WE MAG - Issue 13 | April 2021

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ISSUE 13 | APRIL 2021




Self-Esteem In

Warrior of Odisha



A Mother's Take On Mindful Parenting








Mindful Parenting And

Bringing Passion In The

Psychological Health


Of A Child




from the field

Improving Your

Helping People 'RISE'

Child's Relationship



on the cover



A Parental Guide To


Deal With Stress Of

The Colours Of Life

Online Classes









Be A 'Mindful' Not A

'The Boy in the Dark

Nurture A Mindful

'Mindfull' Parent

Hole' By Vaishali Shroff










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Self-Esteem In Children Words | Shalmaly Chatterjee Self-esteem is how much people value themselves and how important they believe they are in their world. You might hear people talk about the importance of self-esteem in kids, and “positive self-esteem” in particular. But what exactly is it? And why does it matter so much? Simply put, positive selfesteem is when people feel good about themselves.

Why is positive self-esteem important for kids? secure about who they are, Kids with positive self-esteem

they’re more likely to have a

feel confident and capable. They

growth mindset. That means they

value themselves and their

can motivate themselves to take

abilities. They’re proud of the

on new challenges and cope

things they can do and want to

with and learn from mistakes.

try their best.

They’re also more likely to stand up for themselves and ask for

When kids are confident and

help when they need it.

05 | we mag | Issue 13

To help build your child’s positive self-image as he grows, consider these dos and don’ts.

Do let him know no one is perfect. And explain that no one expects him to be. The way you react to your child’s mistakes and

Do give children choices.

disappointments colours the

Giving children choices —

way he will react.

options preselected by you —

Don’t gush or offer insincere praise. Kids are

makes them feel

masters at detecting

empowered. For example, at

insincere praise or baseless

breakfast, you might offer

compliments. Praise your

your child the option of eggs

child often, but be specific in

or pancakes. Learning to

your compliments so your

make simple choices while

words don’t ring hollow. For

he’s young will help prepare

instance, instead of reacting

your child for the more

to your child’s latest drawing

difficult choices he’ll face as

with, “Wow, that’s great.

he grows.

You’re the best artist in the

Don’t do everything for her.

world,” try something like, “I

Be patient and let her work

really like how you drew the

things out for herself. For

whole family. You even

example, it may be faster

included details like Daddy’s

and easier to dress your


within a reasonable set of

do it herself helps her learn

Do assign age-appropriate household chores. Give

new skills. The more she

children responsibility for

meets new challenges, the

tasks such as setting the

more competent and

table, walking the dog, and

confident she’ll feel.

folding laundry. They’ll

preschooler, but letting her

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competency and bolster

Do spend one-on-one time with your child. Whether it’s

their problem-solving skills.

grabbing a bite to eat or

increase their feelings of

Don’t draw comparisons between your children.

taking a bike ride, try to schedule some alone time

Instead, appreciate each

with your child at least once

one’s individuality and

a week. This is a great

special gifts.

opportunity to talk about

Don’t call children names or use sarcasm to make a point. Never belittle your

what’s on her mind and to cement the bond the two of you share.

child’s feelings. When you get angry take a short break so you don’t say anything you’ll regret. And keep in mind; you can dislike a child’s actions without disliking the child. Be sure to illustrate the difference to your child.

Shalmaly Chatterjee, Mental Health Professional

07 | we mag | Issue 13


Dr. Nivedita Das The Mental Health Warrior of Odisha Dr. Nivedita Das, Ph.D. is a practising psychologist, professional life skills trainer, corporate trainer and faculty in the department of psychology at Utkal University, Bhubaneswar with

professional and in my personal

extensive training experience

life is an extension of them and

including behavioural training for

their teachings. I was

Police personnel, training for

academically good and was the

teachers at various schools, and

topper of my University in

capacity building for different

Graduation with Psychology


honours. After my graduation, I did my Post graduation and M.Phil

The person behind the personality

from Delhi University. After 4 years of study in Delhi, I was back in

I was born in a small city in

Odisha after I got married in

Odisha. I was raised by my mother

Odisha. Then I tried my hands in

as our biological father left us

business a little, got involved with

when I was just 1 year old. It was a

a few NGOs while doing a three-

blessing in disguise I guess as I got

year law degree course and

to stay with my maternal

enjoying motherhood. I completed

grandparents and the value

my Ph.D. and got into research

system that I carry as a

and teaching. But all these years I

08 | we mag | Issue 13

have never taken a break from the

no looking back and since then

role of a psychologist and the

this organization has been a

social sector.

stepping stone for many women who have gotten empowered and

Her work

also have become the true

Since 2005, I am involved as a

change agents of the society in

director and consultant

their own small ways by bringing

psychologist with an organization

about positive changes in the lives

called Grassrootsindia,

of other women.

