Playing on the new equipment in Kinderland was a definite highlight, but what was probably the most fun was meeting new friends not just in Kindergarten, but in the older grades as well Through our learning activities, play, and visits with our elders, we learned what it means to be a Wesley student: we are kind and compassionate upstanders, we learn how to “Be” in the world, and also how to contribute and take care of it and each other Welcome to the Class of 2031!
ISSUE #1 2022/2023
Throughout this newsletter, I hope you will see evidence of plenty of joyful moments, from our highly successful summer program to our wonderful new faculty and staff members Even the campus holds renewed joy as spaces were reconfigured and play areas and equipment were refurbished with pops of color A FROM HEAD OF SCHOOL
A Message from the Head of School Julie Galles, Head of School Summer Program Wrap-Up Greg Armbrister, Assistant Head of School for Academics Board of Trustees News Paolo Velasco, Board of Trustees Vice Chair
Corner Traci Allen, Coordinator of Diversity and Inclusivity Parents' Association Update Marie Natividad & Luz Herrera Olaya, PA Co Chairs Development Office Update Tammy Rodriguez, Director of Development Admissions News Verena Denove, Assistant Head of School & Director of Admissions Coach's Corner Louie Rodriguez, Athletic Director Summer P.D. Reflections Campus Kudos Welcome New Wesley Team Members! 1 Page 2 Page 3-8 Page 9-10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 18 Page 19-23 IN THIS ISSUE
Dear Wesley Community, As I begin my third year at Wesley, and my first as the permanent Head of School, I am filled with gratitude and excited anticipation for what lies ahead. As we cautiously emerge from under the cloud of the pandemic, the road ahead shines with opportunities to connect, collaborate, and grow. Wesley is stronger due to the discovery and learning of last year, from the meaningful and very successful accreditation process (the school was awarded a new full 7 year term!), to the powerful parent dialogues in CODI and parent roundtables, to the accomplishments of our students in the classrooms We are moving into this year with strength, confidence, and joy Speaking of joy, I know that I needed it to be part of my theme for the year As the community gathered more often last spring, the joy of children interacting with their school and home adults, as well as the adults enjoying each other, was palpable We will therefore be using the theme of Joyful Moments this year as we actively seek to foster and identify both small and large instances of joyfulness As I mentioned to the faculty and staff during our opening meetings, joy is different from happiness in that it comes from a deeper place and can persist even in the face of other strong emotions such as sadness and loss Joy is tied up with gratitude and the two feed each other Throughout this newsletter, I hope you will see evidence of plenty of joyful moments, from our highly successful summer program to our wonderful new faculty and staff members Even the campus holds renewed joy as spaces were reconfigured and play areas and equipment were refurbished with pops of color I am excited about opportunities for parents to engage more fully with their children’s joyful learning, as well as attending to their own through parent education, grade level potlucks, and myriad chances to participate in the life of the school via Parents’ Association events, CODI events, and more. Thank you for your involvement in our special school, and I look forward to connecting and sharing the joy of this new year!
Julie Galles Head of School
We’re delighted to announce that 3rd grade is officially up and running! The class of 2028 has solidified their 1st and 2nd grade skills, and they are now ready to begin the next chapter of their educational journey. Along with math, reading, writing, and social lessons, students also began construction on their lego city, which they will add to all school year. Through their lego build and various group projects, the students are getting more familiar with each other and sorting out everyone’s working styles. We are well set up for September success!
A few steps across the courtyard, one was reminded that it’s always a great day to be in 2nd Grade. Summer fun began with a STEM challenge in the morning: students explored, investigated and solved problems while using cups for stacking, blocks for measuring, gems for sorting, counting and grouping, while focusing on solving the problem of the day. To kick off our reading and writing unit, the children engaged in an improv game to help ignite a thought or experience to write about. Many funny stories were created that the kiddos were anxious to share and even acted out. In math, students learned how to cooperate, share and to explain their thinking through math games that serve as the foundation for all incoming 2nd grade students. Of course, to end the day we had to have a dance party, silent ball, or game of choice, and then off to lunch they went.
