Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

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Recipes & tips compiled by The Wellth Coach from friends, raw foods groups, egroups, favorite books & all over the Internet!

Wellthy Choices

Recipes & tips compiled by Jan Jenson, The Wellth Coach & editor of Wellthy Choices newzine and blog from friends, raw foods groups, egroups, my favorite books & all over the Internet!

RAW RECIPES and TIPS for Eating & Living Wellthy

Appeteezers ---------------------------------------------------Breads & crackers ------------------------------------------Dressings/sauces/vinegars ------------------------------Drinks -----------------------------------------------------------Main Dishes ---------------------------------------------------Salads -----------------------------------------------------------Soups ------------------------------------------------------------Desserts --------------------------------------------------------Recipes for Staying Healthy Year ‘Round! ---------Wellthy Choices for holiday trips! ---------------------Websites & Books on RAW Foods ---------------------

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Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

Pumpkin Seed “Cheese� Sunflower Pate 3 cups sunflower seeds, soaked 8-12 hours. Sprouted for 2-4 hours 1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice 1/2 cup chopped scallions 1/4-1/2 cup raw tahini 1/4 cup liquid amino's, or 2 tablespoons nama shoyu, or pinch of sea salt 2-4 slices red onion , cut in chunks 4-6 tablespoons coarsely chopped parsley 2-3 medium cloves garlic, coarsley chopped 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper (or more to taste) Soak sunflower seeds 8-12 hours, drain, allow to sprout for 3-4 hours (leave out on counter) then thoroughly rinse and drain removing as many of the thin inner husks that float to the top as possible. In a food processor, process the sunflower seeds, lemon juice, scallions, tahini, liquid amino's, onion, parsley, garlic and cayenne until the mixture is a smooth paste. When thoroughly blended taste and adjust the seasoning. The pate will develop a stronger garlic taste in a few hours. Yields a large mixing bowl of pate. (approximately 8 cups)

Hummus 2- 14 oz. Cans Garbanzos (chickpeas) or equivalent made fresh 1/4 cup water (use water from Garbanzos) 1 clove garlic 2 tsps.- Tahini (Sesame) 2 Lemons (Juiced) 1 tsp. Sea Salt 1/2 tsp. Cumin (Ground Fine) 1/2 tsp. dried red pepper (Ground Fine) Mix all ingredients in a food processor and puree. Fabulous dip for carrot sticks, zucchini strips. Note: can be served warm or cool. Add one or more of your own spices like cayenne or tumeric or curry to make it more interesting

Mango Cranberry Salsa by Alex Malinsky 1 cup fresh mango (diced) 4 tbs. sun dried or fresh cranberries 2 tbs. red bell peppers, (diced) 2 tbs. red onion (diced) 1 jalapeno pepper (minced) 2 tbs. fresh mint (chopped) 1 tbs. lime or lemon juice 1 tbs. agave nectar or honey 1 tbs. avocado oil How to: Mix everything together in a bowl and let marinate for 1 hour before serving.

2 cups Pumpkin Seeds (raw) Soak in Filtered Water x 15 minutes 1 bunch Parsley 1 Tbs. Garlic, minced 1 Tbs. Ginger, minced 1/4 cup Lemon Juice 1/3 cup Olive Oil Salt 1/8 Tsp. Jalapeno Pepper Blend in food processor. Spread on large lettuce leaves, roll up & enjoy !!

Carrot Juice Soup By Frederic Patenaude 1 cup celery juice 2 cups carrot juice 1 cup carrot pulp 1/2 avocado small handful dill, or cilantro 2 medium tomatoes, chopped 1 cup vegetables of your choice (cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, etc.) 1/2 avocado, pieces (optional) When juicing the carrots, save 1 cup of carrot pulp. Blend the juice with the avocado and herb (dill or cilantro) together. Add in, without blending, the remaining ingredients.

Jalapeno Cheese by Jackie Graff 2 cups macadamia nuts, soaked for 8 hrs./drain 2 cups filtered water 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tsp. tumeric 2 sun-dried tomatoes Juice of 1 lemon 1 cup pine nuts, soaked for 8 hrs./drain 2 jalapeno peppers, chopped very fine Place macadamia nuts, filtered water, salt, tumeric, sun-dried tomatoes and lemon juice in blender - blend till smooth. Add pine nuts & blend until smooth. Stir in jalapeno peppers. Great on dehydrated crackers!

Avocado Surprise 1 large ripe avocado 3 slices of fresh pineapple 1/2 cup sliced celery 1/4 cup chopped almonds Dice the avocado and pineapple and mix all the ingredients.

Avocado - Orange Salad 2 cups diced avocado 4 oranges 1 cup sliced celery Slice the oranges and mix with the avocado and celery. Serve on crisp greens without dressing.


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Calcium Rich Fruit Spread NO. NO! NEVER processed breads & crackers!!! Use those grains RAW and get 1000 times the nutrients, plus their own built-indigestive enzymes and FORGET whole wheat or processed breads & cereals... nothing processed! Wheat makes the body fill UP with MUCOUS... unless you SPROUT it ... then dry the sprouts and powder them to make dehydrated crackers! OK, so we don't always eat RAW...! Try this steamed brown bread recipe w/Calcium Rich Fruit Spread on those days! YUMM!!

Boston Brown Bread --An old-fashioned steamed bread--like Grama used to make! Requires a large stock pot/pan with a rack and a casserole pan (round or square 8" or smaller) that will fit on the rack inside for steaming. Put water in stock pot up to bottom of rack and turn on low heat to build up steam. Whisk together: 1/2 c. Summers Sprouted Wheat Flour 1/2 c. Summers Sprouted Rye Flour 1/2 c. cornmeal 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. baking soda NUT BUTTER 1/4 tsp. salt (opt.) Makes 2 cups In a separate bowl, cream together: 2 cups "crispy nuts" of 1/3 c. black-strap molasses your choice; 1/4 c. kefir cheese 3/4 cup of coconut oil; Add and whisk until smooth: 2 tbsp of raw honey; 1/2 c. + 1 Tbsp. water 1 tsp of sea salt. 1 Tbsp. melted butter Place nuts and sea Stir into flour until smooth. salt in a food processor and grind to a fine powAdd: der. Add honey and 1/2 c. raisins coconut oil and process /2 c. sesame seeds until "butter" becomes Fill the casserole pan 3/4 full. smooth. Cover casserole pan with lid or Store in an airtight several layers of wax paper sealed container in the refrigerwith a string or rubber band. ator and serve at room Place casserole pan on the rack temperature with bread above steaming water. or crackers, or fresh vegetables. Steam for 1 1/2 hours or until bread is no longer gooey and is springy to the touch.

