Wellspring Annual Report FY11

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Choosing To Make A Difference Since 1982

“ bet te r to light a can d l e , th an to c urse th e d ark n ess�


















I was staying at the Salvation Army. I was homeless and depressed. Then I found out about Wellspring…and since then they’ve helped me with my mental health problems and helped me get housing. I’m a lot happier now. Choosing Wellspring has changed my life!

In March of 1982 several community leaders saw a need and chose to make a difference. Wellspring was born from that choice. Wellspring Annual Report 2011

Crescent House Residents and Staff

When we started paying closer attention to what we were eating and how it was prepared, we decided to make some healthier choices. So we started buying more fruits, vegetables, and leaner meats and we’re trying to buy foods with less sugar and fats. It is tough to stick with these changes all the time, but we are committed to continuing the effort in the coming year.

Since then, Wellspring has served more than 6,000 people.

housing ... hope ... recovery: living solutions for mental health recovery


After I graduated from Ardery House, I found out that there was a place available at the Concord Apartments and I thought that would be a good choice for me. Now I know it really was the right choice! I have finally found my true home. Here, they have helped me through every phase of my recovery. They’re like my family and I feel loved and supported – I am so glad I chose to move here!

Last year, Wellspring served 453 people through our Crisis Stabilization Services (CSUs) and provided supportive housing to another 140 people. Wellspring Annual Report 2011

Woody – Certified Peer Specialist

When I was chosen to be part of the Community Outreach team, I knew it would bring new challenges and new responsibilities. But as a Peer Support Specialist I am in the fortunate position of having addressed many of the issues our clients are grappling with. It’s very rewarding to use what I’ve learned to help others along their paths to recovery.

Of 453 clients served in our CSUs, 97% were treated without hospitalization.

housing ... hope ... recovery: living solutions for mental health recovery


Change is inevitable, yet we can’t always predict how or when it will find us. When I was offered the opportunity to move into a different role at Wellspring as Clinical Supervisor of the David J. Block Center, I made the choice to leave behind the identity I had carried for 5 years as the agency-wide Art Therapist and step into new waters. It was a daunting but exciting prospect and one I felt necessary to pursue for my continued growth. Choosing to create change can be a much different experience than having change forced upon us. I try to remind the clients I work with to look for the areas of their lives where they have the power to make effective choices for themselves, big or small. With this comes risk, of course, but also the reward of discovering your strengths.

Of 453 clients served in our CSUs, 90% experienced a 20% or greater reduction in depressive symptoms. Wellspring Annual Report 2011


I was on the road to destruction – I had been in 8 halfway houses and nothing was working for me. But when I first saw that name “Journey House,” I knew it would be the right place for me; I just knew that it was supposed to be a part of my journey. They taught me to be available and accountable, and to be willing to make the choices that I had to in order to recover. They loved me until I could love myself, and now I know I never need to look back – there’s so much to look forward to!

100% of Wellspring’s Journey House graduates experienced a decrease in psychiatric symptoms and moved into the housing of their choice. housing ... hope ... recovery: living solutions for mental health recovery


With encouragement from Seven Counties Services, I chose to connect with Wellspring. They helped me to see how taking my meds could help me stay stable, and to embrace the positive impact they could have on my life. Now I have a job and I can function normally in my everyday life. I’ve also chosen to stay active in AA and now serve as a sponsor for four others in their recovery. What a difference – and what a great choice Wellspring was for me!

100% of Journey House graduates had more than 12 months of sobriety.

Wellspring Annual Report 2011


Wellspring has helped me in stabilizing my medication, which makes such a difference. And they’ve helped me develop the skills that I need in order to remain stable – plus reminding me that recovery from my illness, schizophrenia, really is possible. And now that I’m living in the new apartments, I am happier than ever that I chose to be a part of Wellspring.

With new innovations in medications and increased availability of supportive services, Wellspring witnesses the power of recovery every day as adults with mental illness rebuild their lives and participate in meaningful ways in our community. housing ... hope ... recovery: living solutions for mental health recovery

Willy – Certified Peer Specialist

I’ve learned the skills it takes to live with stability in spite of having a mental illness. I’m really pleased to now be helping some of our community’s most vulnerable members have a chance at recovery. Helping them see possibilities and make choices that can work for them helps me, too. I can look back at what I chose to do and how that helped me at the time, and see how all the choices together got me to where I am today.

At Wellspring, we believe that recovery from psychiatric illness does not mean a cure; rather, it means developing a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life despite the presence of mental illness. Wellspring Annual Report 2011

“They stuck with me, and I stuck with them

– and that’s what pulled me through.”

Living Solutions for Mental Health Recovery Housing...hope...recovery: Wellspring’s Guide to Services

Our Mission

To promote the recovery of persons with mental illness through leadership in the development of quality housing and rehabilitation services.

History and Growth

Founded in 1982, Wellspring works to improve the lives of individuals with mental illness in our community. From Ardery House, our flagship site where Wellspring first began providing Transitional Housing, Wellspring moved on to developing permanent Supportive Housing and Independent Housing. In 1995, Wellspring opened Kentucky’s first Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU), the Frank M. Gaines Center. A second CSU, the David J. Block Center, opened in 2007. In addition to our Jefferson County programs, Wellspring operates one site in Shelby County. Wellspring has been recognized as Kentucky’s pioneer in providing such services; indeed, Wellspring is the only such provider in this seven-county region.


At Wellspring, we believe that recovery from psychiatric illness does not mean a cure; rather, it means developing a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life despite the presence of mental illness. Recovery is a unique process for each person. To most effectively promote recovery from mental illness, the community must respond with an array of options to meet individual clients’ needs and preferences.


All programs are overseen by Wellspring’s Director of Programs, Patrick Rhodes, MSSW, LCSW. Wellspring operates with a staff of over 100 professionals and paraprofessionals, and annually serves over 600 clients from Jefferson, Shelby, and surrounding counties. Wellspring’s staff is continuously trained in the best practices in the field of mental illness.

