Wellness Warehouse

Page 1

October 2011


Body rituals for GORGEOUS, GLOWING & BLEMISH FREE skin ANTI-OXIDANTS that lower your biological age



to a younger more vibrant you

WIN hampers of

Meet Meryl, Wellspa Therapist, Wellness Cavendish



SKIN ISSUE Offers valid from Saturday 1 October until Monday 31 October ‘11. Selected items may not be available at certain stores. We reserve the right to limit quantities. E.&O.E.


the power of

In 1998, the Nobel Prize for medicine was awarded to three American scientists (Furchgott, Murad and Ignarro) for their discoveries about the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the cardio-vascular system. What does NO do? NO is: – a regulator of blood pressure; – a gatekeeper of blood flow to certain organs; – a stamina enhancer via oxygen usage efficiency; – a weapon against infection; – a signal molecule in the nervous system. What is NO? NO It is a simple molecule found when nitrogen burns but which is very unstable and quickly converts to nitrate. NO is found in most living creatures. Where does NO come from? NO is produced naturally by many different cells in your body. However it has only been recently understood how NO production can be increased by the consumption of natural dietary nitrates. Two Swedish scientists (Weitzberg and Lundberg) found that natural nitrates (NO3) in the diet (such as those found in beetroot, spinach and lettuce) are broken down to nitrite (NO2) in the mouth by friendly bacteria that live on the back of our tongues. This nitrite, after swallowing, crosses the stomach wall and enters our blood stream where it is then converted to NO by enzymes in our blood cells and blood vessels – thus providing a rather more appealing option for boosting NO than the nitro-glycerin (better known as an explosive!) used by the Nobel prize winners in their research. Most human research trials currently being done now use beetroot juice as their primary source of dietary nitrate. Why beetroot juice? Beetroot juice is particularly high in natural dietary nitrates as well as being both easy to consume and delicious in taste. Warning: Drinking beetroot juice may turn your urine pink; this is perfectly normal.


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WIN 1 of 10 natural sunscreen protection for kids SUNUMBRA SUNKIDS NATURAL SUNSCREEN contains organic ingredients with a sun protection factor of 40. Dermatologically tested and approved �� Specially formulated for children & people with sensitive skin � Tested on human skin only � pH balanced for children’s skin � Can be used by anyone with a dietary or environmental concern Sunkids provides the highest level 5 star protection against UVA radiation � Sunkids is 100% free of harmful ingredients

QUESTION: What is the sun protection factor offered by Sunumbra Sunkids? Stand a chance of winning a tube of sun protection cream by submitting your answer at wellnesswarehouse.com/competitions/sunumbra. Please provide your postal address, name and contact details.

WIN 1 of 2 product hampers valued at over R1000 each Esse Organic Skincare hamper includes a Deep Moisturiser, Gel Cleanser 200ml, Toner, Eye & Lip Cream and Cocoa Exfoliator

Holistic skincare begins with Esse A passionately organic range of skincare products formulated to retain youthfulness and reduce the signs of aging. Perfect for sensitive skins and use during pregnancy, Esse is South Africa’s premium organic choice in skincare. To enter visit wellnesswarehouse.com/competitions/esse

WIN one of 3 SCENTSTATION burners and oil valued at R370 each


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a few drops of essential oil (Scentsation oils are recommended). No water, no salts. Researched and developed by Aromatic Apothecary®. OUTLETS V&A Waterfront CT To enter visit Gateways KZNwellnesswarehouse.com/competitions/aromatic Head Office +27 21 448 8774

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publisher's letter Our skin truly is amazing. The average square inch of skin holds 650 sweat glands, 20 blood vessels, 60,000 pigment producing cells, and more than 1,000 nerve endings. It protects us, enables our sense of touch, keeps us warm, helps us to cool down and waterproofs us, but besides all that, our skin is beautiful. In this issue, our aim is to celebrate the skin, pay attention to it and give it the care it deserves. From food that feeds your skin, to massage that tightens and invigorates your skin, to protective creams and skin As a contribution to our Skin issue we set healthy supplements. Loving the skin Sean Gomes the task of trying out as many you’re in is an important part of self different shaving options as possible. Right acceptance. The quickest way to get in now he is using Dermalogica’s Shaving Cream touch with yourself and love your body is to spend as much time as possible being naked. That’s right, I said it, naked! Now I’m not saying go out and get arrested, but certainly with all the amazing scrubs, creams, moisturisers and skin delicious products in this issue, you might want to spend more time naked, in your bathroom at least. Make this your body beautiful month, doing what it takes to nourish your skin. What ever you do, just remember two important things. Your body absorbs what you put on your skin. So anything that you wouldn’t want in your body, don’t put on your body. And secondly, you only have one skin to live in, so protect it from the sun. The incidence of skin cancer is continually rising. At least 50% of us will have some form of skin cancer by the time we’re 65. So make sure you protect your skin throughout the day. Thank you all for your positive and wonderful responses to our last issue. We hope to keep you informed and inspired on your journey to LIVING LIFE WELL. P.S. make sure you take advantage of our special October Spa special (see page 25) as our contribution to your skin. Yours in wellness Dr Sean Gomes, Co-founder and Owner

EDITORIAL PANEL Publisher: Dr. Sean Gomes Editor: Robyn Wilkinson robyn@wellnesswarehouse.com Designer: Inge Smit design@wellnesswarehouse.com Life Coach: Glenn-Douglas Haig Advertising queries: thirdeye@icon.co.za Health advisor: Felicia Rubin Pharmacist: Marnus Janse van Rensburg Dietician: Melissa Gomes Printer: Trident Press FOR ANY QUERIES CONTACT Candice Abrahams candice@wellnesswarehouse.com Tel: 021 418 1222



contents 6


Skin Food - Eat your way towards glowing, vibrant, younger looking skin with food choices that boost, protect and support your skin


Gorgeous, Glowing & Blemish free - The right dose of supplements will help guard against sun damage and ageing



Skin-a-licious - Tips tricks and body rituals that invite fabulous skin







Hit the Barre- Make exercise your top skin care ingredient for a healthy, vibrant complexion

Stretch & Recover From stretch marks to pigmentation we look at some of the challenges facing pregnant mum’s-to-be

Body Basics - Basic practices and ingredients that have stood the test of time both improving skin texture and creating rituals that generate self-love



Win a hamper of divine Esse body products, Sunumbra Sunkids natural sunscreen, a Laptop, Kapruka coconut oil, a Scentstation burner system and Meadowsweet Gift box MODEL: MERYL SMITH STYLIST: ROBYN WILKINSON PHOTOGRAPHER: ASTRID KILLE





Skin Salad

Workshops, Yoga and More


WIN one of 2 gift boxes from MEADOWSWEET worth R550 each Meadowsweet’s Natural Body Products are rich and luxurious with pure essential oils to feed and nourish your body, mind and spirit. The Meadowsweet range is regarded as one of South Africa’s best and is designed to make you feel pampered and special.

• •

The unisex Vitamin E range is skin boosting and rejuvenating (safe for pregnant moms and babies). The Calming and Comforting range will help you deal with everyday stresses and strains.

To enter visit wellnesswarehouse..com/competitions/meadowsweet include your postage details and state which gift box you would prefer to win.

WIN one of 5, 500ml bottles of KAPRUKA COCONUT OIL For everyday beauty, health and culinary use. Virgin Coconut Oil is classified as the healthiest oil in the world. Some of its benefits are: Speeds up metabolism; Immediate energy release; No trans fats formed during heating; Antioxidant; Anti viral, Anti fungal, Anti bacterial, Anti aging. It is easily absorbed through skin and hair and is ideal for cooking and frying. Send us your favourite recipe using coconut oil and stand to win a 500ml bottle of Kapruka Virgin Coconut oil.

