Wellthy Choices #2

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Spirituality * Breathing * Water * Nutrition * Detoxification * Sustainable Living

Wellthy Choices

Helping You LOOK and FEEL GOOD Doing What You LOVE! www.wellthychoices.net

BEing / DOing

What You LOVE can help keep you W E L L




What is Energy A Brief Intro to Natural Energy Simply Ageless Cr ystal Skulls, Peru & Orbs Planetar y Water Watch Synesthesia - 2nd in a series Evolutionar y Change Solar Roadways! Spirit Letters - Let Go



PDF download

Issue 2 Sept-Oct 2010

... about this month’s issue Jan Jenson Instead of writing about this issue, I believe this sums it all up wonderfully!

Infinite Love by Louise Carter Love is the essence of life. It is everywhere present, even in your every breath. When you open your awareness to love, when you fill your life with love, you feel more and more alive. You feel at peace. You may have many material things in life that make your life more comfortable, but if you don't feel love, no matter how many material things you have accumulated that make you feel safe, you will feel as if something is missing. Love is that which brings a sense of aliveness and a sense of purpose. Love is not just some kind of a mushy feeling. It is a powerful vibration. It contains within it the power of healing and a power of transmutation. Love must be consciously practiced. The practice begins with awareness that love is everywhere present and that love is at the core of everything created, at the core your own being. The practice continues by consciously choosing to express love - through all that you think and say and do. By consciously directing love to any inharmonious condition, you can transmute it. The powerful vibration of love will consume and dissolve any lower, inharmonious condition and you will witness a

miracle take place before your own eyes. By cultivating love within yourself, you will raise yourself above any obstacles and inharmonies. By cultivating love, if any part of your body needs healing, you may experience even spontaneous, miraculous healings. By cultivating love, your body will grow younger. Whatever it is that you do for a living, practice doing it out of love and for the sake of love. Whoever crosses your path, practice looking beyond bodies, beyond appearances and holding onto the awareness that love is present within everyone and everything. By holding onto the awareness of love in another - even if that person is unaware of love within. If you practice this with someone with whom you are experiencing a conflict, you may just witness a miraculous transformation unfold before you. Love is a source of all miracles. Love is not a passive thing. It is active force. If you put love into action, all the moments of your life will be filled with miracles and wonderful surprises.

Budda cautions humanity to “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who said it - not even if I have said it - unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” Do your own research, gather all the facts, then make up your own mind!

CONTACT US Founder/CEO: Jan Jenson jjenson@wellthychoices.net Submit ads & articles DEADLINE: the 15th each month Send to: jjenson@wellthychoices.net Editor: Jan Jenson jjenson@wellthychoices.net 704-450-6115 Graphic Design & Layout Jan Jenson aka Vizual Explorations jan.jenson@yahoo.com Wellthy Choices on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/note.php?crea ted&&note_id=144385055599676&id=1 07151192648426#!/pages/WellthyChoices/107151192648426 Click here to subscribe to blog: http://www.wellthychoices.net DISTRIBUTION: PDF download only http://www.wellthychoices.net/products/

MAIL Ads, payments, articles: Jan Jenson Wellthy Choices P.O. Box 5565 Mooresville, NC 28117 704-450-6115 http://www.wellthychoices.net PayPal: thewellthcoach@gmail.com

A Lesson Learned... by Bonnie Fetch (Bonnie’s husband maintains over 4,000 hives in North Dakota!)

“What a day that was...in Texas...hot, humid. I was exhausted... terrified of bugs in general anything that would STING mortified me !! Yet that Hummmm of the Busy Bees... just lulled me... they had NO interest in me whatsoever... allowed me within their space as long as I was relaxed... I fell asleep on top of a row of hives!" http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 2 * Wellthy Choices magazine * June/July 2010

Spirituality * Breathing * Water * Nutrition * Detoxification * Sustainable Living

Wellthy Choices

Helping You LOOK and FEEL GOOD Doing What You LOVE!

Download PDF magazine @ $4.95 online @ http://www.wellthychoices.net/products/ * Subscribe to our blog for updates. www.wellthychoices.net

ENERGY what is is how to create more!

4 Charlotte Conscious Convergence

SPIRITUALITY 02 Infinite Love A Lesson Learned 10 7 Energy Centers of the Energetic Body 11 Cranial Sacral Therapy 22 Natural Pet Remedies & Website 30 Sacred Grove Retreat Center 20 Wellthy Choices Ad Rates

14 17 18 28 31 32 35

Signs of Your Own Psychic Ability There is much talk about God On the Edge of Evolution Is That All There Is? Evolutionary Change We Are All Eternal Light Everyone You Meet is A Master in Disguise - Sananda Speaks


Let Go

God’s Spirit Letter

07 A Brief Introduction to Natural Energy


9 36

Synesthesia part 2

23 What is Hexagonal Water?


New Books


21 Babies Need Mothers

Crystal Skulls

by Clancy McKenzie, MD

23 Message in A Bottle

18 Using Lemon Peels Around the House 27 California Raw Food Buyers Club Raided 29 RECIPES: Pesto, Soup, Raw Pancakes, Lemon Tahini Dressing

by Lana J. Ford, Ph.D.

23 Miracles &Other Ordinary Things by Lana J. Ford, Ph.D. 23 Hexagonal Water


by M.J. Pangman 31 Tuning the Diamonds by Susan Joy Rennison

D E T O X I F I C AT I O N 11 Natural Organic Skin Lotions 24 Detoxification Saves Lives!

S U S TA I N A B L E L I V I N G 15 Cathi Watson Introduces:

Simply Ageless!

21 Emergency Preparedness - Preparing Your Medicinal Herb & Spice Cabinet 25 Solar Roadways 26 YERT (Your Environmental Road Trip) 26 Small House & Apt. Ideas


http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 3 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

Energy We are ALL energetic beings. We are LIGHT, vibrating at certain speeds to create density of matter that determines our color, shape, thickness (density) and place in the Universe.


Hologram: a three-dimensional image reproduced from a pattern, repeating degrees of the same thing or pattern, (Russian doll effect). " Worlds within worlds", "As above, so below". These are universal laws found within the mental holographic universe. The Definition of Energy According to Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy The definition of the energy of biology, according to Wikipedia, since we are all energetic beings with a biological body: In biology, energy is an attribute of all biological systems from the biosphere to the smallest living organism. Within an organism it is responsible for growth and development of a biological cell or an organelle of a biological organism. Energy is thus often said to be stored by cells in the structures of molecules of substances such as carbohydrates (including sugars), lipids, and proteins, which release energy when reacted with oxygen in respiration. In human terms, the human equivalent (H-e) (Human energy conversion) indicates, for a given amount of energy expenditure, the relative quantity of energy needed for human metabolism, assuming an average human energy expenditure of 12,500kJ per day and a basal metabolic rate

of 80 watts. For example, if our bodies run (on average) at 80 watts, then a light bulb running at 100 watts is running at 1.25 human equivalents (100 á 80) i.e. 1.25 H-e. For a difficult task of only a few seconds' duration, a person can put out thousands of watts, many times the 746 watts in one official horsepower. For tasks lasting a few minutes, a fit human can generate perhaps 1,000 watts. For an activity that must be sustained for an hour, output drops to around 300; for an activity kept up all day, 150 watts is about the maximum.[7] The human equivalent assists understanding of energy flows in physical and biological systems by expressing energy units in human terms: it provides a “feelâ€? for the use of a given amount of energy[8] Continuing with the Wikipedia description of Energy is another kind of energy In another similar chain of transformations beginning at the dawn of the universe, nuclear fusion of hydrogen in the Sun also releases another store of potential energy which was created at the time of the Big Bang. At that time, according to theory, space expanded and the universe cooled too rapidly for hydrogen to completely fuse into heavier elements. This meant that hydrogen represents a store of potential energy that can be released by fusion. Such a fusion Continued on next page

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 4 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

Energy - Continued from previous page

process is triggered by heat and pressure generated from gravitational collapse of hydrogen clouds when they produce stars, and some of the fusion energy is then transformed into sunlight. Such sunlight from our Sun may again be stored as gravitational potential energy after it strikes the Earth, as (for example) water evaporates from oceans and is deposited upon mountains (where, after being released at a hydroelectric dam, it can be used to drive turbines or generators to produce electricity). Sunlight also drives many weather phenomena, save those generated by volcanic events. An example of a solar-mediated weather event is a hurricane, which occurs when large unstable areas of warm ocean, heated over months, give up some of their thermal energy suddenly to power a few days of violent air movement. Sunlight is also captured by plants as chemical potential energy in photosynthesis, when carbon dioxide and water (two lowenergy compounds) are converted into the high-energy com-

Plants also release oxygen during photosynthesis, which is utilized by living organisms as an electron acceptor, to release the energy of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. pounds carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

Release of the energy stored during photosynthesis as heat or light may be triggered suddenly by a spark, in a forest fire, or it may be made available more slowly for animal or human metabolism, when these molecules are ingested, and catabolism is triggered by enzyme action.

Energy and life Main article: Bioenergetics Basic overview of energy and human life. (Wikipedia)

Overall equation for the type of photosynthesis that occurs in plants.

The rest of the chemical energy in the carbohydrate or fat is converted into heat: the ATP is used as a sort of "ener-

gy currency", and some of the chemical energy it contains when split and reacted with water, is used for other metabolism (at each stage of a metabolic pathway, some chemical energy is converted into heat). Only a tiny fraction of the original chemical energy is used for work:[20] * gain in kinetic energy of a sprinter during a 100 m race: 4 kJ * gain in gravitational potential energy of a 150 kg weight lifted through 2 metres: 3kJ * Daily food intake of a normal adult: 6–8 MJ It would appear that living organisms are remarkably inefficient (in the physical sense) in their use of the energy they receive (chemical energy or radiation), and it is true that most real machines manage higher efficiencies. In growing organisms the energy that is converted to heat serves a vital purpose, as it allows the organism tissue to be highly ordered with regard to the molecules it is built from. The second law of thermodynamics states that energy (and matter) tends to become more evenly spread out across the universe: to concentrate energy (or matter) in one specific place, it is necessary to spread out a greater amount of energy (as heat) across the remainder of the universe ("the surroundings").[21] Simpler organisms can achieve higher energy efficiencies than more complex ones, but the complex organisms can occupy ecological niches that are not available to their simpler brethren. The conversion of a portion of the chemical energy to heat at each step in a metabolic pathway is the physical reason behind the pyramid of biomass observed in ecology: to take just the first step in the food chain, of the estimated 124.7 Pg/a of carbon that is fixed by photosynthesis, 64.3 Pg/a (52%) are used for the metabolism of green plants,[22] i.e. reconverted into carbon dioxide and heat.

Any living organism relies on an external source of energy— radiation from the Sun in the case of green plants; chemical energy in some form in the case of animals—to be able to grow and reproduce. The daily 1500–2000 Calories (6–8 MJ) Basic overview of energy and human life. recommended for a human adult are taken as a combination of oxygen and food molecules, the latter mostly carbohydrates What is ATP? and fats, of which glucose (C6H12O6) and stearin (C57H110O6) are convenient examples. The food molecules are oxidised to car- ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is your body's most basic form of energy and is produced in every cell. It powers our cells, organs, bon dioxide and water in the mitochondria and, by extension, our bodies. Many different components are required to produce ATP. C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O C57H110O6 + 81.5O2  57CO2 + 55H2O ATP in our bodies is like the battery in a car. Everything in the car and some of the energy is used to convert ADP into ATP ADP + HPO42  ATP + H2O

is dependent on the energy from the battery. When the battery power runs low, the lights in the car begin to dim and the performance of the car starts to suffer. However, when the battery power is re-charged or restored, performance returns to normal and the car functions exactly how it was designed. Now a spectacular glutithione product developed by Max

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 5 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

The Power of RiboCeine™ MaxATP does what other energy drinks can't because of RiboCeine, a breakthrough compound exclusive to Max International - which provides key benefits tied to cellular energy. First, MaxATP effectively protects and delivers the fragile cysteine molecule to the cell. Cysteine is often in limited supply in the body, but is an essential component needed for the production of glutathione, the body's master antioxidant.

Glutathione is especially important due to its unique ability to protect the cell, where energy is created. Second, RiboCeine also delivers ribose, a natural compound required for ATP, the basic form of cellular energy in the body.

Definition of Ribose (according to Wikipedia)

Ribose is an organic compound with formula C5H10O5; specifically, a monosaccharide (simple sugar) with linear form H-(C=O)(CHOH)4-H, which has all the hydroxyl groups on the same side (in the Fischer projection). The term may refer to any of two enantiomers: almost always to D-ribose, which occurs widely in nature and is discussed here; or to its synthetic mirror image L-ribose, which is not found in nature and is of limited interest. D-ribose was first reported in 1891 by Emil Fischer. It comprises the backbone of RNA, a biopolymer that is the basis of genetic transcription. It is related to deoxyribose, as found in DNA. Once phosphorylated, ribose can become a subunit of ATP, NADH, and several other compounds that are critical to metabolism.

Use as a supplement D-ribose is often marketed as a supplement for bodybuilders with a common recommended daily dose being 5 g. Some studies have found no evidence that there is a benefit, while others have found increased endurance, recovery and muscle output in healthy individuals.[citation needed] As a supplement, it is often referred to as Corvalen, a brand name under which it was popularized. D-ribose has also been used to reduce fatigue in fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). A 2006 uncontrolled pilot study suggested that D-ribose (5 g three times a day) may be effective in the treatment of FM and CFS.[4] The authors reported that 66% of the 41 participants noted the supplement as being helpful and in improving energy, sleep, mental clarity, pain intensity, and well-being. However, due to the lack of a control group, further study is required to rule out a placebo effect. D-ribose has been found to be effective in the management of symptoms from myoadenylate deaminase deficiency, a metabolic disorder affecting the skeletal muscles. Myoadenylate deaminase deficiency (MADD). MADD is a genetic disease present in 1-2% of those with European descent. Its symptoms include muscle pain, exercise intolerance and fatigue, treated using ribose. [5] Ribose is used as a natural anti-anxiety and stress relief ingredient. It is also used to control stress-related eating and drinking that has the added value of being non-sedating with potential anti-depressant properties[citation needed].

