2 minute read
Breastmilk Supply, Stress & Superfoods
By Wanzel Bruwer
As a registered dietitian and certified lactation consultant, I am always amazed at superhero mom abilities - tending to little one’s every need with such care and patience; sending hubby off with a lunchbox filled with love; running the household and the business with a firm hand; and breastfeeding on demand - all with very little sleep and often very little fuel in their bodies. During these demanding days, I have been asked by many moms, “Why is my supply low?”
Firstly, a mom’s breastmilk supply ultimately depends on adequate emptying of the breast during a feeding session, which can be impacted by improper positioning of your little one when breastfeeding, a bad latch, skipping feeds or substituting them with formula, and not breastfeeding on demand. Secondly, research has indicated that smoking, stress, and anxiety can also impact milk production. Finding a support group, following a healthy lifestyle, and a balanced diet can be crucial in coping with all the demands set upon moms in the modern environment. Furthermore, the need to pump at work can also have an impact. Breastfeeding involves emotional connection that increases mom’s oxytocin levels when baby suckles, leading to breastmilk being easily ejected. Unfortunately, breast pumping at work has the opposite effect, as a stressful environment and the absence of skin-to-skin connection may cause a momentary decrease in supply. When this happens, there is often a snowball effect, as mom then doubts the quantity of her supply and the quality of her milk’s nutritional value to feed her baby sufficiently.
Why do I need superfoods if what I eat doesn’t impact my supply?
Following a healthy, nutrientdense diet consisting of complex carbohydrates, quality protein, unsaturated healthy fats, and oils will enrich your breastmilk with nutrients and vitamins needed to sustain your little one’s immune health and overall development. Frequent balanced meals will also assist you in managing your stress better, which can impact your breastmilk supply. Sometimes it can be very difficult to sit and have a proper meal three times a day, and that is why I always tell my superhero moms: “When you feed your baby, that’s the cue to also feed yourself”. Try to have superfoods as snacks during the day, whether you need to pump or breastfeed.
Which superfoods should I consider?
Complex carbohydrates assist with maintaining energy levels throughout the day, decreasing cravings, as well as reducing the stress hormone cortisol, leaving you feeling less anxious. Include foods such as sweet potato, wholewheat bread, brown rice, bulgur wheat, quinoa, and oats. Including sources of magnesium can help to decrease stress levels, and elevate possible barriers to milk production. Include leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and Swiss chard, as well as dark chocolate, nuts, and seeds. Including salmon, tuna, and sardines ensures adequate omega 3 fatty acids, which will be transported through the breastmilk and ingested by the breastfed baby to support healthy eye and brain development. It can also help to improve symptoms of anxiety in mom, further combatting a potential threat to breastmilk supply.