Wellthy Choices #1

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Spirituality * Breathing * water * Nutrition * Detoxification * Sustainable Living

Wellthy Choices

Helping You LOOK and FEEL GOOD Doing What You LOVE! www.wellthychoices.net

Feeling stressed?

Your BREATHING can make you SICK ...

... or


your life!


Being A Bold Seeker of Truth

Breathing & Beliefs Are You Prepared for Emergencies? world water watch Foods that Discourage Inflammation Green Smoothies ZING up your day! Evolution Through Energy Awareness T5T Helps Turn Back Your Clock DNA, Vibration, Sound Healing

Sound Energy Evolution Airport Body Scanners Emit T-rays what is Synesthesia? (#1 in series) Sustainable Living - Tips/websites



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Issue 1 July/August 2010

Notes from the Publisher Jan Jenson I’ve been having SO MUCH FUN putting together this FIRST issue of Wellthy Choices magazine!! I’ve been “saying” it’s coming for several years and then when I was underway last year, my computer died... Thank heavens for computer geeks who saved my projects. PCs are frustrating most of the time... to a gal who owned only a Mac for 20 years! When my trusty Mac laptop died, I sobbed for months... until I could gather enough funds to buy a PC - then had to learn a VASTLY DIFFERENT platform. I’ve been challenged getting this issue done by July 1st because I went to North Dakota on June 23rd so I could go with Mom and two brothers to Medora, ND where my grandfather was inducted into the ND Cowboy Hall of Fame in the pre1940’s Ranching category. The weekend was fabulous - weather, food, company and we all had such a GOOD time! Even went to the outdoor amphitheater for the Medoral Musical and sat in the back row where I got some wonderful photos... http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.ph p?id=372360971710&aid=186381&s= 20&hash=9dffe7488bd4181a2d50c49

0a041cf10 Breathing and Beliefs is the focus of this feature, along with quite a few articles on sound healing. After having a sound session with my friend Lana Ford from Asheville, I’m convinced that sound healing is truely cutting edge technology these days, along with scalar energy. The overall theme of wellthy Choices includes: spirituality, breathing, water, nutrition, detoxification and sustainable living. If you have articles you’d like to have considered for future issues (every other month), please send a query email to: jjenson@wellthychoices.net. I’d like to keep articles under 500 words with links (or for features, up to 1,500 words, plus graphic or photo) to your website or where readers can find more information. I preceive Wellthy Choices magazine and website becoming a RESOURCE for all things HEALTHY and GOOD for humanity and with YOUR help, we can accomplish that with lots of good information for every reader! I hope you all are having a wonderful summer. It’s so green and lush here in ND and in NC as well!

CONTACT US Founder/CEO: Jan Jenson jjenson@wellthychoices.net Submit ads & articles DEADLINE: the 15th each month Send to: jjenson@wellthychoices.net Editor: Jan Jenson jjenson@wellthychoices.net 704-450-6115 Graphic Design & Layout Jan Jenson, Vizual Explorations jan.jenson@yahoo.com ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Jan Jenson - 704-450-6115 Click here to subscribe to blog: http://www.wellthychoices.net DISTRIBUTION: PDF download only http://www.wellthychoices.net MAIL Ads, payments, articles: Jan Jenson wellthy Choices P.O. Box 5565 Mooresville, NC 28117 704-450-6115 http://www.wellthychoices.net PayPal: thewellthcoach@gmail.com

Take Heart Your Work Is Not Forsaken 05/29/2010 Channelled By Traci Harrell

Those of you who have agreed to help earth and the people upon it to transform, to transition from one level of consciousness to another - please know that your work is great - your work is beautiful. http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 2 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Spirituality * Breathing * water * Nutrition * Detoxification * Sustainable Living

Wellthy Choices

Helping You LOOK and FEEL GOOD Doing What You LOVE!

Download PDF magazine @ $4.95 online @ http://www.wellthychoices.net Subscribe to our blog for significant updates. www.wellthychoices.net

inside this issue


Letter from Editor + Take Heart - Your work is Not Forsaken Table of Contents Breathing & Beliefs - what is In Your Voice.. by Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. Top 5 “Symptoms” of Poor Breathing by Mike white Being A Bold Seeker of Truth by Rev. Diannia Baty NC Dental Board is in BIG Trouble by Tim Bolen Home Supplies for Earthquakes, Emergency Kits & Disaster Survival by Susan Laverie (webOpus) Planetary water watch How Particular Foods Encourage or Discourage Inflammation Green Smoothies add ZING to your day! T5T Helps Turn Back Your Clock by Carolinda witt Evolution Through Energy Awareness by Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. Golden Light by Dr. Korotkov + I’m Here to be Happy DNA & Vibrations by Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. Healing with Sound by Mary Desaulniers + Humans “Glow” Airport Body Scanners Emit Tetrahertz rays by J. Speer williams what is Synesthesia? (#1 in a series) Sound Energy Evolution Seminars & Sacred Grove Retreat Center Natural Sanitizers by Michelle Kalevik, The Tea Lady wellthy Choices Ad Rates + Ad Contract Ideas for Sustainable Living Sustainable Living - where to Buy Heirloom Seeds (websites) Sacred Scalar Zero Point Energy wands by Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. Spiritually Connecting with Mother Earth by Mary Lemons Mother Natures Cures for Outdoor Injuries - info from Mark Blumenthal Spirit Letter: No Favorites by Rev. Diannia Baty Are You Using Antibacterial Soaps? - they’re TOXIC! More on sound healing & There is No Such Thing as Lack by Karen Lee

2 3 4 4 5-7 7

RegulaR Monthly FeatuRes:

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19-20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

spirituality 5-7, 28 Breathing 4 Water 9 nutrition 10, 11 Detoxification 27-28 sound healing 15, 16, 17 sustainable living 23-24 ad Rates 22

wellthy Choices magazine (PDF online downloads - $4.95 each. Download at http://www.wellthyChoices.net. BLOG: http://www.wellthychoices.net

Coming in August 2010 Jan Jenson, our Visionary and CEO invites you to visit our website to review what WELLTHY CHOICES is all about. Our vision is …

"Helping you look and feel good doing what you love" spirituaLitY










sustainabLE LiVinG

Please call in and share YOUR thoughts, question our guests, tell us what you want to read in the magazine, and what kind of webinars, CDs, DVDs and programs you would enjoy. Tune in the 2nd Tuesday each month, beginning Tuesday, August 10th at 9 p.m. through our website: http://www.wellthyChoices.com http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 3 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Our Focus This Issue by Jan Jenson, Publisher

Breathing and Beliefs

Lana J. Ford www.personalfrequencies.com

What You Can Breathe Through Loses Its Grip On You!

According to Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. in “what is in Your Voice is in Your Life: Discover the Real Secret Behind Your Beliefs and the Power to Change Your Life” (pages 3-4): ... “I discovered forgiveness is an important spiritual practice, now that we understand that forgiveness is part of the healing process. In other words your thoughts have a direct impact on your physical health and emotional well-being. In just the last few years understanding of the human brain has changed dramatically! The current perspective is that the brain does not think - it simply downloads vibrations, looks for the closest vibrational match and stores that information in the body. Even more startling is that researchers have found neural or brain cells in the heart and even in the stomach lining. It is entirely possible that we live in a thinking body!! That’s a long way from believing we have a body that thinks with a brain! At the risk of being repetative, it is important to again state your thoughts have a direct link to the physical body One

negative thought can make you acidic for up to 6 hours and suppress the immune system for up to 48 hours!

-- Mike White www.breathing.com

Mike white Optimal Breathing Trainer

The buildup of acid wastes is now believed to be the cornerstone of aging. Excess acidity forces the body to borrow minerals including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from vital organs and bones and teeth. acidosis creates a condition known as insulin sensitivity. As a result the body is flooded with so much insulin that it attempts to convert every calorie into fat as as a protective measure This in turn leads to weight gain. Acidosis is also known to accelerate free radical damage thus affecting hormonal levels. Acidosis disrupts lipid and fatty acid metabolism that is involved in nerve and brain funtion. Acidosis also erodes the cell wall membrane of the heart and compromises the entire cardiovascular system.” http://www.personalfrequencies.com

“SYMPTOMS” OF POOR BREATHING (created from childhood dysfunctional beliefs)

AFFECT YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM! “Most doctors and healthcare professionals often overlook the affects that poor breathing have on your body,” according to Mike White, creator of the Optimal Breathing Development Specialist program offered at http://www.breathing.com. Statistics gathered from over 50,000 free breathing tests show the top five “symptoms” that arise from poor breathing include: http://www.breathing.com/tests.htm 1) Anxiety 2) Depression 3) Stress 4) Poor sleep 5) Overweight Breathing.com offers a wealth of articles and self-help CDs, DVDs and products which enable you to take charge of your own breathing improvement, and there is even a section of that website that lists Optimal Breathing Development Specialists around the world where you can go and get hands-on training for yourself... and the Optimal Breathing Development School, offered in Charlotte, NC. http://www.breathing.com/school/main.htm The Optimal Breathing School is a worldwide training-certification program in proprietary touch and non-touch methods to rapidly develop natural breathing in your self, clients, patients, friends and loved ones, without inflicting pain, drugs or surgery. The primary purpose of this school is to train leading edge traditional and alternative modality practitioners plus those interested in breathing development as a support for themselves, friends or loved ones. However at present ALL are welcome. All hours comprising these levels of training may be applied towards the 1,000 hour OBDTT Teacher Training requirement.

Curriculum http://www.breathing.com/school/ob6.htm Take many parts individually or all in the same 9 day period

Calendar http://www.breathing.com/calendar.htm

Call: 1-866-MyInhale

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Being A Bold Seeker Of Truth by Rev. Diannia Baty

planting for another week. God communicates with me every day. You do not have to be ordained or anointed to hear God. Each and every one of us in special and chosen by God. This is a new day. Everyone has the right to know the secrets of the universe. Best of all is the stunning news that every per-

been that you mastered learning to drive or passed that exam. Knowledge is power.

son is capable of knowing the most awesome truths and the most loving principles. That includes you. God gave that right to access knowledge and communion to each and everyone of us. God also gave us free will and the right to make choices in our lives.

sations among strangers. Make it your business to become familiar with the noblest thoughts of any age, any writer or speaker and any culture. Seek and you will find. Go to seminars. Attend meetings of “New Age Thinking”, spiritual teachers and healers and find out for yourself what is going on instead of mocking something you have absolutely no knowledge of. Transformational and inspiring teaching is going on every day somewhere. If it doesn’t sit well with you then move on and keep seeking and learning. It will not be wasted time. It will not be in vain. When you are doing this kind of seeking your inner voice will guide you to and away from whatever is necessary. Trust this.

