6 minute read
WESLEYAN CHRISTIAN ACADEMY APP Need to see the school calendar, child’s grade, or lunch options in a hurry? Download the Wesleyan app for iphone (Apple Store) and Android (Google Play) for this info and more!
THIS WEEK AT WESLEYAN is our weekly e-newsletter emailed to families every Monday.
ELEMENTARY EXPRESS is our elementary e-newsletter that is sent at the beginning of each month.
MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS are sent to parents on an as-needed basis.
THE WEE TROJAN is our Early Education Center e-newsletter that is emailed to EEC families at the beginning of each month.
SOCIAL MEDIA Follow us on FACEBOOK (@wcacademy), INSTAGRAM (@wesleyanchristiannc), LINKED IN (Wesleyan-ChristianAcademy), TWITTER (@Wesleyan1), VIMEO (Wesleyan Education Center) and YOUTUBE (www.youtube.com, search for Wesleyan Christian Academy NC)
THE WESLEYAN EDGE is an email communication that covers outstanding accomplishments among our students, alumni, and faculty and staff.
THE TROJAN magazine is published two times a year to share the important events that have taken place on and off campus during the Fall and Spring semesters.
ANNUAL REPORTS are printed in the 3rd quarter of every year and mailed to Wesleyan families, alumni, corporate sponsors and grandparents.
TEXT ALERTS are used primarily for weather-related scheduling, special announcements, important reminders, or changes that pertain to school or after-school activities. To sign up for text alerts, send an email to Dianne Stone at dstone@wcatrojans.org.
Student Health And Wellness
School Nurses
Wesleyan is blessed to employ two school nurses who provide first-aid care, consultation, staff training, student wellness education, and on/off campus health information coordination. Nurse Shannon Moore and Nurse Lesley Papciak can be reached at (336) 884-3333 x 255 or smoore@wcatrojans.org. The Nurses’ Office is located just around the corner from the Main Academy Office, across from Classroom # 51.
All Wesleyan students must be up to date on immunizations by the first day of school. Please either email documentation to smoore@wcatrojans.org or drop off copies at the Main Academy Office.
If your child is a new TK - 12th grade student, or a new or returning kindergartner, 7th grader, or 12th grader, please make sure your child(ren)’s immunizations are up to date!! If they are not, please make plans to secure these immunizations as soon as possible.
NOTE: 12th graders must now have a meningococcal vaccination booster. Per the NCDHHS website, “A booster dose is required for individuals entering 12th grade or by 17 years of age, whichever comes first. The booster does not apply to individuals who entered 12th grade before August 1, 2021. If the first dose is administered on or after a child’s 16th birthday, a booster dose is NOT required. Individuals born before January 1, 2003, shall not be required to receive the meningococcal conjugate vaccine.”
Student Support Team
In 2022, WCA introduced the Student Support Team, made up of student counselors and select administrators whose mission is to be available to students who need extra emotional, physical, or spiritual support for a season.
We are thankful for Wesleyan’s two Athletic Trainers! Mr. Nip Pesayanavin and Ms. Brandy Cardwell serve our students by providing precautionary steps to avoid injury and also when needed, injury assessment and treatment. Mr. Pesayanavin maintains our Sports Medicine Office on the second floor of our High School Gym. He can be reached at (336) 884-3333 x239 or via email at npesayanavin@wcatrojans.org.
Health Forms
Visit our School Nurse (www.wcatrojans.org/campus-life/school-nurse) or Sports Medicine web pages (www.wcatrojans.org/athletics/sports-medicine) to download Health Forms or Sports Physical Forms for your use.
Wesleyan’s Strength & Conditioning program for our high school athletes is directed by Maurice Crocker, Strength and Conditioning Coach. A dedicated Fitness Center is located above the high school gymnasium for this program.
In Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus instructs his disciples on how to deal with conflict. “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.”
In this same light, when concerns arise at Wesleyan, we ask parents to follow the principle of Matthew 18:15-17, to bring any and all questions and concerns to the WCA employee most directly involved. If you have a question about a classroom action/procedure, please contact the teacher involved. If a satisfactory conclusion is not reached, then reach out to the appropriate principal. After contacting the teacher, principal, and Associate Head of School, the Head of School may be contacted if concerns have not been resolved.
