Summer 2023 Wesley Newsletter

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summer program wrap-up

The rising 1st graders had a rhyming good time as they joined the “summer fun crew” and had the opportunity to enjoy a variety of themes including theme parks, camping, traveling the globe, and fort making. Everyday was special and everyday was different.

a message from the head of school a message from the head of school

Anticipating our 25th Anniversary year, last spring the theme of Celebration arose and has remained front and center in my mind. As I remarked recently to the faculty and staff at our kickoff offsite event, there is so much to celebrate about Wesley. From the founding teachers and parents, to the miraculous and generous partnership with the church, Wesley history is both unique and hopeful.





rreflections eflections

The most reliable way for us to rekindle our own sense of wonder is to model the lifelong learning that we encourage for our children.

2023/2024 issue #1 Summer Newsletter Summer Newsletter

in this Issue

A Message from the Head of School

Julie Galles, Head of School

Summer Program Wrap-Up

Board of Trustees News

Dave Monahan, Wesley Board Chair

DEIJ at Wesley: Meet Monique Marshall!

Monique Marshall, DEIJ Consultant

Coach's Corner

Louie Rodriguez, Athletic Director

Development Office Update

Tammy Rodriguez, Director of Development

Parents’ Association Update

Marie Natividad & Angie Niemeyer, PA Co-Chairs

Admissions News

Verena Denove, Director of Admissions

Wesley Faculty Summer P.D. Reflections

Welcome New Wesley Team Members!

Campus Kudos

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A Message from the head of school

Dear Wesley Community -

As I drove down Honoapiilani Highway on the morning of August 10th, I wept Familiar landmarks past which I had driven many, many times were gone The tops of snapped power poles dangled awkwardly amidst the tangle of power lines The blackened Maui earth still smoked amid shells of vehicles and utterly charred tree trunks My body viscerally internalized the devastation and loss in a way that viewing it on a screen could not cause, but would subsequently resurrect I could not return home unchanged.

Why start my Summer 2023 newsletter with such a depressing description? I have a renewed appreciation for the people and places in my life, from colleagues to neighbors to coffee shops. Issues and conflicts fade into gratitude for family, friends, and communities like Wesley. Perspective is a powerful teacher and I, like many others, have become her willing student.

Therefore, as I begin my fourth and final year at Wesley, I look at the blessings and joy that Wesley has brought not only to me, but to so many students, families, faculty, and staff over the past quarter century Anticipating our 25th Anniversary year, last spring the theme of Celebration arose and has remained front and center in my mind As I remarked recently to the faculty and staff at our kickoff offsite event, there is so much to celebrate about Wesley From the founding teachers and parents, to the miraculous and generous partnership with the church, Wesley history is both unique and hopeful

Last year’s Joyful Moments theme carried all of us through amazing community gatherings, deep moments of learning inside and outside the classroom, and exciting work on our mission statement. All of that leads naturally to Celebration: of our students, our alumni, our beloved events, and our potential. Our 25th Anniversary Gala will bring past and present families and employees together to honor what has been built and to dream about what is to come. I’m excited!

Throughout this newsletter, I hope you will see evidence of plenty of things to celebrate over the past few months, from our graduates to our partnership with Monique Marshall to the colorful new benches and cubbies around campus Thank you for your involvement in our special school, and I look forward to connecting and celebrating with you soon!


Summer program wrap-up

On Friday July 28, the golden sun set on another unforgettable Kinder Camp - koalas and pirates and unicorns - Oh my! What a blast we had with our incoming Wesley kindergarteners! These brave kids came to camp every day and got to make Wesley alum Lukas spin them on the spinner, get Wesley alum Sienna to make them beautiful drawings, play with Miss Julie, laugh with Mrs. Mottaz, read with Miss Allegra, and make Miss Anderson show off her marble run!

The new Kinder kiddos loved getting to know each other and the teachers, enjoyed the themed art projects, and tolerated our attempts at having them practice their fine motor skills Playing in Kinderland was a definite highlight, but what was probably the most fun was meeting new friends – not just in Kindergarten, but the older grades as well Through these visits we started learning what it means to be a Wesley Kid: we are kind and compassionate upstanders, we learn how to be in the world, how to contribute and take care of it and each other Welcome Class of 2032!