What an exhilarating ride it has been for me since joining the Wesley Community on July 1! It seems as though there have already been a year’s worth of experiences packed into two short months. Wesley has proven to be the most welcoming and fulfilling environment possible for me, and I am very grateful to be part of the Lion Pride. It is my privilege to share the words of my colleagues below, with some editorial liberty mixed in here and there. Please join me in a joyful review of the accomplishments and activities of our students, faculty, and staff over what was an action-packed summer experience on Incampus.Kinderland, the faculty considered the 8th iteration of KinderCamp to be the best one yet! Our new Kinder kiddos loved getting to know each other and the teachers, enjoyed the themed art projects, and even tolerated our attempts at having them practice their fine motor skills. Playing on the new equipment in Kinderland was a definite highlight, but what was probably the most fun was meeting new friends – not just in Kindergarten, but in the older grades as well. Through our learning activities, play, and visits with our elders, we learned what it means to be a Wesley student: we are kind and compassionate upstanders, we learn how to “Be” in the world, and also how to contribute and take care of it and each other. Welcome to the Class of 2031!
A bit farther east on campus, the 1st graders not only practiced their math and writing skills, but they also enjoyed Pokemon-themed dance parties to celebrate Fun Fridays. Each week, there was a different dance party theme. Some of their summer fun included watercoloring, ArtHub activities, and fun read-aloud stories. The 1st Grade Summer Fun Crew, including students and teachers, enjoyed a great balance of academics and play!
Next door in 4th grade, we sharpened our reading and writing skills by completing a unit on Volcanoes (learning vocabulary, cause and effect, and answering short answer and reading comprehension questions). For math we reviewed multiplication facts by playing different games like Bingo, Blooket, and Flip 4. Together, we ended each morning reading The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davis for inspiration before lunch. Our 5th graders humored their wandering spirit by planning a camping trip for seventeen students! They applied problem solving and multiplication skills to determine the shelter, supplies, excursions, and food they would need for their trip. Once the investigation was complete, we of course met at the campfire for S’Mores! The enthusiasm continued as students planned a birthday party, with the main skill being long division practice. We moved on to a deep dive with fractions, applying our knowledge to create a pizza and to characterize our toppings as fractions. Then we created word problems to reflect the data on our pizzas, solving each other’s work. Throughout the sessions, we worked on problem solving strategies, multiplication strategies, and critical thinking activities. Who knew that math could really mean camping and pizza? In Language Arts, 5th graders started each morning with sentence editing, honing our grammar and punctuation skills. Reading comprehension was also an important skill, where we focused on locating textual evidence and proving our answers in written responses. We worked on increasing our reading stamina and completed independent novels, creating plot pyramids for them. Following the writing process, we wrote memoir paragraphs, which included a hook, a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion. Our writing became more exciting, as we added more flavorful adjectives and verbs during revision. Another focus was on specific study skills, which will help us be better organized and prepared once school begins. Being challenged and having fun with analogies was an enjoyable way to end our time together. During our summer electives session, Spanish students got a chance to preview some of the vocabulary and grammar (especially verb conjugation!) for the upcoming school year as well as to review some basic concepts from the year before. Highlights included playing “Señor Dice,” which is basically “Simon Says” in Spanish, and ending with an epic Jeopardy game that reviewed the material covered throughout the session. For Study Skills, summer school students were able to look into the skills and efforts that it takes in order to be the best student one can be. Through discussion and practice, students were able to identify their strengths and weaknesses, explore organizational skills, and preview what the upcoming year will be like for Wesley middle-schoolers. Highlights included learning about multiple intelligences, coming together as a team to achieve a common goal, and practicing opening combination locks on the Wesley lockers.
In our enrichment reading and writing class, the main focus and purpose of our course was to develop a mastery of the conventions of grammar through workbooks, as well as through the critical reading of literary texts, and to then respond to these texts in both creative and analytic composition While it may not sound like the ideal way to spend an hour every morning in July, the students had an opportunity to get to know each other, share a ton of laughs, and read some interesting (and super creepy) stories. To keep both sides of their brains balanced, many students also immersed themselves in middle school mathematics, and they proved to be very engaged. Their enthusiasm for learning was obvious, as they pursued the goal of becoming fully prepared for the challenges ahead this coming fall.