MaxATP delivers what your body needs to produce sustained and consistent energy at the cellular level while also fighting against free radicals generated in the production of ATP. MaxATP cleans up what others leave behind, supporting the optimal health of each and every cell. Unlike all other energy drinks, MaxATP provides a comprehensive solution to the energy creation, support, and protection needs of your body.

Energy Beyond the Boost Unlike other energy drinks that yield a short-term boost and little else, MaxATP provides a sustained source of energy by supporting the body's natural cellular production of ATP in three unique ways: 1. Fuels ATP production in the cells by providing the necessary nutrients, including optimal amounts of ribose.* 2. Replenishes energy and fights fatigue by helping your body convert food into energy. Optimal amounts of ATP help you feel less fatigued.* 3. Neutralizes free radicals. Only MaxATP can provide RiboCeine to assist your body in the production of glutathione, which helps to neutralize free radicals created during ATP production.* Other energy drinks can't match these benefits because they can't match MaxATP's exclusive formulation. Even better, it's designed to work synergistically with MaxGXL® and Max N-Fuze. All three can be taken together to give you unparalleled cellular protection, health and energy. Each box of MaxATP provides 15 convenient two-ounce bottles. One bottle a day gives you a powerhouse of nutrients for unbeatable ATP support. When you want to energize your body, don't reach for a short-term boost. Reach instead for MaxATP and clean cellular energy. What possible parallel could there be between a water treatment company and Max? What intrigued Mike Larkins, Preident of Max International, was Nalco CEO Eric Fyrwald’s answer to a question about competing with industrial giants like Siemens, G.E. and BASF. He said, in part: "We wake up every day, 11,800 people at Nalco, and think about one thing: How can we help our customers use less water, be more energy-efficient with that water, get more oil and gas out of the ground in an environmentally sustainable way, efficiently using the water? That's all we think about from a customer standpoint and a technology standpoint. That's a very powerful motivator for our employees."... everyone in the company is focused on one thing. That is strategic focus that eliminates all the distractions, all the wrong turns.

S H I F T & Enjoy Your Life to the


I found the secret ...! 704-450-6115 jan.jenson@me.com http://www.maxgxl.com/127130

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M NEW ax AT !! P

International contains RiboCeine, which helps our bodies create energy!

Our Focus This Issue by Mike White * http://www.breathing.com/articles/energy.htm

ABrief Introduction to Natural Energy CLEAN "LIVE" AIR

Mike White Optimal Breathing Trainer To me, the secret of life is developing your natural energy and managing it.

Energy is coMprised of:




THE WAY YOU BREATHE You breathe 4,000 to 35,000 times daily. Anything you do that often can affect you in many many ways.

Over 90 % of your energy comes from your breathing. Oxygen is the primary product of breathing. The more difficult it is to breathe fully in a balanced and integrated way the higher becomes the oxygen cost of breathing. If you do not have adequate energy sources as required by the biochemical systems of your body you divert and deplete oxygen stores and hinder breathing quality and effectiveness. http://www.breathing.com/oxygen-andaging.htm

Negative ion charged clean air is the way air used to be before industrialization and the automobile. Sit next to a large waterfall or the ocean and feel the energy of the air.

WATER Clean water aside from being needed for almost every cellular function in your body (H2O also contains hydrogen that converts to ATP, the primary energy currency) from the sky contains more oxygen then tap water because it has been devitalized by it's running through airless metal pipes causing a sort of friction that "burns" up oxygen. Rain in open CLEAN air will have natural ozone (O3), mingle with it and then the rain comes to us slightly richer in O2. The moving water in a waterfall also attracts extra oxygen from the negative ions of the moving water. Boiling, filtering or running water through city pipes kills the oxygen in the water.

ENZYMES Other efficient sources of energy come from enzymes both in live uncooked foods and those made by the body. http://www.breathing.com/green-forlife.htm Remember falling asleep or feeling drowsy after a big meal?

If you cook your foods you kill enzymes and make your body use up much of its natural energy that could be used for looking healthier, feeling more rested, getting more done and having more fun! Enzymes make all biochemical reactions occur. Enzymes are to biochemistry what catalysts are to chemistry. There are THOUSANDS OF ENZYMES. They are the metabolic version of the Teamsters, warehouseman and chauffeurs; the hod carriers and people that do the "grunt" work. NO biochemical reaction occurs without them. Supplement with digestive

enzymes yes but do not expect supplementation to replace copious amounts of living foods.

OXYGEN is needed in most bio chemical reactions. When enzymes are adequate the body uses up less oxygen and oxygen can go to where it is most needed for healing and living. Cooking foods above 120 degrees kills the enzymes and oxygen or natural organic hydrogen peroxide that was in the live food. It makes little sense to cook the foods that kill the enzymes and then take artificial stimulants like caffeine or drugs to make up for the energy the loss of enzymes and oxygen could have provided. Add concentrated oxygen to boost your O2 r e s e r v e s . http://www.breathing.com/o2e2.htm

DIGESTION is an extremely important source of energy conservation and facilitates the release of biochemical combinations that serve the energy chain reactions. If you are not eating 100% raw foods you had better supplement with some form of high quality digestive supplementation. Regardless of what you eat you must digest it. (Editor’s note: I’ve been taking these digestive enzymes for over 10 years and will NOT eat a meal without them! http://www.breathing.com/optimal-digestion.htm They are simply THE BEST!!

ASSIMILATION comes next but remember that if you properly digest your food the prospects for good assimilation are high.

INTERNAL CLEANSING This reduces and holds in check the amount of toxins that otherwise would divert healthy biochemical functions. Cleansing the body internally is an ongoing process. http://www.breathing.com/oxy-cleanse.htm

VITAMINS AND MINERALS belong in this list somewhere. I believe it is important to supplement your diet with both vitamins and mineral supplementation. Your activity level and lifestyle dictate the quantity and balance.

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 7 * Wellthy Choices magazine September-October 2010

(Cont. next page)

ABrief Introduction to Natural Energy Medical Intuitives

Learn more about good nutrition in my book Building Healthy Lungs Naturally: http://www.breathing.com/bhln.htm

(study Caroline Myss) or (Diane Frary - Pt, Richmond, CA)

Metaphysics and Science

EXERCISE Moderate exercise allows for all systems to function better. Excessive exercise often hinders healthy breathing development and causes damaging stress to the heart lung, brain and all other vital organs. A tread mill or cross trainer, stationary bicycle rebounder or http://www.breathing.com/rebounder.htm combined with an an oxygen concentrator can work wonders. http://www.breathing.com/o2e2.htm

ATTITUDE The way you see the world can greatly enhance or deplete your energy. Toxic attitudes can be just as debilitating or deadly as noxious fumes. Study prayer, affirmation, the reticular activating system, quantum shift.

SUBTLE ENERGY SYSTEMS There may be other valuable sources but for now these are familiar to me.


Bre a thing re la te s to a ll a s pe cts of e ne rgy.

(study Barbara Brennan)

PRIORITIES The imbalance of these energy sources make the others less efficient. Get the basics in first. Do the above suggestions first. Do not risk trying to compensate using a lot of second class energy sources in the get energy quick or synthetic hormone concentrate categories. They may be helpful but not better than the previous suggestions.  Can you walk up a steep hill and maintain a conversation?  Do you feel tightness in the chest or shortness of breath?  Are you tired more than you'd like to be?  Do you want to lose weight and have tried almost everything and failed.  Do you feel whole deep inside?  Do you already have good energy and want GREAT energy?  Want to sing or speak better?

Because breathing is one of the most important sources of natural energy and using our breathing development system is one the easiest of the above health and wellness priorities to make a significant improvement in, we suggest you start with:  Our Fundamental Program http://www.breathing.com/video-ds.htm or  Energy Development http://www.breathing.com/energy-program.htm

(study anything of Anodea Judith)

Meridians (study acupuncture or acupressure)

Auric Fields (study Kirlian photography)

These and many other factors are addressed on our Free Breathing Tests page. These tests address many obvious and hidden factors that relate to breathing. http://www.breathing.com/tests.htm


! IMPROVE ! *Energy *Stamina *Mental Clarity *Productivity *Attitude

*Speaking *Morale *Self Esteem *Teamwork *Leadership *Work Quality

Private & group sessions

Your office or ours Confidentiality when necessary

704-450-6115 jan.jenson@yahoo.com

70 million Americans suffer from some type of sleep disorder! Most of them will prematurely die in their sleep. “Fewer than 5% of people with sleep disorders are diagnosed and treated.” Robert Koenigsberg, President/CEO SleepQuest, Inc.

~Decrease/Eliminate~ *Snoring *Insomnia *Apnea *Anxiety *Depression *High BP *Sick days *Rx drugs

*Absenteeism *Mechanical Breathing Devices *Mistakes by sleepy people *Driving accidents

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NEED A TUNE UP? Vedic Sound &Brain Wave Coherence - Part 1 http://www.personalfrequencies.com/personal-frequenciesblog/?cat=10&paged=2

Vedic Sound and Brain Wave Coherence Parts 3 thru 5 (videos) http://www.personalfrequencies.com/personal-frequenciesblog/?cat=10

Human Harmonics ~ Pt. 1 The Journey Within ~ Raising our Vibration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iC6F4xd4tuE&feature=related ~ Pt 2 The Journey Within ~ Calming Your Emotions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXmvikJ0EYY&feature=related

Pineal Gland 101: DNA Awakening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWGnPdHK7xQ&feature=rel ated

Binaural Beats http://www.mybinauralbeats.com/Spiritual.html?gclid=CNLT94il0 KMCFQ7u7QodlR31vA

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 8 * Wellthy Choices magazine September-October 2010

Conscious Convergence Charlotte by Carol Calvert A few years ago while finishing one of my pre-requisites for Spiritual Health Coach, writing mission statements for all my passions, I received a call from my instructor sharing her thoughts of one of my mission statements that had resonated “Carol, I know you have a practice with the SCIO, yet this is your passion mission: To Gather Lightworkers Together to Help Humanity Move Forward”! I smiled to myself and thanked her, resigning, there’s no way I can put together a mortar and brick Charlotte center the size of a mall, which was my vision in this mission. And little did I know that wasn’t the plan and besides, I wasn’t ready yet, either. I had to live into the answers, as the famous poet Maria Rilke explains in Letters to a Young Poet. So why am I writing to you now; well I’ve lived into my answers and I’m ready to embark upon my original mission. Barbara Hand Clow in The Mayan Code gives us ideas to focus in our daily activities and interactions with humanity for the window of time July 17-18 until May 9, 2011. I have interpreted these along with some of my own to share with the Charlotte Conscious Evolutionary Leaders to engage Charlotte (and everywhere on our planet!). Now it’s time to come together and bring humanity ~ pay it forward, if you will. So, Charlotte, we have nine months to help humanity get into a higher frequency and unity consciousness. What’s this all about? Changing our behaviors from duality: the absence of right/ wrong; me/you; them/ us. By participating in these 9 months of great energetic change; we will weave Charlotte’s diverse conscious community of small meetups and great evolutionary leaders; one that is already profoundly rich, organic, grassroots, conscious, creative, inspired and visionary. As ONE, we will co create a powerful Unity Consciousness. To mark this project, we’ve created a powerful logo of peace and the tree of life for the Charlotte Conscious Convergence events that is everyone’s to use. Join me, as we map and weave individual events into Charlotte’s version of Conscious Convergence in anticipation of March 9, 2011 when time as we know it will speed up 20 times every 20 days in preparation of 2012. Share the Light ~ Carol Calvert

Your Call to Action If you are interested in participating in the Charlotte Conscious Convergence; in whatever capacity, please send your email and contact information to: Carol Calvert EnergyMedRx@yahoo.com http://www.energymedrx.com/conscious-convergence.php 704-241-6103

We Have Light Work to Do! Conscious Convergence 9 months (interesting that it's the same period of time as human gestation).

J u l y 1 7 - 1 8 u n t i l M a r c h 9 , 2 0 11 Things to Do to Get Ready for March 9, 2011 1. 2. 3.

