family ministries CALENDAR January–April 2016
01.16 Recurring Events
Sunday Mornings
January 2016 Events
Children’s Sunday School
Visitor & New Member Open House
9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.
n Children n Youth n Combined
Sunday, January 10 | 3–5 pm | Home of Hillary Peete If you’re a new member or a visitor, please stop by and learn more about the people and ministries of Westbury UMC. This is an informal gathering designed to help further connections made on Sundays. Come as you are! Children are welcome, too.
Youth Group: Friendship
Youth Sunday School
Sundays, January 17 & 24 | 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall
9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing
Have you ever wondered what makes a good friend? Have you ever lost a friend over something? We spend two weeks discussing the importance of friendships.
Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!
Sunday Afternoons Youth Group 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics. NO YOUTH GROUP JAN. 3 SEE JAN. 31 FOR SPECIAL EVENT
MIDWINTER 2016 Payment & Registration Due: Friday, January 15 See Josh Lemons for details
Sunday Social
Sunday, January 24 | Noon–1 pm Families are invited to spend a little extra time after church getting to know one another and watching kids play! Once a month we’ll meet on the playground (or Humphrey Hall in inclement weather) just to catch up with one another. If you are a new or visiting family, this is the perfect time to meet other parents and let kids connect with new friends. Light refreshments will be available.
Youth Explosion (Central South District UMC) Sunday, January 31 | 2–6 pm | Humphrey Hall
Come have fun with other district-wide youth for this annual event, which includes a dodgeball tournament, worship and fellowship. It takes the place of Youth Group that night.
SOUPer Bowl of Caring
Sundays, January 31 & February 7 Since 1990, children, youth and churches have been collecting canned goods for food pantries across the country. On either Sunday, take home a brown bag (available by the Café), fill it up with non-perishables and return it back to the church! Donations will be given to our community partner, Braes Interfaith Ministries.
02.16 Recurring Events
Sunday Mornings
February 2016 Events
Children’s Sunday School
SOUPer Bowl of Caring
n Children n Youth n Combined
9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing
Sundays, January 31 & February 7
Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.
Since 1990, children, youth and churches have been collecting canned goods for food pantries across the country. On either Sunday, take home a brown bag (available by the Café), fill it up with nonperishables and return it back to the church! Donations will be given to our community partner, Braes Interfaith Ministries.
Youth Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing
Youth Group: Sex, Love and ... Dating?
Sundays, February 7, 14 & 21 | 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall
Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!
It’s tough to talk about dating, romance and our sexuality. During these three weeks, we will split up into gender specific groups and have open and honest conversation about these topics.
Sunday Afternoons
Tuesday, February 9 | 5:45–7:30 pm | Parlor
Children’s Choir Noon–12:45 pm | Choir Room Children (ages 4–2nd grade) are invited to sing songs and learn more about music and rhythm with Pastor DeAndre. Children will practice music to be sung in worship throughout the spring. Snacks provided. WEEKLY CLASS BEGINNING FEB. 14 AND LASTING THROUGH MAY 1
Youth Group 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics. NO YOUTH GROUP FEB. 28
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
Our 3rd annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner is bigger than ever! Families are invited to join us in Humphrey Hall for a pancake dinner, crafts and a fun pancake race. In addition this year we will also have a bonfire and simple prayer service in Memorial Garden. We will burn the Palm Sunday palms from last year and use these ashes on Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday Worship
Wednesday, February 10 | Noon & 7 pm Children and youth are invited to participate with the families in this somber service that begins the season of Lent. Nursery is also available for babies–4 year olds at the 7 pm service.
MidWinter 2016
February 26–28 | Forest Glen in Huntsville, TX MidWinter is a Texas Annual Conference youth event or 6th–12th graders. This year, the theme is “Wander and Wonder,” centering on Abraham’s journey. We will depart from the church at 5 pm on Friday, and return by 2 pm on Sunday. The cost of the retreat is $115/student. For a registration form, connect with Josh Lemons, Director of Youth Ministry.
Sunday Social
Sunday, February 28 | Noon–1 pm SPRING BREAK CAMP Online Registration Opening Feb. 1 See Hillary Peete for details
Families are invited to spend a little extra time after church getting to know one another and watching kids play! Once a month we’ll meet on the playground (or Humphrey Hall in inclement weather) to catch up with one another. If you are a new or visiting family, this is the perfect time to meet other parents and let kids connect with new friends. Light refreshments will be available.
