WESmag Winter 2021

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ADMINISTRATION Vivia Fowler President Melody Blake Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Andrea Williford Vice President for Institutional Advancement Clint Hobbs Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Robert Moye Vice President for Business and Finance and CFO Christy Henry Dean of Students Tonya Parker ’01 Chief Diversity Officer and Title IX Coordinator WESLEYAN MAGAZINE STAFF Mary Ann Howard, Editor Director of Communications mhoward@wesleyancollege.edu Brandi Vorhees, Designer Creative Director of Brand and Website Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 Alumnae Director csnow@wesleyancollege.edu Amands Wiggs Digital Communications Officer Kayla Stroud Web Content Manager/Graphic Design Millie P. Hudson ’75 Director of Development Julie Jones Director of Advancement Services Whitney Davis Director of Annual Giving Susan Allen ’17 Senior Development Officer Katie Sadler-Stephenson ’00 Class Notes Editor Photography by Maryann Bates PRINTING: Panaprint SPECIAL THANKS To alumnae and friends for providing photos. Wesleyan Magazine is published twice a year by the Wesleyan College Office of Communications 4760 Forsyth Road Macon, GA 31210-4462 phone (478) 757-5137 Contents may not be reprinted without permission from the editor. Cover photo and others throughout this issue, were taken prior to January 1, 2020 and might not reflect the face mask and social distancing requirements now in place on campus.

From the President For the first time in several years, WESmag presents a stand-alone annual report for Fiscal Year 2020 accompanied by articles highlighting faculty, students, and alumnae who are making an impact on the College, the Central Georgia community, and the world beyond. The 2019-2020 academic year saw a number of new initiatives including new or reconfigured majors: religion, philosophy, and social change; gender and sexuality; and history, politics, and global affairs. New minors included visual studies, digital marketing, healthcare administration, human resources management, and strategic management. We launched a new program that now provides a path for students to earn a certificate in leadership and social change. We enrolled our first students in a popular new graduate program in organizational/industrial psychology. We also saw significant growth in our online program for nontraditional students. Students arrived in the fall of 2019 to find Phase II of the Willet Library renovation completed, resulting in a fully refurbished second floor space that now includes two large classrooms, a popular maker space, offices, and several spaces suitable for small meetings and study groups. (Stay tuned for the final phase of the renovation, which should be ready in time for fall 2021!) Last year also saw the renovation of the Panoz Soccer Field as well as improvements to the softball field and the Nancy Ellis Knox Equestrian Center. The College was well into spring semester when COVID-19 forced us to close the campus to in-person instruction and finish the spring semester with remote classes. On short notice, our faculty and staff moved quickly to adapt classes and institute procedures so that our students could successfully complete the academic year. Indeed, in spite of the challenges facing many graduates of 2020, Wesleyan’s graduating seniors went on to graduate programs all over the world, service in

the Peace Corps, full-time internships, and exciting employment opportunities. Their success is due in no small part to the excellent preparation they received in the classroom from our talented and dedicated faculty and the skills they have developed over four years through Wesleyan’s Career Development Center and our From Here to Career initiative. In the spring, I established a task force whose members spent long weeks planning for the safe return of students to campus. We are grateful to the many faculty, staff, students, alumnae, and friends who worked hard to make the current academic year as safe, successful, and normal as possible. The stories in this issue represent only a few of Wesleyan’s amazing students, alumnae, and faculty. Enjoy their stories as you consider all that your gifts to the College have made possible. In closing, I want to say very clearly that the financial impact of COVID-19 over the last months has been considerable. You will read in these pages about many of the measures we have put in place to ensure the safety of our students and to be responsible members of the Macon community. The good news is, thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Wesleyan’s loyal alumnae and friends, we actually exceeded the fundraising goals we had set for the year. That success, together with federal assistance, to a great extent mitigated the unforeseen expenses and losses in revenue incurred because of the pandemic. Many of those expenses continue, however, and we are grateful beyond measure to each of you who dug deep - and are still giving - to help Wesleyan through this crisis. Every gift you make is an expression of your love for Wesleyan, and we cannot thank you enough! Hail, Wesleyan!


W E S L E YA N M A G A Z I N E W I N T E R 2 0 2 0 / 2 0 2 1

2 Academically speaking

22 Now and forever

10 Our students

33 Alumnae Section

18 The Wesleyan community

36 2020 Annual Report

World-class faculty Academic highlights Center for Career Development Graduate programs

2020 enrollment Athletics Recruitment Admissions

Coming home Health services

Monthly giving 50th class reunion gifts Why I give Sister support Alumnae Connections Message from WCAA President Wesleyan in the Triangle

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


World-Class Faculty A hallmark of the Wesleyan experience always has been the close relationships among faculty and students. In their small, seminar-style classes, students have ample opportunity to interact with professors. Indeed, such interactions are important considerations in student evaluations. Year after year, Wesleyan’s faculty is ranked among the best in the nation. Associate Professor of Education Virginia Bowman Wilcox ’90 is known for her enthusiastic and engaging teaching style. Several years ago she founded Kid’s College, Wesleyan’s certified Maker Space/STEM summer camp, and continues to serve as director. As such, she was invited to


be part of the initial introduction of the Makey Makey: “An Invention Kit for Everyone,” designed to connect everyday objects to computer keys. Using a circuit board, alligator clips, and a USB cable, the toy uses closedloop electrical signals to send the computer either a keyboard stroke or mouse click signal. “Of course I was able to see immediate potential for its use in our summer camp, but my interest went far beyond that. There was an obvious connection to the Design Thinking Cycle used in our STEM/ STEAM courses in the education program.” She also knew students in the master of elementary education program would benefit from

advanced exposure to this device and be able to expand the use of it with students in their own classrooms. “I’ve been in education for more than thirty years and I can’t recall being as excited about bringing an individual idea, item, or program back to implement as I was about the Makey Makey. It is simple to use to teach elementary school students concepts such as conductivity and open and closed circuits in science, yet complicated enough to pose a design adaptation challenge at the graduate level.” Wesleyan is the only Makey Makey training provider in the Central Georgia area. Recently Wilcox

Undergraduate Research provided training to the pediatric medical engineering students at Mercer University as they investigated advanced uses of the device. Their goal is to provide accommodations and improve the quality of life of child amputees and enhance the prosthetic devices created for disabled children to allow them to answer questions in a classroom environment, ride bikes, participate in competitive sports, and operate toys. Wilcox said it is rare that a veteran educator comes across a device or program that has the capacity to reignite high levels of passion and excitement like the Makey Makey has done for her. In short, for such a super simple device, the possibilities for its use are only limited by one’s own ideas and creativity, two things of which Wilcox has plenty.

Biology and neuroscience double major Andrea Felix ’21 knows that medical schools are looking for students who have developed research skills as an undergraduate and that gaining acceptance into a graduate program often depends on the alignment of a student’s research interests with the staff of the graduate school. Being able to do research was an essential part of Andrea’s decision to apply to Wesleyan. “I wanted to start conducting research on my first day at Wesleyan. Dr. Holly Cole (assistant professor of psychology) welcomed me into her lab with open arms. At first I thought that I was in over my head, being a freshman and all, but I am happy that I stuck it out because now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is my fourth year working in Dr. Cole’s lab.” Cole’s research combines cognitive and social psychology. She is particularly interested in how social interactions and social pressures may influence a person’s memory. Currently four student research assistants, including Andrea, are studying how the perception of threat may impact a person’s decision to act in a prosocial manner. Cole said, “Specifically, we are conducting a study to determine how the perceived threat of COVID-19 impacts a person’s willingness to behave in ways that promote the wellbeing of others during the pandemic. This includes behaviors such as wearing a mask, avoiding large crowds, etc.” Andrea said she feels comfortable designing experiments, conducting controlled tests, and providing analysis in other classes because of the experience she has gained from working in Cole’s lab. In addition to Cole’s guidance, Andrea appreciates learning the value of teamwork and how to be a good teammate. “The truth is that there could never be good teamwork without the sum of its parts: good teammates. Having a professor lead a cohort of students allows each student to grow into better teammates and improve skills like communication, finding previous research, and ideation that we need to be productive in a research lab. I have used these skills in other classes. I learned to take the lead and instruct others on making valuable contributions to a team.”

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Academic Highlights 2019 New concentrations: Business Administration: Digital Marketing and Human Resources Management

New majors: Religion, Philosophy, and Social Change; Gender and Sexuality; History, Politics, and Global Affairs

New minors: Visual Studies; Digital Marketing; Healthcare Administration; Human Resources Management; Strategic Management

New certificate program in Leadership and Social Change

Summary: Declared majors and minors by division Fine Arts

79 majors 28 minors Humanities

41 majors 48 minors


Science and Mathematics

68 majors 32 minors

Social and Behavioral Sciences

92 majors 55 minors

Professional Studies

199 majors 78 minors


114 majors

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Submitted in August by BSN alumna Elizabeth Moore ’20 who is working in the heart tower at Navicent Health, Macon, Georgia.

I never realized the true meaning of being a nurse until I actually became one. I knew it would involve passing medications, conducting assessments, and utilizing skills we learned in lab such as placing IVs. However, I did not expect to assume the role of a friend or adopted family member to some patients. Due to the constraints of the (COVID-19) virus, many people have been separated from their loved ones since March. For some of these patients, taking ten minutes out of my day to listen to their concerns or learn about their family lifts their spirits and improves their outlook for recovery. I’d have to say that listening to my patients and connecting with them as people is the highlight of my job. While attending nursing school, we talked about infectious diseases, epidemics, and pandemics, but as a student the thought never crossed my mind that two short months into my career, I would be a nurse in the middle of a global pandemic. Not only was I navigating how to be a nurse, but doing so in the midst of a new era of healthcare. Through this pandemic I have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. I was scared of the unknown, scared of bringing home the virus to my loved ones, amazed at how quickly healthcare workers adopted the new practices, and heartbroken when our efforts weren’t enough. I am grateful for coworkers that are willing to step in when help is needed, an education that gave me the foundation of knowledge for my career, my supportive family, and most importantly my faith. During these past few months I’ve grown not only as a nurse, but also as a person. I’m not sure what the future holds, but I know that through faith and teamwork we can and will get through this.


nurses graduated since the first cohort in 2015


nurses graduated in 2020


students currently in the program


approximate percentage of BSN graduates working in Middle Georgia

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


The Center for Career Development

The class of 2020 is the first graduating class to have experienced four years of intentional career development through Wesleyan’s From Here to Career four-year plan. 90% of the 2020 graduating class reported positive career outcomes within six months after graduation as compared to 85% in 2019. Of those respondents, 56% reported being employed full-time and 27% reported being enrolled in graduate school or pursuing other education.



of students that reported they gained skills and knowledge that would better prepare them to enter the workforce


students took the Professional Practice Seminar


students completed a Professional Development Experience

396 students had appointments with the CCD


increase in the number of jobs and internships on Purple Briefcase

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


True, faithful, and loyal X 3 Master of Business Administration graduate student David Gowan chose to enroll in Wesleyan’s program because of the international business component where students spend ten to fourteen days visiting cities and meeting with executives in countries that lead the world in global business. As Michelle Martin Gowan’s ’85 husband, David knew Wesleyan had a strong academic program for undergraduate women but when he learned that men could earn a graduate degree at the College, he knew it would offer him a unique perspective and professional opportunity. He enjoys the face-to-face setting of meeting on campus as opposed to being exclusively online, plus he was pleased that he could use his experience and institutional leadership as an admittance requirement for the graduate program.

“It is cool to be my mom’s legacy. It’s strange running into my dad on campus! I keep thinking he is there to bring me something but he is just going to class. The good thing is I can help him find any place he needs to be. I love the connection we will have as graduates because we all will be true, faithful, and loyal to Wesleyan.”

“The dean and the professors are very personal and engaging. I am getting personalized attention, instruction, and feedback. I can definitely tell that the scope of my business knowledge and experience is expanding as a result of being enrolled in the program.” David, who serves as director of safety and security for the Bibb County School district, aspires to be a deputy superintendent of operations, a position that requires an advanced degree.

It’s not surprising that when Caroline Gowan ’22 began her college search, Wesleyan was on her list. Michelle said, “My daughter grew up in the shadow of Wesleyan’s campus, so she was very comfortable there from a young age. I was not surprised that Wesleyan was on her list of college choices but I was thrilled when I learned it was her first choice.” Caroline said she chose Wesleyan because it is small and because she learns best in an intimate environment where there are close relationships between professors and students. Like most students, she had a list of colleges she was considering, but after being accepted at Wesleyan, she didn’t apply anywhere else. So what’s it like studying at her mother’s alma mater while her father is also a student? “It is cool to be my mom’s legacy. It’s strange running into my dad on campus! I keep thinking he is there to bring me something but he is just going to class. The good thing is I can help him find any place he needs to be. I love the connection we will have as graduates because we all will be true, faithful, and loyal to Wesleyan.”


Wesleyan now offers men and women six graduate programs with the same liberal arts focus and world-class faculty valued by our undergraduate alumnae. www.wesleyancollege.edu/graduate Master of Business Administration (MBA) • Choose hybrid or 100% online • International study abroad • 14-month program • 3 entry points - January, March, October • Lean Six Sigma curriculum

Master of Science in Nonprofit Management* • Choose hybrid or 100% online • 14-month program • 3 entry points - March, October, January • Lean Six Sigma curriculum

Master of Science in Healthcare Administration • Choose hybrid or 100% online • 14-month program • 3 entry points - January, March, October

Master of Art in Industrial Organizational Psychology • 18-month program • 2 entry points – January and August

Master of Elementary Education • Cohorts start in June each year. • Invites practicing classroom teachers who believe in the power of authentic learning and active research around timeless and proven classroom practices.

Master of Art in Music* • Choose hybrid or 100% online • Entry points – fall, spring, and summer • Concentrations in performance (voice, organ, piano, collaborative piano, choral conducting) and composition

*Pending approval from SACSCOC

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


2020 Enrollment First-Year Students

3.42 average high school GPA

(3.36 the prior year)

1037 average SAT

(1018 the prior year)

$54,959 average household income 96% demonstrated financial need

133 students




37% North GA 42% Middle GA 9% South GA


Fall Semester: Total Enrollment




Un d e r g r a d u at e S t u d e nt s :

502 130 90 FULL-TIME







WESmag Winter 2020/2021


The Impact of College Athletics Wesleyan Wolves Athletic Director and Head Softball Coach Penny Siqueiros continues to build on her legendary coaching legacy through two-and-a-half years of work with Wesleyan athletics. In 1998, Penny was hired as Emory University’s first head softball coach and served for Each year Wesleyan invests twenty years. There she coached four teams into the College World Series and won eleven conference almost half a million dollars championships. Emory was competing against Wesleyan during that time, so Penny was familiar with to train and equip our Wesleyan athletics. “I heard about a job opening and decided to apply. I met with President Fowler who athletic teams. Every gift, no asked me very candid questions about how we could grow Wesleyan athletics. I love building relationships matter the size, helps outfit and growing championship mentalities. She listened and was open to my ideas. I credit President Fowler’s our athletes, buy equipment, open mind for leading us to where we are today.” At Wesleyan Penny has focused her efforts on improving our athletic facilities and retaining a team of outstanding coaches. Currently, approximately 32% of Wesleyan students are athletes (10% play more than one sport). Penny aims to increase that number to 50%. She would also like to create developmental teams for students who would like to enhance their skills with the goal of playing on varsity teams.

provide travel expenses, and keep our facilities among the best in our conference.

A baseball player from a young age, Penny received a softball scholarship to Florida State University (FSU), where she earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees. She played in three College World Series and was a member of the first team in any sport at FSU to win an Atlantic Coast Conference championship. In addition to contributing to the teams’ successes, she was named Scholar Athlete of the Year, Most Valuable Player, and All-ACC.


$271 $217



















WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Poised, self-possessed, courageous Adrianna Cooper-Jones ’01 met Nita Mohanty ’99 when she came to Wesleyan for a campus tour nearly twenty years ago. “Nita was on a couch in Hightower studying for a biochemistry test. We talked about the class, the way the professor had challenged her, and the steps she was taking to ‘finish strong.’ Then she asked me what I was bringing to the table. I had been accepted to seven other colleges but didn’t know my contribution to the school mattered. It changed everything for me. Instantly I knew I wanted to be in a place like this.” A first generation college graduate from Hephzibah, Georgia, Adrianna currently serves as an English language arts teacher for grades nine through twelve at Northside High School in Macon. Now in her eighteenth year of teaching, Adrianna has recruited eight young women, including her daughter Empress ’23, to enroll at her alma mater. When recruiting for Wesleyan she looks for students, “…with the hunger and the will to press forward in difficult situations, those who accept challenges without complaint, and dare to want more than what society deems is their portion.” These young ladies, she says, are poised and self-possessed and too courageous to be pacified by stereotypes or confined by the limitations others might place upon them. Adrianna believes the liberal arts education is unparalleled in teaching students how to write, speak, compute, and synthesize in a new and unconventional way. “Our Wesleyan experiences are otherworldly, on a plane where perpetual perfection is produced by enhancing and refining our God-given talents and abilities. Wesleyan takes you to a place where exponential growth and self discovery await.” Four of the eight students Adrianna recruited have gone on to become teachers, and her daughter is studying elementary education. “Like most families, we had a lot of conversations and looked at a variety of schools. We were inundated by college brochures and emails, but dollar for dollar the other schools could not compete with Wesleyan.” Adrianna wants for other young women what she says Wesleyan provided for her - the tools to approach the future with a different kind of zeal, the opportunities to practice leadership skills, and the courage to use their voices to advocate for themselves. “No matter our religious affiliation, socioeconomic status, race, ableness, or sexual orientation, we Wesleyan women are uniquely aware of our place and space in the world and we want more.”


“No matter our religious affiliation, socioeconomic status, race, ableness, or sexual orientation, we Wesleyan women are uniquely aware of our place and space in the world and we want more.”

