WD On Advertising – March 2003

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ON ADVERTISING WD On Advertising is published by Wesley Day Advertising


Packaging is just as important in selling a news release as in selling a product. Every release should start by answering the basics: who, what, where, when, and how. However, journalists are looking for the why. In particular, why is it newsworthy? How does it impact their readers? That’s where packaging comes into play. Set an objective: Before you start writing your release, step back and ask yourself these questions: 1. Who do I want to read this? 2. What media outlets do my target audience frequent? 3. What is my objective with this release -- creating familiarity, establishing position, building brand, or making a call to action? What three points should my audience take away from reading this story? See the big picture: How does your product revolutionize your industry or reshape how leading brands do business? Most important, how does it tap into broader business or cultural trends? Sell your company: Set yourself apart. If warranted, outline how large you are in terms of employees, capital, global presence, and industry influence. Drop names: Using a phrase like “serves Fortune 1000 clients” is one thing. Listing names like Coca-Cola or General Electric is another. Similarly, solicit quotes from respected officials from recognized

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