Obviously learning at Wesley is never limited to “traditional” classroom subjects, and as living proof of that, Pokémon proved to be quite the hot topic this summer! Students had an opportunity to learn how to play the card game, and to identify good trades with their classmates Along with Pokémon, students had an opportunity to explore the 3rd grade classroom and enjoy various activities like our lego city, to which they added many great structures; the library, which has virtually any type of book they could imagine including many Pokémon books; and of course art time to color, draw, and create anything they'd like Pokémon related or not Summer is an ideal time to indulge in the joys of song, so it was no surprise that our Musical Extravaganza was well attended and expertly performed. Our singer/thespians worked hard to display their best acting, singing, and dancing skills. In two short weeks our students learned and performed a musical written by Mrs. McGregor just for them, and somehow they proudly shared 14 songs from the 50’s/60’s Rock & Roll era (think ELVIS)! In the first session students had lines, and they learned the music and the dances for the songs. In the words of many, it was TERRIFIC! The second two weeks took on a completely different style, and our stars sang, danced, and acted their way through 20 musical theatre classics, 1948 present day. Special thanks to Ms. Samantha Jones for helping our students to master the choreography As quoted by one of our performers, “This musical business is HARD WORK! AND SO MUCH FUN!!!!! We drink a lot of water ”
Performance wasn’t limited to the theater, however: our athletes were also out in the sun showing their stuff. In a word, the summer classes were hot! However, anything involving sports always proves to be a good time, and our coaches enjoyed spending time with some really wonderful students The games of football, kickball, and basketball were very enjoyable and also competitive It was amazing to see the children’s skills and confidence grow "Knock out" was one of the most popular games over the summer It started with the same couple of kids winning, and by the end of camp, it was anyone's game A big moment was when a 4th Grader did the unthinkable and knocked out Coach Matt!!! Circus isn’t on the docket for most summer programs, but our young ring performers had a blast this summer! We practiced our balancing skills with rola bolas, stils, and slacklines. We challenged our coordination with spinning plates, hoops, and balancing feathers. We discovered different juggling styles with scarves, diabolos, and devil sticks. We mastered acrobatic skills like human pyramids and silly clown skills like falls, trips, and even a pie fight. With some fun games and art projects along the way, we’ll be ready for the big top in no time! So, dear reader, if you made it this far, you’ve no doubt covered your 10,000 steps for the day Imagine what it’s like to see this first hand every sunny day, alternatively bemused and amazed at our students’ energy and enthusiasm, and consistently awed by the extraordinary leadership, inspiration, and guidance provided by our exceptional teachers and staff Kudos to them, congrats to our students, and thank you for sharing the summer with us! On behalf of our students, faculty, and staff, Greg Armbrister Assistant Head of School for Academics
ToouramazingWesleycommunity, TheBoardofTrusteeswelcomeseveryonetothestartofthe2022 2023schoolyear!Lastyear, theBoardmadetheimportantdecisiontonameJulieGallesasourpermanentHeadofSchool, and we are so excited and appreciative to see Julie and the wonderful Wesley team of faculty andstaffworkinghardtocreateanotheramazingschoolyearforourchildren This year the Board is comprised of 18 trustees Sixteen of the trustees have children currently attending Wesley, and every grade has at least one parent who serves as a trustee! There are three trustees who have children that graduated from Wesley As always, the Board has a delegate from North Hollywood First United Methodist Church, and this year we are excited to welcomeCherylTing,theHeadofSchoolatSt Paul’sEpiscopalSchoolofOakland,toserveon theBoard Wewelcomeyoutomeetthe2022 2023BoardofTrusteesbyclickinghere Much of the work done by the Board is accomplished through its standing and ad hoc committees Examplesofcommitteesinclude: Committee on Trustees The Committee on Trustees nominates candidates to the Board to join The Wesley School Board of Trustees. How do parents become Board members? Board members usually get their start enthusiastically working on a committee for more than a year: they have been present at meetings, volunteer where help is needed on that committee, and bring with them knowledge and expertise of the world outside our community. Interested in beingontheBoard?Investyourtimeandjoinacommittee!
