Introduction to Subjects
In addition to the core subjects, Wellington students are offered a range of Options subjects from which they choose three. Not all combinations of Options subjects are possible, but we do our utmost to accommodate student preferences.We do also work closely with students to support and guide their choices to ensure their programme of study is suited to the skills and ambitions of each individual student.
We encourage students to be reflective and curious, to follow a broad and balanced range of Options in order to keep doors open for the future whilst pursuing the subjects that suit their strengths and interests.
Useful Links :
The national curriculum in England
How important are GCSE choices when it comes to university?
How important are GCSE grades?
University and CollegesAdmissions Service
The significance of GCSE/A Levels for applications to US or UK universities
IGCSE Subjects* (students typically choose up to 3)
Art and Design Business Studies
Computer Science
Design and Technology Drama
Economics French Geography History Mandarin
Foreign Language
as a
Education Spanish
Music Physical
Art and Design
Reasons to studyArt and Design:
The study ofArt and Design appeals to learners who enjoy coming up with ideas,engaging in practical work,experimenting with materials and solving problems.As well as gaining a broad range of technical skills,students will gain aesthetic awareness,develop their visual literacy and learn to effectively organise,present and communicateideas visually.The emphasis placed on exploration and personal perspective will stimulate students' imagination,whilst developing their independence and abilities to think critically, conceptually and creatively.
Thinking creatively is an important transferable skill that is relevant to all aspects of life.Creativity0allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation.It broadens our perspectives and can help us overcome challenges.AnArts education can give students the foundation for hundreds of possible careers,as most industries require creative people who can think outside of the box and communicatevisually,in our ever-growing visual world.
How will I be assessed?
Students will take two components,each worth 50% of the final mark.
Component I: Coursework
Studentsresearch,develop and realisea project in response to a chosen theme.
There are two parts to the coursework:
-a portfolio (8 sheets ofA2) and
-a final outcome
Component 2: Externally SetAssignment
Studentsresearch,develop and realisea project in response to a theme set externally.
There are two parts to the assignment:
- supportingstudies (4 sheets ofA2) and
-a final outcome,produced during a supervised test of 8 hours' total duration.
Where can Ifind more information?
!GCSEArt and Design Specification:Art and DesignSpecification Head of Department: Duna Carbonell (
Reasons to study IGCSE Biology:
Science is a core subject at IGCSE and is therefore compulsory for all students.Through studying Biology you will gain a bank of important scientific skills that can be used acrossmany different subjects as well as gain an appreciation for the living world and our place in it.
How will I be assessed?
Students will sit two externally assessed written papers at the end of the two-year course.All teaching units will contain elements of theory as well as practical (laboratory) work.Core practicals are integrated into the content and are examined as part of the written examinations.
Paper I - 61.1% of total IGCSE, 2 hours
Paper 2 - 38.9% of total IGCSE, I hour 15 minutes
Where can I find more information?
IGCSE Biology (9-1) Specification: Biology Specification 2017 Head of Department: Kate Salisbury (
Business Studies
Reasons to study Business
The Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Business qualification enables students to foster an interest in and enthusiasm for the study of business.Students will build an understanding of business concepts,terminology,objectives and business activity. Students will learn important critical-thinking and enquiry skills to distinguish between facts and opinion,calculating,interpreting and evaluating business data,to help them build arguments and make informed judgements.
Students will also glean an understanding of the dynamics of business activity and the related considerations of ethics and sustainability for global businesses.
International GCSEs enable successful progression toA level qualifications in business and other subjects.
How will I be assessed?
This course is a linear,two-year qualification.There are two equally weighted exam papers which have a consistent approach and assessment structure. Both papers are 90 minutes long and are worth 80 marks each.
•Paper I will draw on the full content of the specification in a small business context.
•Paper 2 will assess the full content of the specification in a large business context.
Where can I find more information?
Pearson Edexcel Business !GCSE (9-1)
Head of Department:Joel Holliday (
Reasons to study Chemistry
Science is a core subject at IGCSE and is therefore compulsory for all students.Through studying Chemistry you will gain a bank of important scientific skills that can be used across many different subjects as well as an understanding of the building blocks of our world.
Everything you touch,wear,eat or drink is the result of a chemical process.Mathematical skills are key aspect of the study of chemistry.
How will I be assessed?
Students will sit two externally assess written papers,both containing a mixture of all topics within the course.
• Paper I - 61.1% of total IGCSE, 2 hours
• Paper 2 - 38.9% of total IGCSE, I hour 15 minutes
IGCSE Chemistry and/or Double Science will be awarded on a grade scale of 9 (the highest grade) to I (the lowest grade).
Where can I find more information?
