Excerpts from...
All things do seem possible in May! The best way to flourish in this frenetic environment is to embrace it, which our students and teachers do through their classwork, culminating projects, end-of-year social experiences, and ultimately moving-up ceremonies and graduations. We very much look forward to sharing as many of these moments as possible with you, as these comprise many of the elements that create our uniquely unified community.
In April, for the first time in four years, Wesley brought back Generations Day! The morning was full of a beautiful performance from all of our students, a campus tour, photobooth fun, sing-alongs, and art projects. Guests were able to explore what really makes Wesley special - our teachers, students, and classrooms It was truly a morning full of joy - Generations of Joy! Hearing all of the laughter and warm conversations from students to guests to teachers, are all magical moments that we continue to cherish

A Message from the Head of School
Julie Galles, Head of School
The Deans' Den: Band Level News
Greg Armbrister, Assistant Head of School for Academics, & the Deans
Board of Trustees News
Dave Monahan, Wesley Board Chair
Coach's Corner
Louie Rodriguez, Athletic Director
CODI Corner
Traci Allen, Coordinator of Diversity and Inclusivity
Parents' Association Update
Marie Natividad & Luz Herrera Olaya, PA Co-Chairs
Development Office Update
Tammy Rodriguez, Director of Development
Wesley Graduates: Where Are They Headed?

Verena Denove & Lindsey Drasin, Director of Admissions & Associate Director of Admissions
Alumni Corner
2023 All School Art Expo Feature
Campus Kudos
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Dear Wesley Community -
We’ve made it to the end of another year! Our recent Palooza demonstrated and reinforced this year’s theme of Joyful Moments Seeing all the children on stage, cheered on by supportive parents, peers, and teachers, reinforced our values of safe spaces and appropriate risk-taking
Wesley students continually practice being in front of others, sharing their learning journeys, speaking their minds, and sharing their passions It all starts with the Kindergarten leading Community in the sanctuary and grows through events such as the 1st grade MARP project, the 4th grade Poetry Jam, the Mythology Bee, and the 6th grade Greek Festival These are a few of the experiences that craft our 5th graders to be ready for their Celebration and our 8th graders to be ready for their Graduation. We are once again so proud of our graduates as they move from the Wesley nest to many LA area schools, ready to make their mark on the wider world.

Joyful Moments aren’t just for the students! Our parent Block Party was a raving success, delighting attendees with amazing food, music, and camaraderie. The Development Office and a host of dedicated and creative volunteers made that event, along with others such as Run For a Cause and Generations Day, full of Joyful Moments for adults and kids alike.
As I conclude my third year at the helm of The Wesley School, I remain humbled and inspired by the faculty, staff, trustees, and parent volunteers without whom the place just wouldn’t run And the students! Their smiles, greetings, and waves add joy to my life day after day I look forward to seeing them arrive taller and wiser next fall!
Wishing you many Joyful Moments this summer!!
Julie Galles Head of School