BOARD and Inclusion (CODI) Board continues to be inspired by CODI’s dedication to a member of the Wesley community, a of community committee effort of
- The
the Community of Diversity and Inclusivity! This
facilitates many events on campus: middle school panels, guest speakers and community celebrations such as our Multi Cultural Potluck. In addition, CODI continues to lead the school in ensuring that values of equityandinclusivityareexperiencedbyallmembersofourcommunity Pleaseenjoymorenewsin theCODICornerofthisnewsletter Development-Tuitionalonedoesnotcoverthecostofprovidinganindependentschooleducation. The Development committee oversees the fundraising program and leads the Board in its
a new school year is a wonderful time to give to support Wesley’s program. Your donation has an immediate impact on Wesley and we hope you will give a gift that is meaningful to you and your family Please see more in the DevelopmentOfficeUpdate Finance The Finance committee works closely with the senior administration and oversees the top-levelbudgetfortheSchool.Thecommitteereviewsperformancetoprojectionsandplanningfor thefuturesuchasthroughoverseeingtheinvestmentoffunds,includingourEndowmentFund.With our budget set for the 2022 23 school year, the Finance committee is starting its assessments for nextyear’sbudgetprocess. TheWesleySchool’sBoardofTrusteeswishesawarm,happy,andsafewelcomebacktoallinthe WesleyCommunity.Welookforwardtoanamazingyear! PaoloVelasco WesleyBoardofTrusteesViceChair
OF TRUSTEES NEWS 10 Community of Diversity
you are already
equity and inclusion. As
to securecriticalphilanthropicsupporttocarryoutWesley’smission.Ourtight knitcommunitydepends on the generosity of our families to thrive and grow. The start
The author Jacqueline Woodson once said, Diversity is about all of us and about us having to figure out how to walk through this world together.” This quote especially resonates with me because it is an embodimentofworkingtogethertocelebrateeachotherandcollectivelyworkingtowardsabetterworld. It’s easy in the current climate to think individualistically. The test of humanity is to not only think about one’s self, but to think of solutions for problems that we have faced for decades, generation after generation.Howcanwebethechangeweseektosee?Howcanweacceptandacknowledgewhowe are as individuals, but also uplift the voices of others who are often silenced? I challenge you to considerthesequestions
I have to say I am very hopeful. The Wesley family had many moments in the past school year where we became closer as a community. I firmly believe that our school is actively working to provide an equitable and inclusive learning environment for our students. To make this happen, it is important that wealignourgoalsandwishes. IamveryexcitedtowelcometwonewCODI(CommunityofDiversityandInclusivity)co chairs Thordis Howardand MelanieElliott.ThesefabulouswomenareadditionstotheCODIteam.Wewillalsohave anewfantasticWesleyConnectionschair AmyDiBianca.JanettMyerandJosieVenturahavestepped up as our wonderful leaders for the Wesley Cooking Series. I am thankful for the commitment, dedication, and interest that these ladies have shown in becoming leaders of our DEIJ efforts. On September 24th, we will have a CODI Retreat. We are looking forward to connecting as a group to discuss our plans for the year and getting to know each other. We will continue with our monthly CODI meetings, our Wesley Connections groups, and the CODI Cooking series. This year, we are offering a Wesley Book and Film Club that will meet twice a trimester as a group to connect and discuss a pre selectedDEIJcenteredbookand/orfilm Pleasefeelfreetoexploreallopportunitiesforengagementby clickingHERE Eachopportunityprovidesatimeofconnectionandreflection We will enter this year with hope, joy, and patience. Wesley brings together brilliant, kind, passionate, and devoted community members. I firmly believe that this year will be inspirational and memorable. Together,wecanbeinfluential,effective,andpowerful. TraciAllen CoordinatorofDiversityandInclusivity
Speaking of, we’re very excited to have parent volunteers back on campus this early on in the school year! For us, decorating Kinderland for Halloween as Kinder parents felt very magical. We are excited that our newer parents finally get to experience it. Stay tuned for more events and a volunteersignupforourOctobervolunteeropportunities. Save the Date! Please join us on Tuesday, September 13, at 8:15am in the Social Hall We are havingourfirst in person PA meeting in over 2 ½ years! Not only will you get more information on our upcoming October events, you’ll also hear key updates from our administration, Board of Trustees, & CODI. This year we are going to try something new: we’re going to alternate between in person meetings and evening Zoom meetings in an attempt to be accessible to everyone. Our PAmeetingsareagreatwaytogetafeelfortheschoolandapulseonthecommunity.Wehopeto seeyouthere!
