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Matters Arising Wendover Parish Council Page
View from the Chair
At long last things seem to be getting back to normal with schools returning, just as the weather improves, and even theatre trips!
The Parish Council hosted two Play in the Park sessions in the school holidays which were well received despite the weather for the first one. We hope to continue this in future years.
An afternoon tea event was organised on 7 August, to thank all those who had volunteered in the Wendover Good Neighbour Scheme. It was great to meet the people who had given of their time to support others in the community, although not everyone was able to attend there was a good turnout, and thanks again for that effort. For once it was a beautiful day which also gave us an opportunity to see the work in St Anne’s garden. This is a reflection area with benches, roses and herbs to create a quiet meditative space, supported by a WPC grant.
We are expecting the cycle path improvements to either have started by the time you read this, or to be imminent. This will involve some signage on roads and a new piece between Halton Lane and Castle Park Rd to complete that part of the route.
Details on the upgrade to the canal path are still being confirmed so there are no dates as this goes to press, but I am hopeful that some work can be completed before the winter sets in.
That’s all for now so carry on keeping safe!
Sheila Bulpett
Wendover 20mph Zone – Residents’ Consultation
Based on recommendations from our Speed and Noise Working Group, we have launched a consultation to hear residents’ opinions on a proposal to implement a 20mph speed limit throughout most of the village. Please go to our website www.wendover-pc.gov.uk/20mph-zone to complete the survey. If you don’t have online access, paper copies of the survey are available from the Clock Tower.
Benefits of a 20mph zone include: •Significant improvement in road safety for pedestrians and cyclists. •Studies have shown a fatality risk of 1.5% at 20 mph versus 8% at 30 mph for pedestrians involved in a car impact accident. •Particularly important in Wharf Road, Manor Road and South Street which are used for schools’ and nursery access. •Also, benefits from increasing physical exercise thus reducing levels of childhood obesity. •Decreased danger caused by proximity to fast-moving traffic along stretches of limited pavement width in some parts of the village. •Reduced emissions from motor traffic, notably particulate emissions, and lower traffic noise levels would provide health benefits to the whole community. •Increased safety from slower traffic encourages more walking and cycling, reducing vehicle traffic and emissions in line with that change. •Reduced noise and emissions will enhance the experience of pedestrians and encourage the use of outdoor space – particularly the increased utilisation of the Manor Waste for table service café customers.
Five Year Strategic Plan
Our Five-Year Strategic Plan Working Group has held a few meetings and discussions with Council and should have a 2021-2022 plan ready for the November budget deadline. The working group will be seeking the input of the parish for the longer-term 5-year strategic plan, so watch this space for a larger consultation with all residents and businesses in the parish in the coming months.
Halloween Pumpkin Carving Competition
Get creative and carve a pumpkin! Entries close Friday 5th November 2021 Win a High Street voucher worth £50!
To enter send a photo of you and your carved pumpkin to deputy@wendover-pc.gov.uk before Friday 5 November 2021.
By entering the competition you agree to have your photo published.