O C T / N OV 2 017
helping you live life well
S M A RT. S AV V Y. S A S S Y. 22
Fitness girl Tracey-Lee on her weight loss journey
Find your glow with self love & body rituals
5 nighttime moves for smart slumber
Meet our cover model Tracey-Lee (@fitnessgirl_za) dressed by Zando.co.za
Offers valid from 1 October - 30 November 2017. Selected items may not be available at certain stores. We reserve the right to limit quantities. E.&O.E.
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2017/09/11 8:30 AM
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helping you live life well Publisher: Dr. Sean Gomes Editor: Robyn Wilkinson robyn@wellnesswarehouse.com Editorial Contributor: Lara Potgieter lara@wellnesswarehouse.com Designer: Karla Kelder karla@wellnesswarehouse.com Dietitian: Hayley Cimring hayley@wellnesswarehouse.com
E D I TO R ’S N OT E S M A RT. S AV V Y. S A S S Y Life keeps getting better, and our October issue proves it. It’s filled with innovation and knowhow to add mastery to life. It’s also a slightly bigger magazine because we’ve combined our October and November editions. From 2018, Wellness magazine will be adopting a new quarterly format, with more pages and articles that are true collectables. Our first quarterly issue will be launched in January, which means we won’t be bringing out another issue until 2018. We hope this issue will sustain you until then! Thirteenth-century Persian poet Rumi once said, “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.” So, not forgetting the mystery and wonder along the way, we heed his words and delve into neurolinguistic programming to renew our minds. We renew our skin from top to toe with summer-savvy tips, get on top of a good night’s sleep, eat lots of chocolate, share meals with friends and develop a weekly menu that makes food preparation a cinch. Celebrating a body that moves flawlessly, we highlight exercising into advanced years, zap our moles, warts and skin tags, plant some trees, give thanks to mother nature and honour the mindbody connection. There’s a lot going on in October, so let’s get started! In celebration,
Robyn Wellness Warehouse magazine is also on sale at Starke Ayres at both the Rosebank and West coast branches in Cape Town
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Advertising & Directory Enquiries: Sue Dall | cell: 084 707 4477 wellmag@wellnesswarehouse.com Printed by: Novus Print Solutions
Wellness Support Office 50 Kloof Street, Cape Town 8000 021 003 3552 www.wellnesswarehouse.com Wellness magazine takes no responsibility for the content of the advertising material supplied directly by advertisers. We accept advertising in good faith and do not research advertising claims. Kindly consult a professional should you have any doubt as to the efficacy of any claims made.
Wellness Warehouse new branches Brooklyn | 012 460 9159 Shop 329, 3rd Floor, Brooklyn Mall, Veale street & Fehrsen street, Brooklyn, Pretoria 0181 Menlyn Maine | 012 348 4444 Shop 11, Menlyn Maine Central Square, 210 Amarand Ave, Newlands, Pretoria, 0100 Menlyn Park | 012 348 4677 Shop 80, Menlyn Park, Corner of Atterbury & Lois Avenues, Menlyn Park, Pretoria, 0063 The Grove | 012 807 5445 Shop L55, The Grove Mall, Lynnwood Road, Equestria, Pretoria East 0184 Woodlands | 012 997 3022 Shop 18 B, Woodlands Boulevard Corner of Garstfontein road and De Villebois Mareuil drive, Pretorius Park, Pretoria East 0081 Clearwater Mall | 011 475 1914 Hendrik Potgieter Rd & Christiaan de Wet Road, Strubensvalley, Roodepoort Thrupps Illovo Centre | 011 268 6403 Thrupps Illovo Centre, 204 Oxford Road, Johannesburg 2196 Parktown Quarter | 011 327 6416 Wellness Warehouse, Shop 1 Parktown Quarter, c/o 7th and 3rd Avenues Parktown North, Johannesburg 2193 Kyalami Corner | 011 003 3552 Wellness Warehouse, Shop 3A, Kyalami Corner Shopping Centre, c/o Main and Kyalami Roads, Kyalami 1684
Simply Bee Products are ALL NATURAL, consisting of beeswax, propolis, honey & essential oils. Natural ingredients from renewable and plentiful resources found in nature. All our products are handmade with love contains NO parabens, harmful chemicals, synthetic frangrances or petroleum compounds. It’s safe and environmentally friendly.
Watch our for new and exciting products, coming to your nearest Wellness Warehouse this October! Showroom and Observation Centre 31a Church Street, Hopefield, 7355 West Coast Tel: 022-723 0569 Email: info@simplybee.co.za www.simplybee.co.za www.wellnesswarehouse.com | 7
O C TO B E R & N OV E M B E R 2 0 1 7
E AT 18
S AV V Y S U N DAY Eating smart is all about being prepared. We take Sunday to prepare balanced and nutritious dishes for the week. Knowing we have a stack of healthy options prepared from Monday to Friday means a power week of good eating.
YO G A TO S L E E P Practising these five yoga poses before bedtime will relax and calm you, helping to prepare your body for sleep and encouraging a full night’s slumber.
C H O CO L AT E C H E AT Who would have thought that sweet potato could make your chocolate brownie into a golden treat from heaven? We show you how.
M E N U M AG I C Implementing a few smart eating habits and changes in the month leading up to summer will have you well on your way to your summer body. Here are some suggestions to inspire you.
G E T U P & M OV E Staying active, supple and fit throughout life and well into your advanced years is entirely possible and highly recommended. This article offers the inspiration and knowhow to do just this.
SUNSHINE SOUP Put some peanuts and carrots together, add some select herbs and spices and you get a sunshine soup that’s free from preserved and processed baddies and powered with nutrition. T H E J OY O F CO M M U N A L E AT I N G A culture of eating with friends and family is said to positively impact longevity. We also know that being in a happy state while eating improves your digestion – all perfect reasons to eat with others.
EVENTS Find interesting workshops, retreats and other wellness events in your area.
E D I TO R ’ S C H O I C E We highlight our favourite products in October.
N U RT U R E 34
S A S S Y S U M M E R B O DY Bring out your glow and feel amazing with a dose of self-love and some good skincare tips. Treat yourself with totally natural products or make your own. Either way, fall in love with pampering yourself.
COV E R Meet our cover model Tracey-Lee (@fitnessgirl_za).
5 FAVO U R I T E S U P P L E M E N T S Pump up your brain power with our smart supplements.
G E TAWAY We explore what Greyton has to offer, and find a real green heart in the savvy town.
WE TRIED IT One-on-one with Om Yoga and a nifty standing desk fill the spotlight.
READ WELL From the mind-body connection to emotions and joy, savour our October choices.
CLASSIFIEDS Find out what’s happening in your wellness community with workshops, retreats, therapies and more.
R E N E W YO U R M I N D One of the principles of a therapy technique called neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is that ‘there is no failure, only feedback’. We love the empowering nature of the NLP techniques shared in this article. WA RT S & A L L Simple remedies like apple cider vinegar, garlic and tea tree might be all you need to resolve a skin issue. From warts to skin tags, rashes and freckles, try out some home remedies. EXPLORING THE HIDDEN MIND Mind-body medicine uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health. It restores the natural wisdom of the body by uncovering the origins of disease from both the conscious and unconscious minds.
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S U CC U L E N T S AV V Y You don’t need a lot of space or water to grow something beautiful. Get the family involved in creating a low-maintenance succulent planter with euphorbias in different colours and varieties.
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OUT & ABOUT Clear and protect your energy, stock your spiritual first aid kit, communicate effectively with humans and animals, fly a kite and retreat to nature with this month’s selection of conscious events around South Africa.
ENERGY MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP – WYNBERG 7 October 2017 This day workshop at the Novalis Ubuntu Centre in Wynberg will cover all the important aspects of energy management. A range of practical exercises including powerful meditation and visualisation techniques will teach attendees to clear and protect their energy fields (chakras and aura). This is essential if you’re starting out on your psychic or healing journey, or simply wish to better manage your energy on a daily basis. For more information visit www.intuitionandhealing.co.za or contact info@intuitionandhealing.co.za. PRACTICAL REMEDIES F O R E V E R Y D AY L I F E – JOHANNESBURG 7 October 2017 Build your own ‘first aid kit’ of alternative remedies for daily living at this simple yet powerful workshop in Johannesburg. Covering everything from mantras and mudras to switchwords and more, the informative day will leave you well equipped with a range of completely safe metaphysical solutions to apply in every household and situation. For more information visit www.healingbypallavi.in or contact michelle@migotrading.co.za. C O N S C I O U S C O M M U N I C AT I O N WORKSHOP – JOHANNESBURG 13 October to 15 October 2017 A powerful seminar created by renowned teacher and author Brandon Bays and her partner Kevin Billett, the Conscious Communication workshop in Johannesburg will help participants to discover the significant impact of their verbal and non-verbal communication on the wellbeing of both themselves and others. 10 | www.wellnesswarehouse.com
For more information visit www.thejourneysa.co.za or contact lydia@thejourneysa.co.za. Johannesburg A N I M A L H E A LT H , H E A L I N G A N D THE AFTERLIFE - NOORDHOEK 14 to 15 October 2017 In this workshop in Noordhoek you will learn how to help animals when they need it most. Hearing their needs and wishes regarding health and healing helps ease the stress that accompanies illness and injury. Topics include communicating with animals; using the body scan method for insight and guidance; the power of intention, visualisation and love for healing; energy medicine and a holistic approach to healthcare; and discussions on death and dying with grace. For more information visit www.katemuller.co.za or contact kate@katemuller.co.za. C A P E T O W N I N T E R N AT I O N A L K I T E F E S T I VA L - M U I Z E N B E R G 28 to 29 October 2017 Africa’s biggest kite festival is hitting the lawns of the Zandvlei Nature Reserve in Muizenberg again this month. Organised by Cape Mental Health, the 23rd Cape Town International Kite Festival is the highlight of Mental Health Month. This year’s theme is #RightToFly, and encourages people to remember that children and adults with mental challenges have the same human rights as everyone else, and should be accepted, respected and included as such. Kiters from around the world will be showing off their incredible creations, and there will be food trucks, live entertainment and free kite-making workshops to boot. For more information visit www.capementalhealth.co.za or contact info@cmh.org.za.
O R G A N I C V E G E TA B L E G R O W I N G CO U R S E - S A N DTO N 22 October 2017 The Inner City Farm in Johannesburg is offering an organic vegetable growing course that will teach participants how to establish and maintain a flourishing and sustainable organic vegetable garden. For more information contact Gilda on 082 651 4276. UPCOMING G O I N G D E E P E R I N TO AWA K E N I N G - H O G S B A C K 3 to 5 November 2017 Heal all that blocks you from true inner peace and awaken to your creative abundance on this powerful self-realisation retreat in picturesque Hogsback in November. The teachings will draw on the wisdom of the ancient Mayans, the Native American Hopi, Eckhart Tolle, A Course in Miracles and more, providing insights and tools for personal transformation in challenging times. Surrender to the embrace of the beautiful natural surrounds as you experience the power of forgiveness, acceptance, surrender, allowing, presence and more. For more information visit www.wisdomtonourish.com or contact homewood@iafrica.com.
If you have an event you want to share with our readers, e-mail lara@holistica.co.za
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E D I TO R ’ S C H O I C E ESSENTIAL ENZYME Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10) is an essential antioxidant for energy production, heart health and many other critical functions in the body. It’s found in virtually every cell of every living thing and is needed for all basic cellular functions, including energy production and life itself. Natural production of CoQ10 decreases with age, and may be low in people with cancer, certain genetic disorders, diabetes, heart conditions, HIV/AIDS, muscular dystrophies and Parkinson's disease. Biomax’s CoQ10 offers a breakthrough in preventing CoEnzyme Q10 deficiency and supporting cardiovascular health through its patented bioavailable MicroActive CoQ10. NOW R265 / 30 CAPSULES
H A P P Y. P E R I O D Millions of girls around the world are missing school and being denied a chance at education because they have no access to hygienic sanitary products. The Mina cup is an ecofriendly menstrual cup that lasts for up to five years, is very discreet and provides non-toxic and economical comfort and confidence to girls and women throughout South Africa. Buying a Mina cup not only sees you saving money and the environment, but also helping to keep a girl child in school, as one cup is donated to an under-resourced schoolgirl with every purchase. NOW R385
AY U RV E D I C S K I N C A R E The ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda has sophisticated knowledge to offer in the realm of herbal approaches to skincare. Ayurvedic formulations include different types of herbs that offer synergy and balance to the skin, offering effective results without the damaging side effects. A natural Ayurvedic solution, Soul Tree’s Indian Rose Face Wash combines organic turmeric with fresh extracts of Indian rose, aloe and forest honey to create a wonderfully fragrant and gently moisturising solution for clean, protected and naturally soft skin. NOW R189 / 120ML
GOLDEN TEA Turmeric’s wide range of health benefits includes better regulation of inflammation, improved digestion, mood elevation, improvement in skin condition, diabetes management, cancer treatment and more. You can now enjoy all these perks in a delicious cup of tea with Taka’s new expertly blended turmeric and coconut teas. Available in hibiscus, vanilla, chai and ginger, each variation is as tasty as it is healthy. NOW R75 / 15 TEA BAGS
A L L YO U R A N T I OX I DA N T S Antioxidants help prevent the free radical cell damage that leads to premature ageing, age spots and wrinkles. Each type of damage is repaired or prevented by a specific antioxidant. Although some antioxidants repair more types of damage than others, you need as many as possible to prevent them all. Sevenpoint 5’s Activ-8 has made it easy to ensure that you get all the antioxidants you need with its broad spectrum formula that helps to slow the ageing process, decrease insulin resistance, boost the immune system and create and maintain healthy blood cells. NOW R359
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"Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel. – Kevin Trudeau"
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Mina is available
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My name is Mina, and I’m a clever little cup that you insert into your vagina during your period to collect your menstrual instead of tampons or sanitary pads, and I will keep you 100% protected all day. Easy to use, completely pain free and very convenient, I’m the perfect companion to your monthly period.
