Characteristics The “NZZ am Sonntag” stands out amongst the Sunday papers as being a newspaper of quality. It links NZZ’s journalistic values to the particular needs of our Sunday readers. It has its own editorial staff that provide analyses, in-depth background ers, independent investigations, and competent commentary. This ensures that its discerning Sunday readers remain wellinformed about the past week’s main events, and that they are fully in the picture as far as the coming week is concerned. As Sundays are a special time for reading, “NZZ am Sonntag” seeks to delight its readers with entertaining stories and articles about fine living, along with reports and interviews.
All rates are quoted in Swiss Francs, applicable to customers within Switzerland. Subject to change without notice.
Media Data
Performance and Readership Data Z – Die schönen Seiten 1
NZZ am Sonntag Print run Readers Reach Structure
Switzerland German-speaking Switzerland German-speaking Switzerland men/women
126 371 copies 458 000 readers 10.8% 54% /46%
Print run Readers Reach Structure
Switzerland German-speaking Switzerland German-speaking Switzerland men/momen
320 000 copies 614 000 readers 14.4% 56% /44%
Bücher am Sonntag 1 Print run Readers Reach Structure
Switzerland German-speaking Switzerland German-speaking Switzerland men/women
152 000 copies
total Switzerland German-speaking Switzerland German-speaking Switzerland men/women
269 380 copies 253 334 copies
458 000 readers 10.8% 54% /46%
Publisher’s declaration. Sources: WEMF Auflagen-Bulletin 2008, MACH Basic 2008-2.
Print run Readers Reach Structure
614 000 readers 14.4% 56% /44%
Media Data
Section Structure
Section Structure
Weekly Supplements
1st section 2nd section 3rd section 4th section 5th section 6th section 7th section 8th section
NZZexecutive (jobs)
Topics of the day Background Business Sport Culture Knowledge Society Style
Monthly Supplements Books on Sunday
Focal Themes and Supplements In accordance with the separate list under the index “Focal Themes and Supplements” (page 12 and 13)
Magazine “Z – Die schönen Seiten” (published ten times per year)
Section Structure
Advertising Rates and Special Placements
Recommendations and Classifieds Placement in the 1st Section Fixed formats 2/1 pages 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/4 page 1/8 page
Placement in the 2nd to 8th Section b/w 37 040.– 18 520.– 9 250.– 4 640.– 2 320.–
colour 52 680.– 26 340.– 15 680.– 7 990.– 4 055.–
Fixed formats 2/1 pages 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/4 page 1/8 page
b/w 33 660.– 16 830.– 8 420.– 4 215.– 2 105.–
colour 47 880.– 23 940.– 14 250.– 7 260.– 3 690.–
Millimetre rates for individual formats Up to 400 mm From 401 mm
b/w 3.89 4.22
colour 7.04 7.04
Full Position Advertisements Placement in the 1st Section
Placement in the 2nd to 8th Section
Fixed formats b/w 1/2 page 16 490.– 1/4 page (291×108 mm) 8 240.– junior page 15 040.–
colour 22 700.– 13 280.– 22 320.–
Millimetre rates for individual formats Min. height = 80 mm
colour 12.52
b/w 8.11
Division into columns: See index “Classifieds”, colour advertisements are only possible from over 100 mm. 2 Half-page panorama advertisements. 3 Quarter-page panorama advertisements.
Fixed formats b/w 2/2 pages2 29 980.– 2/4 pages3 14 990.– 1/2 page 14 990.– 1/4 page (291×108 mm) 7 500.– Junior page 13 780.– Millimetre rates for individual formats Min. height = 60 mm, Business section = 80 mm
colour 41 270.– 24 140.– 20 635.– 12 070.– 20 290.–
Advertisements 1 Placement in the 1st Section
Placement in the 2nd to 8th Section
Millimetre rates Column width = 55 mm Min. height = 80 mm
b/w 26.37
Page Centre
Millimetre rates Column width = 55 mm, Min. height = 30 mm Business = 80 mm
b/w 23.94
Colour Surcharges
Millimetre rates Column width = 55 mm (placement in Sports section possible)
b/w 31.08
Height Up to 440 mm From 441 mm
colour 4 680.– 5 860.–
Special Placements Placement Front page Centre Panorama I (possible from 2nd to 8th section)
Format ad ad
Columns 1 63
width∙height 2 55× 60 mm 376×218 mm
31 610.–
colour 10 730.– 38 010.–
Centre Panorama II (possible from 2nd to 8th section)
376×268 mm
38 790.–
44 990.–
Monolith, 1st section
page-high ad page-high ad
1 2
55×420 mm 114×420 mm
11 340.– 22 680.–
15 690.– 27 870.–
Monolith, 2nd to 8th section
page-high ad page-high ad
1 2
55×420 mm 114×420 mm
10 290.– 20 600.–
14 690.– 25 850.–
Advertising field Weather page
42× 38 mm
1 005.–
Max. height = 340 mm (over 341 mm, 420 mm will be charged). 2 Changes to format not possible. 3 Plus gutter overflow.