“All things seem possible in May.” Edwin
Way TealeMay brings myriad experiences, feelings, and occasional challenges to a school community. It seems as though every year the compression of events becomes more noticeable, and it’s fascinating to live through the dichotomy of the “finish line” seeming so far away while each day seems to be a sprint as there isn’t nearly enough time to attend to everything that’s happening. In the classroom, I remember very well the realization that I had X number of instructional days left, and yet there were not nearly enough in order to cover what I thought was essential. It’s a bit like checking one’s bank balance at the end of the month, I suppose…
Above all, with everything going on, it’s an opportunity to reflect, enjoy, and to be fully present. Indeed, all things do seem possible in May! The best way to flourish in this frenetic environment is to embrace it, which our students and teachers do through their classwork, culminating projects, end-of-year social experiences, and ultimately moving-up ceremonies and graduations. We very much look forward to sharing as many of these moments as possible with you, as these comprise many of the elements that create our uniquely unified community. While sharing time in person is always preferable, another means to experience the Wesley Way is to peruse this last newsletter for the 2022-2023 school year. Our Deans have provided below some brief snapshots of daily school life, and I hope you enjoy them.
With appreciation,
Greg Armbrister Assistant Head of School for Academics
Band 1 (K - 2nd Grade)
The Kindergarten students had so much fun going on their first field trip to the Burbank Public Library! They had a tour, checked out books, and had lunch at the park next door As one of our kiddos said, “this was the best day ever!” In Social Justice, the students became advocacy warriors and allies They had a blast filming our How To Be An Ally commercial where they gave the Wesley community tips for being a good ally. Our youngest stars are so ready to rise up to 1st grade!
2-4-6-8 Spring in 1st grade is really great! In 1st grade, the students worked very hard to put the finishing touches on their MARPs (My Animal Research Projects) that have spanned the last few months of the school year, culminating in live presentations to family members in the classrooms and sharing poetry and song from the stage in the Social Hall This cross-curricular project ties together everything that 1st grade learns academically and socially They spend time learning about their animal’s habitat, diet, location in the world and many fun facts A very exciting research component of the project was taking their first field trip! Our 1st grade Wesley Lions went to Moorpark College’s Teaching Zoo. They had an amazing day learning about rescued, exotic animals, including Ira, the zoo’s lion! 1st grade is wild about animals and inspires others to become more aware and show they care
Did you know that gummy bears were invented in Germany?
The 2nd grade students have been learning about countries of their choice They have been working hard researching fun facts about each place such as entertainment, holidays, food, clothing, language and more The students were very proud of all of their hard work, and were excited to present their final projects to their grownups during the Spring Showcase. In math, the second grade students created blueprints of a room they’d love to have with three dimensional shapes. They then used the laptops to create a digital version on the computer Finally, the students went to the LA River with their 6th grade buddies on their first field trip They spent the day investigating the quality of the water using samples that they gathered, they learned how to filter water, used microscopes to study the water and enjoyed lunch at the river.
Band 2 (3rd & 4th Grades)
The 3rd graders have been busy wrapping up another amazing school year! In reading and writing, students explored and wrote different types of poetry using figurative language such as similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole, idioms, etc. In addition, third grade students read different fairy tales and wrote their own fractured tales. In math, students learned the order of operations and stretched their thinking to multiply and divide larger numbers in word problems. In social studies, students made baskets, sang Chumash songs, learned about the tomol (a Chumash canoe), made a hand-eye coordination game with a ring, stick, and string, and made beaded bracelets. In creating these materials, 3rd graders learned the importance of how the Chumash used their environment to help them in their daily lives as well as what life is like for them today. The 3rd graders should be so proud of all the hard work they have done this year!
4th grade did a deep dive into the real world application of fractions through our Cooking with Fractions Project. Each student chose a recipe, sweet or savory, with at least three measurements written in fraction form. The students then had various tasks to complete using this recipe including doubling, tripling and even cutting the measurements in half. These tasks allowed students to practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing using fractions.
In reading, 4th graders read the final class novel, Esperanza Rising by Pam Ryan. The exciting and suspenseful novel was read as a class with group discussions. Students practiced making predictions, discussed character internal and external traits, and plot structure through the lens of this text. The classes were thrilled to read this story and even had a hard time putting it down!
In the final unit of California History, 4th graders learned about the Gold Rush and its impact on California. They had the opportunity to go on a field trip to a reenactment town to live through the Gold Rush experience. Students mined for gold, made candles, and even tried some foods that were common during that time period.

