Safe Swaps to Detox Your Bathroom with Young Living

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…‘hazardous to humans and domestic animals.’ •There are over 3,000 fragrance chemicals used in the creation of “fragrance” or a signature perfume to endure a lengthy shelf life. If someone leaves a room and you can still smell his or her fragrance, it probably has phthalates in it. •“Fragrance” is considered proprietary in nature and brands do not have to disclose which materials they’ve added. •Manufacturers are responsible for the safety of the ingredients they use in their products. However, they do not have to comply with any federal regulations when it comes to “fragrance.” Some of these ingredients have been linked to cancer, hormone disruption, neurotoxicity, asthma, allergies, and other health concerns. Many haven’t even been tested!!!

•Toxic Body Burden is EWG’s (Environmental Working Group) chief concern… “Our concern is daily, weekly, chronic exposure over a lifetime. Maybe if you’re exposed to a chemical a handful of times it wouldn’t cause harm, but some chemicals build up enough or cause enough harm in your body over time that it triggers some kind of disease outcome. The concept [of body burden] is that pollution is not just in our air and in our water — it’s also in us.”

Stay In-The-Know What The Health &

Take BODY Inventory by Beth Greer What is going

IN your body?

•Are you eating food with additives, colorings, preservatives and trans fats or unprocessed foods (nothing with a label)? •Are you drinking filtered water (Spring and/or PH) and pure vegetable juices or sweetened juices and sodas?

What is going


your body?

• Microscopic chemicals pass through our skin. You can’t see them, but they are there causing havoc on your body systems. • Makeup, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, nail polish and remover and body lotion contain synthetic chemicals that causes cancer in laboratory animals • Are you using all natural products on your skin?

What is SURROUNDING your body? • Are you sleeping on a natural mattress? Organic sheets washed with a natural soap? • Are you keeping your EMFs at a minimum, especially when you’re sleeping? Cell Phone 8 ft from bed. • Are you wearing all cotton/natural fiber clothing? • Are you minimizing stress, toxic relationships, emotional strongholds? Strong faith?

Sickness is more expensive than Healthy

Safer Swaps • Make sure you are using safe materials in your DIYs containing water (water creates a cozy place for mold and bacteria to grow) ~ Purified/Distilled Water – tap water, even filtered, have yuckies in it ~ Witch Hazel with or without alcohol ~ Everclear, 120 proof > • Make ONE DIY bottle or jar at a time • Use clean/sterile containers • Refrigerate reserves if needed • Use a spreader or spoon to dip out of jar to eliminate contamination and oils from fingers.

Break Up with Your Make Up Sulfates Phthalates Silicone Synthetic Fragrances Nanoparticles Formaldehyde Oxybenzone Parabens Talc Coal tar YL leads clean beauty by banning the 1,328 ingredients already banned by Europe and 2,500 more ingredients (even the “natural ingredients� other clean makeup companies use.)

Your Face Deserves Plant-Based EIA&app=desktop

Double The Love Divide the ART Cleansing into two bottles. Store one bottle and dilute the other bottle. Add 10 drops each Lavender and Frankincense. Add 1 TBL Vitamin E. Add 4 TBL Argan Oil (or the right carrier for your skin type)

Fill the rest with purified water. Shake. Use within 1-2 months.

Open Wide ANYTHING that goes into your mouth is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. Market Toothpastes and Mouthwashes contain: • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) toxic to human cells • Triclosan has been shown to be harmful to human health and to the environment • Fluoride toothpaste should not be swallowed and therefore not used by toddlers or anyone cannot sufficiently spit all of the toothpaste out. • Artificial Dyes and Preservatives • Cytotoxins, Neurotoxins, Carcinogens

Plant-based Dental Care After every meal, keep your pearly whites clean and shining bright with Thieves Whitening toothpaste. For best results, follow with a swish of Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash for 30-60 seconds! Every night, floss with Thieves floss to get all those popcorn kernels out of your gums! Every morning, put a drop of Thieves in your Waterpik for a “just left the dentist” feeling everyday.

PRO TIP: If your toothbrush is more than 3 months old, it’s not doing as much good as it could. Put an alert on your phone for a reminder to change it every 3 months! products/c/beauty/dental-care

Squeeze Out All That You Can Thieves Whitening Toothpaste will not scratch your enamel like other whitening toothpastes. Once you just can’t squeeze anymore toothpaste, cut the tube with scissors. Add a paperclip to the each opening to keep the toothpaste from drying out. Stick your brush into the tube first (you’ll get at least 5 more brushes.) /thieves-whitening-toothpaste

Then start on the cap (at least 8-10 more brushes.)

