WESmag Winter 19/20

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ADMINISTRATION Vivia Fowler President Melody Blake Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Andrea Williford Vice President for Institutional Advancement Clint Hobbs Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Robert Moye Vice President for Business and Finance and CFO Christy Henry Dean of Students WESLEYAN MAGAZINE STAFF Mary Ann Howard, Editor Director of Communications mhoward@wesleyancollege.edu Brandi Vorhees, Designer Creative Director of Brand and Website Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 Alumnae Director csnow@wesleyancollege.edu Amands Wiggs Digital Communications Officer Kayla Stroud Web Content Manager/Graphic Design Millie P. Hudson ’75 Director of Development Julie Jones Director of Advancement Services Whitney Davis Director of Annual Giving Katie Sadler-Stephenson ’00 Class Notes Editor Photography by Maryann Bates PRINTING: Panaprint SPECIAL THANKS To alumnae and friends for providing photos. Wesleyan Magazine is published twice a year by the Wesleyan College Office of Communications 4760 Forsyth Road Macon, GA 31210-4462 phone (478) 757-5137 Contents may not be reprinted without permission from the editor.

Denise Holloway, assistant to the president, and Dr. Fowler at the holiday banquet.

HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Friends, Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe we are entering a new decade of the 21st century. Can you believe that in this decade we will celebrate 100 years of excellence in women’s higher education at the “new Rivoli” campus of Wesleyan College? Yes, in 2028 we will mark a century at our current location, and a few short years later we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the establishment of Wesleyan College. What a remarkable legacy we can celebrate, just as we anticipate a bold future for Wesleyan. One thing is for sure, while we love and cherish the sense of place that is Wesleyan, and while we adore these historic buildings on our campus, Wesleyan is primarily about students: past, present, and future. As I travel around to visit with alumnae, I often say that Wesleyan students may look and dress differently than they did in decades past, but they are the same intelligent, compassionate, and driven students that alumnae recall being and knowing. This edition of WESmag introduces you to some of those students. Their stories speak of their dreams and goals, and you’ll see how our unique “From Here to Career” initiatives help them prepare to achieve their dreams and goals. You can be part of a student’s professional journey by signing up for Purple Briefcase (instructions and the link to register can be

found in the opening article). This enables you to mentor a student, recommend an internship or job, host a student for a job-shadow experience, or simply answer questions about your professional journey. You can help our graduates learn from your experiences as you interviewed for jobs or graduate schools, negotiated employment contracts, and found a way to balance work with personal and family responsibilities, community engagement, and ongoing professional development. In other news, 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment, and Wesleyan will host activities to celebrate a century of women’s suffrage. On January 30 at 7:00 PM in Pierce Chapel, the National Women’s History Museum will bring its national symposium tour to Wesleyan: Determined to Rise. A panel of scholars will discuss Women’s Education Reform in the Progressive Era, 1890-1920. In August, we will launch an exhibit of clothing, art, and artifacts from the period leading up to 1920. We hope you’ll plan to visit us this year for these events, and especially for Alumnae Weekend, April 17-19. All of us at Wesleyan send our best wishes to you for a wonderful 2020.

Vivia L. Fowler


Nora Staurheim ’22 and D’Maya Kirkland ’20

W E S L E YA N M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 1 9 / 2 0 2 0

2 16 18

Experiential learning

The advantages of internships

Student reflection

Providing guidance and care

Study abroad

Experiences attractive to future employers

28 Alumnae Connections

20 24 26

Women-owned businesses

Far outpacing America’s overall business growth

A liberal arts education

Preparing students for multiple careers

Athletics at Wesleyan

An exciting new spirit of competition

34 In Memoriam: Carol Burt '64

35 2019 Annual Report WESmag Winter 2019/2020

The key to landing a job? As the global economy becomes more global, the competition for good jobs continues to increase. More and more employers claim that real world experiences such as internships can be the key to landing a job, giving one graduate a definite advantage over another. Wesleyan understands how important it is for college students to participate in experiential learning and build their networks. As part of the College’s four-year From Here to Career program, every Wesleyan student is required to participate in a professional development experience (PDE), giving professional context to her curricular experience. A PDE could be an internship, an intensive research project, a fine art exhibition, or a performance - each student chooses to pursue an experience that is relevant to her. Students earn academic credit for their experience, while also completing reflection assignments that help them articulate the value of their


liberal arts education and identify how their experiences and coursework have prepared them for the workplace or graduate school. Wesleyan students benefit from completing internships with prestigious businesses around the country, by working with faculty or administrative offices on campus, and by creating their own PDEs designed to help them achieve their specific career goals. Last summer, religious studies and history double major Mary Harper ’20 fulfilled her PDE working as a teaching assistant for Professor of Religious Studies and Philosophy Dr. Karen Bray’s Ethics 223 class and Benita Dadson ’21 worked in the finance department at Blue Bird Corporation. Peyton Hicks ’21 interned with a veterinarian at East Bend (Oregon) Animal Hospital and said, “I am more sure now than ever that I want to be a veterinarian. This internship changed my life and I will be much more competitive when applying to graduate schools.”

In 2017, Wesleyan College’s Center for Career Development (CCD) began a partnership with the career development platform Purple Briefcase, a central platform for promoting jobs and internships to students. This fall, ten students landed internships posted on Purple Briefcase, including the Victim-Witness Assistance Program through the Macon district attorney’s office; Radiology Associates of Macon; the U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA; Navicent Health’s public relations department; and The Tubman Museum. Experiential learning is just one way that students are encouraged to explore career paths and build their networks. Wesleyan alumnae have long played a role in sharing professional knowledge, and in helping students gain an understanding of the career or post-educational paths they hope to pursue. Alumnae have invited students to shadow them at work, offered internships and externships, and opened their homes when students needed lodging. Recently, the CCD and the Alumnae Office partnered to launch an alumnae mentor platform through Purple Briefcase. The mentor platform facilitates professional connections between current Wesleyan students and alumnae who are willing to share industry knowledge and resources with students at various stages of students’ career exploration. Through this platform, alumnae users can post employment opportunities (such as jobs and internships), as well as indicate interest in engaging with students via the mentorship platform. By creating a Purple Briefcase account and mentor profile, an alumna indicates her interest in connecting with students and sets parameters such as the number of students she wants to engage with and whether the commitment is for one meeting, a sustained mentoring relationship, or something in between. Alumnae can choose to help with informational interviews, resume reviews, job shadows, mock interviews, and long-term mentoring relationships. Stephanie Baugh, director for the CCD said, “Alumnae have rich industry knowledge to share, and students love the direct, personal advice they hear from alumnae. Through creating a mentor profile, you are creating a supportive community, building up future leaders, and helping students overcome their fears of networking. We welcome and encourage you to be involved to whatever extent you are able - whether it’s a one-time phone call or a semester-long mentoring relationship.” To create a Purple Briefcase account and mentor profile, visit the career development page on Wesleyan's website: wesleyancollege.edu/studentlife/career-development.cfm.

“I think it’s important to learn early and throughout your career about the diversity of options you have out there. And the best way to find out what those career options are, is to talk to experienced people. Having a mentor, building a network, and trying different jobs and roles is so important to figure out what you enjoy and your strengths. Alumnae are a great resource to make those connections.”

- Yehudi Self-Medlin '96

“Wesleyan alumna (and board of trustee member) Yehudi Self-Medlin ’96, who earned her Ph.D. in physical chemistry from UVA in Charlottesville, has given me unconditional support and encouragement as well as a wealth of career advice. Everyone needs a Yehudi in her life. When I’m older, I hope I can mentor a young woman the way she’s mentored me.”

- Melissa Rey '20

WESmag Winter 2019/2020




Q Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia

During her summer break, Quenshawn “Q” Brandon ’20 worked as a summer camp unit lead with the Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia where she managed counselors, supervised campers, and ensured that daily camp activities went smoothly for her team.

A psychology major and educational studies minor, Q enjoyed observing the children’s behavior and relating it back to topics she studied in her classes at Wesleyan. For example, one camper displayed leadership skills within her cabin but did not want to listen to authority figures. Q spent time with the girl, working to break down barriers and helping the camper feel comfortable talking to her. She learned that the camper has a lot of responsibility at home where there is little parental involvement. With this information, Q applied her knowledge from developmental, social, and abnormal psychology classes to shape how she approached the camper during their time together. Q said that living each week with ten to thirty youth aged seven to fifteen required patience, and it helped improve her problem-solving skills. “I learned I couldn’t go into a situation thinking I knew exactly how to deal with a problem because the solution often varied greatly from my original ideas. It took patience to deal with these situations, but they helped me learn a lot about myself and how I interact with children.” The girls learned to trust Q as their time together progressed, and they formed a special bond by the end of camp. By setting goals and outlining clear expectations while managing a team of counselors, Q became a more effective communicator and leader. This PDE helped her realize that she enjoys working with high school students when she previously thought this age group would be too challenging. Q is currently shadowing a Macon high school counselor to learn about the daily responsibilities of this role and would like to continue her work with children and adolescents after graduation.

WESmag Winter 2019/2020



Vanderbilt Summer Science Academy Kristen Kelley ’20 spent her summer at the Vanderbilt Summer Science Academy’s Promoting Academic Excellence with Community Engagement and Reach Multicultural Scholars (PAECERS) program. Working in the Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, she served as a research intern in a lab focused on studying inflammation as an intermediate mechanism of most chronic and acute diseases or mediators of diseases. Her lab utilized cell-penetrating nuclear modifier peptides to reduce damaging effects of endotoxins and other damaging stimuli on internal organs. Her major duties were to perform high quality nuclear fraction analyses to properly track which pro-inflammatory transcription factors and nuclear proteins helping transcription were present in nuclear extracts. She completed cell-culturing, immunoblotting, separation, and statistical analysis. Kristen is most proud of developing and leading her own research project and taking on the challenge of working independently. Through this experience, she learned that preparation, perseverance, and timemanagement skills were essential for the overall success of the project. A biology major and neuroscience minor, Kristen’s career goal is to become a physician and conduct research on sickle-cell anemia and cancer. She is also interested in female reproductive health. “I want to have a significant impact on healthcare through discovery, clinical research, practice, and awareness.” She says her lab experience this summer validated her plans to pursue a career in medicine and research, and she gained a new understanding of the details aligned with being a physician scientist. Kristen’s mother Michele Murchison Kelley ’80 led Kristen to study at The Oldest and Best. “My mom often talked about how fortunate she was to have been exposed to a strong support system of diverse and dynamic women. The friendships and bonds she made with her classmates still exist today. Ultimately, I chose Wesleyan College because of her reputation for being a great women’s liberal arts institution and for the strong commitment to sisterhood. Wesleyan’s Munroe Science Center was also a huge draw. It showed the College’s commitment to women in science and provided an opportunity for me to perform research in a state-of-the-art facility.”

WESmag Winter 2019/2020



Duke Talent Identification Program During the summer, psychology major Amanda Rowan ’20 served as a residential hall leader for the Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP) at the University of Georgia (UGA) where she managed sixteen residential counselors and coordinated daily activities for more than 200 high school students each session. A former TIP camper, Amanda began working for the program after her first year at Wesleyan. As the youngest member of TIP’s UGA administration team, she experienced tremendous growth in the areas of leadership, endurance, and conflict resolution. “I grew as a leader by trusting myself to make executive decisions, and I developed levels of endurance I never imagined possible through the constant push and pull of this job. I also managed complicated situations that required a great deal of care and patience.” With increased responsibility this summer, she drew from her psychology coursework at Wesleyan and previous TIP experiences to train her staff on the challenges they would face while working with teenagers. Amanda credits this experience for shifting her career focus in the field of psychology. “For several years, I thought I would go into clinical psychology. This internship taught me that as much as I love working with students, I would become too invested in the conflicts clients might bring to me, and I would likely burn out very quickly in that field.” All of these skills will be essential as she pursues her Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience and a career in abnormal psychopathology research. Her goal is to help develop more effective treatment models for mental illnesses. Amanda’s father Jim has been a member of Wesleyan’s faculty since 1993. Her mother Barbara joined the faculty in 1996 having previously served in other roles at the College. Amanda says, “I’ve known since I was three years old that I would attend Wesleyan College. I grew up meeting incredible young women on campus and my parents told stories about the amazing things Wesleyan graduates go on to do. All I ever wanted was to be that kind of woman.”

WESmag Winter 2019/2020


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J Amazon

Jessica Guerrero ‘20 spent her summer in Winchester, Kentucky, as an intern at Amazon. An advertising and marketing communication major, Jessica gained first-hand experience on Amazon’s social media customer service team. Jessica managed a team of workers at a grocery store for five years while also attending school and believes that experience helped her to earn the two-month internship. The responsibility of delegating, scheduling, and monitoring productivity as shift leader at the grocery store provided the skills Amazon required to lead a team of eight. Her team was responsible for communicating and providing helpful responses to customers via social media. “I created individual development plans, helped associates understand the performance bar, and supported them in reaching their goals. I was a positive communicator but was also able to have tough conversations.”

Jessica also was in charge of a project aimed at developing a mechanism for controlling egregious issues such as threats to CEOs and reputation-damaging comments on social media. She proposed to train a team of tenured individuals to recognize and report negative-trending issues and offer immediate solutions thus providing excellent customer service and, hopefully, shutting down unwanted publicity. Developing a concept that Amazon hopes to implement globally required Jessica to network with contacts around the world. “I met important stakeholders at Amazon and worked with other interns from around the nation. I learned about leadership and the importance of caring for employees and customers. After college, I will be accepting a full-time offer with Amazon.” With assistance from Wesleyan’s Center for Career Development, Jessica found her internship through the Purple Briefcase program. “I chose this internship because, as an advertising and marketing communication major, I wanted to get real life experience using my knowledge of design and communication to reach an audience through various social media platforms. My advice to students is to always give any internship your very best because the connections and experiences will help prepare you for future jobs.”

WESmag Winter 2019/2020



Japanese translator, Bridgestone Golf Kimberly Wragg ’20 developed a passion for learning Japanese at an early age. “I became interested in the Japanese language when I was twelve years old after finding and listening to Japanese music on the Internet. I really loved the music and wanted to learn more about the culture, the language, and the history.” She enrolled in tutoring and online lessons that continued throughout high school and when she arrived at Wesleyan, she decided to major in international business with a minor in Asian studies. After successfully completing an interview entirely in Japanese, Kimberly landed an internship with Bridgestone Golf as a translator. She translated Japanese spreadsheets to English and also assisted with daily sales analysis. “I was the youngest person working in the business planning department and many employees seemed surprised I was there. While a lot of women in Japan work for and hold high-positions in businesses, I think it is unusual for a nonJapanese woman in her twenties to be able to work in a Japanese business speaking and writing Japanese.” Kimberly developed relationships with several women at the company, and the head of translating became a welcome mentor. Kimberly says learning Japanese business writing was her greatest challenge, so she worked hard to memorize the terms and vocabulary known as Business Kanji. Her perseverance paid off when she was invited to give a presentation to the CEO of Bridgestone Golf Tokyo and then join the president and the CEO for lunch. This experience confirmed her plans to work as a translator in the future. Kimberly has already been accepted to graduate school at Osaka University where she studied in 2018. She says the friendly people and beautiful surroundings in Osaka made her feel at home. “I really enjoyed the scenery - the mountains, the Sea of Japan, and the flowers in the spring and summer.” During her stay, Kimberly immersed herself in the culture by attending festivals and visiting temples, and she even celebrated a traditional Japanese coming of age ceremony for her twentieth birthday.

WESmag Winter 2019/2020



Assistant and teacher at Mosaic Minds Art Academy Labinalis Rodriguez ’20 spent the summer teaching at Mosaic Minds Art Academy (MMAA) in Lilburn, Georgia. Owner Summer King started the academy with a vision to encourage children with similar interests to feel safe and comfortable in a world where artists can sometimes feel like outcasts. Labinalis was inspired by this art history-based school where the focus is on teaching technique and terminology. Every four weeks, students study a new artist or art period and experiment with a variety of mediums including chalk, clay, printmaking, paint, and anime. “I learned that using the correct terminology when teaching children is important. The ceramics class I took at Wesleyan helped me understand that. Prior to that class, I had no experience working with clay. I learned how to score the clay and how to use a kiln. Those were lessons I could take into the classroom at MMAA.” Labinalis says she grew as a teacher once she realized that students have different learning styles and that there are many methods of teaching a particular skill. “The children had a hard time understanding how to use shapes to draw a human body. I taught them how to use a circle as a head and an oval as a body and how to connect the two to create a human body.” She was inspired by the joy and pride that teaching brings to her mentor Summer King. “Summer was working at a desk job when she began offering one art class. Soon she was in such high demand as an art instructor that she quit her job and started the academy. She taught me the basics of hard work and the dedication needed to build a successful business. Since I was young I have wanted to own my own art school but thought it was a distant dream. Now I feel like it is a goal within reach.” Labinalis will graduate in May with a bachelor of fine arts degree.

WESmag Winter 2019/2020



The Methodist Home The following is a reflection written by Madison Hobbs ’20 “My internship at The Methodist Home has been an answer to prayer. I have felt a call to Christian ministry since middle school but never knew in what space this ministry should take place. During my time at Wesleyan, God has revealed to me that my calling is to make earth as much like heaven as possible, like it says in the Lord’s Prayer, and I prayed that God would lead me to an internship that did this kind of work. The Lord provided exactly that at The Methodist Home. I have experienced an organization that cares for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the children they are serving while equipping the employees with the guidance and care that is necessary to work in this environment. The Methodist Home is beautifully diverse, which is what creates an environment where God’s Kingdom can be witnessed more fully. I have been given the opportunity to begin a Bible study and music group with the children who live at The Methodist Home; the ability to know them and their hearts has allowed me to see God in ways I never have before. I have witnessed Christ in the way they sing and pour out their hearts to a God that may be their best friend or a distant being that they are just getting to know. This environment is filled with heartbreak because of systemic and familial brokenness, yet the Methodist Home prioritizes each individual child and deems them worthy of hope, love, and fullness in Christ. Being given the blessing to witness this kind of ministry has opened my eyes to understand that the work of making earth like heaven is being done in Macon, Georgia, and I am forever changed because I am allowed to be a small part of it.” During fall break in October, Madison accompanied seventy children between the ages of ten and eighteen from The Methodist Home locations of Macon, Valdosta, St. Mary’s, and Americus on a Spiritual Life Retreat at Epworth by the Sea. She spoke at two chapel services and aided the chaplain and director of campus life with fun activities for the children. A religious studies major and philosophy minor who grew up in Macon, Madison is the recipient of the Mary Knox McNeill Scholarship. On campus she is a Wesleyan Disciples leader, religious studies and philosophy major ambassador, religion and philosophy tutor, and serves as president of Reformed University Fellowship. Madison says she feels called to ministry within marginalized communities and is pursuing graduate school opportunities that challenge her spiritually and academically while equipping her with work experience. She has been married to her husband Justin since 2017. WESmag Winter 2019/2020

y d u t d S a o r b A

Imani Somner '21


Encouraging personal and academic growth through study abroad 0 Hunt '2 Allison

Wesleyan’s commitment to academic excellence, global engagement, and community service extends far beyond the boundaries of our campus. While students are required to have at least one Professional Development Experience on or off campus, they are encouraged to make study abroad an integral part of their educational journeys. International study programs are often life-changing, providing experiences and developing skills that are attractive to future employers. During their summer breaks, Spanish majors Allison Hunt ’20 and Imani Somner ’21 traveled to different cities in Spain to study language and culture in their pursuits of becoming professional translators. Allison Hunt studied abroad through the Wesleyan partner program Sol Education Abroad. This program provides affordable university study abroad and Spanish immersion programs in Spain, Costa Rica, and Argentina. Allison chose to study at the prestigious University of Granada’s Center of Modern Languages located in one of Granada’s most historic neighborhoods, the Realejo. This world-class study abroad experience included high-quality interactive classes exclusively using the Spanish language, regular travel excursions, and an array of daily cultural activities. During the seven-week program, Allison’s extensive class load included

art history, Spanish history, Spanish and Islamic culture and civilization, plus an intensive language course. This English and Spanish double major said a mission trip to Honduras at age thirteen initiated her interest and love for language. “I went on a mission trip with my school to San Marcos de Colon, Honduras. I had to use an interpreter to speak to the people. My family met a little boy named Carlos, and we began to sponsor him so he could go to school. I wanted to be able to communicate with him and his family in their language without an interpreter so I decided to learn Spanish.” Allison plans to work as a medical scribe in a hospital. “I am interested in medical interpretation and also library science to work in a hospital library. There are patients who do not speak English and need an interpreter so they can understand their situation and medical care needs.” Imani Somner grew up in an Orlando, Florida, community where many people speak Spanish, sparking her interest in foreign languages early on. A recipient of the Margaret Pitts Endowed Scholarship for Methodist Students, Imani knew in high school that she wanted to major in Spanish, and now she is also studying Japanese. As a religious studies double major, she hopes to work

as a translator of religious texts and documents. Imani earned a Royal Scholarship to study in Barcelona through the International Education of Students (IES) consortium, of which Wesleyan is an associate member. IES provides access to a wide range of institutionally approved international programs. Imani learned about Spain’s language and culture through classes and field trips to several cities. “One class was specifically for language. Another class focused on the culture of Spain, with a hyperfocus on Cataluña (Catalonia), the autonomous community of Barcelona. I gained confidence in my ability to speak Spanish by conversing with the people wherever we went.” Catalonia is a semi-autonomous region in northeast Spain with a history dating back almost 1,000 years. “I have learned so much about Spanish culture in different regions and how deeply rooted it is. The languages here all have a strong connection to the people who use them.” Wesleyan faculty often lead special study groups to places like Jamaica, Italy, China, France, the Netherlands, and Costa Rica. These short-term programs allow students to travel internationally with a group of classmates as part of their coursework. Students may apply for financial aid and scholarships to assist with the cost of studying abroad.

