Identifying the antichrist from ancient bible prophecies 1

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Identifying the Antichrist from ancient Bible prophecies prepared by Nolan McFadden

Never before in the history of humanity have conditions been more prepared for the rise of the global leader identified in the Scriptures as the Antichrist. Global problems have led many to believe there is need for “change” to a “new global civilization.” But where will this “change” lead humanity? In the Holy Bible we find the answers. The move toward “global oneness” and a “new global order” have helped prepare the necessary spiritual and political conditions for the rise of the Devil’s “ultimate ascended master.” He is a false messiah who will deceive most of the world’s population in the last days. In this Bible study we will explore Scriptures to locate identifying characteristics that will enable us create a Bible prophesy composite picture of the Antichrist. I. Titles A. Antichrist - The term “antichrist” is found in I John 2:18. This word is translated from the Koine Greek word αντίχριστος. It means in place of Christ or in covert opposition to Christ - See definition of Antichrist in Unger’s Bible Dictionary. Spiros Zodhiates noted, “Antichristos; antichrist, from anti (473), instead of or against. It may mean substitution or opposition. The term antichristos is peculiar to Johns Epistles (I John 2:18, 22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7). It occurs nowhere else in the NT. Pauls references to the same person include the man of sin, son of perdition, wicked one (anomos 459) as in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 8. He is the one opposing (antikeimenos 480) as in 2 Thessalonians 2:4. He will attempt to assert the fulfillment of God’s Word in himself and will seek to establish his own throne. See pseudochristos (5580), false Christ. (Hebrew Greek Key Study Bible, 1690).” In I John 2:18 the apostle John distinguishes between “many antichrists” and the one person identified as the “antichrist.” Also, the “spirit of antichrist” referred to in I John 4:3 is associated in the same text with false prophets, false teachings and a spirit of error. We find in I John 4:1-6 that a person can have the spirit of antichrist by embracing false teachings about Christ. Thus, the Scriptures indicate a person can have the spirit of antichrist and thereby be one of many antichrists (plural). However, the singular usage of “antichrist” refers to the coming false global messiah described in Daniel 7-8 and Revelation 13:1-10. B. Man of sin (II Thessalonians 2:3) – This title implies the Antichrist will take pleasure in, rationalize and promote sin. He will seek to turn others away from obedience to the Scriptures (Daniel 8:23; 11:32). Merrill Unger observed, “As a man of lawlessness, the anti-Christ will be the consummation of human opposition to God’s will and God’s rule (688).” C. Son of perdition (II Thessalonians 2:3) – In this biblical title the apostle Paul used the Hebrew expression “son of” before the word perdition. By using these words Paul is pointing out the eternal destiny of the Antichrist. At the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Antichrist and the false prophet will be cast into the Lake of Fire. See Revelation 19:20. D. Wicked (one) – Found in II Thessalonians 2:8, the title refers to the evil moral and spiritual character of the Antichrist. The word meaning carries with it being malicious. E. The Beast (Revelation 13:1-10) – In Revelation 13:1-10 the Antichrist is referred to as “the beast.” The word beast is translated from the Koine Greek word θηρίον which means a wild beast. Here the apostle John is speaking figuratively but purposely. He chose to use the Greek word for a wild animal rather than a domestic beast. In a number of Old Testament passages wild “beasts” are pictured as coming to devour their prey. Note Jeremiah 12:9 and Ezekiel 33:27; 34:5-8; 34:28; 39:4. Likewise, “the fourth beast” in Daniel 7:23-24 refers to the final global kingdom that will “…devour the whole earth,…” Therefore, the usage of the word “beast” seems to describe the brutal, devouring nature of the Antichrist and his global agenda in the end times.