DearWesleyCommunity, We hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer break! We are delighted to welcome back our new andreturningfamiliesandareexcitedforwhatthisnewschoolyearwillbring Wehavebeenbusy this summer working behind the scenes, hoping to continue the Wesley traditions as well as bring ourcommunitytogetherinnewways. By now you should have heard from your room parents for a little casual summer meet up to reconnect before the school year gets started Our first week back at school, we’ll have our Book Swap outside the library and our Uniform Recycle Sale in the Lo fe Lo room If you missed the summer sign ups and want to help with these events, please email us at and we’ll forward your information to the committee chairs
MarieNatividad&LuzHerreraOlaya YourWesleyPACo Chairs
TammyRodriguez DirectorofDevelopment
Wow! I can’t believe that we are already gearing up for a new school year Time sure is flying by! Before we get this year started, I’d like to give a sincere “thank you” to everyone that made last year a huge success We exceededgoalaftergoalandcouldn’thavedoneitwithoutthesupportofthisamazingWesleycommunity. Our Annual Fund raised over $457,000, setting the highest amount raised in a single year! This important philanthropic support that occurs every year is essential to our school and allows us to make institutional enhancementsthatareimperativetoouracademicandprogramsuccess Our other signature events such as Teacher Outings, Run for a Cause, and our 80s Gala, were quite remarkableintheirownwaysaswell Whetheryouparticipatedinoneorall,itmadeahugeimpactforourschool and our community Additionally, thanks to your Fund a Need donations through the Gala, we raised over $64,000 to go toward the installation of new security gates and upgraded features for our campus Keep an eye outforthosethiscomingschoolyear!
Lastly, as the new school year approaches, we are looking forward to another exciting kick-off of the 2022-23 Annual Fund campaign this October! This year, we’ll be rebranding and launching The Wesley Fund. Formerly known as the Annual Fund, The Wesley Fund will continue to support all things Wesley and allow you to designate your philanthropic support to the area of our community and campus that you are most passionate about Wecan’twaittocrushourgoalof100%participationin100dayswithyouagainandseethespecificareas ofinterestthatmeanthemosttoyou StaytunedforanupdatedGuidetoGivingatWesleythisSeptember.Itwillprovideyouwiththeinsandoutsof the school’s fundraising efforts, explain the different designations within The Wesley Fund, and break down the difference between Development Office fundraisers and those that benefit the Parents’ Association or other aspectsofWesleylife. Thankyousomuchforyoursupport.Wecan’twaittoseeyouallsoon!
These past few years, the “Admissions Season” has not fit into any traditional timeframe with so many factors influencing family decisions This year, we are welcoming 60 new students to the Wesley family and are really excited to shepherd them into our community Just shy of half of these students are entering grades other than kindergarten, which means they are transferring from another school The reasons are usually quite varied and can be from moving into the area to dissatisfaction with their current school, but most often involve the realization that that their current school is no longer a good fit for their child Most new families arrive at Wesley having begun their journey here through an interaction either with a current family or an alumni family They have heard time and again about the Wesley faculty and how they attend to each individual child, about the Wesley community and how the School prioritizes being a place where all feel welcome, about how happy our children are to be going to school every day at Wesley, and about how well prepared our students are for the transition to high school; to the 20+ schools to which they are accepted. These characteristics have held steady year over year and I don’t anticipate them changing anytime soon! It is specifically because of these characteristics that together we have weathered several very challenging years. We have learned, laughed, cried, celebrated, and respectfully disagreed with each other as any close knit family does, and I very much look forward to (along with all of our returning families) welcoming the newest members of our community into the fold
Here’s to an amazing year ahead!