Advertising Rates and Special Placements
Discounts and Surcharges
Discounts Volume Discounts Amount discount amount 12 000.– 3% 500 000.– 35 000.– 4% 600 000.– 70 000.– 5% 700 000.– 100 000.– 6% 800 000.– 125 000.– 7% 900 000.– 150 000.– 8% 1 000 000.– 175 000.– 9% 1 500 000.– 200 000.– 10% 2 000 000.– 250 000.– 11% 2 500 000.– 300 000.– 12% 3 000 000.– 350 000.– 13% 4 000 000.– 400 000.– 14% 5 000 000.– 450 000.– 15%
discount 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27%
– Volume discounts are for business advertisements and pre-printed inserts only; discounts do not apply to financial advertisements and statutory notices (format and text changes as desired, 1 year duration). Bulk space contracts possible.
Frequency Discounts Simultaneous booking with no size change 3 to 5 repeats 6 to 12 repeats 13 to 25 repeats 26 to 51 repeats 52 repeats and over
– The same discounting applies to real estate advertisements. – Separate discounting applies to recruitment advertisements (see separate documentation). – Under this contract, bookings can be made to the following: “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”, “NZZ BusinessCombi”, “NZZ am Sonntag”, Magazine “Z – Die schönen Seiten”, “NZZ campus” and “NZZ Chronik”. – Discounting agreements are concluded with one party only. Separate orders must be placed for display ads from the same buyer if they appear under different names or are invoiced to the accounts of other companies; this restriction does not apply to companies that are eligible for corporate rates according to the specifications laid out by STG Schweizerische Treuhand gesellschaft. Please do not hesitate to contact us for details. Phone +41 (0)44 258 16 98. – Volume and frequency discounts cannot be cumulated.
Special Discounts 5% 7.5% 15% 20% 25%
Book advertisements Collective advertisements Charity discounts as per ZEWO list
25% 30% 50%
Special offer
Surcharges Satellite advertisements as from 2nd advertisement Multi-corner advertisements Binding data and placement instructions
Special offer 10% 20% 10%
NZZ weekend offer1 When you book the NZZ weekend offer we publish your ad simultaneously in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and in «NZZ am Sonntag», and free of charge in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» the following Monday. When you book the NZZ weekend offer we publish your ad simultaneously in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» and in «NZZ am Sonntag», and free of charge in the «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» the following Monday. Placement 1× «Neue Zürcher Zeitung», Thursday to Saturday 1× «NZZ am Sonntag» on the Sunday of the same week Published free of charge 1× «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» on the Monday of the following week
Offer only applies to fixed formats
Discounts/Surcharges Special offer
Overview of Classifieds Sections Education Services Financial market Real estate Art trade/galleries/antiques 1 Recruitment ads 2 Tourism Events 1
1 2
30% additional discount on classifieds Separate advertising rates apply for recruitment ads.
publication frequency Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday (“NZZexecutive”) Sunday Sunday
formats even and 5 columns even and 5 columns even and uneven columns even and 5 columns even and 5 columns even and uneven columns even and uneven columns even and 5 columns
min. height 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm 20 mm
Recruitment NZZexecutive
In the weekend Swiss edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and Sunday’s edition, “NZZ am Sonntag”, the recruitment section NZZexecutive is included. With the total edition, your ad in NZZexec utive will also be published on the following Wednesday in the international edition of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. Thus, you can extend your target audience for an extra 10% only. is not only a place where specialists and experts can look for jobs. The website also provides the latest economic information, exclusive interviews with business personalities, and independent and useful information about many firms based on the NZZ’s first-class and extensive archives. This is an enormous added value which substantially increases the number of visitors to the website. Page impressions 30 million.
Millimetre rates for individual formats Total edition Situations wanted
b/w 7.75 4.28
colour 8.85
Base price for individual advertisement 625.–
Further information about situations vacant advertising (NZZexecutive and and real estate advertising (NZZdomizil and is contained in separate documentation: or phone +41 (0)44 258 16 98.
