Wenning peng 784020 final journal

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Air Wenning Peng 784020

Content 01 Introduction 02 Part A

My name is Wenning Peng. Penny is my prefer name. I'm currently third year architecture student of Bachelor of Environment. I was born in Harbin, China. And studied in Melbourne University two years ago. My interested in architecture come from my hobby drawing. I like drawing since i was a little child. That influent me to develope the passion in the field of design and architecture. I have finished two design studio, Earth and Designing. During these studio, I learned about how the conception, form, materials and functions come together within the architecture. This semester, i take my third design studi, Air. I'm ging to know how to transform my design ideas to conputation softwares. I'm looking for inspriation for me from digital tools like Rhino and Grasshopper. I just have basic experience of grasshoppeer, My skill will be improved and make my imagination become real through the Air Studio.

Earth Studio

Designing Environment

02 Part A. CONCEPTUALISATION A.1. Design Futuring A.2. Design Computation A.3. Composition/Generation A.4. Conclusion A.5. Learning outcomes A.6. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches

A.1. Design Futuring precedent 1

figure 1 whole view of Cloud Corridor” MAD Architects has proposed a futuristic model the “ Cloud Corridor” for future residential in Los Angeles, as part of the “Shelter: Rethinking How We Live in Los Angeles” exhibition at the A+D Museum. Addressing the concern of sprawl in cities, MAD Architects presents the possibility of future residential architecture: the high-density vertical village. Reorienting the street vertically, nine interconnected residential towers redistribute the urban fabric to cohere disparate neighborhoods into a vertical village with public spaces and gardens in the sky.

figure 2 vertical villy

Connective corridors weave circulation between towers to foster a sense of community among residents and activate the towers as a bustling village within the city. Formally, the high-rise tower is a statement of power and social context. The village has the sense of community and get along with the nature. The merge of the high-rise tower and community village intergrades the qualities of a suburban home into an urban high-rise and make the social context in urban fabric respond to nature and emphasize the environment. figure 3 Connective corridors

Cloud Corridor integrated the urban residential with natural environment in terms of the vertical garden in city. Each floorplates have gardens to accompany residential units. The garden patios and courtyards provide a lush environment amid the surrounding urban density, and provide a retreat from the everyday among nature. Elevated corridors and multilevel garden patios provide viewing platforms for residents to overlook the bustling activity below and the natural landscape beyond. Additionally, Cloud Corridor sit above the metro and near to the museum, which provide an opportunity to propel nature in to every day life of the city. Cloud Corridor’s podium is covered with a grass lawn and punctuated by trees, the transformation of its massing suggest the image of rolling hills. And the podium lifts away from the ground to reveal both a private-access lobby for tower residents and entry for Metro Station patrons. Merging infrastructure with nature, Cloud Corridor’s podium blurs the boundary between urban landscape and natural scenery. The Cloud Corridor as the future building challenges the conventional residential typology in city, bring natural environment of suburban to urban fabric. That provide the opportunities for residents’ everyday urban experiences interact with nature among the growing density in cities.

figue 4 Cloud Corridor’s podium

A.1. Design Futuring precedent 2

figure 5 Seoul City Hall Seoul New City Hall was designed by iArc architects Yoo Kerl, located in downtown Taepyeongno Jung-gu. The design concept of Seoul New City Hall is future oriented. The inspiration for speculating through design by looking back to the Korean tradition and goes with the politics and the urban fabric.

The horizontal line of architecture and deep shade of roof is not only suitable for Korean terrain and climate but also for keep the tradition. The curves and distortions form the deep shading of city hall, which actually are inspired by the Korean Hanok traditional house. While keeping the traditional architectural style, the high rise 13 story building is almost entirely covered with glazing and steel, was designed and constructed by high level of technologies. The merge of traditional architectural form and technologies performance provide a new sense of design that more kinds of visual performance of architecture in future not only by advanced technologies but also by looking back to tradition. The planning of the new city hall and previous city hall also emphasis the connection between history and future. The Citizen can access to new city hall through existed city hall and bridge on Seoul square to open basement one floor. The Seoul new city hall is completed by linking the past and future of Seoul square. The design concept of future and past was expressed by the planning. Based on the tradition and past, increase the possibility and hope in the future is the inspiration of deign oriented future.

