All children and adults participated in Loy Krathong celebrations on 8th November 2022 Ava explains why this is such an important event in the Thai calendar
Loy Krathong has originated from an old Brahmin festival that paid respects to the water spirits and godsorgoddesses.Thefestivalwas adapted in Thailand to also show respect to Buddha (and the Buddhist religion). The word ‘krathong‘referstoasmallvesselor basket and ‘loy‘ means to float. Placingakrathongonthewaterisa way of letting go of negativity and badluck.
Atraditionalkrathongismadefromthe stemortrunkofabananatree,whichis then decorated with banana leaves and flowers. Before launching the krathong on the nearest stretch of water, sticks and candles are placed inside and lit. Silent wishes or prayers is then said before placing the krathong on the water. If your kratong floats and doesn't flip over it means your wishes willbecometrue.Aspartofthetradition for Loy Krathong, a clipping of your fingernail or a strand of your hair can alsobeplacedinthekrathongtogether with a coin. This is a way of paying respect to the river spirits and in particular the water goddess, Phra Mae Khongkha.
On Friday, 4th November in assembly, the Year 6 children gave some excellent speeches about the history and story of Loy Krathong. The Year 3s also did a remarkable dance inspired byLoyKrathong.ItwasledbyKruDimm andKruMayMay,theYear3and4Thai teachers.IttookplaceintheWellington College Theatre at 8:30 AM. "I enjoyed teaching the children to dance, especially the ones who don't know how to do it yet, because I love supporting them," Kru May May stated. Of course, the children who did the dance enjoyed themselves as well. "It wasoneofthemostfunperformancesI ever did! I was very scared to go up on thestage,butIenjoyedmyselfbecause Ididn'thavetodoitaloneandI'vebeen practicing for a very long time." Said Bonny,aYear3whoparticipatedinthe dance.
It was a wonderful event for the whole school community. Everyone looked very fine in their traditional Thai dress, too We can’t wait to celebrate next year.
Written by NoahHave you ever wondered about some of the symbols of Christmas? Noah explains!
Who is Father Christmas?
The actual name of Father Christmas is Nicholas Claus He is also known as Saint Nicholas. Starting from the 19th century, Father Christmas has been a symbol of Christmas.
The ideas of St. Nicholas’ anonymous gift giving originated in the town of Patara in Turkey. Saint Nicholas’s compassion for the poor, and, in particular, children, and especially his ability to provide help anonymously to those in greatest need, became so legendary and was adopted duringChristmasinmanycountries.
Have you ever wondered where Christmas crackers come from?
Christmas crackers decorate the table during Christmas dinner. When pulled, they makeasmallbangingsoundandaprizeis inside. They were first made in about 1845 by London sweet maker named Tom Smith. He saw French bon bon sweets (almonds wrapped in pretty paper) on a visit to Paris in1840
Father Christmas wears a white fur trimmed red jacket with a broad buckled belt a matching hat and a black boots Father Christmas lives in the North Pole. Father Christmashasninereindeer; their names are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blixen and, of course,Rudolph!
Father Christmas comes down the chimney togivechildrenpresentsorentersthehouse usingamagickey.
When he came back to London he tried selling sweets like that in and also included asmallmottoorariddlewiththesweet One daywhilehewassittinginfrontofhislogfire, he became interested by sparks and cracks comingfromthefire. Suddenly, he thought it would be interesting if his sweets and toys would open with a crackwhentheirfancywrapperswerepulled inhalfsoheinventedtheChristmascracker!
Christmas cracker
Written by NoahWhy
In Christianity, Advent is the countdown to the birth of Jesus. Many people have an advent calendar for December which starts on the 1st December and runs until the 24th of December (which is Christmas Eve) Behind each window there is sometimes a pictureorachocolate
Mince pies are a popular treat around Christmas. It is made out of dried fruits, spices and spirits. It is also made from pastry. The shape is meant to represent the mangerthatbabyJesussleptin
Astockingisalongsockhungupbychildren on Christmas Eve for Father Christmas to fill withpresents.