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

Entrepreneurs & small business owners thrive


In September, U.S. News and World Report stated that the number of women-owned businesses in America increased by 21 percent between 2014 and 2019, far outpacing America’s overall business growth of 9 percent. Further, “an estimated 42 percent of all American businesses are owned by women, up nearly tenfold from 4.5 percent in 1972.” In the report, a women-owned business is defined as “an operation that is at least 51 percent owned, operated, and controlled by one or more females.” Georgia is among the top two states in the nation contributing to this growth.

The report also suggests that minority-owned businesses have enjoyed some of the most significant gains in recent years, with the total number of American businesses owned by women of color climbing by 43 percent between 2014 and 2019. More than half of recent college graduates want to start their own business according to a recent survey conducted by online legal service provider CT Corporation. Of the graduates surveyed, 45 percent think it is likely they will start their own business post-graduation and one in five graduates started a business before graduating.

Two recent Wesleyan graduates and small business owners, Erika Green ’18 and Sydney King ’19, are proud to be part of this movement and among the many women who are adding to the nation’s economic growth. Erika hopes to grow her custommade bags business to 10-15 employees, but plans to remain a small, personal company. Sydney, on the other hand, would like to grow her fitness business on a much larger scale. Both say their time at Wesleyan was critical in helping them find their way as young entrepreneurs.


Owner of Paisley and Gold Sewing (P&G), Erika Green ’18, began sewing as a hobby during her junior year at Wesleyan. Her first creation was a pillow cover, which she describes as misshapen and not fitting the pillow. Soon she moved on to baby burp cloths, sending them as gifts to friends and relatives. After watching a video on how to make a zipper pouch, she bought a yard of fabric and a zipper and it wasn’t long until she turned her hobby into her own small business, producing handmade bags of all sorts. “I started selling my burp cloths in October of 2016 at Smiley’s Flea Market. I would wake up around 5:00AM on Saturday mornings and load my car to get there early.” In February of 2017 she began selling pouches and wallets at the Wesleyan Market. Since then, she has personally made and sold over 1,500 bags online, at craft shows, and through wholesale orders. Today Erika makes bags exclusively – nine styles from her own patterns - but plans to expand her business to include a home décor line featuring pillows and modern quilts. “As a small business owner, I always worry about whether or not an investment will pay off. I’ve taken many leaps of faith lately and I don’t regret a single one. I never knew that entrepreneurship was an option for me. It should be brought up in the ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ conversation the same as teachers and nurses.” Now sewing with her fifth machine, Erika says her bag hardware and fabric are purchased from United States-based small businesses. Her leather is sourced from a father- and son-owned company in New York City. Erica lives in Columbus, Ohio, and Paisley and Gold is her full-time job. Recently she moved the business from her basement to a studio space in a building with other small business owners, painters, and sculptors. Erika says that she has been inspired and supported by women business owners. Today, most of her craft shows are run by women and women own most of the businesses at the shows. “There is much to be done so that the number of women-owned businesses continues to grow, specifically, resources for entrepreneurship such as grants, funding, and education. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for women in business.” Learn more about Erica’s business at paisleygoldsewing.com or by joining her Facebook page, paisley&gold sewing.

WESmag Winter 2019/2020


During her senior year at Wesleyan, Lane Scholar Sydney King ’19 selfdesigned her own Professional Development Experience focused on launching an online option of BARRE NONE, the personal training company she established in 2017. Sydney began training students and community members at Mathews Athletic Center (MAC) after earning her barre fitness certification during her first year at Wesleyan. Barre fitness is a workout program that combines ballet-inspired moves with elements of Pilates, dance, yoga, and strength training. She discovered that many people were having trouble fitting pre-set personal or group training sessions into their schedules, so she decided to try another approach by offering online clients exactly what they would get in person – except on their own time.


In building an online fitness community, Sydney created a private page to keep things team-oriented, yet personal. Agreements were uploaded as a way to keep one another accountable and there was an open section for comments and questions. “Clients received healthy eating tips, accountability agreements, personalized workout material, and videos were posted three times a week to help them reach their individual goals.” The program was launched through a social media marketing campaign and Sydney found that her supporters were reposting and sharing announcements which helped grow her new business. Online instruction is still an important facet of the BARRE NONE brand, but Sydney also teaches barre and fitness, cardio dance, group fitness, stretch and flexibility, glutes, and legs, and offers

personal training services through the MAC. Additionally, she serves as drama instructor at Macon’s Vineville Academy of the Arts, teaching grades PreK-5, and as a hop jazz instructor for ages nine through eighteen at The Madison Studio - Dance Education. Sydney said the biggest struggle she has as a young business owner is accepting the fact that things don’t always happen the way she wants them to. “I have to practice coming to terms with knowing that sometimes I will just have to learn from mistakes, start over from scratch, and hope it works out better the next time. It is important to understand and accept the process of building a business.” Learn more about Sydney’s business by joining her Facebook page, Barre None Arts and Fitness.

Makerspace opens in Willet Library Drawing inspiration from colleges and universities across the country, Wesleyan recently opened its own Makerspace on the newly renovated second floor of Willet Library. This space gives students a creative area to sew, knit, and craft. “The idea organically evolved from conversations we had with students about wanting to learn how to sew. Original plans had the room as a small study room, but we decided an area for students to create would be a better use of the space,” said Kristi Peavy, library director. The room is equipped with sewing and embroidery machines, Cricut cutting machines, knitting materials, and more. Faculty, staff, and students can have 24hour access to the room after completing a 30-minute instructional orientation

with one of the librarians. A student worker staffs the room and hosts training sessions for the equipment and software. More than 30 students have already completed the necessary training. “I think the new Makerspace is popular because it gives students the creative outlet they’ve been missing. It’s the only place of its kind on campus where students of all skill levels can make something they can be proud of. Whether that means a beginner making a scrunchie or a more skilled student sewing a dress from scratch, all skill levels are invited, encouraged, and motivated to come and make,” said Alexxis Merrow ‘21, Makerspace student worker. President Fowler hosted two “Sew with the President” workshops to introduce the space. Both events were at capacity

as President Fowler and Kristi Peavy provided guidance as students learned how to make pillows and to sew pillow shams. Students enjoyed making towels at a workshop in November. Plans are to host creative workshops throughout the year. While most materials in the room are free for student use, materials for projects that students plan to sell must be provided on their own. Donations of materials (fabric, yarn, and other supplies) are welcome. Contact the library to donate materials or purchase items from our Amazon Wish List and they will be shipped directly to the library. The wish list (http://a.co/4SHRvdb) is always current with items needed for the space. Our goal is to provide students with these consumables at no charge.

Sarah Wise ’23 WESmag Winter 2019/2020

Wesleyan education offers diverse opportunities for Kyla Wall Burns ’12 From freelance flower crown maker, to train conductor, to marketing director of her local hospital, Kyla Wall Burns ’12 has lived many occupational lives since graduating from Wesleyan, exemplifying how her liberal arts education prepared her for multiple fields. After graduating with degrees in business administration and advertising and marketing communication (AMC), with a minor in studio art, Kyla moved back to her hometown of Glasgow, Montana, to assist her parents in installing a point-of-sale computer system in their local business. Glasgow is a small railroad community of 3,500 people just 60 miles from the Canadian border. After a year working with her parents, Kyla took her next career step in a direction far from what she ever imagined. She was hired as a train conductor for Burlington Northern Sante Fe (BNSF) Railway Company, the largest freight railroad network in North America. “Becoming a conductor was the last occupation I ever thought I would have,” said Kyla. “I decided to apply on a whim because I was single, young, and had nothing to lose. I planned on staying with the railroad for one year while I saved money and found something in the marketing field, but I ended up really enjoying the work and stayed on for three years.” Kyla says that the railroad life is not glamorous and that female conductors are not very common. In her conductor’s class of about 20 students, she was the only female. “One of the tests during conductor class is that you have to be able to change a knuckle all by yourself. A knuckle (one of the metal pieces that holds the train cars together and sometimes break en route) weighs between 75-85 pounds. For reference, I am 5’ 5” and about 110 pounds. You have to move a pin at the same time that you insert the knuckle, making it extra hazardous. I’m proud to say that I successfully changed a few knuckles throughout my career and still have all my fingers and toes.” Train conductors are on call 24/7. The shifts are 12 hours long and often require working outside. The weather in Northeast Montana is not for the faint of heart. In summer, days are well over 100 degrees and winter days are often 40 degrees below zero. Trains can be over a mile long, and it is common for a conductor to have to walk all the way from the engine to the very last car to check the air break system or verify the cars on their train. “If there was anything that needed to be done on a part of the train that was not the engine, I would work on it. Sometimes that meant checking


for things that were wrong on the cars, tying brakes on the cars, or dropping cars off along our route. That meant that I would take my radio and go back and separate the cars, switch the tracks, and either radio or hand signal to the engineer.* We moved grain, oil, mail, wind turbines, pipe, groceries, furniture - really anything that will fit on or in a train car.” Kyla started thinking about changing occupations when she married in Brandt in 2016. The railroad lifestyle is not conducive to having a young family. Today the couple are parents to Harrison (2) and Rose

Ella (3 months). “There are times when I would be called away from home for five days straight, and that would’ve been so hard if I had a newborn at home.” In her new career Kyla serves as the director of marketing at Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital where she enjoys doing something different most every day. Not only does she maintain the website and social media posts, she also oversees the local health fair, designs the annual report, works with the community on outreach projects, and facilitates design elements of a large remodel that the hospital is currently undergoing.

Kyla has found it easy to adapt between high-skill, high-demand careers. Being a marketing director has unleashed a new world of possibilities for her, thanks to the vast knowledge she obtained with her AMC degree. “I believe the diverse opportunities and challenges that were presented to me during my time at Wesleyan equipped me to be the type of woman that wouldn’t be afraid to try something new. I apply my Wesleyan education every single day.” * An engineer is responsible for operating the locomotive. The conductor plays a supervisory role over the entire operation. The two work in unison.

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

A fresh start for Wesleyan athletics


In the last eighteen months, the Wesleyan Wolves athletics program has undergone dramatic changes, bringing an exciting new spirit of competition, camaraderie, and fun to campus and sporting events.


Penny Siqueiros, athletic director and head softball coach, and other new coaches, played integral roles in establishing all-time high recruiting records for the athletic department. Currently, eighty-three students are competing in five NCAA Division III level sports - basketball, cross country, soccer, softball, and tennis - and as equestrians in hunt seat, western, and dressage through the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association and Intercollegiate Dressage Association. Volleyball will be added in fall 2020. To add to the excitement, the athletics department also started club badminton and table tennis staffed with volunteer club coaches, reignited flag football, and hired a full-time sports information director and a head trainer. In September, Panoz soccer field was officially dedicated revealing upgrades that included leveling, the installation

of drainage and irrigation features, the addition of soils and sodding, and a new LED digital scoreboard. Our soccer team was incredibly successful this year, advancing to the conference tournament for only the second time in Wesleyan’s history. Senior goalie Carlee Dykes led the conference with 181 saves and ranked 12th in NCAA Division III. The lower level of the athletic department in Porter Gym has been redesigned, rebranded, redecorated, and renamed The Wolves Den. It’s a great space for the entire student body to hang out, relax, and have fun. The softball, tennis, and cross country facilities also received much needed attention. Said Siqueiros, “Thanks in large part to several private donors, we have been able to make upgrades to every athletic venue. This is a true expression of Wesleyan’s commitment to providing top-tier facilities within our conference. Additionally, we have renovated our athletic offices and added The Wolves Den, a hip space where students can

“Thanks in large part to several private donors, we have been able to make upgrades to every athletic venue.” game, ski-ball, play retro-style arcade games, or watch movies while relaxing on floating chairs. From a recruiting standpoint we have yielded a large and talented class of athletes. It’s a new day for Wesleyan athletics. We are beyond excited!” Also new is an online store that offers custom athletic apparel, the latest swag our Wesleyan Wolves are sporting! Be en vogue by ordering your own swag at wesleyancollege.edu/wolvesgear.

EQUESTRIAN PROGRAM A return to the glory days Catherine Baker came to Wesleyan in 2018 to serve as head coach for the College’s Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) hunt seat and western equestrian teams. Bringing more than twenty years of professional and equestrian experience to Wesleyan, Baker also serves as director of the Nancy Ellis Knox Equestrian Center, adjunct professor, senior associate athletic director, and community lessons instructor. Her certifications include Licensed Official FEI Federation - Equestrian International and IEA Steward. Ashlee Slack, a former member of Wesleyan’s equestrian team, has returned to campus as barn manager. Many of Baker’s plans to revamp the decades-old equestrian program and upgrade the facilities have come to fruition during the last eighteen months. Under her direction, Wesleyan joined the Intercollegiate Dressage Association and added dressage to its team competition. With just three team riders at their first IDA Show, Wesleyan was the third place team and the Reserve Champion High Point Team, putting the Wolves in the running to earn regional standings and to compete at IDA Nationals. Wesleyan is the only school in Georgia competing in IDA competitions. Thanks to the acquisition of a new bush hog, the large arena was upgraded by adding additional footing and laser leveling, and the small arena was overhauled by grading, leveling, and removing overgrown vegetation. Additional landscaping, grading, and leveling work created new horse and human walkways around the center. Students were excited to help refinish furniture, adding to the total makeover

of barn offices and the equine classroom. An equine nutritionist was brought in for consult and confirmed the excellent health and condition of our horses. Currently there are fifteen horses on property. In addition to two horses who are boarded at the center and three acquired on a care-lease basis, Wesleyan owns ten horses including Danny, a hunt seat, jump, and western trained gelding who was recently donated to the program. Wesleyan will welcome a new major in equine studies fall semester 2020, joining The University of Georgia and Savannah College of Art and Design as the only three Georgia institutions to offer this program. Equine studies at Wesleyan combines the scientific study of horses with practical aspects such as business models, herd management, equine nutrition, equine anatomy, physiology and first aid, and the fundamentals of riding. Two tracks are available: equine assisted therapy and equine business management. Students

will gain equestrian knowledge through hands-on experiences with horses and lecture courses. Equine studies students will graduate with a solid foundation in equine management and welfare in order to combine their passion for horses with a career path. This major can also serve as an equine knowledge base for students applying to veterinary school for large animal and equine specialties. Equine assisted therapy is also offered as a minor. Dedicated to the continued success and growth of the program, Baker said, “There is so much potential for this program to provide amazing opportunities to students and the community. Working with horses provides lessons and skills that can be used in every aspect of our lives. Horses are very special creatures that teach us responsibility, courage, empathy, and humility.” Wesleyan is among eleven schools in Georgia and only seven women’s colleges competing at the IHSA level.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2017 WESmag Winter 2019/2020


Make a Wesleyan New Year Resolution. Add Wesleyan to your 2020 list of resolutions and join the alumnae association in its efforts to support the College this year. To schedule alumnae events, form a club, mentor a student, present a Wesleyan First Award, volunteer for the WCAA, and/or discuss how you and your area club or class can be part of the College’s plan to Recruit, Retain, and Sustain, contact the Alumnae Office at csnow@wesleyancollege.edu, (478) 757-5173, or the WCAA Board of Managers at WesleyanBOM@gmail.com. Nashville - Belle Meade Country Club was the venue for a Luncheon


Atlanta - New Atlanta Club President Leesa Akins Flora ’87

invited club members to participate in a year of sisterhood events and projects that began with a Sister Mixer held at Total Wine in November. Event Chair Kelsey Tinsman Ervin ’13 made sure everything was in order, including a popular Wine Basket Raffle that benefitted the Club’s scholarship fund. In December, members enjoyed Dinner & A Show at the Alliance Theatre. Our thanks to event chair Leesa Flora and co-chair Jaime McQuilkin ’06 for coordinating an evening of sisterhood fun.

Macon - In August, Macon alumnae were on campus to greet

new students on Move-In Day and also helped to prepare goody bags for all new students. In November, President Vivia Fowler met with alumnae and other friends of the College who live at Carlyle Place for a luncheon where she shared news from the College. Susan Brown Allen ’17 from the advancement office and Cathy Coxey Snow ’71, alumnae director, also visited with the group. The Club’s annual holiday coffee was held early this year in November. Alumnae attended the Thankful & Grateful Holiday Coffee hosted by Richard and Vivia Fowler at Bradley House and were encouraged to bring a toy to support the Wesleyan College Lane Center’s Christmas Toy Drive. Macon Pioneer Book Club discussions continue to be held in Willet Library. In January, a Macon Club reorganizational meeting will be held. Interested in sharing your ideas? Contact csnow@wesleyancollege.edu or Jan Lawrence ’80 at WesleyanBOM@gmail.com.

Rome - Vivia Fowler met with alumnae in Rome for a luncheon

at Harvest Moon Café, where she gave an update on the College. Cathy Snow also discussed alumnae volunteer opportunities and suggested ideas for forming an alumnae club in Rome. Our thanks to Denise Cheek Brown ’89 who coordinated the event with help from other alumnae hostesses Jan Lawrence ’80, Lindi Lemasters Lewis ’80, and Cheryl Schrader Melton ’66.


Chattanooga - A Luncheon with the President was held at STIR CHATTANOOGA at the City’s trademark Choo Choo, where Dr. Fowler spoke on the state of the College and how alumnae can participate in Wesleyan’s future. Cathy Snow discussed ways to increase alumnae club engagement with the College and with current students. Many thanks to Catherine O’Kelley Fore ’02, Amanda Driggers Grau ’00, Elizabeth Rogers Kelly ’72, Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley ’72, and Jody Bethea Riggs ’88 for serving as alumnae hostesses.

with the President where Nashville alumnae welcomed Vivia Fowler to the City and enjoyed her presentation on the College. Cathy Snow also spoke to the group about introducing a new alumnae club model. Many thanks to luncheon sponsor Mary Ann “Polly” Pollard Houghland ’60 who made arrangements for the gathering. Alumnae hostesses Margaret McCready Cornell ’60, Teresa Lawson ’97, Derrill Dunn McRae ’71, and Susan Woodward Walker ’70, made sure area alumnae had calendars marked for the special day.

New York

NYC - Vivia Fowler and Susan Allen visited with NYC alumnae in

November. Many thanks to Sarah Hudson ’11 who helped coordinate plans for the event held at Faces & Names, where Dr. Fowler discussed how alumnae can volunteer and support Wesleyan from afar.

North Carolina

Highlands - Wesleyan Trustee Dr. Ninfa Saunders invited area alumnae and other friends of the College to the Cullasaja Club to meet Vivia Fowler and to hear the latest news from the College. Guests also enjoyed a musical interlude by pianist Edward Eikner, former Comer Professor of Fine Arts at Wesleyan, as they enjoyed a Wesleyan afternoon in the mountains.