The design was inspired by the spatial space extension of Seoul Square. Seoul square is a symbolical center of Seoul and the only existing outside public space. Because of the importance of Seoul square, the main concept of design is a vertical extension of Seoul square. Addressing the concern of sprawl in cities, architects present the possibility of the city hall, extending the Seoul square vertically. The Seoul New City Hall express the desire of public space extension in the future and designed a new way of urban space planning. Which increase the possibility of more efficient ways of space expansion in the future.

figguer 6 comparison Hanok and city hall

Figure 7 Connection between new and old city hall

figure 8 vertical extension from the seoul aquare

A.2. Design Computation precedent 1

shanghai Tower as the centerp shanghai, China. Designed by Gensler’s design team anticipa asymmetrical form, its taperin allow the building to withstan common in Shanghai. The soft and scaling at 55%rate expone

Using wind tunnel testing con engineer refined the tower for . The test procedure were base code for the design of buildin combined with a statistical m predict the full-scale structura

The wind tunnel testing team involved scripting parametric were rhino with grasshopper and AutoCAD. The testing wa modeling techniques were use calculation and data analysis. significant reduction in both cladding pressure could be es its proposed geometry follow establish the best possible cas were proposed involving rota the scaling off 25%, 40%, 55% analyzed against each other an acquired through this process 55% and rotation at 120 degre structural wind loading and c base case.

Shanghai tower actually is a p design is logic digital thinking these load, there was the proc of parametric, different perfor During the process, every cha attempt is a progress toward t figure 9 shanghai tower

piece of Lujiazui commercial district, y a local team of Gensler architects. ated that three key strategies: the tower’s ng profile and its rounded corners would nd the typhoon-force winds that are ft vertical spiral rotating at about 120 degees entially for minimizing wind load.

nducted in lab, Gensler and structural rm, which reduced building wind load 23% ed on the standard requirement and load ng structure. The wind tunnel data were model of the local wind climate. Which to ral response and more detail pressure loads.

m used a variety of available software that c flexibility in analysis. Early digital tools parametric mechanism as well as 3D Max as start on base case and various computered to do the simulation, performance . The design team had anticipated that tower structural wind loading and wind stablished if the building further improved wing the variables previously explained. To se for reducing these load, several scenarios ation at 90, 120,150, 180 and 210 and %,70% and 85%. All these scenarios were nd then compared to the base case. Result s have shown that a scaling factor of about ee can account for up to24% saving in cladding pressure reduction as compared to

parametric design architecture. Parametric g. Before getting the best case for reducing cess of finding the form. Changing the value rmance could be analysis and contrast. ange an effect the result a lot, and every the best result.

figure 10 The wind tunnel testing

A.2. Design Computation precedent 2

Smart masonry is masonry architecture with digital fabrication and automated construction process. Normally, the architecture produced with stone masonry is often heavy, massive, and incorporates less natural light than alternative methods. However, ZAarchitects are proposing to use “smart stone “ rather than using the masonry buildings as we know before. That open opportunities for digital fabrication techniques in stone and other previously antiquated materials. The vast array of masonry building presidents offer contemporary architects a wealth of information to draw upon, like the construction method in ancient history. Designers Dmytro Zhuikov and Arina Agieieva derived foundations and construction methods of their new structural system from the techniques used in traditional masonry buildings. One of the most significant challenges in designing masonry structures throughout history has been ensuring structural loading requirements, minimizing building mass wherever possible to encourage the flow of light and air, complex geometry pattern can be appear on the masonry through techniques. Instead of heavy, massive, and incorporates less natural light masonry, modern technologies allow us to achieve optimize performance of the material in construction. Minimize dead-weight, the incredibly light of structural skeleton of Smart Masonry can be achieved through the technology processing. In addition to that, complex geometries can be achieved through the use of robotic construction techniques, ensuring that each element can be replicated with the same precision each time.

3D printing and large prefabricated elements were used in the construction of ”smart masonry”. Mixing the advantages of them, ”smart masonry” achieved maximize construction efficiency, further reducing costs and enhancing precision. In addition, a robotic arm construction station enables the production of complex geometries on each floor. Compared to traditional methods, this robotic arm method is more compact and reduces labor costs throughout the entirety of the construction process. Additionally, it is much faster than 3D printing and can produce complex digital forms in a fraction of the time. As the development of technologies, digital architecture is common for us. Not only the construction method with parametric design and software analysis but also the optimum performance of material for construction achieved by computer technique processing.

figure 11 Digital conxtruction

figure 12 The process of getting New material by technologies

A.3. Composition/Generation precedent 1

The Gherkin is Lond This headquarters d − technically, archite ecological tall buildi

The constraints of si a circular plan, with as it rises and tapers appears more slende the slimming of its p realm at street level. 46400 square meters the street level provi

The environmental r Environmentally, its a rectilinear tower o environment at grou that are exploited to

The design concept Buckminster Fuller. and the workplace, w resolving walls and tower’s diagonally b and a fully glazed fa views. The offices in generation.

