WESmag Winter 2016/2017

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1 s WESLEYAN t for WO M E N , WINTER 2 n d t 2016/2017 o NONE COLLEGE,


ADMINISTRATION Ruth A. Knox ’75 President Vivia L. Fowler Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs Patricia M. Gibbs Vice President for Student Affairs Andrea G. Williford Vice President for Institutional Advancement Dawn P. Nash Vice President for Administration/CFO Matthew R. Martin Dean of the Faculty WESLEYAN MAGAZINE STAFF Mary Ann Howard, Editor Director of Communications mhoward@wesleyancollege.edu Brandi Vorhees Art Director Devyn Foti ’13 Web Content and Social Media Strategist Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 Alumnae Director csnow@wesleyancollege.edu Millie P. Hudson ’75 Director of Development Julie Jones Director of Advancement Services Jaime F. McQuilkin ‘06 Class Notes Editor CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Susan Allen Kim Berry Whitney Davis Barbara Donovan Barry Rhoades Photography by Maryann Bates Front cover photo by Ronnie Deng ’17 PRINTING Panaprint SPECIAL THANKS Roger Idenden, Maryann Bates, and Amy Maddox; plus alumnae and friends for providing photos. Wesleyan Magazine is published twice a year by the Wesleyan College Office of Communications 4760 Forsyth Road Macon, GA 31210-4462 phone (478) 757-5134 fax (478) 757-5104 Contents may be reprinted

HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM WESLEYAN COLLEGE! Among the many reasons for excitement on our campus these days is the completion of the first phase of our planned renovation of the Willet Memorial Library. Students, faculty, and staff are thrilled to see this project take shape, and we are so very grateful to all the classes, individual alumnae, and friends of the College who have helped us create this cool, eye-catching, and efficient “new” space. You’ll get a sneak peak of the first floor in this issue (pp. 26-27), but you’ll want to visit the campus soon and see the results for yourself. The transformation is amazing. Indeed, this issue is packed with stories describing exciting developments at Wesleyan – both inside and outside the classroom. Among them are fascinating ideas like our “flipped classrooms” in biology (pp. 18-19) and the Reacting to the Past history class that has students assuming roles and making decisions during the French Revolution (pp. 2021). Outside the regular classroom, our students are grappling with world issues by participating in the Model UN (p. 16). Our growing group of math enthusiasts are inspiring middle and high school girls to learn coding skills as part of the Wesleyan College chapter of Girls Who Code (p. 17). And I think you’ll be charmed by the article describing the capstone course enjoyed by our dual degree students just before they returned home to China last summer (pp. 28-29). You’ll want to learn as well about “From Here to Career,” Wesleyan’s effort to link our students’ liberal arts experience with their post-graduate plans. In the works now for several years, From Here

to Career has begun in earnest with the current group of first-year Green Knights. Led by our new and expanded Office of Career Development, this program holds lots promise for all of our students – and is yet another reason for excitement. Not surprisingly, careers, new programs, and cool facilities are extremely important to prospective students. This issue begins with some background about Generation Z and includes lots of information describing not only how our enrollment team is marketing Wesleyan to this new generation but also how you – our most important ambassadors – can help attract future Wesleyannes to our alma mater. Thank you for continuing to spread the good news about the exciting experience that young women will find at Wesleyan College today! You also can review our annual report within these covers, as we thank publicly our loyal donors, both alumnae and friends, who contributed to Wesleyan in the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2016. Your generous contributions make that exciting Wesleyan experience possible, and we are grateful for each one of you! Finally, I invite all alumnae to be on campus April 21-23 for what we hope will be a memorable Alumnae Weekend. Even if this is not your regular reunion year, plan to join us if you can. Hail Wesleyan!


W E S L E YA N M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 / 2 0 1 7

2 From Here to Career 12 14 A model for the world Girls Who Code 17

Understanding Generation Z Who are they and what do they want?

Connecting the liberal arts with career goals

Wesleyan’s diverse student body

Central Georgia’s first chapter

22 26 Renovating Willet Library A look back at learning 30 32 Honoring Eleanor Lane ’58 Fresh Face 2016 Referred by an alumna

New design fosters student engagement

Wesleyan’s Conservatory experience

A lifetime of exemplary character

34 Alumnae Referral Program 37 Follow us on social media 42 Alumnae Connections 47 2016 Annual Report

38 Campus News 72 Why I Give Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017


Y E H T E R A O H W O D T A & WH ANT? THEY W Members of Generation Z (born after 1995) are the offspring of Generation X (born between 1965 and 1981) or Baby Boomers (born between 1946-1964). The oldest members of Generation Z have headed off to college and are generally considered to be smarter than any generation before them. According to Forbes, Generation Z makes up 25% of the United States population, making it a larger group than the Baby Boomers or Millennials. Predictions indicate that by 2020 Gen Z will account for 40% of all consumers. Growing up in a recession has given the group a feeling of unsettlement and insecurity. According to Business Insider, 73% of Americans were personally affected by the recession of 2008. As a result of watching their parents struggle in the workforce, Generation Z is more financially conservative, more moneyoriented, more entrepreneurial, and more pragmatic about money than their predecessors. According to a recent study by Barnes & Noble College, 89% of Gen Z thinks a higher education degree is extremely valuable. The study states that, unlike Millenials who pursue personal fulfillment more widely than financial goals, Gen Z views college as a pathway to securing employment. Their number one concern (related to college) is whether they will be able to find a good job after graduation.

It is estimated that today’s high school students will have 17 employers across 5 separate careers, sometimes working in jobs that don’t yet exist.



Why did you want to go to college?

I know that education is the only way to break my family’s chain. I want to do better not only for myself but also for my future children. I don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck or worry every day about where the money will come from. Victoria Clower ’18, Major: environmental studies Minor: chemistry

Why is it important to earn a college degree?


– Abbie Price ’19, Major: biology Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017






Members of Generation Z have grown up in a fastmoving world of technology where the answer to every question is right at their fingertips. They are committed and focused and they plan ahead. Their options are limitless, but their time is not. They are the ultimate multitaskers, able to sort through and assess enormous amounts

of information very quickly. It’s the way they live and we shouldn’t expect them to learn differently. Empowered by the Internet, they are comfortable researching, discovering, self-educating, and making decisions based on the information they find. EducationDive, “Make way Millennials, here comes Generation Z”


OBSERVATIONS: MATT MARTIN, dean of faculty and professor of English When I think about how students have changed in the past five years, the first thing that comes to mind is uncertainty. The future seems so unclear now, and that obviously has an impact on our students. They have questions about the value of a college education. They come to college thinking about getting a good job and their economic futures. CHENNY GAN ’02, assistant professor of music Students today seem very motivated by things that interest them. Using today’s technology, they are able to research and find an amazing amount of information about any given topic. Assignments and resources are becoming more and more online-based, so I am using more multi-media in my teaching, trying to appeal to all their senses. Also, I’ve tried to design more activities in the classroom that promote peer-to-peer learning.


of older high school students surveyed have already taken a

class for college credit. 84% of younger students plan to take a course for college credit before they graduate high school.


of older high school students surveyed either already own their own business or plan on starting one in the future.


80% report they study with

friends and classmates.

67% say studying together

makes learning more fun.

60% like to exchange ideas with friends.

52% like to help friends learn.



say they learn best by doing and hands-on learning.


Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017


T H E M , YO U A R E Wesleyan’s Office of Enrollment Services is regrouping, researching, and rethinking methods used to reach prospective students and the messages we send them. The days of sending one message to every prospect are gone. The key is to send the right message to the right person at the right time, and the message must be pertinent to the student’s interest. The average student researches seven colleges before making a final decision, and students are researching earlier than ever before. 80% apply to college online. We have redirected our marketing efforts to focus mostly on high school juniors and have added sophomores into the mix. Many seniors have already made their college decision; however, we will continue to target those who have not. Between May and August this year, the

Office of Enrollment Services added 78 students for fall semester 2016. “We are focusing on high yields from small numbers. This starts with searching for the most qualified students, instead of large numbers of students who don’t meet our qualifications, and continues with targeted messaging specific to each student’s needs and interests. We are pleased with the quality of applicants for fall 2017, and we are excited to have several deposits. An early Scholarship Day in November was instrumental in attracting high achieving students, and we look forward to the same results at our second Scholarship Day in February.” – Danielle Lodge, executive director of enrollment.


Because parents play an important role in a student’s decision to apply and to enroll at a school, Wesleyan’s Office of Enrollment Services is becoming more intentional in the way we market to parents.





B O R IN G T H E M .


During the mid-19th and early-20th centuries, about 230 women’s colleges were founded in America. Today there are only 41. According to an article by Lisa Birnbach in the April 2016 issue of Vanity Fair, however, women’s schools are seeing a resurgence. Debora Spar, president of Barnard College, says, “We’re living in a girls’ moment... This generation of girls realizes they can get stuff their moms couldn’t.” Kim Cassidy, president of Bryn Mawr College, asserts, “We are experiencing another powerful moment for women’s colleges. More and more women are interested in them.” The Women’s College Coalition agrees, reporting that admission numbers are up at almost every women’s college, with some at historic highs.



Excerpt from a Lafayette, Georgia, applicant

TALES FROM THE ROAD: Admission Counselors’ musings by Lisa Sloben, At college fairs and high school visits from Maryland to the southern points of Florida to Texas and throughout Georgia, admission counselors are delighted to be hearing “Girl Power.” Not so long ago when we spoke to high school girls, they would often respond, “All girls? No thanks!” Or their BFF would say, “It’s a girls

associate director of enrollment

school—you can’t do that!” But things are changing, and we’re seeing a mindfulness about choosing a women’s college and a resurgence of interest. It’s good to hear Girl Power from this next generation of college-bound young women.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

& S B O J E M O C IN


I think the purpose for a degree is career-based. You need an education to get any sort of decent job in most fields. Ashley Bush ’19, Majors: applied mathematical science and women’s studies


ARE YOU CONCERNED YOU WON’T FIND A GOOD-PAYING JOB AFTER GRADUATION? This is a very serious concern. I am hoping that, since I am already working with Career Services, I will be well prepared. Jema Bravo ’17, Majors: business administration and Spanish


I will be satisfied with an income that gives me a decent life, which means not only basic needs but also leeway to travel or go to a show without too much financial worry. YunFan Zhou ’19, Major: engineering


Barnes & Noble Study



are often hard to find. The next Wesleyan transfer student might be any woman scrolling through Facebook or daydreaming about returning to school. ​Wesleyan is now using display marketing, hightech re-targeting technology, and social media to send electronic banner messages to students, encouraging them to pursue their dreams at Wesleyan. By leveraging search engine optimization (SEO) we are able to rank higher on Google search. The ​use of t​ echnology-based advertising takes Wesleyan’s marketing strategies to the next leve​l​, enabling us to get in front of new audiences. The Spring campaign helped market the two successful Open House events held in October and November. ​Our campaigns have an added benefit of driving traffic to our newly designed website.


According to a study by Microsoft, the attention span of the average person is a mere eight seconds – four seconds less than a decade ago. If you have only eight seconds to hold a viewer’s attention before she moves on, you don’t have a second to waste.

of 12-17 year olds owned a cell phone in 2015. About threequarters of them use their cell phones more than they watch TV. Wesleyan’s new website has been designed specifically to target prospective students who conduct their research on mobile phones.

In October 2015, mobile Internet searches surpassed desktop searches and usage by 37%, nationally. Approximately 77%

THE NEW RULE OF THUMB The purpose of a college website is to tell what matters most about the college, not to tell everything




about the college. Prospects visit the website to find answers to very specific questions. Students want to see what matters to them. Messages must be pertinent to their interests, not what we think they want or need to know. Content should be short and tight; just the facts. A college’s website should speak to prospective students foremost, rather than alumnae or donors.

LOCATION-BASED MOBILE ADVERTISING: REACH STUDENTS ON-THE-GO, WHERE THEY ARE. A national study has revealed that parents of kids between ages 8 and 18 spend just as much time––an average of 9 hours and 22 minutes per day––looking at smart phones, TVs, and other digital devices as their children. (The Week)

Students use social media not to FIND schools, but to FIND OUT ABOUT schools. They are looking for photos and videos that focus on students’ lifestyles and experiences at a college. Today’s technology allows Wesleyan to customize messaging around each student’s interest–– be it a major, a sport, a dorm room, or events on campus––and direct them to our website.



150 53%



Content contained in this article about Generation Z has been collected and quoted from four main sources of research: eCampusNews, Research, Technologies, Top News, “Gen Z is about to take over higher education”; news@northeastern, “Generation Z and the future of higher education”; Barnes & Noble College, “Getting to Know Gen Z”; EducationDive, “Make way millennials, here comes Generation Z.”

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017



community Poised for lifelong career success From Here to Career (FHTC) is a four-year program designed to help Wesleyan students create connections between what they are doing inside and outside the classroom and then to articulate their story to employers and graduate schools. Our students will understand how education in the liberal arts makes them uniquely positioned for professional success. FHTC teaches students how to navigate their own career development journey - from refining interests and goals to preparing a resumé to succeeding in a job or graduate school interview. These are building blocks that will be beneficial for a lifetime. Each Wesleyan student will participate in a professional development experience giving real world context to her curricular experience. This professional development could be one of several types of experiences––such as an internship, student research, or a fine art exhibit or performance. These experiences along with an e-portfolio are primary components of From Here to Career and are graduation requirements beginning with the Green Knights of 2020. Students will be expected to complete key career development interactions including career and major exploration, a resumé review, strategic career planning, and a mock interview. The Center for Career Development also offers a host of distinctive programming through convocations, workshops, and roundtables. This academic year’s programming includes topics such as professional dining etiquette, salary negotiation and the gender wage gap, and graduate school readiness. Thanks to Sarah Schanck, director of career development, and Chelsea Flieger, assistant director of career development, for contributing to this story.

AS A RESULT OF FROM HERE TO CAREER Every student will be able to articulate: • How her knowledge, skills, and interests prepare her for her next professional step • How her liberal arts education has given her tools both inside and outside the classroom • Her unique transferable skills from her holistic Wesleyan experience

Every student will understand:

• Career development is a lifelong process • How to think developmentally through self assessment and reflection • How to take ownership over her own process

Every student will:

• Receive individual support and assistance from a professional staff member, faculty, and peers • Network with employers and graduate programs • Showcase skills via an e-portfolio • Complete a professional development experience

Today’s employers are seeking traditionally labeled “soft skills” in their hires’ resumes. These include the hallmarks of a liberal arts education:


Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017



ONE OF WESLEYAN’S GREATEST Once the exclusive province of traditional-aged white women from the Southeast, Wesleyan College now ranks among the most diverse colleges in the United States (number 60 in the nation according to a recent study) with students from all over the United States and from around the world. Today’s student population represents a mix of cultures, ethnicities, religions, identities, socioeconomic backgrounds, ages, and life experiences. Indeed, in many ways, Wesleyan “looks like the world,” according to President Ruth Knox ’75, who sees Wesleyan’s incredible diversity as “one of our greatest strengths.” As in the larger world, diversity brings both challenges and opportunities, according to Tonya Parker ’01, who joined Wesleyan last year as assistant dean of students for diversity and inclusion. In a community with so much diversity, she says, “some people are bound to experience disagreements, misunderstandings, hurt feelings, miscommunication, and feelings of separation.” Tonya’s job is to facilitate communication and understanding among students whose culture, language, and backgrounds may be very different. President Knox also stresses the value of inclusion. “Making everyone feel included isn’t just a wish, it’s a necessity and the heart of who we are. We need to be a model for the world of how all kinds of people can learn from and with one another.” All sorts of efforts are underway on campus to realize that aspiration of becoming a model community. Last year Parker instituted “Thoughtful Tuesdays” and “Thoughtful Thursdays,” days when she shared messages with the community as a way to prompt students, faculty, and staff to reflect on their relationships with others. The messages included quotations from people such as Maya Angelou (“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget the way you made them feel”), Mother Theresa (“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we


belong to each other”), and others. The messages were followed by a campus-wide convocation, “Diversity Dialogues,” led by Parker and a panel of students who shared their reflections on some of these quotations. A second convocation this fall featured another student panel and remarks from Wesleyan alumna, trustee, artist, and founder

of the Pan African Festival of Georgia, Chi Ezenwugo Ezekwueche ’96. Parker also teaches a WISe Lab (part of the first year experience) entitled “Appreciating Differences,” which promotes interaction among diverse groups by exploring the benefits and obstacles of diversity, recollecting the students’ involvement in diverse



everyone feel

included isn’t just a wish, it’s a NECESSITY and the heart of who we are. We need to be a model for the world of how all kinds of people can learn from & with one another.” -Ruth Knox environments from childhood to the present, and reflecting on how our past experiences affect our present thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Parker and Dr. Melanie Dougherty, associate professor of English, are working together on an Interactivity Foundation (IF) pilot diversity program using IF facilitation tactics as a model

for campus community building. Six students were chosen to participate in a “Learn, Then Teach” workshop in September; they are now leading four IF-based discussions with small groups of other Wesleyan students. Two student facilitators are paired to guide discussions on diversity topics that matter most to the students as determined by a poll.

Campus ministry assistants (CMAs) work in each of the residence halls to facilitate hospitality and communication among students. In their weekly gatherings with students, CMAs offer techniques for managing stress and create a safe environment for spiritual formation and interreligious dialogue.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

As delegates competing

AT THE SOUTHERN REGIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE, WESLEYAN WOMEN HAVE BEEN RECOGNIZED AS TOP PERFORMERS AMONG HUNDREDS OF OTHER STUDENTS. Model United Nations provides Wesleyan students a unique opportunity to enhance their research, writing, and public speaking skills while also broadening their knowledge of international politics. Approximately 700 collegiate delegates gather at Southern Regional Model United Nations Conference (SRMUN) twice each year for a simulated meeting of the United Nations. Participating schools represent countries on UN committees with a goal of passing resolutions for their benefit. To accomplish this task, delegates must be knowledgeable about the position of their countries in order to gather support for their resolutions. Participants are judged for their efforts at the conference in addition to their position papers that are graded by volunteer staff prior to the competition weekend. Wesleyan earned an honorable mention in 2014 and an honorable delegation award in 2015. Representing Greece and France at SRMUN Charlotte in April 2016, Wesleyan students earned Honorable Delegation, Distinguished Delegation, and Outstanding Position Paper Awards. In addition to this overall recognition, Wesleyan women also earned two of the three Outstanding Delegation awards given by the General Assembly Committee. In November, Sarah Berks ‘17 represented Wesleyan at SRMUN Atlanta. “Being involved with Model UN has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, no exaggeration. As it was my first time being part of Model UN, I was nervous about being alone on a committee and having to represent Tunisia and, more importantly, Wesleyan. But as an international relations major, I needed to see if diplomacy in this format was something in which I was truly interested. Not only did it show me how much I love the format of the United Nations, but it reinforced my passion for sustainability and environmental policy. Looking back on the experience, I am so happy I jumped into the deep end of being a single-member delegation because that is what really strengthened my independent curiosity and public speaking skills, helped me to engage with other member-states, and created new friendships.”

Professor of Political Science Dr. Barbara Donovan serves as a Model UN advisor and sees firsthand the growth that takes place during this process. “I am so proud of these women. They hold their own competing against much bigger schools. Wesleyan students are smart, articulate, and ready to make their case.” 16


The Wesleyan College Girls Who Code chapter began in September 2016. Girls Who Code is a national non-profit organization founded in 2013 for the purpose of closing the gender gap in technology-related careers. The organization points out the stark reality that, while tech jobs are among the fastest growing fields, girls are being left behind. Interest in technology is high among elementary age girls but declines rapidly between the ages of 13 and 17. More disturbing is the fact that the percentage of U.S. women majoring in computer science today is less than the percentage of women who majored in computer science in the 1980s. As part of its effort to address this gap, Girls Who Code operates summer immersion programs for girls and also sponsors local clubs. Wesleyan’s is the FIRST and only Girls Who Code chapter in Central Georgia. Led by Dr. Randy Heaton, assistant professor of mathematics, with the assistance of members of Wesleyan’s math club, Girls Who Code meets every Saturday in Willet Library. The group includes students from area middle and high schools. Girls Who Code and Wesleyan are a natural fit. Who better to inspire young girls to learn to code than Wesleyan women who have an enthusiasm for math and coding?

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

FLIPPED CLASSROOM Students enrolled in biology courses at Wesleyan College are currently experiencing an innovative method of instruction called the flipped classroom.

Jim Ferrari, professor of biology and arboretum director:



This model replaces traditional lectures and homework assignments with a review of concepts by the student prior to class followed by group activities during class meetings. Biology students are given pre-class assignments (directed virtual textbook exercises, annotated Powerpoint presentations, guides to content management) that prepare them for in-class engagement in course material. After this introduction to the fundamentals, class time is used for group work that allows students to apply what they have learned, ask questions, and move on to more difficult information. Although Wesleyan’s biology faculty have incorporated some elements of the flipped classroom approach for many years, extensive revision of introductory and upper division courses began departmentwide four years ago after faculty attended a National Association of Biology Teachers conference. The biology department became part of a national shift in teaching toward hands-on

learning and knew Wesleyan’s small class sizes would be the perfect environment for this innovation. Whether majoring in biology or fulfilling general education requirements, professors expect students to finish their biology courses with a solid foundation in the scientific method. Their goal is to empower students by equipping them with tools needed to find reliable scientific information and the ability to make informed choices about what to accept as fact. Case studies and virtual labs serve as instructional components in the flipped classroom, and students are often asked to design their own experiments to reinforce the idea that science is not a body of material to memorize— it is a process by which new information is discovered. Preparation is vital for students to be successful in a flipped classroom setting. Students quickly learn that failure to prepare will hinder their progress during the group assignments and could impact their classmates’ learning as well. As expectations for students have grown, the amount of support available to them has also increased. Peer tutoring is offered every night.

Biology Professor Dr. Wanda Schroeder facilitates student engagement in a collaborative learning exercise in BIO 110.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Reacting to the


Dr. Karen Huber’s History 215 is not the usual textbook/lecture enterprise that one might expect in a course about the French Revolution. “Rousseau, Burke, and Revolution in France, 1791” is part of Reacting to the Past (RTTP), a series of courses that consist of games in which students, informed by classic texts and primary sources, assume roles. RTTP classes are run by students; the instructor serves as advisor and guide and, of course, grades the students’ oral and written work.

Students learn speaking, writing, critical thinking, problem solving, leadership, and teamwork skills while staying true to the philosophical and intellectual beliefs of the historical figure they have been assigned to play. There is no script to follow; students must pursue a course of action consistent with their character through making speeches, writing papers, or making presentations, all in an effort to win the game.

20 18

In History 215, students are using JeanJacques Rousseau’s Social Contract, Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France, as well as other texts, as each assumes the persona of a Parisian in 1791 and considers such questions as: “Will the king retain power? Will the priests of the Catholic Church obey the general will of the National Assembly or the dictates of the Pope in Rome? Do traditional institutions and values constitute restraints on freedom and individual dignity or are they its essential bulwarks? Are slaves, women, and Jews entitled to the ‘Rights of Man’? Is violence a legitimate means of changing society or of purging it of dangerous enemies?”

Characters include the Marquis de Lafayette, King Louis XVI, and other specific historical figures, all of whom have well defined roles, as well as a number of “indeterminates” whose actions can be swayed by public opinion or argument. Students are finding that “living” history can be an effective method of learning history. Reacting to the Past is a course that began at Barnard College and is now used by more than 300 colleges and universities. Other games include The Threshold of Democracy: Athens in 403 B.C; London 1854: Cesspits, Cholera, and Conflict over the Broad Street Pump; Red Clay, 1835: Cherokee Removal and the Meaning of Sovereignty, and many others.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

FRESH FACE “What brought you to Wesleyan?” It’s a question that we ask first-year students often. Sometimes it’s a college fair, an Internet search, or a summer camp, but most students visit Wesleyan for the first time because a teacher, family member, or friend made a personal recommendation. Green Knight Allison Hunt ’20 was referred by her color guard coach, Dana Gainey. Dana is the mother of two wonderful Wesleyan women: Cara Gainey Siebert ’14 and Jordan Gainey ’19. Once on Wesleyan’s campus, Allison fell in love with the beauty of the surroundings, and she was made welcome by the Wesleyan Admissions Volunteer Experience (WAVE) ambassadors she met. “They really wanted my visit to be wonderful.” She also discovered Wesleyan’s special sisterhood and the opportunity to engage with professors in small classes. That visit proved Wesleyan was the perfect choice for Allison. She applied and was awarded the prestigious John Huland Carmical Scholarship. A student at Eagles Landing Christian Academy in McDonough, Georgia, Allison participated in chorus, Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, Spanish Honor Society, and National Honor Society. She also served as captain of the color guard during her senior year. Off campus, Allison volunteered at a local pregnancy resource center, her church’s nursery, and an assisted care facility. Although she has not yet chosen a major, Allison is becoming involved on campus in Math Club, Aunt Maggie’s Kitchen Table, and Baptist College Ministries. Wesleyan proudly welcomes Allison and all the Green Knights of 2020 to our sisterhood. Hoddy Toddy!



athletes Green Knight Class of 2020

From class soccer to intercollegiate sports, athletic competition has always been an integral part of the Wesleyan experience. When the Green Knight Class of 2020 arrived on campus this fall, onethird brought their athletic talents with them. Wesleyan currently has five NCAA Division III sports teams—basketball, soccer, softball, tennis, and volleyball—as well as an IHSA equestrian program. This season Wesleyan joined the USA South Athletic Conference, which is composed of sixteen coeducational institutions and women’s colleges, offering a more rigorous conference schedule. Division III athletes do not receive scholarships to play their sports, so all Wesleyan athletes join teams simply for the fulfillment that comes from competing in a game they enjoy.



Recruiting software helps our coaches reach out to potential athletes, but Assistant Athletic Director and Head Basketball Coach Nicky DiMarzio explains that the most successful recruiting tool is having potential student-athletes visit campus. “Meeting with our current athletes and coaches helps introduce recruits to the camaraderie that exists between Wesleyan teammates and the family environment.” A new partnership between academics and athletics has formed through the introduction of the Student Athlete Academic Game Plan. In addition to each student’s academic advisor, faculty members serve to bridge academics and athletics by working with each team to identify barriers to the success of our student athletes.





WESLEYAN PLACES 3RD IN CANS ACROSS THE CONFERENCE COMPETITION The holidays are a time to give thanks and appreciate the blessings in one's life. In 2004, members of the USA South Athletic Conference Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) initiated Cans Across the Conference, a canned food drive and community service competition among the 16 institutions in the USA South. Each campus SAAC collected canned goods and other non-perishable items at their school to benefit a local charity. With a grand total of 5,654 items, Wesleyan College placed third in the Cans Across the Conference competition for 2016. The cans were donated to The Mentor's Project of Bibb County’s food bank where June O’Neal ’90 serves as executive director. Head Volleyball Coach and Student Athlete Advisory Committee Staff Advisor Caroline Carlton, who led the project, said, “That Wesleyan was able to finish in 3rd place is simply amazing. We are one of the smallest schools in the conference and were able to collect an astounding 5,654 cans! I cannot say thank you enough, and I want to give a special shout out to Wesleyan’s senior nursing class who alone collected over 3,000 cans.” Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017




Wesleyan College and Navicent Health recently developed a continuing education program for Navicent employees. “Six Sigma,” coined by Motorola in 1986, refers to a process that is nearly error-free, earning a sigma rating of six. Six Sigma has become a valued certification in many industries, especially health care. The curriculum prepares participants to improve the quality of their work environments and processes that fulfill the mission of the organization. The concept and the training address not only products, but also the processes and team work necessary to be productive and successful. Like the disciplined karate student, Six Sigma graduates earn “belts”: from yellow belt to green belt to the highest honors, black belt and master black belt. In the last three years, Navicent has certified approximately 700 Lean Green Belts. Their current staff includes 472 Lean Green Belts, 25 Six Sigma Green Belts, and 25 Six Sigma Black Belts. These employees represent various units on team projects, addressing the complex problems faced by the healthcare industry. For instance, a team might assemble to address processing patients in the emergency center, and that team of Green/Black Belt members might include a physician, a nurse, a member of security, someone from the accounting office, and someone from facilities. All contribute to solving the problem. In September, the IISE (Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers) approved Wesleyan to be a Qualified Training Provider, and


Dr. Ninfa Saunders, Navicent Health CEO and Wesleyan trustee, assigned a team of certified Navicent employees to work with Wesleyan faculty and staff to implement a Six Sigma program. The first five-week Lean Green Belt class began on October 25 under the leadership of Navicent Black Belt instructors. Ten Navicent employees and six Wesleyan faculty and staff make up the cohort. Classes are taught in a hybrid style, with half of the course instruction online and half in the classroom, meeting on Wesleyan’s campus one night per week. Those who complete the Lean Green Belt course continue on to a five-week Six Sigma Green Belt course and then to the Black Belt course. At the end of each course, participants will complete an exam and students who pass the exam will receive IISE certification. After the first cohort graduates, Wesleyan faculty who earn IISE certification will assume major responsibility for instruction. Navicent expects to enroll approximately thirty employees in Wesleyan Six Sigma courses over the next several months, and the program has the potential to enroll over one hundred students each year. After completion of the first Navicent-sponsored cohort, the program will be open to employees of other Middle Georgia companies. The future is bright for this partnership. Navicent alone has thousands of employees, and it is a part of the larger Stratus Healthcare system composed of 21 hospitals, 25,000 employees, and 6,000 physicians throughout central and southern Georgia.

CONSORTIUM FOR ONLINE HUMANITIES INSTRUCTION Wesleyan College has been invited to participate with twenty other private liberal arts colleges in the new Consortium for Online Humanities Instruction. Formed by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC), members of the consortium will collaborate to improve teaching and learning in the humanities, explore new approaches to online education, and promote cooperation among smaller private liberal arts colleges. Wesleyan is the only institution in Georgia chosen to participate. The three-year project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will support the work of four-person teams at each school to develop upperlevel undergraduate courses in the humanities. Wesleyan is represented by Provost Dr. Vivia Fowler, Registrar Angie Wright, Associate Professor of History Dr. Nicholas Steneck, and Professor of Art Dr. Libby Bailey. Dr. Steneck is preparing a course on American wars in the 20th Century, and Dr. Bailey is creating a course on Greek and Roman art. Participating professors on each campus will teach their new courses in the traditional campus setting during the Spring 2017 semester. The following year, they will teach these courses online. Students at all 21 institutions will be able to enroll in any of the online classes and no fees will be assessed between the schools. “Participation in CIC’s online humanities consortium will provide the impetus for our faculty, who excel in classroom instruction, to explore ways to be equally excellent in online instruction. It also holds great potential for students from small, private institutions to have access to more humanities courses than we could ever provide with our limited curriculum,” said Provost Fowler. Subjects that will be taught by other consortium members include bioethics, Italian culture, black feminist thought, the history of medicine, Christianity and American society, globalization, and classics of world literature.

Can girls SUCCEED in STEM fields? In 2011, the National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Wesleyan College $576,000 to fund a new Math/Science Student Preparation and Retention Collaborative (M/S SPARC) program. The NSF received 363 proposals from colleges and universities nationwide and Wesleyan was one of an elite group of 80 selected. In their award letter, the NSF cited the excellent post-graduate outcomes of Wesleyan’s science and mathematics majors as well as its exemplary academic support programs. This five-year grant provides scholarship and programmatic support for two cohorts of high-achieving women with financial need from rural and inner-city schools in Georgia who major in biology, chemistry, neuroscience, or mathematics. The national average graduation rate for students in STEM majors from 2001 to 2006 was 17%. According to Professor of Biology Dr. Holly Boettger-Tong, the aim of M/S SPARC is to test the hypothesis that a combination of scholarships, academic “boot camps” conducted prior to the first and second years, intensive faculty and peer advising, research opportunities, and innovative programming will result in improved academic performance and greater retention of math and science majors. Now in the fifth and final year of the grant, preliminary results are very encouraging. For the purpose of analysis, Wesleyan’s Financial Aid Office created a matched sample of students with similar financial needs, SAT scores, and majors to be the control group against which the SPARC cohorts would be measured. Preliminary data indicated that SPARC Scholars have higher grade point averages than their counterparts, and they believe their boot camp and advising experiences helped them to bond as a cohort and succeed academically. When the program concludes next year, Wesleyan will be able to share findings with other schools to help them improve the academic success and retention of a diverse group of math and science students in their own institutions. Once the NSF grant concludes next year, Wesleyan will be challenged to institutionalize and continue aspects of the M/S SPARC program that are proving to be so beneficial to our students. Dr. Boettger-Tong says Wesleyan has already institutionalized peer advising and

tutoring as a path to success for first year biology, math, and chemistry students. SPARC Scholars began graduating in 2015, and today these alumnae are working or pursuing graduate degrees in math and science. Chelsea Widener ‘15 was recruited to the first SPARC cohort in 2011 at the end of her junior year in high school. Move On When Ready, a dual enrollment program sponsored by the Georgia Department of Education, allowed her to move to Macon and enroll at Wesleyan to complete her senior year of high school and her first year of college simultaneously. During breaks from school, Chelsea secured summer internships, participating in research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory near Knoxville, Tennessee, and Pacific Northwest Research National Laboratory in Seattle, Washington. She also spent her senior spring break shadowing Dr. Abena Redwood ’06, a post-doctoral researcher at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Chelsea believes all her experiences in the SPARC program made her attractive to graduate programs. She applied to five and was admitted and offered assistantships at all five schools. Chelsea chose Auburn University and began work on a master’s degree in mathematics in the fall of 2015.