Classifieds Recruitment
Focal Themes and Supplements
Overview of Special Supplements Themes Outdoor Education Health and wellness Investing & provision for the future Real estate Design Miami/Basel Swiss retail trade Grand Prix Suisse Real estate The future of energy Automobile Derivative products Home, interior design Invest & provision for the future Education
publication dates 2009 15th March 12th April 26th April 10th May 17th May 7st June 21st June 26th July 13th September 13th September 27th September 18th October 25th October 8th November 22nd November
publication focal theme in the Style section special supplement focal theme in the Style section special supplement special supplement focal theme in the Style section special supplement special supplement special supplement special supplement focal theme in the Style section special supplement focal theme in the Style section special supplement special supplement
Special supplements may be changed at short notice. The current overview can be found at
Z – Die schönen Seiten The lifestyle magazine from the NZZ. With our new high-end magazine series “Z – Die schönen Seiten” we aim to offer real and attractive added value for our quality-conscious advertisers and our discerning readers. The magazine is one of a kind in Switzerland. It meets extremely high standards of journalism, carries an impressive range of subject matter and comes in a distinctive special format. A total of ten magazines are delivered with selected Saturday editions of “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and the “NZZ am Sonntag”. This high-quality
weekend supplement is designed to tempt your high-spending, wealthy target group to spend time on the magazine and read it intently, making your advertisements even more effective because they get the attention they deserve. Detailed information regarding “Z – Die schönen Seiten” and other NZZ magazines is contained in the separate documentation or at
Monthly Supplements “Books on Sunday” “Books on Sunday” is published every last Sunday of the month in tabloid format as a supplement to “NZZ am Sonntag” and provides book fans and literature enthusiasts with an overview of the most important additions to the worlds of fiction and non-fiction. Under non-fiction it focuses on biographies, memoirs, books about relevant political, historical, cultural and scientific topics, as well as ongoing debate within the wider society. “Books on Sunday” has no less than 24 pages, and besides book reviews it also contains an essay or an extensive interview, as well as a column written by a well-known author. In addition, it features monthly bestseller lists and a diary of important author readings, book vernissages and literature platforms. Each month, the title page is designed by the well-known Portuguese illustrator André Carrilho.
Format 2/1 pages
Type height∙width fixed format 440×290 mm
b/w colour 15 420.– 21 910.–
1/1 page
fixed format 210×290 mm
7 710.– 10 950.–
1/2 page
fixed format 210×141 mm (full position)
3 890.– 6 540.– 5 050.– 8 480.–
1/4 page
fixed format 210×68 mm (full position)
1 945.– 3 340.– 2 520.– 4 350.–
1/8 page
fixed format 103×68 mm
980.– 1 675.–
fixed format 55×277 mm
2 865.– 4 450.–
Millimetre rates for ads Minimal format 1 column/30 mm (55×30 mm)
Focal Themes and Supplements
Pre-printed Inserts
Publication Frequency and Print Run
Technical Requirements
Publication Sunday
Format – Min. format 148×105 mm (DIN A6) – Max. format 315×235 mm – Max. format newspaper products 320×235 mm
Print run 155 000 copies
Rates Weight Up to 25 g 26 – 50 g 51 – 75 g 76 – 100 g 101 – 150 g Over 150 g
rate/1000 copies 390.– 490.– 550.– 615.– 670.– on request
rate 60 450.– 75 950.– 85 250.– 95 325.– 103 850.–
– These prices include postage as well as handling charges. – For each external advertisement received, a lump sum of 20% of the rate of a 4-colour advertisement page will be invoiced in addition to the insert enclosure fee. – For larger inserts, the publisher must be contacted to discuss the technical possibilities as well as the terms and conditions. – Inserts qualify for special volume discounts.
Combination Discount 15% discount for combined insertion in both the “NZZ am Sonntag” and the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”.
Insert weight – Min. weight for A6 format = 170 g/m2 – Min. weight for formats between A6 and A4 = 120 g/m2 – Maximal weight per insert = 240 g Important In order to rule out any technical difficulties when processing preprinted inserts, 3 binding sample inserts or 3 dummy copies are required before confirmation of the order can be given. A test run (in advance) is required for inserts diverging from standard formats (special formats, stick-in samples, etc.). Approximately 200 copies of the insert (dummy copies) must be supplied for this procedure.
Delivery Address Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Abteilung Ausrüstung Zürcherstrasse 39, 8952 Schlieren, Switzerland Phone +41 (0)44 258 18 42
Extent of delivery We recommend a 2% increase of the required amount because of fluctuations in print runs and reject copies.