(www.grassrootsindia.org) which works for women empowerment. I am also involved with an organisation which runs a Family Counselling Centre. In 2005 I met Ms Debbie Pennington, a social worker from the US, who also had been working for women empowerment in South Asian countries. We started our

The writer in her

organization with the belief that if

I have authored two books, 7 book

women are given the power to

chapters and have published more

chose and design their life the

than 60 articles including journal

way they want, they can be

articles in international and

successful. We started our

national journals and articles in

residential program for women

popular magazines. I have

from an underprivileged

presented my research papers in

background and who were victims

many international and national

of violence and help them to

seminars and have been a

rebuild their lives by providing

resource person for many

them with an atmosphere for their

workshops related to psychosocial

overall well-being. There has been


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and women irrespective of their value system and education. How unjustly men enjoy supremacy over women in our society was really unknown to me. Soon after taking charge of my emotions and issues, I started doing awareness programs by associating myself with few organizations. I wanted

Passion for mental health

to help women who were victims

Being raised by a single working

of violence and didn’t know how

mother and seeing her struggles

to help themselves. I think it’s the

while growing up was something

ability to tell your own story

that has shaped the warrior in me.

without masking it gives you the

I took up psychology as a subject

strength to overcome the hurdles

in my college as I always wanted

in life. My work got appreciated

to find answers to many questions

and I was nominated to become

that bothered me since my

the district member of the Odisha

childhood starting from my

State Social Welfare Board

biological father leaving us, my

(Advisory committee) which comes

mother going through a divorce,

under the Women and Child

the attitude of society towards

Development Department.

women and I was amazed by my

towards life and her resilience.

The challenges she wants to be addressed

The psychosocial issues and

The biggest challenge we face is

mental health of women in Odisha

actually to reconstruct their

caught my attention more

identity which is shattered by the

realistically when I got married

injustice done to them. Initially, we

and became a part of this unequal

used to expect the family to take

distribution of status among men

charge and get involved in the

mother’s optimistic outlook

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woman/girl’s life. Then we

mental health issues and how to

realised it’s the women that the

tackle different issues that emerge

power lies within and no outside

at different stages of life in a

source can help them unless they

popular English magazine

are psychologically and

intending to sensitise people to

emotionally strong and feel

these issues and to remove the


stigma attached to mental health/illness.

Plans for the future... In future, I would like to see more openness towards issues relating to mental health and more mental health professionals working towards this goal. I am doing my

Putting in her efforts

bit. In future, we are planning to

It is said that the pen is mightier

work more consciously and

than the sword. Since I am into

consistently with other

research and teaching at the

professionals on social issues

university also, through my

which result in mental health

research articles and teaching I

issues when left unaddressed.

emphasize the importance of psychosocial interventions and the role of mental health professionals in our society. It is very important to make the youngsters and budding psychologists understand the issues and challenges of this field and how they can contribute towards ensuring a healthy society. I have been writing about

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Message to those dealing with mental health issues

mental health issues as there are treatments for physical illnesses.

Those who are dealing with

We all have the right to be happy

mental health issues should know

and live life with dignity. Let us not

that they are not alone in this fight

be deterred by others’ ignorance

with mental health issues and

and help in building a more

there is nothing shameful about

empathetic world that can ensure

being mentally ill. There is

a healthy society with better

help/treatment available for

mental health.

12 | we mag | Issue 13





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definite and fixed ways to a situation. Children learn from

When I sat down to write this

what they see. For example, I

article, I wanted to first

used to tie a dupatta as a saree

understand what the term

when I was small, maybe all of

'mindful parenting' meant

four, and act just like my mother.

because parenting itself is very

There is no specific reason, I

complex. There is no common rule

would do it because that's what I

or common approach and thereby

saw. That is precisely, why mindful

presence of mind is very

parenting is required. More so, in

important to deal with a situation

these times when our children are

as it arises. Probably, to be

exposed to so much more

mindful of the situation, being

because of the internet and easy

aware of it, dealing with it in the

accessibility to anything and

best possible way is mindful


parenting. I have realised that I have been I had once read somewhere that

practising mindful parenting even

human beings are very immature,

without realising that I was doing

which means there is room for a

it. To be mindful, the first thing

lot of improvement, the scope for

and the most important is to be

a lot of learning, unlike other

aware of our own thoughts,

species which react in more

emotions and reactions.