Dehydrated bread & cracker recipes available in the Wellthy Choices special edition on FOOD DEHYDRATION. $5 per PDF download via PayPal... or printed version available for $7.00. Send payment to: thewellthcoach@alltel.net for DEHYDRATION newsletter... or call Jan Jenson at 704-450-6115. Page 4


A fruit spread full of calcium. If made with prune juice instead of water, it is excellent for relieving constipation. Great for osteoporosis Soak together in 8-10 cups / 2000-2500 ml water: 1 pound / 450 grams pitted dates 1 pound / 450 grams dried figs 1 pound / 450 grams pitted prunes 1-1/2 pounds / 675 grams raisins When soft, mash together (or put in food processor and add: 2-4 tablespoons rose hip powder Use this calcium-rich, estrogen enhancing spread in place of jams and jellies. Try it on a whole wheat dehydrated cracker when you think you want a cookie.

For the highest possible calcium content, put 1/4 cup sesame seeds thru a coffee grinder and add to this recipe. Sesame seeds provide over1,000 mg. calcium per tablespoon!!

Brown Caraway Bread Recipe by Elaina Love Makes 48 pieces 6 cups almond pulp (fluffy, not packed) This is leftover pulp from making nut milk 1 1/2 cup fresh ground flax meal, golden or brown 1/2 cup carob powder 1 tsp. Himalayan sea salt 1/4 cup caraway seeds (more or less according to taste) 1 cup olive oil 1/2-1 cup sauerkraut (more for a more sour taste) Mix the dry ingredients with your hands first, then add the olive oil and sauerkraut and mix well. Roll out 1/3 of the batter sandwiched between two 14"x14" flex sheets. Use a rolling pin or olive oil bottle to flatten and even out the thickness. Remove the top flex sheet and use a pastry scraper to spread the dough out to the edges of the sheet and make it square. Score the bread into 16 squares per tray (4x4), and then flip it onto a dehydrator tray with the screen in place. This means the tray will have no flex sheets on the top or bottom, just the screen and tray. Dry for around 4 hours at 105 degrees. You will know the bread is ready when it is moist, and not doughy. Store in a plastic bag or glass container in the refrigerator for 4-5 days, and in the freezer for 2-4 weeks. These will not stay fresh long at room temperature since they are not dried completely, but overnight should be okay. Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

Sweet Miso-Ginger Sauce

Sweet & Spicy Chili Sauce

( yields 1 1/4 cups ) 1/4 cup Sesame or Olive Oil 1 Tsp. Toasted Sesame Oil (optional) 1 Large Clove Garlic, peeled (optional) 2 Tbsp. Fresh Ginger, chopped or shredded 1 Tbsp. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar or 2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice 2 Tbsp. Light Miso Paste 1 Tbsp. Tamari or Bragg Liquid Aminos 1/8 Tsp. Cayenne, or to taste Blend all ingredients together until creamy.

(yields 4 to 5 cups) 1 pound Red Bell Peppers (about 2) or, if you like it hotter... Fresh Cayenne Peppers: remove seeds & chop 4 Green or Red Jalapeno or 1 Habanera Pepper, chopped 6 Medium Soft Dates, pitted 3 Medium Cloves Garlic 1 Tsp. Celtic Sea Salt 1 Tsp. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar or 2 Tsp. Lemon or Lime Juice Place all ingredients in blender and blend on high until mixture is mostly smooth, but a little chunky. Pour into a pint-size glass jar. Cover and store in the refrigerator for 2 or more months. Enjoy with a number of recipes as a topping or side condiment.

Sweet & Sour Sauce ( yields 3 to 4 cups ) 2 Large Tomatoes or 2 cups Chopped Fresh Tomatoes 1 cup Sun-Dried Tomatoes 1 Clove Garlic 1-inch Piece Fresh Ginger, peeled 1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar 1/4 cup Pitted Dates or 1/4 cup Honey 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil 1 Tsp. Celtic Sea Salt Blend the Fresh Tomatoes. Add the Sun-Dried Tomatoes (no need to soak them), garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, dates or honey, olive oil, and sea salt. Blend everything together until smooth. Adjust herbs and spices to taste.

Herb vinegars From: Suzanne <suziesgoats@yahoo.com> Herbs and spices suspended in unusually shaped bottles of vinegar or oil are eye-catching as well as delicious, and an excellent way of preserving herb flavors. For the best flavor and to make it look attractive, use both herbs and spices whole. Mixed with an equal amount of olive or sunflower oil, they make excellent salad dressings. You can also add them to sauces and gravies and use them for pickling and making mustards. Two tablespoons added to a light stock for poaching fish or to the water used for boiling meat will lighten and improve the flavor. You can use almost any herb to make an herb vinegar, but the most popular are garlic, mint, tarragon, thyme, basil, fennel, dill, and

rosemary. Spices most frequently used include whole dried chillies, bruised whole coriander seeds, and dill, fennel and caraway seeds. You can also use pickling spice, which consists of mustard seeds and includes pepper, cloves, and chillies. Dried Herb Tip: Dried herbs, if completely clean, can be used to make vinegar. Use 1 cup dried herbs to 3 or 4 cups vinegar. Heat together just to the boiling point. Cool, strain, bottle and store in a cool, dark place. Fresh Herb Tip: As you use the vinegar and the level goes down and the herb sprigs are no longer covered with vinegar, be sure to remove them, otherwise, mold may form on the herbs, spices, or rinds when exposed to air in the jar. You should never use metal lids...they erode!

Marinara Sauce (This is a rough description, you add ingredients to your taste) To serve 8-16 (Makes a full blender container of sauce) 2-3 cups Sun Dried tomatoes, soaked in water for 2 hours (not oil packed, buy dried sun dried tomatoes) 8-10 fresh Tomatoes 1/2 cup Parsley 1 large onion 1 head garlic 1/2 cup fresh basil 1/4 cup fresh oregano 1 tsp. sea salt 1/2 cup olive oil If making this marinara sauce to use on zucchini 'pasta' that has been tossed in pesto sauce, this will make more than enough for 8 people as an entrĂŠe, and 16 people as a side dish. For lasagna, a blender full of marinara should be just enough for one large lasagna, but have enough ingredients on hand to make a bit more sauce if you need to. Cut up and blend the tomatoes in a blender. You should have approximately 3 cups of pureed tomato. Drain the sun dried tomatoes (save the liquid to thin the sauce later if you need to) and add enough of them to the tomato puree until the mixture is quite thick. Add the following to your liking: garlic, onion, a little olive oil, parsley, fresh basil, sea salt, oregano. (Add any other ingredients that you like in a tomato or marinara sauce, cut up olives would be nice.)

I just found a cure for the afternoon blahs! Green Lemonade About 5 big leaves of Romaine About 3-4 nice big frilly kale leaves A whole lemon (recipe says skin and all but I peel it since I haven't been getting organic lemons lately) A piece of ginger (between 1-2 inches) One or 2 apples Juice everything or Blend in Vitamix till liquid (there will still be small flecks of green - fiber for your digestive system!) If blending, 3-5 ice cubes makes it nice and cold and frothy! I got this recipe from a raw detox book and copied the recipe before I returned it to the library. I have gotten to the point where I love this stuff!! You might have to get used to the taste of green drinks which are very different than sweet carrot juice.

