Wellspring Annual Report FY07

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wellspring Annual Report 2006–2007

2006–2007 Annual Report

Bernie Block, surrounded by family, funders, and friends of Wellspring cut the ceremonial ribbon, officially opening the David J. Block Center.

Mission Wellspring promotes the recovery of persons with severe and persistent mental illness through leadership in the development of quality housing and rehabilitative services.

Wellspring serves over 700 clients who have a variety of psychiatric illnesses. The organization operates 19 facilities, including 2 Crisis Stabilization Units, 2 Transitional Housing programs, 3 Supported Housing programs, and 62 units of deeply subsidized rental housing.

I n t h e 2 0 0 6 – 2 0 07 y e a r. . . Wellspring completed the development and construction of a second Crisis Stabilization Unit, the David J. Block Center. This project became a reality through a two-year $1,000,000 allocation from the Kentucky General Assembly for operational funding and a $50,000 grant from the David J. Block Foundation. Additionally, the Wellspring Board of Directors approved an outlay of $575,000 to complete the project, and developed a fundraising plan to recover the debt incurred. Wellspring’s Derby Preview Party ’07 broke records in both fundraising and attendance. In all, 430 guests helped raise $110,545 through this signature charity Derby event, which directly benefits the agency’s housing and supportive services. Wellspring’s unique “Bid for Recovery,” the

culmination of the event’s live auction, generated $22,000, as part of an overall 30% increase in the event’s revenues. The Wellspring Bridge Apartment project was successfully initiated. This undertaking is a collaboration between Wellspring, Bridgehaven and New Directions Housing, Inc. With funding secured from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Kentucky Housing Corporation’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and the Louisville Metro Government Department of Housing and Neighborhoods, completion of the project is anticipated by late 2008. Additional funding from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati is pending. Stock Yards Bank provided the construction loan for this energy efficient, low maintenance complex, which will provide homes for eight mentally ill adults. annual report 2006–2007

S e r v i c e Va l u e s

C o m m u n i t y Va l u e s

Recovery-Oriented Programming


Wellspring’s recovery-oriented programming is based on the premise that individuals with severe and persistent mental illness have the capacity to lead satisfying, contributing and meaningful lives. Wellspring’s history of success proves that the potential for recovery is optimized when stable housing is combined with a flexible, individualized support system.

Client-Centered Individualized Approach

Wellspring recognizes that all people are individuals with unique talents, skills and preferences. Therefore, at Wellspring, we respect and actively support people’s right to identify and pursue their own chosen goals.


Wellspring’s staffing assures support for client-centered programming by including social workers, art therapists, psychiatrists and peer support counselors. This approach recognizes that staff without professional degrees bring value to the team and contribute toward our clients’ recovery.

Our commitment to the delivery of effective, efficient services includes a commitment to public accountability in financial management, program practices and outcomes, business and employment practices and housing maintenance. As a result, the Kentucky Department of Mental Health’s review of Wellspring’s housing and services earned the agency an “exemplary” rating. Wellspring has also been cited as a model program in national reviews of residential service providers.


Wellspring is an integral part of Louisville’s response to the needs of persons with mental illness, and a leader in developing community-based, supportive housing solutions for this vulnerable population. Wellspring works in partnership with the Louisville Homeless Coalition, the Metro Housing Coalition, the Kentucky Mental Health Coalition, Seven Counties Services, and New Directions Housing Corporation. We are proud to be a member of the Metro United Way, and a participant on the Kentucky Housing Corporation’s State Housing Policy Advisory Committee.

Community-Based Board of Directors

H o u s i n g Va l u e s Community-Integrated

Wellspring’s housing is located in areas that are accessible to public transportation and to the comprehensive services and amenities that contribute to our residents’ recovery. Wellspring utilizes a low-density housing approach to avoid stigma and promote neighborhood integration.

Quality Construction & Maintenance

A priority for Wellspring is developing well-constructed, high-quality residential properties, and assuring consistent property maintenance. This value benefits our residents and neighborhoods, and furthers Wellspring’s management efficiency and capacity.

Neighborhood Enhancing

Wellspring believes in providing housing that complements and enhances existing neighborhood housing, and potentially enhances neighborhood property values. As a result, Wellspring has earned an historic preservation award from the Jefferson County Office of Historic Preservation. wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

Wellspring is governed by a volunteer board of directors that includes community leaders, mental health professionals and clients’ family members. In addition to their deep commitment to the agency, Wellspring’s board members offer strong leadership, provide needed skills, and contribute resources that help the agency fulfill its mission.

Fr o m t h e E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r “When you bring consciousness to anything, things begin to shift.” – Eve Ensler Increasing public consciousness about the hope for recovery from mental illness has always been central to the work of Wellspring. Our unique contribution to this effort has been in demonstrating that our clients truly can recover when effective treatment services are coupled with decent, stable, and affordable housing. We hope that after reading this annual report of Wellspring’s accomplishments, that you will be moved to join our efforts to bring about a continued, positive shift in public response toward those Wellspring serves. In order to achieve such change, we all must work to reduce the ignorance and stigma towards those who have biological disorders of the brain. We all must push to achieve funding for mental illness rehabilitation and recovery services at levels commensurate with those for physical and developmental disabilities. For example, as you read about the opening of the David J. Block Center for Psychiatric Crisis Stabilization, you will note that the development of this program was not the product of an inevitable social force. This service came into being

due to a change in consciousness about the critical need for serving persons who are in psychiatric crisis, and of the opportunity to do so most effectively and affordably in a community-based setting. Our friend, Bernie Block, was the catalyst in this consciousness raising process, but it took the shared vision and involvement of many others, as well, to make the dream a reality. Throughout this report, you will read about Wellspring’s mix of generous donors, our dedicated volunteers and staff, and our vital funding partners, all of whom have contributed to the measurable, recovery-oriented improvements Wellspring has achieved in the lives of our clients. Through their individual and collective efforts, they contribute to raising public consciousness that all those who face the challenges of mental illness deserve effective treatment and a decent place to live and call home. We hope that as you read this report, you will be challenged to consider how you can help our community further shift its attitudes and resources towards achieving this vision.

Stephen C. Perkins Executive Director

annual report 2006–2007

Opening t he David J. Block Center The highlight of 2006 for Wellspring was the day we learned that Bernie Block’s advocacy with the Kentucky legislature had paid off with the approval for the funding of a second crisis stabilization unit. Bernie had done the heavy lifting with the legislature through the telling of his family’s heartbreaking story of what can happen when there are not enough resources to meet the needs of persons in acute psychiatric crisis. With the primary funding approved, the theme for FY ‘07 became the planning and the developing of the David J. Block Center. We knew there was a need for more crisis stabilization beds in our community, as we were frequently turning people away from our existing CSU due to it being full. Our occupancy rate was at a record high, and our outcome measures demonstrated that the program was significantly helping clients. In order to begin the planning for the program, we felt we needed to hear from our community partners about ways in which this new resource could best serve the broader system needs. We interviewed a diverse group of people whom we identified as “stakeholders” and reviewed the customer feedback from those who had used the service. We spoke with leadership and direct care staff from Seven Counties Services, Emergency Psychiatric Services at U of L Hospital, NAMI-KY (National Alliance on Mental Illness), Bridgehaven, and the University of Louisville Department of Psychiatry. We recorded and analyzed all interviews. We received a lot of helpful feedback and essentially universal praise for our existing CSU. The most repeated “criticism” was that there simply were not enough beds to meet the needs. Fortunately, that complaint has been addressed through the opening of the David J. Block Center; we have now 16 crisis stabilization beds available to those in need. Below are some representative comments we received about the strengths of our model: • “Many in psychiatric emergency/urgency respond better to a homelike environment v. institutional milieu.” • “ Visiting hours [offer more] flexibility for families [than hospital]” • “ It seems to be our staff’s first choice” • “ It is less disruptive [than a hospital] to the individual’s life” • “ The CSU is a very valuable service, it makes our community safer and healthier” • “ I honestly think they might have a chance of getting better care at the CSU, at least from a psychotherapeutic standpoint.” • “ The quality of care – clients get to see a doctor every day, except weekends” wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

