost for pickup is roughly
$90,000 per year and the newspapers pay half of that in in-kind advertising.
Pictured above are Centre Wellington carriers: Noelle, Brooklyn and Scott Morris.
3 vans delivering to rural drivers and foot carriers cover Fergus, Guelph, Elora; Arthur, Conn, Mount Forest, Belwood, Erin and Hillsburgh; Alma, Harriston, Clifford, Listowel, Palmerston, Moorefield, Drayton and Rockwood areas.
our drivers cover over 4,000 km each week
of readers will read a particular issue 3 or more times. Readers will keep a copy of The Wellington Advertiser for 3.7 days
Eventually, after being well read, The Wellington Advertiser will end up in the recycling bin and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re okay with that!
19 Rural drivers deliver to 42 different rural routes THE
Volume 48 Issue 39
Drayton, Ontario
Friday, Septemb er 25, 2015
1 Year GIC - 1.99% 3 Year GIC - 2.21% 5 Year GIC - 2.30% Daily Interes t 1.00%
Mud flooding dama ging properties; bylaw officer told to investigate
by Patrick Raftis in again.â&#x20AC;? MAPLETON - Council has was happening She said directed the townshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bylaw culverts could the ditches and girl I know nothingâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a city officer to investigate normally handle about that concerns typical - I have no money from Kumpville rain fall levels, to do anyDrive West only â&#x20AC;&#x153;but thing.â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re free of mud.â&#x20AC;? residents about mud Pehlke said GRCA Pehlke onto their properties flooding officials from a have been said the residents have suggested neighbouring farm. it would help to told the concern leave a portion of didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t meet Kathy Pehlke and the field losRoger requirements the townshipâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ing the topsoil Hartung attended fallow, and there for a property the Sept. 8 standards may be a grant meeting to provide complaint. available for information tree planting on the â&#x20AC;&#x153;We just know on the issue. property â&#x20AC;&#x153;The cost afford to be diggingwe canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t A letter from Pehlke ditches into fallow of putting land and every week Hartung states that is a lot and cleaning up topsoil ero- mud than losing all that cheaper that comes from a sion regularly washes topsoil,â&#x20AC;? neigh- observed down the bouring Mayor Neil Driscoll. hill from a farm property,â&#x20AC;? she said. behind their â&#x20AC;&#x153;Right now Councillor Marlene property â&#x20AC;&#x153;filling up Ottens lot of feet we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a our ditches asked and culverts, washing to stand â&#x20AC;&#x153;was there a change in could do anything on that we road and, as a result, out our what the farmer had been with that doing farmer.â&#x20AC;? flooding on that basements and garages.â&#x20AC;? field this year?â&#x20AC;? Driscoll suggested Pehlke said the problem Pehlke told council, the citidug out our ditches â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve the land is rented out and is zens continue to work with with trac- worked not tors and backhoes by the owner. Pehlke the GRCA toward a solution. at Meanwhile council expense only to have our own told council, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Her answer directed them fill us (was) to staff to have the bylaw officer she wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t aware this investigate.
17 Mail room/distribution employees handle anywhere from
250,000 to 600,000 flyers and papers per week, depending on the shopping season.