Plunge your mind into the finest ideas ever put on paper, or spoken to you directly or through various communications and media, or overheard in conver-

http://www.makeachoicenow.com Ever notice how people dread discussing the truth about life, spirituality or God? Their fear usually comes out as, "I never talk about that" or "Some things we're not supposed to know." Someone once told me that they didn’t see the point in talking about all that spiritual stuff. They quickly cut off any probing of who they are and why they're here. How strange that people who are brave in everyday affairs tend to cringe and cower when asked to think about the reasons and powers behind their existence! Yet, what could be more urgent than to face your own reality? I used to be one of those people who did not want to explore the inner workings of myself and what made me tick but I was all too quick to try and figure out another person. Concentrating on someone else kept me from concentrating on me and my inner world. Humanity's spiritual jitters often stem from centuries of reliance on designated spokesmen who are said to be anointed or divinely appointed, or inspired, or trained in theology and who we are not allowed to question. Adding to our plight are society's cruel traditions of rewarding mass conformity and mocking original thinkers. Yet I ask you where would humanity be if it were not for original thinkers? We would most certainly be thinking that the world is still flat. The truth of the matter is that God talks to all of us in many different ways. God may communicate with a scientist for example by giving him a dream with a solution to an experiment. God speaks to a mother through her heart by giving her the feeling that she needs to check on her child suddenly. God may speak to a gardener by letting him know to hold off

To make the leap from spiritual cry baby to bold seeker of truth requires self examination. In quiet moments you must ask yourself what you really believe. Be willing to tolerate question marks in your search till you find answers that are perfect for you even if it takes years and years. The search is sweeter than you can imagine. Remember that last time you learned something new that empowered you life? Your life changed in a profound way. It felt good. It might have

No finer hobby could be found than to

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 5 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

gather the wisdom of the world around you. There is tons of literature just waiting to be tapped. There is philosophy, religion, psychology, self-growth, cellular biology, quantum physics, self-realization, spirituality and higher awareness, to name just a few. Wisdom comes in many flavors so to speak, poetry, theology, essays, scriptures, drama, comedy, satire, healing work, the arts and spiritual practices such as Gratitude, Meditation and Forgiveness. Read, study and check it all out for yourself. When I started studying, it became a hunger within to know more. The more I knew and understood the hungrier I was to learn more and more. Test all spiritual concepts to see if they work for you. Let's say you've heard of something called the Inner Kingdom. Find out all you can about it, but more importantly make up your mind that if such a glorious kingdom exists, you intend to find it and claim it as your own. Sure, this is scary. Of course, you'll be tempted to give up along the way. Giving up should never be an option on your spiritual quest. Be a tough critic of all you find no matter the glowing reputation or fame of the speaker or writer. Teach yourself to know the difference between myth and proof. Inch along, with tiny tasks and not so timid steps. Go forward, not backward. Be proud of your quest. I had no problem telling any person that I was on a spiritual journey. It felt good. I would share what I had learned if asked and well, the rest is history. Finally, turn your search into success. You don't want to be a self-help junkie reading your life away and never lifting your own heart and soul. After your investigation comes a time of grace when you rise above books and arguments. There comes a time when you put into practice all you have learned, then almost without you noticing something vital has changed within. When you do notice it means you are starting to really understand what you have learned and developed your own value system based on what you think not on what others tell you to think.

The time to just glide

through life has come and gone. It is time to be bold. It is time to understand that prior conditioning and so called truths that you learned as a child may not be truth at all. It is time to sift the flour of your past. If something is absolutely not working… change it. You respect all worthy ideas, learned or lowly, and see how uneducated words of insight ascend to the same literary heaven with equal standing as the thoughts and teachings of spiritual celebrities. You make peace with conflicting scholars, scientists and saviors. Standing atop the knowledge of the ages you add your own voice to the crowd with new words that are your contribution to the eternal quest. Each and every one of us has a voice and our own personal truth to add to the mixture of wisdom out there. God wants to hear your voice too! God desires every voice to ring boldly into the universe. “It should be shared.” What's the payoff? Is it worth all the trouble? After all to succeed means you probably have to spend periods of time alone to ponder the great issues of life. You have to deal with destiny one-onone with nobody to hold your hand or go in your place. Peace is the pay-off. Fear is a rare visitor to your mental energy. God will catch you if you stumble. The biggest payoff will be when you share with someone how your life has changed and they start to become a bold seeker too! Truth is the payoff and that may or may not pay the bills or eliminate your worries but it sure makes everything easier and sweeter. Truth is its own fantastic reward.

You will know that when you find it. My parents used to tease us sometimes when we wanted to know something. They would say, “you’ll know someday.” So, I am saying you will know someday. Hang in there and be a bold seeker. In order to fully find something you must first seek. Knock and the door will be opened. Seek and you shall find. The day will come that you will be filled with a feeling that becomes normal for you. Enjoy it. It is called peace. God will bless you and you will know what Grace feels like. This is just something to think about.

http://www.makeachoicenow.com http://wayovertherainbow.blogspot.com http://godsspiritletters.blogspot.com http://hectorscaninedogma.blogspot.com

A fantastic spiritual opportunity Schedule your private reading today! Rev. Lady Diannia Baty, author of “Spirit Letters”, spiritual teacher, artist, ordained reverend, spiritual life coach, wedding minister, and 4th generation psychic is offering private psychic readings on Mondays thru Fridays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. by appointment only! To schedule an appointment call:

704 209-6430 ladydiannia@makeachoicenow.com Lady D is a new age visionary spiritual teacher of mind, body and spirit. These ongoing weekly classes will empower you beyond anything you have ever thought of when it comes to God, The Universe and You. Imagine a class where you learn about The Quantum Field, and spiritual practices and are given powerful tools to use in every day life. Imagine if you will that your perceptions of life change and as a result your life changes right along with it. Imagine that you develop a connection with your universe and God in ways you only fantasized about before! Imagine that you are happier, peaceful and joyous. Imagine all of relationships transforming into something incredible. Lady D will be your guide as she teaches and guides you to a new reality, a new you and God. The old paradigms are break (cont. on next page)

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 6 * Wellthy Choices magazine July/August 2010

THIS IS THE TIME FOR change! This is not the time for apathy or anger. What we resist...persists. Yes, there is a lot of horrible things going on in our world but this is not the end of anything it is an opportunity for CHANGE!

* This is the time for more prayer. * This is the time to practice compassion. * This is a time to cherish the people in our lives and reconnect on a heart basis. * This is the time do be pro-active and do what you can and we all can do something. * This is the time to investigate your free-will and divine birthright and put it to good use. * This is the time to talk and clear away all negative thought and fear and kick it to the curb. * This is the time to meditate. * This is the time to Stop being a victim and become a victor. * This is the time to be what you were created to be. * This is the time to acknowledge God and allow your source to mentor and guide you.

THIS IS THE TIME FOR PEACE! * This is not the time to put fear into the world... * This is the time to stand up and be counted and to spread light and healing all around you. * If at the end of the day you feel you did something uplifting and creative and feel more peaceful, and joyful then you did what you need to do. * If at the end of the day you know it was a better day because you tapped into your soul and God, then you did what you needed to do. * If at the end of the day you feel more empowered, calm and happy then you know you did what you need to do.

Reverend Lady Diannia Baty (cont. from previous page) ing down and ancient teachings are being presented in a new way. we are evolving and so too must the knowledge as you walk your spiritual path. Time is of the essence. The time for ignoring the call of the divine is over! Instead of imagining it, you can live it! People from all over the world have changed their lives through what she presents to you. She states that she is just one of many who have stepped forward to be universal teachers and agreed to it before they were born.

i have dedicated my life to what i do. i want to reach as many people as possible, especially right now. time is of the essence and it is time for all men and women to be present and aware to their lives. Default, unconscious living is not an option any longer. ~ Lady D

DVDs and CDs and downloads are available soon on her website: http://www.makeachoicenow.com

Make A Choice Now!

www.makeachoicenow.com ladydiannia@makeachoicenow.com

Now the trick to all of this is just to make one step in that direction...just one step! ~ Rev. Diannia Baty http://godsspiritletters.blogspot.com http://wayovertherainbow.blogspot.com http://hectorscaninedogma.blogspot.com


Rev. Lady Diannia Baty Fourth Generation Psychic & Visionary Spiritual Advisor



30 minutes...$35.00 60 minutes...$55.00

704 209-6430 ladydiannia@makeachoicenow.com

http://www.makeachoicenow.com http://www.maxgxl.com/thewellthcoach

be led gently down the path to knowledge and peace.

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 7 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Home Supplies for Earthquakes, Emergency Kits and Disaster Survival by Susan Laverie

for each person’s particular needs.

http://homemanagement.suite101.com/arti cle.cfm/home-supplies-for-earthquakeemergency-kits-and-disaster-survival

Will your family survive a disaster? Prepare for unplanned events by creating earthquake preparedness kits and 72 hour survival kits for each member. Household emergency preparedness kits need items like tents, portable toilets, tools and bulk water storage. Examine the following suggestions for ideas to help create earthquake emergency kits or general 72 hour survival kits.

Start preparing the house for unplanned survival challenges by creating earthquake emergency kits or a 72 hour survival kit containing the most important items necessary for survival. Store them somewhere readily available and accessible at a moment’s notice. Prepare individual emergency survival kits for each family member including pets. Designate a closet or a section of the garage or basement for general survival supplies pertaining to the house.

Packing Individual Disaster Survival Kits The individual emergency preparedness kits should be put together in a backpack if possible for those who can carry one. Be decisive when packing including only the most important disaster survival items for each family member. Keep sizes of toiletries small and pack in resealable plastic baggies. To each disaster survival kit add the following:

•Sweatshirt or sweater •Jacket • Rain poncho • Toothbrush • Hair brush • Bug spray and sunscreen available in individual packets • Camping towel and soap • Zip baggies in two sizes • A roll of toilet paper with the cardboard inner roll removed • Baggie with bandaids, cotton swabs and a tube of first aid ointment In addition to general clothing and toiletries, include personal care items unique to each individual like extra eye glasses and eye glass prescriptions as well as any medications.