Eat high frequency foods closest to sunlight/water Spend time in the sun at least 10-15 minutes a day~there is a group of individuals already receiving their nutrition directly from the sun Learn more about your light energy body ~Yoga’s pop ularity Watch Carlos Castaneda Magical Passes video: http://singing-fox.livejournal.com/6290.html

Exercises to Enhance Light Body 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Spend time with plants and animals Spend time with the night sky Study astrology~learn your relationship to everything Watch for exopolitics to become important Raise your frequency, change your life and that of those around you Practice disciplines to see God in everything Taken from Barbara Hand Clow, The Mayan Code

www.mygenewize.com/thewellthcoach  704-450-6115 http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 9 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

© 2002 - Jan Jenson

www.wellthychoices.net Click products for PDF magazine downloads, special reports, books. jjenson@wellthychoices.net

Thanks to Joy Fanning, Desert Dove Designs, Charlotte, NC for the basics of this chart! I’ve added info from dozens of other sources. ~Jan Jenson

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 10 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

CranioSacral Therapy

Natural, Organic Skin Lotions

Not Just Something Massage Therapists Do

KNOW the Source!

by Mike Love

by Judy Johnston

If you had asked me about a year ago what CranioSacral Therapy is, I probably would have said it is something that massage therapists do. After having read several books and attending several seminars on CranioSacral Therapy I now know differently. While it is true that massage therapists often learn and facilitate CranioSacral Therapy, so do all sorts of other individuals who are involved in the healing arts. In my training seminars I’ve met all kinds of people including doctors, physical therapists, psychologists, energy workers, and curious individuals interested in CranioSacral Therapy for personal health reasons. Not sure what CranioSacral is? Here’s a brief explanation of this amazing healing therapy: There are many rhythms within the body created through normal bodily movement. Our heart creates a heart rhythm, our breathing a respiratory rhythm, and the CranioSacral system creates a rhythm as it circulates fluid through the head and spine. Just like those other rhythms, the CranioSacral rhythm can be felt throughout the body. As part of the CranioSacral protocol we assess its rhythm, feeling and “listening” for restrictions. When a restricted area is identified, we focus and assist those areas to release and return to a strong, full range of motion. In CranioSacral Therapy (CST for short) we assist the body to heal itself. The body contains the necessary intelligence to uncover the underlying cause of all health problems. When I begin a session, I connect with the client’s body and ask it to reveal what it needs to heal. I then begin to facilitate the body’s own healing process. Rather than trying to only relieve symptoms, I work to find and release the underlying causes of the body’s dysfunctions. CST was developed by Dr. John Upledger, D.O., O.M.M. while leading a team of researchers from 1975 until 1983 at Michigan State University studying the brain and its CranioSacral rhythm. Over the years Dr. Upledger and thousands of CranioSacral therapeutic facilitators around the world have used the techniques he developed to safely treat all kinds of physical ailments. CST improves your body’s ability to take better care of you. It can help relieve a full spectrum of pain, illness, and dysfunction including migraines and headaches, chronic neck and back pain, stress and tension related disorders, motor-coordination impairments, Fibromyalgia, TMJ syndrome, Scoliosis, ADD/ADHA, PostTraumatic Stress Disorder, and many other conditions. These results can be achieved with using just 5 grams of pressure. Dr. Upledger went on to develop additional concepts and techniques which have been included under the umbrella of CranioSacral Therapy. Many of these discoveries are included in what he calls SomatoEmotional Release®. Somato refers to the body and thus this technique focuses on the emotional components related to dysfunctions in the body. Go to: www.Upledger.com, to find more information about CranioSacral Therapy or visit Mike’s website at: www.URMORE.com. Located in Charlotte, NC, Mike is a Therapeutic Facilitator, experienced in CST. He would be happy to discuss how this modality can help you based on your specific needs.

When I began to investigate the ingredients I was using in my skin and hair products I was shocked! I learned that most commercial products contain preservatives which can cause problems with our health, and some can cause life threatening issues. Recently a friend of mine who knows I am making skin lotions, called me excited to tell me about a product she saw being promoted on the Ellen DeGeneres show. This product was described as being totally organic. She told me this product was being sold on HSN (Home Shopping Network). This raised all kinds of red flags for me because I know that the majority of products produced for HSN are made in China. As we all know, the regulations and control over production in a foreign country can be difficult to monitor. When I checked online for these particular products it was easy to read the reviews and find out that even though they said they were organic, they contain ingredients which are illegal in Japan and banned in Europe because they are considered carcinogenic. Pretty scary and deceitful for sure!! Many of us have become conscious consumers of our food products yet still use cosmetics, including lotions, shampoos, and conditioners, which contain who-knows-what! Our lives are busy and the fact is that it’s much easier to pull something off the store shelf and go on with our day rather than pull out the magnifying glass and read the fine print on cosmetic labels. It's taken me years to acknowledge my responsibility to my body. As with food products we must know the source of our consumable products. Our lives depend on us!! My goal is to be part of a movement to wean people away from invasive harmful products we have taken for granted as being safe. I wanted to make skin lotions for myself that contain amazing ingredients for both my skin and my body. Once I had a formula I loved, I decided to share it with my friends, for their benefit and feedback. You care what you put IN your body, now you have options for products you put ON your body.

I have one more special plea...IF you are pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or a nursing mom....PLEASE, please avoid any product which contains a phthalate or a paraben. These are called by many different names but look for Phenoxyethanol and/or methylparaben. Phthalates can cause liver, kidney, lung and urogenital abnormalities. Phthalates pass through the placenta to be absorbed by the fetus. This chemical has been shown to pass through the breast milk of nursing mothers to babies. In male

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Babies Need Mothers How Mothers Can Prevent Mental Illness in their Children by Clancy D. McKenzie, M.D. http://www.babiesneedmothers.com

At a time when an apple was something Steve Jobs gave to his first grade teacher, Dr. Clancy McKenzie happened upon a discovery that would forever change not just his life, but his patients’ as well. It hit him like a bolt of lightening. Without so much as a hand-held calculator, McKenzie unearthed the origin and mechanism of serious mental and emotional disorders. His proscribed treatment and three levels of prevention quickly followed. After forty plus years of research and studies, the author has made the results and prevention methods available to the general public for the first time in this new book.

Indigo Tea Market - new teas available! Black Tea:

Jamacian Rum Trafalgar Anniversay Tarajuli Estate Blood Orange Queen Elizabeth Sour Sap Kemum Panda #1 Prince of Whale Windsar Castle Cream Earl Grey Earl Grey Plum

Bukhail TCFOP

Green Teas:

Pecan Pastry Sencha Jasmine Dragon tears Lemon White Tea: Peony White Needles

Oolong: Orange Blossom Quangzhou Milk


Province Ginger Peach Georgia Peach Belgian Chocolate


Cranberry Apple Energytea

Delayed Posttraumatic Stress Disorders from Infancy (The Two Trauma Mechanism) by Clancy D. McKenzie, M.D. http://www.babiesneedmothers.com

This book breaks with traditional thinking from the first paragraph and offers an alternative to viewing, treating, managing and preventing serious emotional disorders  breaks ground in suggesting the role of early trauma in accounting for ment...al disorders throughout the life cycle, in identifying the two trauma mechanism, and in the conceptualization of early traumatic events relating to the development of Borderlines, Schizophrenia, PTSD, Autism, Symbiosis and other disorders-forcing academics to reevaluate our thinking. The research is respectable, adds to their arguments and is in support of their model.

Natural, Organic Skin Lotions (cont. from previous page) fetuses and infants, phthalates can cause testicular atrophy leading to a reduced sperm count later in life. Parabens mimic estrogen in the body, which has been linked to obesity, reproductive and breast cancer, and prostrate issues in men. Why take the chance with your health or your babies. Be proactive and protect your life! I think one of the best selling features of my lotions is that they are made order-by-order. I date each batch and disclose all ingredients. You are guaranteed a fresh product! If you need a custom formula because of allergies I can be flexible to accommodate your specific needs. For more information about chemicals to avoid and the lotions Judy makes visit: www.aah-Natural.com.

~Charles Figley, Founding Editor-in-Chief Journal of Traumatic Stress

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FINGERSIGHT SYNESTHESIA MACHINE http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science -Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=1387

ngersight Synesthesia Machine: Science Fiction in the News

http://www.technovelgy.com Where Science Meets Fiction™

Fingersight is a small device that can Search abiliHome | you Glossarywith | Timelinethe | New synaesthetic provide ty to Fingersight see what youMachine can feel. Synesthesia Synaesthesia is a neurological phenomenon in which sensations in one Fingersight is a small device that can provide you with the synaesthetic form (like sight) can express in phenomenon another ability to see what you can feel. Synaesthesia is a neurological in which sensations in one form (like sight) can express in another form (like form (like taste or sound). taste or sound).

Second in a Series... dimensions. The image from each camera is fed back to the fingertip to which it is connected. Each finger has its own receptive field, which is stimulated by a Page 1 solenoid-based of 3 small vibrator. Machine vision processing of the image from each fingertip yields information about edges, distance to objects and even texture. In this way, the operator Current News can distinguish coffee mugs or doorTouch EPD knobs, "feeling" them at a distance. Touch Screen EPaper Display Now, e-paper gets interesting.

The Fingersight device is a pretty good match (from the tactile point of view, anyway) for the twist box from Rudy Rucker's 1988 Wetware.

Dynamic Augmented Wheel System Eight-Part Wheel ll together now, lean in.

Spatial Memories Seen In Hippocampus fMRI It can see where you've been.

(Fingersight Synesthesia (Synaesthesia) Machine) We introduce here a concept we call Fingersight™, which may

embodied in a number of ways a to provide a variety of we call We be introduce here concept different sensing and control devices for use as surrogates for vision and direct manipulation... Fingersight™, which may be embodied are two major components to the concept, relating in aThere number of ways to provide a varirespectively to sensing and controlling the environment... the component was originally designed to assist the visually ety sensory of different and impaired. The introduction ofsensing control into Fingersight has control expanded the potential target population to the general public, devices for vision who couldfor makeuse use of itas as ansurrogates intuitive and possibly even enjoyable new form of remote control. and direct manipulation... Tiny cameras are mounted on each fingertip, which can be used to sweep through the visual environment in three dimensions. The image from each camera is fed back to the fingertip to which it is connected. Each finger has its

There are two major components to the concept, relating respectively to senst ://www.technovel .com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.as ?NewsNum=1387 ing and controlling the environment... the sensory component was originally designed to assist the visually impaired. The introduction of control into Fingersight has expanded the potential target population to the general public, who could make use of it as an intuitive and possibly even enjoyable new form of remote control.

It was the day after Christmas, and Stahn was plugged in The twist-box took his sensory input, jazzed it and Precision Agriculture: passed it on to his cortex. A pure softRobot Gardeners Serve Plant ware high, and no somatic after-effects. Network Takes all the work out the window was almost outStaring of gardening. The maggies left jagged 3D interesting. Bone Printer Uses Your Cells I'm trails thinking of and the people looked like actors. getting a full body scan for This brings us to a third use for templates. Fingersight, namely, entertainment. Evidence.com Virtual Evidence Warehouse By TASER Very close to CopSpace; Stross still has some tips for them.

Watch a short video in which a guy describes his experience with synesthesia. Robot Accepts http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science Gesture Commands I've-Fiction-Newsbeen making gestures at Comments.asp?NewsNum=1387 machines for


“Synesthesia” means one sensory experience described in terms of another sensory experience, such as hearing colors or seeing notes. When I was a kid and learning arithmetic, I would get confused and think “5+2=green” or “5+4=purple”. But just as we memorize multiplication tables, I memorized 5+2=7. It wasn’t until I was an adult that I knew there was a name for my confusion (there’s even a sub-genre called “grapheme” for perceiving numbers or letters as inherently colored). I still occassionally get confused though, and as I was printing my latest wood type collage, I noticed that I was thinking of number pairs in terms of colors. So “synesthesia” seemed like a good title for this one.

3/14/2009 See the original paper about the device - Fingersight: Fingertip Visual Haptic Sensing and Control: http://www.ri.cmu.edu/pub_files/pub4/s tetten_george_d_2007_1/stetten_geor ge_d_2007_1.pdf

Fully-Functioning Synaesthesia Machine: (scroll down to this story): http://io9.com/340282/fully+functioning-synaesthesia-machine

Tiny cameras are mounted on each fingertip, which can be used to sweep through the visual environment in three http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 13 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

3. THE STRESS OF CROWDS OR GROUPS OF PEOPLE. If you ever felt tired being in crowded places even if you didn't do much or exert any effort, this is a psychic sign as well. You collect and feel the energies of others which causes you to lose yours. This means you are an empath, you can even feel their emotions and having to feel what a lot of people feel all at the same time stresses you out. It will be important to learn how to sense feelings without taking on the energy of it. I will address this more later on. 4. SENSING YOUR SURROUNDINGS. This Psychic sign is as simple as walking into a room and just seem to sense depression, tension, or maybe even delight. This is a noticeable perception. And if you are experiencing this psychic symptom, it is a strong gut feeling. You will just KNOW something has occurred in that room, that house, or in the situation... even before you arrived.

Signs of Your Own Psychic Ability by Rev. Diannia Baty http://psychicladyd.blogspot.com/2010/08/signs-of-your-own-psychic-ability.html?spref=fb

We hear the term "Psychic" every now and then everyday. Looking at any dictionary or book, you will get different meanings such as "pertaining to the human soul or mind"; " a person who can see outside of natural or scientific knowledge"; "a person sensitive to influences or forces of a nonphysical or supernatural nature"; and many others. But, you rarely can find a clear cut description to define if someone has psychic abilities. So how do you know if you have these extraordinary abilities? The truth is, we all have elements of psychic abilities, but it is to what degree we use them. There are many different signs or symptoms showing that you may be psychic. We all have instincts like when we first meet someone for the first time. Generally it goes along as normal; but oftentimes there are people who send up red flags - for whatever reason, we just don't "get good vibes" from them. Or have you ever met someone that you thought you already knew? Those are some signs of psychic ability but without further pursuit they blend into our everyday routine. There is a common misconception that the sign of psychic abilities should be a big spiritual event. Fact is, symptoms or signs of psychic abilities can come in the most basic forms. Here are 5 simple signs of psychic ability: 1. LUCID DREAMING. In your sleep you see things, may it be persons, figures, names, and even an event. Then these dreams became reality the very next day, or even as soon as you wake up. 2. THE UNINTENTIONAL KNOW IT ALL. Simply put, you just really know what's going to happen next before it does. This sign of psychic ability can happen in a normal setting that you are chatting with your family or friends, and even before they tell you the story, you hear voices hinting you on what's next.

5. THINK OF... AND APPEAR! Time and again, you have thought of someone or something, and within minutes, hours, or days, this person or object somehow just "pops up". But this does not mean this happens every single time you think of someone. Coincidence, you think but there is no such thing as coincidence? It is happens too often, then that is Psychic ability. These are just a few of the signs of psychic abilities. There many more. Surprising as may seem but having last song syndrome where a particular song stays in your head for so long is sign! Other signs would be having irregular patterns of sleeping and the difficulty of waking up despite to good rest you had for the night. This may be weird but it is real. Out of simple things shall come the great things in life. Same is true with psychic abilities. They come is small and simple things yet if enhanced shall bring tremendous effects. The challenge is for people to recognize them because they can blend to our daily routines and be hard to identify.

Rev. Lady Diannia Baty Fourth Generation Psychic & Visionary Spiritual Advisor



30 minutes...$35.00 60 minutes...$55.00

704 209-6430 ladydiannia@makeachoicenow.com

http://www.makeachoicenow.com Be led gently down the path to knowledge and peace.