North Carolina Triangle Club (Raleigh/Durham) - A Summer

Tea held in July at the Washington Duke Inn in Durham was a special way for club members to celebrate the beginning of the season. Triangle Pioneer Book Club chair Karen Garr ’69 invites all club members to join in monthly meetings at Quail Ridge Books in Raleigh. The Club’s annual meeting in January took place at The Carolina Country Club in Raleigh, where Lisa Sloben ’00, curator of collections and trustee relations, spoke on “Wesleyan’s Art Treasures.”

Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia

DC Metro Area - Lincoln DC was the venue for a Wesleyan After Hours

get-together with Dr. Fowler and Susan Allen who visited with alumnae in the City. Jessica Kendrick Thomas ’08 planned the event, where news from Wesleyan was definitely on the menu. In December, Ashling Thurmond Osborne ’05 hosted a Holiday Potluck supper at her home in Alexandria, VA, where club members gathered to celebrate the holiday season.

Sisterhood in Action: Save the Date & Volunteer to Help Move-In Day: Friday, August 14, 2020 (8 – 11am) Welcome members of the Class of 2024 and their families as they move into residence halls and help make their first day at Wesleyan a special one. Watch for an e-blast later this summer with more information. Email orientation@wesleyancollege.edu to volunteer.

Got Sisterhood? Get Social . @wesleyancollege and @wesleyancollegeAA 28



Wesleyan College

CLUB facebook 1. Holiday Showtime. Atlanta Club members enjoy a holiday show at the Alliance Theatre. 2. Sister Mixer. Atlanta alumnae attended a wine tasting at Total Wine. Event proceeds benefitted the Atlanta Club’s scholarship fund.



3. Thankful & Grateful. Macon alumnae enjoy the Club’s annual Holiday Coffee at Bradley House. 4. Tea Time in Durham. North Carolina Triangle Club members enjoy a Summer Tea at the Washington Duke Inn.



5. Stepping Up. Alumnae in Rome, GA, meet with Vivia Fowler at Harvest Moon Cafe. 6. Luncheon with the President. Nashville area alumnae welcome President Fowler to a luncheon at Belle Meade Country Club. 7. NYC Faces. President Fowler and Susan Allen meet with alumnae in New York at Faces & Names.



8. Wesleyan in the Mountains. Wesleyan Trustee Dr. Ninfa Saunders (far left) hosted a Wesleyan get-together for alumnae and friends in Highlands, NC. 9. Lucky Alumnae. DC area alumnae enjoy a Holiday Potluck dinner at the home of Ashling Thurmond Osborne ’05.



10. Food & Fun. President Fowler and Susan Allen enjoy a Wesleyan Alumnae Meet-Up in Washington, DC. 11. Girls with Goals. The WCAA Board of Managers met in Highlands, NC, for their annual retreat in September.





12. Catching Up. (L-R) Bettye Withers Barnes ’42 and Susan Brown Allen ’17 share all the latest news from Wesleyan.

Enjoy reading online class notes submitted to the College since our last magazine at: wesleyancollege.edu/classnotes

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

Sympathy The Wesleyan College Alumnae Association extends sympathy to: Elizabeth McCants Drinnon ’48, Licia Drinnon Jackson ’74, and Lauren Drinnon Leskosky ’77, on the death of Elizabeth’s husband and Licia and Lauren's father, Everett Gostin Drinnon, on May 9, 2019. Gayle Attaway Findlay ’55 on the death of her niece, Helen Harwell Smith ’67, on December 11, 2019. Sarah Bob Arthur Ware ’56 on the death of her husband, Matthew Coan Arthur, on December 1, 2018. Harriette Wilkes Grimes ’57 on the death of her husband, Larry A. Grimes, on March 17, 2018. Mary Pierpont Riley Hall ’57 on the death of her husband, William “Bill” C. Hall, on May 25, 2019. Betsy Palmer Smith ’60 on the death of her cousin, Drayton Shull Rogers ’60, on December 2, 2019. Virginia “Ginger” Sumerford York ’60 on the death of her cousin, Mary “Bunny” Timmerman Geeslin-Warfel ’43, in July 2019. Elizabeth “Betsy” Lester Dillard ’61 on the death of her husband, Walter “Scott” Dillard, on September 27, 2019. Martha Evans Green ’61 on the death of her husband, Judson Leon Green III, on October 31, 2018. Jane Gresham Eaddy ’63 on the death of her husband, Earnest Johnson Eaddy, Jr., on August 20, 2019. Beverly Cross Hall ’65 on the death of her husband, Dr. James “Jim” Benedict Hall III, on October 8, 2019. Sally Eisen Miller ’65 on the death of her husband, David H. Miller, M.D. on June 1, 2019. 30

Katherine Champion Smelley ’65 on the death of her husband, Phillip “Phil” Ralph Smelley, on January 5, 2019.

Kelly Russell ’80 on the death of her mother, Gay Russell, on July 27, 2019.

FACULTY, TRUSTEE & STAFF DEATHS Phyllis Bak-Dietrich, former executive assistant to the vice-president of institutional advancement, died on August 27, 2019.

Judy Floyd Bywater ’68 on the death of her husband, Michael "Mike" Wallace Bywater, on August 17, 2019.

Wanda Maynard Schroeder ’80 and Amanda Schroeder ’17 on the death of Wanda’s mother and Amanda’s grandmother, Christine Maynard Manley, on July 15, 2019.

Jan Bull Burgess ’70 on the death of her mother, Helen Domingos Bull, on December 31, 2019.

Stacy Brown ’82 on the death of her mother, Barbara Norris Brown, on November 1, 2019.

James C. Knepton, Jr., M.S., assistant professor of biology (faculty 1950-1955), died on June 6, 2019.

Maxine Atwood Moates ’70 on the death of her husband, John Abner Moates, on March 15, 2019.

Liz Gordon Jacobs ’87 on the death of her father, Joseph Jacobs, on May 20, 2019.

J. Alan Neal, former Wesleyan College trustee, died on December 27, 2019.

Pamela Henry Pate ’71 on the death of her mother, Jane Epps Henry ’47, on November 19, 2019.

Leigh Anne Wilson Pullen ’87 on the death of her mother, Sarah Roughton Wilson ’52, on October 4, 2019.

Mimmi Mims Mathis ’73, on the death of her mother, Hazel Mims Mathis, on August 4, 2019. Donna Reeves Washburn ’74 and Karen Reeves Gilchrist ’76 on the death of their father, William “Bill” Buckhannon Reeves, on June 10, 2019, and their stepmother, Mary B. Reeves, on June 14, 2019. Kerry Kelly Graham ’75 on the death of her father, Stewart Kelly, on June 16, 2019. Lynn Bissell Reed ’76 on the death of her mother, Mayson Thornton Bissell ’53, on November 3, 2019. Lynn Moses ’77 on the death of her mother, Carolyn Boswell Moses, on July 5, 2019. Lou Bender ’79 on the death of her wife, Judith “Judy” Peterson Kolwicz, on June 12, 2019. Bonny Gibson McGarity ’80 and Christy Mann ’11 on the death of Bonny’s aunt and Christy’s grandmother, Joyce Daniel Mann ’46 on September 25, 2019.

Lura Harrell Hammock ’89 on the death of her father, Frank Colville Harrell, on September 20, 2019.

Bonnie Padgett Ramsbottom ’93, former Wesleyan College trustee, died on December 19, 2019. Charles H. Yates, Jr., former Wesleyan College trustee, died on July 30, 2019.

Alice Armitage Fendley ’90 on the deaths of her father, Paul Clifford Armitage, on March 14, 2019, and her mother, Anna Katherine Akin Armitage, on October 15, 2017. Ami Wilson Taharka ’94 on the death of her grandmother, Jennie Wilson Fears Fontaine Schulz, on February 28, 2019. Laura Meyer McAvoy ’96 on the death of her grandmother, Jewel Sweeney. Yedudi B. Self-Medlin ’96 on the death of her father, LTC John Walker Self-Medlin, USAF, (Ret.), on October 13, 2019. Cally Whiddon ’00 on the death of her grandmother, Rachel Douglas Whiddon, on March 9, 2019.

Lori Lynn Pointer, former Wesleyan staff member, died on August 4, 2019. Lori began working at Wesleyan in 2001 and helped serve the financial needs of the campus community for the last 18 years. In her role as student accounts coordinator she interacted with every campus constituency. From staff, faculty, students, parents, administrators, and trustees to vendors, service providers, auditors, community members, and guests, she touched numerous lives. Our sympathy to her husband, William A. Pointer, who continues to work in Wesleyan’s physical plant.


In Memoriam

Congratulations to:

Shelby Calhoun ’04 and Kenneth Yasuda who married on April 27, 2019. Allyssa Green ’06 and Rev. Steven McNeal who married on June 20, 2019, at Andrews Chapel UMC in Jonesboro, GA. Brittany Lynn Appelboom ’13 and Casey Burnett who married on November 23, 2019.

1943 Mary Timmerman Geeslin-Warfel

Keshika Marambe ’17 and Najith Wijesiriwardana who married on July 18, 2019.

1946 Joyce Daniel Mann 1947 Jane Epps Henry

DeSira Palmer ’17 and Nicholas Williams who married on August 1, 2019, in Macon.

Mildred Scott McGoldrick Martha Bradford Swann

1951 Evelyn Campbell Piper 1952 Martha Davis Bauman

Births & Family Additions Congratulations to:

Amanda Cenzer ’01 and Kelly George on the birth of a daughter, Philippa Louise Cenzer-George, on January 31, 2019.

Aditi Day Arputharaj ’13 and Kevin on the birth of a daughter, Ava Josephine Arputharaj, on November 21, 2019.

Stephanie Dunda Owens ’01 and Kenneth on the birth of a son, Kenneth Michael Owens III, in December 2018.

Jennifer Eadie Hopkins ’14 and Jake on the birth of a son, Silas Cole Hopkins, on June 10, 2019.

Amy Smith ’06 and Svend Egholm on the birth of a son, Henrik "Henry" Lawrence Egholm, on May 24, 2019.

Charlotte Battle Everbach Sarah Roughton Wilson

1953 Mayson Thornton Bissell

Jean Kettles Murray

Barbara Walker Coburn

Elizabeth Foster Fulghum

1954 Barbara Norris Brown

Edith Youngblood Dennard

1955 Barbara Curry Gilmer 1956 Olivia Evans Kappus

Eleanor Deal Law

Dawn Stewart Murr

1959 Mary Ruth Gleaton Ballard

Polly Lyell Rodieck

Sara Anne Balay Whaley

1960 Angie Mulkey Gay

Jane Hensley Gomez

Cathryn Chapman Mengwasser

Sheila Nichols McNeill Drayton Shull Rogers

1962 Frances Sharon Faris 1963 Mary Lindley Rumph 1964 Carol Burt

Linda Eaker Hall

Paula McWhorter Judd

1966 Connie Cordell Barnard

Catherine Conner Stowe

1967 Helen Harwell Smith 1969 Frances E. D. Greer

Dorothy Gail Picard

Please mark your calendar now and plan to join us next spring.


Barbara K. Brunner

Winifred Le Trombetta

APRIL 17, 18, & 19

1935 1940

1945 1950


1955 1960

1965 1970

1975 1980

1985 1990

1995 2000

Pamela Newton Smith

1970 Ellen Levy Ayers

Ann Cockrell Davis

1971 Ann Wickham Stinson

2005 2010

2015 2019

Watch for more information about reunion and get ready to register online. Alumnae Weekend – It’s not just for reunion classes!

1972 Carol Hollis Baumgartner

1993 Bonnie Padgett Ramsbottom

2000 Nhu "Debbie" Ngoc Q. Nguyen 2002

Tommie Forehand McClung Fowler

2016 Hsin-san Lin

WESmag Winter 2019/2020


Focusing on Connections by Jessica Kendrick Thomas ’08 Washington DC Metro Area Group Leader Six decades of classes. Two Trustees. One member of the WCAA Board of Managers. But most of all, the Washington Wesleyan alumnae are a diverse group of dedicated women whose purpose is to help Wesleyan any way they can. In an age and in an area where networking is currency, the DC alumnae share job opportunities, support each other in personal, professional, and community endeavors, and strive to help anyone looking for a break in Washington, DC. The DC alumnae aspire to meet monthly. Our key events each year are a Cherry Blossom-themed event that mirrors the Cherry Blossom fun at Wesleyan, and a Holiday Potluck that mirrors the annual Wesleyan holiday banquet. This past year we explored the National Museum of Women in the Arts, hosted the 2019 Summer

Club member Yedudi Self-Medlin ’96 admires a painting at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. 32 42

Leadership Institute Class, where DC alumnae served on a career discussion panel at the Chinese Embassy, held a fall brunch that centered on Wesleyan’s annual fund, and enjoyed monthly “Wesleyannes After Work” events. Many alumnae who comprise our group are focused on ways to assist Wesleyan in career mentoring, and also have provided input and ideas about how future Summer Leadership Institutes can be enhanced. When Purple Briefcase and its new Mentoring App Platform was announced, our alumnae immediately jumped on the opportunity to help. One of our chief goals is making connections with each other, with the College, and doing our best to help others – especially supporting Wesleyan women. We believe in consistently

raising our hands to help, and asking our local trustees and the alumnae office how we can make Wesleyan even stronger. If you are new to the DC Metro Area, follow our Facebook Page at DC Area Wesleyannes or email us at dcwesleyannes@gmail.com. We would love to have you join us!

Washington DC alumnae enjoy the 2018 Holiday Potluck.

DC alumnae host Wesleyan’s 2019 Summer Leadership Institute.


From the WCAA President Dear Alumnae Sisters, As we begin a new year, your Alumnae Board of Managers sends you a host of warm wishes for time spent with loved ones and for doing things you enjoy most. We also hope you remember Wesleyan in your plans! To better support Wesleyan, the Board is aligning our goals and initiatives with the College’s strategic plan to “Recruit, Retain, and Sustain.” Please join our efforts to maintain The Oldest and Best in these ways:

Recruit. Become a Wesleyan Ambassador.

Each Board member is coordinating the Wesleyan First Award at a local high school. If you have the means to share a one-page form and visit a school in your area (just once), then you are a prime candidate to help us, too! Working in tandem with a high school counselor, the $15,000 per year award will be given to a qualifying sophomore after her high school graduation if she chooses to attend Wesleyan. This “soft” recruitment program aims to identify deserving young women with high academic performance, community service involvement, and leadership potential. As Wesleyan ambassadors, we need your help. Contact Melanie Filson Lewis ’93 to learn more: WesleyanBOM@gmail.com

Sustain. Support the College. Retain. Mentor a Student.

Purple Briefcase is the name of Wesleyan’s career development tool for students and now includes a new Alumnae Mentor Platform. Alumnae from many different professions are needed to serve as mentors to students. Collectively, we would like to enlist at least 100 alumnae mentors in 2020, and since there are only 16 Board members, we need you to sign up to share your expertise with students who could benefit from your advice and your professional contacts! Please reach out to Shanita Douglas Miller ’06 at WesleyanBOM@ gmail.com for more information, and join the 26 alumnae who already have signed up to be mentors!

The Board of Managers has committed to assisting the Advancement Office in raising an additional $350,000 for the Annual Fund by June 30, 2020. Fundraising for the Annual Fund remains a critical need for our Wesleyan to exist and thrive. How? Our Wesleyan NEEDS you to give --- please consider a monthly recurring gift, or help brainstorm ideas for special fundraising opportunities/projects within your class, or participate in fundraising activities through your local alumnae group (or form a new group). There are many ways you can help Wesleyan move forward in the coming year. For alumnae club information, please contact Jan Lawrence ’80 and for advancement questions and ideas, contact Jaime McQuilkin ’06 at WesleyanBOM@ gmail.com.

Lastly, we want to see you at Alumnae Weekend. The dates of April 17-19, 2020, need to be outlined in RED (and GREEN and YELLOW and PURPLE) on your calendar! Wesleyan is First for Friends for all classes...Join Us!

Abbie Smoak Lacienski ’01 President, WCAA Board of Managers WESmag Winter 2019/2020

A Passionate Fundraiser P. Carol “Moon” Burt, Class of 1964 On December 11, 2019, the Wesleyan family lost one of her brightest stars, Carol Burt ’64. Affectionately called “Moon” by classmates and friends, Carol Burt’s love for her alma mater and for “all things Wesleyan” has shone brightly since the day she graduated from Wesleyan College. In the years that followed, her magnetic personality and energetic passion for raising funds for the College led her Class of ’64 to being number one in overall participation for many years, reaching in 2012 a participation rate of 63.16%, a truly stellar achievement. As vice president for development on the WCAA Board of Managers and especially when she served as Loyalty Fund Chair, Carol not only inspired her own Green Knight class to give but also reached out to decades of other classes to support the College by giving generously to keep the Wesleyan experience alive for future generations. Encouraged by her classmate Lorinda Lou Beller who, from 1994 to 1998, served as the successful fundraising class liaison for the Green Knights, Carol took the helm in 1999, leading her class into the technology savvy world of class e-club communication.


Her e-club communications offered instant updates about Wesleyan and about classmates, and her 1964 e-club grew to include a list of 65 classmates out of a graduating class of 75! As her class e-rep, Carol circulated the news provided to her by classmates – stories and photographs of retirement celebrations, grandchildren, birthdays, and of all GK life events, including prayers for those sisters who suffered illness and personal loss. This kind of communication brought the Class of 1964 together as never before. Using the Class of ’64 as a model, Carol encouraged other classes to form e-clubs of their own. An astonishing 55 classes followed her lead, renewing relationships and increasing class participation in alumnae giving! In 2009, the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association awarded Carol Burt the Distinguished Alumnae Award for Service to Wesleyan College. In 2014, at the Golden Belles luncheon marking the beginning of their fiftieth reunion celebration, Carol’s classmates surprised their friend “Moon” with a special rendition of “Moon River.” It was the perfect tribute to the woman who had worked for so many years to strengthen their bonds of sisterhood and keep them connected with their alma mater.

Today her classmates remember with great affection Carol’s love for each and every one of them. “She was always there for us,” said one classmate. “She was the epitome of what it means to be ‘true, faithful, and loyal’ to Wesleyan. She was a Great Green Knight.” For hundreds of other Wesleyan women “Moon” Burt was a living Wesleyan legend whose legacy of service and loyalty to the College will continue to inspire Wesleyannes everywhere.

2019 ANNUAL REPORT WESmag Winter 2019/2020

Thanks to you

Since 1836, Wesleyan College has been blessed year after year by alumnae and friends who have an innate desire to make a difference. As investors in Wesleyan College and in her future, you have demonstrated a keen sense of pride in knowing your gifts, both large and small, make a remarkable difference in the lives of our students, women who are learning how to become tomorrow’s leaders. Our accomplished students and alumnae are everyday examples of our continued success and of our far-reaching contributions to communities around the world. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your immense kindness and generosity this past year – and every year!

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $25,000 or more The Peyton Anderson Foundation Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 and John A. Bighley Patricia Grogan Borders ‘70 Stanford M. Brown Sylvia Maxwell Brown ‘63 Thomas C. Burke Foundation Betty Turner Corn ‘47 Elizabeth T. and Lovick P. Corn Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Elizabeth Hall Dunn ‘47 * Bequest Jane Mulkey Green ‘42 * Bequest Arline Atkins Finch ‘56 and Ronald M. Finch, Jr. Georgia Independent College Association, Inc. Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education Georgia United Methodist Foundation, Inc. Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63 The Hall-Knox Foundation Mary Ann Pollard Houghland ‘60 Anne and Andrew H. Knox Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Linda Harriet Lane Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Dorothy V. and N. Logan Lewis Foundation, Inc. Margaret T. MacCary Margaret T. MacCary Gift Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ‘60 Medical Center, Navicent Health Betty Nunn Mori ‘58 Navicent Health Foundation Nancy C. Panoz ‘03 William I. H. and Lula E. Pitts Foundation James Hyde Porter Charitable Trust Ninfa M. Saunders Suelle M. Swartz ‘67 Mary Beth Brown Swearingen ‘89 Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 and J. Otey Walker III Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ‘64 Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Susan and Arnold Zweig

JAMES HYDE PORTER SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 Hannah L. Allen ‘80 William H. Anderson II Clark and Ruby Baker Foundation Julia G. and Cecil A. Baldwin, Jr. Bearings and Drives, Inc. Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 Candy and Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr.

