WESmag | Winter 2021

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Vivia Fowler President Melody Blake Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Andrea Williford Senior Vice President for Institutional Advancement Clint Hobbs Vice President for Strategic Enrollment Management Robert Moye CFO and Vice President for Business and Fiscal Affairs Christy Henry Dean of Students Tonya Parker ’01 Chief Diversity Officer/Assistant Dean for Equity and Inclusion, Title IX Coordinator, Director for The Lane Center for Social and Racial Equity


Mary Ann Howard, Editor Director of Communications mhoward@wesleyancollege.edu Brandi Vorhees, Designer Creative Director of Brand and Website Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 Alumnae Director csnow@wesleyancollege.edu Amanda Wiggs Digital Communications Officer Kayla Stroud Web Content Manager/Graphic Design Julie Jones Director of Advancement Services Whitney Davis Director of Annual Giving Susan Wheelis ’95 Class Notes Editor


Millie P. Hudson ’75, Susan Allen ’17, Julie Rogers ’16


Alumnae and friends for providing photos. WESmag is published twice a year by the Wesleyan College Office of Communications 4760 Forsyth Road, Macon, GA 31210-4462 phone (478) 757-5137 Contents may not be reprinted without permission from the editor.

From the President Dear Friends, The word giving is in our vocabulary at Wesleyan, both in words and deeds. On October 23, the Wesleyan community spread all over campus giving their service to Wow!-A-Day, and on October 25, faculty and staff gathered to celebrate their annual giving to The Wesleyan Fund. In November, faculty and staff enjoyed a Friendsgiving celebration lunch, and students, faculty, and staff enjoyed Thanksgiving break. And then there’s the Christmas season of giving – gifts, love, and thanks for the greatest gift of God’s love, Jesus. I found in my files about giving a Sunday school lesson from several years ago based on these words from Hebrews: “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that can’t be shaken, let’s continue to express our gratitude. With this gratitude, let’s serve in a way that is pleasing to God with respect and awe” (Hebrews 12:28). My class at Vineville UMC is filled with Wesleyan alumnae, and one of them told me how students used to sing their way into each day with these words:

God has created a new day, Silver and green and gold. Live so the sunset may find you Worthy His gifts to behold. This issue of WesMag is studded with jewels of Wesleyan women whose words and deeds speak the language of giving, especially giving to Wesleyan. Some are launching their careers here, while others have given their entire professional lives to Wesleyan as faculty or staff. They know better than anyone the mission and values of Wesleyan, and they impart them to our students to raise up another generation of true, faithful, and loyal Wesleyan alumnae. Still others give back to the College through volunteering for campus initiatives. You’ll read inspirational stories and find many ideas for giving back to Wesleyan. During this season of giving, we honor those who give of their time to Wesleyan, and we give thanks to each of you for your love and support every day. Hail Wesleyan!



Giving back to Wesleyan Ways to give Alumnae profiles Alumnae employees

24 The new Lane Center

for Social and Racial Equity

25 Your gift, your choice

The Wesleyan Fund


27 Alumnae Section

Message from WCAA president WCAA Board of Managers Alumnae Connections Alumnae club events Sympathy Marriages In Memoriam

35 Annual report

Tara Reigel '19 and Judy Whitaker '75 joined students picking up trash on WOW!-A-Day in October.

Volunteering and community service have been a part of the fabric of Wesleyan College since her beginning. The College is blessed to have alumnae volunteers who represent a myriad of class years, ages, professions, and abilities. Though their interests vary from mentoring students to assembling goody bags, from gardening on campus to hosting events in their homes, they all have one thing in common: they treasure their alma mater and are determined to see her continue to educate women into the next century and beyond. Many alumnae volunteers are inspired to pay it forward in appreciation for those who came before them and enhanced their own college experiences. Some want to get to know our current students, their needs, their goals, and their dreams. Others are interested in meeting new sisters, networking, honing leadership skills, or learning new skills. Engaging with the College has provided many alumnae with a reminder and perhaps a new understanding and appreciation for Wesleyan and what she has to offer women from around the world. The next several pages will introduce you to nine extraordinary alumnae who graciously give of their time. Each one has special talents and a dedication to share them with the College that means so much to them.

WOW!-A-Day in October brought alumnae and students together for a day of service on Wesleyan's campus where trash was collected, flowers were planted, windows were washed, and outside furniture was power washed. Thanks to all who volunteered their time to give back to Wesleyan. 2

Wesleyan’s alumnae are the key to her future success. Please stay active with your alma mater by investing your time and talent. Here are just some of the ways you can give back to Wesleyan. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Attend a sporting event or a musical or theatre performance Bring a student to campus Check with your employer to see if they will match your gifts Connect with Wesleyan on Handshake – see page 26 Donate business clothing to Wolves at Work Professional Clothes Closet Follow the College’s social media pages and share posts Greet first-year students and their families on Move-in Day Host a student in your home Host an alumnae event Join, start, or participate in an alumnae club in your city Mentor a student Participate in WOW!-A-Day service initiatives Present a Wesleyan First Award to a high school sophomore Provide an internship at your business Refer a student Serve as a class liaison Serve as an engagement leader Serve on a WCAA committee Sign up for AmazonSmile and Kroger PLUS so the money you spend in your daily life supports the College Sign up to make recurring gifts to The Wesleyan Fund Speak to a class or serve on an alumnae panel Volunteer to help with Alumnae Weekend

WESmag Winter 2021


Sally Moffett McKenna ’75 When Macon native Sally Moffett McKenna ’75 began her college search, she knew she didn’t want to stray too far from home and that she would prefer a women’s college where she could grow and flourish without male competition. Wesleyan had all the qualities she desired. Today Sally says that Wesleyan has played a huge role in all aspects of her life. “I attribute my growing self-confidence, my can-do attitude, and my pride in being a woman to Wesleyan. Of course I received an excellent education, but most importantly I learned that I could take care of myself and trust myself to make good decisions.” Valuing the emphasis Wesleyan puts on service to the community, Sally says that learning how to volunteer is a critical life skill and emphasizes the importance of giving back and taking care of others. “I feel indebted to Wesleyan, so I offer my


time, talents, and treasure every opportunity I get. I gain satisfaction knowing that my small contributions can really make a difference.” Sally has served on the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association Board of Managers in many capacities since 1982. Presently she serves as an alumna trustee on the board of trustees. In recent years, she began presenting deserving high school sophomores with the prestigious Wesleyan First Award, a $15,000 scholarship for students who choose to attend Wesleyan. She has attended admission preview days on campus, helped first-year students move into residence halls, served as a candlelighter, and chaired the Loyalty Fund (now The Wesleyan Fund). She also enjoys being class liaison for the Class of 1975 and serving on the 50th reunion planning committee. Sally says what she loves most is working with the Atlanta alumnae club

where she serves as treasurer and as past president. “There are so many ways alumnae can help preserve this jewel. The first step is to get connected. Give what you can and give consistently, not just in your reunion year. Return to Alumnae Weekend every year. Volunteer to light a candle, mentor a current student, or be a class liaison. Support special initiatives like the goody bag project to welcome students or the adopt-a-painting program to restore Wesleyan’s treasures. Promote Wesleyan on social media. Refer a neighbor who is in high school or offer to accompany her on a campus visit. Participate in your local area alumnae club activities or start a club if you don’t have one. Imagine the possibilities of keeping Wesleyan the oldest and best if each alumna gave back to her alma mater in any and all ways possible.”

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Mary Kathryn Borland ’04 Wesleyan’s dedication to developing women and providing the best opportunities to her students and alumnae is what motivates Mary Kathryn Borland ’04 to give back to her alma mater by volunteering her time and resources. After serving the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association Board of Managers as member-atlarge for student relations for three years, she currently serves as memberat-large for nominations. She is also candlelighting chair for Alumnae Weekend 2022 and serves on the Class of 2004 Alumnae Weekend planning committee. “Along with an outstanding academic and student experience, what makes Wesleyan unique are the relationships you develop; those peer relationships with friends, classmates, roommates, big sisters, and little sisters that will last a lifetime, as well as the relationships with professors, staff, and the alumnae office, all of whom continue to be resources


after graduation.” Mary Kathryn says her involvement in Wesleyan’s student organizations helped to develop her soft skills – leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, motivation, teamwork, flexibility, creativity, and emotional intelligence, among others – skills that are emphasized at a liberal arts college and that are so valuable to employers. Mary Kathryn is proud to help Wesleyan continue the legacy of graduating women prepared to use their knowledge and experience to effect change in the world and to be a positive influence in the lives and careers. She calls for other alumnae to join her in helping to continue that legacy. “If alumnae don’t invest in Wesleyan now, she will not survive. We can’t let her fade away as so many other women’s colleges have over the last few decades.”

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Judy Whitaker ’75 Judy Whitaker ’75 says she gives to Wesleyan “because of all that she has given me.” To Judy, the best thing about Wesleyan is the lifelong friendships she formed and still cherishes today. “As I get older, these friendships become more and more important to me. My class, the Golden Hearts of 1975, was a huge class filled with women from all over the world, and to this day, we keep in touch. One of my greatest blessings is to call these women my friends.” A Wesleyan education is second to none, she says, but it is the memories of STUNT, playing basketball and soccer, working in the dining hall, hearing voice majors practicing in their rooms, laughing with friends, attending Washboard Band concerts, and singing class songs around the fountain and the alma mater in the dining hall that contribute to the Wesleyan experience in ways young women don’t truly understand for years.

Judy volunteers her time in many meaningful ways to help ensure that Wesleyan remains a college for women for the next 200 years and “a place where women can become leaders, teachers, artists, or whatever they choose to be.” In addition to assisting the alumnae affairs office with most anything they need, she is always eager to help greet and assist first-year students and their families on Move-In Day, host a class party, be a candlelighter, and serve on class reunion committees. Judy is an active member of the Macon alumnae club and also serves as treasurer on the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association Board of Managers. “I hope that all Wesleyan alumnae will give back in whatever way they can, whether it’s a donation to The Wesleyan Fund or by volunteering their time. All of us who have benefited from this beautiful College need to give back now to keep her alive and well for the women who will find their voices here in the years to come.”

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Pat Grogan Borders ’70

Pat Grogan Borders ’70 studied physical education at Wesleyan, preparing to be a PE teacher. “I worked hard to get into Wesleyan and worked even harder to get out! Wesleyan was a good choice for this shy and unworldly small-town girl of fifty years ago. It was a time when women were just beginning to expand their career choices and to challenge the equality of professions and the pay scale.” Pat’s teaching career detoured into a banking career where she worked until some twenty years ago when she followed her passion and started a horse farm in Woodstock, GA, with husband Chris. Today they are living their dream at Briarpatch Farm raising, training, and showing horses. When Pat was a student, there was not an equestrian team but there was a barn where students could board their horses and trails for riding. Pat’s classmate Susan Woodward Walker ’70 brought two horses to campus and


the friends often rode together. Today Pat is an active enthusiast and supporter of the College’s equestrian program. Frequently she can be found at the barn helping with whatever needs doing. This fall, Pat delivered Crimson Fire and Arborvitae that will be planted using several pounds of compost from her farm along the side of the new covered arena. “My greatest gift from Wesleyan has been the sustaining friendships of my classmates who have guided and inspired me over the years. These women represent the spirit of Wesleyan today as much as they did fifty years ago. That’s why I choose to give back. This historic and important women’s college means much to me. I started offering my assistance to the equestrian center because I got a ‘you can do this’ push from a Wesleyan sister. Every classmate I know has greater talents to contribute to Wesleyan than I. Every alumna can make a difference.”

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Shanita Douglas Miller ’06 Shanita “Nita” Douglas Miller ’06 says the greatest thing about Wesleyan is the many lifelong bonds formed among classmates. “My ‘06 PKs played and continue to play a major role in both my college and post-graduate experiences. It brings me such joy when I speak with students who’ve found their best friend or sister circle during their time at Wesleyan.” To help facilitate these special bonds for future generations of Wesleyan women is why Nita encourages all alumnae to not only donate to The Wesleyan Fund, but also to become alumnae volunteers and to share their expertise with future sisters. “There are so many alumnae doing amazing things all around the world. Let’s help make a path for our students by giving them a hand when we can and a push when we must. Let’s show them what the Pioneer (Go Wolves!) network can do!” Nita serves her alma mater in a number of ways including as a Wesleyan representative at high school college fairs in Atlanta, participating in alumnae panel discussions, connecting


students to internship opportunities within her office at Girls Inc. of Greater Atlanta where she is director of development, and serving on the board of managers as a former vice president for educational enrichment. As a past president of the Wesleyan Atlanta alumnae club, Nita says that hearing from the Atlanta Alumnae Scholarship recipient every year is a motivating factor to give back. Nita is a two-time recipient of the scholarship. “It reminds me that we must continue to support current students in the best way our means allow. It is our duty as alumnae to give back – with time, money, and/or talent because doing so can literally change a young woman’s life.” For Wesleyan’s students, Nita hopes for perseverance, grace, and budding success in their lives. “They are our future change makers.” For Wesleyan alumnae, she hopes the spirit of involvement, engagement, and mentorship will foster an even stronger sisterhood. “I hope our alumnae will embrace the opportunity to connect with Wesleyannes old and new.”

WESmag Winter 2021

Jaime McQuilkin ’06 believes that Wesleyan’s strength comes from the ever-changing alumnae network that has grown over the last 185 years. Though students in 1836 were drastically different than the students of 2021, all alumnae have a shared connection. “I love when my siblings refer to Wesleyan as ‘the oldest and the best.’ Wesleyan will always be the oldest; it’s up to alumnae to keep her the best.” Jaime says Wesleyan cultivated in her a sense of philanthropy that makes giving back to her alma mater a priority. She has chosen to make monthly donations, often in honor of one of her alumnae friends. A first-generation college student, she firmly believes in the power of educating women and the echoes they leave throughout society. “A Wesleyanne knows no bounds. We have the power to curate the lives we want and to make positive changes in our communities. Being a part of this wonderful Wesleyan network gave me the confidence to speak in front of a crowd, to be a leader, and to think critically, all of which has helped me in my career as a product designer at AT&T.”

Wesleyan is one-of-a-kind, just like every alumna that has stood around the fountain. It’s a college that’s small enough to make a big impact, where students have the opportunity to serve in leadership roles on campus or take a class in a completely different major, all while making friends with classmates from around the world. Jaime finds serving on the Alumnae Association’s board of managers (for nine years), planning events for Atlanta alumnae, making new friends, and networking to be very fulfilling. “The bonds I’ve made with my classmates are very strong. I see many friend circles from Wesleyan that remain close after decades, and I truly feel this is unique to Wesleyan. The best thing about the College today is how we adapt and change with the times. From the majors we offer to LEED-certified buildings, we always keep up with the needs of today. For students and alumnae, I hope we continue to adapt and change with the times. Just as that saying goes, well-behaved women rarely make history. Keep making waves!”


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DeSira Palmer Williams ’17 All four years at Wesleyan, DeSira Palmer Williams ’17 served as a student worker in the Office of Alumnae Affairs. Alumnae Director Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 describes DeSira as an “in the trenches, hands-on, and loyal volunteer who gave more than 100% to any project.” Cathy said, “DeSira often volunteered outside her normal work hours. She helped plan and execute many alumnae events. Even after graduation she continues to serve in capacities that include being a candlelighter, assisting at Macon events, lending a hand during Alumnae Weekend, serving refreshments at commencement, and assembling goody bags for students.” DeSira says the student population is the best thing about Wesleyan. “As a student, I appreciated the diversity of my peers. I support Wesleyan’s mission to educate women from around the world. I wish I could donate more, but I support my alma mater in other ways like volunteering my time and using Kroger Rewards and AmazonSmile. Plus, Wesleyan will get some of my life insurance when I go on to glory.”

Her hope is that everyone will give back to Wesleyan by volunteering, donating, or referring students so that Wesleyan can continue to be First for Women; offer students individualized guidance; provide access to resources such as scholarships, research programs, internships, and study abroad; have faculty that encourage students and push them to be better academically and personally; and continue to update the campus to make it modern while keeping it nostalgic. She says her Wesleyan experience plays a significant role in her career as a family advocate for Macon-Bibb County Economic Opportunity Council, Inc. Though her younger sister Jada likes living in the big city of Atlanta, DeSira is recruting her to enroll at her alma mater where she says the women are “feminists, world travelers, risk takers, goal-oriented, and hospitable.”

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WITH WESLEYAN Jan Lawrence ’80 Knowing that Wesleyan’s largest constituency is her alumnae, Jan Lawrence ’80 believes all alumnae should make a priority of supporting and mentoring today’s students. It’s a responsibility that, she says, “we accepted when we read the Benson Charge as seniors. The Wesleyan College Alumnae Association’s first constitution states that it is our responsibility as alumnae to contribute to the strength and prosperity of our alma mater.” Wesleyan celebrates more ethnic and religious diversity among her students than is found on most college campuses of similar size. That diversity makes Wesleyan unique and provides our graduates with a firm foundation for success in a world that is increasingly global. “As alumnae, it is our responsibility to journey and grow with Wesleyan. I would encourage others to get to know today’s students. Learning about their goals and dreams is the most effective way to connect and engage as mentors.”


Jan’s motivation to volunteer is fueled by her desire for women to have the opportunities that the Wesleyan experience provides. In addition to representing Wesleyan at college fairs, she has served as a development liaison, reunion chair, Loyalty Fund chair, Central Florida alumnae club president, and as a member of the President’s Council for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Having held positions previously on the board of managers, including vice president for development, she currently serves as president of the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association. Jan is also a member of the Forever First Society (formerly the Society for the Twenty-First Century). “We have to work together to ensure the health of the College remains strong well into the future. There has never been a better time for alumnae from across the generations to engage with Wesleyan.”

