Cancer Support Association of WA information, wellness and healing
CSA Members Update, May 2011 Our Midyear Update... 2011 has already seen some big changes at Cancer Support Association. Earlier this year CSA’s Chief Executive Officer Peter Daale resigned after 10 years of service to fulfil his dream of living in rural Tasmania. Kerry Day, CSA Accounts Manager, is currently acting as CEO. We have been busy this year developing a new strategic direction for CSA which sees us increase and improve on the services and facilities we currently offer our members with a return to the original core values of the organisation – to unconditionally help and support all people living with cancer achieve wellness and healing through our wellness courses, seminars, publications & website, counselling and selfhelp activities. Our vision includes the expansion of the Meeting the Challenge seminars to rural WA and development of a Meeting the Challenge handbook and online video seminars to support more people with cancer, particularly those living in the country (more on this inside this edition!). We will soon update and modernise our website and add new content and features to better support our online members and people with cancer in the wider community.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Mohandas Gandhi
Over the past two years, many members have told us how much they miss the print edition of Wellness News. At the end of 2010 we sent all members a Special Anniversary print edition which I hope you have enjoyed! You will be happy to hear we are reinstating a printed magazine. Initially it will be printed twice a year and we hope to increase the frequency of publication. There are more developments in the pipeline, we’ll keep you updated as we unroll them. This is the start of a new era at CSA and we are pleased that you are with us on this journey. We value our members’ feedback, so if you have ideas, suggestions or would like to get more involved at CSA we welcome your input!
INSIDE: Ian Gawler is coming to Perth this July! We need your help to expand Meeting the Challenge Seminars online and to the country 80 Railway Street, PO Box 325, Cottesloe, WA, 6911 Phone (08) 9384 3544, Fax (08) 9384 6196
from CSA’s Client Services Manager...
Dr. Ian Gawler is coming to Perth this July to host workshops My name is Cathy Brown and I have recently rejoined the Cancer Support Association Wellness Team as Client Services Manager. I was diagnosed with secondary melanoma 21 years ago which was a catalyst for many life changes which contributed to my healing. CSA and the Gawler Foundation were instrumental in my recovery from cancer and helped define a positive new direction in life. CSA has hosted the Gawler Foundation’s 12 Week ‘Health, Healing and Wellbeing Program’ for over 20 years and many of the wellness strategies we promote are based on the principles of mind/body medicine pioneered by Dr. Ian Gawler. Last year I was invited by the Gawler Foundation to once again facilitate the 12 Week Program at the CSA which has led to my deeper involvement with CSA. 2011 has seen many changes at the Cancer Support Association with some great new innovations and ideas. These will be promoted in the Wellness News magazine and email newsletter throughout the year - so keep an eye out for these promising changes. One exciting event CSA is involved with is Dr. Ian Gawler’s upcoming visit to Perth in June/July. Ian is a world renowned pioneer of mind/body medicine and an inspiring public speaker. Ian overcame cancer more than 30 years ago, and in 1983 established the Gawler Foundation in Victoria. Through his experience with cancer and deep commitment to healing he devised a whole new approach ‘integrative’ to cancer wellness. He
has also written many books, developed meditation and cancer wellness resources and devised wellness courses - all of which have helped literally thousands of Australians on their cancer journeys. Ian will present three public workshops during his West Australian visit. The first in Bunbury - Medicine of the Mind - will focus on the mind’s role in stress, relaxation, health, healing and wellbeing. The workshops in Perth - The Mind That Changes Everything and Health, Healing and Wellbeing - focus on a variety of relevant self-help techniques to transform your life and the lives of those you care for. Places are limited at these workshops and we encourage you to book your place early online at: Proceeds of these events go to CSA to help provide support services for people in Western Australia experiencing cancer. While we encourage all our members to attend Ian’s workshops, if you can’t make it we welcome you to drop in to the CSA anytime to have a chat, attend a support group, experience a healing reiki session, enjoy the laughter group, learn to meditate...or to simply find a quiet space in our peaceful library. I look forward to getting to know you and learning how the CSA can better support you on your wellness journey. Regards,
Cathy Brown
About Ian Gawler... Ian Gawler is one of Australia’s best known cancer survivors and advocates of a healthy lifestyle. His story offers hope and inspiration to people across the country. A pioneer in Mind-Body Medicine, Dr Gawler is known for his clarity and good humour. With a gift for translating ancient wisdom into a modern context, and having appeared widely in the media, Ian has played a major part in popularising meditation and other Mind-Body Medicine techniques in the western world. During the Bunbury and Perth workshops Ian will share some of the key principles of his self help program, based on the techniques and values that are the basis of Ian’s and thousands of other people’s recovery.