Qadan Farah ’15 is also an alumna of the first SPARC cohort. Although she originally planned to attend another school, the opportunity to participate in SPARC convinced her to enroll at Wesleyan. She credits the SPARC program with helping her to synthesize her career goals and to find opportunities she would not have discovered on her own. One of those opportunities was participating in research with Dr. Boettger-Tong and Munroe Scholar Sunada Khadka ’16. Today, Qadan is studying at Mercer University College of Pharmacy and she works part time as a pharmacy technician. According to Shakarr Wiggins ’15, the SPARC program is unique for its focus on career development. This program sparked her interest in research in which she participated at Wesleyan and during her study abroad. “By far the coolest experience for me was shadowing Wesleyan Alumna Nur-Taz Rahman ’10 who was a PhD student at Yale University. This opportunity provided a great look into graduate school and Nur-Taz offered amazing advice.” After graduating from Wesleyan, Shakarr took a gap year to participate in a research program at Virginia Tech involving traumatic brain injuries. Today she is a first-year PhD student at Weill Cornell Medical College (Cornell University’s Medical Campus in New York City) studying neuroscience. Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Becoming New Again Willet Memorial Library has stood the test of time, serving as the academic haven for generations of Wesleyannes for almost 50 years. During the 1967 dedication, Wesleyan President Dr. Earl Strickland noted the design incorporated “everything that is modern and efficient.” The goal was to remove barriers between students and books, create a quiet, inviting, and comfortable atmosphere, and protect the condition of the College’s vast collection. This spring, the first phase of a “new” Willet Library will open in the same location. Goals for today’s renovation are similar, but also include greater access to technology, collaborative congregational spaces, and quiet areas for private study. Studies show library facilities are a significant factor in student recruitment, retention, and academic success. In the years since Willet Library was constructed, the concept of what a library can and should be has changed. In 1967, the goal was to maximize student access to the print materials contained within the walls of the library. While

3D Scanner & 3D printer (D Lab)


the availability of print materials continues to be important, student needs now include both group and individual study spaces with ready access to computers and an array of technology.

Program and architectural consultants have assessed these needs and the manner in which the library’s offerings might be modified.

The resulting design enhances collaboration and fosters student engagement. The renovated Willet Library will be a full-service learning, research, and project space that integrates sophisticated technology into a comfortable and welcoming setting offering access to information resources in a variety of spaces that facilitate both collaborative and quiet, focused work.

Video production technology including video cameras, digital cameras, digital camcorders, and computers with video editing software

2 Media Hubs for small group collaboration

20 personal computer stations

Ideally, renovation of the second and third floors would begin in June 2017. However, an additional $2.5 million is needed to complete the entire renovation. The vision for the second and third floors is equally as exciting as the transformation of the first floor. If you would like to make a gift to help with the renovation of Willet Library, please call the Office of Institutional Advancement at 478-757-5131.

The library’s main entrance will relocate to the first floor, opening to a comfortably furnished active learning space to accommodate laptops, tablets, iPads, and cell phones. A large open room with a variety of seating areas, this redesigned floor will provide students with a casual place to meet, interact, and study 24 hours a day. The first floor also will be the new home for The Learning Commons, a consortium of student learning resources including the Academic Center, Peer Tutoring, First Year Experience, and the Writing Center. Moving these services to the library produces a natural synergy, creating one central place where students can find academic and research assistance. The first floor of the building will be available by key card access even after the second and third floors close, giving students a secure place to congregate and study at all hours.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

WISE 301

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” That’s the question three faculty members asked our first cohort of Wesleyan College of Guangzhou University (WCGU) students gathered in Pierce Chapel on a bright June morning last summer. The words are from Mary Oliver’s poem “The Summer Day,” and they came at the beginning of WISe 301 (Wesleyan Integrative Seminar), the interdisciplinary capstone course the first cohort of fifty-five dual-degree students completed as the culmination of their intense year at Wesleyan. Titled “Interpretations of Land and Nature,” WISe 301 was team-taught by Political Science Professor Barbara Donovan, Biology Professor


Barry Rhoades, and English Professor Matt Martin. “These students worked hard and experienced much during their time at Wesleyan,” said Martin. “We wanted this course to be meaningful to them, both as a microcosm of their Wesleyan experience and as a chance to reflect on and demonstrate how much they’d learned.” For the topic of the course, Donovan came up with the idea of focusing on something the WCGU students had commented on from their arrival—their love of the Wesleyan campus. “We had a lot of goals for this final capstone experience,” said Donovan, “but ultimately we wanted to give these students an

experience they could connect to the place that is Wesleyan.” Early in the semester, Rhoades introduced the students to YiFu Tuan’s concept of space versus place, defining a space as a physical location and place as a location to which people attach meaning. During WISe 301, students read and discussed ways of thinking about land and nature; they interacted with the campus; and ultimately they completed a group project in which they designed a way to turn a space in Wesleyan’s “borderlands” between the Arboretum and front campus into a place that would be meaningful to the whole community. “I have long imagined this area of the

campus becoming more inviting and useable,” said Rhoades, “and this class provided an opportunity to set fifty-five fresh minds and perspectives to that task.” Students compared the world-views of John Locke, Confucius, and Native Americans. They read essays by American naturalists Aldo Leopold, John Muir, and Henry David Thoreau, poetry by Whitman, Dickinson, Wendell Berry, and Mary Oliver, and Garret Hardin’s classic treatise “The Tragedy of the Commons.” Next, they divided into small group simulations of blindly “fishing” goldfish crackers from covered containers. “Fifty-five students

sitting in six circles and fishing all at once was pandemonium, but still my favorite class session,” said Rhoades. “Seeing one of your groupmates “starve” because you hoarded enough goldfish to trade for a Hershey’s Kiss candy was a painless, but direct and effective way to experience the consequences of overexploitation of common resources.” Students also took an ecological tour of the Arboretum with Biology Professor Jim Ferrari, built a bridge, blazed a new walking trail, and wrote their own meditative poem after a time of reflection in the Arboretum. In July, faculty led a field trip to the Ocmulgee Indian Mounds National Monument, Amerson River Park, and Tatnall Square Park so students could see how a number of spaces in Macon had become places. Their final group projects combined a focus on sustainability with design thinking, a formal problemsolving technique developed at Stanford University. During this process, students working in small groups first defined a problem they’d like to solve, then interviewed people connected to the problem, and tried to figure out what their “user” needed. The group then brainstormed solutions for that need, chose the one solution they thought would make the biggest difference, and built a quick prototype of their solution. Finally, they took that prototype back to the user for their reaction. For Interpretations of Land and Nature, student groups each chose a space on campus in the borderlands which they thought could be transformed, interviewed members of the Wesleyan community—staff, faculty, fellow students—to discover what they might need in order for this space to become a meaningful place, and then designed a solution to meet one of those needs.

To share their solutions, each group delivered a WeD talk (a pun on the popular internet TED talks) where they told the story of their journey through the design thinking process and their solution. Six weeks after the class started, students gathered again in Pierce Chapel to hear the best two WeD talks from each of the three class sections. “It was hard for me to believe these were the same students I had taught a year earlier in WISe 201,” said Martin, referring to the threeweek interdisciplinary course WCGU students take when they first arrive at Wesleyan. “They were poised and confident. They had grown so much.” “All the talks were creative, funny, and moving,” said Donovan, “with many students reflecting on the importance of stepping outside oneself to solve problems.” The winning group came from Donovan’s class. Their solution re-conceptualized the vegetable garden area behind the admissions office in Huckabee Hall, adding features such as running water and a compost bin to make the garden more sustainable, and creating a small park-like setting on the adjacent lawns where students and visiting families could relax on benches and swings. “Design thinking is a unique approach to problem solving that emphasizes empathy and innovative thinking. It’s exciting to know these students have taken it back to China,” said Donovan. “So many of the students said they had never encountered anything like this before.” Yuxuan (Priscilla) Deng wrote about her experience, “The first step of the project is learning about empathy … just talking about empathy seems easy, but when I actually did it, I found it hard to not think about my own experience. Afterward, I understood what it means to get to know someone and figure out what really matters to him or her.”

Students compared the world-views of John Locke, Confucius, and Native Americans. They read essays by American naturalists Aldo Leopold, John Muir, and Henry David Thoreau, poetry by Whitman, Dickinson, Wendell Berry, and Mary Oliver, and Garret Hardin’s classic treatise. Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Emil Holzhauer. Old Wesleyan Conservatory, watercolor on paper, n.d. The Museum of Arts and Sciences, Macon, Georgia 30


In 1928, Wesleyan College opened its new campus for liberal arts at Rivoli, while the Conservatory of Music and School of Fine Arts remained on the original downtown campus on College Street. Traditionally referred to as “The Conservatory,” the main building was an imposing Victorian-style building five stories high, filled with students from all over the United States and several foreign countries. Faculty were among the finest in their fields with credentials to rival any faculty in the country. Claire Michaels Murray ’52 explained, “When I was playing violin in high school, I began searching for a women’s college affiliated with the Methodist Church with exceptional violin teachers.” Her quest brought her to Wesleyan’s Conservatory where she studied with Beatrice Eleanor Horsbrugh, who had studied with Jascha Heifitz, considered by many to be the finest violinist of all time. Violin performances were frequent highlights of Claire’s

study, and she claims she had more evening gowns in her closet than ordinary clothes. Alumnae describe the residence hall rooms as extremely large, each with its own fireplace and tall, wooden shuttered windows and heart pine flooring. Two students usually shared a room that included an alcove or dressing room. Clothes were kept in large wardrobes or armoires, often placed in the extraordinarily wide hallways designed to accommodate the full dresses of the Victorian era. Stunning stairways accessed upper floors with only one elevator in the entire structure. Parlors were filled with gorgeous paintings, chandeliers, and pier mirrors, some of which can be found on the Rivoli campus today. The ringing of a large brass dinner bell called students to meals served family-style. The same bell is used today by Wesleyan’s Office of Alumnae Affairs to start the

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Golden Belles Luncheon during Alumnae Weekend. Abundant Georgia products were always used in meals––especially grits, pecans, peaches, and sorghum syrup. On occasion, cooks would come into the dining room to serenade the students with hymns or conventional holiday songs. Renowned Macon pianist Susan Thigpen McDuffie ’53 was recruited to study with Ralph Lawton, a protégé of Joseph Levine. Of fourteen piano majors who began the year with Mr. Lawton, only four remained by the end of the year. In Susan’s words, “Mr. Lawton was exactly what I needed. He provided the foundation and technique that were essential for me to improve, and each one of my other teachers did the same.” McDuffie’s first position after graduation from the Conservatory was teaching piano preparatory courses to voice majors on the Rivoli campus in 1954-1955. Over the years she has given private piano lessons, teaching her own exceptional students who have become faculty members at Eastman School of Music, the New England Conservatory, and Berklee College of Music. Susan was recently named the Top Music Teacher in the State of Georgia for 2016-2017. Evelyn LeRoy Fortson ’52 found the same quality of instruction with her voice professor, Vladimir Zorin, who trained at the Vienna Conservatory of Music. According to Evelyn, voice students who succeeded did so the “Zorin way.” Each had requirements so strenuous that none could afford to indulge in dating, going out for dinner, or shopping. Instead, a typical day was rigorous, filled with a few academic classes, a great deal of instruction, and hours upon hours of practice. As Evelyn explained, “Being a voice major was a physical, emotional, mental commitment and not everyone would succeed.” Voice majors were required to participate in Wesleyan’s Glee Club, a group that was trained by Mr. Zorin and was famous not only for its beautiful voices but also for the repertoire of music they had mastered. The Glee Club traveled each year, giving performances throughout Georgia,


“IT WAS THE PLACE WHERE WE NOT ONLY LEARNED HOW TO LEARN, BUT LEARNED TO EXPLORE, TO DEVELOP CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS, AND TO DEVELOP CONFIDENCE IN OURSELVES.” Florida, and South Carolina. During the Korean War, students were invited to sing at military bases on the Third Army Tour. Wesleyan students slept in the women’s barracks and were encouraged to socialize and dance with the enlisted men. Art, fashion design, speech, theatre, and broadcasting were also significant programs of study. Professor Esther Coudret, who trained at the Vogue School of Fashion Art, and Professor Jean Courtright taught fashion design and illustrations, costume design, and fashion. Each year, students traveled to Atlanta to attend Rich’s Fashionata, which brought world-class designers and runway models to show off the latest designs. Marianne Wooten Dunn ’49, one of five fashion design majors in 1948 and 1949, said it was Professors Emil Holzhauzer, Gulnar Bosch, and Lucille Blanche, married to famous NYC artist Arnold Blanche, who inspired her love for art. Marianne was one of the fortunate students invited by Holzhauer to paint pictures of Macon houses and to sit on the grass with him in front of the Conservatory, learning the art of perspective. Mrs. Harriett Garret Rowand, whose training had been with renowned dancer Martha Graham, taught Wesleyan students modern dance techniques and collaborated with other professors in holding spring art festivals. Students rotated through all departments of the theatre program, learning speech and diction. Classical plays of the highest caliber were performed on

stage in the original Pierce Chapel. According to Claire Houser-Dodd ’53, “theatre students were responsible for creating everything needed for a stage production, including building props, providing electrical work, creating costumes and hats for the appropriate period – every aspect of the production. When we toured in other cities, we had to take all of this with us, set it up ourselves, and sometimes improvise, depending on the kind of stages available.” Gayle Attaway Findlay ’55 chose the Conservatory for her interest in radio broadcasting and because “it was the place where we not only learned how to learn but also learned to explore, to develop critical thinking skills, and to develop confidence in ourselves.” She explains, “Life at Wesleyan [Conservatory] was really big! It was a perfect time and place for me, with people and experiences I would never have encountered had I not chosen to attend.” In 1953, President B. Joseph Martin announced action had been taken by the board of trustees to house all students on the Rivoli campus and to teach as many courses as possible there. This move, according to Dr. Martin, would better coordinate the overall Wesleyan program and enrich curricular offerings of both the liberal and fine arts departments. Wesleyan’s Fine Arts Program is alive and well today with the nostalgia of Wesleyan’s Conservatory of Music and School of Fine Arts still lingering in the hearts of many alumnae.

Eleanor Lane The unofficial


On October 17, 2016, Wesleyan College honored Eleanor Adams Lane ’58 as the Wesleyan Benefactor of 2016 and presented her with Wesleyan’s first Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award at a dinner at Wesleyan’s Aunt Maggie’s Kitchen Table. Following are excerpts from President Ruth Knox’s remarks:

Eleanor Adams Lane has been a role model to many over the years, including her Wesleyan classmates, the Purple Knights of 1958. Just listen to this caption from her senior photograph in that year’s Veterropt:


Eleanor has continued to be an unofficial leader of the Class of ’58 – outstanding among a singular group of outstanding women. An activist since graduation, she has spent a lifetime showing us that one person can make a difference – even when the cause is not popular – and that the life well-lived is one spent in service of others, especially the disenfranchised and the powerless. Eleanor has been driven by a dedication to her family, her church, her community, and Wesleyan College, and we are all the richer for it. In addition to a lifetime of civic service, she has served the College in many ways, including as a class liaison where she has prodded and cajoled her classmates often and well for their gifts and their attendance at reunions. In 1986, she served as chair of the Wesleyan Sesquicentennial Committee. She was a Trustee for 11 years. I myself can attest that she has great personal courage, always willing to speak the truth when others will not and always serving as a voice of reason. And most important of all, in my humble opinion, she has been the

guiding force – the heart, soul, and spirit – for almost fifteen years now of Wesleyan’s Lane Center for Service and Leadership. It’s no exaggeration to say that but for Eleanor, the Lane Center would not exist. Literally hundreds of Lane Center Servant Leaders would not have learned about caring for others through Aunt Maggie’s Kitchen Table or the scores of other projects the Lane Center undertakes. Hundreds of Macon children served by Aunt Maggie’s – both here and at our former location in Anthony Homes – would not have felt loved and nurtured by our students and by Eleanor herself. She is that important to the mission of Wesleyan College today. In recognition of your lifetime of exemplary character, leadership, service to the community, and spiritual values, we are delighted to honor you this evening as the Wesleyan Benefactor of 2016 and to present to you Wesleyan’s first Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award. We thank you for being a model Wesleyan Woman and for sharing yourself so generously with us all. We love and admire you and are so very grateful that you are ours! Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

This year nearly one third of Wesleyan’s new first-year students (Class of 2020) were referred to the College by alumnae. For the more than 8,500 alumnae living throughout the world whose lives reflect the value of a Wesleyan education, growing the College and the Wesleyan Sisterhood through the Alumnae Referral Program is an example of alumnae volunteerism at its best.



CATY HOGELAND was referred by Wesleyan Alumnae Association President Melanie Filson Lewis ’93, who said “Giving to Wesleyan has always been a priority. Watching my referral student as her love for Wesleyan grows ... that’s the moment you know you’ve given the College what it really needs, and what the world needs - another Wesleyan Woman.”





AMANDA ROWAN, EMILY PEREZ, and HOLLY JOHNSON were referred by their studio art teacher Claire Amy Shultz ’06. All three women received Wesleyan’s Educator’s Referral scholarship. A high school senior advisor, Claire said, “I’ve referred other students to Wesleyan in the past and have found it to be a surreal experience because not long ago I was a student myself. The Wesleyan experience can be exactly what you need it to be as an individual, both academically and socially.”



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MADDY SCHWAB was referred by her aunt Caroline Thomas ’80, an internationally acclaimed soprano who lives and works in Germany. “Maddy is excited and so motivated by music that she is blossoming under the guidance of her professors. It’s lovely to see her growing and becoming more engaged in campus life and developing friendships with Wesleyan sisters.”

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RACHEL SOLOMON was referred by her grandmother Dyleane Tolbert Taylor ’72, one of Wesleyan’s First Five African-American students. Rachel is the recipient of a Legacy Scholarship. “This is the right time for Rachel to be here. Wesleyan is what she needs and she is what Wesleyan needs.”


LAUREN TEMPLETON was referred by her piano teacher Glenda Barrett Bull ’64, a retired music teacher from Augusta, Georgia. Glenda has referred numerous students to Wesleyan since her first in the early 1970s. “All my students know I attended Wesleyan. I want them to understand the value of sisterhood - that special camaraderie with classmates - and the importance of the student/ teacher ratio.”

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

The world’s largest professional network:

400 million strong. LinkedIn is an online professional networking site with the goal of allowing registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally, including employers posting jobs and job seekers posting their resumes.

Make LinkedIn work for you According to Sarah Schanck, director of career development, LinkedIn is the best professional networking and job search tool available to college students and alumnae. “An incredible amount of strategic things can be done through the LinkedIn platform, but you must have a strong profile first and foremost.” So what should be on the profile? Here are a few tips to get you started: Choose a professional photo: It doesn’t have to be a professionally taken photo, but you need to look like a professional. Have a co-worker snap a picture on a day that you look really nice for work!


Pay attention to your tagline: The tagline appears after the name in the profile box. This entire box shows up in search results, so let others know about you. Instead of just simply writing your job title, be either forward thinking or skill focused. For example, try “Human Resources professional with 5+ years of experience in recruiting” or “Wesleyan communications grad seeking public relations position.”

Think of your profile as a resume plus: Your LinkedIn profile should be an expansion of your traditional resumé or CV without the space limitations. If you need eight bullet points to describe a project and you only have room for three on your paper document, you should add all eight on LinkedIn. Also, add visual proof of your skill set through the portfolio components. Be smart and utilize the skills section to showcase your abilities in an easy-to-read

format and to gain endorsements from others. Schanck added, “If you treat your LinkedIn profile like an expansion of your resumé, consider adding the URL to the contact header on your traditional document as well. It’s like an invitation to read more about you. Once your LinkedIn profile is complete, explore the other available tools to maximize your usage of the platform, such as Find Alumni or the job search function.”

The Social Effect Social media is a fun and easy way to keep in touch with your Wesleyan Sisters and stay up-to-date with what’s happening on campus. Daily posts and comments on the Facebook pages Wesleyan College Alumnae Association (the official alumnae page with 2,121 followers) and Wesleyan College First For Women (geared more toward friends and visitors than alumnae, with 4,564 followers) invite you to make a comment, cheer on a Sister, or reconnect with friends. Follow your alma mater on Instagram, along with almost 1,000 others. Social media keeps the latest information right at your fingertips!


Wesleyan College Alumnae Association Wesleyan College


Wesleyan College Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Wesleyan forms new partnership with Girls, Inc. In October, the Lane Center for Service and Leadership and the Office of Enrollment Services welcomed to campus five students from the Columbus, Georgia, chapter of Girls, Inc. for an overnight visit. Sophomore Seychelle Hercules, who benefited from the program during high school, served as a chaperone for the group who spent the night in Mathews Athletic Center. The next morning the girls joined a team of students, faculty, staff, alumnae, and community volunteers in serving agencies across Macon for WOW! A Day and then enjoyed watching the Wolves soccer team play LaGrange College. Girls, Inc. is a national educational program dedicated to inspiring and empowering young women to be strong, smart, and confident. Using a variety of workshops and educational experiences, the organization teaches girls to set and achieve goals, confront challenges, resist peer pressure, and see college as attainable.

Wesleyan names Nash chief financial officer Wesleyan College appointed Dawn Nash as chief financial officer replacing Rick Maier who retired at the end of June. Nash took over the role of vice president for administration/CFO July 1, 2016. Maier and Nash worked together at Wesleyan for sixteen and a half years where Maier served as vice president for fiscal affairs and Nash as associate vice president for business and controller. Nash has forty-five years’ experience in business administration, with almost thirty of those years in higher education. She holds a BS in business administration with a concentration in accounting from Brewton-Parker College and a masters of business administration from Wesleyan College. She is a deacon and finance chair at Highland Hills Baptist Church, treasurer for Central Georgia C.A.R.E.S., past president of the Morning Music Club of Macon, and serves as bookkeeper for Georgia Women of Achievement.

WESLEYAN 2016 GRADUATE SELECTED AS A PHI KAPPA PHI FELLOW Wesleyan alumna Aastha Sharma, Class of 2016, has been selected as a Phi Kappa Phi Fellow and awarded a $5,000 scholarship. This fall, Sharma is attending the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, working toward her Ph.D. in materials chemistry specializing in renewable energy research. Sharma is one of nine Wesleyan students to receive this honor since 2000. She was also the first recipient of the Harriet Fitzgerald Scholarship awarded to a promising young woman attending a women’s college. For each of her four years at Wesleyan, she received the $10,000 scholarship from the Sunflower Initiative for her extraordinary academic and leadership potential. At Wesleyan, Sharma majored in chemistry and applied mathematical sciences and minored in economics. She participated in research programs at the University of Minnesota Twin-Cities and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany.



Congratulations to the PKs and THANK YOU to all Wesleyan students, alumnae, and friends who participated in Georgia Gives Day Color Rush! Your generosity keeps Wesleyan First for Women!

THE ACK P F L WO HIP S R A L SCHO The Wolf Pack invites a high school student and two of her classmates to apply to Wesleyan. If accepted, each will receive a $15,297 scholarship that will cover 90% of tuition costs when combined with the HOPE Scholarship. To qualify for the Wolf Pack Scholarship, students must: • be nominated by a teacher or guidance counselor • be accepted to Wesleyan College by November 15 • be a final HOPE Scholar • have a 3.5 unweighted cumulative high school GPA • meet minimum SAT or ACT requirements (ACT: 20 composite, 20 English, 18 Math; SAT: 26 Reading and 480 Math Currently, the scholarship is being offered at 12 area high schools and to girls participating in the Columbus, Georgia, Girls, Inc. program.

Wesleyan’s nursing program earns accreditation Wesleyan College’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program has earned accreditation from the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. The program welcomes its fourth cohort of nursing students this fall. Officially recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a national accreditation agency, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) is an autonomous accrediting agency, contributing to the improvement of the public’s health. CCNE ensures the quality and integrity of baccalaureate, graduate, and residency programs in nursing. CCNE serves the public interest by assessing and identifying programs that engage in effective educational practices. As a voluntary, self-regulatory process, CCNE accreditation supports and encourages continuing self-assessment by nursing programs and supports continuing growth and improvement of collegiate professional education and nurse residency programs.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Textbooks now included in tuition

WESLEYAN RECOGNIZED BY THE PRINCETON REVIEW AS A 2016 TOP GREEN COLLEGE Wesleyan is one of America’s 381 most environmentally responsible colleges according to The Princeton Review’s 2016 Green Guide. The Princeton Review ranked the colleges based on “Green Rating” scores (from 60 to 99) the company tallied in summer 2016 for 640 colleges using data from its 2015-16 survey of school administrators. The survey asked administrators to report on their school’s sustainability-related policies, practices, and programs. More than 25 data points were weighted in the assessment. Schools with Green Rating scores of 80 or higher made it into this guide. Wesleyan earned a rating of 92.

This fall the College partnered with a course materials management company to provide all students 100 percent of their required educational content by the first day of class. Students pay a low, predictable access fee that is included in their tuition, which provides substantial savings and improves college affordability. By

integrating the cost of materials into tuition, it can be covered by financial aid and other tuitionprovided assistance. When a student registers for her classes, textbooks and other materials she needs are shipped to the Wesleyan post office or the student’s home address. It’s her choice.


In October, Wesleyan’s board of trustees approved adding a bachelor of fine arts (BFA) program to the College’s degree offerings beginning fall semester 2017. Students will acquire, develop, and refine skills and knowledge through an intensive in-depth study of specific areas of studio art. Learning outcomes for the BFA include gaining a broad knowledge of the processes of art in various media while learning to analyze and critique artwork, and demonstrating professional preparedness for a career in art. During her junior year, BFA students will participate in a department critique. Each senior student will be required to have an exhibition at the end of her coursework along with an illustrated catalogue and artist’s statement. Students are encouraged to become involved in art related internships and collaborations on campus and are required to attend lectures, exhibition openings, and workshops provided by the art department.

PRESIDENT RUTH KNOX ’75 ANNOUNCES RETIREMENT AFTER 15 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE COLLEGE In August, Ruth Knox announced her plan to retire as president of Wesleyan College, to be effective June 30, 2017. “I have never felt more confident in our mission, in the quality of the Wesleyan Experience, and in the faculty, staff, trustees, alumnae, and friends who are dedicated to making that experience a superb one for our students. I am so very proud to be a member of this beloved community.” Knox said she is looking forward to celebrating another wonderful year at Wesleyan and is committed to devoting her energy and enthusiasm completely. Thereafter, she will continue to be a loyal and dedicated alumna while returning to her family home in Thomson, Georgia, to become a fulltime community volunteer. “For now, let’s celebrate the new year, the fun and visits we’ll have together, all the new projects we have to accomplish, and you - the incredible alumnae and friends of Wesleyan College.”


ALUMNAE WEEKEND April 21, 22 & 23, 2017

Watch for more information about your reunion this winter and get ready to register online! REUNION YEARS

1932 1937

1942 1947

1952 1957

1962 1967

1972 1977

1982 1987

1992 1997

2002 2007

2012 2016

Non-Reunion Classes and Big Sister/Little Sister Classes join in the fun Alumnae Weekend – It’s not just for reunion classes! Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

AlumnaeCONNECTIONS Sisterhood in Action. Inducting new Chinese sisters from Guangzhou University into the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association (WCAA), referring new students to the College, helping first-years move into residence halls, linking up to mentor students, and building a network through which current and future Wesleyan alumnae will stay connected are ways in which Wesleyan alumnae have served the College since June. Alumnae volunteerism and engagement is important. Thank you for making time for Wesleyan in your busy lives!


Washington, DC

Since June, the Macon Pioneer Book Club has met at the homes of Susan Allen, Beverly Cross Hall ’65, and Jane Price Claxton ’68 for discussions on selected books including Suffer and Grow Strong: The Life of Ella Gertrude Clanton Thomas, Wesleyan Class of 1851. In November, Macon area alumnae attended a Women’s College Alumnae Reception in Oval Hall. The event was part of the 2016 ADAPT Conference of women’s colleges hosted by the WCAA. In December, all area alumnae were invited to Christmas in Oval Hall honoring President Ruth Knox.

In September, Alumna Trustee Pris Gautier Bornmann ’68 hosted a Wesleyan Pot Luck Luncheon for area alumnae in her home. Jessica Kendrick ’08 coordinated plans for the event. Group members discussed admissions, alumnae referrals, and collaborating with the New York Alumnae group for a joint meeting.



WCAA President-Elect Abbie Smoak Lacienski ’01 hosted a Sisterhood Brunch at her home in November. Bonnie Stancel Duncan ’06 assisted with plans. Guests enjoyed an update on the College from Alumnae Director Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 while Abbie led a discussion on alumnae involvement in student recruitment and Wesleyan First Awards.

North Carolina Asheville

Area alumnae met for a Summer in the City Luncheon at Tupelo Honey Café – South. Wesleyan staff members Susan Allen and Whitney Davis from the Advancement Office and Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 and Mary Kathryn Borland ’04 from the Alumnae Office attended the luncheon and shared news from the College. Eleanor “Lee Lee” Seabrook ’79 helped to coordinate plans for the event.


North Carolina Triangle Alumnae Club members met for a fall Pioneer Book Club discussion at Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh, where they discussed Delta Wedding by Eudora Welty. The club continues to focus on books about women or by women authors, including Landscapes of the Heart by Elizabeth Spencer, a Chapel Hill author who is a friend of club member Melissa Lane Thomas ’69. In December, the club invited North Carolina alumnae to meet for a Dutch Treat Tea at the O’Henry Hotel in Greensboro to kick off the holiday season. Pamela Henry Pate ’71, Linda Brown Walker ’73, and Karen Garr ’69 serve as club contacts.

Arlington, VA

Alumnae/Student Events & Programs Guangzhou Candlelighting

In July, 55 Wesleyan College of Guangzhou University Dual Degree Students (Cohort 1) participated in a first ever Honors and Awards Day and Candlelighting Ceremony in Porter Auditorium. Fifty-five alumnae volunteers were enlisted to serve as candlelighters for these students. In addition, 44 new students from Guangzhou University (Cohort 2) were in attendance. Wesleyan faculty recognized students with awards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and service. More than 175 people enjoyed a WCAA-sponsored reception following the ceremony.

Green Knight Move-In Day

In August, alumnae from classes 1975 to 2013 volunteered to help new GKs “move-in” to residence halls at Wesleyan. The event introduced first-year students and their families to the Wesleyan sisterhood and to the WCAA. To volunteer for Move-In Day 2017, contact alumnae@wesleyancollege.edu.

Senior Midnight Breakfast & First-Year Fondue

Members of the Pirate Class of 2017 met in Hurdle Café for the annual Senior Midnight Breakfast in September. Pirates were welcomed back to campus to celebrate the beginning of their senior year at the College and to learn more about their future responsibilities as alumnae. In October, the Advancement Office sponsored a First-Year Fondue where new GKs received an introductory lesson about philanthropy and why it is important to give back to the College.

Linking Up

The online Alumnae e-Link program focuses on linking current Wesleyan students with alumnae throughout the country for career mentoring and sisterhood purposes. WCAA Member-at-Large for Student Relations Sherrie Randall ’03 coordinates the program with the Alumnae Office. Interested in being an e-Link? Contact alumnae@wesleyancollege.edu For current news of classmates and friends, check www.facebook.com/ WesleyanCollegeAlumnaeAssociation. Visit wesleyancollege.edu/Alumnae/ AlumnaeEvents to participate in alumnae activities and events and to volunteer. Contact the Alumnae Office at 478.757.5173 for more information.

Got Sisterhood ? Get Social . Check us out on Social Media. Wesleyan College Alumnae Association





CLUB facebook 1. Ladies Who Brunch. WCAA PresidentElect Abbie Smoak Lacienski ’01 (far left) welcomes area alumnae to a Sisterhood Brunch in Statesboro, GA. 2. Asheville Trio. (From left): Charlene Payne Kammerer ’70, Susan Woodward Walker ’70, and Jane Price Claxton ’68 attend Summer in the City in Asheville, NC.



3. Summer in the City. Asheville, NC, area alumnae (from left) Rosanne Anderson ’67, Pam Finlayson ’71, Donna Cook ’71, Ann Kinnick Keane ’69, and Alice Peninger Beasley ’69 “meet, greet, and eat” at Tupelo Honey Cafe-South. 4. Welcome to the Sisterhood. Wesleyan College of Guangzhou University Dual Degree students are inducted into the WCAA at a Candlelighting Ceremony in July.