To enter visit wellnesswarehouse.com/competitions/kapruka and submit your favourite recipe

“Giving you everything you wish for” is not only the meaning of our brand name Kapruka, but also the promise of the coconut palm. wellnesswarehouse.com



healthy foodmarket

"Water is the key to detoxifying"

SKIN FOOD Eat your way towards glowing, vibrant, younger looking skin with food choices that boost, protect and support your skin.

did you know? Eating an abundance of anti-oxidants can lower your biological age up to six years.



verything you eat becomes part of your physical body. Imagine what processed, saturated fat filled with preservatives will look like on the outside and you will be sure to make healthier choices. Load your shopping trolley with nutrients that possess skin-hydrating, cell boosting, sunprotective and wrinkle preventing powers. There are enough choices for you not to feel deprived, foods with ample antioxidants and the right amount of fibre will increase your digestive power and maintain a healthy colon at the same time. everything you need to live life well



healthy foodmarket

WATER TO FLUSH OUT TOXINS No matter how many times you have heard this, hear it again. WATER is the key to detoxifying. It helps deliver nutrients to the cells, keeps kidneys functioning and gets rid of wastes and toxins. Many people who feel exhausted are simply dehydrated and will have much more energy by drinking more water. Without enough water to help the body flush out waste, it becomes like a well of pollutants. If you only make one change, choose to drink 1 to 2 litres a day and you will immediately notice a difference in your skin. This doesn’t mean tea or juice or flavoured water, it means plain, clean water.

GREEN TEA TO REJUVENATE A potent anti-oxidant called EGCG (epigallocatechin-gallate) found in green tea works powerfully to smooth and rejuvenate the skin. It prevents the formation of inflammatory chemicals found in acne and sun-related skin ageing; it has a compound that inhibits the growth of skin cancer and contains amino acids that slows the release of the stress hormone cortisol. Make up a big pot in the morning and drink up to six cups a day. Green tea does contain a small amount of caffeine so don’t drink it too late in the afternoon especially if you are caffeine sensitive.

FRESH & JUICY TO SMOOTH OUT WRINKLES Your body needs a daily dose of antiwrinkle Vitamin C. Go for citrus in oranges, lemons, limes and grapefruits. Papaya is an excellent breakfast choice. Add raw bell peppers and chopped up broccoli to salads. If you like Brussel sprouts, eat them as many times a week as you want, they have countless nutritional benefits. Lemon can be squeezed over papaya, used in salad dressings or added to drinking water. Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant that mops up free radicals. It also helps keep collagen (the supportive protein fibres that stop skin from sagging) strong and resilient.

Got a question for our professionals? visit wellnesswarehouse.com/qa/

DARK GREEN & LEAFY TO RENEW CELLS Without healthy new cell growth, skin can become dry, flaky or rough. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and celery leaves deliver ample Vitamin A which supports new skin cells. Steam them, eat them raw or if you aren’t partial to the taste, add them to stews, curries or salads but make sure you include a few servings a week.

SEA FOOD FOR ANTI-AGEING Find more ways to eat fish. Master a gourmet fish cake recipe, try your hand at home-made sushi and experiment with kedgeree. Omega-3 fatty acids are age defying, they protect the skin against sunburn. Fish has protein which is needed to build and repair cells and produce enzymes and hormones for added glow. Salmon, trout, tuna, sardines and mackerel are all excellent choices. Be aware of the danger of high mercury content in fish and research your supplier before you make a purchase.

SULPHUR RICH TO BOOST COLLAGEN Boost collagen production to plump out cells, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and smooth out your skin. Sulfurpacked foods like onion, garlic, parsley, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage are rich in sulphur nutrients called glucosinolates, which help to clean out carcinogens in the body. Sulphur is found in our connective tissue, nerve cells, skin, hair and nails. It supports healthy liver function and cleans the body. Certain nuts also contain sulphur. Great nuts for skin are walnuts, with omega-3 fatty acids and Brazil nuts that also have skin-protecting selenium.

FIBRE FOR HEALTHY ELIMINATION Under-active bowels create a diseasefriendly environment in the colon. People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation and digestive disorders. When the body’s eliminative functions are operating optimally there is no chance for toxins to accumulate in the colon. Fibre keeps the colon healthy by providing bulk that wellnesswarehouse.com

helps with effective elimination. It can be found in various food groups: in brown rice, barley, bran flakes, oatmeal, popcorn, split peas, lentils, apples, pears, bananas, broccoli, turnips and potatoes with skin. Ground flaxseeds are an easy way to add fibre as they can be sprinkled on muesli, salads, rice or added to smoothies or even sandwiches.


As far as diet is concerned excess sugar is considered to be one of the main causes of premature ageing. Too much sugar in the bloodstream can encourage a process called glycation. Simply put this is when a protein molecule bonds with a sugar molecule creating damaging AGE’s (advanced glycation end-products) which damage the collagen in skin, cartilage and ligaments. Skin loses elasticity, begins to sag and wrinkles form. There are so many healthy alternatives to sugar on the market. Think of both reducing your sugar intake and at the same time changing from processed white sugar to an alternative like stevia.

Coconut Oil is an excellent skin aid. Use internally and externally


visit us online at wellnesswarehouse.com for a comprehensive guide to meal planning including recipes, special diets, simple prep tips and recommended pairings with wines, sides, and cheeses.



healthy foodmarket product guide



If you are eating a diet that is not compatible with your system, it will show up in your skin.

Pure Chef'ease Add delicious flavour to healthy dishes. Chef'ease is a range of fruit and vegetable purees and concentrates with no preservatives, artificial additives or colourants. Convenient re-sealable packaging has a long shelf life and keeps for at least 48 hours in the fridge after opening. Pure Chef'ease Sweet Chilli Sauce 500g Apple Sauce 500g Tomato & Basil Sauce 500g Tomato Suace 500g

R1995 R1995 R1995 R1995

Take some time to select an eating pattern that includes food that is good for you and find alternatives for foods you know you shouldn’t have. Make one change at a time. If sugar is your problem, slowly switch over and get your system used to an alternative like Xylitol. If you have allergies to wheat or gluten, there is an abundance of delectable alternatives.



Too much sugar in your diet is a contributory factor to ageing. Use healthier alternatives like Xylitol in this range of fruity confectionary. Fruit, berry and citrus Sparx will satisfy the sweetest urge in a guilt free yummy solution.

If you are allergic to cow milk or if lactose intolerant, goats milk yogurt is the perfect alternative for you.

Sparx Assorted

Foxenburg Goat Milk Drinking Yoghurt 300ml R1695 Plain R1695 Vanilla R1895 English Toffee R1695 Passion Fruit

R1995 30g

Naturata Finding healthy food can be tricky, reading labels and researching ingredients is time consuming, but Naturata’s range is guaranteed to use farming methods that are either biodynamic or organic. Naturata Organic Food Range Spelt Spirelli 500g R34.95 Spelt Spaghetti 500g R34.95 Cereal Coffee 100g R72.95 Ketchup 290ml R32.95 Multigrain Crispibread 250g R26.95 and more

Marana Ta You have to try these. Duck eggs can be freely substituted for chicken eggs in baking and in single use. They taste almost the same, but some say they have a richer flavour. Marana Ta Free Range Duck Eggs


R1995 R3695

R2195 6's

everything you need to live life well



Deliciously fresh and healthy chewing gum containing Xylitol comes in a variety of flavours. It increases saliva which is an important oral protector and keeps the breath fresh. It acts as a good distraction for those wanting to lose weight or avoid sugar filled snacks.

Spry mints are sugar-free and sweetened with 100% Xylitol. Products sweetened with Xylitol create an unwelcome environment for bacteria as they are unable to stick to teeth in a Xylitol-rich environment.

