2022/2023 Winter Newsletter

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WINTER 22/23


Excerpts from...


Kindergarten had a blast in Winter. We were so excited to welcome many visitors to the classrooms to join us in celebrating the end of our Show And Tell unit in Writing Workshop! Our bookstore celebration showcased some of our favorite books Visitors relaxed at the cafe, had their books signed at an author signing station, and joined a reading area to share stories with friends Miss Allegra, Miss Allen, and Mrs. I's class performed remarkably at the Wesley Open House in December The kiddos shared the importance of affirmations and we learned how they build a positive mindset and attitude.


As we look toward Spring and the new beginnings it promises, the Board of Trustees is embarking on critical work that will inaugurate a new chapter in the life and growth of The Wesley School One of the primary responsibilities of the Board is the definition and stewardship of the school’s mission The Wesley mission statement, like all independent schools, describes the main goal of our institution and embodies the promise we make to our children It is our guiding principle, our North Star Every decision, whether operational or strategic, should align with the mission and the spirit of the mission should be tangible throughout the school, weaved into the culture, curriculum, and community


A Message from the Head of School

Julie Galles, Head of School

The Deans' Den: Band Level News

Greg Armbrister, Assistant Head of School for Academics, & the Deans

Board of Trustees News

Dave Monahan, Wesley Board Chair

CODI Corner

Traci Allen, Coordinator of Diversity and Inclusivity

Coach's Corner

Louie Rodriguez, Athletic Director

Parents' Association Update

Marie Natividad & Luz Herrera Olaya, PA Co-Chairs

Development Office Update

Tammy Rodriguez, Director of Development

Admissions News

Verena Denove & Lindsey Drasin, Director of Admissions & Associate Director of Admissions

Student Council Spotlight

Carol Martson, Registrar & Student Council Advisor

The Paw Print: Issue # 1 (Wesley's Student Magazine)

The Wesley Art Feature: Lunar New Year Celebration

Mini Campus Kudos!

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Dear Wesley Family and Friends,

We are just past half way through what feels like the most normal year since 2019 and yet even now there are still vestiges of the pandemic as various classes or grade levels are still subject to LA County’s continued masking requirements following exposure to a positive case. As is the case in schools across the country, we are seeing more other illnesses, too, in both students and faculty/staff, as everyone builds up immunity again. We are grateful to our amazing core of teachers for shouldering the burden of covering classes for absent colleagues and continuing to deliver high quality content and outstanding care for our young Wesley lions.

The winter is truly an “in between” time in schools like Wesley, since on the surface there is a lot of waiting. We are waiting to learn who will join us next year as new students and families. We are waiting to hear about any faculty and staff positions we will need to fill. Our 8th graders are waiting impatiently to hear from high schools and also eagerly awaiting their trip to London in just two weeks. Yet beneath that surface, there is also tremendous learning going on. From Kindergarteners learning about numbers and celebrating the 100th day of school, to 4th graders presenting projects on Black inventors, to the 7th graders producing their play, the school is generally abuzz Wesley home adults are active as well, from supporting our students at the Run for a Cause, to record attendance at the CODI retreat in February, to the many enticing party books opportunities and the upcoming Block Party in May - the students aren’t the only ones who are busy!

I hope our year of Joyful Moments is filling your heart as well as ours Thank you for being part of the Wesley Circle of Family Each of you plays an important role in making Wesley such a special place and ensuring the community’s connections are stronger than ever

Joyfully yours,




Greetings from Mr. A on the Wesley Campus!

Two thirds of the school year have come to a rather soggy end, but despite the elemental challenges, vibrant life continues here at Wesley. As you’ll note in the band level notes to follow, there’s a tremendous variety of learning experiences at play, and it continues to be a privilege to observe and occasionally dive into them. As the Newsletter drafting period takes place in February, it is of course appropriate for us to pay particular attention to the threads connecting our grade levels involving Black History. While Black History month is now a well-established institution in the U.S., it is always important to continue to affirm the importance of connecting with it in a meaningful way. As we all know, we learn from the past, and as we’ve acknowledged only more recently, that past has primarily reflected only one view for a very long time.

