2024 Wesleyan Strategic Plan

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Standing Firm



Wesleyan’s mission is to be a Christian school of academic excellence by providing each student with a diverse college preparatory education guided by Christian principles and beliefs; by challenging and nurturing the mind, body, and spirit, and by developing responsible stewardship in our changing world.


Wesleyan School is anchored in the Christian faith and acknowledges reliance upon God as Creator, Jesus Christ as Lord, the Holy Spirit as the Divine Presence in the world, and the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the ultimate source of truth in all matters of faith and life.

Believing that all children are uniquely gifted, the school offers a college preparatory program which challenges, nurtures, and strengthens all its students. The school community welcomes students of diverse racial, cultural, and religious backgrounds.

Wesleyan seeks to develop in each young person a desire to learn and to become a good citizen in serving the local community and the world beyond.

The programs at Wesleyan promote spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social growth. Through daily living, the school strives to create a community which exemplifies Christian values and demonstrates their implications for the individual and society.

Because experience at home indelibly influences the spiritual and intellectual development and emotional health of each child, Wesleyan regards parents as essential partners in its educational endeavor. The school thus expects and values parental support of its foundational principles and goals.

We Believe...

1. In God the Father Almighty, maker of Heaven and earth.

2. In the supreme and divine Lord Jesus Christ, who died as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice for our sins and was raised again in fullness of life; and that all who trust in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood.

3. In the Holy Spirit – God’s presence in the world, providing comfort, guidance, wisdom, and peace to all who are in Christ.

4. That the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments is the ultimate source of truth in all matters of faith and life.

5. In sharing Christian principles and Biblical teachings with Wesleyan students in all facets and areas of the Wesleyan experience.

6. In presenting role models (through board members, faculty and staff, guest speakers, and lay coaches) who are adult followers of Christ and who make practical integration of Christian faith relevant in their everyday lives.

7. In providing an integrated and sequenced curriculum in conjunction with a wide range of high-quality extracurricular programs in athletics, visual and performing arts, community service, and fellowship. The program must support the Christian mission of Wesleyan, both directly and through the manner in which our teachers, coaches, and staff interact every day with students and families.

8. In retaining a qualified, enthusiastic, joyful, and caring faculty and staff of high integrity and Christian faith, who are excellent teachers and role models and who are committed to the actualization of the Wesleyan mission and serve as ministers to the children in their care.

9. In attracting, admitting, enrolling, retaining, and supporting academically average and above average college bound students who enhance the life of the school and uphold its mission.

10. In encouraging students to develop initiative, curiosity, and a lifetime love of learning.

11. In seeking to develop a strong identity among its alumni to foster their continuing relationship with the school.

12. In promoting widespread knowledge and support of the school’s mission and philosophy by building the Wesleyan community through active involvement among parents, families, and the school.

13. In planning, developing, and maintaining the physical plant, grounds, and athletic facilities in order to support the mission and programs of Wesleyan.

14. In maintaining the financial integrity of Wesleyan, while aggressively growing our capital resources in order to achieve our mission.

15. In developing and maintaining a comprehensive strategy to increase awareness of the school, its profile, mission, philosophy, culture, and goals, both internally and externally.




Dear Wesleyan Family,

The last line of Wesleyan School’s mission statement emphasizes “developing responsible stewardship in our changing world” — a vision that has guided the institution through significant transitions, both internally and externally. The foresight and wisdom of the trustees, who coined Wesleyan’s mission upon our move from Sandy Springs to Peachtree Corners, can only be explained as God-inspired. Since the publication of our 2018 Strategic Plan, our world has been in a constant state of change, and the pace of this change is only accelerating.

The theme throughout the 2024 Strategic Plan stems from the Biblical theme of “standing firm” or to “stand firm.” The origin of this theme comes from chapter six of Ephesians, where the Apostle Paul encourages us to put on the full armor of God. Paul’s encouragement to us is to stand firm in who God is and to the truth of the Gospel. Multiple times, Paul refers to standing firm or standing your ground against the ways of the world.