5. A GK Legacy. (From left) GK Dyleane Tolbert Taylor ’72 (Wesleyan’s First Five) and her daughter help Dyleane’s granddaughter and new GK Rachel Solomon ’20 (center) unpack on Move-In Day. 6. Warm Wesleyan Welcome. GK hostess Polly Pollard Houghland ’60 welcomes President Ruth Knox ’75, Wesleyan staff members Susan Allen and Lisa Sloben, and area alumnae to the Belle Meade Club in Nashville, TN. 7. Mountain Meet-Up. President Ruth Knox meets with area alumnae in the Cabooze Room at STIR in Chattanooga, TN. 8. Time for Tea. North Carolina alumnae meet at the O’Henry Hotel in Greensboro.





9. Retreat at Montreat. The WCAA Board of Managers at their annual retreat held this year in Montreat, NC. 10. It All Adds Up. WCAA President Melanie Filson Lewis ’93 shares life and career lessons with members of Wesleyan’s Math Club. 11. Potluck Pic. Washington, DC, area alumnae meet for a Potluck Luncheon at the home of WCAA Alumna Trustee Pris Gautier Bornmann ’68.






11 Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Sympathy The Wesleyan College Alumnae Association extends sympathy to: Delaine Durdin Perkins ’51 of Duluth, GA, on the death of her husband, Dr. James Morris Perkins, on April 1, 2016. Becky Dodd Hollady ’51 of Tallahassee, FL, and Berta Dodd Marbut ’58 of San Antonio, TX, on the death of their cousin, Beverly Harvey Hartman ’52 on June 4, 2016.

Carol Inman Heyward ’60 of Sandy Springs, GA, on the death of her husband and Wesleyan Trustee Emeritus Andrew Hasell “Andy” Heyward III, on December 8, 2016. Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ’64 of Naples, FL, on the death of her husband, Linton “Lin” Patterson III, on August 23, 2016.

Mary Eva Bryan DuBose ’52 of McDonough, GA, on the death of her cousin, Elizabeth “Libby” Futrelle Richardson ’58, on June 21, 2016.

Joanna Looney Reynolds ’65 of Fredericksburg, VA, on the death of her husband, John H. Reynolds, on June 21, 2016.

Mary Ann Fitzgerald Blackwell ’53 of Henderson, KY, on the deaths of her husband, Chapman T. Blackwell III, on April 29, 2015, and her grandson, Chapman “CT” Blackwell V, on April 5, 2015.

Peggy Karacostas Zeigler ’65 of Los Angeles, CA, on the death of her mother, Margaret Dalian Page, on January 29, 2016.

Frances Bruce Van Horn ’53 of Macon, GA, and Cris Van Horn ’77 of Oak Ridge, TN, on the death of Frances’s daughter and Cris’s sister, Tracey Van Horn Strickland Davis, on December 23, 2016. Barbara Walker Coburn ’54 of Albany, GA, on the death of her cousin, Jean Walker Knight ’49 on July 20, 2016. Martha Jean Laslie Woodward ’54 of Quincy, FL, Anne Woodward Ahrendt ’81 of Crawfordville, FL, and Adrianne Woodward ’14 of Quincy, FL, on the death Martha Jean’s husband, Anne’s father, and Adrianne’s grandfather, Dicksen “Sylvester” Woodward, on June 28, 2016. Margaret Campbell Cowan ’57 of Decatur, GA, on the death of her sister, Jean Campbell Calef ’48, on September 29, 2016. Gray Rowland Curlee ’57 of Savannah, GA, on the death of her husband, Edmund Lane Curlee, Jr., on September 16, 2015. June Benton Webb ’57 of Canton, GA, on the deaths of her husband, James Meadors “Jim” Webb on March 3, 2015, and her sister, Martha Benton Lane ’58, on October 16, 2016. Linda “Lu” McElroy Steed ’58 of Atlanta, on the death of her husband, Robert L. “Bob” Steed, on June 4, 2016.

44 42

Julianne Bray Earwood ’66 of Manchester, GA, on the death of her husband, J. Calvin Earwood, on December 16, 2015. Gini Harshbarger Lamback ’66 of Macon, on the death of her mother, Christine Parker Harshbarger, on December 5, 2016. Mrs. Harshbarger was a former secretary to the registrar and to the director of admissions at Wesleyan. Daphne Murph Chapman ’67 of Lake Junaluska, NC, on the death of her husband, Curtis A. Chapman II, on August 7, 2016. Karin Smith Glendenning ’67 and MaryStewart Glendenning Lewis ’92 of Signal Mountain, TN, on the death of Karin’s husband and MaryStewart’s father, Louis Burghard Glendenning, Jr., on June 8, 2016. Susan Rau Middlebrooks ’67 of Macon, on the death of her brother, Louis Burghard Rau, Jr., on August 6, 2016. Suelle Swartz ’67 of Dacula, GA, on the death of her brother, William P. Swartz III, on September 5, 2016. Laura Sullivan Barkley ’68 of Atlanta, on the death of her husband, Donald Anthony Barkley, on August 23, 2016. Sara Walters Ingram ’68 of Opelika, AL, on the death of her mother, Elizabeth Thatcher Walters, on June 14, 2016. Jana Witham Janeway ’68 of Wilton, CT, Wesleyan College Trustee Brenda Witham McGinn ’70 of Hilton Head, SC, and Marsha Witham Whitman ’72 of Norwalk, CT, on the death of their father, Bertram H. Witham, on January 7, 2016.

Ginger Sanders White ’68 of Lexington, KY, and Kathryne Meeks Sanders ’65 of Charlotte, NC, on the death of Ginger’s mother and Kathryne’s motherin-law, Virginia Pitzer Sanders, on March 23, 2016. Donna Cook ’71 of Greenville, SC, on the death of her sister, Nancy Cook Forehand ’73, on October 18, 2016. Judy Rutledge Neal ’72 of Stone Mountain, GA, on the death of her mother, Madelyn Pope Rutledge ’44, on August 14, 2016. Natalie Ryan Gemmill ’73 of Roswell, GA, on the death of her husband, John Harrington Gemmill, on March 5, 2016. Linda Brown Walker ’73 of Raleigh, NC, on the death of her mother, Louise Brown, on December 5, 2016.

Mary MacMillan Mancin ’78 of Bartow, GA, on the death of her husband, John A. Mancin III, on July 17, 2016. Sherrie “Sher” Shellard O’Hara ’79 of Suwanee, GA, on the death of her mother, Eleanor O’Hara, on April 12, 2016. Valerie Cowart ’80 of Nashua, NH, on the death of her brother, Joseph Malcolm Cowart, on December 30, 2015. Tiffany Brannen Taylor ’89 of Dublin, GA, on the death of her brother, Clinton Bishop Brannen, III, on July 24, 2016. June Jordan O’Neal ’90 of Macon, on the death of her father, Brady Elton Jordan, on September 11, 2016.

Lee Thurston Shugrue ’74 of Blowing Rock, NC, on the death of her sister, Jenna Thurston Nash ’78, on June 30, 2016.

Jennifer Stiles Williams ’93 and Grace Stiles Williams ’19 of Orlando, FL, on the death of Jennifer’s father and Grace’s grandfather, Rev. Joseph Richard “Joe” Stiles, on November 8, 2016.

Tina Farkas Williams ’74 of Tallahassee, FL, on the death of her husband, John D. Williams III, on September 8, 2016.

Nita Mohanty ’99 of Chicago, IL, and Namita Mohanty ’03 of Augusta, GA, on the death of their father, Purna Chandra Mohanty, on May 18, 2016.

Virginia Ann Daniel Holman ’75 of Austin, TX, on the death of her mother, Virginia Butler Daniel, on August 13, 2016.

Nishat Hamid ’03 of Dhaka, Bangladesh, on the death of her father, A.S.M. Abdul Hamid, on August 8, 2016.

Sherrie Love-Drake ’75 of Stone Mountain, GA, on the death of her daughter, Natalie Drake-Covington, on September 29, 2016.

Teresa “Michelle” Black Barraza ’13, of Dallas, TX, on the death of her mother, Nancy Ruth McKee, on September 9, 2015.

Judy Whitaker ’75 of Macon, on the death of her mother, Marion Legg Whitaker, on August 28, 2016. Henny Craddock Schoonover ’76 of Neptune Beach, FL, on the death of her mother, Nellie Angell Rust Craddock, on September 27, 2015. Linda Haygood Davis ’77 and Allison Davis Deaton ’08 of Macon, on the death of Linda’s mother and Allison’s grandmother, Nina Tanner Yeomans, on April 12, 2016. Judy Friedel Clayton ’78 of Macon on the death of her husband, Nyal Anthony Clayton, on March 21, 2016.

WCAA sends condolences to: Wesleyan College Trustee Julia Goss Baldwin of Macon, on the death of her sister, Mary Goss Hughes ’63, of Auxvasse, MO, on September 7, 2016. Patricia Walker Bass of Macon, on the death of her husband, Wesleyan Trustee Emeritus Thomas Langston “Tom” Bass of Macon, who died on November 3, 2016.

In Memoriam

Marriages Congratulations to: Dianne “Dee” Brannen ’69 and Dale A. Adams who were married on November 27, 2016, at Vineville United Methodist Church in Macon. They reside in Macon and in Fort Valley. Bonny Denton ’80 and John McGarity who were married on July 2, 2016, in Highlands, NC. They reside in Macon. Jennifer Grace Leonard ’97 and Bryan Keith Baxter who were married on Saturday, June 11, 2016, in Atlanta at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church in Buckhead. Sister Marla Leonard Stracner ’90 was matron of honor. They reside in Grayson, GA. Danielle White ’03 and Roosevelt Hill, Jr., who were married on July 23, 2016, in Birmingham, AL, at Rancho de las Aguilas (Home of the Eagles). They reside in Birmingham. Monica Harper ’04 and Andrew Dekle who were married on September 24, 2016, at Wesley Monumental United Methodist Church in Savannah, GA, where they live.

Carmen Valdez ’05 and Don Clerveaux who were married on February 14, 2016, at Robbins Lodge in Davie, FL. 2005 Pirate sisters Heather Hughes Walter, Jyoti Danes Coffelt, and Katie Riggs Freeman attended the wedding. Carmen and Don reside in Hialeah, FL. Cynthia D’sauza ’06 and Blake Jefferson who were married on June 1, 2016, in Taos, NM. Amelia Wells ’06 served as a bridesmaid. They reside in Lubbock, TX. Noelle Goodman ’07 and Brandon Hall who were married on July 12, 2016. They reside in Dry Branch, GA. Yuliya Ivanova ’07 and Joseph Matar who were married on May 5, 2016, in Washington, DC, where they reside. Najah Yasin ’13 and Saahir Webb who were married on July 1, 2016, in Glover Park, Marietta, GA. They reside in Smyrna, GA. Jennifer Eadie ’14 and Jake Hopkins who were married on January 16, 2016, at Wesleyan College. They reside in Butler, GA.

Births & Family Additions Congratulations to:

Michelle McCluney Horgan ’96 and Mark of New York, NY, on the birth of a daughter, Aoife Jane Horgan, on January 2, 2016. Megan Temple Cotter ’02 and David of Macon on the birth of a son, Jackson Davis Cotter, on August 9, 2016. Big sister Caroline is thrilled to have a baby brother. Proud grandmother is Ina Davis Temple ’68.

AnnaKee Amacker Wherren ’06 and Dan of Somerville, MA, on the birth of their daughter, Willoughby “Wilby” Grey Wherren, on September 24, 2016. Melanie Reed Williams ’06 and Arthur of Atlanta, on the birth of a daughter, Amelia Leigh Williams, on September 4, 2016.

Theresa Tholkes Hawkins ’03 and John of Saint Paul, MN, on the birth of their second daughter, Charlize “Charlie” Hawkins, on June 28, 2016. Congrats to big sister Josie, too!

Chelsea Lalla Ray ’07 and Andrew of Catersville, GA, on the birth of a second daughter, Sara Shannon Ray, on August 11, 2016. Big sister Nora was excited to welcome her new sister home.

Aashika Agarwal ’05 and Sudhir of Mumbai, India, on the birth of a daughter, on August 3, 2016.

Jessica Layne Malone ’11 and Robert of Macon, on the birth of a daughter, Kathryn Quinn “Kate” Malone on October 21, 2016. Sister Megan E. Layne ’16, grandmother Nedra Martin Malone ’65, and sister-in-law Melissa Malone Constable ’91 are delighted to have a future Wesleyanne in the family.

Ashling Thurmond Osborne ’05 and Jonathan of Alexandria, VA, on the birth of their daughter Maura Thurmond Osborne, on June 22, 2016. Ashley Stavran Cryder ’06 and Jeremy of Bogart, GA, on the birth of a second daughter, Isla Katherine Cryder, on August 5, 2016. Big sister Kennedy is delighted to have a new sister. “

Alumnae Travel Program September 24 - October 1, 2017 The Best of Eastern Canada: featuring Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, 1,000 Islands, Rockport, Niagara Falls & Toronto and more! Experience Eastern Canada’s rich history, natural beauty, and hospitable culture with classmates, family members, and friends. Explore Montreal, the second largest French-speaking city in the world, enjoy a memorable cruise through the unspoiled region of the 1000 Islands, witness the power of Mother Nature at Niagara Falls, and the ambiance of Niagara-on-the-Lake. Discover Old and New Quebec and Quebec City (a UNESCO World Heritage site), visit Ottawa, the cosmopolitan capital of Canada, and much more. Great food, charming countrysides, and spectacular views are included! For more information contact 478.757.5173 or csnow@wesleyancollege.edu or visit www.wesleyancollege.edu/alumnae.

1936 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1970 1973 1977 1978 1990 1999 2012

Frances McCann Cantwell Eleanor Peel Strickland Joslin Barbara Davis Morgan Mary Sharpe Robinson Marjorie Potts Durden Mildred Ruth Brown Amelia Weatherly Greene May F. McMillan Madelyn Pope Rutledge Gloria Grimes Wood Emily P. Norton Effie Thornton Taylor Kathleen Hogan Decker Jeanne Mullen Williams Sara McClure Hagan Marjorie Key Lawrence Jean Campbell Calef Jean Cowart Fleming Virginia Worrall Sirmon Ellen Quarterman Davis Jean Walker Knight Anne Hardwick Reddick Marion Allison Webb Nancy Black Wheatley Hallie Atchison Caldwell Patty Banks Duff Courtney Knight Gaines Margaret Blount Carter Patricia Walsh Dreiman Sally Johnson Flanders Beverly Harvey Hartman Dorothy Smith Morris Martha Willis Dearing Patricia Strauss Mangum Mary Shaw Adcock Elizabeth Futrelle Richardson Martha Benton Lane Anne Stuckey Clarke Karen Parker Fisher Frances Torraca Pop-Stojanovic Margie Burgess Siegenthaler Mary Goss Hughes Susan Campbell Monteith Barclay Stith Rybarczyk Lynda Colston Turner Dianne Dempsey Holman Linda Brown Boswell Suellen Geary Kathleen McDowell Burke Suzann Newberry Whitaker Nancy Cook Forehand Cary Langford Purvis Jenna Thurston Nash Martha Echavarria Livingston Susan Irwin Heenan Monserret Toni Slocumb Hatcher Wesleyan Magazine Summer 2016

In December, the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association welcomed alumnae, trustees, faculty, staff, and friends of the College to a reception in Oval Hall, where the Wesleyan community had the opportunity to thank President Ruth Knox ’75 for her service to the College and to extend “best wishes” to her on her retirement in June 2017. Guests enjoyed holiday fare and festivities, the College’s Annual Christmas Concert before the reception, and viewed “Ruth’s Tree,” the Alumnae Association’s Christmas tree, dressed in new seasonal regalia this year and named in honor of the president.


2016 ANNUAL REPORT Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Thanks to you Wesleyan College is extremely fortunate to have the support of alumnae and friends who believe in the College’s mission and give generously every year. Our loyal donors appreciate the difference their donations make to Wesleyan and her students. In an effort to be more concise when recognizing contributors, several of the past giving levels have been reinstated. Further, the new distinctions acknowledge all gifts to the College, including Annual Fund contributions and those for capital projects, scholarships, and other endowment funds. Every donor listed on the following pages has helped Wesleyan College and our students. Thank you for being part of Wesleyan’s success!

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $25,000 or more William H. Anderson II The Peyton Anderson Foundation Julia G. and Cecil A. Baldwin, Jr. Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 and John A. Bighley Candy and Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr. Thomas C. Burke Foundation Jane Johnson Butler ‘65 and G. Marshall Butler John Huland Carmical Foundation, Inc. Betty Turner Corn ‘47 Margaret K. * and Robert J. Edenfield Fickling Family Foundation, Inc. Arline Atkins Finch ‘56 and Ronald M. Finch, Jr. Georgia Independent College Association, Inc. Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education Marian Peacock Haley * Bequest The Hall-Knox Foundation Mary Ann Pollard Houghland ‘60 Mary Cordes Kelley ‘39 * Knox Enterprises, LLLP Anne and Andrew H. Knox Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Linda Harriet Lane Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Dorothy V. and N. Logan Lewis Foundation, Inc. Richard H. Lowrance Richard Lowrance Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Margaret T. MacCary Margaret T. MacCary Gift Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ‘60 Medical Center, Navicent Health Navicent Health Foundation William I. H. and Lula E. Pitts Foundation James Hyde Porter Charitable Trust Sydney and T. Alfred Sams, Jr. Ninfa M. Saunders Joyce Reddick Schafer ‘55 Sue Marie Thompson Turner ‘50 * and William B. Turner United Student Aid Funds, Inc. Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.

JAMES HYDE PORTER SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 Hannah L. Allen ‘80 ARAMARK Corporation Dorothy Herndon Arnold ‘45 * and McAlpin H. Arnold * Bequest Clark and Ruby Baker Foundation, Bank of America, Trustee Bearings and Drives, Inc. Patricia Stewart Burgess Family Foundation, Inc. Kathleen and J. Cannon Carr, Jr. Sheridan Construction Company Cornercap Investment Counsel Council of Independent Colleges Patricia W. Davis Gayle Attaway Findlay ‘55 Joan Shapiro Foster ‘56 Vivia L. and Richard Fowler Courtney Knight Gaines ‘51 * Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation, Inc. Georgia United Methodist Foundation, Inc. E. J. Grassmann Trust Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63

Hays Service, LLC Sharon and Cal Hays, Jr. Jana Witham Janeway ‘68 John-Wesley Villas, Inc. Susan Pyeatt Kimmey ‘71 and Lansing Kimmey III Knox Foundation Bob Knox, Jr. Fund of The Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area Eleanor Adams Lane ‘58 William A. and Eleanor A. Lane Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Catharine Burns Liles ‘66 and Marion H. Liles, Jr. Betty and Albert L. Luce, Jr. Brenda Witham McGinn ‘70 MCT Wholesale Betty Nunn Mori ‘58 Andy H. Nations Elizabeth C. and W. Michael Ogie W. Michael and Elizabeth C. Ogie Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer ‘66 Elizabeth H. and George F. Pickett, Jr. Margaret W. * and William F. Quillian, Jr. * Amy V. and Tyler J. Rauls, Jr. Stephen A. Reichert Stephen A. Reichert Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Ruth and Marvin R. Schuster Helene Jones Schwartz ‘45 * Glenn H. Shaw Ramona and Chris R. Sheridan, Jr. Robby and J. Daniel Speight, Jr. State Bank & Trust Company Suelle M. Swartz ‘67 Frances Torbert Tilley ‘40 * Bequest

Charles B. Upshaw, Jr. Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 and Otey Walker III Marsha Witham Whitman ‘72 Mary T. and George Wickham Mary T. Wickham Gift Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Bertram H. Witham * Bertram and Patricia Witham Foundation Dorothy Smith Yandle ‘55

GEORGE FOSTER PIERCE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 Elizabeth Mackay Asbury ‘49 Bank of America Foundation Martha Gragg Bates ‘45 Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 Elizabeth Martin Bunte ‘68 Charlotte Knox Canida ‘68 and Robert R. Canida Anne Purvis Church ‘51 * Bequest Anne P. Church Charitable Endowment Fund of the East Tennessee Foundation Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65 and A.V. Elliott Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 and George W. Franklin Maude Williamson Garner ‘45 * Bequest GEICO GEICO Philanthropic Foundation Janet Mewbourne Genest ‘65 and Michael R. Genest Georgia Power Company, Macon Georgia Power Company, Atlanta Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. Maria Salter Higgins ‘57


UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED CAPITAL FUND SOURCE Trustees $114,122.08 $12,700.00 $50,011.64 Alumnae Trustees $122,351.01 $40,943.88 $24,000.00 Alumnae $420,971.31 $51,753.50 $76,817.00 Corporations and Board of Visitors $96,159.37 $93,875.00 $310,750.00 Estates, Trusts, and Bequests $78,868.61 $23,291.52 $65,291.58 Faculty, Staff, and Students $28,209.14 $7,223.20 $100.00 Foundations $178,549.26 $596,125.00 $856,000.00 Parents and Friends $122,805.40 $38,684.00 $196,900.00 Church $122,954.40 $2,670.29 $0.00 Total $1,284,990.58 $867,266.39 $1,579,870.22

Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

* deceased

Suzanne Woodham Juday ‘69 Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Kroger Company Foundation McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co., LLC Elizabeth Gibbons Montis ‘66 Debbie Stevenson Moses ‘89 Ermine M. Owenby ‘61 Joyce Paris ‘54 Perkins-Ponder Foundation Bonnie Padgett Ramsbottom ‘93 and William D. Ramsbottom Deidra West Smith ‘96 and Taylor W. Smith Marjorie Perkins Squires ‘51 and William H. Squires William H. Squires and Marjorie P. Squires Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Betty A. Thompson ‘47 Wesleyan College Alumnae Association Kay B. and Wayne J. West

CANDLER CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 Betty Smith Addison ‘51 The Elam Alexander Trust Patricia W. and Thomas L. Bass * Lorinda Lou Beller ‘64 R.A. Bowen Trust Lois F. and Robert A. Bowen, Jr. Brown & Watson, Inc. Stanford Brown Carol Burt ‘64 Marsha Lynn Christy ‘73 and John D. Christy Jane Price Claxton ‘68 and Joseph E. Claxton Frances Oehmig Collins ‘47 Mary Anderson Comer ‘43 * and John D. Comer Cox Communications, Inc. Cathy Cox Mary Ann K. and Oliver R. Cross III Mary Ann and Oliver Cross Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Bill and Carolyn H. Elliott Anne H. and J. Harper Gaston Patricia Gibbs Goddard Foundation Kathleen Hill Goddard ‘77 and Robert C. Goddard III Laura Lowe Harmon ‘72 and Barrie H. Harmon III Emily Sawyer Hart ‘56 and Howard R. Hart, Jr. Beverly J. and Gilbert Held C. Terry Holland IBM Corporation Martha V. Johnson ‘74 Laura V. Knox ‘04

Melvin I. Kruger Steven L. Kruger L.E. Schwartz & Son, Inc. Dana Flanders Laster ‘86 and Scott Laster Diane A. Lumpkin ‘63 Lucile Adams Mathews ‘66 D T McNeill Foundation Donald T. McNeill, Jr. Ruth McNeill Media in Motion LLC Elizabeth O’Donnell Menkhaus ‘76 Middle Georgia Chapter of GSCPAs Margaret Thompson Monahan ‘67 Claire Michaels Murray ‘52 Beverly K. and Edmund E. Olson Stephanie E. Parker ‘81 Sandra Cook Rives ‘87 Julie Benge Rogers ‘16 Seneca Falls National Park Mary Ann Bateman Spell ‘68 Mary Langel Stults ‘81 SunTrust Bank of Middle Georgia SunTrust Foundation Mary Beth Brown Swearingen ‘89 Dorothy K. Thomas Patrenice Guthrie Thomas ‘96 and N. Benjamin West, Jr. Julie St. John Thornton ‘78 John A. Van Steenberg Marion W. Vickers * Patricia Hammock Wall ‘70 and Joseph A. Wall Geovette E. Washington ‘89 Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ‘64 Wesleyan Council on Religious Concerns Andrea G. and Lawrence B. Williford Beth Milstead Wilson ‘96 Katherine C. Wilson Katherine Corn Wilson Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Cynthia D. Wright ‘75

GIFTS BY FUND Gifts-in-Kind <1% Unrestricted Annual Fund 30%

Endowment 13%

Capital 37% Restricted Annual Fund 20%

GIFTS BY SOURCE Parents & Friends 9%

Foundations 44%

Church 3% Trustees 5%

CATHERINE BREWER BENSON SOCIETY $1,000 - $2,499 May Morgan Ackerman ‘94 and Robert K. Ackerman Nancy Reeder Akins ‘60 Susan B. and William H. Allen The Benevity Community Impact Fund of the American Endowment Foundation Doris Poe Anderson ‘48 Laura Sullivan Barkley ‘68 and Donald A. Barkley *

Alumnae Trustees 5% Faculty, Staff, & Students 1% Estates, Trusts, & Bequests 6% Corporations & Board of Visitors 12%

Alumnae 15%

TOTAL WITH ENDOWMENT TOTALS GIFTS-IN-KIND GIFTS-IN-KIND $30,225.00 $207,058.72 $0.00 $207,058.72 $18,315.00 $205,609.89 $10,744.03 $216,353.92 $110,563.20 $660,105.01 $827.98 $660,932.99 $4,650.00 $505,434.37 $2,658.99 $508,093.36 $100,000.00 $267,451.71 $0.00 $267,451.71 $125.00 $35,657.34 $0.00 $35,657.34 $266,700.00 $1,897,374.26 $0.00 $1,897,374.26 $25,527.95 $383,917.35 $5,134.30 $389,051.65 $0.00 $125,624.69 $0.00 $125,624.69 $556,106.15 $4,288,233.34 $19,365.30 $4,307,598.64

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Mayson Thornton Bissell ‘53 Susie Black ‘75 Sylvia Maxwell Brown ‘63 Margaret Craig Bryant ‘63 Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter Central Georgia EMC Foundation Mark B. Chandler Jo An Johnson Chewning ‘66 Ellen S. Clann Helma Wood Clark ‘90 and Jerry Clark CLC Foundation, Inc. Walter Clifton Family Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. Carolyn and F. Bradford Clifton Laurel Dean Gray Craft ‘46 and T. Fisher Craft Dorothy Groh Cutler ‘64 and William J. Cutler, Jr. Linda Haygood Davis ‘77 Emily Hardman Dickey ‘58 James R. Dillon, Jr. Katherine Howard Douglas ‘66 Dow Chemical Company Foundation, Inc. Betty Hall Dunn ‘47 Mildred Fincher Efland ‘42 and Mack P. Efland, Jr. Clarice Pittman Elder ‘58 and Truett L. Elder Natalie Puckett Evans ‘02 and Dave Evans Charlotte Battle Everbach ‘52 Kel-Ann S. Eyler C. Steve Farr Barbara Battson Ferrell ‘68 and Thomas P. Ferrell Amy M. Fletcher ‘06 Evelyn LeRoy Fortson ‘52 and Norman J. Fortson Jean Cain Gaddis ‘61 Carleen Gaulden Gardner ‘50 Martha Kennedy Gay ‘56 GE Foundation Georgia Pine Level Foundation Sylvia M. Gonsahn-Bollie ‘06 Carol A. Goodloe ‘75 Selma Middlebrooks Gore ‘75 Jane Mulkey Green ‘42 Joan B. and Warren Griffin, Jr. Griffith Family Charitable Foundation, Inc. Teresa M. and Benjamin W. Griffith III Katherine Arnold Hale ‘70 Ellen Futral Hanson ‘83 Elizabeth W. Hardin Georgia W. and Robert F. Hatcher Betsy K. and Robert F. Hatcher, Jr. Sally Anderson Hemingway ‘79 and Tim D. Hemingway Jane Epps Henry ‘47 Cynthia L. Hershey ‘91 Barbara Brubaker Hightower ‘66 Dickey Hightower Dawn Gochnour Hoffman ‘95 and Christopher Hoffman Susan L. Holloway ‘82 Virginia Ann Daniel Holman ‘75 and Calvin M. Holman Linna and Chris Hoppe Houghland Foundation Millie Parrish Hudson ‘75 and W. Quinn Hudson Ann McDonald Hurt ‘64 Katherine J. and Richard J. Hutto Janet Friberg Jarrett ‘78 Rosalind Turner Jeter ‘70 and James M. Jeter Judy McConnell Jolly ‘64 Kaydian N. Jones ‘04 Catherine Gibbons Jost ‘70 Robert H. Kahn, Jr. Family Foundation Suzanne Jones Kahn ‘61


Elizabeth Rogers Kelly ‘72 Julia Stillwell Ketcham ‘58 and Ralph L. Ketcham Susan Taylor King ‘63 and Robert E. King Nancy C. Kinzer John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Pat Rimmer Knox-Hudson ‘58 Virginia Harshbarger Lamback ‘66 and Sam P. Lamback, Jr. Kathleen Propps Langford ‘72 Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 Lindsay Lemasters Lewis ‘80 Martha Bell Lewis ‘60 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Maria Tsong Lian ‘62 Lucille and Joseph W. Little Susan Glover Logan ‘66 Margaret Strickland Lovein ‘75 Kym Preuss Lukosky ‘90 MaconPower Nan G. Maddux ‘75 Barbara Beddingfield Magnan ‘81 Linda Chambers Mahan ‘61 Richard P. Maier Mary Stephens Malone ‘80 Charlotte Thomas Marshall ‘63 Virginia Mason ‘65 Margaret M. Mathews ‘73 Janice A. Mays ‘73 Carolyn Martin McCrea ‘65 Rita Parker McGarity ‘75 Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 Kemper Roach Meadows Laura J. Meadows Marybelle Proctor Menzel ‘62 MetroPower, Inc. Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Susan Rau Middlebrooks ‘67 and Sidney E. Middlebrooks Peggy Likes Miller ‘65 Polly C. Miller * Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Susan M. and B. Douglas Morton III Ann and James L. Moses Lynn B. Moses ‘77 Anne Whipple Murphey ‘48 and ‘49 The National Christian Foundation National Management Resources Corporation Newbern Foundation Judith Miller Newbern ‘67 Harriet Adams Newton ‘51 Susan Kirvin Ogburn ‘67 Patricia Davis Oliver ‘66 and William W. Oliver, Jr. P&G Fund George R. Parkerson, Jr. Pamela Henry Pate ‘71 and Barry Pate Lori Reese Patton ‘90 and Macon Patton Virginia Barber Perkins ‘63 Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ‘63 Babs Richardson Pirkle ‘68 and Walter A. Pirkle Mary Jo Fincher Plowden ‘68 and W. Warren Plowden, Jr. Jo Bogan Prout ‘66 Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry ‘43 Harriet Laslie Reynolds ‘62 and John D. Reynolds III Jacquelyn Davis Richardson ‘60 and David L. Richardson Devon Roll SCANA Energy, Macon SCANA Services Inc. Judith Kuhn Schlichter ‘64 and Ralph Schlichter Mary T. Schmich Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ‘61 Nancy Peterson Shaw ‘58 Mary Euyang Shen ‘46

Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Jane Courtenay Shockley ‘56 Karen Connor Shockley ‘63 Simmons Charitable Trust Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Helen Harwell Smith ‘67 Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church Starr Electric Company, Inc. Bonnie and Joe Starr Joyce Brandon Starr ‘63 State Farm Companies Foundation Linda McElroy Steed ‘58 Kathryn Gibbs Steinbruegge ‘45 * Robert W. Steinbruegge Ruth Powell Storts ‘93 Catherine Cushing Thierry ‘68 Melissa Lane Thomas ‘69 Karen Moore Thomson ‘67 Casey Thurman ‘65 Reba Thurmond ‘57 Verah Dorsey Turner ‘88 United Methodist Higher Education Foundation Caroline Eagerton Upperco ‘53 Deborah C. van der Lande The Walt Disney Company Foundation Paula Wang and Larry X. Wu Geraldine R. Washington Kate Stickley Watson ‘60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr. Susan C. Wheelis ‘95 Ellen and Ethan Whitaker Allison McFarland Wilcox ‘80 Almonese C. and Ralph W. Williams Hilda A. Wright ‘65 Virginia Sumerford York ‘60

FOUNTAIN CLUB $500 - $999

Alumnae listed in the class giving section S. Carol Baird William N. Banks, Jr. William E. Barrow R. Harmon Beauchamp William A. Burns Brad Busbee Lynn Carithers Beth S. and George R. Cary, Jr. Frankie M. Chandler Trust Wesley E. Cone J. David Deck ExxonMobil Foundation Connie and Carl Flair General Board of Higher Education and Ministry Georgia Center for Nonprofits Benjamin W. Griffith, Jr. Ann and J. Ellsworth Hall III William L. Ham William L. Hammond David B. Harris William W. Harris Christy and Russ Henry Virginia Harris Howard Charitable Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Karen E. Huber and Nicholas Steneck Jackson Automotive Group, Inc. Jane W. and James L. Jackson, Jr. Jenkins & Roberts, LLC W. Moffett Kendrick Margaret R. and James R. King, Jr. Betty Sweet Simmons Ladson Magnolia Garden Club Toni and James W. McCook III Dennie L. McCrary Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.