Lower School Science

Students in Lower School Science have been doing some exciting, hands-on experiments in Engineering and Earth Science. Students have been creating simple machines to solve problems, building bridges that withstand the forces of nature, designing weatherproof hats and brainstorming theoretical inventions for Earth’s future They’ve also been learning about cloud formation and severe weather, global climate zones, and natural disasters In the unit about geological features, students just completed learning all about volcanoes - from their creation and structures through finding ways to predict volcanic activity, and then proudly completing wonderful group projects on historical volcanic eruptions.
Band 3 (5th & 6th Grades)
This month in 5th grade Math class, students are strengthening their decimals operations with a foreign currency conversion project. The students create a business that their customers will shop at and come up with a list of items for sale for that business The students are currently in the planning phase, and will also develop and solve real-life word problems involving foreign exchangerates In6thgrade,theyarecontinuingtheirPreAlgebraunitwithratios/ratesandproportionalrelationships (eg solvingproportions)
Inhumanitiesthestudentsgotachancetoseethingsfrom the point of view of both loyalists and patriots on the road to the Revolutionary War They did this by participating in re-enactments from this time, studying first and secondary accounts We then studied the battles that took place and discovered that there were many battles won by the patriots solely on the basis of strategy When the colonies cameoutontopwithhelpfromtheFrench,theyneededto form the government they wanted to see for their people. Thestudentsstudiedtheformationofthatgovernment.
Band 3 cont.
In 6th grade humanities, Trimester 3 is dedicated to all things Greek Students quickly dove into their Literature Study of Greek Myths, A Midsummer Night's Dream and The Adventures of Ulysses Their study culminated in a visit to Theatricum Botanicum where Wesley students joined students of neighboring schools to learn various Shakspearean stage craft such as sword fighting and dance and watched a live performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. In addition to their literature study, students researched various Greek mathematicians, created posters and practiced Socratic syllogisms. To round out the trimester, students prepare for the Greek Festival through performance memorization, creation of mythology masks, Greek pottery design and chiton costume design The festival on June 6th where the students performed, showcased art, and battled rival city states was a huge success
In 5th grade science, students potted the Tomatosphere plants and are tending the tiny seedlings to see how they grow We are awaiting official results from Tomatosphere HQ to learn which group of tomato seed packets went to space and which have never left the planet. Students were introduced to microscopes and their parts, and students enjoyed using the microscopes to view biological specimens. Students gained a new understanding about how scientists determine whether something is living or not, based on a specific set of criteria through labs and reading comprehension activities.
In 6th grade, science students continue to learn about plate tectonics, earthquakes, and all things earth science Students collected and analyzed data for several large mountains around the world to determine whether mountain growth and movement is correlated with or caused by earthquake activity Students conducted a rock investigation lab to learn about some of the rock types found within and below mountains, and they launched a Web Quest to learn more about Earth's Layers.

Band 4 (7th & 8th Grades)
From March 15 through March 23, Mr Campy, Mrs Drasin, Ms O’Callaghan, Mrs Rodriguez and Mr Eleftheriades thoroughly enjoyed an international adventure with the 8th grade students, traveling "across thepond"foreightdaysinandaroundLondon Theirbusy itineraryincludedvisitstoSt Paul'sCathedral,TheBritish Museum, and the Globe Theatre, excursions to Oxford, Stratford, Bath, and Salisbury, and three theater performances, including taking in a show at The Globe. Not only did the students have a fantastic time, the chaperones were impressed by their collective interest, theirstamina,andtheirspiritofadventure.
Inmath,the7thand8thgradershavedoneagreatjobso far,andMr.Baharvandisverypleasedwiththeirprogress. In particular, the 8th grade South is mathematically very talented,andtheyhavelearnedthebeginningelementsof concepts that they will soon learn in high school They really loved the idea of learning these new concepts, and thelevelofenthusiasmandparticipationwasexcellent