Take fresh organic raw everything: 3 carrots 1 beet an inch chunk of a ginger root a handful of cilantro a handful of parsley a clove of garlic (minus the core) the juice of a half a lemon a pinch of sea salt a teaspoon of cold pressed olive oil a sprinkling of Italian seasonings (optional) and put it all in your Vitamix or Ktec Blender (or other high-powered blender or a food processor). Hit the buttons. You'll have what looks like a grated carrot-beet-slaw. Eat it plain or wrap it in seaweed or greens/lettuces. Blend longer for a DRINK! Omigod! While others are having their siesta you'll be zinging through your afternoon with rocketships on your booty! It'll probably be enough for three days. It’s the kind of thing that tastes even better the next day. (You could pack it as a lunch too). -- from Jinjee and Storm http://www.thegardendiet.com

Non-Alcoholic Margaritas Ginger Cocktail (serves 2) 1 1/4 cup Rejuvelac or filtered water 2 Tbs. Maple Syrup 2 Tbs. Minced Ginger A Handful of Favorite frozen Berries 1/4 Lime for garnish Blend in blender and serve over "berry ice cubes" (frozen berries) with a twist of lime.

Raw & green drink combinations Don't really have a favorite, just depends on what fruit is ripe that day. The only one I don't really like is anything with pear in it. Seems the pears are grainy and I don't care for that in a drink. I love to eat pears, just not drink them. Some of the combos I've done are: (all have at least a small amount of water added to make them drinkable) honeydew/romaine watermelon/romaine blueberry/spinach/banana blueberry/dandelion (pretty strong) blueberry/dandelion/mint (ok, but not wonderful) orange/banana/romaine I generally use 1/2 head of romaine and like I said before some water. I'm finding I like more water than I used to so it is thinner and more like a drink than a smoothie. Grow your own greens for really fresh drinks! Page 6


8 Large limes 1 Large Valencia orange 6 Cups cold sparkling or mineral water 1/8 cup Stevia or Aguave syrup Fresh mint leaves Wash limes and orange. Squeeze limes and orange into pitcher. Place lime and orange hulls into the pitcher. Add in sweetener. Crush lime and orange hulls with juice and sugar with wooden spoon. (This releases the citrus oil.) Add water to mixture. Stir mixture well. Sweeten to your own taste. In a blender, add 1 cup of ice to every 1/2 cup of lime/orange mixture. Blend well until smooth. Pour into chilled margarita glasses. Garnish with a lime.

ALMOND NOG 1 cup soaked almonds 3 cups water 2 bananas 2 Tbs. agave nectar 1 tsp. alcohol free vanilla 1 tsp. nutmeg Blend soaked almonds and water until pureed. Strain almond milk to remove pulp, use either a strainer or a nut bag. Pour milk back into blender, add bananas, agave, vanilla, and nutmeg. Blend completely. Serve with a sprinkle of nutmeg on top. Makes two glasses. Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

Main Dishes Sweet and Sour Neatballs

Faux Salmon ( or Mock Tuna)

(Serves 8-10)

1 Cup Walnuts 1 Cup Sunflower Seeds, soaked overnight 1 Cup Almonds, soaked overnight 1 Tbsp. Fresh Garlic, pressed 1 Cup Cilantro Leaves 1/4 Cup Olive Oil 1 Tsp. Celtic Sea Salt, 1 Tbsp. Nama Shoyu , or Wheat-free Tamari 1 Bunch Green Onions, chopped finely 2 Tbsp. Freshly Grated Ginger 1 Cup Red Bell Pepper, chopped finely 1 Tsp. Chinese Five-Spice Powder Finely chop the walnuts, sunflower seeds, and almonds in a food processor. Add the garlic. Process the seed, nut, and garlic mixture through a heavyduty juicer, such as Champion, to make a dough. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and add the sea salt, cilantro, green onions, ginger, bell pepper, spice powder, and olive oil by hand. Mix well and adjust seasoning to taste. Place uniform balls, like mini balls of ice cream, directly on a meat dehydrator tray. Dehydrate 2 to 3 hours or until set. Dip in Sweet and Sour Sauce (above) and continue to dehydrate until dry on the outside, but still moist on the inside (2 to 3 hours more). Serve with extra Sweet and Sour Sauce on the side.

Mock Turkey Dinner Mock Turkey: 6 cups of walnuts 5 stalks of celery 2 lg. carrots 1 med. yellow onion 2 cloves of garlic 1/4 cup flaxseed oil 1/4 cup dry sage 2 Tbs. thyme 2 Tbs. rosemary 1/2 cup fresh parsley 1/4 cup of miso 2 tsp. sea salt 1 Tbs. poultry seasoning 1 Avocado In a food processor or in a champion juicer - homogenize walnuts, miso, flaxseed oil. Place in a separate bowl. In a food processor chop celery, then carrots, then onion and add to

This attractive dish resembles salmon casserole. But we know it's not! Adding more kelp, dulse or any other sea veggies that you have on hand will increase the seafood flavor. For fun, press into a mold and unmold onto a platter, surrounded with kale and parsley, topped with almonds or olives. This dish is elegant served with warmed Mushroom Gravy. For a luncheon or brunch this recipe is lovely served in a scooped out tomato. 2 cups almonds, soaked 8-10 hours 2 whole carrots 1/2 cup coarsely chopped red onion 1 1/2 cups finely minced celery 1/2 cup minced parsley 1/4 cup minced shallot or scallion 1/4 cup lemon juice 2 teaspoons kelp powder 1 teaspoon dulse powder or granules 1 tablespoon liquid amino's 2 teaspoons nama shoyu or 1 teaspoon sea salt Soak almonds 8-12 hours, drain, rinse and drain again. Put the almonds, carrots and onions through the heavy-duty juicer, using the blank screen. Place mixture in a large bowl, add celery, parsley, shallots, lemon juice, kelp, dulse, liquid amino's or sea salt and stir thoroughly. Shape into a mold or place in a pie crust. Or shape free hand like a fish. Keeps several days, covered, in the refrigerator. Serves 4-6.

bowl. Add chopped garlic, sage, thyme, rosemary, chopped parsley, and poultry seasoning. Add mashed avocado and mix everything together by hand. Mold onto a nice platter and garnish with rosemary and thyme sprigs.

Mock Mashed Potatoes 1 head of cauliflower 3 cups of macadamia nuts Salt and pepper to taste Place all the ingredients in a food processor and blend. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Candied Yams 6 sweet potatoes (yams) 1/2 cup raw honey 1/2 cup coconut butter Soak sweet potatoes overnight. Pour off water. Place all ingredients in

a Vita Mixer with as little water as possible and blend into a cream. Spread in a rectangular 2� deep Pyrex dish.