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Simply Ageless Defining Agelessness at Its Finest

~~ CATHI WATSON ~~ * TV and radio talk show - host/ producer - specializing in producing & co-hosting custom-designed radio/TV productions for business, industry & entrepreneurs. * Award Winning Chicago Access TV Host/Producer * Internationaly known Author/ Speaker + Guest Speaker on International Cruise Ships (17 yrs) * Exercise Evangelist Partner/ President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports * Health and Fitness Mentor * Marathon Stair Climber * Sizzling Sensational Sexy Senior

Cathi Watson is Chicago bred & born a devotee of cha lenges, drama and intrigue. She has been called “a dynamic diva without boundaries!” “If the French can make humanitarianism ROMANTIC, then I can make AGING GLAMOUROUS AND STYLISH in America,” quips Cathi! Can a 70 something, high energy, dauntless DYNAMIC DIVA makes “Aging Glamourous and Stylish” in America, knowing that Americans love to play the YOUTH CARD!???

CATHI’s MISSION To change America’s perception of AGING - NOW! I’ve been thinking about the pandemic “YOUTH’ craze enveloping America. It’s like a strangle-hold. Americans can’t seem to let go. What’s the obsession?? We all know YOUTH is a marvelous timeexperimenting, trials and tribulations,

dealing with dancing hormones but don’t you think it’s time to “think-out-of-thebox,” to recognize Divas who’ve made remarkable contributions to life and still are plus paving the way for aspiring entrepreneurs. Why I ask, when you’re over 50 - are you invisible, extinct? Are marketers so linear they can’t see the bigger picture? Come on we’re living longer - eh-gads 77 million BOOMERS, 80 million over 65 - more than ages 25-45, with disposable and discretionary income and willing to spend in their best interest... but where in Americas’ market place are their best interests...?? I surely don’t know. HELLO, is it just me? I’m not hearing protests from my peers, so I’ll go it alone.

I refuse to be INVISIBLE or EXTINCT!

Style.” Did you know a new ERA is EMERGING for AGELESS

Aging with Glamour and Style AGING has been theorized, intellectualized and spiritualized but NEVER GLAMOURIZED!

Who said you can’t be sexy and sensationally glamourous 50-60-70 and beyond?

Move over Bernard Kouchner, a 60 something high energy French Foreign Minister who made humanitarianism ROMANTIC leave it to the French. I love it.smile! ;>))) Marvelous segue to engage you, captivate you in embracing “Ageless for LifeAging with

The Dynamic, Vibrant 60-70 Diva is the NEW 40-50 Diva. A backward look is helpful in understanding my MISSION/PASSION.

I’ve been fortunate to experience life with naivete combined with intelligent, creative, visionary and futuristic insights.

MY STORY: From the Classical World of Ballet, Haute Couture, to Wife, Mother, Nana and Solo-Preneur, how did I get from there to here. To be honest, I don’t know. I think some of us come into this world with a fire-in-the-belly desire to make a difference in peoples’ lives. Many are


selected, perhaps I was chosen. When I was seven, I knew I didn’t want to grow old. I was raised in an immigrant environment. My parents were among the many who made their way to America from Europe in the early nineteen hundreds. I saw hard–working, over-worked men and women struggle to survive, to keep their families together. I didn’t know it then, but that was the beginning of my fascination with aging. One thing that’s fresh in my mind, most of the men and women were in their thirties, but looked fifty. They didn’t know or even care about methods to slow the aging process. Their concern was the welfare of the family. I knew then, there had to be a way to grow older without growing and looking old! A flash back to my youthat age 11, I was introduced to Classical Ballet. Age 12, I auditioned to go on the road with summer revues performing at Local and State Fairs. The five years I toured were glorious - times were gentler then. The lure of traveling and rigorous schedule of ballet began to wane. Shortly after my decision not to continue my career in the world of ballet, I met Bill, my husband. Imagine, a gal from the world of classical ballet and haute couture finding happiness with an IRONWORKER - how unlikely? Most would agree this union did not scream longevity, “eh-gads” don’t

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you know you have nothing in common. But wait a minute, not so fast, O.K. we were both spoiled and free of responsibility, I was 20 and Bill was 26 when we married. Bill, an only child accustomed to having his own way and me touring the States living an exciting life. Getting married was a wake-up call for us. The honest truth, we had our doubts but we stuck it out with all of the twists, turns on this incredible journey in personal growth. But alas time and maturity prevailed and here we are (as of this writing) on the brink of our 56th year and they said it wouldn’t last.smile. What did we learn?

Marriage is unconditional acceptance, warts and all. I stayed home raising three beautiful children, Cyndy, Bill and Bob. By the time Bob was 2yrs old, my creative juices were kicking in.

Time to re-enter the artistic world. This was the beginning of a very successful career in fashion. Not only did I own the Fashion Agency, I was the creative artistic producer, marketing and advertising director of the fashion show productions. Most people see fashion as GLAMOUROUS.

On the surface, yes, what you don’t see is the sweat and tears behind the scenes. Let me tell you, I never worked so hard in my lifeI loved every minute of it. Developer of the “Art of Professional Fashion Modeling,” geared to aspiring models or the adult who wanted to improve her image. In 1974, I had four national winners. What a thrill to witness their transformation. Even at that time (1970s) the emphasis was on “youth.” From facial and tongue stretch exercises (exclusively mine) that help provide a natural lift to the muscles of the face without stretching the skin I was inspired to developed the “Exciting Woman Program,” hands-on methods and techniques that enhance the beauty, charm and achievements of women no matter their age and keep them looking and feeling forever young. After creating all these wonderful shows/programs, I was inspired to pursue my PASSION about the POWER OF LIFE. I spent many hours in the library studying the process of aging.

At birth we’re dealt our genetic cards, our blueprint, how we play them is up to us, choose wisely.

This was another AHHAH.” I thought of my immi-

grant parents, my role models to this day. My Hungarian mother was the greatest nutritionist in the world, but didn’t know it. I thank her every day for my good health and strong body. My Croatian father had excellent work ethics, he would say, “if your work isn’t done by 10 A.M. you’ve wasted your day, although he did get up at 4:30 AM every day. Pa’s work ethics made an indelible impression on me. Mark Twain said”Age is a matter of the mind, if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”

“WHAT GETS WORSE WITH AGE GETS BETTER WITH EXERCISE!” There I said the dreaded “E” word. Come on, the older we get, the more maintenance is required. At age 20, life is yours to dare. Exercise is an option - later in life it’s a MUST. Most people go through an exercise phase, I never out-grew mine. Along with body exercising, I include BRAIN POWER. I have a monologue that takes about 15 minutes a day. I’ve memorized Shakespeare, Charlotte Pease, Hamlet, Affirmations and just recently, Evita, plus others. My exercise routine is dauntingwork out 5-6 days a weekdepending on my work load anywhere from 45 minutes to 1-1/2 hours. Stairmaster, Illiptical,

Treadmill plus weight cross training. I’m a p o w e r s t a i r c l i m b e r, February 26, 2006, “HustleUp-TheHancock” benefiting Respiratory Health Association, I climbed and finished for the sixth time, what a RUSH! They came from far and near, they came from all backgrounds, ethnicities, all ages, short and tall. They came all four thousand to challenge themselves to fulfill a commitment, to pay homage to those who paid a tragic price to ”smoke their last cigarette.” Six to 79 years, a tribute to determination, no easy task I went, I conquered 94 floors 1,632 stairs. The view from the TOP of the Hancock - INEXPLICABLE. The rush... UNDENIABLE, the conquest, a tribute to perseverance, determination and I’ll keep “HUSTLING’ until I see you at the TOP! 7th climb Feb 24, 2008 - first time  climb finisher52 flights21 mins. March 8, 2009 - climbed Chicago Presidential Towers - 47 floors in 19 minutes. March 28, 2010Fight for Air Climb, Presidential Towe rs - 50 floors - 15 minutes I am the creator of and expert on “Ageless for LifeAging with Style.” To add credence to my life, I just completed and self-pub-

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(cont. on next page)

There is Much talk about God  "There is much talk about God... what It is and what It isn't... whether It is a male or a female... a man or a ghost... I AM not that which You see with Your eyes or hear with Your ears. I AM not the fountain of youth or The Holy Grail... I AM only That which can be heard in the silence and felt in the Heart. Communion with Me comes to those who want it with All of their Heart... communion with Me comes to those who desire Me above all things. I AM here, awaiting Your return... I AM here... waiting for You to believe You can have a conversation with Me, and in fact, hear Me speak to You from within Your own Heart. There is no one but Us here... when will You close the door to the world and open the door to Your Heart? I AM in the stillness.. What You hold as more valuable than Me, stands in Your way. The barriers that stand between Us, and Our Holy Communion, are all of the loveless places within You that You protect and defend. Every unloving thought and emotion that You hold in place of Love, is Your choice for suffering and hell. Do not cleanse and purge Yourselves before coming to ME, come to Me and allow for Your wounds to be healed, and for Heaven to be given You ~~ right here and NOW. I AM the Purifier. I AM the choice for Heaven... and to the degree that You let Me in, shall be the degree that You experience The Kingdom. For those of You seeking The Kingdom.. stop. You are already in The Kingdom ~ You were never cast out! You only BELIEVED You were. Release the belief that You and I are not One in Union and that The Kingdom of Heaven must be earned. When You do, You will find that You ARE The Sons and Daughters of God/dess who have been sitting blindly on Your thrones. Your experience of Heaven on earth is one belief away... You MUST let go of the illusion that We are separate... When You understand My Son's holy words, " I and My Father Are One," Your world will fall apart, and Your Kingdom shall be revealed." ~ Our Father A Message for You, My Brothers and Sisters   http://www.hermeticsource.info/

Simply Ageless -

Cont. from previous page.

lished “The Elixir of Youth” Secrets of a Spring Chicken.” I’ve bared my soul and secrets in the one and only SECRET RECIPE BOOK FOR LIFE - YOUR LIFE, all brought together in the book with creative, intelligent visionary and futuristic insights. Five and  decades (55 yrs) in development and research. My methods and techniques are easy to learn, and once you’ve learned them, they’re yours for life! THE RESULTS ARE AMAZING! It’s time for me to share my passion and mission paving the way for aspiring entrepreneurs and for all who want to enhance the quality of their life regardless of age and gender. CATHI WATSON cathistudio@sbcglobal.net www.cathiwatson.com 1-800-323-8709

THE HEART OF THE LION Author Thomas A. Puttrich with Cathi Watson - about a trip to Africa in 1984.

Rev. Lady Diannia Baty Fourth Generation Psychic & Visionary Spiritual Advisor



30 minutes...$35.00 60 minutes...$55.00

704 209-6430 ladydiannia@makeachoicenow.com

http://www.makeachoicenow.com Be led gently down the path to knowledge and peace.

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On the Edge of Evolution Changing Creative Acts of Women over 50 by Lana J. Ford - August 2010 http://www.personalfrequencies.com/personal-frequencies-blog/?p=374#more-374

Recently Barbara Marx Hubbard and David Neal Walsh had the most interesting discussion on the New Man, New woman Series. Barbara, a foremost pioneer in the conscious movement suggests the universe is moving into ever increasing levels of complexity. Indeed, she echoes Jean Houston’s idea that we stand on the brink of our own evolution – moving into arenas of human potential that have never been expressed before. Not only that, but the trajectory of our evolution seems to be occurring at a faster rate. In truth, time itself is not changing, rather personal and global consciousness is expanding giving the illusion that time is speeding up. While these are not new ideas in the consciousness movement, they are from the lay person’s perspective because consciousness is manifesting to a greater degree on the internal personal level. In other words, we are being propelled as it were, into greater and greater endeavors in which we are co-partnering not only in our own evolution, but with the Divine. While we have always had free we have not previously embraced the role as co-creators. The participating audience of about 500 people was polled with the question “How big a role has spirituality played in your life?” On a scale from one to five, with five highest, over 60% scored spirituality at level five. When Barbara was asked “What is the role of spirituality now?” in pioneering form she suggested here was a problem with the question. The question suggests there is something else, as if spirituality were competing for importance when in truth everything is spiritual. It is that – the Divine Principle which is guiding the evolutionary impulse. One of the most interesting comments made by Barbara was that “spirituality” or our awareness of it seems to deepen as we move into co-creation. This is particularly true of women over 50. Younger women may engage in co-creation through the birth process and the child rearing years. After 50 or as children leave home, the creative capacity to give birth moves into a larger tribal or social arena. However the co-creative activities are different for a number of reasons. First, the after 50 creative endeavors are intrinsically self rewarding, perhaps even self-redefining. Secondly those creative acts or activities impact on at least one and most likely several other people. Third, the nature of the creative acts reflect not only a co-partnering with the perceived evolutionary impulse, but co-partnering with higher aspects of the self.