There are many rule design concept to ac environment effect, These rules effect th composite together whole building.

figure 13 The Gherkin

don office tower designed by Foster & Partners. designed for Swiss Re is rooted in a radical approach ecturally, socially and spatially. It is London’s first ing and a recognizable addition to the city’s skyline.

ite generate the distinctive form. The Gherkin has h a radial geometry, the building widens in profile s towards its apex. The form makes the building er than a rectangular block of equivalent size and profile towards the base maximizes the public . The Gherkin is forty-one storey high and provide s net of office space. And the new created plaza on ide a spacious and comfortable space to the public.

requirement is another generation of the form. s profile reduces wind deflections compared with of similar size, helping to maintain a comfortable und level, and creates external pressure differentials o drive a unique system of natural ventilation.

figure 14 The optimum Space utilization under the shape

of “Climatroffice” from a theoretical project of . Fuller suggested a new rapport between nature which generate the energy-conscious enclosure roof into a continuous triangulated skin. The braced structure allows column-free floor space acade, which opens up the building to light and ntegrated with natural environment by the form

es during the process from the generation of the ctual construction. Such as the space utilization, energy consumption and the design concept. he building and make the component of building to achieve the most effective performance of the

figure 15 The simulation of the ventilation and heat of cladding

A.3. Composition/Generation precedent 2

figure 16 Elytra Filament Pavilion was an bionic baldachin with influence of robotic architecture. It was designed by ICDITKE University of Stuttgart in Germany. Its individual modules were defined by an algorithm and then produced with the help of a robot, realized by a team from the University of Stuttgart.

The outcome of the pavilion is based on the four years research on the integration of architecture, engineering and biomimicry principles. The 200 square meters structure was inspired by lightweight construction principles found in nature – the fibrous structures of the forewing shells of flying beetles known as elytra. The architect, structural engineer and climate engineer in the team have pioneered a unique robotic fabrication technique. This technique involves a new way of winding composite materials. The winding method has been designed to harness carbon fibers and give them strength as woven structural components. A series of these individual celllike modules has been used to create the pavilion’s distinctive shape. This project explore the possibility in the architectural practice, computation not only works but necessary to build large projects in the world. Architects and engineers take the advantages in scripting interfaces and knowledge of computer programming, designer create their machine like the robot and new technologies like winding method to help them to design and construction. Computation helps the architecture generation and development. Additionally, "Elytra’s" canopy is made up of component cells. These cells and the seven supporting columns were created by a computer-programmed Kuka robot in a four-month construction process at the ICD. The final form of densely-wound fibres is a direct result of the changing stress conditions determined through structural simulation and testing carried out in advance by the ITKE. Architects are experiencing the process from the architecture data generation in the program, to using the data to simulate the building performance with computer. Through analyzing the result of building performance and the performance of materials to get the final form of the architecture. The process of architecture generation related to the computation, the parametric procedure and the software development.

figure 17 the process from cell invention to the test the performence by computer

A.4. Conclusion Through the studing of part A, that inspire me alot in designing the architecture. Nature alone cannot sustain us because we are too many and we have done too much ecological damage. We have become too dependent upon the artificial world that we have designed. in the future architeture, The building intersect with nature, which make the building looks like live in the nature and people can see the connection with nature and recognize the genius of nature’s strategies. Design is not only ablaut problem solving the problem we are meeting like ecological damage. It also about new trend oriented to the future. The design become thrives on imagination and aims to open up all sorts of possibilities that can be happen in the future. As designers, we can work with the desire in terms of the politics, economics, culture and so on. It can be seen design as a platform give designers permission to let our imaginations of future flow freely. Actually, people place their hope on the architecture, which increase the probability of more desirable futures happening. The computeration and parametric design is become common for architecture. Digital architecture is new form of the logic digital design thinking. Focus on a logic of associative dependency between objects, part and whole. Changing the value of parametric, multiple instance could be create. Before getting the final form, various shape would be made, that can be the inspriation of the final form. Additionally, the computeration and parametric design is the generation of the architecture. The process including the transfer the design concept to data procedure until the performence simulation through the computer.

A.5. Learning outcomes Through the three weeks study. i have improved my grasshopper skill and understand the computational design. The computational method not only can transfer concept to real form but also solving the budget and time proble. It is a useful tool in the whole process in the architecture design. On the other hand, the computational design rich my imagination. The abstract form genrated by computer make me have more materials to imagine.

