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Wendover’s Carbon Footprint
A recent survey of Wendover residents, conducted by Climate Action Wendover, estimated that our average individual residential carbon footprint is 8.1 tonnes CO2 per year per person.
Scientists agree that we need to reach a carbon footprint of ‘net zero’ by 2030 to avoid the worst effects of global warming. That means we need to reduce our individual carbon footprint to a level that allows nature to deal with the remainder, often called the natural sequestration of CO2.
What is Climate Action Wendover doing?
Wendover’s total annual carbon footprint is approximately 65,000 tonnes CO2. Three projects currently underway to understand what impact they will have on reducing Wendover’s total carbon footprint include: •Evaluating solar panels on public buildings •Commencing several tree planting projects •Developing proposals for a 20mph zone
More details on how these projects and others are progressing will be covered in the months ahead.
How can I reduce my footprint?
Some of the fastest ways to reduce your individual carbon footprint are to make everyday lasting changes. Here are three challenges that you might consider taking up in 2021: •walking, cycling and using public transport to reduce your annual car mileage by maybe as much as 30%, •moving your electricity to a green tariff •changing your diet to enjoy vegetarian meals 2-3 times a week, eat foods that are in season and produced locally as well as cutting food waste.
If you could just do these things you could reduce your personal carbon footprint by as much as 20%.
If you would like more information or are concerned about climate change then please join our group as a volunteer or just add your name to get regular updates on our activities and add your support to our objectives. To join please send your details to climateactionwendover@gmail.com and we will add you to our membership circulation.