Lemon peels Posted by: "Suzanne" suziesgoats@yahoo.com suziesgoats Tue Aug 24, 2010

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But what to do with all those lemon peels? Don’t toss them; put them to work. Lemon juice is about 5 to 6 percent citric acid and has a pH level of between 2 and 3. This low pH acidity makes lemon juice a great ally in breaking down rust and mineral stains, but gentle enough to not dull finishes. There is generally sufficient juice left in used lemon halves to tackle small tasks, and it all comes with its own applicator (the rind itself). Plus, the oil in the peel is perfect for clever culinary applications, and not bad in the beauty department either. Here’s what you can do:

Around the House 1. Clean greasy messes Greasy pans? Splattered stove tops? Messy counters? If your kitchen has been the victim of some sloppy sauteing, try using lemon halves before bringing out possibly toxic chemical cleaners. Sprinkle some salt (for abrasion) on a juiced lemon half and rub on the greasy areas, wipe up with a towel. (Be careful using lemon on marble counter tops, or any other surface which may be sensitive to acid). 2. Clean your tea kettle or coffee pot. For mineral deposit build up in your tea kettle, fill the kettle with water, add a handful of thin slices of lemon peel and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and let sit for an hour, drain, and rinse well. For coffee pots, add ice, salt and lemon rinds to the empty pot; swish and swirl for a minute or two, dump, and rinse. Hello, sparkly. 3. Clean your microwave All it takes is one exploding bowl of food to render the interior of your microwave officially gunked, sometimes gunked with cement-like properties. Rather than using strong chemical cleaners, try this: Add lemon rinds to a microwave-safe bowl filled halfway with water. Cook on high for 5 minutes, allowing the water to boil and the steam to condense on the walls and tops of the oven. Carefully remove the hot bowl and wipe away the mess with a towel. 4. Deodorize the garbage disposal Use lemon peels to deodorize the garbage disposal (and make your kitchen smell awesome at the same time). It is a great way to finally dispose of spent lemon peels after you have used them for any of these applications. (Cont. next page)


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Lemon peels (cont. from previous page) 5. Polish chrome Mineral deposits on chrome faucets and other tarnished chrome make haste in the presence of lemonâ“rub with a squeezed lemon half, rinse, and lightly buff with a soft cloth. 6. Polish copper A halved lemon dipped in salt or baking powder can also be used to brighten copper cookware, as well as brass, copper, or stainless steel. Dip a juiced lemon half in salt (you also use baking soda or cream of tartar for the salt) and rub on the affected area. Let it stay on for 5 minutes. Then rinse in warm water and polish dry. 7. Clean a stainless steel sink Use the same method described to polish chrome, applied to any stainless sink. 8. Keep insects out Many pests abhor the acid in lemon. You can chop of the peels and place them along thresholds, windowsills, and near any cracks or holes where ants or pests may be entering. For other ways to combat pests naturally, see 7 Steps to ChemicalFree Pest Control (do Google search). 9. Make a scented humidifier If your home suffers from dry heat in the winter, you can put lemon peels in a pot of water and simmer on the lowest stove-top setting to humidify and scent the air. 10. Refresh cutting boards Because of lemon’s low pH, it has antibacterial properties that make is a good choice for refreshing cutting boards. After proper disinfecting (see: How to Clean Your Cutting Board) give the surface a rub with a halved lemon, let sit for a few minutes, and rinse.

To eat 11. Keep brown sugar soft If your brown sugar most often turns into brick sugar, try adding some lemon peel (with traces of pulp and pith removed) to help keep it moist and easy to use. (For all

recipes using lemon peel, try to use organic lemonsâ“and scrub the peel well to remove any residues and wax.) 12. Make zest Zest is the best! Zest is simply grated peel, and is the epitome of lemon essence - “it can be used fresh, dried, or frozen. If you don’t have an official zester, you can use the smallest size of a box grater. (If you know you will be using lemons for zest, it is easier to grate the zest from the lemon before juicing them.) To dry zest, spread it on a towel and leave out until dried, then store in a jar. To freeze, use a freezer-safe container. Use zest in salads, marinades, baked goods, grain dishes, etc. 13. Make Vegan Lemon Biscotti Once you’ve made some zest, make these Vegan Lemon Biscotti cookies. De-li-cious! 14. Make twists Strips of peel, aka twists, are good in cocktails, sparkling water, and tap water. Use a vegetable peeler to make long strips, or use a knife and cut the peel into long strips, cutting away the white pith which is bitter. These can also be frozen in a freezer-safe container or bag. 15. Make lemon extract powder Make zest or twists (above) making sure to remove any of the white (bitter) pith and dry the strips skin-side down on a plate until they dried, about 3 or 4 days. Put in a blender (or spice grinder) and pulverize into a powder. Use the powdered peel in place of extract or zest in recipes. 16. Make Lemon Sugar You can make lemon extract powder (see above) and add it to sugar, or you can use fresh twists, put them in a jar with sugar and let the peels oil infuse the sugar. 17. Make Lemon

Pepper Mix lemon extract powder (see above) with freshly cracked pepper. 18. Make candied lemon peel Orange or grapefruit peel can be candied too. Yum. Candied peels are pretty easy to make, and can be eaten plain, or dipped in melted chocolate, used in cake, cookie, candy, or bread recipes. These recipes for candied citrus and ginger use Sucanat, the most wholesome sugar you can buy.

For Beauty 19. Lighten age spots Many folk remedies suggest using lemon peel to help lighten age spots “apply a small piece to the affected area and leave on for an hour. You can also try one of these 5 natural ways to lighten age spots. 20. Soften dry elbows Use a half lemon sprinkled with baking soda on elbows, just place your elbow in the lemon and twist the lemon (like you are juicing it) for several minutes. Rinse and dry. 21. Use on your skin Lemon peels can be very lightly rubbed on your face for a nice skin tonic, then rinse. (And be careful around your eyes.) Suzi - List Owner http://health. groups.yahoo. com/group/ HAWK_Health_ Awareness What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.

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For Emergency Preparedness Preparing Your Medicinal Herb &Spice Cabinet by: Sarah http://offthegridnews.com/2010 / 08/09/for-emergency-preparedness- prepare-yourmedicinal-herb-and-spice-cabinet/

well. Large quantities of these highly functional herbs can be grown and maintained in a relatively small-sized plot. For city dwellers, where garden plots are impractical, the dried versions of these herbs can be stored for about a year before they lose some of their magic. Here's the definitive list of essential spices that will turn your spice cabinet into a medicine cabinet:

High on the emergency preparedness list of food stockpile should be an ample supply of certain culinary herbs and spices, not necessarily for the spice cabinet but, rather, for your medicine cabinet. The healing and regenerative properties of herbs and spices are well documented and, for many people, they already have a place on the spice rack. In preparation for the unexpected, when maintaining optimum health and immunity to disease is paramount, their amazing health properties should not be taken for granted. Everyday spices such as cinnamon, pepper, cayenne, and cloves should be stockpiled to the extent that they can become part of your daily nutritional intake. If they somehow can't be worked into your daily prepared meals, it's recommended that they be doled out in dosages much like you would do with any supplement. Herbs such as oregano, basil, sage, fennel, and garlic may also be a current staple in your kitchen. However, for the astute emergency preparers, they will occupy a plot in the garden as

Cayenne — Possessing both internal and external healing properties, cayenne is one of the most powerful medicinal spices that are readily available. Known for its stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system, cayenne acts upon the heart and circulation to increase blood flow. In this way, it can also be an aid in helping to speed digestion. Its heat producing properties are helpful during the cold months (taken internally or used topically) and it also builds immunity against colds and flus. Used externally, cayenne can be applied to wounds to stem bleeding.

decongestant and can soothe a sore throat. Black pepper — Storing dried, black pepper, or, alternatively, black peppercorns, is useful for its ability to boost energy, warm the body and increase circulation. Like its cousin, cayenne, it also aids in the stemming of blood flow from cuts. Cloves — Clove oil has long been a treatment for tooth and gum problems. Its analgesic properties help soothe mouth pain, and it is also a bacteria killer. The antibiotic properties of cloves make it ideal for topical treatment to burns and skin irritations. Used in teas, cloves can also be an effective fever reducer. Plot your garden with these vital herbal medicines: Oregano — Oregano, as a source of antioxidants, is a proven immune booster. It can also settle the stomach, fight infection and even soothe cold symptom flare-ups in the throat and lungs. Taken in tea, it helps settle the mind for a good night's sleep.

Sage — Sage seems to be the most versatile medicinal herb. It can remedy winter coughs, stimulate digestion, and is a great source of antibiotics. You can decide if its famously mythical ability to ward off evil spirits might be of use.

Garlic – Most would argue that garlic is the mother of all medicinal herbs. As a potent source of antibiotics, it is a proven cold and flu fighter, immune booster and can ward off infection. If you're worried about walking around with garlic breath, just add a small section of parsley to your garden plot. Peppermint, rosemary, thyme and fennel are equally powerful medicinal herbs rich in healing and regenerative properties, and should be included in your medicinal garden.

Cinnamon — A favorite found in most spice racks, Cinnamon is a known antioxidant and most dieticians recommend a daily dose. Cinnamon also aids in digestion and stimulates circulation Ginger — Ginger provides several digestive related remedies by settling nausea and stopping diarrhea. It is also a known

Basil — is also a known sleep aid, especially in its ability to reduce tension and anxiety. When life gets you down, basil has been known to lift spirits. Bay leaves — another effective digestive aid, bay leaves can be added to your meal preparation and/or teas to keep stomach acids at bay.

Full preparation for a potential long-term emergency isn't complete until your spice and herb medicine cabinet is full. With the range of healing and health strengthening properties available in these natural remedies, you might spend a fortune on pills, syrups and ointments trying to replicate their benefits. It's time to stop taking them for granted.

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(Cont. next page)

Preparing Emergency Supplies Medicinal Herbs &Spice Cabinet (Cont. from previous page) sevenstars77 says:

reduces inflammation. It is used to ease joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. However, its also used to reduce joint pain and in inflammation in other disorders too.

In India turmeric is considered a whole body cleansing herb. Medically, it was used as an aid for digestive disturbances and as a treatment for fever, infections, dysentery, arthritis, jaundice and other liver problems. in china its used for liver and gallbladder problems, stop bleeding, and relieve chest congestion and menstrual discomforts.

Turmeric (curcumin) has a lots of antioxidants too which prevent premature aging and diseases such as cancer if left unchecked. it also has been effective in fighting bacterial infections and may offer cataracts prevention through its antioxidant properties. it has a really strong flavor, so you definitely want to learn how to cook with it to satisfy your own palate-but its definitely on that should be in your spice/ remedy kit

Susan Lavery (aka WebOpus) has an

extensive background in alternative and naturopathic medicine and although she is currently retired, she was in practice for over 30 years. Some of the areas in which Susan specialized were gastrointestinal problems, muskuloskeletal disorders and nutrition. She has taken advanced studies in herbalism and received a Masters of Science in clinical hypnotherapy as well as a Ph.D in homeopathy. She has been published in homeopathic journals and online at various websites and has taught workshops and courses in homeopathy, herbalism and in the medicinal value of foods. Susan is a retired member of the North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) and the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC). If you need professional writing for your publication or website, please contact Susan at: web.opus@yahoo.com Read Susan’s other articles here: http://www.naturalnews.com/Author831.html


the active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin. (curcumin has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, stomachsoothing, and liver-and heartprotecting effects. ) Turmeric reduces inflammation by lowering histamine levels and it may also stimulate the adrenal glands to increase production of a hormone that

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Just like humans, domesticated animals like dogs and cats are affected by the health hazards of modern living. Pollution, poor nutrition, stress and unhealthy lifestyles can lead to a variety of illnesses and conditions that are very similar to those experienced by humans. In fact, many, if not most pet health concerns can be addressed by helping your pets to live a healthier lifestyle. While it has its place, conventional medicine for animals and 'modern technology' have failed our pets in many ways. According to pet expert and author CJ Puotinen, most holistic veterinarians and animal health care professions list annual vaccinations and commercial pet foods as the major contributory cause in the rising rates of chronic illness in pets today. Similarly, Juliette de Bairacli Levy, respected author and renowned animal breeder, points out that contrary to the belief that mass vaccination and antibiotic use will contribute to a decrease in disease, the opposite has in fact proved true. Like their human counterparts, today's pets are becoming more and more vulnerable to chronic disease and ill health. This has led many veterinarians to search for alternatives and to espouse more holistic methods of keeping our pets healthy.

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Planetary Water Watch by Lana J. Ford w w w. p e r s o n a l frequencies.com One of the first steps in taking control of your health is recognizing that that your body requires a constant and consistent supply of healthy water. But water is much more than a solvent or delivery system to carry nutrients throughout our bodies. Water is the essence of life itself. It is the highway that delivers electromagnetic currents to fuel our cellular reaction. It is the resonance field through which our cells communicate. Water is involved in the transfer of data from DNA and in the transmission of vibrational information. Water transports, stabilizes signals, and lubricates. However, not all water is created equal. According to Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, the most stable of these structures is the six-sided hexagonal water molecule. Because of its organization it has a higher energy state and appears to be the key to faster hydration, enhanced energy transfer,

What is Hexagonal Water?

protein and DNA stability, and the enhancement of numerous metabolic processes. How does water’s characteristics contribute to its benefits? First the structural stability means hexagonal water has the potential to hold more energy. According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, author of the well-known book, Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, the flow of water through the cell membrane provides electrical energy much like the turbines in a hydroelectric plant. He suggests that hexagonal water has the capacity to hold more energy than normal water thus ensuring increased vitality for those who consume it. This is critically important for those who suffer chronic fatigue. Hexagonal water has a higher surface tension meaning it tastes smoother and wetter. This also has implications for reduction of joint pain. When an old door becomes stiff and creaky, we know it is time to oil the hinges. The joints in our bodies are no different. However, when cartilage

dries out there is friction and greater abrasion as joints move. Hexagonal water is highly organized. In the 1970s, Dr. Raymond Damadian found that cancerous cells contain what he called “disorganized” water. According to his research, the difference between healthy and cancerous cells was the organization of the water within the cell. Replenishing the hexagonal water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process, and prevent disease. In 1986, at a symposium on cancer, Dr. Mu Shik Jhon stated: “Aging is a loss of hexagonal water from organs, tissue and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water.” Supporting that theory Donald Mayfield, NMD, DOM stated “Even though many of my patients are drinking the recommended amount of daily water, they are still dehydrated, this is remedied by consumption of Hexagonal water.” Hexagonal water is required for the precise replication of the helical strands in DNA. The first layer of water around DNA

stabilizes and protects it from energetic influences that could cause malfunction and distortion. Hexagonal water is considered an excellent carrier for nutritional supplements. Hexagonal water also appears to enhance immune function. Hexagonal water improves the condition of the skin. Because the skin is a reflection of the inner body, it is often the most obvious indicator of dehydration. Dry, flaky skin is a sign that the water level in the body is inadequate. Hexagonal water may reduce high cholesterol levels. Dr. Batmanghelidj has shown that it is dehydration that causes the building up of cholesterol in arteries and cell tissue – not necessarily the cholesterol from foods. The good news is that cholesterol build-up can be reversed. Similarly, high blood pressure may be managed with consumption of hexagonal water. High blood pressure has also been correlated with a reduced amount of water in the blood and with aging. Thickened blood results in higher cholesterol

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(Continued from previous page)

levels and an increase in blood pressure. When there is a reduction in the amount of water in the blood, the total blood volume is reduced and more pressure is required to pump it into the extremities of the body. Hexagonal water may be one of the most critical components of any natural and permanent weight loss and water retention program. Water retention is responsible for additional weight and a puffy appearance. Diuretics cannot solve the problem because it is caused by dehydration. Hexagonal water may be important to regulatory systems of the body. Diabetes is closely tied to the water regulation. Besides bringing sugar (glucose) from the blood into the cells where it provides necessary energy, insulin is also important in the regulation of intracellular water. The activity of insulin itself appears to be governed by

Planetary Water Watch water. According to Dr. Z.Y. Wang, Director of the Cluster Biology Lab at the New of Institute Jersey Technology, “Proper hydration is critical for people with diabetes because water has to be organized around insulin – for every one insulin molecule, you need 440 water molecules.” Hexagonal water is essential for mental clarity function cognitive and since water movement creates hydroelectric energy in the brain. When water is not continually available, thinking becomes clouded and the ability to focus is difficult. Beyond the purely physical, there are other possible benefits of drinking hexagonal water. Howard Wolin, MD, a practicing physician specializing in advanced nutrition, alludes to the emotional release some have experi-

enced when drinking hexagonal water: “Clinically, I have been able to determine that this water is capable of reawakening dormant and compromised functions in the cells of the body and rapidly eliminating deeply held toxinseven deeply held emotional traumas that have remained hidden.” Drinking Hexagonal Water What to Expect? It is usually best to begin drinking hexagonal water a little at a time. Anyone over the age of 50 or anyone with health problems should consider a slow introduction – no more than 4-6 ounces a day for the first week, while consuming a normal amount of pure water. If you do experience cleansing symptoms (usually within a week), stop drinking hexagonal water until the symptoms pass – then begin again more slowly.