CSA’s Meeting the Challenge Seminar to go online and to the country! Cancer Support Association’s one day Meeting the Challenge seminar is unique to CSA and a valuable resource for people newly diagnosed with cancer. Over the years, hundreds of people have visited our Cottesloe centre and benefited from the seminar which provides a grounding and reassuring foundation for people facing the many challenges of dealing with cancer. Meeting the Challenge presents a holistic cancer wellness strategy based on the principles of the Gawler Foundation. Participants are given the information and support to help them process their diagnosis, and calmly consider their options. With the help and support of the CSA team, they are encouraged to formulate a cancer wellness strategy which includes nutrition, meditation, natural and complementary therapies, in conjunction (or, if they choose, in place of ) mainstream oncology. Meeting the Challenge was created by Cathy Brown, and with her back on staff, we now have the opportunity to invigorate and enhance the seminar and create new initiatives around this concept. It is our vision that everyone in Australia who is diagnosed with cancer has access to the Meeting the Challenge seminar, giving them an increased chance of beating cancer and leading a long and fulfilling life. To implement our vision our first step is to take Meeting the Challenge online. Over the coming months we will develop a series of videos based on the Cottesloe seminars which we will upload to our website. Members located anywhere in the world will then be able to view the lectures online at their leisure. We are also developing a Meeting the Challenge handbook which outlines the material from the seminar and provides some immediate strategies for dealing with diagnosis, understanding available choices and devising a cancer wellness plan. This handbook is to be distributed to doctors, naturopaths and other medical caregivers who diagnose and/ or treat patients with cancer. It is our hope that everyone in Australia diagnosed with cancer will be given this vital information and can follow it up by attending or accessing the seminar. Currently Meeting the Challenge seminars are held at our centre in Cottesloe. Our new vision is to extend our services into the community by holding
Meeting the Challenge at different venues across the city, state (and Australia), particularly in distant and regional centres where there is a lack of cancer support services. It is widely acknowledged there is little support for rural West Australians with cancer. Whilst undergoing treatment for cancer, cancer patients can feel isolated and disconnected from their usual networks of friends and colleagues. In rural and remote areas this is even more pronounced. To help and support rural West Australians with cancer CSA intends to take Meeting the Challenge to rural and remote areas. Our plan is to send a team of one facilitator and one counsellor on a tour of country WA twice a year to personally present the seminar content and provide one-on-one counselling and cancer information sessions to individuals in need. In order to achieve our vision of helping Australians with cancer to Meet the Challenge, CSA needs assistance from the community. If you are able to contribute as a volunteer or make a donation we would greatly appreciate and value your contribution. This is a big undertaking, but with the assistance and encouragement of the CSA wellness community, we are confident we can bring our unconditional support and vital cancer wellness information to the attention all Australians with cancer. If you would like to help, you can complete the form on the back of this page, or simply log on to the donation page of our website, select the ‘Meeting the Challenge’ Appeal and make your donation directly to the appeal.
Mandy BeckerKnox CSA Communciations & Wellness News Editor
Cancer Support Association Return this form in the reply paid envelope to make a donation or volunteer for our Meeting the Challenge project
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MEETING THE CHALLENGE! wellness seminar for people with cancer with Cathy Brown First Friday of every month 9.30am-4.30pm at CSA Life changing & empowering information for people with cancer: • The Wellness approach to cancer • Nutrition for optimal health • Power of the Mind • Introduction to Meditation • Natural & Complementary Therapies FREE for new CSA members. $50 non-members. To book: ph CSA 9384 3544 or online:
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