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“Applying marketing and advertising principles to promote health and social issues and bringing about positive behaviour change.” Zuckenberg Influence I attended recently a talk on our university done by daughter of Abram Games, Naomi, where I’ve heard something very nice... something I thought I will never hear in our industry. He was ‘refusing’ advertise products or commercial services, he wanted to use his gift to promote important things in our social lives. Therefore his work covered work for Festival of Britain, stamps for Britain, Queen’s Award for industry etc. Because I’m person who supports Greenpeace, charities and general social awareness issues I’d like to go similar way. I’d like to spend as much time on social advertising as I will on commercial work. What does social advertising and non-profit campaign include abuse, activism, animal rights, consumerism, corporate social responsibility, discrimination, drugs, environment, gender issues, government, health, homelessness, human rights, politics, poverty, religion, road safety, social aid, sport issues, third world, violence, war & conflicts, woman issues etc.

simple / straight to the point / effective

What comes onto your mind when you see this picture? What a beautiful day :) to die... a bit of morbidity, using wonderful pleasurable picture with text which creates shocking contrast.

well - working / emotion - playing simple / well thought / smart design

I love the idea of the message written on the lit of beer/alcohol bottle... how come that government doesn’t make it a law. Who reads labels on bottle, nobody (or just in case of total boredom), but if you want to get to the beer you must look at the lit, and to read 4 words will take you few seconds. I believe you will read it unconsciously.

I believe we all seen the ‘wonderful’ tv commercial where girl is in reversed motion pulled back off the road, along with her bones cracking sound. That belongs, together with the poster on the right, to the road safety campaign Think!

// distractions on the road can kill

simplicity / direct message

No comment, I just love simple adverts, that is how all of them should be. And I think it is very obvious what is the message.

narrative / powerful imagery

Good use of sequence, it doesn’t show you the movement (because it is picture) but it shows you the action of the movement.

riddle / words

People love riddles and they love even more riddles they can solve so why don’t give them one with wonderful copy to support the point.

words / simplicity / strength of copy

How would you feel like if someone will come to you and ask you: ‘‘How is it to kill someone?’’ Scary, creepy, horrifying. Let’s hope we will never find the answer to it.

disgusting / shocking

This is very well known method how to get people’s attention... SHOCK them, put something disgusting up, something what human eye doesn’t see too often and you will have their attention in second, not just that, it is viral, people will talk about it and that is whole point of advert, so you win.

the faster you go the bigger the mess

funny / three - dimensional / out of box

We love creative adverts. Also this is prove that even in non-profit campaigns and social advertising is place for creativity.

contrast / magazine page / shocking

What is so shocking? The abused beauty, how can someone abuse beautiful girl even model. I like the effect of poster looking like magazine page.

visual illusion / simplicity

Once you discover what the optical illusion covers you will be disgusted. And what is even more stronger is the copy. It says: ‘‘More than 300 000 children are sexually abused in Germany every year.’ If you will do the math you find out that it is 800 children every day and that is shocking. Statistics are shocking, it is very good idea to use them.

verbal abuse

No need for words make advert a good advert, image is very strong and it gives us emotional response... all that good advert needs

realistic photomontage

I love outdoor advertising which is out of the box, as these two (left & bottom) are. Fantastic presentation of alive-like-looking kids. I find it smart and most striking out of any advertising technique.

education on the streets (Mumbai)

What an amazing idea coming from creatives: school brought to the streets, fantastic (even maybe health and safety might be an issue). It is nice example how creative thinking can be applied usefully.


Tiered postcard symbolizing an earthquake, very smart :) Red Cross campaign.

// people shouldn’t be bought and sold

realistic / life - size

First I’d like to point out the angle of the picture, I like it, very much, something I haven’t seen for long time. This advert was printed life size, so it actually covered 12m2. So when people where passing they could actually see realistically the size and I believe it made a big impact. Fantastic advert.

environment adapted adverts

// for the homeless, every day is a struggle

The nicest adverts are the ones which suit just its place and nowhere else, it gives it that unique feeling. And this advert is very eye catching :)

// no one will keep us from seeing

optical camouflage

Tricky, when you see it from distance you might not noticed but then it appears. Making people search in the image also makes them concentrate on it more. It is like if a teacher comes to very noisy classroom and start to whisper, that would work much better then if he will come to the class and start to shout. When he whisper it makes the people concentrate more on what he has to say.

// 300 000 soldiers dream of simply becoming children

unbelievable pictures

or are they kids? You can see that they play so they are not fully mentally grown to adult per1. The beginning of the carrier and the end: the son, but despite that they are dressed up as a kids might not noticed but next to them is their soldiers. future, I believe the hanged people started their 3. What a place to play: Look at them, they lives very similar to the kids playing around. laugh, they enjoy their game. How do you think 2. Irony - Kids as a soldiers: Are they soldiers that our kids would enjoy playing on the rope

for hanging people with 2 death bodies hanging next to them. 4. Execution of hanging is such a old cruel and generally not accepted way of execution, that even look at hanged bodies at this times is still very unusual and striking.

smart / playful

alcohol turns you into a monster

// second hand smoke in the home hospitalises 17,000 UK children a year


left top: that would works for me :) and i believe for most of the woman population left bottom: that should work on man :) and the one above: smart, typeface hard to read, again it makes you concentrate a bit more and handwritten style represents one of another workaholics note.

// the number of teenagers dying as a result of listening to ipods while crossing the road is beginning to reach “epidemic proportions�

think yourself

I love the three - dimensional effect and the simple copy, no more need for words.

simple / unique / out of box

Once again beautiful simple and very persuasive advertising, straight to the point. The whole concept beautifully supports it copy and shows that they actually care.

funny / ridiculous

// polution babe

// the air that cools your home heats up the world

Putting together something people like (babe) and are use and something we know about and we are not proud of (polution)... all in calendar concept, so we can remind ourselves every day, what we do. Nice.

print techniques / unique / out of box

Cut off here. You just have finished shark. Very nice piece of direct mail, beautiful paper texture and colour.

striking / scary

This campaign from WWF is very well done (also with other pictures from this campaign), generally their advertising is always very well thought through. There cannot be more obvious picture to this kind of topic. Wear Your Own Fur: as much as it doesn’t need any more copy than this I have no comments. So simple, funny, straight to the point.

funny / shocking

First reaction? How did they got the frog into that bottle :) Just joking, of course it is horrible. I think that lots of those who are wearing animal tested perfumes now see it from different point of view :) Putting obvious straight in front of your eyes.

applies to our mac-lives

Statistics - very powerful. It says 100 acres per minute, now think how much would cost 100 acres of land in England? A lot and if there will be rainforest even more, so how come this is happening? Associating recycling with our everyday tool (computer) is showing how much we should think about it and that it is not that easy like with computer just press button undo.

// when one person donates his eyes, two blind people can see

Afghanistan game / Hillary - Obama mutant

Afghanistan game: what a thoughtful design, I think explains exactly their point of view, how they see this war... it is a game. Well put together. And Hillary-Obama, smart advertising, using current political issues to draw attention and then take your attention where they need, in this case college and university in one promotion.

// Steve Haslip “This poster was made during my first semester class with the exceedingly wise Milton Glaser. The issue at hand was dealing with design ethics, and in an attempt to tackle the subject and further pitch my point I drew the entire image using a single line.�

// Every year at the end of November it’s Buy Nothing Day in many countries. Buy Nothing Day is the 24-hour moratorium against consumerism. People around the world will make a pact to take a break from shopping as a personal experiment or public statement.

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