IGCSE Chemistry (9-1) Specification: Chemistry Specification 2017 Head of Department: Sally Nunes
Computer Science
Reasons to study IGCSE Computer Science
If you really enjoy Mathematics and Computing,then this is the option for you.There is an explosion in the Computer Science industry with particular demand for programmers,web developers and systems analysts.If you are looking at a career in Medicine, Business or Engineering this course is looked upon favourably by universities and will develop skills that will be useful to your future study.
How will I be assessed?
Students will sit two written papers.
• Paper I: I hour 45 minutes:Computer Systems (50% - 75 marks)
Short-answer and structured questions.Externally assessed Questions will be based onTopics 1-6 of the subject content.
• Paper 2: I hour 45 minutes:Algorithms, Programming and Logic (50% - 75 marks)
Short-answer and structured questionsand a scenario-based question.Externally assessed Questions will be based onTopics 7-10 of the subject content.
Where can I find more information?
IGCSE Computer Science
Head of Department: Fabrice Blum,
Reasons to study DesignTechnology
Learning about DesignTechnology will encourage learners to develop design and thinking skills that open up a world of possibility,giving them the tools to create the future.This qualification will excite and engage learners with contemporary topics covering the breadth of this dynamic and evolving subject.
DesignTechnology is a subject that brings learning to life,requiring learners to apply their learning to real-life situations.
How will I be assessed?
All candidates take two exams and one Project. Assessment weighting in !GCSE%
• Paper I exam
• Paper 3 exam
Product Design Resistant Materials Design Folio
Where can I find more information?
Cambridge !GCSE DesignTechnology
Head of Department: Mr.Simon Hamilton
•Project Total 100%
I hour 15mins I hour Externally moderated ( I 25% 25% 50%
Reasons to study Drama
The skills acquired in studying Drama are for life.
Public speaking,performance and persuasion are evermore relevant in the increasingly social media driven world in which we live,study and do business.
The leaders of tomorrow will be those whose voices can be heard.
How will I be assessed?
There are two parts to the assessment.
At the end of the course, there is a written exam that lasts 2 hours 30 minutes.It is worth 40% of the final marks. The other part of the assessment is Coursework,which is worth 60% of the final marks.
Candidates submit three pieces of practical work,usually during the first year and a half of their study:
• individual performance based on an extract from a play
• group performance based on an extract from a play
• group performance based on an original devised piece.
Where can I find more information?
Cambridge !GCSE Drama
Head of Department:Conor McKee (
Reasons to study Economics
The study of economics helps people comprehend the world around them.It enables people to understandpeople, businesses, markets and governments,and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change.
Economics students are well-positioned in anever-changing world because they have problem solving and analytical skills that allow them to succeed in variety of career paths.
How will I be assessed?
This course is a linear,two-year qualification.There are two equally weighted exam papers which have a consistent approach and assessment structure. Both papers are 90 minutes long and are worth 80 marks each.
• Paper I assesses the microeconomics and Business Economics syllabus.
• Paper 2 assesses the full content of macroeconomic and the global economy syllabus.
Where can I find more information?
Pearson Edexcel Economics IGCSE (9-1)
Head of Department:Joel Holliday (
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English Language
Reasons to study English Language
English Language is more than just learning how to read,write and speak in English.With an IGCSE in this subject you will demonstrate you have the ability to communicate effectively in both the spoken and written word,in addition to understanding, interpreting and analysing a range of text types.
It is possibly the most important subject you will study as the skills you will learn and develop are transferable to all your other subjects.
How will I be assessed?
You will sit two externally assessed written papers at the end of the two-year course.
• Paper I - 50% of total IGCSE,2 hours
• Paper 2- 50% of total IGCSE,2 hours
You will also be entered for the Speaking and ListeningTest. Marks for this optional component do not contribute to the overall grade students receive for the written components. Instead,certificates record achievement of grades I (high) to 5 (low).
Where can I find more information?
English Language 2024-26 Syllabus
Head of Department: Sarah Norwell
English Literature
Reasons to study English Literature
Literature is the vehiclethroughwhich we share our understandingof the human condition with our ancestors,our descendants,and ourselves.StudyingEnglish Literature deepens and widens your horizons by giving you access to the fullest range of human experiences and emotions. Along the way,you will develop an understanding of poetry,prose,and drama;a passion for stories and a love of narrative;and an insight into how some great writers succeed in affecting their readers through the written word.
How will I be assessed?
You will sit three externally assessed written papers at the end of the two-year course.
•Paper I Poetry and Prose- 50% of total IGCSE, I hour and 30 minutes
•Paper 3 Drama - 25% of total IGCSE,45 minutes
•Paper 4 Unseen -25% of total IGCSE, I hour and 15 minutes
Where can I find more information?
English Literature 2023- 25 Syllabus
Head of Department:Sarah Norwell
Reasons to study French
First and foremost,learning French is the pleasure of learning a beautiful,rich,melodious language that is often called the language of love.French is also an analytical language that structures thought and develops critical thinking,which is a valuable skill for discussions and negotiations.
