3 minute read
Activity in our area supporting Ukraine
Wendover & Villages Ukrainian Support Group formed
30+ families in the Wendover and Villages area are hosting Ukrainian refugees and 80+ guests will be here by the end of the summer. Support groups have been set up to assist hosts and their guests, however there is nothing for the Wendover & Villages area, leaving guests to seek support further afield which is not sustainable.
Following a meeting initiated by The Wendover Society, a community group has been formed with an eight-strong committee (two of which are Ukrainian guests). We are focusing on the practical, social, and emotional needs of guests and their hosts, drawing from other established groups and putting systems in place aiming to support guests and hosts from September.
We have received strong support so far from many organisations in Wendover, including the Churches, Wendover Society, Parish Council, and the Youth Centre. There are
many ways which the people of Wendover & Villages can assist and support - donations of bicycles (and helmets), volunteers to help with social events, English teachers, administration support (form-filling) and befriending. If you can help in any way, or would like further information about the group, please get in touch with us at andrew@logicarchitect.co.uk.
Andrew Burnett
Wendover Youth for Ukraine Concert
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is now off the front pages, but while it may have fallen down the news agenda, Ukrainians are more in need of help than ever. In Wendover, a group of talented young musicians has organised a classical concert in order to raise money for Ukrainians suffering as their cities are bombed, their homes are destroyed and many are forced into exile.
Organised by Jude Kayakiran and Emma Harrington, the musical afternoon on Sunday, September 25, features 2021 Bucks
Young Musician of the Year Lucy Howitt on the harp and Jozef Hatton, a senior first violinist in Bucks County Youth Orchestra (BCYO), alongside the organisers’ siblings, Iris Kayakiran and Thomas Harrington.
The programme includes extracts from Chopin’s Piano Concerto No 2, Bach’s Double Violin Concerto, the Flower Duet by Delibes and Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto.
Emma (voice, Royal Academy of Music), has recently sung the lead in Dido and Aeneas, performed in Jenufa by Janacek as Jano, and came second in this year’s Bucks Young Musician of the Year.
Jude (diploma-level pianist), has won prizes in competitions and performed solo across Buckinghamshire. He plays first violin and viola in several orchestras, including BCYO and Chiltern Music Academy.
Thomas is an accomplished pianist, clarinetist and composer, while Iris, who also performed solo in Dido and Aeneas, plays trumpet and violin in several jazz bands and orchestras (including BCYO).
Wendover Youth For Ukraine concert is at 4pm at St Mary’s Church, Wendover on Sunday, September 25. Proceeds go to UNICEF for its work helping Ukrainian children. Please donate via JustGiving (QR code and link below) or in person at the concert. https://www.justgiving.com/ fundraising/bucks-young-musicians-concertfor-ukraine