During the week beginning the 17th October, all of the children from Wellington Year 1- Year 6 were working really hard on writing and publishing poems
AllofthechildrenintheJuniorSchool wereworkingtowardsenteringthe Cobispoetrycompetitionwhichhad thethemeof“WhoamI?”.Differentyear groupsstudieddifferentformsof poemssuchassonnets,haikusand tankas.
OntheFriday,alloftheHouses (Stanley,Wellesley,ApsleyandBenson) practisedapoem‘TheNingNang Nong‘writtenbySpikeMilligan.They wereallgivendifferentpartsofthe poemtoperformintheschooltheatre.
‘I loved poetry week! I learned a kenning poem and I got to write my ownabout‘WhoamI?’IloveditandI hopeIcandoitagain,‘saidMulanin Year3KitamuraClass.
When the children returned from the half term break, the winners of the competition were announced. It was very challenging for the teachers to decide on winners as all the poems were very good. There was a winner per class, then a winner per year group. The overall school winner was Keeree in Year 4. A huge congratulations to him.
Iamaboywhoplayschess. I’marayofsunshine.
I’mamaboywholikesPEand Swimming.
Iamaboywhowantstoworkat ColdstonewhenIgrowup. WhoamI?Iamme.
Class Winners
Rowling Morpurgo Tannjai
Year 4 Overall Winner
Iamtherushingcurrentofagreatwaterfallslitheringthrough amassivejungle.
Oureyesareagift, They’regracedwithwonderfulsights. Emotionsfloodthrough, Alanguageformeandyou, Theycanglitterinthenight.
Hairkeepsuscomfy, Flowingpeacefullybywind. Thereisblackhairandbrownhair. Weareallveryunique, Takecareofitandbeware.
Handsarefortouching. Icanwrite,draw,grabandmore. Imaginestories, Lettingmythoughtsgoexplore, Iletmyideasexpand.
HowdoIlikeyou?Letmecounttheways, Idon’tcareifyouarehorseandShetland, Icarenotifyou’repaint,chestnutorbay, AndwouldwillalwaysseeIunderstand.
Iwillalwaystakeyoutoshowjumping, Iwilltakeyoutothecompetition, AndIwillalwaysseeyoufocusing, Andyoumademydaylikeamagician
Yourtwitchingearsbroadcastyoureverymood, Yourmassiveheartisfloodingwithkindness, EverytimeIseeyou,youaskforfood, AndIwillalwayssupportyourwildness.
Iknowyouknowwemighthavetogosoon, Butwegotogetherlikeagoodtune.
Who Am I?
Iamtherushingcurrentofagreatwaterfallslitheringthrough amassivejungle.
We were interested to learn more about our Master Mr Nicholls so we organised a meeting with Khun Cho and interviewed him!
What did you do when you were a child? What did I do? Well, I did everything a child would do, I went to school! I was a child in the 1970’s so, a long, long time ago! It was in England, and it wasn’t like now;therewasnothingtodo,soIusedto watch the television, and I used to go out andplayinthewoods,withmyfriends.
What is your favorite school menu?
“I just have to say that I eat from the SeniorSchool,whichhasadifferentmenu fromtheJuniorSchool,andtobehonest,I like the menu here, because it tastes kind oftasty.Ithinkthey’vegotlotsofstuffthat I like here but my favourite is when they doMexicanfood.
How do you show courage at this school? Sometimes people - teachers or children even parents - don’t agree with each otherandcansometimesbeupset.Idon’t know about you, but I don’t like talking to angrypeople.It’snotfunatall.WheneverI encounter a problem, I need to show courage. If somebody is angry, I need to talk to them to figure out the problem. I neverrunawayfromaproblem.Ineedto showcourage.
WRITTEN BY TIYA, WHIPCREAM, TANTANWhat are you proud of this school?
I am proud of many, many things. The first thing is that this school has been open for four years and that am very proudofallthestudents.