• “Staff to patient ratio is better at the CSU than [at the] hospital” • “The CSU will take a shorter amount of time to stabilize and will be less stressful because the environment is more homelike, gentle, [and] personalized than the hospital” • “One thing I think is really cool is that I see people who have been discharged from the hospital all the time back in the ER, and I almost never see anybody who’s just gotten out of the CSU, so obviously there’s something going on there.” • “I’m just really happy with the way patients come back out of the CSU with some skills, some coping mechanisms; they feel like they’ve done something instead of just spent time” • “It’s a less costly alternative to the hospital” As a result of our stakeholder interviews, we formed a CSU Advisory Committee. This committee, comprised of several stakeholders, a Wellspring board member, and several Wellspring staff members, provides a means to keep communication flowing and maintain services that truly meet the needs of our constituents. We look forward to continuous learning, both from our clients and our stakeholders, so that we can provide the highest quality services possible.

Katharine Dobbins, MSSW, LCSW Associate Director and Director of Programs

W e l l s p r i n g B o a r d L e a d s t h e Wa y

Alan K. MacDonald

Larry Mehler

For 25 years, Wellspring has been striving to improve the lives of individuals with mental illness in our community. We just completed a noteworthy year in which Wellspring increased the number of clients it can support by more than 75%. However, this still represents only a small portion of the need in our community. In early July, Wellspring put the finishing touches on its newly constructed David J Block Center. This will double the number of persons in crisis that we will serve each year.

In the coming year, we will be adding ten more leased housing units, and plan to begin construction on another 8-unit facility to increase the permanent housing we provide by 20%. So, with projects just completed and underway, we look to increase the number of persons served from about 420 to 738 in the space of just one year. Think of the beneficial change, the enhanced quality of life, the hope and recovery that our growth and added services will offer for these additional 338 persons! We know that there are many, many more persons with severe mental illness in our community who do not get adequate services. Wellspring and its Board of Directors are determined to change that – by building on our proven model for providing services for mental health treatment and recovery, and by continuing our controlled growth so that more people who need it can receive our help. The Wellspring Board is changing, too. Our Board members, other than our founders, are limited to a 6-year term, after which they must rotate off for at least a year. We want to extend our grateful thanks to Greg Hoeck and Laura Moore, who have just rotated off the Board. These two have been, and continue to be, loyal supporters of Wellspring – they are an inspiration to the rest of us. And, we extend a warm welcome to our new Board members, Bill Friel, Cissy Mills and Sanford Fleck – thanks for joining us. The entire Board is committed to helping Wellspring change and evolve so that we can serve our clients well and give them hope for rehabilitation and recovery. In the words of the philosopher Yogi Berra, “The future ain’t what it used to be.” At Wellspring, we think that’s a good thing.

Larry Mehler Board Chair 2006/07

Alan K. MacDonald Board Chair 2007/08

Welcome to the Board of Directors Bill Friel is President and Principal Broker for ABG Realtors, the company he co-founded in 2004. ABG Realtors is a full service, real estate brokerage comprised of twentyfive licensed professionals with interests in Residential, Commercial and Property Management. Advanced Business Group was created as an avenue for realtors to work in a smaller office atmosphere with an emphasis on the team approach. A native of Rochester, New York, Bill developed three businesses related to the furniture industry with his wife, Kelly, before moving to Louisville. Outside of the office, he enjoys pursuing marksmanship, golf, tennis, and skiing with Kelly and their three sons. Bill’s extensive experience and knowledge of real estate and property management will be of great value in his role on the Wellspring Housing Committee. We look forward to Bill Friel playing a vital role in helping to shape the future of Wellspring. Sanford L. Fleck joined the Wellspring Board of Directors in September. Mr. Fleck is an executive with Crowe Chizek & Company, the eighth largest CPA firm in the United States. Mr. Fleck works mainly in the area of business development and strategy in Kentucky. He serves on the local office management group and manages professionals in five states, in addition to other firm-wide responsibilities. Sanford has served on the board of Junior Achievement for the last ten years, and is a recipient of the Business First “Forty Under 40” awards. In his free time, Mr. Fleck enjoys practicing hot yoga and playing golf. Sanford is very enthusiastic about helping to make a difference at Wellspring. He immediately accepted a position on the Finance Committee, and recruited his wife, Melissa, as a member of Wellspring’s ’08 Derby Preview Party Committee. A true community leader, Cissy Mills brings a wealth of experience to her new position as a Wellspring board member. Cissy has a served in a number of capacities in support of the City of Louisville including the Department of Public Works, the Louisville Free Public Library, the Department of Employee Relations, and the Office of Economic Development. She worked to advance education in our area as a consultant with Community Education, Inc. and as a Resource Developer for the Jefferson County Schools. As the former owner of FoxMills Inc., an import business, Cissy knows how to run a business, and understands the issues small business owners face. As a board member for Kids Voting Metro Louisville and Kids Voting Kentucky, Cissy works to educate young people about the importance of being actively involved in their communities. Upon joining the Wellspring Board of Directors, Cissy immediately accepted a leadership role with Wellspring’s ’08 Derby Preview Party, where her skills and experience will be most welcome! annual report 2006–2007

Steve: Life is a Journey, Not a Destination

Angela Has Arrived!

“I owe the better moments in my life to the fact that Wellspring was there…”

By the time Angela came to Ardery House her marriage had ended, and she had lost her housing. The underlying symptoms of her illness surfaced in response to major life changes that are difficult for anyone to live through, let alone an individual dealing with symptoms of psychosis. Her paranoia increased; Angela became convinced she was being followed and tormented by her ex-husband. She was unable to manage the basics of self-care, her diabetes and other physical health issues. Angela’s most recent stay at Wellspring’s Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) was the last episode in twenty-two years of treatment, which included seven hospitalizations and numerous previous CSU stays.