At Wesley, while we do study the structures inherent in systemic racism, and as we learn how to live anti-racist lives, during Black History Month our primary focus is on achievement. Contributions by Black Americans throughout history are of course myriad, and it’s a joy to celebrate the innovations, patriotism, art, activism, music, medical advances, poetry, etc., which all owe their creation to Black figures in our society. Our society is not binary, and at Wesley we study contributions from all cultures throughout the year, so it’s not a matter of one culture being elevated to the detriment of others. Celebrating Black History Month, Women’s History Month, AAPI Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Arab American Month, LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Jewish American Heritage Month, etc., doesn’t reflect a competition to see which cultures are represented. Rather, these celebratory experiences simply offer us an opportunity to be intentional in better respecting the diversity of world influences.

With that context in mind, please enjoy the snapshots of daily Wesley life provided here! When one needs a boost in mood, one could do far worse than heading to Kinderland, so let’s go there first…

Greg Armbrister, Michelle Allegra, Elizabeth Heneveld, LeLoni Bass & George Eleftheriades

Band 1 (K - 2nd Grade)

Kindergarten had a blast in Winter. We were so excited to welcome visitors to the classrooms to celebrate the end of our 'Show And Tell' unit in Writing Workshop! Our bookstore celebration showcased some of our favorite books. Visitors relaxed at the cafe, had their books signed at an author signing station, and joined a reading area to share stories with friends. Miss Allegra, Miss Allen, and Mrs. I's class performed remarkably at the Wesley Open House in December. The kiddos shared the importance of affirmations and we learned how they build a positive mindset and attitude. We worked hard for our 100th Day of School community presentation, and loved sharing our knowledge and laughs with everyone during trivia!

This trimester in 1st grade has been filled with energy and excitement as the crew spreads their love of animals, their love of books, and their love of learning in all they do. Our 1st grade researchers - soon to be animal experts - are so excited to use their MARP binders, books, technology and articles to gather their animal facts! 1st graders also hosted a Community all about having Wesley Lion PRIDE (People Respecting Individuality, Diversity, & Equity) in their books and in our 'Little Free Library.'

2nd graders wrote fast and furiously as they created poems while looking at objects with a poet's eye. They saw with both their hearts and minds to write about the world in new ways. In Social Studies, we tapped into the meaning and significance of Black History Month and soaked in the important contributions of Black individuals from past to present. From boycotts and activists to great artists, inventors, and patriots, last month we celebrated these incredible people and their accomplishments. And what time is it? 2nd graders learned how to tell time and why it is important! They also used different strategies to add and compare 3-4 digit numbers using place value, and base-10 blocks to show their thinking.

Band 2 (3rd & 4th Grades)

The 3rd graders have been engaged in a variety of activities highlighting Black History Month. Students learned about notable Black Americans, reflecting on and discussing their contributions to society. As an extension of their learning, the students worked on a project at home that involved research and presenting their takeaways through a creative medium of their choice. Students shared their findings with eachotherandWesleyfacultyduringtheirgallerywalk.

4th graders started their unit on fractions in math. After they cover the main skills, including equivalence, decomposing, comparison,addition,andsubtraction,theunitwillculminate in a cooking project in which students will have to use their knowledge of fractions to prepare and bring a dish to school! In reading, 4th graders are currently working on a non-fiction unit that focuses on extreme weather. They are learning the features of a non-fiction text (like subheadings, captions, glossary etc..). Later, students will be split into groups in order to research one type of extreme weather and present their findings to the class. In writing, 4th graders are continuing to focus on the fundamentals of paragraph and essay structure, using tools like graphic organizers for planning and execution. In celebration of Black History Month, they incorporated the study of notable Black figures into social studies, reading lessons, and morningletters.

