Welcome back to our latest edition of What’supWelly?! Contents:
Thank you for joining us for our latest fun packed, festive edition! This half term, we have filled the newspaper with lots of intersting articles as well as some festive special additions! Enjoy!
ALetterfromFatherChristmas Page16
TasmanianDevils -byBonnyPage17
Swimming-ByPorsche -P18
Entertainment -Acollaboration - Page19
InfluentialPeoplethroughoutHistory-byBrian -Page7
Halloween is a holiday that is celebrated all over the world. It is celebrated on the 31st of October. On Halloween people would dress up and go trick or treating but some people may be wondering (like me) where it originates from! So this article will explain what it is.
Halloween's origins are from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts are from 2000 years back and were in the spot that Ireland is now. The UK and northern France celebrated new year on November 1 which is the end of the summer and the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter - a time of the year that is when people die. The Celts believed that on the night before new year the living and the dead's boundary was blurred On the night of October 31st they celebrated Samhain because they believed that the ghosts return to Earth. During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes that were mostly animal's body parts and told each other's fortune.
The Americans borrowed the European's traditions and started to dress up in costumes and went to houses asking "money or food?" But it later changed to the one we know - "trick or treat." Young women believed that on Halloween they could divine the appearance or the name of their future husband by doing tricks with yarn, apple pairing or mirrors In the 1800s, there was a move in America to mold Halloween into a holiday more about community and neighbourly get-togethers than about ghosts, pranks and witchcraft.
At the turn of the century, kids were allowed to go to Halloween parties and these are the most common way to celebrate Halloween
1.Vampires and Dracula. Vampires and Dracula are people who got bitten by a vampire bat. Some people believe that vampires are a hybrid of a bat and a human and they're allergic to the sun and garlic. They go around at night drinking peoples blood and turning them into a vampire too. They are from Transylvania. 2.Werewolves. Some people believe that being a werewolf runs in the family. Werewolves are a hybrid of a wolf and a human and when there is a full moon they will turn into a blood-thirsty beast which is a wolf They are from Greece and Italy
3. Zombies. Some people believe that zombies are like vampires because they are allergic to the sun. Zombies are described as “the undead” because they are dead people who come back to life so they are undead. When it is daytime, zombies will be inside their graves.
By Rollo
The story begins with a main protagonist named Matthew Buzzington. He is an ordinary high school boy, and he thinks he can turn into a fly. He is often bullied for his thoughts about turning into a fly and one day his father says he got a better job in the big city. Buzzington hates the big city and all those crowds. They are forced to go and when he arrives he meets someone called Pineapple Johnson. He is called Pineapple Johnson because he threw a pineapple at his teacher’s nose and now he is in the hospital. Johnson says “Show me something impressive that you can do and I will leave you alone otherwise I will never leave you alone and I will plant a seed in the field and when it is ripe and ready, I will throw it at your nose!”
Matthew Buzzington replied with “I can turn into a fly. Would that impress you?” “Yes!” Pineapple Johnson said Matthew tries and tries
He even says “Buzz buzz buzz, my oh my I’m gonna turn myself into a fly,” but it doesn’t work and over a year passes. Pineapple Johnson kept his word and annoyed Matthew Buzzington day after day. One day they got sent to detention together at the end of class because they made a big scene When they got there, they saw Amanda - Matthew’s
If you want to commended for anyone wh ood for dyslexic
The main protagonist is called Elphaba. The story begins with her mother cheating on her husband with a mysterious man When Elphaba was born green her mother and husband resent her and favour her sister.
15 years in the future the child gets into a school named Shiz University and Elphaba turns out to be a witch! She made things float and everybody was shocked. The headmaster of the school also possessed magical powers and pretends it was her and involves her in the school immediately. They soon attend their first magic class where they were working on levitation and soon she finds out people are taking animals voices. With that she finds out that she harnesses her power by rage and if she finds out how use her powers correctly she can be an amazing witch. If you want to find out more you have to watch the movie.