Paul’s words and guidance should be a foundation to all of us as stakeholders of Wesleyan in our changing world. As you read through the next few pages, the Wesleyan Board of Trustees desires for you to see and feel our commitment to stand firm to the principles and values that Wesleyan was founded on, to be a “Christian school of academic excellence.”

By every measurement of a successful independent college preparatory school, the health of Wesleyan is strong and the state of the school is on a firm foundation. Through God’s provision, the board is pleased to share that Wesleyan is well-positioned for today and the future. We celebrate the school’s excellent health as an institution; we also acknowledge the need for continuous refinement of the Wesleyan experience for all stakeholders.

This balance of gratitude, humility, and forward-thinking vision sets the framework for the recommendations in the strategic plan. The spiritual foundation of Wesleyan’s faith and hope in God, and reliance upon Jesus Christ as our savior, is the anchor of our strategic plan, as it has been in the school’s previous five strategic plans.

The 2024 strategic planning process began with the completion of the Wesleyan School Improvement Plan in 2023, led by our administration and faculty. This was followed by the accreditation process through Cognia and the Southern Association of Independent Schools conducted by the administration and faculty and presented to the board in December of 2023.

The board engaged the administration directly and conducted surveys of students, parents, faculty, and alumni to develop the initial framework for the strategic plan. Through multiple meetings within the board and with the administration to develop the plan, the final draft was submitted to the board for final approval leading to the document we have today.

I would like to personally thank the entire Wesleyan community for their participation and input in the creation of this strategic plan. In addition, I am so encouraged by the wisdom, experience, and heart for our students that our administration and faculty displayed throughout the strategic planning process.

I would also like to acknowledge the entire Board of Trustees for assisting in crafting this strategic plan through board meetings, multiple retreats, and several drafts. Finally, I would like to thank Head of School Chris Cleveland for his leadership throughout this process and his dedication to the Wesleyan mission and students.

This strategic plan has been prayed over throughout the process, but we need to continue to pray for God’s wisdom and provision for Wesleyan. I ask all of you for your support of Wesleyan and for your prayers. I believe that all of us, the Wesleyan community, will “stand firm” together as we see our school and our children thrive today and into the future.

In Christ,

Dear Wesleyan Parents, Alumni and Friends,

Thank you for taking the time to read this strategic plan, the sixth such plan for Wesleyan School since our establishment in Peachtree Corners as a K–12 school. The process of creating a strategic plan forces the board and administration to both reflect on what God has accomplished in the life of our school, as well as seek His guidance and direction of where He wants us to go in the years ahead.

The Wesleyan School Board of Trustees engages in the strategic planning process every five years in conjunction with the school’s re-accreditation process. While the perspectives of all constituents are sought and considered through surveys and discussions, this plan ultimately reflects the prayerful consideration of our board of trustees in discerning the strengths and needs of our school, and ultimately, their belief in where God is leading our school. I want to thank the students, parents, alumni, and employees who participated in this process, as well as all our trustees, most notably board chair, Land Bridgers.

The consistent theme you will see in this strategic plan is to “stand firm” as this plan is overwhelmingly a re-affirmation of the core fundamental tenets of the school that have created the community and environment for which Wesleyan School is known, especially the school’s Christian mission and its Christian only hiring process.

While the board desires that the school continue to stand firm in its core beliefs, that should not be interpreted as a lack of desire to see the school continue to grow and develop in order to continue providing the best possible experience for students, parents, and employees, while also maintaining our competitive edge in the marketplace of attracting new families to the school.

Just like our students, Wesleyan will never be a finished product. The strategic plan is a combination of staying the course we are on, practical and measurable goals for the future, and aspirational striving to relentlessly pursue improvement.

The board is committed to continuing to work with the administration to maintain its focus on providing an environment of outstanding academics that will prepare students for college and beyond; a wide range of activities and opportunities that allow students to discover and use their God-given gifts; and, an authentic Christ-centered community with Christian role-models who are dedicated to educating the mind, body, and spirit of each child.