In music, the fun never stops at Wesley! After the amazing holiday concerts, each class is now preparing for Generations Day - which will be a joyous celebration with music and dance. Students are also preparing for special communities that will include music and songs coinciding with their themes. Following winter break, students moved to the Nationalistic period of music, studying composers who were writing music which represented their countries. During February students moved into the Romantic period, studying how composers of this period incorporated "emotion" into their music. To celebrate Black History Month, students celebrated their favorite Black jazz composers.



3 (5th & 6th Grades)

Social Justice: During the month of February, the 5th grade looked at self-identity through a Social Justice lens. How does who we are impact our views on race, gender, and social interactions? The students also investigated Holocaust Remembrance week and observed Black History month Some of the books we are covering include The Terrible Things by Eve Bunting, and Langston Hughes’ Mother to Son The students were tasked with reading, writing, and in some cases, illustrating their interpretations of the work

5th grade Humanities: In February students continued the reading and study of The Double Life of Pocahontas as we looked into the conflicts between Indigenous people and the new settlers Students learned how to describe the relationship that existed between the colonists and indigenous peoples during the 1600s and 1700s (e.g., in agriculture, the fur trade, military alliances, treaties, cultural interchanges). They examined the conflicts before the Revolutionary War (e.g., the Pequot and King Philip’s Wars in New England, the Powhatan Wars in Virginia, the French and Indian War). Students will start narrative writing and create fictional stories based on our study of the 1700s

6th grade Humanities: After Reading The Gift of the Magi, students created Google slide presentations reflecting literary elements of the story: plot, setting, characterization, theme, and mood, as well as vocabulary from the story Students also self-selected a classic novel of their choice and made a holiday gift for the protagonist of the story based on a list of criteria The gift was accompanied by a letter written to the character with the rationale for the gift they hand-made

Our grammar review came in the form of a restaurant menu! As an identity piece, students opened a restaurant reflecting their culture or winter holiday their family celebrates.

Using Canva, they created a menu of cultural foods, highlighting nouns, collective nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, possessives, and plural possessives. In January, we began a deep dive into Greek and Latin roots, and using these roots, prefixes, and suffixes to derive meaning of new vocabulary in context Students also presented the “preposition Song” where they individually sang the list of prepositions

In history, we traveled to Ancient Mesopotamia where we read The Epic of Gilgamesh for Teen Readers, culminating in a five paragraph opinion essay. Students created personal tablets with our names written in cuneiform, conducted research and compiled posters on the various city-states of Mesopotamia with our collaborative groups, and then presented this information to the class. 'Mesopotamian Madness' found us placing the achievements of Mesopotamia in a March Madness bracket, ending with classroom debates to decide the most important achievement!

For Lunar New Year we created mini-posters of influential Asian-Americans, and Black History month found us appreciating the poetry of Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, and Amanda Gorman That month, we also traveled to Ancient Egypt and dove into our latest novel, The Golden Goblet, through Literature Circles Students are also working on 3D maps of the Nile River environments and creating individual canopic jars used in mummification.

In music during our celebration of Black History Month, 5th and 6th grade students watched the documentary “Standing in the Shadows of Motown, ” which celebrates the Motown House Band, the Funk Brothers.

Band Band 3 cont.



Band 3 cont.

Science: Throughout February students began studies in environmental science, learned about earth systems (atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere) and how they function to keep our planet habitable We will use our recent visit to the Natural HistoryMuseum,inparticularwhatwelearnedfromtheP22 mountain lion exhibit, to better understand the importance of urban wildlife and ways we might work to protectandsaveanimalsinourmidst Wealsocelebrated importantBlackscientistsforBlackHistoryMonth,andare planning ahead to celebrate Women’s History Month as weprepareforanupcomingCommunitypresentation.