Swish The Love Fill 1/3 of a small (10oz) bottle with Thieves Mouthwash. Add 3 drops each Thieves Vitality, Orange Vitality (brightening), and Peppermint Vitality. Fill the rest with purified water. Shake. Use within a month. Need to make a big batch to spread around the whole family? Pour the whole Thieves Mouthwash into an empty Ningxia Red bottle (24oz), add 5 drops each of the essential oils, and fill the rest of the bottle with purified water. Fill up small bottles for each family member to have their own personalized mouthwash.

No need to rinse after using.

When You’ve Gotta Go Can you spot the 6 toxic areas in this picture?

1. Toilet Paper 2. Bottom Wipes 3. Cleaning Wipes

4. Air Freshener Not shown: 5. Toilet Cleaner 6. Floor Cleaner

Who Gives A Crap? Americans Use close to 8 million tons of toilet paper/year. The Issue With Tissue • Chlorine (Dioxins) cause reproductive and developmental problems, damaging the immune system, endocrine disruptors, and carcinogenic. Formaldehyde are just some of the toxic chemicals used to process toilet paper and is touching our most porous areas of our bodies. • Bisphenols like BPA were found in recycled toilet paper and are endocrine disruptors, linked to reproductive problems, early puberty, low sperm count, and breast cancer. • Artificial fragrance. Demand toilet paper made from bamboo or sugar cane…it’s good for the environment and your bum. (Amazon)

Add ONE drop of your favorite essential oil to the INSIDE of the toilet roll for natural fresh scent every time you pull.

Not Just For Babies Bottoms Baby wipes are perfect for everyone’s sensitive and porous bottoms. Polysorbate 20, Parabens, Fragrance, Phenoxyethanal (safter preservative), petroleum-based ingredients, Sodium Benzoate Young Living Seedlings Baby Wipes rates a 2 on EWG. All of the chemicals used are a 1 rating. (The essential oils Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, and Geranium are at a 5/4 due to possible allergies.) Lavender is a 1. I always take a small bag of wipes when I travel cause I eat soooo much more than normal! products/baby-wipes-yl-seedlings

Clean It…Clean It Real Good

Easy to Make, Easy On Your Wallet

Add 3 TBL of natural preservative to the measuring cup. Use wipes within 1-2 months.

Make Your Own Faux Breeze THERE’S A BETTER WAY Add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil (s), add a TBL of witch hazel, fill the rest of the spray bottle with filtered water.