ToculminatethreeyearsinSeñoraSilver’sSpanishclass, 8th graders wrote, illustrated, and narrated their own children’s books in collaboration with Mr. Kaitz’s technology classes. During finals week, 8th graders partnered up with Kinder and 1st grade students to share theirstories.
As the year came to a close in history, the 7th graders focusedontheFarEast,namelyChinaandJapan,during the Middle Ages. From paper money and gunpowder to Zen gardens and samurai, they discovered the marvelous aspects and achievements of these amazing cultures All along they chronicled how each culture adds to and exchanges with others (cultural diffusion!), eventually creatingtheamazingworldthatwehavetoday
For the 8th grade, all year in history the focus was on the development, trials, and tribulations of our home, the USA. In the culminating weeks of the school year, students traveled west in the California Gold Rush (some didn’t make it, a few struck it rich) and looked into the events that led to the greatest tragedy in our country’s history: the Civil War. With the great cultural and political divide that developed primarily over the issue of slavery during the 1800s, the country finally came apart with the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 In learning this we drew parallels into our own society and explored ways of healing the divides of today
In English, the 7th graders completed their year with Shakespeare's most recognized tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. They started with a discussion as to why Romeo and Juliet is still the most commonly taught text in classrooms around the country and why we subject our students to the archaic language of Shakespeare. Is it only because we were subjected to it when we were in school? The goal was to make the student experience less awful than the experiences that many adults had with Shakespeare in middle school by making the play interesting and fun Students had Shakespearean rap battles, wrote lovely sonnets, and brought the play to life in our classroom Throughout the unit, they examined who they are and what makes them that way, what role our family plays in our development, and the extent to which Shakespeare’s plays interrogate or critique the value of romantic love as a social construct The classes ended with an expository paper and watched a modernized version of the play.


As we approach the close of this academic year, we on the Board of Trustees feel a deep sense of gratitude. It's been a remarkable year at The Wesley School, and this is due to each and every one of you. We're consciousofthechangesonthehorizon;farewellsandnewbeginningsalikearepartofoursharedjourney.
One such momentous change is the graduation of our 8th graders To these amazing young individuals, we sendaspecialshoutout Yourjoy,friendship,resilience,andpositivespirithavebeenasourceofinspirationto us all. As you prepare to embark on your new high school journeys, remember that you carry with you the wisdom, values, and experiences that you have gained here at Wesley. We can't wait to see what you'll accomplishnext!
Weknowsomeofourcommunitymembers teachers,administrators,families,andstudents arepreparingto move on from Wesley To you, we extend our deepest thanks Your contributions have been vital in shaping ourschoolcommunityintothesupportiveandvibrantplaceitistoday
With a touch of sorrow, the Board must also bid adieu to three dedicated trustees who will be concluding their terms this year These individuals have gone above and beyond in their service, showing leadership and commitment during some of the most challenging periods in our school's history We express our sincere thanksfortheircommitment,countlesshoursofservice,anddeep-seatedloveforourschool:
Transitions also bring fresh starts. We're excited to welcome our new trustees for the 2023-2024 school year. EachoneofthembringstheirownuniqueexperiencesandperspectivesthatwillbeinvaluabletoourBoard:
Throughoutthesummer,theBoardwillcontinueworkingonreviewingourschool’smissionstatement.Withthe helpofeducationalconsultantsfromMission&DataandourMissionReviewTaskForce,weaimtoensureour missionalignswithourcommunity'svaluesandgoals.We'relookingforwardtosharingupdatesintheFall.
Inclosing,abigthankyoutoeachoneofyou YouaretheheartofWesley,makingitawonderfulplaceforour studentsandfamilies.Here'stoeachofyou!
Wow, what a season of Wesley athletics! With the Lakers getting bounced in 4 games it looked like we were not going to have a happy end of the season: Enter our Wesley teams in soccer and volleyball! We fielded 12 teams this season and four of them made it to playoffs, two teams went undefeated and every team had at least two wins
Our 4th grade soccer team and our 4th grade green volleyball team played very well and improved at every turn. They played some games and matches that went down to the wire where either team could have won. The 5th grade soccer team and the 5th grade volleyball teams also had great seasons. The soccer team went undefeated until their very last game where they lost in the last 5 seconds of overtime. The 5th grade volleyball team also had some hard fought battles that went to 3 sets and ended the season 6-1. The 6th grade soccer team started the season by playing the 2 toughest teams in their division but then got on a roll to end the season. The 4th grade ‘Blue’ volleyball team played tough right out of the gate and never looked back, they had an unbelievable undefeated season.
The volleyball teams in 7th and 8th grade also had amazing seasons The 7th grade boys team just missed going to playoffs and the rest of the teams did make the playoffs The 8th grade varsity boys team played an incredible first game and just lost in a 24-25 set The JV 8th grade girls also lost in a great match of the playoffs The 8th grade girls varsity team had an amazing run in the playoffs win after win to make the championship They lost a nail biter in the last game against a tough Viewpoint team but competed well in spite of only having six girls
Our winning teams also had nice runs through the playoffs, every team went into the playoffs as top seeds
The 6th grade team took care of business winning their semi-final game at home and then in the championship game, beat Curtis in dominating style where every girl contributed to the win. The 7th grade team dominated most of the season. They went into the playoffs with a perfect 5-0 record. They beat a tough Viewpoint team in the first round and then dominated the rest to win the Championship.
I would like to thank all of the parents and teachers for being so supportive of each team and of Wesley’s Athletics Program, the athletes for giving it their all, and of course the coaches. Coaches this season were Coach Price, Coach Wilson, Coach Nathan, Coach David, Coach Bland, Coach Matt, Coach Campanella and Coach Eleftheriades - without them we could not have accomplished all the growth and success this season
Personally, I would like to say I have had a wonderful year as the Athletic Director here at The Wesley School and would like to thank all of my colleagues, administrators, staff and parents for their warm welcome and support this year I look forward to an even better year in the 2023-24 school year Until then, have a great summer, see you in the fall ,and I will catch you on the fields or courts next year Go Lions!