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Jessica Kendrick Thomas ’08 Though Jessica Kendrick Thomas ’08 lives and works in Washington, D.C., she makes it a personal priority to regularly meet with Wesleyan students and she encourages all alumnae to do the same. “Talk to a student. Put yourself in their shoes and listen to what they say about their Wesleyan experience.” Her stellar career, currently as an analyst for Booz Allen Hamilton Associates, an American management and information technology consulting firm with 80 offices around the globe, has made Jessica a student favorite at leadership events held through Wesleyan’s Center for Career Development. She has collected clothes for the Wolves at Work Professional Clothes Closet, served as a Purple Briefcase mentor, and helped organize the Summer Leadership Institute’s trip to Washington in 2019. Jessica was one of more than fifty alumnae who participated in “Sew It for the Students,” who made more than 1,400 face masks for students, faculty, and staff for fall semester 2020. Not only does Jessica serve on Wesleyan’s board of trustees, she also is group leader for the Washington, D.C., metro area alumnae club, where she leads a diverse group of dedicated women whose purpose is to help Wesleyan in any way they can, and in particular, to


connect with and mentor Wesleyan students entering the workforce. The group is also very supportive of each other. They share job opportunities and lend support in personal, professional, and community endeavors. “Our chief goals are to make connections with each other, with the College, and to do our best to support Wesleyan women. We believe in consistently raising our hands to help make Wesleyan even stronger.” Jessica is part of a recently formed committee focused on young alumnae engagement with the College. The group garnered donations for a fall fest and movie night on campus in October 2020 and for the Class of 2021’s Senior Toast. For all these reasons and more, the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association honored Jessica with the 2020 Young Alumnae Award. Jessica hopes students will seek to make connections with alumnae, and not just for career advice. She hopes alumnae will continue to be assertive and bring their talents to the table. “The idea that you can make connections with alumnae before, during, and after your time at Wesleyan never ceases to amaze me. I hope to continue to make those connections because it expands my world view.”


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We believe


from our connections TO EACH OTHER.

Wesleyan encourages students to find their own places within a community and to contribute in meaningful ways. It is a well-known fact that Wesleyan educates her students to go out into the world and do great things in their careers and in their communities. Thirty-six Wesleyan alumnae have decided the best place for them to contribute in meaningful ways is on the campus of their alma mater. As of this printing, sixteen percent of Wesleyan’s full-time employees are Wesleyan alumnae (see photo) and nine alumnae (plus one MBA alumnus) serve as adjunct professors. Whether it’s teaching, mentoring, and empowering the next generation of Wesleyan Women, meeting fundraising goals in the advancement office, recruiting students, or leading the office of alumnae affairs, Wesleyan alumnae are dedicated to supporting their sisters, their colleagues, and Wesleyan College.

Sixth row: Mariana dos Santos Furlin ’92, Professional Programs Assistant; Chenny Q. Gan ’02, Associate Professor of Music, Master of Arts in Music Program Director; Cathy Coxey Snow ’71, Director of Alumnae Affairs; Julie G. Rogers ’16, Director of Major Gifts Fifth row: Nadine Cheek ’79, Mildred Heyward Professor of Music; Malaeolevavau S. Fiaseu ’18, Head Volleyball Coach, Intramural Director; Jan Giles Tedders ’08, CIR Systems Administrator; Tonya S. Parker ’01, Chief Diversity Officer/Assistant Dean for Equity and Inclusion, Title IX Coordinator, Director for the Lane Center for Social and Racial Equity; Jill Amos ’87, Director of Disability and Advocacy Services Fourth row: Elspeth M. Hansen ’21, Residence Life Coordinator; Mary Ann Steinbach ’18, Enrollment Operations Manager; Abbie Price ’19, Student Activities Coordinator Third row: Angie O’Neal Wright ’07 and ’10 (MBA), Registrar; Virginia Bowman Wilcox ’90, Associate Professor of Education; Lisa Sloben ’00, Curator of Collections, Institutional Advancement Second row: Millie Parrish Hudson ’75, Director of Development; Wanda Maynard Schroeder ’80, Professor of Biology First row: Paloma Velasco Rios ’21, Admissions Counselor Not available on photo day: Kristen Simonton Grissom ’13 (MBA), Director of Auxiliary Services; Jayme L. Hitchcock ’17, Senior Financial Aid Counselor; Ariel D. Richardson ’18, Assistant Volleyball Coach, Assistant Compliance Sports Information Director; Melissa I. RodriguezMcClain ’16, Director for The Center for Leadership and Involvement Fall semester 2021 adjunct professors: Jas’min Shy Coates ’06, Instructor of Education; Malaeolevavau Fiaseu ’18, Instructor of HPE; Ellen Futral Hanson ’83, Instructor of Music; G. Pilar Wilder Lowden ’01, Instructor of Dance; Hannah Holder Mackey ’19, Instructor of Nursing; Kimberly Minor ’09, Instructor of Art History; Lisa Sloben ’00, Instructor of Art History; Angie O’Neal Wright ’07 and ’10 (MBA), Instructor of Business; William Wi ’06 (MBA), Instructor of Business

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C a m p u s Ne w s


Wesleyan College announces The Lane Center for Social and Racial Equity Wesleyan College is one of nine U.S. colleges and universities chosen to participate in a three-year project funded by a $5 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Each geographically dispersed and organizationally diverse institution will partner with a community organization to develop tangible, researchinformed solutions for racial and social inequities. Wesleyan is proud to partner with the Tubman Museum, the largest museum in the nation dedicated to educating people about the art, history, and culture of African Americans. Opportunities for community members to come together will be offered physically and virtually through the College, the Tubman Museum, and Wesleyan’s new Lane Center for Social and Racial Equity located at the Porter House on Tucker Road. The Center

is an extension of Wesleyan’s work on campus and her commitment to social and racial justice and equity. In addition to continuing to promote and foster diversity and inclusion and to uphold equity and justice in all areas of the College, The Center will make transparent and hold accountability for Wesleyan’s commitment to creating an anti-racist campus community. Utilizing the Interactivity Foundation/Diversity and Inclusion Discussions model (IF/DID), The Center will provide DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice) training, workshops, and facilitations for Wesleyan constituents as well as members of the Middle Georgia community. Serving alongside Tonya Parker ’01, The Center's director, Wesleyan’s Chief Diversity Officer, and Dean

Dean Parker and Dr. Simpson-Miller

for Equity and Inclusion is Assistant Professor of History Dr. Brandi Simpson-Miller as The Center’s assistant director. A newly appointed advisory council comprised of Wesleyan faculty, staff, trustees, and alumnae will develop strategies, provide leadership and guidance,

to share in the commitment to and the work of DEIJ, expanding our initiatives in the Wesleyan College community to the larger Macon community. For more information, contact Dean Tonya Parker at tparker@wesleyancollege.edu.


Designed by experts from IBM, Google, Facebook, and others, Wesleyan’s certificate programs include in-demand careers in computer science, artificial intelligence, and analytics and are available to all women and men including alumni, faculty, staff, students, family members, friends, and community members who are interested in enhancing their professional knowledge. “In keeping with our mission to help graduates and professionals thrive in a complex world, we are so pleased to offer these industrycertified courses. Each of these certificates extends the opportunity


for learners to engage with new, relevant material to advance their skills immediately,” said Wesleyan Provost Melody Blake. Most certificates can be completed in three to ten months with only three to six hours of study each week. Whether you’re changing career paths or continuing your education to stay up-to-date on the newest industry trends, professional certificates can differentiate you from other professionals in your field. To learn more, contact kejike@wesleyancollege.edu or call (478) 757-5185.

Your gift, your choice. Investing in The Wesleyan Fund is an investment in women. Investing in women is an investment in our future.

As we welcomed new faces to campus this fall, we also welcomed a new way of giving to Wesleyan. The Wesleyan Fund (formerly known as the Annual Fund or the Loyalty Fund) gives you the option to support Wesleyan in a way that’s important to you. Every gift, no matter how large or small, sustains and strengthens our community. Find your cause and make an impact in the following areas.

Greatest Need

Scholarships & Student Success

Student Experience

Athletics & Recreation

Equity & Inclusion

Campus Improvements & Beautification

Gifts to The Wesleyan Fund touch every student and help sustain every corner of the Wesleyan campus. Making an immediate impact, your gifts are vital for the College to be able to meet our highest priority needs.

Wesleyan proudly offers NCAA Division III athletic teams, IHSA and IDA equestrian programs, and club sports. Your gifts to The Wesleyan Fund help cover the costs of uniforms, equipment, and team travel.

Awarding more than $6 million in scholarships annually, Wesleyan is committed to providing women with the opportunity to earn a college degree. Your gifts help us identify and educate the brightest and most determined students.

Our students benefit from an environment that promotes healthy communication and friendship among women. Your gifts provide programs and training that help students, faculty, and staff continue to create an equitable and inclusive community.

Women choose Wesleyan because they want a college where they can develop leadership skills, try new things, and have fun! Your gifts enhance the student experience by funding campus activities, service initiatives, and special events.

Outstanding facilities and comfortable living spaces are essential to the success of Wesleyan women. Your gifts to The Wesleyan Fund ensure a safe, beautiful, and modern environment in which to grow.

Many alumnae feel that making monthly recurring gifts is a meaningful way to stay connected as an active member of the Wesleyan community. It’s safe and easy to set up a monthly donation by visiting www.wesleyancollege.edu/give and selecting “ongoing gift.” WESmag Winter 2021

C a m p u s Ne w s


A part of the Wesleyan College family since 1995, Senior Development Officer Susan Allen retired on September 30, 2021. Susan’s tenure at Wesleyan was marked by an extraordinary talent and boundless enthusiasm for making friends for Wesleyan College. No matter her title – whether as annual fund director, associate vice president, vice president for institutional advancement or, more recently, senior development officer – Susan understood that fundraising is first about “friend-raising.” President Vivia Fowler said, “In her loving, sincere, inimitable way, Susan has nurtured relationships with donors over decades, and she is as treasured by them as she is by us.” Indeed, Susan has won scores of friends for Wesleyan, cultivating in them a deep connection with the College and inspiring them to give their support. She has been an integral part of four major campaigns, raising funds for scholarships and other endowed funds; numerous capital projects including the Munroe Science Center, Taylor Hall, Pierce Chapel, and Willet Library; and always for Wesleyan’s annual fund, now The Wesleyan Fund. Former President Ruth Knox ’75 stated, “Susan is a rock star among development professionals, and Wesleyan has been deeply blessed by her years of service to

us all. She has many gifts -- a huge heart, a sharp mind, a warm and engaging personality, and tenacity beyond measure. Probably most important, she genuinely cares about people. That caring spirit has helped Susan build countless friendships that will endure, including for Wesleyan College. The times we spent together traveling, planning, visiting, listening, and talking (lots of talking) were among the highlights of my own service to the College, and Susan made me a better president. She certainly makes life fun! If one looks at virtually any aspect of the College -- our art collection, the arboretum, endowed scholarships, teaching chairs, and major buildings such as the Munroe Science Center and Pierce Chapel -- Susan’s influence is there. Like so many others, I love Susan Allen, and I always will be grateful for her friendship and for her priceless devotion to the Wesleyan family.” These days Susan relishes having more time with husband Bill, their family, and friends, but says that she considers the Wesleyan family as her own. Lucky for us, Wesleyan’s alumnae association in 2017 formally declared Susan an honorary alumna, a rare status bestowed in recognition of her unique contributions to the College and one that ensures she will remain a beloved member of the Wesleyan family for all the years to come.

THE CENTER FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT ANNOUNCES HANDSHAKE Finding a job and building a career can be daunting. Whether you’re looking for an internship, full-time job or don’t know where to begin, Handshake is here to help. Students and alumni can use Handshake to discover employers and opportunities, submit applications, and attend career fairs and other events. What is Handshake? Handshake is a career development platform that connects students and alumni with employers and professional opportunities. With a Handshake account you can: • Upload your resume to be seen by employers and recruiters 26

• Search and apply for jobs and internships (click on the Jobs button on your profile home page) • If you make your profile public, employers and recruiters will be able to find and message you. Who has access to Handshake? All Wesleyan College alumni have access to a FREE Handshake account! To get started, scan the QR code on this page • Register for an account on the platform - and complete your profile to make the best impression. • Use your Wesleyan College email address if you still have access to it.

• If you no longer have access to your Wesleyan email address, please enter in the email of your choice to begin the account activation process. • A team member from Wesleyan College’s Center for Career Development will approve your alumni request. From there you can explore thousands of opportunities that are tailored to your interests. If you have questions about Handshake, contact Wesleyan College’s Center for Career Development at careerdevelopment@ wesleyancollege.edu

A message from the WCAA President

Dear Wesleyan Alumnae, Greetings! It has been too long since we have seen each other in person at an Alumnae Weekend, but all is a go for April and we are having a party! I hope you have Alumnae Weekend 2022 (April 21 – 24) on your calendars and that you plan to join us. I am excited about the work that the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association Board of Managers is doing on your behalf. The pandemic caused an interruption in our normal work and gave us an opportunity to reflect on changes that would allow us to better serve Wesleyan. We will propose some changes over the next couple of years that we hope will lead us to a more equitable structure that meets the needs of Wesleyan today and in the future. We can only be effective if our board and board committees reflect the diversity of today's Wesleyan. This year we increased diversity on our board and we recognized affinity groups as well as alumnae clubs. Like alumnae clubs, affinity groups can be formal or informal, and although they may be geographic, they are more likely to be focused on careers, majors, faiths, ethnicities, hobbies, etc. With several already formed, our two most structured are the Sisters of the First Five and the Young Alumnae Club.

Because our discovery process showed a distinct need for more and better facilitation between our alumnae, Wesleyan's largest constituency, and the College and her student body, we are launching a new Engagement Leader Program this fall. We invited approximately 40 alums to participate and give us feedback. We will use their feedback to make changes before kicking off a more structured and larger group next year. We hope to have 100-150 alumnae volunteers lead this program in 2022-2023. These engagement leader volunteers are alumnae whose lives intersect in various ways with many other alumnae, and who are willing to be information conduits, sharing information and feedback between alumnae and the College. Thank you for the honor of serving as the alumnae association’s president. Our stories and lives intersect because we have Wesleyan in common. I fell in love with Wesleyan when I visited as a prospective student and that love continues today. Please feel free to reach out at any point (WesleyanBOM@gmail.com). I invite your input as we do our work together.


Join individual alumnae, alumnae group leaders, affinity group leaders, and class leaders as we engage with students and with Wesleyan College. • Share information from Wesleyan with her alumnae and provide opportunities for discussion • Proactively work with SGA leaders, staff, and administration to connect alumnae with students • Build alumnae networks that provide opportunities for alumnae to support each other • Identify new ways that alumnae can give back to Wesleyan To learn more or express an interest in becoming a part of the 2022-2023 engagement leader team scan this code or visit wesleyancollege.edu/ael WESmag Winter 2021

Welcome TO THE B

WCAA Profile: The Wesleyan College Alumnae Association (WCAA), founded in 1859, is the world’s FIRST alumnae association. All former Wesleyan students who have earned 30 or more semester hours at the College - whether or not they graduated - are considered members. Today the association is governed by a board of managers that is composed of 16 elected members, including three alumnae trustees who serve also on Wesleyan’s board of trustees. The board meets officially three times a year and holds an off-campus retreat each fall to discuss strategic goals. OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jan Lawrence ’80, Rome, GA

Degrees: A.B. English; Student at Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington D.C. Profession: Executive director, Reconciling Ministries Network; retired senior program manager in healthcare IT, Harris Healthcare Solutions Alumnae Activities: Liaison for WCAA BOM on the President’s Council for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; development liaison; reunion chair: class liaison; college fairs

PRESIDENT ELECT Anna Cornelious Martin ’04, Hampton, GA

Degrees: A.B. Chemistry; M.A. Environmental Engineering, Clemson University Profession: Senior environmental engineer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Alumnae Activities: VP of marketing for the Wesleyan Atlanta Alumnae Club; candlelighter; class reunion committee; former treasurer, WCAA BOM

VP FOR DEVELOPMENT Jane Manley Wheeless ’67, Brevard, NC

Degrees: A.B. Early Childhood/Elementary Ed; M.Ed. and E.D.S. in Speech and Language Pathology, University of Georgia; Ed. administration certificate Profession: Retired first grade teacher; former speech and language therapist; speech program coordinator; and elementary school principal Alumnae Activities: Co-chair, 45th and 55th 1967 reunions; class gift coordinator, 50th reunion; committee on “Make the Student Lounge Gold” in Willet Library; facilitator for “Hearts to Hearts” ZOOM sessions

VP FOR ADMISSION Doneshia P. Starling ’06, Lawrenceville, GA

Degrees: A.B. Advertising and Marketing Communication; M.Sc. Housing and Consumer Economics, University of Georgia; M.B.A., Southern New Hampshire University Profession: Public health analyst Alumnae Activities: Interim secretary and social media coordinator, Sisters of the First Five



Degrees: A.B. Early Childhood/Elementary Ed; M.Ed. Educational Technology, Grand Canyon University; educational specialist degree in organizational leadership Profession: Bibb County educator; adjunct, Wesleyan College; Wesleyan College master's of education recruiter Alumnae Activities: Class reunion planning committee; candlelighter; graduation volunteer; Macon Alumnae Club; Sisters of the First Five


Degrees: A.B. Biology; Pharm.D., University of Tennessee Profession: Oncology clinical pharmacy specialist, Methodist Germantown Hospital Alumnae Activities: Forever First Society; class liaison; reunion class chair; candlelighter; college fairs

SECRETARY - Juliana Cabrales ’04, Raleigh, NC

Degrees: A.B. International Business/Economics; A.A.S. (associate degree in applied science), Parsons School for Design, New York Profession: Program officer at Four Freedoms Fund Community Service: Board of directors, North Carolina Counts Coalition Alumnae Activities: North Carolina Triangle Alumnae Club, class reunions

TREASURER - Judy Whitaker ’75, Macon, GA

Degrees: A.B. Early Childhood/Elementary Ed; M.Ed., Georgia College; Ed.S. Education/Behavior Disorders, Georgia State University Profession: Former elementary education teacher; special education behavior disorders teacher; assistant coordinator, Elam Alexander Academy; softball, basketball, tennis, soccer coach Alumnae Activities: Move-In Day; class reunion party host; candlelighter; class reunions; alumnae office volunteer; Macon Alumnae Club

OARD OF MANAGERS WCAA Purpose: The Association promotes alumnae engagement with the College, with students, and with other alumnae by providing service, mentoring, and learning opportunities. Through e-communications, social media, and WESmag, nearly 9,500 alumnae are kept informed of the activities and achievements of Wesleyan College alumnae. For more information about board members, job positions, and how to nominate potential members, scan the code to the right or go to wesleyancollege.edu/bom. PAST PRESIDENT Abbie Smoak Lacienski ’01, Statesboro, GA

Degrees: A.B. English/Secondary Certification; M.Ed. Educational Leadership, Georgia Southern University Profession: Military and veteran services coordinator, Georgia Southern University Alumnae Activities: Wesleyan First Awards; Statesboro area Alumnae Club; served nine previous` years on the WCAA BOM; reunion house party planning; candlelighter

