Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond - Issue #4

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Wellness Woman Poem


DeTox Transforming Your Negative Self-Image


DeTox Your Emotional Life with Emotional Freedom Techniques


Spring Clean Your Hidden Beliefs - Move Forward to Financial $uccess


Hungry Soul


3 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Thoughts


Detoxing Just for YOU


Detoxing Toxic Thoughts & Beliefs


How To Naturally DeTox The Hair


DeCharge Your Stress & Strain


Spring Cleaning for Midlife Toxins


Healing Toxic Eldercare Relationships: 6 Survival Tips


Spring Clean Your Life and Take Your Relationships to New Heights 5 Ways to DeTox Your Relationships


How DeTox Emotionally Using Meditation


DeTox your Spring with Confidence!


Allowing Love To Transform and Detoxify Your Soul


Finding Your Treasure Within


Relationship DeTox – Removing The Toxins After Break-Up


Spring Clean Your Fridge - What to Leave Behind to Leap Forward


6 Foods You Should Eliminate From Your Diet

80 i

Wellness Woman 40 Columns Ask Rebecca Anything - With Rebecca Norrington


Dream Queen - With Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos


Rediscovering Life After 40 - Build Your Professional Brand After 40 With Dr. Lisa Matthews Fit & Fabulous After 40 - Exercise After 50 With Renee Wiggins

63 60

Featured Wellness Women – Our Stories Andrea Becky Hanson, CEHP


Cynthia Rowland


Dina Proctor


Jennifer Ettinger, MA, CPT


Dr. Laverne Adams, MA, CPT


Judy Pearson


Hot Topics Cancer & Exercise – A Wide Open Look to The Benefits Exercising Creates


Stress & Happiness - Can you increase happiness in order to banish stress?


Aligning Your Purpose with Your Being


Will Celebrities Give Up Facial Plastic Surgery?


7 Clues That Might Indicate You Have Been Poisoned


Recipes Yummy Detox Recipes %

-Creamy Asparagus Soup


-Spiced Pear Detox Smoothie

Green Smoothie Detox %

-Mediterranean Green, Minti-Dandelion & Sweet Citrus Body Cleanse


42 ii


CREDITS Publisher PraiseWorks Health & Wellness

Founder & Editor-In-Chief Lynnis Woods-Mullins, CHHC, CLC, CPI

Contributing Authors Diana Lynn Mary Ellen Ciganovich Susan Tolles Rebecca Norrington

Editorial Staff Victoria E. Moore, LLP

Layout & Graphic Design Paul Jones (www.WebPlexx.com )

Business Operations & Advertising Manager Victoria E. Moore, LLP

Business Consultant Tyler Hutchinson (www.fullcirclebusinessconsulting.com)

Advisory Board Krista Dunk Mary Ellen Ciganovich Bess Blanco Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos Carmela Ramaglia Susan Tolles Martina Desgouttes Carol Dunlop Suzanne Strisower

Kathleen O'Keefe-Kanavos Karen Wells, M.Div Alx Utterman Nakeesha Harris, M.S., C.N.C.,C.M.C. Jennifer Fugo, CHC Shawngela Pierce Dr. Lisa Matthews Betsy B. Muller, MBA, ACP-EFT, CEHP, CEC Rhonda Jones, MA Krista Dunk Suzanne Strisower Carol-Ann Hamilton Tiany Anderson Jennifer Poulson, CHC Ramona Fasula, MBA, CHC Elizabeth Manuel, B.Ed., CACE Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD, LMT, RM, NHC Hatti RetroAge Lisa Gulotta Renee Wiggins, RD. LD. Christina Steinorth-Powell, MA, MFT

www.PraiseWorks.biz (916) 706 - 7565

Layout & Design by iv www.WebPlexx.com



From The Editor This is the (me of year when everyone starts to talk about making some kind of change in their life. The New Year has passed; the resolu(ons are ge>ng old and perhaps not ge>ng the results we want. So why not try the spring season to clean out the cobwebs, brush off the dust, and refresh our lives? This DeToxify issue is all about detoxifica(on and making changes for the beFer in our lives. The ar(-­‐ cles in this issue are truly excellent and cover detoxi-­‐ fying all the different areas in our lives that influence our mind, body, spirit wellness. The contributors of this issue have once again done such an excellent job in giving you prac(cal ways to detoxify your spirit, your emo(ons, your thoughts, your rela(onships and yes …your body as well. My hearLelt thanks go to all of our writers for honoring us with their wis-­‐ dom and love. Thank you for spreading the message of wellness for women over 40. This is also the (me of the year when we honor those women in our lives who created us, nurtured us, mentored us and loved us uncondi(onally – our mothers. All of us had mothers. At some point a woman went into labor, endured perhaps hours of pain, and basically risked their lives to bring us into the world. Many of us were honored to have those same women raise us and love us un(l it was (me for us to be launched and begin to live our own lives. There are s(ll yet others of us that may not have had the tradi(onal “mother” but there was someone who chose to love, nurture and mentor us. What a blessing it is/was to have someone play that role in our lives. Now, many of us are in the role of mother, grand-­‐ mother and great-­‐grandmother, aunt, great-­‐aunt and Godmother. To those of you who are in those roles, I honor you and send you love and apprecia(on. Re-­‐

member to take the (me to honor yourselves and to treat yourselves with love and apprecia(on as well. Part of wellness is recognizing how precious and spe-­‐ cial you are. I pray that this issue blesses you as much as it has blessed me and my team. This issue was a joy to pro-­‐ duce and our prayer is that it will upliZ, inspire, mo(-­‐ vate and encourage you to keep moving toward wellness for your mind, body and spirit. Health and Blessings Always, Lynnis Woods-­‐Mullins, CHHC, CLC, CPI, Publisher and Chief Editor, Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond, Different Backgrounds…Same Journey





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Tra n s fo r m i n g Yo u r N e ga t i v e S e l f-­‐ I m a g e By HaTe “Retro Age” Garmon Aging is a powerful adversary. With the pas-­‐

Now I have always been a very determined

sage of Time and the unwelcome challenges

woman, and I sure wasn't going to let the

it can bring, many individuals become dis-­‐

media dictate how I would age. I decided to

couraged and hopeless.

take aging into my own hands in my own

In all truth, I have to admit that I too experi-­‐ enced aging as a cruel punishment. A former dancer, I had been super-­‐fit with an appeal-­‐ ing body for most of my adult life. It was de-­‐ pressing when unwelcome signs of aging ap-­‐ peared on my body. I despised and resented the varicose and spider veins that were showing up on my legs. Now, mind you, they didn't throb or impair my funcConing. It's just that I was pissed that they took away from the smooth, sexy look that was my pride and joy. My vanity was overcoming my sanity! When I finally admiHed that this way of view-­‐ ing my body was shallow and narcissisCc I knew something had to shiI. Without even being aware of what was happening, I had become a vicCm of the omnipresent nega-­‐ Cve brainwashing we are fed by the media daily. I had bought into the disdainful view

style. As Frank Sinatra sang, “I did it my way!” Just as soon as I made the decision to invent my own posiCve style of aging, my life took a major turn. Suddenly, rather than being re-­‐ senOul, I became grateful for the giI of Time. This turnabout transformed everything about me. In fact, as a bonus, I started becoming the loving, caring woman I always dreamed of being. Not only had I per-­‐ sonally re-­‐invented myself, I became an in-­‐ spiring role model for women all over the world. Certainly, I cannot predict what miracles will emerge in your journey. However I can as-­‐ sure you that as soon as you shiI away from peHy self-­‐criCcism to living with grace and graCtude, your life will be filled with endless miracles.

that aging renders us ugly and repulsive. What a depressing message!


Featured Wellness Woman Andrea Becky Hanson, CEHP Bestselling Authur, Healer, MeditaTon Therapist, and WellnessWoman “Detoxing for me has become more about a seeking of peace and joy of life…” Andrea Hanson is truly an excepTonal woman. At the age of 71, she has just released a new book “Light Through The Key Hole-­‐Unlock Your Joy,” gone on a promoTonal book tour, is sTll running her very successful company Merging Rivers Healing PracTces and is truly living her life to the fullest. Andrea is a creaTve and original thinker. When I first met her, I could feel Andrea’s warm spirit but most importantly I could feel her willing-­‐ ness to share her vast knowledge of mulT-­‐ holisTc healing and the importance of the mind, body, spirit connecTon. Even though Andrea has a var-­‐ ied amount of experience and knowledge, I sensed such a pure graciousness and kindness that truly touched my heart. It was fascinaTng listening to her wonderful stories of all her travels (she has vis-­‐ ited 24 countries), her experiences with her Grand-­‐ mother who was an IntuiTve Healer, the over 39 years of training and experience with many mulT-­‐ cultural holisTc training modaliTes, along with the high and lows of her life. All of these life experi-­‐ ences has brought her to where she is today; living with a sense of peace and joy. It is such an inspira-­‐ Ton to get a chance to know someone like Andrea. She has not allowed her age to define who she is. Andrea is sTll growing, sTll learning, sTll approach-­‐ ing life with exuberance and awe, sTll willing to mentor and share her many skills ,talents, gigs and abiliTes with all who are blessed to cross her path.

Why do you think it is important for women to detoxify their lives? Toxicity is a distracTon and someTmes leads to a point of destrucTon that can be tragic. It's tricky because toxicity keeps us from taking care of our-­‐ selves and our loved ones and the Earth in the way that we want to. We are charged with the intui-­‐ Ton, ability and purpose of sustaining the life, health and well being of humanity. It must start with us to be able to carry out the nurturing femi-­‐ nine knowingness. It is easy for us to lose our way if we do not honor and respect ourselves or al-­‐ lowed others not to. I truly believe that the surviv-­‐ ing and thriving of humanity and the Earth de-­‐ pends on us. As women we are the "mothers of life". It is important that we accept this role consciously and with passion and compassion as role models of self knowledge, self-­‐care and self realizaTon for others-­‐otherwise it won't happen. 9

What areas have you looked at when it comes to detoxifying your life? At the age of 71, I feel I have explored detoxifying on all possible levels... physical, mental, emoTonal, psychological, intellectual, personal, spiritual, envi-­‐ ronmental, societal, global and universal! At this point in my life I realize these areas aren't really separate and that any toxicity in any area affects all areas. We know at a deep level what is correct and what is incorrect. Detoxing for me has become more about a seeking of peace and joy of life than gemng rid of something. It is about coming to the deep understanding of the truth and joy that we really are.

What do you do to help women detoxify and change their lives? I have found that all things we call toxic are simply trying to show us what our true idenTty and pur-­‐ pose is not! So everything I do is directed at idenTfy-­‐ ing the toxic thoughts emoTons, ideas, beliefs, and behaviors that hide my true idenTty, I have found the best approach to this is the holisTc approach to healing and health. This is what I teach and focus on in my private consultaTon, retreats and this is what my latest book is all about. We can't think ourselves into change we must approach it energeTcally with a new more correct understanding of true selves.

What does detoxificaTon have to do with wellness of the mind, body and spirit? As long as we are choosing toxic thought, believe, habits, food, environment, or relaTonship, we are not free to truly know ourselves as the amazing life form that we are. We will just conTnue to look out-­‐ side ourselves for validaTon of our worth or deserv-­‐ edness. UlTmately we are simply seeking validaTon

in all the wrong places outside of ourselves. The an-­‐ swer is to look within with compassion and the won-­‐ derment of a child for true well being, self realiza-­‐ Ton and a joyous life. This can be accomplished through meditaTon yoga and energy psychology.

What kinds of toxicity have you removed from your life? How did it change your life? I want to be clear that what I have learned is we can not really remove or get rid of anything. It is sim-­‐ ply about changing choices...instead off processed food, choose fresh food. Instead of judgment, jeal-­‐ ousy and resentment choose compassion and under-­‐ standing. Instead of excessive social funcTons or so-­‐ cial media and the like choose meditaTon and yoga, study and self realizaTon. This is what I did. It's a process that evolved greater than I could possibly have imagined. I feel blessed.

What is your definiTon of a Wellness Woman? A wellness woman is one that understands con-­‐ scious awareness and choice on all levels. She be-­‐ gins with good choices for herself to be the best she can possibly be in order to model to her family, friends and society the joy of a conscious life and good choices. Her life is a powerful, living legacy of honor, purpose and meaning. Andrea Becky Hanson is a bestselling author, CerA-­‐ fied Energy Health PracAAoner, CerAfied Kundalini Yoga and MeditaAon Therapist, Chopra Center CerA-­‐ fied MeditaAon and Ayurveda Instructor, Former Chopra Center for Wellbeing Program Director and Founding Director of Merging Rivers Healing Prac-­‐ Aces. To find out more informaAon about her serv-­‐ ices go to www.mergingrivers.com 10

Detox Your EmoConal Life with EmoConal Freedom Techniques (EFT) By Betsy Mueller Spring is a Tme when many will take on cleaning projects. It’s also a great Tme to consider pracT-­‐ cal ways to clear your stress and negaTve emo-­‐ Tons. According to the 2012 Stress in America Survey conducted by the American Psychological AssociaTon (APA), most Americans are experienc-­‐ ing high levels of stress, up from the previous year. Unfortunately, women report a higher bur-­‐ den from stress than men. It shows up as head-­‐ aches, sleeplessness, weight gain, worry and fear. What’s a busy woman to do? If you have not yet heard of EmoTonal Freedom Techniques (EFT), you owe it to yourself to give it a try. It’s a simple, rapid process that you can do with a pracTToner, or apply independently as self-­‐care; combining focused thought, gentle acu-­‐ pressure tapping on the skin and spoken phrases. EFT was introduced in the mid 1990’s and the body of clinical data has grown to over 50 pub-­‐ lished studies, including over 23 randomized con-­‐ trolled trials. CondiTons where EFT has shown the greatest promise include anxiety, PTSD, pho-­‐ bias, weight loss and depression. You can learn the basic EFT process by accessing founder Gary Craig’s official free tutorial at hrp://www.emofree.com/eg-­‐tutorial/eg-­‐tapping -­‐tutorial.html?aid=NjA5 No marer what you choose to use EFT on, keep in mind that you can only change the feelings you admit and accept as the truth. As you choose your focus for tapping, be as specific as possible,

selecTng short scenes from the past that sTll agi-­‐ tate unpleasant feelings when they are brought to mind. The following 5 life areas are great places to start applying your tapping detox.

1. Work Stress Recall scenes that Tcked you off, embarrassed or stressed you on the job. These can include en-­‐ counters with a difficult customer, colleague or supervisor. If you’ve experienced a sudden unex-­‐ pected job loss or layoff, that’s a valuable scene to neutralize too, especially before you pursue your next job interview. 11

2. Family Issues Are there negaTve memories about your parents, siblings, spouse or children that surface from Tme to Tme? Make a list of family scenes that have been painful and tap on these memories.

3. Grief Grief can take many forms – the loss of a loved one, pet or an important relaTonship. It can also be connected to a disappointment, new life situa-­‐ Ton, job change or move. Acknowledge the loss and consider how you would like to feel instead. As you honestly tap on the feelings of grief, these will begin to fall away.

4. Feelings about your body What kind of nasty things do you silently say to yourself as you look in the mirror? If these are anything other than kind, this too is material for an emoTonal detox. Although a variaTon of EFT, tapping the treatment points as you say, “I am will-­‐ ing to love and accept my body” can be posiTve and transformaTve.

5. Money Money ranked #1 as a stressor in the 2012 APA sur-­‐ vey for both men and women, so it’s worthy of your consideraTon for emoTonal health. Do your memories include fights about money, worries about debt or feeling overwhelmed about manag-­‐ ing the money you have. Maybe tax worries are all consuming? Choose your most obvious money trouble memories as material for your tapping rou-­‐ Tne.

journey. There are many Tmes when I don't have a clue what to do to help a client or how to move on ager a painful event. There's something we all can do when this happens -­‐ surrender and ask for help! EFT tapping with "The Surrender Prayer" can allow arracTon of helpful resources, new insights and a grace-­‐filled state of peace to drop in. Instead of feeling alone, tapping on "surrender" and using the words "help me", reliably delivers a feeling of reconnecTon. If you should find yourself fighTng problems with drama, ego or a great deal of wasted Tme, this is a higher road to take as a fast lane to peace. I'm a sTckler for making every minute count, so here's my gig to you today. Try tapping along with my YouTube video of the EFT Surrender Prayer whenever you find yourself stuck, and see what happens. hrp://youtu.be/JNZq0AZ16DU Need addiTonal help with your emoTonal cleanse? As a CerTfied EFT pracTToner and holis-­‐ Tc business coach, I enjoy working with clients by phone, Skype or in my office. Typical clients see sig-­‐ nificant posiTve changes in just 4 sessions. You can set up a free consultaTon to learn more by call-­‐ ing 440-­‐238-­‐4731.

We all get stuck, blocked, derailed and totally slammed by life's emoTonal challenges at some point. It is a human experience and part of the 12

Nakeesha Harris, M.S, C.N.C, C.M.C. Nakeesha T. Harris is a God-­‐fearing wife and cerCfied nutriConal counselor. Nakeesha is cerCfied through the American Associa-­‐ Con of NutriConal Counselors. AIer many years of dieCng and trying various programs, she learned that the best way to get healthy and not fluctuate with her weight was not a diet, but a lifestyle. Her desire is for everyone to live to their fullest poten-­‐ Cal and purpose without any hindrances. Because of this, she works very hard to remove any of those nutriConal blockers. Nakeesha believes that making adjustments and dedicaCng some Cme to your health will benefit you, your family, and your purpose. Nakeesha is founder of Nakessha’s NutriCon. www.nakeeshasnutriCon.com

Diana Lynn Diana Lynn is a business owner, speaker, and author from Kirkland Washington. She is a contribuCng author to internaConal bestselling “Chicken soup for the Soul” series. Her responses to life’s obstacles serve to inspire readers of all backgrounds to find new beginnings. www.recoveringdysfuncConal.com

Mary-­‐Ellen Ciganovich Mary Ellen Ciganovich is an educator, speaker and writer on the topics of Awareness, Spirituality and how these affect our life situaCons. She conducts a popular seminar called “Live, Love, and Learn” that teaches people how to take charge of their lives and control their health through the use of medical and alternaCve choices. www.askmaryellen.com 13

Susan Tolles Susan Tolles is a Master in Midlife ReinvenCons, and as Founder of Flourish Over 50, a powerful role model who “walks her talk!” As a professional speaker, life coach, author, and internaConally-­‐ recognized expert for women over 50, she is dedicated to inspiring and equipping women of all ages with the confidence and tools to ac-­‐ knowledge their unique giIs, discover their life purpose, dare to real-­‐ ize their passions, and create a future they never before dreamed possible. www.flourishover50.com

Rebecca L. Norrington Rebecca L. Norrington is Radio Personality, Author, Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Fitness Instructor, and talk show host of RealitySpirituality. In June 2013, Rebecca was one of 17 authors contribuCng to publish-­‐ ing "If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Our Quest for a Quality Life". Rebecca authored Chapter 3 which focused on (1) Defining a Quality Life, (2) What's Important, (3) Life is a GiI, and (4) Forgiveness www.rebeccanorrington.com

Kathleen O’Keefe-­‐Kanavos – Dream Columnist Dream Queen-­‐Kathleen O’Keefe-­‐Kanavos is a three-­‐ Cme breast cancer survivor whose precogniCve dreams diagnosed her illness that was missed by the medical field. She penned SURVIVING CAN-­‐ CERLAND: The IntuiCve Aspects of Healing. She is represented by Steve Allen Media, a phone counselor for R.A. BLOCH Cancer Founda-­‐ Con, Q&A cancer columnist for CapeWomenOnlineMagazine, an inspiraConal speaker, Living Well Talk Radio Show Host. Watch her vid-­‐ eos, TV interviews & follow her blogs & social media sites @ www.survivingcancerland.com & www.AccessYourInnerGuide.com 14

Cancer and Exercise: A wide open look to the benefits exercising creates! By Lisa GuloMa As a teacher of movement, fitness and yoga, I ogen meet students who have heard the fateful words, “You have breast cancer.” Once the shock of the diagnosis has regis-­‐ tered, clinical choices and decisions then take priority. Every person’s situaTon is different, of course, but all share a com-­‐ mon experience: In one way or another, they feel their lives will never be the same again. Ager diagnosis, the overwhelming focus is de-­‐ voted to the disease and its treatment, yet the body as a whole is ogen the last area to receive arenTon. And something as simple as moving and breathing is taken for granted. Too ogen, the cumulaTve stress of the breast cancer experience can result in unconscious reac-­‐ Tons. InsTncTvely, we reorganize our body’s struc-­‐ ture to protect the ravaged chest. It is not uncom-­‐ mon to cradle an arm to protect the chest wall that is raw from radiaTon, or to favor lying on one side only, while recovering from surgery. These subtle, unconscious modificaTons and inhi-­‐ biTons can generate a whole range of new symp-­‐ toms, such as hip pain, muscle tension and sTff-­‐ ness, or lower back discomfort, as the body alters its alignment in adapTng to structural change. UnTl recently, oncology providers, when asked whether exercise would be advised as part of their treatment for breast cancer, the likely re-­‐

sponse was ogen dismissive—but today, there is solid evidence to prove the benefits. However, the sheer barrage of informaTon touTng these benefits can be daunTng. Ogen, such exercise programs are accompanied by duraTon and inten-­‐ sity guidelines that can seem unarainable to someone recovering from breast cancer. Ager all, the desire to begin an exercise program ager treatment and the ability to do so are two differ-­‐ ent things. Over the years I felt the need to incorporate these consideraTons into my fitness and yoga classes. The reacTons and breakthroughs my stu-­‐ dents experienced as a result of these efforts were so moving to me, that I created an enTre ex-­‐ ercise program designed specifically for breast cancer paTents and survivors. This culminated in a DVD producTon called The Next Step: Restora-­‐ Tve Exercises Ager Breast Cancer. The video presents gentle yet profound move-­‐ ment techniques combining the precision and 15

alignment of yoga, the core-­‐strengthening methods of fitness, and the expansive nature of dance. It is an exercise method designed to per-­‐ suade the body to transcend perceived limitaTons and to invesTgate different planes of movement in a safe, joyful, yet challenging way. There are four secTons on the DVD, each designed to provide viewers the “movement vocabulary” they need for the next level. The goal is to build strength, gain flexibility and restore “balance” to the body.

your body. This body-­‐awareness is vital. Allow it to be your teacher. Listen to it. Learn from it. Your physical self may look different and feel different ager treatment, but it sTll has the same “intelli-­‐ gence” and cherishes the same history that it did before your diagnosis. I have craged these restora-­‐ Tve postures and movement parerns to inspire your body to “undo and release” at its own pace. My intenTon is to encourage the body to open up, open out, open wide.

I stress the need to be mindful of the potenTal side-­‐effects of treatment, before diving into an ex-­‐ ercise program. Chemotherapy, radiaTon and hor-­‐ monal intervenTons can sap every ounce of energy from a once acTve, energeTc being. Other side effects may include: lymphedema, peripheral neuropathy, frozen shoulder, scar Tssue, nerve damage, reduced range of moTon, bone loss, de-­‐ pression, and other issues related to treatment. This is essenTal: Take care in choosing an exercise program appropriate for you, and embark on your journey of recovery with the proper guidance from your health-­‐care provider and—this is especially important—from your own body.