As we approach the end of another wonderful academic year, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the achievements and progress we have made as a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community at Wesley It has been an incredible journey of growth, learning, and collaboration, and I am immensely proud of the strides we have taken together
This year, our DEIJ initiatives were guided by a commitment to fostering an environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and supported. Here are some initiatives that we would like to implement for next year:

Curriculum - We will continue to enhance our curriculum to ensure that it is inclusive and representative of all cultures, races, ethnicities, genders, religions, and abilities Our teachers incorporated diverse voices, stories, and experiences into their lessons, allowing students to explore different perspectives and broaden their understanding of the world.
Professional Development - Our faculty and staff will engage in various professional development opportunities focused on DEIJ topics. We are hoping to deepen their knowledge and equip ourselves with the necessary tools and strategies to create an inclusive learning environment for our students
Student Empowerment - We want to encourage student leadership and empowerment through various initiatives.
Community Engagement - We want to create partnerships with community organizations, parents, and local leaders to strengthen our DEIJ initiatives. Through collaborative efforts, we organized community events, panel discussions, and cultural celebrations that brought our diverse community together, promoting unity and appreciation for our differences
Parent Involvement - We would like to continue to actively engage parents in our DEIJ efforts, recognizing that their support is crucial in creating an inclusive school environment.
Looking back on the year, it is evident that our collective efforts have made a positive impact on our students, staff, and school community We have witnessed increased empathy, understanding, and acceptance among our students, as well as a greater appreciation for diversity and inclusivity
However, our work is not done. As we move forward, it is essential to continue our commitment to DEIJ principles and practices. We will build upon the progress we have made, address any challenges or gaps that arise, and continually seek ways to improve and refine our efforts.
Together, we have created a vibrant and inclusive community where every individual is valued, respected, and celebrated
I wish you all a restful and rejuvenating summer break. Let us return in the fall with renewed energy and a shared commitment to fostering a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and just environment for all.

Warm regards,
Traci Allen Coordinator of Diversity and InclusivityPARENTS' ASSOCIATION UPDATE

Spring has sprung and with it came a flurry of events! Women’s History Month brought us our very first celebration of our Women Of Wesley, also known as W O W Little did we know that this term already had a very endearing sentiment to our faculty and staff that dates back to before we started at Wesley Thanks to an idea from Toi Bridges, the three of us worked together to honor the women in our community. It was so nice to see all the lovely notes parents left for each other on our digital wall. Our parents also wrote the most thoughtful notes of acknowledgment and appreciation for our female faculty and staff. We passed along those notes and even had a small W.O.W. Moments celebration in the Social Hall on the last day of the month. March also brought us some of our popular party books, the highly anticipated Karaoke Night (hosted by the Ayasta-Cohn, Baker, Fudacz-Montgomery, Gershon, Guider, Larson, and Monahan-Sullivan families) and Live Your Fantasy Ball with Mr. Greene (hosted by the Back, Groom, Morton, Narducci, Rue-Price and Virdone-Hronopoulos families).