Wow! What a wonderful way to spend a summer! We had such a great time with the lower school students during our summer program this year! Children were heard laughing, collaborating, and learning all throughout the academic mornings Whether students attended session one, session two, or BOTH sessions, happiness was abundant.

Kindercamp was an incredible experience Michelle Allegra and Rachel Mottaz had this to say about it, “Our newest bunch of Wesley kiddos had a blast this summer! They had so much fun creating butterfly mosaics, dinosaur salt dough fossils, and unicorn wands. The kiddos worked their magic with their water guns to find buried treasure during Pirate Day and then exchanged their gold coins with Pirate Mottaz to receive their very own gift of treasures. We can't wait to see all of them back on the Wesley campus!”

The rising 1st graders had a rhyming good time as they joined the “summer fun crew” and had the opportunity to enjoy a variety of themes including theme parks, camping, traveling the globe, and fort making. Everyday was special and everyday was different. Melinda Vazquez says, “2-4-6-8 1st grade Summer Crew is Really Great! Everyday was filled with friendship and fun I can't wait until all of our first grade family is together again!"

Our rising 2nd graders turned into world class travelers with their “What in the world…” and unusual animals of the world themes. Passport in hand, they learned about different countries, took virtual field trips, and wrote many one-of-a-kind animal stories

The environmental advocates in rising 3rd grade gained a new understanding of the importance of all the ways we can better the health of our Earth right from our own classrooms and school! They became familiar with their new 3rd grade classrooms while making new friends and strengthening their existing relationships.

The rising 4th graders went to the beach with their theme this summer! Matthew Lange looks back and recalls, “It was a sincere pleasure to teach the rising 4th graders in summer school this year. During our mornings together, they reviewed and reinforced some key 3rd grade concepts as well as got a taste of things to come in 4th grade. We accomplished this with a combination of good old fashioned academic work and plenty of games (Multiplication War, Jeopardy, Hot Seat, Mad Libs, Prodigy, Kahoot, Addition/Subtraction Splat, and Booklet to name a few) I am looking forward to working more with these wonderful kids this coming school year!”


Summer program wrap-up

How could rising 5th graders not have a fantastic time with the themes: Pizza, Pizza, Pizza!, Around the Campfire, and Let’s Party!? Mixed in the fun, students enhanced their study skills, worked together in collaborative challenges, and became prepared to have an amazing 5th grade year!

The excitement didn’t stop there! Our afternoon enrichments were a riot of a good time Students loved engaging in experiments in the Totally Radical Reactions! Science Experiments enrichment. Such experiments included building rockets and shooting them in the air, where one student even caught a piece in their hat! The Pokemon Arts and Games enrichment students added artwork to create a magnificent full wall mural in Mr. Greene’s room. Sports and Games beat the heat with water fun and indoor games we love, such as Duck Hunt and Bucket Ball Over in the Arts/Crafts enrichment, students had an oozing fun time making slime and kinetic sand. We cannot forget our Theatre enrichment spectacular performance. Julie Lanctot thinks back on the experience, “I saw the most uplifting moments of students supporting one another. In theater class, students from a wide range of grades shared laughter and grew together as a unit I particularly enjoyed watching a 1st grader and 2nd grader bond with one another when they worked on a short skit to present to their grown-ups.” Students also had the joy of participating in TWO of the greatest Beatles musical performances of all time, All You Need Is Love, and Yellow Submarine. Mary McGregor says, “Talk about RESILIENCE! These kids have been absolutely unflappable. They have impressed me with their generosity towards one another and their commitment to jump in and help one another We have had a lot of FUN!” Our wonderful summer teacher Sammy Jones was able to help with both the musicals and our dance/board game enrichments. She has this to say about the experience, “I loved getting to see the students’ creativity on display in both the Beatles Musical and Theater classes. In my Dance Party/Board Games class, students learned important skills regarding teamwork and sportsmanship, and were great to have in my first class as a lead!”

All of this fun and learning has made this summer one of the best ones yet Now, we are all prepped and ready to jump into the 2023-2024 school year! Woo Hoo!

- Kristen Inovejas, Summer Program Coordinator
Summer program wrap-up

During our summer session, 6th-8th grade Spanish students got a chance to review/preview some of the vocabulary and grammar (especially adjective use and verb conjugation!) for the upcoming school year as well as review some basic concepts from the year before. Highlights included playing “Señor Dice,” which is basically “Simon Says” in Spanish, and ending with an epic Jeopardy game that reviewed the material covered throughout the session.