Deadlines –N o earlier than 9 working days prior to the insert circulation date (inserts delivered earlier will be subject to storage charges). – No later than 4 working days prior to the insert circulation date. – Any VAT or custom duties, if any, shall be at the expense of the advertiser.
– In case of split-edition bookings, neither exclusive nor comprehensive coverage of the desired area can be guaranteed. – No claims for price reductions or damages shall be accepted if inserts fall out of the paper upon delivery or due to technical reasons, or if the insertion process causes scuff marks. – Excess inserts shall be disposed of, unless otherwise agreed.
Important – I nserts must be stacked in identical layers of min. 8–10 cm. – Inserts’ edges must not be damaged. They may not be bound together nor be boxed. – The delivery slip must be clearly visible on one longitudinal and one transverse side and must specify: Name of newspaper, description of insert, insertion date, number per pallet and total number of copies supplied. Pre-printed Inserts
Technical Data and Deadlines
Electronic transmission
– Deadline for display advertisement bookings/cancellations and printing material is 2pm two working days prior to publication. – Deadline for inserts is five working days prior to publication.
Advertising orders In addition to the customary information such as client address, newspaper, keywords, publication dates, please indicate the input channel through which the ad will be transmitted. Technical information Phone +41 (0)44 258 13 42
Technical Specifications Greyscale/ colour images1 Logos, bitmap resolution Screen2 Screen dot shape Minimum dot Maximum dot UCR total Printing sequence Grey balance Colour process Image processing Typefaces Overprint/trapping Dot gain Solid tone density Proofs 1
150 to 300 dpi 1200 dpi 44 lines/cm (110 lpi) moderate elliptical dot 2% 98% 240% (C+M+Y+K) 1st cyan, 2nd magenta, 3rd yellow, 4th black C = 50%, M = 40%, Y = 40% 4-colour process (CMYK) throughout (Pantone colours converted to CMYK) according to ISO Norms “ISOnewspaper26v4” always attach if not embedded (in PDFs) must be defined in the file supplied 26% midtone C = 0.90 / M = 0.90 Y = 0.90 / K = 1.10 on newsprint, with calibration strip
Books on Sunday: 300 dpi. 2 Books on Sunday: 60 lines/cm (150 lpi).
Software – Adobe Creative Suite 3 – Quark-X-Press 7 – Office 2004 File formats – High-end PDF files (preferable to all other file formats) – PDFX-3 – PDFX-Ready – Acrobat Writer is not suitable for this purpose – EPS: Fonts embedded or vectorised – Open files: Please supply all artwork/logos and typefaces as well as a binding printout.
Data transmission Data media CD/DVD E-mail Via PrintOnline For information: phone +41 (0)44 258 17 70 or
Delivery of Physical Printing Material
Paper copies Paper copies can be sent. However, using paper copies could result in a loss of quality.
Newspaper formats Newspaper size Type area Panorama advertisement
Film Film is not accepted.
width∙height 320×470 mm 291×440 mm 612×440 mm
4 400 mm 8 800 mm
Fixed formats PrintOnline PrintOnline is the digital courier that, rather than sending films, electronically distributes entire advertising campaigns throughout Switzerland. This attractive distribution method simplifies procedures for both advertising clients and publishers. For advertising clients and data producers, the services are free of charge.
Newspaper formats 2/1 pages (panorama ad) 2/2 pages (half-page panorama ad) 2/4 pages (quarter-page panorama ad) 1/1 page 1/2 page 1/4 page 1/8 page
width∙height 612×440 mm 612×218 mm 612×108 mm 291×440 mm 291×218 mm 291×108 mm or 143×218 mm 143×108 mm
Column Number and Dimensions 1 Columns Display ads mm
2 55
3 84
Editorial-adjacency ads mm 55
Editorial-adjacency ads mm Books on Sunday
1 –
Imposition does not allow for single-column or nine-column ads.