A.6. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches week1 Twisting process

Week2 one attach point on the surface

two attach points on the surface

Week3 image in the grasshopper

Reference http://www.archdaily.com/806242/elytra-filament-pavilion-icd-itke-university-of-stuttgart http://www.archdaily.com/772712/mad-architects-envision-the-future-of-housing-in-los-angeles http://www.archdaily.com/457570/seoul-new-city-hall-iarc-architects http://www.arch2o.com/case-study-bim-implementation-in-shanghai-tower/ http://www.fosterandpartners.com/projects/30-st-mary-axe/ http://www.archdaily.com/609108/digitized-bricks-zaarchitects-develop-smart-masonry

03 Criteria Design B.1. Research Field Strip&Folding B.2. Case Study 1.0 Biothing Pavilion B.3. Case Study 2.0 Shellstar pavilion B.4. Technique: Development B.5. Technique: Prototypes B.6. Technique: Proposal B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches

B.1. Research Field---Strip and Folding

Strips and folds can be seen in structural elements and pattern in the architecture. It looks like the combination of origami and weaving. Actually, strip and folding is the combination of dynamic and smooth. The dynamic folding on the smooth strip create a innovative expression. I’m interested in this field because I think there is more potential and design possibility of merging the smooth and dynamic together to create innovative and complex form by parameter in the grasshopper. It is also interesting that, Strip and folds structure can achieve the outcome within surface also could generate the pattern on the surface by itself. I was inspiration a lot not only about the strip and folding but also the way of dealing with the pattern.

B.2. Case Study 1---Seroussi Pavilion

Biothing developed this project and organized by art collector Nathalie Seroussi, which located in the ground of villa in Meudon, near Paris. Seroussi Pavilion was inspired by the two on-site brickwork and concrete sculpture by Maison Andre Bloc. The idea of maze was adopted in the concept, which integrate the structure to organize the spatial pattern and fabric of the pavilion. The design process like woven into the fibres. The change of the self-modifying vector-based pattern from the simulation of electromagnetic field. The attraction and repulsion of electric charge. And the form was changed a little through the frequencies of the function type. I’m interested in this project because the lots complex indeterminacy in the pavilion. The unpredictable attraction and repulsion of electric charge in the electromagnetic field to get surprising outcomes. And the pattern can be self-modified with the process, which add the indeterminacy of achieving outcome. The unpredictable outcome is very surprise for me.

Basic Parameter Line shape The number of divided points The function type The Fieldline

Spin Force And Point Charge And Line Charge

Flowline Plugin 2d and 3d form generation

Pattern -Adding pattern on the strip

-Strip and Folding as pattern itself

B.2. Selected Outcome Selected Criteria I’m planning to design a curve shape acoustic pod made of dense strips in the office. To be considered that acoustic pad provide quite space in the office and was used to separate the space of offices into many different unit. I think curve have more possibility of different ways of dividing the space smoothly. Additionally, adding pattern on the strip or make the strip become more dense to keep acoustic effect. Therefore my selection criteria is the structure with smooth curve and the strip with pattern or more dense than others.

Design Potential

During the process of changing the parameters, there is a form-finding process. I try to find the potencial of the performence of shape and density of the strips, which inspire me the way of curving the strips.

The form was generated by the flowline plugin in grasshopper. The irregular cell with different density strips, which inspire me the way of weaving the strips of pod.

I changed the basic parameter, line charge to get the form. The radioactive lines from the center to form different shape and density of strips.

I used the spin force combine with the point charge and line charge to change the form. The attraction and repulsion of electric make the cluster form or the radioactive form.

Line charge was used to achieve the form. The strip was generated as pattern by itself is very interesting.

B.3. Case Study 2---Shellstar Pavilion

se shellstar as the reverse ering because this might be the n to the strip and folding usually ted in the horizontal plane.

rm of Seroussi Pavilion generated ractiveness and repulsive force horizontal electromagnetic field. he function type change the way of g little bit. However, the form are t. Shellstar pavilion was innovative maximizes its spatial performance minimizing structure and material. as used kangaroo plugin to te vertical force aligned with the ural vectors and the pull the surface reate more spatial performance eroussi Pavilion.

The lines generate from the ground appear as radioactive lines, that similar as the strips structure in the Seroussi Pavilion. However, under the force generated by kangaroo tool, maximum spatial performance could be achieved.

B.3. Reverse Engineering

Squaregrid + Explore

Uforce +Unit Z ---Vertical force Uforce + Vector 2 Point ( Area of bbox and square grid ) --- Horizontal Force

Weavebird's face polylines Spring + Kangraoo Baked squaregrid and set multiple anchor points

Weavebird Frame +Weavebird's Catmull-Clark Subdivision

Weavebird Frame +Weavebird's Constant Quads Split Subdivision

B.4. Technique Development

B.4. Technique Development Volume Simulation Volume Simulation could be used to predict the different volume performance at different motion and different time. During the process, I can see the maximum and minimum performance of the form. Getting the unpredicted outcome in this form finding process.