Whipped Topping 2 cups macadamia nuts 10 dates 2 Tbs. vanilla extract 2 tsp. ginger powder 2 2 tsp. cinnamon 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1/4 tsp. cardamom A pinch of cloves and allspice Blend in a Vita Mixer with as little water as possible to make a cream. Spread on the top of the sweet potatoes. Refrigerate. The Gobblers will attack often... better make a double batch!

Salads Carrot, Beet, and Jicama Salad Ingredients: 2 medium red beets, peeled & shredded 1 small to medium jicama, peeled & shredded 2 medium to large carrots, peeled & shredded 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tablespoons of vinegar 2 teaspoons of any variety of mustard Sea salt, to taste Jan’s note: I would add: 1 tablespoon UDO Oil Blend 1 tsp. curry powder A dash of Braggs Liquid Aminos Directions: If you don't have a good shredder that can process the beets, jicama, and carrots, into neat, thin strips, you can use a good knife to julienne these vegetables into matchstick-like strips. Combine shredded red beets, jicama, and carrots with wet ingredients in a large bowl and give it a good toss. Add sea salt, to taste. This salad is extremely rich in antioxidants, making it an excellent choice for treating or preventing a wide variety of chronic, degenerative conditions. Do your best to find a fresh jicama, as it adds a refreshing taste and crunchy texture to this recipe.

Sugar and Spice Cole Slaw 1 Lg. head of green cabbage 5 carrots 5 stalks of celery 1 med. red onion 1/2 cup raisins 1 pear 1 cup of walnuts 2 tsp. celery seed 1 Tbs. cardamom Shred the cabbage and put in a bowl. Chop carrots, celery & onion in a food processor, add to the bowl. Mix the additional ingredients together.

Cole Slaw Dressing 1 cup of Tahini 2 cups apple cider 10 soaked apricots 1 whole lemon Dash of sea salt Blend all the ingredients in a Vita Mixer. Add to Slaw and mix. Page 8


Almond Carrot Pate Stuffed into Red/Yellow Bell Peppers on Romaine Lettuce Leaves By Frederic Patenaude: http://www.fredericpatenaude.com

1 cup almonds (measured before soaking) 2-4 medium carrots Directions: Basic recipe serves 3-4 The almonds should be soaked 8 hours in water, or over night. After soaking, homogenize the carrots and almonds to create a pâté. The best way to do this is to use a Champion juicer or Green Life juicer (or other similar juice) with the blank plate on alternating between the carrots and the soaked almonds. You may also use a food processor or even a blender (more difficult). The idea is to achieve a nice pâté consistency. *Note: the more carrots you use, the more “juicy” and less fatty the pâté will be. The more almonds you use, the more fatty and rich it will be. It depends on your preference. When you have the pâté ready, add: 1 lemon (juice of) 3-5 green onions, chopped fine Dulse flakes or whole dulse (briefly rinsed) to taste (I usually add several heaping tablespoons of dulse flakes)* *Note: Dulse is a sea vegetable. You can find it most health food stores. It will give the pâté a more salty and “fishy” flavor, which is what we’re after. I suggest using 24 tablespoons of dulse powder. If dulse isn’t available, use some sea salt. Serve this paté inside red, orange or yellow bell pepper halves nestled on top of romaine lettuce leaves!

Nappa Salad by Mitzi and HD Boyles 1 head nappa cabbage-sliced thin 1 onion, sliced thin Dressing: 1/2 c Shoyu or tamari 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. cayenne 1/8 cup raw honey or 1 date blended with water 1/4 cup ginger - minced 1 clove garlic-pressed Juice of 1 - 2 oranges Mix dressing with a fork and toss with salad.

Cauliflower Salad by Monica Olinger Cut 1 1/2 lb. cauliflower into 1 inch florets; put into bowl. Mix together: 4 cloves minced garlic 4 T. Tahini 2 T. Lemon Juice 10 T. Distilled Water Sea Salt Pour over cauliflower; Sprinkle with parsley and sesame seeds. Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

Raw Celery Root

Pressed Red Cabbage Caraway Slaw

Grated Celery Root Toss with Mayonnaise and Lemon Juice. Season with Salt and Pepper. (I used Kelp.) Herbamare (organic herbs & sea salt) makes it taste delicious!!

This is a highly flavored and impressive dish. If you enjoy this, try the same method with Asian sauce and experiment with different vegetables. This dish will keep for 4-5 days in the refrigerator. 6 cups thinly sliced red cabbage (about 1/2 large cabbage) 1 large onion, sliced very thin 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 tablespoon caraway seeds 2 teaspoons Liquid amino's, or nama shoyu or additional sea salt Place vegetables in bowl. Sprinkle the sea salt, caraway seeds and liquid amino's evenly over vegetables. With your hands, knead and toss the salad, crushing the vegetables in your hands for 5-6 minutes. Serves 4-6

Orange Glaze Carrots 1/4 cup Orange Juice 1 Tsp. Honey 1/4 Tsp. Ginger 1 Tsp. Balsamic Vinegar 2 cups Sliced Carrots Mix Honey, Ginger, Vinegar, & Orange Juice together. Pour over Carrots. Toss.

Carrot and Jicama Salad Recipe This crunchy and tasty salad is best made with a good vegetable shredder called a mandolin. If you don't have a mandolin but want to buy one, try your local asian food supermarket. Almost all Korean supermarkets carry an excellent one for around twenty-five dollars. Jicama is a white-fleshed root vegetable that is a good source of vitamin C. It adds a great crunchy component to salads. 3 small carrots, peeled and shredded 1 small to medium jicama, peeled and shredded 1 yellow or red bell pepper, seeded and sliced into thin strips 1/4 red onion, sliced into thin strips 1 cup of chopped cilantro Favorite Dressing to taste Combine all ingredients in a large salad bowl, add house dressing, and toss. Enjoy this crunchy, healthy, and yummy salad.

'Cado-Kiwi Recipe Its hard to believe that such a simple recipe could taste soooooo yummy! 1 avocado 1 kiwi Cut into little pieces. Toss. Eat. - Developed by raw culinary expert Shale Talifero, age 5, http://TheGardenDiet.com

Apple Fennel Salad with Lemon Zest 2 c fennel julienne thin 2 c apples julienne thin T lemon zest 2 T lemon juice 2 1â „2 T olive oil 1 1â „2 T thyme, fresh and minced T red jalapeno seeded and minced 1 tsp Celtic salt Cracked black pepper In medium mixing bowl toss all ingredients well. Serve chilled. A great variation can be omitting the apples and adding tangerine slices.

