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Skate Park and Open Spaces Survey
A new survey has been launched to get the opinions of people living in and around Wendover about the town’s open spaces and how to meet the agreed goal in the Neighbourhood Plan to improve the town’s skate park.
The survey is the work of the newly established Open Spaces & Skate Park Working Group set up to report to Wendover Parish Council on current usage of our open spaces as well as making proposals for new facilities.
The Working Group is eager to hear from people - especially young people - about where Wendover's new skate park should go and what else there should be for young people to do in Wendover. Please find the link to the survey below, or use the QR code to access the survey:
Every person who completes the survey and leaves a valid email will be entered into a prize draw where the winner will win a selection of skate gear.
The survey closes 31 January. Please feel free to contact the working group on: wendoveropenspaces@gmail.com.