However, the ultimate success of this plan will rest in the hands of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as it has since 1996. Wesleyan School exists, and has thrived, because of God’s grace, provision, and protection. We will continue to seek His will, and our greatest desire is to make Wesleyan School a place that honors Jesus and glorifies His name.

We hope you will enjoy reading this plan and that you will provide our board of trustees your feedback and support.

For His Glory,



We believe in the power of And...

We believe that ours is a school that is authentically Christ-centered AND offers academic excellence.

We believe in the education of the mind, body, AND spirit.

We believe that children can be challenged AND nurtured.

We believe in the value of hard work AND rest.

We believe in training children to be independent AND in allowing children to develop in an ageappropriate manner.

We believe in good parenting AND parents who allow their children to fail, so they can learn how to develop persistence.

We believe in creating leaders of faith AND intellect who are equipped to face present and future challenges.

The Wesleyan Way

• Bring our Christian mission to life in everything we do.

• Have an overarching focus on the student experience, in and out of the classroom.

• Expose our children to an outstanding, caring, motivated, Christian faculty and staff who are the core of the Wesleyan experience.

• Equip our teachers with state-of-the-art teaching tools and techniques, environment, facilities, and training/professional development opportunities.

• Prepare our children to succeed not only in school and college but in life with all its diversity, opportunities, and challenges.

• Achieve a balance of life and learning for our children, faculty, and staff.

• Be respectful and good stewards of the resources God has provided and maintain a stable, debt-free financial environment.

• Earn the confidence, respect, and love of our parents and other stakeholders and, in turn, their prayers, financial generosity, and emotional support.

Situational Analysis

External Internal

• The Atlanta area private school market continues to be among the most competitive in the United States.

• College acceptances are becoming increasingly competitive with ever rising standards for admission.

• Society and culture continue to create division instead of building unity.

• Society is becoming more focused on what they can gain versus what they can contribute.

• There are increasing concerns about security on school campuses across the nation.

• Economic factors are increasing everyday operating costs.

• There are increasing mental health challenges for students, teachers, and families.

• Society’s focus on specialization detracts from the development of the whole child.

• Technology continues to evolve rapidly and provide opportunities; however, stewardship of technology requires utmost vigilance.

• Wesleyan’s reputation as an authentic Christian school of academic excellence is well-known in the Atlanta area market and growing nationally.

• Wesleyan’s stability in leadership has been integral in upholding its mission—a prime example is having only two heads of school since 1996.

• Wesleyan’s long-term benefits exceed the investment; however, the cost of tuition is nearing an inflection point that could hinder the school from attracting families who desire to be at Wesleyan.

• Wesleyan’s conservative financial model has enabled strength and stability.

• There is a high level of satisfaction and commitment from current families as shown by retention and annual giving percentages consistently above 95%, as well as applications exceeding historical averages.

• Attracting and retaining faculty who are both missiondriven and gifted educators in and beyond the classroom is becoming more challenging in today’s environment.

• The mental health strains in today’s environment continue to be a challenge for Wesleyan students, families, and faculty.

• The evolution of societal and financial demands, as well as changes to classification continue to create challenges for Wesleyan athletic programs.

Key Challenges for Wesleyan

• Upholding commitment to the Christian mission when society at large pushes in the opposite direction.

• Balancing wellness of mind, body, and spirit for students, faculty, and families without compromising our Christian Mission and standards for academic excellence.

• Supporting individualized learning needs and gifts of all students for both present and future success.

• Continuing to build a diverse and unified school culture that reflects the fullness of the Kingdom of God.

• Maintaining commitment to long-term financial stability and the Christian Mission as the school transitions from the years of rapid growth to the years of institutional maturity.

• Progressing in development of current revenue streams (Wesleyan Endowment, Wesleyan Fund, Wesleyan Alumni Fund, grandparent giving, and planned giving) while also creating new opportunities for building an increasingly strong financial future.