For Study Skills in 7th and 8th grade, summer school students were able to look into the skills and efforts that it takes in order to be the best student one can be. Through discussion and practice, students were able to identify their strengths and weaknesses, explore organizational skills, and preview what the upcoming year will be like for Wesley middle schoolers. Additionally, students made their own organized binders using the SOAR Study Skills system Highlights included learning about multiple intelligences, coming together as a team to achieve a common goal, and practicing opening combination locks on the Wesley lockers

The main focus and purpose of our 7th and 8th grade courses was to develop a mastery of the conventions of grammar and syntax While it may not sound like the ideal way to spend an hour every morning in July, the students and I had an opportunity to get to know each other, share a ton of laughs, and read some interesting stories. I could not have been more impressed with the attitude, energy, and work ethic of our students. I'm very excited to be a part of their academic growth this year!

The summer school 6th-8th grade math classes went extremely well. The students whom usually struggled in math were highly motivated, and I focused on improving self-confidence by focusing on fundamental concepts. Overall, it was a very positive and productive experience for all students

Rising 6th graders worked hard this summer, learning and honing skills in our Writing & Conventions class, which will launch them into middle school! By following the steps of the writing process, students created personal memoirs, with a specific eye on pre-writing and revision Using the book Throwing Shadows by EL Konigsburg, we read the short story “On Shark’s Tooth Beach”, examining the theme of ageism and taking a deep dive into various literary elements of the story. In addition, we built our reading stamina and sharpened grammar and vocabulary skills in our Reading & Study Skills class. 6th graders were also excited to receive their locker assignments and had the opportunity to practice their lock combinations. Throughout the classes, we discussed and practiced organizational and time management skills which will help students make a smooth transition to middle school.


Board of trustees news

It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to a close. We hope everyone enjoyed a restful break filled with family and fun and we look forward to a productive and exciting school year infused with new experiences, deep learning, and growth opportunities for our students As Wesley celebrates its quarter century as a school – a momentous milestone for any institution – the Board of Trustees is poised to launch Wesley on a new journey of long term growth.

That evolution began last year with a review of our mission statement. The Mission Review Task Force made up of trustees, faculty, and administrators spent the better half of the year collecting data from all constituents, writing, workshopping, editing, and fine tuning, until the new statement represented the heart of what Wesley is today and the school we want to be tomorrow. Special thanks to our consultants from Mission & Data, Anne-Marie Balzano and Barbara Rosston, who expertly guided the process, and our trustee task force co-chairs, Lisa Lange and Janett Meyer, for leading this important endeavor The Board of Trustees is extremely excited to share the new mission statement this fall Stay tuned for updates.

The debut of the new mission statement will kick off the next phase of growth for our school – long range strategic planning. Strategic planning will commence this fall and culminate in a new five to seven year road map for our school That crucial road map will ensure we honor the promise we make to our students by tangibly weaving our mission into the culture of our school as it guides and focuses all our decisions. Both the mission review and strategic planning are foundational work of the Board of Trustees. Just as the board assembled a committee to define our new mission statement, we will also create a strategic planning committee, in coordination with our consultants, that will commit themselves to this important work and ensure the long term growth and health of our school as it moves into its next chapter.


As announced this summer, the ‘23-’24 academic year will be Julie Galles’ last year as our Head of School and the Board of Trustees looks forward to partnering with and supporting Julie through this transitional year. Part of that transition will involve the Board embarking on a search for our next Head of School. The Board is committed to an inclusive process that involves all voices from our community and we are currently interviewing search consultants to find the best firm to partner with on this critical work As soon as the Board lands on a firm, we will share more details about the process, including the ways each constituent voice will be heard and considered.

This year the Board is composed of 20 trustees representing every grade at Wesley In addition, we are welcoming our first alumni trustee! We welcome you to meet the 2023-2024 Board of Trustees by clicking here We are excited to announce that the Executive Committee of the Board (EC) has elevated the CODI (Committee on Diversity and Inclusivity) chair to the EC. The EC is the internal committee of the Board of Trustees tasked with managing the work of the entire Board. Elevating the CODI chair to the executive level ensures we have a dedicated DEIJ voice in all management conversations and decisions Please join us in welcoming current trustee and the CODI co-chair, Thordis Howard, as the newest member of the EC. The Executive Committee for the new school year is:

David Monahan - Chair

Jenny Hollier - Vice Chair

Mike Natividad - Treasurer

Marissa Seeman - Secretary

Thordis Howard - CODI Chair

As always please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Board of Trustees with any questions via email at boardoftrustees@wesleyschoolorg We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school and celebrating our 25th year as we chart Wesley’s exciting future!