Spry Chewing Gum Assorted


Spry 100% Xylitol Mints R2395 Peppermint R2395 Berry Blast



Schar Wafers

Replace sugar with Xylitol. Besides being substantially lower in calories (about 50%) Xylitol is safe for people with diabetes and hypoglycemia because it gets into the cells without insulin and can be used to make glucose. This means it has a minimal effect on blood sugar levels.

Who says you can’t eat delicious treats just because you are gluten intolerant?

Wellness Xylitol 50 x 5g Sachets



Schar Wafers Hazelnut 125g Vanilla 125g

R3395 R3395

Make sure you get enough fibre from sources that react well with your system. If wheat or gluten is a problem for you, try an alternative like rye or sour dough.

Wellness Bread Gluten Free Sweet Potato Bread Sour Dough Bread Spelt Bread

R2795 R1795 R1195

cooking tip Instead of sugar, use an equal amount of applesauce in your recipes


Give your pet the boost it needs with a Vondis Vitamin supplement. Puppies, kittens and older pets have more specific nutritional needs and mineral and vitamin requirements. Added natural minerals will help improve digestion, build immunity, strengthen bones and fulfil specific mineral requirements. Yeast, Lecithin, Garlic, Kelp, Calcium, Dandelion and Vitamin C combined in a single supplement does the trick. Vondi's Vitamin Supplement

Quick and easy vegetarian meals that use a freezing process that keeps the goodness intact. In this process, the temperature of food is lowered much below their freezing point in a short period of time, (up to –20° C in 3 to 30 minutes). This inhibits the oxidative, enzymatic and microbial changes, which are responsible for the change of flavour, colour and their spoilage. Vodilal Aloo Mutter 284g R31.95 Tandoori Roti R31.95

R45 250g




skin salad

try this salad at the wellness café

spinach and cabbage salad with organic sprouts and a tahina honey dressing • • • •

500g swiss chard spinach shredded 1 red or white cabbage shredded 150g mixed organic sprouts 1 avocado cubed

Avocados are high in omega oils and promotes skin elasticity

Monday - Saturday 8am-5pm

dressing • • • • •

Mix all the ingredients together and cover with the dressing. As easy as 1,2,3




100ml tahina 30ml raw honey 2 lemons juiced 3 cloves garlic crushed 1/2 teaspoon herbamare seasoning water (as needed)

Lemon juice is alkaline when ingested and aids in purifying the blood


Tahina is high in omega oils because of the raw sesame seed content

bringing you the best of good

health with the delicious celebration of taste. Come and experience a

daily buffet with the freshest health giving food made with passion foodie feast in our

and love. Tasteful dishes with choices from low fat to

raw, gluten free, lactose free and more. Taste, texture and spice are all combined in grains, proteins, fibre and farmer fresh


fruit and veg.


everything you need to live life well

LOVING THE SKIN YOU'RE IN By InnerlifeSkills® Master Coach Glenn-Douglas Haig


ne of the most powerful gems of wisdom ever to be shared on earth is known as ‘The Serenity Prayer’. For years I read it, and thought it was great for sweet old ladies chatting over tea, but it did not have much relevance to me.... until eight years ago. In October 2003 I was shot through my stomach and legs seven times by armed robbers in my house in Jo’burg. After five days in a coma, I woke up with my right leg amputated. (To read the full story please visit www.glenndouglashaig.com and click on “How can Glenn Inspire me?”)

beyond our power, and pretending that we have no control over the things we do. Acceptance is the key. I often say to my clients that I’m not miserable because I only have one leg, but I get miserable when I wish I had two. There are certain things in life that we can’t change and which we have to accept, otherwise we will suffer. But we can only do this if we also realize that there are things in life and in ourselves that we do have power over. Again, acceptance is the key. Give yourself the chance to sit quietly and make two lists: one, of things you can change, and the other, of things you can’t. Then decide to stop fighting the things you can’t and focus on those you can. Be honest, go within and you’ll start loving the skin you’re in! “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change The courage to change the things I can And the wisdom to know the difference.” The Serenity Prayer

My entire world had changed in less than a week. That’s when I started looking at things a little differently. I realised that there were things in life that I had no power over, that no amount of wishing or striving or anger would change. If I was going to find any peace, if I was going to live my potential, if I was going to love and be loved, then I would have to do one single thing: accept that my body was the way it was, and that other people would see me as they would, no matter how hard I tried to change their impression of me. I had to discover what I had the power to change and what I did not have the power to change. That’s the real secret. And it is not easy - why? Because we are very good at fooling ourselves into thinking that we can control things that are

Wellness Warehouse’s in-house Life Coach Glenn-Douglas Haig is a certified InnerLifeSkills® coach. He gives private coaching lessons and workshops for Wellness Warehouse staff and customers.




integrative health

"A good detox can

dramatically improve the appearance of your skin."

TOTAL BODY CLEANSE A clean system gives your body the opportunity to function properly. To accelerate the path to a healthy glowing skin, consider a good clean out from the inside.


did you know? Smoking is one of the most damaging contributors to skin appearance. It decreases blood flow, depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients and damages collagen and elastin. 12

llow the digestive, circulatory, eliminative and lymphatic systems to work optimally by monitoring your diet and taking cleansing supplements. If you go through a complete detox you will notice a radical change in your skin. Blemishes and spots will disappear, the texture will change and skin will have an incredible glow.


everything you need to live life well

BENTONITE CLAY is highly beneficial and can be used on the face as a mask to remove impurities from the skin. It can also be taken internally. It neutralises poisons in the intestinal tract, enriches and balances blood, absorbs radiation from exposure to cell phones, microwaves, and x-rays. It helps with all digestive problems and has been used internally to treat acne and skin problems.


integrative health

ALOE VERA JUICE helps to balance the pH measurement of the body through its 20 amino acids, assorted peptides and alkaloids. Having a balanced pH can prevent acne, prevent urinary tract and yeast infections, and ensure proper digestion. It also contributes to balancing hormones. Vitamins A, C, E, B, choline, B12, and folic acid in Aloe Vera are responsible for the anti-oxidative function of neutralising free radicals. It is important to use a pure and natural Aloe Vera juice without any damaging additives.


Mg MAGNESIUM OXIDE is used as an antacid and detoxifying agent. It is a good intestinal cleanser and improves organ function by expelling harmful toxins. It has a relaxing effect that helps treat nervous indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome.

MILK THISTLE protects the liver from toxins like alcohol, pollution and various medications. It has a detoxification effect that works on the liver and gallbladder.

DANDELION LEAF is a diuretic and will assist in cleaning the kidneys and reducing fluid retention. Dandelion root helps stimulate metabolism and elimination.


Gorgeous glowing and blemish free skin is one of the biggest beauty assets you can have. The right dose of vitamins, minerals, Omegas and antioxidants will help guard against sun damage, skin cancer and ageing and will promote supple and glowing skin. Remember to keep away from cigarette smoke; even if you don’t smoke, being in a smoky environment can affect you. Also keep your skin protected from excessive sun exposure resulting in photo damage. Regular cleansing with a gentle cleanser, exfoliator and penetrative moisturiser is essential.









VITAMIN A, C AND E helps maintain and repair skin tissue, reduces free radical damage from the sun and pollution and protects skin cells. A deficiency of vitamin A can create skin that is dry and flaky.

ZINC is key when it comes to acne prevention. Dermatologists believe that, in some cases, acne is a direct symptom of a zinc deficiency. Zinc works to clear skin by balancing oil production and formation of acne lesions.

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS (EFAS) are especially beneficial for dry skin prone to inflammation and white or black heads. EFA’s are essential to the production of the skins natural oil barrier. Take Omega-3 and Omega-6 together for smoother and younger-looking skin.


