D E A R W E S L E YA N F A M I LY A N D F R I E N D S , Thank you for taking the time to read this edition of the Wesleyan School magazine. Your continued interest in and support of our school is encouraging and inspiring as we seek to continue to be a Christian school of academic excellence. As I reflect on the spring semester of the 2021 – 2022 school year, I am humbled by God’s continued blessings on our school community. The admissions season was remarkable as the school received more applications than we have in more than 15 years. The volume of applications combined with retention at 97% has placed the school in a position to potentially have our largest enrollment ever this fall. The spring saw the return of many treasured Wesleyan arts traditions, including all students K-12 attending the annual 4th grade Easter play, the on-campus Wesleyan Artist Market, and full crowds at the middle school musical, two high school productions, and multiple lower school class plays. Additionally, the middle and high school band and chorus concerts, the middle and high school visual art show opening, and the fine arts circle of honor induction ceremony took place with full attendance. Perhaps the most impactful return to the Wesleyan calendar was mission trips. A cherished annual tradition, we had not taken spring break mission trips since 2019. While we were unable to offer as many trips as we have previously and all trips were domestic, this was an important return to a deeply valued Wesleyan tradition and the rekindling of a program that plays an essential role in the overall Christian life of the school.
We celebrated the class of 2022 with our annual baccalaureate service and commencement exercises. I am confident that each of the 136 Wesleyan students who received their Wesleyan diploma left our school having heard the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, regardless of how long they attended Wesleyan. In I Thessalonians 2:8, Paul writes the following: “…so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” (NIV.) My sincere hope and prayer is that all members of the class of 2022 have felt loved by the faculty, staff, and administration in this personal and powerful way. As you turn through the pages of this magazine, I hope you will enjoy learning more about the amazing accomplishments of our students and faculty in academics, arts, athletics, leadership, and service. For our alumni, I hope you will also enjoy learning what is happening in the lives of some of your classmates. Most of all, I hope you will be encouraged to know that regardless of the state of our world and culture, Wesleyan School remains committed to pointing children and families toward Jesus and daily doing all we can to fulfill our mission “to be a Christian school of academic excellence by providing each student a diverse college preparatory education guided by Christian principles and beliefs; by challenging and nurturing the mind, body, and spirit; and by developing responsible stewardship in our changing world.” May God continue to bless you and Wesleyan School. For His Glory,
Finally, we were able to end the school year with our first all-school chapel since August of 2019. The joy and celebration we experienced by having all students on campus together in Yancey Gymnasium to worship and hear a year-ending message from Director of Christian Life, Greg Lisson, is difficult to describe unless you were present for this wonderful chapel service.
Chris Cleveland, Head of School