We understand that all students learn differently and that God created each one fearfully and wonderfully in His image. Recognizing this, WCA provides the following services to meet students where they are academically and to bridge any existing educational gaps.
IN-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS like preferential seating are always available for students who need minor accommodations to help them reach their fullest academic potential.
RESOURCE CLASSES are offered to students who may need just a bit of additional academic assistance in the subjects of Reading or Math (1st - 4th) or English and Math (5th - 12th). Our Resource Classes are pull-out classes that will occur during your student’s school day. There is an additional charge for these classes that is billed monthly.
THE ENRICHMENT CENTER provides quality, college-preparatory instruction from certified LD Teachers to students with mild to moderate diagnosed learning differences. Enrichment students need help in subject areas other than English and Math and need assistance beyond what Resource Classes can provide. Students can take as few as 1 core class or as many as 6 core classes in the Enrichment Center as it is fully integrated into the traditional K-12 Academy.
INTERVENTION/EXTENSION HOURS Each week, elementary students who have mastered a particular grade-level concept have the opportunity to work beyond their grade-level during a teacher-led, dedicated Extension hour during the school day. During the same time frame, elementary students who may need additional instruction on a grade-level concept have the option of revisiting that particular concept with a grade-level teacher during our Intervention hour.
SPEECH THERAPY is available for all K-12 students. Mrs. Tyler Wilson, Speech and Language Therapist specializes in pragmatic, conversational language skills, auditory processing disorders, phonological processing, visualizations of verbal language, and diagnostics. She offers these services at a reduced rate to Wesleyan families, typically scheduled during your child’s school day. To learn more, please contact Mrs. Wilson at twilson@wcatrojans.org
Parent Involvement
As Wesleyan parents, we want you to be an integral part of our school family. Please consider getting involved in one of the following organizations and/or talking to your student’s homeroom teacher or other parents about how you can serve your student’s school. In August, you’ll receive a Volunteer Form to indicate your interests. Please return it to your child’s homeroom teacher or the academy office. We will reach out to you with opportunities that may interest you.
Moms In Prayer
Join a powerful group of women who meet regularly to pray for our school, teachers, and students. These faithful prayer warriors would love to add you to their ranks.
Each fall, Wesleyan conducts the Annual Gift Giving (AGG) Fundraising Campaign which raises funds over and above our operational expenses for the benefit of our students. The AGG Planning Committee or Silent Auction Committee is a great way to get involved!
Wesleyan’s PTO helps develop a strong relationship between our students’ homes and our school. PTO members plan on-campus events like August Open Houses; PTO Fun Festival; and Teacher Appreciation Week.
Patrons Of The Performing Arts
Our Patrons of the Performing Arts support our vocal, instrumental, and theater students by volunteering during our Winter and Spring Choral Awards, High School Musicals, and Fall Drama.
Trojan Booster Club
Parents who serve on our Trojan Booster Club help support Wesleyan’s 38 athletic teams, student-athletes, coaches, and parents. If you enjoy promoting school spirit and Christian character on and off the athletic field, this is for you!
The Together in Education program helps to raise funds for Wesleyan by linking your VIC card with our school code, #2098, every August. Once your card is linked, WCA will receive a percentage of all Harris Teeter brand purchases you make during the academic school year.
School Acronyms
Commonly Used School-Wide Acronyms.
ACSI Association of Christian Schools International
AGG Annual Gift Giving
ASP After School Program
AUD Auditorium
BATL Basketball Assessment Training League
CESA Council on Educational Standards & Accountability
COGNIA Formerly, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
ENR Enrichment Center
ES Elementary School
FCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FKC Farlow Kennedy Center
HS High School
TK Transitional Kindergarten
K Kindergarten
MIP Moms In Prayer
MS Middle School
NCAIS North Carolina Association of Independent Schools
NCISAA North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Assoc.
PTAC Piedmont Triad Athletic Conference
PTO Parent Teacher Organization
PK Preschool Kindergarten
STEM Science Technology Engineering and Math
WCA Wesleyan Christian Academy
EEC Early Education Center
WEC Wesleyan Education Center
WISL Wesleyan Instructional Soccer League