Jane Johnson Butler ‘65 and G. Marshall Butler Kathleen and J. Cannon Carr, Jr. Cornercap Investment Counsel Robert J. Edenfield Gayle Attaway Findlay ‘55 Joan Shapiro Foster ‘56 Vivia L. and Richard Fowler Courtney Knight Gaines ‘51 * Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation, Inc. Georgia Power Company, Atlanta Georgia Power Company, Macon Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. E. J. Grassmann Trust Hays Service, LLC Sharon and Cal Hays, Jr. Gilbert Held Toni L. Jennings ‘71 John-Wesley Villas, Inc. Suzanne Woodham Juday ‘69 Susan Pyeatt Kimmey ‘71 and J. Lansing Kimmey III Bob Knox, Jr. Fund of the The Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area Ligon Foundation Beverly Hinely MacMahon ‘74 and Mark R. MacMahon MCT Wholesale Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Debbie Stevenson Moses ‘89 Andy H. Nations NextEra Energy Foundation, Inc. Casey and Wilds M. Ogie

Elizabeth C. and W. Michael Ogie Wilds M. Ogie Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Stephanie E. Parker ‘81 Elizabeth H. and George F. Pickett, Jr. Amy V. and Tyler J. Rauls, Jr. Joan Maddox Sammons ‘57 Sydney H. and T. Alfred Sams, Jr. Joyce Reddick Schafer ‘55 Ruth and Marvin R. Schuster Glenn Shaw Laura Jones Turner ‘46 * Bequest Cynthia D. Wright ‘75 Dorothy Smith Yandle ‘55

GEORGE FOSTER PIERCE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 Elizabeth Mackay Asbury ‘49 and William W. Jackson Bank of America Charitable Foundation Martha Gragg Bates ‘45 Kathleen DeBerry Brungard ‘67 Elizabeth Martin Bunte ‘68 Anne Purvis Church ‘51 * Bequest Anne P. Church Charitable Endowment Fund of the East Tennessee Foundation Jane Price Claxton ‘68 and Joseph E. Claxton Marianna M. Cooke Manny Enriquez

Gifts to Wesleyan College FY2019


$84,425.00 $6,025.00 $11,008.00

Alumnae Trustees

$194,982.73 $53,592.00 $65,726.75


$357,658.78 $44,762.40 $583,565.43


$77,217.42 $110,725.00 $22,580.00

Estates, Trusts, and Bequests

$27,056.39 $5,203.26

Faculty, Staff, and Students



$0.00 $4,411.00


$190,066.42 $500,737.23 $698,100.00

Parents and Friends

$227,798.63 $25,821.10 $227,491.85


$111,227.20 $1,819.50 $4,000.00

Total Gifts made between July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019


$752,030.49 $1,616,883.03

* deceased

Gifts-in-Kind 3% Gifts-in-Kind 3%

Unrestricted Unrestricted Annual Fund Annual Fund 27%

Endowment 27%


Endowment 27%

Restricted Annual Fund Restricted 19%

Annual Fund 19%

Capital 31% Capital 31%

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Foundations 32%

Church 2%


rch Chu 2%


Friends & Parents 12%


e Par and nds 12%

s tion nda F ou 32%

es ste Tru % 2

Trustees 2% te rus aT mn 7% Alu

Alumnae Trustees 7% es

Faculty, Staff, & Students 1% ae mn Alu 9% 1

Estates, Trusts, & Bequests 21%

Alumnae 19%

Corporations 4% ns atio por Cor 4%

& ts, rus s, T sts ate Est Beque 21%

The Elam Alexander Trust Libby Bailey Susan Cartledge Barker ‘82 Lorinda Lou Beller ‘64 Birdsey Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Lois F. and Robert A. Bowen, Jr.


ts den S tu

CANDLER CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999

R.A. Bowen Trust Carol Burt ‘64 * Marsha Lynn Christy ‘73 and John D. Christy Law Offices of John D. Christy, P.C. Barbara Roland Colwell ‘70 and Robert F. Colwell Council of Independent Colleges Cox Communications, Inc. Eden Persons Perkins Bridge Club Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65 and A.V. Elliott, Jr. * Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 and George W. Franklin Frances E. D. Greer ‘69 * Charlotte Jolly Hale ‘62 and Floyd C. Hale Katherine Arnold Hale ‘70 Norma D. Hanley Betsy K. and Robert F. Hatcher, Jr. Tamara Mullis Hawkins ‘86 Interactivity Foundation Rosalind Turner Jeter ‘70 and James M. Jeter Andgelia Proctor Kelly ‘68 Elizabeth Rogers Kelly ‘72 Lucille A. and Joseph W. Little Mary Stephens Malone ‘80 Patricia Shriver Mancuso ‘60 Margaret M. Mathews ‘73 Janice A. Mays ‘73 D T McNeill Foundation Donald T. McNeill, Jr. Ruth McNeill Margaret Thompson Monahan ‘67 Claire Michaels Murray ‘52 Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer ‘66 Rotary Foundation Helen Harwell Smith ‘67 * Betsy Palmer Smith ‘60 and Bridges W. Smith, Jr. Mary Langel Stults ‘81 Marilyn A. Vickers ‘67 Andrea G. and Lawrence B. Williford Katherine C. Wilson Katherine Corn Wilson Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Virginia Sumerford York ‘60

& aff, , S t 1% ulty F ac

Lois Goldman Cowan ‘45 * Bequest Janet Mewbourne Genest ‘65 and Michael R. Genest Goddard Foundation Kathleen Hill Goddard ‘77 and Robert C. Goddard III Carol Inman Heyward ‘60 Maria Salter Higgins ‘57 Betty S. Hurdle * Betty S. Hurdle * Bequest Lawrence W. Keith III Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Martin Foundation, Inc. Joyce M. Martin Fran F. and William M. Matthews Matthews Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 McKenna Family Giving Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co., LLC Susan Stankrauff Newman ‘57 * Bequest Norfolk Southern Foundation Colleen & Sam Nunn Family Foundation Colleen and Samuel A. Nunn, Jr. Babs Richardson Pirkle ‘68 Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ‘96 Sheridan Construction Company Ramona and Chris R. Sheridan, Jr. Deidra West Smith ‘96 and Taylor W. Smith Marjorie Perkins Squires ‘51 and William H. Squires State Bank & Trust Company Linda McElroy Steed ‘58 Melissa Lane Thomas ‘69 Geovette E. Washington ‘89 Kay B. and Wayne J. West


$0.00 $101,508.00

$2,900.00 $317,201.48

$0.00 $385,828.23

$64,015.70 $1,050,002.31 $0.00


$1,062,077.72 $1,094,337.37 $100.00


$256,500.00 $1,645,403.65 $23,694.40


$0.00 $117,046.70 $1,409,337.82


$9,328.09 $0.00

$990,703.65 $210,522.42

$0.00 $1,094,337.37 $4,700.00


$0.00 $1,645,403.65 $114,400.00


$0.00 $117,046.70 $128,428.09

$5,204,675.28 WESmag Winter 2019/2020

CATHERINE BREWER BENSON SOCIETY $1,000 - $2,499 May Morgan Ackerman ‘94 and Robert K. Ackerman Betty Smith Addison ‘51 Anna Reeder Akins ‘60 Susan Brown Allen ‘17 and William H. Allen Deborah Wedgworth Altman ‘72 Doris Poe Anderson ‘48 Carla T. Asbell Dennis ‘87 Virginia Pritchard Ashby ‘76 Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club Bailey Family Community Trust Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Patricia T. Barmeyer Patricia Thrower Barmeyer Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Patricia W. Bass Linda Lavender Baumann ‘70 Eve L. Birmingham ‘68 Susie Black ‘75 Melody Blake Betty Jo Watson Bowdre ‘49 Gloria Boyette ‘60 Diane and Curtis A. Brewer Sandra Lumpkin Bryan ‘66 Margaret Craig Bryant ‘63 Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter Pamela Stott Callihan ‘67 Linda Goulding Camp ‘70 Mark B. Chandler Jo An Johnson Chewning ‘66 Ellen S. Clann CLC Foundation, Inc. Carolyn and F. Bradford Clifton Walter Clifton Family Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. Mary N. Cobb ‘50 Coliseum Health System Betsy Dasher ‘69 Linda Haygood Davis ‘77 Jack De Mave Monica Harper Dekle ‘04 Emily Hardman Dickey ‘58 Flo Williams Douglas ‘67 Merrilyn Welch Eastham ‘53 Mildred Fincher Efland ‘42 Clarice Pittman Elder ‘58 and Truett L. Elder Charlotte Babcock Ellis ‘67 Natalie Puckett Evans ‘02 and Dave Evans Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche ‘96 Trudie Parker Fickling ‘65 and William A. Fickling, Jr. Amy M. Fletcher ‘06 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 and Roger L. Flora Evelyn LeRoy Fortson ‘52 and Norman J. Fortson Ruth White Fruit ‘54 Gwen Futral Gallagher-Howard ‘88 Gastroenterology Associates of Central Georgia GE Foundation Georgia Pine Level Foundation Carol A. Goodloe ‘75 Selma Middlebrooks Gore ‘75 JoAnne Graf Joan B. and Warren Griffin, Jr. Griffith Family Foundation, Inc. Teresa M. and Benjamin W. Griffith III Ann and J. Ellsworth Hall III

Ellen Futral Hanson ‘83 Kay Watkins Hanson ‘61 Elizabeth W. Hardin Emily Sawyer Hart ‘56 and Howard R. Hart, Jr. Olivia Lopez Hartenstein ‘65 Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn ‘49 Georgia W. and Robert F. Hatcher Juliette Adams Hawk ‘57 Rita Mitchell Higgins ‘88 and Thomas F. Higgins Leslie Eberhardt Highsmith ‘81 Hightower Partners, LLLP Dickey Hightower C. Terry Holland Susan L. Holloway ‘82 Michelle McCluney Horgan ‘96 Houghland Foundation Millie Parrish Hudson ‘75 and W. Quinn Hudson Ann McDonald Hurt ‘64 IBM Corporation Janet Friberg Jarrett ‘78 Virginia Crapps Johnson ‘68 Kaydian N. Jones ‘04 and Nandini S. Sen Catherine Gibbons Jost ‘70 Suzanne Gosnell Joye ‘64 Suzanne Jones Kahn ‘61 Ann Kinnick Keane ‘69 Julia Stillwell Ketcham ‘58 Susan Taylor King ‘63 and Robert E. King Nancy C. Kinzer Kari Goellner Kitchens ‘91 Eleanor Adams Lane ‘58 Kayron McMinn Laska ‘87 and John Laska Dana Flanders Laster ‘86 and Scott Laster Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 and Lindsay Lemasters Lewis ‘80 Martha Bell Lewis ‘60 Maria Tsong Lian ‘62 Catharine Burns Liles ‘66 and Marion H. Liles, Jr. Patricia Whitely Lonaker ‘69 Margaret Strickland Lovein ‘75 Richard H. Lowrance Diane A. Lumpkin ‘63 Macon Power Nan G. Maddux ‘75 Ellen Beard Martin ‘68 Susan Gallas Mazzola ‘90 Carolyn Martin McCrea ‘65 Susan Thigpen McDuffie ‘53 Rita Parker McGarity ‘75 Elizabeth O’Donnell Menkhaus ‘76 Marybelle Proctor Menzel ‘62 MetroPower, Inc. Middle Georgia Chapter of GSCPAs Peggy Likes Miller ‘65 Dana Mitchell ‘68 Mary Thompson Monfort ‘81 Mary T. Monfort Fund of the Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. Anne McGee Morganstern ‘58 Susan M. and B. Douglas Morton III Neurology Associates LLP Newbern Foundation Judith Miller Newbern ‘67 Huyen Nguyen ‘11 Susan Kirvin Ogburn ‘67 Ogburn Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. ‘61 Ermine Owenby Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Joyce Paris ‘54 George R. Parkerson, Jr.

38 Gifts made between July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

May Powell Parks ‘70 Pamela Henry Pate ‘71 and Barry Pate Lori Reese Patton ‘90 and Macon Patton Virginia Barber Perkins ‘63 Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ‘63 Walter A. Pirkle PPC Foundation Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry ‘43 Tara Baker Ramsey ‘86 Bebe and Albert P. Reichert, Jr. Albert and Bebe Reichert Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Stephen A. Reichert Stephen A. Reichert Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Harriet Laslie Reynolds ‘62 and John D. Reynolds III Jody Bethea Riggs ‘88 and Damon R. Riggs Alfred and Sydney Sams Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Judith Kuhn Schlichter ‘64 and Ralph Schlichter Shahriar Sedghi Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ‘61 Nancy Peterson Shaw ‘58 Jane Courtenay Shockley ‘56 Karen Connor Shockley ‘63 Betty Cook Shull ‘73 Cheryl L. Siqueiros Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church Mary Ann Bateman Spell ‘68 Rosemary and John Spiegel Candace W. and Edward D. Springer Starr Electrical Contractors, LLC Bonnie and Joe Starr Joyce Brandon Starr ‘63 Stepping Stone Staffing LLC Ruth Powell Storts ‘93 Stratford Academy, Inc. Synovus Trust Company The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust The Walt Disney Company Foundation Kay Trowbridge Thomas ‘69 Julie St. John Thornton ‘78 Casey J. Thurman ‘65 Mary Ashling Thurmond Osborne ‘05 Reba Thurmond ‘57 Stella Tsai and Kenneth Deaton, Jr. Verah Dorsey Turner ‘88 Caroline Eagerton Upperco ‘53 Deborah C. van der Lande Allyn Ballou Veatch ‘68 Patricia Hammock Wall ‘70 and Joseph A. Wall Geraldine R. Washington Kate Stickley Watson ‘60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr. Watson Family Charitable Fund of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, Inc. Kirsten Johansen Welch ‘71 Susan C. Wheelis ‘95 Judith L. Whitaker ‘75 Carol Sibley Wideman ‘60 Allison McFarland Wilcox ‘80 Almonese B. and Ralph W. Williams Beth Milstead Wilson ‘96 Hilda A. Wright ‘65 Helen Ferguson Zachry ‘71

FOUNTAIN CLUB $500 - $999 Alumnae listed in the class giving section. American Endowment Foundation Anonymous William E. Barrow Holly L. Boettger-Tong Sherrill O. and Lawson Bryan William A. Burns Brad Busbee Cathy Cox Whitney A. Davis J. David Deck Alison E. Evans ExxonMobil Foundation Thomas P. Ferrell Connie and Carl Flair Richard Gutnick Kirk Hall Robert E. Heck Christy and Russ Henry Linna and Chris Hoppe Benjamin Kantor Betty Sweet Simmons Ladson Sam P. Lamback, Jr. Magnolia Garden Club Craig Matthews Margery and Bertram Maxwell III Merck Partnership for Giving Sidney E. Middlebrooks R. Stephen Morgan Ann and James L. Moses Anne Whipple Murphey Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. National Management Resources Corporation William W. Oliver, Jr. Beverly K. and Edmund E. Olson Susan M. and G. Robert Parkerson III Kristina Peavy Marjorie and Claudius H. Pritchard, Jr. Warren H. Robinson Catherine Schmitt Whitaker Kim D. and Frederick M. Schnell Schnell Family Trust of the Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Charles S. Simmons Bertha and William P. Simmons, Jr. Simmons Charitable Trust Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Hector M. Siqueiros Rosemary and John Spiegel John H. Stevenson James J. Therrell, Jr. Paula M. Todd Fund of the GiveWell Community Foundation Robert M. and Lilias Baldwin Turnell Foundation Paula Wang and Larry Wu Wesleyan Drive Baptist Church N. Benjamin West, Jr.

1836 CLUB $250 - $499

Alumnae listed in the class giving section Amazon Smile Foundation Paul H. Anderson, Jr. Bobbie C. Appling AXA Foundation

* deceased

William E. Baird, Jr. Robert W. Batten Elizabeth B. Belanger Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Bert Maxwell Furniture Company Susan M. Brainerd Veronica W. and William P. Brooks Candice Cagle Beth S. and George R. Cary Charles M. Cook Doris S. Cranford Cycle Works Sanitation & Recycling LLC Mary Sue and Michael Despeaux Barbara Donovan Christopher B. Duncan Svend Egholm James B. Ferrari Shannon K. Fickling William A. Fickling III Leonard T. Furlow, Jr. Harry W. Gilmer Herbert S. Greenwald, Jr. William L. Hammond Eugene T. Harrison III Eugene S. Hatcher Tim D. Hemingway Clinton G. Hobbs Christopher Hoffman Mary Ann Howard Katherine M. and David M. Kalish Frances Y. and Thomas F. Knight, Jr. Joseph M. Lee III YunZhu Lin Ann Maxwell MetLife Foundation Glenna A. Meyer Ryan Miller Carol A. Payton J. Anthony Payton W. Warren Plowden, Jr. Andrew Rhoades Barry Rhoades David L. Richardson Claude H. Snow, Jr. Robby and J. Daniel Speight, Jr. John Stanley Ronald D. Stubbs Donald R. Swygert Ernst Takacs Helen Tate The Potting Shed Mary E. Thompson Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Kevin L. Ulshafer Brandi T. Vorhees Webb Fellowship Class Susan T. and Stephen M. Welsh Jessica White Jane D. and John F. Willingham Barbara S. Woodson Mary Jane M. and Pat M. Woodward


Alumnae listed in the class giving section. Carla Adams Albany First United Methodist Church Almand & Co., LLC Alston United Methodist Church James E. Anderson Andersonville United Methodist Church Tasha Andre Dennis L. Applebee, Jr. Betty S. Apt Mae Ashby

Charles E. Atchley, Jr. Phyllis Bak-Dietrich * Herman D. Baker John H. Barnes Sandra J. and John C. Barrow, Jr. Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. Virginia and Tom Barrow Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. Danielle Barth Stephanie G. Baugh Timothy H. Baughman Charlene C. and William W. Baxley, Jr. Sylvia Bell Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Bethany G. Bennett Brooke Bennett-Day Jack K. Berry Kiara Binns Eleanor and Bruce J. Bishop Lucy J. Blackwell Virginia Blake Rebecca A. and Vernon J. Blitch David A. Bobbitt Bold Springs United Methodist Church (Cairo Charge) Frances A. and Thomas T. Bosley Karen Bray Catherine I. Brewer Arthur D. Brook Debra J. Brook and Michael F. Kemp Brown & Spiegel Julian Brown Merry K. Brown Rhiannon Bruner Brunswick First United Methodist Church Nancy Brynteson Gloria Buckingham Joanna Buffington and Dean Brook Rosalind and Stan Burroughs Karna and G. Scott Candler Lauren Carr Rejeana and David L. Cassady Graham E. Chappell Sergey Chernokov Clinch Chapel United Methodist Church Holly Cole Jon L. Coogle Elizabeth W. and J. Robert Cook Sabrina and Bill Cooper Ann F. and John W. Copeland Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mary C. and Vincent J. Coughlin, Jr. Timothy Crosby Michelle Crumbliss William J. Cutler, Jr. Meagon Davis Russell Davis Tammy M. Davis Virginia Davis Frances de La Rosa Delta Air Lines Foundation Saralyn H. DeSmet Jeffrey A. Dick Melanie Doherty Deidra D. Donmoyer Laurie B. and James T. Douglas Kim and John P. Dowd III John W. Drake Raycine B. Durham Margaret P. and J.B. Easterlin Brad Edenfield M. Boyd Edwards Walter D. Edwards Mack Paul Efland III Angelina P. and Henri P. Eschauzier Mariann C. Evans Kel-Ann S. and James W. Eyler

Emily S. Farris Glenda K. Ferguson Janet A. Lewis and Robert Fieldsteel Katie Flair James Fleenor Florida Sol Systems, Inc. F. B. Flurry Vi Ann S. and Paul R. Foster Stephen Fowler Sydney B. Freeman Friendship United Methodist Church (Cairo Charge) Sirena S. Fritz Stephanie and Thomas D. Gaither, Jr. Samuel Gandy Charles F. Gattis, Jr. Dionne George Graham United Methodist Church Larry B. Greenberg Alexis B. Gregg and Tanner Coleman Tamara H. and George Gruber Susan C. Hagemeyer Christine Hait Sandra H. and Robert D. Hall, Jr. William C. Hall Wendy Hamm Anne C. Hanse Harper’s Chapel United Methodist Church James W. Hart Tonya Harter Kasey J. Harvill Laura Haver William A. Hawkins Courtney Haynes Randy J. Heaton Martha W. Helgerson Fred W. Hicks III Hill Brothers Jackie and Dick Hills Mary Hoffman Holly Hollis Quintress L. Hollis Denise W. Holloway Lisa Holmes Nancy Hooker Leah Hoppe Libby Hromika Karen E. Huber and Nicholas Steneck James W. Hughes Scott A. Huguley Sarah R. Huscko Chris Jackson Emily S. Jarvis Sallie R. and Marcus K. Jocoy Julie A. Jones Cedrella Jones-Taylor Louise and Jerome L. Kaplan Mark L. Kelley Michael F. Kemp Emory Kendrick Allean K. Kenney Christian J. Kim Aaron Kirkwood Alice Knierim Robert G. Kopp Kara Kostiuk Kroger Company Foundation Cathy and John B. Lafitte Lamon Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Joanna Lane Troy D. Lawson Laura K. and Joseph Lease Lee Street United Methodist Church Jeanie F. Lee Legacy Deuce Online Enterprises, Inc. G. Bryan Leskosky