Steve was 24 and living on his own in California when, over the course of just 4 or 5 days “I started feeling really anxious all the time. I couldn’t sleep, I didn’t feel like eating. I had to be hospitalized.” Steve recalls. “It wasn’t until years later that I learned about how schizophrenia brings about chemical imbalances in the brain. I realized that was just what if felt like – a sudden and insurmountable sense of being out of balance. It’s still a mystery as to why…” For Steve, “The world just stopped meeting my expectations about what I thought would be my future.” After years of struggling with living on his own, Steve returned to Kentucky where he had the support of his parents and brothers and sisters. “I probably wouldn’t have made it without them, I was pretty lost at the time.” Steve adds. He sought help from a number of places, “And then, my sister found out about Wellspring, and they completely turned my illness around.” Steve was one of the first residents at Ardery House. “I got my medicines stabilized, starting eating and sleeping regularly, and was able to concentrate again. The peer support was especially important to helping me to get back into the community.” Steve found that learning to set realistic goals and conscientiously following through with them helped him learn to manage his illness. This, in turn, helped heal the self-doubt that had come to plague him. “There were times when I was younger that I just wanted to go get on a Greyhound bus, or go grab a seat on an airplane to dodge things, to be kind of a fugitive to myself. I don’t feel that anymore.” Learning how to recognize symptoms and deal with them responsibly leads to learning a lot about yourself as an individual, Steve has found. “And that is how a person really learns to live in a community and find friends. It is wonderful to be able to communicate with people who are committed to working on the problem of mental illness and are actively organizing to solve the problems they have faced because of it.” Steve reflected, and then added, “Continuing my work has helped me learn a lot of patience, and has given me a lot of satisfaction. And I have Wellspring to thank for so much of that.”

wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

Adjusting to Ardery House did not come easily for Angela. Episodes of paranoia required several trips to the CSU before establishing a medication regimen that could effectively reduce her paranoia and banish her auditory hallucinations. But once an appropriate plan of medication began, Angela adopted a daily structure and for sixteen months she was a pleasant contributor to the milieu at Ardery House. She was active in Ardery House groups and attended a clubhouse program six days a week. With the assistance of the Ardery House staff, she learned to manage her health care and participated in follow-up care. When Angela was ready for a more independent living arrangement, she chose to move into one of Wellspring’s supported apartments where Wellspring’s Community Support Coordinator would be available for her. Angela felt fortunate that the two-bedroom apartment meant she could have a roommate, as she still became symptomatic when isolated for too long. Angela worked with the Support Coordinator and Seven Counties’ treatment team to develop independent living goals and identify the areas in which she would need continued intensive support. She still attends Pyramid House, a therapeutic rehabilitation program, where she thoroughly enjoys working in the clubhouse and gift shop, answering the phone, and preparing meals with friends. It took a year, but once an old friend from Ardery House moved into the apartment, the positive effect for Angela was immediate. When their Wellspring Support Coordinator, Lauren Garrison, stops in “I witness what a home the two of them have made together,” she says. “The women support one another, and love sharing the joys of community life.” Angela is teaching her roommate new life skills such as how to ride the bus, and where to find things in their neighborhood. She is proud to pass on these things that she worked so hard to learn. Perhaps most important of all, Angela has reconnected with her daughter and her aunts. Friends and family, and a place to call home… Angela’s found peace, at last.

Meet the “CEO of Dylan Enterprises”

Diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 17, Dylan recounts how he started hearing voices, and how, as the voices grew louder and louder, his behavior became increasingly bizarre. In one of his early episodes he was told he’d never be cured. That bleak prospect devastated him and overshadowed his recovery for a long while. Dylan underwent numerous hospitalizations – at least 10, he recalls. “At one point I thought I’d never see the outside again…that the voices would never go away.” He felt overwhelmingly hopeless “to the point that sometimes I just wanted to die.” Eventually, he was able to find a medication plan that worked for him and that he could stay compliant with. “That’s when I could finally connect with the staff at Central State Hospital. With their help and encouragement I came to see there could be life after mental illness.” Dylan got into a dual-diagnosis program, learned the AA program, and came to understand his diagnosis.

“I’ve done it all,” says Dylan. “From the CSU, to Ardery House, and finally to Crescent Court. I’ve progressed to where I can see myself in a good light. I know now that abnormal is normal for someone with schizophrenia, but that can be ok!” Now 4 ½ years later, Dylan is able to adhere to his prescribed medical routine, and has found stability through a program developed specifically to meet his needs. Dylan stresses, however, he had a hard time getting to this point. “I had to learn to understand how to use these tools to fix a broken life, to be able to make sense of all I went through.” But the struggle has brought great rewards. “Now I’m able to keep a positive attitude toward my journey. I’ve learned to express anger thoughtfully, and I’ve learned to have tolerance for failure – my own and others’.” He adds, “Even more importantly, now I can accept and appreciate my successes.” Dylan also feels strongly that being honest with yourself and with others is key to successful relationships. He reflects, “because of all this work, I am close again to my father, and that means so much to me.” Dylan considers his to be a great success story. “At one point, I wasn’t able to even begin to think there could be a future for me. But what I got from CSH, AA, and Wellspring rooted me. It’s like giving water to a tree so it can develop the deep roots it needs to sustain its life and to flourish.” “Life is nice here. The house is beautiful; everyone tries hard to take care of it. I know I need the stability that it offers. I have my job at Goodwill Industries, and, in time I’d like to work with kids, somehow be a leader. I take time to enjoy the music that I love – Yanni is one of my favorites. And I love good food – not so much cooking it, but I love eating it!” “It may not be on the level of Donald Trump’s, but my success is special. Now I can think of myself as the CEO of Dylan Enterprises – and that is a very special success that I am very proud of!

annual report 2006–2007

Wa y s t o G i v e t o W e l l s p r i n g

A broad range of giving options allows you to achieve your personal financial goals while supporting the important work of Wellspring. Gifts of any size are appreciated - every gift makes a difference! Annual Campaign A year-round fundraising effort, this campaign helps sustain Wellspring’s programs and facilities by covering costs not met by grants and contracts. Endowments Endowment gifts help assure the stability of Wellspring’s future. Endowment investment income supports special program needs and covers extraordinary facility expenses, while the base of the gift continues to grow. Gifts Of Appreciated Assets Many people donate appreciated assets rather than cash because they receive the same tax deduction but avoid capital gains and transfer fees. Stocks, bonds, real estate, and other such assets make excellent gifts to Wellspring, especially if they have increased in value since acquired. The current market value may be used as a tax deduction without incurring capital gains. wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

Life Insurance Policies A policyholder may realize significant tax savings as a result of naming Wellspring as owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy. The value of the policy and annual premium payments may be tax deductible. Planned Giving Immediate recognition is provided to donors who inform us that they have made revocable or irrevocable planned gifts. To qualify, do one of the following: • Name Wellspring as a beneficiary in your will. • Name Wellspring as a beneficiary of a trust. • Establish a Charitable Trust naming Wellspring as a beneficiary. • Name Wellspring as beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Matching Gifts Many employers offer a matching gifts program that extends the value of their employees’ generosity. Check to see if your employer will help you help Wellspring in this way! No matter what method works best for your personal situation, Wellspring’s Executive Director or Development Director are willing to assist you in making an appropriate and effective gift. Please call us at (502) 637-4361, ext. 11 or 12, for answers to your charitable giving questions.

G u i d e

t o

S e r v i c e s

Wellspring’s Mission


History and Growth

Services Array

To promote the recovery of persons with mental illness through leadership in the development of quality housing and rehabilitation services. Since it began in 1982, Wellspring has developed 7 staffed, residential programs and 12 community-based independent housing sites. Most of the housing is in Jefferson County; however, services have expanded to surrounding counties.