•Hat and gloves •Socks and underwear •Full change of clothes and shoes Susan Lavery (aka WebOpus) has an extensive background

Critical items needed in emergency survival kits are food, water, sanitary supplies and medicines. Prepare a backpack or small carry-on rolling suitcase for each individual in the family and a special case for the pets. Include items unique to each person's needs. For instance, diapers and wipes, baby bottles and powdered formula for an infant; hearing aids and dentures for an elderly person; a special toy or book for kids; medications, eye glasses and any personal care products necessary

in alternative and naturopathic medicine and although she is currently retired, she was in practice for over 30 years. Some of the areas in which Susan specialized were gastrointestinal problems, muskuloskeletal disorders and nutrition. She has taken advanced studies in herbalism and received a Masters of Science in clinical hypnotherapy as well as a Ph.D in homeopathy. She has been published in homeopathic journals and online at various websites and has taught workshops and courses in homeopathy, herbalism and in the medicinal value of foods. Susan is a retired member of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) and the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC). If you need professional writing for your publication or website, please contact Susan at: web.opus@yahoo.com Read Susan’s other articles here: http://www.naturalnews.com/Author831.html http://www.suite101.com/writer_articles.cfm/susanlavery

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 8 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Planetary water watch wellthy Choices Toast: Happy Summer to You!

who Owns water? Is water a human right or a commodity to be bought, sold, packaged, marketed, traded and bartered with? With the dwindling fresh water reserves around the world, do you want someone to control that water in order to make a profit or do you believe that it is something that must be guarded, protected and shared. It’s a simple choice, but a relevant one considering the global water crisis that is underway. We all have one thing in common, from the villager in the smallest African communities to the inhabitant of sprawling metropolitan centres; we need water to live. Do we deserve to own water? http://waterdropblog.wordpress.com/2008/ 06/10/who-owns-water/


Learn more about water online: http://www.watersecretsblog.com http://letsgetgreen.wordpress.com/200 7/10/ http://waterdropblog.wordpress.com/2 008/06/10/who-owns-water/ http://itc.blogs.com/greenstream/blogs _about_water/ http://templecuttingedge.wordpress.co m/2009/07/10/bottle-v-tap-the-battlecontinues/ http://www.waterjournal.org/ http://water.korotkov.org/

One of the biggest energy users in your home, next to heating and cooling systems, is your hot water system. New federal efficiency standards for electric and gas water heaters took effect in January 2004. Make sure your new water heater meets or exceeds the new Energy Factor (EF) standard. (Examples: 0.90 EF for an electric 50-gallon unit, 0.59 EF for a gas 40-gallon unit.) It is important to keep the system properly maintained. Once or twice a year, drain a bucket of water out of the bottom of the heater tank because it is sometimes full of sediment. The sediment insulates the water in the tank from the heating element, which wastes energy. In addition, you might want to investigate a relatively inexpensive water heater insulation kit. Older hot water tanks (except super-insulated tanks) generally are not insulated very well, so an extra layer of protection will keep the heat from being lost through the walls of the tank. Do not insulate over any doors, vents, or relief valves. when buying a water heater, it is wise to correctly estimate your needs. Don’t buy a water heater that is too large for your family, but you should consider your future needs as well as your present requirements. Demands for hot water will be greater as the size of your household

increases, as your children become older and begin to take showers or soak for hours in a full tub of water, and as certain new appliances (such as hot tubs or Jacuzzis) are added. Some water heaters now have solid state controls (such as a “vacation” setting) that allow you to lower temperature settings. Look for and take advantage of these features. In sprawling ranch houses or in residences with two or three levels, the rooms requiring hot water may be widely separated. It may be possible to get better hot water service with less use of electric-ity by having two or more water heaters—one heater in each principal water-using area—instead of one heater in a central location. Insulate long runs of piping to greatly reduce heat loss. Repair leaky faucets promptly. A steady drip of hot water can waste many gallons of water per month, plus the energy needed to heat the water. Consult with a plumber to determine if your water heater meets the needs of your family. Letting the water run while shaving or when washing dishes by hand is needless waste. Avoid this by using sink stoppers and dishpans. Encourage family members to take showers rather than baths. The average person will use about half as much hot water in a shower as in a bath. The standby heat loss of a water heater increases with temperature. So, set the temperature control of your water heater at a moderate 120 F, or as low as possible without running out of hot water. If you need hotter water for certain functions, such as dishwashing, consider a dual-temperature system. Use a central unit supplying 120 F or lower temperature water for general purposes, plus a smaller water heater for a 140F or higher. Locate water heaters as close to the points of hot water use as possible. The reason for this is that any hot water that remains in a supply pipe after a tap or valve is closed eventually cools off and is wasted. The longer the supply pipe, the more heat lost. For more information on water heating, check http://www.ahrinet.org and http://www.energystar.gov. Lower water heater temperature setting from 140F to 120F -save 10 percent. http://thegldc.com/blog/tag/water/

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 9 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

How Particular Foods Encourage or Discourage Inflammation Recently, scientists proudly announced their creation of an index to rank how particular foods encourage or discourage inflammation -- a well-known contributor to chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and dementia. This is great in theory, but scientists being scientists, it’s all obscure algorithms and formulas -- hardly a useful list to take to the grocery store. So I asked contributing medical editor and nutrition expert Andrew L. Rubman, ND, to give us his easy-to-follow list of foods that reduce inflammation -- making us healthier -- along with the most inflammatory foods that should be avoided. But first, the latest findings by researchers. ..

How Do Foods Spark Inflammation? Philip P. Cavicchia, MSPH, a PhD student in the department of epidemiology at the Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina, helped design this new inflammatory index. He and his colleagues scored 41 foods and food components thought to positively or negatively affect levels of inflammation, based on a review of all the English language, peer-reviewed studies relating to diet and inflammation that were published between 1950 and 2007. Carbohydrates, fat and cholesterol were among the food components most likely to encourage inflammation, while magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B-6, C, D and E, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, flavonoids, turmeric and tea were the strongest anti-inflammatories . Next, using data from the seasonal Variation of cholesterol Levels study (sEasOns), they examined the records of 494 men and women (average age 48), looking specifically at the relationship between the inflammatory index (what they ate) and their blood levels of C-reactive protein (typically called CRP). Manufactured by the liver, CRP predicts vulnerability to inflammation and is also elevated in people with obesity, allergies and immune disorders -- a lower CRP is thought to translate to reduced risk for heart disease, cancer and other inflammation-related chronic health conditions. After factoring in variables such as age, weight and smoking status, Cavicchia and his team found that there is indeed a

relationship between an anti-inflammatory diet based on the inflammatory index and a reduced level of CRP. These findings appeared in the December 2009 issue of The Journal of Nutrition. Here are Dr. Rubman’s picks of the best and worst foods if you want to reduce inflammation in your body... 10 BEST ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS * Wild salmon, mackerel and other omega3-fatty- acid-rich fish. * Berries. * Green, leafy vegetables (e.g., spinach and kale). * Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, etc.). * Deeply pigmented produce, such as sweet potatoes, eggplant and pomegranate. .. along with carrots, plums, oranges, peppers, peas and red grapes. * Nuts. * Whole grains. * Tea -- specifically black, green and white teas. * Cold-pressed fresh oils, including avocado, flaxseed and olive oils in particular. * Spices (specifically, garlic, ginger, turmeric, saffron). 10 wORST INFLAMMATORY FOODS * Desserts made with lots of sugar (cookies, candy, ice cream and so on). * Sweetened cereals. * "white" carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, white potatoes, English muffins, etc.). * Non-diet soft drinks. * Anything containing high-fructose corn syrup. * Processed meats (bologna, salami, hot-

dogs, sausage and others made with preservatives and additives). * French fries, potato chips and other fried snack foods. * Fast foods, most specifically the ones that are high-fat, high-calorie, high simple carbohydrate -- which describes most of the inexpensive offerings at quick-serve restaurants. * Margarine, because it contains processed sterols called stanols that have been implicated in both atherosclerosis and various fatty-deposit diseases. * Organ meats such as liver, because these often contain undesirable products including antibiotics, fertilizer and other unwanted residues.

How to Feel Better Fast While on the topic, Dr. Rubman urged me to add one more bit of information to this "highly inflammatory" list. "It should also include almost any food eaten quickly, especially if you drink a lot of liquid while eating," he said, noting that this is all the more true for people who then end up soothing their predictable digestive distress by taking anti-heartburn medication. His advice is to eat slowly... chew thoroughly.. . avoid liquids during a meal so that you don’t dilute the stomach acid and reduce its ability to help digest food... and include items from the "best" list in every meal, every day, while eliminating those from the "worst" list or at least reserving them for an occasional treat. "Within weeks, you will decrease your risk for disease, improve your digestion, enjoy more energy and feel better overall," he promised. Source(s): Philip P. Cavicchia, MSPH, student in the department of epidemiology, Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. Andrew L. Rubman, ND, director, Southbury Clinic for Traditional Medicines, Southbury, Connecticut.

(NOTE: Remember the most important thing to do when you eat is to chew very well 30-40 chews per mouthful. Test yourself and see if you can do it 30-40 times... and let us know how many times you really chew a mouthful. I bet everyone falls well short.)

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 10 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

GREENS - Smoothies & Salads Add ZING to Your Day!

Laura’s All-Green Blender Smoothie Recipe Laura is a former university student is one of the most well read people in alternative health, having spent seven years of her life in bed with chronic health problems. She drank green smoothies for six months, as she does not do well with sugar of any kind, including fruit. 1 avocado 1 large cucumber 2 cups spinach 2 large leaves collard greens 2 leaves black kale 3 lemons, juice only 1.5 cups water (a few slices of a Gala apple sometimes)

Green Smoothie with a Twist This smoothie recipe is a twist on a classic green smoothie with mango and spinach. This one, which makes about 3 pints, has a much "deeper" flavour with many layers and really is something quite special. * 1 bag spinach * 1 cup pure water * 1 ripe mango (medium sized) * 1/4 ripe pineapple (medium sized) * 3 Medjool dates * Small bunch of fresh cilantro * 3/4" piece vanilla pod 1) Simply process all ingredients in your normal blender or Vita-Mix until fully blended, and the vanilla is completely broken down. 2) Serve in a tall glass

SIMPLE JUICE RECIPES Carrot/Apple Juice 6 carrots 2 apples

Liver Mover 2-3 carrots ½ beet

Evening Regulator 2 apples 1 pear

Digestive Special handful of spinach 6 carrots

Holiday Cocktail 2 apples 1 large bunch of grapes 1 slice lemon with peel

Body Cleanser 4 carrots ½ cucumber 1 beet

Rejuvenator handful of parsley 3 carrots 2 celery stalks 2 cloves of garlic

The waldorf 1 stalk celery 2 apples

Sunshine Cocktail 2 apples 4-6 strawberries

Dixie’s Garden Quiche Crust: 1 1/2 c. soaked nuts of choice 4-5 Medjool dates Optional: 2 clove garlic Process till it sticks together

Filling: Layer chopped & separate, carrots, spinach, red pepper, 5 green onions, process tomatoes & basil, pinch of sea salt (drain). Topping: Process 1 avocado, 1/2 bunch cilantro, juice of one orange, 1 T. tahini, 1/2 t. sea salt, 1/4 t. cayenne. Spread over all & enjoy! This weeps pretty quick so the more juice you can get out of it the better. It is still very good. The first time I made up this recipe I got my organic basil out of my garden & after picking it sniffed it and I was euphoric for a couple of weeks!! I called it my orgasmic Quiche! Thanks to Dixie Story at: http://web.me.com/dstorydem/dixiestorylovinghands/Livi ng_Food_Lifestyle.html

This recipe is from

Fresh Food Fast by Peter Berley. Here's another delicious bean salad from that book

white Bean and Arugula Salad with Lemon Dill Vinaigrette 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil 3 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tbsp minced fresh dill 1 small garlic clove, finely chopped Coarse sea salt or kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 3 bunches arugula, trimmed and rougly chopped 1 can white beans, such as cannellini or Great Northern, rinsed and drained 1 yellow bell pepper, halved, seeded and thinly sliced 1. In a large bowl, whisk together the oil, lemon juice, dill, garlic, and salt and pepper. Add the arugula, beans, and yellow pepper and toss to combine. You could also use sorrell, beat tops, kale or swiss chard in place of arugula. http://www.treehugger.com/files/20 10/06/weekday-vegetarian-whitebean-arugula-salad.php?campaign=daily_nl

Energy Shake handful of parsley 6 carrots http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 11 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

T 5 T H e l ps Tu r n B a c k Yo u r C l o c k by Carolinda Witt, Founder of T5T

Watch Sky TV Health News interview with Carolinda Witt regarding T5T Click to hear more http://www.t5t.com/store/media.php?

