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Wendover Parish Council Matters Arising
View from the Chair
Festive greetings to everyone with this December View from the Chair! It’s been a busy few weeks with the Parish Council. At the October meeting (after the last View was written), we declared a Climate Emergency. How will this impact Wendover? It means that as a Council, we will endeavour to reduce our carbon footprint, in all aspects of our operations. We have been using the most recycled and recyclable items when replacing and refurbishing our assets for some time, but we are undergoing an Eco-Audit to highlight other areas where we can improve.
Streetlights have been converted to LEDs over the past few years which made a considerable reduction in the electricity used. It would be great if everyone tried to be more energy efficient. An easy way is to use Passive Infrared sensors (PIR) on external lighting so that it is only on when it needs to be. Not only does this reduce one’s energy bill, but it’s better for wildlife and looking at stars, as well.
The Canal path has had a small temporary repair at the worst part, near Bankside, for which we are grateful as at least schoolchildren should not have to paddle to school! Other areas may also have been completed by the time you read this, but the main works are scheduled for Spring 2022.
There were a number of Remembrance services in November – Rennie Grove re-dedicated a plaque from the Memorial Wood in the Community Orchard, a small ceremony was performed by Rev Sally Moring. It was a beautiful autumn day and a worthy place for it. St Mary’s Church held their annual service for those who had lost loved ones in the past year and included planting a tree in memory of those who have died from Covid-19. The Remembrance Parade at the War Memorial on the Manor Waste was a welcome return to the usual wreath laying ceremony which had been missed last year.
Now it is time to re-group for the Christmas festivities! At the moment, we are all set to have the Christmas Celebration on the Manor Waste on Wednesday 1 December and I look forward to seeing many of you there. On behalf of Wendover Parish Council, I wish you all a happy, peaceful and healthy Christmas!
Sheila Bulpett
20mph Consultation Update
The informal consultation period has ended. The results have been passed to our Speed and Noise Working Group, they will review and report back to the Parish Council with suggested recommendations on how to proceed.
Halloween Competition Winner
This year we ran a pumpkin carving Halloween Competition, we received several fantastic entries! We are pleased to announce that the winner was the Davies Family from Haddington Close. To support local, the prize was a £50 High Street Voucher. The Davies family selected a voucher from Tres Corazones. Enjoy!
Community Awards
Wendover Community Awards aim to recognise and celebrate people in our community who have made an outstanding contribution to the wellbeing and community spirit of the village and the people who live here.
We have made some small changes to the categories for next year: •Service with a Smile •Lifetime Achievement •Volunteer of the Year •Outstanding Young Person •Community Business of the Year - NEW •The Parish Council Award – NEW
Do you know a worthy recipient? More info, along with a nomination form will be printed in the February edition of Wendover News.
Christmas Carols at the Local Produce Market
Ellesborough Silver Band will be playing your favourite Christmas songs from 11am to noon at the Local Produce Market on Saturday 18 December. This will be followed by Wendover Community Singers from 12.30pm to 1.30pm. Join us for some festive last-minute Christmas shopping. Stalls will include, cakes, French patisserie, vegan delights, gin, craft beer, homemade pies, plants, cured meats, artisan cheeses, fresh meats, silver jewellery, skincare products, artisan breads, wood turned gifts, rugs, hot drinks and toasties.