ARTICHOKE EXTRACT helps with the digestive process and can strengthen and help regenerate liver cells. It also has the ability to process fats in the body and can be beneficial for weight loss.


supplements for great skin

Regular supplementation helps protect the skin from sun damage and reduces the chances of sunburn. Researchers quoted in The Journal of the American Medical Association showed that skin cancer patients taking 200 micrograms of selenium daily had: 37% fewer malignancies; 50% reduced risk of death from skin cancer and a 17% decrease in overall mortality.

ALPHA-LIPOIC ACID is a powerful antioxidant and an effective booster for ageing skin. It has the ability to permeate not only water but oil as well neutralising skin damage on a cellular level.

VITAMIN B COMPLEX The most important B vitamin is biotin, a nutrient that forms the basis of skin, nail, and hair cells. A deficiency could cause dermatitis (an itchy, scaly skin reaction) and sometimes even hair loss. Even a mild deficiency causes symptoms.

DMAE (dimethyl-aminoethanol)

is another potent antioxidant effectively getting rid of free radicals and stopping their power to harm skin cells. It also strengthens cell membranes helping to reduce damaging effects from sun and cigarette smoke. DMAE is also reported to prevent age spots.

HYALURONIC ACID acts as a bonding agent keeping skin cells looking smoother and younger and giving them volume and fullness. It is effective in keeping the skin hydrated and holding moisture in the cells. Although hyaluronic acid is made in the body, it isn't readily available in food so supplementation is beneficial.

Got a question for our professionals? visit wellnesswarehouse.com/qa/ wellnesswarehouse.com



integrative health product guide

CHECK YOUR BALANCE Beautiful skin needs a good balance in 7 areas: quality sleep; fresh wholesome food; good digestion and regular elimination; abundant oxygen; balanced emotions; enough exercise to make you sweat and water to hydrate and remove toxins.


f your lifestyle feels upside down and out of balance, invite a healthier disposition with a cleansing detox. Then make sure your body has all the vitamins and minerals it needs to carry out its functions. Supplements can make a difference to so many things including bad sleeping patterns, a craving for junk food, moodiness, fatigue, colon health and more.


Buy Wellness Slow Release Vitamin C and RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY Wellness Essential Mulitvitamin 30 vegicaps

QUESTION My son who is 13 was sunburnt quite badly yesterday. Do you have any recommendation to help soothe his skin? What can he take in future to stop burning so badly - orally - and which sunscreen would you recommend to be the most effective.

ANSWER Try Silver Genesis Superhydrogel for topical relief of the sunburn. It contains aloe, colloidal silver and some oils that should sooth and prevent any secondary infections. For sunscreen protection, I suggest RAD by Environ. It is an excellent aftersun as well due to the high level of antioxidants it contains. In terms of protection, beta carotene provides some protection from sunburn so I would suggest taking it in the summer months. Try Solgar's Beta Carotene and take the minimum dose only for the summer months. A zinc supplement is also good for the skin, especially for skin healing.




Wellness Slow Release Vitamin C 1000mg 60tabs ... R11995 Essential Multi Vitamins 30vegicaps........... R9995 It happens to everyone, some days you just don’t eat anything nutritious. Not a green leaf, piece of fruit or sprout touches your plate. That’s why we have vitamins. They are important to supplement your diet. Take a multi to compensate and to make sure you don’t get run down. Use Vitamin C to boost your immunity. It is also a building block for collagen and will feed your skin, help repair wounds and prevent scar tissue.

Warm regards, Dr. Megan Jones, Registered Homoeopath & BEST Practitioner

Q&A Dr. Sean Gomes’

To post your question, visit www.wellnesswarehouse.com


Sun Factor 50 is the way to go. One thing we know for sure is that sun damages our skin. Photoderm’s solution is a beautifully textured mat cream with excellent coverage and unrivalled protection. Try one with a tint and get the benefit of looking tanned but without the damage.

Bioderma Photoderm Spot Spf 50+ 30ml..R16995 Photoderm Max Spf 50+ 40ml...R15995 Photoderm AKN Mat Spf 30...... R16995 everything you need to live life well

Photoderm Compact Spf 50+ Gold Tint 10g.......R24995 Photoderm Compact Spf 50+ Light Tint 10g....... R24995


Pick your treats Zinc helps more than 300 enzymes in the body to operate functionally. It generates energy in the cells and is essential for healthy skin. Besides helping to heal wounds zinc acts as an astringent and may help in the treatment of acne.

It doesn’t matter how many supplements you swallow if they don’t contain enough of the active ingredients. Why bother? You may as well pop popcorn, or after-dinner mints. This mega Omega formula is supremely potent and supremely pure. It’s a Norwegian formula in convenient capsule form.

The Real Thing Mega Omega Supreme 60caps ... R9995

Vibrant Health Krebs Zinc 60caps ... R74

Pure nourishment for hair skin and nails with ingredients like Vitamin C, E, Niacin, Folic acid, Biotin, Wheat germ and more.

This is the antidote to free radicals and inflammation. With 100% pure astaxanthin this is the ultimate antioxidant and natural antiinflammatory. Anti-X marks the spot.

Enzyme Process Hair, Skin & Nails 60caps


The Real Thing Anti - X 60caps ... R150

Many common digestive problems stem from a build up of toxins and an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the bowel. Regular use of Colon Health capsules help cleanse the internal environment, promote regularity and balance the populations of healthy flora.

Aloe is the ultimate cleanser. It has polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, calcium, and both soluble and non-soluble pure dietary fibre. It will boost immunity, improve digestion, relieve symptoms of acid indigestion, heartburn, digestive disorders, stomach disorders and colon irritability and help regulate bowel function.

Good Health Colon Health 30caps ... R155

Simply Aloe Health Drink 500ml

R49 prom




This is a multivitamin for stressful living. If you have gone through a period of physical, mental or emotional stress or are feeling exhausted and burnt out, Nutri-B is the perfect pick up. It will help regulate blood pressure, protect the heart and blood vessels and provides anti-oxidants to guard against free radical damage.


This wonderful bittersweet cooling herb cleans the liver and will help with clearing acne and skin conditions. This advanced rejuvenation formula from Solal contains Hyaluronic acid and herbal extracts to repair skin conditions. It reverses wrinkles and fine lines, reduces puffiness around the eyes and is a universal anti-oxidant.

Phyto Force Herbal Tea Dandelion Herb/Root 60g ... R46






Solal Advanced Rejuvenation 5% Cream 50ml ....................... R239 Peptide Anti Wrinkle 50ml ... R399 Anti-Aging Eye Lift Serum 15ml ....................... R259 Mature Skin Rejuvenation 50ml .................................. R259

Vitaforce Nutri-B 60tabs ... R7995 Nutri-B 180tabs ... R16995 wellnesswarehouse.com


livewell green living

"Coffee grains make an

excellent massage agent to help minimise cellulite"


SKIN LICIOUS You CAN make a difference to your skin. You can make it glow, make it smooth and make it gorgeous. Skin is the ultimate sign of health.

TURMERIC is a well known beauty agent known to remove wrinkles, make acne disappear, nourish dry skin and prevent tooth decay.



