Wendover News, November 2021

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Thank you to everyone for the kind comments about Rotary crocus corm planting along the Heron path on Tuesday 19 October. We look forward to the display in Spring.

Centre and Pace together with other Rotary supported charities. Please let us know by messaging through https://www.facebook. com/RotaryinWendoverandDistrict or email cheryl@monkeypuzzlehighwycombe.co.uk.

Many thanks, too, for all the Duck Races support. These took place on the Heron Stream on Sunday 24 October, after this edition went to press. Full details online at www.wendovernews.co.uk.

eco-Santa Sleigh

Rotary is now gearing up for our eco-Santa Sleigh to visit as many roads as possible in the Wendover and Weston Turville area. Our coverage is limited by the number of days available in December (we'll start on Thursday 2 December) and the number of volunteers who can help. Would you like to bring cheer to children of all ages by joining Santa and his team on one or more nights? Two hours max per evening, 5.30pm to 7.15pm. Fundraising for Chilterns MS

We have an eco-Santa sleigh, as well as a card reader and Covid secure way of receiving cash

Last year, the sudden pre-Christmas lock down meant we had to curtail our outings along with the rest of the country. Our plan of which roads we will be covering on which evenings will be published in the December print edition of Wendover News and on the Rotary in Wendover and District Facebook.

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Wendover News November 2021


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