Service Fees

Costs for Wellspring’s programs and housing rentals vary according to site. However, all charges are based on a sliding fee scale.

Services and Housing

Wellspring offers a variety of programs that provide a best-practices approach for our clients’ recovery. These include crisis stabilization services at two locations, two transitional housing programs, three highly supported permanent housing programs, and over 100 units of deeply subsidized rental housing, including supported apartments, independent apartments, and single-family homes.

Crisis Stabilization Services

The goal of Crisis Stabilization Unit programming is to help clients in an acute psychiatric episode achieve stabilization and avoid hospitalization. Wellspring’s 2 CSU sites, the Frank M. Gaines Center and the David J. Block Center, provide a total of 16 crisis stabilization beds. This program serves clients who are experiencing acute symptoms of mental illness, such as severe depression, mania, or symptoms of psychosis. This is the only Wellspring program that does not require a severe and persistent mental illness diagnosis to be eligible for services. While at a CSU, clients receive intensive treatment, close monitoring with high levels of staff support, and medications prescribed by a psychiatrist. Multi-disciplinary Staff includes: • Full-time Psychiatrist • 7 Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counselors • Expressive Therapists • 24-hour staff double coverage • Peer Support staff

Outcomes for FY 2011 Crisis Stabilization Units

Transitional Housing

453 82% 26 22 97% 72% 100% 100% clients served

achieve treatment goals

clients served

homeless women served

treated without hospitalization

experienced a 20% or greater reduction in psychiatric symptoms

of graduates moved into housing of their choice

of graduates experienced a decrease in psychiatric symptoms


experienced a 20% or greater reduction in depressive symptoms


100% 100%

average length of stay, in days

of graduates experienced a decrease in psychiatric symptoms


Providing quality services has garnered Wellspring an “exemplary” rating from the Kentucky Department of Mental Health.

average length of stay, in months

of graduates were sober with an average of 25 months of sobriety

100% of graduates moved into housing of their choice


average length of stay, in months David J. Block Center CSU (502) 561-1051 (502) 561-1089 fax

Frank M. Gaines Center CSU (502) 584-2870 (502) 589-5369 fax

Ardery House (502) 637-4361 x19 (502) 637-4490 fax

Journey House (502) 561-0003 (502) 561-9086 fax

The David J. Block Center provides eight crisis stabilization beds. When it opened in 2007, this site doubled Wellspring’s previous capacity. The David J. Block Center, situated in downtown Louisville, serves both men and women. Admissions are accepted seven days a week.

The Gaines Center Crisis Stabilization Unit, which opened in 1995, was Kentucky’s first residential, communitybased crisis unit. Until Wellspring opened the David J. Block Center, it remained as this region’s only such program. In 2005, the Gaines Center CSU received the Mental Health Association of Kentucky’s prestigious Philip P. Ardery Award, honoring ten years of urgent, ongoing psychiatric care and treatment in a community setting. The Gaines Center CSU houses eight men and women, in a homelike setting at the edge of downtown Louisville. Admissions are accepted seven days a week.

Ardery House opened in 1982. As our first site, it was named in honor of Philip P. Ardery, Wellspring’s founding board chair. This program helps individuals who are leaving the hospital and/or experiencing homelessness achieve independent living. All participants have a diagnosis of mental illness; nearly half also have a cooccurring substance abuse disorder.

Wellspring opened Journey House in 1998 to address the needs of Louisville’s homeless women with co-occurring mental illness and substance abuse issues who were falling through the cracks of a service system ill-prepared to simultaneously treat these illnesses. Most of these women are also victims of violence, and have experienced multiple failures in treatment and independent living prior to entering. Journey House is the first residential program in Kentucky specifically designed to serve this population; it accommodates 8 women. Staff is extensively trained in both mental illness and substance abuse treatment. The program provides intensive support to the women as they struggle with the issues of recovery from both illnesses.

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Ardery House provides room and board, life-skills coaching, social opportunities, case management, and individual and group therapy for 13 men and women.

6 3 7 - 4 3 6 1

Staff Supportive Housing

Independent Housing

residents served

adults and their children, including several families, served

20 95 100% 98%

reduction in days of psychiatric hospitalization vs. the year before entering these programs

occupancy rate

100% of clients at Broadway, Concord and Crescent House involved in community-based activities

Wellspring has also been cited as a model program in national reviews of residential service providers. Supportive Housing (502) 637-4361 (502) 637-4490 fax

Independent Housing (502) 637-4361 x1456 (502) 637-4490 fax

Wellspring operates 3 supportive housing programs that enable tenants with extensive psychiatric hospitalization histories to participate fully in the community. In 2011, the 9-man Broadway House program, which opened in 1986, moved to new apartments south of Broadway. Concord Apartments, in the Hikes Point area, opened in 1987; it provides housing for 8 women in four two-bedroom apartments. Crescent House, a single-family home for 3 men, opened in 2003.

Wellspring provides over 100 units of deeply subsidized rental housing for adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses. Our tenants have very limited incomes; many would be homeless or live in substandard housing without this resource. This housing is coupled with appropriate support services from Wellspring and Seven Counties Services, providing tenants a permanent home base for their journey of recovery. Openended leases and a variety of housing types and locations allow participants to choose the best fit for their needs. While most of Wellspring’s housing is spread geographically throughout Jefferson County, the agency also has one fourunit residence located in Shelby County, in the Shelbyville area. Wellspring also provides scattered site, leased apartments, with supportive services, for 22 residents with mental illness who have been identified as chronically homeless.