29% 45% 13% 6% of Wesleyan’s degree-seeking undergraduates are age 25 or older

of Wesleyan’s degree-seeking undergraduates live off campus

of Wesleyan’s undergraduates (degree-and nondegree seeking) are online students

of Wesleyan’s undergraduates are transfer students

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Admissions 101: New strategies amid a global pandemic Due to the monumental challenges caused by the COVID-19 crisis, college admission offices around the world have faced unprecedented hurdles in recruiting new students. For Wesleyan’s team that means proven strategies have been modified and new ones have been created. Because face-to-face contact with students has been limited, the admissions team has connected with prospective students virtually in a variety of ways. Visit pages on the website have been expanded to include virtual campus tours, the option to connect virtually with an admissions or financial aid counselor, and visit opportunities tailored for international students. Prospects can also video chat with one of our current students. Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Clint Hobbs said, “I consider our achievements for fall 2020 enrollment among the most remarkable in my long career. I am super proud of our enrollment team, athletics, and everyone at Wesleyan who worked together to produce acceptable results in the most challenging of times. Our full-time day enrollment number increased from 587 in fall 2019 to 604 in fall 2020.” In fall 2019, the admissions team attended more than 260 inperson events to recruit students for fall 2020. This fall, despite only attending 130 virtual events and one in-person event to recruit students for fall 2021, recruitment numbers are outpacing last year’s numbers. The admissions office hosted two on-campus, in-person Preview Days, October 17 and November 14, and both were well attended. Additionally, the fall recruitment season ended with a Virtual Preview Week, one of the new strategies used to address the issues caused by the absence of in-person recruiting. The week consisted of several virtual events each day with a variety of departments on campus in which prospective students and their families participated. To date, recruitment numbers for fall 2021 are ahead of last year’s numbers and on track to meet this year goals. According to Director of Admissions Kayla Walker, “We are staying connected with our prospective students more than ever and taking into consideration all of the new pressures and anxieties they may be facing in their senior year of high school. Our team does an incredible job of communicating and getting to know prospective students. We’ve added personal touches throughout the admissions process to help our students feel connected and know that we care. We hope to be a resource for them during these unprecedented times whether that’s in-person or virtually.”



number of times the virtual campus tour webpage has been viewed since March 17


viewers spent on our virtual campus tour page is 3X longer than the national average


students have visited campus this fall


current students who were referred by an alumna


Legacy Scholars currently at Wesleyan

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Wesleyan community feels like home Results from a survey conducted at the end of the spring semester 2020 show that 81% of Wesleyan students agreed or strongly agreed that they were excited to return to campus in the fall. A few commented they were worried about the pandemic and social distancing on campus, but the overwhelming majority wanted to attend classes, interact with friends and faculty, and participate in campus activities. Many cited that Wesleyan’s close-knit community felt like home and without it their academics and general mood would suffer. Despite warnings and fear about international travel amidst a global pandemic, Nora Staurheim ’22 decided to go home to Bø, Telemark, Norway, for the summer of 2020. Although Norway was not a hotspot for the virus, the Norwegian government had mandated a strict shutdown in March. Facing the uncertainty of whether or not she could return to the U.S. at the end of the summer (the U.S. had closed its borders to the Schengen Economic Zone of which Norway is a part), Nora’s dependence on her summer job in Norway to pay her expenses for the rest of the year and her longing to see her family led her to go home. Only briefly did Nora give thought to staying in Norway and taking classes online. She wanted to return to Wesleyan’s supportive community. “I decided that studying in Norway was not an option. If it was possible to come back to Wesleyan, I would.” Returning to the U.S. required a fourteen-day stay outside the Schengen Area, so Nora planned a stop-over in Bulgaria, which did not have travel restrictions. She then quarantined in the U.S. for two weeks before returning to Wesleyan. Nora is glad she returned, but says the campus is very different this fall. “The community at Wesleyan is what made me want to return. It is very difficult to keep this sense of community when there are strict restrictions in place. The rules are understandable and appreciated and something we have to accept.” Nora came to Wesleyan as a Georgia Rotary Scholar in 2018. The scholarship, established in 1946, promotes world peace through understanding by offering scholarships to international students for one year of study at Georgia colleges and universities. After her first semester, Nora knew Wesleyan was where she wanted to matriculate. Growing up, Nora’s family hosted exchange students for a few weeks every summer. “My parents are farmers so we are quite place-bound, and the international students’ stays were a highlight of the year. My mother used to say that since we could not go out and see the world, exchange was a way for the world to come to us. I remember being very interested in their experiences. I wanted to see ‘the other side’ of exchange and experience being the student.” 18

Results from a survey conducted this fall about campus life during a pandemic revealed across the board responses from students. The vast majority said they prefer on-campus, in-person classes over online instruction. Some felt there were plenty of student activities while others felt like there were not enough or that virtual activities were not socially satisfying. Most admired the efforts that Student Affairs, clubs, and the administration put in to helping students stay as connected and steeped in rich Wesleyan tradition as possible.

Nora Staurheim ’22

Reflection by Kali Goding ’21: “Overall, despite the pandemic, I have had a perfect final year. I attended as many events as possible. I loved seeing the different methods that the clubs and administration used to keep us as connected and steeped in tradition as possible during these times… On the one hand, I will be leaving the school that has become a home to me. On the other hand, I know that I will be leaving with a warm and loving network of sisters supporting me as they have supported me in my undergraduate ventures.” WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Health Services at Wesleyan

Health Services has offices on the ground floor of the Olive Swann Porter building. As a nurse practitioner, Health Services Director Ashlie Pullen provides medical treatment for common, non-life-threatening illnesses, treatment of minor injuries, and physical examinations. She also provides personal health education and coordinates programs on health-related topics. Ashlie earned her master of science in nursing degree at Vanderbilt University and is on track to complete her doctor of nursing practice from Indiana Wesleyan University this summer. Before coming to Wesleyan in October of 2018, she worked as a private practice nurse practitioner for fourteen years. WESmag spoke to Ashlie about how COVID-19 has affected her office. How many students do you see in an average month? Normally, I see about 100 -150 students a month. Now I’m also providing COVID-19 testing. As of December 17, I have performed 130 tests on campus.

What changed in your office in March? In March, when the COVID-19 virus forced us into a remote model, I had to think creatively to find ways to reach our students and meet their health needs from a distance. I partnered with a digital platform called Doxy.me to create a telehealth option for students who needed health services remotely. Students were able to access healthcare from their dorm rooms and apartments. I also began sending regular virtual updates and health resource information to the campus community.

What was the initial concern from the campus community? When we initially began to hear about COVID-19 last winter, a task force was created to meet weekly and make plans for our community. The team included members from student affairs, faculty, physical plant, auxiliary services, communications, IT, residence life, food services,


and others. I am incredibly proud of the work this team was able to accomplish under the direction of Provost Melody Blake. Based on guidelines from the CDC and the Department of Public Health, we developed a series of protocols and policies for testing students, what to do if we had a positive case on campus, how we were going to continue to provide housing and dining options for students in quarantine and isolation, and options for remote learning. I believe that we were as prepared as we possibly could have been. We still meet once a month.

During our time off campus from mid-March through mid-July, what were your main responsibilities? I served as the contact with the local health department and worked as a nurse practitioner at many of the testing facilities during the initial days of the outbreak. I gained experience with testing protocols which have proven valuable here on campus. I also spent two weeks working as a nurse practitioner in New Mexico with an organization called COVID CareForce. There, I was a volunteer with the Navajo Nation, testing for and treating patients with COVID-19. These experiences helped prepare me for the work I am doing on campus this year.

What were your biggest concerns about students returning to campus this fall? My biggest concern was the uncertainty about how this semester was going to feel with the changes we had to make on campus. Our students have embraced these changes and have made me so incredibly proud. I have been pleasantly surprised at how few cases we have had on campus as compared to the community outbreak we are experiencing in Middle Georgia. I believe our students are exhibiting maturity and demonstrating their willingness to keep one another and their community safe by practicing social distancing and following our guidelines. To date, 28 positive cases have been reported for employees and students both on-campus and off.

What has been the scariest thing from a health perspective in the last 6 months? As a health provider, the scariest thing for me has been the uncertainty of this virus. I have seen firsthand this virus cause the deaths of entire families and the thought of bringing it home to my own children was a daily fear. In the early days of the pandemic when we didn’t know much about how it was transmitted, I would come home, undress, and shower before I would even allow my children to see me. Those were scary days.

What are you proudest to have accomplished? Our Wesleyan community has been incredibly respectful of one another. We have pulled together to make the best out of a really difficult situation. Students are genuinely concerned for each other and maintain the required masks and social distancing requirements. Faculty and staff have volunteered to deliver meals and supplies to students in isolation and quarantine. Faculty has had to completely rethink the way that they have been teaching for years. I have seen students learning new ways of discovering sisterhood.

What have you learned from the COVID-19 experience?

I have learned that community is something that should not be taken for granted. People are meant to be together and without one another, our mental health suffers greatly. COVID-19 is a very isolating virus.



The financial impact of COVID-19 over the last months has been considerable - almost $90,000 so far. Many measures have been put in place to ensure the safety of our students, faculty, and staff and to be responsible members of the Macon community. Many of those expenses continue, however, and we are grateful beyond measure to everyone who dug deep - and who are still giving - to help Wesleyan through this crisis. Expenses have included:

personal protective equipment campus signage meeting owls owl labs owl storage cabinets rapid testing supplies hand sanitizing stations

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


The Gift of Monthly Giving Toyosi Onwuemene Fatunase ’03 began supporting Wesleyan College during her senior year with a single donation to the Leap of Faith Campaign as part of her senior class gift. According to Toyosi, “I had a wonderful education at Wesleyan and was fortunate to receive awards like the Munroe Scholarship, which helped me stay in school and graduate on time despite my father’s death in my first year of college.” Today, Toyosi is a medical oncologist at Duke University Medical Center where she also completed her training. She said that even though she continues to pay off graduate school loan debt, it was important to her to give back to Wesleyan. In 2017 she began making monthly donations. “This allows me to give a small amount each month as it fits into our budget and then increase my giving as I am able. It is a meaningful way to stay connected as an active member of the Wesleyan community.” Alumnae with small budgets may be hesitant to make a donation, thinking that their gifts would never be needed or appreciated. Yet, the gifts that Toyosi and many more alumnae give monthly add up to make a considerable difference in the lives of Wesleyan students.

You, too, may want to join these alumnae in making a difference in the lives of our students. It’s easy to set up a monthly donation by visiting www.wesleyancollege.edu/give and selecting “ongoing gift.” Our students and your beloved Wesleyan will be forever grateful.

33% 20% 18% 29% of gifts are checks, cash, or stock


of gifts are online credit cards

of gifts are Wesleyan payroll deduction

of gifts are online recurring or direct debits

w w w.w e s l e y a n c o l l e g e . e d u /g i v e

+ + ADD UP


895 donors

(63% of all Wesleyan donors) made gifts to the Annual Fund of

$250 OR LESS

> It’s easy to set up a monthly donation by visiting wesleyancollege.edu/give and selecting “ongoing gift.”

with the average gift being $76.

Wesleyan Magazine Winter 2017 WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Fiftieth Class Reunions Commit to the renovation of Willet Library With a challenge grant from the Lettie Pate Evans Foundation and seed money from The Peyton Anderson Foundation, the renovation of Willet Library began in 2016 on the ground floor and in December 2020, construction started on the third floor. Although the total renovation will take five years to finish (May 2021), there have been periods between construction phases for planning, designing, and fundraising. Since beginning the project, 224 donors have made capital gifts (in addition to their annual fund gifts) to fund the renovation.




Phase I (ground floor)

Phase II (second floor)

Phase III (third floor)



When news of the Willet Library renovation was announced in 2015, fiftieth reunion planning committees for Classes 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, and 1971 were prompt in making commitments to raise funds to name new library spaces. The Class of 1960 joined the efforts, too, in honor of their sixtieth class reunion by naming the new Librarian Suite for their classmate the late Tena Roberts, retired librarian, archivist, and faculty emerita. The Golden Hearts of 1967 raised enough funds from classmates to name not only the “testing center” in the Finch Academic Resource


million* Center but also to name the student lounge on the second floor of Willet. 1968’s Green Knights enthusiastically adopted a classroom on the ground floor that was equipped with the library’s first video-conferencing equipment. Not to be outdone, the 1969 Red Pirates selected a seminar study room on the second floor to name for their fiftieth reunion project and outfitted it with white boards and a second video-conferencing television for remote instruction. Nursing students particularly love to study collaboratively in this classroom. The Purple Knights of 1970

* estimated cost of Phase III

proudly adopted two side-by-side group study rooms, one of which accommodates up to six students to work around a media hub on collaborative projects. Class colors have been used in the dĂŠcor of each of these 50th-reunion-named rooms. The Golden Hearts of 1971 are currently encouraging support from their classmates to reach their goal of $50,000 by April 2021 for their fiftieth-reunion. Their project will name the archival workroom on the third floor of Willet Library and they anticipate

being ready to announce their totals this spring. Thus far, alumnae from these Golden Belle reunion classes have generously contributed a combined total of $573,693, not yet counting donations made by the Class of 1971. Truly, gifts of all sizes combined with three-year pledges from Golden Belles have made the renovation possible, transforming an outdated Willet Library into a modern research and study space filled with the latest technology. Thank you to each alumna who has participated in this project!

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Always try your best As a devoted elementary school teacher, Susan Towns Sharp ’68 was deeply committed to every child she taught during her exemplary thirty-year career. When she entered Wesleyan College in the fall of 1964, Susan knew with certainty she wanted to follow the same career path as her aunt who was a school principal and her mother who was a highly regarded gifted teacher for the elementary grades. Susan’s love for children made her choice to major in education at Wesleyan an easy one, and she remained steadfast in her commitment to all the children who were fortunate to benefit from her instruction. Recognizing that each child is different and learns in different ways, Susan asked only one thing of each student – that he or she try and do their very best. This philosophy guided Susan’s entire life and by applying it to her students, she gave them the self-confidence they needed to learn. Susan also believed her students could benefit the most if she took time to prepare daily lesson plans for them. Often she would prepare two or three different plans for the same day to ensure that children at different learning levels got the most out of each day’s lessons. She was usually the first teacher to arrive at school in the morning and the last to leave in the afternoon. Susan’s dedication earned her recognition as Teacher of the Year in two different school systems and she was named an honorary member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary organization for educators that focuses on professional excellence, leadership development, altruism, and world understanding. Susan understood that helping a child build a solid educational foundation to succeed in life was an emotional reward that few people ever experience, and she was always grateful for this opportunity. Susan was equally grateful for the outstanding education she received at Wesleyan and the lifelong friendships she developed, recognizing that these were the foundation to her success in life, both professionally and personally. Her beloved husband Alan explained, “Susan spent her life putting others first and doing her personal best to help them along the path to success.”

Together, Susan and Alan chose to make a very special donation to Wesleyan as a continuation of their desire to encourage future teachers by establishing the Susan Towns Sharp Elementary Education Endowed Scholarship. Sadly, Susan Sharp lost her ongoing battle with cancer shortly after Wesleyan College received their generous contribution. INDEED, THE SHARPS HAVE DONE THEIR BEST FOR WESLEYAN



full-time students received institutional scholarships funded by gifts to the College.

Wesleyan awards $6 million in scholarships each year.

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Sisters supporting sisters MANY THANKS TO OUR 2020 MASK-MAKING VOLUNTEERS

WCAA Past President Melanie Filson Lewis ’93 unveils the mask banner she created honoring the Stitchin’ Sisters.

Sew It For The Students: THE 2020 WESLEYAN MASK PROJECT A group of dedicated and generous Wesleyan alumnae shared their time and sewing skills this summer helping their alma mater prepare for the safe beginning of a new academic year. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all students, faculty, and staff are required to wear a face mask while on campus. The plan, suggested by President Vivia Fowler and Library Director Kristi Peavy, was for alumnae volunteers to sew enough masks so that everyone returning for fall semester would be provided a mask, with students receiving masks in class colors. Thanks to Flo Williams Douglas ’67, Jane Price Claxton ’68, and Glennda Kingry Elliott ’65 for spearheading this meaningful and successful project.

700 800 1400 24 49 5 28

masks-the goal masks completed in less than three weeks masks made to date requests for mask making kits participants involved in the project decades of class years represented

Sylvia Abney ’09 Millie McLane Adams ’90 Connie Averett ’84 Kasse Andrews-Weller ’72 Julia Goss Baldwin, Trustee Virginia Blake, Staff Pat Grogan Borders ’70 Jane Price Claxton ’68 Emily Chase Cook ’70 Joanne Bridges Cooper ’69 Crystal Bell Davidian ’80 Manita Bond Dean ’59 Flo Williams Douglas ’67 Glennda Kingry Elliott ’65 Kelsey Tinsman Ervin ’13 Maggie Lane Evans ’70 Vivia Lawton Fowler, President Flora Phillips Grindstaff ’67 Carolyn Lansing Gunn ’67 AnneMarie Halterman, US United Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ’62 Joan Finney Hatcher ’88 Tamara Mullis Hawkins ’86 Beth Hastings Hoover ’93 Millie Parrish Hudson ’75 Beth Sullins Hughes ’75 Terri Castruccio Hurst ’90 Katherine Wilson Johnson ’68 Jessica Kendrick Thomas ’08 Gini Harshbarger Lamback ’66 Melanie Filson Lewis ’93 Susan Ewing Maddox ’69 Katie McIntosh ’13 Beth Lang Morgan, Friend Debbie Stevenson Moses ’89 June Jordan O’Neal ’90 Kristi Cotterman Peavy, Staff Mary Jo Fincher Plowden ’68 Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ’61 Betsy Palmer Smith ’60 Jaime Wilcox Smith ’14 Cathy Coxey Snow ’71, Alumnae Director Esiri Tasker-Armstrong ’14 Patti Voyles ’70 Susan Woodward Walker ’70 Micah Wilson Walsh ’07 Cheryl Kirk Westmoreland ’93 Lynne White ’81

Sisterly Support When the COVID-19 virus hit the economy so hard this spring, business owner Saralyn Collins ’90, like many business owners, was concerned for the survival of her Macon restaurant, Grow, and its employees. Classmate and friend Karene Harron Nebel ’90 knew restaurants were greatly limited in hours of operation and dining options, so she contacted Saralyn to see how the Class of 1990 could help. Karene learned that Saralyn had started a casserole business to partially mitigate the loss of thousands of dollars in booked catering services. Classmates purchased gift cards that were used to buy fifty-seven casseroles that were donated to local organizations such as the Mentor’s Project of Bibb County, where June Jordan O’Neal ’90 serves as executive director. Gift cards and meal purchases helped Saralyn stay open, pay her employees, and feed Macon families. In the November 2020 issue of GeorgiaTrend magazine, Saralyn was featured as a recipient of the 2020 Silver Spoon Award, spotlighting restaurants and people who have stepped up during the coronavirus pandemic. For years, Saralyn has quietly operated on a “pay what you can” philosophy and with the pandemic, she has built on that promise: If people show up hungry, she will feed them, no questions asked – especially if they are former restaurant staffers who have lost jobs. In addition, Saralyn has provided free or discounted meals to Feed the Fight with Navicent Health, Meals on Wheels, and UCreate Macon.