In this video and in my classes, we do not dwell on what was but on what can be. We learn that our bodies are incredibly resilient and can adapt to al-­‐ most anything. I ask my students to breathe and move gently through the discomfort, the resis-­‐ tance, the numbness. We will never know what is on the other side unless we use our sensaTons as guides rather than barriers.

The most saTsfying part of my work with students is when I witness the experience of renewal. These extraordinary women had the courage to take “the next step.” That’s when I know that all the Tme we have spent moving together, has not only had a posiTve impact on their bodies, but also on their Some cancer paTents and survivors, who were par-­‐ amtudes, their hearts, their minds and their TcipaTng in exercise programs prior to diagnosis, relaTonships. They feel good. They want more. are determined to conTnue exercising at the same And that gives me enormous joy. intensity level as they did before treatment. They [If you'd like to see previews of the complete are determined to force their bodies into postures classes I teach on my DVD, please visit my website and movements that once felt good. Some do suc-­‐ at www.ExerciseAgerBreastCancer.com] ceed, but I encourage most women to consider the gentler classes, lemng their bodies decide how to move on any given day. The Next Step: RestoraTve Exercises Ager Breast Cancer is designed to address most side-­‐effects, gently and safely, in creaTve and lyrical ways. As you do these exercises, I recommend that you ac-­‐ knowledge every sensaTon that passes through 16

EXERCISE #1 These exercises can be done on a chair or a ball.

1. Inhale as you reach your arms over your 2. Exhale as you gently twist to the leg, placing head, palms facing each other. your right hand on the outside of your leg knee and your leg hand behind you on the ball. Lengthen your spine as you keep your shoulders reaching down your back. Allow the twist to iniTate from the belly (not the shoulders) and keep your head in line with the sternum. Hold this posture for 3 breaths.

3. Inhale as you release your leg hand and place it on your head. Exhale as you reach your elbow to the ceiling, stretching your triceps, your armpit and side ribs. Hold this posture for 3 breaths if you can. Repeat the whole sequence on the other side.


EXERCISE #2 1. Sit on the front edge of your chair with your feet di-­‐ rectly under your knees. Reach behind you and grab the sides of the chair back. If that is too much of a strain, slide your hands down and hold onto the seat of the chair anywhere that is comfortable.

2. With your arms straight and your chin slightly tucked so that your neck stays long, lig your heart to the ceiling while your shoulder blades reach down your back.

EXERCISE #3 2. Exhale as you reverse the movement by curling your tailbone forward, dropping your belly in to-­‐ ward your spine, and bringing your hands in to-­‐ ward your heart. The iniTaTon of these move-­‐ ments comes from the pelvic area. The shoulders, neck and chin are not leading the movement but responding to the cues of y o u r c o r e . M a t c h i n g breath with 1. Inhale as you open your arms out to the m o v e m e n t , sides, reach your tailbone behind you, lig d o t h i s your heart to the ceiling, creaTng a gentle sequence 5 Tmes. arch in your spine. 18

By Suzanne Strisower

Every woman wants the clarity to express their life purpose and to feel a confidence in the di-­‐ rec9on. The goal of this segment is to help you see that you have always been living your pur-­‐ pose whether you know it or not. You will see that you’re either “Being – living your life on purpose” or “Becoming – gather-­‐ ing and mastering your skills, giFs and tal-­‐ ents,” which you are doing through your vari-­‐ ous jobs and careers. Remember your life purpose is the same throughout your life – only the life purpose ex-­‐ pressions change. An example of what that means, if you are a healer, you could be a CNA, then a dental hygienist, the turn a different di-­‐ rec9on and become a reiki prac99oner or hyp-­‐ notherapist or a Physician’s Assistant or anything else that reflects your desire to heal.

A Life Purpose Retrospec9ve No maPer what your age, you can look at your life’s history and its expressions to validate

that you really have been living your life pur-­‐ pose whether you knew your purpose or not. There is a saying that you are either “Being or Becoming,” which means that you are either living on purpose or moving towards your pur-­‐ pose in life. OFen people say, but I wasn’t living my pur-­‐ pose when I was younger or in that previous career. The truth is they were using that work to gather skills to express their purpose, like my client Dianne, who as a child had to pick weeds on a farm, then got a menial fast food job, then moved into a management posi9on, t h e n w e n t t o w o r k i n a c o r p o ra t e environment, then became a mom, then she went out on her own as a life coach. Her life purpose is to help women become em-­‐ powered and to see their true brilliance thru the grit. You can see that her life purpose has led her to her personal mission out of her own life experiences -­‐ her needing self confidence and wan9ng women to see their value, no mat-­‐ ter what they are doing. She is has been on 19

that journey for herself. Helping other woman is an absolutely natural fit for her interests and experiences. You can see how her experience will naturally make her want to do this and how she is perfectly designed to do this. This is a great example of her Personal WHY™ too and the reason she wants to help women – be-­‐ cause of what she went through…She now wants to empower and help other people out. Each of you will have your own life story that can be broken down like this…Your Personal WHY through your life takes you on a life pur-­‐ pose retrospec9ve.

Celebrate Your Life – Do a Life Purpose Retrospec9ve

volunteered to do, the accomplishments that you have and ask yourself WHY did I do each of those things – what was your “aim, or inten-­‐ 9on of the energy you put forth?” Ask your-­‐ self, “Why did I do the things I did?” Reflect on how each of those things is a reflec9on of your purpose. Can you see how your life purpose has been woven through all of the meaningful ac9vi9es of your life, like in Oprah’s case? Don’t be judg-­‐ mental of yourself, like I said before, you are either Being or Becoming and everything that you do is part of your life purpose. Now you just need to own it!

Let’s use the life purpose of a beloved celeb-­‐ rity to illustrate this point. Here’s the progres-­‐ sion of Oprah through her different careers – you can see that she started out as a talk show host and con9nued to have a larger and larger sphere of influence, un9l now she has a global reach and television plaYorm. In her own words, Oprah said that she was here as a teacher – her medium was television where she con9nues to have an influence an impact on others. You can see from her life purpose retrospec-­‐ 9ve that she has always been organizing ways to teach and present her content and vision to us in ways that we could receive. Now write down everything that you have done in your life – all the jobs, the things you 20

Spring Clean Your Hidden Beliefs Move Forward to Financial $uccess By Jen Poulson Do any of these statements sound familiar? “Money doesn’t grow on trees!” “You have to work hard for your money.” “People with money cheat others to get what they want.” “It doesn’t marer if you like the job or not, you do what you have to do to survive.” “Spend money on your needs, not your wants”. “ There’s never enough money.” Most people heard some version of these statements as a child, and began forming their own beliefs about money. Do you worry about making enough money? Do you always come up short? Does money seem to slip through your fingers no marer how strong your intenTon is to save it? Do you have “bad luck” with money decisions? Are you unhappy in your job but stay because it “pays the bills”? If you answered yes to any of these quesTons, then you have hidden beliefs that affect your everyday experience with money. These beliefs were formed as a child and keep you stuck in your nega-­‐ Tve money parerns no marer how hard you work, and no marer how many Tmes you tell yourself you are going to change. A perfect example of hidden negaTve money be-­‐ liefs at play, is a lorery winner or a professional athlete, who, in a short amount of Tme, have used up ALL of their wealth and find themselves struggling in debt and trying to scrape by, just like they did growing up. Are you desTned to stay in your “lack of abun-­‐ dance” just because you have hidden beliefs about how money shows up (or does not show) up in your life? NO! Is it possible for you to heal

the wounds that are hidden, and create new, posi-­‐ Tve beliefs about yourself and have a healthy, abundant relaTonship with money? YES! Ager just one Simply Healed Session with me that focused on money and abundance, Mary ac-­‐ quired new clients and received an unexpected check for $1500.00. The stress she used to feel about money is gone, and is replaced with peace & excitement for life, which welcomes more finan-­‐ cial success! Lynnis, the creator of this amazing E-­‐zine has her own unique story to tell ager her money session! She was unexpectedly giged a brand new com-­‐ puter that replaced the one that was broken. Big business opportuniTes and partnerships are con-­‐ sistently opening up for her. The best part is her constant worry and fear about money, is gone. She now lives each day with greater peace and confidence as she enjoys her fast growing business success! It is a great Tme to do some emoTonal spring cleaning! Detox your hidden negaTve money be-­‐ liefs, be free of the worry and fear that keep you up at night. You will feel more confident and peaceful about money and be open to receiving the success you dream about and are working to-­‐ wards. Make a fresh start and live abundant in all areas of your life! To enter a drawing for a FREE Spring Clean Simply Healed Session, register on my website at hrp://www.jenpoulson.com and leave me a com-­‐ ment about WHY you need to Spring Clean your money relaTonship! 21

Dear Rebecca, I'm totally overwhelmed by the state of my life. We had a huge financial setback ($500K) because of a poorly thought-out investment that my husband wanted and then held onto for way too long, despite all the signs and my urging. So, now we need to reevaluate and rebuild. Moreover, since I was rear-ended in January, I've been in physical therapy, etc., and on the mend. I'm slow to get around and tire easily. I'm trying to put the pieces back together, for the most part alone, and it is sucking up all my time. My spouse has moved on to his next pet project, has not been very approachable, and takes on almost no responsibility. He is fairly clueless and believes that my workload should be manageable, and that I just take on too many personal projects. I've been trying to talk to him for years but he is not approachable. This is not the life I had envisioned. Once upon a time, I faced each day with excitement, filled with creative ideas. Nowadays, I wake up each day and almost dread the relentless amount of work before me. From the time I open my eyes until the time I crawl to bed. I am working on resolving my children’s health issues and also home-school my teenage son, who has a disability. Sometimes I feel like I have to be both mother and father to my son to give him the guidance he needs, since my spouse acts more like a babysitter than a loving parent. I’m feeling less and less like there is much hope that things will improve, even though there is much in my life to be grateful for. A sense of gratitude does help keep me going day to day. What else am I missing here? How can I make this marriage work? What steps do I need to take to find deeper happiness and satisfaction? Signed, Questions

Dear QuesTons, Your lerer is filled with a lot of per-­‐ sonal quesTons and life challenges that daily subtract from your happi-­‐ ness. Believe me when I say that I can understand your feelings of being over-­‐ whelmed with life. You listed several circumstances and issues that I will ad-­‐ dress one by one. As always, my inten-­‐ Ton is to (1) find the truth, and then (2) assist you with finding peace. One of the most obvious themes in your lerer is your focus on what’s wrong with your life instead of focus-­‐ ing on what’s right with your life. I read and re-­‐read what you wrote. Your let-­‐ ter is laced with criTcism, dissaTsfac-­‐ Ton, frustraTon, gloom, misery, sad-­‐ ness, and unhappiness. I’m not using those words to be mean and or unsym-­‐ patheTc. I’m using those descripTve words to make a point. There isn’t one person, including myself, who hasn’t felt like you are feeling at more than one Tme in our lives. You are not alone. Life is filled with up and downs, challenges, and bumpy roads. You can-­‐ not escape what life brings. You cannot control what life unfolds. You cannot escape the journey. What you can do is change your perspecTve about your reality. Your perspecTves have to change for your life to change. 22

360 Choices to Happiness There are 360 degrees in a complete circle. There is no beginning or ending to a circle. And there is no beginning or ending to Energy. You are Energy. You are conscious Energy. Because you are con-­‐ scious Energy you have the ability to choose what to focus on. This is a mandatory concept to under-­‐ stand if you want to be happy. At any given mo-­‐ ment, we have 360 different ways to respond and or label any circumstance we experience. Let me be clear: it’s not easy to choose another perspec-­‐ Tve, but it is possible to shig your focus with (1) intenTon and (2) pracTce.

IntenTon and Commitment You must have the intenTon and the commitment to focus on what’s good in your life during every moment. You can verbalize your intenTon as soon as you wake up. It’s simple and easy. All you need to do is say out loud, before you get out of bed, “My intenAon for this day is to focus on what’s good in my life.” In fact, you can pracTce saying that as many Tmes as you want during the day. In the beginning this pracTce might not seem to be effecTve and you probably will conTnue to focus on what’s wrong for awhile; however, as with any new skill, you will get berer and berer at chang-­‐ ing your focus. Know that when you make an inten-­‐ Ton, the Universe always listens.

less of how they might make you feel. All challenges bring an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. All challenges bring an opportunity for you to shine brighter. You menToned you have children. How do you want your children to face challenges? Do you want your children to focus on what’s wrong with their lives? Or do you want your children to find peace and happiness with whatever life brings them? Do you want your children to be able to meet every challenge life brings them with graT-­‐ tude and acceptance? Your children are watching you, and more importantly, your children are feel-­‐ ing your energy. Be the living example of how to navigate through life! Your Husband and Making Marriage Work Your words are screaming a limited perspecTve. “My spouse has moved on to his next pet project, has not been very approachable, and takes on al-­‐ most no responsibility. He is fairly clueless . . .” “I've been trying to talk to him for years, but he is not approachable . . .” “My spouse acts more like a babysiTer than a lov-­‐ ing parent.” “How can I make this marriage work?”

My dear QuesTons, how do you expect to “make I also want to say that whatever is happening in this marriage work” when you harbor feelings of your life is supposed to be happening for a reason resentment and disdain for your husband? It that you might not be able to comprehend right sounds like (at least in this lerer) that you share now. Yes, everything happens for a reason. When none of the responsibility for the state of your mar-­‐ I’m challenged by life, I know without a doubt that riage. To begin with, you are extremely criTcal of the challenge is needed and the challenge is here your husband. It’s interesTng because there was a for me to elevate to a higher level of growth and Tme in my life where I too was extremely criTcal understanding. All challenges are good—regard-­‐ of my ex-­‐husband, along with being criTcal of eve-­‐ 23

rybody else I knew. CriTcizing others was a daily habit of mine. First, there is one huge problem with criTcizing anyone and that is you subtract from your happiness when you do that. Second, when you criT-­‐ cize anyone, the words you use are actually meant for you! Ouch! So ask yourself • Am I ever non-­‐approachable? When does this hap-­‐ pen, and why? • Are there Tmes or specific occasions when I take on almost no responsibility? When does this hap-­‐ pen, and why?

• Are there Tmes when I am or act fairly clueless? When does this happen, and why? • Are there Tmes when I act more like a babysirer than a loving parent? When does this happen, and why? • Are there Tmes when I act more like a babysirer than a loving partner? When does this happen, and why? Now, when are YOU going to change?

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GraTtude There are 7.2 billion people on this planet, and I’m sure that more than one person would love to trade places with you. Why? You have a home. You have food. You have children. You physically sur-­‐ vived a car accident with the ability to walk again. (I have a dear friend who has been paralyzed since high school). You have a husband who is his own person. I could go on, but I’m sure you get my point.

The baseball bat to the back of his head saved his life, and more importantly, he was grateful and ap-­‐ preciaTve. Now he shares his story with young men who are in gangs or at risk of following in his footsteps.

You commented that your husband says you take on too many personal projects? Is this true? What are they? Do they conflict with the Tme you need to focus on your prioriTes? What are your priori-­‐ Tes? What can YOU do to create a livable, sustain-­‐ able balance between your prioriTes and your per-­‐ Another PerspecTve sonal projects? I support you and understand that we all need something that’s just for us, especially Let me share two real-­‐life stories. I have a girl-­‐ when we give of ourselves to others on a daily ba-­‐ friend who at thirty-­‐six years old arracted breast sis. Please conTnue to engage in whatever nour-­‐ cancer. Her reacTon? According to her own words, ishes your soul. contracTng cancer was a “gig from God to her and her family.” Why? Because before the cancer, she Lastly, you wrote, “This is not the life I had envi-­‐ took her own existence for granted. She let small sioned.” Life is never about what we envision, my things bother her. She was easy to anger. She dear QuesTons. Life is what the Universe envisions found fault with her life and her family. She was for us. Ager decades of suffering due to resisTng living without feelings of graTtude and apprecia-­‐ reality, I’ve finally surrendered and realized that I Ton for life itself. Her diagnosis changed her life. do not have control over what happens to me. Be-­‐ Her diagnosis changed her perspecTve. She chose cause if I did, I would have designed my life a to view her diagnosis as a gig. whole lot differently than how it has unfolded. I met a blind man on the bus last year. I purposely sat next to him and asked him how he had become blind. He told me he was hit on the back of the head with a baseball bat and lost his sight. He was twenty-­‐one at the Tme. He then went on to tell me that he was grateful for losing his sight! He told me being blind saved his life! He told me be-­‐ ing blind was a gig from God. How could this be possible, I asked? His story was not unique. As a young man, he was a member of a street gang. His daily “to-­‐do” list consisted of gangbanging, steal-­‐ ing, and murder. He even admired to parTcipaTng in dismembering and disposing of bodies. The blind man told me he would have surely been in prison or dead, if he hadn’t stopped his behavior.

What I do have control over is my perspecTve, my amtude, my focus, my intenTons, my words, my beliefs, and my behavior. Finally, I trust and surren-­‐ der to whatever the Universe has in store for me. The Universe knows what each of us needs to ex-­‐ perience. Know this and trust it. Do you want to be happy and at peace? Let go, be grateful for your life, and start living. Love, Rebecca


3 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Thoughts By Dina Proctor Spring is a great Tme for declurering your home and office and detoxing your body. There is a light-­‐ ness and a renewed energy as the weather warms and new life begins to spring up all around us. This season, what if you added a new ritual to your Spring Cleaning rouTne? Clearing out your THOUGHTS!

which are those you can make a choice to let go of or change (contracTon or negaTve emoTons).

2. Take It 7 Days at a Time

As with any new habit, I encourage my coaching clients to take it seven days at a Tme. For most people and for most new habits, seven days is a realisTc, do-­‐able goal. For this Spring Cleaning ex-­‐ ercise, commit to connecTng thoughts with emo-­‐ Tons and becoming willing to let go of the nega-­‐ Tve thoughts that are keeping you stuck. If it be-­‐ gins to feel overwhelming, remind yourself that you are only doing this for seven days. You can even take it one hour or half a day at a Tme. A mantra I use when I find myself lost in a powerful negaTve thought is, "I can think this thought a week from tomorrow but for now I'm releasing it and focusing on a thought that feels berer."

For many it may be a relief to realize the voice in our heads isn't always right. While many things in the world remain out of our control, the one thing we have ulTmate control over is the way we think, the way we choose to perceive circum-­‐ stances and events. We have the power to delib-­‐ erately choose the thoughts we think.
 Here are 3 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Thoughts:

1. Use Your EmoTons Each thought creates an emoTon, and emoTons always have a sensaTon in the body -­‐ we can ei-­‐ ther feel expanded (hopeful, opTmisTc, joyful, peaceful, relieved, etc.) or contracted (angry, doub•ul, worried, fearful, pessimisTc, etc.). You can use your emoTons as a gauge to determine if the thoughts you think throughout the day create a feeling of expansion or contracTon in your body. Throughout the day, noTce how your thoughts cause either an expanded or contracted sensaTon in your body. This can help you deter-­‐ mine which thoughts are moving you in the right direcTon (expansion or posiTve emoTons) and

3. Use Your 3x3 MeditaTon Time for PosiTvely Focused VisualizaTon 3x3 MeditaTon means three minutes, three Tmes a day. Set reminders in your calendar or cell phone and set a Tmer for these meditaTon breaks. Lose yourself in the images and feelings of what you want to create in your life, anything from a healthy body to financial security to achieving a business goal and everything in-­‐ between. Our imaginaTons and our ability to fo-­‐ cus are or greatest assets in creaTng a life we love living. 26

Betsy B. Muller, MBA, ACP-­‐EFT, CEHP, CEC Betsy Muller is a speaker, coach, an best-­‐selling author who has helped thousands of people discover their full potenCal through conscious self-­‐care. Her company, The Indigo ConnecCon LLC, of-­‐ fers personal and holisCc business coaching, keynotes, group semi-­‐ nars, women’s retreats and monthly networking events. www.theIndigoConnecCon.com & www.energymakeover4U.com

Dr. Lisa Anne MaMhews, PhD Lisa Anne ‘L.A.’ MaHhews, Ph.D. is a Professional Resume Writer and CerCfied Interview Coach for Top Choice Resumes, L.L.C. Dr. Mat-­‐ thews has helped over 1,000 professionals obtain their career goals. She is an author, radio host, college professor, internaConal speaker, and career strategist who has a diverse background in career consult-­‐ ing. Dr. MaHhews is the Career Network Chair for the NaConal Black MBA AssociaCon, Inc., Washington, D.C. Chapter (NBMBAA-­‐DC) for over 900 members in D.C., Virginia and Maryland. www.pbergo.com

Rhonda Jones, MA Rhonda Jones, M.A., is the founder of the award-­‐winning website, www.thechrisCanmeditator.com and author of Help Me God Change My Life and The ChrisCan Power Hour. It was meditaCon, integrated with the scriptures that helped Rhonda overcome years of depression and restored her peace of mind and joy in the God. Rhonda, a cerCfied yoga instructor, received 200-­‐hours of training at the Niroga Center in Berkeley. She is also a cerCfied Yahweh Yoga instructor. Rhonda conducts workshops and retreats teaching the transformaCve and healing power of meditaCon, being sCll, and spending Cme in God’s presence. Visit Her Website at hHp://www.holyandhealthyliving.com 27

Krista Dunk Author and speaker Krista Dunk is passionate about helping people discover their God-­‐given giIs and express them with the world. She herself spent many frustraCng years not knowing her calling and un-­‐ able to truly express herself, unCl she took a personal journey with God. Now Krista helps others start their own journey of discovery and expression through her books, speaking topics, newsleHers, workshops, publishing company, and radio show. Krista also loves business, and has co-­‐founded Koinonia Business Women -­‐ an organizaCon "Where Faith, Business & Women Connect, Collaborate & Grow," and co-­‐owns CreaCve Force Press -­‐ an inde-­‐ pendent book publishing company. www.kristadunk.com

Jennifer Poulson, CHC Jen Poulson is a Health and Wellness Energy Coach. She holds a bachelor's degree in Family Psychology, and is a CerCfied Simply-­‐ Healed™ PracCConer. Jen is a wife and mother of four children. A passion to help others find real lasCng freedom from the emoConal pain accumulated in life, led her to becoming a SimplyHealed™ PracCConer. She works with individual clients as well as businesses. Jen's talents and skills help bring greater purpose, order and healing which empowers her clients to find freedom from emoConal baggage. Her clients quickly experience less stress, improved and happier relaConships, more successful businesses and beHer overall health and wellness. Her peaceful nature and gentle approach helps her cli-­‐ ents easily transform with fresh new confidence and success in all areas of life. www.jenpoulson.com


By Krista Dunk

As three-­‐part beings—spirit, soul, body—we are created to consume. When we observe our natural bodies and its’ needs, this process is obvious. Our bodies require approximately 2000-­‐2500 calories with a variety of nutrients per day to sustain energy and health. But what about our souls and spirits? Do they “eat?” Yes they do...let me explain. First, it’s important to understand more about what a soul and spirit is. You may have heard this saying before: We are spirits (spiritual be-­‐ ings), with a soul and live in a body (for now). Get a picture in your mind of the exterior of

your body. In the spirit realm, your spirit could be compared to this, and your soul would be the internal organs and systems. Your soul con-­‐ sists of pieces and parts, such as your spiritual heart, logical mind, emo9ons, will and desires, belief system, thoughts, etc. Just as our natural body takes in, or consumes, via our mouths, our soul and spirit takes in, or con-­‐ sumes, through our eyes and ears. Every day, our soul takes in (consumes) informa9on and input, such as words (conversa9ons/books/audio), images (photos/ TV/movies), data, sugges9ons, sounds, and 29


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more. Just as our natural body processes the food we consume, our soul processes what we take in. Considering this, it’s quite important what your eyes and ears are consuming. Just as junk food, fast food, pop, chemicals, alcohol, and cigarePes can cause damage and harm to you physically, there is much input in the world that can cause harm to your soul and spirit as well. For example, horror movies, gossip, vio-­‐

lence, nega9vity, pornography, profanity, and certain types of music harm the delicate bal-­‐ ance of your soul and spirit. We subconsciously feel a problem when these types of input come into our eyes and ears, and now you know why! In God’s eyes, our bodies, souls and spirits are sacred, and what goes into them is essen9al. Whatever we consume should bring more light, strength, value, and health into ourselves, not darkness or sickness. I firmly believe that the true wellness center of our being is our spiritual heart. When it is sick, it will (sooner or later) cause physical sickness as well. Remember, you are what you eat! For more in-­‐depth teaching about this topic, visit Krista’s KBWomen Radio archives (www.blogtalkradio.com/kbwomen) and listen to the “Supernatural You” shows.