An average adult’s skin spans 2 square metres, weighs 4 kilograms, and contains more than 18 kilometres of blood vessels. everything you need to live life well


green living


• 1 egg white • 2 tbsp cornstarch • 1 tbsp cane sugar • 1/8 cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or a mixture of orange and lemon. Separate the yolk from the egg and beat the white into stiff peaks. Add the cornstarch and sugar bit by bit until completely mixed in. Slowly trickle in the citrus juice keeping the mixer on high. This will result in a light fluffy mixture. Scoop onto fingertips and with a small round massage movement cover the face completely. Relax for up to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Repeat once a week.




green living product guide


Soil Summer is around the corner and there is no time to waste. Fennel, Geranium and Rosemary help reduce cellulite by detoxifying, toning and stimulating the skin. Juniper berry works on lymphatic congestion. Start a massage routine now and be bikini bold in no time

Of all the sensations, touch is the most personal. It is the sense linked to the skin. Every inch of the skin is made for touching and being touched; all the more reason to make sure yours is healthy and well looked after. Inside and out, do what it takes to protect and nurture your skin. Leave harmful chemicals out of your home; scrub, buff and boost circulation, drink beneficial herbs and fruit, spoil yourself with a massage and get enough sleep. Don’t forget about your pets, they need skincare too.

Soil R80 Organic Toning Massage Oil 100ml


We asked Wellness Warehouse Wellspa Therapist, Meryl Smith what her favourite skin tips are?

Let’s face it, unless you have extra long arms you are not going to reach every part of your back. Use a natural loofah to clean your back removing impurities and boosting circulation.

Meryl: 1: Always remove make up before going to bed 2: Always wear sunblock 3: Water water water always stay hydrated

Wellness Essentials Back Strap Loofah R19.95

Meadowsweet Natural lemongrass salt scrub contains un-iodized and untreated raw sea salt from Namibia. Aromatic soaps are made with pure vegetable glycerine and the best quality pure essential oils. Soaps are biodegradable and gentle on the skin. Lemongrass Salt Scrub 450ml R54.95 Rosemary Soap on Rope R46.95

MY Accessories Make these exfoliating gloves into your best body accessory. Slip them on before you bath or shower and use the texture to buff and exfoliate your skin from bottom to top. MY Accessories R35 Exfoliating Gloves 2's


everything you need to live life well

Russel Hobbs Yes, we know, beauty goes from the inside out. It is just as important to look at what you put in your body as what you put on your body. Make it easy by whipping up fruit smoothies and cocktails with a hand held blender, easy to use and easy to clean. Russel Hobbs Multi Purpose Stick Blender R360

Vondi's Pets also need skincare. Natural and holistic treatments can cure skin allergies and conditions, and get rid of fleas and ticks. Almost every pet suffers from some sort of skin condition. Chemical based shampoos and repellents are poisonous and toxic and should be avoided. Ingredients like Rooibos, Khakibos, Buchu and Spirulina are highly effective natural alternatives with excellent lasting results. Vondi's Buchu Scrub 110g R35 Buchu Moisturising Oil 100ml R75

La Ninna Nanna La ninna nanna is Italian for lullaby and represents a high quality brand with an honest and playful spirit. Show some skin in a cutesy-sexy sleep suit. La Ninna Nanna brings a flirtatious wholesomeness to shloomfy wear in proudly South African garments. La Ninna Nanna One size 1,2,3 of 4

Nutriherbal Switch to a caffeine free beverage with special herbs your skin will love. This all natural tea has no colouring or preservatives. It has ingredients that may assist with blood circulation; reduce cellulite, smooth orange peel skin and reduce marks and imperfections Nutriherbal R29.95 Celulli Herbal Tea 20's


Wellness No need to use chemicals to clean your home; fruit based cleaners are highly effective, are earth friendly and also smell delicious. Try our very own brand new Wellness products for a conscience friendly clean. Wellness Grapefruit Air Freshener 250ml R29.95 Citrus Auto Dishwashing Gel 500ml R49.95 Lemongrass & Lime Dishwashing Liquid 1l R49.95




fitness, sleep & massage

"Make exercise work as your top skin care ingredient for a healthy, smooth and vibrant complexion."

get moving Exercise can do more than you ever thought to give you beautiful skin.

did you know? The body has about 2 million sweat glands weighing about 100 grams Sweat glands are most concentrated on the bottom of the feet and least concentrated on the back. Women have more sweat glands than men, but men's are more active. 20


ovement increases blood flow which carries oxygen and nutrients to skin cells nourishing them and keeping them vital.

a good workout, even through the sweat, skin generally glows and looks wonderful. These are all good reasons to exercise.

Increased blood flow helps remove waste products including free radicals and flushes cellular toxins out of the system. Exercise accelerates sweat and purges the body of toxins clearing out the pores. It also relieves stress which has an effect on the sebaceous glands that produce oil in the skin. Muscle tone provides support to the skin making it look firmer and although it may not make cellulite disappear, it will minimise the appearance of cellulite. After

Ballet is high up on the list of latest exercise trends. Adult ballet classes are on the increase and the good news is; it is an excellent lower body toner that has a definite effect on cellulite. Ballerinas have wonderful legs, tight glutes and very little lower body fat. Include some ballet moves in your workout and tone up cellulite prone areas. Use a ballet barre, a strong counter or chair and do some plie’s and leg lifting.

everything you need to live life well




fitness, sleep & massage

Plie: Stand in first position adjacent to the barre with feet in first position. Keep your posture straight by imagining a string pulling you up from the top of your head. Bend from the knees as far as you can without lifting your heels off the ground and without pushing your butt out. Do 10 slow bends then do 10 deeper plies allowing your heels to lift from the ground and bending until your butt reaches your heels. Use control to come up slowly, then repeat.

Prana E.C.O. Yoga Mat

R49995 each

The ECO in this mat stands for ‘earth conscious offering’. This mat is completely biodegradable and when you have finished with it, will easily decompose in a landfill

Fitflop Floretta Rosy Posy

R799 each

The fabulous new Floretta from Fit-Flop has multi-layered leather flowers doubled up on a minimal strappy upper and slimmed-width midsole with buckled backstrap

Leg Lifts: Stand in ballet first position (with heels touching and legs and feet turned out). Keep your posture straight, knees pulled up and sweep your leg across the floor behind you and up to hip height. You will feel the pinch in your butt. Repeat 30 times on each leg moving up towards hip height.

Dance & Be Fit Lower Body Burn

R99 each

Boogie off the bulge and tone hips and thighs with a fun dance workout. If getting motivated to exercise is hard for you, use fun to prompt you


Wellness Leather Skipping Rope

R9995 each

Skipping is a brilliant way of improving fitness, agility and co ordination. Try a leg forward skip hop for variation on the two leg jump

One of the fitness trends of the future is online training. People wanting to cut out travel time to the gym, or who dislike gyms, mothers with small children and those who travel a lot can do their workouts from home computers. The amount of subscription based classes are increasing with disciplines like yoga, dancing, Pilates and weight training offering top quality classes and professional instructors available anytime of the day. Sites like myyogaonline.com have an abundance of classes to choose from as well as an online television station with wellness lectures, meditation and dietary advice. yogaglo.com has yoga classes in every style of yoga you can wish for, they also have a vibrant community of members you can swap notes with, post questions or make friends with. demandfitness.com has over 300 classes to choose from with cardio, kickboxing, aerobics and more. Now there are even fewer excuses to get yourself into peak fit condition.

2 x 20

If you find you don’t get around to exercising because

an hour seems too long to commit to – try dividing your routine into two sessions of twenty or thirty minutes. You don’t necessarily have to get to the gym and spend an hour there. Ten minutes of skipping in the morning combined with a few sit ups and push up’s then a half hour of walking in the evening is a perfect way to accumulate your work-out time.

Pretzel Yoga Clothing Range Ladies T R260 Ladies 3/4 Pants R350 Mens Vest R250 Mens Shorts R290 Yoga makes you feel good. That’s a given. Having the right clothing can make your experience seamless and comfortable. Pretzel clothing is stylish enough to want to keep wearing, even if you aren’t off to a class.




eco mom & baby

Everything that touches your baby’s skin, from bedding and blankets to towels should be washed with a natural, gentle detergent.