Also, French is the second most widely learned foreign language after English,the fifth most widely spoken language in the world, and the second most useful language in the world of business.
Furthermore, studying French will bring you important life-skills and an enriching academic discipline.It will also broaden your horizons in terms of travel, culture and employment.
How will I be assessed?
All candidates take four papers assessing the four skills. Assessment weighting in !GCSE%
•AOI Listening25%
• AO2Reading 25%
• AO3 Speaking 25%
• AO4Writing 25% Total 100%
Where can I find more information?
Cambridge !GCSE French
Head of Department: Nathalie Findlay
Reasons to study Geography
Universities see geography as arobust academic subject rich in skills,knowledge and understanding.As a subject linking the humanities and the sciences it is highly flexible in terms of what you can combine it with,both at IGCSE andA Level.Studying geography helps usto have an awareness of a place.All places and spaces have a history behind them,shaped by humans,earth, and climate.Studying geography gives a meaning and awareness to places and spaces.
Potential job sectors associated with the study of Geography:cartographer,environmental scientist,town planner,conservation officer,education,landscape architect,geographicalinformation systems (GIS) officer,surveyor.
How will I be assessed?
Students will sit two externally assessed written exams at the end of the two-year course.Students will also sit an internally assessed but externally moderated extended essay inYear 11.
•Paper I: Structed Essays - 75 marks or 45% of total IGCSE, I hour 45 minutes.
•Paper 2:Geographical Skills - 60 marks or 27.5% of total IGCSE, I hour 30 minutes.
• Component 3:Assignment - 60 marks or 27.5% of total IGCSE.
Where can I find more information?
IGCSE Geography (0460):Geography Specification
Head of Department:Stewart Findlay
Reasons to study History
History is far more than learning about dates,facts and events,it shapes the world around us and how we interact with it. History has made our world what it is and history can also be a key part of your future.Choose history if you enjoy problem solving,analysis,learning about the past and creating links through the idea of cause and consequence.
Potential job sectors associated with the study of History: law,journalism,politics,archivist,teaching,author,further education, librarian,business,curator,economist,analysist.
How will I be assessed?
Students will sit two externally assessed written exams at the end of the two-yearcourse.Students will also sit an internally assessed but externally moderated extended essay inYear II.
• Paper I:Structed Essays - 60 marks or 40% of total IGCSE, 2 hours.
• Paper 2:Source Based Questions-40 marks or 30% of total IGCSE, I hour 45 minutes.
• Component 3:Extended Essay -40 marks or 30% of total IGCSE.
Where can I find more information?
IGCSE History (0470) : History Specification
Head of Department:Stewart Findlay (
Reasons to study Mandarin Chinese-Foreign Language
If you have an interest in the culture and society of countries and communities where Chinese is spoken.This subject develops awareness of the nature of language and language learning,encourage positive attitudes towards speakers of other languages and a sympathetic approach to other cultures,provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation,develop transferable skills to complement other areas of the curriculum,form a sound base of the skills,language and attitudes required for progression to work or further study,either in Chinese or another subject area.
How will I be assessed?
All candidates take all four papers.
• Paper I -Listening , 30 marks, 25% (Approximately 40 minutes)
• Paper 2 - Reading, 40 marks, 25% (I hour 15 minutes)
• Paper 3 - Speaking , 40 marks, 25%(Approximately IO minutes)
• Paper 4 -Writing , 45 marks, 25% (I hour 15 minutes)
Where can I find more information?
IGCSE Mandarin Chinese-Foreign Language 0547
Head of
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Mathematics (Extended Mathematics)
Reasons to study Mathematics
There are several reasons why we study mathematics.Mathematics has its place in many industries and subjects.It impacts real world problems- as well as the solutions to those problems.From everyday tasks such as counting and shopping, to more detailed mathematical problems such as interpreting data,we use maths everywhere to understand the world in which we live. Itenables learners to contribute to the future advancementsof many industries.
Whether or not you choose to pursue a career in mathematics or in another industry entirely,the subject will be of value in any number of careers and situations.
How will I be assessed?
Extended Maths candidates sit two examination paper (Paper 2 and Paper 4).
• Paper 2.No calculator.2 hours. I00 marks total.Worth 50% of the overall IGCSE Grade.
• Paper 4.A scientific calculator is required. I00 marks total.Worth 50% of the overall !GCSE Grade.
Where can I find more information?
!GCSE Mathematics
ChrisWalton, Head of Mathematics :
Mathematics (Additional Mathematics)
Where can I find more information?
Mathematics (Additional Mathematics)
ChrisWalton, Head of Mathematics
Reasons to study Music
Studying Music can give you the magical mix of social,technical and business skills,which can all help in acquiring the seven skills that define employability.While some of these skills are acquired by students of all subjects,for example,teamwork,good communication and self-management,music students have an edge.