• Inspiring continued community connectivity and involvement as the geographic footprint of current families expands from its historical norm.

• Continuing to assess and refine Wesleyan’s college admissions strategy in an ever-changing college admissions landscape.

Specific Recommendations

Wesleyan School is in good health, and the vast majority of programs should continue to operate as they are currently. If programs are not mentioned in this strategic plan, our recommendation is to maintain them as they are today. There are, however, specific recommendations which will further enhance the overall experience of Wesleyan students today and for generations to come.

The overarching theme of the 2024 strategic plan is that Wesleyan will “stand firm” in our mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence.

Our overall objective is that the recommendations contribute to three areas that impact the Wesleyan experience. First, to protect the school’s mission of being a Christian school of academic excellence. Secondly, to invest resources to ensure the financial sustainability of Wesleyan today and into the future. Third, to create an environment that allows children to thrive today and to be successful beyond Wesleyan by equipping them to stand firm in their spiritual and academic foundations, their character, and their perspective as a child of God.

The overarching theme of the 2024 strategic plan is that Wesleyan will “stand firm” in our mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence. The recommendations in this plan are made to affirm Wesleyan’s mission in all areas of the school.

One recommendation, mentioned here as it permeates across all programs and aspects of Wesleyan, is seeking to foster wellness of students and faculty in mind, body, and spirit from a Christ-centered perspective.

Christian Life

Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission of being a Christian school of academic excellence, we strive to create environments that introduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all members of our community; inspire and equip our stakeholders to follow Him in authentic discipleship, embracing Christ at Wesleyan and beyond; acknowledging that in all circumstances, a relationship with Jesus Christ is the solution to the troubles of this world.

• Evaluate our Christian life programs and environments to reach our students where they are today. Do not change what we do as a Christian school but evaluate how we are doing it to accomplish our mission.

• Expand opportunities, within Christian life, to create new ways and places for our students and faculty to see Jesus Christ and experience Christian fellowship.

• Evaluate ways to assist our students and faculty through Christian life to spiritually navigate the stresses and anxiety that are prevalent in society today.

• Continue to stand firm in modeling the JOY motto of Jesus, Others, Yourself. Use the Gospel as the lens through which to approach culture, diversity, and justice.

Stakeholders: Students, Parents, Grandparents, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni

The miracle of Wesleyan is known through the stories and events of what God has done in the lives of our stakeholders. Wesleyan needs to be intentional in how it communicates the Wesleyan mission and story that increases involvement and interaction among all stakeholders. The efficacy and sustainability of the Wesleyan mission depends on the participation and engagement of all stakeholders.

• Continue to invest in timely, clear, consistent, and transparent communications with current parents seeking to increase involvement and participation in school events and volunteer opportunities.

• Reinforce the Christian mission of the school in all communications with all constituents.

• Identify new and creative ways to invite engagement, participation, and interaction of Wesleyan’s alumni and alumni parents with the school.

• Increase activities for Wesleyan’s growing alumni to network with fellow alumni, current parents, and students.

• Optimize communication with Wesleyan grandparents to increase their engagement in the life of the school.

• Maintain a strong relationship with relevant foundations to keep them up to date on the Wesleyan story.

• Nurture relationships with Wesleyan Parents Club, Alumni Association, Wolf Trackers, and the Wesleyan Arts Alliance.

• Pursue new ways to reflect the JOY motto to our surrounding community.


Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission of being a Christian school of academic excellence, foster a school culture built on the foundation of the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We strive to create an environment of understanding, kindness, and belonging built upon the JOY motto of Jesus, Others, Yourself.

• Ensure that Wesleyan is a Christ-centered community that is seen as loving and welcoming by all our stakeholders and guests.

• In partnership with our parents, continue to emphasize character development of children in social interactions based on treating others as you would want to be treated.

• Proactively identify and aim to minimize negative behavior that is inconsistent with the Wesleyan mission and experience.