The Wesley Board of Trustees



Meet Monique Marshall

IamsothrilledtobeworkingwiththeWesleycommunitythisyear!InJune,Ihad the pleasure of meeting all of the faculty and staff before they launched into summer We spent time together connecting, reflecting on the year, and sharing hopesanddreamsforfuturediversityandequityworkatWesley.

As a veteran independent school educator and diversity practitioner, I am already jazzed about the deep conversations I am having with teachers about their classroom practice and I am excited about the frameworks Wesley is using as a foundationtoequitywork

During the 23/24 school year I look forward to meeting parents and caregivers, supporting the continued growth and development of Wesley’s equity work and social justice curriculum, and spending some time in classrooms with your incredibleyoungpeople!

I have felt the warm Wesley welcome, and I am so appreciative of the friendly, open, and honest people who have engaged in reflective and authentic dialogue with me and with one another I am very much looking forward to the good work wehaveaheadofusthisyear!

The founder of Monique Marshall Strategy & Consulting, Monique is a 30 year veteran Elementary school teacher, who holds a Masters degree from Bank Street Graduate School. She has presented at the NAIS sponsored POCC, the Across Colors Conference, PEN (Progressive Educators Network), CES (Coalition of Essential Schools), The Young Child Expo & Conference, and in preschools, elementary schools, and colleges locally and nationally. Her workshops focus on anti-bias, anti-racist, diversity, equity and social justice work with children.




I hope everyone had a great summer! With such nice w participateinvarioussummeractivities.Igotoutandplayedalittlegolfandwentonsomegreathikes. As we gear up for the school year ahead, I’m thrilled to share some exciting changes in our athletics programthisyear

Tokickthingsoff,weintroducedavoluntarypre-seasonconditioningandpracticesessionjustlastweek This took place from 8-10am and ran from Monday, August 28th, through Friday, September 1st. This sessionaimedtogiveourathletesaheadstartandpreparethemfortheupcomingsportsseason

Additionally, there’s a new development regarding jerseys. This year, each student will purchase their ownjersey,whichwillbetheiruniformforallsportsteamstheyparticipateinthroughouttheyear This willnotonlysimplifythingsbutalsofosterasenseofunityamongtheathletes


Thecollaborationbetween parentsandmyselfisdesignedtoenhanceourprogramfurther.Withtwoparentsfromeachgradelevel, thecouncilwillplayapivotalroleinfacilitatingsmootheroperations Allowmetointroducethisyear’s AthleticCouncilmembers:

JuliCavanaugh DougCohn StacyBernstein

IlanaTurner ChrisLim BrianLevin

JanineCastagnetti GrantThompson DougBrown

JoshZaretsky AlanWaldman RobertPontelle

Tostreamlinecommunication,we’llbeusingtheTeamsnapappthisyear Thisplatformwillserveasour primarymeansofrelayingimportantinformation,suchaschangesinschedulesforgamesandpractices Itwillalsobeinstrumentalindealingwithanylastminutechangesduetoweatherconditionslikerainor excessiveheat

Lastly,I’dliketoextendawarmwelcometobothreturningandnewcoaches.It’sfantastictohaveCoach Matt back for his eighth year, Coach Q for his second year, and Coach Rogers for his third year Additionally,awarmwelcometoournewcoaches:

Coach Drew Chandler, a seasoned coach with experience in football, track, cross country, and basketball.Healsobringshisexpertiseasafitnessinstructor.

CoachMattOsbornandCoachAlanWaldman,parentsofWesleystudents,willbecoachingthe5th gradefootballteam Theybringtheircollectivecoachingexperiencetothetable Theirabilitytobuild cohesive,teamwork-orientedteamswillundoubtedlyenrichourprogram.