"T5T is an incredible and powerful program. It turns back the clock. It increases your energy, mental clarity and focus. It reduces stress, and improves strength and flexibility. It is capable of restoring your passion and zest for life if you let it. I highly recommend it for anyone willing to improve their life.” - John Gray author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus "The Five Tibetans" are a once-secret, ancient rejuvenation technique that have long been practiced by monks to slow aging, increase energy, calm the mind and strengthen the body. 10 mins per day is all you need. According to the Tibetan lamas, the only difference between youth and old age is the spin rate of the chakras (the body's seven major energy centres). ..."The body has seven centres, which, in English, could be called Vortexes. These are kind of magnetic centres. They revolve at great speed in the healthy body, but when slowed down - well that is just another name for old age, ill-health, and senility. The quickest way to regain youth, health, and vitality is to start these energy centres spinning normally again. There are five simple exercises that will accomplish this. Any one of them alone is helpful, but all five are required to get the best results. These five exercises are not really exercises at all. The Lamas call them rites, and so that is how I shall refer to them, too"... - Colonel Bradford - "ancient secret of the Fountain of Youth" In the 1930's, retired British Army officer Colonel Bradford discovered a remote Tibetan monastery, where the monks were rumored to have discovered no less that the legendary Fountain of Youth. These monks were remarkably old, yet appeared amazingly healthy and 'ageless'.The monks claimed that the secret to reversing aging lay in the five special movements they performed daily. Bradford learnt these once-secret exercises from the monks and brought them back to the West where they became known as "the Five tibetan rites" or "the Five tibetan rites of rejuvenation." The Five Rites work by stimulating the flow

"I have practised yoga for many years but after having a baby (my third child) I needed some exercise that would put me back in shape and that took as little time as possible to do! T5T has been exactly what I needed. Now If I miss a day or two, I feel unbalanced, uncentred and low energy. They are so simple, yet so powerful in their effect. - Susan Hayward author of the bestselling "A Guide For The Advanced Soul" of natural life-energy throughout the body. Like turning the power switches to "ON" The Tibetan Five can dramatically increase energy, as well as improve health and wellbeing. T5T is an in-depth method of learning the original Five Tibetan Rites that retains the integrity of the traditional method but makes them more accessible for everyone living a typical mostly sedentary modern lifestyle. It was developed by experienced Five Rites Teacher, Carolinda Witt in consultation with other health professionals. Her unique step-by-step method was formulated over years of teaching thousands of students Over a period of 9 years Carolinda taught T5T to thousands of students and thirty six instructors. She incorporated core stability with the Rites to protect the spine; stengthen your belly - and natural full breathing to increase vitality and health. Her method makes these ancient Rites more accessible & achievable for anyone, regardless of their skill level. As a result T5T can be done by anyone, at any skill level - in around 10 minutes per day.

The major benefits are: * Increased energy & vitality – can keep going & going * Calmer, less stressed. Able to cope better Improved breathing * Significant mental clarity. Razor sharp focus * Overall improvement in health * Improved mood & sense of wellbeing/purpose * A more youthful body; less stiff and far stronger

An emphasis on breathing correctly is incorporated into the T5T method through the introduction of a special "Energy Breathing" technique. The original Rites contain very limited breathing instructions; yet a number of clinical studies have shown that how well you breathe, literally dictates your lifespan. Improved breathing, increases vitality, wellness and health to the body, and removes wastes, toxins etc. T5T is quick, powerful and effective.You don’t need to travel anywhere. It's fun. You don’t need any special equipment; you can do it at a time that suits you and it won’t keep on costing you money. Once you have learned T5T – it is yours for life. You can do it: * At home * At the office * In the park * Whilst travelling * On the beach * Before your other sport as a warm up/cool down Most people can find 10 minutes a day for themselves, and if you can’t – perhaps it’s time to stop and ask why. Click here to learn more about T5T or to order their Complete Study Kit; book or DVD: http://www.5tibetanrites.net/index.php? osCsid=070da648a952af7460830279663 71f2a

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Evolution Through Energy Awareness by Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. May 12th, 2010 There are many changes coming for humanity at this time — some of which will be reflected in ongoing blogs on this site. It seems everywhere we turn we encounter more and more stress. There are mounting concerns over the ongoing economic crisis, continued earth changes, threats to our entire echo system, peak oil crisis, and global warming. In addition, our health care system is nearing collapse; we have made what was once personal responsibility into a social and political arena with the main focus on the financing on health care; not the quality nor the accessibility. And yet amid the chaos, there is something emerging – a resurgence of a new kind of spirituality. While historically many have turned to religious practices in times of crisis – this is a different phenomenon. Our scientists tell us that during the next 20 years we will make the equivalent of 200 years of progress – not just in scientific arenas such as development of free energy devices, but in how we as individuals live with the chaos, and out of it reclaim our power to be co-creators of our own destiny. During the month of April, Personal Frequencies re-located from Richmond, VA to Asheville, NC. Along with that move there was dedicated time to engage in deep reflective activities not only for personal growth but for formulating a new direction to maximize services – in short to emerge playing a larger role in the healing of the planet and its individual inhabitants. Making a conscious decision not to post blogs but to engage in research

regarding our most eminent scholars, scientists and spiritual teachers, it was astonishing to discover a wealth of information that currently exists on the web. The primary challenge is not finding new information, but developing the discernment to sort out which is valid, uplifting and can serve as makers for personal and planetary transformation. In order for us to make changes it is critical we develop awareness that: 1. While it seems trite, all beings share this planet – needed changes can no longer be confined to a region – changes must be made on a global level. At the grass roots level in small villages and communities we see co-operation rather than competition emerging. I have observed alternate money systems becoming more popular as is the bartering for goods and services. In other words we are looking at “energy exchanges” between assigned values we place on our goods and services. 2. The internet is changing how we view ourselves as individuals – not only can we connect instantly with someone on the other side of the globe; we are coming to realize that those shared connections are leading into an awareness of our interconnectivity—not at a touch of a but-

ton, but again – something deeper. We are discovering shared values existing outside regional and political domains. Many are sensing the pregnancy of something emerging – perhaps, as Jean Houston recently stated: “We are standing on the brink of our own evolution.” For the first time we are beginning to feel a shared “energy” emerging out of our connections. It is entirely possible we are creating a new morphic field that supports our interconnectedness. 3. We are also seeing increased acceptance of alternative medical practices, particular in the area of energy medicine as evidenced by practices such as acupuncture, Reiki, touch for health, and Emotional Freedom Technique and of course, sound and vibration. Many of these modalities may be self-learned through books and training seminars. Practitioners using these modalities have long held that the emphasis on pathology characterizes traditional medical practices while the emphasis on healing characterizes alternative practices. 4. The importance of these practices is that we are beginning to form a different understanding of the functioning of the human body. As one begins to explore the human energy field, one begins to understand that it is the field or the subtle energies around the body that impact on the health of physical structures. In other words the energy of our intentions, thoughts emotions affects every cell, tissue and organ structure in the body.

Become a powerful visionary! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3zJ m98UXzQ&feature=player_embedded

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Jan Jenson Photographer ~ writer Publisher ~ Artist

704-450-6115 jan.jenson@yahoo.com http://www.wellthychoices.net wellthy Choices magazine 6X year - PDF downloads only PHOTOS & PUBLISHING PORTFOLIO: http://www.picturetrail.com/vizualexplorations http://www.vizualexplorations.smugmug.com http://www.picturetrail.com/toscomusicparty http://www.picturetrail.com/womeninthetrades http://www.facebook.com/janjenson http://www.facebook.com/pages/vizual-explorations http://www.gettyimages.com (search for Fond Memories) http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/gallery.php?tag =fond+memories

I'm not here to be perfect, I'm here to be happy. I'm not here to be perfect, I'm here to be happy. I'm not here to be perfectly happy, I'm here to be a workin-progress happy. I'm not here to tough it out, I'm here to savor this moment. I'm not here to notice what's wrong, I'm here to celebrate what's right. I'm not here to perfect the world, I'm here to witness its perfection. I'm not here to... accomplish greatness, I'm here to see the greatness in what I accomplish. I'm not here to prove myself worthy, I'm here to know myself worthy.. and accept the benefits. I'm not here to gain others' approval, I'm here to approve of myself - And let it go at that. I'm not here to take life seriously, I'm here to take life as it comes - And chuckle. I'm not here to impose my beliefs on others, I'm here to suspect we all have a chunk of the truth. I'm not here to struggle my way to my goals, I'm here to envision them, welcome them, And dream up goals anew. I'm not here to feel frustrated, I'm here to feel fulfilled yet eager for more. I'm not here to regret the past, I'm here to say goodbye to it - With a kiss. I'm not here to work off karma, I'm here to play in the clay of creation. I'm not here to fear death, I'm here to allow my fears to die. I'm not here to live in bliss, I'm here to ever move in that direction. I'm not here to fidget over setbacks, I'm here to appreciate overall progress. I'm not here to search for God, I'm here to rest assured there's nothing else.