Morning Music Club Mulberry Street United Methodist Church Anne Whipple Murphey Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. G. Robert Parkerson III Kristina Peavy Quentin R. Pirkle Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. Warren H. Robinson Rhonda Roell-Taylor and Philip D. Taylor Drayton and J. Kenneth Rogers Deen Day and James R. Sanders, Jr. Kim D. and Fred M. Schnell F. Murray Shingler Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons Bertha and William P. Simmons, Jr. St. Luke’s United Methodist Church of Orlando Robert M. and Lilias Baldwin Turnell Foundation Union Pacific Corporation Harriet H. Wade Catherine Whitaker Barbara S. Woodson Claire A. Yoder

1836 CLUB $250 - $499

Alumnae listed in the class giving section Nancy Acree Margaret A. and A. M. Anderson III Bobbie C. Appling Christopher S. Armstrong Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club William E. Baird, Jr. Barbara W. Barefield Robert W. Batten Kimberly S. Berry Bert Maxwell Furniture Company Thomas E. Biester Holly L. Boettger-Tong Arthur D. Brook Veronica W. and William P. Brooks Meagon Davis Whitney A. Davis Lionel Doss James B. Ferrari Sandra and William Flatau Roger L. Flora Sirena S. Fritz Charles F. Gattis, Jr. Tommi Gill Harry W. Gilmer Jennifer Gould Kay S. Green Julia B. Handley Eugene T. Harrison III Andrew H. Heyward III * Quintress L. Hollis Melodie L. and Jerry T. Hood William L. Hoyt Betty S. Hurdle Barbara D. Jenkins JustGive Benjamin Kantor Aaron Kirkwood Margaret C. MacCary and Arne Jokela Kathy L. Malone Joyce M. and T. Baldwin Martin, Jr. Margery and Bertram Maxwell III Merck Partnership for Giving MetLife Foundation Glenna A. Meyer Ellen and Lee B. Murphey Valeria R. Murphey Oracle Corporation

* deceased

Chris E. Orlie Michael J. Parella Gene D. Paulsson Carol A. and James A. Payton Paul R. Pizzo Bebe and Albert P. Reichert, Jr. Laura and John F. Rogers, Jr. Henry M. Rosenbaum Mark L. Rowe Thomas T. Shealy B. Robert Shipp Bridges W. Smith, Jr. Claire M. and G. Boone Smith III Lewis Smith, Jr. Jennifer L. and Dana L. Smoak St. Paul United Methodist Church Sally Plowden Stevenson Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Ronald D. Stubbs Regina Sweeney Leolene and Ben Tate The Potting Shed Amanda and Randolph Thrower III Kevin L. Ulshafer Carroll A. Walker Susan T. and Stephen M. Welsh Donna G. White Cynthia G. Wilcox Howard Wilcox Jane D. and John F. Willingham Mary Jane M. and Pat M. Woodward Charles H. Yates, Jr.


Alumnae listed in the class giving section Theresa Abercrombie Robert H. Ackerman Albany First United Methodist Church Elizabeth J. Allen Marie P. and James F. Allen Almand & Co., LLC Alston United Methodist Church Kara K. Alvarez Amazon Smile Foundation James E. Anderson Ann F. and John W. Copeland Charitable Foundation, Inc. Dennis L. Applebee, Jr. Charles E. Atchley, Jr. Yuting Bai ‘17 Libby Bailey Herman D. Baker Sarah G. and Wilson G. Barmeyer Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. Sandra B. Baskin Fred E. Beall, Sr. Elizabeth B. Belanger Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Brooke Bennett-Day Delia Beristain Noriega ‘17 Mary Berndt Barbara N. and Marco G. Bicchieri Zahna R. Bigham ‘18 Brock Bingaman Virginia Blake Kelly E. Bledsoe Cullen F. Bloodworth III Marguerite A. Blum ‘18 David A. Bobbitt Carol L. Bokros Susan M. Bond Nancy Borland Frances A. and Thomas T. Bosley Patricia C. Brannon DeGuire and Daniel J. DeGuire Jema J. Bravo ‘17 Brooke A. Bray ‘17 Frank J. Breunig, Jr.

Catherine I. Brewer Tiffany R. Bronson ‘19 Debra J. Brook and Michael F. Kemp Brooks United Methodist Church Brian S. Brown Dale Brown, Jr. John P. Brown Rhiannon Bruner Brunswick First United Methodist Church Joanna Buffington and Dean Brook Carole J. Burrowbridge William B. Caldwell Jack C. Callaway Camp, Myers, Wheeler, Miller, Bryson & Schnoor Samantha E. Camp ‘19 Carlyle Place Rejeana and David L. Cassady Lisa and Kelvin Cauley Center for the Visually Impaired Sunshine Committee Candida Cerri Susan Champlin Graham E. Chappell Huiying Chen ‘18 Shuaitong Chen ‘19 Rebecca Cheng ‘17 Sergey Chernokov Sriharshini Chitluri ‘19 Albert E. Clarke Edgar H. Clayton III Russell Clayton The Clorox Company Nancy S. Cole College Place United Methodist Church Preston M. Collins, Jr. Virginia and Tom Barrow Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. Charles M. Cook Cooks Union United Methodist Church Ann Cooks Asia B. Cooks ‘19 Mary C. and Vincent J. Coughlin, Jr. Covington Square Homeowners Association Claire Creech Mary G. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Cutright Amber L. Davis ‘19 Russell Davis Virginia Davis Dawson First United Methodist Church Lynn Deaton Xiaojun Deng ‘18 Jessica M. Denniston Diane DePalma Saralyn H. DeSmet Phyllis B. Dietrich Nicole DiMarzio D’Andrea N. Dixon ‘17 Jane A. Dolan Deidra D. Donmoyer Janice H. and Robert S. Donner Laurie B. and James T. Douglas Drs. Crowley, Misiek, Farrell, Farrell, Nale & Cook P.A. Christopher B. Duncan Raycine B. Durham Virginia Eady Earth Works Construction, LLC Walter D. Edwards M. Paul Efland III Svend Egholm John Ellison, Jr. Ugochi C. Emerole ‘19 Beth and Emile F. Evans Mariann C. Evans Harold Feightner Glenda K. Ferguson

William A. Fickling, Jr. Iris M. Finkel Sharmaine N. Fisher ‘19 Willis B. Fitch Katie Flair James Fleenor Jason G. Fleming Patricia Fletcher Mary Kay Forbes Vi Ann S. and Paul R. Foster Tony Foti Mindy Foti The Fox Joint Trust Sydney B. Freeman Louise H. and Richard E. Friberg Brittany A. Friedel ‘19 Friendship United Methodist Church (Cairo Charge) Friendship United Methodist Church of Eastman Alice D. and Arthur J. Gallagher Samuel Gandy Benjamin M. Garland Gaudet Chiropractic Center Carrie Gonzalez Leslie Goodman Rosamond M. Goodson ‘17 J. Hugh Gordon, Jr. Brandon Gould Kay S. Greer Alexis Gregg Gail and Frank Gunn Susan C. Hagemeyer Ann K. and F. Kennedy Hall Nancy L. and Edward C. Hall Mary P. and William C. Hall Wendy Hamm Anne C. Hanse Leota Harley Laura A. Harness ‘19 Suzanne J. Harper Harper’s Chapel United Methodist Church G. Daniel Harrelson Toni and Kevin Harrington James W. Hart Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hays Yinglin He ‘18 J. Milton Heard IV Randy J. Heaton Martha W. Helgerson Jessica J. Henslee ‘17 Seychelle A. Hercules ‘19 Elizabeth V. and David W. Herlong Ashley Herman Joan and David Herskovits Paige Hightower Hinesville First United Methodist Church Helen W. and William J. Hinson * Jan K. Hirsh Holly Hollis Kay and Sam Hollis Denise W. Holloway Charlotte and Thomas D. Hope Patricia M. and Frank S. Horne, Jr. Mary Ann Howard Ziting Huang ‘18 Pamela F. Huber Eddie Hudspeth Emily S. Jarvis Sallie R. and Marcus K. Jocoy Wendy B. and C. Emory Johnson, Jr. Craig A. Jones Gareth Jones Julie A. Jones Katherine M. and David M. Kalish Louise S. and Jerome L. Kaplan Mark L. Kelley Fatima K. Khan ‘17 Hilary Kight

Eui-In Kim ‘18 Sidney E. King ‘17 Frances Y. Knight Katie E. Knighton ‘17 Teresa Kochera Robert G. Kopp Rose E. Kosater Kara Kostiuk Frances and Fernando La Rosa Cathy and John Lafitte Valery W. and Larry Landers Anna M. Latimer ‘19 Troy D. Lawson Laura K. and Joseph Lease Lee Street United Methodist Church Joseph M. Lee III Rut Perez Leon ‘17 G. Bryan Leskosky Janet A. Lewis and Robert Fieldsteel Pei Wen Li ‘19 Ruiyu Liang ‘18 Chia-lin Lin ‘17 Linton United Methodist Church of Sparta Frazer B. Lively Danielle Lodge Ann and Hubert C. Lovein, Jr. Beth and J. Darrell Lumpkin Patricia J. and William B. Lumpkin Shushen Ma Jazmine I. Mace ‘19 Roz Marcus Larrie Del and Joseph G. Martin, Jr. Michele T. and Matthew R. Martin Monty T. Martin Robert S. Martin F. Dale Mathews Lisa P. and David C. Mayfield John D. McAllister James Roy McCook J. Paul McCord III Courtney V. McCoy ‘19 Jessica N. McCrory ‘17 Michael C. McGhee Megan McMahon Virginia A. Meadows Pamela M. and John J. Meehan Marlene K. Melcher Lindsey E. Meyer ‘18 Liana Mikaelyan ‘19 Mariam Mikaelyan ‘17 Ashley C. and Daniel Miller Frances I. Miller Ryan Miller Eloise B. Mills Johnnie R. and Robert H. Mills Mitchell United Methodist Church John Mitchell R. Terrell Mitchell Olivia B. Moore ‘19 Thomas M. Moore Dotty I. Morgan John H. Morrison, Jr. and Margaret Knox Morrison Fund of the Foundation for the Carolinas Peg K. and John H. Morrison, Jr. Chan Mou Lenny A. Munoz-Estrada ‘19 Laura Murphy Robert J. Murphy, Jr. Michael P. Muth Wendy R. Myers Sarah Napoli Anthony M. Nardotti Naylor United Methodist Church Lynn and J. Alan Neal Elizabeth D. and R. Lee Neale Norfolk Southern Foundation Zoe M. Nuhfer ‘18 NVNOT Acres, LLC

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Oak Grove United Methodist Church Donald E. Oberg Michelle L. O’Dette ‘17 Cindy and Cam Oetter, Jr. Anna K. O’Neal Regina B. Oost and Joseph A. Iskra, Jr. Rebecca C. Otwell ‘17 DeSira E. Palmer ‘17 Nancy C. Panoz Park Avenue United Methodist Church Pledger W. Parker Ashley Parks Patton Albertson Miller Group, LLC Julia R. and Rush A. Peace Irma Penn Sally H. and Benjamin M. Perkins James Pettis Thomas E. Phillips Pine Level United Methodist Church Pinson Memorial United Methodist Church Charles W. Pitts Lori L. and William A. Pointer Todd J. Powell Abbie N. Price ‘19 Patrick C. Pritchard Heidi and Stephen Purvis Virginia M. Rabun Maria M. Randall ‘19 Felecia and Keyth Raushan Joi A. Raushan ‘18 Holly H. and R. Spencer Reeves Barry Rhoades Benjamin A. Rives Rivoli Garden Club Chelsea E. Robbins ‘19 Robert G. Robbins Lamar H. Roberts Marsha W. Roberts Melissa Roberts Billy Robinson Barbara and James D. Rowan Kay B. and William C. Sammons Ashaunti E. P. Samms ‘17 Vickie L. Samples Harriet and Kenneth D. Sams Anne Sanders Vineta H. and Robert A. Sanders Alain R. Sappi Joan M. Schork and Michael R. Duncan Sempra Employee Giving Network Daniel Sexton Patricia S. and Patrick S. Shannon Blair Shaw Sikes United Methodist Church Meosha L. Simpson ‘19 Jasmine N. Sims ‘19 Jerome Sinclair Sandra O. and Lamar W. Sizemore, Jr. Mary M. and Labe Sloop Bernard Smith Christan J. Smith ‘19 Clark W. Smith Chuck Smith Teresa P. Smotherman ShuXia Song St. Marys United Methodist Church St. Peters United Methodist Church of Fitzgerald Mary Ann Steinbach Margaret and Nicholas Steneck Charles H. Stone Marie A. Stoner Laura Strausberg Joan M. Stuart SunTrust Foundation Matching Gift Program Stefanie Swanger Elizabeth W. and Thomas W. Talbot

Xin Tang ‘19 Emma Tatum W. Dean Terrell Jamie L. Thames Sandra S. Tharpe The Hollis Company, LLC James J. Therrell, Jr. Dr. Theo G. and Artemisia D.Thevaos Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Charles H. Thompson John G. Thompson Joyce Thompson Joe E. Timberlake III Ashley Tomlin Kirk Treible Trinity United Methodist Church Tally L. Tripp Sharon L. Twibell David J. Ulfik Madison G. Valentine ‘19 Kaitlin H. VanRyswyk ‘19 Bonnie S. and Cliff C. Vatter Brandi Vorhees W. Clay Lisenby DDS PC Timothy R. Walter Mellissa K. Webb ‘17 Gail E. Webster Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Wesleyan College Campus Police Wesleyan Class of 1971 Wesleyan College Institutional Advancement Staff Wesleyan College Theatre Department Westtown United Methodist Church Carolyn and Floyd B. Williams Charlotte N. Wilson ‘17 Patricia M. and Joseph W. Wilson, Jr. Sara M. Wilson Woodland United Methodist Church Beverly B. and Leonard A. Woodward Arthur G. Wroble Liuruimin Xiang ‘18 Jamila Xu Jingyuan Yang ‘18 Ke’er Yang ‘18 Zhiqing Ye ‘18 Zixin Yu ‘18 Zhirun Zhang ‘18 Ying Zhen Shuo Zheng ‘18 Tao Zhou YunFan Zhou ‘19


We are grateful for these companies and corporate foundations who matched their employees’ gifts to Wesleyan during this last fiscal year. Bank of America Foundation Dow Chemical Company Foundation, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation GE Foundation GEICO Philanthropic Foundation Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. IBM Corporation John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Merck Partnership for Giving MetLife Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Norfolk Southern Foundation Oracle Corporation P&G Fund State Farm Companies Foundation

52 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

SunTrust Foundation Matching Gift Program The Walt Disney Company Foundation Union Pacific Corporation


Many thanks to alumnae and friends who generously donated in-kind gifts or services to Wesleyan in the last fiscal year. Brian S. Brown Nan Stanley Brown ‘50 Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter Carole J. Burrowbridge Lynn Carithers Russell Clayton Beverly J. and Gilbert Held Paige Hightower C. Terry Holland Katherine J. and Richard J. Hutto Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Richard H. Lowrance Media in Motion LLC Anna K. O’Neal Nancy C. and Donald Panoz Julie Benge Rogers ‘16 F. Murray Shingler Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 Margaret and Nicholas Steneck Jane Robertson Westerfield ‘66 Carolyn and Floyd B. Williams


We are ever so grateful for these recurring gift donors who give biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, biannually, or annually through our website, by credit card, or through a direct debit from a bank account. Carla T. Asbell Dennis ‘87 Cynthia E. Bell-Lee ‘83 Sandra Eversole Bowman ‘69 Kathy A. Bradley ‘78 Lindsay Rosenquist Burns ‘06 and William A. Burns Cynthia Costello Busbee ‘92 Hannah L. Callender ‘01 Susan Powers Champion ‘74 Jo An Johnson Chewning ‘66 Susan A. Cobleigh ‘68 Anne M. Cordeiro ‘92 Margaret McCready Cornell ‘60 Abbie Brannon Covenah ‘03 Kathleen Loski Cummings ‘05 Taylor Bishop Deal ‘12 Pauline Phelps Deck ‘48 Virginia E. W. Dicken ‘03 Carrie Walker Dumm ‘99 Natalie Puckett Evans ‘02 Morgan L. Felts ‘07 Mary Jo Porch Floyd ‘61 Catherine O’Kelley Fore ‘02 Cheyenne E. Foster ‘12 Vi Ann S. and Paul R. Foster Carol Broome Fraune ‘69 Rachel A. Fullerton ‘10 Tina D. Gann ‘94 Rachel A. Garcia ‘03 Karen D. Garr ‘69 Jean Cain Gaddis ‘61 Judith Haisten Gattis ‘69 Leigh Lambert Goff ‘78 Michelle Smith Green ‘94 Lucy I. Guy ‘09 Mary Pierpont Riley Hall ‘57 Peggy Parrish Hasty ‘71 Carrie A. Herndon ‘97

Kimberly Edgefield Hill ‘15 Dawn Gochnour Hoffman ‘95 Pat Ondo Hurley ‘69 Janet Friberg Jarrett ‘78 Parrish Smotherman Jenkins ‘06 Brittany Dixon Jones ‘96 Suzanne Gosnell Joye ‘64 Mary Cordes Kelley ‘39 * Andgelia Proctor Kelly ‘68 Katherine F. Kennedy ‘09 Janet L. Keys ‘78 Brandy Morris Kirkwood ‘01 Dana Flanders Laster ‘86 and Scott Laster Martha Bell Lewis ‘60 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Maria Tsong Lian ‘62 Helen A. Likins ‘10 Betty Hood Lydick ‘69 Kathleen Amidon MacGregor ‘73 Linda Chambers Mahan ‘61 Sarah E. Mannle ‘00 Erin Zinko McKenna ‘04 Ellen Hogle McLemore ‘85 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin ‘06 Elizabeth O’Donnell Menkhaus ‘76 Shanita Douglas Miller ‘06 Christine A. Morana ‘06 Anne Whipple Murphey ‘48 and ‘49 Kathryn Lassiter Murphy ‘08 Janet L. Ort ‘78 Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby ‘76 Lori Reese Patton ‘90 Hope McMichael Pendergrass ‘03 Pamela C. Pinkston ‘08 Barbara Johnston Plaxico ‘63 Angel Feightner Poe ‘08 April L. Prince ‘02 Megan A. Quinn ‘05 Anne Stewart Raymond ‘58 Catherine Bradach Rockoff ‘78 Shannon L. Rupp ‘06 Kelly Russell ‘80 Danielle C. Sawtell ‘06 Jacqueline Ward Schontzler ‘53 * Yehudi Ben-j Self-Medlin ‘96 Candice Muehlbauer Shockley ‘78 Felecia Pearson Smith ‘74 Wendy Newingham Stanley ‘90 Georgia Belle Thomas ‘11 Melissa Lane Thomas ‘69 Martha Jane Thompson ‘70 Reba Thurmond ‘57 Laney J. Turner ‘09 Verah Dorsey Turner ‘88 Barbara Roe Wallace ‘87 Geovette E. Washington ‘89 Judith L. Whitaker ‘75 Alexandra Aldica Willis ‘04 Stephanie Hood Wittry ‘08

BEQUESTS Wesleyan College is grateful for these legacies we received from donors during the past year. Dorothy Herndon Arnold ‘45 and McAlpin H. Arnold Marian Peacock Haley Maude Williamson Garner ‘45 Helene Jones Schwartz ‘45 Mary Cordes Kelley ‘39 Kathryn Gibbs Steinbruegge ‘45 Frances Torbert Tilley ‘40 Sue Thompson Turner ‘50 Margaret W. and William F. Quillian, Jr.

* deceased

Society for the 21st Century

Chartered in 1989, the Society for the Twenty-first Century recognizes alumnae and friends who make estate plans or life-income gifts benefiting Wesleyan College. Through their generous commitments, Society members will sustain and strengthen Wesleyan well into the College’s third century. May Morgan Ackerman ‘94 and Robert K. Ackerman Betty Smith Addison ‘51 Hannah L. Allen ‘80 Susan B. Allen Debra McGee Ambrose ‘84 Linda G. Anderson ‘71 William H. Anderson II Ruth Wong Arnow ‘56 William E. Baird, Jr. Kathleen Peeples Ballou ‘55 William N. Banks, Jr. Patricia W. and Thomas L. Bass * Martha Gragg Bates ‘45 Edwina Hall Beall ‘53 Lorinda Lou Beller ‘64 Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 Loyd H. Black, Jr. Regina S. Bland ‘76 Georgann Dessau Blum ‘47 Sylvia Fesco Bond ‘81 Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 Gloria Boyette ‘60 Kathy A. Bradley ‘78 Jean Mouchet Brannon ‘52 Beulah Laslie Brinson ‘58 Jane Speir Brook ‘76 Barbara A. Bryant ‘67 Patricia Sterling Brzezinski ‘84 Virginia Perry Buckner ‘33 Elizabeth Martin Bunte ‘68 Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter Rosalind Allison Burns ‘47 Carol Burt ‘64 Cynthia Costello Busbee ‘92 Carol Hindman Butler ‘78 Helen E. Cannon ‘60 Peggy Carswell ‘49 Willene McGee Castleberry ‘47 Jo An Johnson Chewning ‘66 Susan Lott Clark ‘46 Susan A. Cobleigh ‘68 Nannette Coco ‘73 and Karlyn Sturmer ‘75 Frances Oehmig Collins ‘47 Barbara Roland Colwell ‘70 Anne M. Cordeiro ‘92 Betty Turner Corn ‘47 Pamela Davis Corvelli ‘98 Lois Goldman Cowan ‘45 Laurel Dean Gray Craft ‘46 Peggy Chesnutt Daniel ‘91 Linda Dekle-Frost Mildred Taylor Dennis ‘57 Emily Hardman Dickey Margaret Spear Diederich ‘44 Berta Dodd-Marbut ‘58 Mary Nunn Domingos ‘46 Eloise Maxwell Doty ‘68 Margaret Neal Doty Jo Duke ‘84 Beth Mason Duncan ‘61 Marjorie Potts Durden ‘40 Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw ‘59 Margaret K. * and Robert J. Edenfield Mildred Fincher Efland ‘42 Annetta Zimmerman Elliott ‘67 Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65

W. Tinsley Ellis Bee Seckinger Epley ‘58 Amanda Marine Evans ‘99 Charlotte Battle Everbach ‘52 Cheryl Grantham Fee ‘68 Arline Atkins Finch ‘56 and Ronald M. Finch, Jr. Gayle Attaway Findlay ’55 Eleanor Gravely Fleming ‘57 Joan Shapiro Foster ‘56 Vivia L. Fowler Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 Courtney Knight Gaines ‘51 * Tina D. Gann ‘94 Ashley Garrett ‘90 Anne H. and J. Harper Gaston Maria Shackelford Gause ‘90 Jackie Herron Gilmer ‘76 and Harry W. Gilmer Caroline Oliver Goff ‘92 Margaret Shoemaker Gordon ‘65 Lisa DiMuro Gosnell ‘82 Jane Mulkey Green ‘42 Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63 Eleanor Laslie Griffin ‘60 Mildred Roads Griffith ‘49 Charlotte Jolly Hale ‘62 and Floyd C. Hale Mary Pierpont Riley Hall ‘57 Laura Lowe Harmon ‘72 and Barrie H. Harmon III Robyn Harmon ‘77 Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ‘62 Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn ‘49 Betty Upchurch Hasty ‘55 Beverly J. and Gilbert Held Pamela Lohr Hendrix ‘88 Cynthia L. Hershey ‘91 Carol Inman Heyward ‘60 and Andrew H. Heyward III * Nancy Hill-Bates ‘61 C. Terry Holland Cordelia Dessau Holliday ‘48 Virginia Ann Daniel Holman ‘75 and Calvin M. Holman Anne Scarborough Hughes ‘78 Mollie Elizabeth Hughes ‘06 Lucy Cline Huie ‘41 Betty S. Hurdle Susann C. Hutchison Jessica L. Jarman ‘99 Janet Friberg Jarrett ‘78 Suzanne McNatt Johnson ‘60 Mildred Hawkins Jones ‘49 * Catherine Gibbons Jost ‘70 Carla DuBose Kalec ‘57 Dana Karstensen-Bryan ‘99 Mary Cordes Kelley ‘39 * Carol Bacon Kelso ‘73 Julia Stillwell Ketcham ‘58 and Ralph L. Ketcham Medra Lott Keyser ‘58 Kari Goellner Kitchens ‘91 Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Nancy L. Lamb ‘95 Eleanor Adams Lane ‘58 Kayron McMinn Laska ‘87 and

John Laska Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Betty Kemper Lhotka ‘57 Betty Jordan Lippitt ‘74 Gayle Lloyd ‘62 Betty I-May Lo ‘95 Richard H. Lowrance John F. Loyd Nancy Middleton Lucia ‘65 Diane A. Lumpkin ‘63 Nancy Dixon Lutz ‘60 Margaret T. MacCary Beverly Hinely MacMahon ‘74 Wendy Coffman MacMahon ‘78 Nan G. Maddux ‘75 Patricia Shriver Mancuso ‘60 Virginia Mason ‘65 Jeanon M. Massien ‘84 George W. Mathews, Jr. * Lucile Adams Mathews ‘66 Elizabeth N. Mathis ‘96 William M. Matthews Michele L. McDuffie ‘99 Rita Parker McGarity ‘75 Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 Barbara Bird McLendon ‘60 Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ‘60 Sally Griffie Mehalko ‘67 Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen ‘80 Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Mary Ainsworth Mitchell ‘47 Susan C. Monteith ‘64 * Tommie Sue Montgomery-Abrahams ‘63 Elizabeth Gibbons Montis ‘66 Mary Jo Moody ‘64 Caron Griffin Morgan ‘73 Anne McGee Morganstern ‘58 Betty Nunn Mori ‘58 Deborah Stevenson Moses ‘89 Anne Whipple Murphey ‘48 and ‘49 Lee B. Murphey Gail Fulton Murphy ‘68 Claire Michaels Murray ‘52 Sherry V. Neal ‘96 Linda Chance Newiger ‘72 Susan Stankrauff Newman ‘57 Catharine E. Neylans ‘51 Laura Ruth Norris ‘77 Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley ‘72 Sara Lee Lane Ogilvie ‘56 Vidal E. Olivares ‘02 Patricia Davis Oliver ‘66 and William W. Oliver, Jr. Cacia Morris Orser ‘70 Ermine M. Owenby ‘61 Joyce Paris ‘54 Stephanie E. Parker ‘81 Heather Peebles-Bradley ‘90 Julianne McDaniel Perry ‘49 Linda Vogel Pfleger ‘61 Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope ‘84 Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry ‘43 Harriett Wadsworth Ragland ‘55 * Anne Stewart Raymond ‘58 Harriet Laslie Reynolds ‘62 Shirley Wise Richardson ‘63 Gayle Langston Ricklefs ‘61

Bryndis W. Roberts ‘78 Tena N. Roberts ‘60 John F. Rogers, Jr. Meredith Young Rogers ‘60 Joan Maddox Sammons ‘57 Ann Harrell Saunders ‘53 Kenlyn G. Sawyer ‘86 Joyce Reddick Schafer ‘55 Muffy Gordy Schladensky ‘83 Helene Jones Schwartz ‘45 * Trudie Parker Sessions ‘65 Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ‘61 Susan McDonald Sheehan ‘72 Sandra Bell Shipp ‘66 and Robert Shipp Susan Moses Shropshire ‘72 Sally Husted Shuford ‘61 Martha Kinsey Skirven ‘61 Virginia R. Slack ‘73 * Amy-Christine Vinson Smith ‘99 Betsy Palmer Smith ‘60 Jean Armstrong Smith ‘52 * Joyce Hussey Smith ‘53 Sarah Turnbull Snow ‘74 and Claude H. Snow, Jr. Marjorie Perkins Squires ‘51 and William H. Squires Kathryn Gibbs Steinbruegge ‘45 * Preston Stevens, Jr. Kathryn Stiles Stribling ‘47 Evelyn Sims Stubbs ‘51 * Sylvia Newton Summers ‘64 and Roland S. Summers Mary Jane and Willard E. Summers Martha Bradford Swann ‘47 Melissa Spradley Sweet ‘01 Ann Scott Terry ‘70 Artemisia Dennis Thevaos ‘52 Bernardine Smith Thomas ‘38 Martha Clower Thomas ‘64 Betty A. Thompson ‘47 Mary E. Thompson ‘79 Casey Thurman ‘65 Tracy Ward Tilley ‘89 Virginia Rushing Trapnell ‘46 Julie Houston Trieste ‘98 Laura Jones Turner ‘46 Marion W. Vickers * Kathryn Smith Vinson ‘99 Charlotte Little Walker ‘49 Marianna Patton Walker ‘79 and Carroll A. Walker Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 Patricia Hammock Wall ‘70 Katherine Stickley Watson ‘60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr. Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ‘64 Susan C. Wheelis ‘95 Howard J. Williams, Jr. * Janet Eidson Woods ‘75 Sandra Grist Woods ‘66 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward ‘54 Jane L. Wootton ‘51 Cynthia D. Wright ‘75 Georgiana Hsueh Yang ‘49 Charles H. Yates, Jr.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Giving Levels PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $25,000 or more JAMES HYDE PORTER SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 GEORGE FOSTER PIERCE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 CANDLER CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 CATHERINE BREWER BENSON SOCIETY $1,000 - $2,499 THE FOUNTAIN CLUB $500 - $999 1836 CLUB $250 - $499 CONTRIBUTORS Up to $249

Love X 5

For the past 20 years, the Love X 5 program has been recognizing our faithful alumnae who have made a gift to Wesleyan for five or more consecutive years. In recognition of their loyalty to Wesleyan, these faithful donors are honored with a ❤ following their names in the Class Giving section. When attending Alumnae Weekend, Love X 5 faithful are also presented with a special pin honoring their continued support of their alma mater.

Stanback Society

Established in 2001, the Stanback Society recognizes alumnae who have given to the Annual Fund for twenty or more consecutive years. These faithful donors are honored with a following their names in the Class Giving section. The Stanback Society is named in honor of Florence Elizabeth Cawthon Stanback who contributed to the Annual Fund faithfully every year from her graduation in 1925 until her death in 2002.