EASY TO USE IN FOUR SIMPLE STEPS 1. FOLD ME Flatten the cup and fold it in half.
Relax and gently push the cup into your vagina and release.
Be free with your cup for up to 6 hours. Gently pull the tab to remove.
6 hours
Remember to freshen up after 6 hours. Empty cup into toilet, then rinse, boil if possible, and reuse. 5 mins
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S N A P. C H AT. W I N
share your wellness moments
C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S T O M A X [ S U G A R F R E E S U N D AY S ] We love that you’re focused on living a balanced life, and want to spoil you with a R500 shopping voucher. Thanks for sharing your clean treats with us! We hope that you enjoy your voucher.
Live life well by sharing your wellness moments with us on social media. Every month we select our favourite post to win R500 to spend at any Wellness Warehouse. Remember to tag us in your posts: @WellnessWarehouse on Facebook and Instagram and @Wellnews on Twitter
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Get clarity on which supplements to take with some foundational advice from Metagenics. Their suggestion for all-round good health is the ‘Foundation Four.’ Here’s what you need:
* M U L T I V I T A M I N S : These are essential building blocks for life. Add phytonutrients (found in fruit and vegetable pigments) for vibrant health. While vitamins keep you alive, phytonutrients keep you healthy. * O M E G A 3 : Fish oil is still considered the best source of omega 3, as it has the highest level of active ingredients. Make sure the one you choose has a purity-certified origin. * P R O B I O T I C S : For daily gut support, take a probiotic with the right strains and number of organisms. A combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07 and at least 15 billion live organisms per day will do the trick. * V I T A M I N D 3 : This is vital for optimal health. A daily maintenance dose is 1000 IU per day.
EAT A RAINBOW These days getting our micronutrient and phytonutrient needs from food can be tricky. A good quality, broad-spectrum multivitamin helps fill the gaps in your daily intake. Vitamins and minerals work better with phytonutrients, the pigments in fruit and vegetables. Optimise vitamin function by including a blend of plant-based pigments to help you ‘eat a rainbow’ every day. #eatarainbow DAILY D3 Vitamin D has remarkable effects across a broad range of body systems, positively impacting immunity, inflammation, blood sugar and even mood. Many people aren’t aware that they have a vitamin D deficiency. The good news is that optimising your levels improves overall health and resilience. Central to this is having a body-identical source. Vitamin D3 is more bio-available than plant-based D2, and will have a greater impact on your health. #D3forthewin OMEGAS Essential fatty acids are called essential for a reason. We need them to thrive. Omega 3 comes from items like fatty fish, walnuts and flax, and is often lacking in our diet. Fish oil that’s from deep sea caught fish, responsibly sourced from the wild and has been thoroughly cleaned and tested for contaminants has the highest amounts of the active, health promoting components, EPA and DHA.
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Look for at least 1000 mg of EPA and DHA to support your cellular integrity, cardiovascular health and mental wellness. #omegagenics PROBIOTICS The final component of the Foundation Four approach is supporting gut health with probiotics. As the common adage says, ‘all health begins in the gut.’ This is because millions of gut bacteria contribute significantly to how we interact with and respond to our environment and the food we eat. Probiotic support with the right strains for daily digestive and immune support will ensure your gut is primed to digest and absorb what is needed, and respond when defence is required. Look for probiotic solutions that identify the strains used, are backed by clinical research and kept refrigerated to guarantee the number of viable organisms per dose until expiration date. #doyouhavethegutstobehealthy Metagenics has a range of triple GMP-certified foundation solutions that match the Four Foundation credo. PhytoMulti is a science-based, clinically evaluated multivitamin and phytonutrient combination with a generous dose of micronutrients and plant pigments. D3 1000 offers bio-available D3 for daily maintenance. OmegaGenics EPA DHA 720 is a purity-certified omega 3 fish oil, and UltraFlora Balance is a probiotic that is strain-identified and potency guaranteed.
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Spinach &
spirulina smoothie Combine the high vitamin and mineral content of spinach with the protein punch of spirulina in a powerpacked anytime drink.
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INGREDIENTS *1 frozen banana *1 large handful spinach *4 dates (soaked in hot water until soft) *1 heaped Tbsp almond butter *150 ml almond milk *1 Tbsp hemp seeds *1/2 tsp spirulina powder METHOD
1. Blend all the ingredients together until smooth. P H OTO G R A P H E R S T E P H A N I E PA P I N I
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his recipe uses a pasta alternative that's made purely from chickpeas! Chickpeas are legumes - little pods of superfood goodness that are jam-packed with plant protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. We thank Happy Earth People for creating pasta out of them, and presenting us with a recipe sprinkled with magic, love and pesto. This recipe uses the chickpea fusilli, which cooks in just six minutes. Add some roast veggies, turn your favourite pesto into a dressing and you have a superfood dish your kids will love.
D I D YO U K N OW ? This guilt-free alternative helps control blood sugar levels, improve digestion and protect against heart disease and cancer. It’s also naturally gluten-free and protein-rich.
ROAST VEGETABLE PASTA SALAD WITH BASIL PESTO DRESSING Serves 4 INGREDIENTS *1 cup butternut *1/2 red pepper *1 red onion *4 courgettes *Basil pesto *White wine vinegar *Mixed herb salt/garlic salt/salt/pepper METHOD 1. Start by preheating your oven to 180 degrees. 2. Prepare veggies by cutting them into smallish chunks. 3. Put all veggies in a bowl, toss with olive oil and season with salt, pepper, garlic salt and herbs (any flavour will work). 4. Mix veggies well and spread evenly on a baking tray. 5. Roast for +- 30 mins until veggies are soft and starting to caramelise. 6. While veggies roast, cook Happy Earth People Pasta according to package instructions. 7. While pasta cooks, make your basil pesto dressing by mixing two teaspoons of basil pesto with a teaspoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of white wine vinegar. 8. When pasta and veggies are done, add veggies to a bowl of pasta and toss. 9. Keep for the week and enjoy warm or cold. TIP: Mix it up by adding fresh baby spinach, tomatoes, cucumber and avo.
Happy Earth People embody change from the ground up in the form of soilenriching, sustainable and authentic products that are convenient yet do not compromise on taste or quality.
"Each time you enjoy a serving of Happy Earth People red lentil or chickpea fusilli, your body gets a full serving of veggies! Now that's savvy."
hello@happyearthpeople.com www.happyearthpeople.com www.wellnesswarehouse.com | 21
ating smart is all about being prepared. We take Sunday to prepare a balanced and nutritious menu for the week. Knowing you have a stack of healthy options prepared from Monday to Friday means a power week of good eating. This week-long menu is a mix and match of synergy, with five elements making up each dish. It’s a formula that cuts out the hassle of wondering what to prepare. You simply use one ingredient from each of the five elements to create your delicious feast. All the ingredients are interchangeable, so you can be as creative as you like. Plate your dish by starting with your grain, then add your vegetable, spread, sprouts and seeds and top with your relish.
1. GRAINS, LEGUMES, PLANT PROTEIN These options can be cooked in advance, kept in the fridge and eaten hot or cold. *Quinoa *Chickpeas *Wild rice *Lentils *Bulgar wheat
4. SUNSHINE & SEEDS Use any combination of sprouts. Try sprouting your own - it’ll mean a permanent supply of fresh sprouts rather than repeated shopping trips. When it comes to seeds, if you want extra flavour, simply dry fry them on a heated pan. *Sprouts: alfalfa, lentil, chickpea *Seeds: sunflower, sesame, pumpkin
2. VEGETABLES Choose vegetables you love. Here are some examples. You can use one or more at a time. Roast, steam, grate, slice or dice and use them raw. *Butternut *Spinach *Eggplant *Broccoli *Beetroot
5. RELISH Fermented products like kimchi and sauerkraut are excellent additions to any savoury meal. They provide probiotic-rich nutrients straight to the gut, and are now available in most health food outlets. You can also ferment your own quite easily if you use organic veggies. *Sauerkraut *Kimchi
3. FLAVOURFUL SPREADS Spreads make everything delicious. They have a fridge life of up to three days, so you can whip them up on the day or make them in advance. They can also be eaten with sourdough or essene bread, vegetable or tortilla chips or raw veggies. See sample recipes below. *Babaganoush *Hummus *Tzatziki *Beetroot hummus *Spinach & feta hummus
22 | www.wellnesswarehouse.com
D I D YO U K N OW ? Hummus is an Arab word for chickpea. Early recorded recipes of hummus come from the thirteenth century, when travellers were believed to use them to power their journeys. Chickpeas are a rich source of protein and fibre, vitamins and minerals. Hummus typically consists of pur ed chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon juice, olive oil and garlic. Of all the Middle Eastern countries, Israel consumes the largest amount of hummus, where it is served with almost every meal.
RECIPES SPINACH AND FETA HUMMUS Serves 6 This quick and easy variation on middle eastern hummus takes ten minutes to prepare. INGREDIENTS *1 large cup of chickpeas soaked and cooked *2 Tbsp tahini *1 tsp roasted garlic *1/4 cup olive oil *3 Tbsp lemon juice *1/2 cup fresh spinach *1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese *1 Tbsp red pepper flakes METHOD Blend the first five ingredients in a blender or Nutribullet. Once everything is mixed together perfectly, add the feta and pepper flakes. Keep blending until you have a rich and creamy dip. BLACK BEAN HUMMUS Serves 4 Black beans are loaded with antioxidants and flavour. They make a super variation on chickpeas. INGREDIENTS *1 large cup of black beans, cooked *1/4 cup tahini *1 garlic clove minced *1 Tbsp olive oil *1 Tbsp lemon juice *1/2 tsp cumin *Himalayan salt to taste METHOD Add the rinsed and drained black beans, sesame paste, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice and cumin to a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Season with salt. If you prefer it thinner, add extra olive oil and lemon. Serve straight away or keep refrigerated in a sealed container.
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o t a t o s
ie P n t ow r ee late B w S hoco C
[FREE FROM GLUTEN AND CANE SUGAR] This chocolate brownie recipe is from Izelle Hoffman, an inspiring chef with a mission. Her charity organisation I’Mpossible oversees initiatives for underprivileged people around South Africa, focusing on nutrition, education, sports development and environmental sustainability.
You may have seen Izelle making signature dishes with some of South Africa’s PSL soccer players on Super Sport, or inspiring communities with her creative cooking on Tswane television on the Capital Breakfast Show. One of her objectives is to promote healthy eating to disadvantaged communities. As she says, “Too many children grow up without access to vegetables and the nourishment they offer. Most children don’t enjoy vegetables, or even know where they come from or why they’re beneficial. Yet vegetables can be the foundation of nutrition in a flavourful and exciting way.”
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rom a young farm girl with a passion for food to an entrepreneur and lifestyle chef, Izelle has a passion for people and is driven to improve the lives of communities around South Africa. Although she never formally trained as a chef, she grew up in an environment of home-grown, fresh and natural food. Both grandmothers and her mother had phenomenal world-class vegetable gardens, and her aunt was a Home Economics moderator in the North West. All of these influences added to Izelle becoming a conscious foodie. She shares one of her more decadent creations with us, sneaking sweet potatoes into her chocolate brownie recipe just to prove her point.
