Wendover News, June 2020

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HS2 If it walks like a duck and it quacks, For me if its headed complaint, if it questions scales you will realise that is a quite broad the truth of your statements and, if you range of acceptable error. So broad that it it’s probably a duck

I’m rarely surprised by HS2 Ltd, admittedly treated it like a complaint, it’s probably a that's because I have low expectations, but complaint. they really got me this time. Post COVID-19 - The Business Case for HS2 In March I wrote to HS2 Ltd outlining our HS2 appears to be progressing without concern at how poorly they are meeting meeting the Business Case requirement of the noise assurances that they were forced the High Speed Rail Bill. The HS2 business to give at the petitioning stage. Further, we case is and always has been about as robust highlighted recent occasions where noise as a carrier bag full of custard. It’s swung from Speed to Capacity as the project's main data provided by HS2 Ltd was incorrect. drivers but now it seems to be based on “I The letter was headed…. Wendover Parish want a railway”. Dame Cheryl Gillian MP contacted the National Audit Office about Council - Noise Complaints the Business Case for HS2 which has not That they lost their response for 12 days isn’t been updated in the light of the Pandemic. unexpected. What was new and surprising is that while they have responded to the Noise Modelling - More Broken Promises complaint, they have decided that this isn’t/ We’re suspicious of the HS2 noise modelling wasn’t a complaint, it’s the WPC’s view software. The software is a hangover from apparently. I presume that this exercise in HS1 where its outputs were expected to new semantics will reduce the numbers of fall within a plus or minus 3dB range. If complaints and make someone look good. you understand the nature of logarithmic

We have been working away behind the scenes and it’s very much “business as usual” at our offices. As well as adap�ng to provide virtual and telephone appointments, just in case you do need to come into the office, you’ll be pleased to know that : - We have ground floor offices with two separate entrances/exits - Our offices are spread out over two floors so our colleagues work at least 2 metres apart - We have plenty of space in our mee�ng areas to be socially distant when we see you, too - We have face-masks, gloves and sani�ser in use

You will not be surprised to learn that we have no�ced an upsurge of enquiries about preparing Las�ng Powers of A�orney and other documents such as Wills. This is a rather understandable but perverse reac�on to the current pandemic. This is a �me when many people are thinking seriously about Wills and actually have both the opportunity and inclina�on to go on and do something about it. Many people are worried that seeing a Solicitor might be costly and look to alterna�ves - it’s not in fact as expensive as you might think, and we even offer a free ini�al chat without any obliga�on. To help, we are happy to offer appointments every day for the month of June – Saturdays and Sundays included – un�l 8 pm! You can s�ll Call, Click or Come in…. 12 HIGH STREET, WENDOVER HP22 6EA Tel : 01296 620300 E: legal@stuar�antham.co.uk

 S�ll planning to move house this year?

Then we are s�ll here to help you!

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e-mail: paul@ph-as.co.uk Tel:01296 621162 www.ph-as.co.uk

At a �me when all but essen�al travel is impossible and we are all taking the opportunity to reflect with our family around us, you can get advice from a Solicitor right in the heart of Wendover – you can see your local Solicitor to make your Will or Las�ng Power of A�orney or chat through how we can help with your house move.

 Looking at Las�ng Powers of A�orney?


Tailored book-keeping and accountancy solutions to suit you and your business

Yes, you did read this correctly…..

All of us at Stuart Fantham and Company hope everyone reading this and their families, friends, neighbours and other contacts are staying safe and well.

 Worried about Wills?

I see that Mark Thurston must have given some thought to my open letter of last month. Apparently the breakdown of social distancing on his sites is somebody else's fault and 6 weeks into the pandemic he’s dealing with it. Way to go Mark! Tom Walsh Chairman, Wendover Parish Council

Appointments available 7 days a week un�l 8 pm in June!

Stay Alert – We are Open for Business

So if you are ….

was deemed by Parliament to be in need of improvement. HS2 Ltd told Parliament that its noise modelling would be better than HS1’s. It’s not!


Wendover News June 2020


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