Class Giving 1938

Participation: 30.00% Total Annual Fund: $700.00 Total All Gifts: $700.00 1836 Club Dorothy Wink Bolding M❤ Contributors Dorothy DuPuis Mackin M❤ Bernardine Smith Thomas M❤

1939 Participation: 25.00% Total Annual Fund: $1,350.00 Total All Gifts: $51,038.19 President’s Council Mary Cordes Kelley * Bequest M❤ 1836 Club Barbara Davis Morgan M 1940

Participation: 16.67% Total Annual Fund: $23,291.52 Total All Gifts: $23,291.52 Porter Society Frances Torbert Tilley * Bequest


Participation: 46.67% Total Annual Fund: $1,410.00 Total All Gifts: $5,460.00 Benson Society Mildred Fincher Efland M❤ Jane Mulkey Green M❤ Fountain Club Bettye Withers Barnes M❤ 1836 Club Margaret Smith Carruth M❤ Jane Hutchinson Thornton M❤ Contributors Jacqueline Vickers Davis Irma King Guest


1946 Participation: 20.00% Total Annual Fund: $4,401.79 Total All Gifts: $4,401.79 Benson Society Laurel Dean Gray Craft M❤ Mary Euyang Shen M Fountain Club Martha Rumble Pirkle M❤ 1836 Club Laura Jones Turner M❤ Contributors Emily Bradford Batts M❤ Susan Lott Clark M❤ Jane Kollock McCall M❤ Beverly Burgess Meadors M Jacqueline Lamm Souder M❤ Virginia Rushing Trapnell M Joy B. Trulock M❤ 1947

Participation: 27.94% Total Annual Fund: $38,257.52 Total All Gifts: $38,257.52 President’s Council Betty Turner Corn M❤ Pierce Society Betty A. Thompson M❤ Candler Circle Frances Oehmig Collins M❤ Benson Society Betty Hall Dunn M❤ Jane Epps Henry M❤ Fountain Club Geraldine Farrar-Thomas M 1836 Club Julia Struby Burke M Margaret Derby Champlin M❤ Jean Anderson Estes M❤ Martha Bradford Swann M❤ Contributors Marilyn Mathews M❤ Frances Callaway McCommon M Mary Ainsworth Mitchell M❤ Jane Stapp Nadon M Gloria Thornton Orr M❤ Emily Britton Parker M❤ Eugenia Corley Simmons M❤ Sara E. Smith M❤ Toni Smith Suiter M❤

Participation: 16.67% Total Annual Fund: $3,500.00 Total All Gifts: $3,500.00 Candler Circle Mary Anderson Comer * Benson Society 1948 Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry Participation: 12.50% M❤ Total Annual Fund: $2,150.00 Total All Gifts: $2,250.00 1945 Benson Society Participation: 23.08% Doris Poe Anderson M❤ Total Annual Fund: $9,300.00 Fountain Club Total All Gifts: $37,930.42 Pauline Phelps Deck M❤ Porter Society 1836 Club Dorothy Herndon Arnold * Bequest Beverly Reichert Kennon M❤ Helene Jones Schwartz * Bequest Contributors Pierce Society Jane Clapp Anderson M Martha Gragg Bates M❤ Miriam Boland M❤ Maude Williamson Garner Elizabeth Hean Stone M❤ * Bequest M❤ Marie Wilson Turner Candler Circle Kathryn Gibbs Steinbruegge * M Fountain Club 1949 Virginia Harris Howard Participation: 29.27% Contributors Total Annual Fund: $11,900.00 Mary Brown Malone Heritage M❤ Total All Gifts: $11,900.00 Virginia Martin Lawrence Pierce Society Winifred Bosch Titterton M❤ Elizabeth Mackay Asbury M❤ Benson Society Anne Whipple Murphey M

54 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Fountain Club Betty Jo Watson Bowdre M❤ Mildred Roads Griffith M❤ Jane Chandler Rhodes M❤ Betty Daniel Robinson M❤ 1836 Club Beverly Banks Boland Emily Hancock Bredeson M❤ Susan Gragg Cash M❤ Jane Morgan Hogan M Francina Brock Kern M❤ Clara Hillis Schenke M❤ Renee’ Rousseau Tillery M❤ Contributors Patricia Johnson Childs M❤ Betty Buntyn Googe M❤ Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn M❤ Emmie Carlton Johnson M❤ Ruby Layson M❤ Frances Smith Ramsey M❤ Sara Stewart Rountree M❤ Jerrye Griffeth Short M❤ Libba Cook Smith M❤ Anne Strozier Threadgill M❤ Julia Weathers Wynne M❤

1950 Participation: 29.51% Total Annual Fund: $3,775.00 Total All Gifts: $44,450.97 President’s Council Sue Marie Thompson Turner * Bequest M❤ Benson Society Carleen Gaulden Gardner M Fountain Club Mary N. Cobb M❤ Ann Messink Ross M❤ 1836 Club Elizabeth Smith Moore M Contributors Rhea Von Lehe Ashley Myra Jane Holman Bird M❤ Joyce Andrew Bledsoe M Josephine Russell Campbell M❤ Patricia Pope Chilton M❤ Sara Johnston Fowke M❤ Mary Fordham Greenfield M❤ Jeanne Gellerstedt Hicks M Betty Parham McGee Martha Ann Wood Robertson M❤ Dorothy Surrency Rosenbloom M❤ Jean Logan Russell M Norma Lee Taylor 1951 Participation: 22.50% Total Annual Fund: $15,075.00 Total All Gifts: $35,016.00 Porter Society Courtney Knight Gaines * M❤ Pierce Society Anne Purvis Church * Bequest M Marjorie Perkins Squires M❤ Candler Circle Betty Smith Addison M❤ Benson Society Harriet Adams Newton M❤ Fountain Club Donna Lloyd Gardner M❤ Allee Gardiner Hollis M❤ 1836 Club Jane Wilkin Anthony Peggy Worrell Murphy M❤ Jane L. Wootton M

* deceased

Contributors Jane Rand Breunig M❤ Helen Longino Dunwody Nancy Wyatt Ezzard M❤ Jean Elsom Hogan Robin Chesney Hopkins M❤ Joanna Mauldin Johnson M❤ Catharine Elizabeth Neylans M Mary Baldwin Woodland M❤


Participation: 23.46% Total Annual Fund: $6,045.00 Total All Gifts: $7,045.00 Candler Circle Claire Michaels Murray M❤ Benson Society Charlotte Battle Everbach M❤ Evelyn LeRoy Fortson M❤ 1836 Club Ann Pasley Fletcher M Martha Bielmann Hastings M❤ Virve Paul Martin M❤ Ann King Standerwick M❤ Contributors Esther Deal Baker M❤ Martha Davis Bauman Winifred Clements Begin M❤ Margaret Thoroughman Callahan M❤ Marella Mitchell Cassels M❤ Margaret Lynch Cordell M❤ Mary Eva Bryan DuBose Patricia Berry Faust M❤ Margaret Murphy Persinger M❤ Mary Emma Bailey Rehm M❤ Evelyn Thompson Tharp M❤ Artemisia Dennis Thevaos M Sarah Roughton Wilson M❤

1953 Participation: 28.74% Total Annual Fund: $5,310.00 Total All Gifts: $5,310.00 Benson Society Mayson Thornton Bissell M❤ Caroline Eagerton Upperco M❤ Fountain Club Mary Ann Fitzgerald Blackwell M 1836 Club Kathryn Perry Hoyt Albert L. Martin, Jr. M❤ Helen Blackmarr Outler M❤ Lucia Hutchinson Peel Powe Contributors Judy Cline Berlin M❤ Merrilyn Welch Eastham M❤ Gerry Dixon Eddy M Virginia Polk Finch M❤ Claire Houser-Dodd M Betty Lou Barber McClure M❤ Joan Jennings Norton M❤ Virginia Eidson Robertson M❤ Julianne Withers Roland M❤ Ann Harrell Saunders M❤ Jacqueline Ward Schontzler *M❤ Grace Maxwell Sparrow M❤ Elsie Sutherland Stuart Gary Still Suters M❤ Frances Bruce Van Horn M❤ Elaine Wood Whitehurst M❤ Joann Wilkes Williams M❤ Kathryn Parsons Willis M❤ 1954 Participation: 32.53% Total Annual Fund: $9,205.00 Total All Gifts: $9,430.00 Pierce Society Joyce Paris M❤ Fountain Club Marcia Mallet Ades M❤ Elizabeth Gaunt Bryan M❤ Barbara Walker Coburn M❤ Mary Lowrey Peacock M❤

1836 Club Varese Chambless M❤ Ruth White Fruit M❤ Martha Jean Laslie Woodward M❤ Contributors Patricia Davison Baehr Natalie Brewton Barfield M❤ Bonnie Gardner Barnes Harriett Willis Bevil M❤ Sydney Willis Blackmarr M Athelyn Wade Buttrill M❤ Dolores English Davidson M❤ Marilyn Bennett Edwards M❤ Emily Cook Fawcett M❤ Natholyn Miller Freeman M❤ Joan Clements Holland Autumn Cook Ireland M❤ Natalie Miller McCook Leah Wallat Odden M❤ Ann Parsons Odum M❤ Agnes Donaldson Porterfield M❤ Virginia Whiteman Robinson M Blaine Ross Shanks M❤ Joan Cordova Walker M❤


Participation: 30.65% Total Annual Fund: $24,132.50 Total All Gifts: $70,165.20 President’s Council Joyce Reddick Schafer M❤ Porter Society Gayle Attaway Findlay M❤ Dorothy Smith Yandle M❤ Fountain Club Judith Fuller Johnson M❤ Ann Hunter McCandless M❤ 1836 Club Jeanie Denton Anderson M Leona Hammack DuVall Elizabeth Truitt Furlow M❤ Sara Stuart Seaborn M❤ Jane Medlock Taylor Contributors Joyce Caldwell Bryan M❤ Betty F. Castlen M❤ Anne Howard Caswell M Phyllis Clough Davis M❤ Juanita Sexton Dowling-Brandon M❤ Frances Moulthrop Gordon M❤ Mary Webb Lockhart M❤ Patricia Beckler McWhorter M❤ Joyce Ann Loudermilk Richards M❤


Participation: 35.71% Total Annual Fund: $39,625.00 Total All Gifts: $159,625.00 President’s Council Arline Atkins Finch M❤ Porter Society Joan Shapiro Foster M❤ Candler Circle Emily Sawyer Hart M❤ Benson Society Martha Kennedy Gay M❤ Jane Courtenay Shockley M❤ Fountain Club Sarah Ware Arthur M❤ Carolyn Sims Brooks M❤ Jo Ann Copeland Chapple M❤ 1836 Club Jean Adams Carswell M Shirley Swain Register M❤ Contributors Lucy Neeley Adams M❤ Ruth Wong Arnow M❤ Frances Cassel Berry M❤ Colleen Denton Chambliss Lloyd Young Flanders M❤ Paula Hunt Geiger M❤ Charlotte Poole Harrell M Irene I-Ling Mao Hui M❤ Mary Tappan Mabry M❤ Marion Wade Mixon M❤

Lou Ann Taylor Nash M❤ Gail Hollingsworth Rabai Isabel Graf Saterbak M❤ Barbara Barnes Sims M Joan Wadsworth West M

1957 Participation: 28.57% Total Annual Fund: $10,350.57 Total All Gifts: $10,350.57 Pierce Society Maria S. Higgins M❤ Benson Society Reba Thurmond M❤ Fountain Club Juliette Adams Hawk M❤ Carla DuBose Kalec M❤ Eleanor McDonald Still M❤ 1836 Club Nancy McClellan Flowers M❤ Laura Johnson Fowler M❤ Eleanor Thompson Futch Rosen M❤ Contributors Betty Brender Belanger M❤ Norma Ford Cassens-Axx M❤ Gray Rowland Curlee M❤ Mildred Taylor Dennis Rosemary Wood Dodd M Eleanor Gravely Fleming Martha Sisson Gaston M Harriette Wilkes Grimes M Mary Pierpont Riley Hall M❤ Ruth Chapman Ham M❤ Sally Thorp Heath M❤ Betty Kemper Lhotka M Sue Rogers McCright Jean Middlebrooks Morris M JoAn Bloodworth Nunnelly M❤ Sandra Deisch Ringdahl M❤ Joan Maddox Sammons M❤ Nancy McNamara Score M June Benton Webb M Marguerite Malcolm Yarboro M❤

1958 Participation: 37.17% Total Annual Fund: $31,636.19 Total All Gifts: $36,886.19 Porter Society Eleanor Adams Lane M❤ Betty Nunn Mori M❤ Benson Society Emily Hardman Dickey M❤ Clarice Pittman Elder M❤ Julia Stillwell Ketcham M❤ Pat Rimmer Knox-Hudson M❤ Nancy Peterson Shaw M❤ Linda McElroy Steed Fountain Club Anne McGee Morganstern M❤ 1836 Club Beulah Laslie Brinson M❤ Jeraldine Farr Crews Temple Wilson Ellis M❤ Patricia Haddle Keck M Carole Kelley Mangham Lorena Campbell Piper M❤ Anne Stewart Raymond M❤ Contributors Mary Rose Ackerman M Luleen Sandefur Anderson M❤ Nan Cherry Baird Mary Cooper Braun M❤ Anne Middlebrooks Gale Beverly Castle Guild Louise Lloyd Hansen Nancy Doss Holcombe M❤ Nancy Cook Hollingsworth M❤ Medra Lott Keyser M❤ Sarah Duncan Kinsey M❤ Joy Jenkins Meyers M❤ Martha Carter Middlemas-Bryant M❤

Wesleyan Star Established in 2014, the Wesleyan Star honors alumnae who have given for two, three, or four consecutive years. Recognition of Wesleyan Stars includes a M following their names in the alumnae Class Giving section and special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Winner’s Circle

A 2014 addition to our recognition of consecutive year donors includes the Winner’s Circle. These faithful alumnae have supported Wesleyan with gifts for ten to nineteen consecutive years. To recognize this loyalty, Winner’s Circle faithful are honored with a following their names in the alumnae Class Giving section, as well as with special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Society for the 21st Century Because we are forever grateful for those who remember Wesleyan with a planned gift, these alumnae are now recognized in the Class Giving Section. The names of current Society members will appear in bold typeface and those from whom we have received a legacy gift will appear in italics.

Jensene Godwin Payne M❤ Joan Nachbaur Rathbun M❤ Jane Howard Reinmuth M❤ Delia Bridwell Reynolds M❤ Marian Baum Russell M❤ Stella Girardeau Russell M❤ Nancy McCook Spence M❤ Ann Hallman Stafford M Virginia Talbot M Nina Sheppard Terrell M❤ June Mays Turner M❤ Zoe Moore Turner M❤ Louise Sawyer Whipple M❤

1959 Participation: 31.33% Total Annual Fund: $4,690.00 Total All Gifts: $4,730.00 Fountain Club Anne Swetnam Barton M Harriett Johnson Bell M❤ Manita Bond Dean M❤ Jane Powers Weldon M❤ 1836 Club Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw M❤ Julia Elliott Greer Lee Brenaman Holmes M❤ Kathryn Wilder Jones M❤ Contributors Mary Ruth Gleaton Ballard Carolyn Wade Barry M❤ Elizabeth Blalock Butler M❤ Marcia Adams Cashin M❤ Helen Poole Fontsere’ M❤ Charlotte Getz Gerken M❤ Janace Fender Griffin M❤ Catherine Murphree Hartley M❤ Patricia Moy Ierley M❤ Carmen Moore Jackson M❤ Carmella Christopher Kelsey M Wilma Gardner Kinslow M❤ Mary Terrell Mitchell M❤ Louise Banks Peavy M Carol King Pope M❤ Sylvia Anderson Powell M❤ Carolyn Bolick Siegrist M❤ Anne Ricketson Zahlan 1960 Participation: 28.87% Total Annual Fund: $13,225.00 Total All Gifts: $98,473.00 President’s Council Mary Ann Pollard Houghland M❤ Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill M❤ Benson Society Nancy Reeder Akins M Martha Bell Lewis M❤ Jacquelyn Davis Richardson M❤ Kate Stickley Watson M Virginia Sumerford York M❤ Fountain Club Dale Odum Barrow M❤ Gloria Boyette M❤ Louise Williams Chapin M Eleanor Laslie Griffin M❤ Doris V. Manning M❤ Drayton Shull RogersM Meredith Young Rogers M❤ Barbara Betts Tuck M❤ Carol Sibley Wideman M❤ 1836 Club Ann Lavender Faulk M❤ Carol Inman Heyward M❤ Barbara Bird McLendon M Betsy Palmer Smith M❤ Contributors Kay Carroll Barnes M❤ Anne Stuckey Clarke * M❤ Juliet Singletary Coleman M Margaret McCready Cornell M❤ Louise Somers Davidson M❤ Mary Moore English M❤

Nancy Carmack Greene Marcilla Jacobs Heath M Lydia Jordan Hickam M❤ Lynn Lightfoot Hutcheson M Victoria Wilson Logue M❤ Patricia Shriver Mancuso M❤ Sheila Nichols McNeill M❤ Emily Childres Mims M Emily Richardson M Tena N. Roberts M❤ Giulia LaCagnina Saucier M❤ Nan Millwood Solomon M❤ Neva King Thompson M Molly Mallory Wilkes M❤ Mary Amerson Willingham Burt M❤


Participation: 43.00% Total Annual Fund: $18,821.00 Total All Gifts: $19,701.00 Pierce Society Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. M❤ Benson Society Jean Cain Gaddis M❤ Suzanne Jones Kahn M❤ Linda Chambers Mahan M❤ Jeanette Loflin Shackelford M❤ Fountain Club Jane Baker Chaffin M❤ Elizabeth Lester Dillard Ernestine Cole Fulmer M❤ Peggy Pearson Jerles M Janice Boland Smith M❤ 1836 Club Jean Edwards Dukes M❤ Mary Jo Porch Floyd M❤ Jo Anne Miller Gaede M Andrea Morris Gruhl M❤ Joanne B. Jordan Jacquelyn Smith Lineberger M❤ Nancy Bowden Wiley M❤ Contributors Priscilla Leedham Blake M❤ Marilyn Shuler Buchanan Judith Warnock Burns M❤ Juliana Hardeman Caldwell M Ann Frost Copeland M❤ Frances Stewart Copeland Betty Griffin Curry Janice McCord Doe M❤ Kay Watkins Hanson M❤ Nancy Huff Hatch M Norma Mullings Hunt M❤ Jane Stallings Knight M❤ Virginia Poole Lee M❤ Sandra Combs Lewis M❤ Bebe Blalock Littles M❤ Flo Bloodworth Mellard M Jane Lewis Merrill Linda Vogel Pfleger M❤ Gayle Langston Ricklefs M❤ Sheila Leto Scott M❤ Sally Husted Shuford Martha Kinsey Skirven M❤ Katherine Lee Tankersley Lynn Cochran Thompson Linda Lee Belford Turek M❤ Margaret McKinney Youngblood M❤ 1962 Participation: 34.18% Total Annual Fund: $6,810.00 Total All Gifts: $7,610.00 Benson Society Maria Tsong Lian M❤ Marybelle Proctor Menzel M❤ Harriet Laslie Reynolds M❤ Fountain Club Frances Parker McCrary M❤ LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver M❤ 1836 Club Jane Flemister Batten M❤ Ellen Weldon Dukes M❤ Charlotte Jolly Hale M❤

56 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Carol Anne Rollins Harrison M❤ Dorothy Hendrix Hope M❤ Rhoda Morrison Joyner M❤ Contributors Eleanor Hagins Bradwell M❤ Janella Sammons Brand Patricia Bonner Burton Iris Carroll Edwards M❤ Emma Louise Keaton Franklin Sherry Staples Hubbard M❤ Rachel Eppehimer Livezey M❤ Ellen Cone Lynn M❤ Ann Yarbrough Mallard Sue Summerhill O’Kelley M❤ Sonya Shipman Otte M❤ Susan von Unwerth Overman M❤ Jill Jayne Read Elizabeth Daves Ream M❤ Sarah Calhoun Savage M❤ Harriet Holland Schmitt M❤

1963 Participation: 30.84% Total Annual Fund: $32,168.66 Total All Gifts: $37,368.66 Porter Society Judy Woodward Gregory M❤ Candler Circle Diane A. Lumpkin M❤ Benson Society Sylvia Maxwell Brown M❤ Margaret Craig Bryant M❤ Susan Taylor King M❤ Charlotte Thomas Marshall M❤ Virginia Barber Perkins M❤ Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer M❤ Karen Connor Shockley M❤ Joyce Brandon Starr M❤ Fountain Club Nancy Johnson Ballard M Anne Valentin Hutcherson M Fabia Trice Rogers M❤ Ann Ewing Shumaker M❤ 1836 Club Marian Carter Clark M❤ Barbara Johnston Plaxico M❤ Rebecca Bullard Powers M❤ Renate Butler Ryan M❤ Sally Irwin Williams M❤ Contributors Ann Lyn Lightner Allen M Sylvia Hutchinson Bell M Cecilia McDaniel Brock M❤ Elizabeth Wingfield Dick M❤ Donna Smith Harbour M Brenda Hawthorne Heckmann M❤ Linda Quinn Hickman M❤ Myra Hicks Korb M Tommie Sue Montgomery-Abrahams Shirley Wise Richardson M❤ RoxAnna Arrington Sway m Sue Ann Savage Truitt M❤ Rebecca Ward Umphrey M❤ Linda J. Withrow M 1964 Participation: 54.69% Total Annual Fund: $19,977.00 Total All Gifts: $20,227.00 Candler Circle Lorinda Lou Beller M❤ Carol Burt M❤ Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson M❤ Benson Society Dorothy Groh Cutler M❤ Ann McDonald Hurt M❤ Judy McConnell Jolly M❤ Judith Kuhn Schlichter M❤ Fountain Club Linda Eaker Hall M❤ Suzanne Gosnell Joye M❤ Martha Clower Thomas M❤ Ann Johnson Wild M❤ Patricia Jaeger Williams M❤ Martha Simmons Woodall M❤

1836 Club Madelaine Mackoul Cosgrove M❤ Gena Sewell Davidson M❤ Elizabeth S. Sims M❤ Contributors Barbara N. Abercrombie M❤ Agnes D. Albright M❤ Deryl Howington Amoss Emelyn Arnold M❤ Brenda Lee Barclay M❤ Betty Jane Owens Betts M❤ Brenda Jones Bradford M❤ Glenda Barrett Bull M❤ Gayle Pierce Casale M Joy Cochran M Mary Helen Pope Daniel M❤ Jane Brockinton Earhart M❤ Elizabeth Hartley Filliat M❤ Crystal Hunter Flathman M❤ Rosalyn Moye Forsyth M❤ Mary Russell George M❤ Willanna Anderson Gibbs M❤ Elaine Kaloostian Hall M❤ Ann Lichtenwalter Hernandez M Jane Curry Hinson M❤ Beth Bramblett Hirzel M❤ Virginia Mitchell Hutcheson M Susan Lillyman Hyland M❤ Rebecca Johnson Ingram M❤ Emma Jo Jones Ivey M❤ Diana P. Jeffreys M❤ Mary Helen Johnson M❤ Paula McWhorter Judd M❤ Glenda Neill Kipp M❤ Betty Sue Williams Levins M❤ Robin Hickman MacCurdy M❤ Virginia Bowen Maier M❤ Nancy Van Aken Marti M❤ Frances Strickland Masse M❤ Susan C. Monteith * M❤ Andrea R. Moody M❤ Mary Jo Moody M❤ Amy Meyer Orr-Stokes M❤ Margaret Freeman Patterson M Suzanne Whidden Pennington M❤ Sandra McElroy Preston M❤ Janice Rich Rentz M Mary Helen Hall Ringe M❤ Elizabeth Humphrey Roberts Lucy Guggenheimer Ross M❤ Susan Sammons M❤ Margaret Mannheim Sease M❤ Harriette James Simmons M❤ Frances White Skoglund M❤ Eileen Mullings Smith M❤ Sally Hutchinson Vermillion M❤ Nancy Filer Waite M❤ Linda Maria Willson M❤ Pamela Watkins Young M❤


Participation: 30.61% Total Annual Fund: $26,436.50 Total All Gifts: $85,709.00 President’s Council Jane Johnson Butler M❤ Pierce Society Glennda Kingry Elliott M❤ Janet Mewbourne Genest M❤ Benson Society Virginia Mason M❤ Carolyn Martin McCrea M❤ Peggy Likes Miller M❤ Casey Thurman M❤ Hilda A. Wright M❤ Fountain Club Mary Jane McCarren Brantley M❤ Joanna Looney Reynolds M❤ Kathryne Meeks Sanders M❤ 1836 Club Jane Chambers Bostwick M Margaret Shoemaker Gordon M❤ Janice Parks Mahoney M Sharon Smith Pizzo M Lynn Ramsey Stowers M❤

* deceased

Contributors Rosemary McGraw Barfield Elizabeth Fuller Barnes Zea M❤ Sharon Harp Campbell M❤ Judith Joseph Chalhub M Ruth Ellen Philpot Compton M❤ Gene Hargett Ellison Dale Keyser Farran M Sally Bone Fay M❤ Leila Watson James M Dottie Kea Johnson M Silvia Gonzalez Kenneweg M❤ Gloria Dollar Knight M❤ Susan Leonard M Nedra Martin Malone M❤ Brenda Freeman Manucy M❤ Rosa Young McNairy M Susan Cobb Middlebrooks M❤ Sally Eisen Miller M Mildred E. Neville M Margaret Parr-Recard M Linda Segler Reynolds M❤ Suzanne Letson Scarbrough M Trudie Parker Sessions M❤ Katherine Champion Smelley M❤ Lucia Smith Julia Stancil Stepp M Peggy Martin Timberlake Gail Whittle M❤ Carol Banks Wilburn M❤


Participation: 29.65% Total Annual Fund: $43,311.00 Total All Gifts: $47,031.98 Porter Society Catharine Burns Liles M❤ Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer M❤ Pierce Society Elizabeth Gibbons Montis M❤ Candler Circle Lucile Adams Mathews M❤ Benson Society Jo An Johnson Chewning M❤ Kathy Howard Douglas Barbara Brubaker Hightower M❤ Virginia Harshbarger Lamback M❤ Susan Glover Logan Patricia Davis Oliver M❤ Jo Bogan Prout M❤ Fountain Club Marion Spencer Bluestone Abbie Howard Dillard M❤ Maxine Maddox Dornemann M Connie Bazemore Hyde Betty Westmoreland Shuster M❤ Bonnie Smith Slovis M❤ 1836 Club Beth Childs Brooks M❤ Sandra Lumpkin Bryan M Mary Thrift Chambers M❤ Marsha McDonald Godsey M Pamela Easmann Holmes M❤ Virginia Goulding Johnson M❤ Martha McGough Lang M Becky Harrison O’Connor Marcel Dworet Rosenbaum M❤ Sandra Bell Shipp M❤ Dona D. Vaughn M Jane Robertson Westerfield Contributors Cheryl Russell Adamson Joann Roark Arneson M❤ Kathryn Stripling Byer M❤ Marguerite Hall Carter M❤ Barbara Sneden Exum Carol Adams Garland M❤ Virginia Warren Haberman Darlene Hassler Jackson M Suzanne Spence Joyce Virginia Glover Lee Marta L. Marchisan Joy Lewis Martin M Jane Silverman Mason Nan N. McWilliams Louise Marchman Meredith

Becky Gleaton Mynatt M❤ Nancy Rowland Rehberg M❤ Amie Dreese Ruth Barbara Meeko Sanders Carol McMillon Tucker Carolyn Brandes Wilson Sandra Grist Woods M❤ 1967 Participation: 23.13% Total Annual Fund: $55,743.56 Total All Gifts: $78,193.56 President’s Council Alexis Xides Bighley M❤ Porter Society Suelle M. Swartz M❤ Candler Circle Margaret Thompson Monahan M❤ Benson Society Susan Rau Middlebrooks M❤ Judith Miller Newbern M❤ Susan Kirvin Ogburn M❤ Helen Harwell Smith M❤ Karen Moore Thomson M❤ Fountain Club Sally Griffie Mehalko M❤ Marilyn A. Vickers M❤ 1836 Club Judith Ragland Armstrong M❤ Joanna Trask Harrison Anne Hilger Manley M❤ Harriett Willcoxon Palmer M Kasey Carneal Phillips M❤ Janie Hudson Williams M❤ Jean Widney Wynn M❤ Contributors Sally Farren Benoy M❤ Susan Cooke Bickelhaupt M Sandra LaMontagne Binkley Kathleen DeBerry Brungard M Daphne Murph Chapman Flo Williams Douglas M❤ Judy Warren Edwards M Flora Phillips Grindstaff Cynthia Wilson Hauth M❤ Helen Moorhead Hermoyian Judith Johnson Highsmith Gloria L. Kennedy M❤ Maribeth Wills Lowe Elizabeth Heard Mallonee M❤ Genevieve Rumble Miller Kay Williams New M❤ Anne Telford Parr M❤ Sara Hall Sawyer Jane Manley Wheeless M❤ Marilyn Avra Williams

1968 Participation: 39.11% Total Annual Fund: $30,195.17 Total All Gifts: $53,307.17 Porter Society Jana Witham Janeway M❤ Pierce Society Priscilla Gautier Bornmann M❤ Elizabeth Martin Bunte M❤ Charlotte Knox Canida M❤ Candler Circle Jane Price Claxton M❤ Mary Ann Bateman Spell M❤ Benson Society Laura Sullivan Barkley M❤ Barbara Battson Ferrell M❤ Beverly F. Mitchell M❤ Babs Richardson Pirkle M❤ Mary Jo Fincher Plowden M❤ Catherine Cushing Thierry M❤ Fountain Club Eve L. Birmingham M❤ Sara Walters Ingram Andgelia Proctor Kelly M❤ Allyn Ballou Veatch M❤ 1836 Club Helen Jackson Burgin M❤ Patty Pearce Cardin M❤ Jan McEachern Carter M

Susan A. Cobleigh M❤ Mary Ann Ward Dudley M❤ Cheryl Grantham Fee M❤ Vicki Page Jaus M❤ Virginia Crapps Johnson M❤ Ellen Beard Martin M❤ Geranne Hutchinson Mills M❤ Suzanne Sebring Moncrieff M Lila Teasley Porterfield M Virginia Hiers Roebuck M❤ Martha Pafford Schindhelm M❤ Jo Slover Smith M❤ Sally Plowden Stevenson M Martha Herring Stubbs Contributors Jane Kappel Ashley M Rebecca Mathews Beal M Beth Rogero Bowen M❤ Marian Pointer Clements Lynn Hays Davis M❤ Eloise Maxwell Doty M Nancy McMeen Freeman M Robin Hood Geisler M❤ Susan Swain Goger M❤ Susan Burr Harris M❤ Lynda Ogburn Hathorn M Betty Smith Hipps Katherine Dickert Huffstetler M Katherine Wilson Johnson M❤ Louise Cole Kelley Lynne Stephens Kelly Leila K. Kight M❤ Laura Byington Ludman M❤ Suzanne Moore McGovern Gail Fulton Murphy M Cheryl Maund Page M❤ Joan Foster Park Ruth Anne Gray Randolph M❤ Carolyn Sayers Russell M Virginia Larson Schneider M❤ Susan Jones Shulman M❤ Marsha Fernald Sichveland M❤ Judy Floyd Smith M Sally Duskin Speckels M Annabelle R. Spring Nancy Lowe Taylor M❤ Ina Davis Temple Mary Abbott Waite M❤ Diane G. Walker M Ginger Sanders White M❤ Lash Lawton Woodcock M❤ Elizabeth Reith Wyman M

1969 Participation: 27.17% Total Annual Fund: $13,097.00 Total All Gifts: $16,027.00 Pierce Society Suzanne Woodham Juday M❤ Benson Society Melissa Lane Thomas M Fountain Club Alice Peninger Beasley M❤ Betsy Dasher Karen D. Garr M❤ Ann Kinnick Keane M❤ Sally Kohlbacher Oliver M 1836 Club Ann Brown Austin M❤ Sandra Eversole Bowman M Sharon Malone Boyd M❤ Lou Ellen Semler Boyes M❤ Dale Parker Craig M❤ Judith Haisten Gattis M❤ Linda Smith Gregg M Mary Beth Taylor Keys M❤ Betty Hood Lydick M❤ Margaret Yarbrough McCranie Diana Hall Richardson M❤ Contributors Emily Vardaman Adams M Dell Hitchcock Bailey M Dianne Carstarphen Bowman Helen Dianne Brannen Ann Reaves Burr M❤

Lucinda Samford Cannon M Judy Davis DeLoach Susan Isaacs Dodson M Julie Shingler Dunaway Tricia Pace Fordham M❤ Carol Broome Fraune M Stephanie Cheney Hendry Pat Ondo Hurley M❤ Lane Carr Johnson M Angela Fulton Kirby M❤ Susan Ewing Maddox M❤ Linda Harper Mattern M Gwynn Johnson Polidoro M Emmaline Haddle Pursley Linda L. Rich Kristina Stephens Robertson Gloria Garrett Seymour M❤ Ann Beard Shahid M Diane Harrison Smith M Sally Cox Spencer M Dorothy Smith Stewart M Barbara Marble Tagg M Gena Ware Wilson M❤ Nan Pelle Wuller M❤ 1970 Participation: 27.92% Total Annual Fund: $29,104.00 Total All Gifts: $42,104.00 Porter Society Brenda Witham McGinn M❤ Susan Woodward Walker M❤ Candler Circle Patricia Hammock Wall M❤ Benson Society Katherine Arnold Hale M❤ Rosalind Turner Jeter Catherine Gibbons Jost M❤ Fountain Club Jan Bull Burgess M❤ Margaret Arnold Jackson Suzanne Harris McAliley M❤ May Powell Parks M❤ Martha J. Thompson M❤ 1836 Club Karen Murphy Freeney M❤ Jane Ward Gault M Anne Harden Murphy M❤ B.J. Molpus Posey M Contributors Carol Balkcom Barton M Mary Ella Gibson Bernard M❤ Patricia Grogan Borders M❤ Susan Bradshaw Kathryn Nettles Clark M❤ Barbara Roland Colwell M Emily Chase Cook M❤ Jan Drury Cox M❤ Ruth Anne Braendle Craft M Jenny Kopp Curl M❤ Margaret Lane Evans M Sally Myhand Flannagan Neal M❤ Peggy Persons Fox M❤ Lana Tygart Griner M❤ Yvonne Dykes Hartig M Wanda Saltmarsh Hopkins M❤ Linda Ennis Johnson M❤ Colleen Smith Katsuki M❤ Sally Shingler Kurrie M❤ Shirley L. McFadden M Deborah Giugni McMillan Theresa Edwards Millsap M❤ Paula Mansfield Murphy M Cassandra M. Poulos M Judith Parker Schuler M Patsy Lockhart Schutte M Ann Scott Terry M Patricia L. Voyles M❤


Participation: 47.19% Total Annual Fund: $24,017.49 Total All Gifts: $25,092.49 Porter Society Susan Pyeatt Kimmey M❤