MAKES 8 BROWNIES *1 kg sweet potato, peeled, steamed and mashed *2 heaped Tbsp raw cacao *5 Tbsp raw honey *100 g almond flour *2 tsp vanilla essence *2 tsp caramel essence *1 tsp Oryx desert salt *2 tsp bicarb of soda *8 eggs (4 whole eggs and 4 egg whites) *1 slab of Gayleen's decadence chocolate, grated (I love coffee or vanilla but any flavour can be used) CHOCOLATE NUT BUTTER ICING *300 g almond butter or macadamia nut butter. *5 Tbsp raw honey *1 heaped Tbsp raw cacao *Pinch Oryx desert salt *1 tsp caramel essence GARNISH *Shaved almonds *Vanilla powder *Fresh mint leaves METHOD 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees and line an oven tray with wax paper. 2. Steam the peeled sweet potato until completely soft and mash thoroughly. 3. Add the almond flour, cacao, honey, essence, salt and bicarb of soda. Mix well. 4. Add the grated Gayleen’s Decadence and beat into a smooth, even texture. 5. Beat the eggs separately until they are fluffy (this is important as it influences the texture of the brownie). Add the egg to the sweet potato mixture and continue beating until you get a mousse-like texture. 6. Once you get the right texture, pour into a baking tray and place in the oven for 20 - 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool. For the chocolate nut butter icing: Mix all the ingredients together until smooth and spread over the warm brownies immediately for a glazed look. Finish off with roasted almonds and vanilla powder and garnish with mint.
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WEIGHT LOSS WARRIOR After gaining over 50 kg during her studies and early working life, our cover model Tracey-Lee Lusty started her popular FITNESSGIRL Instagram account to document her weight loss journey in January 2016. What started as a personal visual diary grew into a source of inspiration for thousands, and Tracey started the FITNESSGIRL website to offer readers more health and fitness info, as well as a snapshot into her busy life as a full-time attorney. We chat to her about the secrets behind her success.
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1 . HOW D O YO U L IVE L IF E WE L L ? To me, a balanced person is a healthy person. Balance is key, and I try work towards it every day. I’m committed to my career, family, friends and significant other as well as my health and fitness goals. 2 . WHAT ’S BE E N YO UR GRE ATE ST ‘SUP E R P OWE R’ O N THE WE IGHT L O SS J O URN E Y? My mental determination, resilience and ambition. If I wasn’t selfmotivated, this journey would have been a lot harder. I have also built up a wonderful community of supportive friends and followers who encourage me every day. I am so thankful for all their support, especially on the days when I don’t feel like waking up at 05:00 to train! 3 . WHAT ARE YO UR E X E RC ISE AN D E ATIN G N O N -N E GOTIABL E S? I am a firm believer in never skipping leg day. I love leg day! Mostly because it’s the session that allows me to really push the limits of my power, strength and endurance. Leg day also requires huge mental strength to push heavier in the squat rack each time. I would never go more than three days without doing weight training. On the eating side of things, I don’t believe in cutting out a whole food group. I am a huge advocate of balanced eating, and spend many hours educating my friends on the many overlooked benefits of the maligned carbohydrate. They’re often shocked when I tell them that I’ve managed to lose almost 35 kg whilst eating carbs with almost every meal.
P H OTO G R A P H E R : Abrie De Koning ST Y L I N G A N D MAKE UP : Kelly Taylor D R E S S E D BY: www.zando.co.za
4. W HAT IN S P IR ED YOU R W E I G H T L OS S JOU R N EY? I distinctly remember waking up in July last year and no longer recognising the girl staring back at me. It was devastating. There was so much guilt and shame. How could I have let myself get to this point? I also got a huge wakeup call when a doctor told me that I was pushing 120 kg, and that I would soon develop diabetes if I didn’t take immediate measures to change my life. On 1 August 2016 I made the commitment to change my life. I am now almost 35 kg down - more than half way to goal weight. Seeing the constant changes to both my physical and mental health is all the inspiration I need to continue on this beautiful journey of learning to love myself again. 5. WHAT MOT IVAT ES YOU ? I am a goal-oriented and results-driven person. I thrive on positive affirmation, and there is nothing more motivating than seeing the daily double training sessions and healthy eating paying off in the results. Being able to wear pants, for example, is something seemingly simple that was really motivating and encouraging for me. All this being said, I believe that true motivation comes from within. When people ask what motivates me, I often simply answer that I do. 6. W HAT A RE YO UR DA I LY M I N D, B ODY A N D S P IR IT W E L L N E S S R I T UA L S ? As a full-time attorney, my mind is constantly challenged by solving legal cases, arguing matters in court and assisting my clients in reaching amicable solutions. My daily training keeps my body functioning optimally, and gratitude and singing in the car on my way home from gym keep my spirits high.
INSTAGRAM @fitnessgirl_za FACEBOOK fitnessgirl WEBSITE www.fitnessgirl.co.za
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Choose Wellness
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Simplifying healthy eating with Superfoods by bringing ‘healthy’ & ‘delicious’ together. Far too often healthy eating is associated with starvation dieting, rabbit food and dull taste. As chefs, Peter & Beryn began Soaring Free Superfoods as a means to share how delicious good food can taste as well as how delightful good health feels. Food and health cannot be separated, so it is important to be able to create dishes that inspire the senses as well as the cells.
We start our day with one of our Breakfast options: Super-Oats or Super-Chia, chocolate or vanilla flavoured. Two gluten-free breakfast options loaded with 6 – 8 superfoods.
We have 3 Super Shakes to choose from: The Green Alkaliser, Vanilla Dream & Chocolate Boost These are smoothie blends combining a wide range of superfoods with potent superherbs to bring you an alkalising, energising boost and nutritional sustenance any time of the day.
We have spent many years testing and playing with Superfood recipes in order to bring what we do at home in our own kitchen, easily and conveniently to your home. SUPERFOODS SUPER SNACKS: The aim of this Simply Superfoods Range is to bring the power of most of the superfoods we have available to us RAW CHOCOLATE: Snacking is where most people fall into your daily eating plan. If you enjoy a breakfast, off the wagon. There seems to be smoothie, snack and chocolate bar from this range Of course, life is not complete without a completely different set of rules for you will be ingesting the nutritional potency chocolate. But even eating chocolate can the foods one allows themselves to eat of at least 10 different superfoods, upgrading be done in a healthy, superfoods way. between meals, as well as an insanely your health to the next level. large amount of money spent on these We have spent the past year creating empty-nutrition in between meal snacks! the most delicious range of raw, organic, superfood chocolates Soaring Free Superfoods’ using 100% raw cacao, combined Trail Blaze and Berry Burst take with superfoods and superherbs the guesswork out of snacking. for maximum Combining different, delicious, nutrition. dried superfood berries with 3 other carefully selected NEWURS ingredients, this is the perfect way O to get over that mid-afternoon FLAV energy slump. Previously Oaty Chia & Chia Meal
Soaring Free Superfoods imports the highest quality, organic and wild-harvested superfoods from around the world. With high integrity sourcing from farms and forests, plus concentrated nutritional potency, these Superfoods represent ancient wisdom combined with great taste for your life without limits.
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Feeling tired and rundown?
Implementing a few smart eating habits and changes in the month leading up to summer will have you well on your way to your summer body. Here are some suggestions to follow. 1. Resolve to stock your cupboards with healthy options. We tend to eat what we have readily available. Keep nuts in small portion packages, have a fruit bowl nearby and cut up your veggies so they’re easy to pick on. 2. Make drinking water delicious and appealing. Get yourself a beautiful glass decanter and fill it with cucumber cuts, mint leaves, edible flowers or orange and lemon slices. Keep it on your desk or somewhere accessible and aim to fill it at least once during the day. 3. Cut down on dinner so you wake up hungry and ready for breakfast. This is a better distribution of energy and will help you burn fat more efficiently. 4. Drink warm water with squeezed lemon as a habit every morning just as you wake up. It helps detoxify and cleans your system for efficient metabolism. 5. Keep cayenne pepper on the table and use it as you would normally use salt. It is healing and will help your metabolism. 6. Cut out one nasty ingredient for a month. Try leaving out unhealthy sugar and replacing it with coconut sugar, honey, stevia or xylitol. Or give gluten a break and shake up your diet with an alternative. Many people report substantial weight loss when they give up bread. 7. Introduce fermented food to your diet. Keep a bottle of kimchi or sauerkraut in the fridge and mix it into your sandwich, soup, salad or bowl. Just a tablespoon or two will help provide beneficial probiotics. 8. Be more aware of what you eat by using your cellphone to snap a picture of everything you put in your mouth over a period of a few days. It might surprise you to see what you are eating over what you think you eat. 9. Rather than acting on impulse and eating whatever you crave, try breathing away your cravings with three deep belly breaths. You’ll find cravings often only last a few seconds, and if you are mindful you can let them pass by. 10. If you get more hungry than you’d like to, you can remedy this by deeply inhaling your favourite aromatherapy oil. Keep a bottle in your bag or pocket and use it to detract from eating without thinking.
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Sunshine Soup
[FREE FROM GLUTEN, GRAIN & DAIRY. VEGAN- AND PALEO-FRIENDLY] This carrot and peanut soup is perfect as a starter or light lunch. You can make it in advance and take it with to work or serve it at a dinner party. Source organic carrots, as they have a higher nutritional value and are usually affordable. Unsweetened non-GMO peanut butter is available at your local Wellness Warehouse or in the health section of your supermarket.
HEALTH BENEFITS: Carrots are high in vitamin A, essential for vision and healthy skin, and an important protector against infection. They also contain vitamin C, which is essential for immune health and collagen production. Vitamin K, vitamin B8, panthogenic acid, folic acid (folate), potassium, iron, copper and manganese are in the mix too. Carrots are also a powerhouse of the fibre essential for good digestive health. Peanuts are a good source of protein, vitamin E, niacin, folic acid and manganese. This recipe was supplied by Marlien Wright, author of The Yoga Kitchen.
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Serves 4 INGREDIENTS *10 carrots *3 cloves garlic *400 g tin of coconut milk *2 Tbsp of red curry paste *1 tsp of turmeric *1 Tbsp of finely grated fresh ginger *Salt to taste *3 cups vegetable stock *2 Tbsp peanut butter *Large roasted peanuts and spicy chilli sauce to garnish (optional) METHOD 1. Wash, peel and cut the carrots into 4 cm slices. 2. In a soup pot, heat some coconut oil, frying the onions until soft and then adding the carrots, crushed garlic and ginger and fry, stirring frequently for a further five minutes. 3. Add the stock, coconut milk, red curry paste and salt, and cook altogether for 35 minutes. 4. Lastly, remove the soup from the heat and let it cool for two minutes. Add the peanut butter and blitz with a hand blender until you get a silky smooth consistency. 5. Serve with a drizzle of spicy sauce (optional), and garnish with roasted peanuts.
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A culture of eating with friends and family is said to positively impact longevity. Being in a happy state while eating also improves your digestion. These are perfect reasons to gather friends and ‘soon-to-be friends’ around your table for a meal. Functional Nutritionist Christoph Lenz suggests hosting a potluck dinner and outlines ideas on how to put it together.
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"Shared meals are wonderful traditions in many villages and neighbourhoods. Gathering around for a meal is the most accessible means of fostering friendship and togetherness, bringing diverse people and cultures together because - if nothing else - everyone must eat."
potluck means that every guest brings a dish to the table or blanket. It is really easy to host, and works equally well for a small get-together or a big neighbourhood feast. Use these guidelines to host your own. 1. Bring a healthy dish. This is an opportunity to show off your cooking skills and family traditions or include something fresh from your garden or green balcony. My favourite basic is chopped liver, and my favourite dessert is vegan coconut berry ice-cream. 2. Remember that it’s not just about organic greens, but also about conversations. Consider bringing a dish with a story or history that sparks interesting chats and debates. AS A H O ST Get people together and break the ice by asking new acquaintances questions about the food they brought. Check dietary restrictions (e.g halaal, kosher, vegan, free-from) and arrange appropriate options. Be flexible and embrace the surprise element: you may get five different potato salads and a big bowl of ice-cream for dessert. But be sure that it will be memorable. Make the theme accessible. A bonanza potluck might be great for a group you know well, but ‘My favourite family recipe’ is always a safe bet. Appreciate everything that people bring to the table, no matter how small, smelly or spicy it may be. AS A GUEST *If you can’t cook, bring something interesting to compensate, like a vegan nut cheese and special bread like spelt, 100% rye or essene. *Bring a sauce or condiment to go with your dish, and pack serving spoons. *Help where help is needed. Ask your host what you can do – hand out napkins, get people talking, find an extra chair or whatever might be required. *Dishes that can be served in a crock-pot or slow cooker are excellent potluck choices. Remember to bring an extension cord if this is your offering. *Anticipate what you might need and be ready and prepared. You don’t want to be a last minute chef in a small kitchen. *Be cellphone free. You don’t need to Google the oldest person alive. Rather debate and discuss possibilities with the people around you. Enjoy tech-free leisure time. *Favour dishes that can be served at room temperature over tricky dishes like souffl s and meals that need to be hot. Extravagant and expensive dishes can be left for your own dinner party. *Most importantly, enjoy yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you are a potluck newbie, an experienced guest or a host, a potluck means learning more about food from your friends and neighbours, and more about your friends and neighbours through food.