I’meagerlylookingforwardtoleadingourathleticsprogramthisyearandimplementingtheseexciting changes.Withtheseenhancementsinplace,I’mconfidentthatourstudentathleteswillhaveafantastic year ahead, benefiting from both the program improvements and the guidance of our dedicated coaches.


CoachLouieRodriguez AthleticDirector

Development office update

Time sure is flying by! Last year was full of wonderful moments of joy and laughter. Now here we are about to launch into our 25th Anniversary Year! Before we kick off this commemorative year, I’d like to give a sincere “thank you” to everyone that made last year a huge success. We couldn’t have done it without the support of this amazing Wesley community

Reaching 996% participation for our Annual Fund and raising over $460,000 is not an easy endeavor, but we did it together! This important philanthropic support that occurs every year is essential to our school and allows us to make institutional enhancements that are imperative to our academic and program success

Our other signature events such as Teacher Outings, Run for a Cause, and our first ever Block Party, all made a splash in their own way. Whether you participated in one or all, it made a huge impact for our school and our community. Additionally, thanks to your Fund a Need donations through the Block Party, we raised over $30,000 to enhance the Technology program in order to meet the needs of all our students This summer we were so happy to share all of the wonderful new implementations such as 1to-1 iPad devices in K-2, new iPads to assist 6th grade with the new math curriculum, and so much more!


Gates…Where are the gates?! I know you have all been anxiously and excitedly awaiting the third installation phase of the security gates Trust me, I am right there with you!! We are beyond thrilled to have the first two phases installed on Tujunga in front of Kinderland and the Church. Additionally, we can’t wait to move forward with Phase 3, which is the installation of the Guard Hut and long gate across the driveway. Please knowitwasneverintheschool’splanorintentiontobeayearlaterwiththe third phase not completed yet As a fundraiser, I take serious pride in making sure that your funds are being put to immediate use for what they weredesignatedtoward.That’swhymyfirstfewmonthshereatWesley,the Sports Court was revamped and became the Wesley Commons immediately following the Game on Gala, and this summer we put the BlockPartyfundstogoodusewithnewtechnologyupdatescompletedand ready to start the year Unfortunately, when designers, engineers, city requirements, and working in coordination with property owners comes into play, some of this is beyond our control. I want you to know that it’s a top priority of mine and the Wesley Leadership Team to get the third phase of this project underway as soon as we physically can. We appreciateyourcontinuedsupportandunderstanding

Lastly, as the new school year approaches, we can’t wait to celebrate this momentous 25th year! We’re starting off by launching the 2023-24 Wesley FundcampaignonSunday,October1stattheFamilyPicnic!Inhonorofour 25 years, we’ll have 25 days of philanthropic support, concluding the campaign on Wednesday, October 25th. We are hoping to have participation from all Parents, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni Families. For everyone that makes a gift in the first week of the campaign, you’ll be enteredintoadrawingfor2freeticketstoWesley’s25thCelebration!!

Speakingof MarkyourcalendarsandgetreadytocelebrateWesley’s25th Birthday next year in full glam and style! We’re going all out on Saturday, March2,2024andcan’twaittohonorourschoolthroughthelookingglass ofthepast25years.



parents’ association update


25yearsisasignificantachievementandwecouldn’tbemoreproudtohelp our amazing Teachers, Administrators, and Board of Trustees, usher in the new school year alongside all of you. As we venture into this milestone, we work as a team to ensure everyone in our community has a voice (one that isheard),andthatourcollectivevoicebeusedtocreateanenvironmentfor ourkidsthatisrespectful,inclusiveandencouragesaloveoflearning

Within the past month, we conducted a Parent/Guardian Engagement Survey as well as a Faculty/Staff Engagement Survey These anonymous surveys were implemented to obtain a pulse on where our community standstoday,whatourchildrenneedtothrivethisschoolyear,andwhatour community needs to stay connected and to grow together for years to come. To all of you who took the time to provide us with your feedback: Thankyouforyourhonesty!Weappreciateitmorethanyouknow!

Surveyresultswillbeusedtohelpguidehowweplanourevents,sowecan focus our time, energy, and funds to create a program agenda tailored to support one another. We look forward to sharing these results with you at our first PA meeting of the year on Thursday, September 14th. Save the date!

We’ve been working diligently this summer and are s excitedtowelcomeeveryoneback.Getreadytokicko the new school year with us by celebrating a Back-t School Spirit morning on the Commons. We’ll see yo onthefirstdayofschool!