Lisa and Mark Light Linton United Methodist Church of Sparta Frazer B. Lively Carolyn and G. Mayo Livingston, Jr. Karen Lockwood Alex Lyon Dan Magee Kathy L. Malone Marlow United Methodist Church Florence and G. Thomas Martin III Matthew R. Martin Michele T. Martin Monty T. Martin Robert S. Martin J. Paul McCord III Dennie L. McCrary McCrary Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund David M. McDonald Michael C. McGhee Heidi McGowan Robert D. McLeod Megan McMahon Heather W. Melvin Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Ashley C. and Daniel Miller Kelly Misare Mitchell United Methodist Church Emil B. and Joe Mitchell John Mitchell R. Terrell Mitchell Barbara Montgomery Dotty I. Morgan Colleen and Charles Moses Robert L. Moye II Mulberry Street United Methodist Church Bev T. Murphy Robert J. Murphy, Jr. Anthony M. Nardotti Network for Good New Harvest United Methodist Church Oak Grove United Methodist Church Cindy and George Campbell Oetter, Jr. Regina B. Oost and Joseph A. Iskra, Jr. Park Avenue United Methodist Church Gene D. Paulsson Julia R. and Rush A. Peace T. Leonard Perkins Jr. Thomas E. Phillips Yasmin Pineda Samantha L. Piper Russell W. Pittman Lori L. * and William A. Pointer Todd J. Powell Patrick C. Pritchard William Terry Proffitt Reynolds American Foundation Elaine Rivera-Pitts Robert G. Robbins Alex W. Roberts Bruce R. Robins Nancy and Thomas F. Rockenbach, Jr. J. Kenneth Rogers Barbara and James D. Rowan Vineta H. and Robert A. Sanders Sandersville United Methodist Church Alain R. Sappi Sasser United Methodist Church Sarah Schanck Tyler Schwaller Carey See Sempra Employee Giving Network Praynay Shah Patricia S. and Patrick S. Shannon Sandra K. Sherman Penny Siqueiros

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

Marguerite J. and Elliott H. Sisson, Jr. Katrina Skalko Madeline Skiba Sally K. Slack Claire M. and G. Boone Smith III Clark W. Smith Chuck Smith Libby Smith-Purcell Jennifer L. and Dana L. Smoak Teresa P. Smotherman Solomon Insurance Services LLC Brian Sonnefelt St. Luke United Methodist Church St. Peters United Methodist Church of Fitzgerald Margaret and Nicholas Steneck Mary Steppling Rickey Stevenson Loraine H. Stewart Charles H. Stone Laura Strausberg Kayla Stroud SunTrust Foundation Matching Gift Program Wendy Synowicki Deonna S. Tanner Leolene M. and Ben Tate Mary R. Taylor W. Dean Terrell Jamie L. Thames Sandra S. Tharpe Skip and Beth Boswell Trust of The Winston-Salem Foundation Theo Thevaos Dr. Theo G. and Artemisia D. Thevaos Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund John G. Thompson Monte Thompson Carol and Jerome P. Tift Jessica L. Tucker Elizabeth A. and David J. Ulfik United Way of Olmstead County, Inc. Maria Varnadoe Carroll A. Walker Ms. Kayla Walker Josie S. Walls Timothy R. Walter Patricia Watson Gail E. Webster Wesley Oak United Methodist Church Wesleyan Class of 1969 Wesleyan Class of 1989 Pirates Wesleyan College Alumnae Association Westtown United Methodist Church Angela M. White Donna G. White Jeffrey S. White Amanda Wiggs Deborah Wight-Knight Howard Wilcox Wilmington Island United Methodist Church Mindy Wolfson John L. Wood Carol and Jerry M. Woodbery, Jr. Woodland United Methodist Church of Cairo Woody Woodward Arthur G. Wroble Charles H. Yates, Jr. * Ying Zhen Jennifer Zimmerman Margie and John Zubizarreta


We are grateful for these companies and corporate foundations who matched their employees’ gifts to Wesleyan during this last fiscal year. AXA Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation Delta Air Lines Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation GE Foundation Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. IBM Corporation Merck Partnership for Giving MetLife Foundation NextEra Energy Foundation, Inc. Norfolk Southern Foundation Reynolds American Foundation SunTrust Foundation Matching Gift Program The Walt Disney Company Foundation


Many thanks to alumnae and friends who generously donated in-kind gifts or services to Wesleyan in the last fiscal year. Susan Brown Allen ‘17 Libby Bailey Patricia W. Bass Danise L. Bennett ‘11 Holly L. Boettger-Tong Patricia Grogan Borders ‘70 Jack De Mave Manny Enriquez Tamara Mullis Hawkins ‘86 C. Terry Holland Lawrence W. Keith III Cynthia Buchanan Lynch ‘89 Tommie Sue Montgomery Abrahams ‘63 John Stanley Linda McElroy Steed ‘58 Mary R. Taylor Monte Thompson Susan and Arnold Zweig


We are ever so grateful for these recurring gift donors who give biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, biannually, or annually through our website, by credit card, or through a direct debit from a bank account. Lareine Danforth Archer ‘00 Nichole G. Arnault ‘99 Carla T. Asbell Dennis ‘87 Amanda R. Avery ‘99 Lauren Hamblin Beaty ‘06 Jean Bargeron Bender ‘75 Shirley Mosher Blunk ‘11 Mary Kathryn Borland ‘04 Sandra Eversole Bowman ‘69 Hayley Burch Goldhagen ‘90 Cynthia Costello Busbee ‘92 Sarah Weeks Callender ‘98 Devin Harris Cecere ‘04 Susan Powers Champion ‘74

40 Gifts made between July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

Yanira Chevere-Ralston ‘01 Jo An Johnson Chewning ‘66 Crystal Rogers Cheyne ‘02 Jennifer Y. Cobb ‘03 Susan A. Cobleigh ‘68 Anna L. Cornelious ‘04 Margaret McCready Cornell ‘60 Christina Cote Findley ‘99 Kathleen Loski Cummings ‘05 Erin McGavin Dalton ‘02 Taylor Bishop Deal ‘12 Pauline Phelps Deck ‘48 Flo Williams Douglas ‘67 Carrie Walker Dumm ‘99 Emily Wilson Ebinger ‘96 Amanda Marine Evans ‘99 Natalie Puckett Evans ‘02 Morgan L. Felts ‘07 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 Mary Jo Porch Floyd ‘61 Catherine O’Kelley Fore ‘02 Cheyenne E. Foster ‘12 Vi Ann S. and Paul R. Foster Carol Broome Fraune ‘69 Cecelia A. Frecker ‘69 Rachel A. Fullerton ‘10 Laura Shippey Gafnea ‘78 Chenny Q. Gan ‘02 Tina D. Gann ‘94 Rachel A. Garcia ‘03 Sarah Moseley Gardner ‘90 Karen D. Garr ‘69 Leigh Lambert Goff ‘78 Michelle Smith Green ‘94 Suzzanne R. Griffiths ‘12 Pragna Halder ‘08 Katherine Arnold Hale ‘70 Robyn A. Harris ‘00 Peggy Parrish Hasty ‘71 Marcilla Jacobs Heath ‘60 Beth A. Herndon ‘88 Hannah Callender Highlander ‘01 Kimberly Edgefield Hill ‘15 Pat Ondo Hurley ‘69 Janet Friberg Jarrett ‘78 YaNawn K. Johnson ‘99 Yvonne Wiggins Jones ‘99 Elizebeth Catherwood Kanupp ‘06 Dana Karstensen-Bryan ‘99 Andgelia Proctor Kelly ‘68 Carol Bacon Kelso ‘73 Katherine F. Kennedy ‘09 Janet L. Keys ‘78 Patience Clark Keys ‘00 Brandy Morris Kirkwood ‘01 Valerie S. Knopik ‘94 Abbie Smoak Lacienski ‘01 Kelly Page Lawrence ‘11 Lucy F. Lee ‘78 Martha Bell Lewis ‘60 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Maria Tsong Lian ‘62 Betty Hood Lydick ‘69 Chelsea Wessels Madden ‘15 Janice Parks Mahoney ‘65 Erin Zinko McKenna ‘04 Karen A. Martin ‘82 Elizabeth N. Mathis ‘96 Laura Meyer McAvoy ‘96 Erin Zinko McKenna ‘04 Connie S. McKinney ‘84 Melissa Graham Meeks ‘00 Andrea Morgan Mendez ‘01 Elizabeth O’Donnell Menkhaus ‘76 Shanita Douglas Miller ‘06 Kathryn Lassiter Murphy ‘08

Sarah Marshall Neal ‘99 Sherry V. Neal ‘96 Stephanie Kanady Niave ‘06 Oluwatoyosi Fatunase Onwuemene ‘03 Lori Reese Patton ‘90 Hope McMichael Pendergrass ‘03 Patricia Deal Perry ‘02 Barbara Johnston Plaxico ‘63 Missy L. Poole ‘08 Stephanie Dunbar Pounders ‘06 Kelley Smith Powell ‘90 Megan A. Quinn ‘05 Helen Anne Richards ‘80 Catherine Bradach Rockoff ‘78 Liz McQuilton Rodgers ‘00 Lindsay Rosenquist Burns ‘06 Jessica D. Salter ‘00 Lizabeth K. Sanden ‘99 Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ‘96 Amy E. Smith ‘06 Felecia Pearson Smith ‘74 Betsy Palmer Smith ‘60 Daphne Ristau Stellato ‘99 Amy R. Stone ‘00 Georgia Belle Thomas ‘11 Jessica Kendrick Thomas ‘08 Melissa Lane Thomas ‘69 Martha Jane Thompson ‘70 Eileen Vickery Thurmond ‘72 Reba Thurmond ‘57 Mary Ashling Thurmond Osborne ‘05 Laney J. Turner ‘09 Verah Dorsey Turner ‘88 Kathryn Smith Vinson ‘99 Geovette E. Washington ‘89 Jane Manley Wheeless ‘67 Judith L. Whitaker ‘75 Alexandra Aldica Willis ‘04


Wesleyan College is grateful for these legacies we received from donors during the past year. Anne Purvis Church ‘51 Lois Goldman Cowan ‘45 Elizabeth Hall Dunn ‘47 Jane Mulkey Green ‘42 Betty S. Hurdle Susan Stankrauff Newman ‘57 Laura Jones Turner ‘46

* deceased

Society for the 21st Century May Morgan Ackerman ‘94 and Robert K. Ackerman Betty Smith Addison ‘51 Hannah L. Allen ‘80 Susan Brown Allen ‘17 Debra McGee Ambrose ‘84 Linda G. Anderson ‘71 William H. Anderson II Ruth Wong Arnow ‘56 William E. Baird, Jr. Kathleen Peeples Ballou ‘55 William N. Banks, Jr. Patricia W. Bass Martha Gragg Bates ‘45 Edwina Hall Beall ‘53 Lorinda Lou Beller ‘64 Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 Loyd H. Black, Jr. Regina S. Bland ‘76 Georgann Dessau Blum ‘47 Sylvia Fesco Bond ‘81 Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 Gloria Boyette ‘60 Kathy A. Bradley ‘78 Beulah Laslie Brinson ‘58 Jane Speir Brook ‘76 Barbara A. Bryant ‘67 Patricia Sterling Brzezinski ‘84 Elizabeth Martin Bunte ‘68 Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter Carol Burt ‘64 * Cynthia Costello Busbee ‘92 Carol Hindman Butler ‘78 Jane Johnson Butler ‘65 Helen E. Cannon ‘60 Peggy Carswell ‘49 * Willene McGee Castleberry ‘47 * Jo An Johnson Chewning ‘66 Susan Lott Clark ‘46 Susan A. Cobleigh ‘68 Nannette Coco ‘73 and Karlyn Sturmer ‘75 Frances Oehmig Collins ‘47 Barbara Roland Colwell ‘70 Anne M. Cordeiro ‘92 Betty Turner Corn ‘47 Pamela Davis Corvelli ‘98 Lois Goldman Cowan ‘45 * Laurel Dean Gray Craft ‘46 Peggy Chesnutt Daniel ‘91 Mildred Taylor Dennis ‘57 Emily Hardman Dickey Berta Dodd-Marbut ‘58 Mary Nunn Domingos ‘46 Eloise Maxwell Doty ‘68 Jo Duke ‘84 Beth Mason Duncan ‘61 Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw ‘59 Robert J. Edenfield Mildred Fincher Efland ‘42 Annetta Zimmerman Elliott ‘67 Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65 Bee Seckinger Epley ‘58 Amanda Marine Evans ‘99

Charlotte Battle Everbach ‘52 * Trudie Parker Fickling ‘65 Arline Atkins Finch ‘56 and Ronald M. Finch, Jr. Gayle Attaway Findlay ‘55 Amy M. Fletcher ‘06 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 and Roger L. Flora Joan Shapiro Foster ‘56 Vivia L. Fowler Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 Tina D. Gann ‘94 Ashley Garrett ‘90 Anne H. and J. Harper Gaston Maria Shackelford Gause ‘90 Jackie Herron Gilmer ‘76 and Harry W. Gilmer Caroline Oliver Goff ‘92 Lisa DiMuro Gosnell ‘82 Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63 Eleanor Laslie Griffin ‘60 Mildred Roads Griffith ‘49 Charlotte Jolly Hale ‘62 and Floyd C. Hale Mary Pierpont Riley Hall ‘57 Laura Lowe Harmon ‘72 and Barrie H. Harmon III Robyn Harmon ‘77 Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ‘62 Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn ‘49 Betty Upchurch Hasty ‘55 Beverly J. * and Gilbert Held Pamela Lohr Hendrix ‘88 Cynthia L. Hershey ‘91 Carol Inman Heyward ‘60 Nancy Hill-Bates ‘61 Betty Smith Hipps ‘68 Sally Blake Hodo ‘69 C. Terry Holland Cordelia Dessau Holliday ‘48 * Virginia Ann Daniel Holman ‘75 and Calvin M. Holman Julie Houston Trieste ‘98 Anne Scarborough Hughes ‘78 Mollie Elizabeth Hughes ‘06 Lucy Cline Huie ‘41 Betty S. Hurdle * Anita Stern Isaac ‘76 Jessica L. Jarman ‘99 Janet Friberg Jarrett ‘78 Parrish Smotherman Jenkins ‘06 Suzanne McNatt Johnson ‘60 Catherine Gibbons Jost ‘70 Carla DuBose Kalec ‘57 Dana Karstensen-Bryan ‘99 Carol Bacon Kelso ‘73 Julia Stillwell Ketcham ‘58 Kari Goellner Kitchens ‘91 Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Nancy L. Lamb ‘95 Eleanor Adams Lane ‘58 Kayron McMinn Laska ‘87 and John Laska

Chartered in 1989, the Society for the Twenty-first Century recognizes alumnae and friends who make estate plans or life-income gifts benefiting Wesleyan College. Through their generous commitments, Society members will sustain and strengthen Wesleyan well into the College’s third century.

Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 and Lindsay Lemasters Lewis ‘80 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Betty Kemper Lhotka ‘57 Betty Jordan Lippitt ‘74 Betty I-May Lo ‘95 Richard H. Lowrance John F. Loyd Nancy Middleton Lucia ‘65 Diane A. Lumpkin ‘63 Margaret T. MacCary Beverly Hinely MacMahon ‘74 Wendy Coffman MacMahon ‘78 Nan G. Maddux ‘75 Patricia Shriver Mancuso ‘60 Nancy Van Aken Marti ‘64 Jane Silverman Mason ‘66 Virginia Mason ‘65 Jeanon M. Massien ‘84 Lucile Adams Mathews ‘66 Elizabeth N. Mathis ‘96 William M. Matthews Carolyn Martin McCrea ‘65 Michele L. McDuffie ‘99 Rita Parker McGarity ‘75 Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 Barbara Bird McLendon ‘60 Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ‘60 Sally Griffie Mehalko ‘67 Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen ‘80 Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Mary Ainsworth Mitchell ‘47 Tommie Sue Montgomery-Abrahams ‘63 Elizabeth Gibbons Montis ‘66 Mary Jo Moody ‘64 Caron Griffin Morgan ‘73 Anne McGee Morganstern ‘58 Betty Nunn Mori ‘58 Deborah Stevenson Moses ‘89 Anne Whipple Murphey ‘48 and ‘49 * Lee B. Murphey Gail Fulton Murphy ‘68 Claire Michaels Murray ‘52 Sherry V. Neal ‘96 Linda Chance Newiger ‘72 Susan Stankrauff Newman ‘57 * Catharine Elizabeth Neylans ‘51 Laura Ruth Norris ‘77 Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley ‘72 Leah Wallat Odden ‘54 Sara Lee Lane Ogilvie ‘56 Vidal E. Olivares ‘02 Patricia Davis Oliver ‘66 and William W. Oliver, Jr. Cacia Morris Orser ‘70 Ermine M. Owenby ‘61 Joyce Paris ‘54 Stephanie E. Parker ‘81 Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby ‘76 Heather Peebles-Bradley ‘90 Julianne McDaniel Perry ‘49 * Linda Vogel Pfleger ‘61 Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope ‘84

Jim Powell Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry ‘43 Harriet Laslie Reynolds ‘62 Shirley Wise Richardson ‘63 Gayle Langston Ricklefs ‘61 Bryndis W. Roberts ‘78 Tena N. Roberts ‘60 Meredith Young Rogers ‘60 Joan Maddox Sammons ‘57 Ann Harrell Saunders ‘53 Kenlyn G. Sawyer ‘86 Joyce Reddick Schafer ‘55 Muffy Gordy Schladensky ‘83 Harriet Holland Schmitt ‘62 Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ‘61 Susan McDonald Sheehan ‘72 Sandra Bell Shipp ‘66 and Robert Shipp Susan Moses Shropshire ‘72 Sally Husted Shuford ‘61 Martha Kinsey Skirven ‘61 Melissa Spradley Slaughter ‘01 Amy-Christine Vinson Smith ‘99 Betsy Palmer Smith ‘60 Joyce Hussey Smith ‘53 Sarah Turnbull Snow ‘74 and Claude H. Snow, Jr. Marjorie Perkins Squires ‘51 and William H. Squires Preston Stevens, Jr. Kathryn Stiles Stribling ‘47 Sylvia Newton Summers ‘64 and Roland S. Summers Mary Jane and Willard E. Summers Martha Bradford Swann ‘47 Ann Scott Terry ‘70 Loretha A. Thiele * Martha Clower Thomas ‘64 Betty A. Thompson ‘47 Mary E. Thompson ‘79 Casey Thurman ‘65 Virginia Rushing Trapnell ‘46 Kathryn Smith Vinson ‘99 Charlotte Little Walker ‘49 Marianna Patton Walker ‘79 and Carroll A. Walker Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 Patricia Hammock Wall ‘70 Katherine Stickley Watson ‘60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr. Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ‘64 Susan C. Wheelis ‘95 Beth Milstead Wilson ‘96 Janet Eidson Woods ‘75 Sandra Grist Woods ‘66 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward ‘54 Cynthia D. Wright ‘75 Georgiana Hsueh Yang ‘49 Charles H. Yates, Jr. *

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

Class Giving Giving Levels PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $25,000 or more JAMES HYDE PORTER SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 GEORGE FOSTER PIERCE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 CANDLER CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 CATHERINE BREWER BENSON SOCIETY $1,000 - $2,499 THE FOUNTAIN CLUB $500 - $999 1836 CLUB $250 - $499 CONTRIBUTORS Up to $249