Staff complement includes: • Master’s level clinical social workers • Consulting psychiatrist • Residential staff coverage (variable, according to clients’ needs) • 24-hour on-call clinical staff

Frank M. Gaines Center CSU Michael Markham, MEd Clinical Supervisor michael.markham@wellspringky.org Ryan Schaefer, BS Program Coordinator ryan.schaefer@wellspringky.org Megan Zoeller Art Therapist, ATR-BC megan.zoellar@wellspringky.org David J. Block Center CSU Carol A. Miles, LPCA, LPAT, MEd Clinical Supervisor carol.miles@wellspringky.org Darryl Harris, BSW Program Manager darryl.harris@wellspringky.org Ardery House Heather Marcus, CSW Clinical Supervisor heather.marcus@wellspringky.org Ericha B. Winters, BA Program Coordinator ericha.winters@wellspringky.org Journey House Cutia W. Brown, LCSW Clinical Supervisor cutia.brown@wellspringky.org Kathy Kelton, BS Program Coordinator kathy.kelton@wellspringky.org Broadway, Concord, and Crescent House (502) 499-9460 (502) 637-4490 fax Cresant Smith, LCSW, CPRP Clinical Supervisor of Supportive Housing cresant.smith@wellspringky.org Broadway House (502) 589-3432 (502) 637-4490 fax Katie Scheurich, BA Program Coordinator katie.scheurich@wellspringky.org

Concord Apartments (502) 499-2278 (502) 637-4490 fax Vicky Nallia Program Coordinator vicky.nallia@wellspringky.org Crescent House (502) 897-6993 (502) 637-4490 fax Anne Alexandra, MDiv Program Coordinator anne.alexandra@wellspringky.org Independent Housing Eric Cecil, BA Community Support Specialist eric.cecil@wellspringky.org Baxter Avenue Apartments 4 units in Phoenix Hill, 2004 Murray Avenue Apartments 4 units in the Highlands, 2002 Amity Apartments 12 units in west Louisville, 1989 Clover Hill Apartments 8 units in Shively, 1993 Patrick Henry Apartments 8 units in southern Jefferson County, 1992 Shelbyville Apartments 4 units in Shelby County, 1999 Single-family housing 3 single-family homes near downtown Louisville (1989–2002) Wellspring Apartments 12 units in Old Louisville, 1987 Wellspring Bridge Apartments 8 units in downtown Louisville, 2008 Youngland Apartments 5 units in Shively, 1995

w w w . w e l l s p r i n g k y . o r g

Crescent Court

Ardery House

Frank M. Gaines CSU

Concord Apartments

Journey House

Single-family Housing

David J. Block CSU

Single-family Housing

Baxter Avenue Apartments

Murray Avenue Apartments

Single-family Housing

Youngland Apartments

Shelbyville Apartments

PO Box 1927 • Louisville, KY 40201-1927 • (502) 637-4361 • www.wellspringky.org

A Message from Wellspring’s Leaders


here is a natural tendency as one approaches thirty to look back over your first twenty-nine years and ask soul-searching questions like: “How have I changed?, What have I learned?, Where am I going?, Do I like what I have become?” Wellspring turns thirty this year and it is time to reflect upon and celebrate our rich history, and to think about and plan for our future. We have done both. Wellspring opened its doors in March of 1982 because several strong community leaders saw a need and sought to make a difference. Phil Ardery, our founding Board Chair, was fond of reciting the proverb “it is better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness” as a way to describe those early efforts. Founding Wellspring was both visionary and practical. There was a significant need in our community that wasn’t being addressed, so our founders decided to create an agency dedicated to providing housing for persons with severe and persistent mental illness. Wellspring has served more than 6,000 people since that day in 1982 when the first resident moved into the first residence in Old Louisville. Now Wellspring has nineteen sites and several more in the pipeline. We now have a broad array of housing and supportive services. For the most part, we own the housing, but in recent years we have expanded our reach by providing supportive services to persons in leased apartments as well. Last year we served over 450 people through our crisis stabilization services and provided supportive housing to over 160 others. We employ over 120 people in full and parttime positions and have a budget of over $3 million.

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1. Cissy Mills – Secretary 2. Margaret Pennington 3. Jefferey M. Yussman – Chair 4. Nancy Neill 5. Trinity Campisano 6. Alan K. MacDonald 7. David W. Miles – Treasurer 8. Melissa Routt 9. Dawn Franklin Croft 10. Paul A. Coomes 11. Robert P. Bordogna – Vice Chair 12. Meredith Brown 13. Jackie Swigart, Ph.D. 14. Greg Mayes 15. Bill Friel 16. Elmore “Ack” Willets, III Not pictured: Dr. Christina Terrell George Rapp, Jr.

housing ... hope ... recovery: living solutions for mental health recovery



It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Highlights from Wellspring’s 3-Year Strategic Plan Programming & Housing • Gain accreditation through CARF (Commission on the Accreditation of Rehab Facilities) • Grow supportive services, programs, housing by 15%–20%

Finance & Infrastructure • Increase days of cash reserves • Strengthen finances • Become an increasingly competitive employer • Open Wellspring’s first centralized headquarters

Resource Development • Increase fundraising revenue • Heighten Wellspring’s visibility in the community

Facilities Management • Augment staffing to adequately maintain our housing • Increase volunteer involvement to help beautify and maintain properties

We have certainly grown over these past three decades! As we have grown, though, so has the need, and the original mission of the agency is as relevant today as it was in 1982. Our founders could never have imagined the growth that we have experienced, but they knew that there was a great need for community-based housing for our fellow citizens with mental illness. In the middle of the 20th century, our regional mental hospital housed more than 2,000 people. Thankfully that census has dramatically decreased. Today being diagnosed with a mental illness doesn’t consign one to live out one’s days in an institution, segregated from society. For the most part, persons with mental illness live in homes and apartments just like the rest of us, and hopefully they have the supports they need to live full and productive lives. However, when those supports are missing or absent, too many fall through the cracks and end up homeless or incarcerated. Wellspring is committed to doing its part to bolster the integration and success of those among us living with these treatable brain disorders. In many ways, this is a time for great optimism. Wellspring is firmly committed to a belief in recovery from mental illness. Science has yet to discover a cure for severe mental illness, but with new innovations in medications and increased availability of supportive services, we witness the power of recovery every day as persons with mental illness rebuild their lives and participate in meaningful ways in our communities. To address the continuing needs, our Board and key staff worked together this past year to develop a new strategic plan that identifies our challenges and growth opportunities, and which serves as a guide for sustaining the agency over the next three years.