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Creating New Ways to Connect. Although we are learning there may be no limit to what we can create in our new virtual

alumnae world, we all look forward to when we can meet again in person. Until then, we invite you to join us in this virtual adventure as we explore more ways to connect as Wesleyan sisters now during these continuing COVID-19 times. Let us know what interests you, what would make you “zoom-in” for a Wesleyan event, and do share your ideas with us. To schedule a virtual alumnae or class event, mentor a student, and/or volunteer for the WCAA, contact the Alumnae Office at csnow@wesleyancollege.edu (478) 757-5173 or the WCAA Board of Managers at WesleyanBOM@gmail.com. Alumnae events listed below were held after June 30, 2020.

w/ Wesleyan Summer-Up with Wesleyan Events During the month of July alumnae engaged with the College and with each other through a series of 45 minute virtual events designed to inform alumnae on different aspects of the College and to connect them with former professors and with other Wesleyan women. Alumnae participated in 15 interactive programs that culminated in an end-of-the-month virtual Alumnae Summer Camp. Programs included: • • • • • • • • •

Inside the Wolves Den: Athletics at Wesleyan with Director of Athletics and Head Softball Coach Penny Siqueiros Catch-Up with retired Professor of Business and Economics Dr. Glenna Dod Meyer Sew It for the Students: The 2020 Wesleyan Mask Project with President Vivia Fowler, Kristi Peavy, and Flo Williams Douglas ’67 The Campus & COVID-19 with Dean of Students Christy Henry and Associate Professor of Nursing Dr. Alex Roberts Galley Talk with Professor of Art Dr. Libby Bailey who presented a PowerPoint on her retirement art show “Rising Up” Pacific Northwest Alumnae Meet-Up with President Fowler and Alumnae Director Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 Back to College: Academics at Wesleyan with Provost Melody Blake who discussed new majors at Wesleyan Miami Alumnae Meet-Up with President Fowler and Cathy Snow Colorado Alumnae Catch-Up with President Fowler and Cathy Snow

Virtual All-Day Alumnae Summer Camp Taught by alumnae for alumnae with interactive sessions designed to de-stress and soothe the body, mind, and soul, especially during COVID-19 times, 119 alumnae took a break from COVID-life to participate in morning, afternoon, and evening sessions: • Wake up with Wesleyan: Breathe, Stretch, Move, Celebrate! Yoga class taught by Dr. Karen Moore McDonald ’67 • Food for the Female Soul: What’s on Your Plate? Led by Rev. Felecia Pearson Smith ’74, Executive Pastor, Community Church, Atlanta • Cookin’ with Bacon. Hosted by Carol “Bacon” Kelso ’73, retired caterer and talk show host • De-Stress & Deliver the Best You taught by Dr. Robyn Grimes Gobin ’06, author of The Self Care Prescription • Jazzin' It Up! Associate Professor of Music Dr. Chenny Gan ’02 explored great female jazz musicians • It’s Your Turn: Wesleyan Herstories. An alumnae storytelling session hosted by Cathy Snow

Got Sisterhood? Get Social . @wesleyancollege and @wesleyancollegeAA 30 42


Enjoy reading online class notes submitted since our last magazine at www.wesleyancollege.edu/classnotes


Wesleyan College


Fall Midday Meet-Ups with the President From October to December President Fowler and Cathy Snow hosted virtual meetings with alumnae in the following areas and provided updates on the College and on the Alumnae Association. Many thanks to alumnae hostesses listed below who contacted area alumnae: • Birmingham, AL. Janet Keys ’78, Jane Silverman Mason ’66, and Janet Ort ’78 • Jacksonville, FL. Ginna Pritchard Ashby ’76, Elizabeth Leaman Hague ’96, and Kathy Amidon McGregor ’73 • Orlando/Winter Park, FL. Alumnae Office staff • Northeast Region. Patricia Sterling Brzezinski ’84, Swati Saha ’87, Heather Hughes Walter ’05, and Sharon Webb ’76 • Washington, D.C. Pris Gautier Bornmann ’68, Yehudi Self-Medlin ’96, and Catherine Tang ’18

Lunch & Learn with the President & Provost Alumnae zoomed-in on the second Wednesday of each month to join in conversations with President Vivia Fowler and Provost Melody Blake and their special guests from the College, each sharing information on different aspects of campus life. • October: President Fowler and Chief Diversity Officer and Assistant Dean of Equity & Inclusion Tonya Parker discussed the Office of Equity and Inclusion • November: Provost Blake and Director of Nursing Sirena Fritz discussed Nursing and COVID-19

September: Virtual Yoga led by Sarah Kaplan Van Buskirk ’10 November: Atlanta Alumnae Book Club discussion of Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore December: Virtual Holiday Gathering and joint event with the DC and SoCal Alumnae Clubs

Macon Macon-area alumnae attended a virtual Holiday Coffee hosted by President Fowler. Alumnae participated in a Toy Drive Drop-Off (at the Loggia) that benefitted children at The Methodist Home.


The DC Metro, SoCal, and Atlanta Club alumnae teamed up for a virtual holiday gathering where they celebrated Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. Some of the activities included a game of “naughty elf ” where alums admitted to various holiday “faux pas” activities, a riveting virtual scavenger hunt where an alumna won from her car, and a rousing rendition of the Washboard Band’s “Walking Round in Women’s Underwear.” Two Christmas cocktail demonstrations, a Hanukkah latke demonstration, a discussion on the principles of Kwanzaa, and a showcase of (ZOOM) backgrounds, most of which had Wesleyan ornaments, rounded out the day.

SISTERHOOD IN ACTION: Connecting with Students during COVID-19 2020 MASK PROJECT The idea suggested by President Fowler and Library Director Kristi Peavy as a way to involve alumnae in campus life during the pandemic was spearheaded by Flo Williams Douglas ’67, Jane Price Claxton ’68, and Glennda Kingry Elliott ’65. Under their leadership all new students received masks in class colors; returning students, faculty, and staff also received masks. A socially-distanced “Sew-In” Day at Wesleyan was held on July 14 in Willet Library, where alumnae volunteers a.k.a. “Stitchin’ Sisters” kicked-off the mask-making project. On September 24, the WCAA honored the 49 alumnae volunteers from all over the country who made masks by hanging a banner (created by Melanie Filson Lewis ’93) in the shape of a mask made from left-over scraps from the project. (See page 28) COVID-19 "PROTECT THE PACK" WELCOME BAGS FOR NEW STUDENTS. Traditional first-year Welcome Goody Bags took on added meaning this year when they included not only snacks and Wesleyan memorabilia but also masks made by alumnae. Thank you to alumnae who sponsored bags and made all new students feel welcome. SENIOR CELEBRATION BREAKFAST. In November, the Alumnae Office and the WCAA sponsored a socially distanced Senior Breakfast in Anderson Dining Hall. Festive late night breakfast fare served up more than just good food and provided a special time for Seniors to celebrate Wesleyan memories.

• December: President Fowler and Director of Athletics and Head Softball Coach Penny Siqueiros discussed Athletics at Wesleyan

Missed a session? Check out:

www.wesleyancollege.edu/lunchandlearn to see recorded sessions and dates of upcoming events.

Macon Alumnae Toy Drive

Senior Breakfast

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


The Wesleyan College Alumnae Association extends sympathy to:

Betty Mackay Asbury ’49 on the deaths of her husband, William “Bill” Wingate Jackson, on September 16, 2020, and of her grandson, Sam Asbury, in February 2020. Dot Stubbs Hollingsworth ’49 on the death of her brother, Dr. O. Wytch Stubbs, Jr., on January 29, 2020. Jean Evans Weaver ’49 on the death of her son, Rufus Evans Weaver, on July 15, 2020. Lillian Powell Martin ’51 on the death of her brother, Henry “Hank” Miller Powell, Jr., on August 18, 2020. Jo Anne Trammel Ayres ’52 on the death of her husband, John Richardson “Dick” Ayres, on January 18, 2020. Julie Withers Roland ’53 on the death of her sister, Bettye Withers Barnes ’42, on June 6, 2020. Gary Still Suters ’53 on the death of her daughter, Julia Anne Suters, on July 11, 2020. Mary Jane Doar Hunter ’57 on the deaths of her husband, G. Fletcher Hunter, on April 13, 2020, and of her brother, James Marion Doar, on November 16, 2020. Jean Middlebrooks Morris ’57 and Karen Toner Mixon ’85 on the death of Jean’s aunt and Karen’s great-aunt, Mary Bird Horner Harvey ’51, on September 20, 2020. Barbara Wittstruck Trombly ’57 on the death of her sister, Sarah Jane Wittstruck ’59, on October 14, 2020. Pat Rimmer Knox-Hudson ’58 on the death of her daughter, Julie Knox Lirette, on October 14, 2020. Angela Chen Yu ’58 on the death of her sister, Linda Chen Bell ’58, on August 9, 2020. Margie Hendrix Barden ’59 and Dot Hendrix Hope ’62 on the death of their sister, Margaret Elizabeth Hendrix ’66, on August 24, 2020. Gloria Boyette Corker ’60 on the death of her husband, Frank T. Corker, MD, on December 15, 2020. 32

Jackie Davis Richardson ’60 on the death of her husband, David Richardson, on December 22, 2020. Virginia Poole Lee ’61 on the death of her husband, Joseph “Jodie” Moore Lee III, on July 27, 2020. Jodie was a brother-in-law to Charlotte Poole Harrell ’56 and to Helen Poole Fontsere ’59. Juliana “Jukie” Hardeman Caldwell ’61 and Ginger Caldwell Musser ’83 on the death of Jukie’s husband and Ginger’s father, Rev. William “Bill” B. Caldwell, on October 3, 2020.

Kathy A. Bradley ’78 and Katherine Bradley ’79 on the death of their mother, Frances Anderson Bradley, on November 30, 2020. Carol Bell Melton ’78 on the death of her brother, Dean Britton Bell, on May 28, 2020. Mary Lou Pratt Taff ’78 on the death of her mother, Genevieve Falcone Pratt, on September 13, 2020. Amy Miller Braun ’79 on the death of her mother, Lucy Etheridge Miller, on June 11, 2020.

Teri Mitchell Joseph ’90 on the death of her mother, Carolyn Cochran Mitchell, on May 28, 2020. Carolyn served as the former executive assistant to the president of Wesleyan College. Christie Reed Marsh ’91 on the death of her father, Barry Reed, on September 19, 2020. Elizabeth Bockmiller Ceranowski ’94 on the death of her mother, Patricia R. Bockmiller, PhD, on July 20, 2020. Cathy Heuer Coppedge-Jinks ’94 and Margaret A. Heuer ’01 on the death of their father, William Louis Heuer III, on August 25, 2020.

Janella Sammons Brand ’62 on the death of her sister, Dr. Susan Sammons ’64, on May 7, 2020.

Jacki Webb Bullard ’79 on the death of her husband, Larry Deane Bullard, on July 5, 2020.

Liz Daves Ream ’62 on the death of her husband, Donald King “Buck” Ream III, on August 31, 2020.

Diane Kohlmeyer ’79 and Jeannice Hammond Clark ’54 on the death of Diane’s mother and Jeannice’s sister, Betty Sue Hammond ’57, on August 26, 2020.

Shirley Hendrick Lanford ’96 and former Wesleyan Trustee Rev. Laudis “Rick” Landford, on the death of Shirley’s husband and Rick’s father, Charles Amon Landford, MD, on October 28, 2020.

Claire Myhand Batchelor ’80 on the death of her mother, Camilla Cotton Myhand ’46, on November 21, 2020.

Chris Swafford ’99 on the death of her mother-in-law, Lois Jean Weddle, on June 28, 2020.

Melrose Vipperman Sentell ’62 on the death of her son, Jeffrey Dean Sentell, on August 13, 2020. Virginia “Ginny” Sowell Popper ’67 on the death of her husband, Joseph W. Popper, Jr., on June 20, 2020. Cacia Morris Orser ’70 on the death of her mother, Gertrude “Trudy” Ellis Morris, on August 16, 2019. Kathy Amidon MacGregor ’73 on the death of her father, William Ralph Amidon, on June 12, 2020.

Crystal Bell Davidian ’80 on the death of her brother, Dean Britton Bell, on May 28, 2020. Rosemary King Lee ’80 on the death of her aunt, Mary Fordham Greenfield ’50, on May 28, 2020.

Becky Read Sullivan ’73 on the death of her sister, Lucy Read Ward, on May 30, 2020.

Pat Stanukinos McCullough ’82 on the death of her husband, David Lawrence McCullough, on September 26, 2020.

Katherine Armbrecht Zarzour ’74 on the death of her mother, Jean Taylor Armbrecht, on August 18, 2020.

Lisa Stone McPartland ’82 on the death of her mother, Elizabeth “Liz” Humber Hean Stone ’48, on October 17, 2020.

Elizabeth Cariker Guenther ’75 on the death of her father, Rev. Carl Eugene “Gene” Cariker, on April 26, 2020.

Mary Carole Fisher Battle ’84 on the death of her mother, Sarah Jane Wittstruck ’59, on October 14, 2020.

Joye Mims Preston ’76 on the death of her mother, Joyce Andrew Bledsoe ’50, on July 3, 2020. Rose Mary Fanguy McKelvey ’77 on the death of her brother, Roy C. Fanguy, PhD, on August 18, 2019. Barbara Lapinski Stevens ’77 on the death of her sister, Roberta Lapinski Gangler ’76, on June 2, 2020.

Pam Lohr Hendrix ’88 on the deaths of her mother, Laura Elaine Bell Lohr, on July 13, 2020, and of her father, George Arthur Lohr, on January 10, 2020. June Jordan O’Neal ’90 on the death of her brother, David Jordan, on June 18, 2020.

Christen Bennett McGeathy ’02 on the death of her father, Howard E. Bennett, on June 11, 2020. Hannah Gandy Fleckenstein ’03 (MA) and Sam Gandy, Wesleyan physical plant department, on the death of their father, Marcus A. Gandy, Jr., on August 14, 2020. Elizabeth Souma Lewis ’05 (MA) and Nan Dixon Souma ’75 on the death of Elizabeth’s daughter and Nan’s granddaughter, Kerry Elizabeth Lewis, age 3, on August 13, 2020. Becky Carlisle ’08 on the death of her son, Xander Carlisle Abshire, on May 27, 2020. Beth Bollinger Kusar ’08 on the death of her step-father, William Henry Dodd, on June 10, 2020. Emily Epperson ’11 on the death of her grandfather, Guinn Louis Williamson, on May 29, 2020. Julie Benge Rogers ’16, on the death of her father, Neal S. Benge, on October 31, 2020.


In Memoriam

Rev. Sue C. DeJournett, Wesleyan chaplain (1995-1998), died on December 23, 2020. Juanita Tidwell Jordan, former Wesleyan trustee, died on August 24, 2020.


Lucy Cline Huie


Joyce Caldwell Bryan


Bettye Withers Barnes

Jane Medlock Taylor

Carolynn Cochran Mitchell, former assistant to the president of Wesleyan College (1985-1991), died on May 28, 2020.


Elaine Michael Fanning


Jean Griffin Dent


Nell McGehee Mathis

Betty Sue Hammond

Ruth Butler Weeks, physical plant manager at Wesleyan for 20 years, died on May 17, 2020.


Dot Hill Bruce


Linda Chen Bell

Lellen Rice Dawson

Clarice Pittman Elder



Laurel Dean Gray Craft

Jean O'Keeffe Fraser

Mary Tappan Garrison

Betty Nunn Mori

Camilla Cotton Myhand


Virginia Smith Oakes

Joyce Gallagher Pate

Sarah Jane Wittstruck


Geraldine Farrar-Thomas


Rose Pickett Holder


Beverly Reichert Kennon

Barbara Williams Karski

Kathleen Branan Roughgarden

Kathleen Floyd McGowan

Elizabeth Humber Hean Stone


Sally Ann Wickersham Cauthen

Anna Cornelious ’04 and Patrick Martin who were married on October 10, 2020.


Roberta Gantt Davis

Nancy Chappell Martin

Renee' Rousseau Tillery

Susan von Unwerth Overman

Jessica Dermody ’08 and Tracy Austin Gibson who were married on October 27, 2019.


Joyce Andrew Bledsoe


Saydie Susan Sammons

Julia Drake ’09 and Shayan Shamskolahi who were married on May 2, 2020.

Charlotte R. Gaines


Mildred Eschmann Spear

Mary Fordham Greenfield

Clara Eschmann Spear


Jane Wilkin Anthony


Raye Coleman

Martha Hayes Blackwell

Margaret Elizabeth Hendrix

Mo Guiberteau ’00 and Missy Riley who were married on November 7, 2020. Many Wesleyan sisters attended.

Dollie Durrett Daniels

Elizabeth Rudisill

Mary Bird Horner Harvey


Gloria L. Kennedy

Gay Flowers Lindsey

Camille Fleming Vaughan

Births & Family Additions

Peggy Wood Napear


Susan Towns Sharp

Catharine Elizabeth Neylans


Patricia Pace Fordham

Meg Smith Teagarden

Connie Crowe Jones

Eugenia Pierce Young


Gail Tapley Powell


Jean Taylor Armbrecht


Sherida Statham Kinney

Barbara Fussell Carter


Donna Dingess Baker

Mary Eva Bryan DuBose

Becky Jones Brock

Pragna Halder ’08 and Anthony on the birth of their first child, Jonathan Isaac Mercaldo, on November 17, 2020.

Selma Paterson Marlowe


Marjorie H. Priester

Ann McElrath Stewart


Patsy Moore Achord

Abigail Stephens Layfield ’15 and Chris on the birth of a son, Parker Edward Layfield, on May 17, 2020.

Daisie Robinson Stewart

Roberta Lapinski Gangler


Mary Ann Fitzgerald


Eula Sammons Battle

Congratulations to:

Shannon McGinley ’99 and Major Stephen P. Recupero who were married on October 3, 2020, at the Augusta (GA) Museum of History. Class of 1999 attendees included Jasmyn Jones Bowden, Melissa Roberts Mancini, Amy-Christine Jordan Vinson Smith, and Kathryn Smith Vinson.

Rasheeda Inari Bell ’16 and Robert Windham III who were married on September 26, 2020.

Congratulations to: Monica Harper Dekle ’04 and Andrew on the birth of a son, Remington James Dekle, on April 7, 2020.

Allison Callaway Pierce ’15 and Joshua on the birth of a daughter, Finley Jo Pierce, on November 20, 2020. Brooke Hester Stanley ’18 and Ben on the birth of twin sons, Brent Lewis Stanley and Brodie Lee Stanley, on August 3, 2020.

McClure Blackwell


Wendy Coffman MacMahon

Eugenia Trapp Rohrberg


Cynthia Ann Sutherlin

Iris Harvey Smith


Betty Heath Thompson


Joan Arlt Hopkins


Keely L. Whittington

Sara Thurston Williams


Amanda J. Corr

WESmag WESmagWinter Winter2020/2021 2020/2021

A MESSAGE: From the WCAA President Sister Alumnae, With sincerity, I send greetings from my space of change and adaptability to yours. While it’s helped knowing we’re “all in this together,” 2020 hasn’t produced one single remedy to completely resolve the sense of uncertainty we’ve all faced. To this end, maybe you’ve done a lot of introspection to help get you through, or maybe you’ve become somewhat numbly complacent with things. Maybe you find yourself teetering on the spectrum some days, as I do. Continue to do good anyway. Keep your faith and honor its tenacity in creating confidence where there seems to be none. Isn’t this what we always do, to some degree? And on days when you don’t, allow yourself some grace. My hope for you is that you’ve experienced - and will choose to experience - peace, love, and joy...actively seeking and accepting them in their various forms, arming yourself to continue to be the agents of positivity and light both for yourself and your communities. Walking into 2021 (albeit limping), maybe we need a reminder that beauty, as well as need, paired with opportunity is where we will all prevail. Here are just a few ways you have done so this year: • To “Protect the Pack,” you sewed face masks to squash the spread of germs on campus; • Seeking to educate and mobilize yourselves, you participated in reading groups around Layla Saad’s Me and White Supremacy; • Responding to the call to engage on a deeper level with your sisters and with Wesleyan, you completed surveys whose responses are still impacting the planning for future initiatives. Alone, more than 360 of you completed the questionnaire about Alumnae Weekend preferences; • Led by Faith Sumpter ‘08, you attended conversations for and by Black Alumnae to engage with one another and build community. Several Black Alumnae Meet-Ups took place over the summer; • Understanding that Wesleyan students need professional advice from the outside, you signed up to become a mentor on the Purple Briefcase platform; • Considering students were campus-bound this fall, we thank our Young Alumnae who funded a successful Fall Fest Movie Night. I can only imagine the other ways you are contributing in your circles and daily walks of life, despite and because of current, additional challenges. THANK YOU for seeking opportunity and meeting it with actions of love for yourselves, Wesleyannes, and others. Alumnae Weekend will be held in April 2022...and what stories of resiliency we will have to tell. Loyally,

Abbie Smoak Lacienski ‘01 President, Wesleyan College Alumnae Association 34


Connecting, Supporting, Learning, and Laughing! The Greater Triangle Wesleyan Alumnae Club in North Carolina rings in the New Year annually with a festive luncheon at the Carolina Country Club in Raleigh. The event features a speaker – faculty, staff, alumna, or graduate – connected to Wesleyan. Tables set with Wesleyan china belonging to club members and the singing of a blessing before our meal have become a tradition; one that creates an atmosphere for sharing Wesleyan memories.

adult literature. Members continue to meet during COVID-19 thanks to outdoor spaces provided by Pam Henry Pate ’71.

Our members range from alumnae in the Class of 1947 to those in more recent classes. This multigenerational group ensures that we learn history from older grads, share traditions from various classes, and catch up on current innovations at the College. There is always a buzz of conversation and much laughter to accompany the learning. The food is good, too!