1942 Participation: 55.56% 1948 1952 Total Annual Fund: $750.00 Participation: 14.29% Participation: 17.86% Total All Gifts: $1,039,927.72 Total Annual Fund: $2,000.00 Total Annual Fund: $3,750.00 President’s Council Total All Gifts: $2,050.00 Total All Gifts: $5,050.00 Jane Mulkey Green * Bequest Benson Society Candler Circle Benson Society Doris Poe Anderson M❤ Claire Michaels Murray M❤ Mildred Fincher Efland M❤ Fountain Club Benson Society 1836 Club Pauline Phelps Deck M❤ Evelyn LeRoy Fortson M❤ Bettye Withers Barnes M Contributors Fountain Club Jane Clapp Anderson Margaret Smith Carruth M❤ Martha Bielmann HastingsM❤ Monique Samson Dempsey 1836 Club Jane Hutchinson Thornton M❤ Betty Tillman Hodges Martha Davis Bauman * M Elizabeth Hean Stone M❤ Contributors 1943 Esther Deal Baker M❤ Participation: 14.29% Winifred Clements Begin 1949 Total Annual Fund: $1,000.00 Margaret Thoroughman Callahan M Participation: 27.78% Total All Gifts: $1,000.00 Margaret Lynch Cordell Total Annual Fund: $9,615.00 Benson Society Patricia Berry Faust M❤ Total All Gifts: $11,280.00 Mary Belle Gardner Mary Emma Bailey Rehm Pierce Society Quesenberry M❤ Elizabeth Mackay Asbury M❤ Benson Society 1953 1945 Betty Jo Watson Bowdre M❤ Participation: 18.31% Participation: 21.74% Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn M❤ Total Annual Fund: $3,780.00 Total Annual Fund: $5,650.00 Fountain Club Total All Gifts: $4,880.00 Total All Gifts: $10,650.00 Emily Hancock Bredeson M❤ Benson Society Pierce Society Susan Gragg Cash M❤ Merrilyn Welch Eastham M❤ Martha Gragg Bates M❤ Mildred Roads Griffith M❤ Susan Thigpen McDuffie Lois Goldman Cowan * Bequest Anne Whipple Alderman Murphey * Caroline Eagerton Upperco M❤ Fountain Club Fountain Club Betty Jane Daniel Robinson M Bettie Hotaling Bland M Contributors Lucia Hutchinson Peel Powe M Contributors 1836 Club Patricia Johnson Childs M❤ Mary Brown Malone Joan Jennings Norton M❤ Emmie Carlton Johnson M❤ Heritage M❤ Helen Blackmarr Outler M❤ Clara Hillis Schenke M❤ Virginia Martin Lawrence M Kathryn Parsons Willis M❤ Jerrye Griffeth Short M❤ Contributors Elizabeth Cook Smith * Charlotte Little Walker Virginia Eidson Robertson M❤ 1946 Julia Weathers Wynne M❤ Julianne Withers Roland M❤ Participation: 25.00% Ann Harrell Saunders M❤ Total Annual Fund: $625.00 Gary Still Suters M❤ Total All Gifts: $18,181.39 1950 Frances Bruce Van Horn M❤ Porter Society Participation: 16.67% Joann Wilkes Williams Laura Jones Turner * Bequest Total Annual Fund: $1,905.00 Fountain Club Total All Gifts: $1,905.00 Thelma Dillard Ethridge Benson Society 1954 Contributors Mary N. Cobb M❤ Participation: 27.54% Emily Bradford Batts M Fountain Club Total Annual Fund: $4,680.00 Susan Lott Clark M❤ Ann Messink Ross M❤ Total All Gifts: $4,805.00 Laurel Dean Gray Craft Contributors Benson Society Beverly Burgess Meadors M❤ Sara Johnston Fowke Ruth White Fruit M❤ Joyce Gallagher Pate M Mary Fordham Greenfield M❤ Joyce Paris M❤ Jacqueline Lamm Souder M❤ Betty Parham McGee M Fountain Club Virginia Rushing Trapnell M❤ Martha Ann Wood Robertson M❤ Marcia Mallet Ades M❤ Harriett Middlebrooks Roswurm 1836 Club Natalie Brewton Barfield M❤ 1947 Varese Chambless Participation: 20.45% 1951 Emily Cook Fawcett M Total Annual Fund: $26,925.00 Participation: 19.61% Martha Jean Laslie Total All Gifts: $52,425.00 Total Annual Fund: $7,295.00 Woodward M❤ President’s Council Total All Gifts: $29,072.20 Contributors Betty Turner Corn M❤ Porter Society Bonnie Gardner Barnes M Elizabeth Hall Dunn * Bequest Courtney Knight Gaines * Harriett Willis Bevil M❤ Fountain Club Pierce Society Sydney Willis Blackmarr Betty A. Thompson M Anne Purvis Church * Bequest M❤ Athelyn Wade Buttrill M❤ 1836 Club Marjorie Perkins Squires M❤ Jeannice Hammond Clark M Frances Oehmig Collins M❤ Benson Society Dolores English Davidson M Jean Anderson Estes M❤ Betty Smith Addison Marilyn Bennett Edwards Contributors 1836 Club Natholyn Miller Freeman Marilyn Mathews M❤ Donna Lloyd Gardner M❤ Leah Wallat Odden M❤ Mary Ainsworth Mitchell M❤ Contributors Ann Parsons Odum M❤ Jane Stapp Nadon M❤ Nancy Wyatt Ezzard M❤ Virginia Whiteman Robinson M❤ Toni Smith Suiter M❤ Anne McKay Garris Blaine Ross Shanks Robin Chesney Hopkins M❤ Catharine Elizabeth Neylans M❤ Mary Baldwin Woodland M❤

42 Gifts made between July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

* deceased

1955 Participation: 24.53% Total Annual Fund: $20,361.85 Total All Gifts: $33,409.43 Porter Society Gayle Attaway Findlay M❤ Joyce Reddick Schafer M❤ Dorothy Smith Yandle M❤ Fountain Club Judith Fuller Johnson M❤ Ann Hunter McCandless M❤ 1836 Club Jeanie Denton Anderson Contributors Phyllis Clough Davis M❤ Juanita Sexton Dowling-Brandon M❤ Frances Moulthrop Gordon M❤ Betty Upchurch Hasty Ada Morris Lamon M Mary Webb Lockhart M❤ Patricia Beckler McWhorter M❤ 1956 Participation: 25.40% Total Annual Fund: $6,500.00 Total All Gifts: $102,500.00 President’s Council Arline Atkins Finch M❤ Porter Society Joan Shapiro Foster M❤ Benson Society Emily Sawyer Hart M❤ Jane Courtenay Shockley M❤ Fountain Club Sarah Ware Arthur M❤ Carolyn Sims Brooks M❤ 1836 Club Jo Ann Copeland Chapple M❤ Contributors Ruth Wong Arnow M❤ Kay Johnson Bergh M Frances Cassel Berry M❤ Lloyd Young Flanders M❤ Paula Hunt Geiger Irene I-Ling Mao Hui M❤ Mary Tappan Mabry M❤ Marion Wade Mixon Cynthia Clark Quillian M 1957 Participation: 19.32% Total Annual Fund: $20,004.57 Total All Gifts: $25,229.57 Porter Society Joan Maddox Sammons M❤ Pierce Society Maria S. Higgins M❤ Susan Stankrauff Newman * Bequest M Benson Society Juliette Adams Hawk M❤ Reba Thurmond M❤ Fountain Club Nancy McClellan Flowers M❤ Eleanor Thompson Futch Rosen M❤ 1836 Club Betty Brender Belanger Contributors Gray Rowland Curlee M❤ Martha Sisson Gaston Harriette Wilkes Grimes Mary Pierpont Riley Hall M❤ Sally Thorp Heath M❤ Betty Kemper Lhotka Sue Rogers McCright M Eleanor McDonald Still Marguerite Malcolm Yarboro M❤

1958 Participation: 33.96% Total Annual Fund: $34,147.05 Total All Gifts: $43,022.05 President’s Council Betty Nunn Mori M❤ Pierce Society Linda McElroy Steed M Benson Society Emily Hardman Dickey M❤ Clarice Pittman Elder M❤ Julia Stillwell Ketcham M❤ Eleanor Adams Lane M❤ Anne McGee Morganstern Nancy Peterson Shaw M❤ Fountain Club Paula Pritchard Todd M 1836 Club Beulah Laslie Brinson Bird M❤ Temple Wilson Ellis M❤ Patricia Haddle Keck Carole Kelley Mangham M Martha Carter Middlemas Bryant M❤ Jensene Godwin Payne M❤ Lorena Campbell Piper M❤ Zoe Moore Turner M❤ Contributors Luleen Sandefur Anderson M❤ Mary Cooper Braun M❤ Jeraldine Farr Crews M Bee Seckinger Epley M Nancy Doss Holcombe M❤ Nancy Cook Hollingsworth M❤ Medra Lott Keyser M❤ Joy Jenkins Meyers Katherine Bailey Presley Joan Nachbaur Rathbun M❤ Jane Howard Reinmuth M❤ Delia Bridwell Reynolds M❤ Marian Baum Russell M❤ Marie Girardeau Russell M❤ Nancy McCook Spence M❤ Virginia Talbot M Nina Sheppard Terrell M❤ June Mays Turner Louise Sawyer Whipple M❤ 1959 Participation: 28.00% Total Annual Fund: $2,975.00 Total All Gifts: $3,000.00 Fountain Club Elizabeth Blalock Butler M❤ Manita Bond Dean M❤ 1836 Club Julia Elliott Greer M Lee Brenaman Holmes M❤ Jane Powers Weldon M❤ Contributors Mary Ruth Gleaton Ballard * M Carolyn Wade Barry M❤ Marcia Adams Cashin M❤ Helen Poole Fontsere’ M❤ Charlotte Getz Gerken M❤ Janace Fender Griffin M❤ Carmen Moore Jackson M❤ Kathryn Wilder Jones Carmella Christopher Kelsey M❤ Wilma Gardner Kinslow Yvonne Grant Lindsey Lucia Wurst Loper Mary Terrell Mitchell M Carol King Pope M❤ Carolyn Bolick Siegrist M❤

Wesleyan Star Established in 2014 to recognize those alumnae just beginning to support Wesleyan in consecutive years, the Wesleyan Star honors alumnae who have given for two, three or four consecutive years. Special recognition of Wesleyan Stars includes a M following their name in the alumnae Class Giving section and special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Love X 5 For the past 25 years, the Love X 5 program has been recognizing our faithful alumnae who have made a gift to Wesleyan for five or more consecutive years. In recognition of their loyalty to Wesleyan, these faithful donors are honored with a ❤ following their names in the Class Giving section. When attending Alumnae Weekend, Love X 5 faithful are also presented with a special pin honoring their continued support of their alma mater.

Winner’s Circle A 2014 addition to our recognition of consecutive year donors includes the Winner’s Circle. These faithful alumnae have supported Wesleyan with gifts for ten to nineteen consecutive years. To recognize this loyalty, Winner’s Circle faithful are honored with a following their name in the alumnae Class Giving section, as well as special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Stanback Society Established in 2001, the Stanback Society recognizes alumnae who have given to Wesleyan for twenty or more consecutive years. These faithful donors are honored with a following their names in the alumnae Class Giving section. The Stanback Society is named in honor of Florence Elizabeth Cawthon Stanback who contributed to the Annual Fund faithfully, giving every year from her graduation in 1925 until her death in 2002.

Society for the 21st Century Because we are forever grateful for those who remember Wesleyan with a planned gift, these alumnae are now recognized in the Class Giving Section. The names of current Society members will appear in bold typeface and those from whom we have received a legacy gift will appear in italics.

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

1960 Participation: 30.15% Total Annual Fund:$15,445.00 Total All Gifts: $115,952.70 President’s Council Mary Ann Pollard Houghland M❤ Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill M❤ Pierce Society Carol Inman Heyward M❤ Candler Circle Patricia Shriver Mancuso M❤ Betsy Palmer Smith M❤ Virginia Sumerford York M❤ Benson Society Nancy Reeder Akins M Gloria Boyette M❤ Martha Bell Lewis M❤ Kate Stickley Watson M❤ Carol Sibley Wideman M❤ Fountain Club Dale Odum Barrow M❤ Louise Williams Chapin Eleanor Laslie Griffin M❤ Lydia Jordan Hickam M❤ Victoria Wilson Logue M❤ Doris V. Manning M❤ Barbara Betts Tuck M❤ 1836 Club Margaret McCready Cornell M❤ Mary Moore English M❤ Ann Lavender Faulk M❤ Julie Adams Lewis Barbara Bird McLendon M❤ Jacquelyn Davis Richardson M❤ Meredith Young Rogers M Contributors Kay Carroll Barnes M❤ Charlise Mallory Black Juliet Singletary Coleman M❤ Louise Somers Davidson M❤ Anne Holderfield Ficken M Marcilla Jacobs Heath M Lynn Lightfoot Hutcheson M❤ Karen Widdowson Johnson Suzanne McNatt Johnson M Emily Childres Mims M Tena N. Roberts M❤ Drayton Shull Rogers * M❤ Giulia LaCagnina Saucier Nan Millwood Solomon M❤ Beverly Jo Flynt Strean Molly Mallory Wilkes M❤ 1961 Participation: 29.90% Total Annual Fund: $9,300.00 Total All Gifts: $9,900.00 Benson Society Kay Watkins Hanson Suzanne Jones Kahn M❤ Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. M❤ Jeanette Loflin Shackelford M❤ Fountain Club Jane Baker Chaffin M❤ Linda Chambers Mahan M❤ 1836 Club Mary Jo Porch Floyd M❤ Jo Anne Miller Gaede M❤ Norma Mullings Hunt M Virginia Poole Lee M❤ Janice Boland Smith M❤ Nancy Bowden Wiley M❤ Contributors Judith Warnock Burns M❤ Betty Claire Manning Clark M Ann Frost Copeland M❤ Janice McCord Doe M❤ Jean Edwards Dukes M❤ Ernestine Cole Fulmer M❤ Jean Cain Gaddis M❤ Andrea Morris Gruhl M❤ Sandra Combs Lewis M❤ Bebe Blalock Littles M❤ Flo Bloodworth Mellard M Muriel Decker Mortensen

Linda Vogel Pfleger M❤ Gayle Langston Ricklefs M❤ Sheila Leto Scott M❤ Martha Kinsey Skirven M❤ Linda Lee Belford Turek M❤ 1962 Participation: 32.39% Total Annual Fund: $8,922.00 Total All Gifts: $11,967.00 Candler Circle Charlotte Jolly Hale M❤ Benson Society Maria Tsong Lian M❤ Marybelle Proctor Menzel M❤ Harriet Laslie Reynolds M❤ Fountain Club LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver M❤ Harriet Holland Schmitt M❤ 1836 Club Jane Flemister Batten M❤ Ellen Weldon Dukes M❤ Carol Anne Rollins Harrison M❤ Dorothy Hendrix Hope M❤ Rhoda Morrison Joyner M❤ Jill Jayne Read M Contributors Eleanor Hagins Bradwell M❤ Janella Sammons Brand M Iris Carroll Edwards M❤ Dale Fain Holloway Sherry Staples Hubbard M❤ Ellen Cone Lynn M❤ Frances Parker McCrary Sue Summerhill O’Kelley M❤ Sonya Shipman Otte M❤ Elizabeth Daves Ream M❤ Sarah Calhoun Savage 1963 Participation: 23.15% Total Annual Fund: $24,189.00 Total All Gifts: $171,763.19 President’s Council Sylvia Maxwell Brown M❤ Judy Woodward Gregory M❤ Benson Society Margaret Craig Bryant M❤ Susan Taylor King M❤ Diane A. Lumpkin M❤ Virginia Barber Perkins M❤ Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer M❤ Karen Connor Shockley M❤ Joyce Brandon Starr M❤ Fountain Club Ann Ewing Shumaker M❤ 1836 Club Marian Carter Clark M❤ Barbara Johnston Plaxico M❤ Rebecca Bullard Powers M❤ Shirley Wise Richardson M❤ Fabia Trice Rogers Renate Butler Ryan M❤ Sally Irwin Williams M❤ Linda J. Withrow Contributors Ann Lyn Lightner Allen M❤ Sylvia Hutchinson Bell Cecilia McDaniel Brock M❤ Elizabeth Wingfield Dick M❤ Linda Quinn Hickman M❤ Myra Hicks Korb M Tommie Sue Montgomery-Abrahams M❤

1964 Participation: 50.00% Total Annual Fund: $19,680.00 Total All Gifts: $69,730.00 President’s Council Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson M❤

44 Gifts made between July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

Candler Circle 1836 Club Lorinda Lou Beller M❤ Margaret Shoemaker Gordon M❤ Carol Burt *M❤ Janice Parks Mahoney M Benson Society Lynn Ramsey Stowers M❤ Ann McDonald Hurt M❤ Contributors Suzanne Gosnell Joye M❤ Elizabeth Fuller Barnes Zea M Judith Kuhn Schlichter M❤ Sharon Harp Campbell M❤ Fountain Club Silvia Gonzalez Kenneweg M Virginia Bowen Maier M❤ Gloria Dollar Knight M❤ Harriette James Simmons M❤ Nedra Martin Malone M Patricia Jaeger Williams M❤ Brenda Freeman Manucy M❤ Martha Simmons Woodall M❤ Susan Cobb Middlebrooks M❤ 1836 Club Sally Eisen Miller M❤ Emelyn Arnold M❤ Mildred E. Neville M❤ Madelaine Mackoul Cosgrove M❤ Suzanne Letson Scarbrough M❤ Nancy Van Aken Marti M❤ Katherine Champion Martha Clower Thomas M❤ Smelley M❤ Contributors Julia Stancil Stepp M❤ Barbara N. Abercrombie M❤ Agnes D. Albright M❤ Brenda Lee Barclay M❤ 1966 Participation: 19.64% Betty Jane Owens Betts M❤ Total Annual Fund: $10,005.00 Brenda Jones Bradford M❤ Total All Gifts: $11,855.00 Gayle Pierce Casale M❤ Candler Circle Peggy Pierce Chandler M Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer M❤ Joy Cochran Benson Society Dorothy Groh Cutler M❤ Sandra Lumpkin Bryan M❤ Mary Helen Pope Daniel M❤ Jo An Johnson Chewning M❤ Gena Sewell Davidson M❤ Catharine Burns Liles Jane Brockinton Earhart M❤ Fountain Club Elizabeth Hartley Filliat M❤ Marion Spencer Bluestone M Rosalyn Moye Forsyth M❤ Mary Thrift Chambers M❤ Mary Russell George M❤ Virginia Harshbarger Willanna Anderson Gibbs Lamback M❤ Elaine Kaloostian Hall M❤ Elizabeth Gibbons Montis M❤ Linda Eaker Hall * M❤ Patricia Davis Oliver M❤ Ann Lichtenwalter Hernandez M❤ Jane Curry Hinson M Betty Westmoreland Shuster M❤ 1836 Club Beth Bramblett Hirzel M❤ Beth Childs Brooks M❤ Susan Lillyman Hyland M❤ Maxine Maddox Dornemann Rebecca Johnson Ingram M❤ Susan Glover Logan M Diana P. Jeffreys M❤ Lucile Adams Mathews M❤ Mary Helen Johnson M❤ Bonnie Smith Slovis M❤ Paula McWhorter Judd * M❤ Contributors Glenda Neill Kipp M❤ Joann Roark Arneson Betty Sue Williams Levins Elizabeth Girlinghouse Bernard M Robin Hickman MacCurdy M❤ Abbie Howard Dillard Frances Strickland Masse M❤ Pamela Easmann Holmes M❤ Linda Poole McCurdy M Darlene Hassler Jackson M❤ Andrea R. Moody Mary Jo Moody M❤ Virginia Glover Lee M Joy Lewis Martin M Carolyn McDonald Parham Jane Silverman Mason M Margaret Freeman Patterson M❤ Nan N. McWilliams Suzanne Whidden Pennington M❤ Becky Gleaton Mynatt M❤ Emma Jo Jones Ploeger M❤ Jo Bogan Prout M❤ Sandra McElroy Preston M❤ Lindsley Carter Puster Janice Rich Rentz M Nancy Rowland Rehberg M Mary Helen Hall Ringe M❤ Barbara Meeko Sanders M Lucy Guggenheimer Ross M❤ Cathy Bloor Servais M Elizabeth S. Sims M❤ Dona D. Vaughn M Frances White Skoglund M❤ Dale McNatt Williams M Eileen Mullings Smith M❤ Sandra Grist Woods M❤ Sally Hutchinson Vermillion M❤ Nancy Filer Waite M❤ Pamela Watkins Young M❤ 1967 Participation: 16.46% Total Annual Fund: $59,445.00 1965 Total All Gifts: $112,525.00 Participation: 17.93% President’s Council Total Annual Fund: $29,035.00 Alexis Xides Bighley M❤ Total All Gifts: $35,750.00 Suelle M. Swartz M❤ Porter Society Pierce Society Jane Johnson Butler M❤ Kathleen DeBerry Brungard M❤ Pierce Society Candler Circle Janet Mewbourne Genest M❤ Margaret Thompson Monahan M❤ Candler Circle Helen Harwell Smith * M❤ Glennda Kingry Elliott M❤ Marilyn A. Vickers M❤ Benson Society Benson Society Trudie Parker Fickling M❤ Pamela Stott Callihan Olivia Lopez Hartenstein M Flo Williams Douglas M❤ Carolyn Martin McCrea M❤ Charlotte Babcock Ellis Peggy Likes Miller M❤ Judith Miller Newbern M❤ Casey J. Thurman M❤ Susan Kirvin Ogburn M❤ Hilda A. Wright M Fountain Club Fountain Club Joanna Trask Harrison M Kathryne Meeks Sanders M❤ Anne Hilger Manley M❤ Jean Webb Tippins M