Math: In Math class, our learners continued to deepen their knowledge of fractions, while learning multiple methods for approaching various concepts More specifically, students are mastering how to add and subtractfractionswithuncommondenominators(including mixed numbers), multiply and divide fractions, and gain skills for interpreting and solving word problems. To strengthen their understanding of the material, students are also exploring and solving real world problems involvingfractionsoperations(e.g.,byusingvisualfraction modelsorequationstorepresenttheproblem).

Band 4 (7th & 8th Grades)

7thgradershavemademajoradjustmentstotherigorand expectationsoftheirclasses,andhavebeenapleasureto teach Our 8th graders are done with their high school applications, and are counting down the days to head acrossthepondfortheirseniortriptoLondon!

Our8thgradersarecurrentlytakingaLondonpreparation course with Mr Campy and Mr Eleftheriades so that they have historical context and a better understanding of the sitesandshowstheywillexperience

7th graders have started a fun new project in Spanish class Theyarecreatingvideosinwhichtheyshowcase

their understanding of our newest restaurant vocabulary in fun, creative, real-world scenarios.

In Spanish, 8th graders are finishing up the last grammar topics they really need to know in order to place into Spanish 2 at their choice high school in the spring (should they choose to take a placement exam and continue with Spanish) Trimester 3 will be almost entirely project-based as students culminate their three years of Middle School Spanish by creating and illustrating their own children's books that they will share with Wesley lower school students at the end of the school year.

7th grade science recently wrapped up their weather unit. Students have been investigating how clouds form, what causes updrift in the atmosphere, and why some storms produce hail while others do not. In their next unit, they will be exploring chemical reactions and matter. 8th graders closed out the unit on cells and systems and have transitioned into investigating contact forces. They have recently been learning about forces and energy, while conducting activities to see how solid objects bend or change shape

In 7th math, they are currently learning about the surface area and volume of prisms, cylinders, cones, and pyramids They are working on a project of constructing these solids with the dimension provided to them Then, they are supposed to find the surface area and the volume of their solids The 8th graders are working on exponential and logarithmic equations These two concepts are taught in high school in 10th and 11th grades They are really excited about learning high school concepts, and are thriving.

The 7th grade Printing & Publication class produced the very first issue of The Paw Print, Wesley's first studentproduced magazine, and the 7th grade theatre class performed their wildly entertaining musical production to rave reviews! Bravo!

Band 4 cont.



As we look toward Spring and the new beginnings it promises, the Board of Trustees is embarking on critical work that will inaugurate a new chapter in the life and growth of The Wesley School. One of the primary responsibilities of the Board is the definition and stewardship of the school’s mission. The Wesley mission statement, like all independent schools, describes the main goal of our institution and embodies the promise we make to our children. It is our guiding principle, our North Star. Every decision, whether operational or strategic, should align with the mission and the spirit of the mission should be tangible throughout the school, weaved into the culture, curriculum, and community.


The Wesley School builds confidence and encourages independence through a challenging academic program that stretches each student to reach the highest level of individual achievement within a supportive, nurturing environment. Wesley cultivates in students strong creative, physical, and spiritual foundations to prepare them to be productiveandrespectfulcontributorstoaglobalsociety.

Best practices recommend a school’s mission be reviewed and potentially revised or refined on a regular cycle to ensure it is a relevant, inspiring reflection of who we are and embodies the school we want to be. Wesley is overdue for such a review and The Board of Trustees is, therefore, eager to begin this important process which will fill its cup for the remainder of the school year and summer. Trustees will be expertly guided byoureducationalconsultantsfromthefirmMission&Data:

Anne-Marie Balzano, EdD is Mission & Data's Senior Governance Strategist. In her role, she designs learning opportunities for heads of school and boards and leads Mission & Data's Strategic Planning Practice and Governance Support Services. She is a former teacher, head of school, associate professor, and most recently, Head of School of Leadership and Governance at the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Anne-Marie is a trusted advisor to schools across the country, facilitating board retreats and educating boards of trustees on effective governance practices and trends, supporting resilience in heads of school, and building a positive board culture. Independent school trustees and heads of school know Anne-Marie as the chief editor of The Board Chair Handbook and the host of NAIS’s governance podcast, The Trustee Table