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Detoxing Just for YOU! By Nakeesha T. Harris, MS, CNC, CMM, Health and Wellness Expert Ready to cleanse your body at the cellular level? Tired of feeling sluggish AND want to lose some weight? Want to lower blood pressure, sugar lev-­‐ els, and cholesterol? Then it’s Tme for a detox! Many wonder what a detox entails. Let’s discuss the best steps for women 40 and over. Quick and healthy detox Tps for women 40 and over Time frame-­‐ 3-­‐10 days are best the closer to 7 days or more will reap the most benefits.

Juice If you have a juicer, making daily juices during a detox will really help with sending macronutri-­‐ ents straight to your bloodstream. These will help your body on a cellular level. Oxygen will begin to flow through your bloodstream feeding your cells and healing of cells takes place.

Plant-­‐based It is vital to consume highly nutriTous plant-­‐ based foods. Beans and legumes, leafy greens, fruits, and nuts are ALL extremely beneficial dur-­‐ ing the Tme of detoxing. These foods feed your body much needed nutrients and also help keep you full. While it may be an adjustment if you are a meat eater, you will see how great you feel AND also noTce the benefits.

Abundance of raw and cooked veggies This is so important! EaTng salads, kale salad, spinach salad, carrots, and any other raw veggie that you love as well as cooked greens, string

beans, broccoli etc., begin to supply your body with calcium, iron, and a host of vitamins and nu-­‐ trients. Wow you are gemng A LOT just by eaTng a variety of delicious foods.

Water It is vital to have filtered water during this Tme. Make sure you are drinking half of your body weight of water in ounces during this detox and overall as well. Add a lemon to your first glass. This helps to alkalize the body (provide an environment that cells thrive in and kills disease).

Herbal tea Green tea, chamomile, peppermint, ginger and many other teas are great during a detox. They add to the anToxidants that your body is receiv-­‐ ing AND they provide a change from just drinking water.

Avoid All of the below are not beneficial during a detox. They cause bloaTng, headaches, added mucus, weight gain, and an acidic environment in your body (disease grows easily). 31

SOOOO glad you decided to detox. Your energy will raise, you will noTce weight loss, you are go-­‐ ing to feel berer overall!

Sugar Oils Meat Dairy Grains What you will noTce During the Tme of detoxing, for the first day or two you may feel hungry and experience some de-­‐ tox symptoms – headache, nausea etc. Once you get to about the third day, you are going to be

Detoxing is truly a great way to realign and get back to the basics of health and wellness. The key is going beyond or maintaining ager the detox. Nakeesha’s NutriTon offers a FREE 7 day detox. Just go to www.nakeeshasnutriTon.com and sign up to the mailing list. The detox will be sent straight to you!! Happy Detoxing!

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Can you increase happiness in order to banish stress? By Elizabeth Manual Can you be happy and stressed at the same Tme? Yes and no. We can have a general feeling of happiness, but if you are clearly under stress, you can-­‐ not fool your body for long. While under stress your heart rate increases and your blood pressure will likely rise as well. During this Tme, the stress hor-­‐ mones corTsol and adrenalin flow through you to ensure that you feel even more wired and ready to react or respond. When afraid or under stress you are likely to have worried thoughts; physical sensaTons like a faster heart rate, sweat-­‐ ing, and increased breathing; and behaviors like trying to es-­‐ cape the situaTon that made you afraid in the first place! The "amygdala" (Greek for "al-­‐ mond," its shape) is the part of the brain that reacts most strongly when you’re con-­‐

fronted with fear and stress. Under stress, the amygdala or-­‐ ders the release of neurotrans-­‐ mirers, which can cause in-­‐ creased doubt, fear and anxi-­‐ ety. In the fight or flight re-­‐ sponse, a quick message is sent to the amygdala, releasing more adrenalin than you proba-­‐ bly need for your situaTon, and may show up in stress symp-­‐ toms such as: • increased blood pressure • increased breathing and heart rate • digesTon challenges • headaches Problems arise when your daily stressors trigger your stress re-­‐ sponse. This means that you are constantly on alert, and too much stress for too long can result in an imbalance. There are few situaTons in modern life (unless you have

just come face to face with a hungry bear in the mountains) where such a response is opT-­‐ mal. Taking a final exam re-­‐ quires simng in a chair, not run-­‐ ning away from an enemy. The focus on survival that stress and hormone release causes generally results in poor decision-­‐making and concentra-­‐ Ton—the very things that help you to be successful at work, sports, and in your personal relaTonships. In the short term it is impor-­‐ tant to manage the “fight or flight” response. A step to take in coping with stress is idenTfy-­‐ ing and then taking acTon to reduce your stressors. If you are constantly overscheduled and being run ragged you must do one of two things: Either change your mental response to your busyness by reminding yourself that you are choosing 33

to and looking forward to parTcipaTng in these funcTons and not remain in a state of fight or commitments or release some of the commit-­‐ flight. ments and choose to honour your life. Deep breathing doubles our oxygen supply and pu-­‐ I suggest you implement some relaxaTon tech-­‐ rifies the blood. Oxygen burns up the waste prod-­‐ niques, such as deep breathing, meditaTon, and ucts (toxins) in the body and recharges the body's clinical hypnotherapy, to reduce the stress in your bareries (the solar plexus). In fact, most of our body. Here are some ideas to pracTce: energy requirements come not from food, but from the air we breathe.

Deep Breathing


Sit or lie comfortably, loosen any restricTve cloth-­‐ ing. MeditaTon can be as simple as paying arenTon to your breathing for a few minutes. Relax in what-­‐ Put one hand on your chest and one on your stom-­‐ ever posiTon works best for you, close your eyes, ach. and start to pay arenTon to your breathing. Slowly inhale through your nose or through pursed Breathing through your nose gets your diaphragm lips (to slow the intake of breath). Try inhaling to a involved and gets oxygen all the way to the bot-­‐ tom of your lungs. As your mind wanders, simply count of three or four. re-­‐focus your arenTon on the air going in and out As you inhale, feel your stomach expand with your of your nose, saying “breath in, breath out” over hand. If your chest and over in your mind. You can also pracTce breathing in through the nose and out through expands, focus on breathing with your diaphragm. your mouth. Use even inhales and even exhales. Slowly exhale through your nose or through Another version is to have your exhalaTon last pursed lips to regulate the release of air to the twice as long as your inhalaTon. Do this for several same count as your inhalaTon and feel your belly minutes, or longer as you get used to it. drop back towards your spine.

Walking meditaTons get the body involved. It can I ogen imagine I’m filling up a balloon and then be outside or simply pacing back and forth in a pushing the air out again. During stress and anger, room. Pay arenTon to the movement of your legs, we tend to inhale and hold our breath. The most breathing, and body as you walk, as well as to the significant therapeuTc aspect of deep breathing is feeling of your feet contacTng the ground. When the exhalaTon. In Tmes of stress and anger switch your mind wanders, just keep bringing it back to from even inhale/exhale to extending your exhale the process of walking and breathing. You can also by two Tmes the length of the inhalaTon. If you noTce every thing of beauty as you walk. Make a are inhaling to a count of four make your exhala-­‐ point to noTce the colours, smells, plants, and ani-­‐ Ton to a count of eight. The exhalaTon alerts the mals. Appreciate every thing as sacred. body that it can relax and resume essenTal body 34

Guided meditaTons allow you to listen to soothing music or a well-­‐modulated voice to give your mind something to focus on. You can find them as down-­‐ loads on the Internet or in bookstores focusing on health and wellness. (Also available at www.elizabethmanuel.com.)

Clinical Hypnotherapy Clinical hypnosis, posiTve suggesTon, visualizaTon, and affirmaTon are all extremely powerful agents of change for your complete psychological and emoTonal well-­‐being, including the management of anxiety and stress, building confidence and self esteem.

In the long-­‐term, stress management helps to re-­‐ duce faTgue and burnout, and promote wellness, health, and happiness. Elizabeth Manuel, B.Ed. CACE*, is a happiness expert, author, speaker, life and relaTonship coach. Elizabeth is internaTonally renowned for her genuine humor, warmth and passion while ig-­‐ niTng posiTve growth in individuals, and organiza-­‐ Tons. Elizabeth specializes in educaTng, and mentoring others to thrive, generaTng greater health, berer relaTonships and increased quality of life. AddiTon-­‐ ally Elizabeth Manuel is a CerTfied Grief Therapist and a Licensed Spiritual Counselor.

Hypnotherapy has its origins in nineteenth century *CerTficate in Adult and ConTnuing EducaTon. form of trance healing called “mesmerism.” Mes-­‐ merism has been conTnued to be used because it www.elizabethmanuel.com works! It allows suggesTons to be made to the sub-­‐ conscious mind, which is the key to personal growth and change. The conscious mind is respon-­‐ sible for short-­‐term memory, analyTcal thinking, and quesToning. The subconscious mind is respon-­‐ sible for anatomic processes such as blood circula-­‐ Ton, breathing, heart funcTon, and Tssue repair.
 During hypnosis a person is completely aware of what is being said to them, although their mind will be open to posiTve suggesTon. Hypnosis can tap into the natural, inner resource of the subcon-­‐ scious mind in order to make beneficial changes. Hypnosis is simply a state of heightened relaxaTon and is a dreamy, pleasant experience. Using hypno-­‐ sis is very powerful. You can book a private session via skype or find some helpful CDs online or at m a n y b o o k s t o r e s . ( A l s o a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. h o l y a n d h e a l t h y l i v i n g . c o m www.elizabethmanuel.com )



Detoxing Toxic Thoughts & Beliefs By Andrea Becky Hanson There was a (me in my life par(cularly around my 48th birthday and over the ten following years, when I felt trapped in the cage of my mental/emo(onal condi(on-­‐ ing and society’s demands. I felt alone and somehow “wrong”. It became especially unbearable as an “aging woman”. Thankfully, I knew at some deep (but some-­‐ what inaccessible) level that I was much more than a my mind, body, gender, ethnicity, religion, degrees, awards, (tles, roles, appearance, accomplishments, pos-­‐ sessions, thoughts, emo(ons, and owned or imagined flaws, limita(ons, inappropriateness or mistakes. That deep something within, guided me consistently, insis(ng that I somehow rise up through the life-­‐long barrage of opinions, judgments, habits, reflec(ons, thoughts and emo(ons (mine and other’s) used to de-­‐ fine and describe me, and dive deeper into my own un-­‐ derstanding and self realiza(on.

A Freed Soul Emerges My mind demands My heart aches My mind debates My heart surrenders My mind relives the future and past My heart longs for the present My soul awaits the end of this war I inquire within And Soul answers -­‐Andrea Becky 2002

This coincided with a (me I was encouraged to write a book about what I have learned along the way about the health, healing and the spiritual journey of my life. I started the book out of a deep driving desire to share my experiences, and also because I had come to know wri(ng to be very therapeu(c. I was inexperienced with com-­‐ puters but used my new computer to write. About one third of my book blueprint was finally developed and suddenly, with no apparent reason, my computer crashed. All my files became encrypted. Not even un-­‐ encryp(ng experts in Washington D.C. could recover them. I took it as a sign…and it was…because I was about to go through a ten year period of intense personal, professional and spiritual growth that would drama(cally influence the style and content of the book. I didn’t know that then, but as I look back, those ten years were about life lessons and removal of the thoughts, beliefs and habits that had become obstacles in the way of my life’s purpose. I began many self-­‐help prac(ces that supported my quest to break through what I came to know as denial. This haunted me…How can I know what I don’t know? And, if I am denying it, it must be really bad! That was the thought that kept me trapped in the emo(ons of inadequacy and non deservingness. The irony, as it turned out, was my denial was of my own unique and loving heart, will and soul. The ul(mate learning experience was that what I desired was not outside me, but within. Of course, I had heard this over and over, but this (me, I decided to “scien(fically” determine if it was really true. I began going within first for every answer I sought. I used medi-­‐ ta(on and journaling sessions to “bypass” my condi(oned reac(ve thoughts and beliefs. This is how: 37

A primary tool was to regularly use a medita(on to redirect my aFen(on. I called it the CIA process (Check In and Ask). It is simple. Begin with a deep breath, close the eyes and allow aFen(on to go inward. No(ce where aFen(on goes and breathe into that area to sooth and heal and raise awareness there. Then begin the process of self-­‐inquiry or “self interview” with “What’s up with you right now?” and then…Listen…When complete, open the eyes and journal the informa(on and experience. This is what I learned: •

Where my aFen(on would go needed healing on some level – hence breathing healing energy there.

“Inside” really means –not of the mind-­‐but hearLelt sense of truth-­‐the ul(mate advisor

To differen(ate between the chaFer. thoughts, beliefs and yearning emo(ons and the pure urging of Spirit

To feel the undeniable connec(on to all things from within.

To my surprise, my journaling went on the page as poetry.

To summarize the overall learning that now shapes my thinking, beliefs, emo(ons and ac(ons:

Never Alone Insidious cultural and social conditioning controlled the reins of my life. The team was so well trained that the slightest tug would change their course and gait. With no consciousness of leaving my desired path, I simply rode along, feeling alone. Protesting at times, but ultimately giving up while trying to find a place for the hypnotic rules and beliefs. I noticed myself reluctantly surrendering to the authoritative, heartless and thoughtless societal cues, and never feeling quite right about it. All the time the Divine Mother/Father rode with me. I did not realize they were constantly at my side, present and gently waiting for an opening in my awareness. Surely, and little by little, making space in my consciousness for the understanding of their messages of Loving Light, Grace and Truth.

That awareness is what guides me now. -­‐Andrea Becky 2010 Poems from: Poems from the Edge of a New Reality by Andrea Becky Hanson (2012)


Love is in the Air & In “ A d re a m w h i c h i s n o t i n t e r p re t e d i s l i k e a l e t t e r w h i c h i s n o t re a d . . . ” -T h e Ta lm u d Welcome to Wellness Women 40 and Beyond. I am Kathleen O’Keefe-­‐Kanavos-­‐your Dream Queen. My Life Purpose is to help you Dream Your Life to Wellness by: • Using 6 Easy Steps to Remember Your Dreams • IdenAfying the 7 Categories of Dreams. In each publicaTon we will explore how to find the golden messages and pearls of wisdom in the secret world of sleep. Each addiTonal publicaTon will take you deeper and deeper into the dream realm as we interpret your best dreams and worst nightmares using the six steps to remem-­‐ ber your dreams and the seven categories of dreams. This will help you become proficient at dream journaling, dream tracking from your jour-­‐ nals and understanding your own dream lan-­‐ guage to live a healthier, happier and more fulfill-­‐ ing life. Here are the two techniques we will use to help you understand your dreams:

6 Easy Steps to Remember Your Dreams • Verbally voice an intenTon to remember dreams before you sleep. • Keep a notebook and pencil beside your bed to write down your dreams. • Describe your feelings when you first awaken.

• If you think about a deceased family member when you awaken, write down their name. • Give your dream a Ttle, even if it’s The Dream I Don’t Remember, then Categorize it. • Trust but validate. ValidaTon will present itself and help you remember a dream.

7 Categories of Dreams that Ogen Overlap: • Daydreams-­‐ you are awake but not focused on a task, • Epic-­‐ entertaining storybook you pick up and conTnue nightly while asleep • Lucid-­‐you know you are dreaming and can con-­‐ trol the outcome • Nightmares-­‐who can forget that informaTon! • Recurring-­‐because you didn’t “get it” the first Tme or solve the problem • Healing-­‐emoTonal or physical informaTon • PropheTc-­‐comes true and can be validated by scienTfic tests or life events I survived three breast cancers. My female intui-­‐ Ton and inner guidance imparted through dreams and prayers encouraged me to self-­‐ 39

advocate a course of cancer tesTng, treatment and healing, ogen against hospital policy and the ad-­‐ vice of my doctors. My dreams were the answers to my prayers. I followed my dreams and survived cancer and the treatments. That is as lucky as win-­‐ ning the lorery three Tmes in a row. Luck had lit-­‐ tle to do with it. Divine intervenTon did. This in-­‐ ner guidance through dreams and prayers showed that science goes so far, and then comes God. I al-­‐ ways worked with my doctors, but never forgot to self-­‐advocate and make the final decisions concern-­‐ ing my life. Dream therapy was part of my IntegraTve Medicine which combined modern scienTfic treat-­‐ ments like surgery, chemotherapy and radiaTon with complementary therapies such as dream, meditaTon and prayer. We are far more than id, ego and super ego. We are spirit beings inhabiTng a physical body that is experiencing life. Dreams are doorways that allow our ET (Eternal Teacher within) to phone home to heaven for Devine Guid-­‐ ance. What is really amazing is that someone on the other side always answers the phone. The statement, “Ask and you will receive” are more than words of comfort. They are words of truth. When we are in crisis, the doorway to dreams be-­‐ comes very acTve. We all have Guardian Angels. We are their job and they take that job seriously. ConnecTng to and treaTng our spirit through dreams can transform our physical, emoTonal, and spiritual lives. People living with chronic or life-­‐ threatening illness can use their dreams in concert with medical treatment and meditaTon to allevi-­‐ ate stress; reduce pain, anxiety, and other physical and emoTonal symptoms; and enhance their qual-­‐ ity of life. My column will teach and show you how to use your dreams to heal yourself and your doctors, es-­‐ pecially during current Tmes of extreme change in

the medical industry, so you can live a happier, healthier, more producTve and spiritually fulfilled life. Dream worlds are unique to the dreamer. What frightens one dreamer may enlighten another. A large snake in a dream may scare someone with a fear of snakes but to another it may be the Kundal-­‐ ini-­‐ the ulTmate rising spiritual wisdom. Being bit-­‐ ten by a snake can mean you are injected with wis-­‐ dom in one dream or poisoned by someone in your life in another. Therefore, dream dicTonaries based on universal archetypes are helpful, but lim-­‐ iTng. As a dreamer becomes more tuned into their inner-­‐guidance, they will learn their own dream language. Opening the lines of communicaTon with your Inner-­‐selves and Inner-­‐guidance/ Guardian Angels will help you stand in your power and speak your truth in the face of adversity be-­‐ cause you will have the confidence that comes from knowing that you have an army of angels standing behind you. You are never alone! Today we will explore the waking dream-­‐world of Daydreams and interpret true examples. How many of you remember your mother, teacher or friends telling you to stop day-­‐dreaming and get to work. Perhaps you were working, in another di-­‐ mension. Daydreams can be a profound source of Devine informaTon for people who are sTll work-­‐ ing on remembering their dreams. A daydream can trigger the memory of a nighmme dream filled with pearls of wisdom that are answers to prayers. Everything that is alive dreams. A precious fetus in its mother’s womb displays REM (Rapid Eye Movement) on Ultra Sound technology at fourteen weeks of life. The eyes move back and forth as it tracks what it is watching. This begs the quesTon “Is it watching the angels fly?” Just thinking about that may start your daydream. 40

Daydreams happen when we relax our mind, which allows informaTon to slip in. It is a form of free-­‐floaTng meditaTon. This can happen while do-­‐ ing any mundane or habitual acTvity like folding clothing, taking a shower, waiTng in line at the store, or staring at your computer wondering what to type next. STll you mind, listen, write down your daydreams and then look for your golden se-­‐ cret message or your pearls of wisdom. Dear Dream Queen, I have a difficult Tme remembering my dreams but I do know that I do dream. I am working on re-­‐ membering them. I daydream a lot and ogen find that when I’m daydreaming my ears will start ring-­‐ ing and Tngling. SomeTmes I will even see shad-­‐ ows in my peripheral vision. What does this mean? Linda Dear Linda, I applaud you for sharing your daydream experi-­‐ ence with us. Few people are aware of the impor-­‐

tance of “ringing ears” and daydreams. You are ex-­‐ periencing an aura shig which ogen happens when you open the doors to guidance. You vibrate at a higher frequency so that the informaTon can be collected-­‐ much like tuning into a radio staTon’s frequency. Inner frequency changes are an impor-­‐ tant part of Inner-­‐Guidance. You are on the right road to remembering your dreams and using the informaTon to live a more fulfilled life. What you are seeing in your peripheral vision is that which is on the periphery of existence-­‐ perhaps your Guardian Angel, because your angel is also on a dif-­‐ ferent frequency. Your guides are working hard to open the phone lines to your Inner ET (Eternal Teacher) who is phoning home. I think you will start to remember your dreams and collect your golden secret messages very soon. Let your day-­‐ dreams guide you to the doors of the dream world that are now opening and use your daydreams to learn your personal dream language. Tune in next Tme when we’ll discuss nightmares, our blessings in disguise.


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Green Organics International

Click here for more informaTon ( hrp://gocleanandlean.com) 41

DetoxificaCon with Green Smoothies By Ramona Fasula Because of their high chlorophyll content, green leafy vegetables are perfect for detoxificaTon. They detoxify the lymph, blood, and liver. What berer way to enjoy them, then with a delicious green smoothie? Fortunately, there are many va-­‐ rieTes of green leafy vegetables, so you’ll never be bored. Green leafy vegetables encompass everything from kale to collards, the enTre let-­‐ tuce family, and a variety of herbs like parsley and cilantro. If you have an aversion to the taste of greens, the sweet fruits in a green smoothie will mask the taste. Here are my Top 5 green detox foods, along with an explanaTon of why they are great detox foods, and some yummy green smoothie recipes. Enjoy! 1. Watercress-­‐ This is a good skin detox. It’s rich in sulfur, which aids protein absorpTon, blood pu-­‐ rificaTon, and cell building, and promotes healthy skin and hair.