After easing back in from Spring Break for a week, we found ourselves jumping from event to event We kicked off Earth Week with another Beach Cleanup on April 15, organized by Luz, and then, with the help of Mimi Narducci, leaned in with responsible recycling offerings and even tried our first ever plastic utensil free hot lunch day! Students were asked to bring in a reusable utensil in lieu of using the disposable plastic forks offered during hot lunch Our plastic free day even inspired some of our students to collect signatures to petition for biodegradable utensils for hot lunch! This same week the Development office, along with Michelle and Patsy McKenzie, held the reimagined Generations Day (Teachers and extended family alike had rave reviews!) Also this same week, we had our 3rd Annual Family Movie Night and this time we were able to have it on campus Mother Nature was kind to us and it was a beautiful evening to watch a movie together under the stars We closed out Earth Week with an outdoor Yoga Wellness and Soundbath party book (hosted by the Widjaja-Allen and Makarem families)
The following week was our Spring Book Fair, organized by Marie We raised over two thousand dollars that Ms O can use to purchase new and current book titles for our library Parents also had an opportunity to donate a book to Open Books, an organization that helps provide LGBTQ+ affirming literature to school libraries We then kicked off Teacher Appreciation Week by placing notes of appreciation written by our parents outside of every classroom and office all over the school. Held at the stunning Seeman residence and organized by Sam Thompson and Lauren Brandenstein again, we then treated our beloved faculty and staff to a luncheon with paella, donuts and massages!


In May, we had our first ever Rockin’ Awesome Improv party book (hosted by the Crane-Howard, Hutchison-Ortner, Kolin,Kuklok-Waldman,Lindsay,McCurdy-Grattan,andSpeer-Dohertyfamilies)whichweheardwasahilariouslygood time! Our 6th Grader’s also had their first dance in which they joined the 7th and 8th Graders at the Spring Dance. JenniferLehmanandChrisLimdidawonderfuljobtransformingtheSocialHallintothemiddleschooler’sfittingtheme choice–flowers!AnnaFudaczthenworkedwithMs.SingletarytohelpsetuptheStudentArtShow,whereourchildren gave us all a tour during the Spring Showcase. The amazing duo of Lindsey Drasin and Jessica Stewart spearheaded yetanotherPaloozatogetherandwewereamazedbyallofthestudentperformances!

June brought us two more favorite party books – the Sweethearts Dance (hosted by the McCurdy-Grattan, Sanata, Tourouk, and Kuklok-Waldman families) and the infamous Drag Queen Bingo (hosted by the Aquino, Baker/Matzdorff, Beck,Berg/Tamacas,Blincoe,Tharani,Thomas,andUnderhillfamilies).ThePAwillendtheyearbyhostingendofthe yeargrade-levelparties,organizedbyourawesomeroomparents!
Recently, Luz and I sat down to reflect on this past year. We took on our role as PA Chairs at the tail end of the pandemic and wondered what we could do to continue to foster a sense of family now that parents were allowed back on campus. Could we continue to build on what our past two PA Chairs were able to do? We knew the pandemic affected us all in different ways, especially our children, and we wanted to focus mainly on events that brought our community together. “Community means having a group of people who share common values and work towards a common purpose.” Our children are that common goal. We came into this year wanting to support our parents and our teachers as we all try to navigate this new pathway. We wanted parents to feel a sense of connection and belonging. Wewantedeveryonetofeelwelcometoapproachuswithnewideasandwewerehappytohelpfacilitatebringingthose ideastofruition.Wewantedteacherstoknowhowmuchweappreciatethem.Wewantedourchildrentofeellovedand celebrated.Wesleyismorethanjustacommunity.Weareafamily.Aswithanyfamily,therewillalwaysbehiccupsand we won’t always see eye to eye but, in the end, we ultimately try to understand each other’s perspectives and come back together. Our children are so lucky to be surrounded by this extended family every day. We have met so many wonderfulpeoplethispastyearandwearesohonoredtohavebeenyourPAChairs.Wehopewesucceededinmaking thisyearfunandwelcomingforeveryone!
MarieNatividad&LuzHerreraOlaya PACo-ChairsDEVELOPMENT OFFICE NEWS
SpringhassprunganditsurehasbeenabusyoneatWesley!March,April,andMaywerefullofeventsfromtheDevelopmentOffice andwe’resothankfultohavehadyouallbeaspecialpartofthem!Ithastrulybeenaseasonfulloffun,family,andconnectingasa community.