• Identify ways to communicate the Wesleyan Way to students, parents, and faculty in how we treat each other at Wesleyan. Strive for buy-in to bring our Christian mission to life in all interactions at the school.

• Find avenues to connect and educate the Wesleyan parent community on appropriate expectations, interactions with faculty, and creating a positive environment for our students.


PSALM 119:89-91


• Gender – Both genders uniquely reflect the image of God.

Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:13-14

• Race & Ethnicity – God created and loves people of all races and ethnicities.

Revelation 7:9; Acts 17:26

• Age – All of God’s children are equally valued regardless of age.

1 Timothy 4:12; 1 Timothy 5:1-2

• Ability – God has gifted each of us with unique abilities.

Romans 12:6-8; Matthew 25:15

• Culture – God loves people of different customs, language, and common practices within a group.

Revelation 7:9; Acts 17:26

• Economic Status – We are all valuable in God’s Kingdom no matter the amount of our resources.

Phillipians 4:19; Proverbs 3:9-10


Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission of being a Christian school of academic excellence, Wesleyan’s community must reflect the full beauty of God’s creation acknowledging that all, no matter their background, are sons and daughters of our Creator who are made in His image. We strive to expand the diversity within our community through the love of Christ in order to enrich the experience for all stakeholders at Wesleyan. By viewing diversity through a Gospel perspective, ensure that the Wesleyan community is welcoming and loving to all.

• Identify and implement strategies to attract and retain greater diversity within our community through the admissions and hiring processes.

• Increase the racial diversity of our Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, staff, and student body.

• Strive to create an environment and community-wide culture that is welcoming and loving to all people regardless of their race, culture, socio-economic status, or giftedness rooted in the G.R.A.C.E. model.

Marketing & Enrollment

Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence, partner in telling stories of what God has done at Wesleyan and the miracles that have happened in the lives of our community. Sharing historic and currently unfolding stories is essential to attracting and retaining families who want to join the Wesleyan story.

• Continue to maintain the feel of a small but “full activity” school that Wesleyan stakeholders enjoy today.

• Maintain a low teacher-to-student ratio, continue to be a place where names are known, and remain a place where active engagement and participation by all stakeholders is needed to fulfill the Wesleyan mission.

• Continue to target an overall enrollment of approximately 1200 students.

• Maintain the commitment to share the Wesleyan story to both stakeholders and potential families verbally, in writing, and in videos, and explore additional methods of delivery in the future.

• Continue to intentionally reinforce current families’ decision to choose Wesleyan.

• Proactively find new ways to attract potential families to our campus to experience our community. This includes continued growth of summer camps and other admissions events throughout the year.

• Review and evaluate the admissions environment in our market and maintain flexibility to make adjustments to the admissions process around timing and activity, particularly in high school.

• Communicate and educate stakeholders on Wesleyan’s history of being a community defined by being contributors not consumers, encouraging active involvement in the life of the school.

Programs: Academics, Fine Arts, and Athletics

Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence, we offer high-quality, Christ-centered programs that equip students with a balanced, college preparatory educational experience that extends beyond the classroom. We strive to help students identify and enhance their God-given talents and passions by delivering a consistent Gospel message in the classroom, on the field, and on the stage. Following the principles of our mission, Wesleyan seeks to develop contributors to society who are problem-solving critical thinkers. Our goal is to prepare students for life while ensuring that all curricular and co-curricular programs will serve as an extension of the school’s Christian mission.


• Review and refine (through the lens of Wesleyan’s Christian mission) the overall academic curriculum and teaching methods to create a positive learning environment that equips our students for success in college and beyond.

• Continue to grow and expand academic support in all divisions ensuring that all Wesleyan students have the resources they need to achieve academic excellence within our Christian mission.

• Upon the completion of Young Hall, maximize all academic facilities to their fullest potential to create the best academic environment for our students and faculty.