2. Mustard Greens-­‐The anToxidant beta-­‐ carotene and vitamins C and K help neutralize tox-­‐ ins and remove them from the body, providing effecTve detox support. 3. Arugula-­‐Sulphurous chemicals in arugula sTmulate circulaTon, strengthen the liver, and have mild diureTc and laxaTve properTes. 4. Dandelion-­‐It can be used as a diureTc and liver cleanser. It helps clear inflammaTon and conges-­‐ Ton of the liver and gallbladder. It’s also a natural source of potassium, which makes it a safe and gentle diureTc. 5. Chicory-­‐It is a natural diureTc and mildly laxa-­‐ Tve. As a good source of dietary fiber, it helps re-­‐ move toxins from the blood and Tssues. It is a natural diureTc and mild laxaTve. As a good source of dietary fiber, it helps remove toxins from the blood and Tssues.

Mediterranean Green


Cleanse your Body with Sweet Citrus

2 cups arugula

3 cups dandelion greens

3 stalks celery, with leaves

1 pint strawberries

4-­‐5 medium size ripe tomatoes

2 ripe bananas

1 avocado

1 sprig mint

2 cups pineapple, peeled and cored

½ cup basil

2 cups water

1 orange, peeled

Juice of 1 lemon

Yields 2 Quarts

2 apples, peeled and cored

1 cup watercress

½ jalapeno pepper

½ inch ginger, peeled

2 cups water

2 cups purified water

Yields 2 quarts 42

Featured Wellness Woman Cynthia Rowland Best-­‐Selling Author, Natural Beauty & AnT-­‐ Aging Expert, Author, Speaker, Television Personality & Wellness Woman "When you realize you are living a life that holds you back, that to me is the reason for geang rid of toxic environment" Have you ever met someone that you felt you have known for a very long Tme ager talking with them for only five minutes? That is the feeling I had when I first met Cynthia Rowland. We had a phone meeTng scheduled at the Tme I was work-­‐ ing at the local coffee shop. It was so loud in the coffee shop; I had to go outside to speak with Cynthia. For the next hour I was standing at the coffee shop's corner laughing and talking to Cynthia. What a joy it was to speak with such a wise and joyful woman who truly loves women. Cynthia is an expert in facial exercise who has transformed the lives of thousands of women. Cynthia's products and services helps faces look younger without plasTc surgery. It is evident that what Cynthia does is her passion. She once suf-­‐ fered from feeling bad about how the aging process was affecTng the way she looked. Cynthia not only decided to do something holisT-­‐ cally and natural about it , she decided to help other women learn what she had learned. Cynthia has that quintessenTal spirit that arracts to herself women and all people. You just want to stay around to see what she says next; that is

how I felt the first Tme I talked to her while stand-­‐ ing on a corner of a coffee shop, in the middle of the day, laughing and thanking God for the crea-­‐ Ton of such a wonderful person.

Why do you think it is important for Women to detoxify their lives? Imagine how dreadful life is once you know your life is toxic. When you realize you are living a life that holds you back, that to me is the reason for gemng rid of a toxic environment. If we are not thinking with a lot of love in our hearts; we can produce toxic relaTonships with people around us . Women who don’t think highly of themselves begin to use things that are not natural to feel


berer about themselves; they too are living a toxic life.

a wonderful hope for women who need assistance or help to make them spur onward.

You have to make a decision to be on another path-­‐ way, “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind”. Some women feel they aren’t looking good any more and feel that they need to make a change in their lives; that's the beginning of an im-­‐ portant transformaTon. A woman may not like the way her life is, or perhaps her weight, her fa-­‐ cial beauty, her relaTonship or her career. Once we figure this out, once we realize this is not who we are or who we want to be, we well being to make the transformaTon. Some days I don’t feel like exercising. I am basically a slug on the couch (laughing), but then I get to thinking and I have to push myself off that couch. I have to push myself to be the best that I can be. Taking the step to transform and detoxify your life is not easy. That is not the way life works…you have to keep pushing.

What areas have you considered when it came to detoxifying your life?

If we give up, if we stop pushing we will miss that opportunity to be even berer than we were be-­‐ fore. That next fitness rouTne, that next career just might be the answer to what you need to do to be happy. What a wonderful opportunity to love yourself to make the changes to be that per-­‐ son that you really want to be. For me it is all about the face. You can look at women and see what is happening in their life just by looking at the face. Looking at the face is the most wonder-­‐ ful way to communicate, That is why I like working with the face. It is a great opportunity to help a woman to feel berer about themselves. The beauty of working with Facial Magic (her facial ex-­‐ ercise product) is we see the transformaTon of the face. Women start feeling berer about them-­‐ selves. TransformaTon – just the word gives such

I am kind of always under the self examinaTon mi-­‐ croscope. My whole life I have had the oldest child syndrome and have wanted to be the very best at everything I have ever done. I have always wanted to step out and see the beauty of Christ within. That is where my need for transformaTon begins. On a daily basis I read my bible, use my affirma-­‐ Tons, keep my mind in a certain way so that the need to be the very best doesn’t cause me stress, it doesn’t impact my mind. I keep my mind stayed on posiTveness, to arain success in every area of my life. I keep my smile going from the inside out.

What do you do to help women detoxify and change their lives? I give them an avenue that they can take to begin to work with their faces .If they like what they see in the mirror it has a transforming impact on the rest of their body. I give them a way to detoxify how they feel about themselves. I can arest to what it felt like to have a double chin and sagging eyes. It didn’t feel good. I help women with the transformaTon of helping to look younger and ulT-­‐ mately feel younger than they have in years.

What does detoxificaTon have to do with wellness of the mind, body and spirit? Everything begins with the mind. If somebody has a toxic thought or their environment is no longer healthy it can cause illness, disease and general 44

overall feelings of being unwell. It helps the mind, body and spirit to become whole again if you re-­‐ move toxicity. If we can change our toxic thoughts and our toxic thought parerns, posiTve things (health) will manifest, healing can occur because the thoughts have changed. Mind, body spirit con-­‐ necTon is so important. To improve that connec-­‐ Ton I like to read the bible, every Tme I read the bible, I get a new message. I like being around peo-­‐ ple who are like minded. Really, that is why I love to go to church. My church teaches us how to change our mind and keep our mind on a certain pathway. I don’t like to use words that are harm-­‐ ful.., works that can harm the spirit. Words are powerful. I believe we should take the teachings of Jesus and apply them to our everyday lives. That is they best way to detoxify our spirit, which is the first step to well in our mind and our body.

What kind of toxicity have you removed from your life? How did removing this toxicity change your life? I have learned to remove negaTve thoughts. Nega-­‐ Tve thoughts are the most toxic thing you can have in your life. Thinking in a negaTve way cre-­‐ ates a toxic environment. Usually negaTvity is be-­‐ cause of fear. Ager all FEAR is false, evidence, ap-­‐ pearing real. You have to rely on your prayer life; that is how it has worked for me. As long as I keep my mind directed in the right way there is less room for toxicity to pop up. I keep my mind staid in a certain way…on things that are beauTful, pure, and lovely things like it says in the bible.

(She laughs and I can feel her smile) A Wellness Woman is one who loves life and lives it to fullest, being thankful for the her daily manna! Cynthia Rowland is a best-­‐selling author and widely recognized natural beauty and anA-­‐aging expert. As founder and president of Cynthia Row-­‐ land Beauty Systems, a company dedicated to pro-­‐ viding highly effecAve anA-­‐aging products to women and men, Rowland developed Facial Magic, a program with a series of isometric move-­‐ ments, "fitness for the face," that has sold over 1,000,000 DVDs world-­‐wide. Her Luscious Lips lip pump is a natural lip plumper in the form of a red, hand-­‐held device that employs the use of a vac-­‐ uum to naturally create the fuller lips. Rowland and her Facial Magic and Luscious Lips are a proven hit with the health and beauty media and TV shows like The View, The Doctors, The Today Show and Rachel Ray. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to help women and men look vibrantly young through natural, non-­‐invasive techniques. Cynthia is the host and founder of The Ageless Sisters blog talk radio show and author of the Amazon Best Seller, "The Magic of Facial Exercise." Her new book will publish in the summer of 2014. “The Magic of Facial Exercise” Order Here: hrp://www.amazon.com/Magic-­‐Facial-­‐Exercise-­‐Cy nthia-­‐Rowland/dp/0578046695 Website : www.cynthiarowland.com

What is your definiTon of a Wellness Woman.


By Karen Wells, M.Div Poison. Ogen it is ingested or absorbed without an individual even being aware that it is lurking in their body. It can mimic other illnesses and is not always quick and easy to diagnose. So it is with the poisonous effect of a past trauma that has not been healed. I work with women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse, ager aborTon distress, or some form of relaTonal abuse. I have seen how unhealed trauma spreads toxins to the heart, mind, and soul of a woman. If leg untreated, she will eventually sense areas of her life that seem to have died. I will share seven kinds of poison that may be lurking in your life, and then suggest an anTdote you can administer to find healing and hope.

1. THE POISON OF DENIAL: Although you know you've experienced a trauma, you can sTll be living in denial. I am talking about you denying the impact of that actual experience. You can’t heal what you don’t acknowledge. Denial might keep you numb, but it doesn’t eliminate the pain.

ANTIDOTE: Be honest with yourself about what your story has done to your life. Find the courage to begin walking through its impact. Talk to some-­‐ one and find the support you need to begin acknowledging your past.

2. THE POISON OF THE FEAR OF FEELINGS: If you do not understand your emoTons, you can easily be 46

afraid of them. Two common outcomes of this poi-­‐ son can be that you either become an angry woman, or you become a depressed woman. You tend to borle up, stuff, push down, or sweep your emoTons under the proverbial rug. Or you ex-­‐ plode. The outcome is that your emoTons own you, instead of you owning your emoTons.


components of grief, she can get stuck in one or more aspects of it, and not move forward in her healing. She can undoubtedly find herself in the deep pit of denial, guilt, anger, or depression.

ANTIDOTE: Normalize grief, yet be aware how you are re-­‐ sponding in each component. DisTnguish between the grieving process and living as a vicTm.

Recognize that feelings are neither good nor bad. They just are. Learn to pinpoint what the meaning 5. THE POISON OF FALSE BELIEFS: of any given emoTon is for you. Then deal with What you think, and how you interpret your experi-­‐ that meaning. The key to not fearing your emo-­‐ ences, determines your belief systems. Unhealed Tons is to name them, feel them, and then let trauma has a great potenTal to poison the mind. It them go. aracks your belief of God’s love, your belief of self-­‐worth, and your ability to discern truth from 3. THE POISON OF SECONDARY LOSS: lies. There is no doubt that trauma creates loss. The pri-­‐ mary loss is evident, yet a woman may not con-­‐ ANTIDOTE: nect the secondary losses of her story and wonder All of your life behaviors flow from what you be-­‐ why she keeps messing up in life. She may experi-­‐ lieve. So it is imperaTve that you know what you ence the secondary loss of low self-­‐worth, the in-­‐ believe and that you know whether the belief is a ability to trust, the refusal to hope, the lack of truth or a lie. Learn and pracTce God’s Word in or-­‐ desire to live moTvated, or the absence of the der to transform your mind and challenge any courage to risk. faulty beliefs.



Sincerely search out what your losses are. Deter-­‐ Unforgiveness is one of the most powerful venoms mine what these losses have stolen and then evalu-­‐ running through the human heart. It kills, steals, ate how you are direcTng your life because of it. and destroys. As you heal you will begin to see that some of your losses can be regained and you will find hope in ANTIDOTE: your life. Forgive. This is not a feeling, this is a choice. Jesus 4. THE POISON OF “STUCKNESS”: is our greatest example of the power of forgive-­‐ ness. Free yourself from the deadly snare of birer-­‐ With every loss there is a grieving process. If a ness, hate, and revenge. woman does not have an understanding of the 47

Life is messy. It has its hurts, pains, and struggles. We cannot always be in control of everything that RuminaTng, quesToning, and regremng are al-­‐ comes into it, but with God’s guidance, we can in-­‐ most always connected to the unwillingness to fluence how we will let it impact us. Make a deci-­‐ move out of the past. sion today to be poison free!


ANTIDOTE: Anchor the new healthy you into the “here and now”. Learn from the past and dream for the fu-­‐ ture, but live in the present.





DeCharge Your Stress and Strain “We have all a beTer guide in ourselves, if we would aTend to it, than any other person can be.” By Alx UMerman

-­‐Jane Austen

How many of us really need a good spring clean-­‐ ing in our inner houses of stress, anxiety, burn-­‐ out, emoTonal dramas and/or professional challenges? How about if that spring cleaning could happen every day, rather than just once a year? Our inner guide is our best healer

• trouble sleeping at night • lack of appeTte, or a desire to eat compulsively • agitated thinking/ the syndrome of ‘taking our work home’ • faTgue • feelings of burn-­‐out • generalized anger, frustraTon, irritaTon • depression, anxiety, addicTve tendencies

Each of us has the most profound healing resource available – our inner self! Mostly we for-­‐ get to access that inner healer, distracted by our daily pace of work, relaTonships, acTviTes, & just plain living.

What we don’t realize is hurTng us

The general consensus is that these symptoms are ‘normal’ – ie, just part of life.

In fact, many people live in stressful situaTons so constantly that it’s easy to assume that this IS liv-­‐ ing -­‐ that our symptoms of stress and strain are just part of life’s normalcy.

Guess what? They’re NOT!

In actuality, these symptoms are our system’s way of telling us, loudly, that we’ve taken on too much energy from others – it’s really foreign energy, an overlay onto our own systems, like how bareries can hold a posiTve or negaTve charge.

We don’t have to inhabit an inner stress house at all

Through each interacTon with other people, each challenging situaTon, each Tme we help another person (maybe just by listening hear•ully to someone’s troubles), we are taking on a layer, a small percentage, of their stress & strain… and this adds up.

I would offer that in fact, energeTcally, each of us is a semi-­‐permeable membrane, constantly ab-­‐ sorbing the stress and strain from others around us – whether we are consciously aware of this dy-­‐ namic or not.

By the average working day’s end, most people are Tred: mentally, physically, emoTonally.

Especially for those in the helping professions, from medical to EMT, healers of all types, school teachers, social workers, therapists or counselors – if we’re interacTng with others in an open-­‐ hearted way, we’re actually absorbing MORE stress & strain.

Common symptoms include: • physical aches & pains, especially headaches, Tght muscles, & itching/burning eyes

We desperately need to decharge that energy.


Simple soluTon: learning to decharge stress/ strain
 Decharging is one of the most simple, re-­‐ energizing, & relieving tools I learned during my spiritual training in India. It’s ridiculously easy, ef-­‐ fecTve, and should be done every day – akin to brushing one’s teeth daily, so that the plaque doesn’t build up, creaTng disease & decay.

How to decharge While decharging requires a much lengthier & nu-­‐ anced discussion than a few hundred words per-­‐ mits, here’s the thumbnail version: 1. Scan yourself – see how you’re feeling physi-­‐ cally, emoTonally, energeTcally. Is there any pain, or discomfort? What’s your level of emoTonal calmness? NoTce the symptoms that tell you de-­‐ charging is indicated. 2. Using the Earth element to decharge… take the bloom part of a fresh flower (any kind, roses are best) & hold it in your hand. (Or use two flow-­‐ ers, one in each hand.) 3. Use the following simple two-­‐step process to decharge: 1st Step Offer a prayer of graTtude to the divine (however you call it: Nature, Jesus, God, Buddha, Mother, Great Spirit, Universe, Higher Power… – the names don’t marer) like “ Thank you, God, for cre-­‐ aAng this beauAful flower that I’m using.” GraT-­‐ tude opens the heart & lets energy flow.

charging whatever stress, strain, upset, pain, negaTvity, I picked up today…” Then, just let the energy flow into the flower. (Everyone’s different – some people feel it, some don’t. Either way, it works.) 
 You don’t have to keep thinking, “I’m decharging, I’m decharging,” – be relaxed. You can decharge while driving home from work, watching TV, read-­‐ ing an email – it’s okay to mulT-­‐task. Your con-­‐ sciousness knows you’re decharging: that’s enough for a successful pracTce. Generally, you’ll want to decharge about 10-­‐15 minutes, or unTl you feel the symptoms you no-­‐ Tced (in the iniTal self-­‐scan) start to dissolve. The relief of those symptoms signals that you’ve successfully decharged whatever was causing them. Discard the flower(s) outside, somewhere on the ground (maybe behind some bushes) where no one else will be tempted to pick the flower up for a while. Everything you decharged is IN that flower – you don’t want someone else to receive that energy, accidentally. You can hear more about decharging techniques (as well as self-­‐healing for heartbreak) through my interview with Lynnis Woods-­‐Mullins here: hrp://bit.ly/WellnessJourneyHealingfromHeartac he

2nd Step Signal to your inner consciousness that you’re de-­‐ charging by saying, internally, “Right now, I’m de-­‐ 50

Ramona Fasula, MBA, CHC Ramona Fasula is a CerCfied HolisCc Health Coach and owner of a company called Wellness by Ramona. Her company teaches clients the link between nutriCon and wellness and how to use food as medicine. Focusing on disease management and prevenCon through nutriConal counseling, healthy cooking classes, meal plan-­‐ ning, and pantry makeovers, clients are given the moCvaCon and empowerment to reach their health goals and move towards a truly healthy lifestyle.. With a host of various cerCficaCons in the health and wellness field, she will be pursuing a second master’s degree in holisCc nutriCon in the near future, which will be fol-­‐ lowed by a doctorate in nutriCon science. She is also a first Cme author of “A Health Coach’s Guide to Heart Health”, and has made countless appearances on radio shows throughout the c o u n t r y . “A H e a l t h C o a c h ’ s G u i d e t o H e a r t H e a l t h ” O r d e r H e r e : hHp://www.amazon.com/Health-­‐Coachs-­‐Guide-­‐Heart-­‐Healthy/dp/1483906868 Her website: www.wellnessbyramona.com

Elizabeth Manuel, B.Ed., CACE Elizabeth Manuel, B.Ed. CACE, is a happiness expert, author, speaker, life and relaConship coach. Elizabeth is internaConally re-­‐ nowned for her genuine humor, warmth and passion while igniCng posiCve growth in individuals, and organizaCons. Elizabeth specializes in educaCng, and mentoring others to thrive, generaCng greater health, beHer relaConships and increased qual-­‐ ity of life. Sharing scienCfically proven principles, which posiCvely impact physical, mental and emoConal wellbeing, Elizabeth will literally teach you how to grow a happier brain, and be-­‐ come more psychologically healthy. “Finding Happiness” Order Here : hHp://www.elizabethmanuel.com/products-­‐available.php Her website: www.elizabethmanuel.com 51

Renee Wiggins, RD. LD. Renee Wiggins is the owner and operator of Results By Renee, a Medical Lifestyle Spa with a mission of helping women achieve healthier, more balanced lives. As a Registered DieCCan, Life Skills Coach, CerCfied Personal Trainer, and CerCfied Massage Therapist, Renee has been involved in the health and wellness industry for over twenty years. She is passionate about helping women who are anxious to discover their power and realize their goals, and has an excellent track record of doing so. Renee designs and tailors menus and physical training pro-­‐ grams to help clients who want to lose weight, become more acCve, and enhance their overall good health. Her Website: www.resultsbyrenee.com “Being Fabulously Fit” Order Here: hHp://resultsbyrenee.com/books/

Lisa GuloMa Lisa GuloHa is a cerCfied cancer exercise specialist, Kripalu yoga teacher, ACE cerCfied personal trainer and trained dancer. She has studied the impact of cancer and its effects on the body. Drawing on this knowledge and her extensive background in fitness, yoga 
 and dance, she has created a unique exercise program for women and men recovering from breast cancer. The Next Step has special meaning for Lisa as she has members of her family who have recovered from breast cancer. “The Next Step” Order Here: www.exerciseaIerbreastcancer.com/order/order.php Her Website – www.exerciseaIerbreastcancer.com


Spring Cleaning for Midlife Toxins By Susan Tolles Are you ready for some spring clean-­‐ ing? Not the kind where you clean out your closet, wash your windows or freshen up your home accessories. I’m talking about DEEP cleaning! Clearing your mind, body and spirit of the limit-­‐ ing beliefs that are keeping you from reaching your full God-­‐given potenTal, so you can move forward with a light-­‐ ness in your step and joy in your heart. There is no berer Tme than today to begin a midlife cleanse! Begin with the “top toxins” that affect most midlife women.

Clear out the GUILT of self-­‐care Most of us have been condiToned to believe that we must put the needs of others first, and that we can-­‐ not follow our own dreams because that would be selfish. With everyone and everything else on the top of our to-­‐do list, we neglect to nourish our own mind, body and spirit. Even the thought of gemng a pedi-­‐ cure or taking an agernoon off to play brings in a flood of guilt. Considering a much larger “gig” like leav-­‐ ing an unfulfilling career to start a new business is unthinkable! Taking care of yourself should be at the top of your list, not the borom. When you allow the needs of others to deplete your energy and joy, you are leg exhausted, resen•ul, and depressed. When you focus on the things that are good for you, you will find greater energy and paTence, and you will be a much more vibrant person. No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just as Christ cares for his body the Church, of which we are parts. Eph 5:29

Eliminate PERFECTIONISM Way too ogen, we compare ourselves to others, wishing we were smarter, younger, thinner, more suc-­‐ cessful, etc. etc. If you constantly try to be someone you’re not, you will end up exhausted, frustrated and unfulfilled. It’s Tme to let the “authenTc you” stand out! Yes, it may be scary to put yourself out to the world as the “real you,” but that’s who the world really needs. 53

Instead of comparing your accomplishments to an-­‐ other’s, compare yourself you. Where were you five years ago? What have you accomplished? How have you grown personally and profession-­‐ ally? What posiTve changes have you made in your life? You are always becoming a newer, more improved version of yourself, so just strive to be the best YOU, and leave the comparisons behind. Be grateful for what you have, love who you are, and don’t dwell on what you lack. Embracing “good enough” opens up vast spaces for greater joy, contentment and freedom to be the authenTc self you were created to be. It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. Eph 1:11-­‐12 The Message (cont’d next page)

Wash Away the Fear of Failiure The fear of failure can totally sTfle change, keeping you in neutral, afraid to release the brake to begin your journey. If you are afraid of what MIGHT hap-­‐ pen, or whose feelings you MIGHT hurt, you will be so consumed with worry that you can’t even take a baby step forward. Ask yourself “What’s the worst that can happen?” If you fall down, how long will it really take to re-­‐ cover? Will it really marer a year from now? A small failure will be just a blip on the screen when you look back at your life five years from now. Instead of imagining the worst outcome, visualize the BEST outcome! Are you willing to forego that best outcome because you are afraid to pursue it?

