A Summary of the New World Order (NWO) By Nolan McFadden A
“In testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1950, international financier James P. Warburg said: “…we shall have a world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest.” (1) What is the “New World Order?” Who are the proponents of the “New World Order?” Why do globalists want to establish a “New World Order?” What impact would the “New World Order” have on the lives of people? These are just some of the questions we will address in this study. In an article called “New World Order (conspiracy theory)” in Wikipedia the NWO is falsely portrayed as “a conspiracy theory” having its origin in the “Christian right” and “anti-government right” of the twentieth century. (2) In contrast, numerous authors and researchers have found that the term “New World Order” did not have its origin with “fundamentalist Christians,” “conservatives” or “anti-[Marxist / communist / socialist] government” people. Rather, the term is traced back to the writings and speeches of radical leftists, “globalists” (also known as “international socialists”), “humanists,” “progressives,” “Fabian socialists” and “communists.” Moreover, proponents of the New World Order make it clear in their speeches and writings that they are advocating: 1) “world government” 2) a technocratic “World State” 3) “a true world political authority” 4) a “new global economic order” 5) a global “planned economy” 6) the global redistribution of goods and wealth from developed nations to underdeveloped nations (i.e., global socialism) 7) Global “control” of all human activity as presented in U.N. Agenda 2030 (i.e., totalitarian government). Due to strong opposition, many proponents of the NWO stopped using this term in the 1990’s and began using the term “global governance” in its place. The NWO is portrayed by globalists and leftists as a necessary social “transformation” and “social evolution” of humanity toward a global “planned economy” for “the global common good.” Whereas, Bible-believing Christians take seriously prophecies and warnings in the Holy Bible concerning the rise of the evil, murderous, global leader called the “antichrist” (also identified as “the beast” in Revelation chapters 13-16) and his evil, totalitarian global government (“kingdom”) of the last days. See Daniel 7:23-28; 9:27, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-15 and Revelation 13-18. Christians regard the emerging NWO as a spiritual deception inspired by the Master Deceiver – the Devil who is using deceived people to prepare the path for the rise of his antichrist and his global tyranny (John 10:10; 8:43-44, Revelation 12-13). Consequently, genuine Christians are anti-world governance and anti-NWO. The idea of a world government predates the modern era. Yet, global government began to be taken seriously in the teachings and speeches of Professor Johann Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) in the 18th century. The phrase “new world order” (NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM) had its origin in the Bavarian illuminated Freemasonry of Jesuit-trained Professor J. A. Weishaupt. Sarah Tusa noted, “Inspired by the revolutionary writings of Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Weishaupt founded the Illuminatenorden [Order of the Illuminati] in 1776. The members of this secret society sought to promote the ideals of the Enlightenment by recruiting civil servants, university professors, the clergy and nobility to infiltrate government.” (3) Weishaupt was an early proponent of a one world government. He wrote, “It is necessary to establish a universal regime and empire over the whole world….” (4) In the nineteenth century the concepts of a “world parliament” and a “world republic” were introduced. “A world parliament as integral part of a world republic was mentioned first by Pecqueur in 1842.” (5) Marxists and Fabian socialists helped advance the cause via international socialism and world revolution. By the early twentieth century, some key world leaders were beginning to embrace the idea of a “world republic” or “world government.” In 1912 Colonel Edward M. House, a close advisor of President Woodrow Wilson, published Phillip Dru: Administrator in which he promoted