"GOLDEN LIGHT": To awaken, inspire and empower every cell of our being to their vital presence. This essential oil fusion is infused with orange, tangerine, mandarin, lime, spearmint and saffron. Link:http://www.cancun.net/db/sook/pform/ Explorations: Being in the presence of "Breath" with the infusion of "Golden light", can one align, strengthen, vitalize our "Chakra" domains, Energy Fields, parasympathetic energy flows & harness the vital presence to "Coherence" of our brain hemispheres.! The participant is an active professional immersed in very brain intensive functions. notes: In the Vedic texts, it is clearly observed that "The closer we are with nature, the expressions of Divine Intelligence is imprinted into the fabric of our FIELD." ie.When the inner space is strengthened the outer world follows!!! The illustrative pictures quantify the explorative hypothesis based on Vedic Wisdom. Data presented was captured by Dear Dr. Korotkov's EPI/GDV device. Link:http://korotkov.org/ Study Conducted in The Taos lab of http://issstaos.org/

It is good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end. - Ursula le Guin

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D N A a n d V i b r at i o n Russian DNA Discoveries single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.” The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore that 90% of “junk DNA.” Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary!

http://www.personalfrequencies.com/p ersonal-frequenciesblog/?p=97#more-97 All information is from the book “Vernetzte intelligenz” von Grazyna Fosar und Franz Bludorf, ISBN 3930243237. (Article edited and translated from German. Summarized and commented by Baerbel. The book is unfortunately only available in German so far.)

The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing

According to there findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code —especially in the apparent “useless” 90%— follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA. The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. In brief the bottom line was: “Living chromo-

somes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous Dna laser radiation.” This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and thus the

genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and of language (as explained earlier) is of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! This, too, was experimentally proven! Living DNA substance (in living tissue, not in vitro) will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies (sound) are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects on humans and their bodies. It is entirely nor-

mal and natural for our DNA to react to language. While western researchers cut single genes from DNA strands and insert them elsewhere, the Russians enthusiastically created devices that influence cellular metabolism through modulated radio and light frequencies, thus repairing genetic defects. They even captured information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitted it onto another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. So they successfully transformed, for example, frog embryos to salamander embryos simply by transmitting the DNA information patterns! This way the entire information was transmitted without any of the side effects or disharmonies encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. This represents an unbelievable, world-transforming revolution and sensation: by simply applying vibration (sound frequencies) and language instead of the archaic cutting-out procedure!

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 15 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Illness as a Teacher by Sol Luckman It has been said by many people in many ways that illness—whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual—can be a valuable teacher. In my case, this observation proved absolutely true. My nearly decade-long chronic autoimmune illness was a stern and sobering mentor, matriculating me through a veritable shamanic initiation of (near) death and rebirth, from which I emerged both a wiser and humbler man. Wiser, in that the “crash course” I enrolled in during my self-healing tutorial that began in earnest in 2002—involving liberal doses of new science and metaphysics—led to such a novel understanding of human nature that during this terrifying and exhilarating period when I thought I was dying, I often felt like a different person each morning when I awoke. Humbler, in that having been athletic to the point of cockiness my whole life, as well as something of a know-it-all in my chosen field of study (literature), I was reminded consistently of how dead wrong I had been about so many things. Specifically, I was forced to admit how little I actually knew about reality and the way the universe is only material as an afterthought, being fundamentally structured on and operating through consciousness. Thus in all ways, as I elaborate in Book One on the Regenetics Method, my initiatory education through and beyond disease was one of Conscious Healing. Today, nearly five years after the initial publication of that bestselling book that has been translated into multiple languages, having personally facilitated the Regenetics Method for thousands of clients worldwide and taught it to many students, it is time to share the first phase of this uniquely empowering work, Potentiation, with you. May learning, performing and perhaps offering Potentiation to your family, friends and even pets be as filled with daily mira-

cles as was my own healing and transformational experience of this powerful “energenetic” activation.

what Is Potentiation? Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning is the first of four integrated DNA activations, performed on a specific minimum Timeline explained in Part III, that comprise the Regenetics Method. Additional information on the second, third and fourth phases of this work also is provided in Part III. As detailed hereafter, Potentiation employs specific sound and light codes— produced vocally and mentally—to stimulate a self-healing and transformational potential in DNA. The Potentiation session initiates a progressive repatterning designed to “reset” your bioenergy fields, which serve as the blueprint for your body-mind-spirit and, as such, when distorted by trauma or toxicity (or both), can induce dysfunctions of various kinds. By “resetting” the bioenergy blueprint, Potentiation facilitates an integrated, manageable release of often deeply held traumas and toxins, while establishing a higher harmonic resonance with life-enhancing “torsion” energy. Just as crucially, Potentiation also transforms the bioenergetic disruption known as the Fragmentary Body through a process called sealing. Central to true healing, or “wholing,” sealing the Fragmentary Body enhances one’s sense of unity consciousness and, by itself, can lead to tangible and lasting improvement. The critically important notion of the Fragmentary Body is discussed at various points throughout this text. Initiated by a single thirty-minute session, which can be performed in person but often is done remotely, as explained, the entire Potentiation process takes just over nine months (forty-two weeks, or a “gestation cycle”) to unfold. To the best of my knowledge, such a remarkable “rebirth,” set in motion by one short session that requires neither repeating nor reenergizing, is unique in the world of energy healing. In addition, this process of recalibration charts a highly specific pattern through the bioenergy blueprint. We will explore the nature and experience of this profound biospiritual metamorphosis in much greater detail as we go along.

Benefits of Potentiation Since my partner Leigh and I first began to

offer Potentiation to clients back in 2003, we have received reports of a variety of benefits spanning the body-mind-spirit continuum. Some of these benefits have been subtle, while others have been quite dramatic. The most common reported benefits include: Allergy Elimination Enhanced Energy Parasite Cleansing Pain Relief Physical Strengthening

Improved Respiration Better Digestion Sharper Thinking Deeper Sleep Straighter Posture Healthier Urination

Regular Stools Stronger Immunity Clearer Skin Thicker Hair Fewer Migraines Clearer Boundaries Healthier Relationships

Increased Serendipity Heightened Manifestation Greater Abundance

I share some of my own remarkable benefits from Potentiation toward the end of Part I. Also, a selection of categorized Testimonials from clients who have experienced Potentiation concludes Part II. Read more: http://vitalitylink.com/article-Addiction-Treatment-526-introductionpotentiate-wiser-tutorial-healinginearnest#ixzz0t34v2Ng0

HUMANS GLOW The human body literally “glows”, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall within the day, scientists now reveal. Past research has shown that the body emits visible light, 1,000 times less intense than the levels to which our naked eyes are sensitive. In fact, virtually all living creatures emit vey weak light, which is thought to be a by-product of biochemical reactions involving free radicals. (This visible light differs from the infared radiation - an invisible form of light - that comes from body heat.) To learn more about this faint visible light, scientists in Japan employed extraordinarily sensitive cameras capable of detecting single photons. Five healthy male volunteers in their 20’s were placed bare-chested in front of the cameras in complete darkness in light-flight rooms for 20 minutes every three hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for three days. The researchers found the body glow rose and fell over the day, with the lowest point at 10 a.m. and its peak at 4 p.m., dropping gradually after that. These findings suggest there is light emission linked to our body clocks, most likely due to how our metabolic rhythms fluctuate over the course of the day. SOURCE: Live Science http://www.potentiation.net

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 16 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Airport Body Scanners Emit Deadly T-rays http://theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=articl e&id=3382:airport-body-scanners-emit-t-rays-that-attack-humandna&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=64&lang=en The new airport scanners emit not X-rays, but little tested T-rays, or THz waves (terahertz waves), which can tear apart human DNA, scientists say. Scientist Boian Alexandrov has said that T-rays can

"unzip" DNA strands, tearing them apart, thus creating bubbles in the strands that significantly interfere with gene expression and DNA replication. The nanoparticles in the pandemic vaccines such as GlaxoSmithKline's, Pandemrix, also appear to be designed to attack human DNA. It has been reported anecdotally that several pregnant women operating the body scanners at Heathrow airport have already lost their babies. This is a report by J. SpeerWilliams on the potential impact on our DNA of the new airport scanners implemented after the so called "underwear bomber" incident, which appears to be another contrived operation because the "bomber" was escorted onto the plane in The Netherlands at Christmas by FBI agents.

Crotch Bomber Kicks Off Massive DNA Destruction! By J. Speer-Williams (1-7-10) Metaphysicians tell us that an individual's DNA composition approximates one's consciousness, and vice versa: One's consciousness determines one's DNA structure. Attack one, you attack the other. Improve one and you improve the other. Mainstream Doctors Fritz-Albert Popp and Bruce Lipton both tell us that our DNA appears to be the vital link between our physicality and spirituality. Dr. Popp, founder of the International Institute of Biophysics, at Neuss, Germany, and Dr. Lipton, of the University of Wisconsin, both confirm that modern science now realizes and recognizes that our DNA structures directly reflect our consciousness, making it possible for us to willfully activate what science formerly called "junk" DNA, by increasing our individual consciousnesses.

By activating dormant DNA, one would likely be able to perceive life beyond their five physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell; and one's world of spiritual intuition, discernment, judgment, and wisdom begin to develop. The more we learn about the negative intentions of the dark forces of our world, the more we wake up spiritually, and the more our "junk" DNA activates, if we are not overcome with neg-

ativity and fear ourselves. Fear blocks any possible expansion of consciousness, which explains the constant fear-mongering promoted by the International Monetary/Banking Cartel's corporate media, resulting in the severe stunting of our universal consciousness. The Cartel's silent, soft-kill weapons of mass DNA destruction are all around us. Depleting uranium, chemtrails, street and pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, genetically modified foods, fluorides, aspartame, psychotropics, and now naked body scanners are used against us for a very basic reason: To keep us from waking up to their crimes by damaging our DNA. The Cartel's latest cloaked attack against mankind are their so-called Backscatter X-ray Machines, that expose the naked bodies of children, women and men at busy airport security portals; all based on the flimsy ploy of simply one "crotch bomber" at Christmas time of '09 in Detroit. Now suddenly, these Backscatter machines will be showing up at over 125 US airports. These virtual strip searches, in addition to damaging our DNA, will be setting the stage for the expansion of our world-wide cancer epidemic. Any amount of radiation is dangerous, as it is cumulative, and poses a serious threat to all living cells through which it passes, leaving behind a trail of destruction and genetic mutations. The Backscatter doesn't actually emit X-rays, but little tested T-rays, or THz waves (terahertz waves), which is radiation that is positioned between microwaves and infrared rays on the electromagnetic spectrum. And as would be expected, the Cartel's scientists and corporate media have ensured that whether or not T-rays severely damage biological systems is to be a controversial subject: this is the usual Cartel stratagem whenever their agenda is on shaky grounds. Boian Aleandrov, of the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los alamos National Laboratory, however, has a very decided opinion regarding the dangers of T-rays: He tells us that T-rays tear apart human DNA. Alexandrov, and his team at Los alamos, say that although the forces that T-rays exert are small, their resonant effects can "unzip" DNA strands, tearing them apart, thus creating bubbles in the strands that significantly interfere with gene expression and DNA replication. And whatever that means, it doesn't sound good. Moreover, it seems these T-ray scanners will be operated by non-healthcare, hourly wage-earners, not trained in radiation medicine or imaging. And who is to prevent massive radiation overdoses? What protection will be offered to pregnant women, children, or our reproductive organs? If you are like me, it's beginning to appear obvious that some power has far more interest in damaging our DNAs, than keeping us safe while flying.