Respectfully, Verena Denove Associate Head of School Director of Admissions, Financial Aid, and High School Placement
15 COACH'S CORNER Clickhereto downloadthe WesleyApp! Followushere!
Hi! I'm Louie Rodriguez, your new Athletic Director here at Wesley. Some of my favorite sports are football and basketball. I also like to get out and play a little golf, which I was able to do more this past summer. I will strive to keep the high standards that Coach Neil established and look forward to making improvements to our athletics program where appropriate. The coaches and I would like to welcome you to the 2022-23 season of Wesley sports! With the WNBA playoffs, football season starting, MLS going strong, and Wesley sports beginning, this is a great time of the year for watching and cheering on games! We hope to see our athletes on the field and spectators in the stands to support our school. We are offering nearly a full complement of sports this year with the hope for no restrictions from Covid. Yay! The sports will include co-ed football and girls' basketball for grades 4-8, and cross country for middle school. 4th and 5th grade teams will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, while 6th - 8th grade teams will generally meet on Mondays and Wednesdays. I look forward to meeting everyone and having an awesome year here at Wesley. If at any time you would like to contact me, please do not hesitate to reach out at, and if you see me on the field, come up and say hello!
Louie Rodriguez Athletic Director
om Fredrick Williams: I attended the No Limits nual Conference through the American School unselor Association (ASCA) this summer in Austin, I joined educators and counselors from around e nation to expand my professional scope and actice I am inspired to enter my second year as a hool counselor at Wesley and am looking forward furthering the development of a comprehensive ogram that best supports Wesley students and their cial emotional well being
From Liz Anderson: I attended a professional development conference called Unconscious Bias: Understanding, Unpacking, and Uprooting. I learned that biases can start as early as when we are babies because of what we hear from our parents, grandparents, and even our own subculture I also learned how important it is to take action, even if it is uncomfortable, such as admitting when we are wrong, committing to being more aware and thoughtful, and even helping others see their own biases Our presenter Dr Pragya Agarwal was very informative I really enjoyed this conference
From Myrna Hopkins: I also attended the Unconscious Bias Seminar online, sponsored by the King Center. Two thoughts that I would like to share are these: Being aware of racism is one thing, but becoming educated on how unknowingly one can be racist is a topic that was discussed in this seminar. In addition, having DIVERSITY (people of all races) at an establishment does not mean that we have INCLUSION If all those races do not have a seat or a voice then we just have a quota of bodies with no voices
From Coach Matt: The professional development was an amazing experience! It was held at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo. The weather was perfect, and it was terrific to have the opportunity to learn from so many experienced and knowledgeable PE teachers. A big topic at the conference was playing games without anyone ever being "OUT" " The "NO OUT" rule is something that I really want to work into this year's PE classes I got the chance to not only learn a lot of new drills for volleyball, but I also got to participate in the drills Overall, it really opened my eyes and got the creativity flowing to the unlimited amount of games and skill building drills there really are
Lee Siwek had the time of her life spending two weeks in the Catskills with her family this summer (think Dirty Dancing) It was the first time David (now 3 years old) and Yael (16 months) flew on a plane and got to meet their extended family It was truly a dream come true!
Sarah Francis spent 16 days traveling and studying in Peru this summer with her MFA Program! From Cusco Centro to Machu Picchu, she was overwhelmed by the beauty, history and cuisine of this incredible country, not to mention all the llamas and alpacas! Be sure to ask her the difference between the two if you have a chance
Carol Rothman spent the summer with family and friends exploring mountains, beaches, and backyard pool parties One of the special highlights was her granddaughter, River, spending a week at her house! Can we just say: What goes on at Nana's house stays at Nana's house
New 5th grader, Penny Rodriguez, had a great time attending the Wesley Summer Program She loved being able to meet new friends before the school year starts and being able to hang out with her mom, Tammy Rodriguez, on campus!
Olivia Brown, Trisha Singletary and Barbara Goelman all shared in a week long New Leaders Training for SEED! They had a great time learning, bonding and sharing important information to bring back to the Wesley community
Clare O'Callaghan attended the wedding of Wesley alum Etta Ianaccone at the beautiful Ghost Ranch in Abiquiú, New Mexico amidst the mountains and landscapes that Georgia O'Keeffe loved to paint Matthew Lange enjoyed teaching two weeks of summer school, then traveling back to his home state of Wisconsin to help his mother clear out his childhood home and prepare for a move.
Michelle Allegra spent a week visiting friends up in Portland, Oregon From wine tasting, tubing down the Deschutes River, to hiking Mt Tabor, a fun time was had by all!