Wellspring’s updated strategic plan focuses on all of the key dimensions of our operations from programming, housing development, resource development, strengthening our infrastructure and financial position, and caring for our assets, from staff to facilities. This plan is helping to guide us in our continuing work; we are well on our way to achieving many of our strategic goals, and striving to achieve the rest. The economy, however, is taking a real toll on those with the least, thus having a serious impact on many persons with mental illness who were just getting by even when the economy was strong. Consequently, the demand for our services and housing has grown over the past year. We are doing our best to keep pace with the need but we have an increasing number of people waiting for housing and supportive services. Wellspring has many dedicated and talented staff members, board members, and volunteers, yet we still cannot meet all the needs without your continuing help (for which we have been so grateful over these past thirty years). Without you, Wellspring would never have been able to help and house 6,000 people, nor could we envision a future where all people with mental illness are able to join with us as fully contributing members of society. With your committed help, we can continue to change lives, and in so doing have an increasingly positive impact on our little corner of the world because when our neighbors with mental illness recover, the entire community benefits! As such, we look forward to partnering with you over the next 30 years as we together work to improve the lives of those among us with severe and persistent mental illness!

Board Chair

Executive Director Wellspring Annual Report 2011

Statement of Activity Year Ended June 30, 2011 (Audited) Revenue Federal, State, & Local Government Grants 67% Residential Services 6% Contributions 5% Special Events 4% Metro United Way 3% Apartment Rentals 12% Investments & Interest 2% Total Revenue 100%

Rounded $2,384,416 $229,622 $175,083 $127,087 $119,133 $441,073 $56,887 $3,533,301

Expenses Client Services and Supportive Housing 80% $2,853,782 Management and General 14% $505,221 Other Fundraising 6% $204,346 Total Expenses (Includes $157,000 depreciation) 100% $3,563,350 Current Year Increase in Net Assets


Statement of Financial Position Year Ended June 30, 2011 (Audited) Assets Rounded Cash and Cash Equivalents $833,410 Grants and Accounts Receivable $892,016 Endowments $331,751 Other Assets $31,968 Property and Equipment, Net $4,377,301 Total Assets $6,466,446 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Other Current Liabilities Mortgage Notes Payable Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total Net Assets

$3,717,912 $941,411 $327,700 $4,987,023

Total Liabilites and Net Assets


housing ... hope ... recovery: living solutions for mental health recovery

$103,247 $197,658 $12,417 $1,166,101 $1,479,423

Our Donors July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011

Legacy Society (Wellspring honors donors who have informed us of future gifts.) Ms. Meredith Wilson Brown Ms. Nancy L. Doctor Ms. Cissy Mills Ms. Ethel H. O’Brien Designated Fund Mr. George Rapp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jefferey Yussman Chairman’s Foundation (Gifts $1,000 & over) Dr. Sarah Acland Mr. William O. Alden, III Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Ardery Dr. Melissa T. Barrett Mrs. Nancy Bell Ms. Meredith Wilson Brown Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Coomes The Evan Brown Fund Mr. George Fabe Ms. Sandra A. Frazier Ms. Diane Lander-Simon Mr. & Mrs. Alan K MacDonald Ms. Jane Bell McKune Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J Mehler Mr. James G Metcalfe Mr. & Mrs. Mack Mathews Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mills Ms. Ethel H. O’Brien O’Shea’s Family of Pubs Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Owen Mr. Mitchell Palmer Dr. & Mrs. Gary E. Pennington Mr. George W. Rapp, Jr. Mr. Stephen R. Reily & Ms. Emily Bingham Mr. & Mrs. Ted & Melissa Routt Mr. Michael D Rudd Ms. Gail Sanders Drs. Richard & Jackie Swigart Mr. & Mrs. Elmore A. Willets, III The Woman’s Club of Louisville The Honorable & Mrs. John A. Yarmuth Mr. & Mrs. Jefferey M. Yussman Leadership Circle (Gifts $500-$999) Bristol-Myers Squibb First Baptist Church of Middletown Mr. & Mrs. George S. Gibbs, III Mr. Francis Cam Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hazlett Janssen Biotech, Inc. Humana, Inc. Dr. Hunt B. Jones Mr. Robert E. Kulp, Jr. Ms. Nancy Lampton Mrs. Eloise Logsdon Ms. Katie McCarthy Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. McFadden Dr. Alexander H. Moore Mr. John & Dr. Laura S. Moore

Novartis Mr. Tom O’Neal Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Rink Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon M. Rein

Mr. & Ms. John Westman Dr. John C. Wright, II Mr. H. Leonard Yates, Jr. Anonymous Donor

Ways to Give to Wellspring

Donors can support Wellspring’s work and achieve their personal financial goals through an array of giving options: • Annual Fund Campaign • Endowments • Gifts Of Appreciated Assets • Life Insurance Policies • Planned Giving • Matching Gifts • In-kind Gifts No matter what method works best for your personal situation, Wellspring’s Executive Director or Development Director can assist you in making an appropriate and effective gift. Please call us at (502) 637-4361, ext. 1450 or 1453, for answers to your charitable giving questions Gifts of any size are appreciated – every gift makes a difference! Sponsors (Gifts $200-$499) Mr. William O. Alden, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Lee Bertoli Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Bill Friel Ms. Holly H. Gathright Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hill The Rev. & Mrs. Richard H. Humke Mrs. Katherine E. Johnson Kroger Rev. Michael A. Lager Ms. Diane M. Laughlin Mr. Pierce Lively Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Lyles Mr. & Mrs. Stanley K. MacDonald Ms. Beverley Marmion Ms. Krista A. Mills Dr. & Mrs. Alton E. Neurath, Jr. Mr. James D. Robbins Ms. Ellen H. Shapira Mr. & Mrs. Franklin F. Starks, Jr. Ms. Joan H. Todd Two Chicks & Co. University of Dayton

