2016 Family Ministries {May-August}

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family ministries CALENDAR May–August 2016

05.16 Recurring Events


Sunday Mornings

May 2016 Events

Children’s Sunday School

Youth Group Out: Sky Zone

n Children n Youth n Combined

9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing

Sunday, May 1 | 5:00-6:30 pm

Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.

We are meeting at SkyZone (10207 S Sam Houston Pkwy) for a wonderful time of bouncing, jumping and hanging out. $20 covers the cost of everything you need.

Youth Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!

Sunday Afternoons Youth Group 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics. NO YOUTH GROUP MAY 8 & 29

TRIDISTRICT CAMP JULY 11-15 Open to all 6th-12th graders Payment & Registration: tridistrictcamp.org See Josh Lemons for details

FAM Community Nights

Wednesdays May 4 & 18 | 5:30-7:00 pm at Los Arcos Apartments (11315 Fondren Rd) Join us as we extend and receive hospitality with our neighbors at Los Arcos. The theme this month is Health & Strength so we’ll be doing fun relay games and learning how to take care of our health.

Pentecost Family Sunday school

Sunday, May 15 | 9:30-10:30 am in the Parlor Children + youth + parents are invited to learn more about this important day in the life of the church. We will hear scripture read in many languages and create symbols to remind us of the Holy Spirit!

Sunday Social

Sunday, May 22 | Noon–1 pm Families are invited to spend a little extra time after church getting to know one another and watching our kids play! Once a month we’ll meet on the playground (or Humphrey Hall in inclement weather) just to catch up with one another. If you are a new or visiting family, this is the perfect time to meet other parents and let kids connect with new friends.

06.16 Recurring Events


Sunday Mornings

June 2016 Events

Children’s Sunday School

FAM Community Nights

9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.

Youth Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!

Sunday Afternoons Youth Group See info on BBQ & Backyards NO YOUTH GROUP JUNE 19 OR 26

n Children n Youth n Combined

Wednesdays June 1 & 15 | 5:30-7:00 pm at Los Arcos Apartments (11315 Fondren Rd) Join us as we extend and receive hospitality with our neighbors at Los Arcos. The theme this month is Water. We’ll talk about baptism and also have some fun water games!

Upgrade Sunday

Sunday, June 5 | 10:45 am during worship It’s time for the 5th graders to “upgrade” to youth group! The 5th graders will join the youth for Sunday school at 9:30 am and Sunday evening at 5 pm they are welcomed into the youth group.

All Church Picnic

Saturday, June 11 | 4:30-6:30 pm in Memorial Garden Do you have a favorite recipe that’s been passed down through your family? Is there a dish you love to share? Join us at this international potluck where we’ll feature dishes from around the world, in addition to grilling out some hamburgers and hotdogs. There is a pie bake-off, too! Games, face painting, and music will also be happening in the garden.

Youth BBQ & Backyards

Sundays, June 5 & 12, 5 – 7 pm This summer we will gather in homes across southwest Houston for BBQ, a short devotional, worship and fellowship. Check with Josh Lemons on locations.

Youth Mission Trip to Haiti June 19 – 26 CAVE QUEST VBS AUGUST 1-5 Online Registration is open for all children ages 3 - 5th grade. Adults and youth can also register to volunteer. www.westburyumc.org/vbs-2016 See Hillary Peete for details

A team of adults and students is headed to Mizak, Haiti, where they will partner with HAPI (Haitian Artisans for Peace International) and serve the local community.

VBS Volunteer Training

Sunday, June 26 | noon in the Children’s Wing We’ll review Safe Sanctuary guidelines and learn more about the theme and schedule for VBS. This helps us all be ready to hit the ground running on August 1! (There will be another meeting on July 24 if you cannot attend this one). Light lunch and childcare are provided.

07.16 Recurring Events


Sunday Mornings

July 2016 Events

Taste and See: Family Sunday School (Children + Youth + Parents) Sundays, July 10, 17, 24 & 31 | 9:3010:30 in the Parlor

Sunday Afternoons

n Children n Youth n Combined

FAM Community Nights

Wednesdays July 6 & 20 | 5:30-7:00 pm at Los Arcos Apartments (11315 Fondren Rd) Join us as we extend and receive hospitality with our neighbors at Los Arcos. The theme this month is Literacy. We’ll share some of our favorite books with kids and have a book drive to replenish the Little Library that was installed earlier this year.

Taste and See: Family Sunday School (Children + Youth + Parents)

Youth Group

Sundays, July 10, 17, 24 & 31 | 9:30-10:30 in the Parlor

See info on BBQ & Backyards

Families are invited to join us as we learn about Bible stories through our stomachs! We’ll explore stories involving food and even get to cook some recipes together.


Haiti Share Day

Sunday, July 10 | Noon | Parlor Hear stories from the Haiti team about their experiences. A light lunch will be served.