Orange Tahini Dressing A delightful light dressing that only takes a few minutes to make. Its simplicity invites variation. Try adding 1 teaspoon chopped ginger and 1-2 teaspoons tamari. Or, add 2 teaspoons poppy seeds and 1/4 teaspoon Chinese 5 spice powder. 2 tablespoons tahini 1/2 cup fresh orange juice pinch sea salt 1 teaspoon grated ginger 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon dulse flakes 1/8 teaspoon curry powder In bowl, add orange juice gradually to tahini, stirring after each addition. Add salt. Dressing tastes fine as is, or add spices to taste. Yields approximately 1/2 cup.

Tabouli Chop finely and mix: two bunches of parsley, one bunch of cilantro, one bunch of green onions (scallions), 4 tomatoes, and 3 medium sized cloves of garlic. Add Juice of a medium sized lemon a quarter of a cup of olive oil a teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt a cup of raw almonds (not soaked) ground to a fine flour in your blender Top with avocado slices If you want a creamy sauce, add an avocado sauce made by mashing one avocado with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey. http://TheGardenDiet.com

RAW Soups Gazpacho From the Moosewood Cookbook by Mollie Katzen 20-30 minutes to prepare, 2 hours to chill. Makes 6 servings 4 cups cold tomato juice 1 small, well-minced onion 2 cups freshly diced tomatoes 1 cup minced green pepper 1 tsp. honey 1 clove crushed garlic 1 diced cucumber (or zucchini) 2 scallions, chopped Juice of 1/2 lemon and 1 lime 2 Tbsp. wine vinegar 1 tsp. tarragon 1 tsp. basil Dash of ground cumin 1/2 cup fresh parsley, chopped Dash of Tabasco sauce 2 Tbsp. olive oil (or UDO oil blend) Sea Salt and pepper to taste Combine all ingredients and chill for at least 2 hours. You can also puree if desired Jan’s note: I’d add an avocado to make it creamier and use zucchini instead of cucumber (for those of us allergic to cucumber!)

RHONDA'S RAW CARROT SOUP This is raw, simple to prepare, and I thought very delicious. I preferred it at room temperature, but it could be WARMED (not cooked) before serving: 6 large Carrots 1/4 cup raw Sweet Onion 1 1/2 cups raw Almonds (soak overnight & drain) 1 large rib of Celery 1/2 Red Bell Pepper 1/4 teaspoon Paprika 1/2 teaspoon Thyme Celtic Sea Salt to taste if desired 3 cups Distilled Water Combine all ingredients in a blender and process until creamy. Serve immediately. Can be garnished with fresh or dehydrated chives. ENJOY! http://www.hacres.com/recipes/recipes.asp Page 10


Parsnip-Avocado Soup (from The Little Book of Raw Soups by Nomi Shannon, Free with purchase from the author of The Raw Gourmet book)

1 large parsnip, grated (unless using a K-tec or Vitamix then you can just cut it up) 1/2 water or celery juice 1 large stalk peeled celery, cut up 1/4 avocado 2 teaspoons flaxseed oil squeeze of lemon juice (optional) 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (optional) In a blender blend parsnip and liquid until smooth. Add remaining ingredients, blend until smooth.

Absolute Mango Soup This dish will blow your mind!! 2 cups freshly-squeezed orange juice 2 cups mango flesh 2 cups mango, diced Directions: Blend the orange juice with 2 cups of mango flesh. Pour mixture into a bowl and add it the diced mangoes. If desired, decorate with slices of lime

Apple-Butternut Squash Soup 10 apples 1 Lg. butternut squash 2 oranges 1 lemon 1 med. red onion 3 cups of almond mylk 1-1/2 cups of pumpkin seeds Bunch of Parsley 1/4 cup dried tarragon 2 tsp. cloves Pinch of salt & Pinch of cayenne Blend cored apples, butternut squash, oranges, lemon, and almond mylk in a Vita Mixer. Add pumpkin seeds, chopped parsley, chopped onions, tarragon, powdered cloves, salt and cayenne to taste. An easy soup that is delicious and satisfying.

Cinnamon Cranberry Scones Ingredients: 2 cups grated apples 2 cups carrot pulp from carrot juice 2 cups raisins or chopped dates 1 cup cranberries 2 Tablespoons honey 2 cups sunflower seeds, ground 1 cup flaxseed blended with 1 cup water 1/4 cup olive oil 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Mix well. You have to experiment to get the desired consistency. Shape into scones and put on dehydrator sheets. Dehydrate at 105-115 degrees for several hours; approximately 4 hours on one side, and then flip for 3 hours on opposite side. Makes 24 scones Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

Mock Apple Pie

"Not Your Grama's� Apple Pie! ALMOND-PECAN PIE CRUST 1 cup almonds, soaked 8 - 12 hours 1/2 cup pecans, soaked 8 - 12 hours 1/3 cup soft dates, pitted and chopped 3 tablespoons water In separate bowls, cover almonds and pecans with water and let soak for 8 to 12 hours. Drain and rinse. In a food processor, grind almonds to consistency of moist meal. Place in a medium-size bowl and set aside. (Almonds are harder and less oily than pecans, so they should be ground separately.) In a food processor, grind pecans to consistency of moist meal and stir into almond meal. Set aside. In a food processor, blend dates and water until smooth. Stir into nut mixture until thoroughly mixed and dough-like consistency. (I usually end up using my hands.) Push into an 8" pie pan all over the bottom and up the sides. NOT YOUR GRAMA'S APPLE PIE FILLING 1/3 cup soft dates, pitted 3 tablespoons water 6 apples, cored, peeled, and shredded (I always use my food processor with the shredder blade) 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons almond butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract In a food processor, blend dates and water until mixture is a smooth paste (might need more water). Place in a large mixing bowl. Add apples, cinnamon, almond butter and vanilla and mix thoroughly. Spoon filling into pie shell, spread evenly and top with slivered almonds and dates. Serve immediately or refrigerate and serve chilled.

Dark Carob Pudding 4 avocadoes 6 tablespoons maple syrup 4 Tbsp of carob powder Mash avocados; add other ingredients, stir well. Chill. Gobble!

3 Apples 1/4 cup Raisins 1/4 cup Coconut Milk 1/4 Heaping Tsp. Cinnamon 1 cup Coconut Pieces 1/4 Heaping Tsp. Nutmeg Mix and Chop together in food processor using the "S" blade. Press into 9" or 10" pie plate.

Pie Crust : 2 cups Almonds 2 cups Dates In food processor or Vita-Mix, combine all ingredients and mix until smooth and pour into pie shell.