Barbara Rosston is a strategic consultant for nonprofit organizations. She is a frequent speaker at state associations such as California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS), and also consulted for National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS). She has spent more than 20 years as a trustee of independent schools, including serving as board chair at Castilleja School and Keys School in Palo Alto, CA. She was instrumental in leading both schools through strategic planning processes and campus expansions. Barb serves on a variety of nonprofit boards including Challenge Success and the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank. She previously worked as an attorney and a linguist for the U S government Barb is a graduate of Vassar College and the University of San Francisco School of Law. Listen to her podcast episode on NAIS' Trustee Table: The Effective Trustee - What Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Do You Need to Lead?

If you see Anne-Marie or Barbara on campus, please take a moment to introduce yourself! In addition, the Board of Trustees will be internally supported by our Mission Review Task Force (MRTF) which includes the following members of our community: Lisa Lange (MRTF co-chair, Trustee, current parent), Janett Hermosillo Meyer (MRTF co-chair, Trustee, current parent), Andy Campanella (MS History Teacher, current parent), Trisha Singletary (K-8 Art Teacher), Lindsey Drasin (Director of Communications, Associate Director of Admissions, current parent), Verena Denove (Associate Head of School, Director of Admissions & Financial Aid, alumni parent), Julie Galles (Head of School), and David Monahan (Board Chair, current parent)

And perhaps most importantly, the mission review process will include opportunities for important input from the parent community, the faculty & staff, and students. The input mechanisms will vary depending on which constituency you represent, but as they roll out over the next several months, we hope everyone will take a moment to thoughtfully reflect on what is essential and unique to the Wesley experience Your feedback is vital, and we look forward to hearing your voice as we chart our future together!



The new year brings about new beginnings and opportunities. Many people set new goals for the year, or contemplatetheirhopesanddreams Forteachersandstudents,thenewyearalsorepresentsthehalfwaypointof the academic year It is an opportunity to set new goals for learning to further address needs and plans for the studentsastheycontinueontheiracademicjourneys

AtWesley,everyteacherandstaffmemberisexpectedtocreateaDEIJgoalforteachingandlearning.Webelieve in the importance of ingraining DEIJ in our curriculum. Teachers are constantly striving to cultivate students who embrace their own identities as well as the differences of others, and also the purpose of advocacy, allyship, and activism. This is a goal for all students. Representation of BIPOC people and other marginalized communities is also pertinent to education at Wesley In the month of February, faculty and staff celebrated the contributions of BlackAmericansthroughlessons,activities,projects,andpresentations

In January, Wesley celebrated the legacy of civil rights icon Ruby Bridges with a Ruby Bridges Day extravaganza. Students participated in inspiring conversations and lessons, and received books, stickers, pencil pouches, and otheritems.ItwasadaythatIbelievetheywillforeverremember.

In February, we had a CODI Retreat that welcomed all members of the community to discuss DEIJ at Wesley Communitymembershadinvigoratingconversationsaboutourhopes,dreams,andwonderingsforthefutureofthe school.WeweregratefultohaveRalindaWattsasourguestspeakertoprovideuswithanincrediblepresentation ofherwealthofknowledgeon'ParentingwithIdentityinMind'andtoguideusindialoguefortheretreat.

The Anti-Racist AV Club has begun reading MyMonticello by Jocelyn Nicole Johnson The book is a collection of short storiesandonenovella Thefirst short storyof thebookisonthelist forthebest Americanshort stories We arealsoreadingAllAmericanBoysbyJasonReynoldsandBrandonKiely ThishighlyacclaimedbookisaCoretta ScottKingAuthorHonorandreceivedtheWalterDeanMyersAwardforOutstandingChildren'sLiterature Wesley is thriving in its work to provide a place of belonging and meaningful learning opportunities for our community



Hello Sports fans What a winter sports season we just had! Alumni student Allyssa Thompson was drafted number 1 in the league by Angel City, the Super Bowl was a nail-biter, four of our teams made it to postseason, and our 4th grade girls’ soccer team finished with an undefeated season

The varsity basketball team had a tough season They worked hard during practices and improved as a team as the year went on. However, luck was not on their side, losing three games on buzzer beaters. The JV Green, 6th grade, 5th grade and two 4th grade basketball teams also worked hard and improved their skills They will be ready to play next season as their last few games were their best We’ll get them next year!