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There are other times when we need to make an extra effort. For example, when I found my I have always been aware of my

younger son hitting a friend of his

reaction to a situation, so I try,

my immediate reaction was to hit

sometimes very hard, to be

him, but then I calmed myself and

present 'in the moment' and not

spoke to him. I gave him a chance

jump to conclusions. I give it some

to speak to me about what made

time, understand the emotions of

him act in such a manner. My

my children and that has always

approach gave him confidence


that he could be open about his feelings and it really helped me to

Being mindful helps us look at the

make him understand what was

situation/problem from a

wrong in the way he behaved.

different perspective. Being a

Needless to say, he never hit

parent to an almost adult, I can

anyone after that incident.

say that life as a parent is an emotional rollercoaster ride. I

Being mindful will definitely

have always tried to understand

strengthen the bond with our

his point of view in every situation.

children. From what my years of

We both are learning and we both

experience as a mother has

know that we are from two

taught me so far is that - being

different times and there are

aware and non-judgmental is truly

bound to be different opinions

the key to mindful parenting!

but we always choose a middle path. I think this has become a possibility because I take responsibility for my feelings and I clearly explain to him why I feel in a certain way. It is as complex or as simple as that.

Lalitha Sivapurapu, Professional storyteller, blogger and a mother

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Piyali Paul is currently pursuing

fascinated with the topics along

M.Sc in Clinical Psychology from

with the theories & the concepts.

NSHM Knowledge campus

Furtherly, I’ve pursued my post-

Durgapur. Before that, she has

graduation and continuing to

completed B.Sc (Psychology Hons)

travel into my career, the more

from Victoria Institution College

fascinating the human mind

affiliated with the University of

continues to get. I’ve always been

Calcutta. She specializes in

a “helper” type, so my typical

graphology and art therapy and is

answer has always been “to help

a life member of the Indian School

people overcome their inner

Psychology Association and The

demons & let them know that their

Indian Science Congress

lives are worth living.”

Association. We interviewed her to understand the perspective of a budding psychologist in the field of mental health.

WE: What made you choose psychology as a subject to specialise in.

PP: I took psychology as my major course at the graduate level in college. I found myself completely

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I have dreams of becoming a

WE: Why do you think it is

Clinical Psychologist and

important to educate youth on the

helping people throughout my

importance of mental health?

life along with a huge passion

PP: Education about mental

for Psychometric assessment.

health should start at an early

I want to start my non-profit

age. Because children spend so

organization that aids young

much of their daily life at school,

adults who grew up in foster

therefore imparting education

care. I want to help people in

about mental health n schools has

their transformation towards

become a necessity. Adolescence

becoming unconditionally

(10-19 years) is a unique and

loving, tolerant, and

formative time. Multiple physical,


emotional and social changes,

The thought of being able to

including exposure to poverty,

connect and help a child grow

abuse, or violence, can make

both academically and

adolescents vulnerable to mental

socially is the greatest reward

health problems. Promoting

I could ever receive.

psychological well-being and

My goal is to make something

protecting adolescents from

of myself. I found myself going

adverse experiences and risk

above and beyond the

factors that may impact their

curriculum purely out of

potential to thrive is critical for


their well-being during adolescence and for their physical and mental health in adulthood. Multiple factors determine mental health outcomes. The more risk factors adolescents are exposed to, the greater the potential impact on their mental health.

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WE: Where do you see yourself 5

WE: What difference do you want

years from now?

to make in the area of mental

PP: In the next 5-10 years, I want

health in India?

to see myself as an eminent

PP: Since grade 4 we have been

research scholar which is my

studying that India is an

childhood dream. I am a person of

agricultural country. The majority

simple needs. I have never

of the population did not get the

stopped feeding my insatiable

opportunity to join a school, and

hunger for learning. I want to

maybe a huge portion of these

continue learning while I am

individuals are just primarily

performing as a mental health

educated. This situation poses a

professional. I have always set my

huge obstacle in the way of

priorities in life. Today I can say

spreading awareness regarding

that those priorities have helped

mental health. In my opinion,

me achieve various things. Those

children need to be made aware

decisions have rewarded me with

of mental health from an early

the opportunity that I already

age and should be trained to

achieved. It is almost certain that I

spread their knowledge to their

have set up priorities for the

surroundings as well, that would

upcoming years. I want to attain

include their parents, relatives,

new heights in my career whilst

and other immediate members of

taking forward the goal to pursue

their surroundings. Also, I would

my PhD. I need to synchronize my

like to make people aware of the

targets. The five years that lie

various mental health care

ahead can be marked with

programs that are already present

milestones of progress and I am

in our country but due to sheer

sure the years will be mutually

ignorance and misconceptions,

progressive for me. I hope I hit the

common people are not getting

target I have aimed for.