Surface Simulation VIn the Surface simulation, I can see the form performance of how flat of the surface could be and how maximum spatial performance of surface could achieve. During the simulation, I can challenge more abstract form contrast to original one.

Anchor Points Kangraoo Tool Baked squaregrid and set multiple anchor points in the kangraoo to generate different surface form through: ---Setting points in different area of squaregrid ---The number of anchor points ---Different base grid( Radial grid or Hexagonal grids)

Unit Z + UForce

Generating force in vertical plane Could make the volume very flat or very spatial.

Amplitude + UForce Generating force in horizontl plane Could make the volume become more abstract like twisting.


Adding pattern on the surface

B.4. Selected Outcome Selected Criteria I was planning to design a curve shape acoustic pod made of dense strips in the office. After the reverse engineering, I have little bit change of my idea. I want to create more dynamic curve rather than regular curve. I’m planning to design a wave surface to be the acoustic pod. Because wave is dynamic and keep changing. When the people sit inside the pod, they will be surrounded by changing patterns and wave surface, which provide a indeterminacy and unpredictable felling.

The form was got during the process

of volume simulation. This form was interesting and give a way of dividing the space through the radial lines generate from the volume. And the edge of curve is very sharp, which is interesting as well.

The wave of the surface is vey organic, which inspire me the way of generating the weave surface. of the acoustic pod.

The form was generated by UForce. This twisting form is interesting , which inspire me a new way of wave surface generating.

This wave form is very close to my original idea that the strips generated from the points of ground and achieve the spatial performence by kangraoo.

B.5. Technique: Prototypes

For the fabrication, We use 3d printing to fabricate, because we thought laser cut usually used in something hard or straight, 3d printing is more easier to deal with the curve. However, after pring the model, i found that 3d printing has restriction in model making. The pattern we to show in model is gradient, keep changing in different area of the strips. But it is not obvious in the model. So we going to use laser cut to do the model. In addition, we want not only visual wave model but also physical wave model. So we going to change the material and joints.

Materialization The material we used in Prototypes is plastic. But we found that plastic is too hard. We are going to change to Timber veneer Spotted gum with paper back. Because timber veneer is soft enough to make the curve strips and the paper back increase the strength to avoild be broken.

Connection Each strips connect with pin joints to keep flexible wave. Or we are going to choose 3d printing pin joints to fit the different angle and direction in the complex form.

B.6. Technique: Proposal

The design proposal was a wave shape acoustic pod made of dense strips with gradual change pattern in the office. Wave is dynamic and keep changing. When the people sit inside the pod, they will be surrounded by changing patterns and wave surface. The dynamic wave and changing patterns provide a indeterminacy and unpredictable felling. Additionally, the design was to create a spatial vortex, which make people would feel drawn in to and sit down. It is like a secret and interesting space in the office. The wave pod was weaved of strips with different density in the different area. And the gradual change pattern on the strips. Both will create different acoustic effects. The area where has dense strip and closed pattern avoild the sound, provide the private space. However, people sit near the striips where are loose and have hollow pattern can contact with outside. It is like open space. Therefore, the wave acoustic pods is semi-private space.

B.6. Technique: Proposal Form Finding Process Our design inspiration from the wave surface and the radioactive strips generated from the points of ground like Seroussi Pavilion. We try to make the strips reach the edge the hollow pattern of the surface. During the process, strips intersect each other to form the pattern by itself. Additionally, we add pattern in the surface, to create more complex form. We make the pattern with gradual change, which make the design become more interesting.

The pattern with gradual change added on the surface

The strips from the ground reaching the edge of the hollow pattern of wave surface.

B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes Through the Part B study. I become familiar with grasshopper a little bit. I found that, the computational design give lots of design potencial. Lots of unpredicted outcome could appear through the process of changing parameters. Research Field make me fimiliar the parametric process of generating precedent through grasshopper. That gave a sovleproblem thinking. When I first doing Reverse Engineering, I think it is difficult for me to figure out. After studying the tutorials online, which improve my logic thinking of process parameters generation process. Prototypes is a new model making process for me. I was taught the method of Materialization and joints connection. It is like the testing process before making model. It is a very important because it impact the way chaning design to reality. My prototype did not satisfied me due to the material selection. But the process is significant to get opportunity to deal with the design ides to reality.