The Triangle Club also regularly participates in WOW community outreach projects: supporting the fundraising gala for KidzNotes, a worldwide music program based on the El Sistema Music Program (with the Triangle program founded by club member Lucia Peel Poe ’53) and by donating books to Book Harvest, a Triangle literacy effort.

In addition to the annual luncheon, the Club has sponsored gatherings with other women’s colleges; held afternoon tea at hotels in Durham, Greensboro, Chapel Hill, and Raleigh; and offers a monthly book club. The Wesleyan Triangle Alumnae Book Club began in 2013 as an outgrowth of a College program that encouraged clubs to read the same book first-year students were reading on campus. The book club meets monthly in Raleigh at Quail Ridge Books, where club member Linda Brown Walker ’73 serves as coordinator for children’s programs. We read a wide variety of books from classics to current novels, from short stories to young

The book club has become a source of support for its members, deepening existing friendships and creating new ones. If you enjoy reading and reflecting and having fun, this book club is for you! If you are interested in starting a book club, we can share the list of books we’ve read over the last decade.

Our club welcomes every woman who attended Wesleyan to the luncheon, to the book club, and to participate in WOW projects. If you live anywhere in NC from Murphy to Manteo, please make sure Wesleyan has your contact information so we can send invitations to you. We are particularly hoping young alumnae will join us and help create new events that appeal to 21st Century Wesleyannes, and keep the rest of us young! You can contact us at ppate35@nc.rr.com to receive our newsletter. Pam Henry Pate ’71 and Linda Brown Walker ’73 are co-leaders of the NC Triangle Club. Karen Garr ’69 leads the Triangle Book Club. WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Thanks to you Since 1836, Wesleyan College has been blessed year after year by alumnae and friends who have an innate desire to make a difference. As investors in Wesleyan College and in her future, you have demonstrated a keen sense of pride in knowing your gifts, both large and small, make a remarkable difference in the lives of our students, women who are learning how to become tomorrow’s leaders. Our accomplished students and alumnae are everyday examples of our continued success and of our far-reaching contributions to communities around the world. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your immense kindness and generosity this past year – and every year!

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $25,000 or more Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 and John A. Bighley Bradley-Turner Foundation, Inc. Stanford M. Brown Sylvia Maxwell Brown ‘63 Elizabeth Martin Bunte ‘68 Patricia Stewart Burgess Family Foundation, Inc. Candy and Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr. Thomas C. Burke Foundation Betty Turner Corn ‘47 A. V. Elliott * Bequest Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65 and A. V. Elliott * Arline Atkins Finch ‘56 and Ronald M. Finch, Jr. Georgia Independent College Association, Inc. Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education Georgia United Methodist Foundation, Inc. The Hall-Knox Foundation Mary Ann Pollard Houghland ‘60 Anne and Andrew H. Knox Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Linda Harriet Lane Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Dorothy V. and N. Logan Lewis Foundation, Inc.

Margaret T. MacCary Margaret T. MacCary Gift Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ‘60 Medical Center, Navicent Health Navicent Health Foundation William I. H. and Lula E. Pitts Foundation James Hyde Porter Charitable Trust Ninfa M. Saunders Susan Towns Sharp '68 * and Alan G. Sharp Loretha A. Thiele * Bequest Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 and Otey Walker III Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Jane Lyle Wootton ‘51 * Bequest

JAMES HYDE PORTER SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 Hannah L. Allen ‘80 William H. Anderson II William H. Anderson II Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Clark and Ruby Baker Foundation Julia G. and Cecil A. Baldwin, Jr. Bettye Withers Barnes ‘42 * Bearings and Drives, Inc. Charlotte B. and Brian E. Bogle Jane Johnson Butler ‘65 and G. Marshall Butler Kathleen and J. Cannon Carr, Jr.

Cornercap Investment Counsel Robert J. Edenfield Fickling Family Foundation, Inc. Trudie Parker Fickling ‘65 and William A. Fickling, Jr. Katherine McArthur and Waldo E. Floyd III Joan Shapiro Foster ‘56 Vivia L. and Richard Fowler Leonard T. Furlow, Jr. Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation, Inc. E. J. Grassmann Trust Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63 Charlotte Jolly Hale ‘62 and Floyd C. Hale Floyd C. and Charlotte J. Hale Fund of the Rotary Foundation Gilbert Held * Cordelia Dessau Holliday ‘48 * Bequest John-Wesley Villas, Inc. Susan Pyeatt Kimmey ‘71 * and J. Lansing Kimmey III * John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Bob Knox, Jr. Fund of The Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area Ligon Foundation Beverly Hinely MacMahon ‘74 and Mark R. MacMahon MCT Wholesale Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Debbie Stevenson Moses ‘89 Anne Whipple Alderman Murphey ‘48 and ‘49 * Bequest

Gail Fulton Murphy ‘68 and Robert J. Murphy, Jr. Andy H. Nations Emily P. Norton ‘45 * Bequest Casey and Wilds M. Ogie Elizabeth C. and W. Michael Ogie Wilds M. Ogie Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Elizabeth H. and George F. Pickett, Jr. Amy V. and Tyler J. Rauls, Jr. Joan Maddox Sammons ‘57 Sydney H. and T. Alfred Sams, Jr. Joyce Reddick Schafer ‘55 Glenn Shaw Suelle M. Swartz ‘67 Mary Beth Brown Swearingen ‘89 Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ‘64 Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Cynthia D. Wright ‘75 Dorothy Smith Yandle ‘55

GEORGE FOSTER PIERCE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 Elizabeth Mackay Asbury ‘49 Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Martha Gragg Bates ‘45 Sylvia Wyllys Boone ‘60 * Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 R.A. Bowen Trust Lois F. and Robert A. Bowen, Jr.

Gifts to Wesleyan College FY2020


$233,356.69 $38,240.00 $18,950.00

Alumnae $411,232.29 $43,800.07 $269,461.30 Corporations $77,390.50 $118,058.00 $1,350.00 Estates, Trusts, and Bequests Faculty, Staff, and Students


$334,602.26 $18,542.31 $31,716.00



Foundations $218,938.75 $639,005.24 $191,100.00 Parents and Friends

$130,515.52 $22,061.00 $183,879.72

Church $86,666.67 $1,476.66


Total $1,586,317.94 $887,083.28 $669,478.02 Gifts made between July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

* deceased

Kathleen DeBerry Brungard ‘67 Cadence Bank Anne Purvis Church ‘51 Bequest Anne P. Church Charitable Endowment Fund of the East Tennessee Foundation Jane Price Claxton ‘68 and Joseph E. Claxton Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Council of Independent Colleges GEICO GEICO Philanthropic Foundation Janet Mewbourne Genest ‘65 and Michael R. Genest Georgia Power Company, Atlanta Georgia Power Company, Macon Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. Goddard Foundation Kathleen Hill Goddard ‘77 and Robert C. Goddard III Susan Reynolds Gregory ‘70 Hays Service, LLC Sharon and Cal Hays, Jr. William W. Jackson * Suzanne Woodham Juday ‘69 Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Melvin I. Kruger Steven L. Kruger L.E. Schwartz & Son, Inc. Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Barbara Beddingfield Magnan ‘81 Mary Stephens Malone ‘80 Janice A. Mays ‘73 Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 McKenna Family Giving Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co., LLC Norfolk Southern Foundation Joyce Paris ‘54 Stephanie E. Parker ‘81 Stephen A. Reichert Stephen A. Reichert Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Carla Ruiz-Ney ‘08 Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ‘96 David B. Smith Deidra West Smith ‘96 and Taylor W. Smith

Marjorie Perkins Squires '51 and William H. Squires Mary Langel Stults ‘81 Melissa Lane Thomas ‘69 Marilyn A. Vickers ‘67 Geovette E. Washington ‘89 Wesleyan Academy for Lifelong Learning

CANDLER CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 Betty Smith Addison ‘51 The Elam Alexander Trust Paul H. Anderson, Jr. Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club Lorinda Lou Beller ‘64 Birdsey Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Eve L. Birmingham ‘68 Patricia Grogan Borders ‘70 Betty Jo Watson Bowdre ‘49 Jan Bull Burgess ‘70 Marsha Lynn Christy ‘73 and John D. Christy Marianna M. Cooke * Charlotte Babcock Ellis ‘67 Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 and George W. Franklin Funding for Teams LLC Herbert S. Greenwald, Jr. Katherine Arnold Hale ‘70 Norma D. Hanley Laura Lowe Harmon ‘72 and Barrie H. Harmon III Betsy K. and Robert F. Hatcher, Jr. Juliette Adams Hawk ‘57 C. Terry Holland Elizabeth Rogers Kelly ‘72 Eleanor Adams Lane ‘58 Law Offices of John D. Christy, P.C. Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 and Lindsay Lemasters Lewis ‘80 Catharine Burns Liles ‘66 and Marion H. Liles, Jr. Patricia Shriver Mancuso ‘60 Margaret M. Mathews ‘73 D T McNeill Foundation Donald T. McNeill, Jr. Ruth McNeill

Gifts by Fund Endowment 8%

Gifts-in-Kind 1%

Capital 19%

Unrestricted Annual Fund 46%

Restricted Annual Fund 26%

Gifts by Source Friends & Parents 9%

Foundations 30%

Church 2% Trustees 1%

Faculty, Staff, & Students 1%

Alumnae Trustees 7%

Estates, Trusts, & Bequests 26%

Alumnae 19% Corporations 5%

TOTAL WITH ENDOWMENT TOTALS GIFTS-IN-KIND GIFTS-IN-KIND $0.00 $68,574.26 $4,000.00 $294,546.69 $43,222.88 $500.00

$767,716.54 $197,298.50

$0.00 $353,144.57 $0.00


$209,500.00 $1,258,543.99 $26,135.91


$0.00 $88,143.33 $283,358.79 $3,426,238.03

$0.00 $68,574.26 $0.00 $294,546.69 $20,595.00 $1,510.00

$788,311.54 $198,808.50

$0.00 $353,144.57 $800.00


$0.00 $1,258,543.99 $9,975.00


$0.00 $88,143.33 $32,880.00 $3,459,118.03 WESmag Winter 2020/2021

ANNUAL REPORT Margaret Thompson Monahan ‘67 Claire Michaels Murray ‘52 Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. ‘61 Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer ‘66 Babs Richardson Pirkle ‘68 and Walter A. Pirkle Betty Cook Shull ‘73 The Betty and Michael Shull Charitable Fund of The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Penny Siqueiros and Jessica White Mary Ann Bateman Spell ‘68 William H. Squires and Marjorie P. Squires Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund Ruth Powell Storts ‘93 Kay B. and Wayne J. West Susan C. Wheelis ‘95 Allison McFarland Wilcox ‘80 Andrea G. and Lawrence B. Williford

CATHERINE BREWER BENSON SOCIETY $1,000 - $2,499 May Morgan Ackerman ‘94 and Robert K. Ackerman Anna Reeder Akins ‘60 Susan Brown Allen ‘17 and William H. Allen Anonymous Veronica Armstrong Carla T. Asbell Dennis ‘87 Virginia Pritchard Ashby ‘76 Atlanta Saddlery Kathleen P. Ballou Dale Odum Barrow ‘60 and William E. Barrow Benevity Community Impact Fund of the American Online Giving Foundation Susie Black ‘75 Melody and Christopher Blake Madeline and Edward S. Brewton Elizabeth Gaunt Bryan ‘54 Sandra Lumpkin Bryan ‘66 Virginia Perry Buckner ‘33 * Bequest Daphne Murph Chapman ‘67 Jo An Johnson Chewning ‘66 Ellen S. Clann Carolyn and F. Bradford Clifton Walter Clifton Family Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. Mary N. Cobb ‘50 Coliseum Health System Barbara Roland Colwell ‘70 and Robert F. Colwell Victoria Buxton Cork ‘77 Gloria Boyette Corker ‘60 and Frank T. Corker Betsy Dasher ‘69 Monica Harper Dekle ‘04 Emily Hardman Dickey ‘58 Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw ‘59 Merrilyn Welch Eastham ‘53 Clarice Pittman Elder ‘58 * and Gene Elder Annetta Zimmerman Elliott ‘67 Temple Wilson Ellis ‘58 Heather Shaver Evans ‘94 Natalie Puckett Evans ‘02 and Dave Evans

Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche ‘96 Amy M. Fletcher ‘06 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 and Roger L. Flora Evelyn LeRoy Fortson ‘52 and Norman J. Fortson Carol Broome Fraune ‘69 Ruth White Fruit ‘54 Gwen Futral Gallagher-Howard ‘88 General Commission on Archives and History Georgia Pine Level Foundation Carol A. Goodloe ‘75 Selma Middlebrooks Gore ‘75 JoAnne Graf Eleanor Laslie Griffin ‘60 Joan B. and Warren Griffin, Jr. Ann and J. Ellsworth Hall III Elizabeth W. Hardin Emily Sawyer Hart ‘56 and Howard R. Hart, Jr. Olivia Lopez Hartenstein ‘65 Martha Bielmann Hastings ‘52 Georgia W. and Robert F. Hatcher Lydia Jordan Hickam ‘60 Rita Mitchell Higgins ‘88 and Thomas F. Higgins Terrie M. Hogue Susan L. Holloway ‘82 Michelle McCluney Horgan ‘96 Houghland Foundation Millie Parrish Hudson ‘75 and W. Quinn Hudson Ann McDonald Hurt ‘64 Virginia Crapps Johnson ‘68 Catherine Gibbons Jost ‘70 Ann Kinnick Keane ‘69 Andgelia Proctor Kelly ‘68 Julia Stillwell Ketcham ‘58 Susan Taylor King ‘63 and Robert E. King Nancy C. Kinzer Spiro T. Kypreos Betty Sweet Simmons Ladson Melissa Lockert Lain ‘00 Virginia Harshbarger Lamback ‘66 and Sam P. Lamback, Jr. Dana Flanders Laster ‘86 and Scott Laster Martha Bell Lewis ‘60 Kathleen Russell Leysath ‘74 Richard H. Lowrance Richard Lowrance Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Diane A. Lumpkin ‘63 Betty Hood Lydick ‘69 Macon Hardwood, LLC Macon Power Nan G. Maddux ‘75 Doris V. Manning ‘60 Martin Foundation, Inc. Joyce M. Martin * Hazel Mims Mathis ‘73 Susan Gallas Mazzola ‘90 Carolyn Martin McCrea ‘65 Rita Parker McGarity ‘75 Brenda Witham McGinn ‘70 Elizabeth O'Donnell Menkhaus ‘76 Marybelle Proctor Menzel ‘62 MetroPower, Inc. Middle Georgia Chapter of GSCPAs Peggy Likes Miller ‘65 Elizabeth Gibbons Montis ‘66 Caron Griffin Morgan ‘73 and R. Stephen Morgan Anne McGee Morganstern ‘58

38 Gifts made between July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

Susan M. and B. Douglas Morton III Lynn Boswell Moses ‘77 Newbern Foundation Judith Miller Newbern ‘67 Susan Kirvin Ogburn ‘67 Ogburn Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Mary Catherine Collins O'Kelley ‘72 Oluwatoyosi Fatunase Onwuemene ‘03 Harriett Willcoxon Palmer ‘67 Tabitha L. Parker ‘05 George R. Parkerson, Jr. May Powell Parks ‘70 Pamela Henry Pate ‘71 and Barry Pate Lori Reese Patton ‘90 and Macon Patton Nancy Patch Pedersen ‘70 Virginia Barber Perkins ‘63 Elizabeth C. and H. P. Persons III Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ‘63 Chris Howard and Carey O. Pickard III Mary Jo Fincher Plowden ‘68 and W. Warren Plowden, Jr. B.J. Molpus Posey ‘70 PPC Foundation Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry ‘43 Harriet Laslie Reynolds ‘62 and John D. Reynolds III Jody Bethea Riggs ‘88 and Damon R. Riggs Bryndis W. Roberts ‘78 Kathryne Meeks Sanders ‘65 Judith Kuhn Schlichter ‘64 and Ralph Schlichter Mary T. Schmich Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ‘61 Elizabeth D. Shavers ‘12 Martha and Willie Shavers Nancy Peterson Shaw ‘58 Hope Hahn Shields ‘91 Jane Courtenay Shockley ‘56 Karen Connor Shockley ‘63 Betty Westmoreland Shuster ‘66 Charles S. Simmons Bertha and William P. Simmons, Jr. Simmons Charitable Trust Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc. Betsy Palmer Smith ‘60 and Bridges W. Smith, Jr. Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church Candace W. and Edward D. Springer Starr Electrical Contractors, LLC Bonnie and Joe Starr Joyce Brandon Starr ‘63 Linda McElroy Steed ‘58 Martha Bradford Swann ‘47 * Bequest Julie St. John Thornton ‘78 Casey J. Thurman ‘65 Mary Ashling Thurmond Osborne ‘05 Reba Thurmond ‘57 Barbara Betts Tuck ‘60 Robert M. and Lilias Baldwin Turnell Foundation Verah Dorsey Turner ‘88 Caroline Eagerton Upperco ‘53 Deborah C. van der Lande Patricia Hammock Wall ‘70 and Joseph A. Wall Geraldine R. Washington Kate Stickley Watson ‘60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr. Jane Powers Weldon ‘59

Judith L. Whitaker ‘75 Almonese B. and Ralph W. Williams Patricia Jaeger Williams ‘64 Katherine C. Wilson Katherine Corn Wilson Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley Barbara S. Woodson Hilda A. Wright ‘65 Jean Widney Wynn ‘67 Virginia Sumerford York ‘60 Helen Ferguson Zachry ‘71

FOUNTAIN CLUB $500 - $999 Alumnae listed in the class giving section. Albany First United Methodist Church AXA Foundation Jennifer Barnard Patricia W. Bass Holly L. Boettger-Tong Brown & Spiegel Patricia P. and James A. Bryant William A. Burns Brad Busbee Charities Aid Foundation of America Community Health Systems Foundation Whitney A. Davis Frances de La Rosa J. David Deck Pauline Doig Dow Chemical Company Foundation, Inc. Paula Dunson Carl M. Ellington Harriet W. and Edward P. Ellis Fund of the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund ExxonMobil Foundation Connie and Carl Flair Kirk Hall Eugene T. Harrison III Hastings Family Trust Christy and Russ Henry Christopher Hoffman Linna and Chris Hoppe Jackson Automotive Group, Inc. Jane W. and James L. Jackson, Jr. Benjamin Kantor Aaron Kirkwood John Laska Macon Concert Association Sidney E. Middlebrooks Morning Music Club Ann and James L. Moses Melinda and Robert L. Moye II Paul M. Murrell National Management Resources Corporation Navcon, LLC William W. Oliver, Jr. Susan M. and G. Robert Parkerson III Kristina Peavy Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc. Robert H. Kahn, Jr. Family Foundation Nancy and Thomas F. Rockenbach, Jr. Catherine Schmitt Whitaker Betty Sweet Simmons * Hector M. Siqueiros

* deceased

1836 CLUB $250 - $499

Alumnae listed in the class giving section. Amazon Smile Foundation Bobbie C. Appling William E. Baird, Jr. Catherine Baker Robert W. Batten Bethany and Hoyt B. Bennett, Jr. Libby and Willson Blake Rebecca A. and Vernon J. Blitch Debra J. Brook and Michael F. Kemp Veronica W. and William P. Brooks Charles M. Cook Cathy Cox Delta Air Lines Foundation Barbara Donovan Svend Egholm James B. Ferrari James Fleenor William Lee Hammond Clinton G. Hobbs Mary Ann Howard Katherine M. and David M. Kalish Frances Y. and Thomas F. Knight, Jr. Kim M. and Rick Lanford Bruce Langford G. Bryan Leskosky William Lowry Mandy Corporation Melvin Craig Matthews Barbara F. McAfee MetLife Foundation Glenna A. Meyer Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Moxley Methodist Church & Sunday School Beverly K. and Edmund E. Olson Chris E. Orlie The Potting Shed Bebe and Albert P. Reichert, Jr. Katherine T. Rohrer SAP Software Smith, Brown and Groover, Inc. Jennifer L. and Dana L. Smoak Donald R. Swygert Ernst Takacs Mary E. Thompson Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Kevin L. Ulshafer Brandi T. Vorhees The Walt Disney Company Foundation Jane D. and John F. Willingham Mary Jane M. and Pat M. Woodward Lois and Danny Yates