the benefit. Moreover, mental

18 | we mag | Issue 13

health care should be a primary

time with my close friends. Such

health need.

friends are a blessing who are always there to give their back. I

I think mental health, not just

dislike dishonesty and indifferent

treating it but even talking about

people who don’t care about

it is a great taboo in India. Here,

others. Some individuals become

in India, it is still thought to be very

lucky and, in some way, reach the

uncomfortable or socially

top of achieving something like

unacceptable to go for therapies

being rich. However, it is

or even talk about once mental

disappointing when those people

health-related problems. I would

do not remember others who don’t

like to make people aware and

match their level and also want to

educate them on the importance

be pulled up. Being proud of own

of maintaining proper mental

success is not bad, but it becomes

health and how it can make a

a problem when pride takes over

person more comfortable or

a kind and caring heart. In my

successful or even help the person

leisure time, I mostly like to read

in knowing his own self and

poetry, novels, scientific fictional

overcoming problems and achieve

books. I have a passion for

success in every sphere of life; be

photography so in the free time I

it personal or professional.

nurture this skill. I like to utilise my leisure time and enjoy very much

WE: Share with us some of your

what I do. Reading books is the

likes, dislikes and how you like to

most prudent investment of leisure

spend your free time.

time and I learn many things from

PP: I like when people have the


right perspective about their life. A person with the right perspective of life acts as an asset to help others for their better well-being. I like to spend

19 | we mag | Issue 13

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Mindful Parenting and Psychological Health of a Child Words | Dr. Darshana Sarmah Parenting is a two-way process. The moment the child is born, a new ‘you’ is also born (and

Whether a child is mentally

gradually a better you). Parenting

growing the way he/she should

is tough because the entire

grow, is a matter of serious

process is delicate. It is the great

concern. Mental health is not mere

sole responsibility of the parents

sharpness of a brain. It is about

to make a complete package of a

the confidence, smartness, self-

healthy child. Often, attending a

esteem, positiveness in the

child physically may not imply

attitude of a child. It is very

giving attention to them.

important for a child to form a correct opinion of himself/herself

In our busy schedule, many a time,

and know their weakness and

children end up becoming a part

strength before they step out into

of our duties. Unknowingly we

this world. Often we parents

often fail to fulfil some hidden

(almost unknowingly), put a direct

needs of a child, because we

or indirect form of influence on

already remain preoccupied with

them, which in the long run,

one thing or the other. We,

frames their individual personality

parents, generally stay concerned

development. A physically sound

about the physical health of our

appearing child may also suffer

child but often ignore the invisible

from low self-esteem and

aspect - 'mental health'.


21 | we mag | Issue 13

In this aspect, Mindful Parenting

Since children are keen observer,

has a major role to play in

so parents are in turn need to be

designing a healthy mindset of

keen observer too, to observe

child. Mindful parenting has been

what they are offering a child to

identified as a promising

learn and pick up from them as

approach that promotes emotion

well as from surrounding.

regulation both in parents and children. It calls for an intentional

Unconscious parenting attacks the

moment to moment awareness

psychological immunity of a child.

while nurturing a relationship with

The calm presence of the parents

a child with non-judgemental

around, with wholehearted

acceptance, self-regulation in

engagement, leads to more

parenting and compassion.

inclination from children, and they gain a sense of unspoken

The first thing about mindful

secureness around, which boosts

parenting is to be aware of your

up their confidence, reduces

own being, your strengths,

stress in them, and enhances self-

weakness, behaviour, activities.

regulation of emotions.

Following are a few pointers that initiate mindful parenting:

Be a good listener: Always try to become a good listener for your child. In such case, they

Don’t shout and yell: Yelling

form the habit of telling you

and shouting make them

their daily account. Try limiting

rebellious. Be patient and

your distractions when with

make yourself understand it is


their age to be mischievous.

Create respectful fear: A

Don’t criticise:


child should always carry the

criticism hurts their self-

consciousness of not hurting

esteem and may bring a sense

his/her parent rather than

of detachment in them.

being gets scolded.