4 114
5 143
6 173
7 202
8 232
9 –
10 291
Technical Data and Deadlines
General Terms and Conditions General Terms and Conditions governing the contractual relationships between Advertisers and Publicitas AG NZZ Media (hereinafter referred to as NZZ Media) for the products of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG (hereinafter referred to as NZZ) A. SCOPE OF APPLICATION 1. Business relationships with Advertisers 1.1. These General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between NZZ Media and an Advertiser (Advertising Contract Print and Online). Advertising, media or PR agencies deal with NZZ Media on behalf of and for the account of Advertisers. 1.2. The Advertising Contract covers the publication (single or multiple-issue placements and volume contracts) of advertisements, inserts and supplements (hereinafter referred to as “advertisements”) by NZZ Media, including or excluding consultancy services, the creation of advertisements using desktop publishing (DTP) means, the preparation of media plans or administrative services. In their dealings with NZZ Publishing House, NZZ Media takes full responsibility for the publication of the advertisements. 1.3 NZZ products are published in German. Without instructions to the contrary, all advertising texts are published in the original text of the manuscript; these are therefore not automatically translated. 1.4. The typesetting of classifieds is only possible using our normal layout. 2. General Terms and Conditions of Advertisers 2.1. Upon conclusion of the Advertising Contract, the General Terms and Conditions become an integral part of said Contract. The Advertiser at the same time waives the application of his/her own General Terms and Conditions. 3. Publication in the text area of print products 3.1. Publication in the text area cannot be made a requirement when submitting advertising. Any publication in the text area which infringes on the interests of advertisers cannot in any way constitute a claim against the advertising administration. B. EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT 4. Prices 4.1. In respect of publication, the currently prevailing advertising rates and discounts of NZZ Publishing House, plus VAT, shall apply. 4.2. In respect of consultancy, creation, planning or administrative services provided by NZZ Media, the latter’s currently prevailing service prices, plus VAT, will apply. The most important items are published in the NZZ official pricing documentation. All prices are available on the website 4.3. Any changes to advertising rates, discounts, service prices and VAT also take immediate effect for publications that are already running. However, Advertisers are entitled to cancel their contracts within 2 weeks of notification of the new rates. In such cases, Advertisers are only entitled to such discount as per the discount schedule as corresponds to the actual amount of advertising purchased by the time of cancellation. 5. Additional costs 5.1. Additional work and expenditure by NZZ or NZZ Media which is not included in their advertising rates or service prices may also be invoiced, plus VAT. This includes, for example, elaborate editing of full print material (see point 4.2). Translation costs: Texts will be translated by a specialized translation agency at the client‘s expense. We do not take any responsibility for mistakes. 6. Size of advertisements 6.1. The amount invoiced will be based on the size of the advertisement, measured in the relevant newspaper from dividing line to dividing line. 2 mm will be added to the print size for boxed adver-
tisements and for those submitted in complete, print-quality format. 6.2. Advertisements that are due to be published several times using the same design or text are all invoiced according to the size of the first advertisement that was published. 7. Volume contracts, volume discounts 7.1. Advertising rates may provide for volume discounts if a certain volume of advertising space, measured in mm or Swiss francs (hereinafter referred to as “volume”), is purchased for a particular period (volume contract). 7.2. If the agreed volume is exceeded during this period, bringing the discount to a higher level, the increased discount is credited retrospectively at the end of the contract. 7.3. If the agreed volume is not reached during the period, a short-rate charge will be made for any excess discount granted. Advertisers are given a 3% tolerance level on the agreed volume. Any unused volume cannot be carried over to the following year’s contract. 8. Repeat orders, frequency discounts 8.1. Frequency discounts are granted on the rates charged for advertisements that appear in an unchanged format on a number of dates stipulated in advance (repeat orders). 8.2. The advertisements must appear in an unchanged format; normally subjects can only be changed in cases where the advertisement is submitted in complete, print quality format. 8.3. A higher discount is granted retrospectively if the repeat order is enlarged on the same terms prior to insertion of the last advertisement and reaches a higher level as a result. 9. Modalities for volume contracts and repeat orders 9.1. A separate volume contract or repeat order must be concluded for commercial and job vacancy advertisements. Classified advertisements cannot be included in the discount agreement. 9.2. Volume contracts and repeat orders normally apply to only one Advertiser. However, under certain circumstances, Treuhand BDO Visura, Zurich, may grant groups and holding companies permission to conclude group contracts. 9.3. Volume contracts and repeat orders are valid for 12 months. If they commence between the 1st and 15th of a month inclusively, they shall end at the end of the preceding month of the following year. If they begin between the 16th and the end of a month, they shall run until the end of that month of the following year. 9.4. The same rate of discount shall generally apply for the entire duration of the contract. 10. Publisher’s rights 10.1. NZZ Publishing House reserves the right to request changes to the content of advertisements or refuse them without being obliged to state any reasons. 10.2. For technical reasons and without notifying the Advertiser in advance, NZZ Publishing House may bring forward or postpone by one issue the publication of advertisements with specified insertion dates, provided that the content does not absolutely require the advertisement to be published on the date specified. 10.3. Adverts which are not identifiable as such because of their layout must carry the full company name and will be marked by the publishing house with the heading “advertisement”. 10.4. The positioning of advertisements is generally at the discretion of NZZ Publishing House. The publisher will accept customers’ positioning requests but is not bound by them. If specific positioning instructions are adhered to, this results in a preferred position charge. 10.5. Orders for advertising inserts and supplements are only binding for NZZ Publishing House after a sample has been approved. 11. Box number advertisements 11.1. NZZ Media undertakes to keep box numbers confidential, except in the following particular instances: Where there is good reason to do so, the Advertising Company may disclose the identity of the box number advertiser to • legal or administrative authorities or
