Architecture Graduate Portfolio - Wesley Verhoeven

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wesley verhoeven a r c h i t e c t u r e g r a d u at e

WESLEY VER HOEVEN architecture graduate

education 2015-2017

Master in Architecture, Technical University of Delft Graduated Cum Laude

• Havana Graduation Studio (Complex projects)

2nd Prize studentSTAALprijs 2017

ArchiPrix TU Delft nominee 2016-2017

ARGUS Annual publication + exhibition 2016-2017

CP Rotterdam honourable mention + exhibition 2017

Presentation at INTI (International New Town Institute)

• Delta Shelter (Msc2 elective)

Short-term exhibition at TU Delft Architecture Faculty

• Anatomy of a landmark (Msc1 Complex Projects)

CP Yearbook publication 2015-2016

• Written Theory Thesis

‘Leonidov’s legacy in the early works of Rem Koolhaas’


Pre-master, Technical University of Delft


Bachelor Built Environment (HBO - Bouwkunde), Hogeschool van Amsterdam Graduated with a 9

• Urban Voids Graduation Studio (Meester Visserplein)

Presentation at Gemeente van Amsterdam

Minor House of the Future, Technical University of Delft

External minor outside Hogeschool van Amsterdam

• Marika Alderton House scale model

Long-term exhibition at TU Delft Architecture Faculty

date of birth 10 June 1991 (Haarlem)

adress Jacoba Van Beierenlaan 209, 2613JG Delft

phone +31(0)6 23123569


• Furniture design: re-chair


Best of five years student furniture design exhibition


HAVO (N&T) , Fioretti College Lisse

Nomination best TinkQuest website design

VMBO (N&T) , Fioretti College Lisse

certificates TOEFL score : 98/120 (2014) Drivers license (2010)

references Remco de Haan, MIDR

experience Ongoing

Founder, Archident: (jun.13-now)

Architecture, travel and photography website

• Siem Reap, Cambodia (sep.14) Design and realisation bar at Bun Kao Guesthouse collaboration with Marcin Jerzy Witkowski

Catalogue of rural schools, houses and toilets collaboration with BFT, Siem Reap Cambodia

• PIN Architecture Internation Microcompetition (sep.13)

3rd Place, blind window competition

2016-2017 Student Assistant, Architecture Theory: TU Delft (jul.16-aug.17)

Administration, lectures, graphic design and exhibitions (see recommendation on Linkedin)

Interior Designer, Profile Projects: Rijswijk (jul.16-aug.16)

Summer job, interior design offices and food-courts + visuals

c u r r i c u l u m v i ta e


Travelled through Asia (jun.14-dec.14)

Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong-Kong, China, Japan

IT- & Designer Volunteer, Build your Future Today: Siem Reap, Cambodia (sep.14)

Teaching English and IT, rural buildings catalogue


Research Assistant, MIDR: Hogeschool v. Amsterdam (jan.11-sep.12)

• Lectureship MIDR: Meervoudig Intensief Duurzaam Ruimtegebruik

Publication : Groot Stedelijk Programma Amsterdam

Graphic Design: Publications Haarlem & Amsterdam

Research : Urban GIS Mapping + research

Exhibition : ABC-Haarlem

Internship, DOK Architecten: Amsterdam (aug.11-jan.12)

Visualisations, competitions and technical drawings

Active Member, Bouwkunde Vereniging: Amsterdam (aug.07-aug.13) • Head-organizer 24hrs design competition 2012

Exhibited at Dag van Architectuur

• Organisation. First years introduction program (2010, 2011, 2012) • Organisation. Excursion Maastricht (2011)

skills Exhibition design Research & design Graphic design Model making Photography Wordpress

software Rhinoceros ( Learning Vectorworks ( 2011-now Google Sketchup ( 2009-now Adobe Premiere ( 2017-now Adobe Photoshop ( 2007-now Adobe Illustrator ( 2009-now Adobe InDesign ( 2009-now Adobe Lightroom ( 2014-now Artlantis ( 2010-2015 AutoCAD ( 2009-2012 ESRI ArcGIS ( 2011-2012