The Christmas concert was performed by the Year Five and Six. It was performed on the 3rd of December 2024 from 2pm-3:20. At first, Year 6 and 5 sang Adeste Fideles. After that, Almond performed Christmas celebrations by B.B. King. Then, Ne Ne sang Heroes and Year 6 Carroll played Jingle Bells instrumentally. Sand sang Million dreams after that. Rauf class played and sang Christmas Tears. Theelyn sang an extremely popular from Disney’s desendance titled Evil Like Me. Then, Pullman played we three kings. Tara, Year 5 Almond, played the piano. After that, Year 5 Rundell played and sang a popular rock song Run-Run Rudolph. Sea in Year 5 Rundell played the piano. Then Year 6 Zephaniah played Stop the Cavalry. Then Cherda, Year 5 Rauf, played a well-known song from all over the world on violin and that song is Cupid. After that, Year 5 Shelton (including me) played and sang a romantic song called Only You. Ananda year 6 Carroll sang The Night. Then everyone all gathered and sang God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman.
Sadly, there are so many animals that are endangered, such as mountain gorillas, koalas and giant pandas.
The giant panda is a national treasure in China, and it is endangered A detailed study of the giant panda’s genetic history from 2012 confirms that the separation of the Qinling population occurred about 300,000 years ago! There is two populations of giant pandas, one is found in the Viruunga volcanic mountains of east Africa in three National Parks, Mgahinga in and Virunga
It’s against the law to capture, hurt, or eat gorillas, but some people still do it This illegal hunting is hurting gorillas in their natural homes Gorillas are sometimes hunted on purpose, but they also get trapped by accident in snares meant for other animals. The biggest danger to gorillas, especially the western and eastern lowland ones, is poaching. It’s becoming more of a problem because new roads are being built through the forests, making it easier for hunters to find and harm the gorillas.
There were 16,300 species endangered
So many animals are already extinct. Do you want more animals to extinct? Save the animals!
Have you ever felt tired in the mornings? Have you ever been hungry during lessons? Yes? Then this is the perfect article for you! Find out how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and be happy at the same time as you read.
Eating healthy can not only keep your body physically healthy, but it can also keep you mentally healthy. Eating healthily can protect you from heart disease and keep you from getting ill so often Fruit and veg are only a small part of a healthy diet Other foods like carbohydrates, including rice and potatoes, give you energy while dairy foods, such as milk and yoghurt, keeps your bones strong. Wait, we forgot a very important food group! Can you guess what it is? That’s right! Protein! Protein foods can include pork, beef or chicken. Protein can boost your metabolism and, like dairy foods, keep your bones strong.
When you feel tired during class, it is probably because you didn’t have enough sleep from the night before. Children like us should get at least 10 hours of sleep every night and go to bed no later than 8pm. We should also avoid screens at least one hour before bedtime because screens release blue light These blue lights trick your brain into thinking it is daytime and keep you lying awake for hours on end! Some ways to ensure you have a good night’s sleep are reading books before you go to bed, listening to white music, or writing in a journal.
Exercise means using your body to do many things. If you are bored, you might as well go for a jog around your neighbourhood. You never know when you might make a new friend, meet a neighbour’s dog or even just see a new type of bird. Different types of exercise include swimming, badminton, tennis, running and football. Exercise can decrease the amount of stress and anxiety and has been scientifically proven to improve many people’s moods. They can also help you build muscle strength so you can become stronger.
•What's up, Wellys? You may have heard of Emmeline Pankhurst and Rosa Parks? Well, that's what I'm going to talk to you about today These are both special people who helped us a lot over the generations. For example, Rosa Parks helped fight against racism and supported the rights of Black people. Without these influential figures, the world and even the entire universe would be much more unfair.