ALUMNAE TRUSTEES Leesa Akins Flora ’87, Brookhaven, GA

Degrees: A.B. Business Administration; J.D., Walter F. George School of Law, Mercer University Profession: Attorney (retired) Alumnae Activities: Former treasurer and Alumnae Weekend chair, WCAA BOM; Forever First Society

Yehudi Self-Medlin ’96, Falls Church, VA

Degrees: A.B. Chemistry; Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Virginia Profession: Associate director for S&T Investment, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Alumnae Activities: Washington, D.C. Alumnae Club; class of 1996 reunion chair; former member of the WCAA BOM

Sally Moffett McKenna ’75, Brookhaven, GA

Degrees: A.B. Education; M.Ed., Georgia State University Profession: Educator Alumnae Activities: WCAA BOM – admissions representative, VP for admissions, Loyalty Fund chair, vice-chair, nominations committee, VP for development; Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club – former president, ways and means chair, parliamentarian, nominations committee, current co-treasurer and executive board member; candlelighter; Wesleyan First Award presenter; 50th reunion committee; class gift liaison; Forever First Society

M E M B E R S - AT- L A R G E

NOMINATIONS Mary Kathryn Borland ’04, Birmingham, AL

Degrees: A.B. Music; M.S. Sports and Fitness Management, Troy University Profession: Alumni affairs specialist, School of Business, University of Alabama at Birmingham Alumnae Activities: Former BOM member-atlarge for student relations; alumnae admissions rep; E-Link; candlelighting chair, Alumnae Weekend 2022; 2004 reunion committee; Alumnae Weekend 2022 planning committee

STUDENT RELATIONS Vida Olivares ’02, Macon, GA

Degrees: A.B. Mathematics/Secondary Certification; M.Ed. Mathematics Education, Georgia State University; Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Mercer University Profession: Secondary mathematics teacher, Monroe County schools Alumnae Activities: 2002 reunion chair; Forever First Society

ALUMNAE WEEKEND Natalie Puckett Evans ’02, Locust Grove, GA

Degrees: A.B. Business Administration/Economics; Frontline Leadership Certificate; University of Georgia, Carl Vinson Institute of Management; Women Unlimited LEAD Program Graduate Profession: Chief data officer, United Way of Greater Atlanta Alumnae Activities: Atlanta Alumnae Club, active participant and past president; former Macon Alumnae Club participant; candlelighter; reunion committee support


Degrees: A.B. Advertising and Marketing Communication, English; M.F.A. Creative Writing, The New School Profession: Freelance Literary Book Scout Alumnae Activities: Interim president, Sisters of the First Five; candlelighter; Young Atlanta Alumnae; Class of 2013 Facebook WESmag Winter 2021

AlumnaeCONNECTIONS Still Waiting to "Hug-It-Out." Where will you be in April 2022? Are you making plans to attend Alumnae Weekend, especially if you are a reunion year class? Do you feel the bonds of sisterhood encouraging you to connect with classmates? We’re planning a celebration and it’s all for you! See you in ’22! In the meantime, to schedule a virtual alumnae event or class meeting, mentor a student, present a Wesleyan First Award, volunteer for the WCAA, and/or start an affinity group to connect with alumnae who share your interests, contact the Alumnae Affairs Office at csnow@wesleyancollege.edu (478) 757-5173 or the WCAA Board of Managers at WesleyanBOM@gmail.com.

Sisterhood in Action:

Georgia Atlanta

In July club members participated in an online Book Club meeting where they discussed The Husband’s Secret. In November the selected reading was The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. The group’s executive board met in August to plan activities for the 2021-22 year. For more information about upcoming Club events including a holiday event in December, a tailgating event in January, a Sisterhood Social in February and more, contact atlanta@wesleyancollege.edu.


Area alumnae met virtually in September to discuss upcoming plans for the year that included hosting tables at an October Alumnae-Student Networking Dinner held in the Manget Dining Room, and sponsored by the Center for Career Development, and the offices of the president and alumnae affairs. Members donned Halloween costumes at Wesleyan’s Fall Fest, connected with students and distributed Halloween treats in Anderson Dining Hall. In addition a Reading Day Cookie Bake & Break during exam week is on the club calendar.

Connecting with Students

SUMMER COMMENCEMENT. In August, graduate students and their families enjoyed Lemonade on the Lawn in front of Porter Auditorium after the ceremony. Cookies also were provided by the Alumnae Affairs Office and the WCAA. SENIOR CELEBRATION BREAKFAST. Anderson Dining Hall served as the venue for this annual “Welcome Back” event for seniors that featured special late night breakfast fare. The Alumnae Affairs Office and the WCAA sponsored this socially distanced gathering that included remarks from WCAA board member Vida Olivares ’02, who serves as member-at-large for student relations. Seniors received a preview of WCAA-sponsored spring semester events with a focus on Candlelighting and keeping in touch with Wesleyan after graduation.

North Carolina

WELCOME BAGS FOR NEW STUDENTS. In August, new students received Welcome Goody Bags, complete with snacks and Wesleyan memorabilia. Ninety alumnae sponsored bags and some alumnae sponsored multiple bags! Members of the Macon Alumnae Club prepared and tagged bags that were distributed during registration on Move-In Day.

Socially-distanced Pioneer Book Club discussions continue as the NC Triangle Club prepares for the upcoming year. The Fearrington House Inn was the venue for the December book club meeting where club members invited all North Carolina alumnae to join them for a Christmas Dutch Treat Tea. The group’s annual meeting will take place on January 8, 2022, at The Carolina Country Club in Raleigh, and will feature guest speaker, Jill Hauver Celeste ’94, who will discuss her latest book, LOUD WOMAN: Good-bye, Inner Good Girl!

ALUMNAE-STUDENT NETWORKING DINNER. In October, students connected with area alumnae over dinner in the Manget Dining Room where networking was the main course on the menu and enjoying sisterhood was definitely the dessert! Sponsored by the Center for Career Development, the President’s Office and the Alumnae Affairs Office, the dinner was all about building relationships, sharing expertise, listening to entrepreneurship stories, and discussing the commonality and diversity of the Wesleyan experience – a highlight of the socially distanced evening.

North Carolina Triangle Club (Raleigh/Durham)

Got Sisterhood? Get Social . @wesleyancollege and @wesleyancollegeAA 30 42



Wesleyan College

CLUB facebook 1. ’68 Sisters Luncheon. In July, 25 classmates enjoyed a special minireunion at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. 2. Luncheon Line Up. GKs line up for the camera at the ’68 luncheon in July.





3. Sisterhood & Smiles. 1968 alumnae enjoyed a "Hoddy Toddy" Day in Atlanta. 4. Alumnae Workhorses. 1970 classmates (L-R) Kathy Arnold Hale, Emily Chase Cook, and Pat Grogan Borders met up at Wesleyan’s Equestrian Center to help with landscaping and other needs. 5. Sisterhood in Action. New students enjoyed receiving alumnae-sponsored “Welcome to Wesleyan” goody bags on Move-In Day. 6. Just Treats. Macon Club member Judy Whitaker (a.k.a. the Black-Eyed Pea) and Alumnae Director Cathy Snow (a.k.a. the Good Witch) handed out Halloween treats to students in Anderson Dining Hall.



7. Networking Night. In October, alumnae engaged with students at the Career Development Center’s Alumnae Networking Dinner. 8. Advice is Nice. Students appreciated career and job guidance from Wesleyan alumnae sisters at the networking dinner in the Manget Dining Room.


9. Getting Loud. In January, North Carolina Triangle Club alumnae will meet in Raleigh for the club’s annual luncheon featuring guest speaker and author Jill Hauver Celeste ’94. 8



Sisters of the First Five Black Alumnae Network. Group leaders met with President Vivia Fowler, Alumnae Director Cathy Coxey Snow ’71, Wesleyan Trustees Bryndis Roberts ’78 and Rev. Felecia Pearson Smith ’74 in August to discuss long-range plans for their group. Contact Najah Webb ’13, interim president of SOFF, for more information at najahstefanywebb@gmail.com. WESmag Winter 2021

Sympathy The Wesleyan College Alumnae Association extends sympathy to: Virginia Martin Lawrence ’45 on the death of her husband, Benjamin Lawrence, on December 23, 2020.

Suzanne Spence Joyce ’66 on the death of her husband, Thomas “Thom” Joyce, on July 29, 2020.

Jo Ann Chapple ’56 on the death of her cousin, Carla DuBose Kalec ’57, M.D., on August 26, 2021.

Alexis Xides Bighley ’67 on the death of her husband, John Bighley, on October 6, 2021.

Joan Maddox Sammons ’57 on the death of her daughter, Erin E. Sammons ’95, on August 15, 2021. Carolyn Wade Barry ’59 and Wade Mixon Putnal ’81 on the death of Carolyn’s sister and Wade’s mother, Marion “Toot” Wade Mixon ’56, on October 14, 2021. Marilyn Memory McMullan ’59 on the death of her daughter, Jane M. McMullan ’82, on October 1, 2021. Giulia R. La Cagnina Saucier ’60 on the death of her husband, Gene D. Saucier, on August 1, 2020. LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver ’62 on the death of her husband, Hoyt Oliver, on June 15, 2021. Martha Johnson Bennett ’63 on the death of her husband, Frank T. Bennett, Sr., on April 3, 2020. Suzanne Gosnell Joye ’64 on the death of her husband, Barry McLaurin Joye, on January 4, 2021. Amy Meyer Orr-Stokes ’64 on the death of her brother, James Andrews Meyer, on November 5, 2020. Jan Mewbourne Genest ’65 on the death of her husband, Mike Genest, on June 24, 2020.


Dot Ogden Brown ’67 on the death of her brother, William S. “Bill” Ogden, on June 15, 2021. Flo Williams Douglas ’67 on the death of her husband, Curtis David “Curt” Douglas, on October 6, 2021. Charlotte Babcock Ellis ’67 on the death of her mother, Mary Babcock James Bird, on September 21, 2020. Carolyn Curtiss Higgins ’68 on the death of her husband, John Richmond Higgins, Jr., on September 12, 2020. Wanda Saltmarsh Hopkins ’70 on the death of her mother, Dartha Lynn Saltmarsh, on April 12, 2021 (age 99). Sally Shingler Kurrie ’70 on the death of her sister, Susan Elizabeth Shingler, on September 9, 2020. Theresa Edwards Millsap ’70 on the death of her husband, Michael Hoyt “Mike” Millsap, on August 17, 2021. Becky Edenfield Lingerfelt ’71 on the death of her mother, Myrtle Edenfield, on December 20, 2020 (age 99). Kathy Weeks Leaman ’72 and Elizabeth “Izzy” Leaman Hague ’96, on the death of Kathy’s mother and Izzy’s grandmother, Helen Carol Johnson Weeks, on April 17, 2021.

Licia Drinnon Jackson ’74 and Lauren Drinnon Leskosky ’77 on the death of their mother, Elizabeth McCants Drinnon ’48, on July 20, 2021. Michelle Gadihle Sims ’76 on the death of her husband, Randall “Randy” Sims, on May 30, 2021. Lane McMurray Saunders ’78 on the death of her husband, Thomas Byron Saunders, on January 2, 2021. Cindy Smith Osterkamp ’81 on the death of her aunt, Anne Rose Pifer ’60, on May 29, 2021. Linda C. Johnson ’82 on the death of her sister, Mary Vaughn Johnson ’83, on March 7, 2021. Sackurato “Sarco” Tomita ’84 on the death of her mother, Hisako Tomita, on January 12, 2021. Sara King Pilger ’85 on the death of her mother, Charlotte Luke King, on February 25, 2021. Donna Hughes Burcham ’87 on the death of her father, Oscar H. Hughes, Jr., on June 27, 2020. Beth A. Galvin ’87 on the death of her sister, Erin Elizabeth Galvin Scranton, on April 19, 2021. Lara Carlton Blanchett ’91 on the death of her father, Edgar Ray Blanchett, on May 8, 2021. Hope Hahn Shields ’91 on the death of her brother, Robert Grady “Bert” Hahn, Jr., on July 5, 2021.

Mary Mitchell McKinnon ’97 on the death of her father, Roy Jefferson Pipkin, on October 9, 2021. Stacy Reynolds Forehand ’98 on the death of her husband, Travis T. Forehand, on September 25, 2021 - his birthday. Wendy Hitchcock Arnold ’00 on the death of her husband, Eric Brandon Arnold, on January 21, 2021. Glenda S. Clance ’00 on the death of her husband, James “Jim” Coleman, on August 31, 2021. Kaitlyn Rentz Lancaster ’12 on the death of her mother, Peggy Peacock Rentz O’Connell, on September 5, 2021. Kyzha T. Townes ’20 on the death of her grandfather, Douglas Williams Townes, on March 15, 2021. FACULTY, STAFF, AND TRUSTEES SYMPATHY & DEATHS Sympathy to Provost Melody Blake on the death of her mother, Carrol Diehm, on October 15, 2021, and on the death of her father-in-law, Peter Blake, on October 17, 2021. Sympathy to Hilary Kite, Ph.D., former professor of mathematics and interim dean, on the death of her husband, Tom Kight, on August 22, 2021. Ernest Lynwood “Lyn” Brooking III, former Wesleyan trustee, died on July 14, 2021. Dolores Jean Buttry, former associate professor of modern languages, died on July 1, 2021. Vivian Baucom Laird, former assistant registrar (1967-1969), died on June 26, 2021.

Marriages Congratulations to: Susan A. Cobleigh ’68 and George de Man who married on July 9, 2021. Kate Zaiger ’09 and Tom Ellington who married on September 25, 2021. Betsy Herlong ’12 and Adam Powers who married on June 26, 2021. Rebecca Parker ’15 and Nichole Kennedy who married on May 29, 2021.

ARLINE ATKINS FINCH CLASS OF 1956 June 23, 1934 – August 22, 2021

Beloved Wesleyan alumna, former admissions counselor for the state of Florida, and faculty member, Wesleyan College trustee, and “true, faithful, and loyal” Green Knight Arline Atkins Finch passed away peacefully on Sunday, August 22, 2021, in Gainesville, Florida, following a brief illness. A native of West Palm Beach, Arline and her husband Ronald M. Finch of Lake Worth, resided at Oak Hammock, a continuing care retirement facility in Gainesville. During her student years at Wesleyan College, Arline was president of the Student Government Association and participated in Student Senate. She served on the athletic board representing several sports she played and, during her senior year in 1956, she was named “Miss Wesleyan.” Following her graduation, she received a master’s degree in English and history from Emory University in 1958 and taught English in Beverly, Massachusetts, before returning to Wesleyan as an instructor and an admissions counselor. Arline was honored with the Alumnae Association’s Distinguished Service Award in 1976 and remained faithful to her alma mater throughout her lifetime. She served as a member of Wesleyan’s board of trustees for eleven years and earned membership in the Stanback Society for her loyal support of the College. She helped spearhead fundraising efforts for the 1956 class gift of the Green Knight Greenhouse housed on the top of Munroe Science Center, and always served on her class reunion committee. A porch at Pierce Chapel and Willet Library’s Academic Resource Center are named for Arline and Ron Finch in recognition of their generosity to Wesleyan College. Arline belonged to the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) and co-authored P.E.O.- Fifty Years in Florida, a book that may be found in the Library of Congress. Married to Ron for 60 years, Arline was valuable to his career as a banking executive, frequently traveling with him and entertaining in their home. In addition to their Florida residence, they enjoyed the quiet mountain life in Waynesville, NC. Arline is survived by her husband Ron and was preceded in death by her sister, Evelyn June Atkins Malloy, who died in November 2020. A private burial will take place at a future time. Memorial gifts may be made to Wesleyan College. Arline led a full, rich life, remaining true to her favorite quote by Sir Henry Royce: “Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble.” She will be immeasurably missed by all who knew and loved her.

In Memoriam 1940 1945 1946 1948 1951 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1964 1966 1968 1972 1974 1976 1982 1983 1995 2007 2021

Christine Florence Houseal Polly Standifer Meadors Frances Stanaland Lindley Elizabeth McCants Drinnon Carolyn Knopf Higgs Graham Peggy Worrell Murphy Elizabeth Barber McClure Rose Holmes Shoptaw Elspeth Simmons Corley Susan Bunn Woodward Thyrza White McClure Carolyn Sims Brooks Arline Atkins Finch Marion Wade Mixon Patricia Harper White Carla DuBose Kalec Jane Lowe Payne Sylvia Hartman Smith Saralyn Jennings Bowman Sara Anne Frazier Johnson Virginia Chase Bartels Kelly Anne Rose Pifer Margaret Pearce Svoboda Camille Mallard Gardner Glenda Barrett Bull Becky Johnson Jobson Ingram Elizabeth Seals Sims Carolyn Brandes Wilson Babs Richardson Pirkle Eileen Moffitt Batchelor Judith Thompson Duff Regina S. Bland Jane M. McMullan Mary Vaughn Johnson Erin E. Sammons Jessica Marie Robinson Cynthia Hires McClendon WESmag WESmag Winter Winter 2020/2021 2021

Alumnae Weekend APRIL 21, 22, 23, & 24, 2022


2022 =




More Sisterhood Fun! Alumnae Weekend 2020 Reunion Classes

1940 1945 1950

1955 1960 1965

1970 1975 1980

1985 1990 1995

2000 2005 2010

2015 2019

Alumnae Weekend 2021 Reunion Classes 1941 1946 1951

1956 1961 1966

1971 1976 1981

1986 1991 1996

2001 2006 2011

2016 2020

Alumnae Weekend 2022 Reunion Classes 1942 1947 1952

1957 1962 1967

1972 1977 1982

See you in ’22!

1987 1992 1997

2002 2007 2012

2017 2021

For more information about this weekend: wesleyancollege.edu/alumnaeweekend



Thanks to you Since 1836, Wesleyan College has been blessed year after year by alumnae and friends who have an innate desire to make a difference. As investors in Wesleyan College and in her future, you have demonstrated a keen sense of pride in knowing your gifts, both large and small, make a remarkable difference in the lives of our students, women who are learning how to become tomorrow’s leaders. Our accomplished students and alumnae are everyday examples of our continued success and of our far-reaching contributions to communities around the world. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your immense kindness and generosity this past year – and every year!

PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $25,000 or more

Georgia United Methodist

James Hyde Porter Charitable Trust

Charlotte Battle Everbach ’52 Bequest

Atrium Health Navicent

Judy Woodward Gregory ’63 The Hall-Knox Foundation

Joyce Reddick Schafer ’55

Trudie Parker Fickling ’65 and

Alexis Xides Bighley ’67 and John A. Bighley *

Patricia Grogan Borders ’70 Stanford M. Brown

Sylvia Maxwell Brown ’63

Elizabeth Martin Bunte ’68 and Louis E. Bunte

Candy and Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr.

Foundation, Inc.

Lura Harrell Hammock ’89

Mary Ann Pollard Houghland ’60 Anne and Andrew H. Knox

Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ’75

Linda Harriet Lane Fund of the

Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Patricia Stewart Burgess Family

Nancy Dixon Lutz ’60 * and

Thomas C. Burke Foundation

Brock & Nancy Lutz Charitable Fund of

Foundation, Inc.

Jane Johnson Butler ’65 and G. Marshall Butler

Betty Turner Corn ’47

The Elizabeth T. and Lovick P. Corn

Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley

Robert J. Edenfield

Arline Atkins Finch ’56 * and Ronald M. Finch, Jr.

Georgia Independent College Association, Inc.

Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education

Brock M. Lutz

the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Margaret T. MacCary

Margaret T. MacCary Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Wendy J. MacMahon ’78 Bequest

Betty Nunn Mori ’58 * and Jean A. Mori Navicent Health Foundation

Catharine Elizabeth Neylans ’51 Bequest Colleen and Samuel A. Nunn, Jr. Colleen & Sam Nunn Family Foundation

Stephanie E. Parker ’81

Ninfa M. Saunders

Susan Towns Sharp ’68 * and Alan G. Sharp

Suelle M. Swartz ’67

Susan Woodward Walker ’70 and J. Otey Walker III

Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ’64

Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.

JAMES HYDE PORTER SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 Our sincerest apologies to our loyal donors (names in purple) who were accidentally omitted in the printed version of this Annual Report. Hannah L. Allen ’80

William A. Fickling, Jr.

Katherine McArthur and Waldo E. Floyd III

Joan Shapiro Foster ’56

Vivia L. and Richard Fowler

John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Leonard T. Furlow, Jr.

Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation, Inc. E. J. Grassmann Trust Hays Service, LLC

Sharon and Cal Hays, Jr. Toni L. Jennings ’71

John-Wesley Villas, Inc.

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Bob Knox, Jr. Fund of The Community

William H. Anderson II

William H. Anderson II Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund

Clark and Ruby Baker Foundation Julia G. and Cecil A. Baldwin, Jr. Bearings and Drives, Inc.

Charlotte B. and Brian E. Bogle Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ’68

William I. H. and Lula E. Pitts Foundation

Fickling Family Foundation, Inc.

Brown & Watson, Inc.

Charlotte Babcock Ellis ’67

Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area

Ligon Foundation

Janice A. Mays ’73

Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ’60 MCT Wholesale

Beverly F. Mitchell ’68

Debbie Stevenson Moses ’89 Claire Michaels Murray ’52

Gifts to Wesleyan College FY2021



$53,418.24 $2,500.00 $15,000.00

Alumna Trustees



$382,883.39 $67,081.57 $230,831.44

Corporations Estates, Trusts, Bequests Faculty, Staff, and Students Foundations Parents and Friends Church Grand Total Gifts made between July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021



$49,917.75 $117,000.00 $11,692.57 $467,606.09






$357,658.30 $604,807.00 $295,000.00 $94,434.43



$100,533.33 $480.00 $1,742,339.55



$738,866.20 * deceased

Andy H. Nations

Georgia Power Company, Macon

The W. Michael & Elizabeth C. Ogie Fund

Goddard Foundation

Elizabeth C. and W. Michael Ogie

of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley

Casey and Wilds M. Ogie

The Wilds M. Ogie Fund of the

Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley

Elizabeth H. and George F. Pickett, Jr. Amy V. and Tyler J. Rauls, Jr.

Joan Maddox Sammons ’57

Sydney H. and T. Alfred Sams, Jr. Glenn Shaw

Mary Beth Brown Swearingen ’89

Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Cynthia D. Wright ’75

Dorothy Smith Yandle ’55

Charles H. Yates, Jr. Bequest

GEORGE FOSTER PIERCE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 Elizabeth Mackay Asbury ’49

Kathleen Hill Goddard ’77 and Robert C. Goddard III Gray Television, Inc.

Charlotte Jolly Hale ’62 and Floyd C. Hale

Benevity Community Impact Fund of the American Online Giving Foundation

Lois F. and Robert A. Bowen, Jr. R.A. Bowen Trust

Kathleen DeBerry Brungard ’67

Anne Purvis Church ’51 Bequest

Anne P. Church Charitable Endowment Fund of the East Tennessee Foundation

Jane Price Claxton ’68 and Joseph E. Claxton

Glennda Kingry Elliott ’65

Georgia Power Company, Atlanta

Endowment 21%

Gifts-in-Kind 1%

Laura Lowe Harmon ’72 and Barrie H. Harmon III

Edward D. Huthnance Bequest Diana P. Jeffreys ’64

Suzanne Woodham Juday ’69 Janet M. Lawrence ’80 and

Lindsay Lemasters Lewis ’80

Barbara Beddingfield Magnan ’81

Unrestricted Annual Fund 46%

Capital 17%

Mary Stephens Malone ’80

Susan Thigpen McDuffie ’53 Sally Moffett McKenna ’75

McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co., LLC

Restricted Annual Fund 26%

NextEra Energy Foundation, Inc. Emily P. Norton ’45 Bequest

Lori Reese Patton ’90 and Macon Patton Stephen A. Reichert

Gifts by Source

Stephen A. Reichert Fund of the

Community Foundation of Central

William E. Baird, Jr.

Martha Gragg Bates ’45

Gifts by Fund

Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.

Georgia, Inc.

Rotary Foundation Carla Ruiz-Ney ’08

Wm & Marjorie Squires Charitable Gift

Friends & Parents 11%

Foundations 30%

Church 2% Trustees 2%

Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund

Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ’96

Deidra West Smith ’96 and Taylor W. Smith

Marjorie Perkins Squires ’51 and William H. Squires

Faculty, Staff, & Students 1%

Alumnae Trustees 7%

Mary Langel Stults ’81

Melissa Lane Thomas ’69 William Tribble

Marilyn A. Vickers ’67

Geovette E. Washington ’89

Estates, Trusts, & Bequests 21%

Alumnae 22% Corporations 4%


$30,750.00 $101,668.24 $2,830.00 $228,702.01 $5,850.00

$286,802.24 $909,498.41 $184,460.32

$500.00 $102,168.24 $0.00 $23,820.00 $0.00

$286,802.24 $933,318.41 $184,460.32









$60,100.00 $1,317,565.30 $164,420.00


$0.00 $101,013.33 $936,894.17


$0.00 $1,317,565.30 $10,200.00


$0.00 $101,013.33 $41,415.00

$4,354,972.15 WESmag Winter 2021

CANDLER CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999

Barbara A. Bryant ’67

Betty Smith Addison ’51

Pamela Stott Callihan ’67

Houghland Foundation

Jo An Johnson Chewning ’66

W. Quinn Hudson

The Elam Alexander Trust

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Lorinda Lou Beller ’64

Birdsey Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Marsha Lynn Christy ’73 and John D. Christy

Gayle Attaway Findlay ’55 Eris M. Hall

Norma D. Hanley

Juliette Adams Hawk ’57

Andgelia Proctor Kelly ’68 Elizabeth Rogers Kelly ’72 Janis and Doyle Kelly

Eleanor Adams Lane ’58

Mills Bee Lane Memorial Foundation Law Offices of John D. Christy, P.C. Margaret M. Mathews ’73 Donald T. McNeill, Jr.

D T McNeill Foundation Ruth McNeill

Ginny and Guy Millner

Margaret Thompson Monahan ’67 Network for Good

Pamela Henry Pate ’71 and Barry Pate Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer ’66

Babs Richardson Pirkle ’68 * and Walter A. Pirkle

Alfred and Sydney Sams Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Cathy Coxey Snow ’71

Mary Ann Bateman Spell ’68

Jessica Kendrick Thomas ’08 Kay B. and Wayne J. West

Andrea G. and Lawrence B. Williford

Susan L. Holloway ’82

Margaret Craig Bryant ’63

Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter Daphne Murph Chapman ’67 Carolyn and F. Bradford Clifton

Ann McDonald Hurt ’64

Walter Clifton Family Fund of the

IBM Corporation

Community Foundation for

Judy Hopkins Jacobs ’67

Greater Atlanta, Inc.

Martha V. Johnson ’74

Mary N. Cobb ’50

Suzanne Gosnell Joye ’64

Jyoti Danes Coffelt ’05

Mark Jurgensen

Barbara Roland Colwell ’70 and

Suzanne Jones Kahn ’61

Robert F. Colwell

Robert H. Kahn, Jr. Family Foundation

Emily Chase Cook ’70 and

Ann Kinnick Keane ’69

Charles M. Cook

W. Moffett Kendrick

Victoria Buxton Cork ’77

Leila K. Kight ’68

Gloria Boyette Corker ’60

Susan Taylor King ’63 and Robert E. King *

Cathy Cox

Linda Haygood Davis ’77

Nancy C. Kinzer

Jack DeMave

Kari Goellner Kitchens ’91

Emily Hardman Dickey ’58

Mary Ann Ward Dudley ’68 ECHO Incorporated

Scott Laster

Melanie Filson Lewis ’93

Lucille A. and Joseph W. Little

Lisa Hullender Filkins ’96

Margaret Strickland Lovein ’75

Amy M. Fletcher '06

Leesa Akins Flora ’87 and Roger L. Flora Evelyn LeRoy Fortson ’52 and

Richard Lowrance Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Kym Preuss Lukosky ’90

George W. Franklin

Macon Power

Gena Roberts Franklin ’71 and

Diane A. Lumpkin ’63

Carol Broome Fraune ’69

Nan G. Maddux ’75

Ruth White Fruit ’54

Harriett E. Mayo ’71

May Morgan Ackerman ’94 and

Selma Middlebrooks Gore ’75

Nancy Reeder Akins ’60

Joan B. and Warren Griffin, Jr.

William H. Allen

Elizabeth W. Hardin

Virginia Pritchard Ashby ’76

Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ’62 and

Automatic Data Processing, LLC

Olivia Lopez Hartenstein ’65

Bailey Family Community Trust Fund

Peggy Parrish Hasty ’71

Jane Ward Gault ’70

Georgia Pine Level Foundation Carol A. Goodloe ’75

Susan Brown Allen ’17 and Carla T. Asbell Dennis ’87

Salina Metts Harkleroad ’71

Peggy Likes Miller ’65

Eugene T. Harrison III

Martha Bielmann Hastings ’52

Georgia W. and Robert F. Hatcher

Regina S. Bland ’76 *

Elizabeth Gibbons Montis ’66

Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.

Anne McGee Morganstern ’58

Kathryne Meeks Sanders ’65

Judith Kuhn Schlichter ’64 and Ralph Schlichter

Brenda Self-Medlin

Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ’61 Elizabeth D. Shavers ’12

Nancy Peterson Shaw ’58

Jane Courtenay Shockley ’56 Karen Connor Shockley ’63

Betty Westmoreland Shuster ’66

Bertha and William P. Simmons, Jr.

Simmons Charitable Trust Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Jennifer L. and Dana L. Smoak

Starr Electrical Contractors, LLC Bonnie and Joe Starr

Joyce Brandon Starr ’63

Linda McElroy Steed ’58 Ruth Powell Storts ’93 Ann Scott Terry ’70

Julie St. John Thornton ’78 Casey J. Thurman ’65

Ashling Thurmond Osborne ’05 Reba Thurmond ’57 Deana C. Trott

Robert M. and Lilias Baldwin Turnell Foundation

Verah Dorsey Turner ’88

Deborah C. van der Lande Allyn Ballou Veatch ’68

Vulcan Materials Company

Annthonette M. Watkins ’01 Kirsten Johansen Welch ’71 Jane Powers Weldon ’59 Susan C. Wheelis ’95

Judith L. Whitaker ’75

Almonese B. and Ralph W. Williams Katherine C. Wilson

The Katherine Corn Wilson Fund of

the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley

Jiarui Xu

Russell E. Nolan

Susan Kirvin Ogburn ’67

Ogburn Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. ’61

Betty Jo Watson Bowdre ’49

Dawn Gochnour Hoffman ’95 and

Joyce Paris ’54

38 Gifts made between July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021

Deen Day and James R. Sanders, Jr.

Newbern Foundation

The National Christian Foundation

Maria Salter Higgins ’57

Christopher Hoffman

Bryndis W. Roberts ’78

Beth Milstead Wilson ’96

Melody and Christopher Blake

Sandra Lumpkin Bryan ’66

John D. Reynolds III

Susan M. and B. Douglas Morton III

Judith Miller Newbern ’67

Betsy K. and Robert F. Hatcher, Jr.

Clinton G. Hobbs

Rita Parker McGarity ’75

MetroPower, Inc.

Peggy Jones Hall ’83 and Kirk Hall

Christy and Russ Henry

Carolyn Martin McCrea ’65

Marybelle Proctor Menzel ’62

JoAnne Graf

Susie Black ’75

Susan Gallas Mazzola ’90

Elizabeth O'Donnell Menkhaus ’76

Robert K. Ackerman

Central Georgia, Inc.

Richard H. Lowrance *

Norman J. Fortson


of the Community Foundation of

Dana Flanders Laster ’86 and Martha Bell Lewis ’60

Dave Evans

Harriet Laslie Reynolds ’62 and

Candace W. and Edward D. Springer

Sam P. Lamback, Jr.

Annetta Zimmerman Elliott ’67 Natalie Puckett Evans ’02 and

Sara E. Randall

Virginia Harshbarger Lamback ’66 and Bruce Langford

Mary Moore English ’60

Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ’63

David B. Smith

Glenda Thomas Ellington ’70 and Carl M. Ellington

Virginia Barber Perkins ’63

Abbie Smoak Lacienski ’01

Betty Sweet Simmons Ladson

Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw ’59

Gwen Futral Gallagher-Howard ’88

Sonya and William Ayears II

Calvin M. Holman

Millie Parrish Hudson ’75 and

Rachel A. Fullerton ’10

Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club

Virginia Ann Daniel Holman ’75 and

Hilda A. Wright ’65

Virginia Sumerford York ’60

FOUNTAIN CLUB $500 - $999

Nancy C. Panoz ’03

Alumnae listed in the class giving section.

George R. Parkerson, Jr.

Amazon Smile Foundation

* deceased

AXA Foundation

Al and Joanne Burgess Fund of the

The Atkinson Casey Agency Inc.

William J. Cutler, Jr.

Patricia W. Bass

Conditioned Air, Inc.

Christopher Ayears

Russell Davis

Holly L. Boettger-Tong

W. Elliott Dunwody III Fund of the

Catherine T. Baker Bethany and H. Brannon Bennett, Jr. Booz Allen Hamilton William A. Burns

Schwab Charitable Fund

William F. Duckett

Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Brad Busbee

James B. Ferrari

Winifred D. and Nicholas H. Cobb, Jr.

Roy E. Fruit *

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Community Health Systems Foundation Whitney A. Davis Janet E. Dawson J. David Deck

M. Kimbrough Donner Connie and Carl Flair

George H. Johnson Properties Thomas F. Higgins C. Terry Holland

Mary Ann Howard

Janet and George H. Johnson Benjamin Kantor

Marion H. Liles, Jr.

Mark R. MacMahon Glenna A. Meyer

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Sidney E. Middlebrooks

Mary T. Monfort Fund of the Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.

R. Stephen Morgan

Morning Music Club

Ann and James L. Moses

Melinda and Robert L. Moye II Kristina Peavy

Catherine Schmitt Whitaker

James Fleenor

GEICO Philanthropic Foundation

Mary Susan Bardsley

Kathleen M. Barksdale John H. Barnes

Thomas A. Barrow, Jr.

Virginia and Tom Barrow Fund of the

Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc.

Stephanie G. Baugh

William L. Hammond

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Beckham, Jr.

Shearon and Taylor Glover Foundation, Inc. Charles E. Harman Quintress L. Hollis

Robert C. Hughes, Jr.

Barbara Donovan Jenkins

Katherine M. and David M. Kalish Aaron Kirkwood

M. Craig Matthews

Emily and Michael D. McCord

Glenna D. and J. Patrick Meyer, Jr.

Timothy H. Baughman Brooke Bennett-Day

Lynn and Thomas H. Benson Jack K. Berry

Beta Sigma Phi Theta Chapter Biogen Foundation, Inc. Ken Blair

Virginia Blake

Bold Springs United Methodist Church (Cairo Charge)

Ryan Miller

Susan M. Bond

Yoshi Nagao

Joe Jean Borowski

Bobby Moore Neurology Associates LLP Chris E. Orlie Anita Ranta

Bebe and Albert P. Reichert, Jr.

Carol F. Rossiter and Stephen E. Sturek, Jr. Jane Sheffield

Bridges W. Smith, Jr.

South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church

Rosemary and John Spiegel

Claire M. and G. Boone Smith III

Mary E. Thompson Fund of the Fidelity

State Farm Companies Foundation

Libby Bailey

Harry W. Gilmer

Hector M. Siqueiros Penny Siqueiros

Stephen J. Axelberg

Terry Tasaki

Charitable Gift Fund

Helen Borello and Ira Berman Irene Botero Karen Bray

Lindsey Bray

Bright Funds Foundation Arthur D. Brook

Debra J. Brook and Michael F. Kemp Bryan L. Brooks

Linda B. Browne

Rhiannon Bruner

Sherrill O. and R. Lawson Bryan Nancy D. Brynteson

Robert J. Taylor IV

Linda Walker Fund of the Renaissance

Candice Cagle

The Walt Disney Company Foundation H. Mitchell Watson, Jr.

Susan T. and Stephen M. Welsh Jessica White

Barbara S. Woodson

Mary Jane M. and Pat M. Woodward

1836 CLUB $250 - $499 Alumnae listed in the class giving section.

Charitable Foundation Inc.

Michael Zima


Alumnae listed in the class giving section. Theresa P. Abercrombie Carla Adams

Anita B. and Thomas E. Adams

Allen Gifting Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Anonymous Gifts

James E. Anderson

Robert W. Batten

Suzie and Fletcher C. Anderson

Rodney Bryan

Dennis L. Applebee, Jr.