Devine Pumpkin Pie Filling: 1 medium pumpkin 8 dates 3 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp ginger 1/2 tsp cardamom 1/4 tsp cloves 1/4 tsp allspice 1/4 cup of raw honey 3 Tbs. coconut butter 2 tsp vanilla extract 3 Tbs. psylium husks

Crust: 2 cups pecans 8 dates 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp nutmeg Dash of sea salt

Frosting: (optional) 2 cups of cashews 6 dates 2 Tbs. raw honey The juice of one orange In a food processor or champion juicer homogenize all the ingredients in the crust. Press into the bottom of a pie plate. In a Vita Mixer or blender combine all the ingredients for the filling and blend until creamy. The filling should be creamy and semi-firm. The psyllium and coconut butter will thicken the pie as it sits in the refrigerator. Add filling to the crust. In a blender or Vita Mix blend cashew frosting together. Frosting needs to be loose enough to spread over the pie. A little water may be needed. Allow to set in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

Chocolate-Chip & Oatmeal Cookie in a Bowl Except for a few chocolate or carob or carmel chips (optional), the rest of the ingredients are RAW! Just make sure the ingredients are as organic as possible! For a family of four: Place 1 cup of raw and unprocessed oatmeal in a mixing bowl. Cover this with filtered water and let it sit overnight. In the morning, add the following: 2 chopped apples 4 tablespoons raisins 1-2 sliced bananas 1-2 teaspoons cinnamon 1-2 tablespoons raw honey (optional) 1-2 tablespoons chocolate/carob chips (optional) Spoon the mixture into four bowls and enjoy.

Banana Coconut Cream Pie by Kurt Barkley 6 ripe bananas (large) 3/4 cup dates pitted 2 cups coconut shredded (fresh) 1/4 cup water 1/4 cup orange juice 1 tbsp. dried orange peel 1/2 tsp psyllium powder 1 cup almond cream -------------------------------2 1/2 cups pecans (soaked) 1/2 cup dates (pitted) 1 tsp. psyllium powder 1/2 tsp. cinnamon Process last 4 ingredients with S- Blade and press into pie plate. Process coconut with dates, water, juice, peel and psyllium to make a creamy paste. Layer 3 whole sliced bananas into crust. Then add 1/2 cup coconut cream. Spread over top following with 1/2 cup almond cream. Repeat with remaining bananas followed by coconut cream and almond cream. Chill and Serve.

Blue Berry Truffles 2 cups walnuts 1 cup pitted dates 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries 1/4 cup raw carob Crushed walnuts to roll the truffles in Coconut shreds would be good too! Blend the walnuts, dates, raw carob and blue berries in a food processor until the mixture is smooth. Shape the mixture into small balls and roll some in crushed walnuts, some in coconut. Makes 10 truffles.

Breathing Better Assists Your Raw Food Transition! To maximize the benefits of raw living foods one must have great breathing. Bad breathing is like dragging a ball and chain - while waiting for the raw food you’re eating to do its magic. Sad to say, even after many years of eating raw, a bad breathing pattern can still exist. I've seen it MANY, MANY times. This means a person could make it SO MUCH easier to transition — with a much higher degree of success — with proper breathing and a raw lifestyle!

http://www.breathing.com/raw-festival.htm How many people does the raw food movement lose ... how much of those people’s BE-ing is distracted away from the lifestyle... due to a hidden breathing pattern disorder? http://www.breathing.com/udb.htm When you integrate the BENEFITS and FEELING of proper breathing depth, ease and flow, PLUS raw foods, EVERYTHING in your life gains a natural hygienic and harmonic BALANCE. There is NO rational alternative to living nutrition combined with Optimal Breathing®! http://www.breathing.com/school.htm

How GOOD (or bad) is your breathing? http://www.breathing.com/tests.htm Page 12


Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

PLANTS are your BEST Source of CALCIUM!! From: Robert Cohen http://www.notmilk.com Where do animals get their calcium? The answer is that plants (veggies) are loaded with calcium. Cows eat plants. Humans should, too. Human breast milk is the perfect formula for baby humans. In her wisdom, Mother Nature included 33 milligrams of calcium in every 100 grams, or 3 1/2-ounce portion, of human breast milk. At the end of this column are calcium values for 55 commonly eaten foods. Compare those calcium values to human breast milk. The perfect calcium-rich food is hummus. Chick peas (150 mg) + sesame seeds (1160 mg) will yield a food containing ten times as much calcium as human breast milk. In order to absorb calcium, the body

needs comparable amounts of another mineral element, magnesium. Magnesium is the center atom of chlorophyll. Milk and dairy products contain only small amounts of magnesium. Without the presence of magnesium, the body only absorbs 25 percent of the available dairy calcium content. The remainder of the calcium spells trouble. Without magnesium, excess calcium is utilized by the body in injurious ways. The body uses calcium to build the mortar on arterial walls which becomes atherosclerotic plaques. Excess calcium is converted by the kidneys into painful stones which grow in size like pearls in oysters, blocking our uri nary tracts. Excess calcium contributes to arthritis; painful calcium buildup often is manifested as gout. Osteoporosis is NOT a problem that

should be associated with lack of calcium intake. Osteoporosis results from calcium loss. The massive amounts of protein in milk result in a 50 percent loss of calcium in the urine. In other words, by doubling your protein intake there will be a loss of 1-1.5 percent in skeletal mass per year in postmenopausal women. The calcium contained in leafy green vegetables is more easily absorbed than the calcium in milk, and plant proteins do not result in calcium loss the same way as do animal proteins. Human breast milk contains 33 milligrams of calcium per 100-gram portion and potato chips contain 40 milligrams! See Calcium content of foods (per 100gram portion = about 3.5 oz) below:

01. Human Breast Milk 33 mg 02. Almonds 234 mg 03. Amaranth 267 mg 04. Apricots (dried) 67 mg 05. Artichokes 51 mg 06. Beans (can: pinto, black) 135 mg 07. Beet greens (cooked) 99 mg 08. Blackeye Peas 55 mg 09. Bran 70 mg 10. Broccoli (raw) 48 mg 11. Brussel Sprouts 36 mg 12. Buckwheat 114 mg 13. Cabbage (raw) 49 mg 14. Carrot (raw) 37 mg 15. Cashew nuts 38 mg 16. Cauliflower (cooked) 42 mg 17. Swiss Chard (raw) 88 mg 18. Chickpeas (garbanzos) 150 mg

19. Collards (raw leaves) 250 mg 20. Cress (raw) 81 mg 21. Dandelion Greens 187 mg 22. Endive 81 mg 23. Escarole 81 mg 24. Figs (dried) 126 mg 25. Filberts (Hazelnuts) 209 mg 26. Kale (raw leaves) 249 mg 27. Kale (cooked leaves) 187 mg 28. Leeks 52 mg 29. Lettuce (lt. green) 35 mg 30. Lettuce (dark green) 68 mg 31. Molasses (dark-213 cal.) 684 mg 32. Mustard Greens (raw) 183 mg 33. Mustard Greens (cooked) 138 mg 34. Okra (raw or cooked) 92 mg 35. Olives 61 mg 36. Oranges (Florida) 43 mg 37. Parsley 203 mg