YourPACo-Chairs, MarieNatividad(Makena-4th)




Over the years, Lindsey and I have worked hard to create an admissions process that feels authentic and welcoming, informative and inclusive, and an opportunity to showcase our wonderful school for all those who are inquiring. As most of you know, we also have a lot of other responsibilities on campus and often find ourselves wishing we could do more admissions outreach via community events and fairs, visits to a greater number of preschools, and creating marketing materials to share with prospective families

Well, we finally asked for help, and have found it by creating the Recruitment and Retention Committee (R&R, for short!). We have an eager group of parents who have expressed interest in helping us extend our outreach to many more families and are excited to be moving in this direction. Not only do we hope to increase our applicant pool but also general awareness of The Wesley School as we head into our 25th year! If you have an interest in joining us in this outreach goal this year, please contact either Lindsey or Verena and we’d love to find a role for you.

One of the things we are already planning is asking current Wesley parents to invite their favorite preschool teacher or director to come for a personal tour of our campus Another is having a booth at more community street fairs, and yet another is asking current parents to host preschool-specific coffee hours for prospective parents.

We are still brainstorming additional ways to connect with more families - if you have any great ideas, we’re all ears!

We look forward to spreading more Wesley joy to our surrounding neighborhoods.

Warm Regards,


summer p.d. reflections

Adding Arrows to the Quiver

“Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.” –

As teachers, our love of learners is by far the most constant and unchanging of the three Hayde outlines above. The incredibly profound responsibility of helping our children see, prepare for, and ultimately embark on their chosen paths is immensely fulfilling However, it’s important for us in the classroom to remember not to only read and believe our own press It’s also critical to realize that what has worked for us - and our students - for many years may not always be the only or best way forward The most reliable way for us to rekindle our own sense of wonder is to model the lifelong learning that we encourage for our children Reaching them effectively has always been a moving target, and now the distance has increased (at times literally) and accuracy has become even more important On occasion, it’s very important for us to indulge ourselves in our first love, allowing the time and space to enjoy the learning process. In pursuing work and inspiration within the field, we are better served in bringing the two loves together.

In early July, Michelle Allegra, Elizabeth Heneveld, and LeLoni Bass joined me for an inspiring two day leadership seminar in San Diego. Facilitated by two luminaries in our independent school world, Khadija Fredericks and Olaf Jorgenson, our work centered on the current state of school leadership and how to reset our expectations for meeting the needs of our children, colleagues, and parents. This was a wonderful opportunity for us to share ideas with leaders from schools throughout California, representing a wide variety of school types and philosophies Through case studies involving the most current challenges of the day in our post-Covid, post-George Floyd world, we explored myriad strategies, moving away from our own confirmation biases and towards a better understanding of the many different ways to support our communities through both adversity and opportunity We were given several short statements that guided and inspired our work: “Great schools are always becoming;” “Leadership is a behavior, not a position;” “Evolution in schools is inevitable and necessary ”


As we face change, which is essentially evolution, as we search for ways to demonstrate the behavior of leadership, and as we do everything possible to guide Wesley through our journey of “becoming,” it makes perfect sense for us as leaders to invest the time to understand our goals and strategies on a fundamental level. It’s energizing for us to strengthen our minds and to sharpen our focus. It nourishes our resolve to share the experiences and challenges of others and to realize that our tasks are no more difficult than some, and very likely less demanding than many. Hopefully our greater understanding and ambition will allow us to once again, and more effectively, bring our two educational loves together this year and beyond

"Independent School Leadership & Managing Change" (San Diego)

I was lucky enough to attend a two day institute in July for aspiring, early career, and seasoned administrators led by Khadija A. Fredericks and Olaf Jorgenson. I was inspired by these two educational leaders, not only for their passion to practice their behavior as leaders, but also for their motivation to empower others, to listen, and to truly engage and create meaningful connections with their colleagues. Over the course of the two days, I engaged in stimulating conversations about how great schools are always “becoming”, how to make a case for change, and the importance of communication and decision making. I am excited to continue to share what I have learned with my Wesley colleagues.