B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches

B.9. Reference

http://matsysdesign.com/2013/02/27/shellstarpavilion/ http://www.arch2o.com/seroussi-pavilion-biothing/

C.DETAILED DESIGN C.1.Design Concept C.1.1 C.1.2 C.1.3 C.1.3

Feedback Workflow Precedent Form finding

C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C.3. Final Detail Model

C.1.Design Concept C.1.1 Feedback

From the part B prototype presentation we got several questions. How to make our complex dynamic form generated in grasshopper can be produced in reality. That was the process of transfer digital design to real full scale modle in reality.

Skeleton system According to the suggestion, we begin to consider about the core construction element. Our group design was combination of strips and pattern. We designed the dynamic skeleton form and pattern were supported on the form. The form was consitisted amount of strips. We designed 3d joints to connect each strips to generate the overall form. The 3d joints is construction element of our design. Each joint was consist of pipes that have different length and angle. The different angle generate the dynamic wave and different length make sure the stable of different length of sticks.

Acoustic performance & Form According to the brief, we are going to design the acoustic pod in office. We need to consider the acoustic performance. We make the performance be presented on the form. In the part B prototype, the circular pattern was supported on the form. However, the circle was too large that lose acoustic performance. In addition, the strips extend out of the pod. Which make the entrance of pod was too open to the outside space to lose acoustic performance. In the form finding process, we make the opening become more close and make it looks like a fist going to clench. The closing form give people acoustic feeling, which make them feel quilt. In addition, we change the size of circle according to the light and sound function. That also improve the acoustic performance.

Materiality In the part B prototype, we used the plastic as our material. Consider of the brief, we decided to change to semi natural material and natural material. We tested the different thickness bamboo for pattern and tested different materials for generating form, such as timber and rattan. We choose the rattan as the sticks between joints due to the good elastic and bending performence. And we choose different thickness bamboo as pattern due to its different stiffness.

C.1.2 Workflow

Research Research Studies:

Strip and folding Seroussi Pavilion--Form Folding strips consit the wave dynamic form Pattern circular pattern

Herzog de Meuron de Young MuseumForeign Office Architects Spanish Pavilion --Gradlly changing

Precedent Studies: Shell Star Pavilion --strips pulled by force to generate dynamic wave strips and maximum spatial performance Rapperswil jona municipal museum --circular pattern ranging from dense to sparse according to different function.

Site Analysis:

West side is the most noisy area, whic need more resistanc of noice.

Material testing

Have no elastic, can not bend in any

Have more elastic, good bending

1.0mm Bamboo Panel

Double 1.0mm Bamboo Panel ue the paper back of two panels tother) mm, ability to bend in up and down

1.5mm Bamboo Panel ability to bend in any direction

Design Concept

hat consist of Convex and concave wave ern with different diameter. The form and p changing to contrast the regular office.


Prototype test Construction ability of joints, the connection between pattern and form, and the connection between patterns.

Final Model Design

Split a hole gothrough the pipe of joints, designed a stick gothrough the holes to connect two layers pattern. And caps were used to fix the sticks on joints. Puzzle joints used for connecting pattern

Final Model Fabrication

--Layout the final design joints and pattern --3d print joints and bamboo laser cut

--Placing the joints in order and measure the length of strips between each joints. --Inserting the rattan into pipes of joints --making the sticks into the holes of joints and fixed by caps --Making patterns connect by puzzzle joints --Fixing all the bamboo panel on the rattan sticks to form overall form

C.1.3 Precedent

Shellstar pavilion Our project was combined by two research field, strip& folding and pattern.

For the strips we chose shellstar as the precedent. The form was genertaed by kangaroo plugi performance and pull the strip to form many different shapes. Which provide dynamic wave

Rapperswil jona municipal museum was another precedent. The small circular perforation ra natural light and sound. This presendent inspire us the way of considering the function.

Rapperswil jona municipal museum

C.1.4 Form Finding --Strip Form According to our design, we begin to find the dynamic form that can be fit for acoustic pod in the office.

We used kangraoo tool to generate force and pull the strip to be convex and concave wave, which generate a dynamic wave shape. But it still can not be the form of acoustic pod.

We designed semi-circular form to create a surrounding feeling. In this form , we want to create dynamic feeling as much as possible to strongly contrast the office regular feeling. But too much dynamic lead strips extend out of the outside area, which make the form lose acoustic performance and aesthetic effect.