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D I D YO U K N OW ? For people in the Blue Zones (countries identified by a population that is happier, healthier and who live longer), growing, preparing, serving, and eating are all sacred practices with the power to bring their families, homes, communities, beliefs, and the natural world together in daily rhythms and harmonies. - Dan Buettner, The Blue Zones Solution
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AB O UT C HRISTO P H L E N Z After completing a pharmaceutical degree and studying Integrative Medicine, Christoph believes in focusing on functional nutrition before considering symptom-alleviation through drug administration. He specialises in educating and helping clients with nutritional interventions in autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto, etc.) and other ailments like cancer, epilepsy and diabetes. He is passionate about alternative medicine and treatments.
RECIP E Chopped Liver Chopped liver is one of nature’s most potent superfoods. When ‘prescribing’ liver, I sometimes hear that people are afraid to eat it because it is the storage organ for toxins in the body. Although the liver is the main organ responsible for neutralising toxins like drugs, chemicals and poisons, it does not store these toxins. The toxins our bodies can’t eliminate are more likely to accumulate in our fatty tissues and nervous systems. The liver is a storage organ for many nutrients, including vitamins A, D, E, K, B12 and folic acid, as well as minerals like copper and iron. These are the tools and building blocks our body needs to get rid of toxins. ING RED IEN T S *500 g free-range chicken livers *sea salt *freshly ground black pepper *2 Tbsp duck fat or coconut oil melted *1 large onion, finely chopped *1 garlic clove, crushed *1 pinch paprika *1 dried bay leaf *1 sprig thyme leaves, picked and chopped *1 sprig flat-leaf parsley, picked and chopped *1½ tsp brandy (optional) *1½ Tbsp chicken broth (stock) *1 small fennel bulb, trimmed, halved and leaves separated (to serve) *1 witlof halved and leaves separated (to serve) *cultured sauerkraut (to serve) PRE PA R AT IO N If you can’t find chicken fat, use quality animal fat like duck fat, lard, tallow, ghee or coconut oil. The key is to use organic, free-range chicken or duck livers, which means the birds have not been given antibiotics or hormones. You can substitute beef, lamb, pork or game liver for the chicken or duck with excellent results. Eat this with fermented veggies and seed crackers or Paleo bread. 1. Trim the livers and remove any sinew. Rinse under cold water, place on paper towel and pat dry to remove excess moisture. Season lightly with salt and pepper. 2. Heat two teaspoons of coconut oil or fat in a large frying pan over medium heat. Add the livers to the pan (making sure it isn't overcrowded) and cook for 40 – 60 seconds, or until nicely browned. Turn over and brown on the other side. Transfer the livers to a bowl and set aside to cool. The secret is to never overcook them. 3. Add the onion and garlic to the pan with another two teaspoons of the oil or fat, season generously with salt and pepper and cook, stirring frequently, for five minutes, or until browned. Stir in the paprika and bay leaf and cook for 30 seconds. Add the thyme and parsley and continue stirring for 20 seconds. 4. Pour in the brandy (if using) and flamb (light the pan and allow the alcohol to cook out). Remove from heat and set aside to cool. 5. Finely chop the livers, return them to the bowl and add the remaining tablespoon of oil or fat, as well as the stock. Stir through the onion and garlic mixture. 6. Add salt and pepper if needed. Place in a serving bowl, ready to eat.
Egypt 18 February 2018
15 nights
An Authentic Egyptian Experience Luxor and the Valley of the Kings and Queens; Newly opened tombs of Seti I and Nefertari; Hot air ballooning at dawn; Sailing in a Dahabeya, the original boat that once cruised the Nile, stopping at temples on our way to Aswan. A stay at a Nubian Guesthouse; Abu Simbal; and sailing on the Nile in Faluccas. Cairo, the Pyramids, and the Sphinx.
Cuba 22 april 2018
16 nights
An adventure of a lifetime Grand hotels of Old Havana; vintage cars, those famous cigars, and Ernest Hemmingway. Verdant Vinales; Santa Clara where they remember Che’ Guevara. Small beautiful Cienfuegos; Camaguey; the colourful streets of Trinidad where Salsa can be heard. Beaches of Cayo Coco. Music infuses this small island country.
Morocco 12 june 2018
16 nights
The ultimate exotic destination
The unique medinas/souks of Marrakesh and Fez; Fez’s Sacred Music Festival; Jemaa el Fnaa Square in Marrakesh; the remarkable Majorelle Gardens; the blue city of Chechaouen; ride camels through the highest dunes in the Sahara; a stay in a restored Kasbah; and the seaside cities of Essouira and Casablanca.
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N U RT U R E Bring out your glow and feel amazing with a dose of self-love and some good skincare tips. Treat yourself with totally natural products or make your own from skin enriching ingredients like argan oil, avocado, oats, yoghurt, honey, lemon and more. There’s so much to be said for the ritual of nurturing, and our advice is to fall in love with pampering yourself.
SassySummer Skin
D I D YO U K N OW ? Taking a supplement with pomegranate extract increases the protective ability of your skin against sun damage. An easy fix for soothing sunburn is to rub watermelon on your face.
SELF If you think of beauty as resonating from the inside to the outside, your first and most effective beauty prop has to be self-love and -appreciation. Walking around loving who you are will create boundless attraction. If we’re talking beauty rituals, here is one that’ll add to your wellbeing in a positive and expansive way. Start by scanning your body from the top to the bottom, and then from the bottom to the top. See if there are any parts of yourself you have disowned or alienated. Close your eyes and feel it on a subtle level. You will notice that you don’t have as much energy flowing to that part. These are the parts that need more love and energy. Give them acceptance and love, and apologise for banishing them. Feel energy and gratitude extending into every part of your body and you will have a harmonious flow. After doing this for a couple of days you will see that part of your body differently - as part of your individuality - and it will be an ally instead of a disappointment. SKIN With the goal being beautiful glowing skin, it helps to start by exploring exactly what the skin is and does. It is our largest organ (not all our organs are inside our body), with an average-sized person having about two square metres of skin. Without skin we’d literally evaporate. As a waterproof barrier, it guards against temperature changes, sunlight and harmful chemicals. It is antibacterial and produces vitamin D to convert calcium into healthy bones. Aside from that, it is hugely sensory and keeps the brain in tune with what’s happening on the outside. We look at the very basics of maintaining good skin. Many of these tips are common sense, and it’s just a matter of making them into habits. * H Y D R AT IO N – The most effective and far-reaching beauty tip is to make sure you are properly hydrated. We don’t realise that many of the things we eat and drink are concentrated and make us dehydrated. Coffee, for example, is a diuretic. If drinking alcohol, compensate by downing lots of water. Skin condition is markedly different when the body is hydrated. Drinking water is one of the best things you can do for the condition of your skin.
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*CIRCUL AT IO N - An increase in blood flow and circulation helps promote cell growth and organ function, which benefits your skin. Healthy skin is better able to fight off bacteria and infection with good circulation. Getting your heart to pump at full force means your heart rate lowers, the heart muscles relax, and your blood pressure flows evenly and smoothly. This means that exercise is a key proponent in cultivating good skin. Another practice is body brushing. Using a firm bristle brush and evenly and firmly brushing your whole body with strokes going towards your heart will invigorate your skin. This is a great daily or weekly practice. *CL EA N S IN G – Using natural and organic products will ensure your skin doesn’t have to deal with harmful chemicals. There are many incredible beauty ranges with highly effective botanical ingredients. Pick one that’s organic. You may also want to try using an oil-based cleanser. As the skin has its own natural oils, it is more difficult to displace pollutants and dirt with water-based cleansers than with oil-based ones. Cleansing should be gentle and work with the skin’s self-healing capacity. *E XFO LIAT IO N – Although we often use the word ‘scrub’ to describe an exfoliation process, the action should be less vigorous. Spend more time with a less intense exfoliator (think of the texture of raw oats) rather than being too rough on the skin. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and often creates a glowing effect when new skin shines through. *MOIST URIS E – Pick a moisturiser with skin-repairing ingredients. According to a leading dermatologist, these four ingredients are ones to look out for: 1. Peptides – These are amino acids that help boost collagen production and give strength to skin structure. 2. Hyaluronic Acid – Hyaluronic acid – This occurs naturally in the skin and chemically binds to water to retain moisture. 3. Argan oil – High concentrations of vitamin A and E make this oil a superstar. It is also easily absorbed into the skin. 4. Vitamin A, C & E – These powerful antioxidants guard against free radical damage to the skin. Using three of them in concert is highly advisable. CHECK YO UR D IET Food is integral to skin condition. Studies show that sugar and refined carbs spike the insulin that triggers the hormone response that can cause blemishes. Keep your diet a low-glycemic one, with a high proportion of veggies and wholegrains. If you must have sugar, make it naturally sweet with coconut sugar or dates.
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1. CITICOLINE Although citicoline isn’t very well known, supplementing with it can significantly improve memory and concentration. A naturally occurring compound found in every cell of the body, citicoline improves blood flow to the brain and increases its energy and plasticity. It raises the levels of the important neurotransmitters acetylcholine (the primary brain chemical involved in memory and learning) and dopamine (linked to motivation, productivity and the pleasure/reward system), and reduces the effects of the free radical damage and inflammation that can lead to brain ageing.
2. TRYPTOPHAN This essential amino acid is the building block of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that regulates mood and plays a big role in sleep and appetite control. Supplementing with tryptophan can increase serotonin levels in the brain, naturally lifting the mood and addressing the effects of a wide range of mental health issues, including anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, ADHD and more.
3 . L-T H E A N I N E Affectionately dubbed ‘meditation in a cup’, l-theanine is an amino acid found in black and green tea that alters brainwave patterns to bring about a state of relaxed alertness. It raises levels of the key neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine and GABA, not only promoting calm but also improving learning, motivation and overall wellbeing. While it doesn’t make you drowsy, it can improve quality of sleep. In the long run, supplementing with l-theanine is a great way of warding off stroke, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
4. DHA This omega-3 essential fatty acid is a critical brain cell building block. Omega-3 fats are well known for their wide range of health benefits, and DHA is the most important omega-3 for the brain. It’s a major building block of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain where higher level functioning takes place. It’s also important for brain cell communication. Supplementing with DHA can help improve memory, mood and concentration, as well as decrease the chance of Alzheimer’s and dementia in old age.
5. GINGKO BILOBA One of the most widely used natural remedies in the world, gingko biloba helps increase circulation to the brain, balance brain chemistry and protect the brain from free radical damage. It has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine, and is so effective that it’s sometimes prescribed as a medication in the West. Although two recent studies have concluded that it does not improve memory in healthy adults, it’s been proven beneficial for treating stress and anxiety by lowering the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
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"Visualise your ideal you, alter your internal dialogue, correct limiting beliefs, risk criticism from others, roll your shoulders back, breathe, smile and offer your fabulous self to the world." Everyone is affected by social programming. Whether from well-intentioned parents, insensitive teachers or peers, we are likely to have adopted limiting beliefs from our imperfect worlds. Kate Arnott explores a technique called neurolinguistic programming (NLP) as a way to unlock the door to desired states of being. It encourages us to become curious about our thoughts and why we behave and respond to life in the way we do. Through this, we can take the necessary action towards improving our lives by exploring a different way of being through a simple shift in awareness. This article will leave you with principles and techniques from NLP that you can to enhance personal growth and enrich your relationships on a daily basis. Personal growth is essential for us to perform at our highest level of potential. Often we are limited by a lack of self-confidence and limiting beliefs - fears of what others might think or say. This can create stagnation and affect our ability to change and grow. Personal growth looks at aspects like selfesteem, self-confidence, health, fitness and spirituality. Have you ever caught yourself in a battle of negative internal dialogue, in which you shame and criticize aspects of yourself for things you may have done/not done in the past? Or created doubt and judgment around your actions?If yes, then you’re human (captcha test – tick). You’re also practising a degree of self-awareness. If you answered no, you’re most likely still human, and I’d like to encourage you to become aware of your inner judge and the language you direct towards yourself. An essential principle of NLP is the language we use towards ourselves (and others). Our mind cannot distinguish between fact and fiction. Negative statements like “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve a loving relationship” are taken literally by our minds and manifest themselves in our performance. NLP encourages us to change our internal dialogue by altering these statements in ways that evoke a more positive reaction from our bodies (such as “I am absolutely good enough” and “I am worthy and deserving of love”). NLP is more than simply using ‘positive thinking’ or affirmations. It encourages us to experience how the statement feels in our bodies. This establishes the mind/body connection. Body language is another key part of NLP. The next time you lack confidence or feel despondent, take your awareness to your posture and notice how, if you roll your shoulders back and encourage a smile, this small adjustment to your body can make you feel different – perhaps more expanded and confident internally.
