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Wendover Parish Council Matters Arising

View from the Chair

As I write this View, we have just heard that Queen Elizabeth II has passed away peacefully at Balmoral on 8 September 2022, may she rest in peace. Our thoughts have been with the Royal Family at this sad time, but by the time you read this all the pomp and ceremony marking the passing of our longest serving Monarch will have passed. On behalf of the residents of Wendover, WPC wishes King Charles III every success with his reign and duty as King.

More locally, our Parish Council Staffing has also undergone a significant change and we are very sad to say goodbye to Amanda Massingham, our Deputy Clerk. Amanda has been with us for 5 years and has risen to every challenge, large and small, with a dedicated and professional attitude; she will be much missed for her wise counsel and support and especially in times of stress. We wish her every success in her future role.

In the Clocktower, Andrew Smith has taken up the position as the new Clerk, Proper Officer and RFO. Phoebe Sharps will be taking up the new post of Estates & Events Manager in October and our new Communications and Administration Assistant will be starting shortly. We look forward to working with the new team and hope they enjoy their new roles.

Other news; Haddington Play Park is now nearing completion and we hope that local children enjoy the new area. Should there be any damage, please report it to the Clocktower, ASAP. The Parking Review has been extended due to 2 maps being wrongly publicised. Please do comment on your road and we will make sure that all feedback is considered, before implementation. ( https:// yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/). Issues with the cycle-path steps at Coombe Ave have been repaired. The new highways trees have benefitted from the heavy rainfall of recent days…a monsoon season maybe? It often seems to happen when schools start back.

So as a new era begins, I wish you all a peaceful October.

Sheila Bulpett


Wendover Produce Market Saturday 15 October, 10am to 2pm Manor Waste


Streetlights are important for community safety and with the nights drawing in we want to keep them working. If you spot a fault with a streetlight such as an unlit lamp at night or one which is lit during the day in the parish, it is important you let us know. You can report any issues via e-mail, web or phone. Each streetlight has a number on the column making it easy to locate. When reporting the fault please advise us of the streetlight number where possible along with the location of the light using road names or landmarks and the nature of the problem e.g. light flashing or the light is out.

Buckinghamshire Council are responsible for all lighting on main highways. To report a fault to them please visit their web page www.buckscc. gov.uk/services/transport-and-roads/report-ahighways-problem/.

Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 4 October, 7.30pm St Anne's Hall Aylesbury Road HP22 6JG Information about upcoming meetings: www.wendover-pc.gov.uk/2022-23-agendas

Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover HP22 6DU

www.wendover-pc.gov.uk clerk@wendover-pc.gov.uk 01296 623056

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