* deceased

Sally Griffie Mehalko M❤ 1969 Participation: 36.61% Susan Rau Middlebrooks M❤ Total Annual Fund: $23,485.00 Jane Manley Wheeless M❤ Total All Gifts: $41,353.00 1836 Club Porter Society Daphne Murph Chapman M Suzanne Woodham Juday M❤ Flora Phillips Grindstaff M Pierce Society Kasey Carneal Phillips Melissa Lane Thomas M❤ Nancy Condes Whitsett M Candler Circle Contributors Frances E. D. Greer * M Sally Farren Benoy M❤ Benson Society Karen Short Cummings Betsy Dasher M Phyllis Heaton Judge M Ann Kinnick Keane M❤ Kay Williams New M❤ Anne Telford Parr M❤ Patricia Whitely Lonaker Kay Trowbridge Thomas Karen Moore Thomson M❤ Fountain Club Emily Vardaman Adams M❤ Alice Peninger Beasley M❤ 1968 Sandra Eversole Bowman M❤ Participation: 27.66% Sharon Malone Boyd M❤ Total Annual Fund: $37,529.09 Total All Gifts: $68,493.25 Lou Ellen Semler Boyes M❤ Porter Society Ann Reaves Burr M❤ Priscilla Gautier Bornmann M❤ Carol Broome Fraune M❤ Beverly F. Mitchell M❤ Mary Beth Taylor Keys M❤ Pierce Society Betty Hood Lydick M❤ Elizabeth Martin Bunte M❤ 1836 Club Jane Price Claxton M❤ Ann Brown Austin M❤ Babs Richardson Pirkle M❤ Dale Parker Craig M❤ Candler Circle Susan Isaacs Dodson M❤ Andgelia Proctor Kelly M❤ Karen D. Garr M❤ Benson Society Janet Burkhalter Haworth M Eve L. Birmingham M❤ Margaret Yarbrough McCranie M Virginia Crapps Johnson M❤ Susan Rogers Mills Ellen Beard Martin M❤ Linda L. Rich M Dana Mitchell M Diana Hall Richardson M❤ Mary Ann Bateman Spell M❤ June Shiver Allyn Ballou Veatch M❤ Diane Harrison Smith M❤ Fountain Club Gena Ware Wilson Kay Hafner Agnew M Nan Pelle Wuller Contributors Patty Pearce Cardin M❤ Betty Battson Ferrell M Ellen Dekle Alderman Dell Hitchcock Bailey M Katherine Wilson Johnson M❤ Dianne Carstarphen Bowman Leila K. Kight M❤ Barbara Jo Bugg M Virginia Hiers Roebuck M❤ Lucinda Samford Cannon M❤ Sally Plowden Stevenson Cathy Mettetal Caskey 1836 Club Dawne Taylor Clonts Helen Jackson Burgin M❤ Jan Stewart Cook M Judy Floyd Bywater M Wanda Bell Culpepper Susan A. Cobleigh M❤ Judy Davis DeLoach Mary Ann Ward Dudley M❤ Betty Smith Hipps M Susan Mottola Dudley Katharine Corinne Estill Vicki Page Jaus M❤ Linda Kay Finley Geranne Hutchinson Mills M❤ Tricia Pace Fordham M❤ Mary Jo Fincher Plowden M❤ Cecelia A. Frecker M Jo Slover Smith M❤ Lynn Rosenblatt Gatlin Martha Herring Stubbs M Judith Haisten Gattis M❤ Nancy Lowe Taylor M❤ Linda Smith Gregg M❤ Contributors Pat Ondo Hurley M❤ Beth Rogero Bowen M❤ Lane Carr Johnson M Jan McEachern Carter M Lenore Granberry King Lynn Hays Davis M❤ Angela Fulton Kirby M❤ Robin Hood Geisler M❤ Susan Ewing Maddox M❤ Susan Swain Goger M Susan Byrd Mathews M Lynda Ogburn Hathorn M Linda Harper Mattern Kristina Cross Hawkins M Betty Bickerstaff McRae Katherine Dickert Huffstetler M Kay Moses Penzell Sara Walters Ingram M Martha Farrar Pickett Gail Fulton Murphy M Gwynn Johnson Polidoro Anne Stephenson Norman Emmaline Haddle Pursley M Carolyn Sayers Poole Susan Mallory Rylander Judith Davis Powell M Daphne Scott M Ruth Anne Gray Randolph M❤ Ann Beard Shahid M Martha Pafford Schindhelm M❤ Sally Cox Spencer M❤ Virginia Larson Schneider M❤ Dorothy Smith Stewart Susan Jones Shulman M❤ Barbara Marble Tagg M Marsha Fernald Sichveland M❤ Sabra Shipp Zautke Peggy Ray Sichveland M Annabelle R. Spring M 1970 Diane G. Walker Participation: 21.85% Ginger Sanders White M Total Annual Fund: $32,689.55 Total All Gifts: $83,286.64 President’s Council Patricia Grogan Borders M❤ Susan Woodward Walker M❤ Candler Circle Barbara Roland Colwell M❤ Katherine Arnold Hale M❤ Rosalind Turner Jeter

Benson Society Linda Lavender Baumann Linda Goulding Camp M Catherine Gibbons Jost M❤ May Powell Parks M❤ Patricia Hammock Wall M❤ Fountain Club Jane Ward Gault M Ann Scott Terry M❤ Martha Jane Thompson M❤ 1836 Club Jan Bull Burgess M❤ Emily Chase Cook M❤ Karen Murphy Freeney M❤ Kate Goldman Gholston M Charlene Payne Kammerer M Colleen Smith Katsuki M❤ B.J. Molpus Posey M❤ Contributors Mary Ella Gibson Bernard M❤ Susan C. Bradshaw M Kathryn Nettles Clark M❤ Jan Drury Cox M❤ Ruth Anne Braendle Craft M❤ Susan McMahan Fink Peggy Persons Fox M❤ Yvonne Dykes Hartig M❤ Wanda Saltmarsh Hopkins M❤ Brenda Witham McGinn M❤ Anne Harden Murphy M❤ Patsy Lockhart Schutte M Patricia L. Voyles M 1971 Participation: 28.24% Total Annual Fund: $19,588.44 Total All Gifts: $46,360.09 Porter Society Toni L. Jennings M Susan Pyeatt Kimmey M❤ Candler Circle Gena Roberts Franklin M❤ Benson Society Pamela Henry Pate M❤ Cathy Coxey Snow M❤ Kirsten Johansen Welch Helen Ferguson Zachry M❤ Fountain Club Shari Richardson Arrington M❤ 1836 Club Rebecca Curtis Basset M❤ Peggy Parrish Hasty M❤ Derrill Dunn McRae M❤ Contributors Virginia Williamson Almand M❤ Linda G. Anderson M❤ Janice Moody Cayton M❤ Marilyn Murphy Gasparini Denise Kelly Hart M❤ Deborah Smith Kelly M❤ Rebecca Edenfield Lingerfelt M❤ Debbie Hall Loftiss Harriett E. Mayo M❤ Linda F. Patrick M Carol Rogers Smith M Martha Yates Thomas Mary Williams Walker M 1972 Participation: 32.31% Total Annual Fund: $6,750.00 Total All Gifts: $6,900.00 Candler Circle Elizabeth Rogers Kelly M❤ Benson Society Deborah Wedgworth Altman M❤ 1836 Club Kasse Andrews-Weller M❤ Rebecca Jones Brock M❤ Sonya Tomlinson Holland Mary Catherine Collins O’Kelley M❤ Nancy Jackson Osmundsen M❤ Eileen Vickery Thurmond M❤

Contributors Eileen Moffitt Batchelor M❤ Joyce Rice Ellison M❤ Marianne Graeme Fortuna M❤ Deborah Dye Gigliotti M❤ Mary Norman Huguley Susan Mann Kimbrell M Kathy Weeks Leaman Leslie Brooks McDonnell Linda Chance Newiger M❤ Sherryl Senna Pollard M❤ Lynn Golson Priester M❤ Susan McDonald Sheehan M❤ Janie Shirah Stump M❤ 1973 Participation: 37.70% Total Annual Fund: $15,895.00 Total All Gifts: $16,095.00 Candler Circle Marsha Lynn Christy M❤ Margaret M. Mathews M❤ Janice A. Mays M❤ Benson Society Betty Cook Shull Fountain Club Miriam McElheney Jordan M Hazel Mims Mathis M❤ Caron Griffin Morgan M 1836 Club Betsy McPherson Farr M Mary Graham Ponder Foster M❤ Lisa T. Kuhn M❤ Contributors Carroll Ricketson Bolton M❤ Sharon Lynch Bond Hale Coble Edwards M❤ Connie Burkhalter Hood Carol Bacon Kelso M❤ Katharine Johns Olson M❤ Anne Thornton Reynolds M❤ Patricia H. Ryan M Jill Gerber Smith M❤ Marsha Brown Thomas M Susan Paul Tyler M Linda Brown Walker M❤ Adriane Kelly Wood M 1974 Participation: 32.50% Total Annual Fund: $14,380.00 Total All Gifts: $14,855.00 Porter Society Beverly Hinely MacMahon M❤ Fountain Club Martha V. Johnson M❤ Lisa McKinney M Wanda Strickland Sauls 1836 Club Peggy Jones Cobb Gail Murphy Oden M❤ Sarah Turnbull Snow Margaret Andrews Willis M❤ Contributors Susan Powers Champion M Ann Plylar Cornelius Debora Doyle Edenfield Laura Hunt Edenfield Virginia Woods Everett Deborah Gardner Green Judy E. Hoffman Licia Drinnon Jackson M Pamela Hicks Kelly Patricia Stillwagon Kessler M Marian Elliott Lewis M❤ Debra Maund Elizabeth Bridge Risch Karen Snider Rivera Felecia Pearson Smith M Julie Ragan Smith Debra D. Stockton M❤ Hazel Burns Struby M Mary Ellen Sheehan Wroble M❤

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

1975 Participation: 33.71% Total Annual Fund: $75,412.00 Total All Gifts: $134,167.00 President’s Council Ruth A. Knox M❤ Porter Society Cynthia D. Wright M❤ Pierce Society Sally Moffett McKenna M❤ Benson Society Susie Black M❤ Carol A. Goodloe M❤ Selma Middlebrooks Gore Millie Parrish Hudson M❤ Margaret Strickland Lovein M❤ Nan G. Maddux M❤ Rita Parker McGarity M❤ Judith L. Whitaker M❤ Fountain Club Susan Lovette Fischer Dobbyn Bonnie Hunter Hunt M❤ Nan Dixon Souma M 1836 Club Lisa Sherman Hammond M❤ Catherine L. Hinman M❤ Beth Sullins Hughes M❤ Sandra Davis Townley M❤ Contributors Kay Hickman Beasley M❤ Jean Bargeron Bender M❤ Carolyn Bowman Biggs M Marina Showalter Chancery M Linda Taunton Hopkins Barbara Tjia Huang M❤ Mary Coble Kirkley Betty Snooks Moses M❤ Deborah Bell Roberds M Betsy Wakeford Thompson M Jacalyn Street Wilson M Janet Eidson Woods M❤ 1976 Participation: 25.00% Total Annual Fund: $4,325.00 Total All Gifts: $5,375.00 Benson Society Virginia Pritchard Ashby M❤ Elizabeth O’Donnell Menkhaus M❤ Fountain Club Carolyn Field Hall Nancy Williamson Witek M❤ 1836 Club Regina S. Bland M❤ Julie V. Castle M❤ Jackie Herron Gilmer M❤ Patricia A. Henry M❤ Contributors Jane Speir Brook M❤ Melissa Worley Callahan M❤ Linda Wing Duckworth Barbee A. Dyer M❤ Janice Cromer Holbrook M LuAnn Weeks Holden M Dorothy Claytor Jackson M Marsha L. Jackson M❤ Cynthia H. McMullen M❤ Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby M❤ Jane Gardner Preston M❤ Mary Knight Robinson M❤ Henrietta Craddock Schoonover M❤ Jenny Gatliff Smith M Delia Tinnell Spinks M 1977 Participation: 10.59% Total Annual Fund: $7,625.00 Total All Gifts: $7,625.00 Pierce Society Kathleen Hill Goddard M❤ Benson Society Linda Haygood Davis M❤ Fountain Club Victoria Buxton Cork M❤

Contributors Beth Holliman Boswell M❤ Lucia Chapman Carr M❤ Cathy Bailey Crumbley M Berylanne Miner Crutchley Lauren Drinnon Leskosky M❤ Virginia T. Phillips M 1978 Participation: 26.17% Total Annual Fund: $7,395.00 Total All Gifts: $7,895.00 Benson Society Janet Friberg Jarrett M❤ Julie St. John Thornton M❤ Fountain Club Laura Shippey Gafnea M❤ Karen McKinney Renner M 1836 Club Carol Hindman Butler M❤ Katherine Harvin Gibbs M❤ Lucy F. Lee Darla Grinstead McKenzie M❤ Laurinda Murphy Norris M❤ Bryndis W. Roberts M❤ Patricia L. Tate M❤ Dawn Sapp Taylor M❤ Contributors Kathy A. Bradley M❤ Janet Rumler Brooks Kimberly Richards Denmark Jeri L. Ellis Jeanne Anthony Gibbs Leigh Lambert Goff M❤ Anne Scarborough Hughes M❤ Janet L. Keys M❤ Carol Denise Lester Wendy Coffman MacMahon M❤ Mary McMillan Mancin M❤ Laura E. Perdue M❤ Catherine Bradach Rockoff M❤ Candice Muehlbauer Shockley M❤ Janet Williams Sills M❤ Nancy McDonald Terhorst M❤ 1979 Participation: 28.57% Total Annual Fund: $3,485.00 Total All Gifts: $3,635.00 Fountain Club Rebecca Tuten McClain M❤ Teresa D. Morrow M 1836 Club Margaret Dilbeck Garland M Sally Anderson Hemingway M❤ Sherrie Shellard O’Hara Mary E. Thompson M Contributors Carol Freeman Ake Louise L. Bender Amy Miller Braun Jacqueline Webb Bullard Nadine Cheek M❤ Gail Bacon Ford M❤ Lynne Anthoine Hueglin M❤ Judy Sanders Hughes Denise Sarver Jewell M❤ Nora Kay Appling King Anita E. Marchman M❤ Theresa L. McKenna M❤ Natalie Anderson Rauch Cynthia Mercer Riley M Loisanne Tatum Robins M Linda Chastain Rowe Catherine Haye Sauter M❤ Jane Durrence Grubb Vaughan M Helen LuAlice Waite Marianna Patton Walker M❤

46 Gifts made between July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

1980 Participation: 25.47% Total Annual Fund: $23,060.00 Total All Gifts: $24,995.00 Porter Society Hannah L. Allen M❤ Candler Circle Mary Stephens Malone M❤ Benson Society Janet M. Lawrence M❤ Lindsay Lemasters Lewis M❤ Allison McFarland Wilcox M❤ Fountain Club Paula Flannery Lytle Kelly Russell M❤ Contributors Anne Armstrong M❤ Eileen V. Begin M Marcia Bronson M❤ Gwendolyn Perry Brooks Aida Bales Chappell M❤ Deena Harrell Cherry M❤ Lynn K. Daley M❤ Crystal Bell Davidian M❤ Shannon Lindsey Hudson M Rosemary King Lee M Gena Odom Masciello M Carey Cannon McPhail M Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen M❤ Linda Carey Nardotti M❤ Julie O’Neil Perkins Helen Anne Richards M❤ Wanda Maynard Schroeder M❤ Susan Snider M❤ Katherine E. Weekes M❤ Carol Radke Willard 1981 Participation: 17.65% Total Annual Fund: $11,525.00 Total All Gifts: $18,125.00 Porter Society Stephanie E. Parker M❤ Candler Circle Mary Langel Stults M❤ Benson Society Leslie Eberhardt Highsmith M Mary Thompson Monfort M Contributors Anne Woodward Ahrendt Cynthia L. Cobb M❤ Nanette Shaw Coleman Hilda Cook Hilliard M Trudy Clark Landis M Wendy Jo Mann McAllister Lisa Moorer Stafford M Monique Martin Whorton M❤ 1982 Participation: 16.25% Total Annual Fund: $6,467.05 Total All Gifts: $6,717.05 Candler Circle Susan Cartledge Barker Benson Society Susan L. Holloway M❤ Fountain Club Suzanne L. Colter M❤ 1836 Club Jennifer Houser Chapin M❤ Lisa DiMuro Gosnell M❤ Mary Ellen Skowronek Sutphin M❤ Contributors Leslie Buice Carson Natalie Woo Davis Linda C. Johnson Karen A. Martin Edelma Gallardo Nicolou Rebecca Moore Robbins M❤ Catherine Silva

1983 Participation: 11.76% Total Annual Fund: $2,110.00 Total All Gifts: $2,235.00 Benson Society Ellen Futral Hanson M❤ Fountain Club Peggy Jones Hall M 1836 Club Cynthia E. Bell-Lee M❤ Contributors Mary Ann Aiken Fitzgerald M❤ Anne Elizabeth Koon M❤ Mary Lisa Boyer Millican M❤ 1984 Participation: 17.02% Total Annual Fund: $850.00 Total All Gifts: $925.00 1836 Club Jo Duke M❤ Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope M❤ Contributors Debra McGee Ambrose M❤ Patricia Sterling Brzezinski M❤ Amanda S. Jacobs M❤ Jeanon M. Massien M❤ Connie S. McKinney Ava Arnold Wyatt

1985 Participation: 21.43% Total Annual Fund: $1,455.00 Total All Gifts: $1,555.00 Fountain Club Rhonda L. Barcus M❤ 1836 Club Lisa Ahl Duncan M❤ Teresa Dudek Goodpaster M❤ Contributors Lori Alcorn Campbell M❤ Betty Bivins Edwards M Michelle Martin Gowan Holly T. Heath M❤ Julie Bowman Kimbrell Karen Toner Mixon Sara King Pilger M❤ Stephanie Van Pelt Laura Hefner Wanamaker M 1986 Participation: 16.67% Total Annual Fund: $2,855.00 Total All Gifts: $5,805.00 Candler Circle Tamara Mullis Hawkins M❤ Benson Society Dana Flanders Laster M❤ Tara Baker Ramsey M❤ 1836 Club Janie Chien Golden M❤ Contributors Elizabeth Marecki Alberding Dana Grinstead Tanner M❤ Patricia Potts Wells M Merri Hart White M 1987 Participation: 13.51% Total Annual Fund: $2,495.00 Total All Gifts: $4,170.00 Benson Society Carla T. Asbell Dennis M❤ Leesa Akins Flora M❤ Kayron McMinn Laska M 1836 Club Jill Amos M❤ Amy J. Krueger Robin Wood Contributors Lisa Morgan Edwards M Lynn Lasseter Prater M❤