Sustainer (Gifts $100-$199) Ms. Mary Florence Barber Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Benovitz BoomBozz Pizza Ms. Theresa A. Burks The Honorable Deborah DeWeese Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Frederick Mr. & Dr. Lee K. Garlove Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Goetz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Harden Ms. Beth Jurek Dr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Kuhn Ms. Sharon A. Lamb Louisville Psychiatric Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. R. Fairleigh Lussky State Representative Mary Lou & Mr. Bill Marzian Ms. Maureen McDermott Mr. John B. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Michael Mr. James D. Moyer Mrs. Carolyn J. Neustadt Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. O’Toole Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Richmond Mr. & Mrs. John M. Shaver Mr. & Mrs. Art Sponsler, Jr. Ms. Donna Steen

Wellspring Annual Report 2011

Dr. & Mrs. William B. Stodghill Mr. John Trawick & Ms. Patricia Clare Mr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Helm Voyles Mrs. Louise R. Wall Ms. Judy Wells Ms. Margaret Zurkuhlen Capital Campaign Mr. William O. Alden, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Nolen C. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Ardery Mr. & Mrs. Allan S. Atherton Mr. & Mrs. William C. Ballard The William E. Barth Foundation Ms. Edith S. Bingham Mr. Bernard F. Block The David J. Block Foundation Mr. Andy Block Mr. Bernard F. Block Ms. Sarah Sheets Ms. Susan Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Bordogna In memory of Rob Bordogna Mrs. Elaine Bornstein Mr. Ulysses L. Bridgeman, Jr. The Ellen T. Briggs Revocable Trust The Evan Brown Memorial Fund Frederick & Christine Brown Charitable Fund The James Graham Brown Foundation Ms. Meredith Wilson Brown J. McCauley Brown & Eileen Cooke Brown Robert & Rebecca Brown Brown-Forman Corporation The C. E. & S. Foundation Van G. & Joyce V. Carlisle Ms. Anne F. Caudill Center for Special Needs Trust Administration, Inc. Mr. Nelson E. Clemmens Ms. Lee Cochran The Cralle Foundation, Inc. Crow Horwath The Dabney Family Fund In honor of George Rapp Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dailey State Rep. Bob M. DeWeese Dr. & Mrs. Charles Dobbs Mr. George Fabe Family Allergy & Asthma Ms. Valerie Fazio Fitzio, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Fischer Melissa & Sanford Fleck Mr. & Mrs. William Friel Ms. Louise Gardner Mr. Stephen C. Gault In honor of William Friel and Lawrence Mehler The Gheens Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Lee Groza Mr. H. David Hale Wood & Marie Hannah Foundation

Harshaw Trane Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Hill The Hilliard Lyons Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hoeck The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Horner The Rev. & Mrs. Richard Humke Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts, Fifth Third Bank, Trustee Mr. & Mrs. Charles Johnson The Honorable & Mrs. Brereton C. Jones Mr. David A. Jones, Jr. & Ms. Mary Gwen Wheeler Mr. David A. Jones, Sr. Mr. Steven D. Kerrick Mr. Donald F. Kohler Arthur J. Lerman Charitable Foundation Inc. The Robert I. Lerman Family Fund Robert Winthrop Charitable Trust In honor of Philip P. Ardery Mr. & Mrs. Leonard E. Lyles Mr. & Mrs. Alan MacDonald State Rep. Mary Lou Marzian & Mr. Bill Marzian Mr. & Mrs. Mack Mathews, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory E. Mayes Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. McKellar The Jessie Barker McKellar Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Mehler Mr. James Metcalfe Mr. David Metts Ms. Sandy Metts Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mills Dr. Laura & Mr. John Moore Mr. Michael B. Mountjoy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Musselman Ms. Nancy Neill Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nixon Mr. & Mrs. David Novak OfficeWare Paradis Foundation Inc. Dr. Gary & Mrs. Margaret Pennington Mr. & Mrs. Steve Perkins Publisher’s Printing Company, Inc. Mr. Stephen Reily & Mrs. Emily Bingham Louis T. Roth Foundation, Inc. In honor of Jefferey Yussman Mr. & Mrs. Ted M. Routt Mr. David B. Russell, CFM Mr. Curtiss M. Scott, Jr. Sign-A-Rama, Downtown Ms. Virginia Speed The Sumner Foundation, Inc. In honor of Samuel Greenebaum, III Temple Bodley Stites, M.D. Drs. Richard & Jackie Swigart Mr. & Mrs. Bosworth M. Todd Ms. Susan Tolliver Mr. John I. Trawick & Ms. Patricia A. Clare Ms. Jane Feltus Welch Wellspring Employees William E. Barth Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Elmore A. “Ack” Willets, III Ms. Diane Wilson In memory of Evan Brown Mr. Dick Wilson Mr. Richard Wilson The Wood & Marie Hannah Foundation Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP The Hon. John A. & Mrs. Yarmuth Mr. & Mrs. Jefferey Yussman Anonymous 2011 Derby Preview Party Supporters Mrs. Laura Albovias Ms. Katie anderson Mr. Dave Baker Dr. Billy Barclay Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barrett BBandT Insurance Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald MacLean Bell Mr. Kevin Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Benovitz Mr. Stanley V. Benovitz Ms. Carolyn Benson Ms. Lisa Beunker Mr. Philip E. Bevins Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Bierbaum Ms. Edith S. Bingham Ms. Bonita Black Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Carl D. Black Mr. Bernard F. Block Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bonsutto Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Bordogna Mrs. Elaine Bornstein Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Bosse Bosse Mattingly Constructors, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D. Boyd Mr. & Mrs. John Boyd Dr. Howard F. Bracco Mr. & Mrs. James Brammell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brodbeck Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Brown Ms. Meredith Wilson Brown Brown-Forman Corporation Business First Ms. Lucille Caldwell Ms. Trinity Campisano Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cantrell Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Carrithers Dr. & Mrs. David Allen Casey Mr. & Mrs. Greg Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Chessler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Clark Ms. Mary Bruce Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Phil Collier Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cooper Ms. Elizabeth Cooper Mrs. Dawn R. Franklin Croft Mr. John Crum Ms. Veneda Dalton Mr. & Mrs. John Daly Mr. Ross Davison