We hope you have enjoyed hearing our Master’s voice!Written by Ava and Sunny
Theparticipantswere: T.T,Sunny,Mattie,Ooryuu,Ava,Harry, Karan,Flynn,Atom,AI,Mighty,Felix
Supportedby:CoachMartinand CoachTan.
During the 5-minute break, AI the left defender has stated, 'I think we have done amazingly because our passing skillshasimprovedalot'.Afterthehalf timebreakhasfinishedalltheplayers came back ready to finish the game on a high note. A few moments later, T.T. passed the ball to Harry, going downthefieldandgivingachancefor him to make another goal. The score became3tonil.
At the very last minute everyone was exhausted, but nevertheless Felix passed the ball to the centre midfield T.T. and he scored another goal into the opposition team right before the whistle was blown. This resulted in a final score of 4:0 to WellingtonCollege.
'The other team, are actually pretty decent but since we knew how to cover our weaknesses we won!' The team's goalkeeper said. Everyone wastiredbuthappyhavingwonthe competition following 6 months of brutal training. This has been a hugewinforourschool!
Upcoming TableTennis Tournament
"Everybodyshouldlearntabletennis, notjustthestudents;it'sfantasticat every age because it helps you to get fit. If you’re playing table tennis properly you need to move around a lot and I think it helps with skill in terms of hand-eye coordination. You can also have a lot of fun with your friends. This is the first ever competition between a Junior and the Senior School - it's on Tuesday, 13 December at 4 o 'clock in the Sports Hall. We're going to have seven Junior students and seven Senior students. Whoever wins will be the school championship of table tennis.I think it will be the Junior School who going to win because our seven students are working very hard to train. It’s going tobeacolourful,excitingeventwith music.”explainedMrChurch.
On Friday 25th November, some children performed for Busking Friday. Busking Friday is done on the last Friday of every month, giving children an opportunity to perform an instrument or sing in front of the dininghall.
I was very proud of myself because I got recognised for my talent and people were clapping for me. Also it was very fun to perform there but alsoscary,
"It was very fun to play that song because I love performing in front of large audiences but also because most of my friends think I'm scared of so many things but I'm not. I felt good because I showed them that I'm not scared. That month of practicing really paid off!" said Bonny, another Year three who performed 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and 'Jingle Bells' on the Kim, a traditional and unique Thai
If you would like to participate in the next busking opportunity, please ask Mr Findlay.
Readingbooksaloudisenjoyable bothforthereaderandthelistener. Whilestudentswerereadingstoriesto theyoungerones,theyhadhada greatopportunitytoimprovetheir abilitytoreadaloudandusetheir readingskillstopulltheaudienceinto thestorybyaskingquestions.
Wehaveseensomeamazingreading fromtheolderstudentsandsome excellentlisteningfromtheyounger ones.Theyoungeroneshaveenjoyed listeningtostoriesthattheolder childrenreadtremendouslyandit's quiteobvioustheywanttodoitagain!
DuringWeek13,theWellington communityhadalovelytime sharingstoriestoyoungerchildren.
This has also been a great experience for the older pupils because not only do they get to increase their courage by reading aloud but this has been a splendid chance to bond with the younger children.
Overall this has been a brilliant week and we are looking forward to do it again.
By Janine![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/221215084310-62ea43b6d1fed7e2e495b3e67e5daddf/v1/366844d623cc67a230db67d08c2b4080.jpeg)
On Wednesday, 29th November was the very first field trip of this term! All the Year 5 classes, (Shelton, Almond and Rundell) went on an exciting trip to Mini Murrah Farm, a small farm with plenty of fun but also educational activities to keep children occupied "IlikedplantingthericemostbecauseIlikethe feeling of mud and I've never planted rice before," said Tani, a student from Year 5 Shelton. "I loved feeding the fish and making the pizza because it just tastes good! I also liked feeding the fish because I love how they justnibbleonthebottlesandwhentheyjump fromthewater,itlooksreallynice.”