Service Fees

Costs for Wellspring’s programs and housing rentals vary according to site. However, all charges are based on a sliding fee scale.


An underlying premise of Wellspring’s work is the belief that when persons with mental illness have the stability and dignity of housing, then the work of psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery can begin. Recovery for persons with psychiatric illness does not mean cure; it means developing a satisfying, hopeful and contributing life despite the presence of mental illness. Recovery is a unique process for each person, and local communities must respond with an array of options to meet individual clients’ needs and preferences.

Wellspring operates with a staff of over 100 professionals and paraprofessionals who serve over 700 clients in Jefferson and Shelby counties annually. The organization operates 19 facilities including two Crisis Stabilization Units, two Transitional Housing programs, three Supported Housing programs and 62 units of deeply subsidized rental housing (apartments and single-family homes) for persons with a psychiatric illness.


Wellspring is a multi-faceted agency. In addition to providing program and housing services, Wellspring performs all phases of housing development including planning, site location, arranging financing, and construction contracting. We take great pride in developing safe, attractive and affordable housing that improves both our neighborhoods, and the lives of our clients. In the area of program development, we continuously work to train staff in the recognized best practice methods identified by researchers in the field of mental illness. Our training emphasizes the best practices for serving individuals with co-occurring mental illness and substance use disorders, since a large percentage of our clients are diagnosed with both illnesses. guide to services 2006–2007

Crisis Stabilization Units The goal of the Crisis Stabilization Unit programming is to assist clients who are in an acute phase of their mental illness to achieve psychiatric stabilization and avoid hospitalization. Wellspring’s two CSU sites, the Gaines Center CSU and the David J. Block Center, provide a total of 16 crisis stabilization beds. This program serves persons who are experiencing acute symptoms of mental illness, such as severe depression, mania, or symptoms of psychosis. This is the only Wellspring program that does not require a severe and persistent mental illness diagnosis to be eligible for services. Rather, the primary criterion for admission is that the individual is experiencing a psychiatric crisis. While at the CSU, clients receive intensive treatment, close monitoring with high levels of staff support, and medications prescribed by a psychiatrist. Multi-disciplinary Staff includes: • Full-time Psychiatrist • 7 Mental Health Clinicians • 2 Expressive Therapists • 24-hour staff double coverage • Peer Support staff • 24/7 Clinical and Psychiatric On-call Services Wellspring has developed a centralized referral and admission process for the CSU Program. Referrals for both sites are received through calling (502) 561-1072. Gaines Center CSU

The Gaines Center Crisis Stabilization Unit, which opened in 1995, was the first residential communitybased crisis unit developed in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Until Wellspring opened the David J. Block Center, it remained as this region’s only such program. The Gaines Center CSU received the prestigious Philip P. Ardery Award to honor ten years of urgent, ongoing psychiatric care and treatment in a community setting from the Mental Health Association of Kentucky in 2005. The Gaines Center CSU houses eight men and women at a time, in a homelike setting situated at the edge of downtown Louisville. Admissions are accepted seven days a week. The average length of stay is eight days. Of the 321 clients served in FY 2007: • 97% were treated without the need for hospitalization • 92% experienced a decrease in psychiatric symptoms between time of admission and discharge • 71% were diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness; 40% had a co-occurring substance use diagnosis wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

Gaines Center CSU Staff Beth Schweichler, CSW Clinical Supervisor schweichlerb@wellspring-house.org Montae Kaufman Program Manager kaufmanm@wellspring-house.org Michael Markham, MEd Mental Health Clinician markhamm@wellspring-house.org Andrea Grigsby, CSW Mental Health Clinician grigsbya@wellspring-house.org Carol A. Miles, MEd Expressive Therapist milesc@wellspring-house.org C. Michael Houk, MD Medical Director/Psychiatrist David J. Block Center CSU Opened in July 2007, the David J. Block Center provides an additional eight crisis stabilization beds, which doubled Wellspring’s previous capacity. Like the Gaines Center program, the Block Center is situated downtown Louisville and serves both men and women. Admissions are accepted seven days a week. Referrals are received through the centralized admissions number: (502) 561-1072. David J. Block Center CSU Staff Amy Hill, LCSW Clinical Supervisor hilla@wellspring-house.org Kahlil Baker, BA Program Coordinator bakerk@wellspring-house.org Heather Marcus, CSW Mental Health Clinician marcush@wellspring-house.org Anne Brickle, MA Mental Health Clinician bricklea@wellspring-house.org Valerie C. McCarthy, MA, ATR-BC Expressive Therapist mccarthy@wellspring-house.org Lisa Sheehan, CSW Mental Health Clinician sheehanl@wellspring-house.org

Tr a n s i t i o n a l H o u s i n g Ardery House

Ardery House opened in 1982 as Wellspring’s first site. Its name honors our founding board chair, Philip P. Ardery. The goal of the program is to assist persons who are leaving the hospital and/ or experiencing homelessness to achieve independent living. All persons served are diagnosed with mental illness; nearly half of these also have a co-occurring substance abuse disorder. Ardery House provides 13 men and women with room, board, life-skills training, recreational activities, case management, and individual and group therapy. Residents have an eightmonth average stay. 30 residents were served in FY 2007: • 100% of graduates moved into housing of their choice • 82% of graduates experienced a statistically significant decrease in psychiatric symptoms. Ardery House Staff T. Patrick Rhodes, LCSW Clinical Supervisor rhodesp@ wellspring-house.org Ericha Blakeman, BA Program Coordinator blakemane@wellspring-house.org Nicole Linton, CSW Social Worker lintonn@wellspring-house.org Karen S. Head, MD Consulting Psychiatrist Telephone: (502) 637-4361 x19 Fax: (502) 637-4490 Journey House

Fifty percent of persons with severe mental illness are dually diagnosed with a substance abuse disorder. As a result, they have increased symptoms of mental illness, more frequent relapses, less treatment follow-through, more homelessness and victimization, more involvement with the courts and jails, and revolving-door hospitalizations. In December 1998, Wellspring opened Journey House as an attempt to better address the needs of Louisville’s dually diagnosed, homeless women who were falling through the cracks of a service system not set up to treat their illnesses simultaneously. The goal of Journey House is to provide support for homeless women with co-occurring diagnoses of severe mental illness and substance abuse disorders.