Joanne and Al Burgess

Charles E. Atchley, Jr.

Atlanta Saddlery

Nancy B. and R. Lanier Anderson III

Veronica W. and William P. Brooks

Latasha Andre

Joanna Buffington and William D. Brook

AT&T Foundation

Andi Day

Saralyn H. DeSmet

Linda and Henry L. DeWitt Jeffrey A. Dick

Pamela S. Dittmer Melanie Doherty Jane A. Dolan

Deidra D. Donmoyer

Shanon R. and Steven F. Dooley Laurie B. and James T. Douglas Kevin Duke

Roger W. Dunaway, Jr.

Christopher B. Duncan Alfranda Durr

M. Boyd Edwards

Walter D. Edwards M. Paul Efland III Svend Egholm Gene Elder

Kate D. and Benton Evans II Mariann C. Evans Rita Evans

Kel-Ann S. and James W. Eyler Glenda K. Ferguson Thomas P. Ferrell Ann M. Fincher Katie Flair

Vi Ann S. and Paul R. Foster Rae A. Foster

Whitney Foster

Friendship United Methodist Church (Cairo Charge)

Samuel Gandy

Mightycause Foundation

John M. Burns

Joseph A. Wall

Davisboro United Methodist Church

Sirena S. Fritz

Kevin L. Ulshafer

Brandi T. Vorhees

Tammy M. Davis

Patricia Sterling Brzezinski Fund of the

John H. Stevenson

Nancy R. Tarbutton

Meagon Davis

Laura and James J. Bynum III Glenda K. Carroll Leanne Cartee Helen Carter

Martha T. Cates

Susan Champlin

Sergey Chernokov Cindy P. Childs

Robin Chisolm-Seymour John Christopher Carol J. Clark

Stephen Clawson

Dianne and Lewis C. Cody, Jr.

Cynthia H. and James A. Comer Laurel L. and Edward D. Conner

Ann F. and John W. Copeland Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Linda L. Copeland

Nancy C. and Donald J. Cornett

Mary C. and Vincent J. Coughlin, Jr. Sabra and Jay S. Cowart Timothy Crosby

Stephanie and Thomas D. Gaither, Jr. Benjamin M. Garland

Suzanne and Michael R. Garrett Diane and Ronald S. Gatlin Charles F. Gattis, Jr. William R. Gill

Elizabeth S. and F. Waverly Golson, Jr. Larry B. Greenberg Randy Gregg

Susan and Paul H. Grier Steven Haberlin Valerie Haftel Alexis Hall

James W. Halloran Anne C. Hanse

Kathy and C. Dale Harman Shauna Harris

Howard R. Hart, Jr. James W. Hart Tonya Harter

William A. Hawkins

Ann H. and William G. Hays, Jr. Lucinda B. Headrick

Martha W. and John L. Helgerson

WESmag Winter 2021

Sharon and Paul Hermann

Heather W. Melvin

Betsy S. and Dean H. Hines

Edom A. Meshesha

Kyle Herring

Sally N. Hinkle

Helen W. Hinson Ray Hodges

Mary Hoffman

Sara T. Holcomb

Denise W. Holloway

Hopewell United Methodist Church Martha R. House Angela R. Hoyt

Karen E. Huber and Nicholas Steneck

John Mitchell

Carole H. Johnston Julie A. Jones

Cedrella C. Jones-Taylor

Joy Kaczor Fund of the Mightycause Foundation

Catherine A. and Timothy E. Kehoe Mark L. Kelley Mary L. Kind

Robert G. Kopp Kara Kostiuk

Kroger Company Foundation John B. and Cathy Lafitte

Lamon Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Troy D. Lawson

Laura K. and Joseph Lease

Lee Street United Methodist Church G. Bryan Leskosky

Bradley Levenberg

Alexia A. and William L. Lieber Linton United Methodist Church of Sparta Fred W. Livezey

Karen Lockwood Jonathan Long Steve Lucas

Joan G. Luerssen

Donna M. and Bill J. Luti Harriet Madison Kathy L. Malone Monty T. Martin

Millie and James Matthews Laura and Whit Matthews Michele May

Judith Mayer

Julie McCormick

Frances McCrary Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Mary Sue McDaniel Margaret McDevitt

Michael C. McGhee

Sally R. and Albert W. McKay, Jr. Megan McMahon

Katherine F. McMaster Paul H. McTear, Jr.

Laura W. and Carter Smith, Jr.

Automatic Data Processing, LLC

Teresa P. Smotherman

Bank of America

Church of Fitzgerald

Biogen Foundation, Inc.

Trudi Sterne

GEICO Philanthropic Foundation

Rachel Stewart

IBM Corporation

Kayla Stroud

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Rosa T. Sumter

State Farm Companies Foundation

Clark W. Smith

Dotty I. Morgan

Peg K. and John H. Morrison, Jr.

John H. Morrison, Jr. and Margaret

Knox Morrison Fund of the Cabarrus County Community Foundation

Anthony M. Nardotti

Gena P. Jackson

Madeline Skiba

Steve Skalko

Marguerite H. and Elliott H. Sisson, Jr.

Jo Anne F. Miller

Nahunta United Methodist Church Mallory Neil

Oak Grove United Methodist Church Shane Odom

Cindy and George Campbell Oetter, Jr. William W. Oliver, Jr. William W. Orr * James A. Pardo

Park Avenue United Methodist Church Gene D. Paulsson

Julia R. and Rush A. Peace

Mary J. and William R. Smith

AXA Foundation

St. Peters United Methodist

Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Margaret and Nicholas Steneck

Community Health Systems Foundation

Emilee G. Stevenson

Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.

Laura Strausberg

Merck Partnership for Giving

Ronald D. Stubbs

NextEra Energy Foundation, Inc.

Tom M. Swain

The Walt Disney Company Foundation

Deonna S. Tanner


Ernst Takacs

Arlene G. Taylor

William Dean Terrell *

Carolyn C. Pennington

Sandra S. Tharpe

Paula and Hank S. Perkins

Theo Thevaos

Linda L. and Arnold D. Pernell

Dr. Theo G. and Artemisia D. Thevaos

Art Pettigrue

Family Fund of the Fidelity

Thomas E. Phillips

Charitable Gift Fund

Yasmin Pineda

Julie and Reid Thomas

W. Warren Plowden, Jr.

Janet C. and Clarence B. Torrance

John H. Pleck

John G. Thompson

William A. Pointer

Margaret and James N. Townsend

Debbie Poss

Jessica L. Tucker

Todd J. Powell

Elizabeth A. and David J. Ulfik

Mark A. Preston

Virginia S. and Michael N. Puckett Ashlie A. Pullen

Ashton Ragone

United Way of Olmstead County, Inc. Marilyn E. Vanderpool Kayla Walker Alycia Ward

W. Alan Randolph

Margaret M. and Elmer J. Waterman

KaShanda Ray

Anita M. Weir

Patty Reid

Mavis and Jeffrey Wener

Robert J. Reynolds

Wesleyan College Alumnae Association

Barry Rhoades

Donald West

Zeke Rhodes

Mary Anne B. and Tom Richardson Robert G. Robbins

Marsha W. Roberts

Westtown United Methodist Church

Fernando Rodriguez

Sandersville United Methodist Church Tyler Schwaller

Chris Woodhouse

Woodland United Methodist Church of Cairo

Scott and Associates

David Wright

Sempra Employee Giving Network

Arthur G. Wroble

Seth Semones J.P. Shelby

Shelton Chapel United Methodist Church Sandra K. Sherman Paul K. Shumpert

40 Gifts made between July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021

Charles M. Cook

Emily Chase Cook ’70 and Charles M. Cook Jack DeMave

Vivia L. and Richard Fowler Megan Smith Heath ’15

Estate of Edward D. Huthnance Mark Jurgensen

Janis and Doyle Kelly Brock Lutz

Anne Harden Murphy ’70

Claire Michaels Murray ’52 William Tribble

Kay B. and Wayne J. West


Anne P. Church Charitable Endowment

Marilyn N. Windham

Saltmarsh, Cleveland & Gund

Cynthia H. and James A. Comer

Amanda Wiggs

Angela and George Williamson

Barbara and James D. Rowan

Sonya and William Ayears II

Angela M. White

Stephanie and Richard Williams

Rocio A. Rodriguez

Many thanks to alumnae and friends who generously donated in-kind gifts or services to Wesleyan in the last fiscal year.

Wesleyan College is grateful for these legacies we received from donors during the past year.

Andrew Wheeler Donna G. White

Bruce R. Robins


We are grateful for these companies and corporate foundations who matched their employees’ gifts to Wesleyan during this last fiscal year.

Ashley C. and Daniel Miller

Mary A. and Francis R. Millar

Scott A. Huguley J.C. Lewis Ford

of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Polly B. and Charles L. Simpson

Paul M. Murrell

Regina B. Oost and Joseph A. Iskra, Jr.

Frank & Mary Simpkins Family Giving Fund

Keri and Charles Michaelis

Elizabeth Hubler

James W. Hughes

Mary and Frank Simpkins

Merck Partnership for Giving

Teresa Wright Hang Xia

Kenneth B. Young

Fund of the East Tennessee Foundation

Anne Purvis Church ’51

Charlotte Battle Everbach ’52 Edward D. Huthnance

Wendy Coffman MacMahon ’78 Betty Nunn Mori ’58

Catharine Elizabeth Neylans ’51

Emily P. Norton ’45

Charles H. Yates, Jr.

Ying Zhen

* deceased

Forever First Society

Chartered in 1989, Wesleyan's planned giving society recognizes alumnae and friends who make estate plans benefiting Wesleyan College. To best reflect the Society's significant, lasting impact well beyond the 21st century, it is now named the Forever First Society. We are grateful to Forever First Society members who strengthen and sustain the future of Wesleyan and her students through their generous commitments.

Anonymous May Morgan Ackerman ’94 and Robert K. Ackerman Betty Smith Addison ’51 Hannah L. Allen ’80 Susan Brown Allen ’17 Debra McGee Ambrose ’84 Linda G. Anderson ’71 William H. Anderson II Ruth Wong Arnow ’56 William E. Baird, Jr. Kathleen P. Ballou Patricia W. Bass Martha Gragg Bates ’45 Edwina Hall Beall ’53 Lorinda Lou Beller ’64 Alexis Xides Bighley ’67 Loyd H. Black, Jr. Regina S. Bland ’76 * Georgann Dessau Blum ’47 Sylvia Fesco Bond ’81 * Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ’68 Kathy A. Bradley ’78 Beulah Laslie Brinson Bird ’58 Jane Speir Brook ’76 * Barbara A. Bryant ’67 Patricia Sterling Brzezinski ’84 Elizabeth Martin Bunte ’68 and Louis E. Bunte Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter Cynthia Costello Busbee ’92 Carol Hindman Butler ’78 Jane Johnson Butler ’65 Helen E. Cannon ’60 Jo Ann Johnson Chewning ’66 Susan Lott Clark ’46 Susan A. Cobleigh ’68 Nannette Coco '73 and Karlyn A. Sturmer ’75 Frances Oehmig Collins ’47 Barbara Roland Colwell ’70 Anne M. Cordeiro ’92 Gloria Boyette Corker ’60 Betty Turner Corn ’47 Pamela Davis Corvelli ’98 Laurel Dean Gray Craft ’46 * Peggy Chesnutt Daniel ’91 Mildred Taylor Dennis ’57 Emily Hardman Dickey ’58 Berta Dodd-Marbut ’58 Mary Nunn Domingos ’46 Eloise Maxwell Doty ’68 Jo Duke ’84 Beth Mason Duncan ’61 Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw ’59 Robert J. Edenfield Mildred Fincher Efland ’42 Annetta Zimmerman Elliott ’67 Glennda Kingry Elliott ’65 Bee Seckinger Epley ’58

Trudie Parker Fickling ’65 Arline Atkins Finch ’56 * and Ronald M. Finch, Jr. Gayle Attaway Findlay ’55 Amy M. Fletcher ’06 Leesa Akins Flora ’87 and Roger L. Flora Joan Shapiro Foster ’56 Vivia L. Fowler Gena Roberts Franklin ’71 Tina D. Gann ’94 Ashley Garrett ’90 Anne H. and J. Harper Gaston Maria Shackelford Gause ’90 Jackie Herron Gilmer ’76 and Harry W. Gilmer Caroline Oliver Goff ’92 Lisa DiMuro Gosnell ’82 Judy Woodward Gregory ’63 Eleanor Laslie Griffin ’60 Mildred Roads Griffith ’49 Charlotte Jolly Hale ’62 and Floyd C. Hale Mary Pierpont Riley Hall '57 Laura Lowe Harmon ’72 and Barrie H. Harmon III Robyn Harmon ’77 Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ’62 Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn ’49 Betty Upchurch Hasty ’55 Pamela Lohr Hendrix ’88 Cynthia L. Hershey ’91 Carol Inman Heyward ’60 Nancy Hill-Bates ’61 Betty Smith Hipps ’68 Sally Blake Hodo ’69 C. Terry Holland Susan L. Holloway ’82 Virginia Ann Daniel Holman ’75 and Calvin M. Holman Julie Houston Trieste ’98 Anne Scarborough Hughes ’78 Mollie Elizabeth Hughes ’06 Lucy Cline Huie ’41 * Anita Stern Isaac ’76 Jessica L. Jarman ’99 Janet Friberg Jarrett ’78 Parrish Smotherman Jenkins ’06 Suzanne McNatt Johnson ’60 Catherine Gibbons Jost ’70 Carla DuBose Kalec ’57 * Dana Karstensen-Bryan ’99 Carol Bacon Kelso ’73 Julia Stillwell Ketcham ’58 Kari Goellner Kitchens ’91 Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr. Ruth A. Knox ’75 Nancy L. Lamb ’95 Eleanor Adams Lane ’58 Kayron McMinn Laska ’87 and John Laska

Janet M. Lawrence ’80 and Lindsay Lemasters Lewis ’80 Melanie Filson Lewis ’93 Betty Kemper Lhotka ’57 Betty Jordan Lippitt ’74 Betty I-May Lo ’95 Richard H. Lowrance * Nancy Middleton Lucia ’65 Diane A. Lumpkin ’63 Margaret T. MacCary Beverly Hinely MacMahon ’74 Wendy Coffman MacMahon ’78 * Nan G. Maddux ’75 Patricia Shriver Mancuso ’60 Nancy Van Aken Marti ’64 Jane Silverman Mason ’66 Virginia Mason ’65 Jeanon M. Massien ’84 Lucile Adams Mathews ’66 Elizabeth N. Mathis ’96 William M. Matthews Harriett E. Mayo ’71 Carolyn Martin McCrea ’65 Michele L. McDuffie ’99 Rita Parker McGarity ’75 Sally Moffett McKenna ’75 Barbara Bird McLendon ’60 Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ’60 Sally Griffie Mehalko ’67 Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen ’80 Sally Eisen Miller ’65 Beverly F. Mitchell ’68 Mary Ainsworth Mitchell ’47 Tommie Sue Montgomery-Abrahams ’63 Elizabeth Gibbons Montis ’66 Mary Jo Moody ’64 Caron Griffin Morgan ’73 Anne McGee Morganstern ’58 Betty Nunn Mori ’58 * Deborah Stevenson Moses ’89 Lee B. Murphey Gail Fulton Murphy ’68 Claire Michaels Murray ’52 Sherry V. Neal ’96 Linda Chance Newiger ’72 Catharine Elizabeth Neylans ’51 * Laura Ruth Norris ’77 Mary Catherine Collins O'Kelley ’72 Leah Wallat Odden ’54 Sara Lee Lane Ogilvie ’56 Vidal E. Olivares ’02 Patricia Davis Oliver ’66 and William W. Oliver, Jr. Cacia Morris Orser ’70 Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. ’61 Joyce Paris ’54 Stephanie E. Parker ’81 Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby ’76 Heather Peebles-Bradley ’90

Linda Vogel Pfleger ’61 Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope ’84 James E. Powell * Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry ’43 Harriet Laslie Reynolds ’62 Shirley Wise Richardson ’63 Gayle Langston Ricklefs ’61 Bryndis W. Roberts ’78 Julie G. Rogers ’16 Meredith Young Rogers ’60 Joan Maddox Sammons ’57 Ann Harrell Saunders ’53 Kenlyn G. Sawyer ’86 Joyce Reddick Schafer ’55 Muffy Gordy Schladensky ’83 Harriet Holland Schmitt ’62 Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ’61 Susan McDonald Sheehan ’72 Sandra Bell Shipp ’66 and Robert Shipp Susan Moses Shropshire ’72 Sally Husted Shuford ’61 Martha Kinsey Skirven ’61 Melissa Spradley Slaughter ’01 Amy-Christine Vinson Smith ’99 Betsy Palmer Smith ’60 Joyce Hussey Smith ’53 Sarah Turnbull Snow ’74 and Claude H. Snow, Jr. Marjorie Perkins Squires ’51 and William H. Squires Preston Stevens, Jr. Kathryn Stiles Stribling ’47 * Mary Jane and Willard E. Summers Sylvia Newton Summers ’64 and Roland S. Summers Ann Scott Terry ’70 Martha Clower Thomas ’64 Betty A. Thompson ’47 Mary E. Thompson ’79 Casey J. Thurman ’65 Virginia Rushing Trapnell ’46 Kathryn Smith Vinson ’99 Charlotte Little Walker ’49 Marianna Patton Walker '79 and Carroll A. Walker Susan Woodward Walker ’70 Katherine Stickley Watson ’60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr. Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson ’64 Susan C. Wheelis ’95 DeSira Palmer Williams ’17 Beth Milstead Wilson ’96 Linda J. Withrow ’63 Janet Eidson Woods ’75 Sandra Grist Woods ’66 Martha Jean Laslie Woodward ’54 Cynthia D. Wright ’75 Georgiana Hsueh Yang ’49

WESmag Winter 2021

Class Giving Giving Levels PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL $25,000 or more JAMES HYDE PORTER SOCIETY $10,000 - $24,999 GEORGE FOSTER PIERCE LEADERSHIP SOCIETY $5,000 - $9,999 CANDLER CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 CATHERINE BREWER BENSON SOCIETY $1,000 - $2,499 THE FOUNTAIN CLUB $500 - $999 1836 CLUB $250 - $499 CONTRIBUTORS Up to $249