Ms. Marie E. Dever Ms. M. Jean Deye Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Dicken Deming, Malone, Livesay & Ostroff, P.S.C Mr. & Dr. Charles W. Dobbins, Jr. Mr. Jordan C. Doepke Dr. & Mrs. Misty Jones Doss Mr. Brandon Egan Mr. John Egan Mr. & Mrs. Albert Entwistle Fenwick Insurance Partners, LLC Fifth Third Bank Focal Point Productions Mrs. Gordon Ford Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Frye Fulfillment Concepts, Inc. Ms. Laura Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Doug Gaskins Mr. & Mrs. Scott Gilbertson Mr. & Mrs. Joe Gleissner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Gliessner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brad Glotzbach Mrs. Deborah Greenberg Mr. Kevin Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Harden Mr. & Mrs. W. Frank Harshaw Ms. Melinda Heck Dr. Mary Ann C. Henry Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hill Ms. Freda Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Lennie G. House Humana Military Healthcare Services Mr. Jeff Jarfi Mrs. Elizabeth McConahy Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. Vincent E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Bradley D. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Kaukas Mr. Phil Keller Mr. & Mrs. Bob Krall Ms. Diane M. Laughlin Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Lerman Ms. Joanie M. Lerman Ms. Laura Krebs Lewis Mr. Mark Lewis Ms. Teri Lloyd Louisville Magazine Ms. Joanne Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Mabrey Mr. & Mrs. Alan K. MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Tim Manning Mr. & Mrs. Mack Matthews Ms. Melanie McClish Mr. Terrence McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Terry McMahon Mr. Chris Meriweather Middleton Reutlinger Mr. & Mrs. David W. Miles Mr. Greg Miller Ms. Krista A. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mills Dr. Brian L. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Darrell L. Morris

Ms. Nancy Moss Mr. James D. Moyer Mr. Jackson C. Mullins, II Mutual of America Ms. Nancy L. Neill Mr. & Mrs. James A. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. James Nicholson Mr. John Nolan Mr. & Mrs. W. Allen Northcutt Mr. & Mrs. Mark O’Brien Ms. Patti Ogden Ms. Brittany Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Constance J. Parrish Mr. & Mrs. Michael Payne Dr. & Mrs. Gary E. Pennington Mr. & Mrs. George G. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Perkins PNC Bank, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John S. Poole Mr. Rob Prince Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pryor, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Norman D. Radtke Mr. J. D. Raine, Jr. Mr. George W. Rapp, Jr. Mr. Jerome Raque ResCare, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. James Reskin Mr. Curt Richards Ms. Debbie Rigrish Mr. & Mrs. James M. Roberts Mr. John M. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Roles Rooibee Red Tea Mr. Alan Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Rothgerber, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ted & Melissa Routt Mr. Sherman Rucker Ms. Elizabeth B. Runyon Ms. Mary S. Sachs Mr. & Mr. Kenneth Sales Ms. Sheila A Schuster, PhD Mr. & Mrs. John Schutte Seven Counties Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Alan Shrebtienko Mr. & Mrs. Dan Siebert Mr. Matt Siebert Siebert & Johnson PLLC Ms. Lanier Siewertsen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Simon Mr. & Mrs. Jay Skibinski Spalding University Ms. Leslee Spaulding Ms. Sue Speed Dr. & Mrs. James L. Sublett Ms. Patti Swope Dr. Allan Tasman The Brook Hospitals Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Thomas Today’s Woman Mr. Bosworth M. Todd, Jr. Todd-Veredus Asset Management Transformations

housing ... hope ... recovery: living solutions for mental health recovery

Mr. & Ms. Tom Tucker University of Louisville Depression Center Ms. Debbie Vice Ms. Beth Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Walker Dr. & Mrs. William W. Ward, Jr. State Rep. & Mrs. Jim Wayne Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wessel Mr. & Mrs. Elmore A. Willets, III Ms. Brittany Williams Mrs. Amy Wilson Ms. Diane Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jon Wolff Dr. & Mrs. Lynn Womack Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Wright Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP Yum! Brands, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jefferey M. Yussman Dr. & Mrs. Steve Zeh In-Kind Donors Friends of Wellspring AC Treasures Jewelry & Gifts Actors Theater of Louisville Acudent LLC Aesthetics in Jewelry Jose Albovias Laura Albovias Sharron Alexandersmith Austin’s Restaurant BAG44 Custom Design Handbags Baptist East/Milestone Wellness Center Paula A. Berry Bruce Besten Bays Boutique Bevins & Co. Landscaping/Design Bittners Blink Boutique Bluebirdheaven, LLC Bluegrass Motorsport Boutique Serendipity Diane Brodbeck Lauren & Barrett Brown Meredith Brown Browning’s Restaurant & Brewery Burdorf’s Furnishing & Flooring Business First Cabot Creamery Carmichael’s Bookstore Cardinal Wings Aviation Carol anderson by Invitation (Cabi) Center Stage at Jewish Community Center of Louisville Greg Chapman Christina Robinson Artwork & Designs Churchill Downs Classic Biplane Tours Clay & Cotton Clodhoppers Clothing Boutique Whitney Conely Consider Boutique Bonnie Cook Liz Coomes Royce Cruce Divas Jenny & Mark Dobbins