Alumnae listed in the class giving section. Carla Adams Deborah B. and J. Frederick Akers Almand & Co., LLC Suzie and Fletcher C. Anderson James E. Anderson Latasha Andre Dennis L. Applebee, Jr. Mae Ashby Charles E. Atchley, Jr. Jill and Alford Atkins Libby Bailey Mary Susan Bardsley

Thomas A. Barrow, Jr. Virginia and Tom Barrow Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. Linda and Hal Barry Stephanie G. Baugh Timothy H. Baughman Duncan Beard Jean and G. Watson Bell Brooke Bennett-Day James F. Bentley Jack K. Berry Kimberly S. Berry Virginia Blake Sandra G. Blalock Bold Springs United Methodist Church (Cairo Charge) Susan M. Bond Frances A. and Thomas T. Bosley Ruthanna J. and William N. Bost, Jr. Helen and Jimmy Braswell Karen Bray Catherine I. Brewer Arthur D. Brook Rhiannon Bruner Nancy Brynteson Gloria Buckingham Joanna Buffington and Dean Brook John M. Burns Connie Butler Candice Cagle Lynn Carithers Beth S. and George R. Cary Edward M. Chadbourne, Jr. Yannan Chen Sergey Chernokov Patrick Childers Childrens Literature for Children, Inc. Connie S. Clark Clinch Chapel United Methodist Church The Clorox Company Cynthia H. and James A. Comer Miff and Karl Cone Frances C. Connor Ann F. and John W. Copeland Charitable Foundation, Inc. Sally P. Cowan Tracy and John Crews Carolyne Crichton Timothy Crosby William J. Cutler, Jr. Clifford Darby Patrick Darby Katie Davey Diane and Jim Davis Jeanette Davis Kay L. and Stuart Davis III Meagon Davis Russell Davis Tammy M. Davis Virginia Davis Benita Day Saralyn H. DeSmet Jeffrey A. Dick Patricia D. and James W. Dickson Melanie Doherty Jane A. Dolan Nadine Dominique Kimbrough D. Donner Virginia Duke Rebecca Duke-Barton Roger W. Dunaway, Jr. Christopher B. Duncan Ann H. Dunwody Linda L. and Jimmy G. Eddins M. Boyd Edwards

Walter D. Edwards Mack Paul Efland III Cheryl Ellis Janice Ellis Lydia and Brent Evans Mariann C. Evans Exelon Foundation Kel-Ann S. and James W. Eyler Glenda K. Ferguson Sherilyn Fiveash Katie Flair Fran B. Flurry Vi Ann S. and Paul R. Foster Whitney Foster Sydney B. Freeman Friendship United Methodist Church (Cairo Charge) Sirena S. Fritz Stephanie and Thomas D. Gaither, Jr. Samuel Gandy Benjamin M. Garland Charles F. Gattis, Jr. Jami and Jim Gaudet Dionne George Harry W. Gilmer Giving Care at CNRC Gordon United Methodist Church Deborah Green Tabershia Green Brent S. Gunn Steven Haberlin Alexis Hall Ann K. and F. Kennedy Hall Gail M. Hammock Anne C. Hanse Frances J. and Bob Hardeman Toni and Kevin Harrington James W. Hart Tonya Harter William A. Hawkins Harriet and James Calvin Hays * Heavytow Inc Sheree Henry Kyle Herring Fred W. Hicks III Hiles-Mcleod Insurance, Inc. Jennifer Holland Quintress L. Hollis Denise W. Holloway Nancy Hooker Karen E. Huber and Nicholas Steneck James W. Hughes Regina B. Oost and Joseph A. Iskra, Jr. Sallie R. and Marcus K. Jocoy Missy and Bruce Jones Julie A. Jones Susan and Darryl Jones Cedrella Jones-Taylor Beverly H. and Roger A. Kaiser Mark L. Kelley Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund Emory Kendrick Hilary W. Kight Katherine J. Kittle and Hans Rupf Janet H. and Ronald E. Kolar Robert G. Kopp Kara Kostiuk Kroger Company Foundation Cathy and John B. Lafitte Lamon Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Troy D. Lawson Laura K. and Joseph Lease Lee Street United Methodist Church Joseph M. Lee III * Khaki and Ray O. Lerer

Joan G. Levine Linton United Methodist Church of Sparta Huichun Liu Frazer B. Lively Fred W. Livezey Karen Lockwood Nell and Guy Long Jonathan Long Rebecca R. Lowry Alex Lyon Kathy L. Malone Judith P. Marine Carole A. Marshall Monty T. Martin Robert S. Martin Myra W. and James H. Mathis Michele May Catherine K. Mayo Kim McCall Dan McConaughey J. Paul McCord III Emily and Michael McCord Sari McCorkle Dennie L. McCrary McCrary Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Michael C. McGhee Alta G. and David W. McMahan Megan McMahon Betty and Gary Meadors Kathleen M. Meier Heather W. Melvin Merck Partnership for Giving Metcalfe United Methodist Church Mightycause Corporation Sharon Miles Ashley C. and Daniel Miller Taylor and Jeff Miller John Mitchell Cleon E. * and Elizabeth Smith Moore * Bequest Kearstyn Moore Dotty I. Morgan Peg K. and John H. Morrison, Jr. John H. Morrison, Jr. and Margaret Knox Morrison Fund of the Cabarrus County Community Foundation Anthony M. Nardotti Mallory Neil Network for Good Donna M. and Luten U. Nunnally Oak Grove United Methodist Church Shane Odom Cindy and George Campbell Oetter, Jr. William W. Orr Park Avenue United Methodist Church Karen R. and Stephen P. Parrott Gene D. Paulsson Carol A. Payton James A. Payton Julia R. and Rush A. Peace Barbara A. Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Bryan B. Persons Michael K. Phillips Thomas E. Phillips Yasmin Pineda Ray Pippin Lori L. * and William A. Pointer Todd J. Powell Alice D. Pugh Ashlie Pullen Cheryl B. Purser W. Alan Randolph Robert J. Reynolds Barry Rhoades

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


In FY2020, Wesleyan received


in unrestricted estate gifts. These planned gifts were essential in helping the College meet its operating budget for the year.

Last year, amid the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, our amazing donors gave



in annual support to the College. This is the largest amount raised for the Annual Fund EVER. We are FOREVER grateful!

Robert G. Robbins Alex Roberts Melissa Roberts Beverly A. Robinson Mary Robinson Barbara and James D. Rowan Vickie L. Samples Sandersville United Methodist Church Alain R. Sappi Tyler Schwaller Seth Semones Patricia S. and Patrick S. Shannon Marguerite H. and Elliott H. Sisson, Jr. Madeline Skiba Bernard Smith Beth L. Smith Claire M. and G. Boone Smith III Chuck Smith Teresa P. Smotherman Melody and David Spalinger Allison G. Spears St. Luke United Methodist Church St. Peters United Methodist Church of Fitzgerald Margaret and Nicholas Steneck Laura M. and Richard Stevenson Rachel Stewart Laura Strausberg Deborah and David Stream Kayla Stroud Holly J. Strout Summit Commercial Services, Inc. Deonna S. Tanner Leolene M. and Ben Tate Charles W. Taylor, Jr. Kassandria Taylor W. Dean Terrell Jamie L. Thames Sandra S. Tharpe Theo Thevaos Dr. Theo G. and Artemisia D. Thevaos Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund John G. Thompson Carol and Jerome P. Tift Sherry and William L. Tift Nancy Todd Mary Sue and Ronald E. Tolley Toppan Interamerica Inc. Elizabeth G. and John N. Tripp Deana C. Trott Jessica L. Tucker Elizabeth A. and David J. Ulfik United Way of Olmstead County, Inc. Maria Varnadoe Natalie H. and Minor C. Vernon Carroll A. Walker Kayla Walker Gail E. Webster Wesleyan College Alumnae Association Molly West Westtown United Methodist Church Andrew Wheeler Donna G. White Amanda Wiggs Howard Wilcox Sally and Winston Wilfong Natea D. and Kwame Williams Lydia Winston Myra and Edward Woodard Woodland United Methodist Church of Cairo Arthur G. Wroble Ying Zhen Shannon N. and Gregory S. Zieminick

40 Gifts made between July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020


We are grateful for these companies and corporate foundations who matched their employees’ gifts to Wesleyan during this last fiscal year. AXA Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Community Health Systems Foundation Delta Air Lines Foundation Exelon Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Georgia Power Company Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. Merck Partnership for Giving MetLife Foundation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Norfolk Southern Foundation SAP Software The Clorox Company The Walt Disney Company Foundation


Many thanks to alumnae and friends who generously donated in-kind gifts or services to Wesleyan in the last fiscal year. Veronica Armstrong Atlanta Saddlery Jennifer Barnard Patricia Grogan Borders ‘70 Stanford M. Brown Cynthia H. and James A. Comer Frances de La Rosa Pauline Doig Virginia Duke Paula Dunson Heather Shaver Evans ‘94 Herbert S. Greenwald, Jr. C. Terry Holland Catharine Burns Liles ‘66 and Marion H. Liles, Jr. Gail Fulton Murphy ‘68 and Robert J. Murphy, Jr. Cacia Morris Orser ‘70


Wesleyan College is grateful for these legacies we received from donors during the past year. Virginia Perry Buckner ‘33 Anne Purvis Church ‘51 A. V. Elliott Hastings Family Trust Cordelia Dessau Holliday ‘48 Cleon E. and Elizabeth Smith Moore ‘50 Anne Whipple Alderman Murphey '48 and '49 Emily P. Norton ‘45 Martha Bradford Swann ‘47 Loretha A. Thiele Jane Lyle Wooton ‘51

* deceased

Society for the 21st Century

Chartered in 1989, the Society for the Twenty-first Century

May Morgan Ackerman ‘94 and Robert K. Ackerman Betty Smith Addison ‘51 Hannah L. Allen ‘80 Susan Brown Allen ‘17 Debra McGee Ambrose ‘84 Linda G. Anderson ‘71 William H. Anderson II Ruth Wong Arnow ‘56 William E. Baird, Jr. Kathleen P. Ballou William N. Banks, Jr. * Patricia W. Bass Martha Gragg Bates ‘45 Edwina Hall Beall ‘53 Lorinda Lou Beller ‘64 Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 Loyd H. Black, Jr. Regina S. Bland ‘76 Georgann Dessau Blum ‘47 Sylvia Fesco Bond ‘81 Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 Kathy A. Bradley ‘78 Beulah Laslie Brinson Bird ‘58 Jane Speir Brook ‘76 Barbara A. Bryant ‘67 Patricia Sterling Brzezinski ‘84 Elizabeth Martin Bunte ‘68 Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter Carol Burt ‘64 * Cynthia Costello Busbee ‘92 Carol Hindman Butler ‘78 Jane Johnson Butler ‘65 Helen E. Cannon ‘60 Jo Ann Johnson Chewning ‘66 Susan Lott Clark ‘46 Susan A. Cobleigh ‘68 Nannette Coco ‘73 and Karlyn Sturmer ‘75 Frances Oehmig Collins ‘47 Barbara Roland Colwell ‘70 Anne M. Cordeiro ‘92 Gloria Boyette Corker ‘60 Betty Turner Corn ‘47 Pamela Davis Corvelli ‘98 Laurel Dean Gray Craft ‘46 * Peggy Chesnutt Daniel ‘91 Mildred Taylor Dennis ‘57 Emily Hardman Dickey ‘58 Berta Dodd-Marbut ‘58 Mary Nunn Domingos ‘46 Eloise Maxwell Doty ‘68 Jo Duke ‘84 Beth Mason Duncan ‘61 Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw ‘59 Robert J. Edenfield Mildred Fincher Efland ‘42 Annetta Zimmerman Elliott ‘67 Glennda Kingry Elliott ‘65 Bee Seckinger Epley ‘58 Trudie Parker Fickling ‘65 Arline Atkins Finch ‘56 and Ronald M. Finch, Jr.

Betty Jordan Lippitt ‘74 Betty I-May Lo ‘95 Richard H. Lowrance John F. Loyd * Nancy Middleton Lucia ‘65 Diane A. Lumpkin ‘63 Margaret T. MacCary Beverly Hinely MacMahon ‘74 Wendy Coffman MacMahon ‘78 * Nan G. Maddux ‘75 Patricia Shriver Mancuso ‘60 Nancy Van Aken Marti ‘64 Jane Silverman Mason ‘66 Virginia Mason ‘65 Jeanon M. Massien ‘84 Lucile Adams Mathews ‘66 Elizabeth N. Mathis ‘96 William M. Matthews Harriett E. Mayo ‘71 Carolyn Martin McCrea ‘65 Michele L. McDuffie ‘99 Rita Parker McGarity ‘75 Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 Barbara Bird McLendon ‘60 Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ‘60 Sally Griffie Mehalko ‘67 Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen ‘80 Sally Eisen Miller ‘65 Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Mary Ainsworth Mitchell ‘47 Tommie Sue Montgomery-Abrahams ‘63 Elizabeth Gibbons Montis ‘66 Mary Jo Moody ‘64 Caron Griffin Morgan ‘73 Anne McGee Morganstern ‘58 Betty Nunn Mori ‘58 * Deborah Stevenson Moses ‘89 Lee B. Murphey Gail Fulton Murphy ‘68 Claire Michaels Murray ‘52 Sherry V. Neal ‘96 Linda Chance Newiger ‘72 Catharine Elizabeth Neylans ‘51 * Laura Ruth Norris ‘77 Mary Catherine Collins O'Kelley ‘72 Leah Wallat Odden ‘54 Sara Lee Lane Ogilvie ‘56 Vidal E. Olivares ‘02 Patricia Davis Oliver ‘66 and William W. Oliver, Jr. Cacia Morris Orser ‘70 Ermine M. Owenby ‘61 Joyce Paris ‘54 Stephanie E. Parker ‘81 Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby ‘76 Heather Peebles-Bradley ‘90 Linda Vogel Pfleger ‘61 Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope ‘84 Jim Powell Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry ‘43 Harriet Laslie Reynolds ‘62 Shirley Wise Richardson ‘63 Gayle Langston Ricklefs ‘61

Gayle Attaway Findlay ‘55 Amy M. Fletcher ‘06 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 and Roger L. Flora Joan Shapiro Foster ‘56 Vivia L. Fowler Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 Tina D. Gann ‘94 Ashley Garrett ‘90 Anne H. and J. Harper Gaston Maria Shackelford Gause ‘90 Jackie Herron Gilmer ‘76 and Harry W. Gilmer Caroline Oliver Goff ‘92 Lisa DiMuro Gosnell ‘82 Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63 Eleanor Laslie Griffin ‘60 Mildred Roads Griffith ‘49 Charlotte Jolly Hale ‘62 and Floyd C. Hale Mary Pierpont Riley Hall ‘57 Laura Lowe Harmon ‘72 and Barrie H. Harmon III Robyn Harmon ‘77 Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ‘62 Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn ‘49 Betty Upchurch Hasty ‘55 Gilbert Held * Pamela Lohr Hendrix ‘88 Cynthia L. Hershey ‘91 Carol Inman Heyward ‘60 Nancy Hill-Bates ‘61 Betty Smith Hipps ‘68 Sally Blake Hodo ‘69 C. Terry Holland Susan L. Holloway ‘82 Virginia Ann Daniel Holman ‘75 and Calvin M. Holman Julie Houston Trieste ‘98 Anne Scarborough Hughes ‘78 Mollie Elizabeth Hughes ‘06 Lucy Cline Huie ‘41 * Anita Stern Isaac ‘76 Jessica L. Jarman ‘99 Janet Friberg Jarrett ‘78 Parrish Smotherman Jenkins ‘06 Suzanne McNatt Johnson ‘60 Catherine Gibbons Jost ‘70 Carla DuBose Kalec ‘57 Dana Karstensen-Bryan ‘99 Carol Bacon Kelso ‘73 Julia Stillwell Ketcham ‘58 Kari Goellner Kitchens ‘91 Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ‘75 Nancy L. Lamb ‘95 Eleanor Adams Lane ‘58 Kayron McMinn Laska ‘87 and John Laska Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 and Lindsay Lemasters Lewis ‘80 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Betty Kemper Lhotka ‘57

recognizes alumnae and friends who make estate plans or life-income gifts benefitting Wesleyan College. Through their generous commitments, Society members will sustain and strengthen Wesleyan well into the College's third century.