For two days this summer in San Diego I joined California administrators to discuss and explore strategies and skills needed to lead in Independent and Private Schools We examined what it means to lead and the qualities of successful leadership as well as qualities of unsuccessful leadership The focus then turned to learning about our own leadership styles and how to successfully lead in schools By day two, we had explored change, case studies, and made meaningful connections with others I learned that change can be challenging but is imperative in order for us to evolve and grow as a school, as educators, and as students! I left the workshop feeling inspired for a new school year ahead and looking forward to working with my colleagues to move forward, make meaningful change, and grow.


summer p.d. reflections

“American Association of School Counselors Conference” (Atlanta, Georgia)

I had an amazing time learning about the legal and ethical ways to manage different concerns at school from some great guest speakers such as Henry Wrinkler from Happy Days, Dr. Bernice King, and more. One of my favorite sessions was learning innovative ways to incorporate career and college programs in elementary schools. I met over 50 school counselors from California and did a lot of networking. I look forward to bringing these ideas to Wesley this 23-24 school year

- Bri Davis, K-4 School Counselor

Art as Therapy: Self-Expression and Special Needs in Art Education (Florence, Italy)

I had the great pleasure of participating in a course called Art as Therapy: Self- Expression and Special Needs in Art Education through Europass Teacher Academy in Florence, Italy. I wrote a proposal for approval of this course because there are a great number of neurodiverse students in our school communities, nationally and internationally. Teachers do rest during the summers but we are also always thinking about the upcoming year What can I try that I haven’t explored yet? What do the kids need? When the administration presented a new teacher observation program I chose to spend time on research, which I would incorporate into my teaching and be observed by my supervisor. I spent a great deal of time searching for an art therapy program nearby that I could work on in the summer. What I found was either expensive degree programs or short lightweight studies When I found this course from Europass Academy, I knew it was exactly what I had been looking for.


It is hard to put my amazing week into a few paragraphs but there are highlights and takeaways that stand out The beginning of the week was about expressing who we are and tapping into our feelings through art Then we looked at the difference between art and psychology and how they are aligned. We explored the four main emotions (fear, anger, happiness, and sadness), focusing on how they are important in our life. We watched several videos to broaden the experience. This Ken Robinson video stood out to me the most I remember studying his work when I first became an educator He had polio when he was young and later became interested in how people compensate for challenges they may have As an example, he shared a story about dancer/choreographer Gillian Lynne. She struggled severely with focus as a child in the 1930’s, way before we knew what ADHD was. It was discovered that she was able to master the art of dance naturally. She is known for creating choreography for the two longest running Broadway shows in history, Cats and The Phantom of the Opera There are some that consider the arts to be a side dish, not as relevant as the core subjects I would argue that for many, it is crucial to the development of their soul and a place where some that struggle find great success.

In conclusion, I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to partake in this course It has become more apparent to me that in order to better support students, we adults need to do our own work in continuum I am not trained as a psychologist and would always want to stay in my lane. I am an artist and art educator who wants to meet students where they are, understand more about their struggles, and provide space for growth and healing. I look forward to implementing activities and conversations in the classroom and with colleagues in SEED Seminar If there is time allotted and interest I would be happy to share with other adults in the school community I have hit the tip of the iceberg so I look forward to learning more. For now, I will share what I have learned.



New Wesley Team Members

Karissa began working with children in 2017 as a Behavioral Therapist where she discovered her passion for education Karissa quickly moved into a new role as a teaching assistant in a 5th/6th grade Science classroom working with neurodiverse children for three years During that time, she also helped develop a fitness program for her students She looks forward to continuing her career and education in teaching. Fun fact: Karissa’s favorite movie series is Harry Potter and she even has a dog named Draco!

Kevin earned a BA in Humanities with a specialization in Child Development and Education from the University of Asia and the Pacific in 2009. Since then, he has worked in schools in the Philippines, Singapore and the U.S. Outside of work, he likes spending time with his family, traveling, shopping, coaching sports, and eating delicious food!

Natalie joined the Wesley community as a 5th grade Humanities assistant teacher, having spent the previous two years as a Study Skills teacher at Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences She discovered her love for working with young people during the pandemic and enjoys integrating her passions for health and art into her educational practice Natalie holds a Bachelor's degree from Oberlin College in Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies and Comparative American Studies In her free time, she loves knitting, spending time with her cat, cooking, and exploring the beautiful Los Angeles outdoors!