1942 Participation: 25.00% Total Annual Fund: $500.00 Total All Gifts: $500.00 1836 Club Margaret Smith Carruth M❤ Jane Hutchinson Thornton 1945 Participation: 21.05% Total Annual Fund: $12,950.00 Total All Gifts: $12,950.00 Pierce Society Emily P. Norton * Bequest M Martha Gragg Bates M❤ Fountain Club Bettie Hotaling Bland M❤ Contributors Winifred Bosch Titterton 1946 Participation: 9.68% Total Annual Fund: $300.00 Total All Gifts: $300.00 Contributors Emily Bradford Batts Virginia Rushing Trapnell Joy B. Trulock 1947 Participation: 11.43% Total Annual Fund: $74,400.00 Total All Gifts: $74,400.00 President's Council Betty Turner Corn M❤ Contributors Margaret Derby Champlin Frances Oehmig Collins M❤ Mary Ainsworth Mitchell M❤ 1948 Participation: 14.29% Total Annual Fund: $1,250.00 Total All Gifts: $1,250.00 Fountain Club Pauline Phelps Deck M❤ 1836 Club Jane Mobley Dickey Contributors Jane Clapp Anderson M Monique Samson Dempsey M Betty Tillman Hodges M 1949 Participation: 20.00% Total Annual Fund: $7,850.00 Total All Gifts: $7,850.00 Pierce Society Elizabeth Mackay Asbury M❤ Benson Society Betty Jo Watson BowdreM❤ Fountain Club Emily Hancock Bredeson M❤ Susan Gragg Cash M❤ Mildred Roads Griffith M❤ Contributors Patricia Johnson Childs M❤ Emmie Carlton Johnson *M❤ Clara Hillis Schenke Jerrye Griffeth Short M❤ 1950 Participation: 6.45% Total Annual Fund: $1,010.00 Total All Gifts: $1,010.00 Benson Society Mary N. Cobb M❤ Contributors Martha Ann Wood Robertson M❤

42 Gifts made between July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021

1951 Participation: 17.07% Total Annual Fund: $8,350.00 Total All Gifts: $262,352.16 President's Council Catharine Elizabeth Neylans * Bequest Pierce Society Anne Purvis Church * Bequest M❤ Marjorie Perkins Squires M❤ Candler Circle Betty Smith Addison M Contributors Donna Lloyd Gardner Robin Chesney Hopkins M❤ Mary Baldwin Woodland M❤ 1952 Participation: 13.04% Total Annual Fund: $1,700.00 Total All Gifts: $24,150.00 Porter Society Claire Michaels Murray M❤ Benson Society Evelyn LeRoy Fortson M❤ Martha Bielmann Hastings M❤ 1836 Club DeRon McCurdy Senna M Contributors Patricia Berry Faust M❤ Alice Williams Jarnagin 1953 Participation: 19.67% Total Annual Fund: $6,265.00 Total All Gifts: $6,265.00 Pierce Society Susan Thigpen McDuffie M Fountain Club Helen Blackmarr Outler M❤ 1836 Club Merrilyn Welch Eastham M❤ Contributors Claire Houser-Dodd M Joan Jennings Norton M❤ Lucia Hutchinson Peel Powe M Virginia Eidson Robertson M❤ Julianne Withers Roland Gary Still Suters M❤ Frances Bruce Van Horn M❤ Elaine Wood Whitehurst M Joann Wilkes Williams 1954 Participation: 15.87% Total Annual Fund: $3,025.00 Total All Gifts: $3,025.00 Benson Society Ruth White Fruit M❤ Joyce Paris M❤ Contributors Natalie Brewton Barfield M❤ Bonnie Gardner Barnes Harriett Willis Bevil M❤ Sydney Willis Blackmarr Athelyn Wade Buttrill M❤ Gwendolyn Jackson Lindsey Leah Wallat Odden Virginia Whiteman Robinson M❤ 1955 Participation: 21.74% Total Annual Fund: $20,345.00 Total All Gifts: $60,406.00 President's Council Joyce Reddick Schafer M❤ Porter Society Dorothy Smith Yandle M❤ Candler Circle Gayle Attaway Findlay M❤ Fountain Club Ann Hunter McCandless M❤

Contributors Phyllis Clough Davis M❤ Juanita Sexton Dowling Brandon * M❤ Judith Fuller Johnson M❤ Ada Morris Lamon M❤ Marie Benedict Marlowe Patricia Beckler McWhorter M❤ 1956 Participation: 20.97% Total Annual Fund: $17,225.00 Total All Gifts: $82,475.00 President's Council Arline Atkins Finch * M❤ Porter Society Joan Shapiro Foster M❤ Benson Society Jane Courtenay Shockley M❤ Contributors Sarah Ware Arthur M❤ Frances Cassel Berry M❤ Jo Ann Copeland Chapple M❤ Lloyd Young Flanders M❤ Paula Hunt Geiger Emily Sawyer Hart M❤ Irene I-Ling Mao Hui M❤ Mary Tappan Mabry M❤ Marion Wade Mixon Cynthia Clark Quillian M❤ 1957 Participation: 15.19% Total Annual Fund: $16,550.00 Total All Gifts: $16,750.00 Porter Society Joan Maddox Sammons M❤ Candler Circle Juliette Adams Hawk M❤ Benson Society Maria S. Higgins Reba Thurmond M❤ 1836 Club Nancy McClellan Flowers M❤ Carla DuBose Kalec * M Eleanor Thompson Futch Rosen M❤ Contributors Gray Rowland Curlee Harriette Wilkes Grimes M JoAn Bloodworth Nunnelly M Martha Anne Neville Reynolds M Marguerite Malcolm Yarboro M❤ 1958 Participation: 18.81% Total Annual Fund: $8,450.00 Total All Gifts: $211,850.00 President's Council Betty Nunn Mori * M❤ Candler Circle Eleanor Adams Lane M❤ Benson Society Emily Hardman Dickey M❤ Anne McGee Morganstern M Nancy Peterson Shaw M❤ Linda McElroy Steed M❤ Fountain Club Julia Stillwell Ketcham M❤ 1836 Club Beulah Laslie Brinson Bird M❤ Lorena Campbell Piper M❤ Louise Sawyer Whipple M❤ Contributors Mary Cooper Braun M❤ Nancy Doss Holcombe M❤ Nancy Cook Hollingsworth M❤ Medra Lott Keyser M❤ Martha Carter Middlemas- BryantM❤ Joan Nachbaur Rathbun M❤ Nancy McCook Spence M❤ Nina Sheppard Terrell M❤ Zoe Moore Turner M❤

* deceased

1959 Participation: 23.94% Total Annual Fund: $3,950.00 Total All Gifts: $4,475.00 Benson Society Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw M Jane Powers Weldon M❤ Fountain Club Anne Swetnam Barton Manita Bond Dean M❤ 1836 Club Lee Brenaman Holmes M❤ Contributors Carolyn Wade Barry Elizabeth Blalock Butler M❤ Marcia Adams Cashin M❤ Charlotte Getz Gerken Julia Elliott Greer M❤ Janace Fender Griffin Carmen Moore Jackson M❤ Yvonne Grant Lindsey Mary Terrell Mitchell Carol King Pope M❤ Sylvia Anderson Powell Carolyn Bolick Siegrist M❤ 1960 Participation: 21.64% Total Annual Fund: $26,885.00 Total All Gifts: $183,931.00 President's Council Nancy Dixon Lutz * Mary Ann Pollard Houghland M❤ Porter Society Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill M❤ Benson Society Nancy Reeder Akins M Gloria Boyette Corker M❤ Mary Moore English M❤ Martha Bell Lewis M❤ Virginia Sumerford York M❤ Fountain Club Margaret McCready Cornell M❤ Patricia Shriver Mancuso M❤ Doris V. Manning M❤ Barbara Betts Tuck M❤ Kate Stickley Watson M❤ Carol Sibley Wideman M❤ 1836 Club Ann Lavender Faulk M❤ Victoria Wilson Logue M❤ Meredith Young Rogers M Betsy Palmer Smith M❤ Contributors Kay Carroll Barnes M❤ Louise Somers Davidson M❤ Marcilla Jacobs Heath M Lydia Jordan Hickam M❤ Lynn Lightfoot Hutcheson M❤ Barbara Bird McLendon M❤ Emily Childres Mims Nan Millwood Solomon M❤ Neva King Thompson M Molly Mallory Wilkes M❤ Mary Amerson Willingham Burt M 1961 Participation: 26.80% Total Annual Fund: $5,330.00 Total All Gifts: $5,505.00 Benson Society Suzanne Jones Kahn M❤ Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. M❤ Jeanette Loflin Shackelford M❤ 1836 Club Mary Jo Porch Floyd M❤ Jo Anne Miller Gaede M❤ Janice Boland Smith M❤ Nancy Bowden Wiley M❤ Contributors Judith Warnock Burns Juliana Hardeman Caldwell Ann Frost Copeland M❤

Janice McCord Doe M❤ Jean Edwards Dukes M❤ Ernestine Cole Fulmer M❤ Jean Cain Gaddis Martha Evans Green Andrea Morris Gruhl Norma Mullings Hunt M Sandra Combs Lewis M❤ Bebe Blalock Littles M❤ Muriel Decker Mortensen Marjorie J. Nunn Linda Vogel Pfleger M❤ Gayle Langston Ricklefs M❤ Sheila Leto Scott M❤ Lynn Cochran Thompson M Linda Lee Belford Turek M❤ 1962 Participation: 26.87% Total Annual Fund: $9,875.00 Total All Gifts: $11,475.00 Pierce Society Charlotte Jolly Hale M❤ Benson Society Carol Anne Rollins Harrison M❤ Marybelle Proctor Menzel M❤ Harriet Laslie Reynolds M❤ Fountain Club Harriet Holland Schmitt M❤ 1836 Club Jane Flemister Batten M❤ Ellen Weldon Dukes M❤ Dorothy Hendrix Hope LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver M❤ Contributors Eleanor Hagins Bradwell M❤ Iris Carroll Edwards M❤ Emma Louise Keaton Franklin Sherry Staples Hubbard Ellen Cone Lynn M❤ Frances Parker McCrary M Sue Summerhill O'Kelley M❤ Sonya Shipman Otte M❤ Sarah Calhoun Savage 1963 Participation: 25.00% Total Annual Fund: $43,813.44 Total All Gifts: $76,133.44 President's Council Sylvia Maxwell Brown M❤ Judy Woodward Gregory M❤ Benson Society Margaret Craig Bryant M❤ Susan Taylor King M❤ Diane A. Lumpkin M❤ Virginia Barber Perkins M❤ Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer M❤ Karen Connor Shockley M❤ Joyce Brandon Starr M❤ Fountain Club Sylvia Hutchinson Bell M Ann Ewing Shumaker M❤ Sally Irwin Williams M❤ Linda J. Withrow M 1836 Club Barbara Johnston Plaxico M❤ Rebecca Bullard Powers M❤ Shirley Wise Richardson M❤ Renate Butler Ryan M❤ Contributors Ann Lyn Lightner Allen M❤ Nancy Johnson Ballard Elizabeth Wingfield Dick M❤ Brenda Hawthorne Heckmann Linda Quinn Hickman M❤ Tommie Sue Montgomery Abrahams M❤ Fabia Trice Rogers RoxAnna Arrington Sway Sue Ann Savage Truitt Rebecca Ward Umphrey

Stanback Society Established in 2001, the Stanback Society recognizes alumnae who have given to Wesleyan for twenty or more consecutive years. These faithful donors are honored with a following their names in the alumnae Class Giving Section. The Stanback Society is named in honor of Florence Elizabeth Cawthon Stanback who contributed to the Annual Fund faithfully, giving every year from her graduation in 1925 until her death in 2002.

Winner’s Circle A 2014 addition to our recognition of consecutiveyear donors includes the Winner’s Circle. These faithful alumnae have supported Wesleyan with gifts for ten to nineteen consecutive years. To recognize this loyalty, Winner’s Circle faithful are honored with a following their name in the alumnae Class Giving section, as well as special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Love X 5 For the past 27 years, the Love X 5 program has been recognizing our faithful alumnae who have made a gift to Wesleyan for five or more consecutive years. In recognition of their loyalty to Wesleyan, these faithful donors are honored with a ❤ following their names in the Class Giving section. When attending Alumnae Weekend, Love X 5 faithful are also presented with a special pin honoring their continued support of their alma mater.

Wesleyan Star

Established in 2014 to recognize those alumnae just beginning to support Wesleyan in consecutive years, the Wesleyan Star honors alumnae who have given for two, three, or four consecutive years. Special recognition of Wesleyan Stars includes a M following their names in the alumnae Class Giving section and special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Forever First Society Because we are forever grateful for those who remember Wesleyan with a planned gift, these alumnae are now recognized in the Class Giving section. The names of current Society members will appear in bold typeface and those from whom we have received a legacy gift will appear in italics.

WESmag Winter 2021

1964 Participation: 39.66% Total Annual Fund: $17,670.09 Total All Gifts: $117,745.09 President's Council Gail Thompson Webster Patterson M❤ Pierce Society Diana P. Jeffreys M❤ Candler Circle Lorinda Lou Beller M❤ Benson Society Ann McDonald Hurt M❤ Suzanne Gosnell Joye M❤ Judith Kuhn Schlichter M❤ Fountain Club Susan Lillyman Hyland M❤ Patricia Jaeger Williams M❤ Martha Simmons Woodall M❤ 1836 Club Madelaine Mackoul Cosgrove M❤ Virginia Bowen Maier M❤ Nancy Van Aken Marti M❤ Martha Clower Thomas M❤ Sally Hutchinson Vermillion M❤ Contributors Agnes D. Albright M❤ Emelyn Arnold M❤ Dorothy Groh Cutler M❤ Mary Helen Pope Daniel M❤ Gena Sewell Davidson M❤ Jane Brockinton Earhart M❤ Elizabeth Hartley Filliat M❤ Rosalyn Moye Forsyth M❤ Mary Russell George M❤ Willanna Anderson Gibbs M Elaine Kaloostian Hall M❤ Ann Lichtenwalter Hernandez M❤ Jane Curry Hinson Beth Bramblett Hirzel M❤ Mary Helen Johnson Johnson M❤ Glenda Neill Kipp M❤ Robin Hickman MacCurdy M❤ Carolyn McDonald Parham M Margaret Freeman Patterson M❤ Suzanne Whidden Pennington M❤ Emma Jo Jones Ploeger M❤ Sandra McElroy Preston M❤ Janice Rich Rentz M Mary Helen Hall Ringe M❤ Elizabeth Humphrey Roberts M Lucy Guggenheimer Ross M❤ Elizabeth S. Sims * M❤ Frances White Skoglund M❤ Eileen Mullings Smith M❤ Nancy Filer Waite M❤ Linda Maria Willson M Pamela Watkins Young M❤ 1965 Participation: 17.36% Total Annual Fund: $45,270.00 Total All Gifts: $57,205.00 President's Council Jane Johnson Butler M❤ Porter Society Trudie Parker Fickling M❤ Pierce Society Glennda Kingry Elliott M❤ Benson Society Olivia Lopez Hartenstein M❤ Carolyn Martin McCrea M❤ Peggy Likes Miller M❤ Kathryne Meeks Sanders M❤ Casey J. Thurman M❤ Hilda A. Wright M❤ Fountain Club Sharon Harp Campbell M❤ 1836 Club Mary Jane McCarren Brantley Margaret Shoemaker Gordon M❤ Gloria Dollar Knight M❤ Contributors Helen Kendall Elder M Sally Bone Fay M Silvia Gonzalez Kenneweg M Barbara Chapman Kortemeier M Janice Parks Mahoney M

Nedra Martin Malone M Brenda Freeman Manucy M❤ Sally Eisen Miller M❤ Mildred E. Neville M❤ Katherine Champion Smelley M❤ Lynn Ramsey Stowers M❤ Carol Banks Wilburn M 1966 Participation: 16.67% Total Annual Fund: $12,167.00 Total All Gifts: $12,167.00 Candler Circle Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer M❤ Benson Society Sandra Lumpkin Bryan M❤ Jo An Johnson Chewning M❤ Virginia Harshbarger Lamback M❤ Elizabeth Gibbons Montis M❤ Betty Westmoreland Shuster M❤ Fountain Club Marion Spencer Bluestone M❤ Catharine Burns Liles M Jane Silverman Mason M❤ 1836 Club Beth Childs Brooks M❤ Mary Thrift Chambers M❤ Maxine Maddox Dornemann M Lucile Adams Mathews M❤ Nan N. McWilliams Contributors Joann Roark Arneson M Elizabeth Girlinghouse Bernard M❤ Marguerite Hall Carter Carol Adams Garland M Fann Dewar Greer Pamela Easmann Holmes M❤ Suzanne Spence Joyce M Becky Gleaton Mynatt M❤ Patricia Davis Oliver M❤ Lindsley Carter Puster M Nancy Rowland Rehberg M Dona D. Vaughn M Sandra Grist Woods M❤ 1967 Participation: 19.74% Total Annual Fund: $91,199.00 Total All Gifts: $131,529.01 President's Council Alexis Xides Bighley M❤ Suelle M. Swartz M❤ Porter Society Charlotte Babcock Ellis M Pierce Society Kathleen DeBerry Brungard M❤ Marilyn A. Vickers M❤ Candler Circle Margaret Thompson Monahan M❤ Benson Society Barbara A. Bryant M Pamela Stott Callihan Daphne Murph Chapman M❤ Annetta Zimmerman Elliott M Judy Hopkins Jacobs Judith Miller Newbern M❤ Susan Kirvin Ogburn M❤ Fountain Club Susan Rau Middlebrooks M❤ 1836 Club Helen Neal Kleiber Anne Hilger Manley M❤ Sally Griffie Mehalko M❤ Jane Manley Wheeless M❤ Nancy Condes Whitsett Janie Hudson Williams M Contributors Sally Farren Benoy M❤ Susan Cooke Bickelhaupt Flo Williams Douglas Judy Warren Edwards M Flora Phillips Grindstaff M❤ Helen Moorhead Hermoyian M Maribeth Wills Lowe Karen Moore McDonald M❤ Kay Williams New M❤ Kasey Carneal Phillips M