• Assess and augment our academic programs and the efficacy of our college advising process in the everchanging landscape of college admissions to ensure we are adequately preparing and positioning our students for admission to colleges that match their academic and extracurricular accomplishments.


• Research and evaluate ways to grow participation of our students in the fine arts showing them the value of experiencing God’s beauty and creativity through the arts.

• Explore opportunities to increase support within the Wesleyan community for the arts.

• Fully utilize expanded campus facilities for the arts with the addition of Young Hall, recognizing the creative aspects of the STEM program.


• Manage our athletic program through the lens of Wesleyan’s mission in the ever-changing athletic environment in respect to Wesleyan’s classification for sports and the pending name, image, and likeness challenges.

• Educate the Wesleyan community on the value of a welldiversified athletic experience versus the increasing trend of specialization.

• Develop programming and potential plans for the renovation or new construction of the Hoover Center to better support football, cheerleading, wrestling, soccer, track and field, tennis, strength training, and sports medicine programs.

• Educate and expect sportsmanship from our students and parents that reflects the J.O.Y. motto.



Development and Finance

Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence, we acknowledge that God desires for us to be good stewards of the resources He has blessed us with at Wesleyan. Seeking God’s wisdom, we want to maintain the financial integrity of the school and ensure that Wesleyan can fulfill its mission for generations to come. Every stakeholder at Wesleyan has the responsibility to take ownership in assisting the school’s financial sustainability. God’s provision, the support of our stakeholders, and sound financial management will provide the framework to make the Wesleyan mission and experience accessible and affordable to those who desire it today and into the future.


• Expand the resources of Wesleyan’s development team to educate and engage all stakeholders on how Wesleyan operates as an institution and the financial requirements needed to fulfill the Wesleyan mission. With additional resources, improve donor relations and engagement to create a joyful and generous community that will sustain Wesleyan and its mission.

• Seek new avenues of revenue with foundations and vendors who desire to be associated with the Wesleyan mission. Grow the existing sources of revenue that the school depends on today (Wesleyan Fund, Alumni Fund, and Georgia GOAL).

• Increase the efforts and focus on Wesleyan’s endowment by using planned and legacy gifts. This will ensure the growth of the financial aid and facilities maintenance endowment.

• Sustain requests for annual, capital, and endowment gifts.

• Educate all stakeholders on the relationship between fundraising, financial sustainability, and preservation of the Christian mission.


• Maintain current board policies to avoid external long-term debt, not covered by pledges, to maintain independence and integrity to carry out the Wesleyan mission.

• Plan for increased costs due to inflation and the increased cost of the maintenance of Wesleyan’s maturing facilities and campus.

• Develop a plan for leadership succession within the Finance Department to ensure a smooth transition and continuity to maintain sound financial management of the school.

• Preserve a modest and predictable rate of tuition increases that considers macroeconomic conditions. This allows for the Wesleyan mission to be experienced by those who desire to be at the school.

• Analyze and steward financial aid resources of the school to best meet the tuition needs of qualified families who require financial assistance.

• Evaluate the benefits and risks of expanding financial aid to include the 5th grade.

Faculty and Staff

Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence, affirm that our greatest asset is our faculty and staff who play the primary role in creating the Christ-centered culture of Wesleyan. Their nurturing love and investment in our children epitomize our Christian mission and desire to be a top college preparatory school.

• Continue to invest in our faculty and staff through initiatives to attract, develop, retain, and acknowledge their impact on the Wesleyan experience.

• Ensure that Wesleyan is a leader in the local market for compensation and benefits available to our faculty and staff.

• Provide a healthy work environment for our faculty and staff with the goal of allowing them to fully commit to fulfilling the Wesleyan mission for our students.


Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence, steward a welcoming and wellmaintained campus that reflects the beauty of God’s creation and provides the opportunity for all stakeholders to fully engage in the Wesleyan experience.

• Complete construction of Young Hall and integrate it into everyday campus life.

• Ensure wise stewardship of all facilities in an effort to achieve their highest and best use.