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D I D YO U K N OW ? One of the principles of NLP is ‘there is no failure, only feedback’, and when you’re feeling criticized or judged, it is your responsibility to note this as feedback to fuel your growth. Criticism from others is often a reflection of their internal world – and nothing to do with you. Realise this and you can choose to respond differently – perhaps even with compassion. This simple change of heart will enhance your relationships with others.
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TRY T H IS Incorporate these two NLP techniques into your life to help achieve your goals. You can easily do them during daily activities like washing dishes, preparing meals, taking a walk or enjoying some quiet time. 1. V IS UA LIS AT IO N Picture the person you would like to be. How you would like to look, your ideal weight, the way it feels, the way YOU feel, the way you behave when you are feeling this way. What does your life look like when you are this person? Perhaps you are more giving, tolerant and loving; perhaps you are powerful and independent. The most important part of visualisation is to feel and experience the sensations in your body. 2. AN A LYS IS Analysing your ‘current behavior patterns’ helps you notice potentially negative behaviour patterns and replace them with more nourishing and uplifting ones. Take note of self-sabotaging excuses, e.g those we use to avoid going to the gym. In retrospect, they leave us feeling guilty and perpetuate negative self-talk. Instead of seeing this as a lack of self-discipline, try a more enjoyable alternative, like dancing or walking in nature. My personal favourite is yoga. If we create our life experiences through the choices we make and what we believe to be true about ourselves, it makes sense to review our internal dialogue and pursue everything that truly enriches our souls. This, in a sense, is a form of spirituality. Find something that truly ignites your spirit and enriches your soul. This holistic approach to mindfulness offers us the tools to help us achieve our greatest potential. It facilitates kindness towards the self and, in turn, the body responds more effectively. Importantly, by altering our own internal state, we have a profound effect on others, initiating a ripple effect of conscious beings.
Kate is a recently-qualified Nutrition Scientist with a passion for food, movement and general wellbeing. These interests fuel a variety of business ideas that Kate hopes to refine and develop within the remainder of this year. She is currently practicing as a yoga teacher. Contact her at catherine.arnott665@gmail.com.
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Yoga to sleep by Kristel Crevits
MODEL : Tegan burger INSTAGRAM @teganbyoga PHOTOGRAPHER : James Cairns, The Sight Seekers (www.thesightseekers.com)
“Yoga is the artwork of awareness on the canvas of body, mind, and soul.” - Amit Ray, Yoga and Vipassana
ractising these five yoga poses before bedtime will relax and calm you, helping to prepare your body for sleep. Do you struggle to fall asleep or find it difficult to sleep peacefully? Sleep deprivation could lead to more than just a case of the yawns. It can cause depression, weight gain and even Type 2 Diabetes. Experts recommend an average of six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep nightly, and this is where yoga can help. The soothing practice will help lower stress levels, calm the mind and relieve tension in the body. Rather than feeling hopeless about sleeping issues, try these five easy pre-bedtime yoga poses for a goodnight’s rest and to improve the quality of your sleep. B E DT I M E RO UTIN E “Yoga connects you with your breathing, and this stimulates the nervous system,” says Eon Swiegers, yoga teacher, trainer and founder of EonYoga. Try to hold each of these five poses for three to five breaths. If you can’t manage the full sequence, simply do what you can, holding each position gently without strain or pain. Listen to your body, breathe deeply and ease more deeply into each posture with each exhale. This will elongate your stretch and release the tension in your body. Stretching has a calming effect, as it stimulates blood flow and slows the heart rate. L E T ’S G E T STARTE D In preparation, sit in a comfortable position with your knees folded and your back straight (use the wall for support if needed). Rest your hands on your legs. Close your eyes and take five deep breaths. Focus on the cold air entering your nostrils and filling your lungs, and the warm air exhaling through the nose. This will take less than a minute.
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D I D YO U K N OW ? Focusing on the exhalation cycle of the breath helps the nervous system release, and is an excellent way to get rid of stress and anxiety. 2 . B ADDHA KO N ASAN A ( B O UN D AN GL E P O SE )
1 . JA N U S I R S A S A N A (H E A D -TO- K N E E P OS E ) *Sit on the floor with your back straight and your legs extended in front of you (use the wall for support if needed). Keep your knees bent if necessary to keep your spine from rounding. Bend the right knee, bringing the base of the right foot into the inner left thigh and letting the right knee flop sideways towards the floor. If the knee doesn’t touch, support it with a pillow. *Inhale and lengthen the spine. TIP : If you have tight hamstrings, place a folded blanket or pillow under your sitting bones.
*Sit on the floor with your back straight and bring the base of both feet together as close as possible to your groin, letting your knees splay out into a diamond shape. Direct your hands towards your feet or ankles (depending on your flexibility). *Be comfortable in this position and avoid rounding the lower back. *Inhale and lengthen the spine. *Exhale and bend forward from the hips, keeping your spine as straight as possible. Breathe in slowly, and ease into the stretch with every exhale. Feel your muscles relaxing and lengthening. TIP : Listen to your body and ease into the pose. Sitting on a blanket or pillow will help tight muscles open up.
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*Re-align yourself by lying with your back on the floor and bringing both knees to the chest. Extend your left arm to the left side at shoulder height, with the palm facing up. *With your knees still at your chest, slowly push both to the right with your right hand, until they reach the floor. Leave your right hand on top of the knee and gaze at your left hand. *With every exhale, use the right hand to stroke the outer left leg from the hip to the knee. This will help deepen the stretch and align your spine. Hold for three to five breaths. *Repeat on the other side. T I P : Listen to your body and ease into the pose. Sitting on a blanket or pillow will help tight muscles open up.
*Lie flat on your back, placing your feet on the floor with your knees bent. Bring your right knee towards your chest, placing the right ankle on top of the left knee. Let the right knee flop to the right. Flex your right foot to keep the muscles engaged. *Interlace your hands behind the left knee and lift your foot off the floor, bringing the knee towards the chest. *You should feel a stretch on the outside of your right butt cheek. Breathe deeply and slowly focus on keeping both hips in line with each other. Hold for three to five breaths. *Repeat on the other side.
*Put your butt as close to the wall as possible. Extend your legs straight up the wall, bringing your toes down so they are pointing towards the knees. This allows blood to flow to the heart, which soothes and releases stress. *Flop your arms open along your sides, with your palms facing up. You may also extend them behind your head to open your chest and release pent-up emotions. *Close your eyes and breathe as you relax into the pose and clear your mind. Feel the cold air entering and the warm air exiting the body with every breath. T I P : Place a pillow underneath your lower back for support. Bring the buttocks further away from the wall to relieve tight hamstrings. Once you have finished this routine, go to bed straight away and keep your calm disposition intact. Kristel Crevits is from EonYoga, a studio offering multiple classes and styles in Pretoria. www.eonygoga.com
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D I D YO U K N OW ? A recent study published in Frontiers in Ageing Neuroscience reports that physical activity can play a direct role in enhancing brain health, influencing both the structures and functions of the brain. It sounds like common sense, but according to statistics from the World Health Organisation (WHO) on physical inactivity, South Africa is one of the most inactive countries on the planet. If you conform to the exercise guidelines set by the WHO (150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise, or 75 minutes of intense exercise every week), you can consider yourself the minority.
by Nick da Silva
f ageing gracefully is important to you and you want mental clarity and protection against cognitive and physical decline in later years, get up and start moving. Nick da Silva specialises in mobility training, and inspires us towards an active life by looking at research showing how important physical activity is when it comes to preventing cognitive decline. “Nothing is impossible in life, just tune into yourself and you can do anything,” says 96-year-old New York-based yoga teacher Tao Porchon Lynch. Her advice? “Never procrastinate, tomorrow doesn’t count.” Eighty-six-year-old Cape Town resident Shirley Kaplan regularly hikes the mountain and keeps a vigorous boxing routine. “Don’t believe anything anyone says about ageing, it’s not true. You can stay fit, agile and active for as long as you want – it’s all in the mind,” she says. At 103, a healthy Katherine Weber from Winnipeg in Canada said, “Don’t act your age.” She made sure her life was filled with adventure, and walked the wall of China at age 82. I N T ERRUP T YO UR SITTIN G SE SSIO N A daily bout of exercise is highly beneficial, but if the majority of your day is spent sitting, you need to be aware of the potential harm this has on your body and what you can do to bulletproof yourself. We all know that sitting for prolonged periods is disastrous for our health, and scientific literature backs this up. We also know the feeling when our body aches as our joints get compressed, our muscles and connective tissue stiffen, our metabolism spirals and we become foggy as we try to adjust our vision from staring into our computer screens. I see clients affected by this all the time. What I’ve come to realise is that being aware of the body and posture outside the training environment may be more important than the effort we put into our training sessions. Supplementing with low-level activity throughout the day will prevent joint degeneration or disease, connective tissue disorders and metabolic disease. The important thing is to set yourself up for success and apply simple strategies that will have a profound effect on your wellbeing.
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"In Sardinia, Italy, the traditional greeting - ‘A kent’annos’ - means, ‘May you live to be 100’. This holds bearing in a place where age is celebrated and people work into their 90s." SE T AN EX A M P LE A study into ageing highlights the importance of creating a legacy for young children and adolescents – not only for their developing bodies, but also for their brains. In this study, children who were encouraged to exercise were compared to ‘unfit’, relatively sedentary children. The fit, active children had an increased volume of the dorsal striatum - an area of the brain important for attention regulation. So make sure your children express themselves physically, whether in structured exercise or unstructured play. It’s especially pertinent for our current generation, who are often distracted from physical activity because of iPhones, laptops and the internet. The danger of being addicted to tech is a mindless, weak and cognitively impaired future generation who have lost complete touch with their bodies and all their capabilities. Leading by example is an excellent motivator for being physically active. Young people respond to what they see and model their behaviour accordingly. START EA R LY Another aspect of the Frontier study looked at 9000 women and identified that those who were physically active in their teenage years were more likely to be active in later life. This amounted to significantly lower incidences of cognitive impairment at the age of around 70, and concludes that the strongest time point to encourage physical activity is during the teenage years. These habits are likely to be carried through to later years. Having said that, it's never too late to start. If you haven't been active for some time, now is always a good time to get going. ADD C A R D IO Research shows that the most beneficial exercise for the brain is resistance training, strength training and cardio-respiratory training as opposed to only balance and tone stretching. This was demonstrated in a study of people over 65 who underwent six months of resistance training and outdoor aerobic walking compared to a control group who only performed balance and tone stretching for the six-month period. As expected, strength and aerobic capacity improved in the resistance trained group, but cognitive function was higher in comparison to the balance and stretch trained group. The subjects following the resistance training protocol were able to increase the production of brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF) after only four months of training. BDNF is seen to lower the threshold for long-term potentiation in the hippocampus, which increases memory and learning. During this process, new neural pathways develop - a process known as neuroplasticity. This has a profound effect on mitigating the effects of ageing, keeping you young and vibrant. 2 ANT I- AGEIN G P RACT I CE S 1. Practising anti-ageing means balancing your working day with low-level physical activity in bouts of three to five minutes after every 45 minutes of sedentary time. Schedule mobility drills, walk around, and do some body weight movements - anything that circulates your blood and gets you moving. 2. Establish a legacy for the generation to come by following basic training protocols with a strength and cardio-respiratory component
TRY THIS After about 45 minutes of being sedentary, body impulses start to register differently. Set a timer that goes off every 45 minutes and do something to counteract the negative effects of sitting. This can be as simple as a short walk around the office or a series of stretches or mobility drills. It doesn’t need to take too long - roughly three to five minutes of getting the blood flow going and muscles moving is all it takes. Applying this simple strategy alone will increase your work productivity, elevate your mood and enhance your general wellbeing. It will also raise your motivation level so that when the time to exercise arrives, you have a well-oiled machine that’s primed for performance.