Nancy Doctor Matt Dowell The Dressing Room Margaret & Dan Dry Dwyer DesignScapes Dynamic Chiropractic & Rehab Emily’s Original Art Equus Restaurant & Jack’s Lounge Focal Point fou-fou Fazoo Frances Lee Jasper Oriental Rugs, Inc. Bill Friel Fulfillment Concepts, Inc. Kristen Gattshall General Eccentric Glittering Photos Graeter’s Barbara Hall La Dona Hall Traci Hall Jeff & Melodie Harden Karen Head Heine Brothers’ Coffee Paul Victor Heitz Cathy Hinko Dan Hosch Kris & Frank Hower Pat & Chris Howerton Humana Account Installation Volunteer Network J. Harrod’s The Irish Rover Chef Jeff Jarfi Jeff Rogers Photography, Inc. Jewish Community Center Jmtenn Designs Karina’s Jewelers Kelly Karp Keeneland Association, Inc. Kentucky Derby Museum Kentucky Horse Park Kentucky Planning Partners Kingfish Restaurants Diane Lander-Simon Joanie Lerman Lionart Designs Littleface Photography Louisville Ballet Louisville Bats Louisville Bedding Company Louisville Magazine Louisville Marriott Downtown Louisville Science Center Louisville Stoneware The Louisville Zoo Alan K. MacDonald Martha & Steve Makela Maker’s Mark Heather Marcus Elmfors Millinery Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Martin Masterson’s Catering Mayan Café Katie McCarthy Maureen McDermott Terry & Nina McMahon

Mike Linnig’s Restaurant Misobel Design My Raving Heart Coffee Natural Kneads Andrew Naugle Nikki Cummings Jewelry Northeast Family YMCA The Owl’s Nook Paul’s Fruit Market Kathleen & Tom Payette Peacock Polished Salon & Spa Jill & Bob Prugar Purple Rose Hats RandR Limousine Racing Adventure Rafferty’s Andrew Ramser ResCare, Inc. Natalie Riley Rooibee Red Tea Sachs Investment Group Morton & Kathy Sachs Sam Swope Auto Group Seviche, A Latin Restaurant Lanier Siewertsen Simply Silver Amberly Simpson Wayne & Cheryl Smith Sol Aztecas Southwest Airlines Charitable Giving Spalding University Jeannie Spencer Lucy Spickard The Sports & Social Club Sports Clips Haircuts Spruce Hill Nursery, Inc. Kim & Vic Staffieri State of the Art Dentistry Stephen Photography Speed Stodghill Stained Glass & More Sue Lund Massage Therapy LLC The Taft Museum of Art Dr. Allan Tasman Today’s Woman Trinity High School in memory of David J. Block Two Chicks & Company UPS Phyllis & John Ward Paul & Cathy Wessel Diane Wilson Elmore “Ack” & Cissie Willets, III YMCA of Southern Indiana Zappos Fulfillment Centers, Inc. Za’s Pizza Pub Zimmerman Glass Art Factory Gifts In Honor Of Philip P. & Anne S. Ardery Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Ardery Ms. Joan H. Todd Philip P. Ardery Mr. & Mrs. John T. Bondurant Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Bonnie

Wellspring Annual Report 2011

Ms. Sheila A. Schuster, PhD Joseph & Anne Ardery Mr. William Bishop Amy Benovitz The Honorable Sheila A. Collins Julie Ardery & Bill Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Philip P. Ardery, Jr. Tony Cecil Ms. Joan H. Todd Kathy Dobbins Ms. Mary S. Sachs Nancy Doctor Mr. & Mrs. Duane J. Murner Helen Grohmann Ms. Joan H. Todd Brenda Price Ms. Cynthia C. Smith George W. Rapp, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Craig Grant Dr. & Mrs. John F. Rose Dr. & Mrs. Peter E. Tanguay Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wall, IV Ms. Cornelia Serpell Mr. & Mrs. Robert Yankovich Richard & Jackie Swigart Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Roos Jackie Swigart Ms. Sally L. Kamps Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Loomis Joan Todd Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Bell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Crockett, II Mr. & Mrs. N. O. Grohmann Ms. Julia H. Stanton The Todd Family Ms. Janet C. Irwin Peter Wayne Mr. Jefferey M. Yussman Sheila & Patrick Welsh Dr. Janice W. Yusk Gifts In Memory Of David J. Block Mr. Bernard F. Block Rob Bordogna Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Bordogna Evan Brown Ms. Lisa Patrick Leet Delbert Crawford Ms. Joan H. Todd David Egan Mr. & Mrs. John Joseph Egan Ms. Hazelmarie Huff Ms. Elizabeth Oakley PNC Wealth Management Ms. Charlotte Price Ms. Louise Schulman Mr. & Mrs. Terry Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Steve Thompson Ms. Joan H. Todd Sarah Frey Mrs. Eloise Logsdon Steve Gilpin Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goeing David Gratehouse Ms. Joan H. Todd

John Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Bob Luckett Ms. Mary Pat Mackin Ms. Linda Goodwin Martin Ms. Janet M. Reddington Kris Hansen Ms. Katharine R. Dobbins Ms. Jo Hansen Tommy Luckett Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Luckett Robert Lyons Mrs. Judy Lyons Brent Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Michael Blose Sam Todd Ms. Edith S. Bingham Mr. & Mrs. N. O. Grohmann Ms. Elizabeth W. Jones Joanne Vandrick Mr. & Mrs. W. Joe Vandrick

“To err is human, to forgive, divine.” Alexander Pope Every effort was made to correctly acknowledge the thoughtful individuals, groups, foundations, and corporations who supported Wellspring’s work through gifts given between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. If a name has been omitted or misspelled, we would appreciate hearing of any needed corrections. Please contact the Development Office at (502) 753-1453 or (502) 753-1457.