38. Peanuts (roasted) 74 mg 39. Peas (boiled) 56 mg 40. Pistachio Nuts 131 mg 41. Potato Chips 40 mg 42. Raisins 62 mg 43. Rhubarb (cooked) 78 mg 44. Sauerkraut 36 mg 45. Sesame Seeds 1160 mg 46. Squash (Butternut) 40 mg 47. Soybeans 60 mg 48. Sugar (brown) 85 mg 49. Tofu 128 mg 50. Spinach (raw) 93 mg 51. Sunflower Seeds 120 mg 52. Sweet Potatoes (baked) 40 mg 53. Turnips (cooked) 35 mg 54. Turnip Greens (raw) 246 mg 55. Turnip Greens (boiled) 184 mg 56. Water Cress 151 mg


The four stages for individualizing your diet. (1) identify your blood type. This can be done in a doctor’s office or by means of a self-test kit at home. (2) determine your daily ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat. Determine your "zone," plan your balanced meals by selecting food items suitable for you. (3) choose the food items appropriate for their Yin and Yang properties. (4) choose food items that are organic or have few toxins. You will find detailed lists of foods, charts and worksheets for planning your meals in my book and on my website... http://www.drdeorio.com. You are what you eat. A nutrient-poor diet full of chemicals cannot create the good level of health you seek. We must return to sustainable farming techniques that avoid the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Current methods have broken the cycle of regeneration that accounted for the

Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

high nutrient levels found in the foods of most tribal diets. Moreover, such methods pollute groundwater and deplete the nutrients in soils. Vegetables and fruits now have little taste--and fewer nutrients---because commercial farming emphasizes quantity over quality. The level of nutrient intake has declined steadily over the last 100 years. Current surveys continually indicate widespread nutritional deficiencies in the U.S. population. Keith DeOrio, M.D., D.Hom. (Med.), graduated from University of California Irvine, College of Medicine, practices holistic medicine in Santa Monica, CA. He is the medical director and founder of the DeOrio Medical Group. His clinic provides integrative medical services with a wide range of treatment modalities, including diet and nutrition. He can be reached at 310-828-3096.


Page 13

Eating Curry Reduces risk of Alzheimer's Disease Liz Lipski, PhD CCN [DrLipski@InnovativeHealing.com] A couple of years ago, I was sitting with a group of women and found that nearly half of us had a parent, sibling, or in-law with Alzheimer's disease. Its incidence is rising. 3% of people between 65 to 74 have Alzhiemer's disease and almost half of people aged 85 and older are affected. If you've ever known someone with this illness, you know how devastating it can be. So, when I heard about how eating a delicious meal on occasion can help, my ears perked up. A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology (July, 26, 2006) reports that eating curry occasionally can significantly decrease your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Researchers looked at 1,010 Asian people aged 60-93. They divided people into three classifications based on how much curry they ate---"never", "occasionally", and "often or very often". Then they gave them a test which evaluated mental capacity, the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). People who occasionally or often ate curry scored the best. Curcumin, a component of the yellow spice turmeric, has been shown to be a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substance. Studies have also shown that it can reduce inflammatory Beta-amyloid in the brain. Beta-amyloid is a substance that essentially tangles the brain tissue and has been found, in highly concentrated amounts, in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease. The Pearl: Eat curry when you can. You can find it at Indian and Thai restaurants. Also, it's easy to make curries at home. And you can easily add turmeric to soups, stews, vegetables, salad dressings and more. It has very little flavor, but gives a yellow color to everything it touches--like yellow mustard. You can even put it into tea. Ng TP, Chiam PC, Lee T, Chua HC, Lim L, Kua EH. Curry Consumption and Cognitive Function in the Elderly.Am J Epidemiol. 2006 Jul 26; Clinical Trials Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders: NIMH

Cupid’s Curry by the Care2 Staff. Simple Solution If the boy with the arrows starred in a Bollywood film, this would be his main meal of choice, with its tender vegetables, lentils, and chickpeas napped in a sauce redolent with warming spices. The stew is fragrant, flavorful, and very, very good for you: turmeric, one of the spices called for here, is thought to be a cancer preventative, and lentils and chickpeas offer fiber and protein without fat. But really, who cares how good it is for us when it tastes so heavenly? This makes a dishy Valentine’s or holiday offering for anyone you love.

INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 1/2 cups chopped onions 2 large garlic cloves, minced finely 1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger 2 teaspoons ground coriander seeds 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cardamom 1 1/2 teaspoons cumin seeds 1 teaspoon turmeric/curry Sea Salt to taste 1 quart good-quality vegetable stock or water 1 cup red or brown lentils 2 medium potatoes, scrubbed and diced 4 carrots, diced 1/2 bunch broccoli, cut into small pieces 1/2 cup cooked chickpeas Salt and freshly-ground black pepper, to taste In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, heat the oil and add onions, cooking over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until onions are brown and sweetly caramelized. Add garlic, ginger, coriander, cardamom, cumin, turmeric, and salt to taste. Saute for 3 more minutes, stirring frequently. Add stock or water and lentils, bring to a boil, an simmer for 10 minutes. Add potatoes and carrots and continue to simmer around 10 more minutes until potatoes and lentils are tender. Add broccoli and chickpeas and cook 5 more minutes. Add pepper to taste and serve hot. Serves 4.


B L O O D T Y P E Page 14

Evolution of Man's Four Blood Types lood type is critical in understanding how we have evolved, how we have adapted to changing environmental situations, and how food can impact your physical body, especially your organs, glands, and cells. The development of human blood types correlates with the movement of humans from one climatic zone to another. As man's food supply and environment changed, the immune system and dietary functions had to adapt in order to help him survive. The migration of people led to changes not only in blood type, but also in bone structure, skin color, eating habits and other characteristics. http://thewellthcoach.typepad.com

Switching to a raw foods diet is an excellent move to promote vitality and longevity... but can be disasterous if you’re not eating according to your blood type! O+ blood types NEED lots of protein vs A+ who do very well on vegetarian cuisine. Check out blood typing books at your local health food store or check Amazon.com for EAT RIGHT 4 YOUR TYPE by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo with Catherine Whitney. See article on page 13. Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

If you’re traveling during the holiday season (or any time) you’ll want to print out or photocopy this page and keep handy in your purse/wallet!) Travel tips from Frederic @ http://www.fredericpatenaude.com