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Going green in Greyton by Lara Potgieter
“Transition Town initiatives are part of a vibrant, international grassroots movement that brings people together to explore how communities can respond to the environmental, economic and social challenges of the area."
mere 90-minute drive from Cape Town, the quaint little village of Greyton is fast earning itself a reputation as a soughtafter weekend getaway destination. Surrounded by the mountains and farmlands of the Cape Overberg, the postcard-worthy town sports gravel roads, gorgeous gardens and beautifully restored thatched roof cottages. The people are refreshingly friendly, and there is almost always an accompanying dog, duck, cat, cow or donkey in tow to welcome you too.
PHOTOGRAPHER: Cara Reynolds carareynolds.co.za neversettle.co.za
D I D YO U K N OW ? Greyton is affectionately known as the Green Heart of the Overberg.
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What really attracted us to the destination were the admirable and concerted efforts of the Greyton Transition Town (GTT), a community-based non-profit that’s inspiring and empowering the people of Greyton and neighbouring communities to work together to achieve sustainability and resilience in the face of environmental degradation. GTT is running several longterm renewable energy, humane education, self-sufficiency, environmental education and community housing projects, and we were fortunate enough to spend the weekend getting to know some of the people and establishments involved. The environmental consciousness of the people of Greyton is perhaps heightened by the fact that they are blessed with the third largest nature reserve in the Cape right on their doorstep. A short ten-minute walk from our accommodation at the affordable hostel-style Greyton EcoLodge took us right into the heart of the Greyton Nature Reserve, where we enjoyed exploring some of the incredible paths set within the seemingly endless fynbos of the foothills of the Riviersonderend Mountains.
Greyton’s green goals extend from the preservation of the area’s precious flora to the wholesome earth-to-plate dining approach evidenced by several of its wonderful restaurants. We got to experience this first-hand at Pure Caf , a sustainable enterprise that supports the work of the Greyton Transition Town. The caf is at the heart of GTT’s Incredible Edible campaign, which supports local organic farmers, helping them to grow, thrive and bring food security to Greyton and surrounding villages. Most of the produce is fresh, seasonal, organic and locally grown or made. It’s all vegetarian or vegan, and breakfast and lunch offerings include the likes of sweet corn fritters, vegan pancakes and chickpea burgers washed down with fresh fruit and vegetable juices, coconut water and decadent non-dairy smoothies. Another establishment aligned with the GTT mission is Heart & Soul, a vegetarian restaurant set in a charming old building that has been lovingly restored by its owners and outfitted with a garden sporting an abundance of vegetables and herbs. Our lunch at the intimate family-run restaurant included delights the likes of corn chowder, bean curry, pumpkin pilaf and spinach fritters. The food is clean, simple and delicious, and the decadent desserts include vegan and wheat- and sugar-free options. Make sure to pop in during opening hours on Fridays and Saturdays from 12:00 to 15:00, and arrive early to sample the whole spread. Last but certainly not least, The Hungry Monk is a quirky fusion restaurant that’s open for breakfast, lunch and dinner seven days a week and boasts an extensive vegan menu. Think fragrant curries, traditional Polish dishes, fresh salads and more. We can highly recommend the sweet and satisfying pumpkin curry and the fresh and citrusy chickpea and mint salad. As is the nature of the Greyton community, word of our visit spread quickly, and the owner of Rose Family Estate in neighbouring Caledon popped in to meet us at lunch, gifting us with samples of their tasty probiotic-rich water kefir and kombucha to pair with our healthy meal. While relishing in the conscious cuisine is one way of experiencing the work of the GTT, a visit to the Greyton Farm Animal Sanctuary is the best way of seeing the heart of the organisation at work. A non-profit project based seven kilometres from the town centre, the sanctuary offers a forever home to orphaned, sick, abused, neglected or retired farm animals, giving them a natural, full and long life with all their needs met. Vets attend the farm regularly, and there is no breeding allowed. The sanctuary is also a resource for GTT’s Humane Education Programme, which aims to reach every child between the ages of five and 18 in Greyton and its neighbouring communities within the next five years. Watching the sheep run alongside the bakkie to their feeding troughs, seeing a pig flop over for a belly rub and meeting some shy but mischievous little goats were all highlights of our visit. The sanctuary is run on sponsorships and donations, and just R200 can feed a sheep for a month (or R300 for a pig). For more information on supporting the tireless work of the sanctuary, staying at the EcoLodge or dining at Pure Caf , Heart & Soul or The Hungry Monk, contact nicola@greytontransition.co.za.
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Warts & All
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Almost everyone will experience the irritation of a wart, rash or even a few unwanted freckles. They’re natural phenomena, so it makes sense to get rid of them naturally. We look at how effective simple remedies like apple cider vinegar, garlic and tea tree can be at keeping your skin blemish-free.
here are many old wives’ tales about how to fix certain maladies, like using a heated wedding ring to reduce the swelling of a stye. While such remedies may sound off-the-wall, they’re often effective WARTS The root cause of all warts is the human papillomavirus, or HPV, of which there are more than 100 types. Warts aren’t caused, as Gran may have told you, by touching a frog. Here are a few ways to get rid of them: *Tea tree oil – With powerful antiviral and antiseptic properties, tea tree is a perfect remedy for warts. Simply place a drop or two on the wart and cover with a plaster. Repeat daily until the wart falls off. *Thyme oil – This is a seriously powerful wart treatment. Mix with a carrier oil and apply a few drops to the wart after showering. Within a few days, it will have deadened and can be brushed off in the bath or shower. Keep applying the oil to the affected area (three or more times a week) until the wart is completely gone. *Go bananas – Use the paste scraped off the inside of a banana peel to spread over the wart. Leave it on for ten minutes and then wash it off. Repeat daily until the wart is gone. Enzymes in the banana peel will eat away at it.
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S K I N TAG S While these are generally harmless protrusions caused by skin irritation, friction, genetics or obesity that appear around the eyes, neck, breasts, groin or underarms and can be quite annoying. Get rid of them with these natural remedies: *Apple cider vinegar – This highly versatile vinegar is a great all-round fix. For skin tags, use a cotton bud to dab the vinegar on your skin tag, keep it saturated for about 15 minutes. Repeat up to three times a day until the tag darkens and falls off. Not suitable for the eye area. *Tea tree oil – Once again, tee tree does the trick. Use an earbud to apply undiluted tea tree and keep on the area for about ten minutes. Repeat three times a day until it falls off. *Garlic – Freshly-crushed garlic is brilliant for many skin issues. It is very strong, though, and may not be great for highly sensitive skin. Place the juice from crushed garlic on a cotton ball and keep it in place with a plaster overnight. Wash thoroughly in the morning, and if the skin tag doesn’t fall off, repeat the following night. RASHES A rash is your body’s way of reacting to a trigger, so it shouldn’t ever be taken lightly. If a rash continues for longer than three days, check in with a health professional. However, there are a few things you can do to ease the symptoms at home: *Ice – Because rashes are inflammation, using ice to calm it down is a no-brainer. Instead of ice directly on your skin, place a few cubes in a damp cloth before applying to the rash. It should calm down within a few minutes. *Aloe vera – This is naturally soothing and nourishing, and great for rashes. Apply a little aloe vera gel or juice to the affected area for about an hour and then wash off with warm water. *Baking powder – You’ll more than likely have baking powder in your cupboard, and it’s a great way to stop the itch or sting of a rash. Mix into a paste and apply. Leave until dry and then wash off gently.
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D I D YO U K N OW ? A few basic kitchen ingredients will cure a number of ailments. Keep renewing your stock of garlic, lemons, apple cider vinegar and ginger to deal with infections, swelling, rashes, colds, flu and inflammation.
FRE CK LES If you’ve had a bit too much sun or have a hormone imbalance, you may find a few freckles surfacing. If you know it’s not the sun that’s the cause, do see a health professional. There’s no ‘cure’ for freckles, but you can reduce their appearance with these tips: *Lemon – Either use the juice to rub into the freckled area, or cut a lemon in half, sprinkle some sugar on top and use it as a scrub twice a week. *Buttermilk – This is gentler on the skin than lemon juice. Simply apply buttermilk over your freckles and leave for ten minutes before gently rinsing. Repeat twice a day for a few weeks. *Papaya – Papain is an enzyme in papayas that can help lighten freckles. Apply fresh papaya juice directly to your skin with a cotton ball and gently massage it in. Leave for about ten minutes and then rinse with cold water. Repeat daily for a few weeks. MAKE A C H A M O M ILE COM P R E S S Chamomile is used as a relaxant, and also has an antiinflammatory effect. That means it’s good for soothing eczema, minor wounds, rashes, cuts and scrapes. A great way to implement this is to make a compress. Prepare a very strong herbal infusion using the herb or a natural chamomile tea. Dip a suitable cloth into the infusion and apply to the area for about half an hour. Repeat as many times as necessary during the day.
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We Love
We love all the wonderful initiatives happening around the country. From eco-friendly advancement to charity drives, yoga zen and water saving, it’s time to get involved and inspired. WISE WATE R Water is fast becoming a scarce resource in the world. If you live in Cape Town, you’ll understand how deeply this can affect your life, never mind the environment. It’s all very well wanting to live off the grid, but where on earth do you start? Bio Veda have a lot of answers when it comes to creating eco water solutions for your home and helping you become self-sufficient. We simply love their attitude and the vast amount of knowledge they are ready to share. From big developments to small DIY back-garden projects, Bio Veda is the place to visit for information on making your life a little more ecofriendly. Check out their website for information and updates on water abundance courses: www.bioveda.ru MAGGOT ME AL S Would you consider farming flies? While it doesn’t sound all that appetizing, science and agriculture agree that it’s the best way to deal with waste while producing feed for animals like chickens as well as nutrient-rich compost at the same time. AgriProtein Founder Jason Drew says, “In our tests, nine out of ten chickens prefer larvae to fish meal.” The feed also works on other single-stomach animals like pigs, although not for cattle. The bioconversion process takes organic waste streams from food factories, supermarkets, farms and restaurants, and recycles these into valuable products: an insect-based complete protein (MagMeal™), an extracted fat (MagOil™) and a rich residual soil conditioner (MagSoil™). Larvae are a natural food for birds in the wild and fish in streams. Their nutritional composition is as good as that of fishmeal and far better than that of soya. MagMeal™ is an entirely natural super feed: it has excellent weight and digestibility properties and is enjoyed by farmed fish, chickens, pigs and pets for its natural palatability. To find out more, visit www.agriprotein.com.
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PE AC E IN T H E C IT Y If you’re in the Mother City and need a slice of peace during your frenetic day, there’s a haven where you can do a yoga class, enjoy a quick healthy bite or attend a fabulous event. MyUtopia is a lifestyle yoga, pilates and barre studio that offers a great deal more than just a quick class. We love the serenity of their space, and because it’s so centrally situated (on the corner of Beach and Dock roads), it’s an easy choice for a quick pop-in during the day. With an array of different teachers, you don’t have to be a ballerina or a yoga guru to enjoy one of their myriad classes. Find out more about MyUtopia’s events and classes by visiting www.myutopia.co.za.
SAN TA B ABY One of South Africa’s most-loved children’s charities, Santa’s Shoebox Project aims to reach one million children by 2019. Over the last ten years, the charity has benefitted 652,180 children, and the stakes have been upped in a bid to reach the goal of one million. If you’d like to get involved with this initiative, all you need to do is visit www.santashoebox.org.za to register as a supporter. You can donate a virtual shoebox for R400, or make up your own box, which will need to be delivered to various drop-off locations (a list can be found on the website). To create your own box, this is what you need: 1. Standard-sized shoebox or plastic container (box and lid wrapped separately). 2. Barcoded label (which you will receive upon pledging online). 3. Toothbrush, toothpaste, facecloth, soap, toy, clothing outfit,sSchool supplies and sweets. All items must be age-appropriate and new
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Succulent Savvy by Lara Potgieter
“How lovely is the silence of growing things.”