The activities that the Year 5s did were pizza making, chocolate making, feeding animals (rabbits, pigs, ducks, koi fish and baby buffalos)andriceplantinginamudpit,which mostofthestudentsfoundmostexciting
“This wasn't my first trip but I can say it was the most fun trip!" Said Paul, another studentfromSheltonclass.
You never know when the next field trip is coming up. We also have exciting residentials in store It is lovely to see the school offering so many enriching opportunities now that Covid restrictions have lifted.
WRITTEN BY INGWA![](https://assets.isu.pub/document-structure/221215084310-62ea43b6d1fed7e2e495b3e67e5daddf/v1/3fee1ea73efc25bc0020b17c1d6a9f39.jpeg)
Aru Shah is a series is filled to the brim with myths, humour andmagic Itisastoryabouta girl who is pulled into a world full of gods and demons. She findsoutsheisareincarnation of one of the five legendary Pandava brothers after lighting the cursed lamp of Bharata Lightingthelamphas dire consequences and she unintentionally frees the Sleeper, an ancient demon whosedutyitistoawakenthe God of Destruction. Her beloved mother and classmates are frozen in time andit'suptoArutosavethem. The only way to stop the Sleeper is to find the other reincarnations of the Pandava brothers and stop him on his quest to wake ShivaBut how is onegirlinspidermanpyjamas supposedtodothat?
Here's an excerpt from the first book:
That was how the lamp felt: a small halo of brightness held out byamonstercrouchingintheshadows... Atrick.
Themomenttheflamecaught,lightexplodedbehindAru'seyes Ashadowunfurledfromthelamp,itsspinearchingandreaching. Itmadeahorriblesound--wasthatlaughter?Shecouldn'tshake the noise from her head It clung to her thoughts like an oily residue.Itwasasifallthesilencehad been scraped off and thrown somewhere else.Aru stumbled backastheshadowthinglimpedoutofthelamp Panicduginto her bones She tried to blow out the candle, but the flame didn't budge.Slowly, the shadow grew into a nightmare. It was tall and spidery,hornedandfangedand furred
Reporter Ingwa has a trip prepared for you; trek through the domain of the Hindu gods.
If you would like to find out what happens to Aru this book can be found in the library.
Go on an adventure with the Uncommoners... Reporter Ingwa has arranged an excursion for you to tour through the streets of Ludinor…
I have another book recommendation for you today to delve into the strange world of Ivy Sparrow This book is a about a 11 year old girl and her older brother who finds themselves wandering around the streets of the magical market of Ludinor where the Uncommoners dwell. When her Grandma Sylvie was sent to the hospital, Ivy is stuck with her annoying brother Seb. When they get home, they are pursued by a man with swinging a toilet brush and somehow end up traveling through a bag While Ivy i in the market, she realizes that something is lurking in the shadows and it is up to her to save Ludinor. Bu how is she supposed to do that when she's being chas broth her extre an recor smirk misfo
Enjoy this extract below...
ThuIvydrewhereyesawayfromtheprintsand followedhishoveringfinger....Rightacrossthe oppositewallthreewordshadappeared:
Eachoftheletterswasthesizeofadinnerplateand appearedtohavebeenscratchedintothepastel wallpaperwhichnowrevealedtheblood-redofthe previousdecor.
Theimplementinflictingthisdamage,shesaw,was afeather-large,glossyandblack.
Asitcontinuedtowrite,ithoveredintheairlikea wasp;then,afterscoringtwofurtherwordsintothe wall,itdisappearedwithanindignantpuff Inits place,atiny,silvercoinmaterialized,droppingtothe floorwithaping ody
re interested what happens e series can und in the rary.
Loy Krathong
Week 13
Year4Morpurgo: Year4Rowling:Yahna
Year5Almond:Khongkwan Year5Rundell:Plus
Jeff Ooryuu
Haru Anya Tiya Whipcream
Teera Kin