If you let your fears win, you might miss out on one of the best experiences of your life. Trust God and where He is leading you, and know that, if you are seeking His guidance every day, He will equip you for every step. For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline. 2Tim 1:7

Remove the “Bucket Dippers” from your life If you are like most women, there are friends in your life that, if given the chance to start over, you wouldn’t pick them right now. Maybe they have been friends because they were the parents of your children’s friends, or perhaps those who you have served on commirees with, or know from your professional life. You probably have people in your life who are always in the midst of some sort of drama, and you dread being around them. There is a book How Full is Your Bucket that challenges us to consider who fills our bucket each day and who dips from it. Everyone needs to be filled with posiTve experiences and reinforce-­‐ ment—it goes both ways. When we are around people who “dip from our bucket,” our confidence and joy diminish. Likewise, when we dip form oth-­‐


ers’ buckets with our negaTve amtudes and talk, we make them feel small infuse frustraTon and someTmes anger in their lives. If we fill the buck-­‐ ets of those around us, then our buckets are filled too! Make a list of the friends and family members who you spend Tme with, then note beside each one if they are a “Bucket Dipper” or a “Bucket Filler.” Be-­‐ gin semng boundaries to slowly move away from the Dippers, conTnue to pray for them as you feel led, but acknowledge that you cannot change them. Start surrounding yourself with more Fillers, knowing that you will become like those you spend the most Tme with. The more you are filled, the more you can give back! Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-­‐ tempered people, or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul. Proverbs 22:24-­‐25 NLT

• Don’t dwell on past failures, but instead look to the future with great expectaTons. • Learn to say “no” to opportuniTes that don’t support your God-­‐planned purpose and goals, opening up Tme for you to say “yes” to things you truly want to do. • Trade your worry about what others think for the joy of creaTng a life that is pleasing to God, for that’s all that really marers in the end. I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back. Phil 3:13-­‐14 The Message

Replace the old with the NEW! The past is just that—past. It’s Tme to let go of things that aren’t energizing and upliging, and to replace them with things that light up your life.


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How To Naturally Detox The Hair By Tiffany Anderson Most people associate toxins with being in the body. We rarely hear of them on your hair. When toxins enter the body the blood carries them around in your veins deposiTng lirle bits of toxins here and there throughout the body. Those same toxins are deposited into the hair follicles and are trapped permanently or at least unTl you cut your hair. In order to remove some of these toxins from our hair we can adopt a natural hair regimen of cleansing the hair with a half of cup of bak-­‐ ing soda and three cups of the horest water you can stand, poor this mixture over your hair and rinse out. Ager you complete this step you must begin to bring the pH level in

the hair back to normal. You do this by condi-­‐ Toning the hair. You can make a natural condi-­‐ Toner by combining one half of a ripe avocado,1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and three drops of rosemary essenTal oil. Apply mixture to the ends of hair working your way to the scalp and let sit for 20 minutes, rinse and style as desired. When you begin to change your hair care daily regimen your hair will begin to yield the desired results you have always dreamed of, but first let's start by detoxing. Note: Do not excessively wash your hair. It can cause lack of natural moisture created by the hairs sebum and may increase dryness.


Featured Wellness Woman Jennifer Emnger, MA, CPT Best Selling Author, Fitness and Style Expert, Television Personality, and Wellness-­‐ Woman “Detoxifying our lives eliminates the unnec-­‐ essary cluTer or drama, that has been weighing us down” I first met Jennifer Emnger as a guest for one of my first live shows of “ The Wellness Journey – LIVE!” Prior to this live show most of my shows had been pre-­‐recorded. On this parTcular show everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I just knew that would be the last Tme Jennifer would have anything to do with me or my show. I was wrong. Jennifer is one of the most supporTve and giving women I have met since founding PraiseWorks Health and Wellness. She is a power-­‐ house in the fitness world, a true expert in her field. Her fun loving spirit and can do amtude is what has nurtured our relaTonship and endeared her to thousands of women in Canada and the United States. It is amazing that at one Tme Jen-­‐ nifer was bedridden and had to change her life-­‐ style in order to heal. That lifestyle change stayed with her and propelled her into a very suc-­‐ cessful career as TV personality, Fitness Guru, and strong supporter of health and wellness for Women. Jennifer’s energy comes at you in waves and makes you want to find out where all that energy comes from…how does she do it? Her exuberance and approach to life is an excellent example for all of us when it comes to overcom-­‐

ing the challenges of life. I can tell you from our conversaTons that Jennifer maintains a posiTve amtude full of expectaTon and joy. She NEVER gives up. I experienced this amtude first hand. When I Tmidly asked her if she would consider coming back on the show again (that disastrous show of technical difficulTes) She said, “Are you kidding? Of course..I’d love to!! Let’s do it!!”

Why do you think it is important for Women to detoxify their lives? The beauty about aging is that we become wiser and more aruned with what our emoTonal needs are, as women, as well as our health needs. Detoxifying our lives “eliminates the un-­‐ 57

necessary clurer or drama”, that has been weigh-­‐ ing us down while “detoxifying our food choices” will allow our bodies to funcTon at a higher level of cellular funcTon as well as mental clarity ( to name a few of the benefits).

body will respond-­‐ power of neurotransmit-­‐ ters and the mind-­‐body connecTon.

What areas of your life have you ex-­‐ plored when it comes to detoxifying your life and why?

When I work with a client we start with the mind-­‐ set. We work through the aspects of her life that are “toxic” and weighing her down. Then we work out a realisTc plan to begin shiging the toxins and eliminaTng the clurer. When the plan is in lace we focus on specific daily affirmaTons to affirm the changes she is seeking. With the posiTve mindset in moTon, we work on her food and exercise as well as stress release techniques. Each part is a stepping stone to her journey of empowerment. One small step at a Tme.

When I was in the late 20”s I was bedridden by ill-­‐ ness. I was “forced” and ‘blessed” to have to ad-­‐ dress my fast food and quick fix diet. This meant, for example: eliminaTng diet soda for water with lemon. Understanding the benefits of nutriTonal supplements and how they could aid my recovery to a healthier body. Finding vegetable and fruits that I truly enjoyed to make them part of my daily food lifestyle. These simple steps made a profound shig to the well being of my over-­‐ all health. Now in my 40s, I am detoxing relaTonships. I am stepping into my power and eliminaTng relaTonships that no longer serve me or our slanted one way. This has removed a lot of unnecessary stress from my life and has made me feel “emoTonally free.”

What does detoxificaTon have to do with the wellness of the mind, body and spirit? I believe that detoxing the mind and body spirit are all inter-­‐related. If the mindset does not change, the body can’t follow. Having a “higher purpose” in life; a foundaTon of Faith grounds the spirit. The decision to focus on having the most re-­‐ alisTc and posiTve outlook on life affects how your

What do you do to help Women to de-­‐ toxify and change their lives?

What kind of toxicity have you removed from you life? How did removing the "toxin"(s) change your life? Again, I have removed toxins such a processed foods, no fat foods and diet soda out of my life. This was step I. Now I have focused on removing harsh chemicals from my beauty and home rouTne. Lastly I have been diligent about Tghten-­‐ ing up my inner circle and releasing ( with love) those people who do not have my best interest at heart.. I do not believe in “ keeping enemies close.” I believe in learning and releasing with love and respect realizing the lesson and moving on with grace.

What is your definiTon of a Wellness Woman? A wellness woman is not about perfecTon. She is about striving to obtain a balance of a FoundaTon of Faith, daily posiTve outlook, understand-­‐ ing her bodies needs and listening to them as 58

of creaAve experience in fashion, design and cos-­‐ meAcs in the United States and Canada. Jennifer is an ACE cerAfied personal trainer, IDEA and CanFit-­‐ Pro member, a cerAfied health coach and she is cer-­‐ Afied in Pi-­‐Yo™, TurboKick™ and Hip Hop Hustle™. Jennifer is the author of “Find Your Inner Goddess: Get Body Confidence BeauAful!”, and a sought af-­‐ ter keynote speaker. She is also a regional TV co-­‐ producer and host on “Fit Your Style”, and a regu-­‐ lar contributor to “Life and Style” segments on Rogers “DayAme” TV.

they change, and learning to stand alone in her convicTons and make decision that serve her higher purpose in life… she is abundant in love and pink light! Founder Jennifer Eanger’s dedicaAon to helping women stems from her own triumph over Chronic FaAgue Syndrome. Being bedridden and over-­‐ weight, she understands the mindset of women who are challenged with weight and health issues. She knows depression and desperaAon, and she knows how to reclaim a life with a harmony of body, beauty, mind and spirit. With three degrees from the presAgious Fashion InsAtute of Technol-­‐ ogy in New York (an associate’s in Fashion Styling, a bachelor’s of Arts RestoraAon: Museum Studies and a master’s in Museum Studies), Jenni-­‐ fer is an entrepreneurial leader with over 20 years 59

Renee Wiggins, Cerjfied Health Coach

Women 50+: Is Exercise Keeping Us Young? When asked to write this arTcle, I jumped at the chance because I have always exercised or played in compeTTve sports. Now that I am older (60+), going to the gym is no longer a priority. Oh, yes, I exercised in my 50s without any problems, but, now that I have a full-­‐Tme job, take care of my mother, and run my own business . . . well, it has been challenging to go every day. The last five years, I have also been afflicted with health issues that have distracted me from exer-­‐ cising. If I can get up in the morning without pains in my shoulders and legs, I am doing good. But I shouldn’t serle for good—I should serle only for BEST. I did try going back to the gym at least five days a week, but, ager six months, I didn’t see any posi-­‐ Tve changes. As a marer of fact, my weight in-­‐ creased during that Tme despite cumng back on calories. And I know a lot of other women going through this syndrome. They work out four to five Tmes a week for two hours and see no results. They are frustrated, and anxious about why they cannot lose weight. As we age, our bodies change from having less fat and more lean mass to having more fat and less lean mass. That means it takes us a lirle longer to

lose the weight. Our muscles do not react like they used to. Ladies, look: we are not the 20-­‐ or 30-­‐year old women we used to be; we are 50+. But it is not the end for us! First, consult with your doctor to make sure your thyroid is funcToning properly and find out if you have any other problems. Then, once she or he gives you the green light to exercise, DO it. Stop worrying about having that 20 or 30-­‐year old body and focus on feeling good about your-­‐ self. Here are some examples we can learn from...

Minister Roberts Well, yes, I do think it is worth it. I don't see the changes I should because I believe I have to line my eaTng up with the exercise. I do see a progres-­‐ sion in how much I can accomplish. And my body can pass the balance tests given now; at first, I would fall on my body. I enjoy this side of my life. I like the fact that I have to press past my comfort and I am learning about my body. Yes, I am over 50 and loving the exercise. I do like having a coach as well because I need the accountability. I don't think I will always need it, but I enjoy the help of the coach. That definitely makes it more 60

effecTve and I can see the changes and progres-­‐ Yoga has been around for 5,000 years or more sions because she keeps up with it. with its focus on stretching, balance, and medita-­‐ Ton. Yoga can help a person to become more calm 63-­‐Year-­‐Old B.R. and relaxed. It is terrible gemng up the urge to exercise. It is worth it, and I enjoy it when I do it, but I usually find something else to do. If something comes up at the Tme that I would be exercising, I choose it over exercising. SomeTmes "exercise" is like a four-­‐lerer word, you know? I think that if I had been more acTve with exercise in my younger years, I wouldn't give it a second thought and would go on and do it because it would have been a part of my regular rouTne.

Dee I think it's very important for women 50 and older to exercise. You do not have to bench 100 pounds or run ten miles a day; however, it's important to have some level of acTvity in order to protect our joints, improve circulaTon, etc. Ager menopause, our bones become brirle, meaning a fall could fracture our hips or knees. I think three Tmes a week is good. Have you seen the commercial in which a young lady decides to exercise? She goes to the park and sees a personal trainer acTng like a drill sergeant. He is having people move tree trunks and Tres and long heavy jump ropes, and she gets back into her car. She then travels to several different clubs unTl she finds the right exercise: walking Walking is good for all ages and it is easier on the joints. It can be done indoors or outdoors and all year round as weather permits.

Then there is Tai Chi. “Chi” means life. With Tai Chi come coordinaTon and balance. The slow, fluid movements help an individual to become more focused. It is a form of the marTal arts.

Gwen I used to exercise for losing weight, but now I do it to 1) live longer, 2) be able to do daily acTviTes, especially around the house, 3) lig groceries, 4) keep my mind alert, 5) build up muscle mass, 6) improve balance and coordinaTon, and 7) help me to sleep berer. If you exercise in a group, then it can also help you build friendships, which can turn into a family. Community centers are actually berer than fancy gyms. The community center family pushes you to do more and keeps you in touch by going to mov-­‐ ies together, checking on you when you are sick, and exchanging recipes and Tps on a host of things.

Gwen Some people in my group/family are suffering from aches and pains and even cancer, but the ex-­‐ ercise and friendship keep them going. Some women claim they are going to be fat and sassy, but healthy and enjoying themselves.

Sandar Fryhofer, MD, of WEBMD says, “There is something about making your heart pump that’s good for your body. It strengthens your heart and Another great exercise is Pilates, which strength-­‐ strengthens your immune system.” ens the core muscles and helps to improve bal-­‐ ance and coordinaTon. 61


Research has found that postmenopausal women who exercised for a year had fewer colds com-­‐ pared to women who didn’t exercise.

How can you get moving? • Adopt a dog and walk. • Walk your dog more ogen. • Exercise during commercials. • Start a walking club. • Find an accountability partner to hold you ac-­‐ countable for your acTons.

Listen to Our Journey To Wellness Moments http://www.iheart.com/talk/show/Our-­‐Journey-­‐to-­‐Wellness-­‐Moment/




Building Your Professional Brand AIer 40 Branding is NOT Bragging! Every company, business and product has a brand and whether you believe it or not, so do you. As a career strategist, one of my main objec(ves is to help profes-­‐ sionals ar(culate their profes-­‐ sional brands confidently and ac-­‐ curately. But, how does a woman over 40 or with 25+ years of work experience build her profes-­‐ sional brand in 2014? In a crowded labor market, how can she make her candidacy stand out? The more you can make your brand uniquely reflec(ve of your talents, giZs and experi-­‐ ences, the more it will reflect “Brand You.” Do not hide your age, your beauty, your talents, or your exper(se. Whether you’re looking for work aZer a recent layoff or returning to the job force during your re(rement years, a job search aZer 40 pre-­‐ sents unique challenges that may seem daun(ng at first.

ryday career professionals like themselves. In this economy, there is only one way to get po-­‐ ten(al employers to know who you are and that is by telling them. As we get older, we are so accustomed to being humble and not talking about our achieve-­‐ ments to others. We were brought up in households that taught us to talk about ourselves only at a minimum. Branding yourself leads to promo(on. Si-­‐ lencing yourself leads to demo-­‐ (on.

Here are four steps that you can begin immediately to help you start the process of profession-­‐ ally branding yourself.

1. Jot it Down: Ask yourself, “What do I want to be known for in my professional career? What characteris(cs do I want my managers, co-­‐workers and future employers to associ-­‐ ate with me? What are the adjec-­‐ (ves that I want people to think about when they hear my

My 40+ clients typically shy away from the conversa(on of brand-­‐ ing. It’s hard for them to concep-­‐ tualize a branding agenda for eve-­‐ 63

name?” Write down your answers.

2. Break it Down: AZer you’ve created a list of the quali(es that you want people in your professional realm to think of when they see, hear and reflect on your skills, you will have a list of your professional brand adjec(ves. Now, group the items that are similar and these areas will be the founda(on of your professional brand. You should have at least 3-­‐4 target areas. For example, let’s say your background is in Computer Science, four possible target branding areas could be: Informa(on Technology Expert, Technical Assistance, Training Fa-­‐ cilitator, and Resourceful.

is a great way to label yourself as an expert in your in-­‐ dustry. Online self-­‐promo(on will help you make cri(-­‐ cal connec(ons that will advance your career and im-­‐ prove your networking experiences. It takes (me to build professional rela(onships and trust. Put yourself and your fabulous 40+ professional brand out there and over (me, you’ll see unimagin-­‐ able results. hFp://topchoiceresumes.com


3. Join the Home Shopping Network Team: At the age of 40 or older, if you can’t promote who you are and what you bring, why would anyone buy it? I want you to sell yourself as if you were adver(sing the latest vacuum cleaner for the Home Shopping Network. Go home today and turn the chan-­‐ nel to the Home Shopping Network for 5 minutes and observe a host. No(ce his/her confidence, communi-­‐ ca(on skills, energy, and their product knowledge. They aren’t saying that their vacuum cleaner is the best vacuum ever created or that the other vacuums on the market aren’t worthy of being in your home. No, the message that’s presented is, “Here’s an amaz-­‐ ing product and I’m going to tell you what it does, why it works, what it’s capable of doing, and why you should buy it.” Don’t wait to present your brand and your worth!

4. Engage with Social Media: If you feel in(midated by new technology, ask for help from someone outside the office. Experiment with new media — TwiFer, Pinterest, your own WordPress blog. The more you try, the more fluent you’ll be in the modern ways of the working world. Social media

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Healing Toxic Eldercare RelaConships: 6 Survival Tips By Carol-­‐Ann Hamilton

Do you have “un-­‐cope-­‐able” parents? If we were simng together during a rare coffee break from your unremimng eldercare responsi-­‐ biliTes and you were brutally honest, would you answer a resounding yes to these quesTons? • Do your eyes roll uncontrollably at the mere thought of their high-­‐maintenance behaviors? • Do you grind your teeth to their roots while holding back everything you dearly want to say? • Do you endure rants having nothing to do with the point at hand?

Y o u ’ r e n o t a l o n e a n y m o r e . . .
 If yours are infinitely impossible elders, hence my unique term “un-­‐cope-­‐able,” you’ll connect immedi-­‐ ately. As the 55 year-­‐old only child of excruciaTng parents, I profoundly know about being trapped in the “Sandwich GeneraAon!” You seek to foster kind interacTons. RealisTcally, that laudable desire gets turned on its head when grown children become the parents. Your load is crushing, contending with unruly seniors while juggling mulTple compeTng prioriTes. You’re split between your own folks (and possibly in-­‐laws) – never mind balancing work, significant other, chil-­‐ dren, grandchildren, home and/or care maintenance, your health and tons more.

You need support – NOW! Across three grueling years, I too leg no stone unturned in experimenTng with mostly-­‐failed “A to Z” strategies. The posiTve outcome from my painfully earned lessons are LOVING amtudes and focused ACTIONS whereby you can prevail with even the pig-­‐headed aged. Please save yourself some unnecessary agony. 65

Tip #1: Surrender Different from caving, this noTon implies trusTng the process. What might seem irreconcilable can break through wondrously. When my mother passed at 89, my obsTnate father suddenly opened to my cleaning his “hoarders on steroids” home. (Yes, this is a real picture before I was per-­‐ mired to intervene.)

Tip #6: Understand what elders are actually going through. Your parents’ “naughty” behaviors aren’t necessar-­‐ ily about you. What if they’re essenTally afraid of dying? The unknown beckons. Tired glory-­‐day sto-­‐ ries may be all they feel is leg. Please accept my parTng encouragements.

Tip #2: Self-­‐care is not a luxury but a necessity

Beneath the surface turmoil, you seek to call forth benevolent effort so the best for all concerned is arained.

Exactly when you’re drained, you must recharge. “Extreme self-­‐care” doesn’t equal selfishness. Nur-­‐ turing yourself is analogous to donning your oxygen mask first in an airline emergency.

I implore you to not become a staTsTc, though. Do not join the 63 percent of caregivers who expe-­‐ rience higher mortality rates than non-­‐caregivers of comparable age.

Tip #3: Express appreciajon

Instead, permit me to leave you with these reflec-­‐ Tons:

ImpaTence incites crankiness whereas kindness raises collaboraTon. What if you expressed graT-­‐ • Senior care is a draining marathon. Just when tude for your parents’ posiTve traits – silently or you think you can’t take another step, you will find out loud? strength. You may not believe it now, but you will.

Tip #4: Maintain your power

• Profound personal and familial transformaTon is possible through this journey. I’ve healed a signifi-­‐ Grace under pressure lowers everyone’s stress lev-­‐ cant part of my dysfuncTonal past by transmuTng els. Don’t let exasperaTng aging folks’ amtudes, my loathing into compassion over Tme. beliefs and acTons vicTmize you. No one can • Surprising hidden gigs are embedded within the pinch your competence without permission. back-­‐ and spirit-­‐breaking hardships. My father Tip #5: Feel all your feelings used his waning days to impart priceless wisdom – lessons that will forever accompany me as his leg-­‐ Did you know it’s 100 percent OK to experience acy. so-­‐called “negaTve” feelings such as anger and re-­‐ sentment? You need not demonstrate Mother Teresa or Papal-­‐like dedicaTon to prove you’re a “good” son or daughter.


Spring Clean Your Life and Take Your RelaConships to New Heights Five Ways to Detox Your RelaAonships Chrisjna Steinorth-­‐Powell, 1.) Stay away from emoTonal vampires. There are people who no marer how much Tme you spend with them, or how much you do for them, it’s just never enough. These are peo-­‐ ple I refer to as emoTonal vam-­‐ pires because they will suck you dry unTl you have nothing leg to give, and sTll feel that you didn’t do a good enough job at saTsfying their needs. Run, don’t walk from this type of person because you will never be able to make this type happy, and in the long run, you will give yourself nothing but anxiety and heartache trying to do so. 2.) Learn to say no and don’t feel guilty about it. One of the easiest ways to start detoxing your relaTonships is to learn the word no. If you can’t do something, be somewhere and even if you don’t want to do something or be somewhere, learn to say no and don’t feel guilty about it. Keep in mind that other people will tell you no when they don’t want to do something, so keep that in mind when you start to beat yourself up for not being everything for everyone. 3.) Surround yourself with yaysayers, not naysay-­‐ ers. It’s so easy to get down on yourself when you surround yourself with people who find fault

in everything you do. Conversely, it’s just as easy to see yourself in a posiTve light when you sur-­‐ round yourself with people who genuinely sup-­‐ port you and are a posiTve influence. Of course no one needs a yes-­‐woman, but there’s a differ-­‐ ence between someone who gives you accurate and posiTve feedback as opposed to someone who wants to tear you down just to make herself feel berer. Don’t feel bad about pumng some dis-­‐ tance in the relaTonships you share with others who constantly feel the need to belirle you and/ or find fault or problems in just about everything you do—trust me, they will find someone else to pick on when they find you are no longer respon-­‐ sive to their criTcism and in the meanTme, you’ll feel a whole lot berer. 4.) Try to make your own assessments about your relaTonships. Everyone will have a different opinion on who you should keep in your life. While it’s okay to ask for feedback, be careful not


be swayed by other people’s opinions about relaTonships that are important to you—do what’s right for you. No one will know the inT-­‐ mate details about your relaTonships the way you do, and even though the advice you receive about a relaTonship may be well-­‐intended, it also may be influenced or biased by the needs of the person giving in. For example, if you have a close girlfriend who doesn’t like the new man in your life, is it because she sees him as taking Tme away from you two? Or, does she genuinely see something that may be a red flag? You will never know for sure, which is why it’s important to do what’s right for you. 5.) Make yourself as important as you make eve-­‐ ryone else in your life. Be careful not to get

caught up in the cycle of making everyone happy before you make yourself happy. You are just as important as anyone else in your life and when you take care of yourself first, you will have more to give to others. ChrisTna Steinorth-­‐Powell MA MFT is a psycho-­‐ therapist and a popular relaTonship expert on ra-­‐ dio and in print. Her advice has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Woman's Day Magazine, NBC News, Fox News Magazine, and The Chicago Tribune, among many others. Her criTcally acclaimed book is Cue Cards for Life: Though•ul Tips for BererRelaTonships (Hunter H o u s e , 2 0 1 3 ) . Yo u ca n o rd e r i t h e re : hrp://www.amazon.com/Cue-­‐Cards-­‐Life-­‐Thought ful-­‐RelaTonships/dp/0897936167



By Jennifer Fugo I had been dreaming about making a creamy dairy-­‐free, gluten-­‐free asparagus soup for nearly a month before I finally decided to go for it. If you love aspara-­‐ gus, sweet potato and peas, then there is absolutely no reason you won’t love this recipes. It’s quick, easy and incredibly sat-­‐ isfying. This parTcular recipe gets rave reviews from clients and is a winner from the Gluten-­‐Free Sugar Cleanse (who said cleansing food has to be bland and gross… because this recipe is just down-­‐ right awesome). If you didn’t know, Spring is the best pos-­‐ sible Tme to enjoy asparagus since it’s technically a sprout and helps to detox the body from all the winter junk hanging around in your body. Make sure to choose local asparagus if possible and eat as much as you can before the weather heats up. Once warm weather hits, as-­‐ paragus season is over.