According to previous two form, we made the opening become closer and make it looks like a fist going to clench. The closing form give people acoustic feeling, which make them feel quilt.


use the shape of office was regular. We want to create dynamic feeling inside the regular space to make people have ent and strongly contrast experience. The shape of the form was Convex and concave wave and circle pattern with ent size. The form and pattern were keep changing. People were surrounded by changing patterns and waving ce, which provide a indeterminacy and unpredictable experience to people. That different to the standard office sphere.

final form was square. In the function aspect, square can maximum the spatial performence and more efficient to pace. In the design aspect, the form we designed looks like the fist is goint to clench. When the fist is clenched, the is closed. The closing form make people think they are in the closed area. That create acoustic feeling to people hologically.

materials we used were natural material. The bamboo and rattan are chanllenge the traditional office materials. h also provide different experience for people in the office.

C.1.4 Form Finding --Pattern

This studio focus on the design of an acoustic pod, so we tried to make our form can block the sound form outside.

Our form has two layers, which can block more sound. Moreover, the heaviness of pod provide a heavy felling to pe think this area was closed and has thick fence to block sound. And then they can not hear the sound from outside.

The pattern that supported on the form not only the aesthetic effect, but also functionalised with natural light and s were small circular perforation ranging from dense to sparse collections admit light and sound into the interior in a According to the site anlysis, the kitchen and printing area were on the western side. The office area was on the sout west area was most noisy area, and then were north, south office area. East area more quite than other sides. Therefo block of sound. The pattern we designed keep reducing on the pod from east to west.

C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C.2.1 PROTOTYPE 1


1. The overall view of proptotype 1


2. The 3d joints of prototype 1 3. The timber sticks insert into the joints to generate angular retangular strips to present dynamic form 4. Pattern panels were glued to the timber sticks and joints (The gap between joints and sticks)



PROTOTYPE FEATURE In the first prototype, we mainly deal with the form generaton. We generate the dynamic wave with retangular strips through kangraoo plugin in grasshopper. And irregular retangular shape as the pattern on the strips structure. JOINTS --In order to fabricate it, we design the joints at the four corners of retangular. The pipes of the joints have different angle which provide the wave beauty. CONNECTION --And used timber sticks insert into the joints to generate angular retangular strips to generate dynamic form. --For the pattern, we considered that timber sticks and joints have space for patterns to set on. So we chose glue as the most easy and direct way to connect pattern and strips.

PROTOTYPE PROBLEM ------The problems was the joints was looks crude and not suit for the timber sticks in scale. ------The timber was not durable. It is crisp during the transport process. ------Glue is not a good way to connect with strips. Because joints have thickness, which lead sticks and joints can not reach same surface. It is hard to glue the pattern to strips. It is hard to deal with the different angle and length of sticks.




PROTOTYPE FEATURE Developed from prototype 1, prototype 2 changed joints, the connection between form and pattern and the connection between patterns. JOINTS --In order to achieve more aesthetic effect, we changed the size and shape of joints. Tacking away the sphere and reduce the diameter of pipes of joints. Which make the shape of pipes of joints more fit with sticks to make joints looks more aesthetic and suit for the sticks in scale.

MATERIAL -- we used canvas as the second prototype pattern panel material. Becaue canvas was so soft and flexible that can adjusted with the different angle and the length of the timber sticks. crisp of the timber.

Rattan was used to insteased of timber in the prototype2. Rattan was soft enough to bend without broken. Which solve the

CONNECTION --between strip and pattern, developed from the prototype 1, in order to aviold the influence of the thickness of the joints, we used clamp method. Inserting two sticks into the joints as clamp to fix canvas. For the connection between pattern depend on the clamp as well. But the diference was the the edge was hidden by the string at back to achieve aesthetic effect.

PROTOTYPE PROBLEM CONNECTION --During the making process, we found that inserting two sticks into one pipe of the joints is not rigid. JOINTS --THe joints were exposed and not unified with the pattern in visual effect. Which could not get the aesthetic effects. MATERIAL --Canvas is not suit for laser cutting because it will be leave the cutting mark, which cannot provide enough aesthetic effects.


PROTOTYPE FEATURE According to the test result of prototype 2, we keep going improve the materials and joints. MATERIALS bamboo. back.

--Due to the low aesthetic effects. We decide to change to use naural material bamboo. We tested two different tickness 1mm Bamboo panel : made of bamboo strips and hold by paper back. It is more easily crush when bending toward paper

It is possible to bend without crush when bending toward strips surface. Double 2mm Bamboo panel: According to this propoty, we glue the two paper back of 1mm bamboo together to create possibility of bending in up and down both direction. 1.5mm Bamboo panel : More hard and durable than 1mm and double bamboo panel. Difficult to bend in up and down both direction.

OINTS -- In this prototype, we tried to make pes become thinner to fit the sticks better. Which duce the exposed joints and make joints looks unified th sticks.