Bryndis W. Roberts ‘78 Tena N. Roberts ‘60 * Meredith Young Rogers ‘60 Joan Maddox Sammons ‘57 Ann Harrell Saunders ‘53 Kenlyn G. Sawyer ‘86 Joyce Reddick Schafer ‘55 Muffy Gordy Schladensky ‘83 Harriet Holland Schmitt ‘62 Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ‘61 Susan McDonald Sheehan ‘72 Sandra Bell Shipp ‘66 and Robert Shipp Susan Moses Shropshire ‘72 Sally Husted Shuford ‘61 Martha Kinsey Skirven ‘61 Melissa Spradley Slaughter ‘01 Amy-Christine Vinson Smith ‘99 Betsy Palmer Smith ‘60 Joyce Hussey Smith ‘53 Sarah Turnbull Snow ‘74 and Claude H. Snow, Jr. Marjorie Perkins Squires ‘51 and William H. Squires Preston Stevens, Jr. Kathryn Stiles Stribling ‘47 Mary Jane and Willard E. Summers Sylvia Newton Summers ‘64 and Roland S. Summers Martha Bradford Swann ‘47 * Ann Scott Terry ‘70 Martha Clower Thomas ‘64 Betty A. Thompson ‘47 Mary E. Thompson ‘79 Casey J. Thurman ‘65 Virginia Rushing Trapnell ‘46 Kathryn Smith Vinson ‘99 Charlotte Little Walker ‘49 Marianna Patton Walker ‘79 and Carroll A. Walker Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 Katherine Stickley Watson ‘60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr. Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ‘64 Susan C. Wheelis ‘95 Beth Milstead Wilson ‘96 Linda J. Withrow ‘63 Janet Eidson Woods ‘75 Sandra Grist Woods ‘66 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward ‘54 Cynthia D. Wright ‘75 Georgiana Hsueh Yang ‘49 Charles H. Yates, Jr. *

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Class Giving Giving Levels PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $25,000 or more JAMES HYDE PORTER SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 GEORGE FOSTER PIERCE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 CANDLER CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 CATHERINE BREWER BENSON SOCIETY $1,000 - $2,499 THE FOUNTAIN CLUB $500 - $999 1836 CLUB $250 - $499 CONTRIBUTORS Up to $249

1933 Participation: 100.00% Total Annual Fund: $0.00 Total All Gifts: $1,000.00 Benson Society Virginia Perry Buckner * Bequest

Fountain Club Martha Bielmann Hastings M❤ Pauline Phelps Deck M❤ Contributors Contributors Margaret Thoroughman Callahan M Jane Clapp Anderson M Patricia Berry Faust M❤ Monique Samson Dempsey M Virve Paul Martin Betty Tillman Hodges M DeRon McCurdy Senna Ann McElrath Stewart * Evelyn Thompson Tharp 1942 1949 Participation: 22.22% Participation: 26.53% Total Annual Fund: $10,500.00 Total Annual Fund: $10,590.00 1953 Total All Gifts: $10,500.00 Total All Gifts: $22,898.11 Participation: 18.84% Porter Society Porter Society Total Annual Fund: $3,225.00 Bettye Withers Barnes * M Anne Whipple Alderman Total All Gifts: $3,250.00 1836 Club Murphey * Bequest M Benson Society Margaret Smith Carruth M❤ Pierce Society Merrilyn Welch Eastham M❤ Elizabeth Mackay Asbury M❤ Caroline Eagerton Candler Circle Upperco M❤ 1943 Betty Jo Watson Bowdre M❤ 1836 Club Participation: 16.67% Fountain Club Helen Blackmarr Outler M❤ Total Annual Fund: $1,000.00 Susan Gragg Cash M❤ Contributors Total All Gifts: $1,000.00 Mildred Roads Griffith M❤ Claire Houser-Dodd Benson Society Jane Morgan Hogan Albert L. Martin, Jr. Mary Belle Gardner Contributors Susan Thigpen McDuffie M Quesenberry M❤ Emily Hancock Bredeson M❤ Joan Jennings Norton M❤ Patricia Johnson Childs M❤ Lucia Hutchinson Peel Powe Emmie Carlton Johnson M❤ Virginia Eidson Robertson M❤ 1945 Jane Chandler Rhodes Gary Still Suters M❤ Participation: 19.05% Jerrye Griffeth Short M❤ Frances Bruce Van Horn M❤ Total Annual Fund: $24,192.31 Jean Evans Weaver Elaine Wood Whitehurst Total All Gifts: $24,192.31 Julia Weathers Wynne M❤ Kathryn Parsons Willis M❤ Porter Society Emily P. Norton * Bequest Pierce Society 1950 1954 Martha Gragg Bates M❤ Participation: 16.22% Participation: 16.42% Fountain Club Total Annual Fund: $1,729.15 Total Annual Fund: $9,375.00 Bettie Hotaling Bland M Total All Gifts: $1,729.15 Total All Gifts: $9,625.00 Contributors Benson Society Pierce Society Virginia Martin Lawrence M❤ Mary N. Cobb M❤ Joyce Paris M❤ Fountain Club Benson Society Ann Messink Ross M❤ Elizabeth Gaunt Bryan 1946 Contributors Ruth White Fruit M❤ Participation: 6.06% Sara Johnston Fowke M Fountain Club Total Annual Fund: $65.00 Mary Fordham Greenfield * M❤ Marcia Mallet Ades M❤ Total All Gifts: $65.00 Betty Smith Moore * Bequest 1836 Club Contributors Martha Ann Wood Natalie Brewton Barfield M❤ Susan Lott Clark M❤ Robertson M❤ Martha Jean Laslie Beverly Burgess Meadors M❤ Harriett Middlebrooks Roswurm M Woodward M❤ Contributors Harriett Willis Bevil M❤ 1947 1951 Athelyn Wade Buttrill M❤ Participation: 21.05% Participation: 18.75% Dolores English Davidson M Total Annual Fund: $22,597.52 Total Annual Fund: $19,085.00 Natholyn Miller Freeman M Total All Gifts: $28,597.52 Total All Gifts: $267,085.00 Virginia Whiteman Robinson M❤ President's Council President's Council Betty Turner Corn M❤ Jane Lyle Wootton * Bequest Benson Society Pierce Society 1955 Martha Bradford Swann * Anne Purvis Church * Bequest M❤ Participation: 26.53% Bequest Marjorie Perkins Squires M❤ Total Annual Fund: $12,434.07 Fountain Club Benson Society Total All Gifts: $22,721.19 Marilyn Mathews * M❤ Betty Smith Addison M Porter Society 1836 Club 1836 Club Joyce Reddick Schafer M❤ Jean Anderson Estes M❤ Peggy Worrell Murphy Dorothy Smith Yandle M❤ Contributors Contributors Fountain Club Frances Oehmig Collins M❤ Nancy Wyatt Ezzard * M❤ Judith Fuller Johnson M❤ Mary Ainsworth Mitchell M❤ Anne McKay Garris M Contributors Jane Stapp Nadon M❤ Robin Chesney Hopkins M❤ Phyllis Clough Davis M❤ Toni Smith Suiter M❤ Mary Baldwin Woodland M❤ Juanita Sexton Dowling-Brandon M❤ Gayle Attaway Findlay M❤ 1948 1952 Frances Moulthrop Gordon M❤ Participation: 12.82% Participation: 16.98% Ada Morris Lamon M Total Annual Fund: $900.00 Total Annual Fund: $4,050.00 Mary Webb Lockhart M❤ Total All Gifts: $10,900.00 Total All Gifts: $5,050.00 Ann Hunter McCandless M❤ Porter Society Candler Circle Patricia Beckler McWhorter M❤ Cordelia Dessau Holliday * Claire Michaels Murray M❤ Helen Horne Sweigert Bequest Benson Society Jane Medlock Taylor * Evelyn LeRoy Fortson M❤

42 Gifts made between July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

* deceased

1956 Participation: 22.58% Total Annual Fund: $6,430.92 Total All Gifts: $121,430.92 President's Council Arline Atkins Finch M❤ Porter Society Joan Shapiro Foster M❤ Benson Society Emily Sawyer Hart M❤ Jane Courtenay Shockley M❤ Fountain Club Carolyn Sims Brooks M❤ Contributors Sarah Ware Arthur M❤ Frances Cassel Berry M❤ Colleen Denton Chambliss Jo Ann Copeland Chapple M❤ Lloyd Young Flanders M❤ Irene I-Ling Mao Hui M❤ Mary Tappan Mabry M❤ Mary Emma Welch McConaughey Cynthia Clark Quillian M 1957 Participation: 18.82% Total Annual Fund: $16,130.00 Total All Gifts: $16,130.00 Porter Society Joan Maddox Sammons M❤ Benson Society Juliette Adams Hawk M❤ Reba Thurmond M❤ Fountain Club Nancy McClellan Flowers M❤ 1836 Club Eleanor Thompson Futch Rosen M❤ Contributors Norma Ford Cassens Axx Rosemary Wood Dodd Martha Sisson Gaston M Harriette Wilkes Grimes M Sally Thorp Heath M❤ Carla DuBose Kalec Sue Rogers McCright M Jean Middlebrooks Morris JoAn Bloodworth Nunnelly Martha Anne Neville Reynolds Marguerite Malcolm Yarboro M❤

Gloria Barwick Szokoly Nina Sheppard Terrell M❤ Zoe Moore Turner M❤ Louise Sawyer Whipple M❤ 1959 Participation: 20.83% Total Annual Fund: $3,710.00 Total All Gifts: $4,210.00 Benson Society Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw Jane Powers Weldon M❤ Fountain Club Harriett Johnson Bell Manita Bond Dean M❤ 1836 Club Julia Elliott Greer M❤ Lee Brenaman Holmes M❤ Contributors Elizabeth Blalock Butler M❤ Marcia Adams Cashin M❤ Helen Poole Fontsere' M❤ Carmen Moore Jackson M❤ Wilma Gardner Kinslow M Carol King Pope M❤ Carolyn Bolick Siegrist M❤ Judith Johnson Whitwer Anne Ricketson Zahlan

1960 Participation: 29.20% Total Annual Fund: $12,045.00 Total All Gifts: $129,903.26 President's Council Mary Ann Pollard Houghland M❤ Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill M❤ Pierce Society Sylvia Wyllys Boone * Candler Circle Patricia Shriver Mancuso M❤ Benson Society Nancy Reeder Akins M Dale Odum Barrow M❤ Gloria Boyette Corker M❤ Eleanor Laslie Griffin M❤ Lydia Jordan Hickam M❤ Martha Bell Lewis M❤ Doris V. Manning M❤ Betsy Palmer Smith M❤ Barbara Betts Tuck M❤ 1958 Kate Stickley Watson M❤ Participation: 25.47% Virginia Sumerford York M❤ Total Annual Fund: $13,710.00 Fountain Club Total All Gifts: $14,060.00 Margaret Welborn Adams Benson Society Louise Williams Chapin M Emily Hardman Dickey M❤ Victoria Wilson Logue M❤ Clarice Pittman Elder * M❤ Tena N. Roberts * M❤ Temple Wilson Ellis M❤ Meredith Young Rogers M Julia Stillwell Ketcham M❤ Carol Sibley Wideman M❤ Eleanor Adams Lane M❤ 1836 Club Anne McGee Morganstern M Helen E. Cannon Nancy Peterson Shaw M❤ Margaret McCready Cornell M❤ Linda McElroy Steed M❤ Ann Lavender Faulk M❤ Fountain Club Barbara Bird McLendon M❤ Patricia Haddle Keck M Contributors 1836 Club Kay Carroll Barnes M❤ Beulah Laslie Brinson Bird M❤ Anna Carol Astin Bobo Jensene Godwin Payne M❤ Gwyndolyn Brown Chesnut Lorena Campbell Piper M❤ Juliet Singletary Coleman M❤ Contributors Louise Somers Davidson M❤ Mary Cooper Braun M❤ Mary Moore English M❤ Bee Seckinger Epley M Anne Holderfield Ficken M Nancy Doss Holcombe M❤ Marcilla Jacobs Heath M Nancy Cook Hollingsworth M❤ Lynn Lightfoot Hutcheson M❤ Medra Lott Keyser M❤ Suzanne McNatt Johnson M Joy Jenkins Meyers M Julie Adams Lewis M Martha Carter Middlemas Nan Millwood Solomon M❤ Bryant M❤ Neva King Thompson Betty Nunn Mori * M❤ Molly Mallory Wilkes M❤ Joan Nachbaur Rathbun M❤ Mary Amerson Willingham Burt Jane Howard Reinmuth M❤ Nancy McCook Spence M❤

Wesleyan Star

Established in 2014 to recognize those alumnae just beginning to support Wesleyan in consecutive years, the Wesleyan Star honors alumnae who have given for two, three, or four consecutive years. Special recognition of Wesleyan Stars includes a M following their names in the alumnae Class Giving section and special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Love X 5 For the past 26 years, the Love X 5 program has been recognizing our faithful alumnae who have made a gift to Wesleyan for five or more consecutive years. In recognition of their loyalty to Wesleyan, these faithful donors are honored with a ❤ following their names in the Class Giving section. When attending Alumnae Weekend, Love X 5 faithful are also presented with a special pin honoring their continued support of their alma mater.

Winner’s Circle A 2014 addition to our recognition of consecutiveyear donors includes the Winner’s Circle. These faithful alumnae have supported Wesleyan with gifts for ten to nineteen consecutive years. To recognize this loyalty, Winner’s Circle faithful are honored with a following their name in the alumnae Class Giving section, as well as special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Stanback Society Established in 2001, the Stanback Society recognizes alumnae who have given to Wesleyan for twenty or more consecutive years. These faithful donors are honored with a following their names in the alumnae Class Giving Section. The Stanback Society is named in honor of Florence Elizabeth Cawthon Stanback who contributed to the Annual Fund faithfully, giving every year from her graduation in 1925 until her death in 2002.

Society for the 21st Century Because we are forever grateful for those who remember Wesleyan with a planned gift, these alumnae are now recognized in the Class Giving section. The names of current Society members will appear in bold typeface and those from whom we have received a legacy gift will appear in italics. WESmag Winter 2020/2021

ANNUAL REPORT 1961 Participation: 25.00% Total Annual Fund: $7,100.00 Total All Gifts: $7,230.00 Candler Circle Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. M❤ Benson Society Jeanette Loflin Shackelford M❤ Fountain Club Suzanne Jones Kahn M❤ 1836 Club Mary Jo Porch Floyd M❤ Jo Anne Miller Gaede M❤ Janice Boland Smith M❤ Nancy Bowden Wiley M❤ Contributors Betty Claire Manning Clark M Ann Frost Copeland M❤ Janice McCord Doe M❤ Jean Edwards Dukes M❤ Ernestine Cole Fulmer M❤ Kay Watkins Hanson M Norma Mullings Hunt M Virginia Poole Lee M❤ Sandra Combs Lewis M❤ Bebe Blalock Littles M❤ Linda Vogel Pfleger M❤ Gayle Langston Ricklefs M❤ Sheila Leto Scott M❤ Martha Kinsey Skirven M❤ Lynn Cochran Thompson Linda Lee Belford Turek M❤ Margaret McKinney Youngblood 1962 Participation: 27.14% Total Annual Fund: $15,910.00 Total All Gifts: $16,510.00 Porter Society Charlotte Jolly Hale M❤ Benson Society Marybelle Proctor Menzel M❤ Harriet Laslie Reynolds M❤ Fountain Club Carol Anne Rollins Harrison M❤ Maria Tsong Lian M❤ Harriet Holland Schmitt M❤ 1836 Club Jane Flemister Batten M❤ Patricia Bonner Burton Ellen Weldon Dukes M❤ Rhoda Morrison Joyner M❤ LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver M❤ Contributors Eleanor Hagins Bradwell M❤ Janella Sammons Brand M Iris Carroll Edwards M❤ Ellen Cone Lynn M❤ Frances Parker McCrary M Sue Summerhill O'Kelley M❤ Sonya Shipman Otte M❤ Elizabeth Daves Ream M❤ 1963 Participation: 21.10% Total Annual Fund: $64,621.72 Total All Gifts: $65,671.71 President's Council Sylvia Maxwell Brown M❤ Porter Society Judy Woodward Gregory M❤ Benson Society Susan Taylor King M❤ Diane A. Lumpkin M❤ Virginia Barber Perkins M❤ Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer M❤ Karen Connor Shockley M❤ Joyce Brandon Starr M❤ Fountain Club Margaret Craig Bryant M❤ Ann Ewing Shumaker M❤ Sally Irwin Williams M❤ Linda J. Withrow M

1836 Club Barbara Johnston Plaxico M❤ Rebecca Bullard Powers M❤ Shirley Wise Richardson M❤ Contributors Ann Lyn Lightner Allen M❤ Sylvia Hutchinson Bell M Elizabeth Wingfield Dick M❤ Linda Quinn Hickman M❤ Myra Hicks Korb M Tommie Sue Montgomery Abrahams M❤ Eva Turpin Persons Renate Butler Ryan M❤ 1964 Participation: 49.58% Total Annual Fund: $16,266.00 Total All Gifts: $36,341.00 Porter Society Gail Thompson Webster Patterson M❤ Candler Circle Lorinda Lou Beller M❤ Benson Society Ann McDonald Hurt M❤ Judith Kuhn Schlichter M❤ Patricia Jaeger Williams M❤ Fountain Club Diana P. Jeffreys M❤ Nancy Van Aken Marti M❤ Harriette James Simmons M❤ Martha Simmons Woodall M❤ 1836 Club Madelaine Mackoul Cosgrove M❤ Virginia Bowen Maier M❤ Linda Poole McCurdy M Mary Jo Moody M❤ Sandra McElroy Preston M❤ Martha Clower Thomas M❤ Sally Hutchinson Vermillion M❤ Contributors Barbara N. Abercrombie M❤ Agnes D. Albright M❤ Emelyn Arnold M❤ Gayle Pierce Casale M❤ Peggy Pierce Chandler M Joyce L. Cochran M Dorothy Groh Cutler M❤ Mary Helen Pope Daniel M❤ Gena Sewell Davidson M❤ Jane Brockinton Earhart M❤ Elizabeth Hartley Filliat M❤ Rosalyn Moye Forsyth M❤ Nancy Logan GashoFromm Mary Russell George M❤ Willanna Anderson Gibbs M Elaine Kaloostian Hall M❤ Ann Lichtenwalter Hernandez M❤ Beth Bramblett Hirzel M❤ Virginia Mitchell Hutcheson Susan Lillyman Hyland M❤ Rebecca Johnson Ingram M❤ Mary Helen Johnson Johnson M❤ Judy McConnell Jolly Suzanne Gosnell Joye M❤ Glenda Neill Kipp M❤ Robin Hickman MacCurdy M❤ Frances Strickland Masse M❤ Andrea R. Moody M Carolyn McDonald Parham M Margaret Freeman Patterson M❤ Suzanne Whidden Pennington M❤ Emma Jo Jones Ploeger M❤ Janice Rich Rentz M Mary Helen Hall Ringe M❤ Elizabeth Humphrey Roberts Lucy Guggenheimer Ross M❤ Margaret Mannheim Sease Elizabeth S. Sims M❤ Frances White Skoglund M❤ Eileen Mullings Smith M❤ Nancy Filer Waite M❤ Linda Maria Willson Pamela Watkins Young M❤

44 Gifts made between July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

1965 Participation: 23.45% Total Annual Fund: $39,565.00 Total All Gifts: $83,245.00 President's Council Glennda Kingry Elliott M❤ Porter Society Jane Johnson Butler M❤ Trudie Parker Fickling M❤ Pierce Society Janet Mewbourne Genest M❤ Benson Society Olivia Lopez Hartenstein M Carolyn Martin McCrea M❤ Peggy Likes Miller M❤ Kathryne Meeks Sanders M❤ Casey J. Thurman M❤ Hilda A. Wright M❤ 1836 Club Sharon Harp Campbell M❤ Margaret Shoemaker Gordon M❤ Gloria Dollar Knight M❤ Janice Parks Mahoney M Virginia Mason Jean Webb Tippins M Contributors Elizabeth Fuller Barnes Zea M Helen Kendall Elder Sally Bone Fay Silvia Gonzalez Kenneweg M Barbara Chapman Kortemeier Nedra Martin Malone M Brenda Freeman Manucy M❤ Susan Cobb Middlebrooks M❤ Sally Eisen Miller M❤ Mildred E. Neville M❤ Margaret Parr-Recard Suzanne Letson Scarbrough M❤ Katherine Champion Smelley M❤ Julia Stancil Stepp M❤ Lynn Ramsey Stowers M❤ Diane Estrumse Taylor Gail Whittle Carol Banks Wilburn

1967 Participation: 17.95% Total Annual Fund: $89,329.20 Total All Gifts: $102,875.85 President's Council Alexis Xides Bighley M❤ Porter Society Suelle M. Swartz M❤ Pierce Society Kathleen DeBerry Brungard M❤ Marilyn A. Vickers M❤ Candler Circle Charlotte Babcock Ellis M Margaret Thompson Monahan M❤ Benson Society Daphne Murph Chapman M❤ Annetta Zimmerman Elliott Judith Miller Newbern M❤ Susan Kirvin Ogburn M❤ Harriett Willcoxon Palmer Jean Widney Wynn Fountain Club Barbara A. Bryant Jeannie Nabell Grow Sally Griffie Mehalko M❤ Susan Rau Middlebrooks M❤ Janie Hudson Williams 1836 Club Judy Warren Edwards Anne Hilger Manley M❤ Kay Williams New M❤ Contributors Sally Farren Benoy M❤ Flora Phillips Grindstaff M❤ Carolyn Lansing Gunn Helen Moorhead Hermoyian Phyllis Heaton Judge M Karen Moore McDonald M❤ Kasey Carneal Phillips M Jane Manley Wheeless M❤

