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The Census is coming!

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Have you had your census letter?

All Households across Buckinghamshire are being asked to take part in Census 2021.

Census day is on March 21, but households will now be receiving letters with online codes explaining how they can complete their surveys. If you haven't had yours by mid-March, please get in touch with the census contact centre. You can also request a paper questionnaire if you’d prefer to complete your census that way.

Local census support centres will be open while the census is happening. Staff will offer help for people not confident online, who don’t have a computer, or need help completing on paper.

Ross Tackley, Census Engagement Manager from the ONS, said: “This census will be the most progessive ever. As well as being a “digital-first” census, there will be 3 new questions. The first will ask people whether they have served in the Armed Forces, and, for those 16 and over, there will be voluntary questions on sexual orientation and gender identity.”

The census is a once-in-a-decade survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It has been carried out every decade since 1801, where the population of England and Wales was around 9 million, by 1851 it had doubled to 18 million.

Remember to complete your census on or by March 21. For more information, and to find out how to get help, visit census.gov.uk, or call the contact centre on 0800 141 2021.

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