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Pierce Society Gena Roberts Franklin M❤ Benson Society Pamela Henry Pate M❤ Cathy Coxey Snow M❤ Fountain Club Helen Ferguson Zachry M❤ 1836 Club Shari Richardson Arrington M❤ Kathryn V. Bryant Gloria Turner Lockridge Kathryn Warren Powell M❤ Juanita Gullahorn Rothschild M❤ Ellen Traylor Terrell M❤ Contributors Virginia Williamson Almand M Linda G. Anderson M❤ Rebecca Curtis Basset M❤ Barbara A. Brinson Janice Moody Cayton M❤ Phoebe Hawes Conway Donna Cook Martina Anderson Davis Nancy E. Dill Pamela L. Finlayson Lynda Jordan Gasses Marjorie Bowen Graham M❤ Denise Kelly Hart M❤ Peggy Parrish Hasty M❤ Lynne Quenelle Jordan Deborah Smith Kelly M Carolyn Berger Krutoy M❤ Rebecca Edenfield Lingerfelt M❤ Debbie Hall Loftiss Harriett E. Mayo M❤ Sue Woodrow McDougall Derrill Dunn McRae M❤ Linda F. Patrick Holly Pearson Payne Carol Rogers Smith M Louise Cross Stewart Martha Yates Thomas M Ellen Cobleigh Tomter M Kimberly Fritch Vantreese Mary Ivelyn Williams Walker Jan Shelnutt Whalen M❤

1972 Participation: 44.78% Total Annual Fund: $14,015.00 Total All Gifts: $19,240.00 Porter Society Marsha Witham Whitman M❤ Candler Circle Laura Lowe Harmon Benson Society Elizabeth Rogers Kelly M❤ Kathleen Propps Langford M❤ Fountain Club Deborah Wedgworth Altman M Kasse Andrews-Weller M 1836 Club Eileen Moffitt Batchelor M❤ Rebecca Jones Brock M❤ Deborah Dye Gigliotti M❤ Pamela Ingram Jordan Susan Sanders Mathews Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley M❤ Nancy Jackson Osmundsen M❤ Contributors Joyce Rice Ellison M❤ Jane Farmer Fastje M Marianne Graeme Fortuna M❤ Elizabeth Walker Heckman Susan Mann Kimbrell M Kathy Weeks Leaman Leslie Brooks McDonnell Linda Chance Newiger M❤ Patricia Overton Oberg Sherryl Senna Pollard M❤ Lynn Golson Priester M❤ Pamela Huston Rosenburg Susan McDonald Sheehan M❤ Janie Shirah Stump M❤

Eileen Vickery Thurmond M❤ Susan Wyllys Wallace M Jane R. White M


Participation: 43.33% Total Annual Fund: $9,525.00 Total All Gifts: $9,525.00 Candler Circle Marsha Lynn Christy M❤ Benson Society Margaret M. Mathews M❤ Janice A. Mays M❤ Fountain Club Betsy McPherson Farr Mary Graham Ponder Foster M❤ Caron Griffin Morgan M 1836 Club Nannette Coco M❤ Kathleen Amidon MacGregor M❤ Contributors Ramona Baker Carroll Ricketson Bolton M❤ Deborah Monds Davis M❤ Hale Coble Edwards M❤ Debra Henderson Hoobler M❤ Miriam McElheney Jordan M❤ Carol Bacon Kelso M❤ Lisa T. Kuhn M❤ Elizabeth Lilly M Hazel Mims Mathis M Katharine Johns Olson M❤ Anne Thornton Reynolds M❤ Patricia H. Ryan M Virginia R. Slack * M Jill Gerber Smith M Marsha Brown Thomas M Susan Paul Tyler M Linda Brown Walker M❤

1974 Participation: 28.05% Total Annual Fund: $5,411.30 Total All Gifts: $5,411.30 Candler Circle Martha V. Johnson M❤ 1836 Club Lisa McKinney Gail Murphy Oden M❤ Felecia Pearson Smith Margaret Andrews Willis M❤ Contributors Susan Powers Champion Peggy Jones Cobb Rebecca Watson Dempsey M❤ Laura Hunt Edenfield M❤ Deborah Gardner Green Karen Faught Grice M Licia Drinnon Jackson M Constance Crauswell Kemph M Marian Elliott Lewis M Kathleen Russell Leysath M❤ Beverly Hinely MacMahon M Gail Dixon Mann Jessica Hughes Pitts M❤ Debra D. Stockton M Hazel Burns Struby Jane Williams Tarman Cristina Farkas Williams M Mary Ellen Sheehan Wroble M❤ 1975 Participation: 37.36% Total Annual Fund: $58,546.96 Total All Gifts: $410,190.99 President’s Council Ruth A. Knox M❤ Candler Circle Cynthia D. Wright M❤ Benson Society Susie Black M❤ Carol A. Goodloe M❤

58 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Selma Middlebrooks Gore Virginia Ann Daniel Holman M Millie Parrish Hudson M❤ Margaret Strickland Lovein M Nan G. Maddux M❤ Rita Parker McGarity M❤ Sally Moffett McKenna M❤ Fountain Club Bonnie Hunter Hunt M❤ Nan Dixon Souma M❤ Judith L. Whitaker M❤ 1836 Club Lisa Sherman Hammond M❤ Beth Sullins Hughes M❤ Karlyn Sturmer M Sandra Davis Townley M❤ Contributors Kay Hickman Beasley M❤ Jean Bargeron Bender M❤ Patricia Flynn Durfee Denise Cauley Graham Catherine L. Hinman M Barbara Tjia Huang M❤ Harriet McLauchin Johnson M Mary Coble Kirkley M❤ Susan Word Kypreos Mary R. Linger M Gloria McIntosh McDonald M❤ Betty Snooks Moses M❤ Douglas Ponder Suto M Betsy Wakeford Thompson M❤ Jacalyn Street Wilson M Janet Eidson Woods M❤

1976 Participation: 60.22% Total Annual Fund: $9,678.20 Total All Gifts: $10,528.20 Candler Circle Elizabeth O’Donnell Menkhaus M❤ Fountain Club Virginia Pritchard Ashby M❤ Cynthia H. McMullen M❤ Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby M❤ 1836 Club Regina S. Bland M❤ Jane Speir Brook M❤ Julie V. Castle M Linda Wing Duckworth Jackie Herron Gilmer M❤ Carolyn Field Hall M Patricia A. Henry M❤ Mary Knight Robinson M❤ Debbie Jones Smith M❤ Kathleen Walsh M Camille Herndon Ward Nancy Williamson Witek M Contributors Selma Bohannon Bernard Robyn Sullins Bish M❤ Janet Fletcher Bridges M Melissa Worley Callahan M Jane Kirkland Carter Peggy Maynard Corbett June Randall Dalton Barbee A. Dyer M Patti Eakes-Harris Debbie Brodnax Field Melinda Poole Gray M Sally Roberts Griffin Jimmye I. Hawkins Pamela Hodges Janice Cromer Holbrook M LuAnn Weeks Holden M Despina Kavadas Houlis Anita Stern Isaac Dorothy Claytor Jackson M Marsha L. Jackson M❤ Mary Jones Jobson Beth Mumford Langille Susan Dunn Lawson Lizbeth Levi Leikvold Mary Caile Mattox Angela McAfee

Catherine Bass McCarthy Judith Young Orange Carol Wilson Pinkston Jane Gardner Preston M Lynn Bissell Reed Lynn Silverman Russell Henrietta Craddock Schoonover M❤ Michelle Gadilhe Sims Jenny Gatliff Smith Karen Miller Smith Delia Tinnell Spinks Luelle Parkinson Stubbs M Molly Preston Walker Teresa M. Wheeler M


Participation: 14.12% Total Annual Fund: $7,204.20 Total All Gifts: $7,204.20 Candler Circle Kathleen Hill Goddard M❤ Benson Society Linda Haygood Davis M Lynn B. Moses M❤ Fountain Club Beth Holliman Boswell M❤ Contributors Faye A. Burner M❤ Victoria E. Carey Lucia Chapman Carr M Victoria Buxton Cork M Cathy Bailey Crumbley Berylanne Miner Crutchley M Lauren Drinnon Leskosky M❤ Kayce Gembacz Morton

1978 Participation: 26.85% Total Annual Fund: $9,310.00 Total All Gifts: $9,335.00 Candler Circle Julie St. John Thornton M❤ Benson Society Janet Friberg Jarrett M❤ Fountain Club Laura Shippey Gafnea M Bryndis W. Roberts M❤ Candice Muehlbauer Shockley M❤ 1836 Club Kathy A. Bradley M❤ Carol Hindman Butler M Josephine Jackson Jones Janet L. Keys M❤ Darla Grinstead McKenzie M Laurinda Murphy Norris M❤ Patricia L. Tate M❤ Contributors Janet Rumler Brooks M❤ Jeri L. Ellis M❤ Katherine Harvin Gibbs M❤ Leigh Lambert Goff M❤ Gwendolyn Hornung Virginia Stein Hubbard M❤ Anne Scarborough Hughes M❤ Wendy Coffman MacMahon M❤ Mary McMillan Mancin M❤ Janet L. Ort M❤ Laura E. Perdue M❤ Judy Day Powell Catherine Bradach Rockoff M❤ Janet Williams Sills M❤ Dawn Sapp Taylor M❤ Nancy McDonald Terhorst M Clara McKee White 1979

Participation: 19.78% Total Annual Fund: $3,119.59 Total All Gifts: $3,119.59 Benson Society Sally Anderson Hemingway M❤ 1836 Club Rebecca Tuten McClain M

* deceased

Teresa D. Morrow Marianna Patton Walker M❤ Contributors Jacqueline Webb Bullard M❤ Nadine Cheek M❤ Gail Bacon Ford M❤ Lynne Anthoine Hueglin M❤ Denise Sarver Jewell M❤ Nora Kay Appling King M Anita E. Marchman M Theresa L. McKenna M❤ Sherrie Shellard O’Hara Cynthia Mercer Riley Jeanne Norton Rollberg M Catherine Haye Sauter M Jane Durrence Grubb Vaughan M❤ Helen LuAlice Waite M

1980 Participation: 33.02% Total Annual Fund: $18,495.00 Total All Gifts: $28,545.00 Porter Society Hannah L. Allen M❤ Benson Society Janet M. Lawrence M❤ Lindsay Lemasters Lewis M❤ Mary Stephens Malone M❤ Allison McFarland Wilcox M❤ 1836 Club Susan Shuler Dombrowski M Kelly Russell M Contributors Anne Armstrong M Eileen V. Begin Marcia Bronson M❤ Aida Bales Chappell M Deena Harrell Cherry M❤ Lynn K. Daley M Lisa Martin Darden M Crystal Bell Davidian M Melinda S. Fraiser M❤ Bonny Denton Gibson Jeanne Myers Haslam M Shannon Lindsey Hudson M Elaine Wilkes Huffman M Donna A. Jackson M❤ Susan Robertson Jaeger M Gloria Reid Johnson Paula Flannery Lytle M Gena Odom Masciello M Wende Sanderson Meyer von BremenM❤ Sally P. Morris M Jill I. Myers M❤ Linda Carey Nardotti M Helen Anne Richards M❤ Wanda Maynard Schroeder M❤ Susan Snider M❤ Myna Hamans Walton Katherine E. Weekes M❤ Carol Radke Willard M 1981

Participation: 47.89% Total Annual Fund: $10,335.00 Total All Gifts: $12,335.00 Candler Circle Stephanie E. Parker M❤ Mary Langel Stults M❤ Benson Society Barbara Beddingfield Magnan M❤ Fountain Club Mary Thompson Monfort M❤ Lizann Youmans Roberts Janet Hicks Tweed M 1836 Club Cynthia L. Cobb M❤ Patricia Chapman DuBose Lee A. Grimes Nancy Sinnott Parker M Caroline Thomas Contributors Anne Woodward Ahrendt Glynn McGlamry Banks

Molly O. Burleson Paula Cobb Gibson Colleen Brown Gupton M Dana Daniel Lambeth Heard M Lisa Pidgeon Hilliard Julia Read King Trudy Clark Landis Wendy Jo Mann McAllister M Lee Moss McCowan Myrna Nolla-Horner Cindy Smith Osterkamp Lee Ann Sparkman Pepe Wade Mixon Putnal Robin Jaquith Ward Shirley Weihman Jeanette Perner Wheatley Lynne M. White M Monique Martin Whorton M Stephanie McRae Wilkinson Dorothy Dunham Woodard M Donna L. Woods

1982 Participation: 17.72% Total Annual Fund: $4,050.00 Total All Gifts: $4,050.00 Benson Society Susan L. Holloway M❤ Fountain Club Mong-Zang Lin Chang M❤ Suzanne L. Colter M❤ 1836 Club Jennifer Houser Chapin M Lisa DiMuro Gosnell M❤ Contributors Shari Ginster Abney M Susan Dempsey M Ellen Fiebel Johnson Patti Potter Kandel Karen A. Martin M❤ Pamela Heimsoth Mitarotondo Jennifer Willis Payne M❤ Rebecca Moore Robbins M Mary Ellen Skowronek Sutphin M❤ 1983

Participation: 20.00% Total Annual Fund: $2,058.33 Total All Gifts: $2,083.33 Benson Society Ellen Futral Hanson M❤ 1836 Club Cynthia E. Bell-Lee M❤ Motomi Kawamura M Contributors Judith Lane Brown Mary Ann Aiken Fitzgerald M❤ Anne Elizabeth Koon M❤ Wadra Garner McCullough M❤ Catherine Cross McDonald M❤ Mary Lisa Boyer Millican M❤ Muffy Gordy Schladensky


Participation: 20.83% Total Annual Fund: $1,142.00 Total All Gifts: $1,142.00 1836 Club Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope M❤ Contributors Debra McGee Ambrose M Connie J. Averett M Patricia Sterling Brzezinski M❤ Jo Duke M❤ Carol A. Hamrick M Amanda S. Jacobs M Jeanon M. Massien M❤ Becky L. Nelson M Thelma Wilson Sexton M

1985 Participation: 16.07% Total Annual Fund: $1,925.00 Total All Gifts: $1,925.00 Fountain Club Rhonda L. Barcus M❤ Teresa Dudek Goodpaster M❤ 1836 Club Sara King Pilger M❤ Contributors Lori Alcorn Campbell M❤ Lisa Ahl Duncan M❤ Sheila Belknap Feightner M❤ Holly T. Heath M❤ Julie Bowman Kimbrell M Ellen Hogle McLemore M 1986 Participation: 37.50% Total Annual Fund: $5,177.73 Total All Gifts: $5,177.73 Candler Circle Dana Flanders Laster M❤ Fountain Club Tara Baker Ramsey M❤ 1836 Club Latecia Stark Biester Billie Powell Flowers Janie Chien Golden M Kenlyn G. Sawyer Contributors Elizabeth Marecki Alberding Tammy Mullis Hawkins M Celia Hughes Hohnadel M Vonda Brokopp Klein McCutchen Margaret Brinson Kolke Judy Forward Lear M Cynthia Dunaphant Sabo Dawn Miller Sturbaum Elizabeth Hasty Sutton Dana Grinstead Tanner M❤ Willett Pearson Waller M Patricia Potts Wells 1987 Participation: 15.58% Total Annual Fund: $1,962.74 Total All Gifts: $5,762.74 Candler Circle Sandra Cook Rives Fountain Club Carla T. Asbell Dennis M❤ Barbara Roe Wallace M❤ 1836 Club Jill Amos M Mary Anne Butler Brocato Leesa Akins Flora M❤ Meredith Gaither Garrett Contributors Lisa Morgan Edwards Anne Rimes Greenway Lynn Lasseter Prater M Lisa Darlene Shiveler M❤ Robin Wood 1988 Participation: 16.13% Total Annual Fund: $2,950.00 Total All Gifts: $2,950.00 Benson Society Verah Dorsey Turner M❤ 1836 Club Ana N. Fernandez M Beth A. Herndon M❤ Rita Mitchell Higgins M Lorie Patterson Lanier M Contributors Michele Arduengo M Linda Gay Eubanks M❤ Renee Melton Soeltz M Kathryn Lawrence Spada M❤ Rosalind Evans Weiss M❤


Participation: 18.46% Total Annual Fund: $13,536.85 Total All Gifts: $13,736.85 Pierce Society Debbie Stevenson Moses M❤ Candler Circle Mary Beth Brown Swearingen M❤ Geovette E. Washington M❤ Fountain Club Tracy Ward Tilley M❤ Contributors Denise Cheek Brown M❤ Michelle ChanceSangthong Kristin N. Claus M❤ Lura Harrell Hammock Cynthia Buchanan Lynch M❤ Tyrene House Neil Robin Blue Wilcox Penny Whitley Windham M

1990 Participation: 31.40% Total Annual Fund: $5,932.73 Total All Gifts: $6,082.73 Benson Society Helma Wood Clark M❤ Kym Preuss Lukosky M❤ Lori Reese Patton M❤ 1836 Club Ashley Garrett M❤ Pamela R. Sailors M Virginia Bowman Wilcox M❤ Contributors Deborah Hackett Brown M❤ Melissa Adkins Brown M❤ Michelle Vitoria Cato M Jennifer L. Collier M Heidi Shannon Cook M❤ Alice Armitage Fendley M Sarah Moseley Gardner M Natalie Azerraf Gates M Hayley Burch Goldhagen M Amanda F. Harris M❤ Tara Joyner Haussler M❤ Theresa Castruccio Hurst M❤ Holly Nichols Jarrell M❤ Alis K. Jones M Terri D. Jones M Michelle Carter Messa M Kathryn Reumann Mullen M Karene Harron Nebel M❤ Kelley Smith Powell M❤ Wendy Newingham Stanley M❤ Angela Kerr Wittmann M❤ 1991

Participation: 35.14% Total Annual Fund: $5,365.00 Total All Gifts: $5,365.00 Benson Society Cynthia L. Hershey M❤ Fountain Club Kari Goellner Kitchens M❤ Hope Hahn Shields M❤ Sheila Taylor Southerland M 1836 Club Elizenda M. Ceballos M❤ Luana Luisa Dickey Kimbrell Michelle Toole Westbrook M❤ Christine Ruotolo Wynn Contributors Lara Blanchett Carlton M❤ Katherine S. Compain M❤ Melissa Malone Constable Kendall Bowles duToit Beverly O’Connor Fitzpatrick M Teresa Morris Futral M❤ Anna Anderson Hagler M Trina L. Hammonds M Heather Harden Jones

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Beth A. Kargel M❤ Leslie Thomson Kravet Christie Reed Marsh M Robyn Miller Schopp M❤ Stacey Stanton Walker M Hope Harris Weldon Jeanmarie Desmond White Teresa Morgan Wyrick M Kristin Van Brero Yashko M

1992 Participation: 10.75% Total Annual Fund: $1,635.00 Total All Gifts: $1,635.00 Fountain Club Cynthia Costello Busbee M❤ 1836 Club Sylvia L. Ross Kelley R. Southerland M❤ Contributors Anne Marie Cordeiro M❤ Mariana dos Santos Furlin Katie S. Garrett M❤ Jennifer A. Johnson M❤ Lianne Navran Kagunda M❤ Elizabeth Carver Reagor Mary Marcia McMahan Winfrey M❤ 1993 Participation: 21.33% Total Annual Fund: $12,872.84 Total All Gifts: $12,872.84 Pierce Society Bonnie Padgett Ramsbottom M Benson Society Melanie Filson Lewis M❤ Ruth Powell Storts M❤ Fountain Club Barbara Summers Blevins M Jennifer Stiles Williams 1836 Club Carrie Melissa Bell M❤ Paige Getty M Alison Charney Hussey M❤ Contributors Eileen Gray Booth M Cheryl Anderson Ciucevich Rachel J. Mathis Emily Adams Mowery M Hallie Suber Prince M Leigh Copeland Sayers M Lisa Theiling Stamey M Cathy Lee Taylor M 1994

Participation: 23.61% Total Annual Fund: $2,865.00 Total All Gifts: $2,865.00 Benson Society May Morgan Ackerman M❤ Fountain Club Michelle Smith Green M 1836 Club Melissa Campbell Davis M Contributors Cara Carroll Baity M❤ Jill Hauver Celeste M Elizabeth Bockmiller Ceranowski M Michelle Holland Conner M Melissa McKenzie Crowder M❤ Janelle Reynolds Fleming M Tina D. Gann M❤ Jane Carver Kimbrel M❤ Valerie S. Knopik M Nicole H. Licata M Annette M. Nassir Melanie Rahn M Julie Pace Stubbs Jacquelin Dravis Wilson

1995 Participation: 21.13% Total Annual Fund: $3,485.00 Total All Gifts: $3,485.00 Benson Society Dawn Gochnour Hoffman M Susan C. Wheelis M❤ 1836 Club Rebecca Calhoon Haskey M❤ Valerie Lines Sands M Contributors Jennifer Aiello M Catherine H. Atchley M❤ Merry Alicia Barton M❤ Keena Hammond M Beverly D. Howard M Nancy L. Lamb M Tracy Knight MacDonald Kea Hoover Mitchell M Meg Morrison M Elizabeth Banowsky Swain M Tina M. Valdes M❤ 1996 Participation: 57.69% Total Annual Fund: $13,480.00 Total All Gifts: $16,480.00 Pierce Society Deidra West Smith M Candler Circle Patrenice Guthrie Thomas M❤ Beth Milstead Wilson M❤ Fountain Club Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche Sherry V. Neal M❤ Yehudi Ben-j Self-Medlin M❤ 1836 Club Michelle McCluney Horgan M❤ Kristin Conley Lamble M❤ Laura A. Meyer M Contributors Tamara Adkins Michelle B. Arnold Joey Wommack Boardwell Valerie Huron Brewer M Sharon Brim Chappelle M❤ Valeret H. Collins Lisa Hullender Filkins M Misty Rodriguez Gatland M Heather Goodwin Grahek M Elizabeth Leaman Hague M Katherine Worley Hammes M❤ Amy Benson Higgins Anna Wilkins Hulse Brittany Dixon Jones M Joy Mastrangelo Kaczor Heather Preuss Kent M Stephanie Miller Kitelynn M Liza Ma Graciella C. Lagade Aimee Morris Lashley M❤ Denisse A. Lemos Elizabeth N. Mathis M Elizabeth Hodges McKeever Melissa English Moore M Joy Moten-Thomas Dahlia Wharton Najfus Deborah Buttrey Ott Jena Frazier Passut M Lisa M. Peppin Deni Gatto Renninger Monica M. Santamaria Susan M. Selensky Megan C. Stockton Marnie Morris Tanner Peggy Likins Templeman M❤ Stacey Waldrop Ward Keely L. Whittington M 1997

Participation: 24.56% Total Annual Fund: $1,760.00 Total All Gifts: $1,760.00 Fountain Club

60 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Teresa A. Lawson M❤ 1836 Club Carrie A. Herndon M❤ Contributors Sherry L. Boyd Monica Hilley Crawford M Monica King Evans Rachel Viets Fortuna M❤ Evelyn Leatherman Griffin M Julie Howell Helter M Stephanie Pate Lewis M❤ Mary Mitchell McKinnon M❤ Sarah Cook O’Reagan Kendra Biggs Therrell M Elisabeth A. Waterman M❤ Maris A. Williams M❤


Participation: 11.11% Total Annual Fund: $865.00 Total All Gifts: $865.00 1836 Club Brandy M. Hayes M❤ Contributors Amanda M. Allen M❤ Amy Armstrong Carmichael M Lisa Bridges Hines M Carmen Kypriandes Garcia M❤ Nartaya Jumpasorn Miller Shelby A. Smith Melinda Caspers Thompson M


Participation: 21.05% Total Annual Fund: $1,509.86 Total All Gifts: $1,509.86 Fountain Club Kathryn Smith Vinson M❤ 1836 Club Jessica L. Jarman M Liza K. Sanden Contributors Maleia Barry M❤ Heather Beene Booker M Tracie Porter Carmichael M Carrie Walker Dumm M Amanda Marine Evans Odona S. Ezell-Whiddon M Dana Karstensen-Bryan M Michele L. McDuffie M Sarah Marshall Neal M Shayna Jordan Pierce M Amy-Christine Vinson Smith M Daphne Ristau Stellato Kawana Printup West

2000 Participation: 12.64% Total Annual Fund: $805.96 Total All Gifts: $805.96 1836 Club Lisa A. Sloben M❤ Contributors Lindsay C. Abernethy M❤ Amanda Driggers Grau M❤ Catherine R. Hawkins M Shannan Zuromski Hinners Sarah E. Mannle M Melissa Graham Meeks M❤ Tiffany T. Noell M Jessica D. Salter M Amy R. Stone M Cally R. Whiddon M❤ 2001

Participation: 18.18% Total Annual Fund: $1,706.00 Total All Gifts: $1,706.00 Fountain Club Brandy Morris Kirkwood M❤ 1836 Club Melissa Bowen Brown M❤

Contributors Jessica South Bell M Stacey L. Burton Hannah L. Callender Amanda M. Cenzer Yanira Chevere-Ralston Adriana P. Cooper-Jones Jywanya Smith Dillinger M Jessica A. Drexler Alethia Helmick Guyer Abbie Smoak Lacienski M❤ Stephanie Dunda Owens M❤ LaTonya S. Parker M

2002 Participation: 17.71% Total Annual Fund: $1,770.00 Total All Gifts: $2,280.00 Benson Society Natalie Puckett Evans M❤ 1836 Club Crystal Rogers Cheyne M Contributors Ashlyn Nicole Bradshaw Sarah E. Chandler M Erin McGavin Dalton M Erica Herrmann Fluet M Catherine O’Kelley Fore M Chenny Q. Gan M❤ Christina S. Johnson M Jody Swink Miles M❤ Isolo Izula Mpindu M Vidal E. Olivares M❤ Patricia Deal Perry M❤ Julie Smith Prevette April L. Prince M❤ Synita M. Pryor Beth A. Williford M 2003 Participation: 12.64% Total Annual Fund: $1,481.00 Total All Gifts: $1,481.00 Fountain Club Rachel A. Garcia M❤ 1836 Club Tara Hatfield Crooms Contributors Danielle Wiggins Becker M Abbie Brannon Covenah M❤ Virginia E. W. Dicken M Emily Neal Duke M❤ Tennille Everett-Battle M Liubov Lazareva Kriel LaKeisha D. Lowe M Hope McMichael Pendergrass M❤ Sherrie N. Randall M❤ 2004

Participation: 20.54% Total Annual Fund: $3,937.33 Total All Gifts: $7,787.33 Candler Circle Laura V. Knox M Benson Society Kaydian N. Jones Fountain Club Julia C. Munroe M Alexandra Aldica Willis M❤ 1836 Club Mary Kathryn Borland M Contributors Jessica F. Bennett M Sawyer Bethel M Juliana S. Cabrales M Carolyn D. Clarke Sydney D. Elkin M Jodi Miller Hardee M Devin M. Harris M Jennifer C. Howard M Priscilla R. Howell Craig B. Jackson Kelly L. Jones M

* deceased

Natasha Kanagat Emily Dukes LeVan M❤ Amanda Wood Marsh M Erin Zinko McKenna M❤ Joanne G. Patterson Amanda Gluck Steger M Christine Harness Thompson

2005 Participation: 10.83% Total Annual Fund: $2,185.00 Total All Gifts: $2,215.00 Fountain Club Elizabeth Santos Davidoff Megan A. Quinn M❤ 1836 Club Ashling Thurmond Osborne M❤ Contributors Kathleen Loski Cummings M Zenda D. A. Davis M Christine Saunders Forsythe M Karen L. Kitchens M❤ Diana S. Lee Ashley Wheelus McKenna M Jessica K. Prince M Kathryn Nichols Roberts Heather Hughes Walter M Christina Aiken Young M❤ 2006 Participation: 25.00% Total Annual Fund: $6,617.00 Total All Gifts: $6,857.00 Benson Society Amy M. Fletcher M❤ Sylvia M. Gonsahn-Bollie Fountain Club Jaime Foxx McQuilkin M❤ Lindsay Rosenquist Burns M Danielle C. Sawtell M 1836 Club Mollie Elizabeth Hughes M❤ Parrish Smotherman Jenkins M❤ Shanita Douglas Miller M Heather Scott Miller Contributors Lauren Hamblin Beaty M❤ Suzzi N. Biller M❤ Shannon Hawn Black Paige M. Carter Jas’min Shy Coates Elaine Stancel Duncan Shelly Walden Gable M Robyn Grimes Gobin Allyssa M. Green M Cynthia Dsauza Jefferson M Jenna Miller Jones M❤ Elizebeth Catherwood Kanupp Amber Shorthouse McClain M Catherine Zopfi Merschat Christine A. Morana M Anna Kelso Pettis M Shannon L. Rupp M Claire Amy Schultz Amy E. Smith M❤ Anna Katherine Amacker Wherren M Melanie Reed Williams M❤ 2007

Participation: 12.86% Total Annual Fund: $1,391.07 Total All Gifts: $1,491.07 Fountain Club Dawn Peyton Nash M❤ 1836 Club Jennifer Chafin Mize Contributors Morgan L. Felts M Cindy M. Fountain M Kelly E. Hudson Jennifer C. Robinson Julia Otwell Smith M

Mary Beth Barker Tolle Angela O’Neal Wright M❤


Participation: 20.83% Total Annual Fund: $2,695.96 Total All Gifts: $2,695.96 Fountain Club Pamela C. Pinkston M 1836 Club Pragna Halder M Hillary M. Jarrett M Connie Kang Angel Feightner Poe M Stephanie Hood Wittry M Contributors Shih-Yu Chen M❤ Catherine E. Dermody M❤ Jessica E. Dermody M❤ Jessica C. Kendrick Kathryn Lassiter Murphy M Missy L. Poole M❤ Faith Z. Sumpter Jan Giles Tedders M❤ Thuy T. Vo M❤


Participation: 11.49% Total Annual Fund: $1,257.00 Total All Gifts: $1,257.00 Fountain Club Katherine F. Kennedy M Contributors Madaline G. Allsup Aaron C.M. Barth Rui Guo Lucy I. Guy M Kathy Reese McCollum M❤ Kathleen Furst Morris Caroline C. Smith M Ashley L. Success M Laney J. Turner M


Participation: 10.64% Total Annual Fund: $1,463.22 Total All Gifts: $1,463.22 1836 Club Rachel A. Fullerton M Helen A. Likins M Mechelle L. McMullen M Contributors Kristen E. Applebee M❤ Freda Gaines M❤ Silvia Gheorghita M Naeemah C. Johnson Ashley B. Moses Sarah A. Ownbey M Sarah Kaplan Van Buskirk M❤

2011 Participation: 12.35% Total Annual Fund: $624.00 Total All Gifts: $674.00 1836 Club Guanrong Li Contributors Stacie R. Barrett M Danise L. Bennett M❤ Shirley Mosher Blunk M Brittney M. Boston-Jones Eliza L. Cato Kellie R. Cauley M❤ Sarah A. Hudson M❤ Kelly L. Page M❤ Georgia Belle Thomas M❤ 2012

Participation: 20.27% Total Annual Fund: $1,609.11 Total All Gifts: $1,809.11

Fountain Club Debra Carter Williams M 1836 Club Susan Yandle Middleton M Contributors Kelly C. Coquerel M Aadrain D. Dawsey Taylor Bishop Deal M❤ Hannah G. Doan M Mary Katherine Dunn M Cheyenne E. Foster M Suzzanne R. Griffiths M Betsy W. Herlong M Dwight E. Hines Samantha B. Lint M Meghan E. Meyer von Bremen M Anna J. Plue M Patricia B. A. Velasco M

2013 Participation: 5.06% Total Annual Fund: $254.35 Total All Gifts: $254.35 Contributors Brittany L. Appelboom M Kendal C. Binion M Chelsea D. Bolton M Devyn W. Foti M 2014 Participation: 11.54% Total Annual Fund: $226.00 Total All Gifts: $226.00 Contributors Ashlee G. Day M Amanda M. Holliday M Brittainee R. Lee M Rebecca D. Navarre Diep H. N. Nguyen Linh T. Nguyen Rachel A. Regan M Esirioghene T. Tasker M Adrianne E. Woodward 2015

Participation: 8.33% Total Annual Fund: $378.17 Total All Gifts: $508.17 Contributors Kristina M. Battles Allison L. Callaway Ekaterina R. Chernokova Zaynullina M❤ Mary Colleen DeGraff Brandon R. Elam Kimberly Edgefield Hill Wallace J. Hudson Christina R. Mayfield M Rebecca A. Parker M Abigail L. Stephens Tonya R. Vossler


Total Annual Fund: $410.63 Total All Gifts: $3,194.62 Candler Circle Julie Benge Rogers M❤ Contributors Aahana Bajracharya Brooke F. V. Bosley Teresa H. Duval Nichelle D. S. Frazier Mallory N. Jones Sunada Khadka Stephanie L. Moody M Chandra T. Norman Alannah Shelby Rivers Shamila N. Sarwar Keaundria A. Scott