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 17 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

by Sean Day http://home.comcast.net/~sean.day/html/d efinition.html Synesthesia is the general name for a related set (a "complex") of various cognitive states. Synesthesia may be divided into two general, somewhat overlapping types. T h e first, which I sometimes call "synesthesia proper", is as described above, in w h i c h stimuli to a sensory input will also trigger sensations in one or more other sensory modes. The second form of synesthesia, called "cognitive" or "category synesthesia", involves synesthetic additions to culture-bound cognitive categorizational systems. In simpler words, with this kind of synesthesia, certain sets of things which our individual cultures teach us to put together and categorize in some specific way – like letters, numbers, or people's names – also get some kind of sensory addition, such as a smell, color or flavor. The most common forms of cognitive synesthesia involve such things as colored written letter characters (graphemes), numbers, time units, and musical notes or keys. For example, the synesthete might see, about a foot or two before her, different colors for different spoken vowel and consonant sounds, or perceive numbers and letters, whether conceptualized or before her in print, as colored. A friend of mine, Deborah, always perceives the letter "a" as pink, "b" as blue, and "c" as green, no matter what color of ink they are printed with. Synesthesia is additive; that is, it adds

First in a Series... to the initial (primary) sensory perception, rather than replacing one perceptual mode for another. With my colored musical timbres, I both hear and "see" the sounds; the visual images don't replace the audial sensations. Both sensory perceptions may thus become affected and altered in the ways they function and integrate with other senses. Synesthesia is generally "one-way"; that is, for example, for a given synesthete, tastes may produce synesthetic sounds, but sounds will not produce synesthetic tastes. However, there have been a few rare cases of synesthetes who have had "bi-directional" synesthesia, in which, for example, music induces (synesthetic) colors and seeing colors induces (synesthetic) sounds – the correspondences, however, may not be the same in both directions! Regarding synesthesia “proper”, stimuli to one sense, such as smell, are involuntarily simultaneously perceived as if by one or more other senses, such as sight or/and hearing. For example, I myself have three types of synesthesiae: The sounds of musical instruments will sometimes make me see certain colors, about a yard in front of me, each color specific and consistent with the particular instrument playing; a piano, for example, produces a sky-blue cloud in front of me, and a tenor saxophone produces an image of electric purple neon lights. I also have had colored taste and smell sensations; for example, the taste of espresso coffee can make me see a pool of dark green oily fluid about two feet away from me. The word "synesthesia" comes directly from the Greek (syn-) "union", and (aísthesis) "sensation", thus meaning something akin to "a union of the senses". "Synaesthesia" is the British English spelling of the word; in American English, it is often spelled "synesthesia", without the "a". The concept appears in other European languages, too: In Danish it is synæstesi . The Dutch word is synesthesie

. In Finnish, synestesia. In French, it's synesthésie , one type of which is audition colorée , "colored hearing". In German, it's Synästhesie , and colored hearing is Farbenhören. In Italian, sinestetici ; in Polish, synestezja; in Russian, ( sinestezia ); in Swedish, it's synestesi. Synesthesia has definite neurological components and is apparently partially heritable, one component perhaps passed down genetically on X-chromosomes. The percentage of the general human population which has synesthesia varies with the type involved; estimates run from 4 in 100 for basic types of cognitive synesthesia (colored letters or musical pitches), to 1 in 3,000 for more common forms of synest h e s i a proper (colored musical sounds or colored taste sensations), to 1 in 15,000 or more for people with rare (such as one synesthete I know of who synesthetically t a s t e s things she touches) or multiple forms of synesthesia proper. Perhaps more than half of all humans have a basic form of synesthesia in which they consider "higher" sounds to be "brighter" and "lower" sounds to be "darker". SOURCE: http://home.comcast.net/~sean.day/html/d

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 18 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Awakening the Divine Workshops The Invitation You are invited to share an amazing weekend experience that is designed to transform your perspective to a broader one that creates a safe place from which you can handle the changes that seem to surround every step you take. To create a safe place for intimate sharing our weekend experience is offered in the rolling hills of North Carolina surrounded by natural beauty where the nights are so quiet you can hear the whisperings of your own soul. We will be introducing the Divine Sciences – merging science and spirituality through the use of sound. We will be using sound in a way that opens intuitive awareness, links the hemispheres of the brain, and serves as a portal that connects with universal consciousness. Please join us in our Awakening the Divine series and SEE the world from a different perspective.

Your hosts for the experience: Ellen whiteside and Tim Beebe - http://www.sacredgroveretreat.com Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. Facilitator - http://www.personalfrequencies.com When everything around us seems to be constricting and collapsing, it is more important than ever to gain a new perspective that allows us to expand and embrace change. Our retreat is designed around the idea that when the soul is full, we have an opportunity to live from the inside out and let the soul find its voice. In this weekend retreat we will explore what it means to live in the presence of the Divine. Many of our experiential exercises will be conducted in the silence of nature as we develop the capacity for listening to our own inner guidance. Once we begin to awaken to the presence of the Divine and look at our lives from God’s point of view, just perhaps we will recognize our deep inner connections and the shared values that inspire us to embrace Truth, Goodness and Beauty. From a higher perspective, it is entirely possible that we may come to hold a place where we ask the deeper question: Am I holding the space for the evolvement of all that I hold dear.

DATES FOR 2010 July 16, 17, 18 August 20, 21, 22 September 17, 18, 19 October 15, 16, 17 November 12, 13, 14 December 31, January 1, 2

COSTS We are offering low-cost pricing which includes Fri. eve, Sat & Sun. workshops + meals. Lodging at Sacred Grove is an extra cost. Workshop & meals only - $270. Workshop, meals, room: Private room, private bath $495. Private room, shared bath $475. Shared room shared bath $445

Schedule The session begins on Friday evening at 7:30 and ends after lunch on Sunday

During our time together we will * * * *

Explore new tools for conscious change Learn new ways of balancing the energy body Release negative life patterns that no longer serve us Explore different methods of staying fully present.

Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. is an author, public speaker, practitioner/consultant specializing in sacred sound and energy technologies. After a 27 year career as a college professor, Lana felt a larger calling. Since leaving the world of academia she has switched her understanding of the human body from pathology to energetic pathways for healing. Her post-doctoral work in quantum physics catapulted her into deep exploration of the human energy field, consciousness and mystic traditions. In a recent interview Lana said: “I have now reached the point in my life where I appreciate the mystery of who we believe we are; the magic of creating each and every day and the wisdom to trust the Divine as it flows through me. My sense is that we no longer need to go outside ourselves for the answers we seek. Rather the journey in this time and space is to traverse the unexplored territory of our own experience that we might remember our own creative potential and the magic that gave us birth.”

Before you say no – Ask yourself these Questions? why go on a retreat? why take time and spend money in the midst of a global crisis? * This is a perfect time to invest in yourself and your spiritual well-being what will enable you to become a better caretaker of your own life experience in these changing times. * The uncertainty of change can mire us in anxiety if we lack the inner resources and trust to live from the core of who we are called to be. (cont. on page 20)

Organic Meals Snacks will be served Friday evening. There are 3 meals on Saturday. Breakfast and lunch on Sunday.

Reservations Please check the web for directions. http://www.sacredgroveretreat.com

CALL Ellen for lodging

704-463-0768 Lana for workshop reservations

828-299-8531 Payment must be made in full two weeks prior to the event. (Since this magazine is late, the July event must be paid in full - 5 days ahead!)

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 19 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Sacred Grove Retreat http://www.sacredgroveretreat.com (also known as) http://www.bedandbikeinn.com

Heal... Renew... Evolve Rates for all dwellings, including the big and small yurts and the Log Cabin, the Thoreau House, and the Grove House and day or weekend rates for the big yurt and fire pits and massages in the tiny yurt can be found on the Sacred Grove website: http://www.sacredgroveretreat.com

Calendar of Events July 6 11 11 14 16 17 18 24 25 27

6:30 p.m. Heal Your Relationship with Money 1:45 p.m. Beginner Djembe Drum Class 3:30 p.m. Out of the Drum We Come Meetup 6:30 p.m. Heal Your Relationship with Money 7:30 p.m. Awakening the Divine - Level 1 Awakening the Divine (cont.) Awakening the Divine (cont.) 2:00 p.m. Reiki 1 Weekend Certification Reiki 1(cont.) 6:30 p.m. Heal Your Relationship with Money

8 8 20 21 22 27 28

1:45 p.m. Beginner Djembe Drum Class 3:00 p.m. Out of the Drum We Come Meetup 7:30 p.m. Awakening the Divine - Level 2 Awakening the Divine (cont.) Awakening the Divine (cont.) Rejuvenation of theHeart Rejuvenation (cont.) TBA - other events

Walking Labyrinth at sunset

Firepit by woods

August Jumping the fire at Solstice

The Vortex is “magical� !

The Grove House

Thoreau Cabin

The Log House

The big yurt - holds 50

Talk about innovative - a bicycle pedal-powered blender!

why take time and spend money in the midst of a global crisis? (cont. from previous page) * A retreat lets us live from the inside out, quiets our restless mind and lets the soul find its own voice so that when you return to your day to day living, you have a new perspective that becomes the living founda-tion for your life. * Building awareness that the soul is full even when the self feels empty is the real purpose of a retreat. * In the silence of nature and the loving support of others like you, our retreat is the first step in community building.

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 20 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Natural Sanitizers Ojibwa Tea of Life's Holistic Health Tip Citrus peel, however, is probably the

by Michelle Kalevik the tea Lady Many of us love using essential oils in our lives. It is suggested that excellent therapeutic grade oils are used, not fragrance oils. The Internet is replete with excellent high grade essential oils. A small amount goes a long way!

Here are some excellent ideas to naturally sanitize! Here are just a few alternatives to commercial products for sanitizing and deodorizing around the house. There are natural sanitizers you can use to sanitize food containers and for general household use instead of using chlorine bleach. These essential oils have anti-septic, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties:

best natural deodorizer. A contributor told us that you can to boil the peels from lemons and oranges and use this water to wash things like counters, door knobs, walls, etc. The citrus cleans to some extent and the smell is incredible. I use more grapefruit than lemons and find that they are just as effective, though a little less 'smelly'. If you keep a bag in the freezer and toss in the peels as the fruit is eaten and when you have enough (peel from 10 or so pieces of fruit) you can boil it for the deodorizer. Your Naturopathic, Holistic and Herbal source for Wellness Products and Resources.