ONNECTON -- In the process of design, we create a new type of joints. The original pipe has been changed to two pipes, which make timber sticks sert into the pipes more rigid and fit to generate the strips form. In addition, there is a slot between two pipes, which is used to sit pattern and stuck pattern to be rigid on the form. The edge of the patterns was clamped by the double timble sticks. The double clamp can be the connection between ptterns.


ven if we as much as possible to reduce the joints size but it still exposed to the air and looks not unified with pattern.


PROTOTYPE FEATURE JOINTS: --In the prototype 5, we hide the joints between two layers pattern. In order to make joints were completely hidden under the pattern, we reduce diameter of end side of the pipes to make joints are thin enough to be hidden.

MATERIALS --The prototype 4 was two layers 1.5mm Bamboo panel. According to the material test, 1.5mm Bamboo panel was hard enought to create a rigid pattern on the form, which avoild the bamboo too soft to bend during the process of production. --In addition, more thickness can provide better acoustic effect.

ONNECTION The connection to fix the pattern on the rattan form was nail. We used 1mm diameter x 2mm long nail to the rattan. Nail was very le that people can not see it very clear, which provide a smooth and unifield visual effect.


en though nail is very rigid connection of pattern to rattan, but it is not a good way for parametric design. Considering in developing model in full ale in reality, it is hard to nail all the pattern to the rattan form in exactly position.

addition, due to missing the connection between patterns, there were gaps appear between patterns.

C.3. 1Final Detail Model Final Model Development





Sphere with four pipes joints

Take away sphere and reduce diameter of pipes

New design slot and double pipe to fix pattern


Glue pattern to form

Double rattan as clamp fixcanvas

Slot on joints to stuck the pattern

CONNECTION PATTERN&PATTERN Pattern edge were hidden at back by string

pattern were overlap and fix by clamp



educe the diameter of the nd of the pipe to be more fit

Joints with holes. Sticks gothrough the holes to connect two layers and joints

ails pattern to rattan form

Puzzle joints fix patterns

C.3. 2Final Detail Model

In the final model, two materials were been used. One layer was 1.5mm bamboo panel, another was double 1.0mm bamboo panel glue together. 1.5mm bamboo was hard and nondeformable, which was used to make form fixed. Another double bamboo was soft enough and adjustable with the different angle and the length, which is more accurate to connect other patterns. Which can reduce the gaps between patterns.

Hole on the joints for pattern beside This corner was connect by puzzle with pattern beside

The sticks go throygh the hole to connect two layers pattern and rattan, fixed by caps.

3d print joints were very expensive. In order to use joints in more efficient way, we decide to design a new type joints. The joints not only generate dynamic form but also can connect the two layers pattern together.

We split a hole gothrough the pipe of joints, and designed a stick gothrough the holes to connect two layers pattern. And caps were use

The sticks only go through three corners of one pattern's four joints. The fourth corner of bamboo connect pattern beside by puzzle joi pattern beside to connect to form. That can reduce the number of 3d joints. The advantages of this joints : --more easy to fabricate in the full scale model. --using 3d print joints in more effcient way. That method can reduce the number of 3d joints, which can save cost of 3d print joints.

The connection between pattern was Puzzle joints

C.3. 3Final Detail Model

Final Model Production Sequence STEP1 Layout the 3d joints and pattern panel for prefabrication

STEP2 Print 3d joints and place according to lable in file. Laser cutting pattern and place them in order.

STEP3 Measuring the length of sticks in file and cut the rattan. Inserting the rattan into the pipes of one jo

STEP4 Inserting other joints into the rattan and then inserting rattan into pipes agian. Inserting all the rattan into the joints. Due to the different angle of joints pipes and different length of rattan to generate the dynamic form.


STEP5 Making the sticks go through top layer , joints and bottom layer. Using caps to fix the sticks.



2 3

STEP6 Using sticks and caps to fix one corner of pattern. And then connect with pattern beside by puzzle joints. And then use sticks and caps to fix another corner.

STEP7 Follow the step6, using sticks and caps to fix all the pattern panel to the rattan form.

C.3. 4Final Detail Model Final Model Photographys

C.4. Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Object 1 The design project rich my knowledge of architecture. That make me have more imagine of the for form, more abstract form could be created in the digital design. However, the abstract form need t in the real life.

Object 2 Computational method is digital, which can create the form I even can not imagine. However, the make the digital model to be full scale in real life. I learned to consider the core construction elem repeated panel. The core construction elements is main issue and start to produce. In addition, I u connection to assembly the parts of the project.

Object 3 I learned the process of transfer the design to the real life. Through the study of presedent, I can h model to reality. Through the prototype test, I know the rigid, the connection performence, the m result. Through the testing, I keep improve my idea, and find the final design. That workflow make digital design in the future.

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