Rosa Parks supported Black people in their fight against racism. In the mid-1900s, Black people were denied the same rights and freedoms as white people. For example, they had separate restrooms, schools, and offices and they were required to sit at the back of the bus. Rosa Parks did not accept this injustice. One day, she sat at the front of the bus, where only white people were allowed to sit. A white man approached her and asked her to move, but she refused. As a result, she was arrested and sent to jail for about a day Later, Rosa Parks became famous for her courageous stand and resilience.
Emmeline Pankhurst supported women's right to vote in elections many years ago. She always wanted to vote, but only men were allowed to, not women. Emmeline thought this was unfair, so she created a group called the WSPU (Women's Social and Political Union) and planned to confront the authorities One day, all the women came together and started protesting by throwing rocks at windows and burning buildings down. In fact, one of the women in the group even dropped a bomb. Emmeline was arrested seven times. Years later, she passed away in 1928, but after her death, women were allowed to vote if they were over 21. A lot of people honor Emmeline for her courage.
How did Christmas start? Well, this popular celebration started in Rome around 336 CE, but it did not become a major Christian festival until the 9th century. Traditions like Christmas trees, presents and decorations actually started later on. Christians celebrate Christmas to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ, whom they believe will save humanity from the sins. Kids love this holiday because of Father Christmas and it’s an excuse for getting more presents��. I hope you enjoy it .
How do different countries celebrate Christmas?
In Australia, the tradition is having beach parties. They also do barbecue and beach outings. In Japan, the tradition is having KFC Christmas meal (Festive meal of KFC fried chicken). In Colombia, the tradition is Noche de las Velitas which is lighting candles and lanterns. In England, the tradition is Carol singing, Midnight Church services, Pub crawls, spending time with friends and family and large fest or meal.
Before Coca-Cola decided to use his image for advertising, Santa look scary and spooky - not like the Father Christmas we know now. Later Coca-cola hired a person called Haddon Sundblom to illustrate their magazine ads. This why you don’t have Santa-theme nightmares!
By Grac
Are you joining us for this year’s Christmas Fayre? This article will tell you all about what to expect from the fayre this year.
Activities - The good infamous bouncy castle, famous for making people fall hilariously!
Christmas Market - Maybe a good snack wouldn’t hurt right? So come to the Christmas Market! Full of delicious marvellous treats, and who knows, maybe you’ll find merchandise to! If you’re lucky at least.
Hohoho! The totally not fake Santa is back, with the best tactics of all time. Take part in the catch-theSanta experience totally for free! We will not cover any accidents made from Santa! We’ll never know what he hides behind that cheeky smile of his
The rides! How could I forget about that.. Nothing is better than living you’re life is it? Well like all the folks say, you only live once, so try it now or never friends.
Treats! Enjoy the homemade pastries made by our amazing friends and colleagues. Taste the savory flavours of sweet and salty (some).
It’s yummy and totally not guilt free!
Oh! What’s that noise over there? Oh it’s the performances! Enjoy the amazing talents you might only experience once it a while. With everything you can think of - singing, dancing, or even a music performance! Enjoy the show!
Hi, you know my name right? …It’s Freya if you forgot… anyway I will be telling you about the Year 4 Kao Yai residential I will start off with last year’s residential ��
So... when we were on the bus to go there, we were separated into 8 or 9 groups. I was with my two good friends -who I won’t name - let me get on with the article!
I was sharing a room with two people and then after that, the teachers were telling all of the students their room numbers. There was floor one, floor two and floor three!!!
I was sleeping on floor two. My number was two hundred and something. (I forgot the rest). When me and my two friends were in the room, we were getting ready for the activities and we were putting on sunscreen for a while before we were done. When the teachers called us, we all left. We spent the afternoon catching grasshoppers, taking part in a scavenger hunt and we played lots of games. When we came back all sweaty, the teachers finally told us that we could shower. So me and my two besties, took turns to shower. I remember when I was showering - there was one spider in the bathroom! And I remember that the water was freezing cold When we were finished getting ready, we rested for a while and after that the teachers called for us to go for dinner and then after we slept. I couldn’t sleep at all because the air was 17 degrees and so I was very cold! Thankfully, then the teachers helped us fix the temperature.