The soccer season was exciting We had five teams this season In the Lower School we fielded a 4th grade team and a 5th grade team The girls impressed me with the improvements they made all season The 5th grade team played really good soccer and were competitive in every game. The 4th grade team showed great teamwork and managed to finish the season with a 6-0 record Congratulations, team!

In middle school we had four out of the six teams make the playoffs - three soccer teams and one basketball team. The boys’ Varsity team ended with two big wins to hurl them into the playoffs. The girls’ teams, Varsity and Junior Varsity, played well throughout the season The Varsity team earned a number 1 seed and the JV entered the playoffs with the number 4 seed The boys’ JV Blue team also had some ups and downs and earned a third seed in the playoffs

The JV soccer and basketball teams played hard and had great games They both got knocked out in the semi-finals Great season and congratulations!

The boys’ Varsity team made the finals and played a hard fought game against Buckley but ended up taking league runner up Also fantastic season and congratulations!

We look forward to the spring season where we will be at new home soccer fields. We will also add a new gym location to add to our home courts to play volleyball Track will also be going on during the spring season Let's finish the year out strong with our spring sports

As always, Go Lions!



Our Wesley community is truly something special Coming back from the Thanksgiving break, we kept busy and started the holiday season by decorating the campus with a winter wonderland theme in mind, led by Jomana Asi. We then set up for the annual Holiday Boutique, a week-long event that allows our kids to shop thoughtfully curated goods for loved ones. The boutique was wildly successful thanks to the efforts of all of our volunteers and our chairs, Ali Chalfin, Amy Ostiguy, Marissa Seeman and Jamie Tourouk. Our very generous community also donated over $700 worth of toys to the Midnight Mission to help bring joy to families during this holiday season. After the conclusion of the boutique, lower school parents volunteered to share Hanukkah and other cultural/Christmas traditions with their classes.

We had some fun holiday-themed party books that month! There was a crafty gnome making party hosted by the Lim family We had the 2nd annual gingerbread house making party hosted by the Chalfin, Groom, Lange, Ostiguy and Tourouk families Last but not least, was the Hanukkah celebration party book that was full of menorah making, dreidel playing, and cocktail drinking fun hosted by the Krassenbum-Rouss, Brandenstein and Bans-Spitzer families

Thanks to our fundraising events, the PA treated the faculty and staff to breakfast and a coffee cart to thank them for all of their love and dedication, especially during the fun chaos we call December That morning we also gave out the holiday gifts collected from the gift giving fund donated by parents. Faculty and staff alike felt loved and appreciated. Also, thanks to our fundraising efforts, the PA was able to provide the beautiful background for the holiday show. The dramatic backdrop was thanks to the collective vision of Brooke Burns, Syl Stewart and myself. And… we brought back the snow! What a great sight watching the Singing Santas, led by Jermaine Turner, as the snow fell, then watching the kids gleefully coming up to dance under it. A huge thank you to Joel Hernandez and Dick Buckley for making it happen!