Frequently, these women have also been victims of violence, and have typically experienced multiple failures in treatment and independent living prior to coming to Journey House. Journey House is the first residential program in Kentucky specifically designed to serve this population. Staff is trained in both mental illness and substance abuse treatment, and the program is structured to provide extensive support to eight residents as they struggle with the issues of recovery from both illnesses. The average length of stay is nine months for graduates. 16 homeless women were served in FY 2007: • 100% of graduates experienced a statistically significant decrease in psychiatric symptoms • 100% of graduates were sober, with an average of 14 months of sobriety • 100% of graduates went on to housing of their choice Journey House Staff Cutia W. Brown, LCSW Clinical Supervisor brownc@wellspring-house.org Kathy Kelton, BS Program Coordinator kkelton@wellspring-house.org Ya-Hsin Hsiao, MEd, LPCA Mental Health Clinician hsiaoy@wellspring-house.org Telephone: (502) 561-0003 Fax: (502) 561-9086

Supported Housing Wellspring operates three supported housing programs which enable participants who have extensive histories of psychiatric hospitalization to live successfully in the community. There is no limit on the length of time a resident may live in these houses. Broadway House, which opened in 1986, is located in the Phoenix Hill neighborhood. It is home to eight men who live in a congregate environment. Concord Apartments, in the Hikes Point area, opened in 1987, and provides housing for eight women in four two-bedroom apartments. Crescent House is the latest addition to Wellspring’s supported housing program; this single-family home for three men recently celebrated its fourth anniversary. Staff complement includes: • Master’s level clinical social workers • Consulting psychiatrist • R esidential staff coverage (variable according to clients’ needs) • 24-hour on-call clinical staff Of the 19 residents served in 2007: • On average, there was a 94% reduction in days of psychiatric hospitalization compared to the year before entering these programs guide to services 2006–2007

Statement of Financial Posit ion June 30, 2007


Cash and Cash Equivalents Grants and Accounts Receivable Endowments Other Assets Property and Equipment, Net Total Assets

Rounded $ 651,000 $ 397,000 $ 383,000 $ 284,000 $ 3,049,000 $ 4,764,000

4% 2% 5% 7% 7%

Liabilities and Net Assets

Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 133,000 Accrued Expenses $ 156,000 Other Current Liabilities $ 11,000 Mortgage Notes Payable $ 1,285,000 Total Liabilities $ 1,585,000 Net Assets Unrestricted $ 2,308,000 Temporatily restricted $ 493,000 Permanantly restricted $ 378,000 Total Net Assets $ 3,179,000




Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 4,764,000

Statement of Activit y Year Ended June 30, 2007


11% 5%


Federal, State & Local Government Grants Apartment Rentals Resident Services Contributions Special Events Metro United Way Other Revenues Total Revenue


63% $ 1,870,000 12% $ 360,000 7% $ 209,000 7% $ 194,000 5% $ 152,000 4% $ 118,000 2% $ 66,000 100% $ 2,969,000



Client Services and Supported Housing 83% $ 2,355,000 Management and general 11% $ 323,000 Fundraising 5% $ 143,000 Total Expenses (Includes $156,000 depreciation) 100% $ 2,821,000 Current Year Increase in Net Assets $ 148,000 annual report 2006–2007

• 100% of the clients at Broadway, Concord and Crescent House are involved in community-based activities; 47% of the clients are employed on a part-time basis. Broadway House Staff Cresant Smith, LCSW Clinical Supervisor smithc@wellspring-house.org Jerry Booth, BA Program Coordinator boothj@wellspring-house.org Telephone: (502) 589-3432 Concord Apartments Staff Cresant Smith, LCSW Clinical Supervisor smithc@wellspring-house.org Vicky Nallia Program Coordinator nalliav@wellspring-house.org Telephone: (502) 499-2278 Fax: (502) 499-2278 Crescent House Staff Trudy North-Wollak, LCSW Clinical Supervisor wollakt@wellspring-house.org Alvin Streible Program Coordinator streiblea@wellspring-house.org Telephone: (502) 897-6993

Independent Housing Wellspring provides 62 units of deeply subsidized rental housing for persons with severe and persistent mental illnesses. These tenants have very limited incomes; many would be homeless or live in substandard housing without this resource. This housing is coupled with appropriate support services from Wellspring and Seven Counties Services to provide tenants a permanent home base for their journey of recovery. Wellspring housing units are varied in type and location, allowing consumers to choose the best fit for their needs. While most of Wellspring’s housing is spread geographically throughout Jefferson County, the agency also has one four-unit residence located in Shelby County, in the Shelbyville area. Leasing for tenants is on an open-ended basis. New this year was a leased-housing initiative which provides supportive services to residents who had been chronically homeless. 70 adults and their children were served in 2007, including several families: • 95% of tenants have successfully maintained their housing for a year or more • Less than a 5% annual vacancy rate was attained throughout 2007 wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

Patrick Henry Apartments 8 units in southern Jefferson County, 1992

Amity Apartments 12 units in west Louisville, 1989

Clover Hill Apartments 8 units in Shively, 1993

Youngland Apartments 5 units in Shively, 1995

Shelbyville Apartments 4 units in Shelby County, 1999

Murray Avenue Apartments 4 units in the Highlands neighborhood, 2002

Baxter Avenue Apartments 4 units in the Phoenix Hill neighborhood, 2004

Single-family housing 3 single-family homes near downtown Louisville (1989-2002)

Wellspring Apartments 12 units in Old Louisville, 1987

A S p e c i a l T h a n k Yo u t o O u r G e n e r o u s D o n o r s Wellspring thanks each of the thoughtful individuals, groups, foundations, and corporations who have generously supported our work through donations, sponsorships and grants from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. Every effort has been made to ensure listing accuracy. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions. We would appreciate hearing from our readers with any corrections. Please contact the Development Office at (502) 637-4361, X 12.

Legacy Society

(Wellspring honors donors who have informed us of future gifts.) Ethel H. O’Brien Designated Fund Cornelia Serpell

Chairman’s Foundation (Gifts over $1,000)

Dr. Sarah Acland AEGON Dr. Melissa T. Barrett Mr. Bernard F. Block David J. Block Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brown Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Bonnie Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Boyd Mr. & Mrs. John Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Diebold Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Dobbs Mrs. Alice S. Etscorn Mr. George Fabe & Mary Bruce Cobb Mr. & Mrs. William V. Faris Ms. Jean W. Frazier Ms. Mary Louise Graff Mr. John Hill Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hoeck Icore Healthcare LLC Dr. Raju Mantena The Johnston Family Foundation Mr. Lawrence R. Johnston The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Community Foundation of Louisville Ethel H. O’Brien Designated Fund Mr. & Mrs. Alan K. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Mehler Mr. James G. Metcalfe

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mills Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Jackson C. Mullins, II Dr. & Mrs. Alton E. Neurath, Jr. Zoeller Company Mr. Mitchell Palmer Dr. & Mrs. Gary E. Pennington Mr. George W. Rapp, Jr. The Rite Aid Foundation Publishers Printing Co, Inc. The Sumner Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John S. Greenebaum Mr. & Mrs. Bosworth M. Todd, Jr. Ms. Susan Tolliver & Robin Edwardsen Mr. & Mrs. Elmore A. Willets, III Noah S. Wyle Foundation

Leadership Circle

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Kulp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Malcom Mathews, Jr. Mr. Stephen L. McMillan Hon. & Mrs. Henry Meigs The Oxley Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John C. Oxley Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon M. Rein Dr & Mrs. Richard D. Rink Mr. & Mrs. James M. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Ted Routt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sales Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sanders Mrs. Emilie Strong Smith Mr. & Mrs. Franklin F. Starks, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James L. Sublett Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Sims, Jr. Drs. Richard & Jackie Swigart Mr. & Mrs. Jefferey Yussman