Wellspring Volunteer Opportunities

here are so many ways to get involved with Wellspring – whether your passion and skills involve projects around the home and yard, cooking, grilling and throwing parties, or “collecting for a cause,” we have plenty of opportunities for you! • With all of our houses, there are always minor repair and painting jobs awaiting, and plenty of gardening to do, too. A fresh coat of paint always freshens up a home, and weeds never take a holiday! • For those who love to cook, delivering a meal, a dessert, a pizza, or a brunch to one of our programs would be a real treat – our house cooks would love a break. • Organizing a collection of items that are always in demand. Donated household cleaning supplies, personal care items, and paper goods can make a huge difference for both our programs and residents. Or, on a bigger scale, we often need help to furnish apartments for program graduates or homeless tenants moving into their own apartments. • Be a Gift Card Genie – our residents and houses would love gift cards in small denominations from stores like Walgreen’s, Kroger, Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, and any of the pizza delivery places! Form a team. Pick a month. Pool everyone’s change – you’d be amazed at how many gift cards you could get! • Provide a Party – a birthday cake, a holiday celebration, a “picnic sack” full of hotdogs, chips, coleslaw, and brownies,” a “Movie Night” bag with popcorn, candy, and caffeine-free soft drinks. You get the idea – anything to make a day special. • Adopt a “house” for the holidays! We’ll get residents’ “Wish Lists” and you get a group of friends to play “Secret Santa” and make their wishes come true. • We always need gifts for our Celebration of Recovery and other special times throughout the year. Small treats like nice new personal care items, small electronics, computer games, hats/gloves/scarves/umbrellas, light-hearted DVDs and CDs, board games, arts & crafts supplies and kits, journals, drawing paper, drawing pencils & pens, etc. • And then there are committees! If you’d like to serve on the Wellspring Derby Preview Party committee, our Annual Golfing Event committee, or another board committee as an adhoc member, we’d love to talk with you about our specific needs and see where your interests and talents would best be utilized. • If you are interested in helping Wellspring help adults in our community who have a severe and persistent mental illness, please contact us – we’d be glad to help you with any of the projects that most interest you! Let us know of your interest via our website: www.wellspringky.org or call 637-4361.

housing ... hope ... recovery: living solutions for mental health recovery

Wellspring – Founded in 1982 Wellspring promotes recovery from mental illness through leadership in the development of quality housing and rehabilitation services. Wellspring annually serves over 600 clients who have a variety of psychiatric illnesses. We operate 2 Crisis Stabilization Units, 2 Transitional Housing programs, 3 Supportive Housing programs, and over 100 units of deeply subsidized rental housing. Our Service Values Assure: Recovery-oriented programming, with the focus on client-centered, individualized care, and utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach to support our clients along their individual paths to recovery. Our Housing Values Include: Facilitating our clients’ community integration and enhancing our neighborhoods by providing highquality housing and individualized supportive services. Our Community Values Require: Accountability through excellence in financial management, program practices and outcomes, and business and employment practices; all overseen by a volunteer board of directors comprised of community leaders, mental health professionals and concerned family members. Our Collaborative Agreements Include: Seven Counties Services, New Directions Housing Corporation, the Family Health Centers’ Phoenix Health Center, the Coalition for the Homeless, the Metropolitan Housing Coalition, the Kentucky Mental Health Coalition, Bridgehaven, and NAMILouisville; we are also proud to be a participating member of the Metro United Way, and a Seven Counties Services affiliate agency.

Officers and Directors 2011/2012 Jefferey M. Yussman – Chair Robert P. Bordogna – Vice Chair David W. Miles – Treasurer Cissy Mills – Secretary Meredith Brown Christina L. Terrell, M. D. Trinity Campisano Paul A. Coomes Dawn Franklin Croft William Friel Alan K. MacDonald Gregory E. Mayes Nancy Neill Margaret Pennington George Rapp, Jr. Melissa Routt Jackie Swigart, Ph.D. Elmore “Ack” Willets, III Honorary Lifetime Members Philip P. Ardery, Founding Chair Nancy B. Bell Roberta Fischer Rev. Richard H. Humke Clifford C. Kuhn, M.D. Malcolm R. Mathews, Jr. Bosworth M. Todd, Jr. John I. Trawick Management Team Katharine R. Dobbins, LCSW Executive Director kathy.dobbins@wellspringky.org Robert L. Brodbeck Chief Operating Officer bob.brodbeck@wellspringky.org Nancy L. Doctor Director of Development nancy.doctor@wellspringky.org T. Patrick Rhodes, LCSW Director of Programs patrick .rhodes@wellspringky.org

Annual Report Team Production Coordinator Nancy L. Doctor Content Development Melissa Kratzer Design Scott Gilbertson Photography Rick Rhodes, Rick Rhodes Photography and Imaging, LLC Printing Mr. Nicholas X. Simon and the team at Publishers Printing Co. Additional thanks to the many Wellspring Board members, staff members and clients who contributed time and talent to this project. About the Art Art Therapy is part of Wellspring’s supportive services programming. Expressive Therapist Megan Zoeller provides instruction and encouragement to the program participants. The artwork featured throughout this report was created by Wellspring’s program participants.

Megan Zoeller, ATR.-BC “ I believe art, and other creative mediums, provide an alternative means of expression when words fail us. I feel art as a healing therapy offers our clients a safe place in which they can express themselves and their emotions in a concrete format. It is wonderful as an expressive therapist to witness and encourage Wellspring clients through the creative process towards improved physical, mental, and emotional health.” Credits Cover Art – created by Scott Gilbertson Inside Back Cover Art – created by Kelly Back Cover Art – created by Geraine

Wellspring Annual Report 2011

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