1968 Participation: 27.42% Total Annual Fund: $61,190.00 Total All Gifts: $239,751.66 President's Council 1966 Elizabeth Martin Bunte M❤ Participation: 19.16% Susan Towns Sharp * Total Annual Fund: $13,198.00 Porter Society Total All Gifts: $16,223.00 Beverly F. Mitchell M❤ Candler Circle Gail Fulton Murphy M Catharine Burns Liles M Pierce Society Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer M❤ Priscilla Gautier Bornmann M❤ Benson Society Jane Price Claxton M❤ Sandra Lumpkin Bryan M❤ Candler Circle Jo An Johnson Chewning M❤ Eve L. Birmingham M❤ Virginia Harshbarger Lamback M❤ Babs Richardson Pirkle M❤ Elizabeth Gibbons Montis M❤ Mary Ann Bateman Spell M❤ Betty Westmoreland Shuster M❤ Benson Society Fountain Club Virginia Crapps Johnson M❤ Marion Spencer Bluestone M❤ Andgelia Proctor Kelly M❤ Patricia Davis Oliver M❤ 1836 Club Mary Jo Fincher Plowden M❤ Fountain Club Beth Childs Brooks M❤ Linda Bowden Bennett Mary Thrift Chambers M❤ Vicki Page Jaus M❤ Maxine Maddox Dornemann M Leila K. Kight M❤ Jane Silverman Mason M❤ Dana Mitchell M Lucile Adams Mathews M❤ Suzanne Sebring Moncrieff Bonnie Smith Slovis M❤ Virginia Hiers Roebuck M❤ Sandra Grist Woods M❤ 1836 Club Contributors Helen Jackson Burgin M❤ Joann Roark Arneson M Patty Pearce Cardin M❤ Elizabeth Girlinghouse Bernard M Marian Pointer Clements Carol Adams Garland Susan A. Cobleigh M❤ Rosemary George Mary Ann Ward Dudley M❤ Pamela Easmann Holmes M❤ Ellen Beard Martin M❤ Darlene Hassler Jackson M❤ Jo Slover Smith M❤ Suzanne Spence Joyce Carol Goodnow Snyder Susan Glover Logan * M Nancy Lowe Taylor M❤ Emily Diane Fesler Martin Contributors Joy Lewis Martin M Anne Adams Atkinson Becky Gleaton Mynatt M❤ Beth Rogero Bowen M❤ Lindsley Carter Puster M Lynn Hays Davis M❤ Nancy Rowland Rehberg M Cheryl Grantham Fee Barbara Meeko Sanders M❤ Nancy McMeen Freeman Cathy Bloor Servais M Robin Hood Geisler M❤ Dona D. Vaughn M

* deceased

Lynda Ogburn Hathorn M Kristina Cross Hawkins M Betty Smith Hipps M❤ Sara Walters Ingram M❤ Katherine Wilson Johnson M❤ Beverly Hodges Kitchin Suzanne Moore McGovern Cheryl Maund Page Carolyn Sayers Poole M Judith Davis Powell M Ruth Anne Gray Randolph M❤ Martha Pafford Schindhelm M❤ Virginia Larson Schneider M❤ Susan Jones Shulman M❤ Marsha Fernald Sichveland M❤ Peggy Ray Sichveland M Mary Thomason Vaughan Mary Abbott Waite Ginger Sanders White M 1969 Participation: 21.98% Total Annual Fund: $18,445.00 Total All Gifts: $27,267.00 Pierce Society Suzanne Woodham Juday M❤ Melissa Lane Thomas M❤ Benson Society Betsy Dasher M Carol Broome Fraune M❤ Ann Kinnick Keane M❤ Betty Hood Lydick M❤ Fountain Club Alice Peninger Beasley M❤ Karen D. Garr M❤ Mary Beth Taylor Keys M❤ 1836 Club Ann Brown Austin M❤ Sandra Eversole Bowman M❤ Sharon Malone Boyd M❤ Lou Ellen Semler Boyes M❤ Ann Reaves Burr M❤ Dale Parker Craig M❤ Janet Burkhalter Haworth M Margaret Yarbrough McCranie M❤ Diane Harrison Smith M❤ Contributors Dianne Brannen Adams Dell Hitchcock Bailey M Candace Smith Beuttell Dianne Carstarphen Bowman M Lucinda Samford Cannon M❤ Jan Stewart Cook M Susan Isaacs Dodson M❤ Julie Shingler Dunaway Tricia Pace Fordham * M❤ Cecelia A. Frecker M Judith Haisten Gattis M❤ Linda Smith Gregg M❤ Lane Carr Johnson M Susan Ewing Maddox M❤ Linda Harper Mattern M Gwynn Johnson Polidoro M Linda L. Rich M❤ Diana Hall Richardson M❤ June Shiver M Dorothy Smith Stewart M Barbara Marble Tagg M Gena Ware Wilson M 1970 Participation: 31.55% Total Annual Fund: $39,619.29 Total All Gifts: $61,692.78 President's Council Susan Woodward Walker M❤ Pierce Society Susan Reynolds Gregory Candler Circle Patricia Grogan Borders M❤ Jan Bull Burgess M❤ Katherine Arnold Hale M❤ Benson Society Barbara Roland Colwell M❤ Catherine Gibbons Jost M❤

Brenda Witham McGinn M❤ May Powell Parks M❤ Nancy Patch Pedersen B.J. Molpus Posey M❤ Patricia Hammock Wall M❤ Fountain Club Jenny Kopp Curl Glenda Thomas Ellington Jane Ward Gault M Charlene Payne Kammerer M Lynn Lamberton Long Sally Dietler Murrell Ann Scott Terry M❤ Martha Jane Thompson M❤ 1836 Club Mary Ella Gibson Bernard M❤ Emily Chase Cook M❤ Karen Murphy Freeney M❤ Linda Ennis Johnson Carol Crow Lineberger Shirley L. McFadden Anne Herndon Oswald Cassandra M. Poulos Diane Dennington Robertson Contributors Rosalie Bischof Judy Oldham Boulay Chris vonLehe Burns Janet Jones Cagle Kathryn Nettles Clark M❤ Nancy Conner Coxwell Ruth Anne Braendle Craft M❤ Allison Ramsauer Crisp Margaret Lane Evans Sally Myhand Flannagan Neal Peggy Persons Fox M❤ Leslie Rumble Frazer-Villers Lana Tygart Griner Wanda Saltmarsh Hopkins M❤ Colleen Smith Katsuki M❤ Pamela Buchanan Kent Suzanne Harris McAliley Sue Woodrow McDougall Deborah Giugni McMillan Anne Harden Murphy M❤ Holly Cunningham Parker Charlyce Poindexter Patsy Lockhart Schutte M Patricia L. Voyles M 1971 Participation: 27.06% Total Annual Fund: $17,269.59 Total All Gifts: $20,774.59 Porter Society Susan Pyeatt Kimmey * M❤ Candler Circle Gena Roberts Franklin M❤ Benson Society Pamela Henry Pate M❤ Cathy Coxey Snow M❤ Helen Ferguson Zachry M❤ Fountain Club Peggy Parrish Hasty M❤ 1836 Club Deborah Smith Kelly M❤ Contributors Virginia Williamson Almand M❤ Linda G. Anderson M❤ Barbara A. Brinson Jan Shelnutt Carriker Janice Moody Cayton M❤ Lynda Jordan Gasses Glenda Harkins Denise Kelly Hart M❤ Toni L. Jennings M Carolyn Berger Krutoy Rebecca Edenfield Lingerfelt M❤ Debbie Hall Loftiss M Harriett E. Mayo M❤ Derrill Dunn McRae M❤ Martha Yates Thomas M Ellen Cobleigh Tomter

1972 Participation: 25.76% Total Annual Fund: $9,880.00 Total All Gifts: $9,930.00 Candler Circle Laura Lowe Harmon Elizabeth Rogers Kelly M❤ Benson Society Mary Catherine Collins O'Kelley M❤ Fountain Club Deborah Wedgworth Altman M❤ 1836 Club Kathleen Propps Langford Contributors Eileen Moffitt Batchelor M❤ Joyce Rice Ellison M❤ Jane Farmer Fastje Deborah Dye Gigliotti M❤ Elizabeth Walker Heckman Susan Mann Kimbrell M Linda Chance Newiger M❤ Sherryl Senna Pollard M❤ Lynn Golson Priester M❤ Susan McDonald Sheehan M❤ Eileen Vickery Thurmond M❤ Susan Wyllys Wallace 1973 Participation: 30.65% Total Annual Fund: $20,645.00 Total All Gifts: $20,645.00 Pierce Society Janice A. Mays M❤ Candler Circle Marsha Lynn Christy M❤ Margaret M. Mathews M❤ Betty Cook Shull M Benson Society Hazel Mims Mathis M❤ Caron Griffin Morgan M Fountain Club Mary Graham Ponder Foster M❤ Miriam McElheney Jordan M 1836 Club Katharine Johns Olson M❤ Contributors Ramona Baker Hale Coble Edwards M❤ Carol Bacon Kelso M❤ Lisa T. Kuhn M❤ Lisa McCave Anne Thornton Reynolds M❤ Patricia H. Ryan M Rebecca Read Sullivan Susan Paul Tyler M Linda Brown Walker M❤ 1974 Participation: 21.79% Total Annual Fund: $14,110.01 Total All Gifts: $14,410.01 Porter Society Beverly Hinely MacMahon M❤ Benson Society Kathleen Russell Leysath Fountain Club Martha V. Johnson M❤ Lisa McKinney M❤ Margaret Andrews Willis M❤ 1836 Club Susan Powers Champion M❤ Gail Murphy Oden M❤ Contributors Peggy Jones Cobb M Laura Hunt Edenfield M Gwen Ingram Kedzierski Patricia Stillwagon Kessler M Marian Elliott Lewis M❤ Debra Maund M Felecia Pearson Smith M❤ Hazel Burns Struby M❤ Cristina Farkas Williams Mary Ellen Sheehan Wroble M❤

1975 Participation: 31.87% Total Annual Fund: $74,695.00 Total All Gifts: $125,795.00 President's Council Ruth A. Knox M❤ Porter Society Cynthia D. Wright M❤ Pierce Society Sally Moffett McKenna M❤ Benson Society Susie Black M❤ Carol A. Goodloe M❤ Selma Middlebrooks Gore M Millie Parrish Hudson M❤ Nan G. Maddux M❤ Rita Parker McGarity M❤ Judith L. Whitaker M❤ Fountain Club Susan Lovette Fischer Dobbyn M Yoko Kawarabayashi Hatta Bonnie Hunter Hunt M❤ Nan Dixon Souma M 1836 Club Marina Showalter Chancery M Julia L. Coley Lisa Sherman Hammond M❤ Beth Sullins Hughes M❤ Sandra Davis Townley M❤ Contributors Kay Hickman Beasley M❤ Carolyn Bowman Biggs M Catherine L. Hinman M❤ Barbara Tjia Huang M❤ Mary Coble Kirkley M Gloria McIntosh McDonald Betty Snooks Moses M❤ Deborah Bell Roberds M Jacalyn Street Wilson M Janet Eidson Woods M❤ 1976 Participation: 21.51% Total Annual Fund: $3,130.00 Total All Gifts: $4,313.00 Benson Society Virginia Pritchard Ashby M❤ Elizabeth O'Donnell Menkhaus M❤ 1836 Club Patricia A. Henry M❤ Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby M❤ Contributors Jane Speir Brook M❤ Melissa Worley Callahan M❤ Jane Kirkland Carter Susan Riddle Champion Linda Wing Duckworth M Barbee A. Dyer M❤ Jackie Herron Gilmer M❤ Carolyn Field Hall M Dorothy Claytor Jackson M Cynthia H. McMullen M❤ Jane Gardner Preston M❤ Lynn Bissell Reed Mary Knight Robinson M❤ Henrietta Craddock Schoonover M❤ Jenny Gatliff Smith M❤ Teresa M. Wheeler Nancy Williamson Witek M❤ 1977 Participation: 9.41% Total Annual Fund: $9,255.00 Total All Gifts: $9,305.00 Pierce Society Kathleen Hill Goddard M❤ Benson Society Victoria Buxton Cork M❤ Lynn Boswell Moses 1836 Club Lauren Drinnon Leskosky M❤ Contributors Victoria E. Carey Lucia Chapman Carr M❤ Beth Parker McConnell Nancy Katherine Webb

WESmag Winter 2020/2021

ANNUAL REPORT 1978 Participation: 19.63% Total Annual Fund: $7,871.57 Total All Gifts: $7,916.57 Benson Society Bryndis W. Roberts M❤ Julie St. John Thornton M❤ Fountain Club Laura Shippey Gafnea M❤ Janet Friberg Jarrett M❤ Janet L. Keys M❤ 1836 Club Lucy F. Lee M Laurinda Murphy Norris M❤ Contributors Kathy A. Bradley M❤ Kimberly Richards Denmark M Katherine Harvin Gibbs M❤ Leigh Lambert Goff M❤ Gwendolyn Hornung Anne Scarborough Hughes M❤ Mary McMillan Jones M❤ Wendy Coffman MacMahon * M❤ Laura E. Perdue M❤ Karen McKinney Renner M Catherine Bradach Rockoff M❤ Janet Williams Sills M❤ Patricia L. Tate M❤ Dawn Sapp Taylor M❤

Bonny Denton McGarity Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen M❤ Jill I. Myers Linda Carey Nardotti M❤ Helen Anne Richards M❤ Wanda Maynard Schroeder M❤ Susan Snider M❤ Barbara Georgia Ward Katherine E. Weekes M❤

1979 Participation: 19.78% Total Annual Fund: $2,188.00 Total All Gifts: $2,188.00 Fountain Club Teresa D. Morrow Houston M❤ 1836 Club Rebecca Tuten McClain M❤ Mary E. Thompson M Contributors Amy Miller Braun M Jacqueline Webb Bullard M Nadine Cheek M❤ Gail Bacon Ford M❤ Margaret Dilbeck Garland M Lynne Anthoine Hueglin M❤ Denise Sarver Jewell M❤ Nora Kay Appling King M Anita E. Marchman M❤ Theresa L. McKenna M❤ Sarah Johnston Miller Catherine Haye Sauter M❤ Eleanor B. Seabrook Jane Durrence Grubb Vaughan M Marianna Patton Walker M❤

1982 Participation: 8.75% Total Annual Fund: $3,180.00 Total All Gifts: $3,280.00 Benson Society Susan L. Holloway M❤ Fountain Club Suzanne L. Colter M❤ Lisa DiMuro Gosnell M❤ Karen A. Martin M Contributors Jennifer Houser Chapin M❤ Jennifer Willis Payne Rebecca Moore Robbins M❤

1980 Participation: 25.47% Total Annual Fund: $33,685.00 Total All Gifts: $33,785.00 Porter Society Hannah L. Allen M❤ Pierce Society Mary Stephens Malone M❤ Candler Circle Janet M. Lawrence M❤ Lindsay Lemasters Lewis M❤ Allison McFarland Wilcox M❤ Fountain Club Kelly Russell M❤ Contributors Anne Armstrong M❤ Marcia A. Bronson M❤ Deena Harrell Cherry M❤ Lynn K. Daley M❤ Lisa Martin Darden Melinda S. Fraiser Shannon Lindsey Hudson M Susan Robertson Jaeger Rosemary King Lee M Janet Leininger Paula Flannery Lytle M Gena Odom Masciello M

1981 Participation: 14.71% Total Annual Fund: $17,075.00 Total All Gifts: $17,075.00 Pierce Society Barbara Beddingfield Magnan Stephanie E. Parker M❤ Mary Langel Stults M❤ Fountain Club Mary Thompson Monfort M Contributors Cynthia L. Cobb M❤ Nanette Shaw Coleman M Patricia Chapman DuBose Naomi Yanaura Scrivener Caroline Thomas Monique Martin Whorton M❤

1983 Participation: 20.41% Total Annual Fund: $1,776.00 Total All Gifts: $1,875.00 Fountain Club Peggy Jones Hall M 1836 Club Cynthia E. Bell-Lee M❤ Motomi Kawamura Contributors Beth Parker Davis Mary Ann Aiken Fitzgerald M❤ Ellen Futral Hanson M❤ Anne Elizabeth Koon M❤ Wadra Garner McCullough Katharine Thompson Peacock Muffy Gordy Schladensky 1984 Participation: 14.58% Total Annual Fund: $761.00 Total All Gifts: $786.00 Contributors Debra McGee Ambrose M❤ Mary Carole Fisher Battle Patricia Sterling Brzezinski M❤ Jo Duke M❤ Amanda S. Jacobs M❤ Jeanon M. Massien M❤ Connie S. McKinney M 1985 Participation: 21.82% Total Annual Fund: $1,445.00 Total All Gifts: $1,445.00 Fountain Club Sara King Pilger M❤

46 Gifts made between July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

1836 Club Teresa Dudek Goodpaster M❤ Contributors Rhonda L. Barcus M❤ Lori Alcorn Campbell M❤ Lisa Ahl Duncan M❤ Betty Bivins Edwards M Holly T. Heath M❤ Julie Bowman Kimbrell M Karen Toner Mixon M Stephanie Van Pelt M Laura Hefner Wanamaker M Charlotte NeSmith Watson

1990 Participation: 14.12% Total Annual Fund: $5,050.00 Total All Gifts: $5,050.00 Benson Society Susan Gallas Mazzola M Lori Reese Patton M❤ Fountain Club Kym Preuss Lukosky M❤ 1836 Club Ashley Garrett M❤ Contributors Alice Armitage Fendley Sarah Moseley Gardner M❤ Amanda F. Harris M Theresa Castruccio Hurst M❤ Karene Harron Nebel M❤ Kelley Smith Powell M Virginia Bowman Wilcox M❤ Angela Kerr Wittmann M❤

1986 Participation: 14.58% Total Annual Fund: $1,750.00 Total All Gifts: $1,750.00 Benson Society Dana Flanders Laster M❤ 1836 Club 1991 Elizabeth Marecki Alberding M Participation: 30.56% Janie Chien Golden M❤ Total Annual Fund: $2,485.00 Contributors Total All Gifts: $2,485.00 Tamara Mullis Hawkins M❤ Benson Society Dana Grinstead Tanner M❤ Patricia Potts Wells M Hope Hahn Shields M❤ Fountain Club Merri Hart White M Kari Goellner Kitchens M❤ 1836 Club Lara Blanchett Carlton M❤ 1987 Contributors Participation: 10.67% Mary Raines Caldwell Total Annual Fund: $2,045.00 Katherine S. Compain M❤ Total All Gifts: $3,330.00 Felisa Hicks Cooper Benson Society Shannon Hurley Ellard Carla T. Asbell Dennis M❤ Teresa Morris Futral M❤ Leesa Akins Flora M❤ Anna Anderson Hagler Fountain Club Trina L. Hammonds M❤ Meredith Gaither Garrett Catherine Lee Harp M Kayron McMinn Laska M 1836 Club Cynthia L. Hershey M❤ Jill Amos M❤ Beth A. Kargel M❤ Contributors Katherine Wagner Marcum Lisa Morgan Edwards M❤ Robyn Miller Schopp M Jamaree Pugh Stokes Lynn Lasseter Prater M❤ Lizzie Wahab M Lisa D. Shiveler M❤ Stacey Stanton Walker M❤ Barbara Roe Wallace M❤ Michelle Toole Westbrook M❤ Teresa Morgan Wyrick M❤ 1988 Kristin Van Brero Yashko Participation: 17.74% Stephanie Carroll Young Total Annual Fund: $5,045.00 Total All Gifts: $5,045.00 Benson Society 1992 Gwen Futral Gallagher-Howard M Participation: 6.52% Total Annual Fund: $805.00 Rita Mitchell Higgins M Total All Gifts: $805.00 Jody Bethea Riggs M Fountain Club Verah Dorsey Turner M❤ Cynthia Costello Busbee M❤ 1836 Club Contributors Ana N. Fernandez Mariana dos Santos Furlin M❤ Beth A. Herndon M❤ Katie S. Garrett M❤ Contributors Kecia Whitlock Cawthorne Jennifer A. Johnson M❤ MaryStewart Glendenning Lewis Linda Gay Eubanks M❤ Sylvia L. Ross Maricka M. Rogers-Randall M Mary Marcia McMahan Winfrey M❤ Karen Melton Soeltz Kathryn Lawrence Spada M 1993 Participation: 10.67% 1989 Total Annual Fund: $9,638.60 Participation: 10.77% Total All Gifts: $9,638.60 Total Annual Fund: $30,525.00 Pierce Society Total All Gifts: $30,625.00 Melanie Filson Lewis M❤ Porter Society Candler Circle Debbie Stevenson Moses M❤ Ruth Powell Storts M❤ Mary Beth Brown Swearingen M❤ 1836 Club Pierce Society Lyubena Savova Smith Geovette E. Washington M❤ Contributors 1836 Club Cheryl Anderson Ciucevich M Kristin N. Claus M❤ Lanai C. DeVos M Pamela Hissing Jacobson M Terri Penniman DuBose Contributors Hallie Suber Prince M❤ Denise Cheek Brown M❤ Lisa Theiling Stamey M Julia Huskey M