On the second day, we went for a hike in the forest It was beautiful and we saw monkeys and other wonderful natural things. Then on the third day we just packed up and went to the bus and some of us slept in the bus. Before we slept, I think they handed out some apples!!!
It was a fun trip! THE END!!!
Phuket is a great place for you to enjoy with beaches and the fresh sun outside! There are lots of shops that sell good food and lots of fun and awesome views from the tall mountains. So visit now and don’t miss your chance!
Koh Samui is a landmark island that is a famous place where tourists usually go. The hotels there are expensive but worth it. Travelling to the island is a little challenging so be prepared if you are going .
This one is a restaurant though it is called A Ramen. Why you might ask? This one is NOT a normal restaurant - it instead gives you a test of some sort that gives you options for ingredients in your food like 5 teaspoons of garlic in your soup (NOT RECOMMENDED!) or seven teaspoons of spice in your soup (ALSO NOT RECOMMENDED!) or you can have a side with dumplings but do not confuse it with the spicy ones or you can get seaweed (this is located in Bangkok).
The Ritz-Carlton in Tokyo is a really nice hotel The rooms are super fancy, and there's an indoor pool where you can swim. They also have a spa to relax, and a café that makes yummy desserts. It's a great place to stay if you want to feel like a king or queen!
This is a five-star hotel located in Tokyo, Japan. It offers luxurious rooms with swimming pool. It offers indoor swimming pool, spas, bars and they have a café which got delicious desserts.
Grand Centre Point is a fun hotel with a space theme! It has a waterpark with lots of cool places to splash around, and a playground to play in. You can also relax at the spa or eat yummy food. It's great for families and people who like to have fun.
A newly opened as a first space theme hotel located in Pattaya, Thailand. There’s a wide range of facilities provides entertainment to adults and children. It also got waterparks which divided to 4 themes zones. It has got indoor playground, onsen and spa. It also offers business convention for meetings and conference spaces with variety of culinary selections.
The China World Hotel is big and cool! It has 584 rooms, some for special people. There are lots of restaurants and places to eat, and even a gym to exercise. It's also connected to a shopping mall, so you can buy stuff too. This hotel is awesome for big events and meetings.
This is another five-star hotel located in Beijing, China. It’s attached to world China Mall which offers 584 guest rooms which is modern and presidential rooms. The establishment offers bars and café which also got multiple dining hall, exercises studios and gym which boost hotel entertainments. It accommodates large meeting rooms and uses as a wedding reception.
I am going to tell you about new year! New year is a time when we celebrate a new year. Like next year is 2025 so when its 2025 we will celebrate with fireworks and countdowns!
This is New Year being celebrated in Japan - It’s so beautiful.
And in the UK, there are more fireworks. These are the beautiful fireworks around Ben Big.
In China, people enjoy eating elebrate the New
is is Thailand’s way to lebrate .
This is how Greenland celebrate New Year It is my favourite!
Tired of baking fails? Burnt toast? Or even food that you can’t eat because you’re a vegetarian or vegan? Well you’re in luck! Welcome to Nisha’s ultimate cooking guide!
Vegetarian/vegan snacks included!
Craving some soft banana cookies? Well I’ve got you’re back!
Banana soft cookie: Get some bananas - make sure they are ripe and fresh! Now peel them and mash then with a fork Add a pinch of salt and add some oatmeal (The ones with water) and mix! Now get a pan and lay parchment paper on top Add the batter and put them in the shapes you desire (The batter should be watery ) Bake at 150 Celsius, take it out and cool it down with a fan and you’ll get some soft cookies! Note: These cookies won’t always turn out good and they have the texture of really soft cookies that leave barely any crumbs (They will not turn out crunchy )
Perfect doggy icicle!
