NSRI Sea Rescue Autumn 2022

Page 18


Thanks to the quick actions taken by Jeffreys Bay lifeguards, one holiday maker is alive to tell the tale of his rescue. By Cherelle Leong


N 19 DECEMBER 2021, Gordon Cudmore headed down to the main beach at Jeffreys Bay for a swim. J-Bay, as it’s fondly known by locals, is a favourite holiday spot for Gordon and his family. Although Gordon is asthmatic and always carries his asthma pump with him, he didn’t think a quick dip in the sea would cause him to have the most severe asthma attack he’s ever experienced. A strong easterly wind had been blowing in J-Bay for several days, resulting in 16 |


the sea temperature being colder than usual. In addition, recent stormy seas had resulted in an abundance of red seaweed being dislodged and swept into the surf zone. Unaware of how these two factors could combine to affect his chest, Gordon entered the sea and dived in for a swim. (He has since found out that this type of red seaweed is often a trigger for asthma. That combined with the cold water was an almost deadly combination.) The moment he went underwater, Gordon felt his chest

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