Highlight the teachings from

Stay Happy: Happy parents

the mistakes, rather than

lead to happy children.

rebuking them from doing so.

Children can sense, feel and

Don’t compare: Comparison

imbibe the aura of energy we

implants weak feeling in the

carry around us.

mind of a child and lowers

Be friends: It is always good

their confidence. They

to be considerate like a good

become conscious of what

friend rather than behaving as

they can’t do, rather than

a strict parent. Grant them

focusing on what they can do.

some space with their growing

Help them search and realise


their uniqueness.

Express your love often: Love is to be expressed. It strengthens the bonding, making them less vulnerable to the outside world as well as they enjoy a sense of security wherever they go.

Dr. Darshana Sarmah, Teacher by profession, blogger by passion, keen believer in mental fitness

23 | we mag | Issue 13


Improving Your Child's Relationship With Food Words | Jolly Vin

nutrient for the brain and nervous

Mindful parenting is all about

system which needs to regulate

raising a child with emotional,

memory, mood, muscle control

social, mental, physical and

and other functions and plays

intellectual development. Through

important role in a child’s growth.

this article, I am sharing a few tips for a child’s physical and mental

Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly


common in kids nowadays due to less exposure to the sun.

A journey of parenthood starts

Symptoms are low energy levels,

with planning for the baby.

dry skin, weak bones, excess

Detoxification before one month

sweating, weak eyesight and

of planning to conceive is very


important for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Consult your doctor for any vitamins and nutrition check. Superfoods like nuts, seeds, herbs, vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, pea and lentils and eggs yellow are a rich source of choline. Choline, which is similar to B vitamins is an important

24 | we mag | Issue 13

Folate B12, iron, zinc, omega 3

Peaceful sleep is also very

fatty acid and vitamin C also plays

important for their growth. Too

an important role in mental and

much sugar intake in the dinner

physical growth. To overcome

gives more energy hence kids are

nutrients deficiency, healthy fats,

unable to sleep on time. Try to

protein, complex carbs, minerals

lower your child’s stress levels by

and vitamin intake is very

giving an oil massage. Outdoor

important. Parents should involve

activities like cycling, swimming

their child in kitchen activities to

etc. boost endorphins (happy

cultivate healthy food habits.

hormone) levels which also reduce stress and anxiety while increasing

Too much processed and junk

the self-esteem and creativity of

food, fizzy drinks can harm not


only kid’s growth but also harm their brain and it causes

These are simple, easy to follow

aggressions, depression and

measures that parents can use

stress. It is parents' responsibility

mindfully while helping their

to educate and promote the

children develop healthy eating

goodness of home-cooked food.

habits and consequently improve their relationship with food.

Nowadays parents are more aware of child development. They feed them all kind of superfood and nutritious food but do check that your child can digest that food and absorb the nutrients. If they are suffering from any acute diseases then try to fix their digestion first. Weak digestion leads to many diseases.

Jolly Vin, Founder - 'Holistic Nutrition By Jolly', nutrition author and lifestyle coach

25 | we mag | Issue 13

Your Body. Your Health. Our Priority.

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HELPING PEOPLE 'RISE' - Dr. JASMINE VIJ Dr. Jasmine Vij is a Counselor, Psychotherapist & Psychological Trainer. She is the founder of RISE Psychological Services working for the mental health of individuals specifically and for society, at large. She works as a counselor and therapist providing support to clients who are going through emotional, intra/interpersonal and psychological struggles. At a broader level, seminars, workshops and trainings help her to achieve the goal of positive psychology.

WE: Tell our readers a bit about yourself.

JV: I'm a passionate psychologist who works in the field of mental health. After completing my Masters and PhD. in psychology and having undergone several certified trainings and diplomas and further attaining an experience of 16 years in the field of psychology, today I apply my skills and expertise in diagnosing, handling, counseling, and providing support to clients who

27 | we mag | Issue 13

are going through emotional,

one to say openly, when asked by

intra/inter-personal &

my class teacher in 10th that I

psychological struggles. Also, I

wanted to study psychology and

psycho-educate the general

was looked at by surprise and

public and train young budding

scorn. I observed that too!!


WE: Tell us more about the work WE: How did your journey as a

that you do, the clinic you run and

psychologist begin?

the services provided by you.