Maintain a positive attitude: you will be able to find what you need. You can eat a raw food diet and travel if you want - just expect the best and remain positive! If you’re flying, contact your travel agent in advance and reserve a “fruit plate” for your meal. Bring with you several 32-ounce jugs of fruit smoothie. (See DRINKS section of this recipe book). Pack extra dried goods such as dried figs or nuts, “just in case”. Bring enough for the length of your trip. Consider the possibility of committing to being 100% raw on your trip, just for the sake of feeling better and having an even better time. Spend a few minutes doing some Google searches on vegetarian restaurants, raw food restaurants, health food stores, farmers’ markets and other resources in the place you will be visiting. Drop by an Internet forum for raw foodists such as Raw Health Mastermind and ask people for recommendations on your travel situation. If you’re doing an organized tour or trip, advise the organizers in advance that you’re on a special diet and inform them of your needs. If space allows, bring your own blender or consider purchasing a travel blender such as the “Tribest Personal Blender” (available online). Learn to say the phrases “I am a vegetarian,” “I would like just fruit,” “I would like a plain salad” and “Where’s the market?” as well as “Please” and “Thank you” if people speak a foreign language where you’re going. Pack a thin plastic cutting board, 2 knives, 2 spoons, 2 forks, as well as a board or plastic container large enough to contain a salad. Pack a few plastic bags to hold peels and trash for your initial travel by plane, car or train. Be aware that traveling TO the United States is trickier because they don’t allow fresh fruits and vegetables into the country. Get around that by bringing fruit smoothies or a prepared fruit salad instead. Remember to keep up your exercise during the trip as well! Do 10 or 15 minutes of bodyweight exercises in your room, and if you’re staying at a hotel, find out if they have an exercise room. Smile a lot. Remember to have FUN... no matter what! So now that you’re armed with this checklist, there’s nothing that can stop you from having a great trip AND staying healthy!! Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

FCPA - Farmer's Markets 2004 Farmer's Markets. Homegrown Farmers' Markets Open in May 2004 Market Schedule online now. Every week, spring through fall: http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/p arks/farm-mkt.htm

Farmers Market Growth: 1994-2002. Facts About Farmers Markets. Funding for Farmers Markets, New Developments, Trends & Other Resources. http://www.ams.usda. gov/farmersmarkets/

List of markets ... Markets Certification Press releases. What is a Farmers' Market? A ... guidelines. What's the difference between these markets and any other? ... http://www.farmersmarkets.net/ North Carolina Marketing Facilities Markets Division. Welcome to the North Carolina State Farmers markets page. If you can't have client sided image maps, you'll need ... http://www.ncagr.com/markets/facilit/farmark/ South Carolina Farmers Markets West End Market 13 Augusta Street Greenville, SC 29602 Contact: David Jones (864) 467-4412 open air/ seasonal, * Farmers' Markets change often. ... http://www.cafecreosote.com/Farmers_Markets / SCarolinaFarmersMarket.sht ml OPENAIR-MARKET NET: The World Wide Guide to Farmers' Markets, Street Markets, Flea Markets and Street Vendors. ... Markets in Gopherspace. Research on Street Markets. ... http://www.openair.org/

Map of Farmers' Markets by State. Click on the map or the name of the state to see a listing farmers' markets. Discuss Farmers' Markets Find Market by. ... Wyoming, * Farmers' Markets change often. http://www.cafecreosote.com/Farmers_Markets/ind ex.php3

Community Supported Agriculture. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, NAL/ARS/USDA, www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/. ... Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). ... http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsi c/csa/ Community Supported Agriculture Farms Database (Main Page) Alternative Farming Systems Information Center of the National Agricultural Library, US Department of ... http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsi c/csa/csastate.htm Index of CSA /. Parent Directory 14-Jul-2004 http://www.csacenter.org/ Community Supported Agriculture of North America. What is Community Supported Agriculture? http://www.umass.edu/umex t/csa/ Local Harvest (U.S. Farm Locator) http://www.localharvest.org

Support local farmers & eat local foods. They are by far the healthiest for YOU!


Page 15

Raw Food Books Type raw food books into Google or any search engine and see what comes up. Check Barnes & Noble or your favorite book store. Many now carry lots of books and magazines on raw foods! Some of my favorites are listed below:

• Green for Life by Boutenko Family • The Sunfood Diet Success System • Raw • Delights of the Garden • Vibrant Living • The Uncook Book • Sweet Temptations • Not Milks • Soups Alive • Dining in the Raw • Hooked on Raw by Rhio • 12 Steps to Raw: Breaking The Cooked Foods Addiction by Victoria Boutenko • The Raw Secrets • The Sundfood Diet Success System by David Wolfe • The Raw Life by Paul Nison • LIVING IN THE RAW, by Rose Lee Calabro • SUNFOOD CUISINE by Frederic Patenaude • LIVING CUISINE by Renee Loux Underkoffler • Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine by Gabriel Cousens

Go to http://www.Fetchbook.info and punch in the name of the book you are looking for....they will find the lowest price for you on any book.

Take courses on a raw food lifestyle http://www.transformationinst.com/ http://www.healthfullivingintl.com/ http://www.tanglewoodwellnesscenter.com http://www.foodnsport.com

Your Natural Diet: Alive Raw Foods by Dr. T. C. Fry & David Klein now available in paperback format. (200 pages, $15.00 plus shipping). This book teaches the hygienic approach to healthful eating and lifestyle and it includes a full-page ad for Healthful Living International. It is the first new hygienic diet paperback printed since Dr. Shelton’s books over 50 years ago! Contact publisher David Klein dave@livingnutrition.com or order online: http://www.livingnutrition.com/bookstore.html

Page 16


Raw Food Websites Sprout Raw Food Demos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4v7joUgJhk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PmHz8DeqYU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdiTeAIFr9U http://www.sproutrawfood.org http://thewellthcoach.typepad.com http://wellthychoices.blogspot.com http://www.breathing.com/jan.htm http://rawlivingfoods.typepad.com http://www.chidiet.com http://www.thegardendiet.com http://www.tribestlife.com http://www.drbass.com http://www.healself.org http://thephmiracle.us http://www.tbreathing.com http://www.rawfoodsupport.com http://www.rawfoodfocus.com http://www.rawfood.com http://www.living-foods.com http://www.youthing101.com http://www.livingnutrition.com http://www.thegardendiet.com http://www.TheRawWorld.com http://www.RawFoodsNews.com http://www.aboutbreathing.com http://www.newveg.av.org http://www.bestjuicers.com http://rawbuddy.com http://www.gogreen.org http://raw.tribalglobe.com http://www.raw.org http://www.fresh-network.com http://www.doctorgraham.cc http://www.hacres.com http://www.rawguru.com http://www.livrite.com/raw.htm http://www.SuperbeingDiet.com http://www.vegetarianusa.com http://www.gardenofhealth.com http://www.breathing.com http://www.rawlife.com http://www.livingfoodsinstitute.com http://www.lovingfoods.com http://www.thelivingcentre.com http://www.visionsofjoy.org http://www.livefoodsunchild.com http://www.rawfoodwiki.org http://www.sproutrawfood.org http://www.durianpalace.com http://www.thaivegetarianrecipes.com http://www.celestialrawgoddess.com http://www.thebestfoodever.com http://www.shazzie.com http://www.fromsadtoraw.com

Wellthy Choices Raw Harvest & Holiday Recipes

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