TOP TEN LISTS FOR CLASS GIVING 2015 - 2016 PARTICIPATION 1976 1996 1964 1981 1971 1942 1972 1973 1961 1968

60.22% 57.69% 54.69% 47.89% 47.19% 46.67% 44.78% 43.33% 43.00% 39.11%

GIFTS TO ALL FUNDS 1975 1956 1960 1965 1967 1955 1968 1939 1966 1950

$410,190.99 $159,625.00 $98,473.00 $85,709.00 $78,193.56 $70,165.20 $53,307.17 $51,038.19 $47,031.98 $44,450.97


1975 1967 1966 1956 1947 1963 1958 1968 1970 1965

$58,546.96 $55,743.56 $43,311.00 $39,625.00 $38,257.52 $32,168.66 $31,636.19 $30,195.17 $29,104.00 $26,436.50

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Gifts in honor of Barbara N. Abercrombie 1964 Beth Childs Brooks 1966 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 May Morgan Ackerman 1994 and Robert K. Ackerman Evelyn Leatherman Griffin 1997 Jeanette Loflin Shackelford 1961 Jane Allen Susan B. and William H. Allen Susan B. Allen Elizabeth J. Allen Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Gena Roberts Franklin 1971 Beverly Burgess Meadors 1946 Jill Amos 1987 Angela McAfee 1976 Fletcher C. Anderson Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Nadine Cheek 1979 Sylvia L. Ross 1992 Bobbie C. Appling Nora Kay Appling King 1979 Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club Sally Moffett McKenna 1975 Kelly Pharis Baete 2000 Lindsay C. Abernethy 2000 Brenda Lee Barclay 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Bettye Withers Barnes 1942 Julianne Withers Roland 1953 Rebecca Curtis Basset 1971 Pamela Henry Pate 1971 T. H. Baughman Alice Armitage Fendley 1990 Stephen James Beaty Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Darlene Bell Christine A. Morana 2006 Kimberly S. Berry Susan B. Allen Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Andrea G. Williford Sawyer Bethel 2004 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Alexis Xides Bighley 1967 Diane A. Lumpkin 1963 Mary Anne Patton Butler Birnbaum 1947 Mary Anne Butler Brocato 1987 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Susan B. Allen Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Nancy Evans Borland Mary Kathryn Borland 2004

Jennie and Will Borland Mary Kathryn Borland 2004

Rachel Garrison Carswell 2004 Claire Amy Schultz 2006

Mary Helen Pope Daniel 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Priscilla Gautier Bornmann 1968 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Sherry V. Neal 1996

Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Carter Natalie Miller McCook 1954

JaVonna DeShay Daniels 2001 and the entire FYS Growing Up Different Cohort Adriana P. Cooper-Jones 2001

Kathy A. Bradley 1978 Susan B. Allen Gena Roberts Franklin 1971 Anne Scarborough Hughes 1978 Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley 1972 Beulah Laslie Brinson 1958 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward 1954 Jane Speir Brook 1976 Debra J. Brook and Family Joanna Buffington and Dean Brook Laurie B. Douglas Beth Childs Brooks 1966 Patricia Johnson Childs 1949 Joyce Reddick Schafer 1955

Gwin Carver Jane Carver Kimbrel 1994 Margaret Derby Champlin 1947 Susan Champlin Nadine Cheek 1979 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Kathryn Stripling Byer 1966 Jo An Johnson Chewning 1966 Suzanne Spence Joyce 1966 Bebe Paulette Chrismon 1979 Wendy Hamm Jane Price Claxton 1968 Carol Bacon Kelso 1973

Carolyn Sims Brooks 1956 Lucy Neeley Adams 1956

Cynthia L. Cobb 1981 Gene D. Paulsson

Louise S. Brown Linda Brown Walker 1973

Nannette Coco 1973 Elizabeth Lilly 1973

Robin C. Brown 2016 Denise Cheek Brown 1989

Jyoti Danes Coffelt 2005 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Heather Hughes Walter 2005

Sylvia Maxwell Brown 1963 Brown & Watson, Inc. Stanford Brown Mary Beth Brown Swearingen 1989 and Dennis Swearingen Sandra Lumpkin Bryan 1966 Roz Marcus

Frances Oehmig Collins 1947 Susan B. Allen Pamela and Preston M. Collins, Jr. Elizabeth Rogers Kelly 1972 and Zach Kelly Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley 1972 Emily Chase Cook 1970 Sherry V. Neal 1996

Kathryn V. Bryant 1971 Linda Ennis Johnson 1970

Heidi Shannon Cook 1990 Patricia S. and Patrick S. Shannon

Katie M. Buice 2001 Adriana P. Cooper-Jones 2001

Betty Turner Corn 1947 Emily Dukes LeVan 2004

Candy Burgess Susan B. Allen

Rosemary Harrington Courville 2006 Toni and Kevin Harrington Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006

Jan Bull Burgess 1970 Elizabeth Martin Bunte 1968 Suzanne Harris McAliley 1970 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Mary Helen Pope Daniel 1964 Linda Eaker Hall 1964 Mary Helen Johnson 1964 Mary Helen Hall Ringe 1964 Karen Moore Thomson 1967 Linda Maria Willson 1964 Hilda A. Wright 1965

Auburn A. Davidson 2017 Theresa Castruccio Hurst 1990 Gena Sewell Davidson 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Mary Parker Davis Stephanie E. Parker 1981 Phyllis Clough Davis 1955 Leona Hammack DuVall 1955 Russell Davis Virginia Sumerford York 1960 Whitney A. Davis Susan B. Allen Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Julie A. Jones Frances de La Rosa Deidra D. Donmoyer Lynn Deaton Susan B. Allen Joseph C. Dektor Jywanya Smith Dillinger 2001 Judy Davis DeLoach 1969 Dale Parker Craig 1969 Hannah G. Doan 2012 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Susan Isaacs Dodson 1969 Dale Parker Craig 1969 Terry Rountree Donaldson 1975 Betty Snooks Moses 1975 Katherine Howard Douglas 1966 Abbie Howard Dillard 1966 Mary Ann Ward Dudley 1968 Beth Childs Brooks 1966 Joyce Reddick Schafer 1955

Jan Drury Cox 1970 Judith Parker Schuler 1970

Betty Hall Dunn 1947 Pamela Henry Pate 1971

Dale Parker Craig 1969 Judy Davis DeLoach 1969

Kathy Dureau Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Nancy Evans Borland Beth and Emile F. Evans

Bill Crist Kasse Andrews-Weller 1972

Charles Miller Carmichael Amy Armstrong Carmichael 1998

Katherine D. Crozier-Theis 2004 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004

John Thomas Carmichael Amy Armstrong Carmichael 1998

Dorothy Groh Cutler 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Leslie Buice Carson 1982 Judith Lane Brown 1983

Dorothy Groh Cutler 1964 and Bill Cutler Frances White Skoglund 1964

62 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Betsy Dasher 1969 Dale Parker Craig 1969

Abbie Brannon Covenah 2003 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Patricia Brannon DeGuire

Patricia Bonner Burton 1962 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Merrilyn Welch Eastham 1953 Lucia Hutchinson Peel Powe 1953 Hale Coble Edwards 1973 Linda Brown Walker 1973 Lynette Stribling Edwards 1986 Billie Powell Flowers 1986 Paige Hawkersmith Edwards 1981 Mary Langel Stults 1981

* deceased

Mildred Fincher Efland 1942 M. Paul Efland III Chris E. Orlie Helen Kendall Elder 1965 Susan Leonard 1965

Jean Cain Gaddis 1961 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Freda Gaines 2010 Julie A. Jones Karen D. Garr 1969 Pamela Henry Pate 1971

Betty Upchurch Hasty 1955 Natholyn Miller Freeman 1954 Natalie Miller McCook 1954 Tammy Mullis Hawkins 1986 Jill Amos 1987

Mary Helen Johnson 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Judy Jones 1988 Jill Amos 1987

Sally Thorp Heath 1957 Holly T. Heath 1985

Julie A. Jones Susan B. Allen Mary Kathryn Borland 2004

Tim D. Hemingway Joyce Reddick Schafer 1955

Wimberly Kathryn Jones Jenna Miller Jones 2006

Anne H. and J. Harper Gaston Susan B. Allen

Jane Epps Henry 1947 Pamela Henry Pate 1971

Suzanne Spence Joyce 1966 Jo An Johnson Chewning 1966

Judith Haisten Gattis 1969 Martha Bielmann Hastings 1952

Betsy W. Herlong 2012 Elizabeth V. and David W. Herlong

Suzanne Gosnell Joye 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Jody Childs Faulkner 1980 Patricia Johnson Childs 1949

Mary Russell George 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Dorothy Rhoden Hicks 1962 Charlotte Jolly Hale 1962

Rhoda Morrison Joyner 1962 Charlotte Jolly Hale 1962

Sheila Belknap Feightner 1985 Harold Feightner

Marsha McDonald Godsey 1966 Jo An Johnson Chewning 1966 Suzanne Spence Joyce 1966

Judith Johnson Highsmith 1967 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Elizabeth Rogers Kelly 1972 Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley 1972

Cynthia Benise Hoffman 1987 Jill Amos 1987

Carol Bacon Kelso 1973 Nan G. Maddux 1975 Linda Brown Walker 1973

Glennda Kingry Elliott 1965 Frances Bruce Van Horn 1953 Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III Rosalind G. Evans Rosalind Evans Weiss 1988 Christiana Nwayingbo Ikwele Ezenwugo Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche 1996

Anne Holderfield Ficken 1960 Betty Nunn Mori 1958 Gayle Attaway Findlay 1955 Helen Harwell Smith 1967 Wesleyan College Alumnae Association

Lynne P. Gaskin 1963 Beth Childs Brooks 1966 Joyce Reddick Schafer 1955

Alice Childs Golson 1945 Joyce Rice Ellison 1972 Valerie A. Gonsahn Sylvia M. Gonsahn-Bollie 2006

Bryn Violette Fleming Janelle Reynolds Fleming 1994

Sylvia M. Gonsahn-Bollie 2006 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006

Morgan Fleming Janelle Reynolds Fleming 1994

Allyssa M. Green 2006 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006

Amy M. Fletcher 2006 Patricia Fletcher

Jane Mulkey Green 1942 Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III Elaine Wood Whitehurst 1953

Roger L. Flora Leesa Akins Flora 1987 Helen Poole Fontsere’ 1959 Virginia Poole Lee 1961 Catherine O’Kelley Fore 2002 Frances Oehmig Collins 1947 Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley 1972 Joan Shapiro Foster 1956 Susan B. Allen Devyn W. Foti 2013 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Mindy Foti Devyn W. Foti 2013 Vivia L. Fowler Jill Amos 1987 Vivia L. and Richard Fowler Anne C. Hanse Gena Roberts Franklin 1971 Susan B. Allen Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Ruth White Fruit 1954 Melodie L. and Jerry T. Hood Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Charlee Hannah Futral Teresa Morris Futral 1991

Judy Woodward Gregory 1963 Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill 1960 and Larry McNeill Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III

Jane Morgan Hogan 1949 Joyce Rice Ellison 1972 Sonya Tomlinson Holland 1972 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Cordelia Dessau Holliday 1948 Mary Ainsworth Mitchell 1947 Jennifer C. Howard 2004 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Mary Ann Howard Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Julie A. Jones Millie Parrish Hudson 1975 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Julie A. Jones Nan G. Maddux 1975

Eleanor Laslie Griffin 1960 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward 1954

Anne Scarborough Hughes 1978 Mollie Elizabeth Hughes 2006

Linda Eaker Hall 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Mary Goss Hughes 1963 * Julia G. Baldwin Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer 1963

Ellen Futral Hanson 1983 Kay Watkins Hanson 1961 Kay Watkins Hanson 1961 Ellen Futral Hanson 1983 Monica A. Harper 2004 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Monica A. Harper 2004 and Andrew Dekle Nancy Evans Borland

Kristi R. Hutchinson 1995 Tracy Knight MacDonald 1995 Susan Lillyman Hyland 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Marcia Isaacson Kasse Andrews-Weller 1972 Emma Jo Jones Ivey 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Mary Beth Taylor Keys 1969 Janet L. Keys 1978 Sunada Khadka 2016 Michael J. Parella Elizabeth Kight Monica King Evans 1997 Hilary Kight Jill Amos 1987 Nora Kay Appling King 1979 Jacqueline Webb Bullard 1979 Angela Fulton Kirby 1969 Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club Debi Kirkland Karen L. Kitchens 2005 Robert E. Knox, Jr. Virginia Mason 1965 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Susan B. Allen Bettye Withers Barnes 1942 Priscilla Gautier Bornmann 1968 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Nancy S. Cole Vivia L. Fowler Judy Woodward Gregory 1963 Andrea Morris Gruhl 1961 Andrew H. Knox Nan G. Maddux 1975 Rita Parker McGarity 1975 Carol A. Payton Julia R. and Rush A. Peace Julie St. John Thornton 1978 Claire A. Yoder

Marie R. Harrell Deena Harrell Cherry 1980

Licia Drinnon Jackson 1974 Lauren Drinnon Leskosky 1977

Devin M. Harris 2004 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004

Janet Friberg Jarrett 1978 Louise H. and Richard E. Friberg

Margaret Brinson Kolke 1986 Beulah Laslie Brinson 1958 Billie Powell Flowers 1986

Katharyn E. Hart 2003 Jane A. Dolan

Emily S. Jarvis Mary Kathryn Borland 2004

Lanelle Rogers Kopp 1944 Jenny Kopp Curl 1970

Richard C. Hart Priscilla Gautier Bornmann 1968

Katherine Wilson Johnson 1968 Mary Jo Fincher Plowden 1968

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Elizabeth Dillard Kuipers 1992 Abbie Howard Dillard 1966 Abbie Smoak Lacienski 2001 Jennifer L. and Dana L. Smoak Eleanor Adams Lane 1958 Jill Amos 1987 Janet M. Lawrence 1980 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Virginia Poole Lee 1961 Helen Poole Fontsere’ 1959 Janet A. Lewis and Robert Fieldsteel Sandra Cook Rives 1987 Melanie Filson Lewis 1993 Lauren Hamblin Beaty 2006 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Donna Michelle Meeks Lott 1994 Beth Childs Brooks 1966 Maribeth Wills Lowe 1967 Susan B. Allen Richard H. Lowrance Susan B. Allen Diane A. Lumpkin 1963 Kathleen DeBerry Brungard 1967 Joan M. Stuart Betty Hood Lydick 1969 Linda Smith Gregg 1969 Pamela Henry Pate 1971 Barbi Magid Lisa Morgan Edwards 1987 Candace Wells Maley 1986 Billie Powell Flowers 1986

Frances Callaway McCommon 1947 Susan B. Allen Pamela Henry Pate 1971 Martha Bradford Swann 1947 Wadra Garner McCullough 1983 Judith Lane Brown 1983 Rita Parker McGarity 1975 Nan G. Maddux 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGuire Margaret Shoemaker Gordon 1965 Elizabeth Hodges McKeever 1996 Sherry V. Neal 1996 Ashley Wheelus McKenna 2005 Sally Moffett McKenna 1975 Erin Zinko McKenna 2004 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Sally Moffett McKenna 1975

Marion Wade Mixon 1956 Carolyn Wade Barry 1959 Wade Mixon Putnal 1981 Mary Jo Moody 1964 Susan B. Allen Donna Ashley Moore 2005 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Stormy Rudolph Moore 1993 Cheryl Anderson Ciucevich 1993 Meg Morrison 1995 Jennifer Aiello 1995 Rebecca Calhoon Haskey 1995 Tina M. Valdes 1995 Debbie Stevenson Moses 1989 Ann and James L. Moses Caroline Green Mousset Kay Smith Green

Sally Moffett McKenna 1975 Erin Zinko McKenna 2004 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006

Jan Gay Munn 1953 Lucia Hutchinson Peel Powe 1953 Anne Whipple Murphey 1948 and 1949 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Michael D. McKinney Frazer B. Lively Lisa McKinney 1974 Danielle C. Sawtell 2006 Yehudi Ben-j Self-Medlin 1996 Debbie Jones Smith 1976 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Barbara Myers Jeanne Myers Haslam 1980

Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill 1960 Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Jenna Miller Jones 2006

Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley 1972 Susan B. Allen Frances Oehmig Collins 1947 Catherine O’Kelley Fore 2002 Elizabeth Rogers Kelly 1972 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006

Bryndis W. Roberts 1978 Jenkins & Roberts, LLC Tena N. Roberts 1960 Betsy Palmer Smith 1960 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Julie Benge Rogers 2016 Julie A. Jones Beth Hitt Rogers 1997 Stephanie Pate Lewis 1997 Julianne Withers Roland 1953 Bettye Withers Barnes 1942 Julia Barnes Handley Ann Messink Ross 1950 Jean Logan Russell 1950 Sylvia L. Ross 1992 Helen Dianne Brannen 1969 Carolyn Field Hall 1976 Caroline Thomas 1981

Sara Jane Overstreet 1978 Sandra Combs Lewis 1961

Shamila N. Sarwar 2016 Michael J. Parella Joyce Reddick Schafer 1955 Beth Childs Brooks 1966 Jeanon M. Massien 1984

Joyce Paris 1954 Susan B. Allen

Nancy Van Aken Marti 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Nan N. McWilliams 1966 Darlene Hassler Jackson 1966

Pamela Henry Pate 1971 Linda Brown Walker 1973

Monty T. Martin Mary Kathryn Borland 2004

Marybelle Proctor Menzel 1962 Charlotte Jolly Hale 1962

Elizabeth H. Pickett Betty Nunn Mori 1958

Jane Silverman Mason 1966 and Ralph Mason Jane Silverman Mason 1966

Glenna A. Meyer Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Kel-Ann S. Eyler

Rose Pietrogallo Teresa A. Lawson 1997

Frances Strickland Masse 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Alex Middlemas 2018 Martha Carter Middlemas-Bryant 1958

Lucile Adams Mathews 1966 Barbara Sneden Exum 1966

Jody Swink Miles 2002 Vidal E. Olivares 2002

Elizabeth N. Mathis 1996 Beth Childs Brooks 1966 Sherry V. Neal 1996

Daniel Miller Julie A. Jones

Lori L. Pointer Debbie Jones Smith 1976 Lauren M. Poston 2019 Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope 1984 Stephanie Dunbar Pounders 2006 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Karen Cleo Prince Jessica K. Prince 2005 Emmaline Haddle Pursley 1969 Dale Parker Craig 1969

Kea Hoover Mitchell 1995 Mary Terrell Mitchell 1959

Joi A. Raushan 2018 Felecia Raushan

Mary Terrell Mitchell 1959 Kea Hoover Mitchell 1995

Jill Jayne Read 1962 LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver 1962

64 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Mary Helen Hall Ringe 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Joan Maddox Sammons 1957 Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club

Derrill Dunn McRae 1971 Pamela Henry Pate 1971

Richelle McClain 1975 Janet Eidson Woods 1975

Helen Anne Richards 1980 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Ives B. Ort Janet L. Ort 1978

Amanda Wood Marsh 2004 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004

Jane Kollock McCall 1946 Joyce Rice Ellison 1972

Barry Rhoades Holly L. Boettger-Tong

Cynthia Dunaphant Sabo 1986 Jill Amos 1987

Azania S. McRae 2001 and the entire FYS Growing Up Different Cohort Adriana P. Cooper-Jones 2001

Christina R. Mayfield 2015 Lisa P. and David C. Mayfield

Harriet Laslie Reynolds 1962 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward 1954

LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver 1962 Casey Thurman 1965

Nedra Martin Malone 1965 Melissa Malone Constable 1991

Beverly F. Mitchell 1968 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Gail E. Webster

Nancy Rowland Rehberg 1966 Dona D. Vaughn 1966

Muffy Gordy Schladensky 1983 Wadra Garner McCullough 1983 Wanda Maynard Schroeder 1980 Holly L. Boettger-Tong Judith Parker Schuler 1970 Jan Drury Cox 1970 Marvin R. Schuster Susan B. Allen DeRon McCurdy Senna 1952 Sherryl Senna Pollard 1972 Patricia S. and Patrick S. Shannon Heidi Shannon Cook 1990 Betty Shewfelt Julie Benge Rogers 2016 Elizabeth S. Sims 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Andrea R. Moody 1964 Carol Rogers Smith 1971 Pamela Henry Pate 1971

* deceased

Debbie Jones Smith 1976 Jill Amos 1987 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Julie A. Jones Lisa Darlene Shiveler 1987 Felecia Pearson Smith 1974 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Teresa P. Smotherman Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Susan B. Allen Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Julie A. Jones Carol Bacon Kelso 1973 Susan Pyeatt Kimmey 1971 Beverly Burgess Meadors 1946 Nina Sheppard Terrell 1958 Mary Ann Steinbach Debbie Jones Smith 1976 Brigid L. Stellato Daphne Ristau Stellato 1999 Loutricia Carter Stephens 1964 Glenda Barrett Bull 1964 Grace Stiles Williams 2019 Jennifer Stiles Williams 1993 Stefanie Swanger Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Philip D. Taylor Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Kel-Ann S. Eyler Virginia Sumerford York 1960

Brandi Vorhees Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Julie A. Jones

Wesleyan Class of 1970 Purple Knights Sally Shingler Kurrie 1970

Wesleyan College Faculty, Staff and Students Holly L. Boettger-Tong

Mary Abbott Waite 1968 Diane G. Walker 1968

Wesleyan Class of 1971 Holly Pearson Payne 1971

Charlotte Little Walker 1949 Anne Howard Caswell 1955

Wesleyan Class of 1975 Golden Hearts Patricia Flynn Durfee 1975

Wesleyan College Faculty and Staff, Alumnae Office and Staff Joyce Paris 1954

Linda Brown Walker 1973 Pamela Henry Pate 1971 Susan Woodward Walker 1970 Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill 1960 and Larry McNeill B.J. Molpus Posey 1970 Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker Susan B. Allen Patricia Hammock Wall 1970 and Joseph A. Wall Susan B. Allen Nora Kathleen Walter Jenna Miller Jones 2006 Geovette E. Washington 1989 Tracy Ward Tilley 1989 B. Michael and Margaret Watson Anne Scarborough Hughes 1978 Helen Proctor Morris Watson 1946 Libba Cook Smith 1949 Mary Towers Weese 1966 Jo An Johnson Chewning 1966 Suzanne Spence Joyce 1966

Jan Giles Tedders 2008 Julie A. Jones

Wesleyan Class of 1945 Virginia Martin Lawrence 1945

Melissa Lane Thomas 1969 Pamela Henry Pate 1971

Wesleyan Class of 1958 Purple Knights Joan Nachbaur Rathbun 1958 Virginia Talbot 1958

Karen Moore Thomson 1967 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Julie St. John Thornton 1978 Susan B. Allen

Wesleyan Class of 1959 Golden Hearts Helen Poole Fontsere’ 1959

Casey Thurman 1965 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Helen Anne Richards 1980

Wesleyan Class of 1960 Green Knights Gloria Boyette 1960

Tracy Ward Tilley 1989 Geovette E. Washington 1989

Wesleyan Class of 1962 Marybelle Proctor Menzel 1962

Ashley Tomlin Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Julie A. Jones

Wesleyan Class of 1964 Green Knights Brenda Jones Bradford 1964 Dorothy Groh Cutler 1964 Susan C. Monteith 1964 *

Ellen Cobleigh Tomter 1971 Marilyn A. Vickers 1967 Amy Starrett Turner 2001 Stephanie Dunda Owens 2001 Kevin L. Ulshafer Virginia Sumerford York 1960 Sally Hutchinson Vermillion 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Lucy Guggenheimer Ross 1964 Marilyn A. Vickers 1967 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964

Wesleyan Class of 1966 Purple Knights Jane Silverman Mason 1966 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Wesleyan Class of 1976 Green Knights Susan Dunn Lawson 1976 Jane Gardner Preston 1976 Wesleyan Class of 1978 Purple Knights Laura Shippey Gafnea 1978 Wesleyan Class of 1980 Green Knights Kelly Russell 1980 Wesleyan Class of 1981 Pirates Cynthia E. Bell-Lee 1983 Cynthia L. Cobb 1981 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Janet Hicks Tweed 1981 Wesleyan Class of 1986 Purple Knights Cynthia E. Bell-Lee 1983 Wesleyan Class of 1989 Pirates Tracy Ward Tilley 1989 Wesleyan Class of 1990 Karene Harron Nebel 1990 Wesleyan Class of 1993 Pirates Ruth Powell Storts 1993 Wesleyan Class of 1995 Golden Hearts Susan C. Wheelis 1995 Wesleyan Class of 1996 Green Knights Aimee Morris Lashley 1996 Jena Frazier Passut 1996 Wesleyan Class of 1998 Purple Knights Carmen Kypriandes Garcia 1998 Wesleyan Class of 2001 Pirates Brandy Morris Kirkwood 2001 Wesleyan Class of 2002 Purple Knights Jody Swink Miles 2002 Wesleyan Class of 2004 Green Knights Sawyer Bethel 2004 Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Wesleyan Class of 2006 Purple Knights Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006

Wesleyan Class of 1968 Green Knights Jo Slover Smith 1968

Wesleyan Class of 2019 Golden Hearts Jennifer Stiles Williams 1993

Wesleyan Class of 1969 Pirates Emmaline Haddle Pursley 1969 Dorothy Smith Stewart 1969

Wesleyan College Juliette Adams Hawk 1957

Wesleyan College History Department Heidi Purvis Wesleyan College Nursing Class of 2015 Kimberly Edgefield Hill 2015 Wesleyan College Office of Institutional Advancement Kimberly S. Berry Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Beverly F. Mitchell 1968 Wesleyan Golden Hearts Wesleyan Class of 2013 Grand Pirates Wesleyan Sisters Ruth A. Knox 1975 Wesleyan Veterans Ashley Garrett 1990 Nancy Black Wheatley 1950 * Josephine Russell Campbell 1950 Virginia Bowman Wilcox 1990 Julie Benge Rogers 2016 Melissa H. Williams 2002 Cindy M. Fountain 2007 Nell G. Williams Kay Williams New 1967 Andrea G. Williford Kimberly S. Berry Mary Kathryn Borland 2004 Julie A. Jones Beverly Burgess Meadors 1946 Linda Maria Willson 1964 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Bettie Wilson Jane Howard Reinmuth 1958 Stephanie Hood Wittry 2008 Jenna Miller Jones 2006 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin 2006 Carolyn McClinton Woodard 1972 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward 1954 Lynn Lasseter Prater 1987 Hilda A. Wright 1965 Nan N. McWilliams 1966 Weize Anne Hayes Wright 1973 Betsy McPherson Farr 1973

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Gifts in Memory oF Hazel G. Redfearn Adams Juliette Adams Hawk 1957

Troyanne Battles 1991 Katherine S. Compain 1991 Michelle Toole Westbrook 1991 Kristin Van Brero Yashko 1991

Jane Reed Beene Dana Karstensen-Bryan 1999

Louise Dunaway Burt Barbara N. Abercrombie 1964 Susan B. Allen Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Patricia Bonner Burton 1962 Dorothy Groh Cutler 1964 Jean Cain Gaddis 1961 Judith Johnson Highsmith 1967 Suzanne Gosnell Joye 1964 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Virginia Bowen Maier 1964 Frances Strickland Masse 1964 Mary Helen Hall Ringe 1964 Elizabeth S. Sims 1964 Karen Moore Thomson 1967 Hilda A. Wright 1965

Eleanor and Morris Beller Lorinda Lou Beller 1964

Helen Grace Cappleman 1970 Margaret Lane Evans 1970

Vivian Majors Bird 1930 Barbara Bird McLendon 1960

Mary Steele and Otha A. Carneal Kasey Carneal Phillips 1967

Betty M. Andrews Margaret Andrews Willis 1974

Chapman T. Blackwell III Mary Ann Fitzgerald Blackwell 1953

Helen Simmons Cary 1854 George R. Cary, Jr.

Sandy Wilton Andrews Margaret Andrews Willis 1974

Elizabeth Gill Blalock 1929 Elizabeth Blalock Butler 1959 Bebe Blalock Littles 1961

Harriet Moore Cauthorn 1971 Janice Moody Cayton 1971 Helen Ferguson Zachry 1971

Bettie Lou Cary Bloodworth 1894 Cullen F. Bloodworth III

Dorothy Spearman Chambers 1928 Jane Chambers Bostwick 1965

Christine Cummings Karen L. Kitchens 2005

Robert Blue Robin Blue Wilcox 1989

Sara and Peyton Champion Katherine Champion Smelley 1965

Carole A. Cushing 1964 Catherine Cushing Thierry 1968

John Albert Bornmann, Jr. Jane Kappel Ashley 1968 Carol Burt 1964

Mary Frank McClure Chandler Jane Chandler Rhodes 1949

James Walter Wright Daniel Betty Daniel Robinson 1949

Lucia Domingos Chapman 1948 Lucia Chapman Carr 1977

Karen Davis 1970 Patsy Lockhart Schutte 1970

Debbie Jackson Chasteen 1980 Jeanne Myers Haslam 1980

Kathleen E. Davis 1941 Barbara Davis Morgan 1939

Gayle Clark 1968 Virginia Goulding Johnson 1966

Katrina Goellner Dean 1993 Kari Goellner Kitchens 1991 Robyn Miller Schopp 1991

William N. Ainsworth, Jr. Mary Ainsworth Mitchell 1947 Amelia A. Alderman 1975 Anne Whipple Murphey 1948 and 1949 Percy Dexter Allen, Jr. Virginia Sumerford York 1960 Glenda Jo Giles Amos 1957 Jill Amos 1987 Rebekah Yates Anders 1946 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Carolyn McCord Anderson Susan B. and William H. Allen Susan Pyeatt Kimmey 1971 Ruth A. Knox 1975

Dennis L. Applebee, Sr. Alexis Xides Bighley 1967 John Steven Arnold Katherine Arnold Hale 1970 Katherine Hall Arnold 1937 Katherine Arnold Hale 1970 Claire A. Yoder Margaret Boyett Arnold 1946 Margaret Arnold Jackson 1970 Helene Andrews Arrington 1945 RoxAnna Arrington Sway 1963 Betty Gragg Austin 1942 Susan Gragg Cash 1949 Addie McKellar Baird 1939 William E. Baird, Jr. Geneva Davidson Baird 1944 S. Carol Baird

Eleanor Brooks Bazemore 1939 Martha Simmons Woodall 1964 Margaret Dusenberry Beard Ann Beard Shahid 1969 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Mary Launius Beauchamp 1949 R. Harmon Beauchamp

Margaret Wilson Boswell 1964 Pamela Watkins Young 1964 John B. Bowdre Martha Bradford Swann 1947 Sallie Touchton Boyette and Isaac Harmon Boyette Gloria Boyette 1960 Dudley Bradley, Sr. Kathy A. Bradley 1978

Martha Haggard Clark 1950 Rhea Von Lehe Ashley 1950

Sara and Hobart Ballou Allyn Ballou Veatch 1968

Donald H. Bredeson Emily Hancock Bredeson 1949 Martha Bradford Swann 1947

John Ballou Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Irene Neal Brewer 1935 Catherine I. Brewer

Evelyn Wright Banks 1914 William N. Banks, Jr.

Caroline Hopkins Brown 1952 John P. Brown Mary Eva Bryan DuBose 1952

Marc Barefield Barbara W. Barefield Benjamin S. Barnes, Jr. Ruth A. Knox 1975 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Nina Senn Baskin Wesleyan College Business and Economics Department Faculty

Samuel M. Clark, Jr. Jean Cain Gaddis 1961

Charles William Burgin Susan B. Allen Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Carren Brantley Burnell Mary Jane McCarren Brantley 1965 Addison M. Burt Carol Burt 1964

66 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Keenan Clark Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Mary Gray Munroe Cobey 1934 Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III

Jonathan T. Conyers Lindsay C. Abernethy 2000 Emily Helmick Guyer 2001 Jessica D. Salter 2000 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook Autumn Cook Ireland 1954 Stuart Chase Cook Jan Bull Burgess 1970 Sherry V. Neal 1996 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Emma Cox Gail Dixon Mann 1974 Mary Frances Barber Cox 1952 Cathy Cox Virginia B. and P.C. Crapps Virginia Crapps Johnson 1968 Sarah McGee Creech 1955 Claire Creech Eloise B. Mills Joyce Reddick Schafer 1955 Estelle Lee Cromley 1912 Linda Harper Mattern 1969

Charles P. Deaton, Jr. Susan B. and William H. Allen Connie Welsch Coxey Demlow Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Nicole Keller Derrick 1994 Annette M. Nassir 1994 Ruth Anderson Dillon 1962 James R. Dillon, Jr.

Janet Kelly Collins 1949 Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn 1949

Ann Maria Domingos 1939 Barbara Davis Morgan 1939

Mary Anderson Comer 1943 Mildred Taylor Dennis 1957 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Rose E. Kosater Mary Terrell Mitchell 1959 Charles H. Yates, Jr.