2. the spears are tender, but not wilted, dried out or slimy 3. they were preferably grown near you or somewhere in the US (rather than Peru)

Creamy Asparagus Soup (gluten-­‐free, dairy-­‐free, possible vegan opAon) • 5 or 6 cups low-­‐ or no-­‐sodium chicken broth or stock (see crockpot recipe here) or vegetable broth • 1 bunch asparagus, washed, trimmed & cut into 2 inch secTons

A quick Tp before you get to the recipe…

• 1 medium sweet onion, quartered

When picking your asparagus, make sure that:

• 3 large garlic cloves, minced

1. the Tps of the asparagus is closed Tghtly

• 1 1/2 cups frozen peas • 1 large sweet potato, pre-­‐roasted or microwaved 69

• 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) • 1/4 tsp white pepper • 1.5 tsp + some for seasoning Sea salt • Black pepper to taste • Fresh lemon wedges Preheat your oven to 425° F and line a baking pan with foil. Add stock/broth to pot and heat up. Once the liquid has come to a boil, add peas and turn down to a simmer and cover. Add onions, garlic, EVOO and asparagus in bowl and mix unTl everything is evenly coated. Lay veggies on tray and evenly use salt and black pep-­‐ per over top. Keep this seasoning on the light side as you’ll adjust the final taste when everything is combined at the end. Put tray in the oven for 12 minutes. Check every 4 to 6 min-­‐ utes and move things around to insure that the veggies don’t burn. When veggies are finished, remove from oven and add them to the hot broth. Scoop out the contents of your sweet potato and add that as well. Either use an immersion blender to blend everything in the pot or in batches, use your blender to puree the soup. Then add the white pepper and 1.5 tsp salt. Adjust seasonings to your liking. When serving, squeeze fresh lemon juice over top. Enjoy!

Next... Have you ever considered using fruit that’s rather uncommon in the realm of smoothies?

My find last summer was fresh mulberries and this spring it was pear. Yep — pear! A slight bit of back story is warranted here — a neigh-­‐ bor of mine has a huge pear tree that he basically ig-­‐ nores. Last summer, I watched many lovely, large pears rot all over the ground and eventually I couldn’t take it anymore. I knocked on his door, introduced my-­‐ self and asked if he would mind if I picked pears. “Go right ahead if you want them! I certainly don’t,” he told me. And so, I went picking for days and ended up with so many pears that I had no clue what to do with them. Since I am highly commired to not wasTng any fruit that I buy or pick, I decided to try freezing the pears in slices and saving them for a ‘rainy day’ rather than let them rot. I ended up with 3 bags of frozen pears and then forgot about them in my freezer unTl March when I realized I needed to clean it out from older food. Enter smoothies… detox smoothies, that is! 70

And so I want to share with you this really tasty, wonderful detox smoothie recipe…

Spiced Pear Detox Smoothie • 1 pear, sliced (already frozen is ideal, but not necessary) • 1 1/2 cup liquid (either almond milk or water is ideal) • 1 packet or serving of Vega Vanilla Chia Protein Powder • 4 – 5 dashes of cinnamon • 1 – 3 dashes of cayenne powder • 1/4 tsp non-­‐alcoholic vanilla extract • 2 – 3 dashes of powdered ginger • 2 heaping tbsp ground flax seeds • 2 – 3 ice cubes – opTonal

• Amazing Grass Greens packet – opTonal The iniTal step begins with the pear. You can use a fresh pear or you can also slice pears in advance and freeze them. In the event you use frozen pear slices, omit the ice. Only use the ice to chill a smoothie that has no frozen ingredients. Add liquid along with pears and ice and blend. Now add the rest of the ingredients, but note that it’s best to add the ground flax last so that it doesn’t start to thicken. (Ground flax seed will start to absorb liquid if it’s let to sit for a period of Tme which is why you always want to add it last unless you want to thick what you’re mak-­‐ ing.) Blend all ingredients on high and then taste. If you want to adjust the spices, feel free at this point.

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Jennifer Fugo is the founder of Gluten Free School, a website


dedicated to teaching gluten-­‐sensitive individuals simple, savvy and empowering steps to get healthy. She’s a certified Health Coach named a “Gluten Free Guru” by Philadelphia Magazine who co-­‐hosts the popular “Gluten-­‐Free Sugar Cleanse” to empow-­‐ ers gluten-­‐free folks to take control of their diet, feel great and kick their sugar habit. Jennifer is a sought-­‐after expert about healthy, gluten-­‐free living as well as a speaker who has been featured on Doctor Oz, Yahoo! News, eHow, CNN, Huffington Post and Philadelphia Magazine. She hosts the popular "Gluten Free School Podcast" to share eye-­‐ opening health information vital to living a gluten-­‐free life. Her first book, “The Savvy Gluten-­‐Free Shopper: How to Eat Healthy without Breaking the Bank” will be available in February 2014. 71


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HaT RetroAge Haye’s career as an AnC-­‐Aging Therapist began aIer winning first prize in Roseland’s Over 50 Bathing Suit Beauty Contest at the age of 52. Founder of New York’s School for CreaCve Movement and Consumer Advocate for Organic Food, Haye set out to prove that a HolisCc style of living can create life-­‐long youth and sexuality. A suc-­‐ cessful psychotherapist and dance teacher, her two cuyng-­‐edge books RetroAge: The Miraculous Program for Life Long Youth and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Looking and Feeling Younger launched Haye’s life mission to transform society’s negaCve view of aging. At 74, modeling in a gold bathing suit for a Dolce & Gabbana ad for VOGUE, Harper’s, Vanity Fair and W, seated next to a 20’s something hunk, she was dubbed, “America’s Top Cougar.” It didn’t take long be-­‐ fore this seducCve Ctle was picked up by the media, and, at 75, she starred in the TLC series, “Strange Sex: Cougars and Cubs Haye’s memoir, Sex and the Single Senior: A Cougar’s Search for Love gives hope to women of all ages not to give up. She’s at work on her next book, Everything You Want To Know About Aging… But Are Afraid to Admit!” aimed at facing and overcoming the challenges of aging. “RetroAge – 4 Steps to a Younger You” Order Here : hHp://www.amazon.com/RetroAge-­‐4-­‐Steps-­‐Younger-­‐YOU/dp/1442175672/ref=sr_1_1?s=book s&ie=UTF8&qid=1397948017&sr Haye’s YouTube Channel -­‐ www.youtube.com/user/hayeretroage

Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD, LMT, RM, NHC Dr Kathy Gruver is the award winning Author of “AlternaCve Medicine Cabinet” & the host of a Television show based upon the book. She has a thriving pracCce in Santa Barbara, California and is a sought af-­‐ ter speaker and expert in the field of holisCc health and integraCve medicine. Visit Kathy’s Website at: www.kathygruver.com 73

Suzanne Strisower Life Purpose Expert and Career Coach Suzanne Strisower is commit-­‐ ted to helping people discover their purpose in life so that each per-­‐ son can live their best life. She has authored three books, including a life purpose workbook, 111 InspiraConal Life Purpose Quotes and Ex-­‐ ercises to Find Your Purpose in Life and a Life Purpose “Tweet” book. She is being featured in an upcoming segment of the NaConal Geographic hit reality television show “Doomsday Preppers,” where she shows the world how to “leave survival behind and prosper by living consciously.” Visit her websites www.AwakenToYourLifePurpose.com and sign up for her free guidebook and www.YourNextStepCoach.com for a mini e-­‐course on finding your life purpose.

Carol-­‐Ann Hamilton Through Spirit Unlimited, Carol-­‐Ann Hamilton is a transformaConal coach, Reiki healer and author of the recently published, Coping with Un-­‐cope-­‐able Parents: LOVING ACTION for Eldercare. More informaCon about her blog, workshops and interviews can be f o u n d a t w w w . C a r o l A n n H a m i l t o n . c o m a n d www.copingwithuncopeableparents.com. Check out her hilarious plus poignant parental lessons to support those stressed and sand-­‐ wiched between challenging aging parents and mulCple compet-­‐ ing prioriCes.

Tiffany Anderson Tiffany Anderson has been working in the beauty industry for more than a decade specializing in natural haircare. A cerCfied Trichologist and Sisterlock consultant with an applauded experCse in the oIen-­‐ overlooked epidemic of hair/scalp disorders, Tiffany has emerged as a disCnguished voice for the natural hair community. Truly inspired by her youngest daughter, Tiffany wrote the new acclaimed children’s book: I Love My Natural Hair. The first-­‐Cme author strongly believes that it is important to let young girls know at an early age how beauCful they are without ex-­‐ tensions or the use of chemicals. 74

How Detox EmoConally Using MeditaCon By Shawngela Pierce Yes, it is true! MeditaTon can help you heal emo-­‐ Tonally from the past through a process of "emo-­‐ Tonal detoxing”. EmoTons from past relaTonships, fearful events, etc. that you have stored away can be released with a daily medita-­‐ Ton pracTce. In order to understand how you can emoTonally detox with meditaTon, let’s first look at the body and emoTons from an energeTc perspecTve. Eve-­‐ rything in the universe is energy. Remember the formula E=mc2? Well this applies to the physical body as well as to the emoTonal and thought bod-­‐ ies. Some emoTonal and thoughts energies vibrate at higher frequencies then others. Thoughts or emo-­‐ Tons that make you feel good such as happiness, joy, peace or graTtude vibrate at a higher fre-­‐ quency then thoughts that make you feel bad such as guilt, lack of self-­‐worth, lack of confi-­‐ dence, or fear. Now let’s look at the mind-­‐body connecTon. Thoughts (conscious and subconscious) affect your emoTons and your body. Whether these thoughts affect your emoTons and/or body in a posiTve or non-­‐posiTve way will depend on the frequency of the emoTons. Higher frequency thoughts (thoughts that make you feel good) will produce a posiTve effect and the opposite is true of lower frequency thoughts. To put it in another way, thoughts that make you feel bad cause a re-­‐ lease of stress hormones in your body. A consis-­‐ tent and frequent release of stress hormones, i.e. chronic stress, has detrimental impacts on your emoTonal health.

Before we move on, do realize that most of the thoughts you are forming throughout the day are subconscious thoughts. Let’s consider your sub-­‐ conscious thoughts as the “autopilot” thought processes occurring in your life. For most, espe-­‐ cially those undergoing chronic stress, this autopi-­‐ lot is either regurgitaTng negaTve thoughts of the past or worrying about something in the fu-­‐ ture on a consistent basis. If these thoughts and thoughts of similar nature/vibraTon conTnue and conTnue for long periods, this emoTon will get “locked away” in certain regions of the body. As an example, let’s say you have repeated sub-­‐ conscious negaTve thoughts of guilt or lack of self-­‐worth. These thoughts will trigger an emo-­‐ Ton and over Tme this emoTon gets “stored" in 75


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your stomach because this is where you tend to hold your emoTons. This is a feedback mecha-­‐ nism you have created of constricTng your stom-­‐ ach either consciously or unconsciously every Tme you feel something you do not like. As a re-­‐ sult, you hold tension in this area and disallow these emoTons to be released. Now because you have “stored this emoTon” in your stomach for many many years, every Tme you think a nega-­‐ Tve thought you instantly feel it in your stomach. This is a result of a heavy, dense accumulaTon of emoTons in that area. Thank goodness for meditaTon. MeditaTon can help you to reverse this cycle. When you start to meditate, several things happen which allow you to “shake open” and release this stored energy. -­‐ You start to relax. When you start relax this area, you allow the natural release of this lower vibratory energy. -­‐ You remain more focused. When you can focus on what you are doing, you bring yourself into the present moment. A mind that is in the pre-­‐ sent moment and focused on what it is doing, is not worrying about the future or thinking about the past.

-­‐ You learn to become aware of your thoughts and to easily release them. -­‐ Your mind starts to quiet. The constant mental charer (conscious and subconscious) starts to de-­‐ crease because you are training your mind to fo-­‐ cus and release thoughts that do not serve you. The above concepts seem simple, yet the results are profound. A consistent daily meditaTon pracTce will allow you to emoTonally detox and raise your vibraTon to that of an emoTonally healthy person. You can release the old emo-­‐ Tonal baggage you have been carrying around for years and start feeling berer now. Note: SomeTmes, when you start to meditate, you can release emoTonal energies faster then you can handle it. This can happen especially for stored emoTons that are more “dense” then oth-­‐ ers. When you start to release emoTons faster than you can adjust, this is known as a healing cri-­‐ sis. To find out what you can do when undergoing a healing crisis, please read this arTcle hrp://www.seekwithinyou.com/learn-­‐to-­‐medita te/296-­‐how-­‐do-­‐i-­‐deal-­‐with-­‐a-­‐healing-­‐crisis


Featured Wellness Woman Dr. Laverne Adams, MA, CPT Pastor, Best-­‐Selling Author, Life Coach to CelebriTes, Wellness Woman “I just feel like this Ame life will be different because I know what to look for. I just know what God has for me, what He wants for my life. -­‐Jeremiah 29:11” Gemng to know Dr. LaVerne Adams has been a profound blessing in my life. I first met her as a guest on my show ager she had wriren the won-­‐ derful book “Driven By DesTny” She was such a wonderful guest, easy to talk to and so full of wis-­‐ dom. Then about a year later I was going through a very rough Tme personally and Dr. Ad-­‐ ams was there for me. Her graciousness and her willingness just to listen to me was beyond anything I had expected. When I placed the call; I was just going to ask her for prayer, but Dr. Ad-­‐ ams immediately recognized what I really needed was a shoulder to cry on,an ear to listen, and someone to tell me that this too shall pass. Dr. Adams has an amazing capacity to listen and to give direct “in your face” advice that is done with love and compassion. As a Pastor of her growing church in Philadelphia, a bestselling author and

life coach, Dr Laverne Adams is consistent in send-­‐ ing the same universal message…the importance of honoring the life God has given you by learning to truly love and care for yourself.

Why do you think it is important for women to detoxify their lives? I think it’s important because life has a way of be-­‐ coming toxic based on our negaTve experiences. A mulTplicity of negaTve experiences that we keep going through; they keep happening but we don’t do anything to remove their negaTve im-­‐


pact. We don’t take the Tme to cleanse ourselves from these negaTve experiences. We keep pumng a lot of junk in our emoTonal lives and we get stuck. We get emoTonally stuck and that makes it difficult for anything good to pass through. We are in a toxic state not able to digest our feelings prop-­‐ erly. We are filled with toxicity and we need to get the toxic stuff out. It is criTcal to get cleansed emoTonally.

What areas have you looked at when it came to detoxifying your life?

to take a real honest look at themselves as a way to get on a journey to wholeness and take full re-­‐ sponsibility for their lives. This needs to be done in a non-­‐judgmental way. This is why it is so power-­‐ ful. I don’t make you feel like you need to impress me. I help women create their own strategies.

What does detoxificaTon have to do with wellness of the mind, body and spirit?

DetoxificaTon is a very natural process. Just look at your natural body system, your body knows when The biggest area for me has been an emoTonal pu-­‐ it is important to detoxify, get rid of the toxins in rificaTon. I have had some emoTonal experiences your body. Likewise our emoTonal being knows that were harmful. As a result, I am always look-­‐ when a detoxificaTon process needs to happen. ing at myself… always looking for ways to be in a We get so busy and so distracted we are not aware state of pureness. When I feel uneasy or anxious it of it and not sensiTzed to it. Eventually we end up is a sign to me that something impure has entered in an awful state of confusion and depression. We my psyche. I need to not push myself but to slow are in trouble. Let’s just say it. We have to be hon-­‐ down and reflect on what could be wrong. What est with ourselves about something. Worship and is going on inside of me that I need to listen to… praise is powerful! It gives us a way to release that I need to perhaps change? stress and anxiety. If we don’t release the stress and anxiety we can put these negaTve energies What do you do to help women detoxify into things that are not good for us and get us into and change their lives? more problems. We put praise into our children, jobs, and husbands and someTmes they let us One of the things I do is I am honest with myself . down. Ager all, they are human! But taking Tme There are a lot of things I need to work on myself. I to praise and worship our God, makes us whole am authenTc and live my life on the basis of integ-­‐ people again. Another way to release and cleanse rity. I can not help people if I cannot help myself. I our souls is listening to powerful messages, read-­‐ always start with me then I arempt to help ing the word, enlightening stories; things that liven women to do the same. I help women to look at the soul so that we can shine. themselves and not anyone else. I encourage them


tectural firm in New York and become wealthy. But God had different plans and I have learned how to live differently.. and I am happy . I am in an interesTng place now. I have arrived I am such a free spirit now. I am having a great Tme now. I Birerness and anger. Birerness is a product of dis-­‐ have met a man, that may be one of the reasons appointment and unmet expectaTons and these for my happiness (she laughs again with joy) I just results in frustraTon and anger. What I have found feel like this Tme it will be different because I is that being mad and birer doesn’t change your know what to look for. I know what God has for situaTon. I had to learn to stop being birer and me, what He wants for my life. start being berer. The situaTon made me nega-­‐ Tve I have learned that there is something good in What is your definiTon of a Wellness everything. God has a way of turning things Woman? around and pumng all things together in your fa-­‐ vor. I was once in a very dark place. I was going Some one who is well in every area of her life, through a horrible divorce process (husband physically professionally, financially,and spiritually; cheated on her) I had to take responsibility on who doesn’t serle for any of these areas to be out how to behave and respond. Whew! (she sighs of kilter. then chuckles) Nobody but Jesus! Part of my healing came from helping others. When I was Dr. LaVerne Adams, is an author, certified life coach helping others I stopped looking at my circum-­‐ and international speaker. For nearly 20 years she has been a pastor, professor and community leader, helping stances. We get so consumed with ourselves that countless individuals to realize their fullest potential and we forget there are people worse off than us and fulfill their purpose for being on the planet. She is a there are people who can benefit from us. I trav-­‐ graduate of Palmer Theological Seminary with a eled the world and went on a mission to help peo-­‐ Doctorate of Ministry degree and has been a professor and adjunct faculty there. She is passionate about ple. I spent all my money going around the world sharing her wisdom from years of experience and speaking to women in Africa, India, Philippines, training and is successful in motivating celebrities and high-­‐powered professionals, in need of spiritual Caribbean sharing my life story and encouraging support, to find absolute fulfillment in life. people to rise from the ashes. I have been a Pastor “Driven By Destiny” Order Here: http:// www.amazon.com/Driven-­‐By-­‐Destiny-­‐Secrets-­‐Unlock/ for 18 years. I didn’t always know I was going to dp/0982208820 be a Pastor. It is not lucraTve at least not from a Her Website – www.DrivenByDestiny.com monetary stand point. I have a degree in Architec-­‐ ture. My dream used to be to have my own archi-­‐

What kinds of toxicity have you removed from your life? How did it change your life?


6 Foods You Should Eliminate From Your Diet By Rhonda Jones Not Feeling Your Best! These Foods Might Be the Culprit. Learn about six foods you should stop eaTng today. With an increasing number of people who are suf-­‐ fering from a wide-­‐variety of physical condiTons such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease; it has become increasingly important for individuals to consider what they are pumng in their bodies and what affect it might be having on their health. Different kinds of foods have been introduced in the health and fitness industry with the promise of helping people achieve berer health only to hear later that the complete oppo-­‐ site might be true. When considering food choices you have to make sure that your diet is based on your body’s nutri-­‐ Tonal needs. This way you can be sure that you will receive the nutrients that will make your body thrive and not just survive. Another aspect of having an effecTve eaTng plan is to determine the types of foods that you should eliminate from your diet that may have a negaTve effect on your health. These common foods include:

1. Wheat We have heard for years the praises of whole grain breads and pastas, however; new informaTon has surfaced to the validity of these claims. Some nutriTon experts are now suggest-­‐ ing that wheat and grain based products may

not be so good for us ager all. Many now reveal that the gluten found in wheat, rye, and barley has detrimental effects in the body especially to those who have gluten sensiTvity or celiac dis-­‐ ease, a condiTon caused by the abnormal re-­‐ sponse of the immune system to gluten. People with gluten sensiTvity or celiac disease may suf-­‐ fer from diarrhea, bloaTng, faTgue, and stomach pain. Studies reveal that gluten can cause stool inconsistency, inflammaTon in the intesTne, and irritable bowel syndrome. This can result in bod-­‐ ies inefficiency to absorb important nutrients. It’s also important to know that you don’t have to have celiac disease to suffer from the adverse ef-­‐ fects of gluten. That was the case with me. I did not test posiTve for celiac disease however I dis-­‐ covered that eaTng gluten caused me to suffer from an array of symptoms from Tredness, hor-­‐ monal imbalances, headaches, and literally feel-­‐ ing like my brain was on fire. Although I went from doctor to doctor trying to find out what was 80

wrong with me and told I was completely healthy; ager reading books like What’s Wrong with My Brain, I discovered the direct link between gluten and brain health. Also, if you have Hashimoto’s or are hypothyroid, you should avoid wheat at all cost, as the gluten has been linked to the destruc-­‐ Ton of the thyroid gland.

When sugars are consumed they quickly increase your blood sugar levels, promoTng insulin produc-­‐ Ton. Having high insulin levels in the body can weaken the immune system and prevent the pro-­‐ ducTon of growth hormones. Excess sugar con-­‐ sumpTon can also lead to diabetes, arthriTs, and hypertension as well as kidney damage, mineral deficiencies, depression, stroke, fary liver, and hy-­‐ poglycemia.