JV: Right from the beginning I

JV: I am the founder of RISE

was going with my instincts to

Psychological Services. The name

observe human behaviour, it was

itself indicates that the basic

very much inborn to have an

motto of my clinic is to make

interest in this area. But I belong

people rise above their issues,

to a time and place when only

problems and ignorance to a level

social status was important in

where they can be better

career choice and no

adjusted to themselves and to the

consideration was given to

society or people they live with.

interest at all. So, students could

My daily works include dealing

pursue medical or non-medical

with people (children

after their basic compulsory

adolescents, adults, elderly) who

education. In fact, I was the only

are unable to handle certain

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aspects of their life and need professional help in that. It includes dealing with stress, mild depression, anxiety, emotional problems, adjustment issues, child behaviour & academic problems, marital counseling and workplace issues. Additionally, I conduct private workshops for training purposes and also indulge in seminars (recently webinars) for increasing awareness on various

WE: What challenges did you

platforms such as schools,


colleges, institutes, organizations

JV: I did not face any challenges

and the like. Also, I provide

as such in being trained as a

internship opportunities for

psychologist because I was born

psychology students in my clinic.

to be one. But professionally speaking, it is just that people need to be made more aware of and convinced of how counseling and psychotherapy works. They have to be told that no magic is going to change them and they will have to put an equal effort. Then there are time and fee concerns which I think most psychologists are facing in India. Such issues can be resolved if the required respect and recognition are provided to psychologists with a proper check on quacks.

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WE: How do you think your initiative is helping people who are facing mental health issues?

JV: The awareness campaigns really help to give assurance and strength to people who are unable to seek treatment because of myths or taboos. It gives them an understanding that there is an issue that needs to be resolved in a specific manner with

WE: What is your message to

their own inner energies.

mental health advocates and

Moreover, they are given new


perspectives which they have not

JV: We, as mental health

thought of before thereby

professionals have to be very

changing the way they think and

cautious because what we say

behave and making them better

means a lot to our clients. We

human beings. Also, they become

can’t give a passing comment, a

open to the idea that many things

general statement, or an over-

can be sorted out by talking

generalized judgment. Whatever

about it and medicines is not the

we say matters and in turn shapes

only solution to mental health

our clients' life, so it is a big


responsibility. One should never exercise a particular technique or therapy without proper training and expertise. I have come across ‘so-called psychologists’ ruining their client’s lives. Please do not destroy the basic purpose of your profession and spoil other psychologist’s reputation too.

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THE COLOURS OF LIFE Artist | Nakul Waghe "As the year 2020 was completely spent under lockdown and we since we are reliving those times again in 2021, every individual understands the importance of home. It doesn't matter how big or small the house is, but everyone found happiness by staying together with the family during a stressful time. People realized that peace of mind can also be achieved by spending quality time with family at home rather than going out shopping at the malls or watching movies in multiplexes. This painting is a

Nakul Waghe, Watercolor and

collection of many such houses

acrylic hobby artist, who paints to

and buildings which are painted

meditate and is an IT consultant by profession

in vibrant colors."

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A PARENTAL GUIDE TO DEAL WITH STRESS OF ONLINE CLASSES Words | Priyanka Chakraborty As technology is advancing every passing day, every aspect of human life is taking a route

online learning. It has its own

towards its virtual aspect.

wow and woes, not only from a

Starting from online banking to

student’s and teacher’s

online shopping, online payment

perspective but from a parent’s

to online ticketing, everything is

perspective as well.

going on the web platform. In this race, online teaching and

Since the pandemic is not yet

learning are also not behind.

over and there is no significant information about when and how

A further contribution of the

the regular classes will be

pandemic has elevated the

conducted, online classes are

system of education from brick

the only mode of education

and mortar classrooms to digital

remaining for learning and

learning. In such a scenario,

upgrading the skills. It is done

online learning is the future of

from the comfort of the home

education or not, is a heated

itself. But is it as easy as it seems

topic. As every coin has two

like?? The most probable answer

sides, so is the situation with

received is a big NO.

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in a hurry join the online classes. Since last year, each one of us

At that time, if they haven’t taken

has experienced a weird shift in

their first meal of the day, they

our physical, mental and

will trouble themselves the entire

cognitive attitudes. The students

day. So, ensure that your child is

or the ‘learning section’ of the

maintaining their schedule to

society is affected the most.

sleep on time, next morning,

Online classes that are defined

wake on time, take a bath, have

to be executed from the comfort

their breakfast and then

of home is not that easy as it

attentively join the online

sounds! It not only disturbed the


child’s way of learning but also the way their parents tackle

Sometimes there are issues with

them is getting more

net connectivity. The child may

complicated. We cannot avoid

get irked as they are unable to

this situation. But as a parent, it

connect and the teacher on the

is our duty to discover a solution

other end is continuing the

to cure this problem. Below the

classes. At that time, scolding

lane, are some tips for parents to

them or leaving them alone in

help their ward cope with the

the situation is not a good

stress of online learning.