* deceased

1994 1998 Hannah Callender Highlander M❤ Participation: 16.90% Participation: 12.33% Andrea Morgan Mendez M Total Annual Fund: $1,400.00 Total Annual Fund: $1,522.00 Stephanie Dunda Owens M❤ Total All Gifts: $2,900.00 Total All Gifts: $1,522.00 LaTonya S. Parker M❤ Benson Society Fountain Club May Morgan Ackerman M❤ Laura M. Calhoun M Heather Shaver Evans 1836 Club 2002 Fountain Club Julie Houston Trieste M Participation: 10.64% Michelle Smith Green M❤ Contributors Total Annual Fund: $3,610.00 Contributors Sarah Weeks Callender M Total All Gifts: $3,635.00 Cara Carroll Baity M❤ Amelia Armstrong Carmichael Benson Society Jill Hauver Celeste M❤ Brandy M. Hayes M❤ Natalie Puckett Evans M❤ Elizabeth Bockmiller Ceranowski M Fountain Club Mandy L. Satterfield M Melissa McKenzie Crystal Rogers Cheyne M❤ Melinda Caspers Thompson M❤ Crowder M❤ Erica Herrmann Fluet M❤ Bianca Venuto Towler M Tina D. Gann M❤ 1836 Club Natosha L. Williams Tiffany M. Gordon M Erin McGavin Dalton M❤ Valerie S. Knopik M Catherine O'Kelley Fore M❤ Annette M. Nassir M 1999 Chenny Q. Gan M❤ Melanie Rahn M❤ Participation: 20.78% Contributors Jacquelin Dravis Wilson M Total Annual Fund: $2,539.00 Jody Swink Miles M❤ Total All Gifts: $2,539.00 Vidal E. Olivares Fountain Club Patricia Deal Perry M❤ 1995 Kathryn Smith Vinson M❤ Beth A. Williford M❤ Participation: 15.28% 1836 Club Total Annual Fund: $3,840.00 Amanda R. Avery M Total All Gifts: $3,840.00 YaNawn LaPread Johnson M 2003 Candler Circle Dana Karstensen-Bryan M❤ Participation: 12.64% Susan C. Wheelis M❤ Contributors Total Annual Fund: $2,761.35 Fountain Club Nichole G. Arnault M Total All Gifts: $2,761.35 Dawn Gochnour Hoffman M❤ Benson Society Amy Maleia Barry M❤ Contributors Oluwatoyosi Fatunase Heather Beene Booker Jennifer Aiello-Jones M❤ Onwuemene M Bingle C. Brown M Catherine H. Atchley M❤ Fountain Club Christina Cote Findley M Judith M. Durand Rachel A. Garcia M❤ Carrie Walker Dumm M❤ Jennifer Pozo Earwood 1836 Club Jessica L. Jarman M Keena Hammond Jennifer Jenkins Cobb M Yvonne Wiggins Jones M Rebecca Calhoon Haskey Contributors Sarah Marshall Neal M Sheree Hollis M Danielle Wiggins Becker M❤ Tracie R. Porter M Valerie Lines Sands M❤ Abbie Brannon Covenah M❤ Lizabeth K. Sanden M Jennifer Vasile Siu Daphne Ristau Stellato M Emily Neal Duke M❤ Tennille Everett-Battle M❤ LaKeisha D. Lowe M❤ 1996 Hope McMichael 2000 Participation: 20.78% Pendergrass M❤ Participation: 19.32% Total Annual Fund: $14,410.00 Lauren Haney Provost Total Annual Fund: $3,690.00 Total All Gifts: $14,560.00 Total All Gifts: $3,690.00 Sherrie N. Randall M❤ Pierce Society Benson Society Yehudi B. Self-Medlin M❤ Melissa Lockert Lain Deidra West Smith M❤ Fountain Club 2004 Benson Society Participation: 7.96% Lisa A. Sloben M❤ Chiebonam Ezenwugo Total Annual Fund: $2,160.00 Cally R. Whiddon M Ezekwueche M❤ Total All Gifts: $2,160.00 1836 Club Michelle McCluney Horgan M❤ Benson Society Jessica D. Salter M❤ 1836 Club Monica Harper Dekle M Contributors Laura Meyer McAvoy M 1836 Club Lindsay C. Abernethy M❤ Sherry V. Neal M❤ Alexandra Aldica Willis M❤ Lareine Danforth Archer M Contributors Contributors Patience R. Clark-Keys M Sharon Brim Chappelle M❤ Mary Kathryn Borland M❤ Amanda Driggers Grau M❤ Terri Bagwell Cheatham M Devin Harris Cecere M Robyn A. Harris M Lisa Hullender Filkins M❤ Anna L. Cornelious M Sara L. Hubert Elizabeth Leaman Hague M❤ Katherine D. Crozier-Theis M Jaime Case Hutchins Katherine Worley Hammes M❤ Jodi Miller Hardee M Melissa Graham Meeks M❤ Anna Wilkins Hulse Erin Zinko McKenna M❤ Liz McQuilton Rodgers M Joy Mastrangelo Kaczor M Christine Harness Thompson M❤ Katie Sadler-Stephenson M Elizabeth N. Mathis M❤ Amy R. Stone M❤ Dahlia Wharton Najfus Sheila E. Williams Peggy Likins Templeman M❤ 2005 Erin E. Young Participation: 7.50% Total Annual Fund: $3,316.30 1997 Total All Gifts: $3,316.30 2001 Participation: 17.24% Benson Society Participation: 16.88% Total Annual Fund: $894.00 Tabitha L. Parker Total Annual Fund: $2,805.65 Total All Gifts: $894.00 Ashling Thurmond Osborne M❤ Total All Gifts: $2,805.65 Fountain Club Fountain Club Fountain Club Teresa A. Lawson M❤ Megan A. Quinn M❤ Brandy Morris Kirkwood M❤ Contributors Contributors Abbie Smoak Lacienski M❤ Sherry L. Boyd M❤ Lauren Warner Childers 1836 Club Monica King Duran Jyoti Danes Coffelt Yanira Chevere-Ralston M❤ Evelyn Leatherman Griffin M Kathleen Loski Cummings M❤ Annthonette M. Watkins Kara Bollmeier Jagger-Miller Ashley Wheelus McKenna M Contributors Stephanie Pate Lewis M❤ Megan J. Odom Jywanya Smith Dillinger M❤ Mary Mitchell McKinnon M❤ Christina Aiken Young Jessica A. Drexler M Georgia Connelley Sanders Alethia Helmick Guyer M Elisabeth A. Waterman M❤ Sophia N. Hall M Maris A. Williams Julia Tolley Harris M


2019 - 2020

PARTICIPATION 1964 49.58% 1975 31.87% 1970 31.55% 1973 30.65% 1991 30.56% 1960 29.20% 1968 27.42% 1962 27.14% 1971 27.06% 1949 26.53%

GIFTS TO ALL FUNDS 1951 $267,085.00 1968 $239,751.66 1960 $129,903.26 1975 $125,795.00 1956 $121,430.92 1967 $102,875.85 1965 $83,245.00 1963 $65,671.72 1970 $61,692.78 1964 $36,341.00

GIFTS TO ANNUAL FUND 1967 $89,329.20 1975 $74,695.00 1963 $64,621.72 1968 $61,190.00 1970 $39,619.29 1965 $39,565.00 1980 $33,685.00 1989 $30,525.00 1945 $24,192.31 1947 $22,397.52

WESmag Winter 2020/2021


Elizabeth Nunn Mori, Class of 1958 October 28, 1936 – December 4, 2020 The Wesleyan College family was stunned to learn of the death of Elizabeth "Betty" Nunn Mori, only three days after her husband Jean had passed away on December 1, 2020. Married for sixty-two years, Betty and Jean were an extraordinary team, always complementing one another in community work, in professional careers, and in devotion to their family and friends. A native of Perry, Georgia, and daughter of the late Samuel Augustus Nunn and the late Elizabeth Cannon Nunn ’26, Betty attended Wesleyan College for two years before transferring to Emory University where she graduated with a degree in English. Always proud of her hometown, Betty credited Perry Schools for her love of reading and learning and Perry United Methodist Church for her spiritual foundation. After teaching school and rearing three children, Liz, John, and George, Betty joined Jean in co-founding Mori Luggage and Gifts in Atlanta. Betty’s leadership with the company as

2006 Participation: 14.75% Total Annual Fund: $5,042.48 Total All Gifts: $5,567.48 Benson Society Amy M. Fletcher M❤ Fountain Club Mollie Elizabeth Hughes M❤ Jaime F. McQuilkin M❤ Lindsay Rosenquist Burns M❤ 1836 Club Lauren Hamblin Beaty M❤ Parrish Smotherman Jenkins M❤ Shanita Douglas Miller M Amy E. Smith M❤ Contributors Jas'min Shy Coates Shelly Walden Gable M Elizebeth Catherwood Kanupp M Brittany Joiner Lucas Allyssa Green McNeal Stephanie Kanady Niave M Stephanie Dunbar Pounders M Danielle C. Sawtell Doneshia P. Starling Suzzi Biller Wright 2007 Participation: 4.35% Total Annual Fund: $410.00 Total All Gifts: $410.00 1836 Club Morgan L. Felts M❤ Contributors Lisa R. Hosecloth Angela O'Neal Wright M❤

2008 Participation: 19.18% Total Annual Fund: $6,499.00 Total All Gifts: $6,579.00 Pierce Society Carla Ruiz-Ney Fountain Club Pragna Halder M❤ 1836 Club Missy L. Poole M Jan Giles Tedders M❤ Contributors Shih-Yu Chen M❤ Catherine E. Dermody M❤ Jessica Dermody Gibson M❤ Stephanie Hood Wittry M❤ Connie Kang Kathryn Lassiter Murphy M❤ Tanya S. Parker M Faith Z. Sumpter M❤ Jessica Kendrick Thomas M Thuy T. Vo M❤ 2009 Participation: 6.74% Total Annual Fund: $1,144.00 Total All Gifts: $1,144.00 Fountain Club Katherine F. Kennedy M❤ 1836 Club Laney J. Turner M❤ Contributors Melissa Ward Angalla Jessica Pearce Roberts Caroline C. Smith M Ying Tang

48 Gifts made between July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020

vice president and merchandise buyer created a supportive, enjoyable culture for the family business and she built lasting professional and personal relationships throughout the country for their family. Betty’s passion for civic and community affairs included serving as trustee of Wesleyan College for more than thirty years and chairing several committees for the board. She received the Wesleyan Distinguished Alumnae Award in 2008 and remained loyal to her alma mater over her lifetime, hosting numerous Atlanta alumnae club events at her home. With her brother, Sam, she established an endowed scholarship in memory of their mother, Elizabeth Cannon Nunn, and now Betty’s name will be added to the fund. Betty and Jean were active members of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, and she served faithfully on the board of the Georgia Conservancy, the ethics board of Emory University, and Emory’s board of visitors. Betty and Jean received recognition for their work with Day 1

2010 Participation: 4.21% Total Annual Fund: $1,075.00 Total All Gifts: $1,075.00 Fountain Club Rachel A. Fullerton M❤ Contributors Kristen Ellsworth Applebee M❤ Mechelle L. McMullen M Adrianne C. Warlick 2011 Participation: 8.43% Total Annual Fund: $435.00 Total All Gifts: $435.00 Contributors Shirley Mosher Blunk M Brittney M. Boston Kellie R. Cauley-Arnold Sarah A. Hudson M❤ Kelly Page Lawrence M❤ Tonya Shakir Parkinson Georgia Belle Thomas M❤ 2012 Participation: 9.09% Total Annual Fund: $2,740.00 Total All Gifts: $2,740.00 Benson Society Elizabeth D. Shavers Contributors Taylor Bishop Deal M❤ Hannah G. Doan M❤ Mary Katherine Dunn M❤ Suzzanne R. Griffiths M❤ Marissa Duhaime Martin Susan Yandle Middleton M❤

2013 Participation: 3.85% Total Annual Fund: $90.00 Total All Gifts: $90.00 Contributors Kendal C. Binion-Holliday M❤ Devyn W. Foti Marisa Arnold Pierce 2014 Participation: 4.71% Total Annual Fund: $185.00 Total All Gifts: $210.00 Contributors Blake M. Binion-Holliday M❤ Ashlee G. Day M❤ Crystal D. O'Neal Kelly M. Steele 2015 Participation: 7.03% Total Annual Fund: $702.00 Total All Gifts: $822.00 1836 Club Chelsea Wessells Madden M Contributors Kimberly Edgefield Hill M❤ Colleen DeGraff Holtz Wallace J. Hudson M Christina R. Mayfield M❤ Allison Callaway Pierce Joanna Loudermilk Tucker Gabriela I. Urquilla Silber Ekaterina R. Zaynullina M❤ 2016 Participation: 1.00% Total Annual Fund: $310.00 Total All Gifts: $310.00 Contributors Julie Benge Rogers M❤

* deceased


Alliance for Christian Media and from Lutheran Services of Georgia. Always a spirited presence at any gathering, Betty was known for her sparkling blue eyes and contagious laugh. Her quick wit and keen sense of humor inspired many friendships as did her extraordinary memory for people, places, and events. The Wesleyan family extends heartfelt condolences to Betty’s daughter Elizabeth Mori Lauer (Peter), sons John Mori (Anne) and George Mori (Katie), eight grandchildren, brother Wesleyan Trustee Emeriti Sam Nunn and his wife Colleen, and to members of the Class of 1958 who lost a beloved and devoted classmate. Memorial donations will be added to the Elizabeth Cannon Nunn and Betty Nunn Mori Scholarship Fund at Wesleyan College.

2017 Participation: 4.55% Total Annual Fund: $675.00 Total All Gifts: $675.00 Benson Society Susan Brown Allen M❤ Fountain Club Jacob C. Kryjak M Contributors Amber B. Evans Rosamond M. Goodson M Ashley G. Herman M❤ Jayme L. Hitchcock M 2018 Participation: 2.29% Total Annual Fund: $170.00 Total All Gifts: $170.00 Contributors Sarah R. Belflower Monica Mohanty M Mary Ann Steinbach M❤ Xin Tang 2019 Participation: 3.85% Total Annual Fund: $213.00 Total All Gifts: $223.00 Contributors Asia B. Cooks Courtney R. Haynes M Zoe M. Nuhfer M Abbie N. Price M Chelsea E. Robbins M Lauren Poston Stinehelfer Jada Wall Stripling 2020 Total Annual Fund: $0.00 Total All Gifts: $0.00

Hannah L. Allen ‘80 Julia G. Baldwin Alexis Xides Bighley ‘67 Charlotte B. Bogle Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ‘68 R. Lawson Bryan Elizabeth Martin Bunte ‘68 Jane Johnson Butler ‘65 J. Cannon Carr, Jr. Verda M. Colvin Robert J. Edenfield Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche ‘96 Trudie Parker Fickling ‘65 Gayle Attaway Findlay ‘55 Amy M. Fletcher ‘06 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 Waldo E. Floyd III Vivia L. Fowler Judy Woodward Gregory ‘63 Robert F. Hatcher, Jr. Sue Haupert-Johnson J. Calvin Hays, Jr. Susan Pyeatt Kimmey ‘71 * Ruth A. Knox '75 Margaret T. MacCary Michael D. McCord Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 Beverly F. Mitchell ‘68 Debbie Stevenson Moses ‘89 Andy H. Nations Wilds M. Ogie Lori Reese Patton ‘90 Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ‘63 Elizabeth H. Pickett Amy V. Rauls Bryndis W. Roberts ‘78 T. Alfred Sams, Jr. Ninfa M. Saunders Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ‘96 Jennifer Stiles Williams ‘93 Mary Beth Brown Swearingen ‘89 Jessica Kendrick Thomas ‘08 Susan Woodward Walker ‘70 Kay B. West Cynthia W. Wright ‘75

EMERITI TRUSTEES William H. Anderson II Betty Turner Corn ‘47 Cathy Cox Gena Roberts Franklin ‘71 Gene A. Hoots Robert E. Knox, Jr. Dennie L. McCrary Betty Nunn Mori ‘58 * Samuel A. Nunn, Jr. William W. Oliver, Jr. Marvin R. Schuster

WESLEYAN COLLEGE ALUMNAE ASSOCIATION BOARD OF MANAGERS Mary Kathryn Borland ‘04 Anna L. Cornelious ‘04 Natalie Puckett Evans ‘02 Leesa Akins Flora ‘87 Abbie Smoak Lacienski ‘01 Janet M. Lawrence ‘80 Melanie Filson Lewis ‘93 Sally Moffett McKenna ‘75 Jaime F. McQuilkin ‘06 Shanita Douglas Miller ‘06 Katie Sadler-Stephenson ‘00 Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ‘96 Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 Faith Z. Sumpter ‘08

INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Susan B. Allen Senior Development Officer Whitney A. Davis Director of Annual Giving Millie Parrish Hudson ‘75 Director of Development Julie A. Jones Director of Advancement Services Monty Martin Advancement Services Specialist Lisa A. Sloben ’00 Curator of Collections Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 Director of Alumnae Affairs Andrea Williford Vice President of Institutional Advancement

The recognition extended to those listed in this publication is one small way to thank the many contributors to Wesleyan College between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. An asterisk indicates a donor passed away prior to publication. Italicized names in the class giving section indicate the alumna gave to Wesleyan via a planned gift. Although every attempt was made to ensure accuracy, it is possible that errors may have occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience such errors may cause. We encourage you to call any corrections to our attention by notifying Julie Jones, director of advancement services, at jjones@wesleyancollege.edu or (478) 757-5130. Thank you. Please note that publication of the names of contributors is strictly for the purpose of grateful acknowledgement by Wesleyan College; no other use of these lists is authorized. * deceased

WESmag Winter 2020/2021

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4760 Forsyth Road Macon, Georgia 31210-4462 www.wesleyancollege.edu Wesleyan College is affiliated with The United Methodist Church, and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

ALUMNAE WEEKEND NEWS (Celebrating Reunion Classes of 2020, 2021 & 2022)

We Asked. You Responded.*

“Let's Wait and Hug-It-Out!” Alumnae Weekend 2022: April 22, 23 & 24

This is Where it All Began: A Sense of Place Get ready to experience a Sisterhood Weekend like no other! Meet-up at Wesleyan in 2022 and have fun along the way with virtual reunion Lead-Up Events all this year: Concerts, Tours, Alumnae College, Conservatory Day, Class Projects, Leadership Weekend, and much more. See you in ’22! *Alumnae requested to "wait" for reunion in 2022, when they can safely meet together on campus. (Alumnae Weekend Survey results)

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