G.E. Foundation Sidney Anderson Foundation, Inc. Mr. Roberto Bajandas Mrs. Edith S. Bingham Ms. Lauren Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clark Ms. Kathy Cox Mr. & Mrs. James Dailey Mr. & Mrs. Roger Dalton Mr. Bob Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Fischer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gathright Kroger Food Stores Lawrence & Marion Harrell Haag Mr. Francis C. Hagan Mr. John Hillerich, IV Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Church Mr. & Mrs. John Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. David A. Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Ardery Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Ardery Mr. James Jeremy Ballard Mr. Jeff Brohm Dr. & Mrs. David Allen Casey Ms. Lee Cochran Ms. Patricia Cummings Mrs. Katherine E. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Kuhn Ms. Nancy Lampton Mr. Nicholas J. Lanning Ms. Diane M. Laughlin & Mr. Charles Russell Neill Arthur J. Lerman Charitable Foundation Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Lerman Honorable Pierce Lively Mrs. Augusta Wallace Lyons

wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery


Ms. Nancy D. Mason & Mr. David T. Richardson Mr. Hugh Overcash Mr. Andrew C. Rapp Mr. John M. Robertson Ruxer Foundation Mr. Robert K. Ruxer Ann Sawyer Design Mr. & Mrs. Art Sponsler, Jr. Mr. Jack Trawick & Ms. Patti Clare Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Ueltschy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vaughn Ms. Jane Walsh & Mr. Chris Harrell Dr. John C. Wright, II

Sustainer ($100-199)

United Way of Central Indiana, Inc. Ms. Lynn Allen Mr. & Mrs. Nolen C. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Applegate Dr. & Mrs. John P. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Benovitz Mr. Neville Blakemore, Jr. & Gray Henry Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Bordogna, Sr. Mr. Greg Brohm Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Brohm Mr. & Mrs. David C. Brown Mr. H. Alexander Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carrithers Mr. & Mrs. William F. Chandler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Chessler Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Clark Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Collins Mr. & Mrs. John J. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Davis, Jr. The Hon. Deborah DeWeese Ms. M. Jean Deye

Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Doll Dr. Frank M. Gaines Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Gootee Mr. & Mrs. George Hersch Mr. & Mrs. John D. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Hilliker Mrs. Irma M. Hirsch Mr. William G. Howard The Rev. & Mrs. Richard H. Humke Mr. & Mrs. John A. Johnson Dr. Hunt B. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kirksey Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Kmetz Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Levy Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Long Dr. Nicole Luddington Mr. & Mrs. R. Fairleigh Lussky Mr. Eddie Maamry & Ms. Joanne Maamry Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Marcum, Sr. State Rep. Mary Lou K. Marzian & Mr. William F. Marzian Ms. Jane Bell McKune Dr. & Mrs. Alexander H. Moore Ms. Barbara Moore Mr. & Mrs. James E. Mostofi Mr. & Mrs. Gouverneur H. Nixon, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Nohalty Mr. & Mrs. John C. Oxley Mr. & Mrs. George Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Arthur C. Peter Ms. Elizabeth Poindexter Mr. & Mrs. John S. Poole Ms. Anne L. Pope Ms. Suzy Post Mr. Stephen R. Reily Ms. Emily S Bingham Dr. & Mrs. Barton H. Reutlinger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Roehrig III Ms. Mary S. Sachs Ms. Ellen H. Shapira Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shu Lt. Col. & Mrs. Philip C. Sprawls Mr. & Mrs. Jeff G. Tafel Mrs. Alice D. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. William Tennill Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Vandrick Mrs. Louise R. Wall Ms. Suzanne M. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Carlos G. Wehby Mr. Paul Wessel Mr. & Mrs. Elmore A. Willets, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wilson Ms. Susan Womack Ms. Regina Woods


(Under $100) Dr. & Mrs. J. Kenneth Allen Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Ardery, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles S Arensberg Dr. & Mrs. Joe F. Arterberry Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Banks Mr. & Mrs. John Barron Mr. & Mrs. Theodore D. Bickel Dr. & Mrs. McHenry Brewer Mrs. Betty Dabney Brown Ms. Sandra Lee Burkhead Mr. & Mrs. S. Tinsley Campbell Mr. Edward S. Carle Mr. Vernon Cline & Ms. Diane Guenthner Mr. & Mrs. Van Clouse Mr. & Mrs. Frederic J. Cowan Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cummins Ms. Karen Dahlem Mr. Warren W. Davies Dr. Mary Helen Davis & Mr. Alvin W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Disney, Jr. Mrs. Marcille R. Dobbins Mr. Christopher C. Dobbs Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dolegowski Mr. George E. Dudley Mrs. William H. Fields Ms. Maud R. Fliegelman Dr. & Mrs. Jeremiah T. Flowers Sr. Deborah Giannone Mr. & Mrs. James A. Giesel Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Goetz Mr. & Mrs. Stuart S. Goldberg Ms. Mary Louise Gorman Lawrence & Marion Harrell Haag Mrs. Joyce St. Clair Hargan & Mr. Matt Hargan Ms. Alice S. Hay Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Horn Ms. Joyce Jennings Ms. Ramona Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Kaukas Ms. Angela D. Koshewa & Mr. David Niehaus Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Lawless Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Leis Dr. & Mrs. Steven B. Lippmann Dr. & Mrs. James B. Longley Mr. William G. Lussky, Jr. Mrs. Judy Lyons Mr. Douglas M. Magee & Ms. Anne Marie Regan Mr. Larry E. Marcum, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. McKinney, Jr.

Ms. Marguerite J. Mefford Mr. Charles D. Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Milton W. Metz Ms. Martha Mitchell Dr. & Mrs. James C. Moore Mrs. Frances Y. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Morris Ms. Jeanne A. Morrison Ms. Lynn Nackson Mrs. Carolyn J. Neustadt Mrs. Goldye L. Opper Mr. & Mrs. Norbert E. Paulin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Ragan Mrs. Elizabeth M. Reutlinger Ms. Margaret Ricketts Mr. Harry J. Rothgerber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Rounsavall, III Mrs. Ernestine D. Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schulman Mrs. Ellen B. Shelby Mr. & Mrs. James C. Shircliff Mr. & Mrs. Corwin Short, Jr. Mr. Nicholas X. Simon Ms. Sue Speed Ms. Nancy H. Spradling Mr. Robert L. Steinmetz Dr. & Mrs. T. Bodley Stites Mr. & Mrs. Aidan M. Stone Mrs. Margaret M. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Tuggle Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Tyrrell Brig. Gen. R. R. Van Stockum Mr. & Mrs. Barry Willett Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Wolf Mr. Robert B. Wrege Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Zilke, Jr.