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Nominee Archiprix 2017 (TU Delft, final result mid-october) Presented graduation project at INTI (International New Town Institute) Exhibited at Complex Projects Havana, TU Delft Faculty of Architecture Honourable mention at Complex Projects exhibition Published in ARGUS Annual 2016-2017 Exhibited at ARGUS Annual Expo 2017 2nd Prize studentSTAALprijs 2017

ALAMAR material warehouse

Parallel to the Cuban Revolution a reuse and repair mentality emerged among Cubans. American technicians left the island and Fidel Castro had to re-educate the people. ‘Worker build your own machinery’ and ‘To beat imperialism in the battle of replacement parts’ were slogans which triggered a makers movement. Moreover shortages of products caused by the trade embargo and the publication of ‘El Libro de la Familia’ , a handbook to repair, re-use and retrofit stuff around the house, contributes to the inventiveness of Cubans. This Cuban ingenuity is known as technological disobedience. As the Western world keeps throwing away (technological obsolescence) Cubans should embrace their mentality and knowledge and be a sustainable example to the world. Instead of throwing away, every object can be reused, repaired or recycled. Alamar’s Material Warehouse incorporates the flows of disregarded materials. It functions as a machine which collects disregarded materials and turns it into new resources through disassembling, recycling and up-cycling. Especially when Cuba is opening up to the world Alamar, an outskirt of Havana, could benefit of a circular economy.

technical university Delft (2017) Graduation studio complex projects - cuba, havana

‘ To beat Imperialism in the battle of replacement parts’


(Ernesto Che Guevara, 1960)

a l a m a r ’ s m at e r i a l wa r e h o u s e






fa er












natural resources











TS m





re pair



T he building acts as a recycle and up-cycle machine where nothing is wasted. In first instance objects are re paired, if the objects can’ t be re paired the y will be disassembled and re-purposed, reused or sold. In last instance when the materials can’ t be reused the y are recycled into ra w materials. T hose ra w materials are e xported to factories or sold to people of Alamar.

conce ptual model of e xposed machine (top vie w) blue: machine g reen: logistics orange: containers black: recycling white: stora ge

a l a m a r ’ s m at e r i a l wa r e h o u s e

conce ptual ima ge : recycling and up-cycling

1. Driv e-by and drop-of f lane

2. T he machiner y

3. Scra p materials

y. A conveyor filled. Trucks orted to for visitors,

bition space




public warehouse

upcycled and/or repaired objects

upcycle workshop unit

Upcycled objects are available for customers. Those objects are stored in movable shelves in a big open warehouse.

After upcycling the new objects will flow with the machine towards the public warehouse

Within the workshop unit workers can use the reclaimed materials to work on their specialized craftsmanship to reuse, reinvent and repair


drive-by and d

People of Alamar c drop-off their old, dis in the different typ

bition room ramic view

age silo materials)


materials er







can be used for events such as exhibition space or a catwalk were visitors can look down

The steel construction joints are easy to assemble and quite simple to di is needed to allow the building to be reused, repurposed or even recycled

Perspectiv e sectionThe (central part) central open space can be used for different purposes, outside factory hours the space Blue : Machine with materials and objects Green : Logistics such as tr ucks and cars

4. Dissasembl y

9. Up-cycle workshop unit




the machine

scrap materials and objects


From the central open space materials and objects will flow into the dissasembly area. Visitors can see the material flow

The scrap materials and objects are checked in before entering the dissasembly space

Scrap is dissasembled in this area. The first floor is used for workspace meanwhile the second floor is used for storage

drop-off lane

can drive by and sregarded materials pes of containers

7. Up-cycle workshop unit

sort a

After dissasemb sorted and categor such as size,

a l a m a r ’ s m at e r i a l wa r e h o u s e





BUILDING ORGANIZATION The organization of the building exists of three main components; A. Ground floor (logistics) with service points, B. Elevated mass with all functions, C. Machine for object and material flows






rd wa to

smantle. The simplicity in construction d for different purposes.