Pregnancy creates huge changes in the body, especially in the skin. Heat rash, itchiness, skin discolouration, pimples, funny bumps and growths are just some of the conditions that might pop up. It’s not all bad though; some women spend months bathed in a gorgeous pregnancy glow. Knowing what to expect and nurturing yourself through these inevitable changes will make things much easier.


everything you need to live life well

These are some of the common skin conditions you need to expect.




CHOLASMA This is a condition that produces brownish or yellowish patches of skin on the face and is commonly called the ‘mask of pregnancy’. Darkening can occur in the area around the eyes, the forehead, bridge of nose and cheeks. It is explained by the effect of progesterone and oestrogen that stimulate melanin cells in the skin to produce more pigment. Avoid intense sunlight if you are prone to this condition. After birth your hormones return to normal and so will your skin.

ACNE Many women seem to get pimples or a mild case of acne. Keep your face as clean as possible with a natural mild cleanser. Unplug oily pores with mild or oatmeal-based facial scrubs and avoid abrasive scrubs and exfoliants. Your skin is more sensitive during pregnancy.


The nipples and the area around the nipples (the areola) will often become darker and might remain darker after birth. Moles and freckles also become darker and sometimes more prevalent.

STRETCH MARKS Statistics show that about 90 percent of women get stretch marks during the sixth and seventh months of pregnancy. Underlying layers of skin stretch and become visible as pink or purplish streaks on the tummy and sometimes on thighs and breasts. These will fade over time. Natural oils and creams that nourish the skin can help prevent stretch marks. These should be used right from the beginning of pregnancy to hydrate and help prepare the skin for expansion.

Enchantrix Organic Formulation Bum Balm 100ml R40 Kids Bubblebath 250ml R37

Baby Wash 250ml R37 Baby Lotion 250ml R40

Enchantrix provide a range of harmless organic products especially for babies and children. Using skin products that are organic and chemical free is incredibly important to guard against skin conditions, allergies and asthma.




Badger Baby Sunscreen Spf 30+

R159 87ml

Complete assurance for your baby. Uncoated, non-nano Zinc Oxide is the active ingredient in Badger sunscreens.

Victorian Garden Chamomile & Lavender Baby Massage Oil

R7995 100ml

Skin enriching, smoothing and protecting with no harmful chemicals.

LINEA NIGRA Some tummies develop a faint brown line from the navel to the pubic bone. This is from hormonal changes and will disappear soon after birth as the skin renews itself.

CLEAN HAPPY BABY Your baby’s skin is highly sensitive and reactive. Make sure you use non-toxic, natural cleaning materials to clean the house and clothing. Everything that touches your baby’s skin, from bedding and blankets to towels should be washed with a natural, gentle detergent. Cleaning agents with harsh chemicals can lead to allergies and reactions weakening the immune system and causing unneccesary health issues.

Nature's Gate Baby Shampoo

R4495 532ml

Nature’s Gate provides a paraben-free shampoo that will do no harm.

Oh-Lief Natural Olive Tummy Wax

R9795 125g

Give your bump a boost with this natural tummy wax made from cold pressed virgin Olive oil, beeswax and pure Vitamin E oil


Mother Nature Goat's Milk Lotion 500ml Goat's Milk Soap 100g

R65 R25

These natural body products help balance the skin’s pH and are ideal for babies or children with skin allergies.

Pure Beginnings Baby Gift Pack

R15995 each

Everything you need in one gift set. Wash + Shampoo, Body Lotion, Bum Cream, and an embroidered cotton facecloth.


Eco.kid organics for kids: Saving the planet one shampoo at a time! Imported from Australia, eco.kid has been developed from the determined belief that there is a better way to care for children’s hygiene and the environment we live in.The result is an all organic, biologically friendly range of hair and skin care products, formulated to the specic hair and skin requirements of children from 3 to 12 years old. Children’s skin is sensitive to synthetic perfumes, colours, preservatives, heavy lm-forming conditioners and commercially used surfactants. Prevention is better than cure ™ eco.kid organically certied ingredients help to prevent split ends and tangles; prevent dry scalp and cradle cap; make hair unattractive to lice; prevent dry skin, skin irritation, skin aking and sensitivity without impacting on our environment by preventing the pollution of waterways and our planet! Organically certied coconut and sugar derived surfactants, moisturizers and wheat nano-peptides are used for the eco.kid skin care products, which help to prevent dry skin, skin irritation, skin aking and sensitivity. Both hair and skin care products use organically certied ingredients certied internationally by BFA or ECOCERT (assured through annual audits of all certied operators by an independent third party auditor). The ingredients are drawn from the already renowned Australian indigenous ora. Products use sulphate free, synthetic free, fully sustainable and readily bio-degradable ingredients that can be safely returned to the drain. The environmental concern extends to the eco.kid factory which uses 100% green energy. Another advantage of this environmentally friendly hair care range is the ability to prevent and treat lice without having to resort to synthetic chemical based lice removal products. Ecologically responsible and kid friendly, eco.kid is proudly for all children… every product contains Braille labelling to allow the visually impaired access to the product.

Now available through Wellness Warehouse. For more information visit www.ecokid.co.za

ECO KID A4v2.indd 1

2011/09/20 8:31 PM

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Professional Pampering, Affordable Indulgence WellSpa is a nurturing sanctuary conveniently set in the retail environment of the Wellness Warehouse stores. A one-stop wellness philosophy makes feeling good infectious and includes a completely affordable Spa experience. In a beautiful and stylish space shoppers can choose from an extensive treatment menu ranging from detoxing body wraps, glowing facials, reflexology and relaxing massages to waxing, tanning applications, manicures, pedicures and more. Professional practitioners go out of their way to provide a nourishing and relaxing experience. Spa goers are encouraged to switch off totally during relaxing body rituals. We believe in leading our clients to a state of wellbeing, one where beauty is felt from the inside and glows on the outside. Groom, relax, de-stress, detox and glow. Professional advice is available for guidance on skincare products. Skin analysis and consultations ensure your products fit your requirements.


Facials are available in 2 organic ranges Dr Hauschka and Esse.

NATURAL NAIL TREATMENTS A 30 minute gel application provides extensions that are both safe and effective with Gelish. For senstivie nails use Inoco’s stick on nail varnish – completely hassle free (no drying time necessary)





Mini Facial & Mini Hand Treatment

Hydrating Esse Facial with Spray Tan


Mini Facial (30 min). Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage (30 min) R200


Gift vouchers available on request for bookings contact: Kloof 021 487 5454

Cavendish 021 673 7223

Express Skincare at Wellness Plattekloof 021 558 7106 (facials only) for information on wellspa offerings please visit www.wellnesswarehouse.com



beauty & wellspa

Meet Shafeeqah Khan, Wellspa Therapist, Wellness Cavendish

Beauty Basics Beauty practices are continually evolving with new developments and discoveries pouring onto the market daily.


ome of the oldest beauty secrets form the basis of our most sophisticated products today.

Ingredients like olive oil, honey, green tea, rice milk and avocado used from the earliest days of beauty are key components in modern formulations. We look at some of the basic practices and ingredients that have stood the test of time not only improving skin texture but adding rituals that generate selflove.

MAKE YOUR OWN EYE PASTE Use natural ingredients from your kitchen to mix your own eye treatment. Make a paste out of the following: 1 tsp tomato juice, 1/2 tsp lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder, and 1 tsp of flour. Apply underneath the eyes. Leave on for 10 minutes then rinse well.



beauty & wellspa



Apparently a substantial amount of the dust in our homes is made up of dead skin cells. Some say 90% others say 40%, obviously it depends on many different variables like how many people live in your house but the point is, we shed much more skin than we realise. By brushing the skin and removing dead skin cells we allow the skin to detox, we improve lymph and blood circulation and decrease puffiness and water retention. It also calms the nervous system and wakes up the receptors in the skin. This is a practice that can be done every morning before your shower using a soft, natural bristle brush. Start at the feet and brush feet and legs moving in circles upwards towards the heart. Skip over broken skin, pimples or rashes. Next do the arms in circular movements from hands upwards. Cover your whole body reaching as far as you can up your back and finish on the tummy. Besides improving the surface of your skin you will feel more energised.