• persons who have given their personal details to a box number advertiser and later wish to exercise their right to disclosure of the advertiser’s identity because their documents have not been returned. 11.2. In particular, NZZ Media is not obliged to pass on to box number advertisers advertising material, anonymous or agency offers. To this end, it may open and inspect these offers. 11.3. A fee is charged every time a box number advertisement is placed. Additional work and expenditure is also invoiced. 11.4. The responsibility to return documents lies with the box number advertiser. 12. Proofs 12.1. Proofs for commercial advertisements may be supplied on request, provided the material for print has been received at least three days before the final deadline. 12.2. No proofs are provided in cases where the advertisement has been submitted in complete, print-quality format. 13. Printed material 13.1. In the absence of any express agreement, NZZ Publishing House or NZZ Media is under no obligation to retain or return print material and data submitted in conventional or digital form (artwork, films, photos etc.). 14. Terms of payment 14.1. Classified advertisements must be paid for in cash or within 10 days. 14.2. For all other advertisements, the payment period is 30 days with no discount. 14.3. Standard interest on arrears is charged on past due invoices. 14.4. The costs of reminders will be charged. 14.5. If monies owed become subject to debt collection, stay of payment or bankruptcy proceedings, all discounts and agent’s commissions shall cease to apply. 15. Premature termination of the Contract 15.1. If an advertising medium ceases publication during the contract period, the Advertising Company may cancel the Contract without being required to provide a replacement. 15.2. This does not release the Advertiser from his/her obligation to pay for advertisements that have already been published. 15.3. No short-rate charges will be incurred back, but discounts may be credited if a higher discount level had been reached at the time the Contract was cancelled. C. NZZ Media’s LIABILITY 16. Publication errors, non-publication 16.1. Claims based on publication faults, errors, omissions or on non-publication of advertisements should be sent to NZZ Media within 10 days of publication. 16.2. If the meaning or overall effect of an advertisement is significantly impaired or if an advertisement was not published on the date stipulated, the cost of publishing the advertisement will be refunded in whole or in part or alternatively compensation will be provided in the form of advertising space in the publication in question. The above compensation does not apply in the following instances: advertisements placed by telephone, defective transmission when advertisements are sent to NZZ Media or NZZ Publishing House by digital means, errors resulting from the translation of foreign language documents, the deferred publication of an advertisement (see Para. 10.2.), failure to comply with positioning requirements, unsuitable material, slight differences in the positioning and register of colours or deviations from typographical specifications or the omission of key numbers.
16.3. Any claims other than those mentioned in Para. 16.2. relating to publication errors, nonpublication or any other reasons are excluded. D. ADVERTISER’S LIABILITY 17. Liability in respect of the content of advertisements 17.1. The Advertiser is responsible for the content of any advertisements submitted. The former declares that he/she shall comply with the relevant legal requirements and industry regulations and may be held responsible for them by NZZ Media and NZZ Publishing House. He/she shall indemnify NZZ Media and NZZ Publishing House as well as its officers and agents in respect of any third-party claims. The Advertiser is in any case under obligation to assume all court costs and out-of-court costs arising from third-party claims or other proceedings. 18. Right to publication of a counter-statement 18.1. If any demand is made to have a counter-statement published (Art. 28 ff SCC), the Publisher or Advertising Company shall inform the Advertiser accordingly, discuss with the latter whether to reject or accept the request and advise him/her on the procedure and related modalities of publication. E. FURTHER USE OF ADVERTISEMENTS 19. Use of advertisements for electronic databases 19.1. The Advertiser hereby gives his/her consent for NZZ Media to store the advertisements in its own or external electronic databases and process them for that purpose. The Advertiser may withdraw his/her consent at any time. He/she is aware that personal data may also be accessed in countries that have no data protection provisions comparable with those in Switzerland, as a result of which the confidentiality, integrity, authenticity or availability of his/her personal data is not guaranteed. 19.2. The unauthorised use of advertisements, either printed or stored in electronic databases, and the processing of same by third parties without a significant input of their own is not permitted and is prohibited by the Advertiser. The latter specifically authorises NZZ Media to take appropriate measures against such parties after consultation with NZZ Publishing House. 20. Intellectual ownership of advertisements 20.1. The Advertiser recognizes that NZZ Media has intellectual ownership, particularly the copyright, of all advertisements of an individual character that it has created, e.g. desktop publishing work. Provided the Advertiser meets his/her contractual obligations towards NZZ Media, he/she is entitled to use the intellectual property for an unlimited period within the confines of the originally specified purpose. F. APPLICABLE LAW AND PLACE OF JURISDICTION 21. The Advertising Contract shall be governed exclusively by Swiss law. 22. The location of the office of NZZ Media shall be the agreed and exclusive place of jurisdiction for any dispute resulting from or in connection with the Advertising Contract. These Advertising Terms and Conditions are valid from 1 January 2008 and replace all previous versions.