CREATING YOUR EUPHORBIA PLANTER *Choose a planter with a drainage hole. *Fill your planter with a potting soil made for succulents, or make your own by mixing four parts of regular potting soil with four parts perlite and one part coarse builder’s sand. *Plant the euphorbias using your fingers or a small trowel and gently firm the soil around them. *Cover the soil with a layer of pea gravel or small river rocks. *Water lightly, and place your planter in an area that receives some sunlight. *Wait until the soil feels dry before watering again. When the euphorbias are actively growing, feed them with a fertiliser made specifically for succulents.
ou don’t need a lot of space or water to grow something beautiful. Get the whole family involved in creating a low-maintenance succulent planter with euphorbias in an array of different colours and varieties. There are few evergreens more uncomplaining than euphorbia – a family of succulents that grows naturally throughout Africa. The colourful and hardy plants range from shrubs to cactus-like specimens, and are easily grown as houseplants or in pots outdoors. Although the popular name for euphorbias (spurge) is not very elegant, the plants themselves certainly are. We spend an afternoon creating a beautiful euphorbia planter with Starke Ayres Garden Centre Rosebank Manager, Richard Morris. While you can include any variety of euphorbia in your planter, we created a striking and colourful showpiece using the following: *Aloe brevifolia, a small aloe with grey foliage and orange red flowers that forms large groups of rosettes. *Gasteria FlowTM, a distinctive plant with thick, oblong leaves covered in quirky white wart-like protrusions. *Haworthia Big BandTM, a small drought-tolerant succulent with striking white-striped leaves.
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*Baby Echeveria, a compact, low-growing groundcover with pretty little rosettes.
D I D YO U K N OW ? The term ‘succulent’ comes from the Latin ‘sucus’, which means juice or sap.
*Echeveria Silver Queen, a beautiful and easy to grow succulent with grey, green and lavender leaves on open rosettes. *Echeveria pulvinata Frosty, a white chenille plant with silvery hair on grey green leaves. *Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg, an attractive easy grower with pearly purplish-blue rosettes. *Echeveria Black Prince, a water-wise gem with foliage that’s dark chocolate to black in colour. *Echeveria secunda, a distinctive euphorbia that produces masses of offsets with pink-edged foliage from an early age. Combining these varieties (and more, if you wish) in a large planter is a family-friendly activity that will leave you with the most beautiful centrepiece for your patio table.
Innovative Gardening Solutions Starke Ayres Garden Centres supply plants, gardening products and landscaping services. They offer a range of flowers and seeds, as well as expert advice to help you grow your new plants.
L U C K Y D R AW – W I N A R 2 5 0 G I FT VO U C H E R Stand a chance to win one of two gift vouchers to spend at the Rosebank or West Coast Starke Ayres. All you need to do is spend R250 or more at Starke Ayres, put your name and address on the back of the till slip and pop it into the competition box at either branch. We will do the draw on the last day of November and notify you by phone or e-mail.
G E T A L L YO U R G A R D E N E S S E N T I A L S Starke Ayres Rosebank, 21 Liesbeek Parkway, Rosebank, Cape Town Tel: 021 685 4120 Starke Ayres West Coast Garden Centre, West Coast Village Shopping Centre, Sunningdale, Cape Town Tel: 021 554 8450
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We tried it [ M OV I N G TO A STA N D I N G D E S K ]
Yes, I know they say that ‘sitting is the new smoking’, but for me, there is no way around sitting for a set amount of hours everyday. It’s what my job entails. I’ve created all sorts of diversions like putting my alarm on to prompt me to get up and walk around every hour. I’ve sat on an exercise ball, and done desk yoga at various intervals as well. Getting hold of a standing desk was a great opportunity to minimise my sitting hours, and I was excited to try it out. I chose one from DeskStand, a Cape Townbased company that makes ergonomic stands endorsed by chiropractors and delivers them for free. My stand came in a really ‘easy to assemble’ wooden frame and looked great. It has two adjustable levels for my keyboard and screen. It’s designed in a way that allows me to alternate between standing and sitting. Because I work on a laptop, I only use one level (the other one ended up collecting my tea cup and various bits of stationery). It also has a great ridge that’s perfect for a cellphone. The first day I used it, it was energizing and nice to experience working from a different level, but I also found it challenging. This is, apparently, to be expected, and the idea is to start by standing for an hour and working upwards to a couple of hours. Many people who have acclimatised to standing while working have reported feeling more productive, more focused, having more energy and concentration and experiencing less back pain. DeskStand products were developed by ergonomic designer Ryan Roberts, and they come in many different variations. To find out more visit www.deskstand.co.
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[ O N E- O N - O N E W I T H O M YO G A ] While having your own private home yoga session already seems like the ultimate treat, individual instruction can be highly advantageous too, helping you to get your asanas properly aligned and prevent potential injury. I usually go to a yoga class with anything up to 50 people. It’s wonderful, but it’s obviously impossible for a yoga teacher to give any one of us individual attention. Advancing your yoga practice sometimes takes a bit of personalized instruction. I sought out Tarryn James from Om Yoga to see how much value there is in having a focused class all to myself. Tarryn has a background in occupational therapy and a wonderful way of teaching. Throughout the class she answered all my questions, from finally vetting my chattaranga to checking my alignment in chair pose and offering me tips on tight hips. Though I’d done yoga for years, there were many poses I loved getting clarity on. Tarryn was able to give me accurate feedback. I recommend both serious yogis and beginner yogis to have a monthly individual class. Tarryn says she often does yoga for couples, and it’s a great bonding exercise for them. Om Yoga also does group sessions for corporates and team-building with yoga.
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After training with Eon Yoga in Pretoria and teaching for some time, Tarryn became the manager of Om Yoga. It’s well known for building the Om Revolution, which encourages huge yoga drives in all sectors and situations. Tarryn lives by yoga, which she says is like meditation on the mat: you find yourself and lose yourself at the same time. www.theomrevolution.co.za / 081 329 4543
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“Mind and body are not separate entities. What the mind believes, the body creates.”
D I D YO U K N OW ? Mind-body medicine uses the power of thoughts and emotions to influence physical health. It restores the natural wisdom of the body by uncovering the origins of the disease within the conscious and unconscious mind, and consequently reduces stress and the effects of stress on the body.
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A new awakening of consciousness is directed at overcoming the many diseases prevalent in our society. People are beginning to question the inevitability of the disease process. We have more knowledge than ever before about the human body and more medication and treatment available to so many people. Yet disease is on the increase in Western society. Many people are looking for solutions outside the current medical model and towards natural remedies and energy healing. A good place to start is to elect yourself as primary caretaker of your own health. Great empowerment can come from restoring the natural function of the body’s energy fields and being hyper-aware of the far-reaching power of thought. Our thoughts, belief systems, feelings and emotions have a massive impact on our physical bodies. Our consciousness creates the physical molecules in the body. What we think and perceive makes its way to the cellular level. The bio-field (or aura) and the chakra and meridian systems (energy pathways) are important elements in maintaining health. Everything that happens to us - both positive and negative - affects the underlying energetic blueprint of the body. Traumatic experiences affect the body’s energy systems and disrupt the natural flow of life-force energy, and positive experiences can enliven and heal the body. Many metaphysical healers believe that we are born with an innate knowledge of who we are and what our life purpose is. Somewhere along life’s path we become sidetracked by our environment, experiences and dramas, and we lose the memory. Tapping into the infinite knowledge of the universe is our birthright, but we often separate ourselves from this knowledge.
Modern medicine doesn’t help either, as it doesn’t recognise the value of intuition and emotion, and mostly only values biomedical theory, denying or rejecting alternative forms of healing or healthcare. New scientific awareness demonstrates that mind and body are not separate entities, and that what the mind believes, the body creates. Both Dr Bruce Lipton PhD, author of ‘The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles’ and Candace Pert PhD, author of ‘Molecules of Emotion’ speak extensively about mind-body medicine and the ways emotional, social and spiritual factors affect health. Where conventional medical practice treats disease with drugs to target the symptoms of illness, the Hiddenmind and Bio-Energy therapies look for the root cause of a person’s disorder, disease or illness and seek to raise individual self-healing power to restore health. This leads to the highest potential of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Everything that can help a person achieve this is of value from modern medicine to complementary and alternative healing methods as well as good nutrition, lifestyle and attitude. I believe the future of healthcare lies in shifting some of the responsibility for healing back to the patient. People need to know more about diet and nutritional biochemistry, but above all, they need to understand how to listen to their own bodies and be prepared to change their lifestyle, mindset and thinking. It may well be that as mind-body and energy healing progress, medication can be reduced and in some cases even eliminated.
AB OU T H ID D EN M IN D & B I O- E N E R G Y The HiddenMind Programme is a healing system founded by Tom Griffin using the power of the subconscious to look into the causes of ailments and disease. Its objective is to restore and regenerate the energetic structure to improve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Energy balancing techniques administered through hand movements work on the meridians, chakras and auric fields. Energy that’s in a continuous state of flux and flowing freely creates a healthy state of being. When it’s blocked, stagnant or imbalanced it negatively affects wellbeing. The balancing technique first scans the energy field. An experienced bio-energy therapist locates energy blockages through a developed extra-sensory awareness in his or her hands. Applying the techniques has a beneficial healing effect that releases, provokes, accumulates and balances the flow of energy in the body. Touch techniques on the head, heart and spine also have a therapeutic effect. Before beginning, music and breathing techniques encourage deep relaxation. Included in the sessions are discussions about nutrition, relaxation techniques, geopathic stress, attitude and lifestyle. An optimal programme is three sessions over three consecutive days, although every session is of benefit. During the healing process the subconscious mind is asked questions in the form of statements designed to elicit exact information stored there. The subconscious mind can be seen as the body’s invisible library. To access this ‘library’, the Hiddenmind programme uses a pendulum in an art called dowsing. Dowsing is a bio-feedback mechanism with a rich history. This type of investigation is especially effective in conditions like dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s, dyspraxia and autism. Subtle information regarding birth shock and hereditary problems like genetic or meridian malfunctions can be identified and removed with sound frequencies. The book ‘HiddenMind: A Journey of Reconnection’ by Tom Griffin and Dr. Nuala Bent gives scientific research backing complementary therapy and an in-depth explanation of the bio-energy and investigative and corrective sound protocol. “We are living through times of great change, and it is our hope to help people reach their highest potential, to become more aware of the nature of our reality, and to be able to live life to the full while experiencing the full spectrum of what it means to be human. We are not the same people as we once were, and we will never be the same again. It is the nature of life that everything grows and changes throughout its lifespan. Let us all come to know that health and happiness are our birthright, just as the strength to overcome adversity in our lives is our right. It is each person’s responsibility to realise this potential, but no man or woman is an island - we are social beings. If we help someone in need today, there is a great chance that they will lend a hand, ear or heart in turn when it is needed. A society full of healthy self-aware individuals will inevitably become a healthy and robust society.” - Thomas Griffin, Founder of HiddenMind AB OU T D IA N A S M I T H Diana Smith represents the HiddenMind Institute in Africa and offers HiddenMind and Bio-Energy complementary therapy sessions and diploma training courses in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. She can be contacted on 082 309 9798, dianasmith@vodamail.co.za or at www.hiddenmind.co.za
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Available at good health shops throughout South Africa For more information contact 021 701 5000 or ghpoffice@iafrica.com www.goodhealthsa.co.za www.wellnesswarehouse.com | 65
B O OK REVIEW S H OW EMOTIONS ARE M ADE: TH E S ECRET LIFE OF THE BRAIN Lisa Feldman Barrett | Pan Macmillan In this brilliant and original book, psychologist and neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett revevals how many of our commonly-held ideas about emotions are dramatically (and even dangerously) out of date. What’s really going on inside you when you experience a particular emotion? Many scientists believe that emotions come from specific parts of the brain, and are triggered by the world around us. However the author turns this view on its head, showing how an understanding of emotion as constructed by our unique personal history, physiology and environment is vital to the wellbeing of both the individual and society at large.
S OLVE FOR HAPPY: E NGINEER YOUR PATH TO J OY Mo Gawdat | Pan Macmillan Penned by the Chief Business Officer of Google X, this is both a personal story and a presentation of a triedand-tested algorithm for happiness in daily life. Trained as an engineer and software developer, the author uses his highly analytical mind to break the ‘problem of happiness’ down into small componenents that are both scalable and replicable in any situation. Although his approach may seem overly theoretical, it is in fact what helped him to survive the untimely death of his teenage son, Ali. If he could use his algorithm to return to a ‘resting state of happiness’ in the wake of such unfathomable tragedy, there’s no reason it can’t help the rest of us navigate the inevitable ups and downs of life in a way that does not dim our innate joy.
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by Lara Potgieter
MY LOV ELY WIF E: A MEMO IR O F MADN ESS AN D H O P E Mark Lukach | Pan Macmillan How do we care for the people we love in the midst of the harrowing challenges of mental illness? Giulia Lukach is a vibrant and welladjusted young woman who suffers no fewer than three unexpected psychotic breaks in the early years of her marriage to the author. The sudden fragility of her mind, her experiences in the psych ward and the upending of what seemed to be a fairytale romance are all chronicled in this refreshingly candid memoir. Although it shares the raw details of life on the edge of the abyss, My Lovely Wife also conveys a deeply hopeful message of love, compassion and the tenacity of the human spirit.