Having a collection of essential oils means you can make up your own hydrating solutions according to your skin requirements and your mood. Oils have countless benefits. Besides keeping your skin hydrated and protected, the plant compounds nourish and feed the skin while the fragrances, depending on what you choose, can be energising, uplifting or calming. Many people have the impression that oils are messy but if you get used to using them in the right way you won’t be able to resist the glowing results. What’s more, if you spend a little more time massaging the oil into your body it has the added benefit of boosting your circulation. All you need is to allow a few more minutes for oil to be absorbed before getting dressed. You will need a base oil like Almond or Jojoba and some essential oils. In winter when your skin is dry you may want to adapt your combination. Mix your solution with 4 parts base oil to to 1 part essential oil. Choose from the following guide according to your skin type, selecting oils with fragrances you love.

EXFOLIATING Exfoliation is another excellent way to slough off dead skin cells. Once your skin has been exfoliated it will absorb body creams much more effectively. It will also be smoother and healthier. Exfoliants should not be too rough on your skin, some of the more sensitive one’s have an oat base, stronger one’s may have a salt or sugar base. Work throughout your body, avoiding sensitive areas. Once you have finished, don’t forget to moisturise using a cream or oil. This is an instant way to see and feel a difference in your skin.


Use oils that are pungent, stimulating and warming:

AGE SPOTS Vitamin C continues to prove itself an incredible agent of rejuvenation and healing. Studies have shown that Vitamin C can treat a host of skin conditions including age spots. Anti-oxidants in Vitamin C combined with the bleaching power of citric acid does the trick. Use fresh orange juice or poke a hole in a pure liquid Vitamin C capsule. Just dab it on and over time, watch the spots fade and disappear.

patchouli, eucalyptus, camphor, clove, lavender or bergamot. Add these to a base oil like canola, corn, safflower, mustard, grape seed, almond or apricot kernel.


For dry skin use essential oils that are sweet, soothing and warming:

THREADING Threading, a centuries old hair removal method, comes back into practice as a gentle method better for the skin. Skilled practitioners remove hair using a cotton thread that is rolled and twisted around the follicle. This method is particularly good for facial hair. Where waxing subjects the skin to heat, to force and sometimes requires damaging chemicals, threading is easy and gentle and requires no wax or creams and has no danger of allergies or burning or breaking skin. Threading is also safe for people who have sensitive skins or who are on Retin A treatments.

Nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, saffron, jasmine, geranium, red rose, red sandalwood, lemon, neroli or vanilla. Add these to base oils like black sesame, sesame, avocado, olive, almond or walnut.


Use sweet, soothing and cooling oils like rose white, sandalwood, vetiver, coriander, cumin, mint, ylang-ylang, camphor. Add these to base oils like almond, coconut, sunflower, apricot kernel or olive. wellnesswarehouse.com

for bookings contact: Kloof 021 487 5454 Cavendish 021 673 7223 Plattekloof 021 558 7106 for information on wellspa offerings please visit

wellnesswarehouse.com 27


beauty & wellspa

your 'must have' product guide

Be comfortable in your skin... as you walk among the plants and flowers, let them tell you of their healing properties Intuitive understanding of nature’s gifts is imprinted in your mind. Everything we need is visible in the natural world. Your skin absorbs up to 64% of what you put on it. Make sure that whatever you put on your skin is something you would be prepared to eat. It all gets absorbed by the body.

JUICE BEAUTY ORGANICS TO CLEAR SKIN KIT Juice Beauty Organics is a combination of products with a powerful blemish clearing action. No harsh ingredients are used. The formula has a 98% organic content. Over 100 certified organic ingredients are added to an organic juice base (made from over 30 different juices) to bring you the far reaching effects of this skin clearing kit. R399

“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul”. John Muir

PHOTODERM BIODERMA For extra safe protection from sunburn and premature skin ageing Photoderm has maximum anti-UVB efficacy and unmatched extreme anti-UVA performance. It helps significantly against all risks of cell damage and has an exclusive patented ‘Cellular Bioprotection complex’ that provides optimum protection for the skin cells. No oily effect, no traces, non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic. Photoderm Max Spf 50+ 40ml R159.95

MIOJA WHITE CLAY AND CHAMOMILE SKIN POLISH Miöja Skin Polish uses the earth’s minerals and plant extracts to draw impurities from the skin and softly exfoliate allowing your natural healthy glow to be revealed. Finely ground rice grains provide gentle abrasion to release old skin cells from the epidermis, while Kaolin deeply cleanses the pores. Chamomile has been included for its soothing and healing properties, and its assistance in finding a simple acceptance of the self. R265

AFRICAN ORGANICS NATURAL SHAMPOO FOR DAILY USE 100% natural hair and body care for the whole family at unbeatable prices. R44.95

ESSE Uses wild sourced African plants that offer excellent free-radical protection. In addition the unique natural preservative system ensures the products are biodegradable and free of parabens, petrochemicals, synthetic fragrance and synthetic colourants. Esse pays attention to the impact their business has on the world around them. For example the glass packaging is recycled and reused. They only use plantbased ingredients and are anticruelty activists. Earth-friendly? Most definitely, they are working on becoming carbon neutral. Esse Body Oil R290 Esse Repair Oil R191 Esse Deep Moisturiser R290


everything you need to live life well

advertising promotion




Miรถja skincare products are designed around the basic truth that our bodies are wonderful, highly evolved, self regulating systems and that the less we interfere with their natural balance, the better. Our skincare products rely on organic plant extracts and minerals from the earth to nourish and aid your own healing and regeneration processes. Though simple, these ingredients have been trusted through the ages for their ability to bring the body back to its innate state of health. And because true health encompasses not only our physical body but also our energetic bodies all Miรถja products

contain vibrational remedies that draw on the perfect balance that can be found in nature; a blueprint for mental, emotional and spiritual harmony. Miรถja skincare emphasises the fact that true beauty needs no artifice. Our products work naturally and holistically to help you to feel beautiful inside and out.



H ow healthy is your skin care?

Healthy glowing skin is the result of a balanced lifestyle, careful cleansing, toning and moisturising, which means that choosing the right skin care product requires careful consideration. Just Pure combines innovative research and carefully selected ingredients. We include anti-oxidants in most of our skin care products. Antioxidants are easily absorbed by the skin and assist in repairing and protecting surface cells. Used long term, application of antioxidants has also been shown to reduce spots and pigmentation of the skin. Just Pure skin care visibly replenishes, smoothes fine lines and revives tired, dull skin. Suitable for all skin types, it boosts the skin’s natural energy and radiance.

OCEAN VIEW, 5 PARK LANE, HERMANUS, WESTERN CAPE, SOUTH AFRICA T +27 28 313 0060 | E info@justpure.co.za | www.justpure.co.za

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2011/09/25 8:24 PM

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Green Living


The Wellness Warehouse Green Living Range is a collection of natural cleaning products that are kind to the environment and safe to use in your home. All our cleaning products are biodegradable and perfect for grey water use. Wellness products are selected to meet the highest possible quality standards necessary to ensure your satisfaction.

Our products are free of:

ethoxylated ingredients sulphated surfactants parabens synthetic colours & fragrances products are not tested on animals



shop online at

It all starts with an action! It all starts with YOU!