InMarch,welaunchedourannualTeacherOutingsfundraiser.TheseWesleyoutingswerefulloffun,one-of–kindopportunitiesfor our students to connect with their teachers outside of the classroom by participating in amazing activities such as pasta making, movienights,bowling,sportsgames,andevenapartywithGoats!Ouruniquefundraisingeventraisedover$30,000forourschool becauseofyoursupport!ThankyouagaintoouramazingFacultyandStaffmembersforgivingtheirtimeandenergybyparticipating intheseevents.Thekidsloveitandlookforwardtoiteveryyear!
InApril,forthefirsttimeinfouryears,WesleybroughtbackGenerationsDay!Themorningwasfullofabeautifulperformancefrom all of our students, a campus tour, photobooth fun, sing-a-longs, and art projects. Guests were able to explore what really makes Wesleyspecial-ourteachers,students,andclassrooms.Itwastrulyamorningfullofjoy-GenerationsofJoy!Havingourcampus full of grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, cousins, neighbors, and other family friends, brought a breath of fresh air and a vibrantlifetocampusthatwe’vemissedoverthepastfewyears.Hearingallofthelaughterandwarmconversationsfromstudentsto guests to teachers, are all magical moments that we continue to cherish. If you were a special guest and enjoyed this day as muchaswedid,pleaseconsidermakingagifttoWesleyinhonorofyourfabulousWesleystudenttoday.Itwilltrulymakea differenceforthemandallGenerationsofLionstocome!

In May, Wesley had its first ever Block Party! This more casual take on our every other year Gala was the not-to-be missed adultonlyeventoftheseason.Webrokeoutourjeansandfavoritepairofsneakersanddancedthenightawayontherooftopterraceof theWestfieldFashionSquareMall(ShoutouttoWesleyParents-DJGershon&Baker -forkeepingthemusicandvibesgoingall night long!). There was an eclectic mix of food vendors, the drinks were flowing at the three open bars, and an adult moonbounce with slow-motion video that still has us laughing! And what would a party be without an auction?! Thanks to the helping hands of Mariah Leavitt andMarissa Seeman,wewereabletohaveasuccessfulonlineauctionwithabunchofopportunitiestoparticipate throughbiddingorraffletickets.Thankyoutoourcommunitymemberswhohelpedoutbydonatingaspecialexperienceorthrough participatingbybuyingraffleticketsorbiddingontheseincrediblepackages!

The Block Party wasn’t only just a night of much needed fun and connecting, it was also to help fundraise $30,000 to enhance the Technology Program at Wesley Thanks to your continued support, I am so happy to share that we met our goal and raised $30,140! We look forward to adding more ipads into the lower school classrooms next year, replacing some of the smart boards, and building out our STEM programming.
Lastly, I would like to extend a sincere thank you to my Development Chair, Jenny Hollier, for being the best team player out there! I couldn’t have gotten through this busy year, especially this spring, without all of your help and guidance Here’s to another great year!
To our Wesley Community, thanks for always showing up and being willing to support our school in so many ways Whether it was through our Fund The Need fundraiser at the Block Party, to your Annual Wesley Fund donation, being the cheering squad at our Run for a Cause, volunteering at one of our many events, or purchasing an Auction item or Teacher Outing, you make this community the warm, joyful place that I have come to call home.