O P T IO N B : FAC ING ADV ER SIT Y, B U ILDING R ESILIENC E, AND F IN DIN G JOY Cheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant | Penguin Random House Facebook’s Chief Operating Officer and Wharton’s top-rated professor have combined their genius and personal experience to offer an invaluable guide to building resilience and moving forward after life’s inevitable setbacks. After the death of her husband, Sandberg sought solace in the advice of Grant, who taught her the concrete steps that people can take to recover from such a life-shattering experience. Option B combines the raw details of her personal tragedy with groundbreaking research on finding strength in the face of adversity, helping us all to make the most of whatever form of Option B we may find ourselves facing.
T H E SP IR IT- B O DY- MIN D CO NN EC T IO N : CO U LD YO U R B O DY B E A DIR EC T R ESU LT O F YO U R T H O U G H T S? Alta Cronj In this bold and authentic book, local author Alta Cronj suggests that our bodies are visual representations of everything we believe about ourselves, literally embodying the essence of who we are. The book draws on the notion that every cell in the body remembers every thought, decision and experience in the form of information stored in the subconscious mind, and encourages us to bring greater awareness to our habitual thought patterns in our attempts to feel more comfortable in our physical forms. In a gentle and accessible fashion, Cronj shows us how viewing our bodies as blessings rather than challenges and cultivating an abiding sense of self-love will naturally precipitate the positive physical changes we desire.
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Finding Healing FIONA DOBROVOLSKY TH E CO LO U R ST U DI O I offer aura-soma, colour therapy and reiki consultations, as well as weekly meditation and affirmation workshops. Aura-soma is a natural healing method that uses the vibrational powers of colour, crystals and aromas combined with light to harmonise the body, mind and spirit. The holistic therapy is intimately connected to the concept of colour, which has therapeutic uses that date back to ancient times. Every colour is a wavelength of light with a specific energetic quality that can influence the whole range of human emotions through the chakras – whorls of energy that rotate in our etheric body and influence all aspects of our being. Colour therapy can help to re-balance and/or stimulate our energies by balancing our chakras. Red relates to the base chakra, orange to the sacral chakra, yellow to the solar plexus chakra, green to the heart chakra, blue to the throat chakra, indigo to the brow chakra (sometimes referred to as the third eye) and violet to the crown chakra. Colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull and ‘magnetic energy field’ or aura, and the energy of colour affects us on all levels - physical, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light energy, and so colour has widespread effects on the whole body. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing through the channelling of life force energy. My weekly meditation and affirmation workshops equip participants with simple yet powerful tools for manifesting their best lives. I also offer tarot reading, chakra balancing, yoga, crystal therapy and more. Northcliff 073 7139 605 fionadobrovolsky7@gmail.com
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MARSHA FORBES A L C H E M Y HEALTH & F IT N E S S C EN TRE I offer pilates, yoga, craniosacral fascial therapy, martial arts training and sports and lymphatic drainage massage to clients at my studio in Cresta. Craniosacral fascial therapy (CFT) is a gentle muscle massage therapy that uses slow, interactive pressure and stretch techniques to assess and release restrictions in the connective tissue in the whole body, including the head. My martial arts training includes Korean karate, aikido, tai chi and weapons training. The martial arts offer not only a total body workout, but also improved self-confidence, cardiovascular health, reflexes, muscle tone, mood, focus, stillness and more. Karate can be practised as an art, a means of self-defense, or a combat sport. Traditional karate focuses on self-development, emphasizing psychological elements such as perseverance, fearlessness and leadership skills. Aikido is a modern Japanese martial art developed as a synthesis of martial arts, philosophy and religious pursuits. It’s often translated as ‘the way of unifying with life energy’, or ‘the way of harmonious spirit’. Tai chi combines deep breathing and relaxation with flowing movements to reduce stress, improve posture, balance and general mobility, and increase muscle strength in the legs. Sports massage involves the manipulation of soft tissue to benefit a person engaged in regular physical activity. Lymphatic drainage massage uses gentle, repetitive strokes to facilitate the lymphatic system, supporting the body’s internal filtration system to help facilitate detoxification and keep the immune system in check. Cresta 011 888 0679 alchemyhealth@telkomsa.net www.alchemycentre.co.za
TA R R Y N J A M E S THE OM REVOL UTION We’re a mobile yoga and wellness service founded in 2014. Our mission is to make yoga accessible to everyone, bringing it into the convenience of the home or office. We noticed a need for private, Individually-tailored yoga classes that would give both beginners and advanced yogis the chance to learn and practise in a convenient, familiar and supportive environment. We offer a range of yoga experiences including events, workshops and classes covering everything from beginner to pregnancy styles. Our low-cost public classes at various locations around Cape Town allow anyone to experience the magic of the practice. Our overarching philosophy is that yoga is for everyone, and should be offered as such. Our invigorating outdoor classes take place in picturesque locations the likes of Kirstenbosch Gardens, Chapman’s Peak, Signal Hill, The Company Gardens, Table Mountain and Clifton and Blouberg Beaches. With the aim of helping South African companies promote a healthy lifestyle for their staff, we launched a mobile wellness service to complement our corporate yoga offering in 2016. This corporate yoga and wellness programme provides the opportunity for your team to regroup and re-energise. With over 14 yoga teachers throughout Cape Town and a newly launched team in Gauteng, we are able to accommodate any location and scheduling needs, taking the organising work out of your corporate wellness strategy. For those looking to enjoy yoga in the comfort of home, our individuallytailored, private yoga lessons allow you to practise by yourself or with your family and friends. Cape Town and Johannesburg 081 329 4543 yoga@theomrevolution.co.za www.theomrevolution.co.za
Heal with colour, try a new movement or bodywork practice and explore energy healing in its many forms with this month’s selection of holistic healers, centres and communities.
If you’d like to be listed as a natural health practitioner on Holistica contact lara@holistica.co.za
I am a holistic healer, teacher, animal communicator and spiritual coach with a passion for facilitating self-healing, better communication and spiritual development.
Targeting clients’ individual needs, I work with different disciplines to suit specific concerns. I have studied with therapists worldwide in modalities like manual bodywork, myofascial release and energetic healing. After graduating Magna Cum Laude from UCT in 2002 with a BSc in physiotherapy, I studied methods of myofascial release and manual therapy. I trained in integrative fascial release with Steven Goldstein, and use direct manual techniques according to the anatomy trains concept by Thomas Myers. I am also a certified DORN practitioner with an interest in working with the fascia of the body to facilitate a potent tension release.
Nirapa School of Dance combines the knowledge of dance and movement with the intuitive knowing of the soul, celebrating womanhood and the divine feminine.
During my 27-year career as a nurse and midwife, I became interested in alternative healing and how it can complement allopathic medicine. Over the years, I studied and applied various modalities and today I run a holistic healing practice, where I treat both humans and animals. I am a reiki master, hold a diploma in metaphysics and am also qualified in quantum touch, biochemical medicine, kinesiology, crystal healing, hypnotherapy, kundalini yoga, animal communication and corporate mentoring. I use my intuition, training and experience to look not only at the physical symptoms of disease, but also at the emotional and spiritual causes of illness. I then use the most appropriate healing techniques to open pathways for my clients to return to holistic wellbeing. In addition to offering holistic healing, I counsel and coach individual and corporate clients to clear blockages and bring spiritual and emotional wellness into their lives, relationships and work. I also offer animal communication services to help humans better understand (and care for) their pets, and do both hands-on and distance healing on animals suffering from an array of ailments. To help spread healing knowledge and methods, I offer various courses, including reiki, crystal healing, quantum sensory healing and animal communication and healing courses for children and adults. I also teach at institutes of intuition and metaphysics and facilitate kundalini yoga and meditation classes. One of the highlights on my calendar is my annual dolphin retreat, held in Mozambique. Cape Town 083 558 2555 admin@zeropointhealing.co.za www.zeropointhealing.co.za
I have a two-year, internationallyaccredited certification in energy healing with the School of Intuition and Healing, a certificate in non-medical hypnosis and a diploma in regression therapy with the Past Life Regression Academy (recognised by the European Association of Regression Therapists). I am a proud member of the Spiritual Regression Therapy Association. I also facilitate inner child process work, using guided visualisation to access consciousness at different key developmental ages and reframing beliefs and experiences from the time. After studying many forms of energy healing, I found my passion in sound healing. Sound is a carrier wave of consciousness and facilitates profound states of healing. I teach sound healing classes, conduct sacred sound ceremonies and facilitate both individual and group sound healing sessions. During the ceremonies, participants are exposed to a sound healing journey created by vocal harmonics, quartz crystal singing bowls, a gong, a Native American prayer flute and an Indian harp, amongst other instruments. I also provide sacred music for weddings, rites of passage and memorials.
Nirapa means ‘movement of the divine’. As a master teacher and performer of oriental dance with Montessori teaching, BodyTalk and other forms of natural healing experience, I opened the school to share dance as a form of healing and therapy for women. My intention is to guide women inward to the core of their feminine being, where they can find rejuvenation and a renewed sense of life. At the school we weave meditation, visualisation, soul sensation and women’s wisdom into a combination of oriental, free, expressive and improvised dance. Women of all ages connect in love through movement, dialogue and ceremony. Our aim is to reunite women across all divides and ages, bringing awareness to our common connection in womanhood. Participants have the opportunity to dance from deep beyond the control of the mind and ego. We combine the knowledge of dance with the intuitive knowing of the soul, offering a moving prayer in honour of life. The dance we practise is ancient, and is already within the spirit of all women - it is only a case of remembering how to access it. We encourage a style that is deeply personal. We host monthly workshops including oriental dance with meditation, and a women’s wisdom circle. Retreats are run annually, with private and semiprivate sessions by appointment. Randburg 083 650 9283 catherine@nirapa.com www.nirapa.com
Plumstead 0723804830 soundhealingct@gmail.com www.freeflowtherapy.co.za www.wellnesswarehouse.com | 69
Changing thethe world one Changing world one breath at a time breath at a time Changing the world onelevels including Hot and yogayoga for all Hot non-heated and non-heated for all levels including breath atVinyasa, aBikram, time Vinyasa, Power & Sculpt Bikram, Power & Sculpt
Hot and non-heated yoga for all levels including Vinyasa,Offering Bikram, Power & Sculpt one free of yoga new to Offering oneweek free week of for yoga forstudents new students to
YogaLife. Cape Town residents only, with YogaLife. Cape Town residents only,valid with ID valid ID Offering one free week of yoga for new students toR400 Yoga special for travellers to CT, R250 for one week Yoga special for travellers to CT, for week Yoga special for travellers to CT, R299 for one one week Yoga special for travellers to CT, R250 for one week YogaLife. Cape Town residents only, with valid ID Located at 127atWaterkant Street,Street, right next theto Old Located 127 Waterkant rightto next theCape Old Quarter Cape Quarter
Yoga special for travellers to CT, R250 for one week www.yogalife.co.za Tel: 021 021 418 418 2884 Located at 127 Waterkant Street, right next to the Old Cape Quarter www.yogalife.co.za Tel: 2884 www.yogalife.co.za
HIDDEN MIND The HiddenMind Programme has proven to be most beneficial in treating special needs and persistent conditions like dyslexia, autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, asthma, arthritis, back ache, chronic pain, insomnia, migraines, schizophrenia and many others. Experience the amazing healing power for yourself. Contact Diana 082 309 9798 dianasmith@vodamail.co.za www.hiddenmind.co.za
Tel: 021 418 2884
C E L E B R AT I N G N E W FRANCHISE O P P O RT U N I T I E S with Wellness Warehouse If you love retail, love wellness and have what it takes to be a successful business owner, this may be an opportunity for you. Wellness Warehouse is South Africa’s fastest-growing health and wellness retailer nationwide. With 25 company-owned outlets throughout Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria, we want to grow our national footprint even further. We are looking for franchisees who are independent, entrepreneurial-minded and have a burning desire to succeed in business. To be a successful franchisee, you will need to be self-motivated, persistent and determined to make your business a success. Successful franchisees are hands-on operators committed to and enthusiastic about getting involved in the Wellness brand. If you believe you have the entrepreneurial skills and passion to run your own Wellness Warehouse, contact us for more information on franchise opportunities.
C O N TA C T U S Drue Frost // Tel: +27 (0) 21 276 2164 E-mail: drue@wellnesswarehouse.com
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