Coming out of Winter Break, we eased into the new year slowly. In January, Rebeccah Bush brought back and organized our annual community Blood Drive. Parents also volunteered to help support the newly reimagined Run For A Cause event, organized by Director of Development and Wesley parent, Tammy Rodriguez, along with Urvashi Block-Larson, Juli Cavanaugh, Jenny Hollier, and Jonathan Mitchell

February brings us to the school’s Winter Formal for 7th & 8th graders. Tina Hookom and her team of volunteers transformed the Social Hall into a Winter Wonderland. Before dancing the night away, the kids feasted on Italian food, pizza and even had a chocolate fondue! Because Valentine’s Day is all about the love, the PA brought kindness water bottle stickers and carnations for all students, faculty, and staff We hope that everyone remembers to be kind to others and to themselves

On February 27th the PA helped Wesley celebrate its 24th birthday with a popsicle party! We’re such a young school but our community of parents, teachers and admin is something truly magical. Luz and I are so proud to be part of the Wesley family and we’re happy to help give some of that magic back through the PA events It’s been a quiet month and a half but things are about to get busy again, so be sure to join us in all the fun!



The New Year has started with a bang and the fun and fundraising just keeps on coming! On Friday, January 6th, our annual Wesley Fund 100% in 100 Days Campaign came to a close I was so incredibly impressed and grateful by all of the support we received from our Wesley Community! Reaching 99.6% participation and raising over $460,000 is not an easy endeavor, but we did it together. Your collective R.O.A.R. has shown that when you Rally, Observe, Appreciate, and Renew your impact at Wesley, we’re unstoppable! If any Alumni families, grandparents, or friends of the school would like to join in on this great success, you can make a gift or pledge at wesleyschool.org/give.

Moving through to the end of the month, on Friday, January 27th, we came together as a community to learn, support, and run for an important cause that affects many in our community, Type 1 Diabetes Wesley students participated in our annual Run for a Cause jogathon by proudly running around the field with classmates and teachers, as parents helped to cheer them on! Additionally, the students set out to raise money to directly support JDRF - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, with the remaining funds supporting Wesley's service learning initiatives In true Wesley spirit, our little but mighty Lions raised slightly over an impressive $31,000! We are so incredibly proud and honored to have such a passionate and dedicated community. Our incredible fundraising success means that we reached our goal and were able to donate $15,000 to JDRF! Go Lions!!

We have many more fun and fundraising opportunities ahead of us Currently, families have the opportunity to participate in our Teacher Outings auction Our incredible Faculty and Staff members have put together some exciting new activities and outings for our students to participate in both on and off campus! Whether it’s roller skating, pizza and movie nights, golf, bowling, or even interacting with some furry friends, there truly is something for everyone!

After Spring Break, we’re springing back into action and hosting our Wesley grandparents, aunts, uncles, and special friends for Generations Day on April 19th. This event has been on hiatus for the past few years due to the pandemic. We’re so excited to share our Wesley experience with all of your loved ones once again!


We’ll end our year off with an even bigger bang at our newly created fundraising event, The Wesley Block Party on May 6th. This more casual take on a Gala is a great opportunity for adults in our Wesley community to come together and enjoy good food, music, dancing, and an opportunity to Raise the Paddle all in support of our students! Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

Lastly, I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t take the time to tell you that I truly have loved the Wesley community from day one! After almost two years together, you still continue to amaze me with your love, passion, and commitment to our school. Thank you for always showing up and rallying for our students. Your continued support is felt across campus.

With love and light, Tammy

Parent to Penny (5th grade)


After 24 years of admissions cycles, it still amazes me how much every year can feel the same and also completely different from previous years There is a lot that repeats itself year after year, but then the outside world as well as shifts in parent priorities seep into the process and create real differences

This year we are noticing an even stronger need for prospective parents to connect authentically with multiple constituencies in our school community They are, clearly, weighing a very significant decision for their child(ren) and their family - public vs private school - and, if private, trying to understand the sometimes demonstrative and sometimes nuanced differences from one school to another.

We have branched out and offered many different opportunities for prospective families to get to know us and we’ve really enjoyed getting to know these families better as a result. There have been the usual open house events, of course, but then also zoom events that were created when we couldn’t be on campus that offer a different “get to know you” kind of energy Families have been invited to join us for special Communities, after school athletic events, our CODI cooking series, morning coffee chats with current parents, as well as the 7th grade play!