In the words ofAlbert Einstein, well known for his love of music:''The greatest scientists are artists as well".Music is part art, part science. Music is history,it is math,it is language.Which meansit will help you buildyou�problem solving,research,planning, analyticall8land�ritical thinkingl8lskills,as well as develop your creativity.Not to mention discipline,composure under pressure, time management,communication,team and individual working ability -all gained from practice and performing.
Most importantly,music is everywhere and in everything we do.It is our world and what makes us as people,human.
How will I be assessed?
All students will be assessed in three components.
• Listening- 40%A 75 minute written exam.
• Performance- 30% to include solo and ensemble work.
• Composition- 30% two contrasting compositions.
Where can I find more information?
!GCSE Music Syllabus : Sinead Corrigan
Reasons to study Physics
A qualification in Physics is a demonstration of the cognitive ability to solve problems. It is valued in all professional sectors at both IGCSE andA-level as it demonstrates the ability to use information and concepts in new contexts and overcome challenges which is an important and transferable skill applicable to many occupations all around the world.
Apart from technical careers such as architecture and engineering, Physics can help provide a gateway into Medicine, Law and the financial sector.
How will I be assessed?
Students will sit two externally assessed written papers at the end of the two-year course.All teaching units will contain elements of theory as well as practical (laboratory) work.Core practicals are integrated into the content and are examined as part of the written examinations.
Paper I - 61.1% of total IGCSE, 2 hours
Paper 2 - 38.9% of total IGCSE, I hour 15 minutes
Where can I find more information?
IGCSE Physics (9-1)
Head of Department: MrJamie Scammells (
Physical Education
Reasons to study PE
If you have a passion for sport and physical activity; an interest in sports science,sports psychology,technological developments, injury rehabilitation,media,sports management or any other aspect of the sporting world, PE is for you!
It is a demanding subject that covers a wide range of information.Students should expect to work hard both physically and academically.They will develop a depth of understanding that will allow them to look at sport and physical activity in a different and more progressive way.
The course also helps to establish a work ethic that will be required should they continue to study the subject atA Level.
How will I be assessed?
• WrittenExamination:50%
A Ihr 45min examination that will assess their ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical principles and apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical principles to a variety of physical activities & sports,including the analysis and evaluation of performance.
• Practical Performance:50%
Students will be assessed in four different physical activities chosen from at least two of the seven categories listed in the document linked below.
Where can I find more information?
Practical Guidelines
Head of Department: Helen Mathews;
Reasons to study Spanish
Spanish is the official language of 22countries,many of which are economically well developed.People from these countries are likely to be business associates or colleagues in your future career.Spanish is also the second most common first language across the world and the second most spoken language in USA.Knowing Spanish will seriously enhance your future CV and your travelling experience.A solid grasp of Spanish will allow you to fully experience the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries like Mexico,Colombia, Peru,Chile and Cuba.
Studying Spanish will bring you important life-skills and an enriching academic discipline.It will also broaden your horizons in terms of travel,culture and employment.
How will I be assessed?
All candidates take four papers assessing the four skills. Assessment weighting in !GCSE%
• AOI Listening 25%
• AO2 Reading 25%
• AO3 Speaking 25%
• AO4Writing 25%
Total 100%
Where can I find more information?
Cambridge !GCSE Spanish
Head of Department: Ms de Pablos
During the two years course they study the following topic areas
AreaA: Reading and DirectedWriting
Students should be able to:
• understand and convey information.
• understand,order and present facts,ideas and opinions.
• evaluate information and select what is relevant to specific purposes.
• articulate experience and express what is felt and what is imagined.
• recognise implicit meaning and attitudes.
• communicate effectively and appropriately.
Area B:ContinuousWriting
Students should be able to:
• order and present facts,ideas and opinions;
• articulate experience and express what is felt and what is imagined;
• communicate effectively and appropriately.
Area C: Usage
Students should be able to:
• exercise control of appropriate grammatical structures;
• understand and employ a range of appropriate vocabulary;
• demonstrate an awareness of the conventions of paragraphing,sentencestructure,punctuation and spelling;
• show a sense of audience and an awareness of register and style in both formal and informal situations.
Method(s) of assessment(lnternal and External and proportion of total marks)
Candidates forCambridge IGCSE First LanguageThai take two compulsory components PaperI and Paper 2.Both papers are externally assessed.
PaperI: Reading and DirectedWriting (2 hours = 50%)
Section IComprehension and Use of Language (25 marks)
Section 2 DirectedWriting (25 marks)
Paper 2:Compositions (2 hours = 50%)
Section IArgumentative/Discursive (25 marks)
Section 2Descriptive/NarrativeWriting (25 marks)
Where can I find more information?
Support materials and resources