Get some watermelon and blend it until it turns into a purée Then pour into a popsicle mold; then freeze it (Make sure to leave a space so just pour until it’s half the mold and stick a carrot in as the stick so it is fully edible for the dog/puppy.) In the meantime, get a coconut and cut out the white flesh. Blend the flesh till it purées and add it to the same mold. (Leave a space for the green and freeze.) Now get some celery and blend till purée. Pour into the same mold and freeze until it’s fully frozen and now you have the perfect popsicle for you‘re dog!
Rice paper boba!
Soak you’re rice paper sheets in some water till it turns soft. In a pot, add brown sugar in water and bring it to a boil. When the sugar dissolves in the water, get the rice paper sheets and roll them up and cut them into little balls. Now drop the little bobas into the brown sugar and get a cup and pour fresh milk or milk tea. And viola! Here are your homemade rice paper boba milk/milk tea!
Mango sago
In a bowl add some chopped up and ripe mango and add mango milk (How to make: Blend mango with milk and add some flavoring of choice.) Now add sago and ice! (Optional) add some toppings such as extra sliced up fruit, some jelly or even popping boba!
Rice paper mochi
Soak rice paper in some water till it softens. After, roll it in some starch and put it to the side. Now, for the filling, use some red bean paste and add a strawberry in the middle. Now roll it up and enjoy. If you want ice cream mochi, it is possible! Just add an ice cream of choice and roll it up. Another type of filling is to add some sesame paste and roll it up and on top, garnish with sesame seeds and enjoy!
Machine-less ice cream
Use a long and thin plastic bag and melt some chocolate of choice and smear it all over the inside of the bag but make sure to make it hollow (Optional for creamer ice cream not popsicles ) Now freeze the bag or mold in the freezer For the actual ice cream, take some jam of choice and mix cream with it and mix until it merges into each other (For the creamy ice cream for popsicles just add juice of choice ) Put in a lolly stick and freeze for three hours Now take out and pop them out of the bag or mold and enjoy!
Pandas can weigh up to 150kg and grow up to 1.9m long. They are also good swimmers and tree climbers. Pandas have an excellent comouflage for their habitat they loooooove their bamboo. Pandas can be found in China but in Thailand they don't have many. They’re not dangerous like lions. They are very, very fat! After they eat the bamboo and leaves they like to sleep. They don't care about other Pandas - not even their kids! They are very solitary animals. Baby pandas need a lot of bamboo to grow like an adult panda. But they are kind of silly. They like to roll around a lot! Imagine you have a big panda in your house it would be amazing!
There are 1,864 panda left in the world and China is the best country to see a living panda not fake panda. Pandas like cold weather so that's why Pandas live in China. You can also go to the USA to see pandas. In Korea you can't see any pandas in zoos but you can see them in a theme park. Pandas have a birthday cake like us but not any cake it's a bamboo cake. Pandas eat nothing except bamboo. Pandas eat very fast and eat a lot. They spend about 12 hours a day doing it. Pandas are native to south-central China The typical panda grows from 1 2m to 1 9m Only about 1,500 of these black-white bears survive in the wild. Sometimes pandas are very clumsy like a clown - they roll down a hill and jump off a tree. Sometimes the adult pandas don't care about their childthey just care about eating.
Pandas are very careless. They love baboo more than anything. They need a huge truck to carry a panda.
Pandas have 6 fingers
Pandas will abandon their children if they have a twin They enjoy eating and sleeping - it is their daily life.
Dear boys and girls,
To: Father Christmas
From: Elizabeth
Hohoho! It’s nearly Christmas! The most festive season of the year! I am, as you know, remarkably busy getting presents ready for you and your little friends. I hope you are being good for your mummy and daddy! I have not received all your letters yet so please send me one. Right as we speak, my elves are preparing all your presents! Seeing as I am currently eating some mince pies, I might as well tell you a funny story from last year.