* deceased

Katherine Brennan Riner M Lisa D. Shiveler M❤ Barbara Roe Wallace M❤ 1988 Participation: 14.52% Total Annual Fund: $4,995.00 Total All Gifts: $5,245.00 Benson Society Gwen Futral Gallagher-Howard M Rita Mitchell Higgins M Jody Bethea Riggs M Verah Dorsey Turner M❤ 1836 Club Joan Finney Hatcher Beth A. Herndon M❤ Contributors Linda Gay Eubanks M❤ Maricka M. Rogers-Randall M Kathryn Lawrence Spada M 1989 Participation: 30.77% Total Annual Fund: $24,900.00 Total All Gifts: $59,638.75 President’s Council Mary Beth Brown Swearingen M❤ Porter Society Debbie Stevenson Moses M❤ Pierce Society Geovette E. Washington M❤ Fountain Club Cynthia Buchanan Lynch M 1836 Club Denise Cheek Brown M❤ Kristin N. Claus M❤ Penny Whitley Windham M Contributors Jennifer Kane Chacosky Malika Ghosh Garrett Lura Harrell Hammock M Rhonda Vines Hancock Julia Huskey Julia Baker Huster Pamela Hissing Jacobson M Tyrene House Neil Katherine E. Officer-Fogie Monique Asbell Parrish Amanda Robinson Polglase Tanya R. Wade Robin Blue Wilcox M 1990 Participation: 25.58% Total Annual Fund: $5,735.00 Total All Gifts: $6,110.00 Benson Society Susan Gallas Mazzola M Lori Reese Patton M❤ Fountain Club Kym Preuss Lukosky M❤ 1836 Club Hayley Burch Goldhagen M❤ Ashley Garrett M❤ Pamela R. Sailors M❤ Contributors Melissa Adkins Brown M❤ Jennifer L. Collier M❤ Sarah Moseley Gardner M❤ Constance Bennett Grant M Amanda F. Harris M Tara Joyner Haussler Theresa Castruccio Hurst M❤ Holly Nichols Jarrell Terri D. Jones Michelle Carter Messa Karene Harron Nebel M❤ Kelley Smith Powell M Wendy Newingham Stanley M❤ Anne Duffes Weldon Virginia Bowman Wilcox M❤ Angela Kerr Wittmann M❤

1991 Participation: 23.61% Total Annual Fund: $1,963.00 Total All Gifts: $2,013.00 Benson Society Kari Goellner Kitchens M❤ 1836 Club Lara Blanchett Carlton M❤ Hope Hahn Shields M❤ Contributors Katherine S. Compain M❤ Teresa Morris Futral M❤ Trina L. Hammonds M❤ Catherine Lee Harp M Cynthia L. Hershey M❤ Beth A. Kargel M❤ Zaibun-Nisa Moosajee Robyn Miller Schopp M Lizzie Wahab Camille Ramdon Walker Stacey Stanton Walker M❤ Michelle Toole Westbrook M❤ Jeanmarie Desmond White Teresa Morgan Wyrick M❤ 1992 Participation: 6.52% Total Annual Fund: $1,010.00 Total All Gifts: $1,110.00 Fountain Club Cynthia Costello Busbee M❤ 1836 Club Katie S. Garrett M❤ Contributors Mariana dos Santos Furlin M MaryTherese Grabowski Jennifer A. Johnson M❤ Mary Marcia McMahan Winfrey M❤ 1993 Participation: 12.00% Total Annual Fund: $8,944.10 Total All Gifts: $9,269.10 Pierce Society Melanie Filson Lewis M❤ Benson Society Ruth Powell Storts M❤ Fountain Club Carrie Melissa Bell M 1836 Club Paige Getty M❤ Contributors Cheryl Anderson Ciucevich M Lanai C. DeVos Hallie Suber Prince M❤ Lisa Theiling Stamey Cathy Lee Taylor M 1994 Participation: 28.17% Total Annual Fund: $3,075.00 Total All Gifts: $3,225.00 Benson Society May Morgan Ackerman M❤ Fountain Club Michelle Smith Green M❤ Valerie S. Knopik M 1836 Club Elizabeth Bockmiller Ceranowski Tina D. Gann M❤ Lee Twombly Olson Contributors Michelle Arauz Cara Carroll Baity M❤ Shannon McCourt Carton Jill Hauver Celeste M❤ Michelle Holland Conner Melissa McKenzie Crowder M❤ Sheila A. Davis M Tiffany M. Gordon Nicole H. Licata M Wendi Windham Martin Annette M. Nassir

Kimberly C. Parker Lisa Brannen Pompa Melanie Rahn M❤ Jacquelin Dravis Wilson 1995 Participation: 15.49% Total Annual Fund: $1,785.00 Total All Gifts: $2,085.00 Benson Society Susan C. Wheelis M❤ 1836 Club Dawn Gochnour Hoffman M❤ Sheree Hollis Sarah Bradshaw Young Contributors Jennifer Aiello-Jones M❤ Catherine H. Atchley M❤ Nancy L. Lamb M Kea Hoover Mitchell M❤ Angel K. Robinson Valerie Lines Sands M❤ Tina M. Valdes M❤ 1996 Participation: 28.57% Total Annual Fund: $12,470.00 Total All Gifts: $16,395.00 Pierce Society Yehudi B. Self-Medlin M❤ Deidra West Smith M❤ Benson Society Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche M Michelle McCluney Horgan M❤ Beth Milstead Wilson M❤ Fountain Club Patrenice Guthrie Thomas M❤ 1836 Club Laura Meyer McAvoy M Sherry V. Neal M❤ Contributors Sharon Brim Chappelle M❤ Terri Bagwell Cheatham Emily Wilson Ebinger Lisa Hullender Filkins M❤ Tanya Y. Finney Elizabeth Leaman Hague M❤ Katherine Worley Hammes M❤ Joy Mastrangelo Kaczor M Kristin Conley Lamble M❤ Aimee Morris Lashley M❤ Elizabeth N. Mathis M❤ Melissa English Moore Megan C. Stockton Peggy Likins Templeman M❤ 1997 Participation: 12.28% Total Annual Fund: $1,750.00 Total All Gifts: $1,800.00 Fountain Club Teresa A. Lawson M❤ Kendra Biggs Therrell M❤ 1836 Club Evelyn Leatherman Griffin Contributors Sherry L. Boyd M Rachel Viets Fortuna M❤ Stephanie Pate Lewis M❤ Mary Mitchell McKinnon M❤ Elisabeth A. Waterman M❤ 1998 Participation: 17.81% Total Annual Fund: $2,136.00 Total All Gifts: $2,286.00 Fountain Club Brandy M. Hayes M❤ 1836 Club Laura M. Calhoun Julie Houston Trieste M


2018 - 2019 PARTICIPATION 1942 55.56% 1964 50.00% 1973 37.70% 1969 36.61% 1958 33.96% 1975 33.71% 1974 32.50% 1999 32.47% 1962 32.39% 1972 32.31%

GIFTS TO ALL FUNDS 1942 $1,039,927.72 1963 $171,763.19 1975 $134,167.00 1960 $115,952.70 1967 $112,525.00 1956 $102,500.00 1970 $83,286.64 1964 $69,730.00 1968 $68,493.25 1989 $59,638.75

GIFTS TO ANNUAL FUND 1975 $75,412.00 1967 $59,445.00 1968 $37,529.09 1968 $34,147.05 1970 $32,689.55 1965 $29,035.00 1947 $26,925.00 1989 $24,900.00 1963 $24,189.00 1969 $23,485.00

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

Nartaya Jumpasorn Miller Shelby A. Smith M Contributors Amanda M. Allen M Kimberly J. Benoit M Sarah Weeks Callender M Shannon House Jennings Mandy L. Satterfield M Deshaun M. Smith Melinda Caspers Thompson M❤ Bianca Venuto Towler 1999 Participation: 32.47% Total Annual Fund: $2,132.00 Total All Gifts: $2,257.00 Fountain Club Kathryn Smith Vinson M❤ 1836 Club Dana Karstensen-Bryan M❤ Jessica L. Jarman Contributors Nichole G. Arnault Amanda R. Avery Dorothy Whittington Bailey Amy Maleia Barry M❤ Bingle C. Brown Christina Cote Findley Carrie Walker Dumm M❤ Amanda Marine Evans M Odona S. Ezell-Whiddon Tiffany L. Grayson M YaNawn LaPread Johnson Yvonne Wiggins Jones M Jennifer Lee Mastrangelo Christine Olszweski McCampbell Michele L. McDuffie M❤ Sarah Marshall Neal Tracie R. Porter M Kawana A. Printup M Lizabeth K. Sanden M Daphne Ristau Stellato Jennifur Rosado Tanner Mary Lynn Johnson Truelove 2000 Participation: 17.05% Total Annual Fund: $1,625.00 Total All Gifts: $1,850.00 Fountain Club Lisa A. Sloben M❤ 1836 Club Jessica D. Salter M❤ Cally R. Whiddon M Contributors Lindsay C. Abernethy M❤ Lareine Danforth Archer Kelly P. Baete M Amanda Driggers Grau M❤ Robyn A. Harris Patience Clark Keys Melissa Graham Meeks M❤ Tiffany T. Noell M❤ Liz McQuilton Rodgers Katie Sadler-Stephenson M Amy R. Stone M❤ Shauna L. Stotler M 2001 Participation: 19.23% Total Annual Fund: $1,422.00 Total All Gifts: $1,847.00 Fountain Club Abbie Smoak Lacienski M❤ 1836 Club Hannah Callender Highlander M Contributors Yanira Chevere-Ralston M Adriana P. Cooper-Jones

Jywanya Smith Dillinger M❤ Jessica A. Drexler Alethia Helmick Guyer Sophia N. Hall M Julia Tolley Harris M Joanne Sales Ingram Brandy Morris Kirkwood M❤ Andrea Morgan Mendez Stephanie Dunda Owens M❤ LaTonya S. Parker M❤ Lindsey Rich Wagnon 2002 Participation: 11.70% Total Annual Fund: $2,755.00 Total All Gifts: $3,385.00 Benson Society Natalie Puckett Evans M❤ Fountain Club Crystal Rogers Cheyne M❤ 1836 Club Erin McGavin Dalton M❤ Erica Herrmann Fluet M❤ Catherine O’Kelley Fore M❤ Chenny Q. Gan M❤ Contributors Susie Dugas Jody Swink Miles M❤ Isolo Izula Mpindu Patricia Deal Perry M❤ Beth A. Williford M❤ 2003 Participation: 12.64% Total Annual Fund: $1,615.00 Total All Gifts: $1,851.00 President’s Council Nancy C. Panoz M Fountain Club Rachel A. Garcia M❤ 1836 Club Abbie Brannon Covenah M❤ Contributors Danielle Wiggins Becker M❤ Jennifer Y. Cobb Emily Neal Duke M❤ Tennille Everett-Battle M❤ Liubov Lazareva Kriel LaKeisha D. Lowe M❤ Oluwatoyosi Fatunase Onwuemene M Hope McMichael Pendergrass M❤ Sherrie N. Randall M❤ 2004 Participation: 13.27% Total Annual Fund: $4,355.00 Total All Gifts: $4,410.00 Benson Society Monica Harper Dekle Kaydian N. Jones M 1836 Club Mary Kathryn Borland M❤ Alexandra Aldica Willis M❤ Contributors Sawyer Bethel Juliana S. Cabrales Devin Harris Cecere Anna L. Cornelious M Katherine D. Crozier-Theis Bethany A. Dale-Schiller Jodi Miller Hardee Emily Dukes LeVan M Amanda Wood Marsh M Erin Zinko McKenna M❤ Christine Harness Thompson M

48 Gifts made between July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019

2005 Participation: 7.56% Total Annual Fund: $2,060.00 Total All Gifts: $2,185.00 Benson Society Ashling Thurmond Osborne M❤ Fountain Club Megan A. Quinn M❤ Contributors Carmen Valdez Clerveaux Kathleen Loski Cummings M Tara M. McAloon M Ashley Wheelus McKenna Stephanie N. Noell Jennifer Rudell Tysver Heather Hughes Walter M❤ 2006 Participation: 14.75% Total Annual Fund: $4,949.06 Total All Gifts: $5,774.06 Benson Society Amy M. Fletcher M❤ Fountain Club Mollie Elizabeth Hughes M❤ Parrish Smotherman Jenkins M❤ Jaime F. McQuilkin M❤ Shanita Douglas Miller M Lindsay Rosenquist Burns M❤ 1836 Club Christine A. Morana Amy E. Smith M❤ Contributors Lauren Hamblin Beaty M❤ Rosemary Harrington Courville Shelly Walden Gable Nyasha M. GuramatunhuCooper M Elizebeth Catherwood Kanupp Amy Moore Martin M Ihunanya C. Mbata-Iberi Stephanie Kanady Niave Marina A. Petrova Stephanie Dunbar Pounders 2007 Participation: 5.71% Total Annual Fund: $330.00 Total All Gifts: $330.00 Contributors Lois Chen Morgan L. Felts M❤ Amanda E. Wilson Angela O’Neal Wright M❤ 2008 Participation: 19.44% Total Annual Fund: $1,529.00 Total All Gifts: $1,679.00 1836 Club Pragna Halder M❤ Angel Feightner Poe M❤ Thuy T. Vo M❤ Contributors Shih-Yu Chen M❤ Catherine E. Dermody M❤ Jessica E. Dermody M❤ Kathryn Lassiter Murphy M❤ Tanya S. Parker M Pamela C. Pinkston Missy L. Poole M Faith Z. Sumpter M Jan Giles Tedders M❤ Jessica Kendrick Thomas Stephanie Hood Wittry M❤

2009 Participation: 5.68% Total Annual Fund: $1,214.00 Total All Gifts: $1,414.00 Fountain Club Katherine F. Kennedy M❤ 1836 Club Melise Witherington Fathi M Kathy Reese McCollum M❤ Laney J. Turner M❤ Contributors Caroline C. Smith 2010 Participation: 7.37% Total Annual Fund: $950.00 Total All Gifts: $1,075.00 Fountain Club Rachel A. Fullerton M❤ Contributors Kristen Ellsworth Applebee M❤ Silvia Gheorghita Mechelle L. McMullen Vanessa Moody-Laird Sarah A. Ownbey Kelly M. Scott M 2011 Participation: 8.64% Total Annual Fund: $1,500.00 Total All Gifts: $2,350.00 Benson Society Huyen Nguyen Fountain Club Danise L. Bennett M❤ 1836 Club Kelly Page Lawrence M❤ Contributors Shirley Mosher Blunk Sarah A. Hudson M❤ Martha J. Johnson Georgia Belle Thomas M❤ 2012 Participation: 11.84% Total Annual Fund: $905.00 Total All Gifts: $935.00 1836 Club Hannah G. Doan M❤ Susan Yandle Middleton M❤ Contributors Kelly C. Coquerel M❤ Taylor Bishop Deal M❤ Mary Katherine Dunn M❤ Cheyenne E. Foster M❤ Suzzanne R. Griffiths M❤ Chelsea D. Robinson Danielle L. Ross M 2013 Participation: 3.85% Total Annual Fund: $225.00 Total All Gifts: $275.00 Contributors Kendal C. Binion-Holliday M❤ Francesca L. Lore Yuzhe Shen 2014 Participation: 9.64% Total Annual Fund: $435.00 Total All Gifts: $435.00 1836 Club Rebecca Navarre Peterson M Contributors Blake M. Binion-Holliday M❤

* deceased

Megan F. Crissy Ashlee G. Day M❤ Crystle Leitheiser Harvey Beverly A. Hicks Paula O. Lockhart Esirioghene T. Tasker 2015 Participation: 7.03% Total Annual Fund: $621.00 Total All Gifts: $791.00 Fountain Club Charline V. van der Beek M Contributors Kimberly Edgefield Hill M Wallace J. Hudson M Jiaxin Li Chelsea Wessells Madden Christina R. Mayfield M❤ Diamond L. Nelson Tonya R. Vossler Ekaterina R. Zaynullina M❤ 2016 Participation: 4.00% Total Annual Fund: $100.00 Total All Gifts: $175.00 Contributors Aahana Bajracharya M Mallory N. Jones M Julie Benge Rogers M❤ Aastha Sharma 2017 Participation: 5.45% Total Annual Fund: $145.00 Total All Gifts: $700.00 Benson Society Susan Brown Allen M❤ Fountain Club Jacob C. Kryjak M Contributors Rosamond M. Goodson M Ashley G. Herman M Jayme L. Hitchcock Keshika N. Marambe Joy N. Oyi 2018 Participation: 4.10% Total Annual Fund: $467.00 Total All Gifts: $542.00 1836 Club Oluwatoyin Ikuamola Johnston M Contributors Paul W. Bronson Allison M. Crochet M Monica Mohanty Mary Ann Steinbach M❤ 2019 Total Annual Fund: $71.00 Total All Gifts: $71.00 Contributors Courtney R. Haynes M Zoe M. Nuhfer Abbie N. Price Chelsea E. Robbins

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hannah L. Allen ‘80 Julia G. Baldwin Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 Charlotte B. Bogle Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 R. Lawson Bryan Betsy Martin Bunte ‘68 Cynthia Costello Busbee ‘92 Jane Johnson Butler ‘65 J. Cannon Carr, Jr. Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. Robert J. Edenfield Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65 Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche ‘96 Trudie Parker Fickling ‘65 Gayle Attaway Findlay ‘55 Amy M. Fletcher ‘06 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 Vivia L. Fowler Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63 Robert F. Hatcher, Jr. Sue Haupert-Johnson J. Cal Hays, Jr. Susan Pyeatt Kimmey ‘71 Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Margaret T. MacCary Michael McCord Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Debbie Stevenson Moses ‘89 Andy H. Nations Wilds M. Ogie Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ‘63 Elizabeth H. Pickett Amy V. Rauls Bryndis W. Roberts ‘78 T. Alfred Sams, Jr. Ninfa M. Saunders Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ‘96 Jennifer Stiles Williams ‘93 Mary Beth Brown Swearingen ‘89 Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 Geovette E. Washington ‘89 Kay B. West Cynthia D. Wright ‘75

EMERITI TRUSTEES William H. Anderson II Betty Turner Corn ‘47 Cathy Cox Gene A. Hoots Robert E. Knox, Jr. William M. Matthews Dennie L. McCrary Betty Nunn Mori ‘58 Samuel A. Nunn, Jr. William W. Oliver, Jr. Marvin R. Schuster


Mary Kathryn Borland ‘04 Elizabeth Bockmiller Ceranowski ’94 Anna L. Cornelious ‘04 Natalie Puckett Evans ‘02 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 Abbie Smoak Lacienski ‘01 Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 Jaime Foxx McQuilkin ‘06 Shanita Douglas Miller ‘06 Katie Sadler-Stephenson ‘00 Yehudi Self-Medlin ‘96 Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 Faith Z. Sumpter ‘08

INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Susan B. Allen Senior Development Officer Whitney A. Davis Director of Annual Giving Millie Parrish Hudson ‘75 Director of Development Julie A. Jones Director of Advancement Services Monty Martin Advancement Services Specialist Lisa A. Sloben ’00 Curator of Collections Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 Director of Alumnae Affairs Andrea Williford Vice President of Institutional Advancement

The recognition extended to those listed in this publication is one small way to thank the many contributors to Wesleyan College between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019. An asterisk indicates a donor passed away prior to publication. Italicized names in the class giving section indicate the alumna gave to Wesleyan via a planned gift. Although every attempt was made to ensure accuracy, it is possible that errors may have occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience such errors may cause. We encourage you to call any corrections to our attention by notifying Julie Jones, director of advancement services, at jjones@wesleyancollege.edu or 478-757-5130. Thank you. Please note that publication of the names of contributors is strictly for the purpose of grateful acknowledgment by Wesleyan College; no other use of these lists is authorized.

WESmag Winter 2019/2020

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DETERMINED TO RISE: WOMEN’S HISTORICAL ACTIVISM FOR EQUAL RIGHTS CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF WOMEN’S RIGHT TO VOTE JANUARY 30 | 7-8PM | PIERCE CHAPEL As the centenary of women’s suffrage approaches, the National Women’s History Museum (NWHM) will launch a six-month commemorative initiative, Determined to Rise: Women’s Historical Activism for Equal Rights (www.womenshistory.org/events/determined-rise), at Wesleyan College on January 30th. The topic for this inaugural event is “Women’s Education Reform in the Progressive Era, 1890-1920.” Panelists for the event include Dr. Jenny Barker-Devine, associate professor of history, Illinois College; Dr. Vivia Lawton Fowler, president, Wesleyan College; and Dr. Daleah Goodwin, professor of history, Warren Wilson College. Moderator will be Dr. Deidra Donmoyer, professor of communication, Wesleyan College. The event is free, but the favor of a reservation is requested by visiting www.eventbrite.com/e/87194931387/.

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