Drop-of f and driv e-by lane of disre garded materials

a l a m a r ’ s m at e r i a l wa r e h o u s e

Central open space, visible flo ws of materials and objects


a l a m a r ’ s m at e r i a l wa r e h o u s e

Stora ge space, workshop space, drop-of f space


Steel str ucture

Material and Object flo ws

Public warehouse of reclaimed objects and materials

a l a m a r ’ s m at e r i a l wa r e h o u s e

Up-cycle workshop unit

Pamphlet ‘Havana Atlas, F lows of pollution’ published in Water Magazine Fall 2016

HAVANA research and exhibition

During the graduation period research has been conducted and made presentable through diagrams and written texts. All this research is collected in different books and pamphlets. Moreover in order to give this extensive research a podium it has been exhibited in different exhibitions in Rotterdam and at the Faculty of Architecture in Delft.

technical university Delft (2017) Graduation studio complex projects - cuba, havana


Comple x Projects Havana e xhibition

Archiprix pre-selection e xhibition

havana research and exhibition

Havana Alamar research books


Havana Atlas - g ray str uctures (urban)

Havana Atlas - g reen str uctures (g reener y)

Havana Atlas - blue str uctures (water)

havana research and exhibition

Influences on urban fabric of Havana

WESTERVELD cemetery interventions

Next to the Kennemer Dune in Driehuis (The Netherlands), lies Westerveld Cemetery & Crematorium. The layout of the cemetery is designed by landscape architect Zocher and was the country’s first crematorium. The history of Westerveld is linked to the history of burial and cremation in the Netherlands. Within this mindset, a series of additions are made to support the rituals at this cemetery. The additions are designed to support the process after the cremation, however, each intervention is also open to different interpretations by visitors. The additions are each related to natural elements and the beautiful scenery of Westerveld is been used to provide the right atmosphere in each stage of the rituals. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Ceremonial space Observatory tower Memory holders Sacred patterns

technical university Delft (2016) MSc2 interiors - rituals and representation


Colla ges made in photog ra phs of the location

westerveld cemetery interventions


Ov er vie w dra wing telling stor y of multiple inter v entions

Zoom in of obser vator y to wer

westerveld cemetery interventions

Zoom in of ceremonial space and garden


Memor y holder

Interior of obser vator y to wer

Ne w pav ement in e xisting street patter ns

westerveld cemetery interventions

Ceremonial space (left garden, right ceremonial space)

Exhibited longter m in Faculty of Arcitecture main hallway

AUSTRALIA marika alderton house

Marika Alderton house is designed by Australian architect Glenn Murcutt. This house has been rebuild as a scale model to understand the aesthetics, joints and materials used by Glenn Murcutt. Analyzing every aspect of the house and understanding the sequence of constructing the building contributed to the precision of making the scale model. Details like doorknobs, shutters and construction joints were rebuild the same way as the original house. Moreover multiple material studies have been executed to match the right colors of the existing building.

technical university Delft (2013) minor house of the future - analysis and model studies


Marika Alderton house model e xterior facade (1:300)

australia marika alderton house

Marika Alderton house model interior living room (1:300)

Published in Complex Projects year book 2016

MADRID nuevos archivos

The Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and the Franco regime (1939-75) have resulted in more than 500.000 deaths and 300.000 exiles. Yet, Spain still does not properly deal with its legacy of the past. In contrast to other European countries with their own dark history, Spain has no museum or information point attempting to tell the history of the Civil War and Franco era. As exemplified in Spain, contradictory expressions of memory coexist in the same time and place. Moreover, people even tend to remember the same things differently at different times. Entangled with the process of remembering are material objects, visual arts, films and literature—the physical carriers of memory. This gives us an approach to deal with the conflicting memory of Spain. By creating an archive for the public, the past can be remembered and learned from. It is of high importance that the many untold stories are kept for future generations, before they disappear altogether.

technical university Delft (2016) Msc1 complex projects - anatomy of a landmark


2. Cores

3. Corridors

4. Functions

5. Art cabinets

6. Escalators

7. Stairs

8. Voids

9. Faรงade

madrid nuevos archivos

1. Framework

Or ganizational dia g rams of Nue v os Archiv os


Because archiv es are usuall y maintained by gov er nmental institutions, the y can be a po werful political instr ument. W ho decides what does and does not get into the archiv e, has the po wer to (re)write histor y. We therefore propose to tak e the archiv e out of the political realm and giv e it back to the public, who can fill it with personal memorabilia.