It is important to continue to drink a total of at least eight, 8 oz. glasses of water pure everyday, even while you are building up to the desired amount of hexagonal water which is 6-8 glasses per day preferably before meals so as digestive dilute to not processes. Hexagonal water products are available through www.personalfrequencies.co m (Editor’s note: In view of the large blue paragraph to the left, I’d venture a guess that the HUGE dementia and PANDEMIC Alzheimer ’s across the planet is caused by dehydration, poor nutrition and the liver and kidney’s inability to detoxify the body of accumulated toxins! - NOT from a lack of drugs!!)

DETOXIFICATION SAVES LIVES!! Where to look for help...

The amazing story of a King Country, New Zealand dairy farmer who caught swine flu and very nearly died... Intensive care specialists were all set to pull him off life support, saying there was no hope. But his family refused to give up. They demanded the doctors try high doses of Vitamin C, a radical treatment well outside mainstream medicine. The hospital told them it wouldn’t work but the family insisted. It turned into a fight, the family even hired a top lawyer. But in the end, as Melanie Reid of 3news.co.nz shows in this video, the farmer is now very much alive!! http://www.3news.co.nz/LivingProof/tabid/371/articleID/171328/Default.aspx HEAVY METAL DETOXIFICATION + LIVER / GALLBLADDER / KIDNEY + PARASITECLEANSES CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE! http://www.curezone.com http://www.breathing.com/articles/liver-cleanse.htm http://www.blessedherbs.com/bh/ http://www.ojibwatea.com http://www.knowthecause.com Eating WHOLEFOODS gives your body fuel to run right! www.wellthychoices.net/products Buy my recipe books!

Whe n I was recovering from EXTREME HEAVY METAL toxicity, I used magnetic clay baths (http://www.magneticclay.com) and loved soaking in the warm, soothing water. The clay helped me release YEARS of toxic environmental pollutants (22 years of welding) and more than 35 years of the effects of 17 amalgams and 2 nickel crowns in my mouth. I had those deadly amalgams (they are over HALF mercury!) replaced with biocompatible composites over a year’s time by a great holistic and specially-trained dentist. Where to find such a dentist in your area: http://www.iaomt.com/ Be sure to watch the Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas video on that website. The baths are inexpensive and do not require costly equipment. They saved me thousands of dollars and lots of time compared to chelation therapy and other (often) costly environmental detoxification programs. I also used a very effective heavy metal detox product I learned about at a naturopath’s convention: http://www.detoxmetals.com It’s called HMD and is extremely easy to use! As a result, I’ve recovered totally from Fibromyalgia and cancer and feel BETTER at 67 than I did in my 30s and 40s!! ~ Jan Jenson, Publisher

Wellthy Choices bi-monthly magazine, recipe books, special reports: www.wellthychoices.net/products and blog: www.wellthychoices.net

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Solar Roadways

Replaces Asphalt! Powers Vehicles, Cities. www.solarroadways.com Watch this You Tube video that explains how solar roadways work! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep4L18zOEYI TEDx Sacramento video - Scott Brusaw explains Solar Roadways - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwHtWSFmV1Q&feature=relat ed TEDx Sacramento video - Scott Brusaw explains Solar Roadways - Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTc26NJfJN0&NR=1 350.org is literally printed onto the Solar Roadways prototype: http://blog.yert.com/2010/08/10/350org-on-solar-roadways-prototype/ http://solarroadways.com/news.shtml Solar Roadways is a proud participant in GE's Ecomagination Challenge: a contest created to find new ways of improving our energy grid with renewable energy. Visitors to the site are asked to vote for the best ideas. We'd appreciate your vote for the Solar Roadways entries (all three!). Thank you very much. We've entered Solar Roadways into GE's Ecomagination Challenge: a $200 million innovation experiment where businesses, entrepreneurs, innovators and students share their best ideas on how to build the next-generation power grid - and just might get funded. If you'd like to help bring Solar Roadways to implementation, then please vote for Solar Roadways in all three of these categories. Click each of the links below and you'll be taken to the voting site. You'll have to register to vote, but the process is quick and easy and we haven't heard a single complaint from anyone who has voted for us about the registration process. If you include an image in your profile, you'll show up as a supporter on our Ecomagination page. We get frequent requests from supporters asking about what they can do to help. If you would like this project to become a reality quickly - voting and passing the info on to your friends is something that could make a real difference. Also, posting comments on the GE site would help. You can also download a flyer here - feel free to distribute it anywhere: school, group meetings, health club, etc. We could use the votes! http://www.solarroadways.com/downloads/Ecomagination%20flyer.pdf Our three entries are (please vote for all 3): Solar Roadways Create Power (Renewables) - Our goal is to provide more clean energy than we can use by retrofitting roads, parking lots, etc., with structurally-engineered recyclable solar panels that are driven upon. This reduces greenhouse gases, creates countless green jobs, and eliminates dependence on oil by allowing electric vehi-

cles to recharge virtually anywhere. Solar Roadways - the ultimate Smart Grid Connect Power (Grid Efficiency) - Our goal is to replace current roads and parking lots with structurally engineered solar panels which are driven upon, resulting in an intelligent, decentralized, secure, self-healing smart grid, which provides clean energy generation and distribution. This will prevent power outages, allow real time monitoring, and enhance national security. Solar Roadways, parking lots, playgrounds, driveways, bike paths, sidewalks... Use Power (Eco Homes/Buildings) - Retrofitting parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, bike paths and playgrounds with structurallyengineered Solar Road Panels allows businesses, homes and schools to produce their own clean renewable energy, and connect to the Solar Roadways grid. Embedded heating elements prevent snow accumulation and LEDs will "paint" customizable lines, words and sports courts. This could feasibly be the opportunity that gets our project off the drawing board and "down the road". We'd really appreciate your help.

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Are We Doomed: YERT Feature Film - Trailer 1 It’s REALLY FASCINATING - 50 states in one year! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xb1ohS8buws&feature=PlayLi st&p=C96C4E0E51C9C0E8&index=0 A new YouTube playlist! Watch all YERT's videos about sustainable farming: http://bit.ly/ajc8Xo YERT (Your Environmental Road Trip) is a year-long ecoexpedition through all 50 United States. With video camera in hand and tongue in cheek, we're exploring the landscape of America's unique approach to environmental sustainability. We believe that Americans want to do the right thing - they just don't want to look strange doing it, and they don't have the time or the means to explore all the options. That's where the YERT team comes in. We shamelessly bathed ourselves in the best (and weirdest) of America's ecological progress with a mix of outrageous antics, provocative examples, and thoughtful reporting. Got an idea? Want a clue? Let's get rolling! On July 4, 2008 we completed our initial travel phase, and after filming interviews with over 800 people, we're now waist deep into YERT Phase 2! We recently completed a trailer for our feature film and we're hunting for donations to help us cross the finish line. We are also scheduling live presentations about the project with interested groups and schools all over the country. Contact us for more information, and read all about the past AND future of YERT by visiting our blog at www.YERT.com.

http://www.jpda.net/projects/east-village-studio http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/08/the-best-use-of-500square-feet-in-new-york-city.php?campaign=daily_nl The East Village Studio renovation addresses the client’s desire for multi-purpose living space. While the footprint of the apartment is minimal, meticulously detailed millwork conceals extensive amounts of storage and shelving; thereby maximizing floor space. The aesthetic is clean and concise, while providing the warmth of a home and functional desires of the client. Editor’s note: This looks like a good project for do-it-yourself-ers too! I built a nice little unit for my daughter’s tiny shared apt near the beach in Capitola, CA back in the mid 80’s.)

Gary Chang’s Domestic Transformer an incredibly versatile apartment in Hong Kong: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/01/watch-tiny-transformerapartment-video.php ... that swinging hammock is really in the center of a huge home theater setup. Virginia Gardiner described the apartment in the New York Times:

Road Rules We adopted some road rules to keep things interesting-- and to make sure we walked the talk. 1. We created less than one shoebox of garbage each month, including recyclables. Compost was deposited at compost piles. 2. We never turned on an incandescent light (except car lights). 3. We used approximately 25 gallons of water per person per day. You can watch how we hold up against the challenges over the course of the trip by watching our quarterly "team check-in" videos, complete with commentary about Julie's pregnancy... YERT Blert 1: Checking In 3 Months Out - We introduce the "no garbage" and "no incandescent" rules. YERT Blert 2: Checking In 6 Months Out - The garbage builds, and Mark takes a "navy shower" to conserve water. Julie becomes pregnant. YERT Blert 3: Breaking In 9 Months Out - More garbage, more pregnancy, and now our equipment is starting to break down... making even more garbage.

The wall units, which are suspended from steel tracks bolted into the ceiling, seem to float an inch above the reflective black granite floor. As they are shifted around, the apartment becomes all manner of spaces -- kitchen, library, laundry room, dressing room, a lounge with a hammock, an enclosed dining area and a wet bar. Another fascinating slide show of multi-use in apartments can be found here: http://www.treehugger.com/galleries/2010/08/10more-ways-to-get-rid-of-the-bed.php?page=1

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California Raw Food Buyers Club Illegally Raided by Government ! by Rami Nagel, citizen journalist

YouTube videos: Raid on RawSome Foods: http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=b27EFldZ17k Milking the Law: http://www.youtube.com/watch ?v=ifvp3Fxi7Uo&NR=1

(NaturalNews) Rawsome Foods, part of The Right to Choose Healthy Foods buyers` club association in Venice, California, was raided by several agencies. Federal officers, representatives of the State of California, Los Angeles County Health officials and Los Angeles police officers arrived with guns drawn. Although the volunteer workers at the food club had committed no crime, the government agents forced them to remain on the property for the entire 5 hours while they seized 17 huge coolers of high quality food; their warrant, however, explicitly stated that they could only take sample vials of food. The agents threatened and coerced club members who wanted to film the trespass and confiscation of property. The authorities stole thousands of dollars of the club members` raw milk and honey. The club was found to be in violation of a misdemeanor (minor accounts of law), Illegal Food Facility (CAL Code 114381) and the county law of business without a public health license (Title 8 LA County Code 8.04.932), but the warrant was issued on claims of felony violations. Even though Rawesome is operating legally, these alleged infractions of the law

come with extremely minor penalties. In other words, the violations would be something on the level of forgetting to pay your car registration. So why didn`t the government simply write a letter or pay a non-threatening visit asking the food club to produce a license?

The Right to Choose Healthy Food (RTCHF) is a not-for-profit trust association formed to protect individuals` rights to obtain and consume healthy food. The club members are well-educated and intelligent, who daily choose to reject standard toxic governmental food restrictions, preparations and packaging for natural Godgiven healthy food. RTCHF contracts with farmers to lease their animals and/or fields and owns the produce of those animals and fields. Therefore, all members of all clubs own the produce, not the farmer. The farmer does not sell people anything but gets paid for his services to cultivate, grow, harvest, and board and care for animals, as well as collect, package and ship the produce owned by club members. In the USA and Canada, we have the right to ownership. As it states in statutes of law, government agencies, including the USDA, have jurisdiction over commerce. Commerce is the open exchange of goods to the public. Since RTCHF and its clubs are private closed-tothe-public associations, the government has no jurisdiction.

This government raid is equivalent to a government agent entering your private home and telling you what foods you can have in your home. In order to obtain the warrant for the food club raid, government agents had to lie about the mentioned laws and claim that operating a business without a license is a felony, even when it is a misdemeanor. As more and more people realize the health benefits of raw milk, they are turning away from factory farmed milk. We don`t want animals that are treated in inhumane ways, kept alive on antibiotics, and forced to eat genetically modified soy and corn to be providing our milk, cheese, and butter. Yet here the government is acting to protect big dairy interests and stamp out the growing small farm suppliers. Private buying clubs like RTCHF acquire food directly from farmers, insuring that small farms can make a living producing humanely cared for dairy foods, and insuring consumers get the healthy food we deserve. In these actions, the Federal, State and even local authorities have violated our sovereignty, our boundaries, and our personal freedom.