44 Gifts made between July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021

1968 Participation: 25.41% Total Annual Fund: $77,427.46 Total All Gifts: $240,427.46 President's Council Elizabeth Martin Bunte M❤ Susan Towns Sharp * Porter Society Priscilla Gautier Bornmann M❤ Beverly F. Mitchell M❤ Pierce Society Jane Price Claxton M❤ Candler Circle Andgelia Proctor Kelly M❤ Babs Richardson Pirkle M❤ Mary Ann Bateman Spell M❤ Benson Society Mary Ann Ward Dudley M❤ Leila K. Kight M❤ Allyn Ballou Veatch Fountain Club Helen Jackson Burgin M❤ Virginia Crapps Johnson M❤ Geranne Hutchinson Mills M❤ Suzanne Sebring Moncrieff M Virginia Hiers Roebuck M❤ Sally Plowden Stevenson 1836 Club Eve L. Birmingham M❤ Patty Pearce Cardin M❤ Susan A. Cobleigh M❤ Ellen Beard Martin M❤ Contributors Anne Adams Atkinson M Beth Rogero Bowen M❤ Marian Pointer Clements M Lynn Hays Davis M❤ Brenda Wilhoit Elebash Cheryl Grantham Fee M Betty Battson Ferrell Nancy McMeen Freeman M Robin Hood Geisler M❤ Susan Swain Goger Kristina Cross Hawkins M Betty Smith Hipps M❤ Katherine Wilson Johnson M❤ Anne Stephenson Norman Mary Jo Fincher Plowden M❤ Carolyn Sayers Poole M Judith Davis Powell M❤ Ruth Anne Gray Randolph M❤ Martha Pafford Schindhelm M❤ Susan Jones Shulman M❤ Peggy Ray Sichveland M Annabelle R. Spring Martha Herring Stubbs Nancy Lowe Taylor M❤ Mary Abbott Waite M Ginger Sanders White M 1969 Participation: 20.00% Total Annual Fund: $21,385.00 Total All Gifts: $22,135.00 Pierce Society Suzanne Woodham Juday M❤ Melissa Lane Thomas M❤ Benson Society Carol Broome Fraune M❤ Ann Kinnick Keane M❤ Fountain Club Alice Peninger Beasley M❤ Lou Ellen Semler Boyes M❤ Karen D. Garr M❤ Mary Beth Taylor Keys M❤ Betty Hood Lydick M❤ 1836 Club Ann Brown Austin M❤ Sandra Eversole Bowman M❤ Sharon Malone Boyd M❤ Ann Reaves Burr M❤ Margaret Yarbrough McCranie M❤ Diane Harrison Smith M❤ Contributors Dell Hitchcock Bailey M Dale Parker Craig M❤ Wanda Bell Culpepper Susan Isaacs Dodson M❤

Julie Shingler Dunaway M Cecelia Ann Frecker M❤ Judith Haisten Gattis M❤ Linda Smith Gregg M❤ Janet Burkhalter Haworth M❤ Angela Fulton Kirby Susan Ewing Maddox M❤ Susan Byrd Mathews Sally Cox Noori Gwynn Johnson Polidoro M Emmaline Haddle Pursley Linda L. Rich M❤ Diana Hall Richardson M❤ Gloria Garrett Seymour Ann Beard Shahid Pat Ondo Snyder Dorothy Smith Stewart M 1970 Participation: 21.56% Total Annual Fund: $29,427.59 Total All Gifts: $68,559.19 President's Council Patricia Grogan Borders M❤ Susan Woodward Walker M❤ Benson Society Barbara Roland Colwell M❤ Emily Chase Cook M❤ Glenda Thomas EllingtonM Jane Ward Gault M Ann Scott Terry M❤ Fountain Club Susan Reynolds Gregory M Catherine Gibbons Jost M❤ Lynn Lamberton Long M Anne Harden Murphy M❤ May Powell Parks M❤ Martha Jane Thompson M❤ Patricia Hammock Wall M❤ 1836 Club Charlene Payne Kammerer M Carol Crow Lineberger M Suzanne Harris McAliley M Shirley L. McFadden M B.J. Molpus Posey M❤ Contributors Mary Ella Gibson Bernard M❤ Susan C. Bradshaw Jan Bull Burgess M❤ Chris vonLehe Burns M Kathryn Nettles Clark M❤ Jan Drury Cox Margaret Lane Evans M Leslie Rumble Frazer-Villers M Kate Goldman Gholston Wanda Saltmarsh Hopkins M❤ Margaret Arnold Jackson Colleen Smith Katsuki M❤ Pamela Buchanan Kent M Brenda Witham McGinn M❤ Paula Mansfield Murphy Sally Dietler Murrell M Jane Woodward Wilkinson 1971 Participation: 43.37% Total Annual Fund: $8,736.00 Total All Gifts: $32,561.00 Porter Society Toni L. Jennings M❤ Candler Circle Pamela Henry Pate M❤ Cathy Coxey Snow M❤ Benson Society Gena Roberts Franklin M❤ Salina Metts Harkleroad Peggy Parrish Hasty M❤ Harriett E. Mayo M❤ Kirsten Johansen Welch Fountain Club Kathryn V. Bryant Janice Moody Cayton M❤ Denise Kelly Hart M❤ Derrill Dunn McRae M❤ Ellen Traylor Terrell Martha Yates Thomas M Mary Williams Walker Helen Ferguson Zachry M❤

* deceased

1836 Club Shari Richardson Arrington Rebecca Curtis Basset Jan Shelnutt Carriker M Rebecca Edenfield Lingerfelt M❤ Contributors Linda G. Anderson M❤ Barbara A. Brinson M Andrea Chapline Butt Cynthia Bittner Funderburk Marilyn Murphy Gasparini Betty Chih Huang Lynne Quenelle Jordan Deborah Smith Kelly M❤ Carolyn Berger Krutoy M Debbie Hall Loftiss M Linda F. Patrick Holly Pearson Payne Linda Sheffield Shepherd Carol Rogers Smith Ellen Cobleigh Tomter M Kimberly Fritch Vantreese 1972 Participation: 24.24% Total Annual Fund: $10,800.00 Total All Gifts: $10,800.00 Pierce Society Laura Lowe Harmon M Candler Circle Elizabeth Rogers Kelly M❤ Benson Society Kathleen Propps Langford M Fountain Club Deborah Wedgworth Altman M❤ 1836 Club Joyce Rice Ellison M❤ Mary Catherine Collins O'Kelley M❤ Contributors Jane Farmer Fastje M Marianne Graeme Fortuna Mary Norman Huguley Susan Mann Kimbrell M Kathy Weeks Leaman Linda Chance Newiger M❤ Sherryl Senna Pollard M❤ Lynn Golson Priester M❤ Susan McDonald Sheehan M❤ Jane Shirah Stump 1973 Participation: 36.07% Total Annual Fund: $23,580.00 Total All Gifts: $23,580.00 Porter Society Janice A. Mays M❤ Candler Circle Marsha Lynn Christy M❤ Margaret M. Mathews M❤ Fountain Club Betsy McPherson Farr Mary Graham Ponder Foster M❤ Miriam McElheney Jordan M Caron Griffin Morgan M 1836 Club Lisa T. Kuhn M❤ Kathleen Amidon MacGregor Hazel Mims Mathis M❤ Marsha Brown Thomas Linda Brown Walker M❤ Contributors Carroll Ricketson Bolton Betty Sours Calder Hale Coble Edwards M❤ Connie Burkhalter Hood Carol Bacon Kelso M❤ Elizabeth Lilly Katharine Johns Olson M❤ Anne Thornton Reynolds M❤ Patricia H. Ryan M Jill Gerber Smith

1974 Participation: 22.08% Total Annual Fund: $4,890.00 Total All Gifts: $4,890.00 Benson Society Martha V. Johnson M❤ Fountain Club Kathleen Russell Leysath M Beverly Hinely MacMahon M❤ Lisa McKinney M❤ 1836 Club Susan Powers Champion M❤ Gail Murphy Oden M❤ Felecia Pearson Smith M❤ Debra D. Stockton Margaret Andrews Willis M❤ Contributors Laura Hunt Edenfield M Patricia Stillwagon Kessler M❤ Gail Dixon Mann Debra Maund M Elizabeth Bridge Risch Katherine Owens Slade Hazel Burns Struby M❤ Mary Ellen Sheehan Wroble M❤ 1975 Participation: 27.78% Total Annual Fund: $74,453.36 Total All Gifts: $125,353.36 President's Council Ruth A. Knox M❤ Porter Society Cynthia D. Wright M❤ Pierce Society Sally Moffett McKenna M❤ Benson Society Susie Black M❤ Carol A. Goodloe M❤ Selma Middlebrooks Gore M Virginia Ann Daniel Holman Millie Parrish Hudson M❤ Margaret Strickland Lovein Nan G. Maddux M❤ Rita Parker McGarity M❤ Judith L. Whitaker M❤ Fountain Club Susan Lovette Fischer Dobbyn M Bonnie Hunter Hunt M❤ 1836 Club Lisa Sherman Hammond M❤ Beth Sullins Hughes M❤ Sandra Davis Townley M❤ Contributors Brenda Gilliland Allen Kay Hickman Beasley M❤ Jean Bargeron Bender Barbara Tjia Huang M❤ Mary Coble Kirkley M Gloria McIntosh McDonald M Betty Snooks Moses M❤ Deborah Bell Roberds M❤ 1976 Participation: 21.51% Total Annual Fund: $4,941.76 Total All Gifts: $5,941.76 Benson Society Virginia Pritchard Ashby M❤ Regina S. Bland * Elizabeth O'Donnell Menkhaus M❤ Fountain Club Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby M❤ 1836 Club Jackie Herron Gilmer M❤ Patricia A. Henry M❤ Contributors Elizabeth Shingler Anderson Jane Speir Brook * M❤ Melissa Worley Callahan M❤ Linda Wing Duckworth M Carolyn Field Hall M Janice Cromer Holbrook Marsha L. Jackson Cynthia H. McMullen M❤ Joye Mims Preston Mary Knight Robinson M❤

Henrietta Craddock Schoonover M❤ Delia Tinnell Spinks Teresa M. Wheeler M Nancy Williamson Witek M❤ 1977 Participation: 9.52% Total Annual Fund: $7,800.00 Total All Gifts: $7,900.00 Pierce Society Kathleen Hill Goddard M❤ Benson Society Victoria Buxton Cork M❤ Linda Haygood Davis 1836 Club Lynn Boswell Moses M Contributors Cathy Bailey Crumbley Lauren Drinnon Leskosky M❤ Jenny Phelan Locklear Nancy Katherine Webb M 1978 Participation: 19.81% Total Annual Fund: $8,151.63 Total All Gifts: $437,564.02 President's Council Wendy Coffman MacMahon * Bequest M❤ Benson Society Bryndis W. Roberts M❤ Julie St. John Thornton M❤ Fountain Club Laura Shippey Gafnea M❤ Janet Friberg Jarrett M❤ 1836 Club Carol Hindman Butler Lucy F. Lee M Darla Grinstead McKenzie Laurinda Murphy Norris M❤ Catherine Bradach Rockoff M❤ Patricia L. Tate M❤ Contributors Judy Priester Anderson Kathy A. Bradley M❤ Jeanne Anthony Gibbs Leigh Lambert Goff M❤ Anne Scarborough Hughes M❤ Janet L. Keys M❤ Laura E. Perdue M❤ Janet Williams Sills M❤ Mary Lou Pratt Taff Dawn Sapp Taylor M❤ 1979 Participation: 16.48% Total Annual Fund: $1,805.00 Total All Gifts: $1,805.00 1836 Club Rebecca Tuten McClain M❤ Teresa D. Morrow Houston M❤ Mary E. Thompson M Contributors Jacqueline Webb Bullard M Nadine Cheek M❤ Gail Bacon Ford M❤ Margaret Dilbeck Garland M❤ Lynne Anthoine Hueglin M❤ Denise Sarver Jewell M❤ Anita E. Marchman M❤ Theresa L. McKenna M❤ Sarah Johnston Miller M Loisanne Tatum Robins Catherine Haye Sauter M❤ Helen LuAlice Waite 1980 Participation: 23.58% Total Annual Fund: $33,873.36 Total All Gifts: $39,073.36 Porter Society Hannah L. Allen M❤ Pierce Society Janet M. Lawrence M❤ Lindsay Lemasters Lewis M❤ Mary Stephens Malone M❤

Fountain Club Paula Flannery Lytle M Kelly M. Russell M❤ Contributors Eileen V. Begin Marcia A. Bronson M❤ Deena Harrell Cherry M❤ Crystal Bell Davidian Eloise Terrell Gray Shannon Lindsey Hudson M Susan Robertson Jaeger M Rosemary King Lee M Janet Leininger M Bonny Denton McGarity M Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen M❤ Jill I. Myers M Linda Carey Nardotti M❤ Laura N. Osoinach Helen Anne Richards M❤ Susan Snider M❤ Patricia R. Varela Koblensky Barbara Georgia Ward M Katherine E. Weekes M❤ 1981 Participation: 19.12% Total Annual Fund: $17,550.00 Total All Gifts: $42,700.00 President's Council Stephanie E. Parker M❤ Pierce Society Barbara Beddingfield Magnan M Mary Langel Stults M❤ Fountain Club Mary Thompson Monfort M 1836 Club Myrna Nolla-Horner Contributors Cynthia L. Cobb M❤ Nanette Shaw Coleman M Patricia Chapman DuBose M Colleen Brown Gupton Hilda Cook Hilliard Trudy Clark Landis Caroline Thomas M Lynne M. White 1982 Participation: 13.75% Total Annual Fund: $3,092.00 Total All Gifts: $3,192.00 Benson Society Susan L. Holloway M❤ Fountain Club Suzanne L. Colter M❤ Lisa DiMuro Gosnell M❤ Contributors Leslie Buice Carson Jennifer Houser Chapin M❤ Susan Dempsey Linda C. Johnson Karen A. Martin M Jennifer Willis Payne M Rebecca Moore Robbins M❤ Mary Ellen Skowronek Sutphin 1983 Participation: 14.58% Total Annual Fund: $1,620.00 Total All Gifts: $1,620.00 Benson Society Peggy Jones Hall M❤ 1836 Club Cynthia E. Bell-Lee M❤ Contributors Beth Parker Davis M Mary Ann Aiken Fitzgerald M❤ Ellen Futral Hanson M❤ Anne Elizabeth Koon-Spiwak M❤ Mary Lisa Boyer Millican 1984 Participation: 16.67% Total Annual Fund: $885.00 Total All Gifts: $885.00

WESmag Winter 2021

1836 Club Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope Contributors Debra McGee Ambrose M❤ Patricia Sterling Brzezinski M❤ Jo Duke M❤ Amanda S. Jacobs M❤ Jeanon M. Massien M❤ Connie S. McKinney M Rebecca L. Nelson 1985 Participation: 10.91% Total Annual Fund: $850.00 Total All Gifts: $850.00 1836 Club Hazel E. Bodner Sara King Pilger M❤ Contributors Lori Alcorn Campbell M❤ Lisa Ahl Duncan M❤ Betty Bivins Edwards M Holly T. Heath M❤ 1986 Participation: 12.77% Total Annual Fund: $1,690.36 Total All Gifts: $1,690.36 Benson Society Dana Flanders Laster M❤ 1836 Club Janie Chien Golden M❤ Contributors Tamara Mullis Hawkins M❤ Dana Grinstead Tanner M❤ Patricia Potts Wells M Merri Hart White M 1987 Participation: 9.33% Total Annual Fund: $2,488.00 Total All Gifts: $3,738.00 Benson Society Carla T. Asbell Dennis M❤ Leesa Akins Flora M❤ Fountain Club Stacy L. Stinson 1836 Club Barbara Roe Wallace M❤ Contributors Jill Amos M❤ Lisa Morgan Edwards M❤ Lisa D. Shiveler M❤ 1988 Participation: 17.74% Total Annual Fund: $3,921.00 Total All Gifts: $3,921.00 Benson Society Gwen Futral Gallagher-Howard M❤ Verah Dorsey Turner M❤ Fountain Club Rita Mitchell Higgins M 1836 Club Ana N. Fernandez M Beth A. Herndon M❤ Contributors Heather Russell Brown Linda Gay Eubanks M❤ Leslie Bradberry Mastroianni Maricka M. Rogers-Randall M Karen Melton Soeltz M Kathryn Lawrence Spada M 1989 Participation: 15.38% Total Annual Fund: $38,695.00 Total All Gifts: $91,851.44 President's Council Lura Harrell Hammock Porter Society Debbie Stevenson Moses M❤ Mary Beth Brown Swearingen M❤ Pierce Society Geovette E. Washington M❤ 1836 Club Kristin N. Claus M❤

Contributors Denise Cheek Brown M❤ Julia Huskey M Julia Baker Huster Cynthia Buchanan Lynch Robin Blue Wilcox 1990 Participation: 21.18% Total Annual Fund: $9,680.00 Total All Gifts: $10,150.00 Pierce Society Lori Reese Patton M❤ Benson Society Kym Preuss Lukosky M❤ Susan Gallas Mazzola M 1836 Club Ashley Garrett M❤ Contributors Mildred McLane Adams Hayley Burch Goldhagen Jennifer L. Collier Casady Louwinski Evans Alice Armitage Fendley Sarah Moseley Gardner M❤ Amanda F. Harris M Theresa Castruccio Hurst M❤ Karene Harron Nebel M❤ June Jordan O'Neal Amy M. Potter Kelley Smith Powell M Pamela R. Sailors Angela Kerr Wittmann M❤ 1991 Participation: 20.83% Total Annual Fund: $2,030.00 Total All Gifts: $2,030.00 Benson Society Kari Goellner Kitchens M❤ 1836 Club Lara Blanchett Carlton M❤ Contributors Mary Raines Caldwell M Katherine S. Compain M❤ Felisa Hicks Cooper M Teresa Morris Futral M❤ Trina L. Hammonds M❤ Cynthia L. Hershey M❤ Beth A. Kargel M❤ Katherine Wagner Marcum M Hope Hahn Shields M❤ Jamaree Pugh Stokes M Michelle Toole Westbrook M❤ Christine Ruotolo Wynn Teresa Morgan Wyrick M❤ 1992 Participation: 6.45% Total Annual Fund: $925.00 Total All Gifts: $925.00 Fountain Club Cynthia Costello Busbee M❤ Contributors Anne M. Cordeiro Mariana dos Santos Furlin M❤ Katie S. Garrett M❤ MaryStewart Glendenning Lewis M Janet L. Wilson 1993 Participation: 8.00% Total Annual Fund: $4,269.44 Total All Gifts: $4,269.44 Benson Society Melanie Filson Lewis M❤ Ruth Powell Storts M❤ 1836 Club Alison Charney Hussey Melissa Bell Shelton Contributors Hallie Suber Prince M❤ Cathy Lee Taylor 1994 Participation: 9.86% Total Annual Fund: $1,375.00 Total All Gifts: $1,375.00