madrid nuevos archivos

Interior vie w of e xhibition space and frame work of memories



madrid nuevos archivos

Fra gment

Exhibited short ter m in Faculty of Architecture model hall Featured at, blog post : Epic Hipster Architecture School : TU Delft

VENICE primitive shelters

Think, when did you for the last time checked Facebook, your e-mail or Instagram. Distraction nowadays is everywhere around us and it influences our concentration on the ‘important’ tasks. Therefore there is a need for a place without distractions and other influences which will influence your concentration, a type of retreat where you have to focus completely on one task. For example practice playing the guitar for six hours straight without distraction or making a painting. Primitive Shelters is the place with the only the essentials. Primitive shelters are pavilions spread out on the water. Each pavilion has its own activity ranging from culture, sports, intellectual and leisure. Depending on tides the inhabitants can wander around and find a pavilion of their interests. During low tide the inhabitants are able to move around the paths and pavilions. However during high tide the concrete paths will be underwater and the inhabitants are stuck at their pavilion. In this situation there is no escape and the inhabitants are forced to focus on the activity of the pavilion until low tide arrives. The ruin in the middle is used as the placing for living. Within the ruin all necessary functions such as a bed and a kitchen are located. Just the essentials and no distractions!

technical university Delft (2016) Msc2 elective - delta shelter



lo w tide: people can mov e around shelters

v e n i c e p r i m i t i v e s h e lt e r s

high tide : people focus on specific activity of shelter


model of primitiv e shelter (1:20)

detailing of wooden connections (1:20)

v e n i c e p r i m i t i v e s h e lt e r s

transfor mation of e xisting r uin, g round floor shared kitchen and slee ping unit, upstairs garden

Exhibition ; Five years of furniture designs (for m and modeling studies)

DELFT re-chair Our society is dominated by mass-production, it is everywhere around us. This chair is build upon the idea of repetition. The chair is therefore designed with as less possible connections and is only made of one continuous fold-able material (metal has been used for the scale model). The chair is folded in steps which will come together at the last fold, the lower part of the backrest with just a screw and two spacers. This joint connects three different moments of the continuous plate and by just this one connection supports and hold together the whole structure of the chair.

technical university Delft (2013) minor house of the future - for m and modeling studies



onl y steel joint of the chair

SIEM REAP build your future today

Some roads will lead to a dead end meanwhile others will open up new interesting experiences. In Myanmar I was lost on a motorbike and ended up talking to some locals and was invited for lunch, not knowing that I would be invited to a wedding later that week. During this wedding I met the nephew of the bride. He showed me around Bagan and introduced me to some monks from Cambodia at a pagoda. One of the monks, as I told them I was planning to go to Cambodia once, gave me a letter which I would give to a monk in Cambodia, Siem Reap. A month later I gave this message to Sorn, the friend of the monks in Bagan. Sorn introduced me to the his friends and his home and later I got in touch with the activities Sorn did at this NGO called BFT. I was touched by the story and history of Cambodia and the results BFT had reached. Through this experience I ended up volunteering for a month at this place. My activities did vary from teaching English to providing a catalogue of building plans for different buildings in rural areas such as schools, houses and toilets.

Build your Future Today, Siem Reap - Cambodia (2014) BFT - IT-Volunteer


Catalogue of r ural houses

siem reap build your future today

FERNWEH ATLAS photography

A visual documentation of spaces, places and people all around the world. More photographs on Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Hong-Kong, China, Japan, Cuba, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, The Netherlands


f e r n w e h at l a s

Spanish pavillion Expo 2012 (EMBT) - Shanghai, China


f e r n w e h at l a s

After work - Beijing, China


f e r n w e h at l a s

Geisha - Kyoto, Ja pan


f e r n w e h at l a s

Escuelas Nacionales de Arte - Havana, Cuba


f e r n w e h at l a s

Car Culture - Havana, Cuba


f e r n w e h at l a s

Jour ne y of a lifetime - Ba gan, Myanmar

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