Stefanie joined Wesley in the fall of 2023 as our new Health Aide She loves working with children and providing them with care Her favorite things to eat/drink are pasta, matcha, and Boba tea She enjoys making a difference in the lives of students and families by helping them to stay safe on campus and tending to their health needs

Gloria Ontiveros joined the Wesley community for the 2023-2024 school year as a Middle School Spanish teacher She earned her BA in Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Elementary School Teaching and a concentration in Psychology from Cal Poly Pomona She's been teaching Spanish at the high school level for six years. In her free time, Gloria likes going to the beach, exploring new coffee shops, and going to brunch with her husband.

Natalie Hawthorne 5th Assistant Teacher Gloria Ontiveros
6-8 Spanish Teacher

Cynthia Koury-Papa joined the Wesley faculty after teaching 5th grade humanities at Campbell Hall School in Studio City. Cynthia first fell in love with teaching while assisting educators and providing student support at PS 41 The Greenwich Village School in NYC and Carpenter Community Charter in Los Angeles The experience prompted her to attend college as a returning student with a desire to pursue a career in education after a fifteen-year professional career as an actor and comedian She subsequently graduated magna cum laude from California State University at Northridge She is passionate about continuing education, most recently completing courses through Columbia University’s Teachers College and Stanford History Education Group When not teaching, she enjoys spending time with her family and ever-growing collection of pets She also enjoys Pilates, hiking, and traveling She is thrilled to be a member of the Wesley community!

Sharon excitedly began her journey here at Wesley as a member of the LEAP team in May of 2023. She is a graduate of Cal Poly Pomona with a BS in Biology. She joined us with many unique work experiences - including doing plant research in the Mojave Desert with the USGS! When Sharon isn't working, she is likely hiking and appreciating our native plant species She looks forward to expanding her teaching experiences here at Wesley!

Returning Faculty Updates

Amir Abdullah has returned this year as our 5th/6th Math Teacher and has also become Wesley’snewSTEAMCoordinator!

LeLoni Bass is keeping her curriculum oversight responsibilities and has taken on some technologyresponsibilitiesthisyear.HernewtitleisDirectorofCurriculumandInstructional Technology.

Olivia Brown has chosen to move to part-time and is teaching our Social Justice classes in grades3-8.OliviaisworkingcloselywithourDEIJConsultant,MoniqueMarshall,tofacilitate thecohesionandconsistencywithinthatsectionofourprogram.

JulieLanctothasassumedthepositionofMiddleSchoolTheaterTeacher,workingwith6th8th grades and assuming responsibility for the 7th grade performance Julie is trained as a teaching artist in theater and has worked with the 6th grade in preparing for their Greek Festivals

Clare O’Callaghan has moved to part-time to focus on our composting program and the behind-the-sceneslibrarywork Parentsarenowinvitedtobecomelibraryvolunteers!

MarlaSimonhasassumedtheroleof5/6Dean,workingwithstudentsandparentsinthose grades.Sheisalsocontinuinginherroleof6thHumanitiesTeacher.

Twinkle Sukhija has stepped into the role of 4th grade lead teacher, where she is working with Matthew Lange. Twinkle previously served Wesley as an Associate in Kindergarten and 5thgrade,andhasalsoworkedatMirmaninupperelementarygrades.


Summer campus kudos

Michelle Allegra loved meeting some of her new kinder kiddos during Kinder Camp this summer She also had the time of her life visiting June Lake, Las Vegas, and Cabo San Lucas!! She is well rested and excited to start her 30th year of teaching!

This summer Traci Allen completed her 200 hr yoga certification at The Tree Yoga Cooperative. The heart of this training is mindfulness, social justice, and healing inner work She learned many styles of yoga such as Yin, Lyengar, Restorative, and Trauma-informed yoga The program was transformative, fun, and challenging. She’s excited to share her yoga practice with others!

This summer Sarah Francis became an aunt to a beautiful niece, again! Her sister’s daughter, Reagan Ryan Flynn, made her debut on Saturday, August 12th. Baby, mama, and family are all doing wonderfully. Sarah cannot wait to head back east to Philadelphia in October to meet her!

coming soon...Our Brand New Wesley Website!!

Here in the Communications Office, our team has been hard at work this summer revamping our old website for everyone to enjoy! Be sure to check it out following its unveiling a bit later this month!

4832 TUJUNGA AVE NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA 91601 818.508.4542 Summer Newsletter 2023/2024

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