CTICC 18 - 20 November 2011

events & workshops WORKSHOP

Exploring power vs. powerlessness How would your life change if you knew where to focus your energy and love, if you just somehow knew that you were applying yourself to your best advantage? Have you ever noticed that with some things in life, no matter how hard you work at them, they don’t seem to change? Why do some people get results and others don’t, even though they work just as hard? Imagine having the tools to discern what you should be putting your energy into, to create authentic personal, emotional and financial success… By having a good look at the false beliefs that pervade our world, and choosing to discard them for a deeper truth, you will discover exactly where your true power lies and finally stop battling those things that you are powerless over.

Read Glenn's montly column on our blog wellnesswarehouse.com/blog

Join Glenn-Douglas Haig for a 2-hour workshop hosted by Wellness Warehouse in Kloof Street, and empower yourself with tools for a more peaceful life. Date Time Cost Venue

Saturday 22th October 2011 11h00 to 13h00 R50 per person Wellness Warehouse Events Space

1st floor, Lifestyle Centre, Kloof street, Gardens

For bookings & enquiries contact Wayne Edwards info@glenndouglashaig.com Tel. 021 801 3778

Wellness Warehouse presents


“This professional workshop will develop the business confidence, acumen and sustainability of emerging wellness entrepreneurs and practitioners. It will shift thinking from working in a business to working on a business, from being self-employed to being a business owner.”

A 2-day intensive business workshop valued at R2445

Book by 20 October & get the early bird rate of R695, including: - pre-reading notes & assessments worth R500 - CD with extra notes & presentations worth R500 - 1hr onsite business consultation for each attendee worth R750.

WHO THIS IS FOR: Practitioners, wellness professionals, entrepreneurs and small businesses. All students in wellness professions Your Presenter:

Professional Development Workshop

30 - 31 October 2011 Presented by

Dr Mark Vella N.D. The Institute of Lifestyle Medicine

Dr Mark Vella ND - AHPCSA Registered Naturopath with more than 20 years qualification, skills and experience in medicine, wellness, education and social entrepreneurship. Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist 2011


Wellness Warehouse Kloof Street, Cape Town

To reserve your place now contact katya@lifestylemedicine.co.za or phone 082 720 7433 For further information visit www.wellnesswarehouse.com

‘Follow the Sun’ Free Yoga Class Come join us for a Free ‘Introduction to Yoga’ session at Wellness Warehouse. Sharni Quinn, one of our Wellness Ambassadors, will be sharing ancient Yogic wisdom on how to create a strong, toned, flexible body as well as a destressed, calm and peaceful mind.

Date: Saturday, 15th October 2011 Place: Wellness Warehouse Events Space

50 Kloof Street, Cape Town

Time: 9-10:30am

Cost: FREE

Places are limited so please contact Sharni Quinn to book – 071 954 2816 or sharni@followthesun.co.za

Yoga Workshop After embarking upon her personal Yoga pilgrimage & ‘Follow the Sun’ Journey last year, Sharni Quinn, our Wellness Ambassador, is now spreading the sunshine and sharing her experiences with others. Join Sharni for this morning Yoga workshop and learn to connect to your intuition, your inner-voice, how to follow your own sunshine and be a shining light for others. The workshop includes a Hatha Yoga class, breathing techniques, simple meditation tools and how to integrate the Yogic lifestyle into your Life.

Date: Saturday 29nd October Venue: Wellness Warehouse Events Space

50 Kloof Street, Cape Town

Time: 9am-12pm Cost: R295 Please contact Sharni Quinn to book – 071 954 2816 or sharni@followthesun.co.za

www.followthesun.co.za WELLNESS WAREHOUSE SUPPORTS

SPRING SKIN FAIR Join us for product demo's and free sampling: suncare, yoga clothing, skin supplements and so much more.

Venue: Wellness Select, Wembley Square Date: October 20, 21, 22 at these times: 20th - 11:30 - 13:30 & 16:00 - 18:00 21st - 11:30 - 13:30 & 16:00 - 18:00 22nd - 10:00 - 12:00

for more info visit gobowling.co.za

for information contact candice@wellnesswarehouse.com

ADVERTISE HERE Wellness directory is a community notice board for you to post your ad If you are offering a wellness service like massage or healing, need someone to work out with, looking for a therapy room, wanting to share accommodation with a like minded person, or any similar service this is the perfect place for you to tell others. workshops classes healing therapies green services Spas Products Practitioners For advertising queries email thirdeye@icon.co.za

HOST YOUR EVENTS at the events area at Wellness Warehouse in Kloof Street. Use this convenient location for your talks, workshops and demonstrations. For enquiries contact Candice on Tel: 021 418 1222

Badger’s SPF 15 Sunscreen (lightly scented) is great for everyday use during times of minimal sun exposure. It is less whitening than our SPF 30 sunscreen, and is water resistant. It comes in a base of Certified Organic oils and butters, to moisturize and soothe your skin.

Badger’s SPF 30 Sunscreen (lightly scented) provides the safest, most effective sun protection for the whole family. This is our original SPF 30 formula, lightly scented with pure, steam-distilled essential oils.

Badger’s SPF 30 Unscented Sunscreen provides the same protection and all the same great properties as our original SPF 30, but without any added scent. Perfect for those with sensitive skin or anyone who prefers the safest, most natural sun protection without fragrance.

Badger’s SPF 30 Anti-Bug Sunscreen In response to customer requests, we combined our highly-rated SPF 30 with the insectrepelling power of our Anti-Bug essential oil formula. Nice smelling, effective outdoor protection for the whole family.

Badger’s SPF 30+ Baby Sunscreen - Pediatrician Tested and Approved contains non-nano zinc oxide in a base of safe soothing USDA Certified Organic ingredients. Our Baby Sunscreen has the mild scent of Chamomile and Calendula, and can be used by mom and dad as well!

green living new green living concept store

Opening November at Lifestyles on Kloof Centre opposite Wellness Warehouse

Wellness Green Living is dedicated to offering natural and eco-conscious products for an earth-friendly lifestyle Our Green Living store guides you to better living with: Lifestyle & Décor, Green Gifts, Eco Kids, Green Household, Urban Gardening, Energy Saving Products, Green Gadgets and lots more.

STORE LOCATIONS Wellness Warehouse Kloof

Wellness Select Wembley Square

Lifestyles on Kloof, 50 Kloof Street, Cape Town 021 487 5420 Warehouse Kloof Wellness

021 461Warehouse 3775 Wellness Cavendish

Wellness Select Cape Quarter Wellness Select Cape Quarter

Wellness Select Tygervalley Wellness Select Plattekloof

Cape Quarter, Somerset Road, De Waterkant, Cape Town Cape Quarter, Somerset Road, De Waterkant, Cape Town 021 425 4707 021 425 4707

Tygervalley Centre, Belville, Cape Town Plattekloof Village, Plattekloof, Cape Town 021 914 0212881 558 7106

Wellness Select Palmyra Wellness Select Palmyra Palmyra Junction, Claremont, Cape Town

0860 life/548 3543 0860 live live life/548 3543

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Wembley Square, Gardens, Cape Town

Cavendish Square, Cnr. Dreyer & Main Rd, Claremont, Lifestyles on Kloof, 50 Kloof Street, Cape Town Wellness Select Seapoint Wellness Cape Town 021 480 9500 Warehouse Cavendish Cavendish Square, Cnr. Dreyer & Main Rd, Claremont, Cape Town021 673Piazza 7229 Da Luz Mall, Seapoint, Cape Town 021 434 0460 021 673 7200

Palmyra Junction, Claremont, Cape Town 021 671 2363 021 671 2363

www.wellnesswarehouse.com www.wellnesswarehouse.com


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