46 Gifts made between July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021

Benson Society May Morgan Ackerman M❤ Fountain Club Michelle Smith Green M❤ Contributors Cara Carroll Baity M❤ Jill Hauver Celeste M❤ Elizabeth Bockmiller Ceranowski M Melissa McKenzie Crowder M❤ Valerie S. Knopik M Annette M. Nassir M 1995 Participation: 10.00% Total Annual Fund: $2,660.00 Total All Gifts: $2,660.00 Benson Society Dawn Gochnour Hoffman M❤ Susan C. Wheelis M❤ 1836 Club Jennifer Blythe Buchanan Contributors Jennifer Aiello-Jones M❤ Catherine H. Atchley M❤ Nancy L. Lamb Jennifer D. Stewart 1996 Participation: 16.67% Total Annual Fund: $14,135.00 Total All Gifts: $17,335.00 Pierce Society Yehudi B. Self-Medlin M❤ Deidra West Smith M❤ Benson Society Lisa Hullender Filkins M❤ Beth Milstead Wilson Fountain Club Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche M❤ 1836 Club Laura Meyer McAvoy M Contributors Sharon Brim Chappelle M❤ Katherine Worley Hammes M❤ Michelle McCluney Horgan M❤ Joy Mastrangelo Kaczor M Elizabeth N. Mathis M❤ Sherry V. Neal M❤ Peggy Likins Templeman M❤ 1997 Participation: 10.17% Total Annual Fund: $880.00 Total All Gifts: $880.00 Fountain Club Teresa A. Lawson M❤ Contributors Sherry L. Boyd M❤ Rachel Viets Fortuna Julie Howell Helter Stephanie Pate Lewis M❤ Elisabeth A. Waterman M❤ 1998 Participation: 9.59% Total Annual Fund: $985.00 Total All Gifts: $985.00 1836 Club Julie Houston Trieste M Nartaya Jumpasorn Miller Contributors Sarah Weeks Callender M Anita Maynard Curtis Brandy M. Hayes M❤ Mandy L. Satterfield M❤ Melinda Caspers Thompson M❤ 1999 Participation: 18.18% Total Annual Fund: $2,295.00 Total All Gifts: $2,295.00 Fountain Club Kathryn Smith Vinson M❤ 1836 Club YaNawn LaPread Johnson M Dana Karstensen-Bryan M❤ Lachrisha D. Swafford

Contributors Amanda R. Avery M Amy Maleia Barry M❤ Heather Beene Booker M Bingle C. Brown M Christina Cote Findley M Carrie Walker Dumm M❤ Yvonne Wiggins Jones M❤ Sarah Marshall Neal M Lizabeth K. Sanden M Daphne Ristau Stellato M 2000 Participation: 10.23% Total Annual Fund: $2,050.00 Total All Gifts: $2,180.00 Fountain Club Lisa A. Sloben M❤ Cally R. Whiddon M 1836 Club Amanda Driggers Grau M❤ Contributors Lindsay C. Abernethy M❤ Lareine Danforth Archer M Sara L. Hubert M Melissa Graham Meeks M❤ Amy R. Stone M❤ Erin E. Young M 2001 Participation: 13.16% Total Annual Fund: $2,886.16 Total All Gifts: $2,886.16 Benson Society Abbie Smoak Lacienski M❤ Annthonette M. Watkins M 1836 Club Brandy Morris Kirkwood M❤ Contributors Adrianna P. Cooper-Jones Jywanya Smith Dillinger M❤ Jessica A. Drexler M Alethia Helmick Guyer M Sophia N. Hall M Stephanie Dunda Owens M❤ LaTonya S. Parker M❤ 2002 Participation: 9.57% Total Annual Fund: $2,319.36 Total All Gifts: $2,319.36 Benson Society Natalie Puckett Evans M❤ Fountain Club Crystal Rogers Cheyne M❤ Contributors Elsa George Antony Erin McGavin Dalton M❤ Chenny Q. Gan M❤ Norrenna Porter Hubbard Jody Swink Miles M❤ Vidal E. Olivares M Julie Smith Prevette 2003 Participation: 12.64% Total Annual Fund: $1,800.00 Total All Gifts: $1,800.00 Benson Society Nancy C. Panoz Fountain Club Rachel A. Garcia M❤ 1836 Club Oluwatoyosi Fatunase Onwuemene M❤ Contributors Danielle Wiggins Becker M❤ Jennifer Jenkins Cobb M Abbie Brannon Covenah M❤ Jennifer M. Duello Emily Neal Duke M❤ Tennille Everett-Battle M❤ Liubov Lazareva Kriel Hope McMichael Pendergrass M❤ Elaina M. Winter

* deceased

2004 Participation: 10.62% Total Annual Fund: $1,871.36 Total All Gifts: $1,971.36 Fountain Club Monica Harper Dekle M 1836 Club Mary Kathryn Borland M❤ Anna Cornelious Martin M❤ Alexandra Aldica Willis M❤ Contributors Devin Harris Cecere M Olumayowa Akintobi Fabode Jodi Miller Hardee M Emily Dukes LeVan Amanda Wood Marsh Erin Zinko McKenna M❤ Joanne G. Patterson Christine Harness Thompson M❤ 2005 Participation: 9.17% Total Annual Fund: $4,078.80 Total All Gifts: $4,078.80 Benson Society Jyoti Danes Coffelt M Ashling Thurmond Osborne M❤ Fountain Club Tabitha L. Parker M Megan A. Quinn M❤ 1836 Club Ashley Wheelus McKenna M Contributors Carmen Valdez Clerveaux Kathleen Loski Cummings M❤ Zenda D. A. Davis Tara M. McAloon Recha R. Reid Kourtney L. Williams 2006 Participation: 12.30% Total Annual Fund: $4,568.46 Total All Gifts: $4,593.46 Benson Society Amy M. Fletcher M❤ Fountain Club Mollie Elizabeth Hughes M❤ Lindsay Rosenquist Burns M❤ 1836 Club Parrish Smotherman Jenkins M❤ Shanita Douglas Miller M Contributors Lauren Hamblin Beaty M❤ Shelly Walden Gable M Sylvia M. Gonsahn-Bollie Jaime F. McQuilkin M❤ Christine A. Morana Stephanie Kanady Niave M Katrina Y. Riggins Danielle C. Sawtell M Karla-Ann Shakes Amy E. Smith M❤ 2007 Participation: 4.35% Total Annual Fund: $130.00 Total All Gifts: $130.00 Contributors Morgan L. Felts M❤ Shannon L. Haggins Angela O'Neal Wright M❤ 2008 Participation: 17.81% Total Annual Fund: $9,863.08 Total All Gifts: $10,103.08 Pierce Society Carla Ruiz-Ney M Candler Circle Jessica Kendrick Thomas M

1836 Club Pragna Halder M❤ Connie Kang M Tanya S. Parker M Missy L. Poole M Jan Giles Tedders M❤ Contributors Shih-Yu Chen M❤ Catherine E. Dermody M❤ Jessica Dermody Gibson M❤ Victoria L. Johnson Charmin Green Sapp Faith Z. Sumpter M❤ 2009 Participation: 4.49% Total Annual Fund: $1,116.36 Total All Gifts: $1,116.36 1836 Club Kathy Reese McCollum Laney J. Turner M❤ Contributors Melissa Ward Angalla M Ying Tang M 2010 Participation: 9.47% Total Annual Fund: $2,149.80 Total All Gifts: $2,149.80 Benson Society Rachel A. Fullerton M❤ Contributors Kristen Ellsworth Applebee M❤ Silvia Gheorghita Benita A. Hickey Mechelle L. McMullen M Sarah A. Ownbey Alexandra Radu Nur-Taz Rahman Sarah Kaplan Van Buskirk 2011 Participation: 8.33% Total Annual Fund: $623.21 Total All Gifts: $623.21 Contributors Shirley Mosher Blunk M Alicia L. Brownell LeAnne Nicholson Challenger Annabel L. Fowler Sarah A. Hudson M❤ Anh P. Le Georgia Belle Thomas M❤ 2012 Participation: 10.39% Total Annual Fund: $2,936.00 Total All Gifts: $2,936.00 Benson Society Elizabeth D. Shavers M 1836 Club Susan Yandle Middleton M❤ Contributors Taylor Bishop Deal M❤ Suzzanne R. Griffiths M❤ Marta D. Kurshumova Linton M. Mitchell Azea M. Mustafa Betsy Herlong Powers 2013 Participation: 6.41% Total Annual Fund: $233.08 Total All Gifts: $233.08 Contributors Kendal C. Binion M❤ Ameera A. Harris Katherine N. McIntosh Callie H. Rollins Sheila M. Walton

2014 Participation: 2.35% Total Annual Fund: $215.00 Total All Gifts: $215.00 Contributors Blake M. Binion-Holliday M❤ Gloria O. Oduyoye 2015 Participation: 6.20% Total Annual Fund: $544.72 Total All Gifts: $1,064.72 1836 Club Megan Smith Heath Chelsea Wessells Madden M Contributors Kimberly Edgefield Hill M❤ Colleen DeGraff Holtz M Christina R. Mayfield M❤ Joanna Loudermilk Tucker M Tonya R. Vossler Ekaterina R. Zaynullina M❤ 2016 Participation: 2.00% Total Annual Fund: $700.00 Total All Gifts: $700.00 Fountain Club Julie Benge Rogers M❤ Contributors Wanda Rutland Bond 2017 Participation: 2.73% Total Annual Fund: $237.00 Total All Gifts: $237.00 Benson Society Susan Brown Allen M❤ Contributors Jayme L. Hitchcock M Rut N. Leon-Kulak Keshika N. Marambe 2018 Participation: 1.72% Total Annual Fund: $199.36 Total All Gifts: $199.36 Contributors Monica Mohanty M Mary Ann Steinbach M❤ Xin Tang M 2019 Participation: 2.76% Total Annual Fund: $94.36 Total All Gifts: $94.36 Contributors Asia B. Cooks M Courtney R. Haynes M Tara J. Reigel Stacey M. Rice Jada Wall Stripling M 2020 Participation: 2.36% Total Annual Fund: $70.00 Total All Gifts: $70.00 Contributors Sallan G. Griffin Shakita L. Pearson Rachel E. Solomon 2021 Total Annual Fund: $30.00 Total All Gifts: $130.00 Contributors Margaret O. Howard Sydney G. McDonald


2020 - 2021

PARTICIPATION 1971 43.37% 1964 39.66% 1973 36.07% 1975 27.78% 1962 26.87% 1961 26.80% 1968 25.41% 1942 25.00% 1963 25.00% 1972 24.24%

GIFTS TO ALL FUNDS 1978 $437,564.02 1951 $262,352.16 1968 $240,427.46 1958 $211,850.00 1960 $183,931.00 1967 $131,529.01 1975 $125,353.36 1964 $117,745.09 1989 $91,851.44 1956 $82,475.00

GIFTS TO ANNUAL FUND 1967 $84,999.00 1968 $77,427.46 1975 $74,453.36 1947 $74,400.00 1965 $45,270.00 1963 $43,813.44 1989 $38,695.00 1980 $33,873.36 1970 $29,427.59 1960 $26,885.00

WESmag Winter 2021

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hannah L. Allen ’80 Alexis Xides Bighley ’67 Charlotte B. Bogle Pris Gautier Bornmann ’68 Stanford M. Brown Betsy Martin Bunte ’68 J. Cannon Carr, Jr. Jane Price Claxton ’68 Verda M. Colvin Chiebonam Ezenwugo Ezekwueche ’96 Trudie Parker Fickling ’65 Amy M. Fletcher ’06 Leesa Akins Flora ’87 Waldo E. Floyd III Vivia L. Fowler Rachel A. Fullerton ’10 David Graves Judy Woodward Gregory ’63 Robert F. Hatcher, Jr. Sue Haupert-Johnson Cal Hays, Jr. H. Craig Hutto Ruth A. Knox '75 Margaret T. MacCary Janice A. Mays '73 Michael D. McCord Sally Moffett McKenna ’75 Beverly F. Mitchell '68 Debbie Stevenson Moses ’89

Andy H. Nations Wilds M. Ogie Lori Reese Patton ’90 Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ’63 Elizabeth H. Pickett Amy V. Rauls Bryndis W. Roberts ’78 Carla Ruiz-Ney ’08 Ninfa M. Saunders Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ’96 Felecia Pearson Smith ’74 Jennifer Stiles Williams ’93 Mary Beth Brown Swearingen ’89 Jessica Kendrick Thomas ’08 Susan Woodward Walker ’70 Kay B. West Cynthia D. Wright ’75 EMERITI TRUSTEES Julia G. Baldwin Betty Turner Corn ’47 Cathy Cox Robert J. Edenfield Gayle Attaway Findlay ’55 Gena Roberts Franklin ’71 Gene A. Hoots Robert E. Knox, Jr. Dennie L. McCrary Samuel A. Nunn, Jr. William W. Oliver, Jr. T. Alfred Sams, Jr. Marvin R. Schuster

The recognition extended to those listed in this publication is one small way to thank the many contributors to Wesleyan College between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

We want to hear your Wesleyan stories! Willet Library has been awarded a NetVUE Awards Program Development Grant from The Council of Independent Colleges that supports the development of a program that will tell Wesleyan’s history through stories, archival objects, and documents. Grant directors Kristi Peavy, director for Willet Library, and Willet Library Archivist Virginia Blake, are working with Dr. Brandi Simpson-Miller, visiting assistant professor of history, on this project. They are seeking narrators for oral histories which will be included in the College’s digital archive collection. These stories will complement the newly renovated archive and storage space in Willet Library. Start reminiscing, collect your thoughts, and watch for more information on how to share your story in the next few months. 48

Mary Kathryn Borland ’04 Juliana S. Cabrales ’04 Jas'min Shy Coates ’06 Natalie Puckett Evans ’02 Leesa Akins Flora ’87 Abbie Smoak Lacienski ’01 Janet M. Lawrence ’80 Anna Cornelious Martin ’04 Sally Moffett McKenna ’75

Vida E. Olivares ’02 Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ’96 Cathy Coxey Snow ’71 Doneshia P. Starling ’06 Najah Yasin Webb ’13 Jane Manley Wheeless ’67 Susan C. Wheelis ’95 Judy L. Whitaker ’75


Susan B. Allen, Senior Development Officer (retired) Whitney A. Davis, Director of Annual Giving Millie Parrish Hudson ‘75, Director of Development Julie A. Jones, Director of Advancement Services Monty Martin, Advancement Services Specialist Julie G. Rogers '16, Director of Major Gifts Lisa A. Sloben ’00, Curator of Collections Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71, Director of Alumnae Affairs Andrea Williford, Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement Although every attempt was made to ensure accuracy, it is possible that errors may have occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience such errors may cause. We encourage you to call any corrections to our attention by notifying Julie Jones, director of advancement services, at jjones@wesleyancollege.edu or 478-757-5130. Thank you.

An asterisk indicates a donor passed away prior to publication. Italicized names in the class giving section indicate the alumna gave to Wesleyan via a planned gift.


Share your stories


Please note that publication of the names of contributors is strictly for the purpose of grateful acknowledgement by Wesleyan College; no other use of these lists is authorized.

Renovation of Willet Library is complete

Thanks to the immense generosity of many donors, the renovation of Willet Library is now complete. We are proud to offer a redesigned modern library that benefits not only the Wesleyan community, especially the students, but also alumnae and the entire Macon community. All three floors feature silent study areas and are zoned with noise levels that are appropriate for the purpose. Due to housing the academic resource center and many collaborative work areas, the first floor is zoned as collaborative and allows/permits conversational noise. The second floor, zoned as quiet, houses classrooms and group study areas that allow for more focused but still collaborative study. The third floor houses the majority of our collection, including most of our circulating collection, and features archival storage, exhibit and work areas, quiet study areas, and two study rooms. It is zoned as silent. Visitors are welcome to use the vast resources available at Willet Library during library hours: Monday - Thursday 8am-10pm; Friday 8am-5pm; Saturday Closed; Sunday 4pm-9pm (contingent upon staffing). Please contact the library staff at (478) 757-5200 or wlibrary@wesleyancollege.edu.

“I recommend Wesleyan because the professors are experts, the institution is ready for the adult learner, and the small class size lends itself to success. When you study at Wesleyan, you get everything you need from an educational program.” - Cynthia Busbee ‘92, MBA ‘15

Chief Of Staff Senior Vice President Communications, Public Affairs and Community Engagement at Atrium Health


Growing from our roots

“In the MBA program, I was able to apply economic theory to current business trends. Economically, the benefits of the Wesleyan education definitely outweigh the cost.” - Arletha Williams ‘04, MBA ‘07 Author & Community Manager at The Life Properties

For more than twenty years, Wesleyan’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) program has graduated dozens of highly qualified professionals from across a variety of careers. In 2010, the College introduced the Master of Education program, which continues to help teachers learn techniques to enhance their students’ experiences in their own classrooms. In the last eighteen months, Wesleyan’s graduate program has grown to include four more degrees: M.A. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology, M.S. in Healthcare Administration, M.S. in Nonprofit Management, and M.A. in Music. The experiential learning elements that are rooted in Wesleyan’s undergraduate programs, such as small class sizes and world-class faculty, are also embedded in the master’s programs.

“Wesleyan’s graduate programs keep students at the forefront of innovation and change throughout the curriculum. One benefit is that regardless of the program you are in, you can listen to a lecture, get feedback from an assignment, and apply that information the next day.” - Dr. William Clark M.S. Nonprofit Management Program Coordinator

So that earning an advanced degree isn’t a burden, Wesleyan’s programs are designed with working professionals, both women and men, in mind. Our affordable, hybrid, and online programs can be completed in less than two years. The enrollment process is simple, the application is free, and program coordinators, directors, and enrollment team are available for in-person or virtual meetings to discuss your goals and interests. To learn more about our graduate programs, please visit wesleyancollege.edu/graduate.

4760 Forsyth Road Macon, Georgia 31210-4462 www.wesleyancollege.edu

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Wesleyan College is affiliated with The United Methodist Church, and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Alumnae Weekend APRIL 21, 22, 23, & 24, 2022

More information about Alumnae Weekend inside on page 34 or online at wesleyancollege.edu/alumnaeweekend

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