Volume 48 Issue 39
ETFO escalates job action
Friday, September
events that result
in by Patrick Raftis water being delivered excess to sanitary drains. to the MINTO - Many Public wastewater lagoon local residents system, McRobertsworks director Brad are finding a lot affecting capacity. of their money is reported at the going down the drain, Sept. 8 council The program involved meeting the using testing their first bills under after receiving smoke machines or is in fairly canisters to chargesâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x153;did identify some disthe Talks broke down In June,good shape. generate non-toxic, metered water system. townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new from service laterals. betweenMapleton odourless the council union, the province awarded â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll have some CAO Bill White contract to provide and non-staining smoke for the sations converand the aOntario testing. The perimeter Public School Board with some property smoke testing council on Sept. 15 advised Minto services to Cole Association the town office residence or commercialof each owners,â&#x20AC;? he stated. (OPSBA) on Sept. Engineering has received about Group Limited for build11. eight calls a day However, he noted, ing was inspected, $15,500 plus HST. One week later, the the testsince water bills for front and ing did ETFO, back, not the which for reveal a great deal July/August sources of smoke. represents more than The action was a response period came out in of infiltration in the 76,000 elemenThe roofs of each Harriston system. tary school teachers to the discovery building of excess were Water foreman Wayne recently. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Based across the provpeak run-off dencevisually inspected for evi- ing, our on the smoke testince, announced it flows during and pubic works director Metzger system is would of roof drains connected three of its work-to-rule begin phase good shape,â&#x20AC;? he pretty sen provided a presentationBrian Hanjob of a pamUpper Grand ETFO action. phlet being mailed to all residents to Gundi Barbour explained president help them get a handle that in addition to phase one ation. The information on the situand is also availtions, elementary teacherstwo condiable on the townâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s will not: website. - communicate electronical The water meter awareness DRAYTON ly or report by phone with their - The Grand access provides extreme examples administrator exby work equipment cept during certain River Conservation Authorityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for racked up by customers of bills public safety. Barriers and of the dyke,â&#x20AC;? the GRCA stated (GRCA) rehabilitation emergency situasince the will in a press release. tions; of the be placed user-pay system began, 500-metre section at both ends of the of the Con- trail. including: - update class websites â&#x20AC;&#x153;The work will provide estogo River in Drayton - one customer had reor blogs; a leaky toilet was to duction of nuisance - complete comments The work will be begin this week. and ended up with flooding carried levels in on progress a bill of $786 for out reports (but they The GRCA two months; said the work and in two phases: upstream of the the upstream portions will submit a nontown.â&#x20AC;? electronic version must downstream of Main be carried Ready to ride then - another customer out during of student a Street.- Ted Ecosystem Recovery grades who filled a right, was on hand The Forrest, of low work upstream to their administratoperiod Industries. flow swimming Inc. in at the of developed the ErinStreet river, Main pool and r); Optimist Terry which the Erin design member John may affect the dustries willClub and Fox be accessed - do additional work ten-Run on Sept. 20 with a custom with a water softener had a problem Ferguson timing made der for available demonstrate through A total of 194 participants the project, and total during bicycle owned by Arc the fireforhall d how to use the passenger anyone prep of duration which will time; and not able parking raised more than projmonthly bill for $403; received a bi$10,000 be to do the carried lot, while Drayton on Sept. 20, for cancer ect. It is expected theover seat on the bicycle $24,000 at the 35th outrun on their the work entirely research. downstream the outown. with of The Erin event attracted the project will anniversary Terry Arc In- fill â&#x20AC;&#x153;wetted event started as volunteersdonations still coming in. TOP: forin absent - simply filing a swimming willteachers, Fox in 106 participants and Run be completed Louise Ellis, run coordinator, with by mid to Mill be accessed via the end of of the river low flow portionâ&#x20AC;? cut the ribbon. From the exception raised pool Marilyn Riff, Linda was enough to boost Street. late October. channel, due to the gets theof occasional left: Ellis, Dickieson, Krysten photo by Patrick Raftis teachers another custompresence of hired asScholten, Franklin, Mary Downey,Meagan Moore, Theresa MIDDLE LEFT: Mary The rehabilitation a replacement. The GRCA board erâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bill to $506 for Lou project which are rainbow mussels, two months; and award- will consist course. MIDDLE RIGHT: Fletcher (with Austin), Martin Tamlin Carol Williams and Dale â&#x20AC;&#x153;Students ed the contract for protected as an enFranklin. of the removal - a regularly-flushing will not be the work coarse walked away in 1985 of cancer. Norma Watson, 92, walked in memoryand Lori AlbrechtBarbour urinal systhroughimpacted,â&#x20AC;? sediments that have of dangered species at risk under 10km a tender process tem was costing of her husband, Jack, thesaid. ABOVE: Four generations ac- both federal to cumulated another customer in the Terry Fox Run who passed R&M Construction, and provincial legof the Mensinga family â&#x20AC;&#x153;Teachers $702 bi-monthly for this year, including are going to be in the and removalalong the