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Decide which one(s) you want to use and add a few drops to a spray bottle for surface sanitizing. Or, for rinsing dishes, etc., add 7 drops or so to rinse water. Some of them also smell very nice and are good natural deodorizers as well.

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Sacred Scalar Zero Point Energy wands by Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. info@personalfrequencies.com 804-929-3327 9-4 M-F EST

motion without direct touch on the tips of fingers and toes. You may also find that you can turn the wand horizontally and sweep the entire spinal area, an arm or a leg. Results are The Zero Point Energy wand generates what largely based on the reports of our users, could be called ”Source” energy or zero point some who have reported improved sleep patenergy - the natural energy in the universe that terns, increased levels of energy throughout exists in its purest form prior to manifestation. the day, reduction of pain and weakness, and Encased in a stainless steel housing, much like relief from discomfort. a writing pen, the wand contains crystals and Use the wand to change taste and minerals subjected to several high heat fusion coherence in liquids and foods. methods. The fusion produces a catalytic conver- The Zero Point Energy wand You may use the wand on all consumable bevlooks like a silver pen with a sion of energy and is thus used to transfer enererages as it causes the water in liquids to rounded blunt tip. $125 gy to other living cells – those in a human body, become coherent, improve taste and extend plants, food and even liquids. shelf life. Use the wand on all consumable prodFrom a technological point of view Zero-point energy is the ucts particularly fresh fruits and vegetables because again, it will lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical sys- impact mostly on the water content, improve taste and extend tem may have and is the energy of the ground state or its purest shelf life. When not used, you may place it inside the refrigerator form. The quantum mechanical system that encompasses this for the same benefits. energy is the zero-point field. The concept of zero point energy was first proposed by Albert Use the wand on all body care products. Einstein and Otto Stern in 1913. All living systems or quantum As with food items most body care products including cosmetmechanical systems have zero-point energy. The term arises ics contain high amounts of water. Use of the wand on body care commonly in reference to the ground state of the quantum har- products before applying to the body may make the water more monic oscillator. The quantum harmonic oscillator is the quantum coherent.in these products. mechanical analog of the classical harmonic oscillator. It is one of the most important model systems in quantum mechanics A word about our wands because an arbitrary potential can be approximated as a harmon- Our wands are at a higher frequency as they have a smaller bandic potential at the vicinity of a stable equilibrium point. Stated sim- width. We have further subjected our wands to scalar energies ply, when human tissues, cells and muscles are exposed to the through a proprietary process. They also work well when infused zero point field produced by the wand they begin to vibrate in har- with your own intention. So imagine your wand as an extension of mony with the original blueprint for which they were designed. the Divine and set your intention for what you desire. Because we Paradoxically, the wand doesn’t mediate, cure or ameliorate are working with universal life energy, there is no expiration date disease because it is not designed to reduce pathology. However on the wand, it does not require re-charging. when exposed to coherent fields that encourage harmonic oscillaA note for energy practitioners. Because our wands uses tion, the body seems to go back into homeostasis or perfect bal- scalar energy which creates a field, we have found that if you are ance, thus whatever was causing the energetic imbalance is a healer that each time you use it you are infusing more and more removed. of your intention to be of service. For that reason, you may prefer What seems apparent here is that as we move into a new par- not to have others use your personal healing tool. adigm we begin to recognize that the body already knows how to heal itself. It usually does so for a good many years until it begins (Publisher’s Note: I dropped a to break down in what we would call the aging process. In other 30 lb. steel post pounder on my cases the body breaks down when subjected to environmental little toe one Saturday afternoon, threats and prolonged periods of stress. just before the Summer Solstice

Use the wand on yourself, your friends and your pets. You may use the wand on yourself and on others simply by pointing the wand at the desired point of interest and moving it in clockwise or counterclockwise circles. It has been my personal experience that the clockwise motion seems to add energy to the system while a counter clockwise direction may remove energy (as in inflammation). Use the wand for several minutes at a time. Regular and more lengthy sessions may be required when dealing with persistent and chronic imbalances. It is always advisable to end sessions by wanding the fingers and toes: use a tapping

event. Fortunately, I had also ordered one of these Wands, which I was going to pick up that night. Lana used it on my eggplant colored, incredibly swollen toe within 15 minutes I watched it go from purple to light red, the pain and swelling was HALF and the toenail went from dark purple/green to light green and looks like I might NOT lose the nail! Two days later - almost back to normal - AMAZING TOOL!!!

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 25 * Wellthy Choices magazine * July/August 2010

Spiritually Connecting with Mother Earth by Mary Lemons, ba, cHtp Printed in Innerchange, February/March Issue 2002 Reprinted in New Age Tribune Fall, 2008

You Can Change How the world Looks at You by Divine Love on Facebook

They say when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Einstein once said that the most important decision you'll ever have to make in your life is whether you live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe. And if you're a person who believes that you live in a hostile universe, you're going to be looking for that. You're going to be experiencing that. You'll be seeing it everywhere. You'll become a person who's always looking for occasions to be upset or to be offended or to be hurt, or depressed, or sad, or right, or whatever. If you live in a world that you believe supports you, and is friendly and is there for you, and is bringing you all that you need at any given moment, and all the experiences that you have are perfect, if you just really believe that, then, the things that you don't like you'll just be able to ignore, and the world looks very, very different.

We are truly blessed to live on such a bountiful planet that allows us to call her home, our Mother Earth. Myriad of resources are available all around us, and yet we humans can be blinded to them by our preoccupation with ourselves. We are often unaware of the beauty and oneness around us. When we live in harmony, in oneness, with all creation, we tap into the many resources that can help us with our selfknowledge and healing. All living things--man, animals, vegetation, minerals, nature--have a common life force within them. Through this life force we can find our oneness with all creation. Once we become one with all, our own self-healing truly begins. There is a pulsation in all creation. We know our own pulsation as the beat of our hearts. That pulsation within us can be aligned with the pulsation of all other living things. When we spiritually connect with Mother Earth and the many manifestations of Spirit, we receive gifts unknown to us in our normal third dimensional world. Behold the wonders of creation! The earth herself provides us with a gravitational force that enables us to live upon her surface. In spiritual terms we call this “grounding.” It enables our spirits to reside within our physical bodies. Most people never give groundedness a second thought, but some people are “out there” and truly need the consciousness of being connected with the earth to feel a balance within their being. The rocks, especially the big boulders, give us much strength and a sense of stability. If you are scattered and feeling out of sorts, sitting upon a rock can center you and calm your flightiness. Rivers, streams, and lakes—all bodies of water—can cleanse us spiritually as well as physically. Not only do they refresh us when we physically walk or swim in them, but they can help cleanse our souls when we release our concerns to them. Imagining yourself in a peaceful stream can do wonders for your disposition. Trees have so many characteristics for us. The tall pines stoically point heavenward, reminding us of God above. They also have deep roots that allow us to go to the core of all life. The more flexible trees like the weeping willow signify the flexibility that we need so much in our lives. The acorns that drop from the trees tell us that our growth can begin with just a little seed. We don’t have to know it all or do it all at once. The dirt that we are so careful to wash off our hands holds many mysteries for us. What does it have within it that feeds and nourishes the roots that wiggle their way down through its many layers? Is our foundation fertile enough to allow us to burrow, expand, and grow at will? The grass is our welcome mat to reassure us that it is safe to journey here. Our feet will not tire from walking in the grass. It refreshes us and lets us know it is all right to rest awhile before we venture on. The rocks and crystals that grow within the earth signify the gems that are waiting for us deep within our souls. All we have to do is look long enough, deep enough, and many wonders will unfold before us. There is nothing quite like being outside on a beautiful sunny day, breathing in the freshness and listening to all the sounds of creation. When it is cold and dismal outside, we can still enjoy all the wonders of nature by quieting our minds and Mary Lemons bringing the essence of creation to us. Holistic Healing Seeing yourself standing against a tree for All Species or floating on water or lying in grass can still your thoughts and give you focus, clarity, and vision. Awakenings Inner Next time you are frazzled or conSpiritual Journeys fused or just plain tired, close your eyes Reiki/Healing Touch and ask Spirit to take you wherever you Connecting with Deceased Animal Communication need to go. Then take in all the beauty Past Lives and wonder of your special place here on 704-422-4039 Mother Earth.

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Mother Nature's Cures for Outdoor Injuries Ahh, summer -- the delicious season when you can spend many pleasurable hours out of doors... and get bug bites, sunburn, blisters, rashes and, if you love picnics, maybe even food poisoning! Fortunately, for every minor hazard that nature brings in the coming months, Mother Nature also provides safe, natural treatments that soothe and heal. You can put together an herbal arsenal now that will serve you throughout the warm months ahead. To find out what substances we should all have on hand, I called Mark Blumenthal, founder and executive director of the American Botanical Council in Austin, Texas. His natural first-aid kit...http://www.herbalgram.org

Olbas Oil Blumenthal’s first pick happens to be a product I use all the time -- Swissmade Olbas Oil, an extract of the essential oils of six medicinal herbs (among them eucalyptus, peppermint and wintergreen plus menthol). It is immensely popular in Europe and useful for so many things that Blumenthal, who always carries it with him when he travels and in his backpack for outdoor activities, jokingly refers to it as "20-inone oil." Olbas Oil squelches a mosquito bite itch in three to five minutes and reduces the pain and swelling of bee stings almost as fast. When applied to a bruise, it minimizes both its size and discoloration (especially if applied soon after the bruising injury), and it soothes and helps heal blisters. Olbas can be delightful as a massage oil (added to a more neutral oil, such as almond oil) to limber up muscles before sports and afterward to relieve stiff and sore muscles. And that’s not all... Blumenthal says you can put one drop (but no more) of Olbas into a glass of water and drink to ease an

upset stomach... or place a drop or two on a tissue tucked in your pillow case to open stuffy nasal passages for a better sleep. This refreshing remedy is available in many health food stores and online (http://www.olbas.com) .

Activated Charcoal Though food poisoning can strike at any time of year, there are some particular hazards during the warmer months when we eat so many salads and fresh produce (which has become the most common source of foodborne illness) and when higher temperatures bring on spoilage more quickly. Blumenthal said that a helpful treatment for nausea and minor vomiting from suspected food poisoning is pharmaceutical- grade activated charcoal. It neutralizes the toxins in your system by absorbing them so that they’re able to pass through without causing further discomfort. Seek immediate medical attention if symptoms persist for more than several hours, worsen or you have frequent vomiting or diarrhea, or if you experience dizziness, fainting or violent cramping. Activated charcoal is sold in tablet or capsule form at health-food stores - there’s also a cherry-flavored liquid version that can be a wise medicine cabinet staple for homes with small children. Follow dosing directions on the manufacturer’s label.