Article Sources: California Health and Safety Code (http://law.onecle.com/california/he...) LA County Codes (http://www.codepublishing.co m/CA/ga...) E-mail Aajonus Vonderplantiz mailed July 2nd, 2010

Dairy Raids (http://wholefoodusa.wordpress.com/2...) , (http://www.gaiahealth.com/articles...) (http://www.naturalnews.com/0 28620_r...)

About the author Ramiel Nagel is the internationally published author of Cure Tooth Decay and Healing Our Children In "Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition," Nagel, reveals how he cured his daughter's and his own cavities through nutrition. Learn the real cause and cure for cavities, how to prevent root canals, and natural treatments for tooth abscess. Receive 13 free tooth healing lessons at: www.curetoothdecay.com "Healing Our Children" explains the true causes of disease conditions of pregnancy and childhood so that you can avoid and prevent them. It provides essential natural health programs so that mothers and their new babies can optimize their health during the times of preconception, pregnancy, lactation and the early years. Receive a free chapter at: www.healingourchildren.net Free health information is also available at: www.preconceptionhealth.org A Program for preconception health based on indigenous wisdom. www.yourreturn.org The cause of disease and the end of suffering of humanity.

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 27 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

Is that all there is? The Great Deception by Rev. Diannia Baty

We are on this earth to evolve our souls, and part of the soul's evolution is to re-discover the Power ingrained in us. Organized religion over the last couple of millinea has taught us the very opposite. Jesus spoke Truth. The church in many instances became corrupt and subdued the people, twisting the teachings and words of Jesus who taught empowerment, by forcing the belief that we are separate from God, that we have no power, and that we are 'born' sinners with salvation being the only 'way', and that anything else will reap eternal damnation by a wrathful needy god (whilst saying that God is Love). This has instilled fear, and has discouraged us from being the truly powerful beings that we are!


that cannot be shaken loose. You feel lost. Your computer, your car, your home, your job, your relationships, your church and indeed your prayers have lost some of the juice that you once felt. I call it the...

The "image of God" is not meant to be taken as merely a physical form, but as the "consciousness "that God is - LOVE and Limitless-ness. It is the nature of "Peggy Lee Syndrome." God that we were created in, not a physical form! What we call There is a popular song made God...in our febble attempts to famous by singer Peggy Lee. It define God...fall far short of the is called "Is that all there is?" I truth. wish to encourage you to listen to her sing this song. So my answer today of the http://www.youtube.com/watch? question, " Is that all there is? " v=qe9kKf7SHco

We are taught that looking within is akin to evil and/or that our inner wisdom is not to be trusted because we are mere flesh and that sin is of the flesh. This teaching makes us "unworthy" and aims to drain our peace, to Now millions of souls on earth distance us from our own power are realizing that something is and worthiness - in effect makjust not working for them. ing us power-less. Despite everything there is an underlying sense of sadness Our True Power is our God In the beginning there was only spirituality and in the end it will reign again as the truth that so many have tried to teach us but we shied away from.

Consciousness. Were we not "created in the image of God"?

No, that is not all there is. There is far more...!

Rev. Diannia’s blogs: http://godsspiritletters.blogspot.com. http://wayovertherainbow.blogspot.com http://hectorscaninedogma.blogspot.com


and her website: http://www.makeachoicenow.com

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Pesto - Soup - Raw Pancakes Lemon Tahini Dressing - Add ZING to Your Meals!

Zucchini Pesto 1 medium-large zucchini, diced very finely 1 clove garlic 1/4 cup coarsely torn or chopped fresh basil 3 T. pine nuts 3 to 4 T. extra-virgin olive oil In mortar mash garlic with pinch of salt, if desired. Work in basil and pine nuts until smooth. Work in olive oil, then finely chop zucchini. Serve...

Autumn Gold Soup 6 c water 5 c chopped carrots 1 yellow bell pepper, chopped + 1 red pepper 1 clove garlic 1/4 tsp cayenne 1 onion 1 tsp graham marsala 1/2 tsp cinnimon 1 tsp sea salt 2 T apple cider vinegar (with mother) 6 T almond butter Blend all till slightly warm & eat!

Lemon Avocado Dessert 2 avocados zest 1 lemon pith of 1 lemon 6 dates or vary with carob instead of lemon

Chilled Cantaloupe Soup 2 medium cantaloupes, seeded, peeled and cut into chunks. 8 ripe sweet red or purple plums 8 ripe sweet apricots 6 fresh sprigs of mint Put cantaloupe chunks into a blender or food processor in batches and puree completely. Transfer to a large bowl. Remove seeds from plums and apricots, and puree separately. Transfer each to a small bowl. To serve, ladle cantaloupe puree into individual soup bowls. Add a small ladle of plum puree and apricot puree to the center. Gently swirl with a large spoon or fork. Garnish center with a sprig of mint for that finishing touch and enjoy the compliments from 6 grateful diners.

Hallelujah Butter 1/2 c pine nuts - soaked overnight & drained 1/2 macadamia nuts soaked & drained overnight 2 T olive oil 2 T Udo Oil 1/2 dist. water 1 tsp sea salt 1/3 c coconut oil 2 T lemon juice Run till creamy - delicious on popcorn

Raw Pancake Recipe TIP: Start the night before! For the pancakes: 1/4 cup sprouted buckwheat flour 2 tbsp fresh grated coconut 1 medjool date or 1 tbsp Honey 1 tbsp fresh squeezed orange juice 3/4 tsp cinnamon 4 tbsp coconut water Blueberry Topping 1/2 Handful Blueberries 2 small dates or 2 prunes Instructions: For the pancakes, whisk all ingredients together. Form into pancake shapes and place on a teflex dehydrator sheet. Dehydrate for three hours and then flip and dehydrate for another three. For the topping: put the blueberries and dates into a food processor and process until they’re liquid. You can add a little orange juice or coconut water to thin. Enjoy! http://renegadehealth.com/blo g/2009/12/23/yummy-breakfast-recipe-for-raw-pancakes/

Lemon Tahini Tamari Dressing http://www.foodmatters.tv/_webap p_265455/Golden_Elixir_Salad_D ressing_Recipe

 cup Extra Virgin Flax seed oil or Olive Oil 1 Whole lemon juiced 2 tbsp Raw sesame tahini  cup Tamari soy sauce (low-sodium, wheat free if possible)  cup Spring water 2 tsp Dried kelp seasoning 1 Small clove garlic* 1 tsp Fresh squeezed ginger juice* * You can use powdered garlic and ginger, but fresh is better! Method: Place all ingredients except oil into a high-speed blender. All lemons are not created equal. If the lemon is large then the dressing will be very lemony. If it is small or dry, then there may not be enough lemon. So make sure you taste and compensate with other ingredients if needed. I have found that about  cup is the perfect amount! To make fresh ginger juice, grate a piece of fresh ginger on the smallest element of the grater. No need to remove skin. Grate until you have a pile that would fill a tablespoon. Gather in your hand and squeeze out juice over the blender into the mixture. Discard the pulp and skin. Start blending. Add oil slowly as you continue to blend. Serve on mixed greens, quinoa, or rice.

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Sacred Grove Retreat http://www.sacredgroveretreat.com (also known as) http://www.bedandbikeinn.com

Heal... Renew... Evolve Rates for all dwellings, including the big and small yurts and the Log Cabin, the Thoreau House, and the Grove House and day or weekend rates for the big yurt and fire pits and massages in the tiny yurt can be found on the Sacred Grove website: http://www.sacredgroveretreat.com

Calendar of Events September 10 7:00-10:00 p.m. Open Book, Open Heart Workshop with Brooke Hofsess 11 6:30 p.m. Open Book, Open Heart Workshop 12 3:30 p.m. Out of the Drum We Come Meetup 12 9:00 p.m. Open Book, Open Heart Workshop 14 6:30 p.m. Heal Your Relationship with Money 25 10 a.m. Understanding Astrology with Susan Reynolds 25 5:30 p.m. Autumn Equinox

Walking Labyrinth at sunset

Firepit by woods

October 10 1:45 p.m. Beginner Djembe Drum Class 10 3:00 p.m. Out of the Drum We Come Meetup 23-24 Reiki II Certification Weekend

Bonfire at Summer Solstice

The Vortex is “magical� !

The Grove House

Thoreau Cabin

The Log House

The big yurt - holds 50

Talk about innovative a bicycle pedal-powered blender!

Why take time and spend money in the midst of a global crisis? * A retreat lets us live from the inside out, quiets our restless mind and lets the soul find its own voice so that when you return to your day to day living, you have a new perspective that becomes the living founda-tion for your life. * Building awareness that the soul is full even when the self feels empty is the real purpose of a retreat. * In the silence of nature and the loving support of others like you, our retreat is the first step in community building.

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 30 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

Evolutionary Change The Joyfire Perspective

by Susan Joy Rennison (Dec. 2006) http://www.joyfirepublishing.com/Joyfir e_Evolutionary_change.html

mental stability in these volatile geomagnetic conditions will become paramount.

and how we must spiritually evolve as part of the new terms & conditions of living on Earth.

Planet Earth is experiencing energy driven evolutionary caused by a bombardment of solar, cosmic and galatic electromagnetic energy. This is the new phenomena of Space Weather.

Therefore, humans beings will need to know how to quickly adjust in these extreme Space Weather/New Energy conditions. Hence why the concept of "balance" is slowly becoming more important in our everyday thinking.

I am now looking for help to bring this message to the world. Please obtain a copy of my book, check out the facts and some of the more serious claims being made. If you think the facts add up, then please get involved. The smoothness of the current transition is very much dependent on the the people of higher consciousness making the balance.

The Earth's magnetic field is weakening and in parts of the world reversing, at a rate described by world experts as "alarming". The Earth's electromagnetic grid has changed and studies confirm that the higher Schumann frequencies are being amplified by the dramatic manifestations of New Energy on planet Earth. As a result we are experiencing Evolutionary Change. Nobody can argue with the conclusion from 866 studies that states many species are not adjusting well to the new conditions and so are dying out. See “Ecological and Evolutionary Responses to Recent Climate Change” by Camille Parmesan. Technically, we are going through a period of "mass extinction" the last mass extinction occurred 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs disappeared. The human energy field is changing. Metaphysical sources tell us that human beings are being "re-wired" to cope with the new conditions on Earth. If the Magnetic Poles suddenly flip or move, caused by the current unprecedented and extreme solar activity, then the ability to quickly find emotional &

Simply explained, if you lack empowerment and are not balanced, then the New Energy conditions will cause illness and emotional/mental instability. If you are stable and know how to use New Energy to create empowerment, you will be strong. As you become more empowered and "balanced" you will become more spiritually evolved. We are seeing the fulfillment of prophecy on Earth. It is not doom and gloom, we are seeing evolutionary change. The next step of the evolutionary ladder requires humans to be in balance with themselves, with each other and with the Earth.


The New Energy coming to Earth is "tuned" by the consciousness of the Earth's inhabitants.

Again, in plain English.

If not enough people are "balanced" and use the incoming energy for empowerment, then Earth will grab the Energy and will attempt to restore balance. This will result in more violent "Earth cleansing", ie, even more extreme Earth weather, climate, geophysical & geological changes. I don't believe we will avoid this completely, but we can at least try to minimise the trauma.

After seeking truth for decades and researching for my book "Tuning the Diamonds: Electromagetism and Spiritual Evolution", I have come to the conclusion that we are witnessing Evolutionary Change on Earth. Subsequently, there is a need for the more metaphysically minded to explain to the world what exactly is going on

To order a copy of Susan’s book, please go to this web page: http://www.joyfirepublishing.com/

Fascinating book - reading it now! ~Editor

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These modern quantum sciences are beginning to validate and prove the truths and understandings of reality that we have been told of before by the Egyptian Mystery Schools and many ancient masters through out known history. That is...

We are all eternal light, energy, counsciousness, soul

1. That we are all an eternal "light/energy/ consciousness/soul". We are not bodies that have souls, rather we are souls experiencing a 'body'. 2. That the very source of that soul is in fact The ALL or "God". "While it is true that The ALL is ALL, it is equally as true that The ALL is within ALL". "The source, limit, and constitution of all things is God. " Thus making all life and creation sacred. ("Do unto others as you would have done unto you")

"Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning there was VOID and nothingness, a timeless, spaceless, nothingness. And into the nothingness came a thought, purposeful, all-prevading, and It filled the VOID... In the beginning, there was eternal thought, and for thought to be eternal, time must exist. So into the all-prevading thought grew the LAW of TIME... Time changes not, but all things change in time. For time is the force that holds events separate, each in its own proper place. Time is not in motion, but ye move through time as your consciousness moves from one event to another.

Image copyright by- amandasage

3. Third, that those souls all being individuated pieces of The ALL, live within its infinitely expanding imagination. The universe is entirely mental in reality, nature, and construct, existing only in the mental perceptions and illusions of the senses presented to that soul. The imagination of god is in fact the dwelling ground/plane of existence that the soul 'resides' in, experiencing a 'separate' existence from inherent 'oneness'. God is all, and all is in gods imagination. God is the force (energy) behind all 'physical' matter, this force is, primary, eternal, and of real substantiality. Matter is secondary, passing, and based in illusion. "We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality, we are that reality, when you understand this you see that you are nothing, and in being nothing you are everything." -The Buddha"God sleeps in the rocks, stirs in the plants, dreams in the animals, and finaly awakens in man." - Famous Vedic Quote "No One of Existing Things doth Perish, but Men in Error Speak of Their Changes as Destructions and as Deaths... The "restoration" of bodies on the earth is thus their composition, whereas their dissolution restores them to those bodies which can never be dissolved, that is to say, which know no death. Privation, thus, of sense is brought about, not loss of bodies. "

Aye, by time yet exist, all in all, an eternal ONE existence. Know ye that even though in the time ye are separate, yet still are ONE, in all times existent... Within thee is all time and space." - The Emerald Tablets Thus life in an eternal mental universe consists only of a series of sequential moments. The flow of which man calls 'time'. In each moment of 'time' we have a choice, to live fully engaged in that moment untethered to the past or future, finding true lasting happiness by attuning to the light of self (God) within, or to dwell in the darkness and despair of the ego (devil). The wise find true happiness and bliss from the eternal heaven within, the fool falls to the folly and sorrows of the pursuit of fleeting happiness amongst an ever fading and passing illusion. "The Kingdom of heaven is within you." -Jesus"The enlightened man, recognizing that the world is but an illusion, does not act as if it is real, so he escapes the suffering." -The Buddha"When you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky" -The Buddha- by http://hermeticsource.info/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjtDmFGZW_I&feature=rel ated

- The Corpus Hermeticum Time is the force that allows the oneness of The ALL, to mentally individualize and experience the illusion of separation...