2 F. King of Babylon (prefigured in Isaiah 14:4-5) – Revelation 17:5 mentions a “Mystery, Babylon…” that will be operating during the future reign of the Antichrist. “Mystery, Babylon…” appears to be a new Babylon global system that exerts great influence over the world’s leaders, wealthy people, and the multitudes during the time of the Antichrist. The influence of this global system is political, economic and spiritual (Revelation 17:18, 18:1-15). John MacArthur explains, “…Babylon refers to the entire worldwide political, economic, and religious kingdom of Antichrist…17:2 kings…committed fornication. The harlot will ally herself with the world’s political leaders. Fornication here does not refer to sexual sin, but to idolatry (see note on 14:8). All the world’s rulers will be absorbed into the empire of Satan’s false Christ. Wine of her fornication. The harlot’s influence will extend beyond the world’s rulers to the rest of mankind (cf. v.15; 13:8,14). The imagery does not describe actual wine and sexual sin, but pictures the world’s people being swept up into the intoxication and sin of a false system of religion (The MacArthur Study Bible, 2011, 2015).” G. Little horn (Daniel 7:8; 8:9) - It is very important for us to understand that a Bible prophesy can have a plurality of fulfillments. Regarding Daniel 8:23-25,John MacArthur points out that the same prophesy has a “near fulfillment” and a “far fulfillment” (The MacArthur Study Bible, 1242). In the near fulfillment Antiochus Epiphanes was the ruler who came into power and was the “little horn” of Daniel 7-8. However, the far fulfillment will come with the future rise of the Antichrist who is also the “little horn.” The earlier fulfillment prefigures the later fulfillment. The later fulfillment is clearly seen in passages such as II Thessalonians 2:3-4 and Revelation 13:1-10. Epiphanes had been dead for many years when the later New Testament prophecies were given. Thus, MacArthur noted, “7:8 another horn. This describes the rise of antichrist (cf.v.20). This beast is human (“eyes like a man” and a “mouth speaking”) and is proud (cf. Rev. 13:5,6) (1238).” In addition, Revelation 17:7-15 gives us a clear interpretation regarding the “ten horns.” The word “kings” refer to the rulers who are given authority over ten kingdoms existing during the last days. These rulers will give their kingdoms back to the Antichrist who will have dominion over all nations (Daniel 7:23-24, Revelation 13:7). II. Description A. The Antichrist is a person. He has attributes of personality as revealed in the Scriptures. He speaks (Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:5-6); He thinks (Daniel 7:25); He understands (Daniel 8:23); He plans policy (Daniel 8:25); He makes war (Daniel 7:21, Revelation 13:7); and He subdues other leaders (Daniel 7:24). In addition, Merrill Unger pointed out, “Early Christians looked for Antichrist as a person and not a polity or system…(Unger’s Bible Dictionary, 68)” B. The Antichrist is male. II Thessalonians 2:3 describes the Antichrist as that “man of sin” and the “son of perdition.” In Revelation 13:1-10 the masculine pronouns “he” and “him” are used to refer to “the beast.” In like manner, masculine pronouns are used in referring to the Antichrist in Daniel 7-8 and in II Thessalonians 2. C. The Antichrist will have a “fierce countenance” (Daniel 8:23). The word “fierce” here is translated from the Hebrew word az. It means “strong” as set forth in Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, (344). In like manner, Daniel 7:20 reveals he will have a greater appearance (stout- translated from Hebrew word godel) than those with him. He will maintain an outward appearance of greatness. Many will no doubt be afraid of him. D. The Antichrist will be armed with powers from the Devil (Daniel 8:24, II Thessalonians 2:9, Revelation 13:2). Thus, worldwide devotion and spiritually blind obedience to him will be energized by the Devil. E. The Antichrist will understand “dark sentences” (Daniel 8:23). Translated from the Hebrew word chidah, “dark sentences” can refer to hidden (occult) sayings, riddles, oracles

3 or songs. Spiros Zodhiates found that the word chidah can be “…any enigmatic sentence or thought (1612).” F. The Antichrist will have a global dominion (Daniel 7:23-24, Revelation 13:7). This clearly indicates that he will have global popularity, and will be widely accepted by the people of the world as a global leader (Revelation 13:3,7). G. The Antichrist will be a master deceiver (II Thessalonians 2:10, II John 7). H. The Antichrist will be very persuasive. People will listen to him. He is the Devil’s ultimate salesman (Revelation 17:12-13). I. The Antichrist will be the Devil’s ultimate politician. Note he plans “policy” and changes “times and laws (Daniel 7:25; 8:25). J. The Antichrist will be the Devil’s ultimate warrior. His skills in warfare will be praised by the citizens of the world. He will endeavor to destroy the enemies of the Devil - “the saints” and “the mighty and the holy people (Daniel 7:21; 8:24, Revelation 13:7). K. The Antichrist will come “out of the sea (Revelation 13:1).” “The sea” in this Scripture text refers to the sea of humanity as revealed in Revelation 17:15. III. Actions A. He will blaspheme the LORD of Heaven (Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:6). B. He will persecute and make war against Christians (Daniel 7:21,25; 8:24, Revelation 12:17; 13:7). Why? Because genuine Christians will refuse to worship him, receive his global, economic mark or support his evil political agenda. C. He will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped (II Thessalonians 2:4, Daniel 11:36). Why? Because he wants to be worshipped “in place of” the true and living LORD of the Holy Bible. D. He will desire the worship and veneration of all humanity (Revelation 13:4). E. He will do “according to his will” in order that Bible prophecies will be fulfilled (Daniel 11:36, Revelation 17:17). F. He will change “times and laws (Daniel 7:25).” Thus, he will be the ultimate “agent of change.” He will want to “change” things to fit his new global order. G. He will make a seven year peace treaty with Israel (Daniel 9:27). H. He will enter Israel and the rebuilt Jewish temple in Jerusalem. His ultimate aim is to have all humanity worship him from the temple (Daniel 11:41, II Thessalonians 2:4). I. He will destroy many who are living at ease in prosperity and peace (Daniel 8:25). J. He will overthrow nations (Daniel 7:23-25; 11:41). K. He will divide the land for gain (Daniel 11:39). L. He will be a corrupter and use flattery to influence those who are living in disobedience to the Scriptures (Daniel 11:32). M. Global business will prosper for a time during his rule (Daniel 8:24-25). However, the prosperity will be short lived. During the great tribulation period, the LORD’s judgments will be poured out on a new world civilization living in unbelief, disobedience, and rebellion against their Creator (Psalm 2:1-5, Isaiah 26:9; 34:1-4, Revelation 6-10, 16-19). N. He will make all people receive a global, economic “mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” No person will be able to buy or sell anything without this mark (Revelation 13:15-18. All people who take the mark of the beast will be sealing their own eternal perdition (Revelation 14:9-11). Genuine Christians will not take the mark of the beast (Revelation 20:4). Counterfeit Christians will take the mark of the beast and seal their perdition (Revelation 13:8). O. He will be regarded as a messiah by many who do not know the only true Savior and Messiah – Jesus Christ (II Thessalonians 2:4, Revelation 13:4). © 2008 Nolan McFadden

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