Youth Tri-District Camp

July 11-15 | Lakeview Methodist Conference Center CAVE QUEST VBS AUGUST 1-5 Online Registration is open for all children ages 3 - 5th grade. Adults and youth can also register to volunteer. www.westburyumc.org/vbs-2016 See Hillary Peete for details

ALL CHURCH RETREAT Join us this fall, Sept 23-24, in the piney woods for our anual retreat. We’ll be staying in cabins at Camp Allen in Navasota, about an hour’s drive from Houston. Registration can be found on the church’s website.

Join youth from across the district. The “For We Walk by Faith not by Sight” Camp is open to youth in grades 6-12. Cost is $275/student, scholarships available. Register at tridistrictcamp.org

Youth BBQ & Backyards

Sundays, July 24 & 31, 5 – 7 pm This summer we will gather in homes across southwest Houston for BBQ, a short devotional, worship and fellowship. Check with Josh Lemons on locations.

VBS Volunteer Training

Sunday, July 24 | noon in the Parlor We’ll review Safe Sanctuary guidelines and learn more about the theme and schedule for VBS. This helps us all be ready to hit the ground running on August 1! Light lunch and childcare are provided.

VBS Set-Up and Decorating

Saturday and Sunday, July 30 & 31 Sign up for a few hours to help transform the church into Clark Cavern for Cave Quest VBS! Decorate and set up classrooms from 9 am -3 pm on Saturday and Sunday from noon – 4 pm. Contact Hillary Peete for more details on how you can help us get ready for our biggest event of the year.

08.16 Recurring Events Sunday Mornings Children’s Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Children’s Wing Sunday School classes are held for 3- and 4-year olds as well as K–2nd and 3rd–5th graders in age-appropriate classrooms. Westbury UMC’s devoted teachers plan activities based on a well-rounded curriculum.

Youth Sunday School 9:30–10:30 am | Youth Wing Hear from great teachers and spend some time with your friends, all while growing in your relationship with God!

Sunday Afternoons Youth Group 5–7 pm | Humphrey Hall Let’s talk about what is going on in our lives and how God is showing up in the everyday stuff! We gather for food, student-led worship, and discussion on any number of topics. BBQ & BACKYARDS ON AUG 7


n Children n Youth n Combined

August 2016 Events “Cave Quest” Vacation Bible School (ages 3-5th grade) Monday-Friday, August 1-5 | 9 am – noon

Join us for Cave Quest VBS! Children ages 3 – 5th grade will spend the week learning how God is light in our world and gives us hope and courage. Youth and adults can also sign up as VBS leaders.

FAM Community Nights

Wednesdays, August 3 & 17 | 5:30-7:00 pm at Los Arcos Apartments (11315 Fondren Rd) Join us as we extend and receive hospitality with our neighbors at Los Arcos. The theme this month is Construction. Bring your tools and help us build some book shelves and picnic tables.

VBS Sunday

Sunday, August 7 | 10:45 am | Sanctuary All families that attended VBS are invited back for a special worship service. The children will sing and we’ll share with the congregation how we saw God with us during VBS week.

Youth BBQ & Backyards

Sunday, August 7, 5 – 7 pm This summer we will gather in homes across southwest Houston for BBQ, a short devotional, worship and fellowship. Check with Josh Lemons on locations.

Youth Lock-In

Friday-Saturday, August 12-13 | 6:30 pm-7:30 am What do movie theaters, dodgeball, basketball, carpetball, volleyball, pizza, cornhole, air hockey, and no sleep all have in common?! Nothing – except they all happen during our annual youth lockin! Bring a friend. This event is free, free, free!

Blessing of the Backpacks ALL CHURCH RETREAT Join us this fall, Sept 23-24, in the piney woods for our annual retreat. We’ll be staying in cabins at Camp Allen in Navasota, about an hour’s drive from Houston. Registration can be found on the church’s website.

Sunday, August 21 | 10:45 am | Sanctuary Calling all students! Bring your backpack or bag to church with you. You will come forward for a special blessing and receive a keychain to remind you throughout the year that God is with you.

Youth Collaborative Worship

Sunday, August 21 | 5 -7 pm | Youth Wing Faith Lutheran and Bellaire UMC will be joining us for a collaborative time of worship, fellowship and games. More details to follow.

Sunday Social

Sunday, August 28 | Noon – 1 pm Families are invited to spend a little extra time after church getting to know one another and watching our kids play! If you are a new or visiting family, this is the perfect time to meet other parents and let kids connect with new friends.



Hillary Peete | hillary1@westburyumc.org

DIRECTOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY Josh United Methodist Church

Lemons | josh1@westburyumc.org


5200 Willowbend Blvd. Houston, TX 77096 713-723-0175


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