1. Be kind and patient to your kid; teach them the value of being on time.

Instead of reacting adversely to the situation, teach your child to respond calmly and judiciously. This can be done only when you

As everything is getting

are patient with the situation

disturbed, so is the schedule of

and kind towards your kid.

sleeping and waking up.

Therefore, make them learn how

Children play online games till

to deal with these kinds of

midnight, wake up late and then

dynamic situations.

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2. Provide a dedicated place for their learning. In online platforms, there are cameras and mikes, which can record the situation of every home. No child wants their classmates to hear or see what is going inside their home. During online classes, it is seen that there are many background noises from the student’s end. Whether it is a conversation

careful that your kid stays

between family members or

focussed and does not get

unwanted noises from the

disturbed from the surrounding

kitchen, each of them can


distract the child’s focus from online classes. So, it is the

Although it is impossible to

parent who is advised to be

completely eliminate these noises, they can be avoided by some changes in the home. Make sure your kid is sitting in a room where there is no one to come and go every moment. If possible, close all the windows of the room during the classes, so that the child remains focused. At last, try to keep home quiet when the online classes are going home, with fewer or no conversations.

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3. Never trust blindly.

Always be in connection with the school and the teacher

The above statement may sound

regarding their online presence

a bit bitter but that is something

and performance.

every parent should be aware of. The Internet is a world where

Last but not the least, remember

along with ample amounts of

this time shall too pass, but

knowledge, there are a plethora

what’s most important is your

of distractions. As they are in

child’s mental health and their

their growing age, it is very

learning. So anyhow, explore

obvious that they may get

new methods to connect with

attracted to something that they

your child so that they can share

should not. In such a case, they

their tough moments and heal

might lie that they are attending

the stress that the pandemic had

online classes, but in reality, they

created in their mind.

are busy with some other internet activity, whether it can be gaming or watching a movie. There is nothing wrong in doing any one of them, but deceiving the parent and compromising with the study is not justified.

Priyanka Chakraborty, Believer

Therefore, trust your child but

of empowering people for

don’t have blind faith in them.

creating a better society

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Be A 'Mindful' Not A 'Mindfull' Parent

Words | Dr. Harshmeet Kaur These are challenging times. Kids are stressed and have been

missing the normal times. Parents have been raising kids with

incredible resilience and strength.

Manpreet Kaur, a London-based

Many of them cancelled their in-

life coach and a mindful parent

person vacations. They delved

says, "For me, mindful parenting

deeply into innovating and

meant listening to my children

creating an indoor routine for

with no distractions and being

their kids. What I have learnt from

non-judgmental towards children

parent stories is that many of

as well as myself. It also meant to

them navigated challenges with

be aware of my and their

adaptability. I interviewed some

emotions to avoid any automatic

of them and asked them what

reactions. To me, self-regulating

made them have an expression of

parent-child relationships mean

joy along with work from home

to be more tolerant of and

calls and online classes of kids.

supportive of their emotional

Most of them practised

displays rather than dismissing

mindfulness i.e., focused on the

them and finally be

present moment rather than

compassionate towards them and

worrying about the future of their

myself. The focus should be on


effort rather than results"

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There are some of the ways which helped parents and kids manage their stress during the pandemic. For example: 1. Taking some moments to practice breathing. 2. Exercising together. 3. Encouraging kids to practice gratitude. 4. Having some playtime during the evening. 5. Adding proper nutrition to the diet. 6. Practising healthy tech routine: No use of devices before sleep, time-limits for social media, and staying away from phone/tv while having food. 7. Soaking up sunlight when possible.

Like mindful parents, let our kids know that they are resilient to care of themselves, others and the planet. Let us all take some moment to remember all the brilliant, brave, parents around the world for raising kids mindfully during the pandemic.

8. Considering sleep as the most powerful relaxant. 9. Most importantly, having close conversations with kids and reassuring them that they are safe, healthy, and much loved.

Dr. Harshmeet Kaur, Mental Health & Wellness Coach; Founder of TheBloom

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'THE BOY IN THE DARK HOLE' BY VAISHALI SHROFF Words | Prisha Gupta “The Boy in the Dark Hole” is a children’s book by prolific writer Vaishali Shroff. It is a short yet profound story about a 10-yearold boy, SP, who has fallen into a deep, black hole and can’t seem to get out.