So many of these events have relied on so many of you that are a meaningful part of Wesley culture and we thank you for continuing to be such great Wesley ambassadors We eagerly anticipate sending out offers of admission in less than one week and can’t wait to welcome our newest Lions as they join The Wesley School community for the 20232024 school year.



Student Council has a new and different look this year at The Wesley School Instead of elections and holding offices, we elected to try a new model of leadership which includes committees of interested students who want to lend their voices and talents to creating a better world inside and outside the walls of Wesley!

Our student leadership committee consists of 36 volunteer students and is advised by Ms Barbara Anderson and Mrs Carol Martson The committee meets as a full group weekly and in individual committee meetings to plan events and and educational opportunities The committees are Diversity, Student Voice, School Spirit, Bake for Better, ACS Relay for Life, North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry, and Environment

A few highlights from the year so far include:

We fundraised (including last year's Run for a Cause event) over $32,000 to benefit those with cancer through the American Cancer Society and participation in the 2022 Relay for Life event in September

The Student Voice Committee led a meeting with Julie Galles and Verena Denove to discuss the current uniform policy and ideas for change.

The Diversity Committee created and led a presentation in honor of Black History Month which highlighted the lives of Amanda Gorman, Marsha P. Johnson, Claudette Colvin, and Spike Lee. Our Environment Committee has been working with Ms. O to create an informational video on composting. Bake for Better has had two successful cookie campaigns to benefit the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry. The Pantry Committee hosted a hugely successful Thanksgiving food drive and is currently working on ideas to encourage more donations of much needed food items. The Spirit Committee planned a special "school spirit" day on campus, the theme of which was anything but a backpack!

Our student council is so passionate and doing a great job leading the way! Stay tuned for more!

"Explore the NEW student -run Wesley magazine!!" Issue #1 CHECK OUT THE FIRST ISSUE OF WESLEY'S STUDENT MAGAZINE! Submit to Issue #2 here! 20


To celebrate the 2023 Year of the Rabbit, K-5th grade students created the following projects: Kindergarten Cherry Blossom Fans; 1st grade Hanging Chinese Lanterns; 2nd grade Rabbit Puppets & Ink and Watercolor Paintings; 3rd grade Dragon Puppets; 4th grade Pagoda Drawings & Foam Monoprints; and 5th grade Chinese Character Candle Holders.

Check out the full


Midnight Mission


Meet the newest member of Jessica Duncan's family, baby Rylee Skye Duncan, born 12/19/2022! Big brother Wesley is over the moon to have a little sister and the Duncan family couldn't be more thankful for their special holiday blessing!

Thanks Wesley for a Successful Holiday Toy Drive

"On behalf of The Midnight Mission's staff, leadership, and Board of Directors, we sincerely thank you for your support for our 2022 Holiday Toy Drive!

For the first time since 2019, The Midnight Mission was able to host our "Santa's Village" toy giveaway event on Christmas morning where we provide the opportunity for hundreds of unhoused children to meet Santa & Mrs. Claus before entering "Santa's Toy Shop" (decorated by volunteers on Christmas Eve). Each child was able to select 3 gifts from the thousands of toys, games, puzzles, stuffed animals, dolls, and sporting goods that YOU generously collected and donated!

Of the many services The Midnight provides to our unique community, one of the most important is the sense of family we offer to those who often feel lost and forgotten during the holidays and other days of celebration. We feel so grateful to have been able to spend another holiday season with our unhoused community/family in this way.

We value our supporters who partner with us. Your contributions allow us to host festive and meaningful holiday events to those in need. We are grateful to our wonderful donors, volunteers, and friends who make it possible for us to continue our lifesaving and life-changing programs. Now, more than ever, we need to work together to restore hope and dignity to those in need.

Thank you again for your generosity, and we hope that you continue to follow and support The Midnight Mission & and our mission throughout 2023.


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