Natasha Bloom
Nathan Bland Help Desk/Technology Associate
Nathan Bland found his love for technology during high school, building and working on computers as a hobby for friends and family. He has worked for security companies building computer systems for schools in Simi Valley Nathan earned his AA in Computer Networking Systems at Moorpark College and is currently working towards his BS in Computer Science at CSUCI He began his time at Wesley as one of our trusted security guards along with Ms Amy and is looking forward to transitioning into a new role as our Help Desk/Technology Associate in the fall of 2022 When not at work, Nathan enjoys spending time with his dog Orion, snowboarding, playing soccer and baseball, and selling gaming computers
Bri Davis is joining the Wesley community August of 2022 as our School Counselor Bri earned her BA in Psychology with a minor in Sociology at Cal State University Northridge In the Spring of 2017, Bri graduated with her MA in Psychology from Phillips Graduate University with a Specialization in School Counseling/Child Welfare and Attendance Bri has worked in mental health for over 9 years now She has a passion for alternative medicine She uses Reiki energy cleansing, essential oils, and plant properties in her line of work to align the mind, body, and spirit. In her spare time she loves spending time with her family, playing with her baby girl pit bull "Beauty," curating holistic products, watching football (Go Pack Go!), riding her bike, and traveling the world. Bri is looking forward to serving the Wesley community and sharing her bright and bold energy.
Natasha Bloom, originally from Chicago, has been in California for 20 years and considers it home! She has been in education for the last 9 years after a 20 year career in film and television as a production designer She chose education as her mid life career change and feels as though she has found her calling! She is constantly mesmerized with these young humans and feels truly blessed to be able to be included as a small part of their lives by sharing her experiences and knowledge In addition to her university degrees, Natasha has also earned her certification in Civil Engineering. Natasha's partner Jeffrey is the light of her life and they very much enjoy life together. Children are the future, nurture them and guide them on their educational journeys!
5th & 6th Grade Math Teacher Bri Davis K-4the Grade Counselor
Lauren Gunderson 1st Grade Lead Teacher
Samantha Garrison 5th Grade Humanities Teacher
Lauren Gunderson is excited to return to the Wesley community as a 1st Grade Teacher after a 16 year hiatus! During her time away from Wesley, she continued working in education teaching 2nd Grade for five years and Kindergarten for five years Most recently, she served as the Library Media Specialist at a nearby independent school She holds an MA in K 12 Teaching and an MA in School Librarianship from Azusa Pacific University Lauren is passionate about children’s literature and takes great joy in sharing her love of books. Be on the lookout for her book themed t shirts and sweatshirts, her growing collection just reached 30! In her spare time, Lauren enjoys going to concerts with her husband Andrew, playing with her 3-pound chihuahua Bailey, and honing her glutenfree/dairy free baking skills.
Jessica Duncan K-4th Grade Science Teacher
Samantha Garrison joins the Wesley team as our 5th Grade Humanities teacher, marking her 11th year teaching! She came to us from the Bay Area excited about her new adventures in Los Angeles. She received her BA and teaching credential at Hayward State University Samantha loves to be a part of the growth and successes of her students inside and outside of the classroom She is passionate about creating an inclusive classroom filled with love and support Jessica Duncan, a Native Angeleno, holds a BA in Social Science History from San Diego State University and a Masters in Best Teaching Practices from National University She has been in education for the past 12 years both as an elementary teacher and sports coach Jessica believes each and every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to this world She feels grateful to share in the magic of education and watch her kiddos explore their passions on a daily basis Jessica's favorite activities include spending time with her young son who coincidentally is named Wesley, as well as spending time outdoors and watching sports (Go Lakers!).
Louie Rodriguez Athletic Director, Middles School PE Teacher Twinkle Sukhija, a native Angeleno, first joined the Wesley community in 2020 as a Kindergarten Assistant Teacher. Following a brief venture to San Diego, Twinkle is returning to us this fall as our new 5th Grade Math/Science Associate Teacher. Twinkle is passionate about education. She earned her BA in Organizational Communication from Pepperdine University in 2015 and her MA in Teaching from USC in 2020 Twinkle loves the Wesley community When she is not busy teaching, she enjoys working out, going to coffee shops, and watching movies!