The tale is written from the point-of-view of SP himself, and how a dark hole is swallowing him up. He only wants to sketch, read his favourite poems, have fun with his two best friends Kuhu and Lobo, and chase rainbows with his father along the streets of Mumbai. But his father wants him to play football

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when SP has no interest in it, he is bullied and teased at school and he can’t enjoy the things he loves doing most.

Looking into a cardboard tube his mom gave him to put in his craft box, he imagines that he is falling into a hole, reliving the worst days of his life.

The book does a great job explaining the concept of depression to children while

The book’s language is simple

exploring the fact that even their

and easy to understand, and the

mental health is important. It

beautiful illustrations by Samidha

also shows that sometimes a

Gunjal bring life to its pages.

little light can illuminate a whole

Children of all ages shall


certainly enjoy perusing this book. It is surely worth giving a read!

Prisha Gupta, Grade 8 student, avid reader, writer and aspiring An illustration by Samidha Gunjal

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Nurture A Mindful Future Words | Zinaida D'souza You must have heard this saying “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. It is very essential that parents first take care of their

Why is mindful parenting the need of the hour?

mental health, only then they can raise healthy-minded children.

The coronavirus pandemic has

Mindful parenting means being

brought unexpected challenges

aware of what influences your

in our lives. It has been difficult

own emotions, feelings and

not only for adults but for

behaviours rather than

children as well. The pandemic

projecting them onto your

situation has added more stress

children. Managing your own

to parenting responsibility.

emotions and behaviours

Mindful parenting is the absolute

teaches your child to manage

need of the hour as it will help in

theirs. Mindful parenting is the

raising children who are more

key to raise children to be better

resilient in handling adverse


situations effectively.

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How to MINDFULLY parent your child?

stable simply means not let your conscious or unconscious emotions take

Listen, be present in the moment: One of the

control of you and get the better of you. You can

common mistake parents

handle your emotions well by

tend to make is they fail to

bringing them to your

listen and be patient with

conscious mind and dealing

their children. You need to

with them effectively.

listen to what your child is

Emotional stability helps you

saying, no matter how silly

think and analyse the

you find it. Come down to

situation better, allowing you

their level of understanding

to come up with a solution.

that moment, keeping aside

Identify emotional triggers: An emotional

your busy life.

trigger is can be a painful

Self-awareness: Being self-

memory, past experiences, or

aware is extremely important

any event that fuels an

because when you have a

intense emotional reaction,

better understanding of

regardless of your current

yourself, you are empowered

mood. These triggers cause

to make changes and to

us to react in negative ways

build on your areas of

because of the pain

strength as well as identify

attached to the past

areas where you would like

experience. Be mindful

to make improvements.

about what you are feeling

Emotional stability: Your

and identify if there is any

emotions are so powerful

past pain that is influencing

that they influence your

your emotions or behaviours.

thoughts, decisions, and

Choose your words wisely:

actions. Being emotionally

Your words can have a huge

and be present with them in

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Respond, don’t react: Every problem you encounter while parenting requires an appropriate response, rather than a reaction. A common error made by most parents. Reactions often come when we feel frustrated and are unable to handle our own self. They can be often harmful to the child’s mental impact on your child’s mental

growth. Replace your

wellbeing and they become

reactions by responding to

the foundation of their

the problem in a calmer

overall growth. Show respect

manner. If you feel you have

to your child. Choose kind

reacted negatively,

and positive words when

apologise to your child.

talking to your child, as your

Children learn to apologise

words will become their

for their mistakes if adults do


the same.

Validate feelings: Every human has the gift of feeling different emotions. Validate those feelings even if they are not pleasant ones. Your feelings and emotions tell you a lot about yourself and it will tell you a lot about your child as well. Validate them and treat them responsibly.

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Give choices: Parents often choose and decide everything for their children. They take away the power of letting their child make a choice. Choices can help children in improving their self-esteem, decision making and problem-solving ability. Children feel in control when they are allowed to make choices for themselves.

Realistic vs unrealistic expectations: Be more realistic with the expectations that you keep from your child. It is the child who bears the burden of parent’s unrealistic expectations. This burden weighs them down, puts

Meditation & grounding: Meditation and grounding are the most useful tools to practice mindfulness. Grounding is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or bring you back to the present and stops you from worrying about the past or the future.

pressure on them and that can hamper their overall mental health

Zinaida D'souza, Mental Health Professional, Clinical and Counselling Psychologist

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