• Maintain existing grounds and facilities in a manner that reflects stewardship of God’s blessings to glorify Him.

• Continue the rehabilitation and renovation of our aging facilities by anticipating planned maintenance, appropriate preventative maintenance, and stakeholder education of maintenance needs.

• Expand DuBose Dining Hall by increasing the capacity and usefulness of the lower level of Wesley Hall, transforming this into a multi-use space that improves the Wesleyan experience for all stakeholders.

• Research and develop plans for future phases of Wesleyan’s campus that further the Wesleyan mission.

• Commit to pursuing the acquisition of property that is contiguous to our campus.


Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence and acknowledging the growing threat to schools in a broken world, ensuring that Wesleyan maintains high vigilance towards protecting all stakeholders while on campus.

• Continue the initiative of visible police presence on campus as a deterrent to potential threats and to minimize response time to any incident.

• Conduct ongoing evaluations and in-depth reviews of procedures and preparedness by creating a regular cadence of external audits of our physical and cybersecurity measures.

• Provide training and resources to our faculty and staff to prepare for unexpected scenarios including testing of communication and policies in the event of an incident on campus.

• Regularly test our communications, tools, and policies to be prepared in the event of an incident on campus.

• Seek prayer from stakeholders for God’s protection of all those on the Wesleyan campus.



PSALM 33:11-12


Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence, we see technology as one of the greatest opportunities and threats to the Wesleyan mission. Alongside discernment, research, and pursuit of God’s wisdom, develop policies to protect the Wesleyan mission by embracing technology through the lens of our mission and not the world’s terms. In fulfilling our mission, prepare our students to be future leaders in the field of technology by providing standards that equip them academically and morally.

• Utilize technology as a powerful tool to enhance and further learning, recognizing that the teacher remains the most powerful and essential resource in the classroom.

• Maintain rigorous cybersecurity, robust network infrastructure, and strategic device management as part of good stewardship to protect our community and the resources entrusted to us.

• Research and develop policies and processes to assess the impact of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, on our curriculum.

• Enhance faculty influence on creating critical thinkers and problem solvers by prioritizing faculty development opportunities in alignment with Wesleyan’s mission.

• Invite collaboration between departments, parents, and outside resources in the use of technology.

• Maintain a commitment to innovation and discernment in integrating new technologies such as artificial intelligence, and intentionally inform stakeholders about age-appropriate best practices related to technology and its impact on young minds.

• Revisit recommendations and policies based on advances in technology at the mid-way point of the strategic plan.


Standing firm in Wesleyan’s mission to be a Christian school of academic excellence, continue to prioritize healthy governance of the school between the Board of Trustees and the administration. Stability of leadership and investment in preparing future leaders are paramount to Wesleyan’s governance model. The Board of Trustees commits to preserving the school’s Christian mission through seeking God’s wisdom, discernment, provision, and protection.

• The Board of Trustees reaffirms that its primary function is to protect and embody the mission of the school.

• Maintain the structural and procedural integrity of the Board of Trustees while also remaining aware and amenable to needed refinement.

• Continue the historic and current practice of vetting and selecting new trustees that meet the Christian mission of the school. Seek current parents, alumni parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends of the school who fully support the mission, and grow the diversity of the board in God-given gifts and talents.

• Oversee Wesleyan’s leadership through support, motivation, counsel, and nurturing of the head of school.

• Preserve continuity and prioritize succession planning for key leadership of the board and administration.

• Implement a process with the administration for progress reviews on the 2024 strategic plan and preparation for the 2029 strategic plan.

Psalm 24

The earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof; The world and they that dwell therein. For He hath founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the floods.

Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who shall stand in his holy place?

He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; Who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, Nor sworn deceitfully.

He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, And righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is the generation of them that seek him, That seek thy face, O Jacob. Selah.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, Ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, Ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Who is this King of glory?

The LORD of Hosts, He is the King of glory.

*Recited at each chapel by the entire student body

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