Among the common foods with gluten that you should avoid are pasta, bread, cereal, pastries, couscous, dressings, and sauces. Gluten has no nu-­‐ In an effort to minimize the negaTve effects of triTonal value. sugar, some people replace it with arTficial sweet-­‐ ener. Although it sounds plausible, scienTfic stud-­‐ 2. Sugar and ArTficial Sweeteners ies have found that arTficial sweeteners can main-­‐ tain cravings for foods and increase appeTte be-­‐ Consuming high amounts of sugar causes inflam-­‐ cause the body does not recognize them as foods. maTon in the body and is extremely harmful to They also affect the way your body regulate your health. Can’t shake those sugar cravings? A energy. recent study revealed that sugar was just as addic-­‐ Tve as cocaine and other drugs and has a detoriat-­‐ Aspartame, neotame, sucralose, saccharin, and ing affect on the body. acesulfame-­‐K are just some of the most common arTficial sweeteners. Acesulfame-­‐K is believed to Sugar can come in many different forms such as cause leukemia and breast cancer while sucralose fructose, sucrose, glucose, agave nectar, syrups, can cause an enlarged liver and kidneys and fruit juices, and honey. Although natural sugars shrunken thymus glands. like honey and pure maple syrup do have some nu-­‐ triTonal value, it sTll important to keep these prod-­‐ 3. Dairy ucts to a minimum in your diet. Most people believe that they need to drink milk to get calcium and build strong bones. However, contrary to popular belief, consuming dairy prod-­‐ ucts can have the opposite effect. The China Study, a huge study undertaken to find out why some Chi-­‐ nese were gemng cancer and others weren't, re-­‐ vealed that consuming animal protein such as ca-­‐ sein in cow’s milk can not only increase your risk for cancer but also affected kidney funcTon and could be a contribuTng factor to the development of some autoimmune disease. High intake of both 81

dairy and calcium also increases the risk of men to suffer from prostate cancer.

body for protein digesTon. Soybean also contains hemoglobin that causes the red blood cells to clump together.

In addiTon, most dairy products are also pasteur-­‐ ized to kill harmful bacteria. However, proteins, en-­‐ Soy is also high in phyTc acid that prevents the up-­‐ zymes, and vitamins that are found in these prod-­‐ take of essenTal vitamins and minerals in the intes-­‐ ucts are also destroyed during the process.. Tnal track such as calcium, zinc, and iron. It also has high concentraTon of goitrogens that inhibits 4. Factory Farm Meats, Poultry, and Fish the producTon of thyroid hormones. Individuals with hypothyroidism should avoid soy products. Most of the chicken, pigs, carle, and turkey that There is also a link between soy and estrogen people consume in the United States come from dominance. You can find lots of informaTon about factory farms. Ogen these animals are treated in-­‐ how soy can affect the body by searching the inter-­‐ humanely and forced to live in unbearable living net. condiTons. Animals raised in factory farms are of-­‐ ten injected with anTbioTcs and hormones and 6. Processed Foods are fed with high amounts of corn. Just like other factories, animal factories are also looking for EaTng processed foods can help you save Tme and ways on how they can save on cost. One way to do money. However, the vast majority of processed this is to redefine what consTtutes animal feed. foods are not healthy. In fact, most of them are As a result, a lot of ingredients are not the ones not even made from real foods. Generally, proc-­‐ that are designed by nature to eaten by such ani-­‐ essed foods are low in nutrients and high in calo-­‐ mals. ries and sugar. Some of them may also contain in-­‐ dustrially engineered ingredients that are harmful You can avoid the negaTve effects of eaTng factory to the health. farm meats, poultry, and fish by choosing to eat more plant-­‐based foods. If you do eat meat, to the Chicken nuggets, hot dogs, soda pop, store bought best of your ability, always choose meats that are cookies, muffins and cakes, breakfast cereals, and grass fed, pasture-­‐raised pork, and poultry that granola bars are just some of the types of proc-­‐ has been cage free. EaTng wild fish is also a much essed foods that you should avoid. If you want to berer choice than factory farm fish. You can also become fit the healthy way and without the risk choose organic meats, eggs, and cheese that are posed by these foods, choose a diet that does not clearly labeled as using vegetarian animal feed contain these six foods and that includes lots of only. vegetables, nuts, legumes, and some fruit. Indi-­‐ viduals who will engage in this type of diet can see 5. Soy a dramaTc improvement in their appearance, energy, and health. Around 80% of soy is geneTcally modified and has one of the highest rates of pesTcide contamina-­‐ Ton. They also have large quanTTes of natural tox-­‐ ins that block enzymes that are needed by the 82

Detox your Spring with Confidence! By Jennifer ETnger Ahh… the beauty of Spring is here! With this sea-­‐ son comes that fact that we are wearing less clothing, lemng go of the “forgiving” layers of win-­‐ ter. Psst, beach body weather will soon be ap-­‐ proaching! What is a goddess to do to get ready for the new season? Here are few Tps to embrace the warmer weather and get body confidence beauT-­‐ ful! First things first, start your day with hot water and lemon to put a spring into your step! Drink-­‐ ing lemon water in the morning will sTmulate the body's natural cleansing and detoxifying processes. Lemons are alkalizing (despite being perceived as acidic) in the body, thus bringing your inner chemistry into pH balance. Exfoliate off all your dead winter skin! Choose a natural bristle. Dry brushing is an effecTve method to not only removing your dead dry win-­‐ ter skin but sTmulates the hard parTcles of mat-­‐ ter in the lymphaTc system. Work from the fin-­‐ gers to the heart; toes to the heart, stomach; all in circular moTon. Take an energy shower to kick start you days! Right before you jump out of the shower, turn your water to cold to emerge your body for as long as you can! When you get out, sTmulate your body and boost circulaTon by slapping the skin using the flat of your hands. Start at the toes and work your way up, and then dry off. Let go of the winter cleanser and moisturizer. One must adapt to the change of weather and

choose “lighter” products. Goddesses with com-­‐ binaTon and oily skin shouldn’t forgo the moistur-­‐ izer. This tends to be the biggest mistake made for these skin types, for combo/oily skin needs to be hydrated which will cut down oil producTon! Choose a lighter foundaTon or skip enTrely, and focus on the SPF (sun protecTon factor). Accord-­‐ ing to the Canadian Cancer Society of Ontario, choose an SPF of 15 or higher. If you work out-­‐ doors, a minimum of 30 SPF is recommended. The best choice will have both a uva/uvb “broad spectrum” coverage. Make sure you apply 20 min-­‐ utes before going outside and do not forget the throat and the hands which show the first signs of aging! Do you wish to smooth out your cellulite and re-­‐ veal your goddess legs and thighs? Follow a com-­‐ binaTon of the dry brushing technique, and self massage the area of concern. Choose an essenTal oil and pour it into your palm and apply a “knead-­‐ ing technique”, as if you were kneading dough, pick up the skin and gently squeeze and release. Lastly, you need to move your body to get the 83

body you desire! Choose a class or video and move it to lose it!

guarding your health and play a role in fighTng disease. Don’t forget to drink your water!

How unhealthy has your winter eaTng been? Avoid skipping meals. Eliminate processed food and focus on foods that nourish the body, aid in

Any quesTons? I would love to hear from you, email me at jennifere@fityourstyle.com



hrp://www.marykay.com/ljohnsonhopkins Download The TimeWise Repair Brochure Here 84

Featured Wellness Woman Judy Pearson Best Selling Author, Cancer Advocate, Cancer Survivor, Wellness Woman “I help women to detoxify their lives through using a universal language of survival with love, understanding, and educaAon.” Make no bones about it…I love Judy Pearson. Her fun loving sense of humor, her ability to laugh at life, and her pure courage during her experience with breast cancer is extraordinary. I didn’t know Judy’s story when I first contacted her to be a guest on my show “The Wellness Journey-­‐LIVE!”. I had originally called her because of her wonderful work as founder of www.courageousconcepts.com a site that cul(-­‐ vates courage in women and girls through educa(on and mo(va(on. But I quickly found out what is also inspiring about Judy is her own courageous baFle with cancer and how she took that experience and applied it to a very important cause. Judy is the co-­‐ founder of a major movement Women Survivors Alli-­‐ ance a non-­‐profit organiza(on created to support fe-­‐ male cancer survivors across the country and around the world; cumula(ng to an annual conference which is aFended by 1000’s of cancer survivors! Judy is the personifica(on of courage in the face of adversity. She has turned what could have been a very nega(ve experience into something posi(ve from which all women can learn. Judy’s willingness to be honest and to share about her experiences with cancer and all of the side of effects shows such courage. She always shares with a wiFy sense of hu-­‐ mor. I always have lots of laughs when talking with Judy. AZer talking with Judy I always feel there is

nothing that I can’t do, nothing that I can’t survive, nothing that I can push through as long as I have God, a sense of humor and women like Judy to look to for inspira(on and encouragement.

Why do you think it is important for women to detoxify their lives? In regards to the body one thing I’ve learned is having a healthy body is everything. I am convinced this is why I recovered from breast cancer so easily. I am not a fana(c about working out or my diet, but I am conscious of my weight. I try to exercise every-­‐ day. I think we get all wrapped up in trying to 85

change everything at once. At the beginning of every year we want to do all this stuff to get in shape and two weeks later we stop everything. We set ourselves up to failure. You can only eat an elephant one bite at a (me. Thirty minutes a day of exercise is fine. Think about what you are ea(ng and shoo(ng for at least 3 or 4 vegetables and fruits a day is great. Try for an ap-­‐ ple snack in the middle of the morning, having veggies for dinner, snacking on veggies in the am. Make liFle changes. When I was diagnosed with cancer my son wrote me a beau(ful email as he was leaving for deployment in Afghanistan. He wrote about how we were going to baFle the enemy and that we needed to be physically strong and mentally strong. We never know what the enemy will throw at us. That is why it is so important to take care of our bodies. We need to be ready to combat the enemy when it aFacks.

What areas have you looked at when it comes to detoxifying your life? I think I am preFy good at keeping at ea(ng right and working out. I think what I struggle with is between the ears. I want people to like me, and I get upset some(mes when they don’t. (she laughs) That is silly, I know. I can’t please everyone. I struggle with the be-­‐ tween the ears stuff and trying not to focus on the could of would of should of. Part of this is gene(cs. Trying to be in control all of the (me is part of my family history. That is not logical, feasible or possible for we are mere mortals; we are not Gods. So I am learning to work on my thoughts…what I think and how I think. I aFribute a lot of my new thinking to my experience with Cancer. I am growing to accept the fact that I can’t control everything and there is no such thing as perfec(on. I had a customer once who was so upset and I realized all I could say was “what can we do to make it beFer?” some(mes all you can do is say “I am sorry” It is silly to get upset about the things we can not change. I truly believe in the Seren-­‐

ity Prayer. It helps to remind me; I look at it every day. I take five minutes to just reflect and to give my-­‐ self some calm. When I was going through treatment (she is talking about her chemotherapy treatments) … you can’t imagine the immediate fear that grips you. The human spirit is indomitable we don’t want to die. What I would say is “God grant me the courage to get me, through this, grant my medical team to get the knowledge that is needed, and grant my family help to get through this”

What do you do to help detoxify and change women’s lives? I would love to be a researcher, actress many things that I am not. WE all have dreams. In the mean(me we have to go with our strong suits. Whenever I write something whether it is a book, magazine ar(cle or blog, I find great joy wri(ng about things that light my fire. At this stage of life what lights my fire is wri(ng about surviving. When you finish treatment it is as-­‐ sumed that you go back to being who you were be-­‐ fore you started treatment. I thought I would go back to being “Judy”. I thought when I walked out of the infusion center I was going to be the same aZer 18 treatments of chemo. The reality is that Judy is gone. Nor are you the same person aZer divorce, loss of a rela(onship or loved one…you are never the same. There is the YOU before the trauma and the YOU aZer-­‐ ward. This is how I help women to detoxify, to over-­‐ come trauma. I help women to detoxify their lives through using a universal language of survival with love, understanding, and educa(on.

What does detoxificaTon have to do with wellness of your mind, body and spirit? We are each given a finite number of days. We get to decide how we spend them. Eleanor Roosevelt said


“No one can make you feel insignificant unless you al-­‐ low them to”. No one leads us around life with our nose. At the end of the day we are responsible to what happens to us. By detoxifying our lives and tak-­‐ ing things out of our life that aren’t important, we be-­‐ gin to feel beFer and be healthier. I think about how oZen we worry about something and if we were to look forward one year would we even remember what it was we were worrying about. What were you worrying about a year ago. If you can’t remember it that will let you know how worrying about things is such waste of (me. Choosing how to live your days, is a form of wellness. You need not worry about what you didn’t accomplish. It is important to define your priori(es and boundaries. I would love to help more people, do more for people but the reality is I can’t do everything. I can’t apologize for it because it is my reality. Instead I will focus on something and do my best. Living this way is a form of wellness. Removing those things that don’t serve us well, that cause us worry and hurt is a form of detoxifying our lives.

What kinds of toxicity, have you removed from your life? How did it change your life? The biggest toxicity I try to avoid is toxic people. I had a toxic marriage that I ended, he was never happy. He was good to my children but he was not very good to me. I think people in my life who can’t ever feel good about themselves and don’t want people to feel good about themselves; that is toxic to me. As a couple, my husband (her current husband) and I choose not to have toxic people in our lives. We choose to be around people who love and honor one and other as much as we do. At one (me it was thought that women over 40, over 50, over 60 were old and that we should just go home and wait to die. This is no longer the case and we need to be around others who feel the same way. Those people who support the

need for us to con(nue to grow regardless of our age. Perhaps my genera(on started with the Women’s Lib-­‐ era(on movement, but women are becoming empow-­‐ ered to make changes even later in life

Tell me about the very special project you have been working on? (I can hear the smile and joy in her voice) Oh I can talk about this project forever. When you talk about toxic-­‐ ity I think about all the women who are dealing with the different stages of cancer. I know this very well and this is why crea(ng the Women’s Survivors Alli-­‐ ance has become very important. There is no place currently that a woman can go and get the kind of educa(on, mo(va(on and life applica(on that she needs aZer cancer. There are so many issues you never expect. Surviving cancer starts at the very mo-­‐ ment of diagnosis. There is joint pain, night sweats, ovary issues, instant menopause; the lists of issues go on and on. Libido gone, fear of occurrence, loss of a rela(onship, self love issues, some jobs have been lost, many have burned through life savings, being sued by hospitals and doctors who want payment etc. … There was no place for women to go to talk about these issues and to get support, un(l my partner Karen and I decided to create Women Survivors Alli-­‐ ance. We host a conference in Nashville, created a magazine, and support groups through out the coun-­‐ try. This organiza(on is so important. Over 7 million have survived cancer and 1.5 million are diagnosed everyday. One out of three women are diagnosed with cancer. We need the support. Women (cancer survivors) have told me that finally there is a place where she belongs, with people who truly understand what surviving cancer is all about. The boFom-­‐line is, cancer is horrible no maFer what race, sex, socioeco-­‐ nomic background you have. When I looked out at the audience of our first Women Survivors Alliance conference all I could see was God’s rainbow. It was


so cool. July 31st through August 2nd 2014 we have our annual conference for those women living with cancer, who are cancer free, or cancer has metasta-­‐ sized. All are welcome to aFend. (for more informa(on about the conference July31st to August 2 n d p l e a s e g o t o hFp://www.survivorsconven(on.com)

Club of Chicago, the Michigan State Alumni Associa-­‐ Eon, the AAUW and the NaEonal AssociaEon of Fe-­‐ m a l e E x e c u E v e s . h F p : / / w w w. w o m e n s u r v i v o r s a l l i a n c e . c o m hFp://www.survivorsconven(on.com

What is your definiTon of a Wellness Woman? A wellness woman is a woman who wakes up every-­‐ day realizing that she is blessed. Maybe she has gray hairs and wrinkles, maybe she isn’t the size she wants to be but she realizes she is s(ll blessed. She isn’t afraid to laugh even when she doesn’t have anything to laugh at. She realizes she has the power to help someone else. If I can touch, help and change one per-­‐ son’s life every day, it is a perfect day. Even if I don’t change them completely on that day, if I provide the tools to allow them to change themselves…it has been a good day. Judy Pearson has an unwavering belief in two things: one, everything happens for a reason; and secondly, we all owe a payback to humanity. For her, those things were made clear a?er her diagnosis and treat-­‐ ment for breast cancer when she co-­‐founded the Women Survivors Alliance, an organizaEon that women cancer survivors, through their digital maga-­‐ zine called THEPLUM.org, events held throughout the country including an annual naEonal convenEon. A graduate of Michigan State University, Pearson is also a freelance writer and public speaker with three pub-­‐ lished books. Her biography of Virginia Hall, WOLVES AT THE DOOR, has been opEoned for a movie. Her most recent book, IT'S JUST HAIR: 20 ESSENTIAL LIFE LESSONS, is a 2012 InternaEonal Book Award finalist. In addiEon, Pearson is the founder of Courage Con-­‐ cepts, an organizaEon that culEvates courage in women and girls. She is a member of the ExecuEves 88

Allowing Love to Transform and Detoxify your Soul By Mary Ellen Ciganovich Holding in anger or any negaTve emoTon can al-­‐ low toxins to enter at the very level of your soul changing your energy parerns and throwing you into disharmony. First you must look at how you allow these toxins to become part of your existence. Do you hold onto past hurts? Are you unforgiving of yourself and/or others? Do you have judgments about yourself, others or our society as a whole? Do you let go and allow the Universe – your world to flow freely? Do you take care physically and men-­‐ tally of this temple for your Holy Spirit or do you feed it with junk food and fill your mind with the “negaTve” news talk? Spiritual teachers have al-­‐ ways pointed to the soul/ heart as the seat of con-­‐ sciousness. Anyone who has taken the Tme to explore the soul and more importantly the connecTon to the heart knows the connecTon between these two and a con-­‐ sciousness greater than the ego. Approaching life with an open heart means that you have opened the door to the greater consciousness at the soul level. Doing this means becoming aware of how you can create posiTve change by choosing the lan-­‐

guage you use and the percepTon of how you see your world. You may already have ideas about phrases you would like to transiTon out of your vocabulary. It is challenging to examine how you see your world. You do not need to acTvely try to change either of these parerns simply become more conscious of yourself – treaTng and speak-­‐ ing to others the way you would like to be treated and spoken to by them! When you affirm that you are fulfilled instead of arTculaTng deficiencies, you are commimng to your natural essence of human existence. Choose to focus on saTsfacTon instead of dis-­‐ saTsfacTon because at your very soul level you understand that the energy of your thoughts will determine the response you receive from the Uni-­‐ verse. Working with all of this creaTve power within you will empower you to achieve the peaceful life you want to live. The secret for any detoxificaTon process is becoming grateful and allowing love to trans-­‐ form you. Love transforms ordinary humans into compassionate beings that vibrate at a level of love and kindness. You can raise your vibraTonal level through graTtude. Feel graTtude for all that you have and all life has given you. Feel graTtude for knowing God! There is always a reason to be 89

grateful even if you are simply grateful that some-­‐ thing good has happened to someone else! To detoxify your soul you must 1.

Let go of past hurts


Forgive uncondiTonally – especially yourself.


Stop judging yourself and others.

4. Allow all emoTons/toxins that come into con-­‐ tact with your soul to be felt in enTrety and let go without judgment. Naming and releasing these toxins – that have reached you at the soul level – will allow them to begin the process of cleansing.

To have a peaceful full existence you must detoxify especially at this very basic level of the soul. You must regularly release these toxins through writ-­‐ ing – such as journaling or tears – when you feel a toxin FEEL it let it come out as tears and do not judge it. You can sing or make any kind of sound to free up your soul to live a full and vibrant life. I am sure you have your own ideas about how you can become aware and elevate your soul. By open-­‐ ing your soul to free up the toxins that have been binding you – you will feel tender and vulnerable. That is okay. Again do not judge it! This process takes pracTce, paTence, compassion and uncondi-­‐ Tonal love.


http://www.woman-2woman.org 90


Karen Wells, M.Div Karen Wells holds a Master of Divinity, majoring in Marriage and Family Counselling. She is the founder of Karis Counselling Services, with one aspect of the counselling service devoted to helping women regain the power they've lost because of a past traumaCc experience. Karen wants to give women HOPE. Life is too short to be stuck in your past. She wants every woman to know God has ex-­‐ ciCng plans for them. As a globally-­‐minded woman, Karen offers her services by telephone, Skype/webcam, and we-­‐ binar. As well as hosCng her own Woman To Woman radio show, she teaches online and in-­‐ person workshops, speaks at conferences, churches, and retreats. She has authored two books enCtled, “Even With My Knees Knocking I Will Follow God’s Call” and “UnHooked! 7 Steps To EmoConal Freedom.” www.unhooked7stepstoemoConalfreedom.com

Alx UMerman Since 2000, accomplished teacher & healer Alx UHermann has been conducCng healing workshops & trainings in a wide array of pracCcal healing techniques & spiritual knowledge from ancient India. From Singapore to California, she's facilitated hundreds of workshops, classes, satsangs, ceremonies & other healing events. She co-­‐founded UCBK (The Universal Church of Baba’s Kitchen) in 2007, in Santa Cruz, CA. UCBK is a spiritual healing center open to anyone from any spiritual path or none at all, training advanced healers and helping the homeless & veterans get access to support & healing. Over many years of intensive study at Sri Kaleshwar's Soul University in Penukonda, South India, Alx gained an in-­‐depth understanding of the stresses facing human beings, and the spiritual medicine that dissolves them. Her on-­‐going research & experCse lie in effecCvely healing the underlying root of suffering, as well as the many symptoms of suffer-­‐ 91

ing (such as depression, anxiety, chronic health problems, heartbreak, grief, PTSD, anger issues and addicCons). She’s available for consultaCon & healing sessions via Skype or phone, as well as in-­‐person in Los Angeles, CA. You can find out more about Alx's diverse work at hHp://about.me/alxuHermann

Shawngela Pierce Shawngela Pierce is an educator, author, reiki pracCConer, business owner and meditaCon instructor who specializes in mindfulness meditaCon and qigong (chee gong). She is an avid meditator and has been pracCcing for over 10-­‐years. She has a masters degree in the field of educaCon with 3 1/2 years of post-­‐masters educaCon in naturopathic medicine. This includes mind-­‐body therapy, Tradi-­‐ Conal Chinese Medicine (TCM), botanical medicine, nutriCon, hydro-­‐ therapy as well as other healing modaliCes. She loves teaching, which is something she has done for over 15-­‐years. Her passion for teaching led her to design the MeditaCon for Health Program. The program is designed to help people uClize the bene-­‐ fits of meditaCon as well as other holisCc lifestyle changes to live a harmonious, healthy and care-­‐free life.