On that morning, it was two weeks before Christmas when a letter arrived late. “Father Christmas, we have a late letter from a child named Elizabeth,” one of my elves told me, just as I was getting ready to visit the reindeer. “A late letter?” I asked. “How odd.” I took a look at the envelope. It said:
Dear Father Christmas,
I have a been a very good girl this year, so it is only right if I have the best Christmas present in history I would like a real live mermaid, please Mummy says that mermaids don't exist but I know that that is not true I know you are magic, so I want you to prove my mummy wrong Yours, Elizabeth
I stared at the letter for along time. A real live mermaid? Where do you get one? I buried my face in my hands Children, I have had many tough requests over the years but this one is the most challenging yet! I tried to think. Mermaids live in the sea, don’t they? How was I supposed to find one in the sea of the north pole in two weeks? Just as I was starting to lose hope, I heard the elves giggle. “Father Christmas,” the elves began. “This isn’t really a real letter. We, the elves, were trying to trick you!”
At this, all the elves started laughing, and so did I! Thank goodness that it wasn’t an actual request!
Oh! I hear my reindeer calling for me! That’s all I have to say for now, dear children. Keep being the beautiful, smart and goofy people you are and I shall see you soon! Bye!
-Father Christmas
By Bonny
Tasmanian devils are an endangered species from Australia. Many conservation programs are fighting to save these dog like animals with many breeding programs across the country. Although they are called ‘Tasmanian Devils’, their numbers in Tasmania are decreasing rapidly due to the contamination of the Tasmanian Devil facial tumor disease (if you want to know what this looks like, please ask your parents first due to the fact that the images might be rather disturbing). Wondering why they are called ‘Devils’? It is mainly because of the loud screeching or barking sounds they produce when threatened. These animals are marsupials, meaning they are animals who have pouches for their offspring called joeys. Other marsupials can also vary from wombats, kangaroos and koalas.
By Bonny & Nisha
Moo Deng. Everyone’s heard of her right? We all know that she has become an internet sensation since her first appearance on the internet in late September. Many of you might have already visited the baby pygmy hippo at Khao Kheow zoo in Si Racha, Chonburi . She is now four months old and getting progressively cuter every day. Her hippo parents are Jonah, who is the mother, and Tony, who is the father. In Thai, ‘moo deng’ means bouncy pork or bouncy pig. She is, by far, the most popular animal sensation on social media yet. EVERYTHING that Moo Deng does gets a reaction, even if that is just twitching in her sleep! She does NOT like showering or shampooing AT ALL! When she showers, she tries to bite her keepers, although she knows her neck is too short and she has too many layers that it’s almost impossible just to look behind her! Even when she does manage to sneak a bite, she always gets a nudge from the keeper in return!
Do you know that swimming is a dangerous sport? However, there are many good things about swimming as well as the negatives.
Stay tuned to today's episode...
Swimming is a great sport because it could help with your health, body and relaxation but it could also be dangerous in lots of ways so these are the ways to keep your child safe in the swimming pool. No rough play or running in the pool. Also remember to take care and keep an eye on your child.
Swimming is also known as a sport which people enjoy because it is a good way of exercising and I, Porsche, am also a swimmer. I like swimming because I like to exercise. Here are some Olympians that used to swim, Kristin Otto, Michel Phelps, Adam Peaty and Janet Evan. They are all very good at swimming because they take responsibility for practising every single day! They also need to eat a good diet or else that might effect their swimming abilities.
1.You have to get sheets of paper (scrap if you don't want to keep it).
2.Next you will draw squares on your sheet (try different sizes to keep it interesting).
3.You plan a story line and brainstorm (the hardest part).
4.You start planning characters and what they or it would look like (your imagination is all it takes!).
5.Draw it out!
6.Edit it for perfection :D (check for spelling mistakes and missing words).
7.Share with your family or tell other friends to try make one like yours.