channel, islation. walked, ran and biked who have participated Steve and Jackie and urinals in their of $258,431, of trees along the classrooms, theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re amount daughters Jessica at its Aug. dyke. The report lists several alone. going Funding still welcome (to be for the last 11 years. Online giving continues and Stephanie, to 28 The for do meeting. this trees all of project has to be removed potential their instruction duties directed to Ellis). To and corporate causes for high water been included in a participantâ&#x20AC;? then donations are with students, During the bills, including: the construction pe- are primarily Manitoba maple, â&#x20AC;&#x153;support a community donate online visit theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll water control structuresGRCAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (click on continue - leaky toilets many Ellis at 519-638-2120 runâ&#x20AC;?). For more information by Mike riod, thevoluntary of which â&#x20AC;&#x153;sponsor to provide Robinson section of the trail were damaged a continuously main. extracurricu More coverage on or that to tenance donate to running toilet can FERGUS in the-ice draw in person lar budgets, up specification pages 4 and 6. storm in 2014. along and the provcallstuff,runs so you Infrastructur thehave Conestogo River still waste up to 757 s for the new nancial photos by Amanda e Ontario ince yourBelec will while and Grovesâ&#x20AC;&#x153;The clubs facility, litres a day; from Main Street match the and your removal of the trees Newton capacity, to deliver the current Memorial fundingRFQ goingto Mill Street necessary is through Community a project of is for this size and on and the only will teams its Water the bidders - dripping faucet officials to ensure whoand other be closed to the Hospital the mainte- Control complexity. willErosion construct the actaken the first tual building. nance andhave Infrastructure be, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not going thing might public stepforin selecting can waste 75 litres - a faucet drip Those teams will (WECI) function to participate a continued team a day or more; be invited to rein things like the new hospital in Aboyne. to deliver a program. spond to a request The new Groves - filling or topping barbecue or those Memorial Comfor up a swimming Main St. W. kinds of things. â&#x20AC;&#x153; munity pected to be released proposals, expool; They will meet with mid-2016. prospective to be Hospital, which is expected Palmerston However, teachers bidders on Sept. The project will - watering a lawn, completed in mid-2019, 25 wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t parbe built using new grass, or will be Infrastructur a re- located in ticipate in any extracurricu quest for qualificationregarding trees; '5$ '5$<72 '5$<7 Aboyne, between e Ontarioâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s alternative 21672 16725$*( FR lar activities on Wednesdays consortium to design, s (RFQ) for a Fergus. 5$*( F RP P Elora and financing and procuremen - kids at home for ,challenge even if there is The new building summer vacawill be de- delivery t (AFP) The biggest TIMES: Friday and something nance a new hospital build and fi- signed tion or guests; scheduled for that to Saturday accommoda model, 8pm a public-private partte 45 beds and and ,QGLYLGXD the allow â&#x20AC;&#x153;No after-school Individua Check out our website Sunday 7pm. Rated 14A & 99 mins. today.existing Groves hospitaltoin replace - water softener issues; for possible doingday. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m practices, lO 6WRUDJH Storage is whatever 8QLWV expansion. The cur- nership that transfers risks associated [ [ itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s now moblie friendly!! Units noth [ [ ing,â&#x20AC;? Barbour said 5x10 10x10 rent with designing, constructing The RFQ was issued Fergus. Groves - outside tap or garden and For more info call 519-343-3640 10x15 hospital of what union operates 10x20 6HDVRQD on Sept. Babcock hose. Mike with and 17. officials have O 42 nancing a building or visit www.norganth fibeds. In June, Stantec Architecture The report also provides ERDWV FDUV 59 dubbed â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wynne to the private secV ODZQ WUDFWRUV advice Wednesdays.â&#x20AC;? was Seasonal chosen to lead the VXPPHU ZLQWHU tor. Infrastructure and instructions While acknowledg boats, cars, RVs, WLUH VWRUDJH planning, design to help residents Ontario and the ing the slight lawn tractors, She explained those and compliance increase Ministry determine in beds, Quenneville of Health from where summer/winter tire storage process to replace days â&#x20AC;&#x153;are a way to ... focus on said Care are working and Long-Term Groves hospital, but â&#x20AC;&#x153;the idea is to make coming. Prior to the leaks may be whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really immore appropriate with Groves hosimplementation portant and that is cost for that work may finding out the use of space and pital to build a replacement of metered billing (the) expand services.â&#x20AC;? the town had been take some time. that will students and ... weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re education of remain publicly owned, monitoring usage Wellington Health RFQ submissions not going to do and notifying cuswill Care Alliance to controlled and president and CEO tomers of leaks or shortlist project teams be reviewed accountable. Continued on page Jerome Quennevpotential problems with the de43 ille explained Stantec sign in their systems. Brad Duguid, Minister was brought in well and construction experience, as of Economic Developmen as the qualified personnel In the case of the t, Employment customer with and fithe $800 leaking toilet, Metzger said, Continued on page 28 Continued on page 28
Portions of local walk ing trail to be closed durin g river dredging
35th Terry Fox Run raises
over $24,000
Groves, Infrastructur e possible bidders for Ontario seek hospital project
Weekly Wag