General Terms and Conditions
Services and Rates Order change – Date correction – Format adaptation – Exchange of printing material, etc.
per title 10.– 10.– 10.–
Cancellation of order Without alternative date
per title 20.–
Receipts – Reference receipts (immediate receipts) exceeding the free rule – Invoice receipts exceeding the free rule
per receipt
Box number ad rate
per order 37.–
Express fee
per delivery 30.–
Colour proof without existing order – Colour proof 1/1 page – Colour proof 1/2 page and under
per proof 30.– 20.–
Right-to-print proof From second-right-to-print proof
per specimen 10.–
Content adaptations of files – Simple corrections or adaptations – Writing a PDF printing file
per file 20.– 20.–
– Complex changes to digital files – Creation of Desktop Publishing
per hour 170.– 170.–
15.– 5.–
Dunning per reminder – Administration costs following a second reminder 30.– – Interest on late payments 5% Management of cost centres
per cost centre 25.– per year
Inserts Additional insertion for split-edition bookings
Invoices per invoice – Copies of invoices after 3rd copy 5.– – Split of invoice (per final invoice) 20.– – Retrospective correction of invoices 20.– – Copies of invoices attached to payment reminders 5.– – Special invoices or delivery to other addresses aside from the customer base 5.– Special evaluations/statistics
per hour 170.–
Special courier External courier
per delivery/ shipment third-party charges +20.–
Text entry for
per ad 55.–
Internal translations
per hour 170.–
External translations
per job/ assignment third-party charges + 20.–
Its Goal
Crossmedia is where we formally and creatively link advertisers to a variety of media platforms with the purpose of achieving maximum advertising success by communicating via multiple channels. By means of its versatile product portfolio and competent consultants, the NZZ media firm makes a contribution towards the successful implementation of your overall campaign concept.
– Activating consumers through multiplying the impact of contact – Raising campaign efficiency – Engaging new target group segments Current offers and further information to this topic can be found at
Our Wide Range of Offers for Optimal Target Achievement Daily Newspaper
Sunday Paper
Newspaper Supplements
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
NZZ am Sonntag
NZZexecutive, NZZdomizil, Bücher am Sonntag
NZZ Folio, Z – Die schönen Seiten, NZZ campus, NZZ Chronik
NZZ Libro Events NZZ Podium
NZZ Print
Over 10 million contacts per month!
