1 minute read
Children are usually taught by their parents to pick up litter and take it home. This message seems to have become diluted in recent years as we have been mired in more and more packaging as well as more and more takeaway options for eating and drinking. It's all very well to have a slogan "Please take your litter home with you" but it's a message that is not seen, not heard and not complied with.
The Keep Britain Tidy Campaign continues, see keepbritaintidy.org/ and the Great British Spring Clean is scheduled for Friday 28 May to Sunday 13 June 2021. If anyone in Wendover is planning to lead us in this, Wendover News is happy to help you with publicity. Please contact us on editor@ wendovernews.co.uk.
In September 2019 Lola Wardrop led us with facebook.com/ kidscleanbritain. Local people have encouraged us to reduce our personal plastic and countless adults litterpick in their roads while our local authorities (Buckinghamshire Council & Wendover Parish Council) employ people to empty the bins placed in our public spaces. Wendover is experiencing litter overload and the bins in central Wendover have been replaced by larger ones (see photo above) while the original bins have been installed elsewhere.
Would it help if the bins provided included recycling possibilities eg for glass, cardboard, plastic etc in one bin and general waste in another? This is the norm in many countries and some places in the UK. Does anyone have a bright idea to combat litter?