Butter Up Buttercup m/en_US/products/c/beauty /lotions-moisturizers

• 4 oz unrefined organic shea butter •4 oz. organic coconut oil •10-20 drops essential oils •Electric mixer •Mixing bowl •Clean glass container Bring shea butter to room temperature in mixing bowl. Mash with a fork. Add coconut oil and mash more. Mix on high speed for about five minutes. Add 10-20 essential oils and stir gently for a few minutes to blend. Store whipped body butter in a clean container (can reuse food jars) and close with a tight fighting lid. Keep in a dry, dark cool place for up to 3 months. Suggested EO: Jasmine, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Lavender (If using citrus oils, only use body butter at night.)

~~~~Makes a great gift!

Make 4 bottles out of 1 bottle of YL Shampoo.

#5194121 $24.25 WS

#5191121 $21.00 WS

#5100 $21.00 WS

Make 4 bottles out of 1 bottle of YL Shampoo. Fill three (3) 2.5oz squeeze bottles or clean 2.5oz baby food jars with Young Living Shampoo and store for later. In the original bottle that has 2.5oz of shampoo left in it, add: • 1 tsp of baking soda (makes it sudsy) • 5-8 drops each Rosemary, Cedarwood and Lavender for extra healthy hair and 5-8 drops Peppermint to stimulate scalp • Fill the rest of the bottle with purified water* (warm water helps it mix better.) • Shake well to mix and before each use. Depending on hair length and thickness, add a nickel-sized amount to palm and massage into hair and scalp. Rinse thoroughly. *It is recommended that you use distilled water because tap water contains natural impurities that can lead to bacteria growth. It is also recommended that you only make one new bottle at a time.

Make 3 bottles out of 1 bottle of YL Conditioner INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRIPLING YOUR CONDITIONER: • Remove 2/3 of the conditioner and store for later (Grab a bottle from target travel section or clean an empty jar.) • With remaining conditioner, add warm water. (You may also add essential oils too.) • Mix by gently shaking until mixture is fully incorporated. Let sit for 2 days and shake again. • Use as directed!

#5102 $21.00 WS

You Will Need Dry Shampoo Ingredients: ¼ cup Arrowroot Powder OPTIONAL: 1 TBL baking soda 2 drops Cedarwood 2 drops Rosemary 2 drops Lavender 1 drop Tea Tree Brunettes: 2 Tbls unsweetened cacao powder* Blondes: ¾ tsp turmeric* Red Heads: 2-1/4 tsp paprika* *Adjust amount as needed.

Combine all ingredients in an empty salt shaker or clean baby powder bottle. Sprinkle on roots of hair and massage into scalp. Leave for 2-3 minutes to absorb hair’s natural oils. Brush through hair. You can also add ingredients to a jar and use a make-up powder brush to dap on scalp.

Tame Your Mane for Your Hair Type Detangler Base 1/2 cup YL Conditioner 2 cups distilled water 24-oz. spray bottle Directions: Bring the distilled water to a simmer without boiling. Combine the warm water and conditioner in the bottle, shaking to combine. Add the recommended essential oils to the detangling base, shaking once again to distribute. Apply the detangler to hair as needed, using the bottle’s spray attachment and focusing on the ends rather than the scalp, gently combing to dispense evenly throughout your hair. You can either rinse out the detangler or leave it in for extra conditioning. Style your hair as usual and enjoy the pleasant aroma of essential oils throughout the day!

Works on horses too!

Normal Hair •5 drops of Geranium essential oil •5 drops of Sacred Sandalwood essential oil Oily Hair •5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil •5 drops of Clary Sage essential oil Dry Hair •5 drops of Ylang Ylang essential oil •5 drops of Myrrh essential oil Morning Detangler •5 drops of Geneyus essential oil blend

Love On The Skin You’re In Fill a foaming pump dispenser with ¼ cup (2 oz) shower gel. • OPTIONAL: Add in several drops of your favorite essential oils. •Fill the rest of the bottle with Purified water, leaving enough room at the top for the pump. • Mix by gently shaking until mixture is fully incorporated. Remember, only make one bottle at a time.

#3745 $20.00 WS

Setting The Bar High /products/c/beauty/soap-bath-gels

MEN Have Toxic Body Burden Too! /c/beauty/mens-care

Make It Easy For Your Man •Fill ¼ of the foaming pump bottle with the Shutran 3in-1 gel. •Add 5-8 drops of Shutran, Idaho Blue Spruce. Other suggestions are ---5 drops of Sacred Mountain ---5 drops of Northern Lights Black Spruce ---5 drops each Marjoram and Hinoki • Fill the rest of the bottle with warm purified water. • Mix by gently shaking until mixture is fully incorporated.

#20483 $33.25 WS

Kids Have Toxic Body Burden Too!

#27228 $17.25 WS

Foaming Pump Bottles

Just two pumps is all they need!

#26782 $17.00 WS

Pit Love Top 5 toxic ingredients in store bought deodorant •Aluminum •Parabens •Propylene glycol •Phthlates •Triclosan YL Deodorant •Coconut oil •White Beeswax •Pure Vegetable Esters •Zinc Oxide •Vitamin E •Clove, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, Eucalyptus Radiata, White Fir Essential Oils beauty/body-care

LOVE on Your PITS 6 Tbl Coconut Oil (Organic if you can find it) 2 Tbl Baking Soda 1 Tbl Arrow Root (I like Bob's Red Mill) 10 drops Young Living Lavender* 10 drops Young Living Frankincense* 10 drops Young Living Stress Away* (I used to add Lemongrass but guess what, bees LOVE Lemongrass.) For manly scents, add Cypress or Idaho Balsam Fir with Purification or Shutran

Instructions: Mix baking soda and arrow root together in a small bowl. Add the coconut oil to a medium bowl and then add the dry mixture. Mix with a hand mixer for 1 minute. Scrape into a glass jar. (I got my jar at the Target Dollar Spot but the Dollar Tree has some cute ones too.) Drop in essential oils and stir until well blended. Dip a spreader in the jar (not your fingers), rub on your fingers and spread on armpits. Keep jar in a cool area. Armpit Detox

LOVE on Your Lymphs Anytime we can love on our lymph nodes, especially in our armpits, it’s a good thing. 20 drops Frankincense 10 drops Clove 10 drops Sage 10 drops Egyptian Gold (Optional) Fractionated Coconut Oil (FCO) 5mL empty EO bottle Roller Ball Roll on armpits after applying DIY Deodorant.

NEXT WEEK!!! November 16-20

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