Television/Film NZZ Formats
Online media NZZ Online
Contacts Crossmedia Markus Ehrle Head of Advertising,, phone +41 (0)44 258 16 33
Services Crossmedia
Corinne Blaser Head of Marketing Advertising,, phone +41 (0)44 258 12 88
Contacts (1)
For Advertising Sales Abroad Europe Publicitas GmbH Rosenkavalierplatz 14 DE-81925 München Tel.: +49 (89) 921 06-0 Fax: +49 (89) 921 06-30
Publimedia GmbH Verkaufsbüro Vorarlberg Weiherstr. 3 AT-6900 Bregenz Tel.: +43 5574 75056 Fax: +43 5574 75084
Publicitas N. V. Airway Park D Lozenberg 23 BE-1932 Zaventem Tel.: +32 (2) 639 84 20 Fax: +32 (2) 639 84 30
Publicitas GmbH Hauptsitz PPN Deutschland Oeder Weg 52–54 DE-60318 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: +49 (69) 71 91 49-0 Fax: +49 (69) 71 91 49-30
Publicitas S. A.S. 26, avenue Victor-Hugo FR-75116 Paris Tel.: +33 (0) 145 00 66 08 Fax: +33 (0) 145 00 94 81
Publicitas S. A. 4, Kastorias & Messinias Streets GR-15344 Gerakas Athens Tel.: +30 (210) 1060 300 Fax: +30 (210) 6618 477
Publicitas Ltd Gordon House 10 Greencoat Place UK-London SW1P 1PH Tel.: +44 (0) 20 7592 8300 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7592 8301
Publicitas B.V. Mercurius Building 8th floor Herikerbergweg 175 NL-1101 CN Amsterdam Zuid-Oost Tel.: +31 (20) 311 9710 Fax: +31 (20) 363 2823
Publicitas International S.p.A. Via Besana, 9 – 2nd Floor IT-20122 Milano Tel.: +39 02 55 19 43 85 Fax: +39 02 55 19 64 49
Publicitas Eastern Europe Ltd. Novy Arbat str. 21, build 1, 6th floor, office 611 RU-119019, Moskau Tel.: +7 (495) 787 75 88 Fax: +7 (495) 787 75 55
Publimedia Internationale Verlags vertretungen GmbH Pharaoshaus Nordbahnstrasse 26/2 AT-1020 Wien Tel.: +43 (1) 21 15 30 Fax: +43 (1) 212 16 02 Media Promotion GmbH Bergstrasse 11 AT-5020 Salzburg Tel.: +43 (662) 87 53 680 Fax: +43 (662) 87 95 18 30
For Advertising Sales Abroad Europe Publicitas Internacional S.A. C/Goya 21, 1 Dcha. ES-28001 Madrid Tel.: +34 91 323 79 11 Fax: +34 91 733 59 58
America Publicitas McGown 8250 Decarie Blvd. Suite 205 CA-Montreal, Quebec H4P 2P5 Tel.: +1 514 735 5191 Fax: +1 514 342 9406
Publicitas Charney/Palacios & Co. 5201 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 200 US-Miami, FL 33126 Tel.: +1 (786) 388 6340 Fax: +1 (786) 388 9113
Publicitas North America Inc. 330 7th Avenue, 5th floor US-New York, N.Y. 10001 Tel.: +1 212 599 50 57 Fax: +1 212 599 82 98 Publicitas North America Inc. 225 W. Washington Street, Suite 2200 US-Chicago, IL 60606 Tel.: +1 312 924 0294 Fax: +1 312 924 0273 Publicitas North America Inc. 50 California Street, Suite 1547 US-San Francisco, CA 94111 Tel.: +1 415 439 5278 Fax: +1 415 439 5299 Contacts
Contacts (2)
For Advertising Sales Abroad Asia Mass Media Publicitas Pty Ltd. Level 9, 215-217 Clarence Street AU-Sydney, NSW 2000 Tel.: +61 (2) 9252 3476 Fax: +61 (2) 9251 3726 Mediascope Publicitas (India) Pvt. Ltd. 51 Doli Chambers Arthur Bunder Rd., Colaba IN-Mumbai 400005 Tel.: +91 (22) 22881401 / 22048890 Fax: +91 (22) 22875718 / 22824889 Publicitas International Sdn. Bhd. S105, 2nd Floor, Centrepoint Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama MY-47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Tel.: +60 (3) 7729 6923 Fax: +60 (3) 7729 7115
Publicitas (Shanghai) Advertising Co., Ltd. Rm 701, Wise Logic Int’l Center No. 66 Shanxi Road North, Jing’an District China – Shanghai 200041 Tel.: +86 (21) 5116 8877 Fax: +86 (21) 5116 0678 Publicitas Hong Kong Ltd. 26/F Two Chinachem Exchange Square 338 King’s Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel.: +852 2516 1001 Fax: +852 2528 3260 Publicitas Singapore Pte Ltd 72 Bendemeer Road #02-20 Luzerne Singapore 339941 Tel.: +65-6836 2272 Fax: +65-6297 7302
Publicitas (Thailand) Ltd. 5th Floor, Lumpini I Building, 239/2 Soi Sarasin, Rajdamri Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel.: +66 (2) 651 9273-7 Fax: +66 (2) 651 9278
Advertisements Abroad Publicitas AG Publicitas Swiss Press Holbeinstrasse 30, CH-8022 Zurich Phone +41 (0)44 250 37 00, fax +41 (0)44 250 37 37,
Advertisements German-speaking Switzerland NZZ Media – a branch of Publicitas AG Falkenstrasse 11, 8021 Zurich Phone +41 (0)44 258 16 98, fax +41 (0)44 258 13 70,
Advertisements French-speaking Switzerland Publicitas SA NZZ Media Rue Etraz 4, 1003 Lausanne Phone +41 (0)21 317 88 08, fax +41 (0)44 258 13 70,