03.16 Recurring Events
Sunday Mornings
March 2016 Events
Children’s Sunday School
Time to Register for Youth District Camp
9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.
Youth Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!
n Children n Youth n Combined
March 5–April 15
[See April calendar for full description and details.]
3rd–5th Grade Retreat
Saturday, March 5 | 9 am–2 pm | Camp Allen This is a great opportunity for us to spend the day together in the beautiful woods at Camp Allen. We’ll start off with a challenge course to have fun while building relationships! We’ll also spend some time in the afternoon doing a Bible study and take a short hike to the beautiful outdoor chapel on the lake. The cost is $25 per child (scholarships available) and this includes the ropes course and lunch. We will meet at Westbury UMC and transportation to Camp Allen is provided.
Youth Group: Image
Sunday Afternoons
Sundays, March 6 & 13 | 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall
Children’s Choir
We will spend time discussing how the way we look affects the way we treat people, and some tools for dealing with our own insecurities.
Noon–12:45 pm | Choir Room Children (ages 4–2nd grade) are invited to sing songs and learn more about music and rhythm with Pastor DeAndre. Children will practice music to be sung in worship throughout the spring. Snacks provided. WEEKLY CLASS THROUGH MAY 1
Spring Break Camp
Youth Group
Sunday, March 20 | 10:30 am | Memorial Garden
5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics. NO YOUTH GROUP MARCH 27
Monday–Thursday, March 14–17 | 9 am–12:30 pm Save the date for our 3rd annual spring break camp! This is open and available for 3-year-olds– 5th graders. Stay tuned for the theme and an online registration form.
Palm Sunday
Children and youth are invited to meet in Memorial Garden before worship begins. We’ll pass out palm branches and parade through the Sanctuary in celebration of Palm Sunday.
Create an Easter Garden
Sunday, March 20 | 4–6 pm | Humphrey Hall Children, youth, and families are invited to an Easter activity. In preparation for Holy Week, we will create small terrarium filled with stones, candles and plants, symbolic reminders of Jesus’ life and resurrection among us. A suggested donation of $15 per family will help cover the cost of materials.
Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt
Sunday, March 27 | 9–10:30 am | Humphrey Hall Join us for a light breakfast and fellowship in Humphrey Hall. Children (toddlers–2nd grade) will gather at 10 am for an Easter egg hunt.
04.16 Recurring Events Sunday Mornings Children’s Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.
Youth Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!
Sunday Afternoons Children’s Choir Noon–12:45 pm | Choir Room Children (ages 4–2nd grade) are invited to sing songs and learn more about music and rhythm with Pastor DeAndre. Children will practice music to be sung in worship throughout the spring. Snacks provided. WEEKLY CLASS THROUGH MAY 1
Youth Group 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics.
n Children n Youth n Combined
April 2016 Events Youth Group: Racism & Prejudice
Sundays, April 3 & 10 | 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Prejudice and racism are a part of our daily lives. We will explore what this means, how to see it in ourselves and our society, and how to be a part of the solution.
Time to Register for Youth District Camp Deadline is April 15
This summer we are headed to district camp at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center in Palestine, TX! The United Methodist Church offers a summer camp every year for 6th–12th graders. This year, the theme is “Spirit Living in Me.” Camp is June 15–19 and costs $275. Registration begins March 1 through April 15. To register, go online to and follow the instructions. Please make checks out to Westbury UMC and put District Camp in the memo line.
Confirmation Retreat
Friday–Saturday, April 8–9 Confirmation is a time where young people begin the process of owning their faith for themselves. At Westbury UMC, Confirmation takes place over three years of preparation (6th grade–8th grade) and culminating in one full year (9th grade) of classes. This retreat is for all 6th grade students who are beginning the confirmation process.
Youth Group: Worship Night
Sunday, April 17 | 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Come join us for a night of worship and reflection.
Sunday Social
Sunday, April 24 | Noon–1 pm Families are invited to spend a little extra time after church getting to know one another and watching kids play! Once a month we’ll meet on the playground (or Humphrey Hall in inclement weather) to catch up with one another. If you are a new or visiting family, this is the perfect time to meet other parents and let kids connect with new friends. Light refreshments will be available.
Youth Group: Fellowship Night
Sunday, April 24 | 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Come join us for a night of games and fellowship.
Hillary Peete |
DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Josh United Methodist Church
Lemons |
5200 Willowbend Blvd. Houston, TX 77096 713-723-0175