Residents concerne d report does not address communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s small-town feel
by Mike Robinson three terms of council. ELORA - As Centre Wellington council moves into â&#x20AC;&#x153;As each new term the of council beof approving its strategic final stages gins, council and staff review the key plan, ques- priorities tions have been raised and initiatives that about whether the will guide or not the plan addresses municipalities work concerns of coming plan for the residents. four years,â&#x20AC;? Goldie said. As council reviewed In the matter on tives July, draft priorities and initiaSept. 21, councillor were presented to Mary Lloyd excouncil as inpressed appreciation formation. Based on to those who profinal input, Goldvided comments on ie noted the township the plan and noted consultant will the feedback would be preparing a final be considered by â&#x20AC;&#x153;council priorities councillors. and initiatives 2015-18â&#x20AC;? document for approval at the Sept. In his report to council 28 council CAO Andy meetGoldie noted Centre ing. prepared a strategic Wellington has A report from consultants plan for the past Bill and Brynn Winegard of Winegard Con-
sulting provided excerpts from emails on the plan, most of which of the tone and content spoke well of the draft plan. The report noted the Nestle Waters proposal for a commercial water-taking site, which had not arisen earlier in the process, turned into cussion in the majority a topic of disof â&#x20AC;&#x153;The emails convey comments. a significant concern and an expectation that council will take a position states the Winegardsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; in the matter,â&#x20AC;? report. Other public comments make suggestions related to initiatives already Continued on page 29
Inserted with this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wellington advertiser ...
TNERS in He alth
A message from Groves Foundation
Message from the Executive Message Director from the . ................................ C.E.O . ................................ Digital Mammography .................2 Approved ................................ IO Timeline Update ................................ NGH Site for NGH ......2 ...... Photo Project ..............................3 Recent Photos ................................ ................................ Feature Profile: ................................ ................................ .................3 .....................3 Donor Profile: Speech Language ................................ ..................... Pathology Share in ........... 4 Q & A with Our Story and Program GHVA ................................ ........................65 Groundbreaking Volunteers ..........................6 Ceremony ................................ Donor Card ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .7 ................................ Contact ...8 Us: ............................ ............................8 235 Union Street East, 519.843.2010 Fergus ON N1M 1W3 ext. 3268 info@grovesfoundat
Official Media
We would com like to thank As the official The Wellington media sponsor Advertiser their time, for their for the New talent and Groves Hospital ongoing partnership expertise and we are with us. Campaign, extremely their staff grateful for has donated their support.
Caring for
Today. Growing for Tomorrow. Close to home. Far from Ordinary.
2005 - present In 2005 The Wellington Advertiser moved to its current location at the corner of Gordon and Gartshore in Fergus. The new building offered space to build, sort, store and package the weekly paper and house the growing number of flyers, staff and vehicles in the delivery fleet. Fergus Printing moved to our location in 2012 and we have just recently expanded our current location to provide much needed space to our mail room facility.
25, 2015
Town flooded with calls about large water bills
One-day strikes Testing shows illeg al hook could benot next major source of exce ups ss water
by Jaime Myslik WELLINGTON COUNTY by Patrick Raftis - The Elementary Teachers DRAYTON - A smoke testof program in sanitary Ontario (ETFO) ingFederation sewers has ramped up its identified work-to-rule job here some sources action once again, infiltration, but with the possibility of stormwater ofgenerally indicated the system strikes in October. rolling one-day
PAGE TWENTY TWO The Wellington Advertiser, Friday, October 2, 2015
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Message from the Executive Director . .................................................2 Message from the C.E.O . ......................................................................2 Digital Mammography Update ..............................................................3 Approved IO Timeline for NGH Project .................................................3 NGH Site Photo .....................................................................................3 Recent Photos ........................................................................... 4 and 5 Feature Profile: Speech Language Pathology Program ........................6 Donor Profile: Share in Our Story ..........................................................6 Q & A with GHVA Volunteeers ...............................................................7 Groundbreaking Ceremony ...................................................................8 Donor Card ............................................................................................8
Business Listings, Community Resources, Events, Information and more
Contact Us: 235 Union Street East, Fergus ON N1M 1W3 519.843.2010 ext. 3268 Official Media Sponsor We would like to thank The Wellington Advertiser for their ongoing partnership with us. As the official media sponsor for the New Groves Hospital Campaign, their staff has donated their time, talent and expertise and we are extremely grateful for their support.
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2015-05-29 11:58 AM
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