Special Thanks

Wellspring extends our thanks to those who contributed crucial goods or services during the past year. 2007 In-kind Donors 21 C Museum Hotel 38th Parallel Actors Theatre of Louisville Aesthetics in Jewelry Arison Insurance Services D. M. Adams Designs Baxter Station Beth Barrett Bernie Block Bravo Cucina Italiana Bristol Bar & Grille Christy Brown & Louisville Stoneware Brown-Forman Business First John Boyd Meredith Brown Kathy Cary, Lilly’s Chef Joe Castro Café Lou Lou Carmichael’s Bookstore Celtic Center City Café Clay & Cotton Linda Dabney Pat & Sheila Day Wendy Dever Diamante Bar & Grill Nancy Doctor

annual report 2006–2007

Volare Restaurant Margie Waflart Beth Watkins Paula Whittle Elmore A. “Ack” Willets, III Polly Williams Diane Wilson Steve Wilson Wild Honeysuckle Art Wiltshire Pantry Jefferey Yussman Z Salon and Spa

Wellspring ’07 Derby Preview Party Supporters Dolfinger’s Dwyer DesignScapes Melissa Fleck Frontier Airlines GrayTower Flowers Hadley Pottery Company Jan Harcourt Heine Brothers Coffee Charlene Hampton Holloway, RN Susan Howe Hot Locks – Full Service Salon The Irish Rover Jack Fry’s Restaurant Frances Lee Jasper Oriental Rugs The Jefferson Club Kentucky Opera Kingsley’s Meat & Seafood Market The Knit Nook LeBliss Salon & Spa Louisville Ballet Louisville Bedding Company Louisville Visual Art Association Alan K. MacDonald Betty Meadows Dr. Larry Meyers Rosemary Middleton Sarah Morrison Jack & Donna Mullins Lynn Nackson The Neutral Zone Cynthia Kelly-Overall Kentucky Opera Joanie Lerman Third Ave Café The Louisville Ballet Louisville Bedding Co. Louisville Fire Football Louisville Magazine The Louisville Orchestra Alan K. MacDonald

Magnolia Belles, Inc. Lynne Meena Melton-Ellis Marlee Mitchell Janice Montgomery Sallie Morrison Jack & Donna Mullins Lynn Nackson Todd Neal Party Kits & Equestrian Gifts Ewa Perz Prospect Jewelers Publishers Printing Co. Ray of Light Red Tree Gallery Rick’s Ferrari Grille Jane Roehrig David & Donna Russell J. D. Schall Bill Sheets Photography Anne Sawyer Sitori Unique Gifts Chef Richard Shu Software House International Spalding Companies Spa Quena Nancy Spradling Spruce Hill Nursery Speed Stodgehill Stained Glass & More Star of Louisville Pat Sturtzel Swope Auto Group Talon Winery and Vineyards Texas Roadhouse Three Dog Bakery Janet Tonini Two Chicks & Company Susan Tolliver Barbara Tafel Thomas Vincenzo’s Italian Restaurant

wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

Dr. Sarah Acland Dr. Christine B. L. Adams, M.D. AEGON Lynn Allen John Asher James Jeremy Ballard Kimberly Ballard Eddie Banks Melissa T. Barrett, M.D. Jo Barrett Donald M. & Joy Bell Nancy Bell Dave & Christine Berkemeier Gary & Donna Bernstein Bruce & Julie Besten Dennis & Nancy Boyd John & Heather Boyd Bobby & Joan Clark Billy & Wendy Brewer Greg & Jennifer Brohm Jeff Brohm Kim Brohm Oscar & Donalie Ann Brohm Brown-Forman Meredith Brown Bob & Rebecca Brown Lauren Carlisle Dennis & Carol Carrithers Valerie Casey Tom & Greta Chessler Tom & Rea Clark Bobby Clark Marland Cole Nelson Collins Robert M. & Theresa Connolly Jack & Debbie Copeland Kathy Cox Karen Dahlem James & Dianne Dailey Roger Dalton

Deming Malone Livesay & Ostroff Marie Dever Kathy Dobbins Marcille Dobbins Mark Dobbins Bill Doolittle Bob Douglas John & Susan Dougherty M. Jean Deye Robert Elliott Rosa Ernst George Fabe & Mary Bruce Cobb Fifth Third Bank First Kentucky Trust Company John Freeman Bill Friel ABG Realtors Fulfillment Concepts, Inc. Paul & Jennifer Fultz Mike Gifford Joe & Van Gliessner, Jr. Mrs. Jean Perkins Greenwood Benita Gregory Newman & Ellen Guthrie Lawrence & Marian Harrell Haag John Hamilton Frank & Paula Harshaw Tim & Leslie Hazlett Dr. Mary Ann Henry George & Jane Hersch John Hill John Hillerich Michael R. & Anita Hoag Gregory & Ann Hoeck George & Elizabeth Hughes, Jr. Margaret Husk Jewish Hospital & St. Mary’s HealthCare Larry Johnston Kosair Charities Nick & Lanie Lanning Diane Laughlin Joanie Lerman Nicole Luddington Joanne Lynch Alan K. & Joyce MacDonald Kim Mackin Mack & Frankie Mathews Greg & Karen Mayes Larry & Phyllis Mehler Merrick Printing Merrill Lynch Doug & Linda Michael David & Lisa Miles Kathy Miller Krista Mills Ralph & Cissy Mills

Chip & Betts Montgomery Dr. Laura Moore & John Moore Jack & Donna Mullins Carl Nafzger, Guest Speaker NAMI Louisville National City Charles Neill James A. & Becky Nelson Becky Nelson Dr. David & Pat Nightingale Jimmy & Joan Nohalty Norton Healthcare Patti Ogden Shelly Oats Passport Advantage Dr. Gary & Margaret Pennington Joan Perkins John Poole Tom Quinn Forrest & Elizabeth Ragsdale George Rapp Jr. & Lynne Meena Jim & Rhonda Reskin Cheryl & James Roberts Alan & Beatrice Rosenberg Ted & Melissa Routt David & Donna Russell Karen Sales Tom Sanders Ann Sawyer Design Thomas D. & Angela Schell Semonin Realtors Seven Counties Services Lenny Sewell Bill Sheets Photography Mitch Shirrell Richard Shu Siebert & Johnson Dan & Ann Siebert J.T. & Cheri Sims Terry Smith

Thomas & Sylvia Snyder Sharon Sparrow Noreen Speckman Sue Speed Nancy Spradling Rosalind Streeter Rhoden & Anita Streeter Stites & Harbison Stock Yards Bank & Trust Co. Michel Strause Dr. James & Leila Sublett Drs. Richard & Jackie Swigart Patti Swope Bob Tennill Susan Tolliver & Robin Edwardsen University Psychiatric Services Betsy Vaughn Veredus Asset Management David & Beth Vish Carol Vlock Susan Walsh Peter L. Walton Clyde & Carita Warner, Jr. Elmore A. “Ack” & Cissie Willets Diane Wilson Sonya Wolter Susan Womack Regina Woods Michael & Kathy Wright Paul Wessel Wyatt Tarrant & Combs Steve & Trish Yards Mutual of America Jefferey & ZoeAnn Yussman

Honorariums & Memorials Wellspring annually receives gifts in honor of individuals and gifts to commemorate anniversaries, birthdays, holidays or other special occasions. Donors simply notify Wellspring of their desire to make a gift, provide the name of the honoree and the occasion with their check. Wellspring records the gift and sends an acknowledgement to the honoree. In addition, families of clients and friends often designate Wellspring as the beneficiary of expressions of sympathy when loved ones pass away. We deeply appreciate such thoughtfulness during such difficult times. The following Honorariums & Memorial Gifts were received between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007.