Mark your calendars and get ready to celebrate Wesley’s 25th Birthday next year in full glam and style! We’re going all out in February 2024 and can’t wait to honor our school through the looking glass of the past 25 years

With love and appreciation,

The Wesley Class of 2023, comprised of 40 students, was accepted to 23 different high schools. Of those 23, they have chosen to matriculate to 12 - Archer, Buckley, Campbell Hall, Chaminade, Crespi, ESLA, Flintridge Prep, FSHA, Harvard-Westlake, Immaculate Heart, LACHSA, Louisville, Loyola, Marlborough, Marymount, Mayfield, Milken, Notre Dame, Oakwood, OVS, Providence, USC High School, and Viewpoint. As is the case with every graduating class, the schools that our students matriculate to are as diverse as our students - some are small and some are large, some are single gender and some are coed, some have strength in the arts and some in athletics, some offer very unique areas of study and others offer a more generalist approach, some have a religious affiliation and others do not The singular goal is that each and every student lands at a school that is a good fit for them

Equally impressive is the list of colleges that some members of the Wesley Class of 2019, comprised of 38 students, are choosing to attend That list includes Arizona State University, Bard, Denison, Gonzaga, Indiana University, LMU, NYU, Pomona, Santa Barbara City College, Santa Clara University, Smith, Tulane, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Denver, University of Miami, University of Oregon, University of Richmond, University of Wisconsin, USC, and Wesleyan.
Wesley Graduates and Wesley AlumsWE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU!
Alyssa Wesley class of 2019, continues to make wavesinthesoccerworldandwasrecentlyfeatured in The Wall Street Journal! Check out the article aboutthe"teeninvasion"here.

Andrew graduated in May of 2023 from Campbell Hall as its valedictorian! He will be attending the UniversityofSouthernCaliforniatopursueadegree inPsychologythisfall

Aja was accepted to UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and will start this fall This has been her lifelong dream and her family is thrilled with her determination and hard work to get there. She currently works in Dallas as a veterinary technician andislearningtheropes.

It is such a joy to share the work students have created over the school year. To me, each project is a memory, like a photograph. I remember what the struggles were, the "aha" moments, and the joy. Art is such an important component to a child’s growth and development. Based on research, through art, students work on their creativity and problem solving skills, self- expression/identity, fine motor skills, spatial awareness, memory, understanding of people around the world, and it can promote calm and confidence. I get to see this on a regular basis, which is thrilling!
Special thanks to the parents and middle school students who helped me set up and take the art show down. While thereisalotIprepareinadvance,Icouldn’tputitalltogetherwithoutthatsupport.Iamtrulygrateful!

Checkout thisvideo toseealloftheartfeaturedatourshow!

from Michelle Allegra:
I traveled to Ireland over Spring Break and it was just as magical as I ever dreamed it would be. I started out in Limerick and enjoyed a brief stay at Dromoland Castle. We then made our way down to Killarney while enjoying the lush, green hills, then up to Cork and finally to Dublin. From the regal castles, to the friendly people, the Ring of Kerry, kissing the Blarney Stone and the lively pubs, I can’t wait to go back!

from Hanna & Fredrick Williams:
We are overjoyed to announce the arrival of our baby girl, Soul! As the first official Wesley baby "on both sides of the family," we are thrilled to share this exciting news with all of you This is an incredibly joyous time for us, and we are filled with the love and support from the Wesley community

m Rachel Mottaz:

e were so fortunate this Spring Break! Not only did Henry ve a great time with the 8th grade London Trip, but we ked him up there and traveled to Paris, France. Our hotel s beautiful, we were walking distance to so many great hts, we took tours and even learned how to make guettes, croissants, and financiers at an authentic arisian bakery. Henry has been a lifer at Wesley. While it will certainly be an adjustment to see him going somewhere else for high school (Providence High School!!), we have treasured our time with this school and this community