Ginger Capsules For milder stomach symptoms, try ginger capsules. These may be especially helpful for quelling nausea from motion sickness -- whether from riding in a car, on a boat or even on a roller coaster. To keep nausea at bay, take two ginger capsules (500 mg each) 30 minutes before you start your journey,

and they might even help if motion sickness has already started. Unlike with the drugs dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) or meclizine hydrochloride (Bonine, Antivert), which are antihistamines and induce sleepiness, you will remain alert with ginger.

witch Hazel Poison ivy, a common summer problem, has been the subject of considerable research to establish which botanicals might successfully treat its itch, pain and blisters. One remedy from way back when is worth a try -witch hazel, a clear liquid made from the flowering tree of the same name. It can be dabbed on with a cotton pad to help dry and heal the blisters and reduce itch and redness. Blumenthal notes that many American commercial witch hazel preparations contain a small amount of alcohol, which may also help healing.

Hibiscus Tea Heat can leave you feeling drained and uncomfortable, and in the tropics, says Blumenthal, people often drink chilled hibiscus tea to help themselves feel better. People have long believed that the tea lowers blood pressure, and modern medicine has verified this with several successful clinical studies, the most recent from Tufts University. Many believe that the tea also reduces body temperature, although Blumenthal says this has not been scientifically substantiated -- but given (cont. Page 28)

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Mother Natures Cures (cont. from page 27)

how pleasant it is to enjoy a tall, cold glass of iced hibiscus tea on a hot day, it’s certainly worth a try. You can find hibiscus tea in healthfood and gourmet stores.

Mullein Flower Oil Known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, mullein flower oil is a traditional treatment for swimmer’s ear (otitis externa), a painful bacterial infection of the outer ear canal, Blumenthal says. Just drip a few drops into each ear and cover with a cotton ball inserted into the outer ear. Caution: Do not do this if there is any possibility you have a perforated eardrum, symptoms of which include discharge (clear, bloody or pus), ear noise or buzzing, increasing pain or a sudden decrease in pain followed by discharge or hearing loss. In fact, it’s best to check with a doctor before you use this oil or any other substance in the ear to determine if it is safe and will be effective for you.

Aloe Vera Blumenthal recommends one more all-purpose natural remedy -- aloe vera, the succulent houseplant that

has long been valued for its medicinal properties. You may be surprised at how much scientific evidence backs up its use, in particular for soothing and healing skin problems such as sunburn and minor kitchen burns. While the gel inside the leaves of the aloe plant (just cut one across the middle and squeeze) is 95% water, it contains trace amounts of vitamins (A, C, E and B), enzymes and minerals. These make aloe a moisturizer, an anti-inflammatory, an antimicrobial and an analgesic (pain killer) to boot. That’s a lot of bang for your buck -- and speaking of that, you don’t need to purchase any of the many drugstore products that contain aloe vera unless you’ll be traveling. Keep a plant in a sunny spot in your house (plant in sandy, well-drained soil and water only when very dry) and pick the mature leaves on the bottom of the plant for instant first-aid gel. Generally speaking, these natural soothers are safe for almost everyone -- but, as always, it is smart to check with your doctor before adding these and other remedies, natural and otherwise, to your personal firstaid kit. This precaution is even more important for people with any type of chronic medical condition. Source(s): Mark Blumenthal, founder and executive director, American Botanical Council, Austin, Texas. http://www.herbalgram.org

No Favorites Spirit Letter June 22, 2010 Rev. Diannia Baty http://www.makeachoicenow.com http://godsspiritletters.blogspot.com

Oh My Sweet and Powerful Creator, I am still mastering the manifestation process. I get real good at it and then I slip back into worry and concerns. The good thing is that I am staying aware of my thoughts and emotions. I feel like I am on the verge of a mighty discovery. I am just not sure of what that is. Three days ago I made the statement that I was in the process of manifesting something and three days later the desire and what I wanted appeared. It was incredible. I am so grateful. I am a willing scribe for your words and wisdom. I feel your energy and your love so strong at this moment. Your presence is felt and honored.

Hello Loved Ones All is one. One is all. I would first like to remind all that we are interwoven together. The tapestry of the universal power is in everyone. It is a tapestry woven of many threads of all colors and textures. It makes no sense to judge each other when you all come from the same stuff. You cannot get away from each other even if you wanted to. The only way to escape from the collective is in your mind and why would you want that? When you detach yourself from the oneness you feel scattered and unsure. You become emotionally ragged and the fabric of your life is torn and cannot sustain you. The most difficult part of receiving is letting go of attachment of the outcome and worry that it will not be made so. You must stay in a state of gratitude for all that is already good and right with your life and let go of all concern. This is like giving me total access to your kitchen to bake a cake and then telling me how to do it. Be in a state of joy about something, anything at all. I am in constant communication with each of you giving you the very best direction for your greatest and highest good. There are no favorites with me. You are all my favorites. Open yourself up to me and learn to listen and interpret the guidance when it comes. It is entirely your choice as to what you do with the information. There are many of you stepping forward with the spiritual evolution that is taking place in your world. The energy of this shift of consciousness cannot be denied. Those of you who are using your resources to assist in these changes will be blessed with all you need. Keep your eye on the goal which is to empower as many as possible to embrace their spiritual nature and understand it and then of course use it and not let the new knowledge lay fallow. Light a fire in their souls. Light a fire within your own spirit that nothing can extinguish. Utilize all your focus to this goal with a passion that beats within your hungry hearts. This is what will bring you peace and prosperity. My love is with you always and in all ways. I am. I am. I am.

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A master in the art of living

draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play, his labour & his leisure, his mind & his body, his eduation & his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply persues his vision of excellence thru whatever he is doing & leaves others to determine whether he is working or... playing.

To himself... he is always doing both. The North Carolina Dental Board is in BIG TROUBLE... US Federal Trade Commission Drills North Carolina Dental Board... Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen On Thursday June 17th, 2010 The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed formal charges against the North Carolina Dental Board, saying: "Dentists in North Carolina, acting through the instrument of the North Carolina Board of Dental Examiners (“Dental Board”), are colluding to exclude non-dentists from competing with dentists in the provision of teeth whitening services. The actions of the Dental Board prevent and deter non-dentists from providing or expanding teeth whitening services, increase prices and reduce consumer choice without any legitimate justification or defense, including the “state action” defense. The actions of the Dental Board unreasonably restrain competition and violate Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act."

To read the entire article click on http://www.bolenreport.com


HoW You “SEE” a mELodY! http://mysticpolitics.com/video/viewvideo/1 158/cymatics-bringing-matter-to-life-withsound-part-2-of-3

Are you using antibacterial soap? Surprisingly, even the FDA now says its main chemical ingredient Triclosan may be harmful: http://www.naturalnews.com/029114_triclosan_antibacterial_soap.html

(NaturalNews) The FDA is reevaluating the safety of a popular chemical additive called triclosan, based on recent studies that seem to indicate it causes endocrine disruption in the body and leads to the emergence of drug-resistant "super" bacteria. Triclosan is commonly found in liquid antibacterial hand soaps and sanitizers, dishwashing detergents, shaving gels, toothpastes, clothing and even children's toys. It was originally designed as a surgical scrub for people in the medical field, but is now used in pesticides and a variety of different consumer products to ward off pathogens. It is so common in popular consumer goods that, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), traces of triclosan can be found in the urine of about 75 percent of the population. Triclosan is used because it is believed to be a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent, however other than as a treatment for gingivitis in toothpaste, there is no evidence that it provides any benefits in other consumer product applications. A 2005 advisory panel to the FDA agreed, noting that there is no evidence that antibacterial soaps with triclosan work any better than plain soap and water. "The proliferation of triclosan in everyday consumer products is so enormous, it is literally in almost every type of product – [it's in] most soaps, toothpaste, cosmetics, clothes and toys," explained Rep. Edward Markey of Massachusetts, who has been urging federal regulators to reevaluate the safety of triclosan in consumer products. "It's in our drinking water, it's in our rivers and as a result, it's in our bodies, [and] I don't think a lot of additional data has to be collected in order to make the simple decisions about children's toys and soaps that people use. It clearly is something that creates a danger." The Soap and Detergent Association, a group that represents the $30 billion U.S. cleaning products industry, was quick to defend the safety of triclosan, insisting that decades of research verify the chemical is safe and effective. But many other are not buying it, including the Natural Resources Defense Council which believes that triclosan use should be restricted. According to reports, the FDA has allegedly been working for over 38 years to establish rules for the use of triclosan but has not completed the assignment. Throughout this time the agency has continued to approve its usage, including a 1997 decision to allow its use in Colgate Total toothpaste, but is now reevaluating that decision.

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The body seems to be able to repair damaged circuits when supplied the sounds required.

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A recent newsletter sent me a lovely link to an Australian who plays healing harp for terminally ill people. But he also plays for newborn infants. Peter Roberts makes an interesting statement about playing for babies. The infant appears to select the needed sounds the way the body chooses the nutrients it needs. With certain supplements, we are aware that the body has receptors that it uses to accept or reject what is offered so even when nutritional intake is not balanced, the body tries to utilize only what it needs. Obviously, this is not 100% efficient or effective and when we overload the body with unnecessary food or supplements, not to mention toxins, there is more burden placed on the body to reject what is not needed or wanted. With music, the body seems to be able to repair damaged circuits when supplied the sounds required. http://www.abc.net.au/austory/specials/heavensent/default.htm

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There is no such thing as lack Sananda speaks

Jonn Thomas Sr. Business Analyst

by Karen Lee <soulstar_46@yahoo.com>

I am that I am is another way of saying take me as I am. Everyone strives to be loved and understood from birth itself. The key is to know who is the one striving and who are they really asking to love and understand them. Your birth parents are surrogates for G-d, the energy and entity that embodies for you the concept of the Ultimate Being. They are stepped down energies that embody a similar energy pattern of care and dependency that is closest to your relationship with the Almighty. Therefore the earth school is about transference, the psychological concept of projecting your concept(s) upon the body of another. In therapy this works to establish trust and rapport, in real life it is deception. Mistaking one person for another or objectifying any person makes them,a mere mortal, cause in your life. This is

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where the blame and shame games begin. Victimhood comes from a false sense of being denied your rightful inheritance. We in spirit would advise each one to see what is the ultimate be all and end all, before birth and after death, Causal plane. From that space all is in divine order and absolute truth, which is the same as love. That is the cosmic joke, true love is about absolute acceptance of all that there is. There is no such thing as lack.

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