In Honor Of Dr. Sarah Acland Ms. Janet C. Irwin Joe & Anne Ardery Mr. William A. Bishop & Ms. Julia S. Ardery Philip and Anne Ardery Mr. & Mrs. John T Bondurant Ms. Sheila A. Schuster PhD Ms. Joan Todd Joan & Nancy Bell Dr. & Mrs. John Rose Mr. Bernie Block Mr. & Mrs. Mac McClure, III Mr. John Boyd Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Harshaw Kathy Dobbins Mrs. Jean Greenwood Sigrid Haertel Sr. Deborah Giannone Howard & Juliana Hansen Ms. Josephine Hansen Kristin Hansen Mr. Robert S. Adler & Ms. Terrie J. Gale Mrs. Jean Greenwood Ms. Janet C. Irwin The Rev. Richard H. Humke Norton Healthcare Ms. Barbara Lee Ms. Margret Lee Mr. Alan K. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Connolly Stephen C. Perkins Mrs. Jean Greenwood

Mr. George Rapp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Craig D. Grant Mrs. Louise R. Wall Melissa Routt Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nixon Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Rink Dr. & Mrs. David J. Porta Mr. Jerry Seligman Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Welsh Cornelia Serpell Mr. & Mrs. Allan S. Atherton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Yankovich Nancy Spradling Mary Gwen Wheeler Julia Henning Stanton Ms. Joan H. Todd Dr. Jackie Swigart Mrs. Calvin A. Lang Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Loomis Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Roos Mr. & Mrs. Bosworth Todd Mr. David Y. Todd & Ms. Shellie E. Williams Ms. Helen Harting Abell Ms. Joan Todd Mrs. Julia Stanton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Bell, Jr. Mr. Luther E. Whittaker Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Daugherty Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. David J. Johnson

annual report 2006–2007

In Memory Of

In Memory Of

After years of unsuccessful attempts to live independently in the community, Conrad Husk found a home at Wellspring’s Crescent House. There, he received the support he needed to live successfully with his mental illness, and felt comfortable, safe and happy in this home-like environment until his death in October 2007, from natural causes.

Philip Aboud Mr. Tom O’Neal Fred Allen Ms. Dana Allen Barry Bingham Ms. Ellen Timmons David Block Mr. Bernard F. Block Ms. Cathy Hinko Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. McFadden Mr. Tom O’Neal Evan Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Lechleiter Ms. Lisa Patrick Leet Ms. Joanie Lerman Mr. Michael L.Oles, Oles Engineering Corp Mr. & Mrs. Damien Prather Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sage Ms. Lisa Scherer Ms. Diane Wilson Dr. William Eastman Dr. & Mrs. Peter E. Tanguay Don Ross Dr. & Mrs. Joe F. Arterberry Sam Todd Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Bell, Jr. Ms. Judith P. Erler Mr. & Mrs. N. O. Grohmann Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Kohler Mr. David B. Tachau & Ms. Susannah Woodcock

Conrad’s family graciously remembered Wellspring with the thoughtful establishment of a memorial fund in commemoration of his life. To date, the following individuals have donated to the Conrad Husk Fund at Wellspring. In Memory Of Conrad Husk Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Rea T. Alsup Mr. Carl Bailey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Bickel Mr. Bernard F. Block Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Boone Ms. Meredith Wilson Brown Ms. Judith M. Bruce Ms. Karen Cherry Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dailey Ms. Sylvia Dornheim Ms. Jane H. Eff Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Fenlon Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Fischer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Fleischaker Mr. & Mrs. George W. Forman Mr. & Mrs. Bill Friel Mrs. Mary W. Henning Ms. Olive Hepner Ms. Dixie Johnson Ms. Elizabeth W. Jones Ms. Marie A Kehres Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kimbro Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kirven Ms. Sharon A. Lamb Ms. Joanie Lerman Ms. Janet L. Lindeman Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Logsdon ` Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Luckett Ms. Judith McCandless & Mr. Grady Clay NAMI Louisville National Center for Family Literacy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McGlincy Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. McShane

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis McTighe Ms. E. Joyce Mour Mr. & Mrs. James E. Reynolds Ms. Isabel Silverman Mrs. Barbara Sinai Ms. Sue Speed Mr. Renate A. Stingl & Ms. Tonya Johnson Drs. Richard & Jackie Swigart Ms. Mary Thurman SCS Consumer Supported Living Shields Service Ms. Patricia Webb Mary Gwen Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. David L. Wildeson

wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

Phyllis & Nelson Davies Mr. Warren W. Davies Patricia Sue Drago Eugene & Tony Drago Stephen Dunaway Mrs. Karen Dunaway Steve Gilpin Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goeing Carolyn Hummell Mr. Bruce W. Scott Bobby Jasper Mr. & Mrs. Stanley V. Grobmyer Helen Johnson Ms. Dorothy Reese Edith Taylor Jones Dr. Hunt B. Jones Nathan Lerman Ms. Doris J. Nelson, LCSW Bruce Smith Ms. Cynthia C. Smith Mr. Lowry Watkins, Jr.







Officers and Directors 2007/08

Honorary Lifetime Members

Alan K. MacDonald Chair

Philip P. Ardery, Founding Chair Nancy B. Bell Roberta Fischer Frank M. Gaines, Jr., M.D. Rev. Richard H. Humke Clifford C. Kuhn, M.D. Malcolm R. Mathews, Jr. Cornelia A. Serpell Bosworth M. Todd, Jr. John I. Trawick

Margaret Pennington Vice Chair Jefferey M. Yussman Vice Chair George W. Rapp, Jr. Treasurer Melissa Routt Secretary Lawrence J. Mehler Immediate Past President Sanford L. Fleck William Friel Gregory E. Mayes Cissy Mills David B. Russell, CFM Susan Tolliver Jackie Swigart, PhD Elmore A. “Ack” Willets, III





Management Team and Administrative Staff Stephen C. Perkins Executive Director perkinss@wellspring-house.org Katharine R. Dobbins, MSSW, LCSW Associate Director & Director of Programs dobbinsk@wellspring-house.org Robert L. Brodbeck Chief Operating Officer brodbeckr@wellspring-house.org Tony Cecil Program Information Director cecilt@wellspring-house.org Nancy L. Doctor Development Director doctorn@wellspring-house.org Bonnie Taylor Housing Services Director taylorb@wellspring-house.org Karen S. Head, MD Consulting Psychiatrist headk@wellspring-house.org Lanier Siewertsen Accounting Assistant acctasst@wellspring-house.org Dixie L. Johnson Management Team Associate johnsondl@wellspring-house.org

Annual Report Team Production Coordinator: Content Development: Design/Layout: Photography: Printing:

Nancy L. Doctor Dixie Johnson StudioFolio Bill Sheets Photography Publishers Printing Co.

Additional thanks to the many Wellspring staff members and clients who contributed time and talent to this project.

annual report 2006–2007

About the Art Art Therapy program is part of Wellspring’s supportive services programming. Expressive Therapists Carol A. Miles, MEd. and Katie McCarthy, MA, ATR-BC, provide instruction and encouragement to the program participants. The artwork featured on the cover and throughout this report was created by Wellspring’s program participants.

Martin, Untitled

Journey House Collaborative, Untitled

Janet & Art Therapist, Collaborative

Steve, Untitled

Danny, Untitled

Kendra, Untitled

Lena, Untitled

Chuck, Apples

Kendra, Still Life

Kendra, Mandala

Sandy, Janet, Kendra, Michelle, Untitled

Angie, Autumn Leaves Keith, Untitled

wellspring living solutions for mental health recovery

Schizophrenia Foundation KY, Inc. PO Box 1927 Louisville, KY 40201-1927

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Louisville, KY Permit No. 1105

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