(Thanks John Carnagey for sharing his work above with us on the wall of the page. Add him as a friend if you haven't yet. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001323734497)

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 32 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

Crystal Skulls, Peru &Orbs by R. Joshua Shapiro, a crystal skull explorer (Note: I would like to personally thank Jan Jenson, the editor of this amazing magazine for this opportunity to share with you some special insights and experiences related to Crystal Skulls, Peru and the “Orbs” which are all linked to a global transformation. Just as Jan has been following our reports for a while, we would like to acknowledge her for all her efforts to do this publication and provide some important information for her readers to live a more happy and peaceful life.)

working with sensitives but there is absolutely no technique we have now that can prove scientifically that the age associated with the “Ancient Skulls” is correct. Now why would Steven Speilburg and George Lucas choose a “crystal skull” to be the key object Indiana Jones is searching to find in their last film? What type of phenomenon occurs around the crystal skulls that is so mysterious? Why do the crystal skulls have such a powerful effect upon the people they come into contact

Hi, my name is Joshua Shapiro, and I call myself a crystal skull explorer. Since 1983, I have been traveling the world researching and sharing information about the Crystal Skulls because I believe these crystalline artifacts are vital for the future of our world. My objective in this short article is to provide some insights about these crystal friends and why they are the changing the lives of thousands of people. First let us begin with a definition. Definitions: What is a Crystal Skull and how can such an object be an amazing tool to bring peace to our world (a bold statement to start with aye?). Well as the name implies we are dealing with objects that are made from various types of quartz crystals which are fashioned into the shape and form of a human bone skull. Today, there are thousands of modern made skulls being created using advanced tools such as diamond tip tools and other electronic equipment. The popularity of crystal skulls has been growing by leaps and bounds since the release of the latest Indiana Jones movie aired in 2008 (boy did I had a lot of media interviews at that time, even was paid as a consultant) which had 13 crystal skulls intricately involved with the story of the film. But the crystal skulls which are the most mysterious are the ones we call “Ancient Crystal Skulls” that were made from 1-2,000 years ago and much much older. But even with the approximation of these dates we are giving here, we can not conclusively date such objects as quartz crystal is an inorganic substance that does not work with carbon14 dating. We may know something of their age through legends of the indigenous people who possessed such items or

with, even profoundly changing their lives? These are all good questions!! Therefore, I will do my best to provide some partial answers to them but in truth, to fully understand what the crystal skulls are about and how they work, can take a lifetime. Here are some ideas: 1. There is most definitely some type of electro-magnetic energy field which works within or is stored inside of the skull that is activated by color, light, sound and a person’s energy. Like a computer when you enter a code, the crystal skull will come back with a response. How this works, we don’t fully understand it but there seems to be an active intelligence involved if that makes sense. 2. People who are guardians of crystal skulls (even newly made ones), are having conversations with them on a telepathic or feeling level. This communication produces unique names for the skulls which are representative of the service the skull provides to the people they touch. 3. There have been holographic images discovered inside of the crystal skulls as if

they are functioning like video cameras that record everything around them. We even have seen images of UFOs and ETs in the skulls. 4. Healing is very big – many people have felt a strong compulsion to visit some of the very old or ancient crystal skulls to help them recover from some illness or physical problems that doctors are unable to assist – there has been magical results taking place in this area. I met my first crystal skull (an ancient one made from Amethyst Quartz Crystal called “Ami”, which means friend) in April of 1983. I wasn’t expecting to have such an experience nor did I ever think that I would ever be involved with these crystal friends for so long, 27 years. They have literally changed my life – taken me all over the world so now I have a very large extended family and I believe the skulls have brought great peace and joy into my life. To give a better idea of how the crystal skulls work, I want to share some stories from some recent experiences related to Peru and the “Orbs”. In November of 2009, based on the suggestion of our good friend James Tiberonn, (a channel for Metatron and organizer of some amazing spiritual conferences), he thought we should create our own spiritual journey to Peru. Now as most of the readers probably know, Peru is one of the most spiritual and magical places to visit. I have gone to Peru perhaps 8 times now since 1989 and recently a few times with our large crystal skull (see large smoky quartz skull near the top of photo at left) “Portal de Luz” (Portal of Peace, smoky quartz, 10 lbs). What the crystal skulls will do when they go to Peru is receive and record within themselves, all the special energies of the sacred places you visit. But this last time, working with my life partner Katrina, we had nine skulls that we brought including two new ones we had just received as a gift to ourselves (as we gifted small skulls to all our passengers), which were made from clear quartz by a Brazilian carver. “Atahualpa” (the name of the last Inca Emporer), was the name the new clear quartz skull that claimed myself as “his” guardian, asked me to call “him” (the skulls will take on a positive or masculine gen-

http://www.wellthychoices.net * Page 33 * Wellthy Choices magazine * September-October 2010

der). Because (notice this early telepathic communication) “he” said, since “he” would hold the energy of Peru, the name of the last Emporer representing his fight for his people to hold the sacred traditions of Peru is who “he” is too. And actually I was forbidden to work with “Atahualpa” (as we received him a few weeks before we left for Peru) until I was in actually in Peru. While I was there, I was absolutely amazed at how powerful the energy was that “Atahualpa” held inside of him while we were in Peru. This skull because activated extremely quickly. Just before we left to return home (the U.S.) and were in staying in Lake Titicaca, I finally did a private meditation with “Atahualpa” in our hotel room. Now I have to also mention that around Lake Titicaca (the highest elevated lake in the world and possibly a home for Ascended Masters and ET beings), as our hotel was nearby, we were seeing many strange flashing of lights and electricity in the clouds with a thunder literally speaking to us. One of our passengers captured video of these lights which we have put on our Youtube site for people to view. But “Atahualpa” showed me during this time and in my meditations that I had a past life as an Inca who lived near the Lake. This is part of the reason why I always am drawn to return to Peru and have more experiences and remember more of my past lifetimes. So your crystal skull can help you to understand the essence of your soul and explain to you, your spiritual journey.

ow. Now in March of this year, we visited a special labyrinth created by our friends Melanie and John not far from Madison, Wisconsin. They are photographing hundreds of Orbs around the labyrinth and we also saw the orbs in our own pictures too. But the Orbs also seem to be strongly responding to the energy emanated by our personal crystal skulls. How we know this is by what we saw in the photos around the skulls, some unusual orbs that were appearing as well as colored “Orbs”. Further, we noticed that eternal structure and energy of our crystal skulls great shifted after being within the labyrinth.

then we will know and co-create a glorious peaceful future ahead of us. But if there is something about the crystal skulls that is touching you deep within, please make sure you find a way to meet one in person and see where your life will go next because it will change. In peace and light always, Thank you, Joshua Shapiro A crystal skull explorer Bio: Joshua Shapiro has been involved

Another phenomenon we observed occurred when we returned to our home base just south of Asheville, NC. Where we are staying, in the back yard is a small pool of water with fish inside and surrounded by stones. Our crystal skulls like this area, so we would put the skulls on the stones. When we took pictures around this area, there would be quite a few “Orbs” showing up as well. But not only did we take photographs but when we used a combination of a night time goggle with infra-red light, we could see the Orbs flying around us in the sky.

Another fascinating connection we are seeing is links between the crystal skulls and “Orbs”. Many people these days are finding Orbs appearing on photographs they are taking - all over the world. When we did our Crystal Skull Festival in Holland in October of 2006 in an old Church, we held a special Friday evening presentation where all the speakers and crystal skulls were introduced and we had live music. Then, there was a special song I had written for the conference where at the end we all sang “One Family”. Well our friend taking photos of the conference took one picture where there was an arc of orbs over everyone while we are singing.

If any of our readers are interested in Orbs, we have several reports we have published privately on the internet along with some videos that were taken; please feel free to contact us via email. But getting back to our experiences, what we believe really happened is that the essence of the Orbs we made contact with in Wisconsin, somehow linked into the essence or energy field of our crystal skulls so this is why we are now having more Orbs appearing with us wherever we go. Could there be some type of special energy link between these different intelligences (the spirit of the skulls and the spirit of the Orbs) linked with nature. But also these signs I believe represent a glorious peaceful and harmonious world coming into our near future. As we, humanity, are having contact with other levels of intelligent beings, they are teaching us about the secrets of the universe whether this be fairies, devas, dimensional spirits, the intelligences linked to crop circles or the ETs.

So what are these “Orbs”? I agree with what I read in a book once that I think can answer this question: They are a form of intelligent life who exists on our Earth but in a slightly different dimension. The reason the new digital cameras are picking them up is that the shutter moves fast enough to capture the emanation of the light from the orbs – so we see kind of like a light shad-

Well, I could write for days telling all the stories and experiences we’ve had learning more about these amazing Crystal Skulls and maybe Jan will ask me to write more articles in the future. But each of us has our journey of exploration to follow that can take us to great heights and wisdom. If we listen to our intuition and gut feeling – follow what makes our heart truly sing –

with the crystal skulls and other world mysteries since 1983. At various times he has traveled on faith following his inner guidance where he should be and what type of work he should be doing. He is the guardian with his partner Katrina of 9 crystal skulls and together they travel the world creating crystal skull events and doing research. He is also the co-author of two books, “Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed” (with Bowen & Nocerino, 1989, out of print but he has a few copies left) and “Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers” (with Katrina). Currently Joshua and Katrina are offering for those who are interested in more information, a new free newsletter called “The Unfolding of the Crystal Skulls” and a free e-book on this subject. If you have any questions contact Joshua:

crystalskullexplorers@gmail.com http://www.whoisjoshuashapiro.com

Skype: joshaushapiro17 Crystal Skulls Now online radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/crystalskullexplorers

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Everyone you Meet is A Master in Disguise - “Sananda speaks”

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by Karen Lee <soulstar_46@yahoo.com> http://connectingtothedivine.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/everyone -you-meet-is-a-master-in-disguise/

Subscribe to Wellthy Choices blog. Submit your articles, poems, stories! Classes, Products, Recipes Magazine PDF downloads: http://www.wellthychoices.net/products jjenson@wellthychoices.net

I am but a man or a woman, what can I do? is a question frequently voiced. There seems to be so much suffering, lack and negative consequences all about. Every community is literally taxed to come up with solutions to feed, clothe, shelter and more its residents. There is increasing animosity and negativity toward those who seem to drain society. There are social experiments designed to address the issues that may or may not provide the solutions necessary. This is because all solutions from a government policy level are seeking perfection. “No child left behind” for example. As a mere mortal no one can possibly foresee the intricacies of interaction necessary to relieve illness, hunger and thirst, let alone where the next drink of clean water is coming from. Life is designed as an interaction between souls of sentient beings. That means no one but that soul and its relationship to G-d can know what is best, what is being balanced. There will always be trajedy, loss and difficulty. This allows souls to learn what each side of the equations of life feels like, be a glutton/starve etc. in duality. Each so called crisis also allows people to bring out the best of themselves as they assist their fellow beings through the events. If the world were made of cotton candy and everything worked smoothly that would be another way of being. The earth is designed for sterner stuff. Only the most hardy can manifest a body and participate on this realm. Everyone you meet is a master in disguise.


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on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 9:31am

LET GO God’s Spirit Letter from Rev. Diannia Baty

Oh Divine God, It is cloudy outside and I sat under the grape arbor watching the bees sip necter from the fallen fruit. I was so at peace and I know it is because I choose to be at peace. There are people that think that you cannot choose to be happy or at peace and that you simply must suffer if circumstances present themselves as something to suffer through. I am not sure what question I have but I felt your presence so strong with me. I stand as your scribe to take down your wisdom. ~ Your servant Rev. Diannia Baty Ah, Dear One, So, we are here again as you type in the words I send you. This is a gift I have given all of you. This form of communication can be life altering if you only allowed it. Those who step forward and do this for you are many times ridiculed but you are only making fun of yourself when you do this. Read or don't read. Listen or don't listen. Heed or pay no heed. Many choices in very moment are available to you. Do you not see the power of this? Your were brought into being to be an asset to yourself and the entire world. If your life is lacking, look closely and you will see how you produced the lack. It is not I who bring drama and trauma upon you. I will never do that. If your life experience is peaceful and you have chosen this as an awareness to infuse into your moments, you will soon notice that it takes very little of this "Peace Choice," for things to start changing. It will be subtle at first and then in due course not so subtle. The gifts, direction, clarity, abundance and Love will arrive. Let go

of fear, anger, worry,

anxiety, apathy and dozens of other emotions and feelings that do not serve you long term. Do these emotions do you any good? Answer honestly and you will soon percieve how you created what is happening. These types of feeling do serve a purpose but they were never meant to be created and held onto, to the point that it becomes a part of the identity that you are known by. You have phrases in your language such as , hot head, worry-wart, wimp, tyrant, bully, scared of your own shadow, drama queen, air head, workaholic etc. The list is endless. Do not attach yourself to that which makes you unhappy and only you really know what that is. Do not let someone else rule your reality and tell you what your truth is. Look with an open heart and examine your unconscious bounderies and realign them. Heart Rules! My presence is always with you and my love lives within and can be touched and accessed in any nano-second. I am...I am...I am

If you love what Rev. Diannia writes check out her other blogs and her website: http://godsspiritletters.blogspot.co m http://psychicladyd.blogspot.com http://wayovertherainbow.blogspot. com http://hectorscaninedogma.blogsp ot.com http://www.makeachoicenow.com

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