Block prin+ng is one of the oldest forms of art, passed on for over 2000 years through tradi+onal ar+sts. In the recent past, the advent of technology has posed a threat to even the mere con+nua+on of this cap+va+ng form of art. However, what technology can’t take away or provide is the beauty and purity of block prin+ng. Blockwallah, a Finnish-‐Indian company, brings this ancient art together making it a fun ac+vity for anyone. Blockwallah works closely with local ar+sans in India and strongly believes in ethical work prac+ces. It also empowers slum women in India by providing them with employment throughout the produc+on process. Blockwallah stamps are hand-‐carved, not mass produced. Which means, every single block is unique and speaks of the craEsmanship and style of the ar+st who created it.
Paisleys Paisley 1 BW_PA1
Paisley 2 BW_PA2
Paisley 3 BW_PA3
Peacock BW_PE
BuLerfly BW_BU
Flowers Flower 1 BW_FL1
Flower 2 BW_FL2
Flower 4 BW_FL4
Flower 5 BW_FL5
Lotus BW_LO
Flower 6 BW_FL6
Wheat BW_WH
Scissors BW_SC
Heart BW_HE