Twinkle Sukhija 5th Grade Math/Science Associate Teacher
Sarah Tomlin
Custodian Coach Luis Rodriguez, nicknamed ‘Louie’ since he was very young, joins the Wesley team as our Athletic Director and MS PE Teacher. He was born in Mexico and grew up in the Echo Park area of LA under the shadow of Dodger Stadium. He attended Cal State LA and earned his degree in physical education with an emphasis in teaching. He has taught in independent schools for over 30 years, teaching at the Mirman School and Sinai Akiba Academy. When he is not teaching, he loves to play basketball, explore photography and spend time with his lovely wife and sons
Sarah Tomlin began her time at Wesley as Chef Devin's Assistant in 2019. She is thrilled to continue as Wesley's Custodian in the fall of 2022. Sarah loves to share her Southern hospitality with everyone she meets. Originally from Alabama, she and her family have been living in SoCal for the last 7 years Sarah likes to describe herself as a "Jill of all trades " Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her 5 fur babies, her spouse Alexis, and her two children Marli and Kenadi
Matthew Nagatani
Daniel Sackler joins the Wesley community as a long term substitute in 2nd Grade, a MS Electives Teacher, PE Associate Teacher, and On Staff Substitute. Daniel spent many years at Yavneh Academy in Hancock Park as a 2nd Grade Associate Teacher. He is a graduate of NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. Daniel's family lived abroad for many years splitting their time between Ibiza, Spain and England. His father was a theater and film writer/director, and the family enjoyed a colorful life throughout his formative years Today, Daniel and his wife Tanya still travel a great deal and often go to Mexico, New York and even Ibiza with their dogs Ruby and Birdie
Galeen Roe
Lower School PE Teacher A native Angeleno, Matt Nagatani completed his high school experience nearby at LA Baptist. Having played basketball since he was a small child, he began coaching directly out of high school, and in fact has coached in Wesley's After School Athletics program for the past seven years! This fall, Coach Matt joins our team in a full-time capacity as our LS PE Teacher. When not teaching our students about sportsmanship, physical health & wellness, and what it means to be part of a team, he can be found fishing, spending time with his beloved dog, or watching Alabama football!
2nd Grade Long Term Substitute, PE Associate Teacher, MS Electives Teacher, On-Staff Substitute
Daniel Sackler
Kindergarten Long Term Substitute, LEAP Assistant Galeen earned her BA in Women's Studies from Occidental College and her MA in Library and Information Science from San Jose State University. She continues to pursue an Early Childhood Education/Child Development credential at Pasadena City College. She is passionate about instruction in lower grade levels and has completed several trainings including the Outdoor Classroom Project at CEC and Foundations Theory & Observation at RIE. Galeen is excited to be joining the Wesley team this year as a long term substitute in Kindergarten!
Greg Armbrister
Assistant Head of School for Academics
Myrna Hopkins Receptionist, Assistant to the Head of School
Greg Armbrister joins Wesley as Assistant Head of School for Academics after more than thirty years as a teacher and administrator in Los Angeles and in Thailand. He began his professional journey at the Mirman School as a Middle School English and History teacher and coach, then enjoyed teaching and administration at both The Buckley School and at Viewpoint School over the next two decades. For the past six years, Greg was blessed with a fascinating experience as a Head of School in Bangkok. No matter what the administrative role, however, he has always continued to teach a class or to coach a team purely for the joy of it When he took an occasional break from skiing, Greg studied literature in Denver and was fortunate to confirm his true calling during his Master’s Program in Education at his beloved UCLA A native Angeleno beach rat, Greg finds any opportunity to travel with his wife, preferably near the water, and during any other available moments he’s playing golf or indulging his life long pursuit of understanding in Aikido
Myrna Hopkins joined the Wesley team in 2022 as the Receptionist and Assistant to the Head of School Originally from the Bay Area, she has enjoyed living in Los Angeles for over a decade now working at a K 8th grade school, making wonderful friends, and watching her kids grow up Myrna enjoys working with children and consistently strives to make sure everyone feels seen and heard. In her time off, she likes to watch documentaries, bake, sketch, and spend time with her daughter (Gabriela), son (Andrew) and her cute cockapoo dog, Riley!