Happy Birthday Wendover Evening WI On Friday 30 April 1971, at 7.45pm, the first meeting was held in the New Library, Wendover to consider the formation of Wendover Evening WI.
The Wendover WI was already formed and they met in the afternoon. At first they were concerned about numbers but their membership stayed the same. Eventually the Afternoon WI closed and some members joined the Wendover Evening WI.
Mrs Sunley, a Voluntary County Wendover Evening WI 30th Organiser gave an interesting talk on the history of the WI celebration from 2001 showing The membership rose to 100 4 former presidents - Eileen Movement, which was started by the second year and has Nurse, Jane Wordingham, in 1897 in Canada by Mrs fluctuated up and down during Fiona Poole and Ann Pinnell Hoodless. Later in 1915 Mrs the years but we are now on Watt came over to England an upward spiral and have 53 members. Our and formed the first WIs here and it was Lady annual fee is now £43 and our WI is very active Denman who did so much to bring about and positive, even during the lockdowns. We the inauguration of the National Federation. have met on Zoom with speakers throughout Mrs Sunley also explained the aims of the the pandemic and have recently been able Movement and the ideals of Fellowship, Truth, to start our Gardening Club, Cookery Group Tolerance and Justice. and Walking Group which have been outside activities. In September we will resume the There were 29 prospective members at the Playreading Group and the Craft Group. first meeting and an annual fee of 50p per member was agreed. Mrs Fiona Poole was If you are interested in joining our WI please elected as the first President. contact Sheila Hemmings on 07743 133963.
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