Janice Dowdy Claire Michaels Murray 1952 Eula Dean Downs Leota Harley Nathaniel James Drake, Jr. Kay Hickman Beasley 1975

* deceased

Karen Brewton du Sapin 1964 Natalie Brewton Barfield 1954 Frances Jones Duskin 1941 Sally Duskin Speckels 1968 Jessica Plapinger DuVall 1968 Linda Ennis Johnson 1970 Elizabeth Pittman Dux 1970 Patsy Lockhart Schutte 1970 Jean Wheat Dykes 1947 Yvonne Dykes Hartig 1970 Sarah Cook O’Reagan 1997 Elizabeth Eastham Merrilyn Welch Eastham 1953 Margaret King Edenfield Hannah L. Allen 1980 Susan B. and William H. Allen Fred E. Beall, Sr. Barbara N. and Marco G. Bicchieri Alexis Xides Bighley 1967 Priscilla Gautier Bornmann 1968 Candy and Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Cutright Lynn Deaton Vivia L. Fowler Gena Roberts Franklin 1971 and George W. Franklin Kay S. Greer Gail and Frank Gunn Ann K. and F. Kennedy Hall William L. Ham Ellen Futral Hanson 1983 Suzanne J. Harper Georgia W. and Robert F. Hatcher Jan K. Hirsh Kay and Sam Hollis Patricia M. and Frank S. Horne, Jr. Jane W. and James L. Jackson, Jr. Wendy B. and C. Emory Johnson, Jr. Susan Pyeatt Kimmey 1971 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Valery W. and Larry Landers W. Clay Lisenby DDS PC Ann and Hubert C. Lovein, Jr. Margaret Strickland Lovein 1975 Beth and Darrell Lumpkin Patricia J. and William B. Lumpkin Margaret T. MacCary Susan Rau Middlebrooks 1967 and Sidney E. Middlebrooks Mary Terrell Mitchell 1959 Debbie Stevenson Moses 1989 Andy H. Nations Patricia Davis Oliver 1966 and William W. Oliver, Jr. Beverly K. and Edmund E. Olson Patton Albertson Miller Group, LLC The Phil Rabun Family Holly H. and R. Spencer Reeves Nancy Rowland Rehberg 1966 Benjamin A. Rives Rivoli Garden Club Lamar H. Roberts Kay B. and William C. Sammons Harriet and Kenneth D. Sams Joan M. Schork and Michael R. Duncan Sandra O. and Lamar W. Sizemore, Jr. Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Elizabeth W. and Thomas W. Talbot Peggy Martin Timberlake 1965 and Joe E. Timberlake III Sharon L. Twibell

Thomas Langston Bass October 31, 1938 - November 3, 2016 Trustee emeritus at Wesleyan Thomas Langston Bass, Trustee emeritus at Wesleyan, died on November 3, 2016 of complications from Parkinson’s Disease. A native of Melbourne, Florida, Tom graduated from Duke University where he earned his BA (with honors in history) and JD degrees. While studying at Oxford University, Tom met his future wife, Patricia Walker Bass. Tricia and Tom moved to Macon in 1963 and he joined the law firm of Anderson, Walker, and Reichert. In addition to Wesleyan, many civic organizations benefitted from Tom’s dedicated hard work and enthusiasm including Kiwanis Club of Macon, United Way of Central Georgia, Macon Council on World Affairs, Museum of Arts and Sciences, and Stratford Academy. Over the years, Tom served as chairman of the board for most of these community organizations. For almost thirty years, Tom served Wesleyan faithfully and diligently on the Board of Trustees including six years as Board Chairman. Yet, Tom’s actual involvement with Wesleyan began in the early 1970s as a member of the Board of Associates. For more than forty years, Tom led fundraising efforts for the College, and he was extremely successful in securing financial support from corporations, foundations, and individuals. Because of his extraordinary service, Tom was honored with the Valeria McCullough Murphey Award in 2006. The award citation noted many of the ways Tom contributed to the College including his terms as Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, and Chair of the Committee on Trustees. In a tribute to Tom at the Legacy Gala in 2008, President Knox noted, “He loves this campus – attending virtually every musical event, sometimes just walking around, chatting with faculty, noticing debris on the ground and picking it up, or spending time by the lake. That’s just an indication of the kind of man Tom Bass is – caring, concerned, and actively involved with everything we do. I suspect no one, not even he, knows the amount of time Tom Bass has given to Wesleyan over the last six years, but I can assure you that his gifts to us are priceless.” Wesleyan certainly is a better institution because of Tom’s service, commitment, and generosity. The entire Wesleyan community will miss the guidance and leadership of our friend and Trustee, Thomas L. Bass.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III Wesleyan College Institutional Advancement Staff Jane D. and John F. Willingham

Sam F. Garrett Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Tracy Ward Tilley 1989 Wesleyan College Alumnae Association

Tracy E. Ellis 1988 Verah Dorsey Turner 1988

Richard Schuyler George Carol Burt 1964 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Mr. and Mrs. William W. Ewing Ann Ewing Shumaker 1963

Kathrine King Gering 1970 Cassandra M. Poulos 1970

Betty Anderson Farkas 1942 Cristina Farkas Williams 1974

George W. Gignilliat, Jr. Patricia Davison Baehr 1954

Beth Hankinson Fitch 1960 Kay Carroll Barnes 1960 Gloria Boyette 1960 Willis B. Fitch Tena N. Roberts 1960 Betsy Palmer Smith 1960 Kate Stickley Watson 1960

Martha Martin Ginn 1945 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Tina Edler Flanagan 1991 Elizenda M. Ceballos 1991 Katherine S. Compain 1991 Kari Goellner Kitchens 1991 Michelle Toole Westbrook 1991 Robert Fortuna Marianne Graeme Fortuna 1972 Hazel Mims Mathis 1973 David E. Fulton Autumn Cook Ireland 1954 Martha Banks Gaddis 1951 Beverly Banks Boland 1949 Jennifer Jones Galligan 1996 Tamara Adkins 1996 Michelle B. Arnold 1996 Joey Wommack Boardwell 1996 Jill Hauver Celeste 1994 Valeret H. Collins 1996 Misty Rodriguez Gatland 1996 Heather Goodwin Grahek 1996 Katherine Worley Hammes 1996 Amy Benson Higgins 1996 Michelle McCluney Horgan 1996 Joy Mastrangelo Kaczor 1996 Heather Preuss Kent 1996 Liza Ma Graciella C. Lagade 1996 Nancy L. Lamb 1995 Kristin Conley Lamble 1996 Aimee Morris Lashley 1996 Elizabeth N. Mathis 1996 Melissa English Moore 1996 Dahlia Wharton Najfus 1996 Sherry V. Neal 1996 Deborah Buttrey Ott 1996 Jena Frazier Passut 1996 Lisa M. Peppin 1996 Deni Gatto Renninger 1996 Monica M. Santamaria 1996 Susan M. Selensky 1996 Yehudi Ben-j Self-Medlin 1996 Deidra West Smith 1996 Megan C. Stockton 1996 Marnie Morris Tanner 1996 Stacey Waldrop Ward 1996 Keely L. Whittington 1996 Sylvia Garner Helen Poole Fontsere’ 1959

Susan Lillyman Hyland 1964 Suzanne Gosnell Joye 1964 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Melanie Filson Lewis 1993 Virginia Bowen Maier 1964 Nancy Van Aken Marti 1964 Frances Strickland Masse 1964 Beverly F. Mitchell 1968 Mary Helen Hall Ringe 1964 Elizabeth S. Sims 1964 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Karen Moore Thomson 1967 Casey Thurman 1965 Sally Hutchinson Vermillion 1964 Marilyn A. Vickers 1967 Hilda A. Wright 1965 Marie Eads Burch Hendrix Dorothy Hendrix Hope 1962

Thomas F. Gossett Helen Poole Fontsere’ 1959

Lee Rucker Hendry 1971 Phoebe Hawes Conway 1971

Eloise Ainsworth Gray 1941 Mary Ainsworth Mitchell 1947

Mildred Goodrum Heyward 1931 Carol Inman Heyward 1960 and Andrew H. Heyward III *

James Norman Griffith Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Mary Laslie Grodner 1955 Margaret Brinson Kolke 1986 Harriet Laslie Reynolds 1962 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward 1954 Odum Ray Guy Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Nell Warren Hicks 1954 Gail Hollingsworth Rabai 1956 Martha Newsome Hines 1887 Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Beth Carstarphen Hagerman 1974 Licia Drinnon Jackson 1974

Essa Churchwell Holland Harriet Holland Schmitt 1962 Catherine Schmitt Whitaker

Mae Eason Hall 1946 Diana Hall Richardson 1969

Nancy Williams Holliman 1954 Beth Holliman Boswell 1977

Roslyn Atkinson Harden 1949 Francina Brock Kern 1949

Dianne Dempsey Holman 1965 Rosemary McGraw Barfield 1965 Mary Jane McCarren Brantley 1965 Judith Joseph Chalhub 1965 Ruth Ellen Philpot Compton 1965 Glennda Kingry Elliott 1965 Janet Mewbourne Genest 1965 Rosa Young McNairy 1965

Anita Van Steenberg Hardy 1970 Carole Kelley Mangham 1958 John A. Van Steenberg Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III Alda Alexander Harper 1944 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Stephanie Harmon Holt Susan Sanders Mathews 1972 Hazel Mims Mathis 1973

William Poole Harrell Helen Poole Fontsere’ 1959

Sandra M. Holton Deena Harrell Cherry 1980

Frances Cobb Hart 1951 James W. Hart Hilda Z. Harvey Nancy McDonald Terhorst 1978 Petrona Garrard Humber Hean 1912 Elizabeth Hean Stone 1948 Lavenia Burt Henderson Barbara N. Abercrombie 1964 Susan B. Allen Brenda Lee Barclay 1964 Priscilla Gautier Bornmann 1968 Carol “Moon” Burt 1964 Patricia Bonner Burton 1962 Dorothy Groh Cutler 1964 Gena Sewell Davidson 1964 Jean Cain Gaddis 1961 Mary Russell George 1964 Linda Eaker Hall 1964 Judith Johnson Highsmith 1967

68 66 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Lindsey Hopkins III Wanda Saltmarsh Hopkins 1970 W. Wylie Hopkins, Jr. Robin Chesney Hopkins 1951

Christy Henry Betty S. Hurdle Jenna Miller Jones 2006 Jody Swink Miles 2002 Kathryn Nichols Roberts 2005 Jessica D. Salter 2000 Vineta H. and Robert A. Sanders Leolene and Ben Tate Kirk Treible Harriet Hurdle Wade Virginia Jackson Nancy Jackson Osmundsen 1972 Neil Andrew Jacobs Alexis Xides Bighley 1967 Flo Williams Douglas 1967 Henry K. Jarrett III Hillary M. Jarrett 2008 Harold Henry Jaus Priscilla Gautier Bornmann 1968 Beth Rogero Bowen 1968 Elizabeth Martin Bunte 1968 Susan A. Cobleigh 1968 Robin Hood Geisler 1968 Susan Swain Goger 1968 Katherine Wilson Johnson 1968 Louise Cole Kelley 1968 Ellen Beard Martin 1968 Suzanne Moore McGovern 1968 Cheryl Maund Page 1968 Judy Floyd Smith 1968 Ginger Sanders White 1968 Elizabeth Lamkin Johnson 1940 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Frankie Howse Johnson Martha V. Johnson 1974 Jean Roberts Johnson 1923 Laura Johnson Fowler 1957 Lynda Lutes Johnson 1972 Jane Farmer Fastje 1972 Dee Bray Joiner 1960 Kay Carroll Barnes 1960 Tena N. Roberts 1960 Betsy Palmer Smith 1960 Johanna Abeni Jones Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Margaret Moffett Jones 1948 Peggy Jones Cobb 1974 Maria Mansfield Jones Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Calvin Houghland Mary Ann Pollard Houghland 1960

Mildred Hawkins Jones 1949 Josephine Russell Campbell 1950 Ruth A. Knox 1975

Jean Tatum Hudson Janie Hudson Williams 1967

William Homer Jordan, Jr. Tena N. Roberts 1960

Linda M. Hughes 1984 Celia Hughes Hohnadel 1986

Lucy Mierzejewski Kaufman 1975 Beth Sullins Hughes 1975

William H. Hurdle Lindsay C. Abernethy 2000 Lauren Hamblin Beaty 2006 Bonnie Stancel Duncan 2006 Sydney D. Elkin 2004 Erica Herrmann Fluet 2002

Mary Cordes Kelley 1939 Susan B. Allen Ruth A. Knox 1975 Marlene K. Melcher Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Marie A. Stoner

* deceased

Helen Youngblood Kendrick 1951 W. Moffett Kendrick Roberta Ingle Jolly Kersh 1936 Charlotte Jolly Hale 1962

Andrew Hasell Heyward III December 20, 1934 – December 8, 2016

Mildred Shirah Kight 1936 Leila K. Kight 1968 Gloria Euyang King 1948 Mary Euyang Shen 1946 Happy Garner Kirkpatrick 1956 Jo Ann Copeland Chapple 1956 Marjorie Savage Kirkpatrick 1937 Sue Ann Savage Truitt 1963 Elizabeth S. and Clarence Knight Mary Knight Robinson 1976 Margaret Evans Knox 1937 Peg K. and John H. Morrison, Jr. Joy Johnson Kopp 1951 Robert G. Kopp Betty S. LaMontagne Sandra LaMontagne Binkley 1967 Ann Draughon Lary 1953 Joan Jennings Norton 1953 Sharron Mays Lawn 1971 Susan B. Allen Linda G. Anderson 1971 Janice Moody Cayton 1971 Committee on Ways and Means, Democratic Staff Hale Coble Edwards 1973 David B. Harris William W. Harris Martha V. Johnson 1974 Miriam McElheney Jordan 1973 Harriett E. Mayo 1971 Janice A. Mays 1973 Katharine Johns Olson 1973 Pamela Henry Pate 1971 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Linda Brown Walker 1973 Janet Kelley Lawrence Kathryn Lawrence Spada 1988 Elizabeth Yost Lea 1954 Frances Yost Knight Joan Laslie Livingston 1952 Harriet Laslie Reynolds 1962 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward 1954 Deborah Van Horn Long Danielle Lodge Marjorie A. Lowrance Frances and Fernando La Rosa Susan Perry Maddox 1975 Susan Ewing Maddox 1969 Pauline Davidson Mansfield 1949 Paula Mansfield Murphy 1970 Marguerite Gibbs Manship 1947 Robert W. Steinbruegge Barbara F. Marble Barbara Marble Tagg 1969

Trustee emeritus Andrew H. Heyward died at his home in Atlanta on December 8, 2016, having served Wesleyan for 19 years as a member of the Board of Trustees. A native of Macon and Atlanta, Andy graduated from Lanier Boys High in Macon and the University of Georgia where he was a member of Kappa Alpha and was inducted into the Gridiron Society. He married Wesleyan graduate Carol Inman in 1960 following his military service and enjoyed a successful career with Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company for 48 years. On Benefactors’ Day in October 2015, Wesleyan honored the Heywards for their many contributions over the years by naming two classrooms in Taylor Hall for Andy and Carol, one in the Schuster business wing and the other on the main floor of the psychology wing. The following are excerpts taken from remarks made by President Ruth Knox at the time of this occasion. Like several of us, Andy Heyward was born into a Wesleyan family – and his is quite a lineage indeed. As a matter of fact, Andy is the third generation of men in his family who had the good sense to marry a Wesleyan alumna. His grandmother Marion Sherwood Speer Heyward was in the Class of 1892, his mother graduated from the Conservatory, Class of 1931, and of course, Andy’s own dear Carol is part of the great Green Knight Class of 1960. Along with his sister Mildred “Bunny” Heyward Clarke, in 1991 Andy helped to shape a gift from his mother to establish the Mildred Goodrum Heyward Chair in Music, reflecting not only Mrs. Heyward’s connection with the Conservatory but also the fact that music was one of her great loves and a central feature of her life. Wesleyan’s Heyward Chair of Music is held by Wesleyan alumna Nadine Cheek. In 1997, Andy helped to craft another gift to establish the Mildred Goodrum Heyward Endowed Scholarship, which each year goes to an outstanding music student. Since the fund’s creation, some of our finest musicians have benefited from its assistance, and this major scholarship is yet another tribute to Andy and his mother. Andy’s legacy will live on through the students and faculty who continue to benefit from his generosity.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Ralph N. Marti Carol Burt 1964

Valeria McCullough Murphey 1948 Valeria R. Murphey

Elizabeth Reed Puckett 1981 Tena N. Roberts 1960

Suzanne Spradling Martin 1967 Robert S. Martin

Curtis Myhand Mary Stephens Malone 1980

Clifton Wight Quinly 1946 Helen Wight Hinson

Virginia R. Slack 1973 Mary Graham Ponder Foster 1973 Anne Thornton Reynolds 1973 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Linda Brown Walker 1973

Philip M. Martino Flo Williams Douglas 1967

Vera and Paul Nachbaur Joan Nachbaur Rathbun 1958

Harriett Wadsworth Ragland 1955 Phyllis Clough Davis 1955

Carolyn Eunice Partin Smith 1932 Jacquelyn Smith Lineberger 1961

George W. Mathews, Jr. Betty Nunn Mori 1958

Kathleen A. Neal 1967 Flo Williams Douglas 1967 Joanna Trask Harrison 1967

James Stanton Read, Jr. Carol Bacon Kelso 1973

Cora Lee Morgan Smith Kay Smith Green

Leila Smith Ricketson Anne Ricketson Zahlan 1959

Frances Knott Smith 1932 Barbara Smith Woodson

Ronald E. Ricklefs Jean Cain Gaddis 1961

Jean Armstrong Smith 1952 Martha Davis Bauman 1952

Jack E. Roberts Susan B. and William H. Allen Kathy A. Bradley 1978 Glennda Kingry Elliott 1965 Vivia L. Fowler Anne Scarborough Hughes 1978 Susan Pyeatt Kimmey 1971 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley 1972 Tena N. Roberts 1960 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

May DeLacy Jessup Smith Kathryn Smith Vinson 1999

Michael W. Roberts Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Thelma Durden Snow Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Mary Sharpe Robinson 1939 Abbie Smoak Lacienski 2001 Jennifer L. and Dana L. Smoak

Judy Snyder Sherry L. Boyd 1997

Guyton B. McCall Jane Kollock McCall 1946 Hellen Goepp McCarren 1926 Mary Jane McCarren Brantley 1965 Anna Belle McCrory McKellar 1910 William E. Baird, Jr. Idus Eugene McKellar William E. Baird, Jr. George W. McKinney Lisa McKinney 1974 Mary Ann Roach Meadows 1946 Virginia A. Meadows Mary Meadows Sloop Stephanie M. Mercer 2005 Christina Aiken Young 2005 Darlene Debault Mettler Adriana P. Cooper-Jones 2001 Matthew R. Martin Peggy Likins Templeman 1996 Frances Horner Middlebrooks 1927 Jean Middlebrooks Morris 1957 Polly C. Miller Susan B. Allen Julia G. and Cecil A. Baldwin, Jr. Vivia L. Fowler Gena Roberts Franklin 1971 Susan Pyeatt Kimmey 1971 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Ann M. Monahan Margaret Thompson Monahan 1967 Nancy Lewis Montet 1952 Martha Davis Bauman 1952 Celia Kessler Moore 1914 Iris M. Finkel Carolyn McCall Morgan 1972 Lynn Golson Priester 1972 Margaret Mitchell Morgan 1937 Judy Warren Edwards 1967 Patricia Collins Morgan 1978 Tena N. Roberts 1960 Mr. and Mrs. David E. Morrow, Sr. Teresa D. Morrow 1979 Eunice Ann Christine Munck 1938 Dale Keyser Farran 1965 Emily Boswell Murphey 1936 Lee B. Murphey

Joyce Perry Nichols Holly Nichols Jarrell 1990 Marguerite Copes O’Riorden 1964 Ann Lichtenwalter Hernandez 1964 Reverend and Mrs. Jack H. Overton Patricia Overton Oberg 1972 Patricia Zoucks Ownbey 1953 Sarah A. Ownbey 2010 Sarah Jones Pafford 1934 Martha Pafford Schindhelm 1968 Susan Higgins Parry 1955 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Walton Stewart Peery, Jr. Susan B. Allen Lorinda Lou Beller 1964 Alexis Xides Bighley 1967 Camp, Myers, Wheeler, Miller, Bryson & Schnoor Center for the Visually Impaired Sunshine Committee Mary Thrift Chambers 1966 Drs. Crowley, Misiek, Farrell, Farrell, Nale & Cook P.A. Alice D. and Arthur J. Gallagher Susan Taylor King 1963 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Beverly F. Mitchell 1968 Thomas M. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Lee Neale & Family Tena N. Roberts 1960 Karen Connor Shockley 1963 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Louise Carroll Pharr 1920 Carroll Ricketson Bolton 1973 Judith Roe Phillips 1961 Thomas E. Phillips Joel Plum Kasse Andrews-Weller 1972 Lois Dannelly Pollard and Thomas Vinson Pollard Mary Ann Pollard Houghland 1960 Adelaide Wallace Ponder 1946 Douglas Ponder Suto 1975 Nora Potts Patricia Potts Wells 1986 Gladys Moss Powers 1929 Jane Powers Weldon 1959 Katherine McCamy Powers 1929 Jane Powers Weldon 1959

70 Gifts made between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016

Myrtle McCrimmon Smith Betty Smith Moore 1950 Shirley Rose Smith 1957 Cindy Smith Osterkamp 1981 Oliver E. Snow, Jr. Cathy Coxey Snow 1971

Katherine Rebecca Rogers 1960 Catherine Murphree Hartley 1959

Carolyn Wood Solana 1949 Patricia Johnson Childs 1949 Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn 1949

Richard T. Ross Ann Messink Ross 1950

Edith and Jack M. Spencer Marion Spencer Bluestone 1966

Reverend Allen and Billie Sanders Cynthia G. Wilcox

Amelia Snell Stancil Julia Stancil Stepp 1965

Sally Fambrough Sanders 1955 Jeanie Denton Anderson 1955 James R. Sanders, Jr.

Mary Smith Starr 1944 Margaret Smith Carruth 1942

Virginia Pitzer Sanders Beth Rogero Bowen 1968 Ginger Sanders White 1968 Susan Joyce Scenna 1976 Cynthia H. McMullen 1976 Cordes Gaillard Seabrook Kathy A. Bradley 1978 Gwendolyn Sorrell Sell 1967 Marilyn A. Vickers 1967 Virginia and James Semler Lou Ellen Semler Boyes 1969 Sylvia Tabor Shealy 1958 Thomas T. Shealy Eleanor Shellard Sherrie Shellard O’Hara 1979 Mildred Gower Sims 1927 Carolyn Sims Brooks 1956 James French Skirven, Jr. Martha Kinsey Skirven 1961

Robert Lee Steed Susan B. Allen Betty Nunn Mori 1958 Kathryn Gibbs Steinbruegge 1945 Susan B. Allen Ruth A. Knox 1975 Betty Nunn Mori 1958 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Cliff C. Vatter Beverly B. and Leonard A. Woodward Ethel and Ben Stewart Sara Stewart Rountree 1949 Thelma Fraser Strickland 1977 and William Earl Strickland Ellen S. Clann William Earl Strickland Jeanon M. Massien 1984 Leah A. Strong Katherine Champion Smelley 1965 Suelle McKellar Swartz 1933 Suelle M. Swartz 1967

* deceased

BOARD OF TRUSTEES James E. Tharpe, Jr. Sandra S. Tharpe

Mr. and Mrs. James C. Wheeler Teresa M. Wheeler 1976

Peg Thompson Margaret Thompson Monahan 1967

Kenneth E. Whipple Lorry Izula Mpindu 2002

Margaret Munroe Thrower 1935 Amanda J. and Randolph Thrower Mary T. and George Wickham

Sarah Hague White 1975 Barbee A. Dyer 1976

Margaret Munroe Thrower 1935 and Randolph William Thrower Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III Andrea Louise Tissier 1973 Devon Roll Linda Brown Walker 1973 Frances Holmes Towson 1916 Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson III and Family Matilda Dodd Trawick 1950 Jeanne Gellerstedt Hicks 1950 Joy Lawless Tripp 1946 and William H. Tripp Diane DePalma and Boyce Nolan William H. Tripp Pamela M. and John J. Meehan Tally L. Tripp Tucker Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Kathryn Bell Turner 1973 Marsha Brown Thomas 1973 Laura Landau Upshaw Charles B. Upshaw, Jr. Emily Whitaker Vickers 1942 and Marion W. Vickers Sandra Cook Rives 1987 Ellen and Ethan Whitaker and Family Marion W. Vickers Susan B. Allen Debra J. Brook and Family Carlyle Place Flo Williams Douglas 1967 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Lisa P. and David C. Mayfield and Family Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Marilyn A. Vickers 1967 Jean Widney Wynn 1967 May Belle and Ken Walker Elizabeth Walker Heckman 1972 Richard S. Wallace Medra Lott Keyser 1958 Colonel and Mrs. W. E. Walters Sara Walters Ingram 1968 Phyllis M. Ward Marsha Wood Roberts Ruth Ingle Warren 1938 Virginia Warren Haberman 1966 Sarah Holmes Watson 1916 Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Anderson III and Family Donald James Welch William A. Fickling, Jr.

Don Williams Leslie Brooks McDonnell 1972 W. Kenneth Williams Alexis Xides Bighley 1967 Flo Williams Douglas 1967 Beverly F. Mitchell 1968 Cathy Coxey Snow 1971 Beverly J. Blain Winder Jeri L. Ellis 1978 Mary Jenkins Winders 1935 Martha Jenkins Helgerson Betty Stewart Wingfield 1938 Elizabeth Wingfield Dick 1963 Bertram H. Witham Hannah L. Allen 1980 Susan B. Allen Alexis Xides Bighley 1967 Covington Square Homeowners Association Robert J. Edenfield Joan and David Herskovits Susan Pyeatt Kimmey 1971 Ruth A. Knox 1975 Johnnie R. and Robert H. Mills Beverly F. Mitchell 1968 Sandra Cook Rives 1987 Joyce Thompson Casey Thurman 1965 Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III Patricia Hammock Wall 1970 Ruth Dunagan Wood 1962 LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver 1962 Harriet Laslie Reynolds 1962 and John D. Reynolds III Casey Thurman 1965 Robin Wood 1987 Julia Munroe Woodward 1934 Shari Richardson Arrington 1971 Flo Williams Douglas 1967 Beth A. Kargel 1991 Susan Woodward Walker 1970 and Otey Walker III Mary Florence and Reuben Word Susan Word Kypreos 1975 Mr. Wright Alexis Xides Bighley 1967 Gertrude Rowlenson Wright 1920 Irma King Guest 1942 William C. Wyatt, Jr. Libby Bailey Claire Houser-Dodd 1953 Tena N. Roberts 1960 Ruth Kasey Yost 1928 Frances Yost Knight

Hannah L. Allen ‘80 Julia G. Baldwin Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 Candy Burgess Jane Johnson Butler ‘65 J. Cannon Carr, Jr. Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. Betty Turner Corn ‘47 Robert J. Edenfield Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65 Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche ‘96 William A. Fickling III Gayle Attaway Findlay ‘55 Amy M. Fletcher ‘06 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63 Robert F. Hatcher, Jr. J. Cal Hays, Jr. Susan Pyeatt Kimmey ‘71 James R. King, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Margaret T. MacCary Michael McCord Dennie L. McCrary Brenda Witham McGinn ‘70 Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Betty Nunn Mori ‘58 Debbie Stevenson Moses ‘89 Andy H. Nations Elizabeth C. Ogie Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ‘63 Elizabeth H. Pickett Amy V. Rauls Bryndis W. Roberts ‘78 T. Alfred Sams, Jr. Ninfa M. Saunders Marvin R. Schuster J. Daniel Speight, Jr. Jennifer Stiles Williams ‘93 Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 Geovette E. Washington ‘89 B. Michael Watson Kay B. West

EMERITUS TRUSTEES William H. Anderson II Thomas L. Bass * Cathy Cox Andrew H. Heyward III * Gene A. Hoots L. Bevel Jones III Robert E. Knox, Jr. William M. Matthews Sam Nunn William W. Oliver, Jr.

BOARD OF MANAGERS Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 Jane Price Claxton ‘68 Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65 Ashley Garrett ‘90 Lucy I. Guy 2009 Carol Bacon Kelso ‘73 Abbie Smoak Lacienski ‘01 Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Rita Parker McGarity ‘75 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin ‘06 Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Lynn B. Moses ‘77 Sherrie N. Randall ‘03 Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 Susan Woodward Walker ‘70

INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Susan B. Allen Senior Development Officer Whitney A. Davis Director of Annual Giving Devyn W. Foti ‘13 Development Media Coordinator and Administrator Millie Parrish Hudson ‘75 Director of Development Julie A. Jones Director of Advancement Services Monty Martin Advancement Services Specialist Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 Director of Alumnae Affairs Andrea Williford Vice President of Institutional Advancement

The recognition extended to those listed in this publication is one small way to thank the many contributors to Wesleyan College between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. An asterisk indicates a donor deceased prior to publication. Italicized names in the class giving section indicate the alumna gave to Wesleyan via a planned gift. Although every attempt was made to ensure accuracy, it is possible that errors may have occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience such errors may cause. We encourage you to call any corrections to our attention by notifying Julie Jones, director of advancement services, at jjones@ wesleyancollege.edu or 478-757-5130. Thank you. Please note that publication of the names of contributors is strictly for the purpose of grateful acknowledgement by Wesleyan College; no other use of these lists is authorized.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

Why We Give B y J a n e P r i c e C l ax t o n ’ 6 8 On September 13, 1964, when I became a student at Wesleyan College, there was no way for me to imagine the extent of the positive impact the school would have on me for the remainder of my life. Nor could the young man I eventually married—and had dated since the day after my sixteenth birthday— have imagined how much Wesleyan College would come to mean to him! Today my husband, Joe, and I are very grateful for what Wesleyan has meant in our lives. Joe shares the enduring friendships and many of the great memories I have from my days at Wesleyan College. Wesleyan gave me the foundation for twenty-five successful years as a teacher, guidance counselor, and college counselor at Mount de Sales Academy in Macon. Joe, now a professor emeritus at Mercer University School of Law, had a unique perspective during his career from which to evaluate the worth of a Wesleyan education. As a teacher and administrator at the Law School, he admitted or taught a number of Wesleyan graduates. Without exception, all of them were fine students and are alumnae Mercer Law School is very proud to claim. As long-time residents of Macon, Joe and I have had an opportunity to observe many of the changes that have occurred at Wesleyan during the last few decades. New academic majors and programs are part of the curriculum. New outreach initiatives have engaged


students in the life of the Macon community. New buildings enhance Wesleyan’s academic mission and add to the grace and beauty of the campus. Among those buildings is the lovely Pierce Chapel, which for many students and alumnae has become the physical heart and soul of Wesleyan College. Indeed, Pierce Chapel is symbolic of the fact that Wesleyannes across generations have an unbreakable connection. Now Wesleyan is embarking on a building project that goes to the core of education in every academic institution—the renovation of Willet Library. The planned renovation of Willet will address the learning processes of today’s college students, all of whom use technology in ways that did not even exist when I was a Wesleyanne. Fifty years ago, no Wesleyan student could have envisioned that hall phones would be replaced by smart phones! Higher education always has been costly. My parents sacrificed to send me (and my younger sister, Janis Eugenia Price, PK ’74) to Wesleyan College, and parents do the same today. My parents were confident Wesleyan College would provide an excellent education for their daughters. It did exactly that, both inside and outside the classroom. Joe and I support Wesleyan College because we want students enrolled during the twenty-first century to have the same opportunities that Wesleyan provided for me fifty years ago.

Joe and I support Wesleyan College because we want students enrolled during the twentyfirst century to have the same opportunities Wesleyan provided for me fifty years ago. – Jane Price Claxton ’68

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Wesleyan’s unique Master of Education program invites practicing classroom teachers who believe in the power of authentic learning, who desire a shift from mundane educational trends, and who wish to become active inquirers to join us in a journey of self discovery, organic learning experiences, and active research around timeless and proven classroom practices.


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 Wesleyan’s MEd program is ranked among the top 20 in the entire state of Georgia  The newly designed program is the only one of its type in the state of Georgia  Obtaining a graduate degree is required to advance through Georgia’s certification tiers.  A trip to the Ron Clark Academy is included in your tuition.  Approximately 75% of all coursework is hybrid in nature allowing flexibility of scheduling and reduced face-to-face time.  All books are included in your tuition.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2016/2017

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Do you know a woman who would be interested in continuing her educational journey at Wesleyan? Evening Program

Gives students the flexibility needed to work and learn. Evening students may choose between business administration and accounting majors. Students have the choice of attending classes either one or two nights a week at either 5:30 or 7:00 pm.

Day Program

Designed for women who are returning to college fulltime or part-time and wish to take part in the traditional college experience. Day students may choose from all 28 majors and 30 minors (plus the very cool option to design your own major). Wesleyan understands the importance of flexible office hours, including after hours and weekends. Contact Ashley Herman at aherman@wesleyancollege.edu or 478-757-5152 for more information.


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