Chrisjna Steinorth-­‐Powell, MA, MFT ChrisCna Steinorth-­‐Powell, MA, MFT is a psychotherapist and a popu-­‐ lar relaConship expert on radio and in print. Her advice has been fea-­‐ tured in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Woman's Day Magazine, NBC News, Fox News Magazine, and The Chicago Tribune, among many others. Her criCcally acclaimed book is Cue Cards for Life: ThoughOul Tips for BeHerRelaConships (Hunter House, 2013). hHp://www.amazon.com/Cue-­‐Cards-­‐Life-­‐ThoughOul-­‐RelaConships/dp/0897936167 www.chrisCnasteinorth.com 92

Will CelebriCes Give Up Facial PlasCc Surgery? By Cynthia Rowland When I was a teenager no one I knew had a surgi-­‐ cally altered face. PlasTc surgery was pracTcally unheard of while growing up in Oklahoma with the nearest city twenty miles away; the only peo-­‐ ple we saw were those from our small, farming community and the women there rarely colored their gray hair. The popular celebriTes of the day did not have surgically altered faces yet we knew they were thin and beauTful and we wanted to look just like them. That desire to emulate celebriTes has not changed as we see non-­‐celebriTes from every

part of the world dressing and copying their styles of clothing, buying and wearing celebrity named fragrances and some wannabes have even resorted to plasTc surgery to imitate their favor-­‐ ite celebrity’s faces. CelebriTes have been considered our royalty and we usually put a lot of trust in them; in fact, there is an implied consent that whatever they do is probably ok so if the celebs are busy chasing the elusive fountain of youth using surgical enhance-­‐ ments and injecTons that plump and paralyze, the hanger-­‐ons are probably doing the same. Consider this: when celebriTes sport plumped up cheeks and big lips, it’s not long before the fans 93

are flocking to imitate the look. Whether the fans go for the Jennifer Aniston hair, Heidi’s breasts, the Angelina lips or the liged derriere of Kim Kar-­‐ dashian, you can be certain that these enhanced arributes will not go unnoTced by their adoring admirers.

So what is the answer to look fresh and youthful whether you’re in front of the camera or not?

Facial exercise is the intelligent choice. It works to de-­‐age faces; it works to keep the facial muscles toned. Most of all the facial skin smoothes and ligs so the user looks younger and very refreshed. Looking young presents a lot of pressure for even Just think -­‐ a younger looking face without resort-­‐ the most beauTful because that natural beauty ing to surgery, injecTons or drugs of any kind to slowly abandons us. If you are in the entertain-­‐ create, maintain and retain a youthful face. ment business hoping to make a sufficient living in How is it possible that an exercise program can do film, video, the stage, runway or television the all that and more? stress and anxiety to maintain a desirable weight can be daunTng. The constant pressure of starving It’s all in the technique. A facial exercise program while trying to maintain a flawless face can send must have resistance, anchoring and contracTon even the most emoTonally secure star over the for the facial muscles to respond posiTvely. Twists, edge much to the delight of those who prey on in-­‐ puckers, contorTons and funny faces will not securiTes. change the shape and contour of your face; it is There is peer pressure for actors and actresses to look, act and dress a certain way and with celeb-­‐ rity sites like Perez Hilton and TMZ who have no qualms about publishing unflarering poses it is no wonder celebs feel they are living under a micro-­‐ scope. If the star is addicted to fame and craves constant media arenTon, who knows, they may become addicted to plasTc surgery procedures, too, because of the demands placed on them. This arenTon may compel them to use certain injected arTficial enhancements that provide plumper cheeks, paralyzed foreheads and fillers that flaren nasal labial folds. Does this mean they can face the camera without reservaTons? Not necessarily. The powers that be – those casTng directors and producers – are beginning to call for natural faces, not arTficially enhanced faces to cast in their pro-­‐ ducTons. The fact is this: when injecTons and su-­‐ tures are used extensively on a face, that person rarely looks youthful, they just look done, some-­‐ Tmes over done.

when you use your thumbs and fingers to anchor those Tny, hidden muscles that you will see your face react. ContracTon of these anchored muscles ligs and smoothes the enTre face and neck. Aging is different for everyone and most facial exer-­‐ cise users report they look 10-­‐15 years younger af-­‐ ter using the techniques only a few weeks. This all natural program allows you to take charge of your face just as you would your body. Just as exercise works for your body to trim, Tghten, lig and tone your sagging waist, tummy, hips, thighs and arms, facial exercise will indeed lig, tone and Tghten those sagging facial muscles that make you look Tred and old. An authenTc face is much more appealing than one that has been injected with plumping and toxic paralyzing injecTons. The results are easy to maintain and your face will most likely look more youthful than a face that has been arTficially en-­‐ hanced. 94

Finding Your Treasure Within “The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.” -Unknown By Diana Lynn I can’t go to lunch. I’m too busy. I can’t read that book. I’m too busy. I can’t work-­‐out. I’m too busy. I have too much work to do. The kids, the house, if I don’t take care of it who will? I caught myself daydreaming at work the other day. Not the good kind of daydreaming. The kind that says, “I’ve been wronged!” I’d just goren off the phone with a client. Was he rude? It felt like he was rude? Why did he talk to me like that? I don’t deserve that. Does he always do that? Who does that? Well, I don’t need him! … Why is every-­‐ one on my case today? I do everything for every-­‐ one and… Mid thought, I said out loud, “What are you do-­‐ ing?” Why are you wasTng your precious Tme thinking about this man? Then I started to wonder how much of my Tme is spent thinking about things that are out of my control and that frankly, don’t mean much in the grand scheme of my life. Was he rude? Yes, most likely. But really what can I do about it? How is spending the next 10 min-­‐ utes stewing on it going to help my day? Is it go-­‐ ing to make anything berer?

Those thoughts aren’t going to release anything good into the world and it certainly doesn’t im-­‐ prove my own world. How much energy is spent worrying about, dwelling on, remembering when…? Those negaTve thoughts creep in. And someTmes they are so present I don’t even think we hear them anymore. What are they doing to us? How are they affecTng our lives? As I run around (busy of course) trying to de-­‐ clurer my office, my junk drawer, and that closet that holds everything. The one thing I don’t ac-­‐ Tvely pracTce is to de-­‐clurer my mind. Cleanse it of the negaTve self talk. Cleanse it of the worry that is out of my control. Cleanse it of that lirle voice that says “You can’t!” I challenge you to become aware. Become aware of that lirle voice. What is it saying? Is it always on? Does it have anything nice to say? My lirle voice says, “Don’t look in the mirror or step on a scale.” It says, “You can’t relax you have to clean the house.” It says, “Everyone else is so together, what is wrong with you?” I will listen to that lirle voice all day. Could you imagine having a friend who talked to you like that? They probably wouldn’t be your friend for very long. But somehow I always perceive that lit-­‐ tle voice of mine as always right. 95

So I challenge you. If you have a lirle voice who isn’t very nice. I challenge you to stop listening. Tell that lirle voice to stop. Say stop out loud. Right then you have brought yourself into current awareness. Your mind isn’t just rambling on. You have control right there. You can fill your mind with something else. Just breathe. Just sit quietly for a moment. Look at the green trees, the blue sky, nature that surrounds you. Just observe your world. The kids playing in the yard. The dog sleep-­‐ ing in a sliver of sunshine on the grass. Just breathe. Listen, observe your world. The clurer in your mind will calm.

I say this as if it were easy to do. It’s not. It takes pracTce. And if you are anything like me as you pracTce your lirle voice will yell at you for not do-­‐ ing it right. But keep pracTcing. Learning to un-­‐ cover that sTllness in your mind is like finding bur-­‐ ied treasure. Stop anyTme that voice gets too loud. Stop any-­‐ Tme that voice takes over. Any Tme that voice says you can’t! Just stop, breathe, and say to yourself, “Yes, yes, I can.”




Dina Proctor

Featured Wellness Woman

Best Selling Author, MeditaTon Expert, InspiraTonal Speaker, Wellness Woman “You have to clean out what is not working first, ferAlize the mind, and then work on the new behaviors” MeditaTon is something I used to hear about a lot but never really tried it unTl about four years ago. Learning to meditate has opened up a whole new world for me and meditaTon has also brought some wonderful women in my life. Dina Proctor is one of those women. When I first met Dina I was struck with her enthusiasm and just plain HAPPI-­‐ NESS! Dina loves her life. That wasn’t always the case. About four years ago Dina had to make a de-­‐ cision to change her life significantly and went into a recovery program for alcohol addicTon. Through her self-­‐discovery and healing Dina found that meditaTng 3 minutes a day, 3 Tmes a day (her 3x3 MeditaTon) made a significant impact on her life. In the last four years, Dina has wriren a book, become an accomplished speaker about her expe-­‐ rience with addicTon recovery, and is now an expert in holisTc living. Even though Dina has ex-­‐ perienced all of this success as a result of her journey, she is sTll so humble and so REAL!! Her zest for living, and her renewed spirit and vitality is an inspiraTon…and infecTous!

Why do you think it is important for women to detoxify there lives? I think when we were born into this world we are born in a clean and balanced state. As we go through our lives we are exposed to many things

that aren’t supposed to be a part of us. We pick up “stuff” in our spirits that we aren’t supposed to pick up. Occasionally we need to stop and take stock. We need to check in with ourselves…a spiritual check in. We should ask ourselves, “What do I want to change? What do I need to change?”. We need to do an internal cleanup or spring clean-­‐ ing process. It should be natural and not dramaTc. Checking into see what is working and what is not working. Checking in to make sure you are in bal-­‐ ance…striving to achieve the balance you had when you first came to this earth.

What areas have you looked at when it comes to detoxifying your life? I take a look at my physical body. I look at the ex-­‐ tra toxins I may have feed my body. What I have eaten that isn’t the best. I exercise; I do what I need to do to get my body up to opTmum health. 97

I have learned to look at both my mental and emo-­‐ Tonal health. AddicTon recovery programs teach you to assess your past. To assess what’s working and not working. What isn’t feeling good; what be-­‐ liefs lead to depression and self soothing behavior. I was addicted to alcohol and spent a year going through addicTon recovery. What I learned in that program was that the outside circumstances I thought were making me drink had nothing to do with my addicTon to alcohol. It was something within me that needed to be fixed. I had to ana-­‐ lyze all my relaTonships and find out what my part in it was. I had to asses what my subconscious thoughts were in those relaTonships. It was at first overwhelming but then I thought this is great. If I created it (a problem, a challenge) I can change it!

What do you do to help women detoxify and change their lives? I work with women on whatever level they want. I am a mind, body, connecTon coach. For instance if a woman comes to me saying she is stressed out. I take a look at how that relates to her mind, body, spirit connecTon. I know that stress creates CorTsol, which can create bad eaTng habits (crav-­‐ ings of sugar and salt) which can create other is-­‐ sues such as chronic disease and obesity. I work with the mentality of helping people get in sync with their body. What type of movement is best, what foods are best, what other changes need to be made. I help women get in tone with their body and then help them to learn to listen and then honor the message they receive. Don’t override that message from your body. I also help women with changing their thought parerns and limiTng their beliefs. I help them get to the roots of their problems to create the physical and internal re-­‐ sults that they want.

What does detoxificaTon have to do with wellness of the mind, body and spirit? DetoxificaTon of your mind, body and spirit is just like moving into a new house. If you move into a new house and no one has arended the grounds you will need to remove some weeds. If you want to make a change in your life for the berer you first have to remove those things in your life that are toxic; that make your mind, body, spirit connec-­‐ Ton unwell. You can’t start planTng new stuff and not get rid of the bad stuff. All that work you did to improve the “grounds” around your “house” won’t be as beauTful and will eventually be choked by the weeds. We need to learn to quite the mind, be-­‐ fore posiTve thoughts can take root. All thoughts have emoTonal charges. No marer how minor the emoTonal charge it can sTll be disrupTve. You have to clean out what is not working first, ferTlize the mind, and then work on the new behaviors.

What kinds of toxicity have you removed from you life? How did it change your life? There isn’t an area where I haven’t removed tox-­‐ ins. I would change jobs every 8 months. Not something I would recommend (she laughs) When I did internal work I realized there was some-­‐ thing restless inside of myself. Now that I am healed and share this method (her 3x3 method meditaTon) it is very saTsfying. I was able to de-­‐ tox my beliefs… that I had to work in 3rd world countries and work for non-­‐profit in order to be fulfilled. Ager doing the work I realized this was not true. I also realized that I need to change what was going on with me and not worry about 98

changing the other person. Now I am very clear on who I am. I have learned to forgive and release all my resentment, all my unforgiveness and as re-­‐ sult I no longer arract the kind of people that have the kind of energy put me in a negaTve space. I removed all the old beliefs I had about food and let my body decide what I need to eat. What is amazing is I am in sync and eaTng in a healthier way. I feel so deeply saTsfied. I don’t have the cravings or desire to eat what isn’t good.

What is your definiTon of a Wellness Woman? A Wellness Woman is one who is consistently in touch with the voice of intuiTon, God, whatever you call that voice. When you feel inspired from the inside you will do something that is leading you to follow your dreams. You allow your inner being to lead you in a inspired way. A Wellness Woman is able to let go of fear and allow them to be led intuiTvely. Even if we don’t know the "why" as we follow that path we trust we are being led to our greater good. A Wellness Woman honors their intuiTon in every area their life and lives according to their intuiTon…living according to internal wis-­‐ dom and necessarily the wisdom of the world.

ing thousands of others improve their lives as well. Dina's 3x3 MeditaAon method is helping thou-­‐ sands to transform their personal and professional lives. Dina Proctor is best-­‐selling author of Madly Chas-­‐ ing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day and a life and business coach.. Aser hiang emoAonal rock-­‐boTom, she -­‐quite uninten-­‐ Aonally!-­‐ created a process called 3x3 MeditaAon (3 minutes, 3 Ames a day) that enabled her to transform every aspect of her life. From weight loss and banishing addicAve cravings to recon-­‐ strucAng relaAonships, this simple and yet incredi-­‐ bly effecAve method has gained the support of Jack Canfield and Dr. Bruce Lipton, and is now help-­‐ ing thousands of others improve their lives as well. Dina's 3x3 MeditaAon method is helping thou-­‐ sands to transform their personal and professional lives.

“Madly Chasing Peace:How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day” Order Here: hrp://www.amazon.com/Madly-­‐Chasing-­‐Peace-­‐H appy-­‐Minutes/dp/1614483027/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF Dina Proctor is best-­‐selling author of Madly Chas-­‐ 8&qid=1397941280&s ing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in Nine Minutes a Day and a life and business coach.. Aser Website: www.dinaproctor.com hiang emoAonal rock-­‐boTom, she -­‐quite uninten-­‐ Aonally!-­‐ created a process called 3x3 MeditaAon (3 minutes, 3 Ames a day) that enabled her to transform every aspect of her life. From weight loss and banishing addicAve cravings to recon-­‐ strucAng relaAonships, this simple and yet incredi-­‐ bly effecAve method has gained the support of Jack Canfield and Dr. Bruce Lipton, and is now help-­‐ 99


RelaTonship Detox Removing The Toxins Aser The BreakUp Dr. LaVerne Adams Okay, so here’s the deal! I was married for 26 years un(l my for-­‐ mer husband decided he wanted to be un-­‐ faithful. He was an excel-­‐ lent provider and aZer be-­‐ ing married for that long, I was not willing to give up that easily. AZer two years of pleading with him not to throw away our mar-­‐ riage, I filed for divorce and leZ with my dignity. I was unequivocally unwilling to share my husband with another woman. If you have ever been in a bad rela(onship, then you know how awful it is for you personally. AZer the breakup, you become paranoid… and even cynical. You become so untrus(ng. Your mind evens play tricks on you. You convince yourself that it is not pos-­‐ sible to ever be happy again even though you want it from the depths of your soul. You subconsciously avoid men like the plague and sabotage anything that looks like a real possibility. Right aZer my divorce, I believed that the best re-­‐ venge was to get involved in a great rela(onship right away just to prove that I was worthy of it. But that’s just not a good mo(va(on to fall in love. And although I secretly wanted to be involved in a good rela(onship, I had subconsciously given up hope that a las(ng rela(onship was even possible. Needless to say, in that state of grief, I was certainly ill-­‐equipped to make wise rela(onship, or any important decisions for that maFer.

When you are depressed, it is near impossible to make good choices because your vision is skewed. This trau-­‐ ma(c state is a type of blind-­‐ ness. But one day I saw the light. I realized that it was not God’s will for me to be blinded by biFerness or carry resentment for the rest of my life. Regardless of who had done what to me, I had to take respon-­‐ sibility, face my own pain...and deal with ME! Needless to say, this quest took years. Now before you start thinking that you don’t have that kind of (me, let me assure you that this is (me well spent. The saying “Time heals all wounds” is appropriate here. Some things just take (me and there is no get-­‐ (ng around it. So instead of blaming others for your misfortune do some soul searching regarding your responsibility in the rela(onship meltdown so that history does not repeat itself. More importantly, before you get into another rela-­‐ (onship, be sure you bring closure to the last one or you risk bringing the previous failures into your new-­‐ found happiness. This is why over 50% of all mar-­‐ riages end in divorce and almost 70% of all second marriages end similarly. The numbers are through the roof for third marriages at a staggering 75%. The reason is because the partners in the new marriage have not unloaded their baggage but simply unpack them in the next rela(onship. When you suffer from rela(onship trauma, the best thing that you can do is to take the necessary meas-­‐ 101

ures to detoxify the previous rela(onship poison from your heart. Forgiveness is key if you plan to heal and move on. You will need (me alone for self reflec(on so you will have to fight the emo(onal challenge of loneliness. Resist the tempta(on of just wan(ng to be “with” somebody. Trust your inner compass which warns you regarding dangerous encounters or you will pay a high price for it! Following your physical desires for some provisional company can leave you emo(on-­‐ ally bankrupt and maybe even worse off than when you started. This is a good (me to get your hormones under control and stop feeling and start thinking! Give yourself the valuable (me you need to get reac-­‐ quainted with yourself and rediscover what really makes you (ck. The best thing to do aZer a rela(onship breakdown is to develop a plan for personal transforma(on. A good strategy is to promise to take every opportunity to be true to yourself, nurture yourself, and love yourself. This will help you on your way to realize your rela(on-­‐ ship dream because before you can engage with an-­‐ other “whole” person, you must be “whole” yourself. Do not allow the pain of your past to contaminate the

fulfillment of your future. When I applied this strategy to my own life, I have come to the place where I am loving life. I am happier than I have ever been since the day I was born! And now it’s no wonder that I have more men interested in me than I could ever pos-­‐ sibly handle. I wrote about more helpful ways for you to transform your life in my book Driven By Des(ny: 12 Secret Keys to Unlock Your Future. Get your copy today at www.DrivenByDes(ny.com




Spring Clean Your Fridge What to leave behind to leap forward By Dr. Kathy Gruver In order to stay truly healthy there are a couple things I recommend eliminaTng. Though I talk frequently about my 80/20 theory on health, these are things I feel, for the most part, should be completely eliminated. GeneTcally modified foods or GMO's are perva-­‐ sive in our food supply. I believe they are danger-­‐ ous and yet to be properly tested on humans. Be-­‐ cause we are all biologically individual and have no idea what long term cumulaTve exposure will mean for us I think you should be taken out of our diets. The easiest way to avoid GMO's is to avoid processed and packaged food that is not la-­‐ beled organic. Corn, soy and coron are the most commonly geneTcally modified crops. This is corn in high fructose corn syrup and corn solids. Soy as

in soy protein and soybean oil. And coron as in coronseed oil. These are found in processed foods and sodas. These GM products are forming new proteins that some believe are causing an in-­‐ crease in our allergies. At the very least since we have started geneTcally modifying these crops we've seen an increase of pesTcide use of over 50,000,000 gallons. I don't personally want Roundup on my food. Having meat and poultry that is not organic is also exposing you to geneT-­‐ cally modified components in the form of the grains and feeds animals are being fed. Though the manufactures of these products claim they are safe, I just have to say stay away. In that same vein I recommend we avoid high fructose corn syrup. I do believe there is a direct link between its consumpTon and our rate of o103 be-­‐

sity. Evidence shows it may shut down lepTn pro-­‐ ducTon in our brain causing us to eat more. At the very least it has been geneTcally modified and indi-­‐ cates highly processed and cheaply made food. Stay away and use natural sweeteners. Which leads me to my next eliminaTon. Stay away from arTficial sweeteners like Splenda, sweet and low, and equal. These are not health foods and may be shumng down lepTn in the brain causing us to be heavier. A diet soda is not a health prod-­‐ uct. These components again indicate highly proc-­‐ essed food and have been linked to things like breathing issues, tumors, memory loss and head-­‐ aches. There are many natural sweeteners that you can use. I prefers stevia. Let's move onto beverages. As I just menToned soda is to be cut out. Diet or regular soda has no health benefits or beneficial properTes at all. It contains either high fructose corn syrup or arTfi-­‐ cial sweetener and caffeine is a problem for many people. And the darker sodas are high in phospho-­‐ rus. We need a small amount of phosphorus, but we are gemng a lot. And it competes for absorp-­‐ Ton with calcium and wins. So if you are a teenage girl or an older woman concerned about osteopo-­‐ rosis, know that the components in the soda are probably leaching calcium from your bones. There are many healthier beverage choices. Another beverage that I recommend we eliminate is milk. Cow's milk that is. Here are the reasons why. 1. We're the only species the drinks another species milk. 2. We are the only species the drinks milk ager we have been weaned from our mother. If those aren’t reason enough here some more: 3. Milk has been processed with homogenizaTon and pasteurizaTon. During those processes the milk is heated and any vitamins and minerals are de-­‐ stroyed. They then take a handful of supplements

and put them in the milk. Are they even usable to our bodies? 4. Ager the age of two many of us lose the enzymes required to digest milk proteins. Over 65% of the populaTon is lactose sensiTve. For those people that can sTll digest milk, they are actually the geneTc abnormaliTes. 5. Most milking cows are tricked into thinking they're constantly pregnant using high amounts of hormones. This leads to the udders becoming dam-­‐ aged or infected. Much of our milk contains traces of pus and blood. STll want to drink milk? Here's the last one. Milk contains high amounts of anTbi-­‐ oTcs and other growth hormones. We are seeing a huge issue with anTbioTc resistant bacteria in our society. And if they give the cows hormones to make them grow and get fat quicker what do they think that's can do to us? So, milk makes the leave behind list. So you’ve got to give up your milk so you head to soymilk. Sorry, I don't recommend that either. I think we are very over “soyed” in this society. Soy is a phytoestrogen and can exacerbate cancer is-­‐ sues in women who are hormone sensiTve. Also soy is highly processed and again, unless labeled organic, been geneTcally modified. Some soy is also processed with hexane, a component of gaso-­‐ line, which makes it breakdown quicker to process. STck to almond milk or hemp milk if you must put something in your morning coffee.

Well that does it. There are certainly other things I recommend to add and subtract for berer health but these are my top picks. Do the best you can to make the healthiest choices in your life. Take the best food and the best thoughts into your body and mind and see the benefits the healthy lifestyle can bring. 104

Woman of Wellness Wellness women know the importance about breast exam and annual pap-smear
 This is something we must do every year
 Vitamins, protein, rest, and exercise is now our new regiment 
 now we are living life as if it’s heaven sent
 Wellness of mind, body, and soul is better than pure gold.
 Wellness is like the morning sun that keep your world brighten
 As you stand tall with strength, meeting each challenge 
 You take life by leaps and bounds
 Never touching the ground
 Wellness Women strike your pose for you are
 the new picture of the fountain of health
 Nurturing your body is your wealth
 Inspiring other women by living by example Is my sample
 Wellness is something you can’t keep a secret 
 Because your results are beaming when you step into the world
 You embrace life with such a glow as you speak your words f low
 You become the champion of your own destiny
 By loving yourself so much
 treating our body
 Like we treat our vehicle
 We keep it tune up and give it all the things
 To keep on running, we take pride in life
 We love the temple of our vessels
 And we thank God by showing him we love ourselves
 By being the Women of Wellness 105

© Luella Hill-­‐Dudley

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